#kinda yukari bashing
princekirijo · 1 year
Thoughts on the P3 casts personas? i.e which do you prefer between the initial and secondary personas and which are your favourites?
Oh god thank Rui ily for this
Ok so I'll keep this one fairly opinion based (because someone else asked me a very similar question and I thought fuck it I'll rant about them twice because Personas and their designs are my fav thing to talk about) so without further ado:
So in general I absolutely adore the Persona 3 cast's Personas. Design wise they're not as flashy as P5's but I feel like they don't need to be because their more muted color palette and simpler designs fit the tone of P3 well. There are some I love to pieces (Penthesilea, Artemisia, Caesar, Castor and Cerberus come to mind) and then there are some that I don't like that much (Polydeuces and Nemesis). I'll put a more detailed breakdown undercut because I know I'll get carried away lmao but those are my general thoughts!
I'll break them down by character so it's easier!
MC/FeMC: OK so I do have a preference for male Orpheus but I honestly like both! Female Orpheus has a more cheery color palette (well brighter is prob the better word) which I like a lil more but I think the original one is just iconic. I love his harp and how he uses it to bash enemies idk why that's so funny to me it just is. Thanatos is probably one of my favorite designs ever I love that guy so much. I love his mask and I love how beast like he is. And the coffins? Absolute banger design. Messiah is overall a good design but I'm not as fond of it? It's very well executed but I think because it's so late in the game and it's just not as iconic as the other two I'm kinda meh about it you know. Thanatos is my fav for the MCs (and if he doesn't count for whatever reason then Orpheus).
Junpei: I don't have too much to say about Hermes design wise other than I like him! I like his bird look and tbh my fav thing about him is actually his attack animations! The way he slides into enemies is really satisfying to me idk why. Trismegistus though. God I love him so much. Mostly because of his awakening scene that is honestly one of the highlights of the game (like a lot of the second tier awakenings) and the fact his design is a fusion of Hermes and Medea is just so so good. I def prefer him.
Yukari: I really enjoy both Io and Isis a lot. I really like their designs and their lore and how it ties into Yukari's own story! However compared to some of the others, these designs kinda fall in the middle of the pack for me. Solid looks but nothing crazy you know? I think I slightly prefer Isis because of her wings I think that's such a cool design feature.
Akihiko: Ah my boy. He has one of the best and the worst persona designs of the cast for me. Polydeuces is such a dope choice for him as a Persona. Picking the immortal half of the Gemini twins for him and giving Shinji the other one is so so so so good and I could rant all day about why I love the concept. The design? Ugly af I'm sorry 😭 I cannot stand it it looks so weird the big bulky body with the skinny little legs looks so off-putting and his hair is just so weird? I don't like it at all 💀 Caesar however???!! Absolutely ADORE him. Such a powerful looking design and I love the lil person who sits in his chest (I'm one of the "it represents Shinji" people because I just love that idea so much). Caesar def is my preference here.
Fuuka: I really love Fuuka's Personas because of how she interacts with them. I really like how she's encased inside the persona and I think both Lucia and Juno look really really good. Unfortunately they're kinda similar to Yukari's for me in that they're like both very good but just don't stand out as much as some of the others. I prefer Lucia for her lore and I prefer Juno's design so 🤷‍♂️
Mitsuru: Oh baby. I absolutely adore Penthesilea and Artemisia to DEATH. I have written essays on here about the details of their designs and how they fit Mitsuru as a character so so well. Probably two of my favorites in the entire series. If I had to pick I think I'd give the slight edge to Artemisia because the fact that she has that red mask symbolizing the fact Mitsuru is finally coming out of her shell and letting down her walls a little makes me so so emotional.
Koromaru: Cerberus is a very very good boy. I think it's a really on the nose design but there's nothing wrong with that he's perfect. 10/10 would pet and give treats.
