#kinda??? it is a trek x fnaf crossover fic so. yeah
professional-termite · 5 months
Show us a bit of a WIP!
alr heres an unedited excerpt from the prologue/first chapter of my ness the waiter x lore crackfic. dont question whats happening here itll all make sense eventually (maybe)
Ness didn’t usually pay all that much attention on his commute home. Perhaps if he had, none of it would’ve happened.
As he flicked on his turn indicator and cruised down main, his mind was more on vague thoughts of what he was going to eat when he got home. He’d driven the route so many times it felt like second nature. It was easier than feeling his way around his room in the dark (something he did every morning, because he despised the colour of the lights in his small apartment).
The windows of the stores along the street were decorated with spiders and witches and pumpkins in preparation for Halloween. Ness admired them for a moment before his attention shifted. One of the bakeries, an old-style one that’d been there since before Ness was born, had a large red sign in the window reading Closing Forever Soon! Sale! in bold font. It was kind of endearing, and a little sad, in a hideous, hand-made way.
The traffic light switched from red to yellow to green a few moments before Ness reached the intersection. Ness smiled and didn’t even slow down as he rolled through. Perhaps if he’d taken the time to slow down slightly and look, he could’ve avoided the accident.
Ness saw the truck through the corner of his eye, but it didn’t really register what was happening at first. At the very last second, he snapped out of his daze and tried to swerve.
Perhaps if he hadn’t, he would’ve lived.
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