#kinger is vibing while gangle is trying her best
scrambled-mirror-10 · 11 months
Random Incorrect Quotes (Part 35)
Gangle: How long do you think it'll take? Kinger: I don’t know, three or four. Gangle: Three or four what? Days? Weeks? Months? Kinger: Yeah, maybe five. Gangle: Five what?!
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impishjesters · 10 months
Comforting a Scared Child Reader
warning(s): Jax, Caine, and Bubble are warning enough... A/N: These turned into less of a direct comfort and more of a how they'd distract them... sorta... though to be fair it wasn't gonna be very detailed given I had to write everyone... I think if I re-did these properly I'd only do a couple of characters to elaborate on. I don't think Bubble was intended, but I included him because of chaos. Needless to say, I think most of them would kinda suck at comforting a scared child, but they'd definitely put on a strong front to try and comfort them. request: Please can you do some seperate prompts of each circus member and ai comforting a scared child reader?
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She’s not the ideal person to comfort someone but she knows what it’s like to be new and scared—plus when she finds out you’re only a child??
Pomni tries her best, she really does—it’s like seeing you scared and shaking gives her barely just enough courage to step up and comfort you.
She’s not one for touching but if you need a hug while she’s around she’ll likely give you one.
It doesn’t take a genius to know she’s about as shakey and anxious as a chihuahua, but she tries her hardest to come off as calm and normal for your sake.
Pomni gives off anxious first-time big sister vibes.
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Also not an ideal person when it comes to comfort, but he can only imagine how terrified you are right now.
The others are adults and can handle his bullshit, you however are a child and he’s not about to bully a child. As tempting and funny as the thought is.
Jax uses his jokes—on a less insulting, more child-friendly level—to try and calm you down. When he gets you calmed down and the two of you start to get buddy-buddy? Oh, it’s over for those suckers.
It takes the whole gang to try and prevent Jax from turning you into a mini Jax, though he does let you tag along for the more minor kid-friendly jokes and shenanigans.
"Who the fuck leaves a child unsupervised to put on some weird sketchy headset??"
Jax gives off the cool, prankster big brother vibes.
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She’s just barely holding it together on a good day, but the moment a child shows up scared and crying? Big sister mode activated.
Gangle’s the type to try and calm you down with stuffed animals or art depending on just how young you are. She’s got all sorts of craft stuff and a collection of stuffed animals, she even lets you pick one out to keep for yourself.
While in big sister mode, she’s a little more protective and worrying, trying to keep you from getting hurt by Caine’s little games or away from Jax’s nasty behaviour.
Unlike Pomni, Gangle likes hugs and is always willing to hug you or hold you if you start to miss home or your parents.
Gangle gives off the protective big sister vibes.
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Surprisingly, Kinger is the best out of all of them when it comes to taking care of a kid. He’s the quickest to get you to stop crying and the quickest to distract you from those scary thoughts. He’s also the first one to ask for your permission before picking you up with ease.
Out of all of them, he’s the one who watches after you the most—sure it’s a joint effort in babysitting you but he’s the one who watches after you the most.
If you’re particularly young he’ll probably carry you around or hold your hand—even if you could technically walk away with his hand, at least he knows where you are.
Similarly to Gangle, he’ll find something you like and either play with you or talk to you about it. God, if you also have an interest in insects like this man then he’ll tell you all sorts of useless facts and stories, all the gross picture books.
Kinger gives off warm, golden retriever dad energy.
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Not surprising Zooble isn’t great with kids, and not great with touch either. It’s not they can’t carry you but they’ve only really got one good arm to carry you with and it’s just…awkward for them.
That said if they see you fidgeting or picking at some part of yourself in an anxious-like fashion they’ll offer up their left arm for you to fiddle with. It’s a little more sensor-friendly to fiddle with if you exclude the pointy claw bits, they make sure you don’t hurt yourself. It’s not the most pleasant feeling having their limb messed with, so it doesn’t happen too often.
