#king jinheung imagine
lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
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JINHEUNG (park hyungsik)
revolt with romance (smut)
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 7 years
Her (Part 2)
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“Your Majesty!” Pa Oh was by his Majesty’s side in matter of seconds.
Pa Oh fired some arrows to the black masked enemies, but they just ran for themselves. Their only target was arguably the young king himself, as they didn’t seem to even think to harm the lady and the guard even the slightest bit.
“Your Majesty!?” Pa Oh’s voice was almost hysterical but he kept his demeanor calm, until he saw the sight of blood. It was His Majesty’s.
Blood ran through his arm where the arrow hit. He was lucky to have it graced his arm alone.
“Majesty, what on earth..?!” Pa Oh tried to examine His Majesty’s wound, he was worried sick but also relief that the arrow only wounded his arm.
She was silent and froze on her place, but he could see sight of horror in her eyes which turned bigger than its own.
“I’m fine,” he whispered through gasps while trying to get up from the ground, but ended up falling, wincing at the pain.
“Let’s go back to the palace!” Pa Oh carefully helped Sam Maek Jong up and held his Majesty on his right, aid him to the horse.
“My lady,” Pa Oh called as soon as settled his majesty behind him. It took back to her senses.
“I, I will ride his Majesty’s horse.” she said in a low voice, with that Pa Oh lead his horse down the alley escaping the forest. Y/N followed behind to the palace.
“It is fortunate that his majesty’s wound is not deep, the physician said he just needs some rest,” Pa Oh went to update Y/N as to Sam Maek Jong’s condition. She was waiting from the moment they arrived in front of Sam Maek Jong’s room, quiet anxiously.
“May I come in?” she asked as Pa Oh who was about to leave.
“Ah, yes” it took Pa Oh by surprised; he just had weird feeling about this lady from south. She was just so distant.
“Thank you,” she bowed, then went inside as the guard in front of the door let her in.
Inside, she carefully let herself sit next to his bed. He was lying still with bandages on his right arm. As she was observing the motionless king, she noticed how his pale face was having little to no color. She took the wet cloth next to his majesty and slowly carefully wiped his temple from beads of sweats.
After a while, she finished attending his majesty and decided to leave.
“Don’t leave,’ Sam Maek Jong held her wrist stopping her from leaving, leaving her confounded.
He tried to get up from his bed, which she helped him immediately.
“Is it not the time already that you take off your mask?” he asked that question all the sudden.
She instantly, unknowingly looked at him in the eyes, quite startled with the rhetorical question from the young king. It was also the first time she really looked into his sharp eyes, as it is not polite to stare at the king directly.
“You’re technically my bride-to-be, are you not?” He threw another rhetorical.
“I suppose so, Your Majesty.” She whispered calmly, but actually her insides’ churned. She took her eyes off him and slowly tried to escape his grip. As he let her, she slowly took off her satin mask.
“Are Your Majesty not angry?” She turned to him, meeting his eyes once again. It revealed a scar along her right cheek.
“For an alliance, someone sends you a bride,” she took her halted breath “with a scar.”
“No,” his voice was gentle, he stared more through her eyes.
“You’re not a mere trade,” he carefully reached and ran his fingers through her scarred cheek.
As it was on his fingerbreadth, she suddenly move away avoiding his touch.
“I, I’m sorry,” he felt awful and out of place, he turned his gaze from her.
“You should go,” he said almost coldly as he couldn’t face her more.
She put back her satin masked, then left room. It left him strained and somehow broken.
**GIF and charaters are not mine.
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rksungho · 6 years
it’s terrifying in a way that sungho has never experienced in the waking world before. the scene is something from out of his nightmares; he and inho, alone, surrounded by only company staff and coaches. in his dreams, their faces are cruel, hard, telling him there’s no place for him there with his attention so divided and to leave immediately. or sometimes they’re telling inho to drop sungho, that he’s the one with more potential and they’ll keep him if he says good bye. worse still are the dreams where the both of them are cast out, the ones where sungho thinks he has to shoulder the burden of not only crushing his own aspirations but those of his favorite person’s as well.
but this is not a dream
they’re not here to chastise sungho for a relationship that they know nothing about. he is here to perform for them, like he does every month. they look at him like they don’t expect too much, and sungho doesn’t blame them. his face doesn’t relax from a frown the whole time they introduce themselves, their scene. all formalities for the coaches, for organizational purposes or something.
he thinks about holding inho’s hand, just briefly. he’s scared in a way he could never admit out loud, his fingers twitching as they yearn for something to grasp for comfort. no, not here. never here.
they take their places and sungho takes a huge breath as he tries to forget himself. don’t be the paranoid freakout waiting to happen; be the angry young warrior with a cause. be pissed at your friend for lying to you, your king for committing the worst sin against your best friend. sungho closes his eyes, just for a moment, and when they reopen he thinks he’s ready.
the scene starts with action. he grabs inho’s arm and pushes him back as if ready to start a fight. the aggression is too familiar, too easy. the first words belong to sungho, and his throat feels dry when he speaks them. “until when are you going to run away? don’t you have something to tell me?”
inho replies with his own accusation; “how does it feel pretending to be the king?” and sungho, just briefly, wonders what he’s thinking right now.
his character’s temper is just as short as his own, but he’s more careful now. he won’t hit inho again, not like he did in practice. sungho wonders if it shows, if his movement seems a little too weak, his expression wavering as he focuses his energy on missing rather than hitting. it should just be an illusion, after all. inho falls to the ground as if the blow had been real and sungho struggles to find his rage again, but frustration serves him well enough when he spits his next words. “you should know what it feels like,” he accuses his king.
the king swings back and sungho feels the little woosh of air as inho’s fist whiffs by his face. he spins with the imagined blow and falls as they had practiced. he imagines the humiliation of being bested in a fight. his anger comes back to him.
“i’ve never pretended to be the king.”
he gets to his feet, staring at the other as if incredulous. angry as he, or at least his character, is, he fires right back, “you’ve never been a real one either.”
the hurt and fury on inho’s face looks too real. some part of sungho would have been satisfied to see such a turbulent reaction from the other man; the sungho of a year ago certainly would have tried to push him to this point. now he just feels vaguely ill, disguising his true feelings with an angry look as the king defends himself. “don’t think you know everything, because i’m also doing everything i can. i’m also fighting as well!”
his laugh is almost genuine. bitter, as if he can’t imagine inho fighting, let alone fighting the same way he does. “fight? is that what your fight is about? running away, hiding, and avoiding things?”
“it’s a fight hoping that silla will become better. a fight hoping citizens won’t die because of silla’s bone rank order system. never again will ordinary citizens become robbers! a fight that protects.”
and like that, a moment of understanding passes through his character. sungho feels it as if experiencing a past life; looking at inho like he’s loathe to agree with him but his words appeal nonetheless. they are fighting the same fight after all, united despite their misunderstandings, but a stubborn streak prevents him from saying so.
just like that, the scene is over. sungho lets his face fall back into a nervous frown, bowing silently to the coaches as they’re dismissed. he looks at inho without speaking, fearful that any words he could form now would be condemning. he wonders if inho understands. thank you for helping me this month. sorry i sucked at the end. i l-
no, he won’t even think that much. sungho turns and walks in whatever direction inho isn’t going. they can talk all they want at home later.
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withasideofeggsy · 7 years
Hwarang :: Sam Maek Jong x Reader :: Part III
Hi hello sorry this took me forever to write. I wrote this over the span of the past few months so I hope it flows okay. I had a lot of trouble concluding this series as the show ended. I was at war with myself to add more details of the drama or how I imagined the drama to end so here it is! I hope you all like it regardless. I know the Hwarang hype died but I wanted to finish this for you guys :) so I hope you read it nonetheless! I also added a little sexy time for yall so please enjoy! See ya in my next fic!
Read part 1 and part 2 here!
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The room’s temperature dropped and the tension got thicker by the second, the faceless King finally made his appearance. Mustering up the last drop of strength I had left I look up to see the long awaited King, only to reveal Ji Dwi.
“Mother! Just this once, won’t you allow me to be happy?” he cries out, startling everyone in the room. I couldn’t process anything in my throbbing head, all I could make out was that Ji Dwi, the man who I was dotting after for the last few days was calling the Queen his mother. “Sam Maek Jong…I’m protecting you! Her dangerous mentality will get you killed,” the Queen explains with as much frustration. Sam Maek Jong? I couldn’t ponder on what the Queen called Ji Dwi as what left his lips next practically stole my last breath. “If a dangerous mentality will get anyone killed here, it will be you Mother. If you dare touch a hair on her head again…I can’t even imagine the things I will do. I will kill, and I will show you how dangerous I can be.” With that calm threat he sheathes his sword, “Now leave.” The Queen lowers her sword, “I know you too well, to know that you are only all talk, Sam Maek Jong.”
It was too fast for Ji Dwi to register, I fell watching him as he screamed. I felt pain as my body collided into the ground, knocking the air out of my burning lungs. Only with enough strength to control my eyes, I lock them with Seyeo who had pushed me out of the way, he gives me a small smile in contrast to his usually cocky smirk. “Seyeo…” I breathe staring at the long blade sprouted from his shoulder. “Let me protect you one last time, my Princess.” “No…no…no…” I mumble reaching out for him. It all happened so fast, I could only focus on the blade sliding out from his shoulder causing more blood to seep into his dark hanbok. There was so much yelling from Ji Dwi and the Queen but I couldn’t hear anything. I couldn’t even hear my own sobbing as I engulfed Seyeo into my arms, despite his serious injury he still managed to pull my hanbok back onto my shoulders and helped me tie the front, “You are still the Princess, I know you like Ji Dwi but you can’t be showing him your body this soon.” “You are so dumb, you are hurt and you care about that?!” I scream applying pressure onto his wound, in which he shrugs. “This isn’t as bad as that time you impaled me by accident during training three years ago.” I cracked a smile despite the hot tears running down my cheeks, “Shut up will you? You’re hurt I can’t have you bleeding out on me. That’s an order.” He nods, “I can’t disobey you so I guess I won’t die on you today.” I scoff pulling him into a tighter hug, “I’m sorry…I couldn’t protect you.” In which it was his turn to return the scoff, “I should be saying that to you. You’re a mess your blood is soaking through your hanbok and your face is smeared in it.” A soft cough gained my attention. We both looked up to Ji Dwi who held the most irritated expression I’ve ever seen on a person. He kneels down to our level and clasped his hand onto Seyeo’s wounded shoulder, “Are you alright?” to which Seyeo nods, “Yeah this is nothing.” Ji Dwi then turns to me and his expression softens significantly, “I’m sorry for not being able to protect you.” He places a hand on my dampened back from all the blood, “I’m so sorry.” I look up at him through hooded eyes, I was getting sleepy, slowly craning my neck I pressed my lips against his, “There’s nothing to apologize for. Thank you for saving us...your Majesty.” He holds me against him gently so that he wouldn’t cause any more pain to my injuries, “I love you,” he whispers against my forehead. “Alright, let’s go before the Queen comes back and decides to stab me again,” Seyeo interrupts getting up from my lap with surprisingly no difficulty for someone who just got impaled. “I love you too,” I bashfully smile looking anywhere but his face. He places a chaste kiss onto my blooded forehead before scooping me up into his strong arms. I suck in a sharp breath as my clothes scrape against the broken skin on my back, “You’re a good girl, please be strong for me. Don’t fall asleep.” I nod, gripping his shoulder with one hand. I was starting to feel light headed but I couldn’t fall asleep for his sake, “(Y/n) please stay awake, for me okay?” “Okay…” I mumble holding him even tighter so that I wouldn’t slip away. Seyeo retrieves the discarded swords on the ground before quickly joining our side. With one hand pressed against his shoulder he angrily waves the sheathed swords in his other hand, “This stupid sword stabbed me twice, I’m going to throw it away. It’s bad luck.” “That’s my favourite sword, I’ll throw you away,” I manage a soft giggle snuggling into Ji Dwi’s chest.
