#king maric theirin
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pumpkincalico · 2 years ago
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Maric, rowan and loghain have SUCH  chokehold on me it isnt funny
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iamclarex2art · 2 years ago
Dragon Age Parallels
The King of Ferelden and their loyal guard
(King Maric and Loghain ------ King Alistair and The Hero of Ferelden, Ashira Cousland)
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A Dragon Age commission for @southern-stark 😊
My commissions are still open if anyone is interested~ feel free to dm or email me!
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greenbellehaven · 3 months ago
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ah yes, Prince King Maric of the Ferelden Rebellion, known for his Way With Words
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andrastesgrace · 2 months ago
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Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Fancast
->Chris Hemsworth as Prince Maric Theirin
“Well, you know, I had other things I was supposed to learn.” “Such as ?” “How to be taken prisoner by outlaws, apparently.”
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year ago
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Fandom: Dragon Age (pre-Origins) Characters/pairings: Maric x OC Chapter: 7/8 Rating: T Chapter CW: none Fic summary:
Hoping to cool off his charged relationship with Queen Rowan, Maric Theirin has taken his son Cailan to Redcliffe under the guise of a royal progress to acquaint the prince with his future kingdom. When word comes from Denerim that the queen has fallen ill and that tensions are running high thanks to an impending Orlesian embassy, the pleasant trip loses its charm, and bad quickly turns to worse. The only comfort in this sea of madness comes in the form of Gwawr, a Chasind healer working in the castle kitchens. Well aware of his duties and determined not to take advantage, there is nevertheless something beguiling about her, and as their time together wears on, Maric finds himself facing a choice that could have dire consequences for himself, his family, and the kingdom he has struggled for so long to build. Or, how Maric met and fell in love with Alistair’s mother.
Also on AO3
Incense curled upwards in the still air of the chapel, a pale, twisting thread that glowed like silver in the moonlight streaming through the high, narrow windows. The marble statue of Andraste the Suppliant bathed in the glow of votive candles lit at the altar, her carved face soft as the scent of beeswax, cold as the hard boards beneath Maric’s knees as he proffered himself before her. He had forgone the comfort of a hassock. Uncaring as he clasped his hands before him, he mumbled the words of the Chant he had dutifully learned as a boy, his voice a low rasp in the empty space.
I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Fade, for there is no darkness, nor death either, in the Maker's Light and nothing that He has wrought shall be lost.
Out of sight, close to his heart, Eamon’s letter crinkled as he rocked in his grief. Most of it was perfectly ordinary, a vassal’s report on the seasonal fortunes of his arling – the rotation of crops, the condition of the roads, the hopes for the summer trading season – but at the bottom, impartial and unadorned, he had passed the news that Gwawr was dead. The news had been framed as a word for Cailan as he had seemed so fond of the woman who had saved his life, but Maric could read well enough behind the ink to know it was a courtesy to him. No detail had been included for the manner of her death, but it was not hard to guess.
One by one, you will destroy all those you love, Flemeth had said.
Shame and loss crowded his thoughts, disbelief the only palliative for the tattered, gaping hole in his chest. With each beat of his agonised heart, a new memory surfaced, a new thought of Gwawr’s smile or the practiced movements of her healer’s hands or the imagined laugh of the child he would now never meet. A whole life of joy made too brief. Their blood on his hands as certainly as Katriel’s.
All he had left now was Rowan’s slow demise. The months had passed in spurts of decline as her condition worsened and the pain made it difficult for her to think. A healer from the Circle had been brought and now kept a permanent room in the palace in the hopes he might help manage the symptoms, but even with that respite the shadow of Death grew longer every day. Only Cailan, with the vain hope of the young, remained adamant that she would recover. Maric had stopped trying to puncture that innocence; there would be plenty of time in the future for the world to prove its cruelty.
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tavtiers · 1 year ago
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A hypothetical god tier for Maric Theirin from Dragon Age: the Knight of Breath.
A Knight of Breath is among those who use paths, drive, and passion. They are motivated by themselves to utilize freedom. (x) The Knight of Breath puts on a front to hide an insecurity and dislikes commitment. (x) They are the Defender Escapee, defined by guarded freedom. (x) Their opposite is the Page of Blood. Their inverse is the Rogue of Blood. They share their personality with the Maid of Doom. The Knight of Breath would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze and Breath, reigned over by Zeus (God of Thunder) or Hermes (The Messenger God). They would rise to ascension on the wings of fireflies. (x)(x)(x)
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senseandaccountability · 5 months ago
I was going to re-read but then I remembered this.
The Stolen Throne in 15 minutes
I wrote this parody back in 2010 and it would be a shame if Livejournal dies with this mocking post, so have a re-post here on tumblr. I actually love Stolen Throne, but it’s not going to win a Nobel prize, that’s for damn sure.   REBEL QUEEN: *is slain *
MARIC, a Level 1 Prince: OH NOES! I can barely hold a sword and now I’m all alone on the run from the usurper! HELP! HELP!
LOGHAIN, a Level 56 Warrior, several miles away: I have a really bad feeling about this shit.
Keep reading
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squirrelwithatophat · 8 months ago
How the Chantry (and Orlais) Turned Kirkwall into a Police State
One aspect of the Dragon Age series that I’ve always found odd is the way in which rather crucial political and historical context surrounding major conflicts the player must decide tends to be relegated to codices, outside materials (e.g., books), and optional dialogue with minor characters... meaning that many if not most players don’t seem to end up actually seeing it.  Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts (Dragon Age Inquisition) in particular has become somewhat notorious for what it left out, but it’s far from unusual.
With regard to Dragon Age II, there’s a popular perception among fans that the troubles in Kirkwall can be attributed almost entirely to rogue behavior on the part of Knight-Commander Meredith and various evil blood mages.  This is understandable given the overall narrative framing and Bioware’s aforementioned problem of making key context very easy to miss.  But once we take a look at the full picture, it ought to be clear that the Chantry did not simply “fail” in their responsibilities towards the mages or towards the citizens of Kirkwall more broadly — they actively created and maintained the very nightmare they later professed to be dismayed about.
Moreover, despite the running Mages vs. Templars theme, the mages were hardly the only one's who suffered under Meredith's rule. Indeed, Kirkwall endured a brutal 16-year-long dictatorship (9:21-9:37 Dragon) that came into being courtesy of the Chantry and the Orlesian empire and only fell due to the mage rebellion.
Here I’ll describe in detail (with sources and citations) the story of how the Chantry turned Kirkwall into a police state and one that ultimately descended into what the writers themselves termed "genocide."  
The Templar Coup of 9:21 Dragon
Our story begins with the conflict between Viscount Perrin Threnhold of Kirkwall and Emperor Florian Valmont of Orlais.  