Zooble doesn’t really do much with you, but if you find yourself wanting to sit with them instead of play with the others they won’t protest. On occasion, they might play with you, or read you a book or whatever as long as it doesn’t involve them doing much.
Zooble gives off relaxed, lazy big sibling energy.
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Similar to Gangle she gets her shit together when a child shows up, her chipper optimistic shtick comes in handy when it comes to comfort. She hasn’t had to deal with a child in a really long time though—were they always so…loud?
Ragatha’s the second one who watches after you the most, if she had it her way you’d never be around Jax, he’s a bad influence. But if you like playing with him then the most she can do is stay close by and make sure he doesn’t do or say anything badly. (Man’s gonna give her a heart attack)
Similar to Kinger and Gangle, she’ll play with you and let you join in with Caine’s less dangerous games. She’s nervous to play hide and seek with you but if you really wanna play she’ll set an area limit so that you don’t accidentally get hurt.
Ragatha gives off frantic first-time mother energy.
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Doesn’t know the first fuckin thing about children, well he does but he’s never actually interacted with one.
Thank heaven for the censorship, he doesn’t want that foul language anywhere near your young little ears.
Caine’s the worst person to be left alone with you, not that he’ll be bad to you no, he just won’t understand that while he’s trying to keep you entertained and happy it’s probably a huge safety risk. If the shit the adults experience is dangerous god only knows what he might subject you to by accident.
Despite everything, Caine is actually pretty good at getting you to stop crying. It helps when he can quite literally snap his fingers and poof a random toy you might like or something else he thinks is cool.
Caine gives off crazy Uncle vibes that you only get to see during big family get-togethers because he has a habit of causing trouble on accident.
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For the love of all that is holy. Do. Not. Leave. The. Child. With. Bubble.
I take back what I said about Caine being the worst to leave you with, Bubble is the worst. Well, they both are but still.
While entertaining (and disturbing) to watch Bubble do stupid stuff, everyone will tell you not to do what he does—or say what he does, in fact just pretend he doesn’t exist. He’s a bad role model.
Bubble is that dumb dog that eats its own vomit because it can, that’s his vibe. Don’t be a Bubble.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Is it possible to do head cannons for digital circus characters with a reader who's too nice for their own good
Like they get in danger when trying to talk to the bad guy npc thinking that they could persuade them to the good side
TADC cast x reader whos too nice!
Anon I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get to this <\3! I gotta admit I've been in like, a bit of a burn out recently and I'm still recovering from my baking spree last week so I'm WOOOooOoooooO
That said I hope you enjoy!
Written ambiguously, if you want to see this as romantic or platonic, is totally up to you!
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Literally puts a pause on the IHA when he sees you being dragged away by the big bad guy, all while still trying to insist that the NPC with no chance to gain sentience can be good.. caine finds it endearing in it's own way, its sweet, you see the best in people... and non-people... but reader, this is exactly how you get hurt..! Keeps a close eye on you during IHA
While I dont think pomni fits the "too nice for her own good" vibe, I feel that shes... what word am i looking for? Submissive? She kind of just goes with what others are doing; asides from her initial freak out we dont see much pushback from her in the pilot, though that could be thanks to shock... perhaps shes still feeling it during IHAs given how random and intense they can be..? Point is I think pomni would give a meek resistance before scurrying off after you, trying to save you from the clutches of the baddie
Shes loves you so much, dont get her wrong. She loves that you're so sweet to everyone, even to those who dont deserve it. Actually if anything, Ragatha is also a little too sweet for her own good.. but shes not as trusting and naive as you are. Frantically pulls you away to the side when you try to make your way to the days villain, gently scolding you and asking what you were thinking. She doesnt mean to make you feel bad, but she doesn't want to see you hurt!