The walk back to the Hwarang house was slow, it felt like years has passed.  “Ji Dwi?” I mumble against his neck, “Yes?” he responds back softly. “So…you are King Jinheung? Do I address you as that? Or Sam Maek Jong? Or Ji Dwi?” He nuzzles his nose against mine, “You can call me Jagi.” I smile as I hear a slight gagging sound come from Seyeo who lagged behind by a few steps. “I like that…Jagi?” “What is it (Y/n)?” “I’m getting sleepy,” I mumble with closing eyes, “Be good for me, keep your eyes open just a little longer okay?” I nod quietly, forcing my heavy eyes to open just a crack, “Okay for you.”
Shortly like he said we finally made it back to the Hwarang house. Seyeo insisted that Ah Ro treated me first but it was evident to everyone in the room that he was bleeding out quickly, so much to his protests Ah Ro treated him first while Sam Maek Jong combed his fingers through my hair soothingly while I waited for my turn. When Seyeo was all patched up Ah Ro smiled at me and brought her kit over to where I sat. “Alright time for you guys to leave, she needs to strip of her clothes.” Seyeo gets up obediently when I nod for him to be dismissed however Sam Maek Jong was more reluctant to. “It’s alright, you can go I’ll be okay,” I assure him with a small nod and he shakes his head, stubbornly continuing to be planted onto the floor. I turn towards Ah Ro and shrugged in which she glares up at Sam Maek Jong and she shakes her head disapprovingly, “Ah no such respect for a woman’s privacy. Who raised you? Aish!” I quietly snicker at her bad mouthing the King of Silla, if she only knew whom she was lecturing at. “You’ll need to completely take off your top,” Ah Ro says and I nod untying the belt of my hanbok. She gently peels the blood soaked fabric from my skin and I cringed as I hear her sucking in her breath when the wounds were revealed. “Is it really bad?” I ask with squeezed shut eyes, the only response I got was Sam Maek Jong patting my head softly as he pulls me into his lap. “Ah okay! Let’s…start…somewhere…” Ah Ro mumbles fumbling with her tools. She begins by wiping at the cuts with a wet towel and I accidently whimpered out loud causing her to stop in shock. “I’m so sorry it’s going to get worse from here…” she confessed placing a soft warm hand on my shoulder in which I nod to, “Y-Yeah it’s okay. Please continue Ah Ro.” She nods with her lips pulled into a tight line. I slowly look up at Sam Maek Jong and his eyes never left my scar littered back until I slipped a hand into his and gave it a tight squeeze. His warm chocolate orbs met mine and he pulls me flush against his chest despite my nudeness. “I’m going to start stitching up the deeper cuts okay Princess (Y/n)?” I nervously nod and squeezed his hand tighter. In response he combs his fingers through my sweat soaked hair trying to soothe my pain, “Keep your eyes on me, okay?” I nod again whimpering as I felt the needle sink into the skin of my back. He coos encouraging words to me, but by the fourth stitch I started to feel even more faint. I squeezed onto Sam Maek Jong’s hand tighter if that was even physically possible. I was grateful that he didn’t seem to mind too much that the circulation in his hand has stopped completely. He continues to stroke my hair in comfort as Ah Ro tried her best to be as gentle and as quick as possible. The ringing in my ears got louder, and I knew I was going to pass out soon due to the pain, and ultimately the feeling of safety made my adrenaline run dry, draining my body of energy. I didn’t realize I broke my promise to Sam Maek Jong of staying awake until I slipped into the darkness.
“You’re awake,” A low voice calls out. I blink away my blurry vision until I see my favourite person hovering above me. “Ji Dwi?” I mumble, from underneath the covers. “Ji Dwi?” He inquires with a raised brow and I gave him a questioning look in response. His lips pull into a firm line, “You don’t remember what happened yesterday?” I purse my lips, racking my brain for anything important that I might’ve forgotten and alas everything flooded into my head. I throw a hand onto my forehead due to the overwhelming rush of thoughts that I whacked myself on my head injury. He chuckles, “What will I do with you, you idiot?” I shrug with more caution to the stitches in my back, I was definitely not prepared to go back for more stitches anytime soon. A cute shy smile tugs at his lips and he leans down to press them against mine. Mustering up some strength, I raised my hand from under the cover so that I could cup his cheek. He closes his eyes peacefully and leans into my touch causing me to smile. “I’m at war with myself,” the male confesses under his breath. I almost laughed at the ridiculousness of that if it weren’t for the uneasy expression on his usually stoic face. I frown pinching his cheek gently, “Why?” He cracks open his tear brimmed eyes and tried for a smile, however it wasn’t very convincing due to the wavering. “Are you safest by my side or back home in Goguryeo?” His shoulders started to shake and quickly his tears bubbled over and streamed down his face. Using the pad of my thumb I caress his tears away, in which he expresses his gratitude by pressing his lips against my wrist. I take in a deep breath and smile up at him, “I think you know the answer to that,” he nods closing his eyes again and I giggle, “And I’m sure you also know my thoughts on that as well.” “I know, and it worries me that you would rather be by my side than be safe,” he groans in annoyance. “Even though being back home would be the logical choice, I feel safest by your side, Sam Maek Jong. And nothing can change that.” I took the opportunity of his shock to wrap my arms around his neck so that I could pull him into a hug, “I love you, and nothing can change that either.” Sam Maek Jong cups my cheek as I did to him earlier and brings himself down to gently plant a kiss onto my lips. He pulls back with a soft smile, “I love you most, and nothing will ever change that either. If you will have me, I wish for you to be at my side every step of the way.” I smile, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
*Mild smut warning*
Sam Maek Jong returns my smile and sits up right, “I almost forgot why I am in here.” He sighs and starts to pull down my covers, it was then that I realized that I wore nothing but a pair of loose pants and bandages around my chest. Sam Maek Jong shuffles closer to me and pulls me up into a sitting position as well. Even though he was extremely gentle I could feel the stitches pulling at the swollen skin. Sucking in a sharp breath I could feel the tugging of the broken skin as he starts peeling away the bandages from the sticky wounds. “I need to change your bandages okay?” As he unravels the bandages I stared to feel bashful, even though the situation was nothing but innocent I couldn’t help but feel shy as I become more naked by the second in front of him. As the bandages fell away from confining my breasts I hug my front to shield them away from Sam Maek Jong. “Why are you embarrassed? It’s not like it’s my first time seeing you naked. This is my…hmm…third actually,” he nods almost as if he was content with himself, “When I saved you from my mother, when you got your stitches, and today.” “Sam Maek Jong!” I gasp turning around to slap him. He flashes me a sly smile, evading my hit with much experience. “Hold still for me, my Princess,” he coos ringing out the warm wet towel to blot clean the wounds. I hated being addressed as Princess or any title of royalty but whenever those titles left his perfectly plump lips I knew he was teasing and it made me feel strange. Like a warm feeling pools in the lower portion of my stomach and I didn’t know how to deal with such new and foreign emotions. He pulls away the wet cloth and to my surprise replaces the lingering touches with his plump lips. I gasp at the new sensation of his soft wet lips trailing up and down my back. “W…What are you doing?” I whimper as his hands snake around to my front to cup my breast. He gives them a light but firm squeeze causing a moan to escape my lips. I could feel him smirking against my back. The male sits up right and pulls my back flush against his front. He leans forward so that his long hair tickled my bare skin, dipping his head into my neck where he suckled the skin gently. I groan, bringing my hands to cup his that continued to fondle my breasts, “What got into you?” I whimper with swallow breathes in between each word. Sam Maek Jong chuckles deeply and I could feel the rumble against my back, “Sorry, I got a little carried away,” he chuckles again and I blush meeting his dark gaze. “Forgive me,” his breath fans over my face as he nears closer to mine. I watch him carefully with hooded eyes, a small smile was fixated onto his features and he presses his lips against my partially agape mouth. He pulls back slightly before quickly diving back in with such passion and force I accidently let out a whimper of pain. “Sorry, we shouldn’t be doing this until you are completely healed,” he apologizes, pulling away with a pout. I frown evidently more upset than he was and he completely knew that as he lets out a chuckle. He gives my breast a final squeeze earning him a lewd mewl in which he smirks at. “If you continue to make such cute sounds I won’t be able to control myself,” he warns and I nod shyly, covering my face with my hands, “Sorry.” He hums as his way of accepting my lame apology while he bandages me back up with no funny business of any sorts. “Although you did start it,” I breathe under my breath. “What was that?” He raises a brow and I grin, “You heard me, my King.” He rolls his eyes, which was a reoccurring habit that he had whenever he was teased, frustrated but not frustrated enough to have a verbal or physical smack down with whoever was unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of his hot headed temper. “You are honestly testing me,” he sighs getting up from his seated position, “I’ll be back with something for you to eat.” I shake my head causing him to raise a brow, I pull onto the sleeve of his hanbok as I carefully lower myself back into the soft warm mattress. “I’m not hungry…can you just stay here with me while I rest?” He smiles softly, “Of course.” Sam Maek Jong lowers himself from his seated position and slipped under the sheets joining me. He pulls me close to his body and I sighed contently. It was very warm and overall very relaxing due to the security his presence always provided without fail for me. The silence was definitely comfortable but I couldn’t stop myself from asking him this, “Were you ever going to tell me that you were the King?” He raises his head so that he faced me, “Of course, I just couldn’t find the right time to tell you,” he confesses with knit brows, worry evident on his features. “I just…thought that you didn’t trust me or something,” I timidly giggle. “That’s stupid though,” he nods with a chuckle of his own, “That is really stupid.” I raise a brow for him to continue, in which he does with a grin, “I trust you more than I trust myself. If you told me to close my eyes and walk blindly into war I would, because you told me so.” I slap him playfully on the shoulder, “Now don’t you get dumb on me. There’s only enough room for one of us to make bad choices and that’s me, got it?” “Wouldn’t it be more fun if both of us made bad decisions together?” At the proposal I mock ponder for a second, “Then I would really have to rethink of our marriage. If we are to rule both Silla and Goguryeo it would definitely be trouble.” Sam Maek Jong nods in agreement, “We will keep each other grounded. And stop each other from making bad choices. But I assume that would be you making the choices and I would be there saving you from them.” I gasp offended, just slightly, I push him over onto his back and I sat on his stomach victoriously. “I would be protecting you from all those elites who want you dead. I would chop them down.” He chuckles at that, “Don’t be silly. You are a peaceful soul. You won’t harm a fly.” Using my index finger I boop his nose lovingly, “I will do anything to protect my man!” “You are the cutest,” he says breathlessly, pulling me into a kiss.