With the beginning of the Dragon Age (the era), the Orlais had experienced a major loss of territory and influence.  In 9:00-9:02 Dragon (the exact dates conflict), the Fereldan Rebellion led by Maric Theirin and Loghain Mac Tir overthrew Meghren, the last Orlesian King of Ferelden (personally appointed to the position by Emperor Florian himself), and reclaimed their country’s independence after nearly a century of Orlesian occupation.  These events are described in detail in The Stolen Throne. Emperor Florian, however, remained reluctant to recognize Ferelden’s sovereignty -- with peace between the two countries not being fully established until his death and the ascension of his niece Celene to the throne in 9:20 Dragon -- and may have been eager to reassert Orlesian influence in the region.  Perrin Threnhold, meanwhile, ascended to the position of viscount of Kirkwall (also formerly occupied by Orlais) in 9:14 Dragon.  At some point during this volatile period, Threnhold decided to raise money by charging what the Orlesians regarded as unreasonably high tolls for passage through the Waking Sea, which also controlled Orlais’s sea access to Ferelden and its capitol, Denerim.
For reference, here’s a map with my highlights:
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The Orlesian Chantry, founded by Kordillus Drakon I (the first emperor of Orlais), had from the beginning been dominated by Orlesian interests.  According to World of Thedas vol. 1 (p. 56): “The Orlesian capital, Val Royeaux, is home to the Chantry’s Grand Cathedral, the center of the Andrastian religion’s power.  Over multiple Blights, the Orlesians have used the Chantry to expand their influence beyond the nation’s impressive borders, notably to the north into Tevinter territory and southeast through Ferelden.”  The Chantry, not surprisingly, had backed the Orlesian invasion and occupation of Ferelden, most recently under Divine Beatrix III (probably) and Grand Cleric Bronach of Denerim. It should be noted that this is all part of a pattern of highly-aggressive and imperialistic behavior that has persisted for centuries from the early years up to (potentially) the events of Dragon Age Inquisition.
It also cannot be emphasized enough that the Templars are the Chantry’s army and were created by the Chantry in the first place.  They do not simply hunt and guard mages; they fight the Chantry’s wars and carry out its policies.  Quote: “the Order of Templars was created as the martial arm of the Chantry” (Codex: Templars).  According to First Enchanter Halden of Starkhaven (8:80 Blessed), “While mages often resent the templars as symbols of the Chantry's control over magic, the people of Thedas see them as saviors and holy warriors, champions of all that is good, armed with piety enough to protect the world from the ravages of foul magic. In reality, the Chantry's militant arm looks first for skilled warriors with unshakable faith in the Maker, with a flawless moral center as a secondary concern. Templars must carry out their duty with an emotional distance, and the Order of Templars prefers soldiers with religious fervor and absolute loyalty over paragons of virtue who might question orders when it comes time to make difficult choices.  It is this sense of ruthless piety that most frightens mages when they draw the templars' attention: When the templars are sent to eliminate a possible blood mage, there is no reasoning with them, and if the templars are prepared, the mage's magic is all but useless. Driven by their faith, the templars are one of the most feared and respected forces in Thedas” (Codex: Templars).  Likewise, a Chantry official confirms that the Templars are both “the watchers of the mages and the martial arm of the Chantry” (Codex: Seekers of Truth).  In Dragon Age Origins, the (unwillingly) Templar-trained Alistair elaborates, “Essentially they’re trained to fight. The Chantry would tell you that the templars exist simply to defend, but don’t let them fool you. They’re an army... The Chantry keeps a close reign on its templars. We are given lyrium to help develop our magical talents, you see… which means we become addicted.  And since the Chantry controls the lyrium trade with the dwarves… well, I’m sure you can put two and two together...  The Chantry usually doesn’t let their templars get away, either.”
In response to Threnhold’s intolerable restrictions on the Orlesian navy’s movements in its traditional sphere of influence, Divine Beatrix III, an acknowledged “friend of the emperor” (and predecessor to Divine Justinia V of DAI), ordered the Kirkwall Templars under Knight-Commander Guylian to force open the Waking Sea.  Viscount Threnhold retaliated for this obviously-illegal military interference by ordering the Templars expelled from Kirkwall and later executing the knight-commander.  Then-Knight-Captain Meredith Stannard led the remaining Templars to storm the Keep and arrest Threnhold before appointing a weak viscount unwilling or unable to resist her control.
From Kirkwall: City of Chains by Brother Ferdinand Genitivi (Codex: History of Kirkwall: Chapter 4):
Taxes were crippling and Perrin Threnhold used the ancient chains extending from “the Twins” standing at Kirkwall's harbor���unused since the New Exalted Marches—to block sea traffic and charge exorbitant fees from Orlesian ships. The Empire threatened invasion following the closure of the Waking Sea passage, and for the first time, the Chantry used the templars to pressure the viscount. Until that point, the templars had done nothing to counter the Threnholds even though, as the largest armed force in Kirkwall, they could have. Knight-Commander Guylian's only written comment was in a letter to Divine Beatrix III: “It is not our place to interfere in political affairs. We are here to safeguard the city against magic, not against itself.”  The divine, as a friend to the emperor, clearly had other ideas.
In response, Viscount Perrin hired a mercenary army, forcing a showdown with the templars. They stormed the Gallows and hung Knight-Commander Guylian, igniting a series of battles that ended with Perrin's arrest and the last of his family's rule. The templars were hailed as heroes, and even though they wished to remain out of Kirkwall's affairs, it was now forced upon them.  Knight-Commander Meredith appointed Lord Marlowe Dumar as the new viscount in 9:21 Dragon and she has remained influential in the city's rule ever since.
Given that this was written by a Chantry scholar, the self-justificatory rhetoric surrounding the viscount and the Chantry-instigated coup ought not be surprising.  It appears, however, that in Kirkwall itself popular perceptions of Viscount Perrin Threnhold are in fact fairly polarized.
Whereas Brother Genitivi calls Perrin’s father Chivalry Threnhold “a vicious thug who took power through a campaign of intimidation” and Perrin Threnhold “even worse,” an unnamed servant writing 7 years after the coup paints a rather different picture (Codex: Viscount Marlowe Dumar):
What happened to Viscount Perrin Threnhold was a travesty. I served in the Keep, and my blood boils when I hear people call him a tyrant. He was a good man who tried his best to free Kirkwall from the control of those who use power for their own purposes. It's always been that way here, hasn't it? Long ago it was the Imperium. Then it was the Qunari, then the Orlesians, now the templars... when have we ever ruled ourselves? He tried to kick those templar bastards out and give us real freedom, and what did it get him?
Whether Threnhold was an evil tyrant or a nationalist hero (or both or something else entirely) is beside the point, however.  He was not overthrown for mistreating the citizens of Kirkwall; he was overthrown for opposing Orlais and the Templars (acting as an arm of Orlesian imperialism and in defiance of their official duties).  Seneschal Bran, himself no fan of either Threnhold or the Templars (and the only character to ever discuss the coup out loud), points this out in an easy-to-miss optional conversation in Act 3.
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Hawke: What happens if they [the Templars] don’t like the [nobility’s] choice [of viscount]?
Seneschal Bran: Do you know how Viscount Dumar’s predecessor, Perrin Threnhold, left office?  He was a tyrant, certainly, but his rule was not ended until he actively sought to expel the templars.  “The good of all” is inexorably tied to what is good for the templars.
