#kinda hate how this turned out ngl might work on it more of the next few days idk
slutterhaus · 1 year
AN: Started this during lunch and finished it now before bed so it might be rushed lmao just wanted to write something kinda sweet with and older Adam. Ngl I’m extremely rusty and sick (also very tired lmao) so this may be clunky to read. Anyways, go show @you-and-him some love. CWs: None. However, a small talk about toxic relationships does happen. Also mentions of dropkicking someone lmao. Other: Fluff, Second Person POV, AFAB!Reader, Female pronouns are used. Not proofread. Probs ooc Adam. Under read more because it's around 1k words.
Adam peacefully washed the dishes while he listened to you help your daughter with some homework. Both of you chatted about random things every once in a while when you needed a break, and even though he wasn’t really paying attention, the background noise gave him a sense of calm that brought a smile to his face. Life with you had been everything he could’ve dreamed of and more. Hell, he never would’ve imagined something like this before he met you, before going through everything. Sometimes he wondered what good he had done to deserve such a loving and happy life after everything he put you through.
And while it was all in the past, some guilt lingered whenever he was too caught up in his own thoughts.
It wasn’t until he heard you let out a chuckle that he turned around, watching your daughter pout and puff out her cheeks when it was time to get back to work. He knew that face, the look of dread when she had to write for English class. Neither of you knew why she hated it so much considering she enjoyed reading just as much as the two of you did, though he couldn’t help but wonder if she was just growing up to be too critical of herself.
You both gave her a sympathetic look, and Adam was quick to turn back around to fetch her favorite snack from the fridge, along with some canned green tea with ginseng and honey for you while you tried to reassure her doubt.
That was going to be a topic both of you would have to discuss later seeing as she was eleven and too young to be worrying about anything other than being a kid. For now, however, Adam slid into the seat next to you at the dining table, where you playfully bumped shoulders with him and giggled. He smiled sheepishly, a soft blush dusting his cheeks even after all the years together. “What’dya have to write about, kiddo?” He asked.
“Free topic. But I dunno what to write about.” She sighed. “I’m not good at coming up with things.”
Both you and Adam took an instinctive glance at one another before you spoke up. “You can't rush or force yourself to make something. School doesn’t determine how creative you can be when you got six more classes cramming stuff into your free time.” You genuinely tried to make her feel better, but the look on your face let Adam know you needed some reassurance yourself when it came to your parenting skills. He brought an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to squish your sides together and give you a big smooch on your temple. “Your mother’s right, you know.”
For a moment, your daughter was silent, staring at the two of you with a focused look. Both of you could see she was thinking deeply about something, almost as if she was embarrassed to ask. “How… did you and dad meet?”
Adam tensed at the question, and you choked on your drink. How were you going to explain that to your kid? How would that conversation even go with anyone?
So, you cleared your throat and tried your best. “Well… Dad didn’t like me too much when we first met.” You started and Adam seemed to feel a cold sweat coming on, only relaxing a bit when your hand gently placed itself over his. Your daughter gave you a look that blatantly expressed how much she did not believe that. “With how mushy you two are? Doubt it. Dad follows you around like a puppy.”
She wasn’t wrong, but it was a bit embarrassing to hear from his own kid.
“It’s true. People grow and change over time depending on who you surround yourself with. Some people aren’t good for you, no matter how much you love them, because they don’t want to change, and there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself by distancing from them.” You began, squeezing Adam’s hand to reassure him you didn’t say it because of him. “And sometimes they break whatever chains held them back from changing. You never know what someone’s been through growing up, so always be kind while sticking up for yourself and for others.”
Nobody had given either of you a parenting manual, but a small smile came to Adam’s lips as he looked at your daughter. She was quiet, taking what you told her and processing it. “Besides, mama would dropkick anyone who touches you.” You added, trying to give the conversation a lighthearted touch. “And dad’s going to bail mama outta jail.”
The table was silent for a moment before the three of you broke into a round of laughter. Adam reached over and ruffled the head of brown hair that wasn’t unlike his own when he was younger. Granted, he had forgotten how it looked on him long ago with how he still rocked his purple mop into his 40s, but it was healing to him in a way. Your daughter only grinned, surprising the two of you when she picked up her pencil and quickly started writing on the composition paper in front of her.
Adam could faintly make sense of the title from his seat, tilting his head slightly to angle and accommodate his gaze to the upside-down writing. However, as he followed the sentences, he pulled you close once more and rested his head on top of yours while you rested on his shoulder.
'My parents love each other very much, and they love me very much. They’re embarrassing and dorky sometimes, but they mean well. When I grow up, I hope I have friends that I love and protect just like they do each other…'
As she scribbled away, Adam got up and stretched, but not before giving the both of you a quick peck on top of the head. “You two finish up, I’ll get started on dinner.” He began. “And I’m not dorky, your old man’s still a rockstar.”
“Uh huh.”
With a snort, you got up and wrapped your arms around him, humming contently. “And the light of my life~”
Adam groaned in embarrassment at your addition, his face heating up as he dragged you with him toward the fridge to grab some ingredients.
He really wouldn’t have his life any other way.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
"but at least we stole the show"
Sebastian Vettel x Kygo
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marsgod · 2 years
Idia, jamil and rook w/ sick reader pls?
⇢ Idia, Jamil, Rook x Sick! Gn! Reader
⇢Warnings; no specified relationship, gn! reader, sick! reader, fluff
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Idia Shroud
I’m so sorry if you were expecting him to coddle and take care of you, but no, Idia will see an opportunity to not hang and to stay inside. But like, he has no idea how to actually take care of a sick person.
Idia will get you a bowl w a plastic bag, a cup of water, and might put some pain reliever on the night stand (that’s if you tell him to get it) and then stays in the corner doing whatever.
He thinks that this is the best possible way to get you to full health, and if you ask for anything else besides more water, medicine, or food then he doesn’t know how to help you
srsly it might just not be in his capabilities
Idia is queasy and he looks like he’s waiting for his turn to puke while holding your hair or holding water for you
he might actually throw up once you’re done..
on the off chance he doesn’t feel queasy, he’s still not looking at you cause the guy knows that his face is one of absolute disgust but he doesn’t want to offend you
He also doesn’t want you touching his game station, at all, he barely wants you in his room bc you might infect his everything
“.. What do you mean you’re “bored”? You get to play games and watch TV all day!”
-718373782/10, it’s boring w him (unless you find watching him do whatever from the bed is interesting)
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Jamil Viper
Jamil is the best at taking care of you, not so much as being there for you bc he will make you stay in bed, but he’s not staying in there with you. At all.
Jamil will walk into your room long enough to give you water, food, whatever and will consistently check up on you
but will not stay or talk w you unless needed
it’s not that Jamil gets sick easily, he doesn’t, he just doesn’t see the point in staying unless you’re in obvious pain
and he has stuff to work on and other Jamil things🥲
He hates throw up, he’s not like Idia where he’s extremely queasy w it
Jamil just really hates the smell and the probable mess
That being said, he’s making you brush your teeth and will force you to down mouth wash before giving you water bc he doesn’t want you to accidentally swallow your own vomit
(what a nice guy)
He also restricts your diet temporarily to easy to make soup (except he, for whatever reason, makes it more complicated and delicious than need be)
Chicken noodle, etc. it doesn’t rlly matter cause he’s not making you anything else, besides maybe different soup, and you’re not allowed in the kitchen until you’re not infected anymore
“No, go brush your teeth, you don’t need to swallow your own vomit, that’s going to make you vomit more.”
In summary, not the worst and actually knows how to take care of you so 181737272/10 better than Idia.
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Rook Hunt
Probably the best caretaker here tbh, Rook is careful and obviously takes care of himself and has to know how to not.. die? ig, when he’s sick and has to know how to not drag it out longer than needed.
Rook knows how to cook (not as good as Jamil but whatever) and does it often
he’ll do constant checkups for you, to the point where it’s a bit annoying but endearingly? Kinda cute ngl
Rook also doesn’t get sick very easily, like, almost never- which is prob why he’s taking care of you, and really, are you complaining?
he’s not fond of vomit, but he’s used to other absolutely horrid smells and is desensitized
Rook will hold your hair back for you, or at least pat you on the back while comforting you
he already has both mouthwash and water ready for when you’re done<3
Rook might need to leave ofc to make food or something, but he won’t leave you alone for long til the next checkup
whicg is really when he’ll move in your room “to make sure you’re not lonely”
“Ah, worry not, I shall prepare some soup for you!”
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Small Bits of Memory
Characters: Scaramouche, gn!reader
Word Count: 1,531
Warnings: None
Premise: Little moments between Scaramouche and the reader.
Author’s Note: Warning, I’m not caught up on the archon quest. I did skim the wiki (which made me kinda sad ngl), but if there are inaccuracies, that’s why. I also may have made Scaramouche a bit sappy because of this.  
I took “comfort” to mean “hurt/comfort” so if some of these are a bit melancholic it’s because angst brain does not turn off.
Scaramouche is well familiar with nightmares. He knows the feeling of opening yours eyes in the dark, not moving, not crying out or sitting up; simply opening your eyes as the latent fear of your dreams finally catch up with you and finally your breathing starts to speed in your chest, as your finally realize how afraid you were. Thus on the first night he wakes to you staring intently at the darkness around you, still to the point of stiffness, he automatically understands what’s going on.
At first he’s too scared to wrap his arms around you, afraid that you’ll find the action frightening, or that you’ll instinctively reject him. He only reaches out his hand, secretly relieved when you entwined your fingers within his. Feeling vaguely sentimental in his tired state he whispers: “I’ll protect you from the dark, so stop staring and go back to sleep.” He hopes that you won’t tease him about it tomorrow, as some small part of him knows that it was a very silly thing to say.