We spent most of the morning like that, snuggled into each other and enjoying the quiet blissfulness it had to offer after yesterday’s eventful evening. I was curled on my side with his warm chest pressed softly against my back. His arms wrapped around my waist and his chin was propped on top of my head comfortably. I really wondered how I ever slept peacefully without him by my side. I didn’t want to scare him away, so I didn’t vocalize this but I was extremely excited for the day we would get married so that I could start and end my day like this in his arms. He softly hums, the soft rumble in his chest resonated into my back, “I look forward to having this everyday once we get married.” The man had no shame and was so blunt about his feelings I really didn’t know how to handle it. The blood rushes to my cheeks, a rather reoccurring thing that happened whenever anything leaves his mouth. I stutter shyly, “I was just thinking the same thing.” Sam Maek Jong shifted from his lying down position, “Oh? We are soul mates aren’t we?” he cheekily grins gazing into my eyes. I bite my lip, trying to hide an enormous bashful smile, “Stop saying those things Maek Jong…” “Why are you getting shy when I only speak of the truth?” He teases causing me to playfully slap him upside the head, “Sam Maek Jong!” He hums with closed eyes, “I love it when you say my name. I wonder how I’ll react when you start calling me King Jinheung.” His dotting behaviour was too much to handle right in the morning, I groan shoving him off of me, “What are you? A pervert?” He ponders hard for a minute with knit brows and pursed lips, “Yes. Just a little bit though,” he confesses with a bright grin that showed off his pearly white teeth. “What have I gotten myself into?” I mutter under my breath, and much to my dismay he had extremely good hearing, “Marriage to the said pervert.” “Aish! Okay I had enough of you,” I exclaim getting up from under the covers. Sam Maek Jong pouts and rolls onto his back, “Where are you going?” I stare at him dead in the eyes, “Back to Goguryeo.” He sits up quickly with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. I roll my eyes at his reaction, “Don’t be stupid, I’m just kidding. Sword practice is going to start soon.” He lets out a sigh, “Of course I knew that,” he says rolling his eyes but I could see the relief washed over his features, “also you should be resting,” he adds. I smile picking out a clean hanbok to wear, “I’m alright, besides I need to help Han Sung.” He gets up from the mattress and walks over to across the room to where I stood skimming through my pile of clothes. “No you aren’t,” he says stubbornly pulling me into his chest as he rests his chin atop of my shoulder. “He needs the help,” I explain looking over my shoulder into his huge doe eyes, “Besides I promised him, and I’m fine. It’s just a flesh wound.” He chuckles lightly, “You aren’t fooling anyone, come on.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me along to practice where Seyeo was already standing under our usual shaded spot. He quickly made his way towards us and instantly pulled me into his chest, “Why aren’t you resting?” he mumbles into my hair. I scoff, “Why aren’t you resting? You’re the one who got impaled.” Seyeo sarcastically laughed and rolled his shoulder, “I’m fine. Let’s get you settled down,” he suggests planting a soft kiss on my forehead. Sam Maek Jong clears his throat, catching my attention. “Oh you’re still here,” I muse causing him to roll his eyes. He quickly dips down to my height and presses his lips firmly against mine as his hand held the back of my head. I started to get flustered as whistles and hollers erupted from the Hwarang who watched the scene unfold. “Oh gosh…” I mumble covering my face missing the sly smirk he flashed to Seyeo who just rolled his eyes in return. “Okay just go to practice you!” I scold shoving Maek Jong towards the rest of the men who already had their swords in hand.
“So you got the hots for the King huh?” Seyeo teases breaking the comfortable silence. “And you were dumb enough to get kidnapped huh?” I poke back. He sighs, rolling his shoulder, which was obviously causing him discomfort much to his denial. “In my defense I was easily taken because they told me that they had you.” I raise a brow at that, “Really?” Seyeo smiles softly and ruffles my hair, “Well duh. How else would they have gotten me to go anywhere against my will without a trail of dead bodies?” I giggle at his statement which made absolute sense. Of course they blackmailed him, he has easily one of the best swordmen I’ve ever seen in my (y/age) years of living. “Also it’s my job to care for you and to protect you, so no need to give me a lecture saying that I don’t have to put my life on the line to protect you. Because I actually do, not that I’m complaining though,” he adds with a gentle assuring smile, “But who would’ve thought that he was the King.” I laugh along with him, “I know right? I never thought that this trip would actually succeed in its purpose. I came here to marry the King and apparently I really am. And I’m actually really excited.” Seyeo smirks, “It’s even more amusing seeing before this trip you had no intention of marrying anybody, instead using this trip as some sort of vacation. And not only that, you accused the King to be some huge stuck up jerk with, I quote, not a silver spoon, but a huge gold spoon about the size of a ladle to be so stuck up his ass that you can see it exiting from his mo-” “Okay!” I interrupt smacking his injured shoulder, effectively shutting him up instantly. “I wonder how this will all pan out though, seeing that his mother wants me dead and half the nobles want him dead.” “It’ll work out.” “I really hope he doesn’t die though. Apparently that ‘battle to the death’ thing is really going to happen.” “It’ll work out.” “I’m-” “It’ll work out, now shut up and stop over stressing.”
Like promised, Sam Maek Jong helped Han Sung in his training which he was super excited about. So excited that Han Sung ran over to tell me the great news, “I heard you aren’t feeling too well so Ji Dwi will be helping me out today! If you are sick you should go see Ah Ro! She’s very good and kind. Oh and I knew it!” Han Sung exclaimed pausing to pull my hands into his chest, “You like Ji Dwi! Is it because of his beautiful glittery eyes or his charming smile?” he adds batting his eyelashes cutely. “Aish! Just go train Han Sung!” I scold shoving him away playfully in which he flashes me a wide grin in return before hoping back to Sam Maek Jong.
“Thanks again for helping Han Sung with his training,” I say for the umpteen time that afternoon. Maek Jong smiles casually with a shrug, “It’s nothing really. It’s nice to see him finally improve.” “Right!?” I excitedly exclaim causing him to chuckle. He slips his hand into mine, intertwining his slender fingers with mine. “I sometimes wonder if you love Han Sung more than me,” he playfully pouts. I giggle at that, squeezing his hand tightly, “I love you, you dummy.” He leans down to press a chaste kiss onto my lips, “Is that anyway to speak to the King of Silla?” he teases pulling away with a smile. “Just because you are a King it doesn’t excuse you of being stupid,” I truthfully answer causing him to smile fondly. “I am so in love with you it’s quite embarrassing.” “It’s alright, you are always embarrassing yourself anyway. Picking fights with Sun Woo…occasionally Ban Ryu. And apparently Seyeo, wow you are on a roll huh?” He humours me with a blank expression, staring unmovingly into my eyes. Somewhere looking like a dead fish. “Alright I take it back! Just stop staring into my soul!” I dramatically exclaim with the back of my hand pressed against my temple for effect. Maek Jong pulls my arm away so that he held both of my hands in his. He leans forward, so close that our noses with practically touching, “I can see into your mind…and…I see nothing but emptiness!” “Wow!” I yell directly into his face causing him to flinch back, “Oh wait…I see something. A temper shorter than Ban Ryu’s!” I pulled back with a mock hurt expression in which he responds with a mock grimace himself, “That’s too much huh? No one has a shorter temper than Ban Ryu.” giggling at that I could’ve sworn I heard Ban Ryu sneeze in the distance.
Walking aimlessly we ended up back at our usual place, behind the Hwarang house and at the small lake. Being alone I finally managed to ask him about the worry that was nagging at my brain the entire day. “What’s going to happen tomorrow?” Tomorrow was the battle to the death event that Princess Sookmyung kindly put together, and for whatever that was going to go down tomorrow I don’t think I could ever be ready. Maek Jong paused in his steps and turned me to look up at him and he said what he always said, “It’s going to be fine,” he told me again. “I know,” I lied again. I couldn’t bear to watch the Hwarang put their lives on the line for nothing but shear entertainment of the royal family. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” I mumble and he nods in compassion. With tomorrow coming so soon he couldn’t find it in his heart to lie to me saying that no one was going to get hurt, instead he pulled me into a tight warm embrace.
Saying that I had a restless sleep was an understatement. I spent majority of the night pacing in Seyeo’s room complaining about everything and anything until he had enough and picked up his sword, “Okay that’s it. Let’s go fight this out of your system.” He always knew how to make me feel better. The harsh clacking of wood caused some of the Hwarang to wake up, considering if they could even sleep a wink with the events coming in the morning. “Sorry did we wake you up?” I asked stopping momentarily in our heated sword fight. Most of the group shook their heads, “We couldn’t sleep anyways,” admitted Han Sung. I smiled softly at him, combing his messy long tresses behind his ear. “Also you shouldn’t be moving Princess (Y/n), Ji Dwi said that you were feeling ill.” “That’s right,” Maek Jong interjected causing me to grin awkwardly. “Um it’s just that…I couldn’t sleep. I was worried about you…all of you actually,” the Hwarang stayed silent some with soft smiles adorning their lips, “I…whatever happens tomorrow…just do something you won’t regret. If you want to hold back your attacks do so, if you want to attack full force then by all means do so. Just don’t regret it and remember that this isn’t the real fight.” The air around us was physically buzzing, however I wasn’t sure if it was exactly comforting, it was just sparked and alive fueling the group of young men. “Everyone got that?” and a chorus of hollers erupted them, most likely waking up any of the remaining Hwarang that were actually sleeping, “Very well then, go back to your rooms and try to get some sleep. Whatever happens tomorrow I hope to see all your faces happy and well the following day. Dismissed.” Han Sung managed to beat Maek Jong in approaching me first, “Wow that was so cool!” he excitedly mused causing embarrassment to rush through my body. I didn’t know what got into me to be honest, I almost sounded like my mother when she was giving pep talks to our soldiers back home. “Get some sleep Han Sung,” I stutter shyly in which he nods, “Not before a kiss good night right?” “Wha!” I gasp in shock but before I could give a proper reply Seyeo threw his arm around Han Sung’s shoulder, “Of course not.” Seyeo jokingly kissed Han Sung on his cheek effectively causing the poor child to scream in disgust as he was dragged away back to his room by my always reliable royal guard and friend. “If that kid survives tomorrow I’m going to kill him myself,” Maek Jong breathes out in annoyance. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or scold him so I did both simultaneously, most likely coming off looking like a crazy person. “Let’s get you some rest, I’ll tuck you in my Princess.” I blush with a small nod. Even though it was his big day tomorrow here he was spoiling me like usual.
“You know if it’s too much for you, you don’t need to come tomorrow to watch it,” Maek Jong softly says caressing my cheek. I look up at him from my lying position as he sat comfortably beside me. “No it’s alright. I’ll watch, I need to be there if things get out of hand.” He was quiet for a moment before speaking up again, “My mother will be there.” I nod knowingly, “I’m aware.” “Aren’t you scared?” The corners of my lips pull into a small smile as I lean up to press them softly against his, “There’s nothing to be scared of when you’re here.” He reciprocated my smile and gently brought me into another kiss, “That’s right my Princess.” He looked into my eyes with his warm brown ones and continued to stroke his long slender fingers through my hair. “And don’t forget that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” I add resulting him to chuckle. “How could I ever forget? Sometimes I feel like you are more capable of protecting me than I am of you.”