It’s unclear whether Knight-Captain Meredith was acting on her own initiative in toppling Threnhold or whether she received prior encouragement from the Chantry, but either way, what is certain is that the Chantry moved quickly to legitimize her actions and bolster the new order.  Moreover, the intent to seize power for the Chantry and its military forces rather than “liberate” Kirkwall from the depredations of a tyrannical viscount can be seen in the way they illegally imposed their own viscount (one kept submissive through threats of violence) rather than allowing the people to choose or at the very least following accepted selection procedures (i.e., allowing the nobility to vote on the next viscount). Indeed, this refusal to let the nobility select the viscount as per tradition is the basis of Orsino's protest at the beginning of Act 3.
In any event, Grand Cleric Elthina, as the highest-ranking representative of the Chantry in Kirkwall (appointed to her position by Divine Beatrix III herself around 20 years before Act 1) and thus exercising authority over its Templars, presided over the show trial at the end of which Threnhold was imprisoned and later murdered in his cell. Then she rewarded Meredith with a promotion.
According to the codex for Knight-Commander Meredith:
She is credited with removing the previous viscount, Perrin Threnhold, from his position after he attempted to have the templars expelled from the city in 9:21 Dragon.  The acting knight-commander was arrested and executed, and Meredith led a group of templars into the heart of the Keep to capture Threnhold. He was tried and imprisoned three days later by Grand Cleric Elthina and died from poisoning two years later. Meredith was subsequently elevated to her current position.
While merely implied here, Elthina is explicitly confirmed to have given Meredith the position of knight-commander in the first place in World of Thedas vol. 2 (p. 193):
Following Threnhold’s arrest, Grand Cleric Elthina appointed Meredith as the new knight-commander.  At Knight-Commander Meredith’s suggestion, a new viscount was chosen: a man named Marlowe Dumar.
Then in blatant violation of Kirkwall’s own laws and traditions -- again, dictating that the viscount be chosen by the nobility -- the Chantry had allowed newly-installed Knight-Commander Meredith to select the new viscount.  If approached in the Templar-occupied Viscount’s Keep and spoken to in Act 3, Seneschal Bran will explain:
Bran: When a line is judged unfit, or ends, we appoint from Kirkwall’s elite.  Or we would, if the situation was normal.  But it is not.
Hawke: Who nominates a new viscount?
Bran: A consensus of the nobility.  Normally.  And a willing nominee.
It seems to be the general consensus that Marlowe Dumar was chosen specifically because he was weak and willing to play the role of Templar/Chantry puppet (a subheading in Dumar’s WoT v2 entry even explicitly calls him “The Puppet”).  Meredith, after all, is not only responsible for his appointment but has been threatening him into compliance from the very beginning.
Again, Brother Genitivi writes quite bluntly: 
Knight-Commander Meredith appointed Lord Marlowe Dumar as the new viscount in 9:21 Dragon and she has remained influential in the city's rule ever since.
And quoting once more from the unnamed servant:
Now the Chantry has chosen Lord Marlowe Dumar as his replacement. After weeks and weeks of arguing, after telling the nobility that they would be choosing their viscount, after everyone saying it was time to use a new title—why not "king"? Why keep using the name imposed by the Orlesians? And after all that, the Chantry chose him. I suppose I can see why—everyone thinks he has the spine of a jellyfish, and it does seem that way.
Truly, he has the templars on one side, the nobility on the other, and everyone expects him to solve all their problems—yet he has no power to actually accomplish it. He keeps the peace as best he can, and I think he does a good job even if no one else does.
Likewise, to quote from Marlowe Dumar’s entry in World of Thedas vol. 2 (p. 184-185):
The new knight-commander, Meredith, appointed Marlowe to the seat, much to his surprise.  Just before he was crowned, he met in private with the knight-commander at the Gallows.  Marlowe was escorted, surrounded by grim templars, to Meredith’s well-appointed office, and there, she explained her reasons for the choice.  Kirkwall was filled with entitled degenerates... “With my help, you will turn this city around,” she said.  “We will be allies.”  Meredith’s message was clear: Remember who holds power in Kirkwall.  Remember what happened to Threnhold when he overreached.  To drive her point home, she presented Marlowe with a small carven ivory box at his coronation.  The box contained the Threnhold signet ring, misshapen, and crusted with blood. On the inside of the lid were written the words “His fate need not be yours.”  Marlowe ruled Kirkwall without incident for almost a decade, in no small part thanks to Meredith’s backing.  During his reign, the templars grew even more powerful, and the knight-commander’s influence was evident in almost every one of Marlowe’s decisions.
And from Meredith’s entry in WoT vol. 2 (p. 193):
Meredith presented Dumar with a carved ivory box at his crowning.  All present witnessed the viscount going white as a sheet as he opened it... It is not known what the box contained, but the reaction from Dumar made its importance to him obvious.  What is certain is that Dumar never openly or strongly defied the templars.  Over the course of his reign, Meredith’s grip on Kirkwall grew ever tighter, and Dumar’s failure to act absolutely contributed to the events that led to the mage rebellion.
According to Lord Bellamy, “a longtime political ally of Dumar’s” (p. 193):
“Dumar had a good heart.  A good heart and a weak will.  On his own he might have made a good leader, given time.  But he wasn’t on his own.  The knight-commander was always there, looking over his shoulder.  She let him know she was watching, that he wore the crown at her sufferance.  Meredith appointed him. This was a nobleman of only moderate wealth, with little influence.  She knew she could control him and there was little he or anyone else could do about it.”
Ultimately, the coup not only secured Chantry control over Kirkwall but furthered their (and the Orlesian Empire’s) geopolitical interests in the Free Marches as a whole. After all, the “Free Marches is [sic] best known as the breadbasket of Thedas. Its farms along the banks of the great Minanter river are the source of much of the continent’s food” (World of Thedas vol. 1, p. 65), and as with many a real-world “breadbasket,” its natural abundance and misfortune of lying between multiple empires had made it the target of one invasion and occupation after another. After the slave revolt of 25 Ancient toppled the Tevinter Imperium’s hold over the region (see Codex: History of Kirkwall: Chapter 2), the city-state of Kirkwall fell to Qunari invasion in 7:56 Storm, then invasion and occupation by the Orlesian Empire in 7:60 Storm, and finally gained its independence about 45 years later in 8:05 Blessed (see Codex: History of Kirkwall: Chapter 3). Prior to the Chantry-instigated coup, Kirkwall had enjoyed independence under a locally-chosen viscount for around 115 years, with Viscount Perrin Threnhold himself ruling for 7 years.