Afterwards he grows a little bolder, inching closer to you, then letting one arm rest on your shoulder, fingers featherlight on your skin. Thankfully your penchant for nightmares isn’t too great, so it’s about two months before he wakes up the next day to his arms wrapped around you, you nestled within his sleepy embrace. Seeing you sleeping peacefully after the look of uncomprehending panic plastered across your features the night before calms him like few other things, and he sighs peacefully, letting his eyes flit closed once more. The two of you sleep in that day.
Scaramouche always panics slightly whenever you get hurt. It could be a paper cut, it could be a bruise, it could be a battle injury, his response is relatively similar each time. You might squirm as he cleans your cut off for the third time in ten minutes, assuring him that you aren’t going to die, but he isn’t truly listening to you. There’s a glazed look in his eyes, and it takes him a few moments to register that you’re calling his name. You worry about it sometimes, you wonder what might happen if you were to truly injure yourself. You hope he wouldn’t blame himself too much. Scaramouche has a surprising penchant towards self-flagellation, when he’s not telling himself that he’s superior to everyone around him.
Scaramouche has never horsed around in a river, never experienced a snowball fight, never watched a sunrise for the sake of it. He was not created for such things after all. It’s hard for him to imagine enjoyment in the little pieces of universal humanity, perhaps because he feels somehow separated from such a privilege. You start keeping a list of these sorts of things, small moments to enjoy. He finds the idea silly at first, but gradually grows to like the experience. Perhaps not the individual activities, but the experience as a whole. He might not understand the “universal human experience” as you call it, but the snow against his skin is cold and clear, and the sun looks like fire in the sky, and you’re smiling next to him, and all is well in the world.
Scaramouche doesn’t have much attachment to Inazuma, considering it a desolate land where the people survive despite, not because of, the land. He has no love for the plains, or the skinny forests, or the craggy rocks and hills. The flowers glow preternaturally, and the electricity that fills the air makes unpleasant crackling noises. Nevertheless he has to admit a fondness for the cherry blossoms that bloom on Narukami Islands. It’s as if a small sliver of beauty managed to scrape its way into the world. He’ll take you to see them sometimes, regardless of his status as a Harbinger and a general menace. Perched amidst the falling petals you remind him of some sort of spirit from folklore. If he could draw well at all he thinks he would make a portrait of you surrounded by those blossoms. Certainly there’d be nothing else worth painting.
The two of you like to read together, Scaramouche going over whatever plans he’s currently focusing on, you curled up with a book. If you find a passage or a quote you particularly like you’ll tap him on the shoulder, and Scaramouche will duly listen to you read it aloud. He likes the sound of your reading voice, the way it varies slightly from when you talk. Unfortunately he made the mistake of telling you that once, and you began to insist that he read for you. Though he secretly enjoys doing so, he still grumbles about it out of habit. The both of you know he’s only doing it for show.
Scaramouche once caught you using a broom like a sword. Though you looked very drunk he secretly found it endlessly endearing. He offered to teach you some basic sword forms (despite his weapon knowing swordplay is a basic requirement for all Fatui soldiers). You accepted eagerly at the time, unaware of how much you’d underestimated Scarmouche’s fervor when it came to training. It took a wooden sword snapped in half for him to lay off a little bit, but at least his troops started dropping hints at you that they no longer feared for their lives. Though you think they were joking, you were still glad for the learning experience. You two still spar every once in a while though.
Living up to his title of “Balladeer” Scaramouche has quite the haunting voice. Not particularly high, his range still has a natural warmth to it that belies his cold exterior. You almost never catch him actually singing. The first time it happened was when you had a migraine. Refusing to leave your tent – you hadn’t actually convinced him you weren’t dying – he seemed torn between boredom and worry. At first it was a mere hum, but soon enough it morphed into a captivating song. He refused to tell you the name of it, claiming he’d forgotten, and refused to bring it up the next morning. Still sometimes you’ll catch him now and then humming out a tune, usually when he’s reading or if you’re sick or upset. His singing is something you associate with comfort.
Scaramouche is a terrible letter writer. If you send him ten letters while he’s away he’ll send you three. Still what he lacks in quantity he makes up for in word count. Curt in his official reports, his letters to you are pure stream-of-consciousness, captivating whatever he’s thinking about at the time. Usually the letters are somewhat sappy (or surprisingly bold) missives on how much he loves you and misses you, somehow more honest than when he speaks to you face-to-face. Still you’ve also gotten quite used to a thousand words on how much he hates his fellow Harbingers. You don’t mind, keeping all his letters to you in a box. Though he claims to burn yours, he does the same.
Scaramouche always tell you the days he’s leaving and the days he’s returning. Sometimes he’ll have it down to an estimated hour. Though he appreciates the pomp and spectacle of appearing around others unannounced – something he does quite a bit when working – he refuses to keep you in a limbo of waiting. Secretly he’s also always afraid you might not show up on the docks one day, and every time he sees your face after a long time away a weight lifts in his chest, the pressure on his soul just a little easier to bear every time.
Scaramouche has always felt most comfortable at night. When the world sleeps, when he has the advantage of being awake, being alert, being more powerful. When there are fewer eyes on him, and he can even tell himself that he is the only one awake in the world, can indulge in those moments of wondering, wondering whether he has ever felt something, whether he is missing a crucial piece. Whether he has ever been happy, whether he wants to be so. He can be vulnerable at night, and thus is the reason it appealed to him so much.
Now the night is his favorite time of day because he can always be near you at that time. If you two are in the same land, then you will spend the night in the same room, the same tent, the same bed. Listening to the sound of your breathing, letting himself revel in your closeness, your arms wrapped around his waist, or his wrapped around you, Scaramouche feels truly content. Perhaps he is even happy, perhaps this is what happiness is, what love is. Perhaps it is something more than that, something undefinable, something too abstract to put into words. He loves you, he realizes to himself, he loves you so much. It is overwhelming, like a tidal wave, yet it does not frighten him. He could be struck by lightning and it would not frighten him. It will in the daytime, but now is the night, and now he can marvel peacefully at the fact that he truly loves you.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
masquerade (d.m.)
prompt as requested by anon: draco malfoy was your rival in slytherin house. both of you ambitious, bold, and daring. as one of the few pureblood slytherin families left, you promised yourself that you would continue your lineage, but not with scum like malfoy. instead, you would meet a suitor at the annual masquerade ball hosted by the malfoys each year. but what if your prospective suitor is someone you didn’t expect...
pairing: draco malfoy x fem! pureblood slytherin reader
warnings: language
word count: 8.7k
author’s note: let’s say this takes place around 7th year (no voldy) right after the reader’s 18th birthday. also--i took the liberty of naming the reader’s parents just for sake of making things less confusing. 
you guys...would you want a second part to this? i may have an idea for a sequel? depends on how you all like it, but this...kinda went hard ngl
here is a playlist that i found on spotify that works well with the fic! credits to owner! 
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Rivalry; nothing like it. It gave you a reason to work harder, faster, and stronger than your rival. You were taught at a very young age that you should never surrender to someone who tries to make you feel inferior. And you took that to heart throughout your time at Hogwarts. You fought wisely with your charisma and charm, earning you the highest marks at school. You were a prefect, one of the top five students in your graduating class, and you were already making plans for your future. 
But that didn’t mean that there weren’t any challenges in your way. Many obstacles stood in your path of achieving greatness. One of those obstacles named Draco Malfoy. The two of you came from pureblood Slytherin families who had been fighting for power that dated back hundreds of years. That only meant that when you both entered Hogwarts in the same year, you had a rival to beat. But Draco wasn’t stupid. He knew how to keep up with you, sometimes surpassing you. Draco was also a prefect alongside you, one place higher than you in your class ranking, and not to mention, Professor Snape’s favorite student.
It drove you ballistic that no matter what you did, you couldn’t outsmart Malfoy. He was always one step ahead of you. He anticipated your every move as if he had studied you for years. But you had something on your side that Draco didn’t expect; divine feminine energy.
You would never fall for Malfoy, not in a million years. But that was exactly the point. Use what you have that Draco wants to your advantage. Your mother always told you that women had the energy of a thousand suns in their eyes and could burn anyone they wanted with just a stare. So that’s exactly what you did throughout Hogwarts. Burn Malfoy.
With just a look in the halls, you would set the boy on fire. With rage, with envy, with frustration, and with passion. You wanted no more but to see the boy fail. But failure wasn’t in Draco’s vocabulary. Needless to say, your time at Hogwarts became full of push and pull between the both of you. A rivalry of the ages.
It was exhausting, being tasked with rivalry at school, but you were thankful when winter break rolled around. You sat in your family’s manor house, the roaring fireplace in front of you as you read an alluring book. The crackling fire warmed up your chilly toes as a green velvet blanket rested over your shoulders. During break, you didn’t have to worry about Malfoy or his every move. You could enjoy yourself. 
As you read, you can hear the footsteps of someone descending the stairs. “(Y/N), dear,” your mother’s voice calls out. 
“In the drawing room, Mother!” you call back.
Soon enough, there your mother was, looking regal as ever as you smiled. Your mother was truly a force to be reckoned with. She stood in front of you, in a beautiful black gown, trimmed with gold and silver, your family crest embroidered above her left breast. Her hair was styled away from her face to reveal her youthful looking face. She was stunning to say the least. “I have news, darling,” she smiles, approaching you before taking a spot on the loveseat that you rested on.
You close your book and smile as you mother sits behind you, combing through your hair, something you always found relaxing. “I hope it’s good news, I could use some,” you tease her, earning a small giggle.
