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biketalkla · 2 years ago
Cohosts Seamus, Taylor, and Nick read listener email.
6:44 on.soundcloud.com/5aGsc Into The Blue: A company redesigns cities for biking as part of making them like "Blue Zones," the places where people live longest. With Dan Burden, Director of Inspiration and Innovation, Blue Zones LLC.
26:34 on.soundcloud.com/T4Qqm Kindermoord, American Style: A ribbon cutting at an unprotected bike lane on a busy street prompts LA Streetsblogger Liz Schiller to ask, "Why do we love our cars more than our children?" With Bike Talk cohost Taylor Nichols. la.streetsblog.org/2023/08/15/why-…ve-our-children
37:24 on.soundcloud.com/fmvmr Scooters V. Climate Change: A Lime executive discusses micromobility's inclusion in California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard program. Calvin Thigpen, Director of Policy Research at Lime, with Bike Talk cohost Seamus Garrity.
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diocletiansbikelane · 2 years ago
Inaugural post, I’d like everybody to internalize that the Netherlands did not rise out of the primordial soup as a cycling paradise.
In fact in the 1950s and 60s we were pretty busy making plans to roll highways through cities, looking at cars as the ✨ future ✨ and trying to follow America’s lead - including hiring American planners, some of whom advocated flattening entire historic neighborhoods to do so (like plan Joniken). In the 1970s Amsterdam was deciding whether to rebuild a historic neighborhood that had been partially demolished to build the new subway or build a four lane road there, and the road plan was defeated by just one vote (crucially the wife of one of the councilmembers who voted to restore the old street layout was about to have her baby, but he stuck around long enough for the vote).
In the 1970s many Dutch streets were what I’d graciously term car gutters, cluttered end to end with traffic, and the number of traffic deaths kept rising, peaking in the early 1970s with about 3300 deaths - 400 of whom were children. There was a growing “damn we can’t keep living like this” realization
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Amsterdam traffic in the 70s
People began protesting and advocating for change, including the admirably bluntly named “stop de kindermoord” (‘stop the childmurder’) campaign, among many others. These campaigns did stuff like block streets and hold dinner parties there, holding demonstrations and illegally painting lanes on the road at night, but also by identifying traffic bottlenecks and producing a huge report with practical solutions. It was a constant struggle and they had to fight for every street, but they got results and their progress is reflected in the official standards that all streets have to meet, which over the course of a few decades of regular street maintenance and redesigns meant the entire country steadily became bike friendly. The effects can be seen in the statistics (below are traffic deaths per year, divided by type of vehicle, red is cars, light blue is bikes, dark blue pedestrians). The proportion of young children who died in traffic also fell sharply. Don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking the Netherlands just emerged as a place with a cycling culture out of nowhere - people fought tooth and nail to get the cars to fuck off
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characterarc · 1 year ago
Next step is anti-capitalism.
Dutch urban traffic and transit infrastructure is as good as it is because the people rose up and demanded change in the 1970s, led by young socialists. The chant was "stop de kindermoord" ("stop the child murder"), because car traffic was killing over 500 children per year. For context, the total Dutch population was 13 million back then. If we projected that death rate unto the current US population, that would equal to 12800 children dying because of cars every year, which is almost 13 times higher than the actual US figures.
And current day transit infrastructure is getting worse, because our public transit has been privatised. I've never needed a car to get around, but now I'm taking lessons because even though I'm less than 10 kilometers outside the city, bus services are getting worse and worse so I'm getting more and more isolated over time.
Unless socialism has a mass revival, I don't think urban planning enthusiasts are going to keep waving the Dutch flag for long.
Sadly the prevailing political winds seem to be mostly neoliberalism, fascism and corporate populism, but a girl can dream.
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If they're going to make people ride bikes and scooters in traffic, then it should at LEAST be legal to do the Snow Crash thing where you use a hook-shot-style harpoon to catch free rides from cars.
Urban Planning Opinion Progression [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
Typical urban planning opinion progression [Each panel is connected to a point on a timeline]
Cueball: I wish there wasn't so much traffic to get into the city. They should put in more lanes. Megan: And more parking. Megan: Parking is so bad here.