Other city-states of the Free Marches have likewise fallen under the Chantry’s sphere of influence (if not outright control):
Starkhaven is ruled by the Vael family. According to the codex for The Vaels, “They remain devout, dedicating at least one son or daughter per generation to become a cleric in the chantry.” The sole potential heir to the throne of Starkhaven is of course our DLC companion Sebastian Vael, “The Exiled Prince.” To quote from his first codex: “Sebastian Vael is the only surviving son of the ruling family of Starkhaven, which was murdered in a violent coup d'etat. Sebastian cannot forget the irony that he still lives only because his family was so ashamed of his drinking and womanizing that they committed him to the Kirkwall Chantry against his will… Since then, his belief in the Maker and His plan for Thedas have been unshakable. Embracing his new role, Sebastian took vows of poverty and chastity to become a sworn brother of the Chantry... until word of his family's deaths forced him to take up worldly concerns once again.” Elthina appears to have been playing mind games with Sebastian from the very beginning -- first she agrees to have him confined in her Chantry, then poses as a secret benefactor helping him escape from her clutches, with the revelation of her identity as said pretend benefactor leading him to embrace her authority and the life of a Chantry brother with genuine enthusiasm (see the Sebastian short story or his WoT v2 entry for details).  After his family’s murder, Elthina urges him to remain with her rather than reclaim the throne.  Yet when he gives up on seeking the throne and actually does attempt to return to the Chantry during “a crisis of faith,” he is “turned away by Grand Cleric Elthina, who believed he had not yet committed fully to either course” (see Codex: Sebastian - The Last Three Years), leaving him confused and even more under her thrall than ever.
Ostwick is dominated by the devout, staunchly pro-Chantry Trevelyan family. According to the codex for Trevelyan, the Free Marcher: “It is an old and distinguished family, in good standing among its peers, and with strong ties to the Chantry. Its youngest sons and daughters—those third- or fourth-born children with little chance of becoming heirs—often join the Chantry to become templars or clerics.”
Tantervale is certainly... special. According to WoT vol. 1 (p. 71): “Chantry rule is all but absolute in Tantervale, earning the city its dour reputation. The city guard is obsessed with enforcement. A street urchin would get a year in the dungeon for something that would get him a pat on the back in Orlais” (p. 71).
But let us return to Kirkwall, shall we?
"The Puppet”: The Reign of Viscount Marlowe Dumar (9:21-9:34 Dragon)
Viscount Marlow Dumar’s status as an impotent tool of the Chantry and its Templars appears to be common knowledge in Kirkwall.  Various characters, from city guards to lowlifes like Gamlen, casually refer to Meredith as if she is head of state and defer to her authority.
Immediately upon approaching the gates of the city in the first quest of the game, The Destruction of Lothering (Act 1), the following exchange occurs:
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Guardsman Wright: So Knight-Commander Meredith wants us to sort you all out. Most of you are getting right back on your ships, though.
Hawke: That's a templar title. Why would a city guardsman answer to the templars?
Wright: We don't answer to her... but she's the power in Kirkwall. Don't know what would happen if the viscount went against something she wanted... But he's sure never taken that chance.
Likewise, if asked about “the word on the street,” Corff the bartender remarks as early as Act 1, “People say Meredith's the real power in Kirkwall, not the Viscount. Even Dumar answers to her.”
Ordinary citizens appear terrified of Meredith, and with good reason.  During the quest Enemies Among Us (Act 1, set in 9:31 Dragon), we get the following exchange with the sister of a Templar recruit:
Macha: I pleaded with him not to join the Order, but he wouldn't listen. You hear dark rumors about the templars and Knight-Commander Meredith. And now my brother is gone.
Hawke: (“Are templars so bad here?”) In Lothering, some templars died protecting villagers. I never heard any dark rumors.
Macha: And those are the stories my Keran adored. But it is not like that here, serah. There is a growing darkness in the order. They prowl the streets in packs. Hunting. And now, they say their duties put them above us, that they have the right to... take people from their homes. It is frightening.
Hawke: (“Tell me about Meredith”) What do people say about Knight-Commander Meredith?
Macha:  Oh, she has many admirers. They laud the service she does in keeping the mages in check.  But others say she is terribly fierce and utterly without pity. That she sees demons everywhere.  It is dangerous even to whisper such things.  People harboring escaped mages just disappear.  Templars interrogate and threaten passers-by.  My friend has a cousin who’s a mage, and she says he was made Tranquil against his will.  You hear more with each passing day.
Of course, Knight-Commander Meredith’s reign over the Gallows was notoriously brutal long before she came into contact with Red Lyrium.  Writing 3 years after the coup (but 7 years before Act 1), in 9:24 Dragon, Brother Genitivi remarks that "Kirkwall has been a tinderbox since becoming the center of templar power in eastern Thedas." As early as Act 1, mages in the Gallows can be heard crying out, “This place is a prison,” and “Knight-Commander Meredith would kill us all if she could.”  When asked if mages are imprisoned, the guardsman replies, “Used to be, back in the Imperial days. They kept slaves here until the rebellion. Now the templars run it and use it to lock up their mages. Guess not much has changed” (The Destruction of Lothering, Act 1).  Karl Thekla’s final letter before being turned Tranquil (with such illegal uses of the Rite having been repeatedly reported to Meredith) “said the knight-commander was turning the Circle into a prison. Mages are locked in their cells, refused appearances at court, made Tranquil for the slightest crimes” (Tranquility, Act 1).  If Hawke questions the truth of these accusations, Anders responds, “Ask any mage in Kirkwall. Over a dozen were made Tranquil just this year. The more people you ask, the worse the rumors become.” (Elthina also appears to be aware at least to some extent of the subsequent ambush, in which a Tranquil Karl was used as bait to ensnare his former lover).
According to the short story Paper & Steel (focusing on Samson): “Under Meredith, freedom was a cruel dream for Kirkwall’s Circle mages. They were often locked in their cells, watched night and day by templars who were told any step out of line was suspicious. All those young magelings, told that magic was a curse, that they were dangerous, and that they had to be shut indoors all their lives looking out through those windows. Some went mad. Others, mad or not, tried jumping.”  And from First Enchanter Orsino’s entry in World of Thedas, vol. 2 (p. 195): “Every time a mage died by their own hand, Orsino would hear Maud’s final words to him: 'This is no life.’ The templars didn’t seem to care about the suicides. Most had the courtesy to say nothing at all, but some would snigger when they thought no one was listening. 'One less to worry about.’ ‘The only good mage is a dead mage.’ Orsino’s anger at the templars grew...” (Note that this began long before Orsino became first enchanter in 9:28, three years before the start of the game). It's also worth noting Knight-Captain Cullen Rutherford quite explicitly attained his position as second-in-command of the Kirkwall Templars position because of his anti-mage extremism, later including violence against those perceived as mage sympathizers and their families.
To name more specific abuses, the Gallows features whipping posts (with dialogue confirming the reliance on whipping) and multiple other medieval torture devices, including a rack, a pillory, and iron maidens.  We also see numerous references to casual beatings, sexual assaults, forced Tranquility and facial branding, long-term confinement in dark cells, and permanent family separation (e.g., Emile du Launcet).  Escape attempts are typically punished with summary execution, according to multiple sources (e.g., Ser Thrask, Ser Karras, Grace). According to Ser Thrask, the most sympathetic Templar (besides Carver), kindness to mages would be a "badge of shame" among among his colleagues. For more, I recommend checking out the “DA2 mage rights reference post” by @bubonickitten​. Again, note that these are cruelties largely occurring prior to or during Act 1, long before Meredith started going insane due to Red Lyrium.