One of the only two characters that might get a little mean with you. Not like "mean as in berating you for being so naive" more so "I'm upset that you seemingly have no regard for your safety, I care about you and I cant see you continue to throw yourself into danger" way that can come off as mean, since jax isnt really.. the best as saying this softly.. immediately cuts through any "what ifs" you might bring up to him, you're the only person in this circus that he actually enjoys and hes not going to let you get flung around.. can his tone be softer? Sure, but can you blame him if this is a regular occurrence?
This poor man nearly has a heart attack when he sees you about to be absolutely demolished (but not really thanks to the digital world), probably ends in him getting hurt too.. but that would be mean.. but also can you imagine the angst? The guilt? He probably pushes through the pain to get to you and hes just. Feverishly pulling you to him and patting you down to make sure you're okay... he won't tell you to stop being so nice; in fact I dont think the thought crosses his mind ever.. but he does ask to never do that again, the getting into danger thing
The other character that might get a little mean when confronting you about it, but given zoobles general attitude as well as their tone of voice, it seems like they're more angry with you than they actually are. They think you're too nice for your own good, truly. While the others may find it sweet and endearing, they're constantly thinking about how one day you'll be in over your head and wont have a way out. This might actually result in an argument, thanks to zoobles tone and way of going about things.. but you guys eventually communicate and make up, at least I would like to think so
Very similar to pomni in the regard that she doesnt have the spine (haha) to tell you not to do whatever you're planning on doing. "I don't think... oh.. oh wait, reader-" as she scurries after you so you dont get lost. Gets legitimately sad and beats herself up if you get hurt. Similar to zoobles, you guys are going to need to communicate and work together on this because gangle cannot handle the fact that you're constantly getting hurt thanks to your kindness grating on her mind all day every day
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ms-awesome52 · 11 months
I don't think Jax isn't as big of a jerk as he lets on
Spoilers for THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS! Pilot. It's on YouTube
I've watched Glitch's new pilot and find the character of Jax really interesting. He comes off as a major jerk, and he is, but I feel he cares a lot more and is kinder than he lets on. I'm going to go through his major moments and break down how many of them were kinder or more harmless than many assume.
1: Meeting/interacting with Pomni
When Pomni first joins the circus, it's obvious that she's confused and freaking out. Ragatha attempts to sugar-coat what's happening when Pomni asks about leaving. Jax rips the band-aid off and tells her that they can't leave. At that moment, Pomni is looking for answers, not comfort, and this may be my autism talking, but Jax's bluntness and ability to get straight to the point likely helped Pomni understand the situation and prosses her new reality much quicker than if they just let Ragatha tip-toe around the topic. Later when they're on their way to meet Kaufmo, Jax makes a joke about Pomni trying to pretend this was all a dream. Both of the previous times Pomni claimed it was a dream, he was the only one to react, and he did it in a way that made it obvious that he and the others knew it wasn't a dream, as to not give her false hope, while also not outright making fun of her. Another thing to point out is that Pomni never has a negative reaction to Jax. To a situation Jax pointed out? Yes. To Jax himself? No. While this isn't an indication of how Pomni feels about Jax, it does show that Jax's comments didn't hurt her.
2: His interactions with Zooble
Zooble and Jax seem to have the most similar mindset. When Jax says that they can't leave and stuff, they'll tell him to shut up and then confirm and/or agree with what he said. They're both sarcastic and don't want to bother with meaningless fluff, which is why they both avoid going on the Gloinks quest at first. They both know that the Gloinks aren't a threat and are just an inconvenience. I get major sibling energy from their dynamic.
