#king arthur 2004 fanfiction
demona-andariel · 1 year
Tristan's Hawk - 4 / ??
Fandom: King Arthur (2004)
Pairing: Tristan x OFC
Summary: They were enemies, fated to kill each other. Yet a curse ends up binding her to him. Hawk by day, woman by night. She needs to find a way to break the curse and return home before he realizes just how much control he really has. Unfortunately, all too quickly, things become a lot more complicated when the heart is thrown into the mix.
Warnings: Nothing to bad. Possible eventual smut, undecided. I would say canon typical violence.
Word Count: 3,193
Chapter 4 - They Meet
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The knights and the Romans huddled near their own fires. There was a small but noticeable separation between the two groups. Tristan kept a sharp eye on the treeline while he made sure once again that his weapons were ready for an attack. He wasn't going to get caught off-guard again. Not that he expected another attack. The Woads were clearly after only one person.
"Unnatural," Lancelot muttered to himself yet again.
"He was a little bit older than you when you first started fighting," Bors said with a hearty laugh.
"It's not the age of the lad," Lancelot said with a shake of his head. "The way I cut his leg, he should have fallen."
Tristan gave his friend a glance. After burning their dead, it had gotten too late to travel any further back to the Wall. They had to set up camp near the funeral pyre. The injured Romans weren't as badly wounded as Tristan had initially thought. Which was a good thing. But, they still needed to rest for the night before making their way back home.
If two of the Romans weren't in the shape they were in, Tristan had little doubt that the centurion would have ordered them to search for the closest Woad village for some revenge. The knights would have to follow his command and innocents would die. And Arthur would not be happy. But, two Romans were in just the right poor shape that going to the Wall was a better option. He felt relief about that.
Lancelot hissed.
"Don't be such a baby," Bors said with a chuckle.
"Stop stabbing me so hard," Lancelot shot back. "You're going to leave a scar."
Of the three, Lancelot received the most injuries. He had several long cuts along his chest. A deeper wound on his left arm and one on his left leg. Injuries that weren't life-threatening.
Bors snorted. "As if you need to worry about another scar. There, done," he said as he put in the last stitch then playfully pressed on the wound.
Bors waved a hand in the air as he opened his back and brought out some food. "Think they were after the girl?" he asked, taking a sip from his flask.
Tristan didn't reply.
"All that for a girl? A pretty one, but," Lancelot shook his head. "Did she escape?"
"Yes," Tristan replied softly. His mind brought back the images of that moment: The wolf releasing the Roman's neck and walking toward the young woman in a way that made him think it was going to attack her. He kept replaying those moments in his head. The wolf was there and then it wasn't. The woman who attacked him. Rina? Yes. She'd called the prisoner Nola. Maybe the wolf belonged to Rina and she'd called it off. But, why put herself in danger to save the beast? But, he didn't hear a whistle or any sort of signal.
Tristan closed his eyes for a moment. Those wild light brown eyes had stared down at him with such a ferocity. Her long dark brown hair, with deep curls that were a tangled mess, tried to hide her nudity, not that she seemed to mind. Her skin was so soft. Something that hadn't sunk in until he let himself think about it.
It was useless, wishing that she'd not put herself in danger like that again. Someone had wounded her right shoulder. A wound he'd noticed when she fought him. The Woads were getting far too desperate, sending in young women like her to attack and die? It was unfortunate.
Tristan frowned as he thought about her shoulder again. There was something about that wound. He felt as if he knew something, but his brain refused to give up the answer, whatever that was.
"A life," she had said. What did that mean? She looked at him as if she recognized him. But, he had no idea who she was.
"I'm telling you, he was unnatural," Lancelot stated, breaking through Tristan's musing. Tristan looked down at his weapons and got busy making sure that they were clean as he listened to his friends.
"Never seen anyone look like that. His eyes. Black as night. Focused on one thing. Almost as if he weren't here. None of the wounds he received seemed to affect him."
Bors snorted. "What? You thinkin' they somehow training their people to not feel pain? Never thought Lancelot would be scared of some boy."
Lancelot glowered at Bors. "If we run into him again, you fight him next time." He shifted his gaze to Tristan before looking at the fire. Lancelot rolled his shoulders, shaking his head. "It was rather unsettling."
Bors let out a sigh. "Remember when we were his age?" he asked. "We'd forced ourselves to pretend we weren't injured. Just normal, trying to act as if he's invincible. He'll learn if he lives long enough."
Lancelot didn't answer. The two knights looked over at him. He'd fallen asleep. It was one thing they were good at. Falling asleep almost instantly when they had the chance.
Movement caught Tristan's attention out of the corner of his eye. Two yellow eyes momentarily flashed, causing him to tense. The wolf. Was it about to be stupid enough to attack? It caught his gaze and then disappeared back into the forest.
Tristan sheathed his sword and got up.
"Where ya going?" Bors asked, noticing the scout's movements.
"I'll take first shift," Tristan stated.
"Course you will, you always do," Bors said. He let out a yawn despite himself and wrapped his cloak around him. "Wake me up next. Let Sleeping Beauty over there get as much rest as possible."
Tristan didn't reply. He fell into his zone, pretending to go one way as he entered the forest. He double back and around. Getting his bow and arrow ready to kill the beast. It was a beautiful creature, but he couldn't have it sneaking into camp and killing any of them.
He made sure to stay downwind of it as he crept up to the spot he'd last seen it. It was gone. Unfortunately, the night sky and heavy brush made it impossible for him to be able to track the beast. He let out a soft sigh and started to scout around the area, making sure that there was no one trying to sneak up and attack them.
He crept through the forest, his senses on high alert. Normally, he had his dog with him to help him scout. But the beast had gotten too old so he'd left it back home.