Ken: I think Ken's personas have the same deal as Akihiko's for me but to a lesser degree. I don't like Nemisis that much. I don't hate it as much as I hate Polydeuces, I just think it looks really awkward. I could see what they were going for and the blade saw thing is cool it just looks... Kinda weird. Idk. Kala-nemi on the other hand I much prefer! I think it does the over exaggerated proportions much better than Polydeuces (it's big bulky shoulders look and move really well) and I like the lore behind it. It's not a massive favorite but I enjoy it.
Aigis: Honestly I like both Palladion and Athena a lot. They're both really solid designs and they fit Aigis super well! I'd have to give the edge to Athena though because I love the big shields that circle her. Really cool touch.
Shinjiro: Oh god Castor. I adore Castor so so much. Such a fantastic design. The horse the blade in the chest just everything about him. He looks like Polydeuces but just so so much better. Brilliant design def one of my favs in the series.
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fattestwriting · 2 years
How much of a slobby cumdumpster would you say Yukari from Persona 3 is?
She's the kinda woman to insist she would never and get bashful at even the insinuation, only to turn around and take a fire hoses worth every night.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 4 years
So Minato is still a wild card though? How does he feel about that... And what is his relationship with S.E.E.S.?
M- Hm ya Im still a wildcard Technically, but really I can just call and order around shadows instead of having them as personas. As for opinions on being one? while I have no issues with being one, the reason I am one or rather how I came to be one is where my anger lies!
R- Ya, Igor and company were really desperate so were not careful about the whole thing. Atleast it for the most part worked out fine and what didn’t wasn’t Igor or Liz’s faults.
M- SEES? Well Junpei is still my best friend, Koro is a good boy, Aigis is a story to tell on her own, Ken and Fukka is still friendly, Shinji had issues to deal with when he first came back but is mostly fine. <Sigh>really Mitsuru and Yukari are where the issues lay with Akihiko just siding with Mitsuru.
R- Sir puntch and the Ice Queen’s problem is just that We are shadows. they are uncomfortable with the knowledge that a shadow was calling the shots, and while they are no longer as aggressive towards us they do still have episodes of denial about the fact Minty’s a shadow. But then-
R- yes her, sigh its sad should a lovely Maiden is only the outer form of a witch. Though you also hold fault in the argument between.
M- Ya thats true but it is still mainly her fault. But Thany do you-
R-explainng it for you? Sure Niisan!
It starts when I first enterd as Ryoji Mochizuki, Minty and I bonded in nanoseconds which people who fought tooth and nail to gain an ounce of Minato’s trust were mad about. Jelelice of me, but then there was Yukari. Not only was me being in Brother’s good graces from the start an insult to her but me being-
M- A casanova?
R- me buged her even more. Add on the fact Minato was Rejecting or Dismissing her and the rest of SEES hangouts requests.
M- plus Skipping on training.
R- the whole thing was madness to her. She was accusing me of purposely destracting Mint or having used Charm or Mindcontral on him. I was just public enemy #1 in her eyes. It was getting to the point of her just verbally attacking me when ever I was at the dorm with Min and Junpei. After we returned from the school trip, I made the mistake of pushing My minty to try patching up their friendship.
M-we aren’t and never were ‘friends’
R- not my point Bluebell. So we got Junpei to help us get everyone together and told them Mint and I had an announcement, I proposed and we were bow engaged!... My memories are kinda mercky of the rest of the evening after Yukari attacked me, she was just yelling and hurling all manor of insults. Which-
R- <sad face> was Bluebells breaking point. I’m not going to say exactly what was said, Mint accused her of being mad cuz she wanted in his pants which caused her to freeze cuz ya she did have a crush on him but then they just devoldged into an incomprehensible agurment but the end result was Mint drawing his sword and pointing it at her, it snapped Mitsuru and Akihiko out of their stuper and they broke them up with both being sent then looked in their rooms.
M- then came the bridge night.
R- ya, the night my memories came back. While both of us were not aware during the blunt of it we were filled in by Junpei about it.
M- she wanted to drown Ryoji.
