#kinemon could have joined (saying those three because they were all in the crew for like. 2 arcs (punk hazard. dressrosa. zo. wci. wano)
tiziri-art · 9 months
Gonna be critiquing a bit one piece, but don't mind it,
it's very long but it's light minded, it bother me, sure, but it's not like it gonna make me drop or whatever, it just bother me and i have thought about it as to why.
It's mostly long cause i lose myself in my point and end up repeating a lot
Tldr : it's basically to relation/familly and the theme of freedom
The thing that, according to me, may make pre-time skip more special than post ts,
Is the people making the group.
Pre-timeskip it's honestly just a bunch of random people, sure, luffy is Hero Of The Marine Garp's grandson and usopp is yassop's son
But usopp also is just anyone, he's known to also be who "we would all be" if we were in op, no special power, no amazing and incredible talent that one in a million would have, he's a creative boy who trained his skills because he had a dream and his father was his idol
Other than that, nami is a random kid, sanji was a random kid, cook who was a pirate adopted child , chopper is a reindeer who got excluded for difformity*2, robin sure, she's a bit special but like anyone that would have survived in her stead in ohara, franky is a amazing carpenter's and mermaid adopted child
None of them got really very special connection and family other than luffy and usopp, and maybe robin, brook already had multiple connection to Roger with laboon and straight up having met him
The' post time skip arrive,
Sanji is a king's son and a genetically modified human, alright, fine,
Franky knew roger and all and was straight up invited on the crew, amazing, fun, alright
Zoro is ryuma's descendant ("god of swords") ??? (Not even revealed in story but sbs plz 💀)
Already, the whole "strawhat heads" are full of big name who got strenght in their blood and high name, he's not a big name in the crew, but i remind again usopp is "emperor's (shanks) official sniper" son's
And it's not even limited to in-crew,
O-tama, which other than momo was a big attachement for Luffy to wano (and for his brother too) turns out to be a kurozumi, (half crew) vivi who's already a princess of the people who were there when the wg was founded turns out to be a D.
It honestly makes me afraid for character such as franky /and especially nami/ because "we don't know who their parents are" (and i refuse to think it's not tom and bell-mere. Whoever anyone else are their genitors it don't matter, they are not relevent to them)
The whole first half of one piece was all about liberty, building your own life, "following wills" instead of having a destiny, the whole bond is not blood,
(and it still follow post-ts for a bit with doffy and cora having the exact same origins but having two entirely different life and way of seeing and doing things, and cora and law considering each other as brothers, when corazon doesn't consider doffy his brother but doffy hold very long onto him being his brother and law being his familly still, family is a choice)
Then the second half- just- put everyone in a place that all make them seems it's fated, it's in their blood,
Where does the freedom appear in being the best swordmaster when your grandpa was "the god of swordmaster", the best sniper when your father is also the best sniper, etc etc
I don't know if that's the case, i hope not, but it looks to me that oda did it for sanji, then saw how many fans liked their favorite character having more to their title please their fan, and just, kept going
I'd argue being a random guy and being super high level is more impressive
Anyway, it's fanservice.
I have nothing against character having high relations and thing under their name right from the beggining (especially if that ties with what they're doing/why they join) (vivi princess, robin, Franky w pluto, yams being kaido (emperor) son, brook is albeit a bit unnecessary but logic nonetheless)
But giving them when it does nothing but make them less "special" because they were in fact Special From Somebody Else, is shitty to do in excessiveness, especially when it bring nothing (why does zoro being ryuma descendant is important ??? Especially since that undervalue ryuma giving him shusui ! It could have been a bit better if like, someone saw zoro's face, recognized the damyo who "was known as ryuma's descendant" (even if none of that is said/shown) traits in him and decided to let him keep the shusui it would have been still disappointing but at least it would have built something ! )
Again, the possibility of him going "oh yeah ! Nami has celestian blood that's why she's so good at detecting climate changes and atmosphere in general ! It's also why she can hit luffy (as we were shown innate haki there) !" And then, idk, turning out to be birkan (originaly moon people, same as ener) and in fact it wasn't pirate it was the governement who faked an attack to get rid of her family and bell-mere suspected that a bit and she had in fact illegally run away from the marine and that's also why she lived far from the village and didn't get marine-retirement money and was so poor) is possible.
And in fact it's also possible he doesn't even include it properly in the story but just drop the whole lore in a data book, just like he could bring back ener to give a reason for it.
And all that "family lore bring so much" feel so much, muuuuch saltier considering his answer in an sbs of someone asking why nearly all the mother are killed or unknown being "mother are the antonym of adventure"
Anyway, i feel like oda forgot a lot about freedom as he advanced in one piece
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