Movement out of the corner of his eye made him still. He spotted someone. Nocking his arrow, he carefully stepped through the trees, trying not to make any noise. He raised his bow then paused.
A woman stood with her back to him. She ran her fingers through her long hair for a moment. It was her. He wasn't sure how he knew. Could have been any woman.
She adjusted her clothes as if she were just getting dressed. Midnight frolick with a lover? But where was the man? And why so close to her enemy's camp?
She bent down and picked up his dagger, slipping it into her belt. He lowered his bow. Probably a mistake, but he didn't want to hurt her.
"I'll take my dagger back," he stated, stepping out from behind the trees to confront her.
She whirled around and placed her hand on her belt. Her hair was a mess and had leaves in it. Dirt was on her hands. She had been with someone. What kind of foolish, idiotic man would leave her alone instead of making sure she was safe?
"Ah, ah," he said with a shake of his head "Don't.".
He watched her muscles tense and inwardly sighed. She was quick. He gave her credit for that as the next thing he knew she was lunging at him, dagger in hand. But he had decades of training behind his muscles, and he was more mentally prepared for her this time.
"You seem to enjoy courting death," Tristan commented, easily dodging her attack.
"You shouldn't have come out here alone, knight," she snapped back.
He dodge the blade again and spun around her. He placed his hand on the small of her back and lightly pushed her forward. She stumbled but corrected herself and spun to face him again.
He hid his amusement, curious as to what she'd do next. She lunged again. He caught her wrist and twisted it, forcing her hand open and the dagger to drop. To his surprise, she seemed to expect his move. Her left hand caught the falling blade and she slashed at him, forcing him to jump back.
He clicked his tongue and cracked his neck. The blade had cut into his leather armor just a little bit. Not enough to worry him. But enough to slightly annoy him.
"I told you next time you would not be so lucky," she said with confidence.
He didn't reply. He let her make the first move. She rushed at him again, dagger in her right hand. At the last second, she switched it to her other hand. That surprised him. He didn't react fast enough. The blade sliced through the back of his hand. It was a shallow wound, but it stung. She smirked as she jumped back, showing him the blood on his knife for a moment. Then her muscles tensed as she readied to attack again.
He let out a heavy sigh. She injured him. He was done playing around. She attacked. He used her momentum against her, grabbing her wrist he threw her over his body. She landed on the ground with a hard thud, knocking the wind out of her. Before she could recover, he quickly straddled her, throwing the dagger far away so she couldn't reach it.
"Enough!" he commanded.
"Get off me," she said as she started to wiggle, pressing her hands against his chest. She was stronger than he expected and nearly succeeded in pushing him off her.
He grabbed her hands and pinned them over her head. "I did not plan on killing a woman tonight," he said.
"Well, I have no problem killing you," she replied as she continued to try and get free. She kicked her legs behind him, digging them into the dirt in an attempt to push her body out.
The darkness lightened around them as the clouds released the moon. They were in a perfect spot, oddly enough. The leaves of the trees were just right, allowing the moon to shine down on them. He cocked his head. Despite her threat, her eyes read otherwise. She didn't want to kill him. She moved her head up to see how his hands held her before looking at him. She was scared, though she hid it well.
"Stop," he said softly as she continued to struggle. "You're going to tire yourself out."
"So you can kill me without a fight?" she asked. Her voice sounded strained from her effort. Soon enough she would stop fighting even if she didn't want to. She clearly didn't see that.
"If you keep struggling right now you won't have the strength to protect yourself later," he said.
She gave him a cold glare but stopped for a moment. Her brown eyes stared into his own with defiance. Such fire, such spirit. It would be a shame for her to die.
"If you think you can so easily kill me-"
"I'm not going to kill you," he interrupted, surprising her and himself. But it was true. He wasn't going to kill her. He examined her. She was actually wearing a dress. "Well, at least you're dressed now." His teasing words surprised him, but he kept his emotions suppressed. He couldn't let her know that.
Her wide eyes immediately narrowed. "Let me go," she demanded as she struggled to push him off.
"I don't think I will," he stated. "You're playing a dangerous game here." He paused. "Rina."
She immediately stilled, confirming her name. "You don't get to call me that, knight," she snapped as she started to struggle again.
"Your lover should have known better than to leave you alone. It's dangerous out here," he stated.
"I don't have a lover," she growled. "And I'm not afraid of the night or danger. I can handle myself." The conviction in her voice would have convinced him. If he didn't have her pinned to the ground.
"Then whoever sent you to fight a Sarmatian knight was a fool," he stated. He watched her reaction, curious to see what she was doing out there alone.
She snarled in annoyance. "No one sent me to fight no one," she said as she wiggled in vain.
"To spy on us?" he asked. The moon hit her brown hair just right. He resisted the urge to let one arm go just to see if it was as soft as it looked. It was a little bit tangled in some areas, but there was a nice lock of hair that was so tempting to touch. Her silence and stilled body were answer enough. "The wolf is yours?" At his question, he looked around. But he didn't hear it.
"I will not let you take me prisoner," she said as she started to struggle again. She nearly got her hands free, but he quickly tightened his hold on them, shaking his head.
"I'm not going to take you back as a prisoner either," he said. The Romans were looking for blood, and it didn't matter whose. Although, she, or at least her wolf, was responsible for the death of one of their own. He knew better than to bring her back with him as a prisoner. The things they'd do to her.
The muscles in his neck tightened as he clenched his jaw.
"Then what do you want?" she asked.
"Are your people so desperate and low on men that they are starting to send their women and old out as well?" he asked.
"If you refer to the prisoners you were escorting, they were falsely accused of a crime that didn't happen," she said with confidence.
He nodded. He could see that. "Why risk so many lives to save one?" he asked. If she were a spy, she would be horrible at it. She didn't answer his question, but her pupils dilated.