R- yesh ya, Yukari was just done with me and wanted me out of the picture.
M- now she is still as crazy. <Tch> I say she should fall off the edge and-
M- WHAT SHE IS STILL A (Please excuse us as we are not comfortable with typing what Mint is saying just know it involves Yukari being a female dog inheat)! Everytime I have to talk to her, she just goes on and on about how im clearly a fake, how I killed the real Minato, etc.
R- at least look at the bright side.
R- the whole mess killed her feelings for you!
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crazymoonrules · 4 years
-pokes head in- um hi, Mod? Moon here. After a while of thinking I decided just incase there is something I should clear up/be crystal clear on.
Yukari. Now to be up frount, I dont like her/feel uncomfortable by her Characterization or atleast what I can makeout from first and third moives plus a number of game clips. But its just a dislike, if you like her or she’s your favorite character? Absolutely no issues or complaints. This was just to explain that yes there is a minor bios twords her but onto the main point.
When Minato talked about Yukari and her being well a Branch he was over exaggerating/taking it too far. She was upset by being ditched by someone she thought of as a close friend and was suspicious of Ryoji due to him you know coming out of no where. The only thing her having a crush on Mint effected was her being a bit jealous of Ryoji. So to be completely clear, Mints veiws are not my own personal views of Yukari. Minato’s opinion is just a sign/reflection of his warped and unstable trust issues.
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montyblanc · 3 years
Persona x Detective Naoto is canon, actually
"But Mont, didn't you say PxDN was non-canon a few months ago?"
Yes, yes I did. And it turns out that I was wrong. I got not only the timeline of Golden's epilogue and Dancing mixed up (it takes place in the same year as Arena, not a year after the end of P4), but I trusted MegaTen wiki's baseless and false claim that Ultimax threw it out of canon.
"So what's your proof that it is canon?"
Ok, maybe I don't actually have explicit proof of its canonicity, but I can debunk the claims of it being non-canon and show how it fits into the timeline.
Let's start by addressing the biggest declaration of it being non-canon: Arena Ultimax. There is one big reason why people point to this game as killing PxDN, and that would be the Tsukiyomi, the Persona of Sho. The argument here is that because Sho has Tsukiyomi, then Sousei (Naoto's partner) can't have it, and therefore PxDN is impossible.
Except that's false. There are many instances of characters not only having the same Persona (Susano-o, Hermes, Izanagi), but also the Wild Cards (Yu and Joker specifically) being able to gain Personas outside of DLC that are also currently in use. The biggest example would be Isis, the Persona of Yukari Takeba. In Persona 4 and 5, you can still fuse and utilize Isis as you would any other Persona, despite it being the Persona of Yukari at the time. So with this in mind, we safely debunk the claim that Arena Ultimax decanonized PxDN.
And beyond Ultimax, nothing ever explicitly throws PxDN out of canon, as nothing really contradicts it.
"OK, so how does PxDN fit in the timeline then?"
That's easy: it takes place one whole year after the end of Persona 4 (2013), meaning it chronologically takes place after EVERY spin off.
"Should I read PxDN then?"
Well, you don't have to. Just like how the other spin offs aren't necessary to go through, PxDN is not a necessary read (assuming Naoto doesn't return, that is).
Would I recommend it? Only if you are really into Naoto. Contrary to what detractors will have you believe, the story isn't really that bad (a 6.5/10 really). It has issues, notably having a lot of fanservice moments, but the overall storyline and characterization of Naoto is fine, especially in the second half where the fanservice is heavily cut down. Nothing is really wrong with Naoto's portrayal, either. There are a lot of callbacks to her SL (which is also why Amatsu-Mikaboshi is a non-combat type) and her personality is intact.
And no, Naoto doesn't constantly degrade herself for being a woman, nor are her abilities to use her Persona tied to it or anything like that. I genuinely have no idea where this came from. The most we get is in the first chapter where Rise is being kinda mean to her for still being so shy about herself and Naoto internally agrees a bit but still argues with Rise. In fact, Naoto uses both a male and female alias to her advantage throughout the story. She uses the female alias of Nao-chan as a disguise to lure a guy into custody and uses her public male alias when attending Yagokoro to investigate. Best of both worlds.
