#king kesia
jrtstories · 8 months
The prophecy of the Fifth Age is upon the world of Songhaia. Most in the Science Society do not believe in old myth and stories anymore. The Wizard Habenzy seeks the Kesia, an object of myth. Dayan is a young boy who has never left his village. Dayan leaves the safety of the Kisibari Mountain Valley to join the Wizard's Questband. They are hunted as they search by the Preeminent's Right Hand. To succeed they must trust in the Iwe, they must trust in their destiny. The armies of the Preeminent prepare. The Allied City-States prepare. All of Songhaia prepares for war and the next Age.
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petnews2day · 5 months
'My dad took our blind dog for a walk and his neck was ripped to pieces'
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/2vJRU
'My dad took our blind dog for a walk and his neck was ripped to pieces'
A dog had his ears and neck ‘ripped to pieces’ in a vicious attack inside a betting shop. Kesia King, 25, from Dingle, is now too scared to walk her dog after her 11-year-old Labrador, Bentley, had his ears and neck ‘ripped to pieces’ in a vicious attack by another dog, leaving him needing over […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/2vJRU #DogNews
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nonpoeticjustice · 3 years
how am i supposed to care about don lewis’ disappearance when the guy went to costa rica to have sex with 15 year olds ?
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michealb718 · 4 years
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King Kesia & Alanna Doherty
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shianajoi · 4 years
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alterrawrites · 6 years
The Kingdoms of Faterra: Overview
Hey everyone! I decided to try something new for this blog (again since I have something similar in the works for characters) and start talking about some aspects of Alterra. And why not start with the realm I focus on the most, Faterra. This post is more of an introduction and subsequent posts will go in detail about the different kingdoms and nations. Though, I’d like to ask if anyone would prefer me writing out details in a template like this post or work on it on a site like Worldanvil and link to it on here? Please let me know and I hope you enjoy. Now to make sure I don’t ramble on, here are the Kingdoms of Faterra.
- Sen
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More below.
In the realm of Faterra, kingdoms rose and fell at the drop of a gem throughout the course of history. Through fire and bloodshed, through peace and prosperity, and even a century of warfare, 16 kingdoms have made their home on the shores of these lands in the 13th century of the Dragon Years. 10 of them stand as Major Kingdoms, dominating the politics of the realm as they vie for power and control over one another. The other 6 minor Kingdoms play their own game of thrones and war, either against each other or the major Kingdoms that encroach on their borders.
Major Kingdoms
Froa is the northern continent of Faterra, home to the majority of the Faterran species. A center of warfare and political upheaval time and time again but home to hardy people who stand strong against the chaos that has threatened their homes many times.
Oterra: A kingdom that rules over the rolling plains and forests of central Froa. It is the center of humanity, the one kingdom where they are “truly” united under one flag. Within recent decades, that unity has been thrown into peril as they attempt to deal with the influx of non-humans, specifically the ones from Aslandail who threatened their sovereignty centuries past.
Kadem: The Theocratic Warden of the West. Kadem is home of the Kadembre, a humanoid lizard species native to the swamps and jungle and Salamanders, their more feral cousins. It serves as the seat of power for the Hissan, the dominant religion in the west. Currently, Kaven Tanasi serves as the Histan, or religious, while Tenno X serves as the monarch.
Estro: Also known as the Republic of Estro. A country of dominions ruled by the Assembly, or Kaeldin in their native tongue. Dominant in the forests of central Nataka, the people reign through their representatives and governors. As the leader of the Natakan Confederacy, the Republic struggles to keep the two other kingdoms united, to protect the east from all enemies, especially in the west.
Nunid: In Southern Nataka, the Nun desert grips the landscape. From rolling dunes to flat savannahs, the kingdom of Nunid calls this their home. The Felvin first came from the green plans and forests but they have long since eroded, leaving behind a harsh landscape they struggle to survive in. With the coming of desert folk such as Nagas from Aslandail, the kingdom has a chance to survive beyond their trade with Estro and Oterra.
Lathen: The Warden of the North. Split between the proud Eshal and the warrior Atril cultures, the Wolven call this land of snow and grass their home. A king may only rise if they have proven themselves worthy of the role, following the meritocratic theme of Nataka. They defend the east from the Nedane kingdoms of the north, offering powerful warriors to protect the Natakan Confederation from any threat, especially the humans in the east.