"She's important," he said. Her throat moved as she swallowed. To his surprise, she finally stopped struggling.
"Why did you go into the forest? Why did you go after her?" Myrina asked. Her voice was surprisingly softer. The furious fire in her eyes held more curiosity than anger. The way her eyes looked at him, the answer was important to her.
"I heard her scream," he said.
She blinked a couple of times, clearly trying to make sense of the hidden meaning behind his words.
"You were going to help her?"
He couldn't answer that. They both knew that. But the look of surprise in her eyes confirmed to him that she understood.
"Why?" she asked.
Another question he couldn't answer. The air around him seemed to thicken. And he watched as she swallowed again.
You're far too old for her, he thought. She had to be at least ten years younger than him. She's a Woad, Tristan. You're a Sarmatian knight. Enemies. Still, his mind couldn't help but be attracted to her.
Her lips parted as she took in deep long breaths. He felt an urge hit him, to press his lips against hers. So very tempting. He moved his gaze from her lips to her eyes. Her brow was knitted with confusion as she searched his eyes for answers.
Tristan immediately rolled off her and stood up, shaking his head. Do not even think it. He didn't take his eyes off her, though. And watched as she slowly rose to her feet. She still looked confused. She slowly brushed her dress, clearly trying to gain control over her emotions. Did she feel it too?
"You're my enemy," she stated.
"Yes," he said with a nod of his head. "But not for long," he added.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"The Sarmatian knights' duty to Rome is ending soon," he said, turning his head slightly. He still had to keep an eye on her, not completely trusting her to not try and stab him in the back.
"Ending," she said softly. "Why are you telling me this?"
Why was he telling her? Why hadn't he killed her? Why did she mesmerize him?
"Go back home to your husband, Myrina," he said with a wave of his hand as he tried to get control of his attraction toward her. She had to be married. Especially at her age. Probably had a few kids at home. Or maybe, her husband was killed by one of them. Maybe she was out there for revenge. That would explain why she seemed so overly confident when it came to not losing her life. Maybe she didn't treasure it. "If your people are patient they won't have to deal with us for very long."
He started to walk away, making sure not to turn his back to her.
"Knight!" she called out.
"Tristan," he said, turning completely to face her again. His heart picked up. He told her his name. Why did he do that?
She had his dagger in her hands. "This belongs to you," she said, holding it out to him.
"Keep it," he said, holding up his hand and shaking his head. "You won it."
She hesitated, looking down at the dagger for a moment then back at him.
"We're still enemies," she said.
He nodded his head. "Didn't expect anything more from us."
She took a step back and then another and then she ran off. He didn't hesitate in making his way back to camp.
His body pulsed with a need. He ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. Bors was right. He was getting soft. A pretty young thing like her had distracted him. He wasn't necessarily old, but he thought he'd passed the years where a woman could excite his interests in such a way. She could have had her Woad friends waiting for that moment, and easily could have killed him. He was lucky that she was alone.
That was a little bit worrisome. Why would they allow a young woman like herself alone out in the middle of the forest like that? She seemed overly confident in her ability to take him on. But then again, she also appeared tired. She was stronger than he expected at the start of their fight, but that strength quickly waned.
Midnight trysts with the enemy, Tristan? he could already hear Bors or Lancelot tease him. He looked behind him but didn't feel as if anything was watching him.
You're getting soft, Bors's voice echoed in his mind.
He paused, the moment he saw the two small fires from the camp. Glancing behind him he couldn't help but hope he wouldn't see her again. He didn't like the way she distracted him. Didn't like the intrigue and desire that she sparked in him. He couldn't wait to get back to the Wall.
He let out another sigh, condemning himself to a bad choice. Although he'd pulled away from her some time ago, he had a feeling he'd have to find his former lover to scratch an itch that this Myrina put inside of him.
Tristan scratched his head. Although, perhaps the trouble and drama that would cause would not be worth it in the end of him.
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sasha-br · 3 months
So when you bother to comment on someone’s fic, you might want to consider being polite? Otherwise, what’s the fucking point?
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hart-feathers · 1 month
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Apple Tart
Fandom: King Arthur (2004)
Pairing: Galahad/Tristan (King Arthur 2004)
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot ¦ Teasing ¦ Touching ¦ Porn with Feelings ¦ Playful Sex ¦ Competitiveness ¦ Apples ¦ Gags ¦ Sort Of ¦ Using an apple as a gag ¦ Bottom Galahad (King Arthur 2004) ¦ Top Tristan (King Arthur 2004) ¦ Humor ¦ Idiots in Love ¦ Established Relationship
Word Count: 2,810
Summary: Galahad frowns when Tristan offers an apple to him.
The other man smirks, "You're noisy, pup, we don't want to wake the others."
Galahad scowls but he can't deny that Tristan knows how to press all his buttons and pull sounds from him he never imagined he could make. He huffs indignantly but instead of snapping back he grins and takes the apple in his hand.
"Then make me scream, old man." He purrs then licks his lips and lightly bites into the apple, holding it securely between his teeth.
Tristan growls and his hips twitch against Galahad’s, making them both groan, "Challenge accepted.”
Inspired by a post by @xmh_4lx, link in notes
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: King Arthur (2004) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Galahad/Gawain (King Arthur 2004) Characters: Gawain (King Arthur 2004), Galahad (King Arthur 2004) Additional Tags: Swimming, Established Relationship, Sneaking Out, Summer, Bioluminescence Series: Part 15 of Writers' Month 2024 Summary:
There’s a tarn not far from the Wall, where the people of the fortress sometimes go to swim when the weather is too hot to do anything else, and one long summer evening Gawain and Galahad steal away...tonight they don’t want to be disturbed, or to share the water with others.
