#kingdom of the silver lion
harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 6
Philomela: You want to change the location you've chosen?
Silver: Yes. If it is possible.
Philomela: Hmm... I would've granted your request; however, you're up next. It would be difficult for me to make last minute changes.
Silver: But... Didn't you say that it isn't a problem to you?
Philomela: ...
Philomela: *laughs*
Philomela: Clever kid! Alright! Let me hear your reason first!
Silver: ...
Silver: I realized that the location I've chosen is nothing compared to what Sebek and Floyd had chosen.
Philomela: Hm? You think that Enchanted Garden is nothing?
Silver: Huh?
Philomela: Listen here, Silver.
Philomela: It might seem that it doesn't pose any threat, but trust me. That garden is one of the places you should never underestimate.
Silver: ...
Philomela: Still, if you really want to change it, then I'll have to respect it.
Silver: ...
Silver: No, it's fine. I'm sticking to my chosen location.
Philomela: *smiles* Good.
Leona: Yuurin!
Yuurin: Leona-senpai?
Leona: What was that, huh?!
Yuurin: ...
Ruggie and Jack: ...
Leona: *looks pissed*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I won the second match, Leona-senpai.
Leona: Yeah, congrats. But that's not the point!
Ruggie: Shishishi!
Malleus, Sebek, Epel, Floyd, and Jade: ...
Epel: Is Leona here to scold him or what?
Jade: He must've been worried.
Floyd: Eeeehhh~ So Sea Lion is here for me too~?
Sebek: It might be! Because you attempted to drown Yuurin!
Floyd: Hehe~ You're just jealous that our match was more exciting than yours~.
Malleus: Sebek, calm down.
Sebek: Krk... Yes, Waka-sama...
Epel: *sigh*
Yuurin: *has introduced Leona to Philomela*
Philomela: Ah, you look strong! You should join our wrestling competition next time!
Leona: No, thank you. I'm too lazy for that.
Yuurin: Philomela, can I ask you to prepare a room for Leona-senpai?
Philomela: Of course. But isn't he here to watch?
Ruggie: Nah. His heart is too fragile.
Jack: *nods in agreement*
Leona: *glares at them*
Ruggie and Jack: ...
Philomela: I see. So he's like Akane, huh?
Leona: Huh? What about Aki— I mean, Akane?
Philomela: She always worries for Yuurin. It never came across to her that her brother received blessings from the gods.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Aren't we all, Philomela?
Philomela: Yes. That's why I will never understand your sister.
Philomela: Us from the Kingdom of Heroes have always been adventurous!
Philomela: Danger excites us!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I have to disagree on that.
Philomela: That's your opinion. Haha!
Leona: ...
Leona: Let's change the subject.
Leona: Who's the next person to fight Yuurin?
Philomela: Silver.
Leona: Huh.
Ruggie and Jack: ...
Ruggie: *whispers to Jack* He's already crossing out Silver from his list.
Jack: *whispers back* List of what?
Ruggie: Yuurin's potential suitors.
Jack: ...
Philomela: Our third match is about to begin!
Philomela: Are you ready fighters?!
Yuurin and Silver: Yes!
Leona: *frowning*
Malleus: You do not need to worry, Kingscholar.
Malleus: Yuurin will be alright.
Leona: I don't need your reassurance, lizard.
Sebek: How dare you?! You should be grateful that Waka-sama is showing some concern to you, human!
Leona: I don't need it. And I don't care.
Malleus: *smirks* Well I hope Yuurin win against Silver.
Leona: ...
Leona: Huh?
Malleus: Silver has been trained by Lilia.
Malleus: There is a chance that Yuurin might lose this match.
Leona: Are you making me laugh?
Malleus: I'm only stating the possibilities.
Leona: Grr... *smirks* Then I hope your Silver won't lose.
Malleus: *smug face*
Epel, Jade, Ruggie, Jack, and Floyd: ...
Floyd: Looks like Damselfish can't afford to lose now~.
Epel: So is Silver.
Jade: Hm. Everyone, has anyone seen Rook?
Epel: Oh, Rook-senpai is doing some warm-up exercises in preparation for his match.
Jade: I see.
Yuurin and Silver: *have been sent to the Enchanted Garden*
Silver: This is...
Yuurin: ...
*The Enchanted Garden is a place straight out of nightmare — with heavy storms and lightning striking the ground.*
Leona: What the heck?
Philomela: Ah, one of the most beautiful places in the Kingdom of Heroes. Hahaha!
Ruggie: This is going to be difficult for both of them.
Philomela: I doubt it.
Leona: What do you mean?
Philomela: That place is being taken care of by a nymph, who Yuurin rejected.
Leona and the others: !!!
Silver: I don't understand. This is not what I imagined this place to be.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: It is a beautiful place. Though you'll get to see it after the nymph who's protecting it is no longer mad at me.
Silver: I see.
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Yuurin and Silver: *proceed to take their fighting stances*
Epel: Sebek, can't you just watch quietly?
Sebek: Hmph!
Malleus and Leona: ...
Ruggie: Damn. These two look so serious.
Yuurin and Silver: *seems to be thinking the same thing*
Yuurin and Silver: *charges at each other, aiming to grab other's shoulder*
Yuurin and Silver: *fends off each other*
Yuurin and Silver: *creates distance then attacks again*
Epel: Holy shit—
Malleus: *smirks*
Leona: ...
Leona: What's going on? Why does it seem to me that Yuurin is slowing down?
Philomela: The garden is restricting his movements, providing an opportunity for Silver.
Leona: ...
Epel: Yuurin is slowing down?
Philomela: Yes.
Philomela: Watch closely.
Yuurin: *her steps look heavy whenever she moves*
Epel: Wait... Is the gravity... different for him?!
Philomela: Haha! You have a keen eye! Yes!
Leona: ...
Ruggie and Jack: ...
Yuurin: !
Silver: *has finally managed to grab Yuurin's shoulder*
Silver: *quickly pulled her leg and pushed forward; both of them falling to the ground* *then stayed on top of her*
Leona: That little—!
Malleus: Looks like the match has been decided—
Yuurin: *uses sweep; knocking Silver off-balance by hooking his hip with her leg, then used her other leg and upper body to create a momentum and flipped him over*
Silver: *is genuinely impressed*
Malleus and Leona: ...
Leona: What were you saying again, lizard?
Philomela: *laughs*
Yuurin: *doesn't waste any second and immediately applies the Ezekiel choke by gripping his collar with one hand and sliding her other arm under his head, positioning her forearm against his neck*
Yuurin: *applying downward pressure with the hand gripping the collar while using her forearm to compress his windpipe*
Silver: !!!
Silver: *tries to escape*
Yuurin: *doesn't budge no matter how he tries to move*
Silver: ...
Silver: I... give up.
Yuurin: *lets go of him* *sighs in relief*
Silver: *coughs; catching his breath* .
Silver: I need... to train more.
Yuurin: Just say when and I'll help you.
Silver: ...
Silver: *smiles* Thank you.
Philomela: Our winner— Yuurin!!!
Silver: I'm sorry. I lost.
Malleus: *smiles* That is alright. You did your best.
Sebek: Hmph! I told you to win!
Leona: Yuurin, how are you feeling?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: My body feels sore.
Leona: ...
Leona: You should rest a little.
Philomela: Yuurin! That was amazing! *picks her up and hugs her tight*
Leona: !!!
Leona: Hey!
Yuurin: ...
Philomela: One more match! *laughs*
Yuurin: Please let go of me.
Epel: I feel bad for Yuurin. His match with Silver must've exhausted him.
Jade: Honestly, I think it was more of the garden's fault.
Floyd: *nods in agreement*
Rook: Oh la la~.
Rook: *amused smile*
Rook: Our match will surely be interesting, Monsieur Tranquille.
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artifacts-archive · 2 months
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Lionness Headed Usekh, So Called "Aegis"
Egyptian, 1290-664 BCE (Late New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period)
Silver was not easily obtainable in Egypt and was probably more costly for ancient Egyptians to acquire than gold.
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Today, Peter Pevensie after Narnia.
Peter has severe body dysmorphia when he comes back.
He used to be strong, reliable. Able to pick up his sister with one hand and fence with the other one. He prided himself on it, had arm wrestling contests with minotaurs and centaurs.
The first time he walks down the stairs he falls flat on his face. He's not used to his legs being half a foot shorter than they used to be.
His teachers don't understand how he turned into such a mess. He was normal, right? He was normal before he was sent away?
They talk of the way war hurts young children. They don't know just how true that is.
Peter cannot find his scars anymore. His body is soft, the skin unbroken. It fosters a rage in him so loud that teachers have to scold him every week. He fights with class bullies all the time. They gang up on him. They usually lose. They eventually stop trying.
Peter fights with honour, though. Closed fists, never below the belt, no permanent damage. If he gets the chance he will even take off his lion rings.
Long nights crying are replaced by sessions in the gym. Peter has pride like a wounded lion, will not let himself be pushed around. He gets used to his new body, makes it strong. Others worry over this obsession with strenght.
His siblings know it is because he has to regain an identity all by himself. Sure, they were royalty too, but he was the High King, Commander of the Armies, Emperor of the Lone Islands. He was the face of their court, the man behind the flag.
Others brought more back from Narnia then he did. Lucy has dancing, Edmund has chess, Susan has diplomacy and her silver tongue.
Peter had his crown, his country, his duties and his sword. Peter, even when stranded on a lone island, always had his wit and his strenght.
All that is lost in England, where he is not allowed to speak before his father, where he no longer has authority. He has to respect teachers talking about war while he knows they never fought.
He sits in the front of class still. He learns to hide the snarl, the comeback, the lazy sarcasm that fits a High King but not a 14 year old kid. Stops challenging his teachers verbally. He adjusts. His curiosity never leaves him, and his manners, he reminds himself, shouldn't neither.
He's cunning and clever and articulates himself well. Teachers often feel the need to call him arrogant, but he isn't that.
He's confident and secure, doesn't seem to suffer from teenage angst. He has endured loss, that they know. But they haven't a clue what he lost.
Peter is insufferable for the first 2 months he comes back from Caspian's Narnia. A kingdom, gone. Even with Aslan's words this is a hard lesson.
Then he becomes a man no one knew he could be.
Peter doesn't back down from bullies or harsh teachers. Peter doesn't ask for justice, he demands it.
Peter is brave. Two weeks after he's back, he sees a vet begging in the streets, harassed by a group of young men. He jumps in, comes home with a tooth missing and his knuckles bloodied.
When the vet is admitted to the hospital, no one believes the stories he tells. He says he saw a 15-year old veteran. The look in his eyes gave it away, he assures his physicians. That's a war look.
Peter is much more aware than he seems, can burn right through you with his glares. He takes critique seriously, but doesn't do well with disrespect, no matter who it's from.
Teachers hate that.
Despite this, kids like Peter, eventually. He's popular. Adults listen to him, which is strange. Not many 14 year old kids can command a room the way he can. They gravitate towards him, somehow.
It helps he grows tall faster than seems possible and walks so straight that it adds inches to his height. It helps he tells stories so vividly they almost come alive before their eyes. It helps he is cool under pressure, self-assured, broadshouldered. He's pious, goes to church every Sunday.
Peter settles eventually, a little slower than Susan and Edmund but before Lucy. He discovers the fencing club and immediately becomes the most talented member by a distance. Three weeks after he joins he beats the instructor. It makes him easier to manage, takes the edge of him.
He likes to quip while fencing. It's sometimes quite dark.