"Are you done?"
Yeah, I think so.
PxDN is certainly not a perfect novel, but it's not some sort of disgrace to Naoto or the canon as most people pretend it is. Hell, with most of the hate I see towards it, it becomes evident that a lot of people either didn't read it and are going by hearsay or only read the first chapter (which yeah, it's not very good). So before you go claiming it is non-canon, check the facts and verify them. And actually READ the work you are bashing. If you don't like it after that, then bash it all you want.
I will continue to defend PxDN to my grave, because no one else gives it a proper chance.
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malfunctioningmochi · 7 years
note; This is just me rambling about my thoughts on KiraPri. I’m not very far into it, nor do I have any reason/intention to bash any other opinions that may clash my own. You can think what you think, and I’ll think what I think.
to start off, I’m really not sure if I like Yukari or not tbh
I’m only on episode 9-10 of KiraPri mostly because I’m having trouble getting into it, but Yukari so far is just-
To phrase it the same way she does for just about everything “I don’t like nor dislike her”
She seems to have the whole “I am bored with being perfect and want something/someone with flaws and/or over-the-top qualities to excite me” which, albeit, many anime characters have this trope, but it’s always been debatable and questionable. Yukari’s okay, just... Her personality and motives are really questionable/confusing and (in my opinion) unnecessary for a show meant for kids. Sometimes she says something, but seems to mean something else a few moments later. I’m hoping Yukari will open up soon and stop essentially speaking in riddles.
I also am currently on the bandwagon of “Ichika is Mana 2.0″
Ichika made all the sweets that gave each girl the confidence to stand up and become a PreCure; which is nice and all, but it would have been better imo if each girl made their own sweet. It would’ve shown a lot more symbolism about their character rather than Ichika going “this is what animal I think you’re most like and therefore this is your symbol now”
Ichika also seems to be the driving force behind just about every plot, main or sub, so far. Like I get that she’s the leader of the team, but it’s really just kinda seeming like “Ichika and sidekicks” right now.
As for Cure Parfait/Ciel, it would be unfair of me to judge her personality since I haven’t gotten that far yet. But I will say that I’ve watched the clip of her transformation sequence and she seems very... Extra and over-the-top. Unnecessarily over the top. It doesn’t matter to me if you like Ciel or not since it’s your opinion, but many people (myself included) were hoping for a green Cure, and it seems like we got a rainbow op mess instead. I’m also not a fan of how her symbol is a mythical animal (pegasus) when all the other girls are animals that actually exist. I really hate to say it, but Ciel/Parfait’s design very much so gives me a “special snowflake” vibe.
personality-wise, from my favorite to least favorite; Aoi, Akira, Himari, Ichika, Yukari
design-wise, from my favorite to least favorite; Chocolat, Gelato, Macaron, Custard, Whip
(not including Parfait in my personal rankings because, again, it would be unfair of me to judge her before I see her in the anime)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
Omg I'm so mad, there's barely any any Akira x Ann stuff on Tumblr without it being spoilery stuff :/ She's The LOVERS therefore THE BEST love interest (and canon 2 me *cough* like my girls Yukari & Rise). But I'm bummed out that my friend annoyingly spoiled me with some stupid shit telling me that people are saying Makato might be a "canon" choice in the manga UGH yuck. I've been so mad ever since (think I need to scold him about it :/)
I don’t want Ann to get the shitty Yukari treatment where Aegis kept stealing/hogging MC from her (both canon & fandom wise & shit I’m still mad bout). Makoto just doesn’t fit the romantic aesthetic like Ann does & doesn’t look good with the MC, Ann is just a literal perfect lovely match for MC. Makoto is just way 2 butch & I see her being a better brotp motherly/sisterly role 2 MC (she is Priestess afterall! :/ I wish brotp Makoto MC was the more popular choice in the fandom!)