Written for @writersmonth 2024 day 15, 'glow | lake'.
This is for the always-awesome @spiced-wine-fic,  who prompted me "Galahad and Gawain approach a still lake with a radiant glow appearing from the depths" - this particular canon is a whole lot less mystical than other versions of the Arthur myth, and I wasn't sure quite what might be going on...and then I remembered that bioluminescence is a thing, not that the lads know that. XD
I'm taking prompts for the rest of Writers' Month - throw me a fandom, characters and scenario for any of the remaining ones and I'll write you a fic!
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alchemistc · 9 months
Moon Breaks Knight | Chapter Ten
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“What, you think the ash would have let you all stuff yourselves inside a cottage built for one?” Brown eyes cut to him, a sparkling glint of warm curiosity. “The ash?” “Magic tree,” Eddie intoned, desperately hoping his smile wasn't too wide as he gestured vaguely around them. “Did you think I did it?” “I wasn't sure I wasn't just imagining things.” “She makes as much room as she needs.” Eddie tilted sideways, carefully bumping shoulders with Steve as he remarked in sotto, “I think she likes you.” His eyes chased the flush that raced up Steve's neck with fascination, following the jump of his throat as he swallowed, head tipping forward and chestnut hair shifting like curtains to cover half his face. The warmth drifted down the thread of the bond like treacle.
read on ao3
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tiodolma · 10 days
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FYI to the people who make medieval-lit or renaissance-lit arthurian fanfiction and use "Arthurian Mythology & Related Fandoms" as fandom tag, please be aware that AO3 has now merged all the fandoms that have arthurian characters under this tag.
so your works are most likely buried under fics that came from these fandoms
Merlin BBC
King Arthur (2004)
King Arthur and the Sword
Fate Grand Order
good luck
apparently ppl can report this? but idk how.
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amalthea9 · 8 months
So @professorlehnsherr-almashy did our family time call today and played a version of the game Heartthrob that he put together using some fandoms! Characters from Doctor Who, The Terror, Hornblower, Psychoville, Six Idiots productions, a few favorites from Jane Austin, The League of Gentlemen, What We Do in Shadows, and some rogue favorite characters!
Basically the game is that you draw 3 characters and then draw 2 red flags for each character to have.
You then have to guess who the other person will date/marry and choose one yourself.
Here are the results of the game!
Lee had to marry Pat(BBC Ghosts) for the tax break
Both Lee and Hannah married Lt. Bush(Hornblower)
Both married Ainley!Master
Both married the 13th Doctor
Hannah married Phillip 2nd of Spain(Bill) and because Hannah the 1st of Spain
Lee will date Nandor(WWDS) and be Leto the first of Nandor's country(that ibcant spell I'm so sorry)
Both married Jamie McCrimmon because he does wax sealed love letters
Both married Jeremy (Psychoville) who is wanted in every state except Florida because Florida doesn't want him and he also dives for sunken treasure @fandomsmeantheworldtome (these were Jeremy's red flags and I died🤣)
Both dating/married Eric!Master(Doctor Who)
Married Stella(TLOG) but she refuses to wash her hands and is a serial killer(but the serial killer part isn't the bad part)
Both married Negatus who speaks only in foreign language accent and has a secret stash of frog porn(which could mean anything in Yonderland honestly)
Both dating/marry Harry Goodsir(The Terror)
Both married Mr. Blanky for both of us even though he melts if he gets wet and dabbles in torture.
Lee married Lancelot(King Arthur 2004) who eats pineapple on pizza and is jealous of Lee's cats.
Hannah marries Geoff(TLOG) who is super clingy and is a vampire(and not the sexy kind)🤣🤣🤣 @almost-born-in-1893
I marry all four Georges(Horrible Histories)
Leto marries FitzJames:
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Both married Aelestan (Vikings)
Both marriedbDhawan!Master and Hannah finally succumbs to Satan's temptations.
Leto marries Lee(8th Doctor Companion) who owns the British Maritime Museum
Hannah married Styles(Hornblower) who writes erotic fanfiction and loves olives(there's no lie here🤣🤣🤣)
Prince Phillipe(Versailes) Collects humans skulls. Lee: I'm going to marry him faster!
The Google spinning wheel decided High Denis(Taskmaster) but Hannah decided Clara(Doctor Who) for Lee to marry because those two on the Tardis with a bunch of kids is too cute.
Both married George IV(Horrible Histories) who is a serial killer and has an unlimited amount of cheese.
Both married Lazlo(WWDS) because Guillermo was secretly Lee's clone.
Both married Nadjia(WWDS) who can't remember your name and spends more time in horny jail than with you.
*Highlight: Lee managed to pull Horatio, Cotard, and Pellew for one round*(Hornblower) and Hannah is dating Cotard and Lee married Horatio.
For the final round we had four candidates:
Elder Vex(Yonderland), Jenny (RRR), Marianne(Sense and Sensibility), and Romana II(Doctor Who)
Elder Vex eats crayons and ends every conversation with "you're dismissed."(which sounds right) Jenny has a dozen kids from a dozen partners and has a pet boa constrictor
Final Round: Lee married Jenny & Marianne
Hannah married Jenny & Vex
Random funny photos I took:
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This was so fun and thank you everyone who reads all of these and I hope you enjoy it!!🥰🥰🥰
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fate-inspiration · 1 year
Back with a few questions, if that's okay ^^ "some fools think that Gilart fans like violins" do you mean that they think we don't know it's actually not a super wholesome, uwu sorta ship (lol)? Also I'm very intrigued by your concept of a GilAlter- if I were to accept one (I think it's contrary to the essence of Gil's character for a GilAlter to exist,but.), I think I'd like your version best- "he turned to his divine blood and not his human side.".