As she combs through your hair with her fingers, she speaks, “As you know, the annual masquerade ball occurs around this time of year.” You remembered watching your parents get ready for the ball as a child. You would sit next to your mother’s vanity and watch her delicately make up her face as her ladies’ maid did her hair. Your mother always wore a beautiful gown from the finest silk, adorned with jewels or lace or whatever she fancied. You remember your father told your mother she could get whatever she liked; your father wanted nothing but your mother to be satisfied. “The ball is open to any pureblood Slytherin who has reached the age of eighteen. And since you’ve have your eighteenth birthday not too long ago, you are eligible to attend,” you can hear the excitement in your mother’s voice. It had always been her dream to see you attend the ball. And yours to attend it.
You smile widely, “I’m delighted. We’ll need to contact the seamstress now if I want a dress in time.”
Chuckling, your mother places her hands on your shoulder. “Yes, yes, dear. But before we talk about what you are wearing, we must discuss the details,” she informs as you sigh. You just wanted to get to the fun part. “The masquerade ball is not just a party, but a tradition. The ball was made for young pureblood Slytherins to meet each other blindly and find a prospective partner for marriage,” you mother reveals as your heart stops.
A partner for marriage? You had just turned eighteen and now you had to think about a partner? You hadn’t even graduated from Hogwarts yet.
But before you can protest the thought of courtship, your mother adds, “It’s how your father and I met in fact. We had danced the whole night and at the end of the ball, he took off my mask and we realized that we knew each other already. He was my partner in my potion’s class at Hogwarts.” She smiles at the memory. “Now, I’m not saying you need to find a fiancé, but it would be nice to be open to it. It’s tradition.”
The thought of finding a fiancé at the ball made your mind reel and your heart race. Sure, the tradition was old, but there was something romantic about it. Especially since that’s how your parents found each other. You nod your head, “Of course, Mother.”
Your mother presses a kiss to the top of your head. She opens her mouth to speak, but instead you hear another voice. “There are some fine suitors attending the ball this year,” your father speaks. He walked into the room a teasing smile on his face as you roll your eyes. “Let’s not overwhelm our daughter with the prospect that she might find her future partner, shall we, Porpentina?” your father tells your mother.
She simply sighs, “Let’s not rule it out though, Samuel. Anything can happen.”
Your father walks over to the two of you, a handsome smile on his face as he shakes his head. Your father was the smartest man you’ve ever met. He always led with logic and had a rational brain. But when it came to you, your father was putty. He loved spoiling his only child, his daughter. “Anyway, I’m glad that you’ve decided to come to ball, my dear,” your father beams as your mother squeezes your shoulders. “I’ll let Lucius and Narcissa know,” he looks to your mother with a nod.
“Wait, Lucius and Narcissa?” you freeze. Malfoy’s. “Are they coming to the ball as well? Will Draco be in attendance?” you interrogate.
Your father chuckles, “Well, I would hope so since they host the ball every year, dearest.” You scoff and let your mouth fall open. Since when was your family alright with the Malfoy's? Last time you were aware, your families despised one another. “I know, it’s strange, but over the last few years, our families have been able to be more level headed with each other. Lucius is still a fucking prick, but he’s been more tame,” your father huffs, making you laugh a bit. “But yes, Draco will be at the ball.”
You immediately rise from your seat on the hardwood floor. “Then I’m not going,” you state as your mother stares at you confused. “You know how much I hate that pretentious, loathsome boy since I stepped foot in Hogwarts. He’s rude and spiteful and inconsiderate and vile. I refuse to voluntarily be in the same room as him whilst I am supposed to be enjoying winter break. I simply refuse.”
Springing to her feet, your mother tries to reason with you. “Think about it, darling. It’s a masquerade ball. You won’t even recognize Draco. He’ll be in costume as well as everyone else. You won’t even know who is who. It’ll be a night to remember, I promise you,” your mother speaks, rubbing your arms. “Besides, I already called the seamstress and she has a beautiful design that she has custom made for you,” she wiggles her brows.
The thought of attending the ball still did excite you. Live orchestral music, beautiful gowns, champagne in golden flutes. It all sounded so regal. How could you let Draco Malfoy stand in the way of your fun? Besides, the chances of you stumbling upon Draco were slim. Sighing, you surrender, “Alright, fine. But if I so much as smell Draco Malfoy, you won’t hear the end of it.”
Meanwhile, Draco stood beside his mother as servants and maids and butlers ran through the Malfoy Manor, carrying fine china, silverware, champagne flutes, and the finest decorations from around the world to decorate the manor in time for the ball. To the common person, this would all be so fantastic to watch. People decorating the manor in golds and greens, preparing for the quickly approaching festivities. But to Draco, this was normal. All the glamor and the splendor was just another day. 
Narcissa holds her son’s arm, linked with hers as she sighs, “Your first masquerade ball. You’ve grown up so quickly, my darling.” Narcissa smiles at her son inspecting his grown face. Where did her child go? All she saw was a fine man. 
Draco smiles kindly at his gentle mother. “I’m not being shipped away, Mother. It’s just a ball,” he laughs, giving her hand a squeeze. “Besides, I don’t expect to find a potential wife at the ball like Father believes...” he trails off.
The thought of marriage made Draco’s stomach churn. It wasn’t like he had a choice. Lucius Malfoy expected Draco to find a wife and a wife soon. Even though the boy hadn’t graduated, Lucius wanted to know that the Malfoy name would continue on for generations to come. He needed to ensure that his boyish son found another pureblood and produced an heir to the Malfoy name. 
Narcissa looks sadly at her son. She wanted nothing but the best for him, but also wanted the same as her husband. “Draco, dear, you know how important this ball is to your father and I. There are some perfectly sweet, beautiful girls in attendance to the ball tomorrow. What about Pansy Parkinson? Pureblood, Slytherin, comes from wealth,” Narcissa starts.
“What about her obnoxious personality or obsessive nature? Parkinson is a hard no,” Draco dismisses the notion. “Who else?”
Narcissa thinks, “The Greengrasses! Daphne will be in attendance since she just turned eighteen. Her younger sister still has a few more years before she can attend.”
Draco shakes his head, “Daphne is a good friend. It would be awkward.” Narcissa sighs and laughs lightly. “Anyone else or am I stuck with Pansy?”
Mrs. Malfoy stays quiet for a while before bringing up the next name, knowing how touchy it is for her son. “Well, I received news yesterday of another pureblood Slytherin who just turned eighteen recently who will be in attendance...” she trails off as Draco looks at his mother, intrigued and curious. “Miss (Y/L/N) will be coming...”
Draco’s face then contorts with disgust. “You invited my biggest rival to the ball?” he exclaims. “Mother, you know how I feel about her! Merlin, at this point let’s invite Potter and his friends to really spice things up shall we?” he scoffs sarcastically.
Narcissa starts, “Draco, please. I know how you feel about (Y/N), but she is a pureblood Slytherin. Her family has money and power and a title. Maybe if something happened between you tw-”
“Nothing will happen between (Y/N) and I, Mother. So don’t get your hopes up,” Draco cuts his mother off who sadly sighs. Draco monitors her sad expression before he feels guilty for his outburst. “I just cannot see myself getting past my feelings for her as they are now,” he reasons with his mother, squeezing her hand as she sadly smiles. “But I did hear that you invited some Beauxbatons to the ball,” he wiggles his eyebrows as Narcissa rolls her eyes.
Standing in your room in front of the mirror, your ladies’ maid tightened your corset as you sucked in a breath. “Too tight?” she asks, scared that she hurt her master’s child.
“No, Lottie, just fine,” you smile at her as she ties the strings to the corset before taking your gown off of its hanger. “Lottie, can I ask you a question?” you ask as she helps you step into the gown. 
Lottie smiles, “Of course, my lady. What would you like to know?”
As Lottie shimmies the dress up your body, you speak, “When you met your husband, when did you know he was the right one for you? Was there a moment? Or something he said? Or was it love at first sight?”
You hold the dress up as Lottie makes her way to the back to zip it up. “It’s more of a feeling you get in your stomach, my lady. I knew my husband was the one because I felt like my stomach was doing flips and my head was reeling. There’s no feeling quite like it,” she tells you as you smile. Love was so complicated to you. You didn’t understand how it was supposed to work. You loved knowing that there were answers to almost every problem, but when it came to love, you were clueless of its answer. “Take a look, my lady.”
Looking into the mirror, you softly smile. The strapless gown was of emerald silk, hugging your chest beautiful as it came in at the waist as it cascaded down your long legs. It wasn’t puffy or poofy or full of tule. It was sleek and sexy and mature. Your hair was straightened, but pieces fell loosely in your face, framing it. Gold eyeshadow was swept across your eyelids and your lips wore a peachy pink gloss. It was perfect. “I love it,” you smile.
“You look simply stunning,” Lottie added. “Anyone would be lucky to have you as their wife, my lady.”
You smile at Lottie, “Thank you, Lottie. Could you call my mother in please?” She curtsies before leaving you in your room. Nervously, you pace the floor, anxious for tonight’s events. Were you really expected to find a suitor? Who was  coming to the ball? Maybe someone from a different country? A bright, handsome wizard might sweep you off your feet and take you away. The thought made your heart race. 
Interrupting your thoughts, you hear a knock on the door before your mother enters. “Darling,” she sighs as you laugh. “There are no words to describe the way you look.”
You beam, “Thank you, Mother. I feel good, but I’m nervous.” She walks closer to you, concern on her face. “What if there is no one there for me? Even worse, what if there is someone there for me and I miss them?”
She shakes her head, “You cannot think of those things. (Y/N), I raised to be confident, powerful, and smart. And that’s exactly what you are plus more. Anyone with a brain and eyes will see how brilliant you are. No need to fret.” You exhale as she smiles at you. “I came in here to give you one last thing before we go,” she says as she reveals a gorgeous gold mask, adorned with pearls, diamonds, and emeralds. “It was mine when I went to my first masquerade ball. The same mask I wore when I met your father when I was eighteen. I thought that it might bring you some luck,” she tells you.