I reach out to cup his cheeks, bringing him closer. His broad chest was flush against mine as I gave him a longer kiss. He softly massages his lips against mine as his hand skims down my waist and into the knot of my flimsy nightwear. A soft moan escapes my lips when I felt his cold digits teasingly scratch at my stomach, travelling lower and lower, “Maek Jong…” I breathe. He chuckles deeply, connecting our lips again before reluctantly pulling away. I frown at the lost of contact and he mockingly pouts as well with a shake of his head. “Be good for me, I can’t control myself if you keep being so cute (Y/n).” I sit up with a soft groan to grab his hand, “Then don’t control yourself…” “(Y/n)…” Maek Jong groans with a small shy smile, “You are hurt, this can wait until you are better.” I cast my gaze down still holding his hand tightly and he knew what was bothering me instantly. “I’ll be okay, trust me. I’ll be extra careful to make sure that my, you know, doesn’t get damaged in the fight,” he chuckles and I couldn’t help but to giggle along with him. “Even if I end up losing both of my hands tomorrow I’ll find a way to pleasu-” “Okay!” I cut him off as all the blood in my body rushed to my cheeks, “Okay…I got it…” I timidly smile at my lap, “You’re such a pervert you know that?” He hums kissing the back of my hand, “Try to get some sleep, I’ll see you in the morning alright?” I nod watching him get up. He pauses by my door before turning around to flash me a smile.
I managed to sleep for a few hours before the sun seeped into my room. And right on cue a knock was heard on the wood of the thin paper door. “(Y/n), you should go visit Ah Ro to get your bandages changed before it starts.” I sit up with much less difficulty compared to yesterday, “Okay, thank you Seyeo.” I look at the stash of clothes I packed and I couldn’t decide which one to wear on this eventful day. I usually wore black or dark colours but I feel like it would be too ominous, and with that, it cancels out half of the clothes I brought. White feels the same, red could symbolize blood…and that left me with the last hanbok I had in my pile, a soft pink one. I didn’t remember packing this or even owning such a hanbok at all…so probably mother snuck this in. I smile, stripping myself of my silky white nightwear to envelop myself with the soft material. I don’t know if this was at all possible just by the clothes I had on my back, but I felt like a good omen.
Walking out of my temporary room I see Seyeo at his usual spot in the morning, leaning on the pillar closest to my door. He raises a brow with folded arms across his chest, “Well that’s new…and quite refreshing actually.” I slap his arm, I would like to say gently but that was never the case with Seyeo, “Is that what I get for getting that for you?” he asks rubbing his arm and I look up at him dumbfounded, “You got this for me?” “Are you stupid? Was it there for the past few weeks? I got it made for you considering what’s happening today. I doubt you would want to wear what you usually wore since it screams funeral,” he adds indifferently as if he didn’t just go through the trouble in getting me new clothes just to make me feel better. I pull him into a tight hug, “Thank you.”
With Seyeo by my side walking from Ah Ro’s office and into the tournament was a lot more bearable. Before walking up in the viewing area I tried my best to delay that and Seyeo noticed it too. So he suggested that I went to wish the Hwarang good luck. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t everyone be watching?” I ask quietly in which he shrugs, “Then give them something to look at. These sickos are here to watch these guys shed blood for entertainment. I wouldn’t care much of what they think.” I grin, that’s my best friend right here. Pursing my lips I nod slowly, “Yeah I think I’ll go do that.” I jog up to the Hwarang and enveloped the closest one I could get my hands on. “Good luck!”
By the tenth Hwarang I finally reached Maek Jong, and I lost my ability to speak. He smiles warmly and pulls me into a hug, “You look different,” he says pulling away and I nod, “I’m wearing pink! It’s a good omen!” I blurt out in a frenzy causing him to chuckle, “Alright, alright, go wish Han Sung good luck before he explodes.” “Okay...see you after? In one whole piece?” “Of course, and I’m keeping my promise, I will protect my…” “Aish! I don’t want to hear it! Bye Ji Dwi!” I could feel his gaze on me as I walked away to see Han Sung who huddled in the corner of the field with his brother close by his side. I nod at his brother who returns the gesture before I focused on Han Sung, “How are you feeling?” He pouts pulling me into a tight hug, “I’m kind of scared.” I pat his head gently, “It’s normal to be scared, just don’t freeze up during the fight okay?” He nods against my shoulder and I pat his back before puling away. “I’ve seen you improve with my very own eyes. You’ll be just fine.” He nods with a wavering smile, if something were to happen to him today god have mercy, I will tear this place apart. I lean up to place a quick chaste kiss onto his cheek, “For good luck,” I pull away again with a smile and he nods enthusiastically with a bright boxy smile of his own. Suddenly the gate doors opened and entered the Queen, signalling for the tournament to finally start. My heart hammered against my ribcage but thankfully Seyeo was there to place a hand on my arm pulling me along towards the seating area. He practically had to drag me up the steep set of stairs as my legs started to feel like lead, “Get a hold of yourself,” Seyeo whispers in my ear and it finally snapped me out of my daze.
I walked up to the seated Queen and I bowed, “Your majesty.” I look up from my long lashes to see her curtly nod, “Princess (Y/n), take a seat here beside me.” The request was a bit nerve racking considering that her own daughter was seated a fair distance from her and how I was to be seated a little too close to her for my own comfort. But nonetheless I nodded with a smile, “It would be an honour to, your majesty.” I slowly lower myself on the hard wooden chair with only slight discomfort as the ridges in the slats of the backrest started to dig into the closing wounds. The Queen leans towards me and looks straight into my eyes with a small knowing smile, “Does it hurt?” Of course she wanted me to sit right beside her and on this chair of all the damn chairs in Silla, the detailing in the backrest was protruding into next week for reason but for aesthetics and for my discomfort apparently. “Why would it hurt?” I politely ask leaning further into the chair with a smile of my own. The sour expression doesn’t leave her expression as she leans back into her own, much more comfortable looking I must add, chair as she nods, “Good.” Seyeo stood closely behind me as his hand gently rests on my shoulder comfortingly before returning to his side.
When the tournament started I wasn’t at all fazed of what went down. The Hwarang refused to go through with a proper fight. I bit my lip refraining from grinning proudly as Soo Ho and Ban Ryu, the two who were constantly at each other’s throats refused to harm one another. What fazed me was that Princess Soomyung stood up in anger and shouted for blood to be spilt. That’s when one of the elders suggested that his personal swordsmen should join in the fight against the Hwarang since they refused to hurt each other. And of course, it had to be “to the death” with these people. My gaze wandered over to Han Sung’s shocked but evidently terrified face before it travelled over to Sam Maek Jong who was having some intensive staring contest with his mother. I should’ve spoken up but the hand on my shoulder stopped me from acting brashly. “I get to choose the Hwarang,” says the elder who I recognized to be Ban Ryu’s step father, also known as the key player to trying to get the King out of the picture. I then looked over to the Queen who had her lips pulled into a thin line, “Alright.”
My heart hammered violently as I watched the set up of the field change, and to my surprise Sam Maek Jong wasn’t called out. Instead it was Ah Ro’s brother, Sun Woo. I furrow my eyebrows together in thought as I realized what had happened. The Queen has been using Sun Woo as a coy for Maek Jong to be safe. Although evidently the love of my life would be safe I couldn’t help but feel anger coursing through my veins as an innocent had to play bait. Sun Woo stood in the middle with the swordsmen, ready for the fight to commence. “But, do you know what would be even more entertaining?” The Queen began and the elder raised a brow. “To show the Hwarang that a fight means a fight, there is no holding back no matter who you are.” I couldn’t follow along her proposal until I realized that I was being dragged to replace Sun Woo.
I could barely process the events flying by before my very eyes until I stood right in front of the swordsman. I guess the Queen really wanted to get rid of me by the end of this week. I stretch out my back and I could feel the stitches starting to tug at the swollen skin, the Queen is smart I’ll give her that. If my health was at its peak, practically nothing could take me down but considering that I almost died a day ago I didn’t see any good chances that I would make out of this “life or death” showdown. Seyeo stood beside me and unsheathed my two swords at his hip, all the while casting a worried gaze my way. “Don’t forget your morals, but also don’t forget your own safety.” Basically summarizing that I shouldn’t go full out crazy and kill the poor swordsman but instead try to make peace and parry the blows. I frown looking up at the swordsman who’s face was void of any emotions, then to the left where Han Sung held a concerned expression, and Maek Jong who held an even more concerned one. I tap the floor with one of my swords, gaining his attention. “It’s okay,” I mouth and he nods. He was trying to be nonchalant about everything but I could see the stress and worry etching across his usual poker face. The Queen’s loud voice booms across the courtyard, “Hwarang! When I ask you to fight you fight. I don’t care who you are or who your parents are. Take example of (Y/n) who will fight to the death because I said so.” I swallow thickly and tightened my grip on my swords.
A gong suddenly echoes into the deathly silent air, signalling for the fight to start. Almost immediately the chosen swordsman lunged forward with his blade. Taken aback slightly by his quick advance I barely dodged the blade as it skimmed across my ribs. The familiar trickle of warmth filled me as I rolled my wrist that held the offense sword. Okay, focus (Y/n), one sword offensive and one sword defense. Advancing quickly, I used the technique that always worked, keep pushing the pace with light swings until your opponent gets tired and deliver the final strike. The only difference today was the uncomfortable tight tugging felt on my entire back with each swing I made. His stamina was no doubt impeccable, but so was mine. Once he lost his rhythm slightly, I wasted no time to let out a frustrated cry, lunging at him. As the sword neared his neck I flipped the blade causing the cool blunt edge to glide across his throbbing jugular. The swordsman drops his sword and gazes upon the ground in defeat. I remove the blade from his neck and dropped both of the swords in my hands. Walking over to the hunched over male, I bent down to pick up his discarded blade before holding it out for him to accept. “I don’t believe in killing for entertainment. So I’m sorry to disappoint,” I announced while moving my gaze from the man to the royal audience above, “However, it is obvious that this man would’ve been dead if I followed through. Which means theoretically, there is no opponent for the Hwarang to fight, so that concludes the tournament.” I couldn’t help the cocky grin from spreading across my face as I watched the Queen’s stoic gaze ever so slightly crack. After basking in the hard earned victory of the Queen’s little game I turn towards the group of Hwarang with a nod. “You’ve done well today, take the remainder of the day off to spend time with your families or go treat yourselves at the Okta!” The familiar hollers resonated throughout the Hwarang house as they made a break to freedom. But unsurprisingly a few of the men lagged behind. “That was so cool!” Han Sung practically swoons before engulfing me in a tight embrace. “I’m glad you thought so! Aren’t you relived that you didn’t have to fight?” I tease nudging him in the side causing him to childishly giggle, “Yeah! Thank you Princess (Y/n) for taking one for the team!” I roll my eyes with a shy smile, “Yeah, yeah, I know. Now run along kid.” He pouts, “I’m not a kid! I’m a grown man!” he whines but obediently runs back to his older brother who stood nearby. I sigh with a smile as I turn towards Maek Jong who stood there with a small smile himself. I took a step towards him but I didn’t get far before an extremely worried Seyeo threw himself in front of my line of vision, completely blocking Maek Jong from my view. I gasp in shock as he quickly pressed his hands on my cheeks, giving me a quick once over. He tilts my head side to side, back and forth, “Are you hurt in any way?” he inquires, repeating his examination. I shake my head and used my hand to swat his away, “I’m okay I’m okay! But my head is going to fall off if you don’t quit doing that!” He let’s out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. Okay you may proceed to see your husband.” I blush at his embarrassing ways, “Aishhh why must you tease me like this? He’s barely ten steps away! He could totally hear you, you idiot!” I scold as Seyeo casually whistles strutting away from the scene he caused. “Come here then my wife,” the smooth voice I’ve came to love teases, “Oh gosh not you too,” I mumble under my breath as I close the space between us. I stood right before him, I could feel the warmth radiating off from his body as it seeped into mine. “I’m glad you are okay,” he says holding me tightly against his chest. “I’m glad you are okay too,” I smile against his neck as his hold tightened. “If I didn’t respect your wishes, I would send you home in an instant. You aren’t safe here. At this rate you are a bigger target than me in Silla with my mother after you,” he grumbles against the crown of my head. I let out a quiet chuckle, “I know, but I’ll say this again. I can take care of myself.” Sam Maek Jong lets out a frustrated groan, “I know you can but I just want you to be safe. Always safe, and I want to take care of you okay?” I’m not sure if it was the heat, or the fact that we had this conversation multiple times already, but nonetheless it ticked me off. “I don’t need you to take care of me okay? I proved that today haven’t I?” I groan challenging his frustration. He sighs while shaking his head gently, “I’m well aware, my love. But isn’t it natural for one to wish an easy worry free life upon those they love?” I cast my gaze to the ground while pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I felt bad for snapping at him. I nod in agreement as he plants a soft kiss against my forehead despite my skin being sticky from sweat. “I’m sorry for getting angry,” I mumble against his red Hwarang uniform. He chuckles light heartedly, “Nothing to be sorry about, if anything I am to apologize. You are strong, brave, and intelligent. And I am well aware of that but yet I still try to protect you from everything and hide you away. It’s obvious you can take on the world by yourself unlike someone like me, the face less king, who all he does is hide.” I knit my brows together in confusion while hearing out his self-degrading confession. I raise my hand to give him a good whack upside the head, he sucks in a sharp breath and I nod, “Aish that is the last time you say and think about such things okay? Next time I will hit you ten times harder!” Maek Jong nods rubbing his head, slightly dumbfounded by what happened in the short time frame. “We will work together from now on okay? No more hiding, we fight the battles we cannot avoid and give whenever possible. We will protect each other. And…besides I kind of like it when you want to protect me. I think it’s refreshing and very…alluring to say in the least.” He raises a brow cockily, “Oh?” I look up at him shyly, “Oh?” I echo and he smiles down warmly at me. “It seems that everything I do these days is suggestive to you, my Princess.” I roll my eyes, gently pushing him away, “You are testing me are you not?” He chuckles with a casual shrug.