Super last thing, if you still feel like answering questions. I'm curious: would you feel comfortable sharing your shipper story? Like why drew you to GilArt, which of these 2 characters do you resonate with more, etc? And what do you think of CasGil and Lion King Arturia (personally, I love that ship -so grateful for zoro's art- and any and all combos, like Casgil x default Arturia)? Thanks!
I just realized the mistake, but it's even worse than the violins, I was talking about the rape. They think that Gilart's fans like rapes because in fsn route fate, Gil plans to rape Arturia.
(Of course, for the connoisseurs, we all know Gilgamesh's state of mind in this route).
Thanks for choosing my version of Gilalter. I had already thought about him a long time ago and I can say that he will be horrible. But I didn't really think about if he will be interested in Arturia, maybe he will.
Aaaah, I fell in love with this ship. I already knew the name of the Fate license, but I never managed to watch the 2004 (2006?) anime version because it was ugly XD (I was a teenager at that time)
So I was convinced to watch Fate/Zero very late, in 2018. And I was not disappointed, it's a good way to discover the license. I fell in love with the ship at the end of the series when Gil proposes Arturia. It came out of nowhere and Gil didn't really put his best side forward and I didn't notice the moments where he praised Saber. Since I didn't know the stories of the fsn, I guess it was like an arrow in the heart XD. I think the most important thing was the sincerity of Gil in that moment. It seemed like a whim, but when you think about it, not at all and he was making the effort to force her to accept, when in principle, if it was insignificant, he wouldn't have even asked her.
So after that, I did some research and research. I never watched fsn, because I didn't want to see a SaberxShirou and I didn't have the opportunity to play the game yet, but I watched almost everything related to the license, just to have a little official moment between Gil and Arturia. (I was unfortunately very disappointed XD Arturia became a worldwide waifu, same for Gil, because even if he's an asshole, everybody loves him. So I concluded that they couldn't put them together to mix them. Probably because it would break the fantasy, I'm not sure). Then I turned to Fanfictions, I found my little happiness, even reading the most horrible stories XD, it was not serious, I had my dose. And I started to draw humans again just to be able to draw them, and I was very happy.
For the other versions... Arturia Lancer is a problem for me because of the Fanservice. It goes from a small flat woman to a big disproportionate woman, I don't like it at all. I mean, it's impossible XD. And she is presented as someone more mature and rational than Saber when Saber is this King Arthur at the end of his life in the license. So to see Lancer made my heart ache because it's like denying her true self.
After other people will probably not agree with me XD.
I have less of a problem with Gilcaster because it's just an older version of Archer, but technically they're still the same. It's just a shame that he references Lion King more than Saber. But I like that he loves Saber Lily in Carnival XD.
I love Saber Alter. But I modified it for myself and I think others like my version.
And Lily is cute. (With Ko-Gil it's the little extra)
I don't look too much at the other versions, for example the Caster version, I haven't had the chance to know it yet. But I don't think I like her, I think she's a distorted version of Saber, but I'll wait until I get a chance to read her story to be sure.
(but I'll gladly ship Arturia saber with all the Gil XD)
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charnelhouse · 3 years
charlie’s king arthur is just so funny to me because he’s definitely how every rough and tough boy that suddenly becomes king would act. but anyway can i request king arthur doing a bad job at being king for the day because he wants to hurry up and have sex with his queen? and then getting yelled at by everyone for leaving “you can’t just leave in the middle of a treaty meeting with the vikings because it’s sex time”
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A/N: King Arthur x F!Reader. Breeding. Smut. Really blatant historically inaccurate language.
There are many things Arthur hates about being king.
Most of it really.
But listening to the grievances of the nobility during the Royal Court is perhaps the worst. It is brutal - it drags and half the nobles actively try to trip him up. They think him uneducated - slow. They hand him dozens of scrolls and he always tosses them into a pile - promising to look them over when he knows every single one is a method in trying to steal his lands or his power or undermine his current proclamations.
He relaxes in his throne - Excalibur digging into his hip. His knees spread as his eyes go distant when Lord Harrod tries to yell his case about Baron Devonshire running over the borders of his estate.
“My Lord,” Arthur finally snaps. “Please get to the point and no need to scream. I’m not deaf.”
Harrod colors up immediately and apologizes. Arthur tries to smother his laugh.
He’s pissed - frustrated - deeply bored. His Knights surround him on the dais - William and George - Percival and Tristan. Merlin and the Mage in the corner. Maggie. That pretty bastard Lancelot who appears far more interested in this monotonous activity than the others.
Arthur sighs - cracking his neck as he glances at the empty throne beside him.
“I love you, Art,” you murmur against his mouth. “But I’m not sitting through another one of those meetings today.”
He rumbles - a desperate noise blooming in his chest as he digs his fingertips into the soft flesh of your thigh. “I’ll be so lonely.”
“Hardly. All of your friends will be there.”
“Except the one I enjoy looking at the most.”
You slide down his torso - brushing your tongue across his stomach - the sharp line in his groin. His cock twitches when you cup him.
He raises an eyebrow. “What are you doing, pet?”
“Giving you something to think about during all of your awful kingly duties.”
You’d shoved him to the brink - swallowed the length of him and stroked him off. His muscles bunched under your touch as he bucked into your mouth and then - well - then you pulled off him and left him to his painfully tight balls and desperation.
“I’ll reward you when you finish,” you called over your shoulder as you walked away from him - hips swaying with each step.
“Your Majesty?”
Arthur jerks to find the entire court staring expectedly up at him. Fuck.
“Uh -,” Arthur mutters - too strained - swelling with a desire that was beginning to flood his chest and lower. “Pass the scroll to Sir Percival - I’ll - I’ll look at it later. I think that today’s audience is quite finished. I have urgent matters to attend to.”