Tears start to well up in your eyes before you hug your mother tightly. “Thank you,” you whisper as she holds onto you tightly. “Thank you so much, Mom.”
Your mother gives you a squeeze. “I’m your mother. It’s what I do,” she says. “Now let’s put this on you and get ready to go. The ball waits for no one.”
The ball was already bustling and it had just begun a mere twenty minutes ago. Women and ladies wore beautiful gowns varying of colors and textures, adorned with jewels and precious stones. Men wore suits and capes, perfectly tailored, all very clean cut. But everyone wore a mask to conceal their identity. Each mask beautiful and intricate in design. Some masks covered their whole faces and parts of their head, other just the eyes, and some wore masks that covered their whole head. Everyone was anonymous and that just made your excited anxiety increase.
As you stepped into the Malfoy Manor, you took in your surroundings. Their home was lovely. Beautifully decorated in golds and silvers, accents of black and green. Huge diamond chandeliers came down from the ceilings and twinkled as light passed through it. A large orchestra was settled in the ballroom, playing the finest music your ears have ever heard. You swooned. This all felt like a dream. A very real dream.
At the foyer, you were greeted by a butler who took your coat and another who offered you a flute of golden champagne as you graciously accepted it with a smile and a soft thank you. Your heart fluttered as you examined the manor through your mask. 
“May I escort the two loveliest ladies into the ballroom?” your father speaks as he offers his arms to you and your mother. You smile widely at him before you made your way to the ballroom where the rest of the party was.
The ballroom was enchanting. The walls were golden adorned with the most gorgeous architecture you have ever seen. Painted ceilings of pastel colors with tall candelabras that illuminated them. The orchestra played passionately as couples ranged from ages eighteen to fifty danced across the floor, women’s dresses swaying with each elegant movement. 
Your eyes searched the dance floor, trying to see if you recognized someone’s body language or movements. But everyone looked unfamiliar to you. Almost as if there was a fog over your eyes. 
That’s when your question was answered. “There is a spell cast over the ballroom,” your mother speaks. “To ensure that no one recognizes each other until all masks are removed. When the clock strikes midnight, all masks are removed and everyone sees each other for who they truly are. Exciting, isn’t it?” your mother whispers as you smile.
It was truly a one of a kind experience. You stood and watched those who danced around you, quietly sipping on champagne. Your eyes drifted off to the sidelines as you looked at the people who were your age. Everyone looked beautiful. One girl wore a dress of ruby red and a large diamond necklace that hung gently from her neck as she made quiet chatter with what you assumed was her parents. Another boy wore a velvet suit of navy blue with shiny dress shoes. He quietly stood by himself, watching each and every lady in the room, watching out for who caught his attention. 
Every one of the age of eighteen was on a mission it seemed. These people wanted to find their partner for the night and potentially for their life. The stakes were high. It made your heart race and your adrenaline pump. Your competitive nature was coming over you; you couldn’t help it. You were determined to find someone tonight if it was the last thing you did. 
Suddenly, the music faded away and the sound of a clinking glass filled the room. “Good evening, esteemed guests,” a feminine voice called out. “Welcome to the annual masquerade ball!” she exclaims, earning claps from every corner of the ballroom. “As you all know, the ball is designed for young witches and wizards to find a partner. We welcome each of you with excitement for the journey that lies ahead of you. That being said, the time as come for the eligible witches and wizards to come onto the dance floor and mingle. Wizards, you may approach any witch who is eligible and ask to have a place on her dance card. Remember, do not tell each other of your names! The dances will begin in ten minutes, so get to talking!” Another cling resounds in the ballroom as eligible bachelorettes and bachelors flood the dance floor.
You turn to your parents and give them nervous eyes as your mother and father give you a warm smile. “You’ll be brilliant,” your father speaks as your mother grabs your champagne glass and hands you your dance card. 
With a deep breath, you shake your head and walk out to the dance floor. Your heart was thudding hard against your chest. The moment you stepped onto the floor, someone approached you. “Good evening,” the boy bows as you curtsy to him. “Might I say you look gorgeous this evening,” he compliments you.
You smile, “Thank you very much. You look very nice as well.” He wore a simple black suit and a green pocket square. The detail made you think he was definitely in Slytherin house. Was he in your year? Did you know him personally? Was it Malfoy? No, Malfoy wouldn’t be this kind to you. But then again, he didn’t know it was you. 
The boy speaks, “Could I have the pleasure of having a space on your dance card?” 
He seemed friendly and kind, there was no reason to say no. Maybe as you danced he would become more interesting. “I would be delighted,” you respond as you hand him your card. He strikes the card with two x’s before returning it to you.
“Thank you, my lady,” he bows before walking away quickly to the very next girl he laid eyes on. You were startled at how quickly you moved, but quickly realized he had prepared some sort of script to dance with as many women as possible before his time was up. Clever.
You continue to make your way around the ballroom, chatting to a few more suitors here and there. Some men you found more charming and clever than other, while others you found yourself bored of, politely dismissing their request for a place on your dance card. 
Glancing at the dance card tied around your wrist, you think to yourself about the gentlemen who asked for a space and you granted them the honor of a dance. The first space to the boy who wanted to ask every lady to a dance, the next to a tall, dark, and handsome gentleman with the deep voice, the next to a funny gentleman with a thick Scottish accent, and the last space empty. There was only two minutes left of the mingling before you were to dance with your suitors. 
Too distracted by your dance card, you bump into someone else’s body, making you stumble a bit. “Oh my days, I’m so sorry,” you apologize to the body in front of you.
You look up and meet a pair of ice blue eyes that seem to stare into your soul. Your heart stops in its chest as you suck in a breath. In that moment, it felt like the whole ballroom had stopped moving and it was just you two in time. The two of you said nothing and just looked at each other, deep into the other’s eyes. It was if the man in front of you’s eyes held all the secrets to the world. 
Clearing his throat, he speaks in a low tone, “No, I apologize. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You politely smile at him. “But in a way, I’m thankful that I wasn’t or else I wouldn’t have stumbled upon you,” he casually flirts making you blush.
The gentleman bows before you as you curtsy, maintaining eye contact with him the whole time. It was like there was some sort of magnet between the two of you. Was this what it was supposed to feel like? You remember Lottie saying it should feel like there were butterflies flying around and your head should be fuzzy, but none of those sensations were happening. You just felt hot in your face and your palms were sweating, thank goodness for your long gloves. 
“I’m glad neither of us were paying attention,” you confess as he smirks. “You are much more interesting than what I was previously focused on.”
The mysterious suitor in front of you chuckles. “I can only hope that you have a spot for me saved on your dance card,” he speaks as you blush.
Teasingly you look at your dance card and fake gasp, “Well, would you look at that? One last spot saved for a special someone...” The gentleman chuckles again as he ticks off the last spot on your dance card.
He slips the card back around your wrist as you suck in a breath as he fingers touch you. “I look forward to our dance,” he bows as you reciprocate the gesture. “Until then, my lady.”
His eyes don’t leave yours until the very last moment as he walks away. You could swoon. He was charming, smooth, witty, and even though much of his face was concealed by his mask, you knew he was handsome. He just had to be. Your face felt hot and your mouth was dry. You knew that you would anxiously await him as your last dance.
With another few clinks against the glass, you are informed that it is time to start the dancing. But before people gather with their first partners, people run back over to where their parents were quietly observing. You excitedly scurry to your mother and father and small smile on your lips dancing as you approach them. Your mother smiles, “Anyone interesting?”
You don’t say a word and take a sip of the champagne that your father offered you. “I know that smile,” he beams. “Which one, darling?” You don’t speak. “Oh, tell us, dearest. We don’t know who any of them are, we are just as clueless as you.”
Sighing, you surrender. “The last gentleman. The one I bumped into.” Your mother scans the room, looking for him. “He has my interest the most out of all of them by far. If the dance goes well, I recon he’ll ask me to promenade outside,” you giggle as your mother joins you.
Your father speaks, “With a chaperone, I assume.” 
You roll your eyes as your mother slaps him on the arm. “She’s eighteen, Samuel. She can walk outside with a suitor. Besides, there is security all around the manor. She will be safe.” Your father sighs as your mother looks at you and hands you your lipgloss to reapply. “Go on. Have fun. Play the field, dearest. Remember what I taught you.”
“Yes, Mother,” you beam before heading back to the dance floor.
There, the first boy is waiting for you, his arm extended. You walk arm in arm to the dance floor as the orchestra begins to play a ballroom waltz. His arm is around your waist gently, his one hand holding onto yours as you begin to dance. “Is this your first masquerade ball?” he asks you.
You nod, “Yessir.”
He smiles, “So you’ve just turned eighteen I presume.” You nod again. “This is my fourth ball. I’m hoping to find my one and only here tonight. Do you think you have met yours?” he asks.
You are taken aback by his directness. “Um,” you stutter, “I’m not quite sure. I mean we’ve just met each other.”
He retorts, “Yes, but sometimes you just know, don’t you. You know what I mean?” His eyes are fixated on yours in a fashion that is full of anxiety and nerves as he anticipates your answer. His eyes have a tired look in them, but behind their exhaustion, there is hope.
You gulp, “Nope.” He furrows his brows. “But maybe another lady here understands what you are saying,” you remain hopeful for him as he sighs.
“I am hopeful,” he speaks. “That’s all we can be.”
Before you know it he spins you away and you land in the arms of your second suitor. The tall, dark, and handsome one. You smile as he smirks down at you. “Good evening, my lady,” he speaks in a deep tone that makes you feel like a school girl. “You are ravishing.” You kindly thank him. “So, are you here like everyone else? To find a partner?”
You speak, “I guess so. My parents would like me to be open to the idea of finding a suitor, but I’m still young. I would like to enjoy my time as a single, free woman of my age and status.”
