#king henry viii gif pack
fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Max Parker in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Max plays the role of King Henry Tudor, the eighth.
King Henry VIII is most famous in English history for having six wives - Catherine of Aragon (just under 24 years), Anne Boleyn (just under 3 years), Jane Seymour (just over a year, as Jane passed away), Anne of Cleves (6 months), Catherine Howard (18 months) and Catherine Parr (3 years, 6 months - ended with Henry's death). He was also father to Mary Tudor (Mary I, Bloody Mary), Elizabeth Tudor (Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen) and Edward Tudor (Edward VI).
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Max Parker
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Max Parker in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Max plays the role of King Henry Tudor, the eighth.
King Henry VIII is most famous in English history for having six wives - Catherine of Aragon (just under 24 years), Anne Boleyn (just under 3 years), Jane Seymour (just over a year, as Jane passed away), Anne of Cleves (6 months), Catherine Howard (18 months) and Catherine Parr (3 years, 6 months - ended with Henry’s death). He was also father to Mary Tudor (Mary I, Bloody Mary), Elizabeth Tudor (Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen) and Edward Tudor (Edward VI).
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fantasiesandfolklore · 2 months
The Phoenix Queen — Historical & Mythological Influences on Lunaruz & Queen Relta [Part I]
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Relta is heavily inspired by both Queen Mary I of England & Ireland and her half-sister, Queen Elizabeth I of England & Ireland — along with Eleanor of Aquitaine.
A quote by Queen Mary I of England & Ireland greatly inspires Relta’s outlook on her dynamic with Lunaruz. Essentially, she views herself as married to her kingdom and “mother” to her people. The quote can be found [here]
Relta’s unmarried status and refusal to marry was inspired by Queen Elizabeth I of England & Ireland, along with seeing her parents’ marriage fail and her father gaining the throne, despite her mother having been the heir to Relta’s maternal grandparents who ruled Lunaruz approximately one-hundred and fifty years before Relta’s own reign began.
Relta’s artistic talents are inspired by a young Queen Mary I of England and Ireland, as she was: a known polyglot; skilled dancer; skilled musician; and decent politician.
Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine’s influence on Relta’s Phoenix Queen verse include: (1) she rules a duchy in her own right in otherwise unclaimed territory near Lunaruz, aside from being heir to the throne of Lunaruz; (2) she ruled Lunaruz as regent during her father’s last ten years of reign; (3) Relta ruled in her own right without a spouse, though she did have lovers.
The myth of [Atalanta] partially inspires Relta’s determination for being an independent ruler, along with Queen Elizabeth I’s insistence upon being “The Virgin Queen”. She doesn’t want to be ruled by a man, having suffered a bit under her father’s reign’s later years as he’d become more…misogynistic admittedly, even toward Relta and her younger half-sister, Aislin.
Like Queen Elizabeth I, Relta’s claim to be an unwed queen was questioned. She was believed to have married one of her lovers in secret, like Queen Consort Elizabeth Woodville and King Edward IV had before their official wedding. It was untrue, as Relta would never risk being tied to a male consort who could usurp her. However, she exchanged non-binding, and platonic, vows with one of her close friends as to ensure the woman was protected in court despite not gaining power from the vows.
Relta’s fears of losing lovers also stemmed from many myths she learned in childhood, along with seeing her parents’ “divorce” at a young age. It influenced her avoiding “falling in love” and acting on it in an official, legal way.
Relta also related to Mary, Queen of Scots, in being the sole heir, and a woman, with her mother supposedly having neared the age in which women stopped bearing children when Relta was born. Relta’s half-sister, Aislin, is not a legitimate heir despite Relta declaring Aislin’s eventual children in line for the throne.
Unknown to Relta, her father had a number of illegitimate children, including a son who he tried marrying to Relta to give the son legitimacy. Fortunately, Relta saw the resemblance and cornered her father on the topic and sent her illegitimate half-brother packing in shame. King Henry VIII had tried the same with one of his bastards and Princess Mary (future Queen Mary I).
Relta is, surprisingly, fond of children and very maternal - similarly to Queen Mary I. She often dotted on her ladies-in-waitings’ children, spoiling the children of those close to her. She secretly wished to be a mother herself, but the implications of a father would have undermined her sole claim to the throne.
Relta also had a fear of dying in childbirth, as Queen Consort Elizabeth of York with her final child by King Henry VII did, and considered adoption, yet feared a conspiracy against her to put an enemy’s child on the throne after her, or claiming she was secretly the mother.