The once mighty continent stretched across the southern seas from what would the Corrupted depths to the Endless Sea. However, the Desolation ripped all that apart. The West was ripped to shreds, leaving being isles that would never again reach the power they had in the past. In the East, the entire landmass was ripped into the sky, suspended in the sky thanks to the mana that served as the catalyst for Desolation.
Corvail:  The Golden Isles have stood despite Faterra’s attempts to wipe it away. Remnants of the Great Cortavin Empire, they attempt to bring the world to true peace after the chaos of the Demon War. Ruled by the Council – a group of Kentori from all the Isles – they do their best to fix the world but as old rivalries flare up, they may find that harder than expected.
Askia: The Remnants of the Askian Empire in the sky. A center of technological advancement, the Avin look to the stars beyond, ignoring the fractured world below even as the embers of conflict begin to burn once more. Even as Faterra falls, Askia will rise to the realms beyond no matter what the cost.
Beneath 3 of the 4 seas, old kingdoms lie dormant. The Selachi, a race of sharkfolk from ancient times slumber beneath the waves, rebuilding their strength as they attempt to aid the surface world above. Splintered between 3 kingdoms, they are the Guardians beneath the Waves.
Latia: A kingdom of trade and commerce, Latia helps ferry transports between Kesia and Froa and aids sailors in their journeys. They are by far the friendliest to the other kingdoms and species, wanting to help them prepare for the next conflict against their greater enemy: the Leviathans.
Tianu: The Watchers of the Abyss. When the Demon War ended, many Leviathans ended up in the Corrupted Depths, a series of trenches oozing with corruption magic. There, they plot their return to power but only the Selachi of Tianu can hold them back. They sacrifice everything to give the Faterrans more time to prepare for the war that will come.
Jado: The explorers in the east. They search the frozen sea for relics of their lost heritage. They sometimes trade with the Natakans but their eyes are set east to the endless Sea beyond. Maybe they can find someplace beyond where the Leviathans may not trouble them and a safe haven for them and the rest of Faterra.
Minor Northern Kingdoms
In the north lie the Nedane, people from across Nataka and Oterra who fled the chaos of the fall of the Faterran Empire. When the Aslandailians came, they were the perfect pawns to use in their war against the Faterrans. Centuries later, the Southerners have not forgotten the blood spilled by their kind. Now the northern kingdoms struggle to survive as they are attacked on all sides by foreigners who would see their way of life extinguished.
Vashak: Vashak is the Gateway to the North for Oterra, currently embroiled in a war against the Wintervale forces who try to conquer their lands. They were the main traders with Oterra before an incident where Wintervale Knights and Vashakian mercenaries were butchered by a feral White Loscath. At least that’s what Wintervale claimed before they invaded the north to “keep the peace.” Now Vashak stands as a bastion to keep the invaders back.
Rajen: Furthest from the war for the north, Rajen serves as the seaport for the north, sailing through the cold seas in search of new islands and new trade partners. In recent decades, they have been looking south to Kadem for new trade to aid their brothers in the war. However, Oterra has led recent naval campaigns to stunt their trade, forcing Rajen to look further west. With the kingdom of Tianu locking the area, they may have to smuggle their way through in order to aid their brothers in arms.
Davik: The Gateway to the North for Nataka. With Oterra pushing against their brothers to the south, Dravik faced the same issue with the Natakans to their east. Faced with a superior military foe, it’s only thanks to the rampant monster problem that Lathen hasn’t conquered them yet. But with rumors that monster hunters may come north soon, it seems like time is running out for Dravik.
Minor Southern Kingdoms
Lucitania: The “kingdom” of Lucitania is more like a collection of city-states that provide trade across the peninsula. Shelsera serves as the center of that union, offering land trade to Abavale and protection for any who seek to escape the troubles in Oterra. However, there isn’t a true peace among them. They still squabble and bicker like the major kingdoms around them, capturing what little territory they can without upsetting the power balance. How long that will go on has yet to be seen, however.
Kavira: A kingdom that refused to join the Lucitanian Union. Instead, the Kaviran kingdom went on a small conquering spree, swallowing up the city-states around it. Currently, it is stuck southeast of the river crossing between its lands and Lucitania but looks to own the entire peninsula by the end, even attacking Lucitania trade ships that try to go around the coast. 
Alelas: A kingdom of pirates as the sailors like to call it. Though there is a king who rules there, he more a king of nothing. Alelas is ruled by sailors and pirates who go rouge from their countries, looking to make their own wealth. Some are trade ships that don’t follow the rules of the trading companies they face, others are pirates who raid ships too undefended in the Fallen Sea. Though, they may have to find their trade elsewhere if they want to escape the wrath of the other kingdoms who don’t look too kindly to piracy.    