He nods his head. “I see, I see. My parents want me to find a wife here tonight. Me on the other hand? I really don’t want anything serious. I’m just trying to find someone to shag to be quite honest with you. I’m too young to be tied down quite yet,” he reveals as your eyes widen. His eyes on the other hand remain fixated on yours, but aren’t afraid to wander to look around at the other women on the dance floor. You watch his eyes as they occasionally find another woman’s and he drops one of them into a wink. He was a flirt, couldn’t be tied down type. Bedroom eyes that wandered through several bedrooms type eyes. You’ve dealt with those eyes before and were not looking to deal with them again.
You agreed with him on the part of being free and not finding anything too serious, but just a person to have sex with? That wasn’t what you were looking for either. “I see,” you tell him as he winks through his mask. “I’m not quite sure I want something that casual. I am looking for something more consistent, a little more serious than just a shag. More emotional intimacy as well.”
“Fair enough,” he shrugs. “It’s a shame. I found you quite attractive,” he sighs.
But before you can protest, he spins you away from him and into the arms of your next caller, the funny Scot. “Hello there,” he greets you as you meet his gaze. He wears a gentle smile with kind eyes. His eyes are soft and full of childlike wonder. It makes your heart swell to see someone with such eyes. 
You softly smile at him, “Hello again.” 
The two of you dance back and forth, making light chatter here and there, him sliding in a joke when he can, earning a few giggles from you as he smiles. “How has your night been so far?” he asks you. “Has anyone caught your eye yet?”
You sigh, “The night has been tame so far, but no complaints.” He nods. “As for someone catching my eye, I cannot lie,” you smile as his interest peaks. “There was someone I met who I have my last dance with.”
The Scotsman chuckles, “That’s all you can ask for, isn’t it?”
You join in his light laugher. “What about you? Have you met someone yet?” you ask him as you continue to waltz across the ballroom.
You can see a light rosy hue appear on his cheeks as he smiles. “I have indeed,” he looks across the ballroom as you follow his line of sight. And there she was, dancing with the man you were dancing with before. The same girl from earlier with the gorgeous ruby red gown. “She’s wonderful. And I’ve only spoken to her twice and no more than a total of six minutes.”
Giving his forearm a soft squeeze, you repeat his phrase, “That’s all you can ask for, isn’t it?” He smiles. Maybe you didn’t need a suitor out of the Scot, maybe he was a good friend. 
“In that case, we both don’t mind what I’m about to do,” he speaks.
And then he spun you around and off to your last dance. 
And that’s when your eyes meet.
You inhale sharply when his hand finds the small of your back and he takes your hand in his. His eyes were still that beautiful ice blue that stared right into your soul and made you want to tell him all of your deepest darkest secrets. Eyes that could tempt you into making the most dangerous decision. Eyes that could lure you into a trap, but a trap that you wouldn’t mind being stuck in. 
He breaks the silence first. “We meet again,” he smirks as you blush lightly. The two of you begin dancing as the orchestra swells with music, almost as if they waited to play the most enchanting music right now in this moment. The violins hum a hauntingly beautiful melody as the violas and cellos support the sound. The moment was more than you could ever ask for. “I must tell you, I loathe dancing,” he whispers, making you giggle. “But somehow,” he starts. “You make it feel alright. Not good, but alright.”
You lightly laugh, “I’m glad I can make dancing tolerable for you.” The two of you continue to dance, letting your gown sweep across the floor as the music crescendos. “How has your night been so far? Enjoying yourself?” you ask, curious to know where his mind was at. It had only been minutes but you wanted to know everything about the gentleman in front of you.
The gentleman sighs, “It’s been fine. Not particularly a huge fan of balls or dances. But so far, so good.” He drops his left eye in a wink. “And yourself? How have your other dances been?” he asks you.
You bite your lip and take a moment to think. Now was not the time to play a mind game with him, though you so easily could. But you let your heart get ahead of your head and speak, “None of them as good as compared to this one.” The gentleman laughs, turning away from you in order for you to not catch his delighted blush on his white cheeks. “And your other dances? Did they make dancing more or less tolerable?” you joke with him.
Before the gentleman answers, he looks at the ground with a small smile. He looks up at you and gulps. “I actually didn’t ask anyone else to dance. Just you,” he reveals, making you breath hitch in your throat. That was quite the confession. “No other lady caught my eye like you did.” You don’t turn away when you blush at his flirtations. His eyes stare into yours as your mouth runs dry. “You have the most captivating eyes.”
It felt like you were in a storybook in this moment. The way the orchestra played, how he held you tightly against his body, the way his eyes stared into yours. Your eyes harnessing the power and energy of a thousand suns, but his ice blue eyes able to tame the heat they gave off. Why did this feel so right?
“I don’t know if I should say this,” you start, “but I’m going to anyway.”
He laughs, “I love a girl who can speak her mind. Go on.”
You breathe, “I feel like I’ve known you forever. Like this isn’t our first time meeting. I feel like I’ve known you since the dawn of time.”
You can see him gulp and blink a few times. Did your words scare him? Were you too upfront with him? But before you can think of any more questions, he speaks, “It’s like you can read my mind.” You chuckle as he smiles. “I feel like I was supposed to meet you here, tonight, in this moment. Like this dance was...fate. And I don’t believe in fate.”
For the rest of your dance, no more words are spoken. The two of you just sway and dance to the orchestra that swells with beautiful music. You both gaze into each others eyes and watch the expressions that come across each others faces. With the occasional laugh here and there, absolutely nothing is said. Slowly, everyone around you begins to fade and it is just you two in the ballroom. Why was this happening? You prayed that this was a sign. A sign that this was right, he was right. But you didn’t get the feeling that Lottie was describing to you earlier in your room. Your heart was on fire and you felt like you were about to burst, but no stomach churning or head reeling. Instead, you felt like you were burning. Burning for this man. Burning for his touch. Burning for his attention. You could only hope he felt the same.
Before you know it, the orchestra finishes playing and everyone slowly stops dancing. The ballroom applauds the orchestra and you both join in, but don’t leave each others gazes. Soon enough, people begin to leave the dance floor to partake in other conversations or dance with other people or even promenade outside.
You smile at your gentleman and say, “Thank you for the dance. It was...magical to say the least.” You curtsy to him and turn away to go, but wished you didn’t have to.
Without even taking a step away, you feel him grab your hand. “Wait,” he speaks. “I’m sorry,” he breathes. “Would you...would you like to go for a promenade with me? Outside on the grounds?”
Your heart skips a beat as you sigh and smile, causing him to smile back. He had his answer right there. “I would be more than delighted,” you confess. “One moment please,” you tell him before walking over to where your mother and father watched you in anxious anticipation.
“So?” your mother beams as you nod your head as she smiles. 
You had her your dance card and give your father a smile. “I’m going for a promenade outside with the last gentleman I danced with,” you beam as your father nods his head approvingly. “I will see you later,” you speak before walking back to your gentleman as he extends his arm to you. 
Your father holds onto your mother’s arm, “Porpentina, how our daughter has grown.” They watch you exit the french doors out of the ballroom and into the gardens of the Malfoy Manor.
Still arm in arm, your suitor speaks, “Now, I know we can’t reveal much of our identities to each other, but I would like to know more about you.” You smile at him, holding onto his arm tightly. “What’s your family like?”
Smiling as you think of your mother and father, you start, “They’re wonderful people. My mother has been my sun, moon, and stars since I could remember. She’s passionate and smart and powerful. She’s everything I want to be.” The gentleman smiles as you tell him of your mother. “My father is incredibly kind though many wouldn’t believe that because of what he does for a living,” you laugh. “But he’s my protector. He’s sacrificed so much for me and for my mother. He’s the best man I know.”
He squeezes your arm. “They sound lovely.” You squeeze his arm back to let him know that his sentiment is appreciated. “Any siblings?” You shake your head. “In that case, we are similar. I’m also an only child.”
“What about your parents? What are they like?” you question him next.
This earns a gulp and deep breath from him. “Well,” he starts. “My mother is kind-hearted. Braver than anyone I have ever met. She’s suffered a lot and continues to suffer just to protect me,” he confesses to you. “I’m sorry I know that’s a lot, but-”
“You don’t need to apologize,” you cut him off, placing a hand on his. “She sounds remarkable. Please, continue.”
He smiles. “She is remarkable. The best woman I know.” You smile warmly at him. Your cheeks hurt so much from smiling. The gentleman takes a deep breath in before starting, “My father on the other hand. He’s a complex man. We’re not particularly close. But similar to your father, he protects me to the best of his ability. I’m not sure whether it’s out of love for his son or for some other selfish reason...probably the latter...” he trails off. You look at his face as it falls lightly. You feel for him. “But that’s beside the matter. I want to know more about you. What are your passions? What are your ambitions in life? What do you want to do with our lives that can be so fucking meaningless?” 
You laugh at his joke, crinkling your nose as you do so as he watches you contort your face in delight. He thought you looked beautiful when you laughed. “Well,” you catch your breath. “I want to do something that my family never did. I want to pursue a career when I can help people. Other people. And I have no benefit from it. I just want to help others in any way. When I was a child, I used to want to be a Healer. Then when I was a little older I wanted to be an Auror. But now I’m thinking about being a Healer again or maybe do some form of charity work and philanthropy? I don’t know. I have dreams, but I don’t know which ones to pursue.”
You look at the man beside you and he’s smiling from ear to ear. “It all sounds wonderful to me. You seems so selfless. I’m not used to it, I guess,” he confesses. “But whatever you chose, I know you’ll be brilliant.”
