#kink for ts
youngnhott · 16 days
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they are begging to be groped <3
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nottodayjustin · 2 months
April 24th 2024 best hockey tweet(s) of the day
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holynymph · 3 months
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you wanna touch them daddy?
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vitamin-music · 4 months
✮⋆˙ trying to squeeze my t!ts into the nice dress i bought to get r@ped ˙⋆✮
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miele-pics · 2 months
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took this when I got lost while hiking...
would you have helped me if you found me? 😊🫢
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s1utwh0reandmore · 4 days
I need to be bent over and fucked like a whore, need someone big and strong to fuck their cum in me for hours. In any and every possible position they can. To be chocked and tied up, my legs spread apart. I need there to be a vibrator on my pussy while you pound into my ass relentlessly!🤭🤭
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call-me-pup2 · 9 days
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If I knew you were coming I would have waited so we could have showered together
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wri0thesley · 4 months
i would not say daddy in bed but for arlecchino. i would perhaps make an exception
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boybasher · 4 months
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icarus-felled · 1 month
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pic before i go to sleep 😊
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itsgoddesspeach · 1 month
You and I both know you wish your face was smothered in between them
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(She/her) I’d like to be depicted with breasts and a vulva.
Oh glorious goddess! I want to be a living statue, and a font for your temple. Grant this humble hucow permission to stand in your temple, transmuted into a pristine statue of marble. Locked into eternal static bliss, a part of your temple. My mouth shall drool in a never ending orgasm. My chest shall swell into two voluptuous fountains of milk. My dick shall be transfigured to a vulva, ever leaking your divine seed.
Oh! Look at this darling hucow. Gosh, she’s so pretty, don’t you all think?
Hmm, a statue, huh. I will say, the idea has never crossed my mind. But the way you describe it, locked in a stance of never ending orgasmic delight, turned into an object for pleasure? Oh, that sounds delightful.
I know, we will put you on a pedestal right at the entryway, so your pretty cockdrunk face will be the first thing anyone sees. As you suggested, I’ll have to fuck you hard and deep first so I can make my cum pour out of your vulva. Let’s change that up right now shall we?
There, no more dick, just a pretty pussy like you want. I gave you some big Hucow tits too, so don’t go covering your slutty self up now, okay.
Now for the main event~
. . .
You had barely gotten over your new body. It’s just like you had always dreamed. But before you could even thank your Goddess, she had removed her robes and lept onto you. You collapse softly on the floor as you feel her cock press against your new, tight hole.
She stuffs you full of her dick, your pussy stretching wider and wider as each inch worked its way inside. Before she even thrusted in a second time, your tongue lulls out of your mouth and your body clenches tight. You cum harder than you ever have before.
Your back arches upwards while you squirm in delight. Elira grins at you and starts slamming into your wet hole. You moan and grunt and huff as your tits bounce wildly. Suddenly, a hand grabs one of your boobs and squeezes it tight. You focus your eyes and see Elira watching your nipple with excitement. Finally, a drop of milk beads on your nipple, and Elira pounces on it.
You scream in pleasure. Your nipples are so sensitive now, and not only has she moved on to pinching and teasing the other one, but she’s sucking the milk from your first one. The sensation threatens to snap your mind in half.
You arch your back again, and Elira uses the opportunity to grab your waist with her free hand. With her new grip, she uses extra leverage to drill into you. She gets deeper and deeper into your pussy, pressing up against your womb.
“So… Big~” you sigh out. Elira pulls her lips from your nipple. You frown as a drop of your milk fills from her lips. You wanted her to drink it all.
“Should I stop?”
You shake your head vigorously. “No! Don’t stop! Keep fucking me! Breed me deep and turn me into your pleasure fountain Goddess!~”
She smirks at you. “So cute.” She leans down to your chest and licks up the drop of milk she spilled. “Mmm, delicious.” The words fill you with pride. Your Goddess thinks your milk is delicious. With that comment, you clench down hard on Elira’s cock, wanting to make her feel even better.
She grunts and squeezes your tit and waist hard. “Fuck that’s good.” She looks down at you with list filled eyes, panting and sweating. “Are you ready for my cum?”
“Yes! Yes Goddess, please!” She grins wide and starts fucking you faster. You feel your body tense and you grab your nipples, pinching them as hard as you can. Elira’s dick begins to pulse, and you feel the walls or your pussy tighten around her.
Finally, you cum again, and she comes with you. You feel every inch of your body erupt in pleasure. Your womb throbs as it’s filled with your Goddess’s seed. Your nipples are electric with the stimulation of being pinched, and milk drips out of them like leaky faucets. Your tongue flies out of your mouth again, begging for a taste of the sacred seed that keeps filling you. Your mind melts under the weight of absolute elation, causing your face to transform into that of a cockdrunk whore. And while all that is happening, you orgasm hard, your body forced to arch as your muscles beg to be closer to the Goddess.
If you were to spend all of eternity in one moment, it would be this one.
. . .
Ah, there we go dear, all finished. You look so pretty up on that pedestal. Aww, your mouth is still drooling. What a cutie.
I have to say, my spell worked rather nicely. Your vulva has turned into a waterfall of our mixed cum. It really is a sight. The only thing is that your tits only squirt out so much milk. Dont worry, it’s still a fountain, just not large enough to not all land on your body. If someone wants a taste, they’ll have to lick it off of you. I could change that, but I think you’d like the idea of that much more. I’ll make sure your feel every lick, suck and bite, dear. Don’t you worry.
Still, the spell won’t last forever. Every now and again I’ll need to refill you with cum to keep a constant stream. No matter, I’ll just unfreeze you, fuck your brains out, and put you right back in your place.
Oh, it seems some followers want to have a taste! I’ll get out of there way. See you soon, darling~
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miele-pics · 2 months
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sad that I don’t have hickies on my titties 🥺
can you fix that for me?
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s1utwh0reandmore · 5 days
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call-me-pup2 · 17 days
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Does this count as a summer dress? I'm not wearing underwear under it soo
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kawaii-kushami · 7 months
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pages 1-3 of a little comic that got away from me 😅 i gotta learn how to put less effort into stuff
inspired by that scenario post about a person getting over a cold and going on a walk and suffering for it (sorry i can't find the post 😭) plus this post
i will hopefully reblog with pages 4-7 in the next few weeks (or whenever i finish but im hoping posting the beginning encourages me to work on it) 🫡
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