After the tournament it has been a pretty relaxing week in the Hwarang house. So the recovery process was clean and fast, however the peace and quiet didn’t last long seeing that this is Silla after all. Baekje, another neighbouring Kingdom of Silla initiated war. With the Queen’s ruling there was a lot of poverty in the outskirts of the capital, forcing the citizens to hunt on Baekje’s land. If this happened on their other neighbouring Kingdom, Goguryeo, it would’ve been fine. Seeing that my Kingdom was rather peaceful and fruitful with the vast amount of land we were fortunate of ruling. However, it had to be on Baekje’s land, causing a whole uproar with the notorious Prince who practically was born from the bloodshed in a battlefield. Now this led to where we are today, in the present where volunteers are asked to accompany Princess Sook Myung as a peace offering tribute.
“I’m coming too!” I argue gripping onto the collar of Maek Jong’s hanbok, practically screaming at his face. He places his hand on top of mine and squeezes back softly, “No you’re not, we talked about this,” he hums patiently as my adrenaline ran high. Maek Jong chuckles quietly when he realized that my lower lip was trembling as I fought back the tears from overflowing, “Don’t go…” I choke. He leans down to give me a long and soft passionate kiss, “It’s my duty to go to make things right for Silla,” he says pulling back with a gentle smile adorning his lips. I shake my head childishly, biting my lip to keep the tears at bay, “No! It’s your duty to stay here, by my side where it’s safe. Where I can protect you.” He lets out a heavy sigh, gathering me into his arms, “Now that doesn’t sound like the Queen of Goguryeo I’ve grown to love.” He was right, the real me would tell him to hurry up and fight for what’s right, no running away, and protect his people with pride. Was it my emotions that are getting in the way of the possibility of never seeing him again? Or was it the fear I felt knowing that he is stepping up to the blood thirsty Prince of Baekje, and I wouldn’t be there by his side. “Go fight with pride and protect your people…” I trail off focusing on the floral patterns in the fabric of his hanbok, “It’s just that I’m worried. Seeing that you will be confronting the Prince of Baekje. You know how he is…” Sam Maek Jong caresses my cheek softly with the pad of his thumb, “Of course I know how he is, that’s why I can’t allow you to accompany me on this journey. He will cause bloodshed regardless of the situation and I don’t want your eyes to see such a thing. And importantly, he would want such a beautiful, strong, and intelligent girl like you, and I can’t have that. He can have my blood by not you, never, not even over my cold dead body.” He had a point, however I was famously stubborn and I had a point as well. “If I go... I can stop all of this without anyone getting hurt.” “Anyone but you, love. I will never let him lay a finger on you let alone look your way.”
With only three kingdoms making up our land, practically all royal families knew of each other, perhaps a little too well. The Prince of Baekje liked destroying things, especially living things. He would find much pleasure in breaking strong headed people into small submissive toys for him to play with. I knew that, Sam Maek Jong knew that, everyone knew that. If I went as a peace offering it would be without a doubt successful. No one would get hurt, besides just one person, me. But here was the peaceful soul that was Sam Maek Jong who would not even consider the proposal just to protect one person, rather than the greater good of his people. “Maek Jong…I can stop a war from ensuing. I can prevent hundreds upon hundreds of meaningless deaths.” He sighs shaking his head to clear his thoughts, “For you to breakdown because of someone like him, or anyone for that matter…I would rather have someone rip my arm out of its socket and beat me up with said arm than for you to endure anything of that sort. I can’t have him see you, because he will want you, and he search everywhere for you until he can have you and I can’t have that, I really can’t,” my heart hammers against my chest at his confession, “I also have an important job for you to do while I’m gone.” I nod for him to continue so he does, “I need you to go back to Goguryeo and inform your people about this. If Silla were to fall Goguryeo would be next.” He looks intently into my orbs for a moment before I nod, “Yes, understood.” No matter how selfish I wanted to be, if it were to put my people in danger I had to step up to fill the shoes my mother entrusted to me, that’s something he knew and I hated him for that. “I will prepare men to station along Silla,” I propose and he nods, “If you can that will be great, however I’m concerned that your men will question as to why they are protecting their neighbouring Kingdom instead of their own.” I chuckle at that, “Well we are to get married soon no? Should we not treat Silla and Goguryeo as one, my King?” His mouth opens slightly to only close again, he was at a loss of words it seems. Sam Maek Jong simply nods with a grin stretched across his beautiful features, “Yes of course, that is right my Queen.”
I understood my role, however I was still reluctant to leave his side, especially as I watched him pack his belongings for the three day long trip. It was great that he was finally stepping up to this royal title however, if it wasn’t for me…would he have been safe instead of taking on such roles to prove his worth? One promising thing out of this entire mess was that the Hwarang who volunteered to accompany Princess Sook Myung on this trip were the most talented individuals that caught my eye on the first day I stepped foot into the house. I woke up from my daze as Maek Jong plopped down beside me on my futon, “When are you setting out?” he softly asked. I tilt my head slightly so that I could gaze into his soft brown eyes, “In tomorrow’s time, shortly after seeing you good bye.” He chuckled deeply shaking his head, “This isn’t good bye, you know that.” No I didn’t know that for sure, and that’s what scares me. “Promise me you’ll come back,” I whisper as the corners of my eyes started to bubble with hot tears. He nods with a soft smile, “I promise to return to your side in a few days time (Y/n).” There it was, another lie. I smile up at him regardless and in turn he leans down to place a gentle kiss upon my lips. “Get some rest, it’s going to be a long ride back home tomorrow,” he suggests while getting up to retire to his room. He makes it to the sliding paper door but before he could exit I ran up to him and embraced him tightly from behind. “Don’t leave me.”
~NSFW kiddos~
I roughly turn him away from the door to face me and slipped my hand into the knot of his hanbok. I look up at him dumfounded as he laughed out loud, “Ahh you are too cute…” he sighs placing his hands on my hips as I groan, leaning up against him to give him a kiss, “It’s supposed to be sexy you idiot!” I whine as he hushes me while carding his long slender fingers through my silky locks, “I don’t think you are capable of that (Y/n), you are too adorable. “ Blood rushes to my cheeks at his flustering words, as I roughly slam him into the paper door causing the poor wood to creak. “Aishhh my Princess, you are so rough…do you want me to fall through this door and have everyone see and hear us?” he teases causing all my intentions of having him right here and now to fly out the breaking door. I frown turning around to make my way back to my futon. I plop down into the soft cushion and wrapped my blanket around myself ready to retire for the night. That annoyingly sweet chuckle of Maek Jong filled the room as he made his way towards my reclined form. He pulls the covers off my body as I whine in protest, “I’m sorry for teasing, come on my love,” he laughs as I giggle in response to his fingers dancing up and down my ribs. “That’s my girl,” he breathes as his fingers untie my hanbok, allowing the silky material to slip open. He hums peeling away the material open from my front causing a soft gasp to escape my lips as the cold night air bit at my exposed flesh. As my hanbok fell open I felt extremely bashful as Maek Jong’s eyes started to wander. I pulled my hanbok closed again causing him to smile, “Now you are feeling shy? After trying to strip me huh?” I playfully slap his bicep and he took this as an opportunity to pin both of my arms above my head. My heart hammers against my chest as a sweet smile sweeps across his face, “I’m going to mark you as mine.” I nod wanting every bit of him as his dominance took over. He guides my hands into his hanbok where it easily slipped through the loosening material, thanks to my eagerness earlier. I could feel his milky smooth skin beneath my fingertips as they ran up and down his toned front. His breath hitches in his throat when my nails accidently traveled a little too low and grazed the top of his pelvis. He smirks, shaking his head lightly, kissing the top of my head, “Let me take care of you first, okay?” I nod shyly while carefully watching him as he slips the fabric away from my body, leaving me completely naked and feeling slightly vulnerable being completely bare before his eyes. His eyes rake over my body and I bit my lip nervously a waiting for his reaction. “Mmm so beautiful,” he hums with a bright smile. I felt lightheaded with the amount of blood continuously rushing into my head in the past few minutes. “Do you want to stop?” he inquires and I instantly shake my head causing him to chuckle. “I…I’m just nervous is all,” I confess throwing an arm over my breasts. Maek Jong lets out an airy laugh and shakes his head with a smile. Instead of providing me with comforting words he swiftly strips himself of his own clothes instantly putting my nerves at ease seeing that he was completely bare for me to see as well. I gingerly lift my hand that was cupping my breast to touch his hot smooth skin causing a low rumble to erupt in his chest. His hand in return reaches out to knead my breast into his large palm. I let out a small cry as his lips met my other breast where he nibbled gently at my nipple before lightly suckling the bud into his mouth. The coolness of the night air mixed with his hot mouth latched onto my breast and his warm hands exploring my body caused endless shivers to run up my spine. I bashfully let out a lewd mewl as warmth filled my lower belly. The tension in my stomach grew as his long slender fingers rubbed at my core. I wasn’t entirely sure what was happening to my body but the new sensation was exciting. I sigh out his name encouraging him to continue which he willingly does. His wet kisses trail down my ribs, stomach, hips, and my thighs. A sharp gasp escapes my parted lips as his warm lips met with my core. “Maek Jong…” I cry out as I feel his wet appendage prod into my opening. He lets out an airy chuckle causing blissful vibrations to stimulate the sensitive region. I felt over stimulated with the amount of attention he gave me. One of his hands held my thigh down while his fingers rubbed circles into my skin soothingly, his other hand kept busy by teasingly prodding into the hot tight cavern while his mouth latched and suckled on my swollen bundle of nerves. I whined loudly before I could catch myself. Maek Jong, rather content with himself, pulled away with a smug grin. “Do you really want the entire Hwarang to hear, Princess?” I wasn’t sure what got into me, but the spark of confidence he gave me when his head was between my legs allowed me to say such lecherous words, “It’s Queen to you, and did I give you permission to stop?” I barely had time to cringe at my statement before Maek Jong slides his slender fingers out of me and into his mouth all the while maintaining eye contact. He pulls his index and middle finger away from his mouth with a pop and he grins, “A King does what he wants no?” I gasp, not from his sexual innuendos however. I sit up to face him directly, “Excuse me?” his orbs suddenly widened and his mouth gapped as his hands waved around the air frantically, “I-I’m just kidding! I was just talking dirty jagiya...and you ruined the mood.” “Oh,” I bashfully add causing him to roll his eyes with a smile, “Oh,” he mocks earning him a well deserved smack on his head. His smile never wavered but the atmosphere thickened once again as he lowers me back onto the futon with himself hovering above my frame. “I’ll make it up to you,” he huskily states, burying his nose into the crook of my neck. “Just…do it already!” I say rather impatiently making him let out a cute breathy chuckle, “Do what?” I couldn’t believe he’s making me ask for it. I stared at him with a raised brow and he blinked innocently in response, reluctantly with a blush I