If Feynriel is forced into the Circle at the end of Wayward Son (Act 1), the ex-Templar Samson says, “I hear they got your boy Feynriel locked up in the Circle. Bad business, that. It ain't all templars that're bad. It's hard luck being born a robe, but most places, they make it work. That bitch Meredith runs the Order in this town like her private army. You don't toe the line, you end up on the next corner here in Darktown.  I don't think you got to hate mages to love the Order.  But Meredith don't agree.” Samson, it should be remembered, had been expelled from the Templar Order for passing love notes from the mage Maddox to his lover.  For the crime of “corrupting the moral integrity of a templar,” Meredith ordered Maddox turned Tranquil.  According to Cullen in Before the Dawn (DAI), “Knight-Commander Meredith wielded the brand for far lesser offences, believe me."
Ordinary citizens appear to be well aware of at least some of Meredith’s reign of terror in the Gallows, given that various NPCs (including some who do not personally know any inmates) will refer to it.  During Tranquility (Act 1), for example, a mob of Ferelden refugees threatens the party over fears that the latter intend to turn in “The Healer of Darktown” to the Templars. One exclaims, "We know what happens to mages in this town.  And it ain’t gonna happen to him." Moreover, the knowledge is sufficiently widespread as to have reached faraway countries.  A note dated 9:35 (set between Acts 2-3) from a mage of the Hossberg Circle in the Anderfels expresses utter horror: “I have heard that in the Kirkwall Gallows, mages are locked in their cells with barely room to stretch, let alone exercise.  I can promise you that any mage of the Anderfels would be stark raving mad after a week of such treatment... No wonder Kirkwall has such trouble with blood mages” (WoT v2, p. 173).  
And through all of this, Meredith has the support of the Chantry and more specifically Grand Cleric Elthina.
Not only did Elthina appoint Meredith to her position in the first place (WoT v2, p. 193), but if asked her opinion on Meredith in Act 1, Elthina snaps, “Gossip is a sin, child. Knight-Commander Meredith has an admirable devotion to her duties. It is not my role to form opinions on her character.”  An odd statement to make about a subordinate, since Meredith reports to her directly (as knight-commanders legally do to the nearest grand cleric).  The codex for Knight-Commander Meredith confirms at as of the end of Act 2, “she enjoys the grand cleric's full support and has free rein in Kirkwall as the commander of its most powerful military force.”  According to Elthina’s codex, many claim that Elthina “allows Knight-Commander Meredith more leeway with each passing year.”   According to World of Thedas vol. 2, which tries to put a more positive spin on Elthina’s role, her detractors “say her stubborn refusal to exercise her Chantry-given authority allowed the conflict between the templars and mages to escalate, finally resulting in the disastrous mage rebellion of 9:37 Dragon... Since Elthina was loath to exploit her authority as grand cleric, she refused to order either the mages or templars to stand down when tensions flared.  Many believe that she could have forced one side to retreat by showing her support for their position, but Elthina refused to take sides” (p. 196-197). This is at best an abdication of responsibility to dependents for someone intent on remaining in power.
Moreover, Elthina’s dominance over Kirkwall appears to depend in large part on at least appearing to manage Meredith and her troops.  According to her codex, “People frequently turn to her to mediate disputes—particularly those involving the powerful Templar Order, over whom she holds authority as the Chantry's ranking representative.” So Meredith as military leader rules both the Circle and the city-state through fear and violence, while Elthina maintains her power by playing Good Cop to Meredith's Bad Cop. Both then maintain a pretense of legality and legitimacy by fronting Viscount Dumar as the public face of the regime.
And this dual-power system works quite well for them -- at least until Meredith starts losing her mind under the influence of the Red Lyrium idol.
[A link will later be provided for Part 2 on Escalation and Direct Rule. If I ever do get to it 😭😭😭]
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vigilskeep · 7 months ago
when you first start the cousland origin, you can have some conversations with arl howe, teyrn cousland, and duncan that shed some interesting light on the political situation in ferelden. it’s definitely the origin where you get the most context on the rebellion and on cailan and his father. while howe isn’t exactly the most trustworthy of sources, he is also one of the most openly critical of cailan that we have access to, which i think is worthy of interest
howe remembers maric with what the toolset describes as “genuine fondness”: “your father hasn’t spoken of our time with him? that man took care of his friends. as they say, he was large as life and twice as tall!” i think we should pay particular attention to that man took care of his friends.
what howe’s talking about is a really important aspect of kingship, where you win the consent and enthusiasm of the nobility for your rule by offering rewards like wealth, land, and prestige to the loyal. kingship is always less stable than it’s portrayed, and this is one of the ways that kings must essentially sell to the nobility that answering to them is worth their time, which would be especially important in ferelden given everything we know about its culture. fereldans believe someone only has power when it is given by the loyalty of those below them, who have the right to freely rescind that loyalty. the dao codex says that “the sight of [fereldan kings] asking for—and working to win—the support of ‘lesser’ men is a source of constant wonder to foreign ambassadors.”
i suspect howe is remembering a maric fresh from the victories of the rebellion, who was able to reward those who had followed him with the spoils of those victories. at the end of the stolen throne, we see that in the final days of the rebellion, maric was killing those who had betrayed his mother to the orlesians even when they arrived under truce to meet him on holy ground. in dao, we see no lingering orlesian nobility except for those who married in and continue to be met with marked hostility. i think we can safely surmise that maric elected to make no conciliatory measures and give everything to those who had followed him; with the orlesians on the run and his people out for blood, he was in a strong enough position to do so, and it certainly served to win the fond memories of men like howe.
by contrast, howe goes on to say, “it’s too bad cailan isn’t half that.” the toolset notes establish very clearly that it’s the same issue, elaborating on howe’s thoughts: “bitter turn, i don’t get as much from the current king”, and “disdainful, i have no use for him, he does me no favours”. this isn’t a minor character detail, if howe’s last words when killed by the player are anything to go by. “maker spit on you... i deserved... more...” whatever it is that howe feels he should have been given, by the crown or anyone else, it characterises his actions and his defining treachery.
it’s in these same conversations that we see another side of this demonstrated. there are two points where howe can openly criticise the king, and bryce immediately admonishes him for both. one even has the toolset note: “speaks sharply, as a lord to a lesser man, not a friend to an equal”. it definitely comes across that way; the way he tells howe “that’s enough” is not far off the voice he uses when the player, his child, displeases him. bryce can’t tolerate any criticism of cailan, as the couslands in dao are ardent supporters of the king. to venture some hc, i suspect that this is not merely royalist fervour, and that howe’s resentment for having been given less is matched by bryce’s awareness of the precariousness of having more.