The two of you continue to chat and walk through the gardens, discussing future plans, hopes and dreams, and whatever comes to mind. Talking to this man felt like breathing. It was so easy. Conversation flowed like a channel of water. The conversation seemed never ending and you were perfectly fine with that. You had completely forgotten that you didn’t even know what this man’s name was, but to be honest, you didn’t care. You already knew so much about him from your conversations, you didn’t need to know something as silly as a name. 
You walk further and further through the garden until you come across a small area that was covered in rose bushes. It was a strange sight to see, beautiful roses in full bloom in the middle of winter, but with magic, anything was possible. As you walked closer, the masked gentleman plucked one from the bush and offered it to you as you graciously accepted. You continued to walk as he spoke, “There is a game called Rose, Bud, Thorn where you tell someone of the best part of your day, the worst part of your day, and something you are looking forward to. I want to hear yours.”
You nod, “Alright then. My thorn is having to wear this bloody fucking corset top all night,” he laughs at your comment. “My bud is taking said bloody corset off when I get home,” the two of you chuckle. “And my rose...I guess was meeting you,” you bump into his arm playfully. He smiles. “Your turn.”
He sighs, “Let’s see...my thorn is having to dance tonight.” You scoff. “Although, you did make it better...” he teases as you roll your eyes teasingly. “My rose is having the most beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman at this ball with me right now,” he breathes as you blush. “And my bud...” he turns to you as you take a gulp. His soothing icy blue eyes staring into yours made you shiver. “My bud will be taking off this bloody mask of yours and seeing your beautiful face.”
His face is so close to yours, you feel his breath against your lips. Your mouth his dry as you feel him moving closer and closer to your lips. His eyes look at your glossed lips before moving back to your eyes and inching closer and closer to you. Your heart was thumping out of your chest. This was all happening so fast, and yet you were alright with it?
But before he can kiss you, a guard interrupts. “All ball attendees must report inside as per the hosts’ request. It is almost midnight and time for the unmasking!” 
The gentleman in front of you sighs as he turns to the guard and gives him a dirty look. “So much for a romantic moment,” he huffs as you chuckle. He takes your hand in his as you both walk back to the inside of the Manor, retracing your steps. You are only a few paces away from inside when he speaks, “Those guards always know how to ruin a bloody moment of mine.”
You furrow your brows and chuckle, “What do you mean?”
“They always seem to catch me at the worst time to tell me something important,” he speaks as you remain confused. He notices your confusion and laughs. “This will all make sense in a moment.” You contort your face in confusion, but before you can ask any further questions the same woman who spoke at the beginning of the ball spoke again. “Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely night full of mystery and romance,” she giggles. “But now the mystery is over.” Behind her, the clock strikes midnight and bongs. “The spell over the ballroom has been lifted and you may all remove your masks! Please reveal yourselves to each other!”
Slowly, people reveal their true identities and you start recognizing people from Hogwarts. The girl with the ruby red dress that the Scot took a liking too was Pansy Parkinson. So many other familiar faces are revealed as you chuckled. This really was a magical moment. 
Beside you, your mysterious man sighs. “Finally.” Your heart beats quickly as you turn to him, anticipating who the man behind the mask was. You hoped he was handsome like you had imagined him to be. Was it someone you knew? Maybe an old classmate? Maybe someone from Hogwarts? Who could it be?
Reaching behind his head, he pulls on the silk strings that hold his mask up. Gently he peels it off and runs his fingers through his styled hair. And that’s when your heart stops and drops into your stomach.
The platinum blonde hair, the icy cold, unforgiving eyes, the pink lips that curled into that smirk. It was all too familiar. All too familiar that it made your chest feel tight with venom and anger. How could you be so naive? How did you not remember those eyes? Those eyes that dug into yours. Those lips that spat such cruel and vile words at you when you were just children. 
It was Draco Malfoy.
You inhale a sharp jagged breath as he laughs. “I know, it’s strange, but I’m assuming things are starting to click for you. Especially with how I know the guards and why they let us into the rose garden. But it’s me. I’m Draco. Draco Malfoy,” he speaks with a smile. You feel like you are about to vomit.
Of course, how could you not notice the guards letting you both through the gardens without interruption or protest? How did you not notice his wave of a finger when you needed to be let through somewhere? How did you let him distract you? How did you let yourself become so captivated by the man you hated most in the world?
“I think it’s only fair if I see you now,” he chuckles, waiting for you to take off your mask. 
But instead of taking off your mask, you wanted to run. Run far away. Run so far and forget this whole night happened. Forget every word exchanged with Draco full of such adoration. This was a sick joke.
Draco notices your horror and he speaks, “Are you alright, darling?”
His nickname for you made your stomach churn. You felt ill.
You couldn’t look at him any longer. You turned away and began to swiftly walk away from him. “Wait, where are you going?” he asks as you weave through the crowd. “Please, don’t go!”
Your stomach was churning and your head was reeling. How could this have happened. Then it all clicks. Lottie’s words. My stomach felt like it was doing flips and my head was reeling. There was no way. This wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be. You were in love with Draco fucking Malfoy. This was a nightmare.
That’s when his hand grabs your arm and flips you to look at him. “Where are you going?” he laughs as he looks at you. “Are you that surprised?” he asks with a smile as you just stand there, trying to catch your breath. His brows furrow. “Is there something wrong? Do we know each other?” he asks. “Take off your mask so I can see you, darling.”
In pure anger and frustration, you hastily sigh and undo the masks strings quickly before ripping it off your face to reveal your identity. The smile on Draco’s face instantly drops as he recognizes exactly who you are.
And there you were, two enemies standing in front of each other, glaring at each other in the middle of a ballroom, surrounded by other young couples who were falling in love. The two of you just burning holes into the other. The energy of a thousand suns trying to melt the ice that stared right back at it. Two sworn enemies now destined to fall in love. What a conundrum this was.
“Call me darling again and I’ll hex you, Malfoy,” you breath through pants of sheer anger.
Your stomach was still doing flips and your head continued to reel. Your face was flushed. How could Draco Malfoy and your masked gentleman be the same person? It was impossible. Your gentleman was kind and charming and witty and smart and thoughtful. Draco Malfoy was vile and rude and unkind and selfish and self absorbed and loathsome. There was no way you could be in love with a version of someone who you swore you would hate until you took your last breath.
Draco’s face slowly moves into a cautious one. “(Y/N),” he starts. “I swear I didn’t know it was you. I was just as clueless as you. You have to believe that I didn’t do this on purpose.”
You laugh, “I don’t believe a thing that comes out of your mouth. I was stupid to believe that I could fall for a person as disgusting and despicable as you.”
And with that, you march away from Draco, ignoring his calls out for you as you approach your mother and father. Once they see you, their expressions change from excitement to concern. Before anyone of them can ask what was wrong, you demand, “We are going home. Right now. I want to go home. Please. Can we go home?”
You feel a lump in your throat and your eyes become hot with tears. Your mother grabs your hand as your father pulls out his wand to apparate you back home. The last thing you hear before you leave the ball was Draco’s voice calling out for you to come back.
Before you know it, you are back in the comfort of your own home, face stained with tears as you run up the stairs to your room. You ignore your mother and father’s call to tell them what happened. You slam your bedroom door shut and lock it before letting the sob rake through your body, shaking you from the inside out.
You were foolish to believe you could find someone at a stupid ball. Those fucking masks. Making you believe someone was something they weren’t. It was all a lie. Smoke and mirrors. And you fell for it. You fell for Draco and there was nothing that you could do to forget it. 
You fell for a facade and you would have to live with that forever. How you were supposed to face him at Hogwarts was beyond your control.
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Cuddling With Them While They Game PT 2
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a/n: kasjsdhakdjs pls- when i got this req i sqealed srsly i love it ty for this :p
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, crack???
Warnings: none :)
i made a part one with bakugou, kirishima, and todoroki!
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he doesnt usually play games but when he does he tries his best and its so cute🥺
feel like he has game rage, but its like him trying to smile through the pain and act like he isnt mad💀
so imagine: you walking in his dorm room, expecting him to be studying or working on his technique, but instead you find him on the floor in front of his bed, a blanket covering his head as he presses the buttons ruthelessly while he whispers little curses at himself starting to get mad
you closing the door got his attention, so he invited you to sit next to him, so you do
at first it was a little awkward bc he wasnt sharing the blanket (you cant convince me he isnt a blanket hog you cant) and his eyes were glued to the tv screen like he forgot you were there
you started to get tired, your head drooping on his shoulder- his body goes absolutely stiff- like- midoryia.exe has stopped working youre gonna have to wait for him to windows 8 reboot
once he finally looks at you and youre like this close to falling asleep he turns your body away rq to move the blanket off his shoulder so your head can rest on his actual shoulder and the blanket is around you too
he usually doesnt have his mic on at all, and if it is he usually doesnt talk unless hes going along w a joke? iykwim?
i feel like he plays games like call of duty and halo (he loves animal crossing and sucks at among us) but he doesnt like when he sees them actually die? like the gore and stuff? idk he just gives those vibes yk? i feel like hed feel really bad kaskjdshad hed get over it tho
i cant really see him play minecraft, tho, i mean unless youre playing w him, i dont think he would play it by himself unless he was like building a fucking castle for you or sum-
but ya you start to go to his room more when he games to hang out and every. single. time. you. fall. asleep. he isnt complaining tho he loves your sleeping face :p
when you sleep on him he usually wrapss an arm around you and when he can presses little butterfly kisses on the top of your head and takes his hand to rub your arm up and down oml kdajsd pls-
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he plays both computer and console i just think he plays he console a bit more?