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russianmonarchybook · 2 years
Открытое письмо в Международный Уголовный Суд — Преступления США / Public letter to International Criminal Court — USA crimes.
Открытое письмо To International Criminal Court President Judge Piotr Hofmański, to ICC First Vice-President Judge Luz del Carmen Ibáñez Carranza, to ICC Second Vice-President Judge Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua! Address : Oude Waalsdorperweg 10 2597 AK, The Hague The Netherlands
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Видео: SOS — ПОЭТА KET GUN УБИВАЮТ СПЕЦСЛУЖБЫ — СОАВТОР РОМАНА РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ (18+) https://www.facebook.com/ketgun/videos/1188374168314639/
Видео: Спецслужбы! Методы убийства семьи Писателя Гановой Людмилы! Роман РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ-2010 Ч.2
Убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы автор романа о восстановлении легитимной власти в России — Монархии Романовых. Политическое Преследование семьи писателя Гановой Людмилы. И американские преступления против России и мира — запрещенные методы ведения войны. Подготовка революций переворотов, захватов власти. В России легитимная власть — Монархия Романовых захвачена и убита (без правовой оценки в мире ) — это спецоперация США террористической идеологией «демократией» — захватов власти. Политическое Убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы в столетие захвата и убийства Монархии Романовых в России 1918-2018 поднявшей тему правовой оценки этого убийства и нелегитимности власти в России в романе «РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ» 2010. Силовой захват писателя 25 октября 2018 в закрытую реанимацию спецслужбами с автоматами, пытки и убийство против воли человека. В 2021 убит «гл. врач» В.А.Бомбизо этой больницы ККБСМП №1 г. Барнаула. Получивший звание заслуженного врача РФ во время захвата, удержания насильственного против воли человека и убийства писателя Гановой Людмилы. Многочисленные обращения в International Criminal Court — https://www.icc-cpi.int/ молчание, как, впрочем, и в других правовых институтах мира — EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS — https://www.echr.coe.int/ The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (UKSC) https://www.supremecourt.uk/ EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS https://www.echr.coe.int/
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Letter to The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (UKSC) https://www.supremecourt.uk/
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Обращение в Международный Уголовный Суд от Цурикова Ильи и Цуриковой Екатерины
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Обращение в Международный Уголовный Суд от Цурикова Ильи и Цуриковой Екатерины Statement to International Criminal Court from Tsurikov Ilya, Tsurikova Ekaterina Расследование https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/2019/10/nobel-prize-for-literature-2018-special-operation-russian-monarchy-of-putin-fsb.html
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Силовой захват писателя Гановой Людмилы 25.10.18 в закрытую реанимацию. Арест детей в больнице. Фото
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Силовой захват писателя Гановой Людмилы 25.10.18 в закрытую реанимацию. Арест детей в больнице. На 17 день силового удержания якобы после инсульта — насильственная нацистская медицина против воли человека — политическое убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы В.В. Путиным и США — это их система «демократическая» и их законы… Силовой захват писателя Гановой Людмилы против воли человека и захват детей в больнице.