shyly mumble, “Y-You inside of me.” I could literally slap a gayageum into my face and kill myself right here and now. Sam Maek Jong couldn’t just put me out of my misery, instead he pretends to ponder about the sit\uation, “You need to be more specific jagiya.” I roll my eyes with flushed cheeks, “Of course I mean your-” I cut myself short when my eyes started to wander and they just so happened to land on his tall standing member. My gapping mouth twitched, I can’t believe I didn’t notice until now how large he was. Taking no opportunity to miss he strokes his thick girth of his length with a low groan. His thumb smears the pre cum beading at its tip along the throbbing vein running underneath his erection. My heart hammered against my ribs as I watch him guide his member near my opening. I eagerly spread my legs wider for him and he delivers. Rubbing the soft skin of his erection’s head along my slit lubricated the tip allowing him to teasingly prod in and out. Whining impatiently at the growing and dissipating coil in my stomach I clutched onto his shoulder doing the last thing I ever thought I would do, beg. “Please, please just put it in!” I hiss causing him to smirk. My eyes roll back as he pushes his thick length in, stretching and filling my core. He moves his hips slightly causing a sharp gasp of pain to leave my lips, he leans down slowly to place a kiss on my sweaty forehead. “Ah I’m sorry my Princess,” he coos placing another kiss on my nose. He stays still, comfortingly rubbing patterns into my hips with his fingers while he waits for my body to get used to him. After a few moments I squeeze his bicep signalling him to start moving. He kisses me again before pulling out slowly and thrusting his hips back, the feeling was much more enjoyable as my body adjusted to his size. I let out a soft moan raking my fingernails along his back to encourage him to continue. He rocks his pelvis against mine rhythmically building up the tension in my lower belly to coil once again. Breathing seemed to get more difficult as his pace quickened to the point where the sound of skin slapping against each other filled the room. I started to pant as his thrusts came more irregular and more desperate, clawing at his broad back as he slammed his hips relentlessly into mine. His name stringed with a fury of incoherent cries left my parted lips as my body shuddered against his. The creaking of the floorboards was utterly shameful but that didn’t slow down his thrusts. The coil in my stomach reached its limits feeling his erection twitch inside. I clench my walls around his length while my thighs hug tightly around his waist. “I’m not going to last…” I pant lightheadedly and he nods burying his face into the crook of my neck where he bites and sucks the skin harshly as if he was desperate for one more touch. He lets out his own breathy cries when the clenching mixed with my own thrusts that met his got too much for him to bear. With a loud moan he pulls out quickly before he could release within me. “T-That was close…” he pants as small starting squirts of hot liquid met my inner thigh. Hastily I grabbed his member and guided him back into me. “What are you doing?” he cries out in surprise as I pull him on top of me once more. “If…if tomorrow is the last time I see you…I want this,” I confess watching his confusion turn into admiration when he finally understood. He nods, picking up from where he left off until his high was met again. He groans out my name spilling his hot seed within me. My arms move to wrap around his chest allowing me to hug him inhumanely tightly while he rode out his orgasm. I was so close to finishing so I was slightly disappointed that it ended so soon. “We aren’t done yet Princess,” Maek Jong pants with a sloppy grin. His fingers found my bud of sensitive nerves working his index and middle finger relentlessly, speeding up my high exponentially. He watches my expression intently as I felt over stimulated. My eyes roll back and my walls clamped around him as I came mixing my warm fluids with his all the while his name left my lips at volumes that I’m sure everyone in the Hwarang house heard. Sam Maek Jong lets out an airy laugh at my dishevelled state, I gaze up at him with unfocused vision as he pulls slowly pulls out allowing his sticky warm seed to dribble out and onto the futon. “Ahh what a mess,” he chimes disappearing from my line of vision. Before I could sit up to see where he left to I felt his familiar soft warm lips on my core where he places butterfly kisses up along my slit to the swollen bundle of nerves. “Maek Jong…” I whine reaching out with grabby hands. He chuckles vibrating my womanhood one final time before pulling away to lie down beside me. I brush away his long silky hair that surprisingly failed to get dishevelled from his face. I giggle placing a kiss on his cheek causing a bright cheeky smile to bloom across his face. I snuggle against him resting my head flush against his neck while I tangled my limbs with his. The air was sticky and thick with the smell of sex and sweat however it was pleasant knowing that it was the result of lovemaking. I also couldn’t be bothered that probably the entire house heard of our nightly activities, especially my next door neighbour Seyeo who would most likely give me an earful the following morning. I simply didn’t care, I was worried, terrified even with the events of tomorrow coming so fast as I bask in this moment.
~End of sexy time~
Shivers run up my spine as Maek Jong’s warm fingers rake across the healing scar tissue littered across my back. The night air was biting harshly tonight but I was glad that I had Maek Jong beside me to provide one more warm safe night where I could close my eyes without a single worry. “I love you,” I hum closing my heavy eyes. He chuckles kissing the crown of my head, “And I love you most.” With a tired airy laugh I embrace him tightly, “I’m going to miss you.” “I’ll be back before you know it,” he whispers against the top of my head. I pull back slightly so that I could face him and look into his eyes, “You promise?” “I wouldn’t leave you for the world,” he confesses with a smile, “Besides…if your little intention works out…I can’t leave our child either.” I shyly smile biting my lip as he easily read through me, “I just want a piece of you if you didn’t come back.” “To remember me by?” I shake my head hastily, “Of course not! I would never forget about you…it’s just that…it’s like a safe keeping.” His contagious eruption of giggles filled the room, “I’m just teasing, I know (Y/n)…” his smile suddenly disappears from his face and the air in the room turned almost bitter, “I’m going to miss you my love. Please take care of yourself…and everyone.” I shake my head with hot tears threatening to bubble over, “Stop talking as if you won’t make it back!” I yell hugging him tightly. He sighs, “I’m sorry, to be honest with you…I’m nervous about the coming events.” As much as I didn’t want to admit it, if there is any slight hiccup in the peace offering plan all hell will break loose and war will ensue, however not before the heads of the treaty group are sent back to Silla as a present to the Queen. I knew all too well about the reality of things but I had to stay positive, or others would call this being completely mad and in denial but I was never one to care about what others thought about me. “I’ll see you again. This isn’t good bye,” I choke out between sobs, “It can’t be good bye! I don’t want to live waiting for you each day to come back home but you never do!” Sam Maek Jong brushes away the matted hair covering my face so that he could get a good look at my violent crying that racked my entire body, “This isn’t like you (Y/n).” I balled up my fist, angry at his words, “For once let me be just (Y/n) the girl who is madly in love with you. I don’t want to be Queen if I don’t have you by my side!” I scream plummeting my fist against his bare chest. He catches my fist in his large palm, “I don’t want to lie to you. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I need you to be strong and keep making this shitty world a better place. I need you to make things right if I fail tomorrow. I need you to fight and win the battle I couldn’t. I need you to never lose that fiery aura around you that burns everything in your quake. I need you to be alive.” I lie there in silence basking in his words and in the finality of them, as much as I hated to admit it he was right. “You are the Queen everyone has been waiting for, don’t let them down or me. But importantly, don’t let yourself down.”
The morning came too fast. I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep while listening to Maek Jong’s final words. I watch him from afar as he stood tall beside his horse, ready for departure at the gates. We haven’t exchanged any words since last night and I felt utterly speechless in saying one final good bye. Do I say good bye? Is that a bad omen do I say see you again? Or does that just completely ignores what he said yesterday? I snapped out of my internal war instantly when I heard Princess Sook Myung’s voice boom in the courtyard, “Let’s go!” No this can’t be it, not yet. I sprint up to him ignoring the dull ache in my hips with my sword clutched tightly in my hand. I take him my surprise as I threw my arms around his neck in a final desperate embrace. I pull back slightly embarrassed at the scene I caused, feeling all the eyes in the proximity to fall upon me. I cough to clear my throat, “Um here take this with you,” I murmur indifferently holding out my most prized possession before him. I close my eyes and held my head up high a huge attempt to hide how broken I felt inside. I only cracked open one eye slightly when his familiar chuckle that I’ve grown to love echoed in the courtyard. He takes my sword and straps it against his hip, once secured he casually asks “I’ll see you soon?” I roll my eyes, folding my arms across my chest, “I’ll see you if I see you, if I don’t then bye I guess,” I huff with puffed out cheeks. I catch a glimpse of his grin before he pulls me flush against his chest, “I love you,” he whispers against the shell of my ear. I wrap my arms around him tightly nodding as tears streamed down my face, “I love you.” With a final lingering kiss he left.
And he never came back.
Just kidding.
I sat at my throne back home in Goguryeo, it’s been almost a week since he left. And to say I was getting restless was an understatement. I groan flopping on side with one leg sticking up and over the arm rest while the other stayed planted on the ground. It was an unpleasant sight for anyone who walked into the throne room to witness but I could care less at the moment. Anytime today I would receive a letter from Sam Maek Jong, or not but I didn’t want to think about the latter. A familiar voice, a very very annoying voice I might add chimes in the large empty room. “Wow what an unpleasant sight.” “Shut up Seyeo, if you don’t have any good news regarding Maek Jong leave me alone,” I groan shaking my leg impatiently. “I leave you for a week and his is how you greet me? Really (Y/n)?” My eyes widen to unnatural sizes as I see the man I’ve been restlessly waiting for stand beside Seyeo who looked utterly done but the relief and happiness on his features was easy to spot. I literally rolled off my throne and flew down the set of stairs and into Maek Jong’s awaiting arms. “I’m sorry I took so long to get to you, I was supposed to send you a letter but I thought it would be a better surprise if I came here myself.” I was ecstatic but also extremely angry, “You made my wait for this?!” I yell hammering him in the chest with my fists. “Ahhh that’s my cue to leave,” Seyeo whistles indifferently striding out of the room as if nothing happened. Maek Jong chuckles, “I had some things to work out. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting my Princess,” he apologizes holding my hands. I tried to frown but I failed seeing how extremely happy I was at the moment, “Well it better be for a very good reason!” He laughs, “I worked everything out with Mother. I’m officially King of Silla and I’m here to ask for your hand in marriage as I’ve seem to have gotten her blessing as well. Is that good enough of a reason for keeping you waiting?” My mouth hanged open like a dead fish, there was no other way to describe it. I gapped for a bit while his grin never wavered. After a long moment of silence I finally answered, “Yeah okay I guess.” “Yeah okay I guess I went through all that trouble for such a reaction,” he teases hugging me tightly to his chest. “Yeah okay I guess,” I hum mockingly in which he says, “Yeah okay I guess that’s okay since I love you.” I smile against his shoulder embracing him just as tightly, “Yeah okay.”