His Knights shoot him sidelong glances - fully aware that there are hours left for this courtly session. The crowd of the nobility all sweep to the floor - bowing quickly as he strides out of the room.
“You know you can’t just cut short the Royal Court,” Goosefat remarks - sidling up to him as he hurries through the halls.
“I’m King,” he replies - casually. “I can do what I like.”
Wet Stick appears at his other side - expression entirely amused. “Yes - but everyone - including the nobles - know exactly where you’re off to.”
Arthur stops, before turning to him. “How?”
“Because while this castle may be enormous, the gossip travels like wildfire,” Goosefat replies. “You’ve also cut short the royal audience the last four times.”
Arthur blinks - chewing his lip thoughtfully. He hadn’t realized.
He finally shrugs before slapping Goosefat on the shoulder. “Well - fucking the Queen takes precedence, mate.”
He continues down the hall before spinning around as a thought crosses his mind. “Just tell those wankers that we are currently trying for an heir.”
Wet Stick raises an eyebrow in surprise - his lips quirking upward in an elated smile. “Are you really?
Arthur grins. “Of course - only bloody fun thing to do around here.”
“Fuck,” you hiss against Arthur’s shoulder - teeth scraping along the sweat-damp skin. “You’re wild tonight.”
He drops his chin - capturing your lips in a hungry, wet kiss. His hips snap between your legs - cock stretching you out with each hard, hurried stroke. He slides his thumb across the crest of your sex - pushing down against the sweet button that makes you clench around him.
“I was tortured for hours without you,” he whines in mock-agony. He’s punching up against the press of your womb - driven by the liquid sounds of your cunt taking him again and again. You’re hot underneath him - the giving glide of your sweet soft body rubbing against his tense muscles. He hitches your thigh higher over his waist - planting his knees so he can really thrust into you. It’s the tightness - the flush of pleasure dipping through his nerves and belly as he begins to crash into his peak.
“I may have told them we were trying,” he pants into your searching tongue. “-for an heir.”
You lie back and he watches your face change - eyes widening minutely. “Did you now?”
“If you would - if you want to?”
“My love - every time we do this - we are trying,” you smile - sneaking your hands to the globes of his ass to force him deeper. “I think you’re incapable of pulling out.”
“You just have such a perfect cunt,” he praises as his pace grows sloppy - the ache splintering through his throat as his breath hitches. “Damn near impossible to not - to not fill you.”
“Then do it,” you urge - bucking up beneath him. He keeps his thumb on your perky little bud - swirling in time with each blunt rut of his cock. You moan and it makes your walls flutter silkily around his length.
“It’ll take better if you cum, I think,” he growls with another harsh pound of his hips.
He presses presses presses until he feels your sex spasm around him - flood him in your slick. “Oh - my Queen,” he teases. “You just soaked me.”
You narrow your gaze - biting your lower lip before you tighten your lower muscles - bearing your weight down upon him until he follows you over the slip. He spurts deep - sealing you in warmth and salt and seed.
“You think that’ll take?” you whisper - threading your fingers through his hair.
“We can hope,” he says - kissing your jaw. “I’ll still be using it as an excuse to get out of court.”
“Naughty,” You slap his ass and he gives you another perfunctory thrust with his softening cock.
“Even when you’re round with my child,” he promises. “I’m telling those daft bastards that we’re working on the second.’
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forthegothicheroine · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: King Arthur (2004), Arthurian Mythology Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gawain (King Arthur 2004)/Original Female Character(s), Gawain/Dame Ragnelle Characters: Gawain (King Arthur 2004), Dame Ragnelle, Guinevere (King Arthur 2004) Additional Tags: Marriage of Convenience, about as historically accurate as the movie, Past Abuse Summary:
The beautiful Sarmatian man and the scarred Saxon girl made an odd pair.
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demona-andariel · 1 year
Tristan’s Hawk
This story will be a little bit more tame than my other ones. It's a rewrite and remaster of my original that I wrote back in 2007. It's very near and dear to my heart, so I don't plan on abandoning it since I've been trying for about ten years now to "get it right" and I feel like this version is the absolute best it can be.
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Fandom: King Arthur (2004)
Pairing: Tristan x OFC (On Going)
Summary: They were enemies, fated to kill each other. Yet a curse ends up binding her to him. Hawk by day, woman by night. She needs to find a way to break the curse and return home before he realizes just how much control he really has. Unfortunately, all too quickly, things become a lot more complicated when the heart is thrown into the mix.
Warnings: Canon typical violence. Most likely eventual smut. But I’m not near that part yet.
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Ao3 Link
Tumblr Links:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4;
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sasha-br · 3 months
This week begins the 20th anniversary of the little movie that could, King Arthur (2004).
I don’t have the room or the words to say how much this film means to me or how it taught me to write and how I still have friends that I love that I met because of it.
I had life altering experiences, an amazing trip to the UK, one to New York, and two to North Carolina. I have spent the majority of the 20 years thinking or reading or writing about KA or some iteration inspired by it.
It encouraged me to create what I consider some of my best work and brought me to people I had no idea were out there, people like me and people that taught me to be a better friend and person.
Thank you to Cat, to Karen, to Kaarlo and Maria and Amera and Gissey. To Shelley and Laura and Rhonda. Thank you to the folks that still read and comment.
Thank you, Lancelot and Arthur (and my modern Arthur and Lance). I love you boys so much ❤️❤️⚔️
Happy anniversary OTP and KA!
I will be hopefully posting some “drabbles” this week in the AO3 collection here:
I will be cross posting here as well.
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Writers' Month 2023 Masterlist
Thank you as always to the mods of @writersmonth, one of my favourite events, to everyone who prompted me this year, and to everyone who kudos'd, commented, liked and reblogged!