А вот и ФСБ руководители спецоперации убийства писателя Гановой Людмилы автора романа РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ 2010 о восстановлении легитимной власти в России. Так что это политическое убийство и не только диктатора Путина, которого поставила американская система. Это их «демократия», их «Конституция» (Ельцин заявлял, что взял лучшее из американской конституции и системы) и их «законы»… Писали мы о силовом захвате против воли человека то есть политическом убийстве. Фальсификация нелегитимной власти. Расследование: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jAsJlT0bLxYdCbyw7h02mAnygjBTevxC/view?usp=sharing
Теперь американские преступления носят глобальный мировой характер, преступления их ставленников выполняющие приказы. Осуществляется мировой проект захвата через размещенное инфразвуковое оружие, проект закрытый от контроля общества — военные технологии массового поражения под видом «гражданской, коммерческой, оборонной деятельности» . Например над городом Бийск Алтайского Края Россия осуществляются полеты засекреченной военной авиации (документы — фото видео общение с государственными чиновниками https://russianmonarchylive.news.blog/2022/01/02/spetssluzhby-polititseskie-presledovaniya-semyi-pisatela-ganovoy-ludmily/ ) распыляются химические нано вещества? ( нами собран порошок с окон (магнитные свойства) для передачи в следственные международные органы ) Мониторинга и анализа на современные нанометаллы , химическое, бактериологическое оружие в России официально не ведется!? Собственно, США осуществляет экоцид и геноцид гражданского населения и территорий методами диктатора Путина незаконно удерживающего власть в России убийствами миллионов русских людей в том числе и законодательно (прожиточный минимум, отсутствие вэлфора, люди оставляются без единственного жилья то есть убиваются … преступления разыгрываются по многим параметрам…)
СОВРЕМЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА 21 ВЕКА — КНИГИ ГАНОВОЙ ЛЮДМИЛЫ, СКАЧАТЬ СВОБОДНО https://literatura-21.github.io/knigi-sovremennih-avtorov.html
Цитата Гановой Людмилы из публицистики https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/ : «Современная власть в России основана на страшном перевороте и захвате власти Большевиками в России, а, значит, незаконна. И поэтому, видимо, она заботится о том, чтобы было постоянно скомпрометировано правление последнего императора Николая Второго. Именно поэтому Владимир Ильич Ленин забальзамирован и помещён в саркофаг на главной площади страны, и никто его оттуда не собирается убирать. Он стал во многом символом этой власти. Давайте не будем забывать, что он захватил власть в этой стране насильственным незаконным революционным путём. О императоре Николае Втором в современной России разрешено говорить только плохо. Давайте вспомним стрельбу по Белому дому парламента из танков в 90-х. Хотя в Конституции написано, что разрешены мирные шествия граждан и митинги, в них вам могут отказать без объяснения причин. Мы прикоснулись к очень важной тайне русской истории: как был уничтожен институт наследственной монархической власти в России и к проблеме её восстановления в России. Существует мировой конкретный исторический опыт такой мирной передачи диктатором Франко власти её законному наследнику в Испании. Как видите, он возможен…»
» Тем не менее возникает вопрос : Кто арестовал царскую семью и по какому поводу? Где эти документы? Кто решил выслать его и всю его семью в Екатеринбург? (По-видимому, императора Николая II и его семью удерживали силой поэтому он не мог принять самостоятельного решения, иначе бы он уехал в Европу к родственникам или эмигрировал). Широко распространена точка зрения, что император Николай II и его семья расстреляна по решению местных большевистских органов власти в Екатеринбурге. Но этому противоречит факт, что все остальные родственники, которые находились в России были через день собраны и расстреляны в Алапаевске. Все это говорит о продуманной и спланированной операции высшей власти в стране, которую возглавлял В.И.Ленин. Вопрос о его личной причастности к этой казни императора Николая II фальсифицирован Следственным Комитетом, который вынес решение о его прекращении в связи с отсутствием документов в октябре 2011, видимо, по политическим мотивам. Ведь может быть поставлен вопрос о легитимности современной власти в России и не передаче её современным родственникам дома Романовых.» https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/2018/07/aspecti-kazni-nikolay-ii-v-rossii.html
Читать Полностью Оригинал статьи: https://russianmonarchylive.news.blog/2022/01/04/public-letter-to-international-criminal-court/
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rmolid · 4 years
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sllipstickkiss · 5 years
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The Cherry Bomb
Kayla is Wearing Hair: Little Bones. - King Headband and Earrings: ERSCH - Cherished Accessories with HUD Choker: VOBE - Star Prision Choker [ @Black Fair Event ] Tattoo: [ATI] - Becky [ @Anybody ] Chip Cans: Junk Food - Meangles Cans [ @Equal10 ] Backpack: Decoy - Alyssa Gacha: Backpack Black Top: .Inkhole. - Belt Top [ @N21 ] Shorts: .miss chelsea. - Effi Shorts  Boots: Insomnia Store - Spring Time Platform Boots [ @COSMOPOLITAN Event ]
Kesia is Wearing Skin: RAON HAUSEN - Troy ( for Catwa Honey Tone) Hair: Modulus - Adrian Hair Ears: ^^Swallow^^ - Gauged Ear Slurp: Junk Food - (Cola) [ @Hipster Men's Event ] Tattoo: { Speakeasy } - Believe Tattoo T-shirt & Tied Sweater: [BREEZY] - Bellic T-Shirt & tied sweater [ @Man Cave Event ] Shorts: :::NOIR::: - Damon Shorts UFOs [ @TMD Event ] Sneakers: [ VERSOV ] - WONZOV_Sneakers_Black&White
Post by Kayla Grant & Kesia Dorben
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Menace #33: How Did We Get Here (Part 4)
Part 4 (continued)
For a moment, it was just silence. Jenny had sharply inhaled upon hearing Kesia’s voice, and the girl sitting next to her covered her eyes with her hand. The air underneath the wooden arena suddenly felt hot and stifling, like lava bubbling through cracks in a volcano’s surface. Jenny realized she was sweating — one of the few responses of her body she deemed too tedious to actively halt — and slowly moved to wipe her forehead with her hand. The High Priestess of the Forest must be unaware, Jenny was certain, of her presence. All was silent until Kesia called out again: “Oracle! Time is of the essence; I would like to know my future before I experience it.”