He's helpful though. His classmates don't take offence; Peter tells often and gladly of his instructor, a man named Oreius. He makes it sound like he was the greatest fencer in the country, always calls him "swordmaster".
He's often archaic with his speech like that.
His teachers are glad that the anger has faded. He's become better at many things, they discuss among themselves. An excellent writer, a brilliant fencer. A very strong debater. Peter, they conclude, makes sure things get done. The makings of a leader.
Peter likes languages. He's the one that remembers Narnian the best, uses it to learn a few other tongues. He likes sailing, and riding horses. His academic performances always improve after physical exercise, he can feel his brain speed up when the blood is flowing. Stories about who taught him that, who taught ALL the Pevensies that, circulate widly. Peter smiles when he hears he must've been recruited by MI6. He doesn't fight the allegations.
Women take a liking to him as he ages. He has "old-time charm", they say, even though they don't understand exactly what that means.
Chivalrous. That's the word they look for often. When they find out he can dance too, all of them fall head over heels. Peter is never smug about it, always remains polite. He doesn't kiss and tell.
He talks to his sisters and brother often.
Edmund seems like his shadow, but Peter never treats him like a little brother. He respects his input, often asks him for advice. Many are astonished when they find out Edmund is only 11 years old. They don't bicker. He dances with Lucy, talks deeply and seriously with Susan.
The Pevensies are close, and Peter is the oldest brother. He behaves like that, too.
He is the first to sign up for the war effort, eager to defend his nation and his family. But despite doing very well in selection, he doesn't get a frontline position. His skills, his supervisors decide, are better put to use elsewhere. He's too good to be cannon fodder.
Lucy and Edmund are secretely somewhat glad when he leaves to work with Susan in the States after he turns 19. Getting a date is very hard when Peter Pevensie is your older brother. And the States are safe.
Potential partners tend to be a little ... intimidated around him. Golden child, blond hair, 6"3, built like a brick, VERY protective of them, and fencing champion; Peter is a lot. He's disarming when you get to know him, but still.
They never liked Peter in the front lines, anyway.
Narnia never leaves his mind. Back from America with a BA in History and work experience from a secret service, he has dinner with the Friends of Narnia, sees the spectre, goes to find the rings.
He dies happy.
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egypt-museum · 4 months
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Chair of Princess Sitamun
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1391-1353 BC. Antiquities Service Excavations on Behalf of Theodore M. Davis (1905). From the Tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu (KV46), Valley of the Kings, Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 5342; CG
The wooden throne of Princess Sitamun is an example of the subtlety and elegance of Egyptian woodwork in the 18th Dynasty. The throne is made from red wood, covered in parts by a 4 mm thick veneer of red wood.
The legs are shaped like lion’s paws. These paws sit atop high bases which are divided by ridges. The legs were originally covered in silver plate – some remains of which survive.
Sitamun is usually thought to have been the daughter-wife of Amenhotep III. She is said to be the daughter of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye in some inscriptions. Some have speculated that Sitamun was actually the daughter of Thutmose IV and Queen Iaret, but there does not seem to be any firm evidence for this.
Photo: Kenneth Garrett
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themisteriousentity · 8 months
"Golden Deer is boring though it's lackluster, the characters aren't as strong as the other paths there's less conflict-"
You fool. You absolute buffon. Golden Deer is perfectly designed. Not only does it feed into the whole "alliance" theme well by having the characters still work together despite their differences and feelings well before hitting those A supports, but it's ALSO the only route that actually puts the focus on YOU the player. Or, rather, Byleth themself
Black Eagle is about whether or not you can agree to Edelgard's ideals of acceptable sacrifice and perspective that there's only 1 way to do things. The branching happens when you decide whether or not you agree, but ultimately it just explores opposing or agreeing with Edelgard. Anything more than that is really just incidental to that main concept, whether it's Crimson Flower or Silver Snow, the entire time you're focused either on helping Edelgard achieve her goals or you're focused on showing her how wrong she is alongside the Black Eagles who think it's their duty to correct Edelgard's wrongs (and I have a whole separate thing in regards to how the cast acts in Crimson Flower verses Silver Snow). It works really well for characters designed around an empire, a domineering form of government where (usually) a singular ruler determines the course and focus
Blue Lions is focused entirely on working on past issues and learning to bring yourself into the present, but it's done almost entirely through the cast more than the player. The Blue Lions themselves all have their own traumas and deep-seated past issues that hinder or help progress. While both Blue Lions and Black Eagles have a lot in common when it comes to traumatized characters and ideology, the ideology is front and center, while in Boue Lions, their interpersonal conflicts are front and center. This shows especially in the final (non romance) scene, where Dimitri decides that his personal attachment to Edelgard and past memories still matter, and he reaches out a hand, despite her immediately trying to kill him. It's fitting for a route designed around a kingdom, which is usually built entirely on interpersonal dealings between the ruling class
Golden Deer, however, is designed very differently. Unlike the other 3 routes, the player, or more specifically Byleth, is put as the driving force instead of the Lord. And this is actually what makes Golden Deer such a good route and one with the best ending of all of them. Claude has ideals, but he isn't a person who wants to force others to follow his path like Edelgard. Claude has lived a life of strife where his past motivates him, but it doesn't chain him the same way it does Dimitri. Instead, he works on understanding everyone around him and working together towards agreed upon goals, while taking on stuff that isn't agreed upon onto himself. But more than that, while all the Lord's value your opinion, Claude is the only one who actually takes what Byleth wants (rather than just what they think about specific matters) into consideration for his plans. Repeatedly you tell Seteth in Silver Snow that you don't want to kill Edelgard, but he pushes that you have no choice. Pretty much the entire first half of Azure Moon is Dimitri ignoring you. And in Crimson Flower, you've all but completely submitted to Edelgard's will with a couple of exceptions (which actually proves my point because it's specifically in regards to the Golden Deer because you can fight the entirety of Crimson Flower while sparing all of them except for Judith). But in Verdant Wind, Claude doesn't hide that he has a problem with the church and wants Rhea gone. In Golden Wildfire, without Byleth, he's more than happy to just get rid of her without a second thought. But when Byleth is the protagonist, he goes out of his way to accommodate your wants into his plans and goals. When you express as the player that you want to reason with Edelgard and ponder if you can't walk the same path, Claude agrees with you and says he'll make it happen if he can, with the other Golden Deer mostly agreeing. When that,can't happen you both lament the fact that Edelgard gave you no choice together. He makes finding Rhea a priority, mostly because as curious as he is in general, he wants to help you find out answers only Rhea can give you. And all of the Golden Deer do this to some extent, with each other but also with you as the player. I think Hilda and Marianne's A supports with Byleth show this best personally, but that's a personal opinion. And it just works so well for a route designed around the idea of an alliance, people coming together and agreeing to work towards a goal bigger than themselves
And that's not to say the other routes aren't as good as Golden Deer, they're all equally well written, but it just makes me sad when I see people giving the Golden Deer route grief just because the characters aren't the same when it does its theme so beautifully
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lilliankoo · 9 months
“wanna play you like a game”series Information.
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pairing: villian? antagonist! tribe leader jk x princess! y/n.
trope: “he’s mean to everyone but worships the ground you walk on” will absolutely do anything for you, strangers to lovers.
synopsis: he looks like an angel but is a devil- well that’s what your kingdom thinks. he is also the blessed leader of “lav”; even a leaf cannot move without his permission but here he was in-front of you on his knees. while the whole village bow to him- he only bows to you. there are two paths presented to you- marry him & return his love or refuse his condition & watch him conquer your father’s kingdom. power is an evil yet tempting apple-and now its in your hands- are you going to take a bite; taste the sweet poison or will you use it to tempt others? its an evil world with evil options.. do you think you can handle him?
rating: 18+
episode 0: the satin ribbon.
episode 1: kiss the ground.
episode 2: the silver sword.
episode 3: no man can defeat him.
word count: tbd
warnings: tbd, different for every chapter but overall; smut, age gap (jk is 27 and y/n is 23), blood, rituals!!! (not too bad but still) threats, power dynamics, use of power, tribes, tribe rituals (i made them up :p), lions, horses, weapons, lovesick puppy heart eyed insanely in love jk, possessive jk, slightly controlling jk (not too bad), him spoiling his princess aka you, SMUT SMUT LOTS OF IT, will add more as series progress.
series playlist: serial killer- lana del rey, house of balloons- the weeknd, we’ve only just began- carpenters, do not touch- misamo, help me- hako yamazaki, psycho-jun, and i love her- kurt cobain, blue banisters- lana del rey, get free- lana del rey.
author’s note: HELP MEEEE LMAOO not me releasing a new series while my baby titanic! is barely done (2/7chapters- no i haven’t forgotten abt it i just need some motivation to finish it) okay yes i will try to upload the next chapter of titanic DONT WORRY AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING. also thank you to AI for the pictures- u are scary but i love u. Anyways, so many ideas in my head rn and im slowly slowly executing them 😘 i need time. lmao ok lets goooo.
disclaimer: in no way, shape or form i intend to copy or plagiarize, this is just for fun, i do not own the pics, this does not describe jungkook hes just a "cast/actor" and so does everyone else in the fic.
taglist: let me know if u would like to be tagged.
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Strange question but!! Yk how the villains are treated as heroes? How on earth did the heroes stories work if they, uh, yk, dont have the villains? Like i briefly remember TWST!Jafar hijacking Aladdin’s plan to fake being a prince, so theres not rlly any more “aladdin” story, but im curious how other stories went if u know! Are the OG heroes still treated as heroes, etc etc, that fun stuff
Hello hello! Thank you so much for this question!!
The different interpretations of history that seem exist in Twst are fascinating, and one of my favorite things is the part in Book 6 where Lilia seems to insinuate that the Disney stories that we know might not actually be what really happened, because history is written by the victors:
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These "classic" stories--were they, too, twisted to suit an agenda? Is the truth closer to what is taught as history in Twst, or is it somewhere in the middle? It is so interesting to think about!
For the most part it seems that the heroes from the stories we know are not turned into villains in Twst, and the deeds that are attributed to them were actually done by multiple characters from different folklore:
For example, Harveston has stories about miners and customs based on "a young lady who made a wish at a well," a "traveler" who cleaned a stranger's home and then a tale about "some princess who wished to fall in love right away," as if the young lady, princess and traveler are three separate people.
While basing their traditions on the miners, the lady and traveler, they also deify the Fairest Queen, as if they are all independent individuals with no overlap.
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One of the more interesting parts of the Fairest Queen's history, in particular, is that there is actually a "dastardly villain" in Harveston folklore that stalks a woman who is then saved by forest creatures.
The huntsman is--just like the queen--not a villain in the Twst universe. Who was who, and what really happened? 👀
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For the Scalding Sands, it seems that the unnamed princess and the sultan from local stories are just as revered as the Sorcerer of the Sands himself, with the sultan known to be the person who named the Sorcerer as his vizier and retaining their connection from the story we know.
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Much like in Harveston, the history of the Scalding Sands seems to attribute what we believe to be the history of just one character to multiple individuals: Kalim talks about the Sorcerer saving his country from a street rat, who was a swindler/charlatan/usurper who tried to trick the sultan and princess, in a rare case of a "hero" being vilified.
But they also have folklore about "a poor but kind-hearted young man" who shared his food with children, and whose marriage to the beautiful princess they celebrate every year with a festival.
Whereas the Disney movies make the charlatan and the kind man into one person, in Twst's history it seems they were two different people.
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Diasomnia is very big on the Thorn Fairy, and they also talk about the human king who feared her, the princess whose birthday she was not invited to (Silver: "Was their king raised in a barn?") and the three presents that the princess received.