Of course there’s back & forth backlash over who is better Ann or Makoto, it’s so aggravating (don’t want Ann getting hated). Yet here on Tumblr somehow there’s an obsession with shipping Ann with Makoto *eye roll* (personally would prefer Queen x Noir cuz it makes literal perfect sense) & course there’s the ever popular yaoi. Can’t there be a more popular middle ground for Ann to be happily liked as (ovb best) romantic interest of MC!?
Of course there’s back & forth backlash over who is better Ann or Makoto, it’s so aggravating (don’t want Ann getting hated). Yet here on Tumblr somehow there’s an obsession with shipping Ann with Makoto *eye roll* (personally would prefer Queen x Noir cuz it makes literal perfect sense) & course there’s the ever popular yaoi. Can’t there be a more popular middle ground for Ann to be happily liked as (ovb best) romantic interest of MC!?
P.s. I figured I’d messaged u cuz you’re a popular Ann fan (& seem to like MC with her, least I hope you do ;~;) & I would love to see more love towards the Akira x Ann ship! ;_; Also I recall a while back (when the game was fresh & unplayable) there was a slight Ann as Lovers complaints on here… are we done with that? Because that seriously greatly offended me. In short; Ann (her character as a whole & aesthetic wise) & her persona is literal PERFECT Lovers arcana representation!
Wooo boy. Under the cut cause I wanna save on length… ;w;
While I agree it’s a shame with Anne (considering she’s the least forced Lovers Arcana person). But uhhh…Makoto hasn’t even shown up in the manga….her sister has….but not Makoto. :/ So I dunno where that’s coming from….(I do feel that his look at Anne feels a bit more played down, to just “oh wow there really are beautiful people out there” as opposed to being lost for words). But like…..the whole “Makoto is canon in the manga” has no ground, I mean it might happened, but then again Haru might end up being the canon love interest for the manga. 8U Right now it’s too early to tell.
As for Yukari and Rise, I’m really sorry anon, and I really mean no offense, but you’re coming to the wrong person. ;w; I’m more of an AigisxMC shipper myself (only P3 ship that I love probably more than it is FeMCxMaleMC, assuming they aren’t twins of course 8U) and NaotoxMC is my OTP for P4. If anything I loath Yukari (character and romance, anything and everything) with my entire being, and I am also not a fan of Rise constantly hanging on you esp if you’re dating someone by that time (don’t get me wrong, I do like Rise as a character tho, esp in spinoffs, but also because of the spinoffs I can see Rise/Yu not working out cause….Yu… so dense), not cool Atlus. When it comes to shipping Rise or Yukari, I don’t really ship Yukari with anyone (ok maybe crack ship with Akihiko for reasons you guys don’t know), but I ship Rise with either Kanji or Teddie. I think the difference between Yukari/Rise and Anne is that Anne builds friendship and trust from the get go (I mean there’s a reason Anne is a bro), while Yukari/Rise are more “Just love at first sight with MC.” But yeah, sorry anon, we don’t have the same view point here. ;w;
I agree I don’t see Makoto as being a good fit for the MC (even aesthetically), but that’s just me. Some people do like it and see it that way. I can understand why (even if I don’t see it with that specific paring myself). I do wonder if the same people who ship MakotoxP5MC are the same people who ship P3FeMCxP5MC, or if they’re like me and ship FeMCxP5MC but not MakotoxP5MC cause they think she’s visually a “knockoff” of the FeMC (no I’m really curious, do people ship both, or one because they don’t like the other or just only like the one???) But I should note her butchness is not what I don’t like about her with the MC (I think girls should be as butch/tom boy as they want and if they want to be with guys, more power to them! And if they want to be with girls they more power to them too!), it’s more like her personality (as well as a persona preference, and it’s nothing against Makoto in this regard it’s just that she doesn’t happen to fit that preference). 