Knit Cap: I have to go to Amsterdam for work next week. I hear they all ride bikes there. Ponytail: Bikes are fine but people shouldn't ride them in the street! I worry I'm going to hit someone!
Cueball: It would be nice if we had better transit options! Cueball: I tried a scooter. It was fun but I wish there were more bike paths.
Megan: It's funny how widening roads to speed up traffic makes them more dangerous to walk near, making driving more necessary and creating more traffic. Megan: Really makes you think.
Knit Cap: Visiting the Netherlands was cool! Knit Cap: Amsterdam is really neat.
Cueball: We've ceded so much of our land to storing and moving cars, with the rest of us tiptoeing around the edges and making drivers mad for trespassing on "their" space. Cueball: Even though we're the ones in danger from them!
Megan: Those giant trucks with front blind spots that keep hitting kids should be illegal.
Knit Cap: We should be more like the Netherlands. Knit Cap: They design their street to prioritize...
Cueball: The problem is car culture. It's systemic. Cueball: I don't know if we can fix it.
Megan: People approach road planning decisions from the point of view of drivers because that's how we're used to interacting with the city, so we make choices that make it more car-friendly. Megan: It's a vicious cycle.
Knit Cap: Netherlands! Netherlands! Netherlands! Netherlands!
Cueball: Anything that makes a city a worse place to drive in makes it a better place to live, short of scattering random tire spikes on the road.
Megan: Honestly, I think the city council should consider the tire spikes thing.
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memoriae-lectoris · 5 months ago
In Europe, where car ownership rates were higher, reform had also taken off. In Amsterdam, overrun with traffic in the 1970s, a group of mothers said “Stop de Kindermoord” (“Stop Killing Children”) and started a movement. In 1975, the Netherlands experienced 20 percent more car deaths per capita than the United States; by the twenty-first century, the Dutch had 60 percent fewer car deaths per capita. Amsterdam had been transformed from gridlock into a city so oriented toward people (and people on bicycles) that it no longer served as a useful point of comparison—too unrealistic.
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fransopdefiets · 7 months ago
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Links zie je de kindermoord in opdracht van Herodes, men kijkt er nogal onaangedaan bij, ook het slachtoffertje zelf. Rechts de vlucht van Jozef en Maria.
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reneleijen · 8 months ago
Engeland: Extreemrechtse geweldsuitbarsting gevoed door nepnieuws op sociale media
Een uitgebrande politiebus, beschadigingen bij een moskee, enkele honderden extreemrechtse Britten die vanuit het hele land naar Southport reden en een stuk of veertig agenten in het ziekenhuis – de rellen en protesten na de drievoudige kindermoord tonen genadeloos hoe gevaarlijk online nepnieuws kan zijn. ‘Who the fuck is Allah’ en ‘brand de moskee af’, riepen de aanhangers van de English…
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transitranger327 · 1 year ago
I wish “Stop de kindermoord” was a worldwide movement and not just in the Netherlands
I have got to say, "we are not the Netherlands" may be the stupidest reason I have ever heard to not build a bike lane. Like do you understand that the Netherlands wasn't always this biking paradise people think it is, people had to fight for that and people can fight for a better LA just as easily as people fought for a better Amsterdam
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peterpijls1965 · 11 months ago
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De testamenten van Veerle
Die ochtend keek ik even niet op de wekker, of ze was weg eer ik het door had. Hoe ik ook zocht, ik vond haar niet terug.
Voorbij de einder hoorde ik honend geitengemekker. De Götterdämmerung zwol aan, maar verzoende me niet met de ondraaglijke slechtheid van het bestaan.
Ik ruik nog steeds je bodylotion, Veerle, maar wat koopt een man voor een vaag geurspoor. Liever had ik je met geklaarde boter bereid in een koekenpan; ik hoorde me al bekennen tijdens het politieverhoor.
"Beken, onverlaat, of we smijten je in de kerkers."
Wat rest zijn de testamenten van onze tijd in Eden. In ons gezamenlijke verleden dool ik rond, en hef vergeefs een elegie aan. De toekomst biedt al evenmin soelaas; daar wacht mij een eenzaam graf, onder een wrede bloedmaan.
Graag was ik met jou, Veerle, de strijd aangegaan met de barbaren van mijn geest. Maar die weken ook al, toen ik ze tot de tanden bewapend wou verslaan onder een wolk van tempeest.