Relta studied the queen consorts who came before her, not only in Lunaruz but in similar (culturally) nations/kingdoms, and was slightly paranoid she would die and be replaced like many other queen consorts had been.
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thquldnunc · 1 year
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Thomas had returned home as soon as he had been able, for the safety of his only living child and wife was all that mattered if one was to think further on the troubles that came from Florentine waters. If only he knew of the Cromwells and their rising tempers, then perhaps Thomas would’ve instead called his family to the Holy Roman Empire or Spain, where there were acquaintances that could be thus used as safe harbours. But, no, he had been blindsided by the news from home only due to the fact that Walsingham had thought that nothing would happen, that when he had left there had been no news of his old Masters clad in black, nor had he even come to think of anything other than the looming threat of the real, breathing illegitimate son of King Henry VIII. 
Though perhaps James or even Julian enjoyed the welcome home, Thomas kept himself to the shadows and back passages, his pace quickened upon seeing the known hallway that had since become the quarters kept to himself and his family. Breaking through the door, he met his daughter — his hands clasped against her sweet face as he kissed her brow and cussed with relief. She was safe, Cecily Walsingham was safe. With a breath, he held her close to the repulsion of his only child, who had since grown to find her father only a suffocation to her growth. But, she proclaimed that she had missed him, and that her mother waited for him behind their walls. 
With one last kiss, he strayed, removing his travelling cloak and heavy leather gloves in the process, the items dropped to the floor in a rushed fashion before pushing the door open to reveal his ever patient love. In a frantic dash he carved his arms around her, embracing her against him in one lunge — a gasp then passing by his stubborn lips, his brow falling against hers. “Sweetling, you are here… God, how I have missed you,” he then sighed, passing his mouth over her own, before a quick release. “What have I missed? How has Elizabeth fared? No, you must have your trunks packed, we must make haste to somewhere of the utmost safety. I shan’t risk you or Cecily in a fault of my own.”
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Catherine lands at Plymouth
Catherine saw the first signs of the popular rejoicing when her battered fleet finally made the Sound and dropped anchor off Plymouth Hoe on a bright Saturday afternoon, the second of October, 1501. For weeks the West Country had expected her coming; the topmasts of the foreign ships, the gay flutter of Spanish standards, the familiar cut of Stephen Brett’s rigging had packed the quay with gaily dressed citizens among whom were already a sprinkling of squires and their wives, the town barge with the Lord Mayor and a delegation of aldermen floated ready, and, as the first anchors dropped, a welcoming clamour of bells broke out over town and harbour. What makes it the more impressive is that Plymouth’s welcome was entirely spontaneous.The English of course had made elaborate preparations for Catherine’s reception. But everything had been based on the assumption that she would land at Southampton. So when she came ashore instead at Plymouth, the townsmen and local gentry were left to their own devices to offer their own, impromptu welcome. There was no royal officer at Plymouth to bid the Princess welcome.
Catherine may have been a girl not yet sixteen, hardly recovered from seasickness and fright and the wetting which even a princess could not escape in such squalls as her fleet had weathered, but she had been thoroughly trained in what was expected of royalty; when her ship was warped in to the quay she stood in the waist with the Archbishop and the Bishop and the Count of Cabra and her suite of honour ranged ceremoniously behind her. The welcoming crowds may have been a little dissapointed that as well as a coif (head covering) and hat, wich allowed her hair to hang down about her shoulders, Catherine reportedly also wore a veil. But no doubt they marvelled at the multicultural entourage she brought with her.
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As Catherine walked down the gangway, followed by her retinue, the first thing she saw through her veil was the Mayor of Plymouth and his aldermen, come to welcome her to England. The townsfolk were there too, cheering and waving, and there were banners in the streets. ‘The Princess could not have been received with greater joy’, wrote the elated Licentiate Alcaraz to Queen Isabella, ‘had she been the Saviour of the world.'  Not long after stepping on English soil for the first time, Catherine went in procession to the church to give thanks for her safe arrival. Meanwhile, a royal messenger was speeding away to the King, to tell him that the Princess whose arrival he had awaited for thirteen years was actually in his kingdom. Catherine stayed at the house of a rich merchant named John Painter, who provided lodgings and entertainment for the newly-arrived Spanish princess before her long journey overland to London and marriage. She remained there over a week, as the arrangements for her official welcome were hastily revised. 