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infiniteniel · 8 years
Top 10 Bias List Tag!
i was tagged by @mintkibum^^ thank you!
1. Jang Dongwoo (Infinite): he’s my ultimate, the only idol I fell in love with at first sight. He’s everything I am not: positive, confident, hard-working, strong. He has the voice of an angel, the smile of an angel. I wouldn’t imagine myself without him. He makes me feel at home. 2. Kim Jongin (EXO): wow, Kim Kai. There would be so many things to say about my love for Kim Kai. I love how stunning he is when he dances, how adorable he is when he’s smiling. His bear like voice and laugh are a medicine to me. 3. Shin Hoseok (Monsta X): my child. I gave birth to him. Literally. I started to care about him since ep 3 of No.Mercy, there was a moment when I though: "I need to watch the whole show, this baby needs to debut". I’ve been rooting for him ever since. He’s so insecure it makes me feel like flying to his house just to pat him on the head and tell him he’s doing a great job. He works hard always to improve himself, as a dancer and as a singer and I think this is truly inspirational. 4. Kim Seokjin (BTS): a weirdo. He was one of my first biases ever! I’ve always loved him, but I’ve never known precisely why. I guess I was chosen. At first, I guess it was for his cute face but now, after three (four?) years, I can safely say I’m obsessed with how good his laugh makes me feel. He is such a nerd, I don’t know. I love him. 5. Kim Seokwoo (SF9): epitome of “tol but smol”. I fell for him watching DOB, the thing I love the most about him is how he can manage to be sexy and cute at the same time. His singing voice, also. Astonishing. He’s such a mom, always wants his friends to have a good time. He’s so boyfriend material without even knowing or trying. 6. Lee Taemin (SHINee): a god. That’s all I’m gonna say. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Press It. 7. Jung Taekwoon (VIXX): he is… How should I say this… He is so charming, there’s something addicting about his voice and his personality. At first I was intimidated by him and how introverted he looked but, as I got to know him better (via VIXXTv and variety shows of course), I started to feel some kind of connection towards him. I see myself a lot in many of his behaviors. He turns into the softest mochi when he smiles, that's so adorable. I love his solo songs the most, the ballads he wrote in the latest VIXX’s works. I met him four months ago and touched his hand, and it felt like being re-born. 8. Park Hyungsik (ZE:A): Aigoo, this little one. I’d lie if I said I wasn’t attracted by his looks, haha. He has the prettiest eyes, their shape is so… cute. I love when he sings, his voice is so soothing. His stage presence always takes my breath away. My ultimate wish is to see him with ZE:A on stage one more time. Also, I love his works as an actor. King Jinheung?! Enough said. 9. Wang Yibo (UNIQ): a nerd. I have no idea why I have strong feelings for this Chinese guy. Seriously, no idea. I miss him, everyday I wish for Uniq to make a comeback. Every time they post something on SNS and he’s not there my heart dies a little. 10. Yook Sungjae (BTOB): DORKEST OF THE DORKS! He’s my bias cause he makes me laugh, a lot. He doesn’t even try to be funny, and that’s what makes me go insane. He does such an amazing job to promote BTOB, he’s also an amazing actor at such a young age. Also, his voice. Wow. His duet with Kyuhyun of Super Junior at Gayo?! There are no more words needed.
this was not easy and i know it’s the Lamest™ thing you’ve ever read but whatever, that’s what i am i’m tagging @mareainteriore^
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
revolt with romance - king jinheung x reader
so, lol. guess who started watching kdrama? this is probably gonna flop but idk lol. genre: smut. warnings: swearing, title kink, oral (f. receiving), over stimulation, double orgasm, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids)
Jinheung’s mother was ambitious but you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into. Sure, you got extra privileges other people didn’t, but surely you didn’t have to be cooped up inside the inn almost twenty-four-seven.
You knew that Jin hated it. Being hidden. Unable to do anything. As did you, equally so.
You didn’t know which you loathed more - being stuck in the same place every day, scared you might get killed in your sleep, or his mother - who you’d agreed to keep your mouth shut about, Jinheung had said not to poke the snake too much or she might explode (by ‘explode’, he meant ‘seperate the two of you by all means necessary’ because Ji Soo liked to wreak emotional damage). 
Being together was already pressing the woman’s buttons. She didn’t want people knowing her son existed. So she gave him a choice; “you can either be silent the rest of your life or be silent with that stupid girl to entertain you,” and without breaking any of the Queen’s limbs Jinheung agreed, only with your consent.
The two of you were close, if people looked they would be able to tell (of course, no-one knew who you were enough to care to catch so much as a silhouette) that you and the king had been together for a very long time.
It was somewhere close to midnight and the game of chess was getting boring, you threw your head up and groaned loudly, one of your best pieces had just been killed, making Jinheung chuckle softly and you glare at him in response.
The rest of the inn would definitely be asleep by now; not even its keeper was awake. The servants were asleep as well (but it wasn’t like they went in your room, that was off-limits.) and the room itself was uncomfortably quiet as the moon shone through the windows.
“Is she even going to let us get properly married?” Jinheung hissed, taking another of your pieces off the board. You shrugged, your mind wasn’t really on that right now. You were more focused on the apparent assassin who’d been sent to kill the both of you. 
"And I've heard the rumors. Do you know what they call us? Do you know what they call the man and his woman from Otka?" He used a dangerous tone.
“We just need time, Jin.” you said quietly, bringing a smile on your face so you might have a chance at lightening the mood. Alas, your masterful attempt ended with disaster; Jinheung merely rolled his eyes, "it's disgraceful. If they knew... if they knew who they called ghost slut and faceless bastard..."
"So, let's use our names," you say suddenly, changing your mind, determined to keep Jinheung in a good mood, Jin frowns, his beautiful sharp eyebrows furrowing as he ponders the vices and virtues of your statement.
He opens his mouth, most likely to shut the conversation down and shake his head, but you cut him off, eager to win him over.
You're both adults, and not too far off from your seats on the throne. You both know how to use a sword and how to defend yourselves.
"It would be a bit strange, wouldn't it?" You began with a soft smile, "if the capital finally learnt who the king was but the queen killed his soon-to-be queen not fairly after?"
Jinheung curls his lip -if there was one thing he loved about you so much he wouldn't trade for the world it would be how bold you were; you weren't officially married yet.
Did twenty-six years not show you what love truly was?
Jinheung's mind hissed the words at himself. Jinheung sighed and you let out a half-hearted sigh; he frowned, this was not the reaction he wanted.
"But it's fine. I was just -" Jinheung moves the board and table it was on in one swift move, the pieces cluttering to the side silently.
Then he lunges forwards, groaning softly, black hair tickling against your skin; and soon his lips are on yours....
"Lin Y/N," Jinheung's voice makes you throw your head up in pleasure, "You're beautiful. Prettier than the stars, moon, and sun combined, more ephiphanic than every flower in all of Silla, yet stronger than fire from a bon, and your skin -"
"Jinheung," you hiss loudly, "hurry up." He smiles again, this time properly, to both sides, a smile you haven't seen in a long time.
"You weren't going to let me finish my speech?" Jinheung smirks, his sharp eyes getting darker, "you're quite -" he looks for the right words, "daring." And finally finds it. "But," he strokes your skin softly with his hand, "you'll soon learn," and slides your robe off carefully, making you moan at the cold touch of the air, "the consequences," another brush of his fingers, "of interrupting," he places a kiss on your stomach, "my speech." And smiles again.
"You insufferable bas -" you begin. However, due to Jinheung's tongue making its way down to your clit you interrupt yourself with a moan, "Jinheung," the way you say his name is so satisfactory that he keeps going even though his original intent was to reprimand you, but so what? Anything to annoy the Queen would suffice as satisfactory. "Jinh -" he interrupts you with a finger pressed on your lips and you throw your head back again, moaning quietly.
"Our children," he starts, leaning back down to admire the view of your cold skin, "will have truer bones," bends his head down, "than the snake herself," and dives his tongue inside you. "So true," he whispers, "that their names will be in the next book of Tae Te Ching,"
You nod wanton, tangling his black locks with your fingers, his tongue playing with your clit, teeth tugging and pulling on all your soft spots. "You're a pretty girl, Lin Y/N," he whispers, "and a sly minx. Show the world," he breathed in a soft husky voice, his tongue vibrating against your skin, "tell them. Tell them who you belong to, who their nameless king really is..."
Jinheung spreads your legs and rolls his tongue, making you breathe sharply, even pant, he knows exactly how to wrap you around his finger.
"My king..." the phrase is much louder than you intend and Jinheung smiles again, "Jinheung... please..." he breathes on your skin and you gasp loudly.
"Tell me," he whispers, "who am I, my precious flower? Shout my name and my title to the world, sigya."
"Jinheung!" You cry his name out; Jinheung's gone and bitten your clit while hooking two fingers in your spot. "My king..." You're breathless as you moan, "my king, Jinheung. Jinheung. Please, I need you..."
"How much do you need me?" He smirks, face still buried in you, hair still in your weak grasp, "how much do you need your king, Jigya? Revolt. Revolt with romance, Lin Y/N."
"Bastardly pervert," you hiss fondly, to which he replies with the shake of his head and a tingle that goes all the way up to your stomach, "no," shaking his head, you frown, "no?" Another shake, "no."
A few seconds of silence reigns, tension building, "your bastardly pervert," he's smirking now, you moan softly, "and your king." Jinheung has taken his clothes off and even though you've seen him naked many timed he's even more beautiful.
"And you," he strokes your clit before parting with the wetness even though cum is dripping from your thighs, instead, Jinheung lines himself up with your body; he's now hovering over you.... "You, Lin Y/N, are my queen." And without warning, Jinheung slides inside you.
Now you scream, you cry out in pain and pleasure although he's not sure which is which so he sushes you but praises you at the same time; "My king, Jinheung! Jinheung!"
Now both of you are moaning and breathless as Jinheung goes faster, thrusting, palms pressing against the floor, kissing you into moans every time he goes down. "Y/N..." he's only out of breath an hour later and by now you're sure that everyone in Silla has not only woken but lost their purity as well; there was no point in covering a child's ears.
There was no doubt that Jinheung was huge, sometimes he hurt but tonight he didn't. “Jinheung...” you moaned his name as he groaned yours, “Y/N...” his breathing was heavy, and his thrusting became sloppy, he grunted your name as you screamed, you came a second time.... Jinheung spilled into you, breathless.