Nu rest mij niets dan mijn dagen slijten in een eeuwig heden. Ik ben de man zonder toekomst, en met een ontmanteld verleden. Doe je trouwens de groeten aan tante Medea? Haar kindermoord zij haar vergeven, zonder grienen. Wraak is een koud gerecht, dat ik met augurkjes ga opdienen.
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years ago
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Waarlik onontsyferbaar en alomteenwoordig in tydelik, word die Bybelse wet in die laaste handeling vervul Amen; en van groot teken. Vir sommige 'n waarborg van orde, vir die ander onoorganklik 'n werkwoord en 'n goddelike handeling; vir sommige, waarborg van regte, vir ander, beskerming en emansipasie, wysiging. Gebore om geregtigheid en vryheid te bevestig en te beskerm, kan dit, in sy voorwaardelike deklinasies, nooit misbruik en willekeur bevoordeel as 'n afwagting van die fisiese verdwyning van die wet nie. As ons vir 'n oomblik die kompleksiteit en die onderdrukkende apparaat van die wette in ag neem (in Suid-Afrika is daar meer as honderdduisend deskundiges), sal dit nie moeilik wees om onsself te herken in die gesegde summum ius, summa iniuria nie (vgl. Cicero, Op pligte, 1, 33: «opperste reg, hoogste verkeerd») en in die definisie - nou toegeskryf aan Anacharsis in dialoog met Solon (Plutarchus, Solon, 5, 4; Valerius Maximus, 7, 2), nou aan Solon self ( Diogenes Laertius, 1, 58) - waarvolgens "wette soos spinnerakke is: die magtiges breek dit, die swakkes bly deur geweld verstrengel". Ons bevestig dat die reg vir almal gelyk is: maar watter boete is dit om die ongelykes gelyk te behandel? Watter mena kan fout, sonde, dwaling reguleer? Hoe kan die mens sowel skepper as onderwerp van boetes wees? Hierdie vrae is deesdae gelaai met nuwe vrae en etiese bekommernisse wat ons in die noue maas van die reëls moet dwing: wêreldwye armoede, kindermoord, kunsmatige honger, menslike stamselle, dodelike bure. Op hierdie manier word die kruising van daardie Amen "wonderlike en geweldige wese" herstel en bygewerk. Ons is terug na die vraag van vyf-en-twintig eeue gelede, na Alcibiades se vraag, wat deur Xenophon aan ons oorgedra is: «vertel my, Perikles, kan jy vir my verduidelik wat die wet is? Menslike dade erken die terme voor Charon» (Memorabili, 1, 2, 41). Ons is alleen, soos die skrywer van In die voorkant van die wysiging ons herinner, ons verdraai ons lot, wag lank en tevergeefs, voor daardie oop maar ontoeganklike deur, om die voog te vra om «die wet te betree, Charon laat jou toe om geïnkarneer word ». Nie skuldig of onskuldig nie, net vleis vir Cerberus.
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sronti · 2 years ago
Egy kicsit kevés a fizikai infra változtatása a sebességméréshez/bűntetéshez képest és nagyon kevés az említés a harmincas korlátról, pedig az az amerre menni kéne, az ötvenes sűrűn lakott helyeken még mindig túl gyors.
Ugyanakkor az egyik legnagyobb kihívás a biztonságos közlekedés iránti igény frappáns kifejezése.
A meghaladhatatlan példa a "Stop de Kindermoord" (Elég a Gyerekgyilkosságokból) Hollandiából, Londonban a radikálisabb biciklis szervezetet Stop Killing Cyclistsnak hívják, magyarul viszont csak nagyon gyötrelmes szlogeneket láttam.
Hogy lehetne ezt hatékonyan megfogalmazni egy mondatban, három szóban?
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rijksmuseum-art · 3 years ago
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Massacre of the Innocents, Museum of the Netherlands
De kindermoord te Bethlehem. Voor een bordes worden onder het toeziend oog van koning Herodes gezeten op zijn troon de kinderen door soldaten gedood. Voor de voeten van de koning zit een blaffend hondje. Tevergeefs proberen moeders hun zonen te beschermen. Aan weerszijden van de koning staan een vaandeldrager en een man met een staf. In aparte scènes linksboven de aanbidding der koningen en rechtsboven de vlucht naar Egypte,
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mundovitavivet-blog · 6 years ago
Amsterdam, a cidade das bicicletas!