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Lilia talks about a trio of fairies that were not able to break the Thorn Fairy's curses and also put an entire kingdom to sleep, while Silver comments on how Lilia is consciously, intentionally emulating the three fairies from that tale with his cooking.
Silver and Malleus discuss "some faeries" raising a child for 16 years without magic, but they do not seem to know why they did so, and it is unclear if they believe that those faeries and the three faeries that put the kingdom to sleep are the same or different people.
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Heartslabyul seems to separate Alice into two different characters as well, referring to a 1-km-tall giant that the Queen of Hearts tried in court and a child that got lost in the castle as if they were two people.
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The only reference we get of the "heroes" of the Lion King tale are Jack referring to the King of Beast's "rascal of a nephew" and Leona mentioning that he deposed his brother "to build a better, wiser kingdom."
While the characters seem similar to the stories we know it's possible that the timelines are slightly different, with the rebirth of the pridelands being attributed to the King of Beasts himself rather than his nephew.
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The history of the Sea Witch in Twst might be the most fascinating: the characters reference the Sea Witch taking someone's voice for a contract and making a shapeshifting potion to facilitate love between a mermaid and a human, but also turning herself into a human and being proposed to by a prince the next day, with no acknowledgement that the human from the first tale and the prince from the second might have been the same person.
They also talk about the eels flipping over a boat and a mermaid princess who had trouble walking on land, but there is no mention of the princess being in the boat in the eel story.
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Octavinelle even acknowledges that the Sea Witch once made herself huge and sunk a ship with a whirlpool and "some even labeled her a monster," saying that she was later lauded as a compassionate figure after turning over a new leaf. (While the less-than-pleasant deeds done by the Sorcerer, the Fairest Queen and the King of Beasts in the stories that we know are never mentioned.)
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Silver's tale from Halloween seems to be an exception to this rule. Everything done by the "hero" in the tale we know is still attributed to the hero in the story that Silver knows, and the enemy army is still the enemy army.
To the initial question: it seems that the heroes from the histories that we know are still being regarded as heroes in Twst (though they tend to get separated into multiple people), while the characters that we know as villains are also highly regarded. This sometimes includes their pasts (in the case of the Sea Witch and the Queen of Hearts), being separated from their pasts (in the case of the Hunter) or with no mention of their pasts (the King of Beasts, the Sorcerer of the Sands, the Fairest Queen, the Thorn Fairy).
(Not a lot of information about the King of the Underworld when compared to the others! Idia mostly just talks about how charismatic he was. Ortho suggests something about "the truth" about him being closer to Idia's own situation than they have been taught, but Idia is not convinced.)
Also: there is a reference to a hero rescuing his ladylove from the Underworld in Book 6, so it seems the hero in that tale remains a hero in Twst as well!
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15-lizards · 10 months
What kind of embroidery do you see each kingdom doing?
This is the good shit right here
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Goldwork embroidery is so Lan-coded but is also very Tyrell-pilled and even Faith of the Seven-celled, so I believe that this is a big western movement, which makes sense as all the big houses and the faith can afford to splurge on literal cloth of gold thread so they can make their vestments and dresses and coats look all pretty with painstakingly accurate flowers and lions and seven pointed stars
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Whitework would probably be common all over Westeros, but is especially popular in the Vale, as the overall look of this type of embroidery is more light and airy, less heavy than beads or thick goldwork stitching. And in my head Vale fashions are very flouncy and flowy, moving with the wind. So delicate and pretty suits them
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I really like needlework and needlepoint for the Stormlands. It looks sturdier and is often on thicker fabrics, looking like it will last longer than silk and thin linen stitches. And it almost tends to look worn and a little rough, as if it’s been passed down as an heirloom for so many years, and as if the hand that stitched it was not as careful or delicate as the gentle hand from a lady from the Vale might stitch it. This was made by a rough stormlands woman who needs to keep her children warm at night
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Stumpwork again is something that is probably popular all over the kingdoms but particularly in the riverlands idk the riverlands vibe is just so textured like I can just grab onto it so their clothing and embroidery should also be textured I have no real reasoning behind this other than vibes. Also I’m pretty sure Cat wears stumpwork in the show and Sansa does at certain points too so it has some show basis if that means anything at all
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Gota Patti is so perfect for most Dornish customs. There is no room for thick and heavy embroidery to weight down their clothes, as the fabric is too thin for that, so they opt for lighter threadworm instead, nothing bulky. They might use cloth of gold or silver but will not make it textured like the westerners. It’s lightweight but still complex enough to show off artistry and wealth
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rwbyrg · 2 months
A Rosegarden by Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet
AKA Reasons Why Rosegarden is Canon #015: Ruby and Oscar's Multiple Shared Allusions to Other Fairytale Love Stories
Typical disclaimer that while all characters within the RWBY narrative have a main allusion, they often have secondary allusions that apply to the roles they fill in relation to other characters stories. Like how Yang is Goldilocks on her own, but becomes the Beauty to Blake's Beast when paired together.
The first, most notable example for Rosegarden is, of course, The Little Prince (expanded upon here). Oscar's primary allusion is of a boy who grows up on a planet "scarcely bigger than himself, who was in need of a friend", and one of his most influential relationships is that to a rose with whom he loves. They spend much of the story separated from one another, while the prince wanders lost in a desert, pining for a way to reunite with her back home.
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Important to note this isn't the only time Ruby has been a Rose for another fairytale. She also slots in as the Rose Red to Weiss' Snow White, she acts as the successor to her mom as The Last Rose of Summer, and she also stands in as the Enchanted Rose to Bumbleby's Beauty and the Beast given how it's a "true loves kiss will break the spell before the last petal falls" situation... and BB kisses two episodes before Ruby Rose "dies".
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The second notable allusion for Rosegarden is the Warrior in the Woods (expanded upon further here), a canon RWBY fable from The Fairytales of Remnant. The very first story within the book is about a village boy who becomes a huntsman after being inspired by a huntress he meets in the woods. A huntress, I might add he fell in love with the moment he saw her silver eyes.
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Something to note about both of these examples, is that they are each stories with a focus on caring for someone else in unique ways. With The Little Prince, the Rose is vain and has many demands and asks the prince to tend to her; while in WitW, the warrior works tirelessly without thanks to protect a village. When the boy meets her, he starts looking after her for a change because he figures that's the least he can do to repay her. Both of these tie in well to RG's dynamic of Ruby carrying such heavy responsibilities alone, with Oscar making a conscious and active effort to help her shoulder those burdens.
The third, more subtle allusion, is their respective ties to The Wonderful Land of Oz. Oscar's first confirmed allusion before the Little Prince reveal was originally to Princess Ozma/Tip, the heir to the Kingdom of Oz given his proximity to Ozpin as the man behind the curtain, as well as to fit a "genderbend" character within the framework of team JNPR.
How does Ruby tie into this one? Well, we have to work backwards a bit. Ozpin's initial four lieutenants were all linked to the original cast of Oz:
Qrow as The Scarecrow without a mind (travels around as a crow and is regularly inebriated)
Ironwood as the Tin Man without a heart (his multiple cyborg prosthetics and character development in Atlas)
Lionhart as The Cowardly Lion (his fear overtakes him and pushes him to join forces with Salem to save his own skin)
Theodore as Dorothy Gale (donning ruby gauntlets instead of the traditional red slippers)
But RWBY is a story about legacies and breaking cycles. With the new generation of huntresses in Oz's inner circle, they replace those who came before them.
Blake takes Lionheart's place (cat faunus that ran out of cowardice, only to become brave and return to the fight)
Weiss as the Tin Man (aka Ice Queen, who's heart melted as she became kinder and grew more attached to those around her)
Yang the Scarecrow (no longer blindly following orders, but making an active effort to question the words and intentions of those around her)
Ruby as Dorothy (her little dog Zwei and the red - or silver, depending on movie or book adaptation - slippers that lead them all on their journey)
Why bring up Oscar as Princess Ozma and Ruby as Dorothy? Well, according to the original books and not the movie, "Dorothy and Ozma are each other's closest relationship" as illustrated here:
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Very good friends. Just gals being pals. Sharing the responsibilities of leadership with one another. Smooching in the palace gardens. Dorothy as the only one who's allowed in Princess Ozma's rooms without an invitation. #BFFS4EVA
These are all the canon ones that are easy enough to parse, but there are some similarities to others famous stories that can be found with a bit of squinting that I will also share just for fun.
The first is how Ruby's experience in the Tea Party acts as a near perfect display of Romeo and Juliet's ending. For those unfamiliar with - or who have forgotten - the bard's infamous tragedy, it is a story about two star-crossed lovers very much doomed by the narrative. It ends with Juliet faking her death without telling Romeo. So when her prince charming comes across what he believes to be her corpse, he drinks a vial of poison and kills himself out of grief. When Juliet wakes and sees he has left her, she takes his dagger and stabs herself so they might be together.
In the tea party, Ruby fills the shoes of Romeo and Oscar of dear Juliet. Oscar is "killed" by Ruby's blade, but it is an illusion. He's not real. Like Juliet, he's not really dead. However, the vision is still enough to push Ruby into drink a vial of poison (the tea that takes her to the tree), giving up in the face of her grief, just as Romeo does.
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And if we need any more evidence for this one, can't hurt to bring up the infamous quote of Juliet wherein she likens her love to an oh-so-familiar flower:
What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;
A line that Juliet says to proclaim that if her Romeo weren't a Montague, then she would still love him regardless, but through which implies that it would be easier for them to be together if he were not himself. And within V9, Ruby's cited motivation to go to the tree is because she doesn't want to be herself any longer.
And last, but certainly not least, is how a lot of ships within RWBY seem to have fairly direct parallels to the myth of Eros and Psyche. It is a classical tale about the trials of love, putting the protagonists under multiple tests of loyalty and attachment before letting the two lovers unite at the end. Both love stories within Beauty and the Beast and Snow White and Rose Red pull inspiration from the myth, and we see it in CRWBY's approach to writing romances throughout the show thus far.
Blake and Yang being separated, breaking and rebuilding trust, before coming together in V9; Ren and Nora going through trials and conflict, currently apart now so they might discover who they are on their own before re-uniting with one another again; and Rosegarden having constant reunions, separations, and trials with strong focuses on their attachment to each other. Another common archetype they use from Eros and Psyche is that of the "Animal as Bridegroom", wherein at least one of the partners undergoing a transformation that is often monstrous in nature.
Bumbleby is self explanatory
WhiteKnight has the issue of Jaune being lost to time and becoming an Old Man, who's curse is reversed by magic. It alludes to his role as the Prince within Snow White and Rose Red who was initially turned into a bear via a curse
Rosegarden, has this instance for both characters. Oscar as an Ozcarnation (becoming something he doesn't want via a curse they are trying to break before time runs out) and Ruby's future fate should she be captured by Salem (being turned into a Grimm by the wicked witch - or eaten by the wolf - like her mother before her).
All of these line up with the myth's structure as well as Monty's foundational philosophy on love stories that we see in his quote from many years ago:
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A lot of these all have really tragic endings so uh. Good thing RWBY likes to subvert the stories it's telling, right? They're going to get a happy ending, right CRWBY???? 😰
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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Heracles wrestles the Nemean Lion. Silver tetradrachm minted by King Lykkeios of Paionia (an ancient kingdom located northwest of Macedon, corresponding roughly to the present-day nation of North Macedonia) between 359 and 335 BCE. Now in the Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich, Germany. Photo credit: ArchaiOptix/Wikimedia Commons.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Do You Love Me? (Aemond x Aegon x Reader)
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I know I said I would change a few things but I changed a fair amount so I really do hope this is worth it
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There were a lot of mistakes Alicent has made in the past, countless one might say, the biggest one was unleashing a lion from its cage, a lioness at that.