3: His interactions with Kinger and Gangle
(These are some of the harder ones to explain but here we go) Kinger and Gangle are the least stable of the main cast as far as I can tell. Kinger is a anxious mess that has forgotten human social cues while Gangle's emotions are dictated by her masks, which are easy to break (Caine probably fixes them often since Gangle says that her comedy mask is broken again). Since he knows the Gloinks are harmless and that Zooble is in no real danger, he trusts the day's quest to them. When he learned that Kaufmo abstracted, he ran away to where they were. When there, he says that Kaufmo is fine (sarcastically, but they didn't pick up on that and I get the vide that he didn't expect them to) then he hears the abstracted Kaufmo and pushes them both into the Gloink hole and jumping in himself. He later confesses that he was only down there to avoid Kaufmo. I interpreted this as him being helpful because 1: he got both Kinger and Gangle to safety and 2: He did it without telling them because while Pomni needed his bluntness, they didn't and telling them straight up before it was truly necessary because they needed to finish the quest so Caine would be there to take care of Kaufmo. If they knew, they would have been to panicked to finish the quest and that would have been a much more dangerous situation.
4: His interactions with Ragatha
Ragatha is the character we see him mess with the most, but she and Zooble also are the characters that are able to handle his jabbing the best, which is likely why he focuses on them instead of those who would be more hurt by his words. When they learn that Kaufmo abstracted, he ran and left them behind, but I see no reason why he wouldn't assume they would run as well. I also get sibling vibes here.
5: His reactions/interactions with Caine and the world itself
Jax seems to be the human that understands how the Circus works the best. When Pomni shows up the first thing he mentions is that they're going to need to rework the theme song to work her in. He also understands the formula best, predicting a brand new adventure (implying that Caine reuses adventures sometimes, like replaying a level in a videogame). This is also the reason I think he knew to go finish the quest to bring Caine back. Another thing to consider is the fact that he has keys to everyone's room. How would he get his hands on those if he didn't understand the mechanics of the digital world? At the end he has a debate with Kinger about Kinger feeling the need to explain that they don't need to eat after Jax says that he's hungry.
TL:DR Jax is blunt when he needs to be, but also knows when to hide info, he only goes as far as he knows the others can handle and he understands the world enough to be able to get the others to a safe area if anything serious happens. (please note, I'm explaining, not excusing any of his behavior. There are many situations where I feel he does take it a bit to far)
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percyramblesabouttadc · 10 months
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so i drew up some designs of what i think the cast would look like outside of the circus🥺
i wanted to make them look different while still keeping aspects of their circus designs
i saw like a post somewhere that gave humanized zooble prosthetics and i just loved that so you know i had to incorporate that somehow! i also wanted to try and get some of the colors from their circus design onto them too bc i felt like that would be nice. i'm not super happy with their design, like i feel like i could do better but like.... i'm lazy atm.... i'll do that later!
for kinger you know i had to keep his piercing blue eyes. you know i did. it's such a fun and silly aspect of his character how could i not.(his design is kinda basic so i don't know what else to say about it i'm very sorry kinger enjoyers)
when it comes to Jax's design! i still wanted him to have some pink and purple so you could recognize him but also have it be different from his circus design so i did the best i could. i also kept his teeth yellow because it's a thing you can translate to a human design and it doesn't need to be changed. i like that Jax has yellow teeth because so do i. HE KEEPS HIS YELLOW TEETH👹👹
GANGLE!!! omg i do rlly like how i designed her! i still wanted to incorporate ribbons some how so i gave her a braid with a ribbon at the end, however i do feel like she changes up her hair often in order to use more ribbon because it's something she enjoys!!! to me she gives off scared ex-theater kid. for obvious reasons. did i do that vibe justice? idk you tell me!
ohhh Ragatha..how i love you so.. Ragatha! her hair is infact dyed! bc you know her hair is so iconic to her character but i originally didn't want her to be ginger, why? felt too close to circus her! but i didn't want to rid her of her ginger entirely. so i toned it down, made it a bit more orange than red and made it dyed! i think it looks nice:) she's also a waitress! felt as it might fit sense she does give off people pleasing therapist friend vibes.
and for last but certainly not least POMNI!!!