“Did you bring an offering?” The girl sitting next to Jenny managed to respond. “The Oracle demands an offering.” She was putting on a larger voice, slightly more guttural and deep than her normal speaking voice. There was silence, again, for a short time. A small jingle erupted from the silence, with a falling then crashing sound against the stoney floor.
“I brought you your gold, child, though I do not know for what you use it,” Kesia said, clearly disgruntled by having to pay an offering. “The land weeps as I hand you its resources.” Under her breath, the girl whispered, “I weep too,” far too softly for the Forest Priestess to hear, but loud enough that Jenny was sure she’d heard it. “Oh, Oracle,” the girl spoke loud enough so Kesia could hear, “relate to me the future of this woman, her land, her world, and her life. Give only so much as to tread, steal only as much as need; take of me and tell of her.” And then the girl stopped speaking. Jenny looked at her; she was slumped in a seated position, her back soft against the wall, her chest failed to undulate with breath. She might as well have been dead, Jenny thought. Then life flew into her like a bird into a jet engine, a sharp inhalation and a loud, affected croak. The Oracle stood with the girl’s body, rigid as a plank, and began to slowly spin her web of the future:
“The four sisters of the forest speak down to me tales of a land I know not of, showering down their gifts of hatred and their love; Kotundī, the land and trees, and Osundī, goddess of the seas, play your fates as a game of cards. One a champion of mysteries, the other pushing normalities, and raging all the while. The third of the forest, Bôunda, demands sacrifice for your misdeeds; two of the youngest, three of the oldest, and one of the temple, according to her creed. The fourth, Sisic, watches and waits, and will see that it is she who doles out your fate. The rains will stop, the wind will fall, and then, dear girl, you shall know all.”
With that final claim, the girl dropped back to a sitting position with a thump. She looked around for a moment, almost as though she’d forgotten where she was. There was silence once again in the chamber. After a moment, footsteps began to resound, as well as small grunts of Kesia claiming the ladder to the outside world. The hatch was closed, and the two girls now rested alone in the darkness of the chamber.
“Sorry for that,” the girl said, in her normal voice, sitting herself upright. “I don’t usually have company, so how could she know?” She laughed and rested her head back against the wall. “I hope you don’t want anything from the Oracle at this point, I think he’s gone to rest.”
“No… no. But maybe something from you. Did you ever meet with Jonathan Stacks when he was on the island?” Jenny asked.
“No,” the girl said plainly. “But the Oracle foresaw his coming to the island. Kesia demanded her future, and he informed her that he was to be the greatest king this land had ever known. After that, Kesia stopped coming down for a long time, until, one day, she rushed down here screaming, in tears. Stopped coming altogether after that. Until just a few days ago. Asked me to tell her about a girl coming to the island.” “Well, hi there,” Jenny responded, prompting the girl to laugh. “What did this prophecy say?”
“It said something about how you would steal her future from her,” the girl responded pensively, “or, at least, I think that’s what I remember.” Suddenly, a lot of events over the past few days made sense to her. The forest did not hate her; Kesia did. Jenny could hear a soft pitter-patter of rain beginning to fall atop the fortress in which they rested.
“Well, guess I better not disappoint,” Jenny decided aloud. “How would you like to get out of this silly dungeon and see the sky?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this far,” Honey said as they walked along the coast of the island. Outside the cave, her features looked lighter than the rest of the inhabitants of the island, probably from a lack of sun, but her hair was a brilliant hew of honey that she tied so it only fell to her waist. The rags she wore were hardly enough to cover her physic, which was lean but not underfed, and her feet were now covered in cuts from the rough terrain of the forest. “How does the water feel?” She asked Jenny as she tentatively stepped towards it.
“With cuts like those on your feet? It’ll sting like nobody’s business,” she answered. “C’mon, let’s go to your village, find you some new clothes, maybe cut your hair.”
“What do you think the people will say when they see me?”