“Let it be known that (y/n) of house Lannister and Aegon of house Targaryen are one heart, one flesh, one soul, cursed be to those who would seek to tear the apart”
As the cloak went over her shoulders (y/n) had ensured her future, the realms lioness had stepped foot in the red keep and she already had her eyes set on the throne, circling around it like a predator would do on its prey.
Aegon was a delight, a man that is easily satisfied and with a taste for all the things that brought pleasure to him, (y/n) did not mind it one bit in fact it made their wedlock feel like a breeze, as well as it ensured their image of a perfect match to the eyes of the small court and the whole of 7 kingdoms, the doting wife and the passionate husband that could not get enough of each other.
Aegon was a dragon still he did not posses the fire of a Targaryen, there was no craving for something bigger, he was born into a world that fed him with a silver spoon he has gotten comfortable and did not consider of anything bigger than what he already had, on the other hand Aemond lurked in the shadows waiting patiently for his moment, (y/n) saw an opportunity in the one eyed prince, an equal player that could assist her in winning.
“Am I interrupting?”
“Princess (y/n), no not at all”
Aemond would occupy the library for most of his day, he was a man that worked with a routine, break his fast, sword practise, flying with Vhagar, read at the library, have supper, fly with Vhagar again or spend time with his mother and sister before he excused himself to rest in his chamber.
(Y/n) waltzed in with her eyes scanning the prince that had gone back into focusing on his book, (y/n) sat on the chair directly in front of him, crossing her legs slowly, it was subtle however (y/n) picked up on Aemonds little glance at her leg that barely escaped from her dress.
“May I ask what is the prince reading?”
“The adventures of princess Nymeria”
“The dornish warrior? Interesting choice for a Targaryen”
“We have to give credit when credit is due, she established herself and her name lives on”
“Is that something you aspire to achieve?”
“Of course, I assume you share that ambition”
“How so?”
“I might be a noble man but I am not dim witted princess, you want something from me”
Silence took over the room with the only sound reaching their ears being the cracks of the wood that burned in the fireplace.
A small smirk appeared at Aemonds lips as he finally lifted his eyes to meet (y/n)s hues, she could not tell if it was the flames that licked his astonishing lavender eye or the sparkle of the challenge that made her heart skip a beat. (Y/n) leaned in to rest her chest against her hands that had intertwined in her lap all while biting her bottom lip.
“Mayhaps, I am a fair person prince Aemond it would not be without a reward”
“And what would that be?”
“Does my brother know you are here?”
To have a Targaryen prince as a husband was a blessing, to have a Targaryen prince as a lover and a confidant was heavenly, (y/n) moved the pawns in her chessboard as she saw fit while Aemond did her dirty work.
“My dear husband, this is an important day for you why are you frowning?”
“My father never wanted this, he never wished for me to be king, for twenty years he upheld Rhaenyras claim”
“He told your mother-“
“Do you truly believe that king Viserys decided to name his heir while on his deathbed? He never liked me (y/n)”
(Y/n) could comprehend why was Aegon acting like this while they were on the carriage, she had witnessed first hand the dismissive behaviour of king Viserys when it came to Aegon and his siblings, the only time she saw the king smile was when she gave birth to their first born Vaegor, she recalled how the frail old man held the babe for the first time as a grin appeared on his deformed face that half of it was concealed by a golden mask.
“A lovely prince, savour this moment Aegon, before you even know it your son will grow taller than you and leave you wondering where did the time go”
Aegons face lit up at the light joke his father had said, (y/n) smiled as well but not to Aegon nor the king, she grinned while for the lightest moment she glimpses to Aemond, the prince stood to the back allowing the others their moment with the new born babe.
The timeline was quite blurry yet (y/n) was certain she had bared Aemonds son, a cold night at the dragon pit that (y/n) had gone to search for Aemond after an argument that had disturbed their affair, Vaegor was the result of that night.
(Y/n) pursed her lips before she rose from her seat to move and get comfortable on her husbands lap, as the carriage was in motion Aegon stretched his hands to help her take a seat, she had given birth to their 3 child not too long ago yet she manage to fit the gown he had gifted her at their wedding day.
“It does not matter what he thought, your father is dead and now you will inherit what you deserve, in a few moments this beautiful head will have a crown and the truth will be what you make it”
“Do you love me?”
(Y/n) did not respond instantly like she usually does, Aegon was casted aside by his family from a very young age even though they held him to a standard that was extremely toxic, to fight against his own sister. (Y/n) leaned closer to his ear slowly as her arm that was wrapped around his shoulders went up to his hair to caress his silver locks.
“Till the end of my days, remember?”
(Y/n) did not lie to him, she loved Aegon he had been good and gentle with her, that being said Aegon was not meant to be king, he would rather spend his days guzzling wine and dancing to music or bedding his wife than attend small council meetings, start a war with Rhaenyra or go fight in a battle.
No that was (y/n)s wish, actually it was everyone else’s wish but his. When the war began that remained in history as “the dance of dragons” after Aegon was crowned (y/n) could finally reveal the person behind the doll like mask, a vicious beast that stopped at nothing, she was the whisper in Aegons and Aemonds ear, moving them like muppets to do whatever she advised them to do so. Rhaenyra got the nickname “Maegor with tits”, Aegon was called “Aegon the usurper” and Aemond was “the kinslayer”, what a tragic day that was when Aemond came back he immediately summoned (y/n)
“What did you do?”
“(Y/n) I swear I did not mean for it to happen, I lost control of Vhagar”
“Vhagar is a war dragon that invaded Dorne it was only natural for her to go for the kill yet you still wanted to torment Lucerys you are a fool”
She was furious, one thing (y/n) counted on was Aemonds restrain, his grudge against the strong boys ran deeper and now he had exposed them to bloodshed.
“We take my children-“
“Our children”
“My children! I almost died for them”
“And I killed for them”
“You killed that boy for yourself do not blame my sons and daughter for your mishaps”
Aemond and Aegon separately thought all three children were from them, (y/n) being the woman that carried them would say it was more complicated than that, her two boy Vaegor and Aelor were Aemonds, her daughter Daenera was Aegons.
Aemond loved all three of the children, he feared for their life the most when the war started and now he was shaking at the idea that he would be responsible for putting them in danger. He could see (y/n)s eyes go from one side to the other with quick speed as she raced in her mind to find a way to fix this.
“You will take Vaegor and Aelor to Essos, Aegon will take Daenera to Dorne, the Martells will not disagree at giving shelter to a babe”
The war had taken countless lives, only a handful of the Targaryen line survived, Aegon was severely wounded and in excruciating pain on a daily bases, (y/n) felt her heart ache at the side of his once handsome face suffer the fate of his father, deformed and frail.
“Will there be pain?”
“No my love, I made sure of it”
(Y/n) assured him as she carefully placed her arms around him so Aegon can sit up, it was a few hours past supper and the only light was coming front their candles.
Aegon faintly smiled before he hissed from the pain striking him with any type of movement, as he settled (y/n) reached over for the goblet that sat on the stand next to their shared bed and passed it to Aegon.
“I believe it is the first time that I give you wine and you hesitate to down it”
“At least I’ll leave doing one of my favourite things”
“Yes, the other is playing with our children, please (y/n) I beg you, tell them I died in battle, tell them their father sacrificed his life protecting them”
“I will, do not dwell over that I will make sure they know how much you loved them”
“Good, good… well, I raise my cup to the new king, Aemond the one eyed prince”
(Y/n) held Aegon until he let his last breath, dying peacefully and being free from the pain and worry. Tears streaming down her eyes as she could not help but feel responsible, “Aegon never wanted this” she kept repeating before she wiped her tears and pulled herself together.
As the first rays of sunlight started to appear (y/n) walked out of her chamber and went over to Aemonds, she did not bother with knocking the prince would already be up by now especially at a day like this.
“Is it done sweetling?”
“Yes, the throne is yours”
Aemond rushed to hug the queen as she responded with her arms wide open as well, she had achieved what she wanted, Aemond inheriting the throne and her kids being next in line, she was queen and then she would be queen mother, still the tittle “dowager queen” fell heavy in her heart.
“We have duties to attend to, first things first I will ride to Essos for our boys and then to Dorne for our princess, the war is over it is time for our kids to come back”
“You are king now Aemond, you are in need of a wife”
Aemond broke off his rumble at (y/n)s proclaim, her misty eyes confused him even further, they had sacrificed everything for this why was she crying? Aemond let his hands rest on her biceps as he struggled to find the reason behind her meek demeanour.
“You are afraid, I’ve never seen you afraid”
“Aegon is dead, I am the dowager queen, you sit on the iron throne now and I am… what am I Aemond?”
The realm would not allow a king without a queen, when the announcement of Aegons passing will happen and his wish for Aemond to succeed him until Vaegor comes off age the small court will push for Aemond to be wed, uncertainty sunk in her veins and froze her blood at the idea of doing all of this for nothing.
Aemond lifted her chin with his finger moving his hand to not rest there but to go up and brush her cheek lightly as a sign of affection, Aemond adored (y/n), he loved her more than she ever would, she would never admit it yet to Aemond it was obvious that he was second best in her heart, Aegon had been her husband, she did not grace his life until after Aegon had already gotten a bite, a prince of the Targaryen like could have any princess or lady he wanted, the Gods were humorous to torment him with falling for a woman that loved him but did not love him enough.
“I am king until our son comes off age, Aegons wish is for me to succeed him, I will wed you when the moon turns and call it an act of kindness to the Lannister clan for your houses loyalty and to ensure the future of the late kings successor, I would never leave you in the dust dearest”
“We show mercy to Rhaenyras children, we will send for them and keep them in the red keep, the sea snake will decide who will be his successor my guess is Baela”
“I offer you a wedlock and your reaction is to discuss the inheritance of driftmark, is that how little you think of me?”
Her shoulders sunk at the bitter question, she sympathised with him to an extend of course, his jaw tightened when (y/n) pulled away to march at the window of his chamber, it truly seemed like (y/n) genuinely turned her back to him.
Aemond could detect her shoulders move from taking a deep breath, (y/n) faced him once again when she regained her composure her eyes were cold and her lips pursed together tightly.
“I have given you everything, I am called kinslayer and cruel on the streets, I did everything you asked me to”
“And I sacrificed everything, trust me Aemond I know the blood is on my hands, at least I own up to my crimes, you can scurry away and blame me we both know I did not force you to do anything, you wanted the throne for yourself, you used me and I used you”
(Y/n) held strong feelings for Aemond, they had shared such intimate moments and their ambition for greatness was the key to their affair, he was a good man and would be a great ruler, as the time went by she would have to be blind to not pick up on the hatred his eyes held when she walked with Aegon or when he was forced to watch Aegon play with his sons and call him father, his days were filled with agony, he loved his brother but he always got what Aemond thought he should own, his lover, his children, his throne, the bitter taste of being the second best no matter how hard he worked shattered him.
“We are bound for life Aemond, it is pointless to point fingers”
“I love you (y/n), I killed for you”
“You killed for your own ambition”
“I did it for you! For our love! For our children that will never call me father! I am not pointing fingers I am pleading the mother of my children to tell me she loves me, so… do you love me?”
Requests are open!