she was the one i designed first! and obviously she doesn't have her normal colors from her circus design other than her hair!(did you know that pomnis circus design hair is supposed to be black but it just ended up looking brown? yeah. yeah.) it's mainly because she is infact wearing her work uniform and she doesn't really get to express herself through it but also i just wanted to change for her to be really present. because i can😁 but you know i had to keep her looking tired and depressed bc thats pomni for ya
see like the reason i wanted to make my own designs was because i didn't like the idea of them looking so similar to their tadc counterparts, it leaves more angst opportunities when they look so much different from their original bodies. right now this is kinda some concept work, i might change things(cough cough zooble) but right now i'm happy with them!
holy moly this post is so long i am soososo sorry
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Can you please do TADC crew finding out little kid reader looks up to them
It's okay if it takes a while I just like found family type shenanigans
Role models (TADC cast x kid!reader) (platonic)
Again I apologize if I dont answer many requests today, I think I may be sick
Or I have HELLA allergies rn
Regardless I feel not the best so uhuh
I see yalls requests I'm just a eepy guy today
OH ALSO ALSO I had a similar request with just jax so I'm paring these two up since it's the same concept! Hope that's alright with you two anons!
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When he finds out hes going to brat about hes a dad/older brother/guardian to everyone who will listen.
"As a parental figure..." type shit before trying to do something for your own good
Gives you your own lil cane to match his, maybe does matching outfits with you
Probably calls you mini me if you start mimicking his behaviors and mannerisms.. very silly
A little confused, honestly! While zooble is vaguely annoyed by kids, pomni is vaguely uncomfortable around them. I mean, kids can be just so brutal, and lack filters, and and-! Did you just call her sis?
She kind of just goes. Still. Shes torn
Does she let you call her that or does she stamp it out now?
I think she would let you call her sis, she doesnt have the heart to break yours
Not many ideas here, shes visibly awkward around you at first, whether you notice is up to you, but she slowly eases into it and takes the older sibling role in stride
I've said it so many times but ragatha absolutely exudes older sister energy. So shes already a natural before you're even calling her the nickname. Is so touched that you look up to her and feel safe around her. Thats her whole thing, keep up everyones optimism (and also perhaps, by extension, her own). Likes making you lil stuffed animals
At first he doesnt notice that you're copying him and mimicking his behaviors; from badly executed pranks to stamping your foot in mock frustration, you're copying jax down to a T... or at least, as best as you can, given you havent mastered the art of being a prankster asshole. But not to worry, jax is gonna take you under his wing. Double trouble. Chaos². Teaches you how to actually land your pranks. Sometimes uses you as "bait" to lure people in. Menaces...
Kinger is like a mix of caine and ragatha, I think. Kinger gives me dad vibes that I cant white explain, and no it's not just because of his age... said it a few times but he tells embellished stories to you.. noooo cuz imagine if you try to fit into the royal aesthetic with him, be it with you as a prince/princess or as a knight or whatever. I think that would be adorable. Takes you out to hunt for bugs and tucks you in a night with a story
As for how he feels about you looking up to him he would be so so honored, also does the "as a dad" thing like caine
Very silly
I think Zooble would find kids annoying, but they're not going to go out of their way to be mean to a kid. Think tired older sibling with attitude. Now when zooble finds out you look up to them, it gives them pause. Them? I mean it's raretthat they hang out with you one on one, actually it's rare that they hang out with anyone one on one... honestly I think this just feeds the older sibling thing. Probably teaches you some sass as a bonding thing. Not much to be said. Zooble is just not too open to getting close to others <\3
"Haha someones getting chased...Wait that's my kid!!!" When you get caught up in something in a IHA, attempts to rescue you
She finds out when you two are drawing together! Kids like art, right? If not she had the stuff to do arts and crafts! Imagine she finds out because you make a drawing of her, with it labeling her as the best. Oh this poor girl her little heart, shes crying! Not sad tears, dont worry, she just finds it adorable is all! Though I dont think the dynamic between you two would change much
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