ok this is a lil soft and maybe a bit ooc but i like if you were to come in while hes playing games you would sit down between his legs, your back to his chest while he plays
he would either rest his head on whatever is behind him or he would rest it on your shoulder (if youre more on the taller side)
and okokok i feel like if you were curious ab how the game works he would def let you play for him for a sec, he would guide yu on what the buttons do and what your tasks are yk? (again w the soft shi im sorry kasjhsdfjf *cri*)
he would keep an arm around your waist while letting you play or he would rub your thigh (maybe both kasdjshd) while he watches you play
if you get a lil frustrated he would totally tease you ab it then tell you how to do it right oml
if you get tired he would take the controller from you and let you sit back on him chest, resting on him while he games
he might turn the volume down a lil, but i also think he doesnt care that much LMFAO
i feel like he would rub your side a lil its almost tickly but hes a lil more firm than that yk?
he would keep his curses at a minimum although he doesnt have that much game rage at all bc again, he doesnt care, but ppl are stupid so he might get frustrated sometimes
once you fall asleep and hes been playing for a while he might just leave the game hes in and carry you to bed and get in with you
i dont think hes much of a cuddler at all but a little bit of contact is ok w him
but then you start to shift and scoot towards him in your sleep
until you are either completely ontop of him or your head is in the crook of his neck and hes just sitting there like 😐😤😒
but he warms up to it bc he wuvs you (read: hes fucking whipped)
ao he lazily puts an arm around you and bears it for a couple more hours
but when yall wake up he finds himself literally clinging to you KASDJHSALKDJ
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he. plays. computer. end of conversation
he got the wasd game iykwim😩 (ill shut the door on my way out)
he absolutely loves it when you come to sit on his lap while he just- he loves it sm
he plays all types of games (except overwatch. you will not catch this man playing overwatch pls-)
i feel like you wouldnt run into him playing games he would always play them once youre with him in the room
he wants you to be w him while he games, he wants you to watch him or just be there
youd be laying on his bed, hust doing whatever, scrolling on your phone while you hear him set up
you love to cuddle him- i just KNOW hes amazing at it
so when you hear him clicking away and see him sit down you stand up and walk to him
he doesnt even have t look at you before he opens himself up to you to sit on his lap
you watch him play (and his hands kasjlsdh) and sometimes you ask him questions ab it- hed be happy to walk you through it and explain
if you wanna play he'll let you play, teaching you everything ab the character and shit
he is the most patient person on earth i KNOW
he doesnt get game rage
he is literally so stoic- so calm i swear
he doesnt use his mic like at all
teasing to the max th- its cute tho he isnt being a meanie
loves playing among us and animal crossing (he def plays)
yall usually go to your island bc he likes it more kasdslahd
and when hes the imposter? hes like fucking corpse i swear
if youre sleep he's literally a perfect pillow, plus the sound of him breathing while he rubs your back is-
momo.exe has stopped working
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he uses the mic constantly and is kinda loud- but you dont hate it
he laughs a lot, and gets some game rage but its pretty controlle, he just gets butthurt sometimes :/
when you walk into his room he is getting so into it like he doesnt even notice even notice you come in
he only notices your presence when when you put your hand on his shoulder- he literally jumps
when he plays console he's on his bed, just laying there chillin so when you walk in and say hi he is sooo happy youre there w him omg
he just loves you presence
i imagine you climbing into bed w him and he continues to play his game although he loves it when you touch him (not to sound sexual at all he genuienly loves your touch)
and you up to his side- he wraps an arm around you, telling you how he missed you how mych he loves you (ksadksjhaksd)
when you fall asleep he turns the volume down and probably tones down his voice, although sometimes he jolts bc of some kind of mess up
but he manages to keep you asleep on him until he gets tired too- turning everything off and just wrapping you in arms (he'd prolly end up on your chest ngl)
on the computer when he plays you hesitate o cuddle ONLY bc od how much he moves, like you arent gonna be there comfortable for a while but eventually he calms down
he just gets nervous- his heart starts to beat rapidly and his leg bounces (same kaskh) espECIALLY when you straddle him oml he BREAKS
but he eventually calms down so its more comfy
when you fall asleep he will constantly press kisses on your head omggg
so soft kasdjhksajf pls-
i feel like he plays longer when hes on the computer so he would prlly still be on there when you wake up- looking absolutely dead insode aksjdshadl but you convince him to go to bed, bribing him with a 'i'll go too'
hes literally whipped for you :)
hope yall enjoyed a part 2-
taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @zerohawks @hitosushi @katsuhera (sry my tags are being weird)
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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baka-writings · 4 years
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: 𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝘂𝘆 𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝘁 𝗴𝗳/𝗠𝗧𝗟 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none actually
I combined MTL with a bullet reaction so I hope you like it~
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fourth most jealous, which puts him in the middle
when it comes to plain jealousy he wouldn't be that much jealous
cuz he knows you love him and he trusts you
he'd only get jealous if there were legit proofs of something ex. you kissing another guy, flirty text messages etc
but we won't talk about that rn, cuz cheating is not okay
(just tried to point out when he would get really jealous)
jealous Seungwoo I think would be mature
like he wouldn't unnecessarily yell or something and would talk it out with you
if he saw another guy flirting with you eve despite knowing you had a bf
i must say rip to that guy tbh
Seungwoo would put his arm around your waist and try to intimidate the guy with his face expression which would be kinda scary tbh
more like a glare tbh
if that person didn't get the hint (or more like didn't want to get the hint)
Seungwoo would lowkey threaten and scare him (not beat him or anything)
or tell him off with some scary expressions
then he'd ask you if you were okay and tell you that if someone ever tries to flirt with you again you should tell him
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the second least jealous from the group or maybe shares the least jealous with a certain someone 😌
i can't see him being jealous at all (in overal)
like he trusts you and also i think he wouldn't get in a relationship with someone he didn't know well
so by the time you are dating he'd know your personality very well
for example you had guy friends or something
he'd already know about them and know that you're classmates/former classmates etc
you get me
If he saw a guy flirting with you he'd frown
and tell that asshole to leave you alone
like he'd handle it without any yelling, swearing etc
maybe would raise his voice tho, but not on the level of yelling, just to scold him
if that guy ignored him and didn't want to leave, he'd just take your hand and leave with you
because first, he doesn't talk to people who don't respect others, second he doesn't want to get involved in dumb fights
so in overal a chill man 😌
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the most jealous in VICTON, fight me
in overal he'd really jealous and possessive
if you were spending way too much time with one of his members for example, he'd get jealous
but it's not because he wouldn't trust you,oh no
it's because he needs you attention and love too much
so if you spent time with someone else instead of him he'd be possessive about it
you're supposed to be with him only
but in his case it's not the dangerous type of possessiveness
it's just as i said the "affection seeking" possessiveness
i think he'd be flustered when jealous
like he wouldn't know how to approach it correctly so he doesn't hurt you ya know
he doesn't want to blame you, but also on the other hand doesn't like you hanging out with someone else
but he'd mostly handle it well, unless he's tired from work and gets jealous
then he'd probably snap, regretting it at instant
if he saw another guy flirting with you, he'd immediately death glare him
he'd stand in front of you, shielding you from the guy and then tell him to gtfo with the same death glare as before
honestly he'd death glare every single person who looks at you either with flirty, hungry or hateful eyes
also after scaring the guy away, he'd turn to you with a cute expression again and pretend like he didn't turn into the devil himself a few moments ago lmao
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(this gif😭😭😭 shit)
the second most jealous
kinda similar to Chan
but more sassy and sarcastic
he'd glare at anyone who'd pass him when he's jelly
whether it's their fault or not
honestly he'd get jealous even if someone is looking at you for more that 3 seconds
he'd be like *mine* and pull you closer to himself
he wouldn't be 'loud' about it
all his jealousy would be mostly seen on his face expressions and they way he'd talk
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd be furious
he'd diss the guy who'd have the audacity to flirt with his girl, all with a death glare tho
keeping you close and safe
"you wanna flirt huh? why don't you flirt with me too then"
you'd probably chuckle ngl and the guy would be confused
however, I don't think someone flirting with his girlfriend would happen much, because he'd be always close especially when you go to a bar/club or anywhere where someone could flirt
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third most jealous, but maybe at times I'd also let him share the second place with Sejun
his general jealousy could go two ways
one; he'd be sarcastic and mad
i think he'd be one of those people who'd be on the 'loud' side
like he'd raise his voice and snap
but it would most likely be due to the 'pain' of maybe feeling like you might leave him
he'd give you a cold shoulder for a day (not more cuz he loves u) and in meantime write everything down for his future lyrics maybe
the next day he'd apologize for snapping, sit down with you explain to you why he did it and how he felt, which would probably make u cry cuz WE DON'T HURT HANSE .. NEVER
two; he'd NOT be impressed at all, If it was you who made him jealous
he'd probably show you in a very nice way 😏😈 who you belong to
okAy now If he saw anyone flirting with you he'd go after them immediately
call them out, death glare at them, scare them away while keeping you close, never leaving the assholes eyes until they leave
but also same like Sejun, he wouldn't really give anyone time to flirt with you as he'd be always around and honestly you'd never want to be around anyone else but him-
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the certain someone I was talking about in Seungsik's reaction
which makes him the least jealous
he'd be the 'playful jealous' type
he'd either pout or just cross his arms
for example you're chilling with him in their dorm and a half naked other member walks by, you're looking at them
this would make others jealous, but Byungchan would be like "hey i have a good and tall body too, you can look as well"
or would cover your eyes with his hands
but he knows you love him and even If you looked at *his half naked friend* like that, he wouldn't necessarily take it as you thirsting over them, if that makes sense lol
if he saw another guy flirting with you he'd shield you with his body so the guy doesn't see you
and then tell him off with a smile and some snarky comments
"look, I know Y/N is very beautiful, but she has me" smiles, showing his dimples
"She has everything she needs with me so I don't think she'd ever need you"
"Please don't embarrass yourself anymore and leave" flashes another cute smile as he sees the asshole leave
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Subin is in the middle when it comes to jealousy
he's not THAT jealous, but can make a fuss about it If he becomes jelly
he's a babie, but he's also scary so in this case I wouldn't really count on the cuter image of his
the reason Subin would feel jealousy is most likely because he's young and small to (since he's the shortest in his group)
don't get me wrong, Im not trying to diss him of course
but let's say you'd hang out with Byungchan a lot or Sejun
he'd feel a bit self-conscious that you don't like him anymore and that you'd want someone older and/or taller
he'd either call you out for it, a bit raising his voice, but not too much
"Why do you spend so much time with Sejun? I know he's more handsome and taller than me, but I'm your boyfriend you know"
there could be some sassy comments/sassy tone too tbh
you'd have to reassure him that you love him as he is and that he doesn't need to be scared of you leaving him
(whoever hurts my son, will be badly beaten by Seungwoo and me)
okay but when he sees someone flirting with you, he'd go on beast mode tbh
I'd say something similar to Seungwoo
like he'd observe with a death glare, getting ready to kill a bitch, but at the same time containing himself
"Huh what did you just say?" he'd give the look same as in the gif below
daring the guy to repeat what he just said
honestly if they guy wasn't intimidated yet, he'd make his gaze more deathly
but if the guy got already intimidated, he'd be happy with himself, turn to you and smirk/kiss or both at you-
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misslovasstuff · 4 years
I find love
Dazai x reader
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Dear diary
“I can’t believe she’s making me do this. ‘Write a diary’ she says, ‘it’ll be helpful’ she says.”