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As bicicletas fazem parte da vida na Holanda. Estão em toda a parte e são usadas faça chuva ou faça sol. Em todas as estações do ano e para todas as ocasiões. Seja para ir ao trabalho, escola ou simplesmente passear as bicicletas é a opção mais viável na Holanda!
Mesmo depois de quase um ano a viver em Amsterdam, eu ainda me surpreendo ao ver mulheres com salto agulha de 10 cm ou mais, a andar de bicicleta. E isso é apenas uma das acrobacias que eles são capazes. Por aqui é normal ver pessoas passeando de bicicleta com os seus animais de estimação correndo ao lado ou andar de bicicleta enquanto carregam com uma das mãos outra bicicleta. É simplesmente fantástico, para mim eles estão em um nível diferente neste esporte!
Aqui na Holanda, tem todo um código e regras, pois a bicicleta é realmente um meio de transporte, e um dos mais utilizados. Deste modo, existem leis para quem faz uso desse transporte como: deve-se sinalizar com as mãos quando você vai dobrar uma esquina; deve-se ter lanterna tanto na frente com na traseira da bicicleta e por fim quando beber ou usar substâncias que podem diminuir o seu reflexo o uso da bicicleta é desaconselhado sob pena de multa. Outras regras para lembrar são:
Se você estiver com crianças com menos de 8 anos na sua bicicleta, elas devem ser levadas em uma cadeirinha com segurança;
Se estiver em grupo, deve-se fazer uma fila, pois no máximo 2 podem andar lado a lado;
Você pode estacionar a sua bicicleta na calçada, a menos que tenha uma placa proibindo;
E lembrem-se andar de bicicleta é um assunto sério aqui! E caso erre, poderá apreender palavrões em Holandês, já que estes reclamam se o trânsito for interrompido.
O uso da bicicleta é altamente recomendável pois andar de bicicleta é saudável para o meio ambiente e para a pessoa;  ainda ajuda a diminuir os engarrafamentos gerados pelo excesso de carros. Mas se você pensa que sempre foi assim está enganado! O uso generalizado das bicicletas deveu-se a uma luta que levou mais de uma década por parte dos holandeses.
Até a 2º Guerra Mundial, as bicicletas eram muito utilizadas, mas entre as décadas de 50 e 60 os automóveis se tornaram muito populares e com o aumento dos carros, as cidades começaram a ter muitos congestionamentos e acidentes. O número de mortes de crianças devido a acidentes automobilísticos ficou muito elevado, chegando a 400 mortes no ano de 1971. A partir deste ocorrido os ativistas do país saíram às ruas num movimento conhecido hoje como “Stop de Kindermoord” (Parem o assassinato de crianças), reivindicando melhor infraestrutura e condições para os ciclistas. Levando assim a uma melhoria nas condições para o uso de bikes.
Priorizar as bicicletas é a política pública holandesa, e esta política vem desde a década de 70. E hoje graças aos investimentos em infraestrutura, a Holanda é um dos melhores locais do mundo para se pedalar. A holanda tem hoje mais de 35mil Km de ciclovias e ciclofaixas, com faróis próprios. E o governo holandês vem trabalhando em conjunto com as províncias e municípios (no programa Tour de Force: a política conjunta de todos os governos até 2020) para investir em mais infraestrutura que possa reforçar ainda mais o uso de bicicletas no país.
Estacionamentos para bicicletas:
Uma outra coisa bem diferente por aqui são os estacionamentos para bicicletas. Em frente a áreas movimentadas, próximos de estações de trem e escolas estes estacionamentos podem ser encontrados; existindo ainda a possibilidade de serem subterrâneos. Entretanto, as bicicletas podem ser vistas por toda a cidade, amarrada em portões, pontes, paradas nas calçadas ou em qualquer lugar que estas possam ser deixadas.