“Honey, I think they’ll say that they should never have hidden away a face as beautiful as yours,” Jenny told her, putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder. She had given her the name “Honey” for her hair, which was dark with lighter, golden streaks twisting through it, becoming more pronounced towards the bottom of her hair. The girl was a bit larger than Jenny, thin, but with larger features; her eyes, lips, bosom, and butt all stood bigger than Jenny’s, which Jenny noted with a tinge of jealously as they emerged from the cave. Jealousy and, perhaps, a bit of lust. Of course, Jenny could easily have extended her own features to more so mimic those of Aphrodite herself, but too often decided that the effort was not worth it.
Her first boyfriend — she would always remember — woke up with her after their first time to notice that her breasts and ass were markedly smaller than he remembered. She told him he was imagining things. It began a long line of Jenny fucking with boys and then fucking with them; culminating in, her personal favorite, when she decided about half way through to grow an external, masculine reproductive organ to see the look on the boy’s face at the end. As you can probably guess, it was priceless. Nonetheless, she felt very comfortable within her own skin, and handling extra proportions meant that she’d have to be mindful of the space she occupied, which she was not a fan of doing for her entire life.
The girls walked through the forest, Jenny leading the way and hoping not to get lost, and, after much trial and tribulation, they emerged at the front of a dazzling crystalline lake. Jenny recognized it. She also recognized the unhappy countenance of the high priestess of the forest who bathed in it.
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jrtstories · 8 months
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The prophecy of the Fifth Age is upon the world of Songhaia. Most in the Science Society do not believe in old myth and stories anymore. The Wizard Habenzy seeks the Kesia, an object of myth. Dayan is a young boy who has never left his village. Dayan leaves the safety of the Kisibari Mountain Valley to join the Wizard's Questband. They are hunted as they search by the Preeminent's Right Hand. To succeed they must trust in the Iwe, they must trust in their destiny. The armies of the Preeminent prepare. The Allied City-States prepare. All of Songhaia prepares for war and the next Age.
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thecosydragon · 5 years
My latest blog post from the cosy dragon: Review: Kesia Lupo – We are Blood and Thunder
We are Blood and Thunder Kesia Lupo
Lena is desperate to escape her life as a cryptling serving the Duke’s Forest Ancestors – but instead finds herself needing to escape to survive after she is branded as a mage. Constance is a mage trying to find her way back into the Forest after her flight many years ago. Both of them are somehow connected to the storm that is slowly killing the Duke’s people, but can they realise this in time to save anyone?
You won’t see the twists coming in this novel. I feel like even mentioning that there is a twist might give things away.  In addition, I liked the idea that magic could be aided or changed by adding clockwork elements, and I think more could have been done with this.
I didn’t get a sense of how large the world was. It seemed absurd to me that Duke’s Forest could be a walk away from the King. I didn’t even see the King and it seemed like this important figure was just invisible behind the potential Radicals. So some important things also seemed inconsistent – the change in Constance’s magic. I thought it was purple? And then it turned out to be white.
What I couldn’t believe, and what spoiled the book for me, was the romance aspect. The relationships that develop seem to be fragile and tenuous from the way that the characters spoke, but then their actions said that there were some strong feelings going on.
I could have seen more about the various religious/God sects which I thought were introduced but not properly discussed. Perhaps this will be explored in the not-a-sequel set in the same world. 3 stars for this one due to the disappointing characters, but I expect to see more good things from this author.
Bloomsbury | 1st May 2019 | AU$16.99 | paperback
from http://bit.ly/2MrArJI
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kingkesia · 9 years
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melaninmonday-blog · 10 years
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jrtstories · 7 years
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The prophecy of the Fifth Age is upon the world of Songhaia. Most in the Science Society do not believe in old myth and stories anymore Dayan is a young boy who has never left his village. The Wizard Habenzy seeks the Kesia, an object of myth. Dayan leaves the safety of the Kisibari Mountain Valley to join the Wizard's Questband. They are hunted as they search by the Preeminent's Right Hand. To succeed they must trust in the Iwe, they must trust in their destiny. The armies of the Preeminent prepare. The Allied City States prepare. All of Songhaia prepares for war and the next Age. 
Myth of the king is story of a young boy in a magical land who takes on a mission beyond what he is prepared for. This is a story about world building and the contention between the four major societies, Science, Tribal, Psychic, and Religious. African myth and Black American folklore are used as inspiration for the story.
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kingkesia · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqTMXOH6qn0) Also i updated my youtube :) 
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