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It’s Sonic Gang Disney Movie Night! And it’s the Unstoppable Forces vs Immovable Objects! Let’s meet our competitors:
Knuckles “the last of his kind on a noble quest to protect a gem with trust issues, badass fighting skills, and a water-based spirit most of his lost culture was based around who wants to live out his fantasy of his people coming back and enemies turning into friends via continued applied trust” the Echidna who wants to watch Raya and the Last Dragon
Tikal “the curious and empathetic chief’s daughter who was really close with her now-dead grandma who yearns to return to a culture her people once had but have now abandoned and works to make peace with the dieties of her culture while being best friends with sentient water who wants to live out her fantasy of resolving her daddy issues and bringing her people and gods to peace” the Echidna who wants to watch Moana
Blaze “the heir to an entire kingdom with a lot of huge expectations placed on her by her deceased parents desperately trying to keep her deadly and dangerous powers under control which is an issue because they burst out when she’s emotional and she’s been repressing quite a bit of emotions only for an energetic, bubbly person to bring her out of her shell and prove that she can be herself without hurting anyone else” the Cat who wants to watch Frozen
Elise also wants to watch Frozen so two points for Blaze
Shadow “an alien scientifically created to be a living weapon meant to destroy who ends up befriending a little girl who teaches him to have humanity, after which he begins to appreciate life on Earth and fights to protect both it and the found family he’s pieced together for himself” the Hedgehog who wants to watch Lilo & Stitch
Sonic who wants to watch Wreck-It Ralph because he’s in it and things go fast
Amy Rose who wants to watch Sleeping Beauty because it’s “romantic” and “beautiful” but also so she can wait until the dragon scene and then start blasting “What I’m Made Of” and scare the shit out of everyone
Silver “was left alone in a barren wasteland for far longer than he wants to admit and honestly probably longer than he can remember who ends up finding one last bit of hope and who wants to live out his fantasy of bringing life back to his planet and seeing society grow around him as he finds a family of his own” the Hedgehog who wants to watch WALL-E. he’ll also settle for Lightyear he guesses
Cream who wants to watch Snow White because pretty princess sing to animals and spin around
Sally “the heir to an entire kingdom with some severe dead dad issues who ends up on the run as a child only to return and find her kingdom decimated by someone she once trusted who now has to raise a rebellion with her childhood sweetheart to dethrone the usurper and retake the land before he can destroy the entire environment” Acorn who wants to watch The Lion King
Vector who wants to watch The Great Mouse Detective and say “that’s what we do. we do that”
Shahra who wants to watch Aladdin. do i even have to
oh and Jet wants to watch Aladdin too but that’s just because he thinks stealing things is funny
Merlina actually does not want to watch Sword in the Stone it makes her uncomfortable however she will BITE someone if they don’t watch Coco next
Marine who wants to watch Finding Nemo because oooh water ooh australia oooh look at the fishies go. no she doesn’t have abandonment issues why do you ask
alternatively, Marine will make everyone watch The Pirate Fairy
Tekno who wants to watch Big Hero 6 because look at those robots go
Omega who wants to watch The Black Cauldron cause it has the most death in it
Rouge who would rather watch everyone argue than see any movie
Mighty and Ray just wanna watch Bambi guys
Big who wants to watch Fantasia because it calms him down. Omega does a quick ecosia search of Night on Bald Mountain and immediately likes this plan
Belle who wants to watch Pinocchio for obvious reasons
Charmy who wants to watch Peter Pan just to point at the tv when Tink is onscreen and look Belle dead in the eye and say “that’s you”
Espio who wants to die
Miles “Tails” Prower who can’t decide if he wants to watch Dumbo or Meet the Robinsons or if both will just bring up a lot of traumatic memories
and finally, Sticks the Badger, who wants to beat the TV to death with a wooden club and then burn Disney HQ to the ground
who will win!! vote now on your phones
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agnerd-bot · 1 month
"King" Mordred Alter, False Ascendant to the Throne(Avenger)
Ascension Stages:
First Stage: Mordred Alter is noticeably older than their Proper Human History or Dream World counterparts, wearing armor similar to that of the Goddess Rhongomyniad, albeit with Mordred’s own helmet in place of the Lion Kings. Perhaps most noticeable is the fact that this Mordred wields both Excalibur and Clarent simultaneously.
Second Stage: Mordred’s armor now gains a deep red cape that goes down to their knees. Excalibur and Clarent now seem to have dulled, with small hairline fractures noticeable along their blades. The helmet has been removed, revealing a weary smile on their face and a gold and silver crown upon their brow.
Final Stage: Excalibur and Clarent are swapped out for Carnwennan, the white-hilted knife gleaming with magical energy. Mordred’s cape has been torn to shreds as a sinister aura surrounds them. Blood stains their shining armor as they bear a maddened smile on their face.
Fatal Battle Theme: The Death Of God's Will (Full Mix + Voice Lines)
Class: Avenger Alternate Class: Berserker, Caster, Saber, Assassin True Name: Mordred Pendragon(Alter)/King Mordred Source: Arturian Legend Region: Wales Alignment: Chaotic Evil Attribute: Earth
Known as: The King Who Was Never Meant to Be, Usurper King of Knights, Vile King of Camelot, The Bastard Who Defied Fate
Voice Actress: Sawashiro Miyuki
Parameters: Strength: A Endurance: B+ Agility: B+ Mana: A++ Luck: E NP: A-
Passive Skills:
Magic Resistance A++:
Mordred’s already impressively high Magic Resistance has been bolstered even further due to the magecraft they have learned from Morgan Le Fay, allowing them to deconstruct enemy spells with ease. For the magic that they can’t handle on their own, Mordred has the Holy Dagger Carnwennan to nullify any magical harm taken.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own debuff resistance by 23%.
Avenger B:
The anger and bitterness of Camelot’s people drives Mordred further. Each angered sneer, each hateful glare, each venomous word that drops from their people’s lips only serve to push Mordred further and further in an attempt to prove them wrong. Mordred Alter will do whatever it takes to prove they have surpassed their father and have become an even better king.
They will bring Camelot into a new golden age, even if it means dragging their citizens into it, kicking and screaming.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own NP generation rate when taking attack by 18%. -500% Chance to reduce party's debuff resistance by 8% except self. (Including sub members) [Demerit]
Oblivion Correction C+:
No matter where Mordred runs to, or where they try to escape, it is inevitable that there will be a King Arthur there to overshadow them.
(FGO Effect:)  -Increases own critical damage by 7%.
Self-Replenishment(Magic) A+:
As this incarnation of Mordred was taught by Morgan le Fay in the arts of magecraft alongside their teachings as a knight, they have a well-versed knowledge of their own mana efficiency and how to best use it in combat, able to constantly refresh their pools of energy in a fight to keep fighting for long periods of time.
Because of these teachings, coupled with the blessings of the Holy Sword, Mordred has been able to live far past the expected lifespan Morgan had given them, allowing them to further their knowledge in both the Holy Weapons and their own Magecraft.
(FGO Effect:)  -Charges own NP gauge by 4% every turn.
Active Skills:
Defiant of the Winds of Fate A-:
It is said that the fall of Camelot was destiny. That at the Battle of Camlann, the death of King Arthur would lead to the collapse of the kingdom itself, leaving nothing but pain, misery, and loss in its wake. However, Mordred managed to defy that destiny. After slaying King Arthur with her own Excalibur, and defeating the Witch-Queen Morgan le Fay when she attempted to take the throne for herself, Mordred ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for Camelot, defying the prophecies set for them long ago.
Where fate says there is destruction, Mordred will bring prosperity. Where destiny says there is death, Mordred will bring healing. Where the future says there must be sorrow, Mordred will bring joy. So sayeth the King of Camelot.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own Buster performance for three times, three turns. -Apply Guts to self for two times, five turns. -Reduces all enemies' defense for three turns.
Revolutionary Charisma B-:
Charming, handsome, and witty. These were the traits that made Mordred able to weave their lies and tricks in the kingdom of Camelot. With but a few words, they convinced several of Arthur's finest champions that their king was unfit. With some well-placed manipulations, the Round Table came to believe that Arthur's Camelot was nothing more than a sham. Even souls like Guinevere came to ally with Mordred, believing that rule under Arthur was one of simple war and bloodshed, and only through Mordred's leadership could Camelot come to peace.
However, after the Battle of Camlann, many had lost their faith in Mordred, the horrors of the war leading many to believe the new king could only bring misery and pain. Many of Mordred's people turned against them, believing the new king to be nothing but an opportunistic usurper. As such, this skill is not a rallying cry to the side of a king, but an insidious killer to bring an entire nation to its knees. It is a skill suited to wreaking chaos and havoc, turning brother against brother, friend against friend, kingdom against kingdom, leaving Mordred standing at the end, alone.
(FGO Effect:) -Increase party's attack for three turns. -Increase party's damage for three turns. -Inflicts Confusion status for 3 turns to all enemies --(30% Chance to activate the debuff below every turn. When activated, 500% Chance to seal their skills for 1 turn.) -Inflicts Confusion status for 3 turns to all allies[Demerit]. --(30% Chance to activate the debuff below every turn. When activated, 500% Chance to seal their skills for 1 turn.)
Destroyer of the World’s End A:
The power of a child of both the King of Knights and the Witch-Queen of Albion. Rather than specializing in knightly chivalry like their father Artoria, or magecraft like their mother Morgan, Mordred has found a way to properly combine both, allowing them to even match the power of the Holy Spear Rhongomyniad in combat, which is what allowed them to defeat their father Arthur at Camlann. As surviving the war that was meant to kill them allowed Mordred to live longer than they had in Proper Human History, they've managed to hone this power to the point where they can match both Morgan and Artoria in their respective specialties.
This is the power of Mordred, the King Who Was Never Meant to Be. A king driven to madness by the cruelty of the world and the wickedness of those who tried to manipulate them for their own selfish desires. No more will Mordred be another person's puppet. No more will Mordred stand in the shadows of the ones who came before. The Usurper King will stand, facing down even the end of the world if they must.
(FGO Effect:) -Charges own NP Gauge. -Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns. -Increases own critical damage for 3 turns. --Grants self On-Attack-Activate buff for 3 turns. --Gains critical stars when attacking with Buster Cards. -Increases damage against Savior to Humanity enemies.
Noble Phantasms:
Noble Phantasm: Excalibur & Clarent - Twin Swords of the Rightful King
Rank: A++ Maximum Targets: 1000 Range: 1-99m Classification: Anti-Fortress
In one hand, the silver blade used to knight kings and denote peace.
In the other, the golden blade forged by the gods to light the way.
While both swords were once used as symbols of heroism and goodness, now they are wielded by a cruel and petty tyrant, stolen from their rightful owners. Clarent, stolen from its rightful resting place. Excalibur, used to slay the very king who was chosen to wield it. The Pretender King of Knights, Mordred, wields both of these blades, having forced them into servitude long ago in order to exact their own mad vision of domination. These blades that once served as emblems of justice and chivalry, now turned to oppressors, slaying members of the Knights of the Round with complete impunity.
Under normal circumstances, the use of these swords by one not deemed worthy would result in these weapons dropping a rank in power. However, with Mordred’s magical skill, they managed to find a way to retain the power expected of these blades, even with a false claim to the throne. Channeling their abilities through these sacred armaments, Mordred Alter uses both swordplay and magecraft in conjunction with one another. Every strike is akin to a clap of thunder. Every slash is alight with the flash of lightning. With these weapons in hand, the King of Greed is akin to a living force of nature, carving apart any enemy in front of them with horrifying bloodlust.
But despite the raw magical energy that comes from these sacred weapons, one can sometimes see them tremble in Mordred’s grip. As if they are begging, screaming out to be released from their contract, and be returned to their rightful home.