1 blossom and on an island - An Outcrop of Rocks and Grass for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir spot a potential settling place.
2. camping - and we will carry on - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Bard takes the kids camping, in the hope that the place he found last time will help them recover from their loss.
3. festival - She's So Fine - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid isn't quite sure what she's doing when she invites the rest of Thranduil's band back to their campsite, after Thranduil's dragged her da off into the darkness, especially because Thranduil's bass player is the most beautiful woman she's ever laid eyes on.
4. memories - Everything We Have Learned for @verecunda and @glorf1ndel - LotR/Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Legolas and his father begin to talk about his mother at long last.
5. sun and poolside - Summer Sun - King Arthur (2004), one uncomfortably hot day, the people of the fortress take a trip north of the Wall.
6. surf - Ride the Waves for @antares0606 and @bae-owyn - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Imrahil tells Legolas of a popular pastime among the young (and not-so-young) of Dol Amroth.
7. in the mountains - A Silver Ribbon and the Sea for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn on the journey to Pelargir.
8. fishing - One of Us - Fishermen's Friends, Morgan joins Jim on the boat one morning, and they figure out his place in the band.
9. warmth and home for the summer - Fresh Water for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn, Arondir and Theo investigate the island across the bay from Pelargir.
10. sandcastle and lifeguard AU - Unpredictable for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, Sigrid meets a very nice lifeguard when Tilda gets into trouble swimming in the Long Lake.
11. sweat - Like A World Ending - Peaky Blinders, Arthur Shelby never came home from France, not in any of the ways that matter.
12. lemonade and band AU - Walk of Shame for @scary-grace - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Bard hadn’t been looking forward to doing the walk of shame back to the campsite from Thranduil’s tour bus, but having company does take some of the edge off it - although given that the company is his eldest daughter, he isn’t entirely certain how to feel about it.
13. fan and cruise ship - A Fan for the Stage for @myeaglesong - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Thranduil's band is booked on a metal cruise, and Bard and co are invited along.
14. bonfire - A Talisman for @redeemer46 - Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Thranduil has never quite been able to understand why the people of Dale kept the Midsummer bonfire as part of their celebrations, after what happened to their old home.
15. blue and neighbourhood barbecue - Better Late Than Never for @antares0606 - Hobbit, part of the modern AU A Kiss In The Cold And Dark, at a street party for the coronation, Thranduil gets to know some of Bard's friends, and makes a decision.
16. energy - Ash and Dust for @piyo-13 - LotR, the twins are so tired of their endless quest for revenge, but they can't admit it to each other, and they can't stop.
17. at a wedding - Court Etiquette for @inthecrevicesofmycrispytoes - Hobbit, Thranduil is very bored at the wedding of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins, but then he meets the new King of Dale, who has never been to one of these events before.
18. restaurant AU - Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR/Hobbit, Frodo is flustered to realise that famous food critic Thorin Oakenshield has booked a table at his Uncle Bilbo's seafood restaurant. Not nearly as flustered as his Uncle Bilbo, though, it turns out.
19. cloud, Passing Shadow - LotR, the twins take a moment to rest, after the end of the War of the Ring.
20. fireworks - A Rain of Coloured Stars for @myeaglesong - LotR, on the slopes of Mount Doom, Frodo has a brief, bright memory of home, before the Ring came into his life and changed it beyond repair.
21. hammock - Outwitted - LotR, the twins have a habit of hogging Glorfindel's hammock, but Glorfindel doesn't really mind all that much.
22. human/non-human AU - Rewilding for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir, recovering from the loss of his brother and his father in the wake of Eye-Corp's failed attempt to ruin their seaside home with a giant golf course and marina, meets a strange woman swimming in the sea near his uncle's island home... (CyanSoul tells me this is the first mermaid!Éowyn fic on AO3! :D )
23. storm and in the woods - always played a part for @scary-grace and @spiced-wine-fic - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Thranduil watches Bard's children exploring the ruins of his home, and marvels at how alike they are to their predecessors, how much he has missed them.
24. summer - Climbing Upwards for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir, in their first full summer on the island, contemplate the future, and Arondir gives their new settlement a name.
25. relax and at a concert - floating high above for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid, at a really sensational rock show, takes a moment to drift off, thinking of how great her life is just now.
26. found - the tale as it is told for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, Imrahil tells Legolas how Dol Amroth was founded and named.
27. on the beach - a treaty of friendship and love for @verecunda - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Legolas has a conversation with Imrahil's grandson Alphros, and another with Lothíriel, about Imrahil's sons' disdain for him.
28. bright and mythological AU - Restoration for CyanSoul on AO3 and Anon on here (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir adjusts to having a mermaid for a - well, 'girlfriend' isn't the right word, and he's still not quite sure what is.
29. fireflies and at a cabin - Honey-Cakes and Mead for @sallysavestheday - LotR/Silmarillion, Glorfindel and Ecthelion, reunited, pass a quiet evening in Valinor.
30. happy and children - little sunshine for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR/Hobbit, Thranduil and little Legolas encounter a deer and her fawn, and Thranduil learns that there is still happiness in his world, although his wife is gone.
31. fall and at a hotel - Another Night in Room 305 - Hobbit, modern AU, Bard has to go home at the end of his conference, but hopefully he and Thranduil will be able to stay in touch…
31 fics for 31 days, 38,483 words (phew!) - back next year!
Next from me: Innumerable Stars 2023, and a fic whose premise came to me in a dream. :D
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madamebaggio · 3 years
Hello, guys!!!
I know I’m still mostly missing from here -I’m rebloging a lot of stuff tho...
I’m still not 100% into the writing stuff, but I’ve been adding stuff from tumblr to AO3 as promised.