Not a fan of the Anne and Makoto bashing going on (I’m not a fan of Makoto, but the toxicity of the any and all bashing is annoying and just would rather not see any for any character at all). As for Anne/Makoto vs Makoto/Haru….tbh I don’t think I even feel for either ship anymore (might change later). But I can see the appeal for both tho, Anne/Makoto is a very polar opposites in personality personality ship, one is the heart and the other is logical (kinda similar to Rise/Naoto, or I guess Yukari/Mitsuru but I’m not a fan of the latter so I can’t really say much about that one). Makoto/Haru has some closeness going for it, both are on the same level (in terms of year) and Haru is very friendly with her, even calling her “Mako-chan” (one could also view Haru as a the “heart” in this relationship as well, so I wouldn’t be surprised if people view this as the heart and the logical ship too, they are polar opposites I believe too but different from how Anne/Mako are, in Mako/Haru’s case one is the stern mother type while the other is the overly warm mother type).
Oh I’m popular? Haha didn’t know that….. ;w; I do ship AnnexAkira. As for Anne being Lovers….. It’s more like people (including me, very vocally including me) just wanted a female Magician, and we just thought Lovers was too obvious… Considering they seemed to be advertising the game as subverting expectations way back when it was only the first PV, we thought Lovers was one of those subversions. So it’s not that we hate Lovers itself, we just hated how obvious it was despite other evidence that she could’ve been something else. I mean her arc does fit the Lovers, but I still feel a lot of her does have some Magician remnants (esp her 2nd awakening, gdi just slap me in the face there Atlus, her 2nd awakening fits Magician, if not Moon, more, while Haru’s 2nd awakening really fits Lovers…)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
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@tehsharkster I think we’re thinking different things. I don’t think Anne being Lovers is an idea forced on us or that the arc is forced. I’m fine with it, I mean I’d love it if she was Magician, but she fits Lovers and they executed it well. So I’m not as salty as when it was first revealed (in fact I am kind of happy with it, but there’s still a dash of salt there 8U *glares at the 2nd awakenings*).
I was talking about how it feels like past Lover arcana characters, mainly Yukari and Rise, are forced (”canon”) romantic options. The former cause everyone keeps assuming you are dating, even when you can’t even SL until Aigis shows up, and even when you might be dating someone else people don’t stop talking about it. As for the latter, it’s due to her constant hanging off of you even if you are dating someone. The “forced” feeling could’ve been avoided with dialogue changes (tho in some cases the interactions would’ve been very different). (I’d list Lisa, but she seems to actually back off once you make a choice, or at the very least she’s aware that you like someone else and she kinda respects it, so she doesn’t really make the list due to the devs, as TV tropes would say, “thinking of everything”)
Don’t get me wrong, them having a crush on the MC isn’t bad, but it can be annoying for people who a) don’t want to romance them, b) want to romance someone else, or c) just want to have a no-romance route, hence why it’s “forced” for some. 
Anne’s different as she....kinda amusingly, isn’t really aware of her feelings for the MC until it like hits her in her CoOp at like the last possible second (apparently she talks about us non stop when she’s with Shiho 8U). And for the game she’s pretty much your best friend/bro instead of having a crush on you which is a nice pace for some! (tho it seems that atlus can’t go one game without someone having an obvious crush so that role with to Morgana >.> then again I feel like his is more played for comedy so I dunno, that’s an off-topic matter my bad! XD XP). But yeah she does break the trend a bit (which can be good or bad for some, it’s really a double edged sword as some think of her as too much of a bro and don’t see her as a romantic option, opting to ship her with Ryuji instead. While I do love AnnexRyuji, I find it hilarious they say that and then ship them because those two are so extra on the bro-ness, even more so than towards the MC, and have stated they don’t want to date each other. Not bashing cause again, I ship them too, it’s just kind of funny XD)
tldr; Anne as Lovers isn’t forced or bad, it’s the trend that Lovers is a forced romantic option that gets on some people’s nerves (and Anne actually avoids this trend).
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