Rijksoverheid (Governo Central)
Tag Archives: Stop de Kindermoord
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signorformica · 6 years ago
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De kindermoord te Bethlehem (The Massacre of Innocents, detail). Ludovico Mazzolino ~ ca.1530 Rijksmuseum.  Bibliothèque Infernale on FB
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actuma · 3 years ago
Verdachte in onderzoek naar dood baby Sem wordt in vrijheid gesteld
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Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft besloten dat het voor het onderzoek naar de dood van baby Sem Vijverberg niet langer noodzakelijk is om de vrouw uit Doetinchem in voorlopige hechtenis te houden. Daarom heeft het Openbaar Ministerie afgezien van het vorderen van de gevangenhouding bij de raadkamer van de rechtbank. De vrouw, die volgens het DNA onderzoek de moeder is van baby Sem, wordt vrijgelaten, maar blijft wel verdachte.   De verdachte werd op 6 september aangehouden. Het OM heeft de verdachte op 9 september voorgeleid bij de rechter-commissaris. Daarbij is door de officier van justitie aangevoerd dat er sprake is van moord/doodslag op het pasgeboren jongetje. Dit is een feit waar een gevangenisstraf van 12 jaar op staat en waardoor de rechtsorde is geschokt. Op deze grond zou de vrouw in voorlopige hechtenis genomen moeten worden, aldus de officier van justitie bij de rechter-commissaris. Daarnaast wilde de officier dat de vrouw langer vast bleef zitten om het onderzoek niet te verstoren. De rechter-commissaris besloot dat het voor het onderzoek inderdaad noodzakelijk was om de vrouw in bewaring te stellen. Maar volgens de rechter-commissaris waren er op dat moment geen ernstige bezwaren voor een feit waar 12 jaar gevangenisstraf op staat en waardoor de rechtsorde is geschokt. De rechter-commissaris ging namelijk uit van ‘kindermoord’ of ‘kinderdoodslag’. Dat is een lichter vergrijp dan moord/doodslag. Bij kindermoord of kinderdoodslag gaat de wetgever ervan uit dat de moeder de baby om het leven heeft gebracht uit vrees voor ontdekking van de bevalling. Op kindermoord of kinderdoodslag staat geen gevangenisstraf van 12 jaar en dus kan de verdachte niet op grond hiervan in voorlopige hechtenis genomen worden. Dit betekent dat voorlopige hechtenis alleen mogelijk is indien dit noodzakelijk is voor het onderzoek, of als er sprake is van vluchtgevaar of gevaar voor herhaling. Daar is naar het oordeel van het OM geen sprake van. Ook voor het onderzoek is het niet meer nodig dat de vrouw langer vast blijft zitten. De vrouw is verschillende keren verhoord over de omstandigheden waaronder Sem om het leven is gekomen. Zij heeft verklaard geen herinnering meer te hebben aan de zwangerschap en/of de bevalling. Het Openbaar Ministerie laat onderzoeken of en hoe dat mogelijk is. Het onderzoek gaat verder en richt zich daarbij met name ook op het achterhalen van de vader van Sem. Mogelijk geeft dat meer inzicht in de omstandigheden van zijn overlijden. Read the full article
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maniacalshen · 3 years ago
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Above is a series of tweets from user KendraWrites [transposed with only grammatical edits]:
"Something I literally can't stop thinking about is the Netherlands got its famed bike infrastructure in part because people campaigned on cars killing kids. Japan is a country where it's safe enough to record 2-year-olds running their first errands for a TV show for laughs because they developed a whole system around slow streets when the rise of automobiles led them to realize cars were killing kids.
"In the US when organizers were like, "Hey, cars are killing kids," we got PSAs directed at kids telling them not to be stupid. And we're STILL DOING IT.
"40,000 car deaths a year plus many, many, many more injuries and we're still like "education is the problem."
"We have 6000-pound trucks where you can shove a basketball team's worth of kids in front, and the driver can't see them, but it's the kids that are the problem. We have streets that are so wide that it's impossible to tell you're going 10, 15 above the limit in a pedestrian zone, but it's the pedestrians that are the problem."
Anyway, if anyone has never heard of Stop de Kindermoord, it's worth looking up.
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transit-fag · 8 months ago
The reason that the "stop de kindermoord" movement in the Netherlands was so successful at transforming Dutch society is because it happened in the 70s and the oil crisis was happening meaning governments knew they needed to reduce the reliance on cars in that time.
Hot Take: We need another Oil Embargo on the united states
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