bloodsinned · 3 years
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@kindhand​ said:  ❝It took me three days to make that potato salad. THREE DAYS.❞
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 “oh, you’ll get over it. s’just food, kid.” vicious. you may not value food as much as a human does, but that doesn’t apply to everyone. 
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springfestitales · 2 years
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AS THE FESTIVAL winds to its final conclusion, you’re bestowed with several gifts from the grateful occupants of Spring Rise, ranging from currency of your own world to foods and trinkets, toys, kites, lavish clothing and even brand new weapons to some few.
“Thank you for saving the festival, and enjoying our company,” the apparant leader of the village thanks you personally, shaking your hand as you’re lavished with gift after gift from the locals. “If you choose to leave now, simply follow the Blissful Trail out and you’ll find your way home.”
You oblige, thanking the village for their hospitality and invitation to the festival. Carrying your gifts, you make your way out with your new friends down the path decorated with fallen cherry blossom petals. One last viewing of the beautiful pink trees, and when you reach the end, you turn to get one last look at the strange yet comforting village.
A small creature had followed you out, smiling cheerfully—almost bidding you farewell. When you blink, it’s gone but the feeling of being watched doesn’t leave. Still, you’re not creeped out. Instead, you’re… comforted. You turned to continue leaving, and when you do, you’re suddenly standing in front of—your home. Whether it’s with the people you were with before the festival, or your physical hometown—the mysterious village of Spring Rise is out of sight, you can’t even feel its presence anymore.
But you know, it will return when it’s time for the next festival…
Until then… you’re satisfied.
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— Fin.
Hello all, Swann here! Thank you all for joining this rpc event! I had so much fun and I hope you all did too!
I’d like to give a HUGE thank you to my helpers: @gildedsunlight / @astrumballade , & @therionclaw / @duelingoddesses ! I couldn’t have done it without you guys, thank you so much! 💕
I’d like to make some shoutouts to all our participants, any of you that made any starter calls, starters, graphics, interactions, ANYTHING, thank you so much!
@rathalascendant , @madeimpact , @talesofourworlds , @tragedyworlds , @emotiondriven , @kindhand , @acthcr , @primefavonius , @forgottenluck , @ervaurem , @fangedmuses
We hope to have you again in the next event, whenever it may be! Stay tuned in the next few days, we’ll be handing out thank you gifts to all who’ve attended as well as the announcement of the winner for the fashion show later tonight!
Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you SO much! Keep being cool, and feel free to keep on writing for the event!
Until next time. 💕
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truexman · 3 years
@kindhand​ asked: “Weren’t you in here last week?”
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“Hm? Oh-- Midoriya, hello.” The detective offered a little smile, slowing his pace down the school hall. He gave the teen a little nod off his head as he removed his hat. 
“You’re very perceptive. I was indeed here last week. I’m following up with the Principal about something and I might catch up with a few of your teachers. Are you on a free period?”
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sweetlunars · 3 years
🌙 // @kindhand​
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 “no, i am not going with you to do groceries, i don’t care if aizawa said so.”
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black-watchs-cowboy · 2 years
@kindhand​ started following you
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‘’Well, well, well. Yagi’s boy. It’s good to see you well, Izuku Midoriya.’‘
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cllassrep · 3 years
@kindhand​ asked:
Izuku had come over to study, preferring to join his friend rather than study alone. Plus, it helped him catch up on some bits he’s missed. The only problem was, he’s fallen asleep on Iida’s desk and is now stuck due to curfew.
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      it wasn’t just izuku who was to blame about this whole situation, iida should have been keeping an eye on the time, he was the class president after all, he had to keep those damn priorities in check. seeing as though it was passed the time where they were allowed to be out and about, he was already setting up another spot for the other to sleep for the night while he slept.
     he was glad for once that he had so many blankets, he had set up a comfortable spot on the floor for izuku. but not only that, he made the area on the floor set up big enough for the both of them. iida would feel bad if he slept on the bed while izuku slept on the floor.
          “hey, izuku..you fell asleep.” he finally went to wake the other up, a hand lightly pressing against his shoulder. “i made some sleeping arrangements for tonight since you won’t be able to leave--it’s too late in the night.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years
@kindhand​ liked for an ice skating starter
It had taken her a bit of convincing to get Izuku to agree on coming with her to the skating rink, he really needed a brake from all of the extra things he has been doing lately. Not that she didn’t appreciate how dedicated and determined he was on becoming the best hero he can be! He still needed to rest not push himself too hard.
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“I haven’t gone skating in a few years, I’m really excited and a bit nervous. Hopefully I still remember how to skate.” She chuckled lowly, heading towards the skate rental booth to rent a pair of skates along with Izuku since neither of them owned a pair themselves. “I’m glad we were able to come early so there wouldn’t be as many people ice skating right now.” She knew how nervous Izuku still got around large groups of people and wanted to make sure he had the best time.
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decoyjumper · 3 years
@kindhand​ sent in:
He’s going to shyly peek around the gym, watching the practice in awe. He’s got into the habit of watching through the doors recently - he doesn’t want to distract the players by going in! He’s just impressed by how fast some of the players are and the hit that sends the ball smashing into the other side of the court. He doesn’t realise that he’s watching starry eyed, muttering about jumping and speed and direction for the volleyball.