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Margaret Beaufort, the king’s mother, noted the event in her Book of Hours, where only the most important occasions were recorded. While King Henry was not there to welcome his daughter-in-law in person, he did pen her a letter telling her of how happy and relieved he was that she’d finally arrived. Catherine’s arrival was such an important event that it warranted a specially commissioned account. The task of describing her journey into England appears to have fallen to the poet Stephen Hawes, with the commission almost certainly coming from Henry VII himself. He wrote his chronicle in the style of a medieval romance and gave it the title The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne.  
Garrett Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon
Antonia Fraser, The Six Wives Of Henry VIII
Alison Weir, The Six Wives of Henry VIII
David Starkey, Six Wives : The Queens of Henry VIII
Theresa Earenfight, Catherine of Aragon
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly and Max Parker in Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn.
Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn, over the course of her late teens to the end of her life. Max plays the role of King Henry VIII.
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fabledenigmaeragif · 5 months
Amy James-Kelly
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly in the miniseries Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn. Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn over the course of her late teens to the end of her life.
Anne Boleyn was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I in Tudor history, she was also part of the reason for the creation of The Church of England by King Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn was the second of six wives to Henry VIII. Her older sister had been one of many mistresses of Henry and Anne refused to allow herself to become another throwaway mistress. As such Henry began to pursue an annulment from his first wife, which was declined and so, Henry and his advisors began to breakdown the rule of the Catholic Church in England, and Henry took control of the Church of England. Anne was later charged with incest, treason and adultery and was beheaded on Tower Hill, London Tower on Friday 19th May 1536, a little under the 3rd anniversary of her crowning. Anne was also the maternal cousin of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, and coincidently, Catherine was also found guilty of adultery and was beheaded like her cousin.
Trigger Warning - Fire, Sexual, Execution, Dogs
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Sophie Boettge
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Sophie Boettge in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Sophie played the role of Jane Boleyn.
Jane Boleyn was born as Jane Parker, she was by birth, the second cousin of King Henry VIII and became the sister-in-law of Henry’s second wife Anne Boleyn when Jane married Anne’s only brother George Boleyn. She was known as Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford, she later became a lady-in-waiting to Jane Seymour, before the same position to Anne of Cleves. She testified that Anne had confided in her that she and Henry had not consummated their marriage, which allowed Henry to annul his marriage to Anne of Cleves and marry Catherine Howard. Jane maintained her position as lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Jane was arrested along with many people and the Queen after rumours about her past surfaced. Suffering from a nervous breakdown to months of mental abuse from the interrogations, she was legally pronounced insane and unfit for trial. However, Henry manipulated the law so that the legally insane may be executed for high treason, as such, Jane along with Queen Catherine were charged with high treason and sentenced to die on February 13th 1542. Jane appeared calm and serene before the end.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly in Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn Part 1. Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn over the course of her late teens to the end of her life.
Anne Boleyn was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I in Tudor history, she was also part of the reason for the creation of The Church of England by King Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn was the second of six wives to Henry VIII. Her older sister had been one of many mistresses of Henry and Anne refused to allow herself to become another throwaway mistress. As such Henry began to pursue an annulment from his first wife, which was declined and so, Henry and his advisors began to breakdown the rule of the Catholic Church in England, and Henry took control of the Church of England. Anne was later charged with incest, treason and adultery and was beheaded on Tower Hill, London Tower on Friday 19th May 1536, a little under the 3rd anniversary of her crowning. Anne was also the maternal cousin of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, and coincidently, Catherine was also found guilty of adultery and was beheaded like her cousin.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly in Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn Part 3. Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn over the course of her late teens to the end of her life.
Anne Boleyn was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I in Tudor history, she was also part of the reason for the creation of The Church of England by King Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn was the second of six wives to Henry VIII. Her older sister had been one of many mistresses of Henry and Anne refused to allow herself to become another throwaway mistress. As such Henry began to pursue an annulment from his first wife, which was declined and so, Henry and his advisors began to breakdown the rule of the Catholic Church in England, and Henry took control of the Church of England. Anne was later charged with incest, treason and adultery and was beheaded on Tower Hill, London Tower on Friday 19th May 1536, a little under the 3rd anniversary of her crowning. Anne was also the maternal cousin of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, and coincidently, Catherine was also found guilty of adultery and was beheaded like her cousin.
