aoki-fic · 25 days
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Lil preview for my piece in the upcoming ffxiv kink zine! :3
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beakzine · 8 months
Still not signed up to write or draw for the Best Enemies Anon KinkZine? You’ve got less than two weeks!
Contributor applications are closing on February 14th- we’d really really love to see you there, and no pitch is too long or too short 💜💛🩵🦉
Sign up here if you haven’t already!!
Questions? DM us or drop us an ask, or check our FAQ post :)
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whitewashedhanzo · 7 years
I just thought you'd like to know that there's an active overwatch "kinkzine" that condones incest ://///
theres also a zine that focuses on werewolf mccree and a s76 zine thats explicitly admitted that theyre fine with dva76 so im going to take all of this info and put it in a dusty corner in my brain so that for the sake of my own mental health, i dont explode thinking about the zine community
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lacertae-dreamscape · 7 years
2018 list of fanfics
If i make a post maybe I can keep things organized
the nsfw smut for the kinkzine
write last chapter of Sankhara
start Part 2 of Sankhara
continue the doomyatta saga
nsfw zendatta i have to write since forever
chapter two of the bastion/zenyatta
finish the sentai n cultist fic
the zen goes back to the past fic
mcyatta nsfw one-shot
mcyatta nsfw + plot
that one genyatta plot w hacking n genji going through zen’s memories to prevent them from being rewritten or deleted 
i still want to write zencio
continue the reapyatta saga
talon x zen smut
finish that idea where zen was taken by null sector by adding at least two more parts
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beakzine · 8 months
- Who are you?
BEAKZ is run by Mod Tawny and Mod Masked, moderators of the Doctor/Master Anon Kink Meme on AO3. Check it out for examples of what we're going for with the zine!
- Who can apply?
Anyone over 18 who can show at least one example of their work. It doesn't matter if you're popular or relatively unknown, new to the fandom or long-established: the KinkZine wants you!
- Will I be accepted?
Whatever example(s) of your work you submit will be judged on their own merits. If your examples prove you can produce a solid, finished piece that we judge to be of good quality, there's a good chance we'll bring you on board!
- How do I submit examples of my work?
There's a question on the submission form to link your work, and another question to upload files directly. Regardless of whether you're providing fic or art, you can use either.
- What should my examples be?
Anything showing your style and your ability to finish a self-contained piece. Kinky/explicit content is good to see, but not required. For fics, we prefer to see one-shots, to match what you'll write for the zine. Otherwise, don't overthink it 💜🩵💛
- What is my pitch?
Your pitch is an idea for art/fic that you might end up going with for your final piece. Key word is MIGHT, since it's all subject to change. Your pitch can be as half-baked as you want at this stage. Again, don't overthink it!
- Does my pitch have to be explicit?
Not necessarily, though of course we're expecting a lot of explicit ones! If your pitch is unquestionably kinky, even with no explicit sex or violence, that's more than enough to merit inclusion.
- Does my pitch have to be kinky?
That depends on your definition of kink, which is a whole can of worms in itself! But we're looking for more than a vanilla sex scene here. Find an angle, whether sensual, emotional, physical or any combination of those, and work with it.
- Is anything off limits?
Practically nothing. Anything allowed on AO3 is allowed here. The zine will use an AO3-style warnings system so readers can choose what they want to see (and skip over the pages they don't).
- What are prompts?
Prompts are ideas/inspiration you want to provide to everyone involved. They can fall anywhere between detailed to vague vibes. See the AO3 kinkmeme for examples.
- Any deadline for the applications?
We're seeing how far/fast our applications post travels first (and feel free to help it along)! Once we feel applications are slowing down, we'll post a deadline with a reminder to apply.
- Wait, DEADLINES? 😱
Don't panic! We're aiming to be as gentle & permissive as possible, to make it low-stress for all involved. There WILL be deadlines for contributors, but we'll give you plenty of time, with check-ins to ensure you're on track.
- What if I can only write something short/draw something simple?
That's okay! If you're chosen for the zine, that proves that we like what you do. Any finished piece you create from there, we're happy to accept as long as you've fulfilled your pitch.
- "Anon" kink zine?
Yes, each work will be published anonymously under a bird-themed pseudonym. Feel free to say, in public or in private, which bird your work is under. Or keep it secret!
- Why birds?
It came from the acronym, BEAKZ. Also, birds are just great. (This is our mascot, Tufty! They've been instrumental in helping us get the zine together. Everybody say "thanks, Tufty"!)
Still want to sign up? Tufty says “you can do so here!”
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beakzine · 7 months
Tufty needs YOU!
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Contributor applications for the Best Enemies Anon KinkZine (BEAKZ) are closing on the 14th February, in just THREE DAYS!!
If you haven’t signed up yet, here’s the link to do so- everyone is welcome!
Questions? Read our FAQ, or drop us an ask or DM 💜💛🩵🦉
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