Noble Phantasm: Carnwennan - Shadowed Blade of the Witch-Killer
Rank: A- Maximum Targets: 1 Range: 1-49m Classification: Anti-Unit
One of the three holy weapons said to have been given to King Arthur by God, alongside Caledfwlch and Rhongomiant, stolen from King Arthur’s armory After Mordred killed her. While lacking in obvious destructive power in comparison to the Holy Sword and the Holy Spear, the Holy Dagger makes up for it with its versatility. In the original Welsh tellings of King Arthur, it is said that Carnwennan’s wielder is able to cloak themselves in shadow, rendering them invisible to the world around them. The user can also summon pillars of shadow to attack enemies, as a counter to Rhongomyniad and Excalibur’s pillars of light. The blade can also extend, moving large distances and even curving around corners in order to attack an enemy at a distance.
The blade has a second property, made famous by Arthur’s use of it to slay Orddu the Witch. The White Hilted Dagger has the ability to nullify other magical abilities when wielded, able to dispel curses with a single touch, puncture magical shields as if they were paper, and grievously wound any Phantasmal Creature if it strikes true. In addition, whenever Carnwennan destroys something made of Magecraft or with innate magical ties, it absorbs this power into itself, allowing Carnwennan to grow stronger over time, eventually matching its sister weapons if it reaches a certain point.
While Mordred prefers to wield Clarent and Excalibur to prove their legitimacy as king, Carnwennan is the weapon they are most proficient in, given their talents in Magecraft and preference for underhanded combat.
Noble Phantasm: La Mort Artu - Thus the Usurper Claims Victory
Rank: A- Maximum Targets: 1 Range: 1m
Classification: Anti-Arthur
A Noble Phantasm that is emblematic of the action that defined the knight Mordred: the death of King Arthur. By combining the holy power of Arthur's armaments with the transcendent magecraft of Morgan's teachings, and reinforcing both with Mordred's own unshakeable willpower and unquenchable hatred, King Mordred gains the power of a fearsome thunderstorm capable of wiping out all of Britain in one fell swoop. This immense power is then concentrated within Mordred's blade, turning it into a weapon capable of matching and potentially surpassing the Tower at the End of the World, Rhongomyniad, at its full strength. Mordred even claims that if they were able to land a killing blow on the King of Storms, it would be enough to erase her from the Throne of Heroes entirely.
The main drawback of this technique is that it consumes incredible amounts of prana to use, meaning that Mordred is left on a very short timer when it is active, potentially risking death in the process. Furthermore, because of the single-minded obsession required to use this technique, each incarnation of Mordred Alter can only use it against an opponent that they have come to well and truly hate, to the point that their destruction is all that will satisfy them, usually in this case some form of Artoria, given their status as an Avenger.
(FGO Effect:) -Applies Target Focus to a single enemy for three turns(activates first).-Increases own damage against Round Table Knight or 'Saberface' enemies for one turn(activates first). -Applies Ignore Invincible to self for one turn(activates first). -Remove Anti-Enforcement Defense from all enemies(activates first). -Deals damage to one enemy that ignores Defense buffs. -Charges own NP gauge(effects increase with Overcharge). -Inflicts Curse for five turns to all enemies.
Voice Lines:
Summoned: Greetings. I am King Mordred, Avenger Class Servant and child of Artoria Pendragon and Morgan le Fay. I stand as the King of Camelot, and the one who will bring it to prosperity. Truly, it is an honor to make your acquaintance… Master.
Level Up 1: Not enough. Damnit, this still isn’t enough to surpass my father…
Level Up 2: My powers grow stronger. Hahahahaha! If only Mother could see me now!
1st Ascension: Ahhhhh, that’s better. It’s nice to finally get out of that helmet for a while. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Mordred, King of Camelot. If you need me to help you save mankind, then I shall lend Clarent and Excalibur to aid you.
2nd Ascension: Nothing changed this time around, huh? That’s fine for now. In due time, I’ll be able to show you my full potential as king.
3rd Ascension: Wha…?! Why am I wielding Carnwennan now?! Damnit, I should be armed with Excalibur and Clarent! How else am I supposed to prove myself as king?! …no, no, it’s not your fault. I suppose that I am better suited to using the Holy Dagger instead of the Holy Sword. Regardless, this is a major pain in my ass… But I suppose I can make do.
4th Ascension: My father never really cared about me… My mother saw me as nothing more than a tool… The people of Camelot all hated and reviled me. And yet? Here I stand as king, in defiance of all expectations of me. Heh… Hehehehehe… Hahahahahahaha! If only they could see me now! All their heads bowed before me!
Fight Start 1: Lay down your arms and I shall show you mercy. Otherwise, I will end your life here and now.
Fight Start 2: As king, it’s only right that I take the stand at the front lines.
Fight Start 3: Hahahahaha! Finally! It was getting boring waiting for some action!
Fight Start 4 (Fatal Battle): You… You! You took everything from me! My kingdom! My love! My right to rule! If I can’t reign over Camelot… If I cannot be accepted by this country… Then I can at least watch you die by my hand!
Skill 1: Destiny has no hold on me!
Skill 2: Oppressors cannot control me!
Skill 3: Not even Mother or Father can stop me!
Command Card Select 1: I am… most unsatisfied.
Command Card Select 2: Fine, I guess I’ll step in to help.
Command Card Select 3: I’ll carve you to pieces!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Rain down, Lightning! Roar out, Thunder!
Noble Phantasm Select 2: I will carve you apart… And leave nothing but blood and mist behind!
Noble Phantasm Select 3(Against any ‘Artoria’ enemy): I slew the King of Knights once. I’ll simply do it again! Now prepare to die, Father!
Attack 1: Drop dead!
Attack 2: Shut your damn mouth!
Attack 3: It’s useless! Just give up!
Attack 4: I’ll crush you!
Attack 5: Carve them to pieces, Carnwennan!
Extra Attack 1: Let’s see what breaks first… Your spirit! Or your body!
Extra Attack 2: Can you handle this?! No escape!
Extra Attack 3: Be it sword or sorcery… I reign as the king of all!
Noble Phantasm 1:
In my right hand, I bear the sword of kings, Clarent!
In my left hand, I bear the sword of gods, Excalibur!
As the true heir of Camelot, these two sacred weapons bend to my will!
And so too shall all kneel before me or die at my hand!
Noble Phantasm 2:
My father was the King of Knights.
My mother was the Witch-Queen.
And I… have surpassed them both.
Now, I stand as the true King of Camelot.
La Mort Artu.
Noble Phantasm 3(Against any ‘Artoria’ Enemy):
No more am I going to be left behind in your shadow.
No more am I going to pick up the pieces of your legacy.
It doesn't matter if Camelot burns to the ground…
It doesn't matter if all of humanity turns against me…
When this is over and done with…
I promise you, 'Father', the world will forget you were even mourned.
The Legend of King Arthur… DIES NOW!
Damage from Noble Phantasm: BAAAAASTAAAAAAAAARD!!!
Regular Damage: Khhhh! You little-!
Defeated 1: Bullshit… THIS IS BULLSHIT!
Defeated 2: You…! This isn’t over, damnit!
Defeated 3 (Fatal Battle): Why…? Why?! What did I do to deserve this…? Do you hate me that much, Father?!
Victory 1: And that is how a true king gets it done.
Victory 2: Is that all? Barely even worth remembering…
Bond Level 1: Thank you for taking the time to be with me. I understand that you are busy as the Last Master of Humanity. I know I am a king, but still, it's humbling to know that someone like yourself is willing to spend time with someone like me. ...it's nice, having someone to talk to again.
Bond Level 2: Excalibur and Clarent... The blades that belong to the king. After the death of Arthur, I took them for myself as a sign of my right to rule over Camelot. Unfortunately, the swords of kingship don't seem to agree with me on that front. Never in my life have I seen either of these swords scratched, let alone cracked... Am I truly that unworthy of kingship...?
Bond Level 3 (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"): *sigh* So the truth is out, huh? Shit, this is a pain in the ass... I was hoping that I would be able to keep up this charade for a little while longer. Then again, it was so annoying having to play 'the good king' for so long. So, 'Master'. The Knight of Treachery is here, at your service. Or rather, you are at my service.
Bond Level 4 (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"): You… Why do you look at me with those eyes? Like I am some kind of abandoned child? Like I’m some sort of stray that needs pity?! I am a King! I am the villain who slew King Arthur! I am the monster that reigns over Camelot! And yet you still think of me ...no matter. You'll turn out like all the rest. One way or another, I will make you kneel.
Bond Level 5 (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"): …you really do see the good in all things, don’t you, Master? I suppose that is undoubtedly your most admirable trait. Be that as it may… Never look at me with those pitying eyes again. I have my pride, both as a knight and as a king, and if you dare insult that pride, I will not hesitate to end you. But if you will treat me with the respect I am owed? Perhaps there is a place at my side for you.
Dialogue 1: It’s nice, isn’t it? Having a bit of time to relax and have peace? Most of my life I just knew combat, so being able to sit around and do nothing is nice, isn’t it? …it’s too quiet around here, I’m bored.
Dialogue 2: I am at your service, Master. If there is an enemy before me, I will crush it at your command.
Dialogue 3: I know that contractually, you are the Master, and I am the Servant, but at the same time, I am still your king. Don’t get any bright ideas, got it?
Dialogue 4 (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"): So many Servants in Chaldea, so many pawns to play with… All ready and willing to be sacrificed upon your orders, ‘Master’. … Hah! That look on your face was pretty frightening. Don’t worry, I just wanted to see how you would react.
Dialogue 5 (If you have any Artoria Pendragon(Saber)): So the Once and Future King has come to Chaldea. How lovely… Hm? Oh, don’t worry, Master. I suppose I can play nice with my Father for now, if you need me to. That being said… I will crush her again when the time comes. Then, everyone will understand just who the true King of Camelot is.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Artoria Pendragon(Lancer Alter) after Clearing "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"): The King of Storms… That phantom I summoned back then to run rampant as a Berserker. …did she really mean those words she said to me back then? No, it doesn’t matter. She is King Arthur, and I am Mordred. In the end, we are to be enemies.
Dialogue 7 (If you have Mysterious Heroine X or Mysterious Heroine XX): Another one of the Fathers wandering around Chaldea, I see. Is that ballcap of yours meant to be a disguise or something? …what? “I am no Artoria, I am the spacefaring defeater of Sabers and hero of the Servantverse?” GET REAL! If you’re gonna hide your identity from me like a coward, at least give me a reasonable excuse instead of that crap!
Dialogue 8 (If you have any other ‘Artoria’ Servant): …Master. I’ve noticed we have a bit of a… multiplicity issue. I seem to be seeing several versions of my Father wandering around Chaldea. One is dressed as a showgirl, another seems to be my father as a child, and yet another seems to be a man. Not to mention the multiple evil Fathers walking around. …we have how many here?! I see. Excuse me, but I have to go step out a bit and scream my head off. I’ll return shortly. *click* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Dialogue 9 (If you have any ‘Saberface’ Servant): Hello, ‘Father’. How about we settle this once and for… …huh? Wait, you’re not- Then who are- DAAAAAAGH! DAMNIT, I’M IN THE WRONG ROOM! YOU! You didn’t see anything! *SLAM!*
Dialogue 10 (If you have any ‘Round Table’ Servants): So this is the Knights of the Round Table from Chaldea. Still as loud and obnoxious as always, no matter what universe, isn’t it? …I admit, part of me wishes I hadn’t divided the Round Table into two during my rebellion. Only a handful of us survived, and even then, none remained in Camelot. It was kind of lonely running the kingdom by myself, y’know?