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Trigger Warning - Fire, Sexual, Execution, Dogs
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Charlotte Hope in The Spanish Princess Season 1 pilot.
Charlotte plays the role of Catherine of Aragon, who became the first wife of King Henry VIII and the longest of his marriages. At 15, she was married to Henry's older brother Arthur Tudor. The marriage only lasted around 4 months as Arthur passed away from the sweating sickness both had contracted in the country, Catherine survived. Several years later, after testifying that her marriage to Arthur was never consummated and a dispensation from the Pope, Catherine and Henry were married when he ascended the throne.
A strong Queen consort, Catherine bore many children for her husband, however only one - a daughter - Mary Tudor, reached adulthood. Her other children were stillborn, or lived a few months. Catherine passed her love of religion on to her daughter and both were devoted Catholics throughout their lives.
Catherine was later divorced from Henry, in the eyes of the Church of England, after Henry was unable to be granted an annulment from the Pope to dissolve his and Catherine's marriage. Although divorced, Catherine maintained that she had only ever been with Henry and was his one true wife in the eyes of God. However, Henry gave her the title of Dowager Princess of Wales and no other title, before going on to marry his second wife.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Sophie Boettge in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Sophie played the role of Jane Boleyn.
Jane Boleyn was born as Jane Parker, she was by birth, the second cousin of King Henry VIII and became the sister-in-law of Henry's second wife Anne Boleyn when Jane married Anne's only brother George Boleyn. She was known as Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford, she later became a lady-in-waiting to Jane Seymour, before the same position to Anne of Cleves. She testified that Anne had confided in her that she and Henry had not consummated their marriage, which allowed Henry to annul his marriage to Anne of Cleves and marry Catherine Howard. Jane maintained her position as lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Jane was arrested along with many people and the Queen after rumours about her past surfaced. Suffering from a nervous breakdown to months of mental abuse from the interrogations, she was legally pronounced insane and unfit for trial. However, Henry manipulated the law so that the legally insane may be executed for high treason, as such, Jane along with Queen Catherine were charged with high treason and sentenced to die on February 13th 1542. Jane appeared calm and serene before the end.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Matas Dirgincius in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Matas plays the role of King Francis I of France, a rival of King Henry VIII.
TW - there are some scenes of nudity.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Amy James-Kelly in Blood, Sex and Royalty: Anne Boleyn Part 2. Amy plays the role of Anne Boleyn over the course of her late teens to the end of her life.
Anne Boleyn was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I in Tudor history, she was also part of the reason for the creation of The Church of England by King Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn was the second of six wives to Henry VIII. Her older sister had been one of many mistresses of Henry and Anne refused to allow herself to become another throwaway mistress. As such Henry began to pursue an annulment from his first wife, which was declined and so, Henry and his advisors began to breakdown the rule of the Catholic Church in England, and Henry took control of the Church of England. Anne was later charged with incest, treason and adultery and was beheaded on Tower Hill, London Tower on Friday 19th May 1536, a little under the 3rd anniversary of her crowning. Anne was also the maternal cousin of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, and coincidently, Catherine was also found guilty of adultery and was beheaded like her cousin.
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Trigger Warning - Fire, Sexual
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Matas Dirgincius
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Matas Dirgincius in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Matas played the role of King Francis of France.
King Francis the first of France was not expected to take the throne, however when his third cousin died without a son, Francis was the next living male heir. He was quickly promised to his second cousin Claude and they soon married, going on to have several children. Only two of his children - Henry II of France and Margaret went on to have children. After the death of Claude in 1524, ten years after their marriage, Francis married Eleanor of Austria, but had no children. Like Henry VIII, Francis had mistresses and was the first King to give his favourite mistress the title of 'maîtresse-en-titre'. One of his potential mistresses was Mary Boleyn, during her time at the French court with her sister Anne.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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fabledenigmaeragif · 4 months
Callum Coates
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Callum Coates in Blood, Sex and Royalty. Callum plays the role of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey.
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was inherited by King Henry VIII from his father as one of his confidantes with two others. He was one of Henry's most trusted confidante, but when it came to securing the annulment from Queen Catherine of Aragon from the Pope, his downfall began. It is rumoured that Anne and her followers convinced Henry that Wolsey was deliberately holding proceedings and he was arrested. In the same year as his arrest, he was stripped of his government office and properties. However, his title as Archbishop of York remained until his death a year later.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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