So here we have some links:
My AO3 profile.
The tumblr series.
The Sansa Stark Crossovers
The Margaery Tyrell Crossovers
The Susan Pevensie Crossovers
The King Arthur (2004) Crossovers
Rose & King (Margaery x Roan)
About Elves and Witch Hunters (Nuada x Gretel)
Sansa x Arthur snippets (Everything that I wrote about them and it isn’t already in a specific fanfiction)
DareJones Snippets
Susan Pevensie (multiple pairings from my tumblr)
Meeting the Expendables (Darcy x Brock with the Expendables)
Darcy Lewis Snippets (multiple pairings for Darcy)
Darcy x Brock Snippets
Most of these are still being completed, so you might not find all the snippets related to the ship there yet. But I’m working on it ;)
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verecunda · 3 years
Fic writer tag game
Tagged by @nocompromise-noregrets. Thanks! :D
Sticking it under a cut, as it’s rather long.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 102!
What’s your total AO3 word count?
300,745. Which isn’t bad, actually!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oof. I’ve written for so many random wee fandoms, this could get a bit long! But here goes. Excluding generic tags like “All Media Types” or “Author’s Name - Works”, and counting books and their screen adaptations as one fandom, we have:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke Horrible Histories (BBC) Dickensian (BBC) The Hobbit (movies) Frontier Wolf - Rosemary Sutcliff Night at the Museum Historical RPF Julius Caesar - Shakespeare The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien The Eagle of the Ninth/The Eagle - Rosemary Sutcliff Endeavour (ITV) ’Salem’s Lot - Stephen King Final Fantasy IX Great Expectations - Charles Dickens Arthurian Mythology Final Fantasy X The Chronicles of Prydain - Lloyd Alexander Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson Original Fiction The Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson The Girl in Lovers Lane (1960) Brave (2012) The Uninvited (1944) Antony and Cleopatra - Shakespeare Eagles of the Empire series - Simon Scarrow Exile | Avernum The Pirates! In an Adventure With Scientists! (2012) Rome (HBO) The Fugitives - Rosemary Sutcliff Monty Python’s Flying Circus (BBC) King Arthur (2004) Ghosts (BBC)
That’s thirty-three altogether!  What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My four old NATM fics: Amo, Amas, Amat, Slightly Scandalous, Reality Bites, Poetry Slam, as well as Kindred Spirits, my Thomas/Captain Ghosts fic.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, all the time. I went through a patchy bit a few years ago, when my brain just wasn’t up to it, but I really appreciate any feedback I get, and I like to let people know that.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Against Hope. I wrote that to fill in the details of Estella’s adoption by Miss Havisham in the Dickensian universe, so the ending was pretty bleak, with the understanding that it was only going to get worse.
Do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah. I’ve had the odd idea for a crossover, but never got round to actually writing any of them.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Only once, and it was such a bloody odd one. Someone left this tl;dr comment on a fic - uh - ~critiquing~ the actions of the POV character in canon, even though it had absolutely no bearing on anything that was actually in the fic. It was so detached from the fic, in fact, I kind of suspect it was part of some longer screed c+p’d from somewhere else. Weird.
Do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yeah, when the mood hits. What kind really depends on the pairing. I’m quite happy to write anything from sweet vanilla first time cuddle-sex, to filthy rough shameless hate-sex. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, though I should probably check those mirror sites that pinch folks’ fics en masse. I keep losing the links, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My NATM fics have been translated by a few people.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I think if I ever tried, I would drive my poor co-author to distraction!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
What a question! It really does depend on what I’m hyperfixating on at that moment, but there are definitely some I find myself coming back to time and again: Squall/Seifer, Zidane/Garnet, Sam/Frodo, Brutus/Cassius, Marcus/Esca... those are the ones that spring immediately to mind. <3
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh... too many to even think about.
What are your writing strengths?
Gosh, that’s a hard one. I think I do characterisation pretty well. And on a good day, I think my description and scene-setting is strong.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, on a bad day, I think my description and scene-setting is florid and pedantic.
But above all, PLOTS. What the hell are they all about?!! (Hence why I write one-shots. XD)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Like most things, I think moderation is key. A word or phrase used judiciously is fine, especially if it’s one that your readers will be familiar with from canon, or one whose meaning can be easily worked out from context. Translation notes at the end or mouseover text can also be good aids in these cases. But I wouldn’t go writing whole chunks of conversation in another language, even if it was a real language I knew well. When a writer does that, they’re not serving the story, they’re just showing off how clever they think they are. Above all, writing is about communication, and if you start put up barriers like that, you’re cutting off communication with the reader.
Actually, that reminds me, I was going to go back and add a translation note for some Elvish phrases in a recent fic.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Heh. I think if we’re going right the way back, my first fandom was technically historical RPF (Bonnie Prince Charlie/Flora MacDonald DON’T JUDGE ME). I think the first fandom I ever posted fic online for was actually Final Fantasy VII.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
As far as actual fanfiction goes, to this day I still think The Pirates! In an Adventure With Origin Stories is one of the most absolute fun things I’ve ever written. :D I’m also still very proud of my original fic from last year, The Revelation of Brother Eadwine (tropey monk porn and dirty marginalia, if that’s of any interest!).
I tag: @di-daydreamer, @themalhambird, @bryndeavour, @pudentilla, @chiropteracupola. 
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painterofhorizons · 4 years
I haven't watched King Arthur (2004) in years. It was the fandom that had me discover that there's spaces on the web where people post and read their fanfictions (until then it was something my friends and me did just with hand in folders that no one else but us ever got to read) and I've written a tonn of FF for it over the years.
Watching it on TV rn.
I feel a mild tingle in my fingers now, so to say. :D
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