Dialogue 11 (If you have any ‘Enemy of the Round Table’ Servants): Ah, I’ve heard of you! Yes, a great and powerful enemy of Camelot, one that brought even the great King Arthur to their knees! Of course, I was the one who managed to kill her for good… Hm? Oh, nothing, just talking to myself. Say… how about you and I get to talk a bit? I’ll treat you to some good booze and we can talk shop about reducing Camelot to rubble, hm?
Dialogue 12 (If you have Lancelot(Saber)): So this is the Lancelot of Proper Human History, is it? Hah… I guess, no matter the timeline, you’re still the same, huh? An idiot of a man, too chivalrous for his own good, even if it means his own misery. Hey, care for a spar? I wanna see if you fight as good as the Lancelot of my world.
Dialogue 13 (If you have Lancelot(Berserker)): Lancelot…?! …to think that someone like you would end up like this. …I’m sorry, old man. I should’ve been with you.
Dialogue 14 (If you have Mordred): I gained everything we ever wanted in life… the throne… victory over Father and Mother… even the blade Excalibur is mine! So why… Why do you continue to give me that expression?! Why do you look so much happier than I am?! HUH?! ANSWER ME!
Dialogue 15 (If you have Mordred(Rider)): …a surfboard? Really?! And are you really using Prydwen for your stupid summer games?! NO I DON’T WANT TO STEAL IT FOR MYSELF! …I have my own anyway.
Dialogue 16 (If you have Baobhan Sith): The adopted child of the Lostbelt Morgan le Fay. A spoiled brat of a girl who trails after the Witch-Queen out of some unreconciled loyalty to her. I see, so this is my Lostbelt counterpart, huh? …huh? This brat is supposed to be Tristan?!
Dialogue 17 (If you have Lostbelt Morgan): Oh. It’s you. The ‘good’ version of Morgan le Fay. As witchy as ever. Still beautiful, which of course you would be, with all your magic and sorcery. … You may have the rest of Chaldea fooled, ‘Mother’, but I don’t buy your act for one second. The very instant you dip a toe out of line, I will hunt you down and make you wish I killed you.
Dialogue 18 (If you have Merlin or Lady Avalon): Poor, poor Merlin… forever the observer. The watcher. Forced to gaze upon the mountains upon mountains of failures you’ve created from the confines of Avalon. Tell me, did you know of the truth of my birth? Did you know my fate was to slay the King of Knights? Did you know that was why my father nearly attempted a genocide? …of course you did.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Florence Nightingale): That nurse… she looks at me strangely… I feel simultaneously afraid and comforted by her presence. Ghh! She’s looking this way! Quick, hide me!
Likes: Have you ever gone sailing, Master? I’ve only done it a few times when I was young, but I always feel like the water’s surface is soothing. As if even in the harshest storms, I would be fine. Hmph. Perhaps it is the one blessing my Mother ever gave me… Or perhaps it’s just dumb luck.
Dislikes: Those other mes… those damn idiots. With their smug faces… their arrogant smiles… Everything about their existence is a pestilence that doesn’t deserve to exist!
About the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail… So many of the Round Table sought it out in some form or another. Even my Father sought to attain it for herself, only to fail. In that case, I think I’d like to take it for myself… Perhaps then I can… Hm? Oh, nothing, just talking to myself.
During an Event: Oh, an event is going on? I suppose I should escort you there to see what is going on.
Birthday: Yes, yes, happy birthday and all that. Enjoy your cake and your festivities, and all that stuff. Some of us actually have important things to do. 'What are they?' …shut up.
Deceitful. Cruel. Evil. Greedy. Treacherous. These words have long followed the name ‘Mordred’ for centuries. Since the betrayal of King Arthur, Mordred Pendragon has gone down in history as one of the most infamous traitors to ever live. This Servant is the living embodiment of that very same reputation, being a vile and wicked schemer with an unending lust for power.
A Mordred from an alternate timeline, raised in earnest by their mother, as opposed to their Proper Human History counterpart being abused and ashamed of their heritage of being the child of the Witch-Queen of Orkney. A master of combat, and a genius in Magecraft, this Mordred succeeded in their rebellion against King Arthur, slaying the King of Knights and taking the throne of Camelot as the last of the Round Table.
Bond Level 1:
Height/Weight: 171cm • 65kg Source: Arthurian Mythology Region: Wales Alignment: Chaotic • Evil Gender: Nonbinary
While normally Excalibur's pseudo-immortality would leave Mordred at the same age physically as the time they wielded it, because the Holy Sword is actively rejecting them, they lack the blessing of Excalibur. Instead, this version of Mordred has matured as if they had chosen the Holy Lance, though noticeably lacking the incredible defense Excalibur would normally grant.
"While it is a pain in the ass to lose the immortality of Excalibur... Who needs it when I can just smash any enemy in front of me to pieces?! Besides, look at me! I rule!"
Despite the seemingly higher intellect and maturity, this Mordred is just as childish and petty as the other Mordreds, Holy Sword or no Holy Sword.
Bond Level 2:
"Mother... What the hell is going on here?!"
"Oh, dear... It seems I taught you well, my daughter. Too well."
"Don't change the subject on me! You... Did you seriously try to kill me?! Why?!"
"Isn't it obvious? You were the only thing standing between me and the throne I was owed. That was stolen from me by Uther and given to Artoria! I was the rightful heir to Camelot, and I was denied it!"
"I know that! That was why you wanted me to kill the king, wasn't it?! So a child of Orkney could take back the kingdom?!
"Still so slow on the uptake, Mordred? A pity, I thought I raised you better than that. I didn't want you on the throne. Honestly, I was hoping you and Arthur would end up killing each other. Unfortunately, you survived..."
"So everything you told me... All the care you put into raising me?! All your teachings?! All of it was just so you could get me to kill Father?!"
"Sadly, yes... You were just meant to be a weapon, Mordred. And what a weapon you were. I'm so proud of you..."
"You... Mother... No. Morgan! You have committed treason against your king. Stand down now, and I'll spare your life. Otherwise I will kill you!"
"'King...?' What a joke. You aren't even half the king Uther was, much less anything like Arthur. You are just a pathetic weapon meant to sit tight and obey! Do you hear me?! You're nothing more than a filthy homun-!"
Bond Level 3 (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"):
Despite the era of peace Mordred's rule brought to Camelot, it was never enough. Their citizens feared them, seeing Mordred as a bloodthirsty tyrant. Their knights despised them, seeing Mordred as a terrible machine. Nothing Mordred did would ever be enough to repent for the terrible bloodshed and misery the War at Camlann caused, with many crying out for the return of King Arthur to the throne.
The sole allies Mordred had, Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinevere, had left long ago in shame and disgrace, hating themselves for their participation in the Fall of Camelot. Mordred had gained everything they had ever wanted. The throne, the Holy Sword, the crown. And yet, nothing was ever enough to escape the shadow of Arthur.
Desperate and embittered, Mordred eventually decided that the only way to improve their own reputation was to destroy Arthur's own. Using their skill in Magecraft, they summoned an alternate version of Artoria Pendragon, the Altered King of Ghosts, to ravage Camelot, trapping her under Madness Enhancement.
The people would all see the image of the beloved king destroying Camelot, and Mordred as the savior defending Camelot. Then... Then they would love Mordred.
Bond Level 4:
Why do they still cheer for you over me? Why do they still claim you to be the Once and Future King? Why do they still hate me?! I'm supposed to be the hero here! I'm saving them! I'm protecting them! From you! And still, they sing your praises, and drag my name through the mud?! Where's the justice in that?!
I've given everything to help Camelot thrive! I've killed so many people... My friends... My brothers... My mother and father... And for what?! For a kingdom that won't accept me?! For a throne that constantly rejects me?! For people that constantly put me in your shadow?! Even in death, you still look down on me! Even after all I've done, everyone only remembers me as the one who killed King Arthur!
...I understand now. Mother was right. You really are nothing but a thief. You stole my glory. You stole my kingdom. You stole my future from me! Everything I do is tainted with your influence. No matter what I do, I will always be compared to you, seen as inferior to you, seen as the evil that will oppose you. Fine then. If the world will only know me as the one who slew King Arthur... Then I might as well live up to this. This time... I will end the Legend of King Arthur permanently.
Bond Level 5(Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"):
Deceitful. Cruel. Evil. Greedy. Treacherous. These are the labels that humanity has given to Mordred. These are all humanity will ever know the knight Mordred to be. After realizing this, Mordred has chosen to cast off all attempts at being a just king, and has fully embraced the idea of being the wicked Knight of Treachery that opposes their father. A cruel and wicked tyrant that seeks to end the very idea of 'King Arthur', no matter the cost and no matter the hatred they get in return.
To that same end, they battled with their father, the Altered King of Storms, in a recreation of their fated duel at Camlann. Father and Son, King and Usurper, once again dueling to decide the future of Britain. The King of Storms took no joy in this battle, once again being forced to face their failures as a king and a father. The Knight of Treachery, on the other hand, threw themselves at Artoria without remorse, not caring for a moment how their body broke or how much blood was spilled. All that mattered was killing the person that stood before them once and for all.
"See Father?! I told you I was better than you! I told you that I would be the better king! Now... Say it! Say that I am your better! Say that I am your rightful heir! Say that I am worthy to be your son! SAY IT ALREADY!"
Extra (Clear "The Altered Realm of Swords and Sorcery: Britannia"):
At first glance, Mordred Alter couldn’t be more different than their Proper Human History counterpart. One is blunt, rude, and callous, the other is clever, polite, and seemingly friendly. One is all too happy to settle a conflict with fist and blade, the other will at least attempt a diplomatic approach before battle inevitably comes. One was a simple weapon, built only to kill and die. The other attempted to become more than that, a ruler that would bring Camelot into an era of peace and prosperity.
At their core, however, they are the same person.
Despite being the one to kill their father, they admire them, desiring nothing more than to follow in their footsteps. One to try and help relieve their burden of being a king, the other to try and help carve a path towards peace and prosperity. Both follow a path of chivalry, despising those who trod upon the innocent and weak, even if their own demeanor makes them seem as though they are the same. They are arrogant, proud, and boastful, not believing that there is any potential for failure on the road they walk, carrying themselves with the dignity and pride expected of a true king.
They want to be respected, to be acknowledged, and to be loved.
But one does not gain such things through force or power. One cannot make it happen by their own will. It is as impossible a task as counting every single star in the sky across the endless universe.
But that’s what Mordred does best, isn’t it? Seek the impossible to make it their own.
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calisources · 5 months
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 : here are a list of 55 female names, 55 male names and 55 a song of ice and fire valyrian names and last names. You can do variations to the names and eveything because, you know fantasy, but I chose those that I thought sounded good. If this list is good, I found a generator for more fantasy names centered in ASOIAF for different kingdoms and lands. you don't have to give credit but please like or reblog if you find useful.
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Male Names.
Kallias, meaning beauty.
Dimitri, earth lover.
Teivel, the devil.
Kaiser, Emperor or ruler.
Harvey, Strong warrior.
Lysander, liberator. 
Erel, angel and messenger.
Asael, made by god.
Laurent, the bright one.
Perseus, avenger, destroyer.
Chrysander, golden protector.
Zale, strength of the sea.
Cahir, warrior, battle man.
Magnus, great and powerful.
Nikolai, people of victory.
Kian, king.
Damien, to tame.
Micah, who resembles God.
Kaemon, joyful.
Arsenio, strong, potent.