over the centuries, the theirins have consolidated their power and eradicated almost all the teyrns (the noble rank that is second only to the king). with the only other lingering teyrn being loghain, who is essentially part and parcel of the royal family, the couslands stand alone as the only real rivals to theirin power within ferelden. there are rumours that bryce was once considered for king instead of the theirins; he too could have decided to believe he “deserved more”. but unlike howe, and perhaps understandably given his strong position and happy growing family, he is satisfied with what he has. he will not take the risk of even the slightest challenge being made within his hall
(i expect that bryce’s satisfaction with the current situation further spurred howe’s dissatisfaction to its heights, given the complicated cousland-howe history and the fact that he was expected to accept a friend he had fought beside as a superior for the rest of his life.)
i don’t think howe’s judgement on cailan is likely to be without basis. we don’t hear about any victories the young king has to his name, from which he could have passed around spoils. (to be fair, cailan had harder luck than maric in this regard. a king who raises a successful rebellion gets to bring glory and prestige to everyone who follows him, whereas a king trying to rebuild after that rebellion mostly gets to bring, uh, taxes probably. especially on wealthy centres of trade like howe’s amaranthine, one might assume.) cailan also takes a far more diplomatic approach to the question of orlais, which perhaps predictably did not win over many nobles of howe’s generation. it makes sense that cailan’s strongest supporters would instead be men like bryce who hope for things to simply continue, peacefully, as they are. perhaps in another world where cailan had won the battle of ostagar, he might have earned wider respect. (you could actually argue on this basis that there’s more sense and purpose to cailan’s glory-seeking than he usually gets credit for.) but howe already acts before ostagar, which can only demonstrate his certainty in cailan’s failings at this point: his belief that even if cailan could win, he would not be stable enough to pursue justice for the couslands
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eldritchblaaaast · 7 months ago
fascinated by the contrast in first impressions between the sons of maric theirin
cailan, the relatively sheltered princeling, the legitimate son, eager to escape the duties of being the king of ferelden
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and alistair, the bastard, the boy in the kennels, world-weary but ready to fulfill his duties as a warden, having grown up seeing the world from the bottom up
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celestialastronmy · 22 hours ago
Dragon Age Inquisition: Vivienne vs. Fiona - Political Pragmatism Meets Revolutionary Idealism
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The conflict between freedom and security has eternally plagued societies across both fictional and real-world contexts, manifesting with particular complexity in the realm of Dragon Age's Thedas, where magic represents both tremendous power and existential danger. At the center of this ideological maelstrom stand two formidable women whose contrasting approaches to mage advocacy create one of the most nuanced political tensions in Dragon Age Inquisition: Vivienne, the Imperial Enchanter known as Madame de Fer, and Fiona, the former Grand Enchanter who led the mage rebellion. Their divergent philosophies regarding magical governance, freedom, and responsibility present players with a sophisticated metaphor for real-world political struggles between institutional reform and revolutionary change. Their characters embody fundamentally different responses to oppression—one seeking to master the existing system from within, the other attempting to dismantle it entirely—raising profound questions about pragmatism, idealism, and the true meaning of effective advocacy.
Aristocratic Survivor vs. Revolutionary Leader: Origins and Ideologies
Vivienne's persona as "Madame de Fer" (the Lady of Iron) exemplifies her deliberately cultivated image as an uncompromising force within Orlesian high society. Born into a world where magic is feared, she ascended through political acumen to become the official enchanter to the Imperial Court of the Orlesian Empire, achieving unprecedented status for a mage through careful navigation of existing power structures. This extraordinary achievement forms the foundation of her worldview: that individual mages can thrive within the established system through discipline, intelligence, and strategic alliance-building. Her penchant for extravagance and high fashion represents not mere vanity but rather calculated political armor, deployed with precision in the complex machinations of the Orlesian court. Vivienne's embrace of the Circle system emerges not from a lack of ambition but from a deeply pragmatic assessment that the fears of ordinary citizens toward magic can not simply be legislated away through declarations of independence.
Fiona's journey stands in stark contrast, defined by suffering and resistance against systems of exploitation from her earliest years. Born in an Orlesian alienage, she endured the traumatic loss of her family at just seven years old, followed by being sold into slavery to a Comte who subjected her to horrific physical and sexual abuse. When her magical abilities manifested, she used them to kill her abuser, nearly dying in the process before being sent to the Montsimmard Circle. Her subsequent induction into the Grey Wardens, mysterious cure from the Taint, brief romance with King Maric Theirin, and eventual rise to Grand Enchanter shaped a leader intimately familiar with multiple overlapping systems of control and containment. Fiona's ideological commitments arise not from abstract principles but from witnessing firsthand how institutions can fail the vulnerable, creating in her a resolve to pursue systemic change rather than exceptional accommodation. Her revolutionary stance emerges organically from a life defined by resistance against forces seeking to control her body, mind, and magic.
The Weight of Historical Context
Both women's approaches cannot be understood without acknowledging the socio-political climate that contextualized their choices. In the wake of the Kirkwall rebellion where "a mage killed hundreds with a snap of their fingers," public fear of magic reached heights unseen since the days of the Tevinter Imperium. This climate of terror, followed by an assassination attempt against Divine Justinia, created conditions where any mage activism would inevitably be viewed through the lens of terrorism. Each woman responded differently to this reality: Vivienne by emphasizing distance between "responsible" mages and those who would confirm the public's worst fears, Fiona by accelerating demands for independence precisely when institutional control tightened. Their divergent responses to this historical moment reveal fundamental differences in how they conceptualize the relationship between individual actions and collective responsibility within marginalized communities.
The Politics of Respectability: Vivienne's Institutional Approach
Vivienne's philosophy hinges on a sophisticated understanding of power as something to be carefully navigated rather than directly confronted. Her approach to mage advocacy prioritizes working within existing structures to create strategic exceptions and gradual reforms. "Magic must serve man, not rule over him" is not merely religious doctrine to her but practical wisdom about maintaining a sustainable relationship between magical practitioners and the broader society that fears them. Her criticism of the mage rebellion centers on its timing and messaging rather than its underlying grievances: "By voting when they did, my colleagues all but declared war upon the ordinary people of Thedas, a war in which we are outnumbered a hundred to one". This statement reflects not capitulation to oppression but a clear-eyed assessment of political reality and the dangers of revolutionary overreach. Vivienne's pragmatism extends to recognizing that magical freedom can not meaningfully exist without addressing widespread cultural fears—fears that can not simply be dismissed as irrational prejudice when magic genuinely poses catastrophic dangers.
The Question of Complicity
The central critique leveled against Vivienne's approach is whether her exceptional success within a flawed system ultimately reinforces that system's legitimacy. Her position as mistress to Duke Bastien de Ghyslain and her attainment of unprecedented status as Court Enchanter represent individual triumphs that may serve to validate the very hierarchies that constrain most mages. The accusation that she enables oppression by promoting the Circle system gains particular force when considering the documented abuses within certain Circles, including the use of Tranquility as punishment. Yet her defenders might reasonably point out that unregulated magic has repeatedly proven catastrophically dangerous within the Dragon Age universe. Vivienne's insistence that mages require training and oversight addresses legitimate public safety concerns that revolutionary rhetoric often glosses over. The fundamental question remains whether her approach represents necessary compromise or a sophisticated form of Stockholm syndrome that privileges individual exceptions over collective liberation.