“I love you, Y/N...” he breathed lazily, going down one last time to place a kiss on your forehead before finally collapsing, it would be a while until you would clean up but you didn’t care, “I love you, too, my king,” you whispered, Jinheung gave you a look, “I love you, too, Jinheung,” you corrected yourself with a sly smile.
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 7 years
Her (Part 1)
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“You’re the youngest daughter of King Youngdoo?” Sam Maek Jong questioned the lady with the satin mask in front of him. He could only slightly see her deep brown eyes from his throne. Her eyes only made him even more curious.
“It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty,” she returned with a greeting, eyes to the floor as form of respect.
“I’m Y/N, the daughter of King Youngdoo.“ 
“Princess Y/N,” he restated while trying to observe the beautiful stranger. He knew her eyes, it was somehow familiar and was everything.
“Your father, I believe he desires a friendship?” he looked at her more while she kept her mannerism, not a single glance on the curious king.
“That’s what I heard as well, your majesty,” she responded in a calm, more composed tone. 
He inwardly smirked, also with his eyes.
“I guess I’ll be seeing more of you for the next few days.”
“You’re here,” Sam Maek Jong said as soon as he saw her entered his library. She who whose eyes always on the floor and also her satin mask.
After a week of quiet breakfast, lunch and dinner, he finally settled for a new routine. 
“Good morning, Your Majesty.” while bowing he greeted the king from his read table.
“Do you have a favorite book, or are you not into books?” he asked straightly, leaning forward to his table.
“Yes?” she was simply a little surprised at his abrupt question.
A King that wanted to bond over books.
She knew well her presumptions and stereotype about kings, those greedy shallow ones her father might send her to.
She then walked through the selves, trying to find her favorites.
After a while on her search, she put the book she found on the table in front of Sam Maek Jong. A fable book about The Scorpion and The Frog. A rather tragic one, where no one ended up live the day.
He observed the book in front of him, his head went ahead as he was getting nowhere. She was still a mystery.
“Come,” he said as suddenly got up from his seat. he took her hands and led her outside.
“Your Majesty?!” Pa Oh who was outside the library waiting, was surprised to see his master sprinting with a lady on his hand. The lady was indeed as surprised.
To his horse, he took her close behind him. They rode towards the forest next to the palace. The ride was strange and silently magical.
Then they stopped at a quiet tree.
“Accompany me hunting,” he said after getting off his horse. He helped her down as well. But, soon he went focusing on his bow and arrow he carried with his horse. She was silent all along, while also hiding her serious wondering. She just couldn’t figure out this young king.
She was watching quietly while he shot some arrows into the wilds, looking exceptionally serious about his hunting activity. He was silent, as she was. He kept on focusing his gazes to the forest, not one glance to her; furtively hiding his dim red cheeks.
From afar two black masked men came closer without a single sound. They brought their bow and arrow themselves.
“You-,” he spoke his first words after a long journey of silence, “you like hunting?”
She noticed his slight stuttered and giggled at the unexpected question.
“Yes,” she answered and remarked, “while not many girls do.”
“Ah,” Sam Maek Jong scratched his head without knowing. He smiled too, sensing a more relax atmosphere.
Pa Oh finally found his master. Pa Oh sighed in relief then soon grinning at the sight. His Majesty was never good with a woman.
But sight of black took back Pa Oh’s grin immediately.
“Majesty!” before Pa Oh was able to take some action, Pa Oh shouted. But the shot was fired. A blue-edged arrow.
She heard the shout and saw the threat immediately. In seconds, she pulled him until they fell to the ground. 
It did misses his heart.
Thanks for following for my scenarios💙💙 Here you go, part 1 of requested Sam Maek Jong Scenarios. I don’t know if it’s good, but do feel free to comment / feedback. I cannot comment back though with this account, don’t know why but still figuring out. Part 2 will be at the end of this week the fastest! Sorry, the update is so very slow:( 
Anyway, hope you like it😊
**Gif/picture and characters are not mine.
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 8 years
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"Who are you?”
He met her the first time that night, the night he discreetly confronted his enemy, when he took what was stolen. At the same time, declaring a war.
“No, did you kill my father?”
He was stunned to her surprisingly calm questioning. He might be some kind of thief or even an assassin who tried to kill her father, but she didn’t even flinch to his dark and masked sight.
He stopped and stared at her for a short while. He could just leave before other people came, but he just couldn’t. He thought that she was so pretty, her round eyes and plum lips. Even on the dim light he could see her pink cheeks. She was just so delicate.
Her eyes too, never left him. Curious of the wanderer.
“You said you’re a king..?”
He was taken aback at her attempt at breaking his silent. He retreated a little, still no words. She must heard their conversation.
Not long, sounds of steps could be heard, some of the housekeepers were walking in. Without more thinking, he looked for her hand then fled the room, taking her to the back of the grand house.
“Your father’s all right,” he said quietly, taking of his mask, “I didn’t kill him.”
He revealed his face to her, now looking at her again. He could see her faint smile as she was relief of his father, also that the man was not a murderer after all.
“I know what my father did,” she mumbled, her tone sadder but then she was smiling dimly to him, “you don’t need to explain anything to me.”
“..about who you are as well.”
Sam Maek Jong eyes widen as he thought that this girl was something else.
“Are you a Hwarang?” She asked while picking up his Hwarang headband from the ground. It must be fallen from his pocket while they entered the shed rushing.
“I’m Banryu’s step-sister, Sado.”
Sam Maek Jong was sure that he was not on his right mind, asking Pa Oh to find her whereabouts since morning. She was the enemy’s daughter after all, or his friend’s sister.
Pa Oh found her and now he ended up at the market, she was going towards the book shop at the end of the street. Sam Maek Jong, as curious and interested as he is went in right away.
“Are you following me?” she clearly remembered this wandering man, he was going here and there with his upside-down ‘History of Panda’ book.
“I was just, uh,” Sam Maek Jong was taken aback, his eyes widen as he scratched his head, eyes looking elsewhere other than her.
She let out a chuckle at his particular actions. She did found this stranger adorable.
“Come here,” she called him and let him sit next to her to read his book.
Ever since they always meet at that little book shop, he sneaked out or he went every time Hwarang got a day off.
One afternoon Sam Maek Jong was on his newly favorite place, waiting for her.
“Your Majesty!” He could see Pa Oh walking fast with rather concerned expression towards him. He didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“Lady Sado,” Pa Oh stopped on his sentence while taking his breathe.
“What happened?” Sam Maek Jong was starting to worry, his protector was not looking exactly as happy as usual.
“Here, Your Majesty.” Pa Oh said simply while handling Sam Maek Jong a letter.
“Lady Sado’s servant delivered this,” Pa Oh said while carefully observing his worried master, “She said she cannot come today.”
Sam Maek Jong untied the letter immediately, read it in seconds.
I believe my father’s servant seemed to notice that I have been seeing a certain young man every now and then. I just don’t want to make it difficult for you. I sincerely apologize.
“Or any other day,” Pa Oh said continuing his sentences quietly, afraid to make Sam Maek Jong even more sad after the letter.
From then on, Sam Maek Jong never see her on that book shop again. Pa Oh never found her on the market either.
One day, after two weeks of wandering and relentless brooding from his master, Pa Oh came to his Master all smiling.
“Your Majesty!” Pa Oh ran to Sam Maek Jong, impatiently as he almost jump to him, “I believe I have bring you good news!”
His eyes grew big, the only good news he needs was her.
“Here you go, Majesty,” Pa Oh smiled so big, he had his eyes shaped like a half-moon. All he cares is his master’s happiness and not less.
Do not want to get carried away with Pa Oh’s excitement, Sam Maek Jong opened the letter.
Hello. I am so sorry to ask you this, but I will be at the night fair this following Saturday, it would be nice to apologize to you in person.
He smiled a big one, he was just so happy at the possibility of meeting her.
“Hi,” she was smiling, happy to see the man standing apart.  
“Sado?” his eyes turned rounder, surprised to see her right in front of him. Slowly he was smiling, happy to finally found her.
“Come here,” suddenly she grabbed his hand this time, making him widen his eyes even more as he unknowingly blushing. He followed as she was taking him to one of the empty tents.
“Ah, I am sorry,” she said, letting go of his hand, blushing herself. Now shades of pink could be seen from the two.
“I miss you,” Sam Maek Jong said straight. While flustered on his own make, he did said his thoughts and not hesitate on announcing it.
Her eyes widen in surprise to his words, and then started to chuckle a little.
“I, I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to,” he said simply then running his hand to her hair, had his eyelashes on hers.
He kissed her slowly.
Not far from their tents, Banryu was on a quest himself. Finding Soo Yeon in the big fair was not so easy. Sneaking up from his father, her father, also her brother.
He went from tent to tent, then went into the one where he ended up seeing the view he never thought he would. His sister with a man. That’s Ji Dwi.
“Sado!” Surprised as he was, he went straight to Sam Maek Jong then smashed his face.
“Banryu!” Sado’s went to Sam Maek Jong who was on the ground after Banryu’s blow.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Banryu roared to his Hwarang’s roommate.
“I am sorry, but I like this woman a lot.” Sam Maek Jong said boldly while was wiping his bloodied lips, “I like your sister a lot.”
“You, ***(insert your own swear words)!” Banryu approached Sam Maek Jong again, trying to land a punch again.
“Stop it, Banryu!” But Sado got in between them in time.
“It’s my choice,” She said assuredly, looking straight at his brother’s eyes, “so, you can do anything about it.”
“Ah,” Sam Maek Jong hissed while Sado was applying some medicine for his cut lip.
“Sorry,” her apology was serious.
“Why?” Sam Maek Jong smiled, and changed his question, “what is your choice?”
She looked down and was silent for a second.
“I decided that I want to see more of you,” she said smiling aloud.
My first hwarang scenario! I made the girl named Sado if that’s allright. Park Young Shil’s (Ban Ryu’s adopted-father) daughter who married King Jinheung in history named Sado. So, I tried to connect that to the story. Tell me if you’d like to hear this Sado’s scenario. Thanks for requesting and (maybe) waiting for the scenario. I still have two requests, but I am so slow. Life’s been too too busy and all:(
Pls enjoy and maybe tell me what you guys think, I’m not a pro hehe. I don’t know if you guys like it or not, but<3
Request :
I was wondering if you could do a scenario with sam maek Jong/ji dwi where you are ban ryus step-sister but are having a secret relationship with him  (ji dwi) so you spend a lot of time with him. Your brother ban ryu doesn’t like the fact that you are around him much and always drags you away from him or something like that until until ji dwi confesses the relationship to him
** I do not own any of the characters portrayed in this also the gif is not mine, the story as well is fictional.
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 8 years
Hi! Could u make a scenerio about Sam maek Jong falling in love with his enemy. His crush was suppose to get close to him n kill him but instead she also fell in love with him. So when her father found out, he send his men's to kill him instead of her. The s/o finds out and protected him but she was killed Infront of him. Thanks! I can't wait to read ur scenerio! 😘
Arrghh love me some angst and SMJ!! Will do it for sure, pls wait patiently for this~^^
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 8 years
New Hwarang Scenario Blog~!!
Will be doing Hwarang scenarios, esp Sam Maek Jong. I only do hwarang boys x female OC, though. Feel free to request❤
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 8 years
Can you do a Sam Maek Jong first time imagine??
I forgot to say that I don’t do smut, sorry:(
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