          “aright! i got it!” he called out as the other teammates backed off from the set, and within that moment hinata felt as though it was just him in the world. he leaped to the top of the net, the place he always strived for since he started playing the game, and when his hand made contact with the ball the sting was felt but it was only seconds of pain. but oh when the ball hit the ground, there was an echo that blasted through the gym. 
          “hell yeah!!!” sure it was just practice, but hinata was always proud of himself when he landed his spike. 
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     that was when he turned to see that there was someone new who was watching the practice from afar. a new friend perhaps? he seemed to have been enjoying watching them play around with the ball, so he would rush over once it was clear his turn was over. 
          “you just watching? you might get a better view if you actually come into the gym!” 
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keshimasu · 3 years
 He shouldn’t even have been surprised at this point.  Midoriya was going to be the death of him if he didn’t die of stress first.  He’d started to suspect some weird consequence of the kid’s quirk was attracting danger.  It wouldn’t be the first time quirks had a drawback.  Though his was only migraines and near constant eye burning.   By the time the knife has even settled, he’s moving.  Cutting between the two with a foot and an elbow to the assailant’s ribs.  That would force the weapon to change targets allowing for an easier time disarming the bastard that went after a child.  Albeit a very strong child, but still a child.  One whom continued to have no self preservation and was more likely to get himself stabbed than do anything actually helpful.  Which to be fair, Shouta faired little better.  He’s all too aware of the fact that due to the position of the attacker, there was really no good way to lower the chance of injury to zero.   The jab is distracting, but he knows how to function after being run through.  At least it wasn’t a gun.  His foot rams into the guy’s knee, hastily tying up their offender.  Free hand that isn’t holding scarf threateningly around the man on the ground’s neck fumbles for phone in belt.  He tosses it to Izuku.  “Do me a favor and call this in.  I gotta-ugh.”  He made a face at the blade sticking out of side.  “Rude.” 
@kindhand  from here
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herosname · 4 years
@kindhand​ the nomu bois meet
     Why is he staring into a mirror right now?
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He’s been getting better. He’s been working so hard to become a hero again. Paranoia has been easier to manage, One for All is second nature to him once more, everything has been fine he’s been healing why is this happening NOW?!
Backing away from the monstrous figure, Izuku’s hands balled up at his sides. It was hard to tell if he was ready to run or fight. Maybe both?
“Y-You’re not real...” This was a hallucination. It had to be. “You’re not me...!”
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♢~☆~♢ For @kindhand​ |  Starter Call --- 2 of 7
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    “Hold still...I know it stings.” Yoichi clucks his tongue, angling Izuku’s face upwards to press a pad with medicated cream against a cut on his cheek. “This is why we don’t run in the café, yeah?”
    Though Yoichi is already planning on putting those hanging potted plants higher, after Izuku ended up running face first into one.
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    “And...there.” Always knowing his young friend’s preferences, the cut is covered by an All-Might themed band-aid. “Now keep this ice pack on your head for a bit.”
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bloodsinned · 2 years
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 “seen any monsters ‘round here messin’ with the animals, kid?” yes, he’s on security duty. yes, he kind of likes his job? only because they’re paying in gald and booze, which is a-ok with him.
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phcenixiisms · 3 years
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{Had an idea to doodle Izuku and @kindhand ‘s Zuku as bunnies! We have a twin verse where Zuku is the younger twin. Enjoy the fun cute bun bun twins!
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truexman · 3 years
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@kindhand​ “  how bad is it— wait don’t tell me. i don’t think i wanna know.  ”
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“Well you still have your hair--” He reassured, chuckling softly as he let the medics do their work. Despite Izuku telling him he didn’t want to know, Naomasa was still going to tell him. It wasn’t even that bad though he could see the ends of the younger teens hair were singed and from what he could make of the paramedics murmuring, there were some slight burns. 
Nothing Recovery Girl couldn’t take care of. 
“Though, I think it’ll be a while before your eyebrows grow back in.” A little lie that he was easily able to cover up, holding back a laugh. 
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0rainy0muses0-moved · 3 years
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~ ~ ♨ ~ ~ For @kindhand​
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    In Shoto’s opinion, the hot weather can fuck right off and stay fucked off for the rest of forever. It isn’t even officially summer yet and the heat seems to be here to stay. It clings to his skin like plastic wrap, making him itchy and irritated the whole day.
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    So once class is over and a good majority of his dorm mates don’t seem to be in a rush to go back inside, Shoto makes a beeline for the sofa that’s right under the air-conditioning vent and flops face first down on it, then rolls to lay on his right side so the cold air is hitting the left, where his flames come from.
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rvmety · 3 years
“Happy Birthday, Kirishima-kun!” He’s tracked down some Crimson Riot merch with the help of his mentor, alongside some new weights.
"    dude! You know how hard it is to find some of these? Why I’m asking, of course you do  ”    he rub away some happy (manly) tears.
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“   Thanks bro, this amazing. I gonna test the weights right out this evneing ! .. or tomorrow morining   ”   he gave the greenhead a one armed hug.     “    now, come on! its my day and I want you all to have fun!    ”
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