Breaking the Circle: Fiona's Revolutionary Vision
Fiona's leadership of the mage rebellion represents a fundamentally different approach to magical governance, based on the principle that freedom from oppression can not be negotiated within systems designed to control. Having witnessed abuses at Montsimmard Circle and across Thedas, she concluded that incremental reform would never address the fundamental injustice of forcing mages into confinement. Her critique directly addressed institutional failures, including the inaction of Grand Cleric Elthina regarding Kirkwall's Circle abuses before Anders' radical action. When she called for a vote to dissolve the Circle of Magi, she sought not merely better conditions within confinement but a fundamental rethinking of how magical education and oversight should function. This revolutionary stance reflects her assessment that the Circle system itself, rather than merely its implementation, constitutes the problem.
Revolutionary Failures and Unintended Consequences
However, Fiona's revolutionary approach produced a cascade of consequences she seemingly failed to anticipate. The timing of the independence vote—in the aftermath of magical terrorist attacks—played directly into existing fears and stereotypes about uncontrolled magic. The narrow margin by which the vote passed (described as "only a small margin" by Vivienne) created divisive fractures within the mage community itself, ultimately pitting "mages against mages" in an internecine conflict. Most dramatically, her eventual decision to indenture the mages to Tevinter in exchange for protection represented a stunning capitulation that traded one form of control for another potentially more sinister one. These outcomes raise serious questions about whether her revolutionary approach represented true vision or a failure to anticipate the practical consequences of idealistic action. The critique that she was "horrendously ill-timed and selfish" in her vote for independence gains power when considered alongside these unintended consequences.
Leadership Styles in Conflict: Authority vs. Democratic Process
The contrast between Vivienne and Fiona extends beyond ideology to fundamentally different conceptions of leadership itself. Vivienne embodies aristocratic authority—uncompromising, individual, and built on personal excellence that commands respect even from enemies. Her sobriquet "Lady of Iron" captures both her strength and her inflexibility, characteristics she cultivated deliberately to navigate the lethal political landscape of Orlesian high society. Her leadership style relies on personal authority rather than popular mandate, positioning her as exceptional rather than representative. This approach grants her significant freedom of action but distances her from the collective experience of ordinary mages whose daily struggles she may no longer fully comprehend. Her stone-cold demeanor and "gloriously sardonic" wit serve as political weapons but may also reflect emotional armor constructed to survive in hostile environments.
Democratic Vulnerability
Fiona's leadership, by contrast, centers democratic process even when outcomes prove divisive. Her pivotal decisions emerged from votes rather than unilateral authority, reflecting her commitment to collective self-determination even when unity proves elusive. When the vote for independence passed by only a small margin, she "chose to let the motions stand" rather than imposing unity through authoritarian means. This democratic approach creates greater legitimacy but also vulnerability—the narrow margin of her victory created space for opponents to question whether the rebellion truly represented the will of most mages. Her eventual capitulation to Tevinter occurred under extreme duress when all other options had been exhausted, calling into question whether democratic leadership can withstand overwhelming external pressure. The argument that "in her dotage, she could not handle looking after the well-being of so many people" reflects not merely ageism but a deeper critique of whether democratic process can effectively protect vulnerable populations during existential threats.
Advocating for Magekind: Measuring Success and Failure
Any assessment of which woman better served magekind's interests must grapple with the complex question of what constitutes "success" in advocacy for a marginalized group. If success means institutional stability and preservation of magical knowledge, Vivienne's approach offers clear advantages. Her emphasis on working within existing power structures prioritizes preventing the complete collapse of magical institutions and the potential loss of centuries of accumulated knowledge and training methodologies. Her political maneuvering created protected spaces for exceptional mages and potentially laid groundwork for gradual reforms that would not trigger widespread backlash. This incremental approach potentially preserves more lives in the short term but may perpetuate fundamental injustices indefinitely.
Revolutionary Potential and Cost
Fiona's revolutionary approach, despite its catastrophic short-term consequences, potentially addressed deeper structural issues that Vivienne's reformism left unchallenged. Her willingness to risk stability for the possibility of fundamental change reflects a different calculation about what magekind truly needs: not better accommodation within an unjust system but complete reconceptualization of how magical education and oversight should function. The tremendous costs of her approach—including civil war and eventual indenture to Tevinter—raise profound questions about whether revolutionary change can succeed when power disparities remain so extreme. The critique that she was "naive and ineffective" gains force when considering these outcomes, yet her failures may represent the inevitable result of confronting entrenched power rather than personal inadequacy.
Conclusion: The Dialectic of Magical Politics
The conflict between Vivienne and Fiona ultimately transcends simple judgments about who better served magekind. They represent not merely opposing strategies but complementary forces in a dialectical process of social change. Vivienne's institutional pragmatism creates spaces for survival and preservation of knowledge during periods of reaction, while Fiona's revolutionary vision maintains pressure for fundamental reform rather than mere accommodation. The tragedy of Dragon Age's mage conflict lies not in the wrongness of either approach but in the failure of these perspectives to synthesize into a more effective hybrid strategy. In their inability to recognize the legitimate insights of each other's positions, both leaders ultimately failed to achieve their shared goal: a world where mages could live with both dignity and responsibility. Their conflict serves as a sophisticated meditation on the eternal tension between freedom and security, between revolutionary change and institutional stability—questions that remain unresolved both in Thedas and in our own world.(Actually they should kiss for safe measures)
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pumpkincalico · 2 years ago
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Currently reading the stolen throne and wanted to draw maric, loghain and rowan! i sure hope nothing bad happens to them :D
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dragonagecinema · 4 months ago
Today is dedicated to one of the most beloved characters, Alistair Theirin 🤴🏼
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Alistair is introduced as one of many companions that can join the party in Dragon Age Origins. He is a Grey Warden who fought alongside The Warden against the Darkspawn to end the Fifth Blight ⚔️
Alistair is eventually revealed to be the illegitimate child of King Maric, making him an heir to the throne of Ferelden 👑
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Depending on our choices, Alistair may be installed as king of Ferelden, remain as a Grey Warden, become a wandering drunk, or be executed by Queen Anora. He might also commit the ultimate sacrifice in Dragon Age Inquisition 💔
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What was his outcome in your playthrough? Do you think he'll make another appearance in Dragon Age The Veilguard?
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nsewell · 4 months ago
gilded shadow (anora and kieran, 875 words, rated G)
She finds Kieran in the dust flecked light of a stained glass window, head tilted upwards as he takes in the scene it depicts in flowing lines and an array of colors. The Battle of the River Dane, or an overtly romanticized version at least. Her father would often point out its indulgences and inaccuracies whenever they passed it together. Loghain stands tall at its center, rearing his sword at a retreating Orlesian force on the banks of a shore, young, defiant and battle weary. King Maric, ever at his side, sports a shield with the Theirin heraldry, and silhouetted behind them both is the symbolic wreath of an approaching dawn.��They’ve left out all the mud, her father used to grouse. 