Lucius, light or genius.
Loan, light.
Calix, very handsome.
Rowan, brilliant red.
Egan, little fire.
Adonis, lord.
Declan, full of goodness.
Arzhel, bear prince.
Thaddeus, courageous heart.
Alastor, vengeance.
Carden, wool carder.
Leone, lion.
Osian, little dear.
Ezekiel, strength of god.
Zion, highest point.
Asher, blessed.
Kratos, strength, might.
Zadkiel, righteousness of god.
Arwan, king of the other world.
Malakai, messenger.
Acheron, river of sorrow.
Elijah, the lord is my god.
Jace, lord of salvation.
Killian, little warrior.
Cyrus, the sun.
Deimos, personification of fear.
Bryson, child of a noble.
Conan, little wolf or little hound.
Maverick, independent one.
Lennone, keen.
Anteros, god of required love and defender of unrequired.
Denarius, silver coin.
Lorcan, little fierce one.
Ariston, excellent.
Vortigern, high overlord.
Female Names.
Naima, tranquil.
Freya, noble woman.
Alora, beautiful dream.
Danyi, sweet.
Juniper, evergreen.
Arcadia, adventurous.
Cora, virtuous.
Rosela, rose in italian.
Rhea, river.
Kyra, sun.
Solasta, shining, light.
Evangeline, messenger of good news.
Narcissa, flower.
Nyssa, new beginning.
Nyx, night.
Elodie, great fortune.
Gemena, intelligent.
Elis, god’s promise.
Irene, peace.
Samira, wind.
Melantha, dark flower.
Odeliah, praise god.
Aleyah, noble, elevated.
Sariah, princess of the lord.
Ilaria, happy and cheerful.
Odessa, long journey.
Jezebel, pure.
Brielle, heroine of god.
Emersyn, brave, powerful.
Marilla, shining sea.
Braelyn, meadow.
Enora, honor.
Sereia, mermaid.
Seraphina, fiery ones.
Kaena, praise.
Zenaida, of zeus, eternal life.
Isadora, gift of Isis.
Faera, bringer of gifts.
Fayra, gift of god.
Lilibet, pledge to god.
Orlaith, golden princess, sovereign.
Thalassa, sea or ocean.
Visha, deadly poison.
Sora, sky.
Leysa, defender of man.
Cassiel, angel of saturday.
Calia, beautiful person.
Aloisia, famous warrior.
Isleen, vision.
Elowen, elm tree.
Davina, beloved.
Elysia, from the blessed isles.
Gwenna, blessed ring.
Mairween, blessed rebellion.
Esmeray, dark moon.
ASOIAF Valyrian names.
Daenar Tarreos
Baesenyx Barreos
Jaererys Laeraellis
Tyraerion Laenaenor
Jacaegar Laeneneos
Gaedar Aglaeris
Raenor Gonnalys
Rhaegon Maentigar
Vimar Arnalys
Vahaegaron Nargyreon
Laegor Naeltigar
Aeron Taeltheon
Maerya Barnaris
Alyhna Caeneneos
Vysenera Naeltaris
Daessa Baelnaris
Baessa Rahmaereon
Haelera Veltheos
Saerena Arinarys
Alaenna Lenyreos
Elaessa Narnareon
Jaelanya Galgyreon
Vhaenys Dortalor
Saerera Raeldaerys
Visegon Goniar
Jaedor Gaelennis
Malaelor Maentheos
Rahaelon Baeltigar
Maerion Laergaris
Visegon Qargaeron
Vahaeron Arreos
Gaelyx Arlaeris
Garaevon Calnalys
Naelara Dalreos
Eraerla Raenlaeris
Daenenera Maenanyon
Haerys Narnalys
Hera Aergaris
Vysessa Qarareon
Elaerya Aerlaeris
Maeharys Malreos
Tahaenyx Rahiar
Aeganar Gaelralis
Balaevar Lendaerys
Daegar Valanyon
Gaegar Nohaellis
Matagor Vellaeris
Rahaemon Laendaerys
Daelon Aeraeris
Aerena Mallaeron
Daenelys Callaeris
Renaera Raelennis
Daenelys Dortheos
Raevor Daerlaeron
Bamera Caenennis
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Idia Info Compilation Part 7: Idia and Cats
Idia likes cats extremely, up to and including Lucius. This may even include cat beast-people, as he says “Lions are supposedly part of the Felidae family, but Leona’s about as docile as an angry lawnmower."
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He also says "Oooh, I wanna widdle kitty cat to hug and kiss…”
He tries to pet Grim, mistaking him for a cat. Grim, having been watching a horror movie with the player and Ace, subsequently tells everyone that there is an evil spirit on campus, leading Ortho to confiscate Idia’s lab wear.
Idia’s love of furry creatures does not end with cats. In the Harveston event he is thrilled to find a raccoon, rabbit, squirrels and a deer in what he describes as a “paradise”, until they discover a packet of dried fruit in his pocket and proceed to chase him down the mountain.
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He also says that while "dogs themselves are okay", he "can't deal with dog people.” Despite his impatience with video game interruptions, Idia says that tests and games are alike: "You get that same dopamine rush when you score high," implying he may perform well in classes.
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When asked if he had a favorite stuffed animal as a child Idia responds that, no—he has always preferred his own handmade robots since he was young. He enjoys cup ramen, gifting a box of special, limited-time cup ramen to Deuce for his birthday.
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Idia’s favorite food sometimes gets translated as “junk food”, but he specifies that he prefers a sub-genre of snacks that doesn’t seem to exist in English: “chi-iku-type dagashi”, which this YouTuber has translated as “educational confectionary”.
It is where you take different gelatins and things and mix them to create candy versions of things like sushi, hamburgers, etc., in miniature form. I am sure they exist in other places, too! NA translates them as "DIY candy kits", which is also accurate.
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Idia is also invested in movies, designing his dorm’s section of the Halloween Event at Night Raven College to be an homage to a B movie called “Creepy Hollow”, that no one knows but he defends passionately to anyone who will listen.
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Concerning his online games, we learn in the Phantom Bride event that Idia uses the handle “Gloomurai” online. His closest online friend is a person who uses the handle “Muscle Red”.
Idia turns down an opportunity to spend time with Ortho in favor of Muscle Red. While hinted at elsewhere in the game, it is also in the Phantom Bride event that we learn that Muscle Red is Lilia, but neither student is aware of the other’s true identity.
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Idia seems to keep private rankings of different students, which include but are not limited to his “Night Raven College’s most cheerful character” tier list (Kalim ranks first) and the “Turbo Sus Vice Housewardens to Be Avoided at All Costs Rankings” (topped by Rook and Trey).
Idia describes Cater as having a sunny disposition that “is relentlessly smothering”, while Cater advises Malleus against going to Idia for technological help as “he’d probably run if you tried to talk to him”.
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Silver says Idia always gets “so flustered” around him (he wakes up to Idia watching him as he slept). Idia describes Silver as “seriously handsome” and “like a prince”. During Phantom Bride Idia describes Vil as “a legit pro”, saying “Leona and Malleus’ faces are mega-striking”.
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He describes Riddle as “the traditional prince who’s straight-laced due to his royal upbringing, but who occasionally shows some awkward tenderness”, Epel as “the dainty second prince players just want to protect. His rare, intense expressions are dark yet compelling!”
And he describes Rook as “the prince from a neighboring kingdom who’s revealed to have been secretly protecting the MC, immediately granting him best boy status!”. Otherwise, however, he describes the school’s house wardens as “difficult”.
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
I have been thinking about something for a while now. what if aegon 2 was a bit like tywin lannister?
Ok I'm kind of lost for words because first, this question is interesting but stupid and funny at the same time. Second, idk why you're asking me this, I mean yes he's one of my favorites characters but there are people who obviously understand his character more like @very-straight-blog but since you asked this I try my best to answer you.
First of all Tywin was a proud man, he was proud that he was a lion. So Aegon would be proud of his Targaryen blood too. Instead of his short, greasy hair, he would have long and shine hair because it is a sign of his Valyrian blood (he would take good care of his hair, he may even braid it). He would probably saw himself more as a Targaryen than a Hightower. And instead of green, he would dress in red, black, silver and gold. He will also have a more muscular body because of the practice of swordsmanship and etc. And instead of teary eyes, he would have half lidded eyes and a sharp gaze.
He would saw himself as heir, unlike Aegon in the book that took the throne so he can protect his family and unlike him in the show that was a coward and wanted to escape. He wouldn't care what he's father said. Because when his father dies, his words have no value anymore.
He probably would admired his father, but on the other hand, he would saw his father as weak and annoying. He also would saw Rhaenyra as a foolish and spoiled woman (it was good for him tho, because in his mind, she would destroys herself).
When he was crowned king, he hold his head high, his eyes shine and a proud smile on his face.
he would be characterized by his strategic mind, ruthlessness, and a pragmatic approach to governance. This version of Aegon would be more calculated, less impulsive, and likely more effective in securing alliances and managing the realm. His cruelty, amplified beyond Tywin's, would instill fear among his enemies and even his allies.
From his birth, Aegon would be groomed for leadership, displaying a keen understanding of politics and warfare from a young age. His education under a Tywin-like mindset would emphasize the importance of power, control, and the necessity of making hard decisions for the greater good of the realm, albeit through a more cynical lens.
A more intelligent and cunning Aegon would approach the conflict with Rhaenyra with a sharper strategy. He would likely seek to undermine her support base, using espionage, strategic marriages (he would force his brothers to take a wife, or even promise his own children), and alliances to weaken her position before their forces met in battle. His plans would be meticulous, aiming to avoid unnecessary losses and to capitalize on any mistake made by Rhaenyra's faction. For example he would use any chance to point the obvious fact that her children are bastard.
He would also treat Helaena better, And he would listened carefully to her words and prophecies and would take care of her and try to have as many children with her as possible. He may even marry other women from other powerful houses, not only does this increase his allies, but he can have more heirs, and since each child gets a dragon, he can also have more dragons.
As a king, Aegon's rule would be marked by his strategic governance, focusing on strengthening the realm's central authority. However, his cruelty and ruthlessness could lead to rebellion and unrest. His intelligence would allow him to navigate these challenges with a degree of success, but his brutality might leave the realm in a state of fear and resentment.
Aegon's legacy would be complex. While some might remember him as a strong ruler who maintained the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms, others would recall his reign as a dark period marked by fear and tyranny. His nickname might reflect his dual nature, perhaps something like "Aegon the Iron," symbolizing both his strength and his unyielding cruelty.
Given his strategic mind, Aegon might be able to secure his throne for a longer period than in the original narrative. However, his cruelty could also lead to plots against his life. Assuming he could suppress major rebellions, his reign might last significantly longer, potentially stabilizing his bloodline's claim to the throne if he managed to produce heirs who survived the tumultuous politics of the realm.
In this scenario, Aegon might seek to eliminate Rhaenyra and her supporters as threats to his rule. However, he might also consider imprisoning or exiling them if he believed it would lead to a more stable realm, using them as pawns to discourage further rebellion.
In a world where Aegon mirrored Tywin in intellect and temperament, the Dance of the Dragons might have unfolded with less chaos and more cold, calculated brutality. His reign could be characterized by a strong, if feared, leadership, potentially leading to a more unified but oppressed realm. His victory in the war would be likely, achieved through strategy and fear rather than sheer force. However, the scars of his rule would mark the history of Westeros, leaving a legacy that would be remembered with a mix of respect and dread.
Well that's what I think. But honestly I love the original Aegon more because he's a broken man and I love him for it.
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