She wonders what it is about it that draws him now. Kieran had shown no interest in his paternal history before. She can't read the placid expression on the youth’s face, and even that moniker doesn’t seem to fit him, despite their thirty some odd years of separation (she could be his mother, for Maker's sake). There is an agelessness to his twenty year old countenance.
Since his arrival at court, Anora has searched Kieran’s features for traces of her father, but the longer she looks, the more she comes away with only contrasts. His eyes are the most startling of these, an intense golden hue, almost unnatural in coloring. His skin is olive toned, warmer than Anora’s or her father’s light pallor. He carries Loghain’s height, but not his build, slender and wiry in all the places her father held the bulk of a life-long warrior. Even the way he adorns himself in a quiet elegance, with the spindling mages staff at his side speaks to this antithesis.
“Your Majesty,” he says without turning to her, but still inclines his head with deference and maybe it’s there that she finds a remnant of Mac Tir, in the squaring of his shoulders, the tempered way that he holds himself. Or maybe she’s imagining it. “‘Tis a very flattering depiction. Flashy for Ferelden,” he continues with an undercurrent of irony. 
She steps beside him until their profiles align and he is tall, but so is she, their heads reaching within close proximity.
“King Maric had it commissioned from Antivan artisans for father’s appointment to Teryn,” she says. “I’m told he didn’t attend the unveiling. He was never one for pomp and ceremony. He always said his deeds weren't something to be gilded or admired, that they would endure longer than any monument.” She questions if that rings as true to her now as it did as a girl. If the heroism of the “Traitor Teryn” will live longer in the hearts and minds of the people, or stay confined to this solitary pane.
There had been a few disgruntled Bans in the wake of the Blight who had petitioned for its removal, likely as a scapegoat to cover their own misdeeds and advantages taken during the chaos. The matter had dropped from a lack of traction, but Anora will do whatever she can to preserve both the legacy and the architecture that commemorates her father, so long as she draws breath.  
But the past, however worthy of remembrance, is still the past. She turns her back to the window and sets her eyes on the heavy oak doors in front of her. Beyond them lies the throne room and all that will shape the future of her country, with one declaration of Kieran as her heir apparent; the product of a circumstantial union between her exiled Warden father and an apostate witch that Anora had been in the dark about for decades. Who had been raised in the Orlesian court of all things.
She has complicated feelings on the entire matter and there's a strange mix of pride and distance when she watches Kieran with his educated answers and quiet intensity. He in turn respects her, is deferential to her judgement, but still she feels the caution he regards her with. Sometimes she can sense his eyes on her, dissecting her, for what she cannot guess. Sometimes she thinks he might resent her so, for thrusting this destiny on him even if she made it clear that it's nothing he cannot walk away from. He is a very odd boy.
She profers her arm, her sleeve heavy with red velvet and fur-lined at the wrist.
“Are you ready?”
His eyes are finally drawn from the visage of their shared father. He hesitates with that analytical edge he seems to regard everything with, and then his hand, slim and steady, clasps around her arm. In the other, he grips his staff.
“I am - sister. With lofty ambitions not to trip on your gown.” 
She matches his humor with a dour expression, maintaining her straight-backed posture as she guides them both forward. “You bring an optimistic outlook to the monarchy. How very un-Fereldan.” 
If Anora hadn’t punctuated this remark by pushing open the doors, she might have heard him laugh - low and derisive, might have glanced back at the glassy specter of her father as though it had come to life. 
But she doesn't hear it, and together they stride through the doors into the maw of Ferelden's court, side by side. 
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exhausted-archivist · 7 months ago
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Deluxe Edition Cosmetics
These are the cosmetic items you can get with the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Deluxe edition, I've noted down the couple of referenes, easter eggs if you will, as well as translation of any elven words.
6 Weapon Appearances For Rook
Stave of the Fallen Kingdom
Bow of the Fallen Kingdom
Spellblade of the Fallen Kingdom
Blades of the Fallen Kingdom
Aegis of the Fallen Kingdom & Sword of the Fallen Kingdom (Aegis means protection)
Maul of the Fallen Kingdom
1 Warrior Armor Set Appearance For Rook
Armor of Bellanaris (Bellanaris means 'eternity' in elven.)
Ghellara Helm
1 Mage Armor Set Appearance For Rook
Revas Robes (Revas means 'freedom' in elven.)
Circlet of Awe
1 Rogue Armor Set Appearance For Rook
Harellan's Bolts (This translates to "Traitor to one's kin" according to the Rebel God codex. So "Traitor to one's kin's Bolts")
Katriel's False Face (Katriel, for those who don't know was King Maric Theirin's first love that Loghain lied (by omission) to him about and convinced him to kill. She has light gloves in dao called Katriel's Grasp.)
7 Weapon & 7 Armor Set Appearances For Companions
Bellara's Nerve
Ringlet of Sorrow
Davrin's Resolve
Plate of the High Constable & Beacon Edge
Emmrich's Mystique
Staff of Incessant Gaze
Harding's Focus
Lucanis's Gall
Neve's Fervor
Cat's Eye
Taash's Might
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year ago
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Fandom: Dragon Age (pre-Origins) Characters/pairings: Maric x OC Chapter: 6/8 Rating: T Chapter CW: pregnancy Fic summary:
Hoping to cool off his charged relationship with Queen Rowan, Maric Theirin has taken his son Cailan to Redcliffe under the guise of a royal progress to acquaint the prince with his future kingdom. When word comes from Denerim that the queen has fallen ill and that tensions are running high thanks to an impending Orlesian embassy, the pleasant trip loses its charm, and bad quickly turns to worse. The only comfort in this sea of madness comes in the form of Gwawr, a Chasind healer working in the castle kitchens. Well aware of his duties and determined not to take advantage, there is nevertheless something beguiling about her, and as their time together wears on, Maric finds himself facing a choice that could have dire consequences for himself, his family, and the kingdom he has struggled for so long to build. Or, how Maric met and fell in love with Alistair’s mother.
14th Guardian
My lord Arl Eamon,
Allow me to overlook the usual formalities. I regret not having a chance to speak with you before I left Denerim, but the importance of my words here cannot be understated. Perhaps it has already come to your attention that His Majesty, King Maric, has found regard in one of your servants: the herbalist who attended Prince Cailan in his illness during the summer. Perhaps what you do not know is the extent to which she has taken this fondness and enjoined the king to serve herself. I would go so far as to say she has acted in a manner not unheard of in these Chasind witches, and charmed him out of good sense.
It is not my desire to gossip about His Majesty’s affairs, but perhaps my lord has already seen the signs of warning in their conduct. This ill-advised infatuation has the potential to cause great damage to Ferelden, and to the state of Queen Rowan’s delicate health. It is my fear that, if she should learn of the affair, it will cause her great suffering not only in the anguish caused by knowledge of it, but also in the secondary effect of hastening the progress of her illness. I write to implore your aid in this matter, for your sister’s sake and for the good of the Ferelden she worked so hard to see freed. His Majesty must see sense before this woman turns his head completely to her whims.
I await your response and stand ready to heed my lord’s advice.
Loghain Mac Tir, Teyrn of Gwaren
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