A sigh escapes Dazai’s mouth once he finishes the first sentence on his diary.
Writing thoughts in a blank sheet of paper is very strange. His mind rushes and yet, his hand stays frozen as it is afraid to get those thoughts out of the head. Even the dark ink wouldn’t come close to how dark they may be, and even the whitest of papers wouldn’t compare with Dazai’s innocent pain.
“What am I even supposed to write down here?”
Dazai taps the pen countinuosly, looking for an idea. Honestly, he didn’t want to write anything personal. He was sure you were going to attempt reading it once he’s done.
A smirk grows in Dazai’s face. He starts to write:
Well, my life isn’t that interesting. I’m a simple man, who has recently ran into trouble. Much trouble.
This trouble is a woman, who not only almost killed me on our first encounter, but also has led me away from light multiple times. A fellow worker in the agency, a partner but mostly...
 a pain in the ass.
Since she came in the agency, she hasn’t left me alone. What even does she want from me?
“Dazai, why did you jump off the bridge? Dazai, why do you wear so many bandages?”
Those were her first questions. I understood that a normal person would find me a bit weirder than the usual man, however her questions slowly turned into demands.
“Dazai, you won’t be going out alone this time, I’m coming with you! Dazai don’t eat that it’s not supposed to go in there! Dazai, you should get more sleep, you look exhausted!”
Yes, she sticked to me like glue. Whenever I went out she went with me, she even made me do my tasks! (Kunikida was impressed ngl).
However, one day, she asked something I didn’t expect. 
Dazai, have you ever been in love?
She asked me this while we were fighting the enemy, right amidst gunmen. What was I supposed to say?
Really? Now you want to talk about this?
Between punches and bullets, she insisted on continuing the conversation.
Yes, of course I’ve been in love.
Her expression changed to a light smile. 
So the bandaged maniac is capable of loving uh?
Dear diary, I never felt the urge to punch someone in the face more that on that day. At least that’s what I first thought, because what was said next was the nicest thing she ever told me.
I’m glad for you, Dazai.
I used to wonder about her weird behavior that time. My mind questioned if she ever loved someone. Although, I didn’t know why I was asking myself that question.
To me she is much trouble, however I can’t deny her compassionate nature towards me. Almost everyday my desk is cleaned, coffee is served and paperworks are done. All because of her.
One time, she was printing some reports and I felt the need to ask:
What about you belladonna? Have you ever been in love?
She turns around to face me. Apparently sometimes she forgets about my existence.
So now the bandage wasting machine is asking questions. Are you taking an interest on me, uh Dazai?
Dear diary, I hope you understand now what I meant from ‘a pain in the ass’. Her flattering and flirtatious ways don’t work on me. I mean, they kinda do but... anyway.
I may be a bit interested on you. Where you come from? What’s your real name? And have you always had such weird hair?
Contrary to a lot of people, she is not annoyed by me. At all.
Funny, now that you mention it, I’ve been in love once. And it was with my hair.
Aha. Your sense of humor is worse than your hairstyle, love.
Well, not everyone hides their feelings behind dark jokes, babe.
I hate to admit it, but I loved it when she called me that.
Say it again. Say what? The last word. Babe? Yes?
She looked at me confused for a moment then cracked up laughing.
Have I ever told you that I find you extremely weird? Yes, multiple times.
Dear diary, as you can see we’re a bunch of crackheads that are forced to work together on daily basis. We hate each other, we love each other but mostly, we understand each other.
Don’t avoid my question belladonna.
Her eyes get darker than usual when facing mine.
What’s the point of love, Dazai? Once you give, you have to prepare yourself to fall, and once you fall, hardly will you ever get up.
By those words alone, I understood that her heart has been broken and she had lost hope in love. But if that’s the case, why did she ask that question?
But still...
I think that she noticed my worried gaze on her, thus she faked a smile while pinching my cheeks.
I asked you because, if you were able to trust someone with your heart, then I should be able to as well.
Those words of her shattered a piece of my soul. Her sad eyes were poison for my heart and her pouty lips made me eager to touch them.
As I hold her hand, I say:
Trust me love. Give me your heart and I’ll caress it with all my might. I’ll protect it from any scratch, any pain, any enemy that may break it. 
She asked me a question that made me widen my eyes:
You’ll protect it even from yourself?
Dear diary, maybe hearts can get easily broken, because mine broke a little when she spoke to me in such manner. Her eyes were getting watery and her hands reaching for mine.
Were they afraid to hold my bloody hands? For sure, they would step away, never reaching me.
If you are the one to break me for the last time, so be it. It would certainly be the last time, because if you decide on it, I’ll probably won’t have a heart anymore.
Her hands reach mine. Her touch was more delicate than I imagined. It felt... it felt amazing.
I hesitate to hug her but once a tear escaped her eye, my body acts on its own.
If I ever hurt you, than I may really just be trying to hurt myself. 
Her body felt warm against mine. Patting her head, holding her close, I really wished we would be like that for longer. Maybe just a bit longer.
Do you love me, Dazai?
Dear diary, you might already guessed what my answer was.
I’m afraid I have fallen for such troublesome woman.
A chuckle escapes her mouth and I find peace. I find joy. Mostly, I find love.
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imagines-r-s · 4 years
sticking it - j. farabee
chapter 6
a/n: now you’ll all see why i said be excited for ch. 6 lmao. (also, with ch. 5 not showing up in the tags for a minute, some might not have seen it, so i’ll link it here) but anyways, this chapter was difficult to write bc i’m not used to writing anything but angst lmao. and huge shoutout to my baby gracie for helping me out with this chapter. please enjoy and i’d love to hear feedback
also, like i told an anon, this is in memory of bee’s hair :((  (he still looks good with the new hair, don’t get me wrong)
taglist: @butgilinsky @barbienoturbby @sunsetholland​ @lovenhlboys @sortagaysortahigh @hockey-racing-fubol @oopsiedoopsie23 @iwantahockeyhimbo @dreamsndior
warnings: (2) your mom jokes, jealous!joel?, once again simp nation for the both of them, swearing (it’s a problem ngl), idiocy 
sticking it masterlist
wc: 4.1k
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(gif not mine)
When you told Marcus and Michelle that you had to be out for a month, they advised you to only come to the gym three times a week for two hours for the first two weeks and you’d figure out a plan for the two weeks after, that way you could take a much needed break out of the gym. The thing stressing you out the most was gym and they obviously realized it, so they were hopeful it would give you a chance to breathe. 
You planned to go to the gym Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 6-8am and then you would spend the rest of your day at home doing whatever you needed to do that day. The first Monday you spent those two hours doing ab workouts and helping the other girls around the gym, then you went home and stayed in your room for the rest of the day. You put your phone on do not disturb, so no one heard from you, which caused Kevin to come to your apartment to make sure you were okay. 
Tuesday played out the exact same way, early practice, then going home and staying in bed, and Kevin coming to make sure you were alright. Kevin even invited you to come out with him and some of the boys, which you politely declined saying they should have their time together. Wednesday, you simply stayed in bed, choosing to actually keep your phone on today, you were just tired and felt drained from everything going on right now that you couldn’t really muster up the energy to talk to anyone. 
Wednesday night, as you were rewatching Marvel movies, your phone started ringing with a call from Ryanne. Quickly answering it, “hey Ry.”
“Hey babes, how’re you doing?”
“I’ve been better, I’ve also been worse, so.”
“Me and Claude were wondering if you’d want to come over and hang out with us and Gav for some of the day, we’ll provide food and such, but we miss you, babe. So, we figured we’d ask while you have a chance.” 
In reality, Ryanne had heard from Claude that you wouldn’t be able to do extensive training for at least a month. She might not have known much about gymnastics, but she knew you well enough to know that you were always constantly training - she was well aware that if that ever got taken from Claude that he would be devastated if he was out for that long and with two weeks to prepare for a big game.
She had checked in to see how you were with Kevin one day after practice and when he mentioned everything that was going on, she was worried about you. She knew that she likely wouldn’t be able to help much, but she did know that there was one part of the equation she could help. Knowing that she already had a plan to have a send off party before the boys went on a roadie and also knowing that everyone on the team would be there, she somehow conveniently planned to invite you over a few hours before it started. 
“Oh, yeah, I’d love to, honestly. What time do you want me over?”
“Anytime after three is fine. I’ll see you then, hun. Oh, and wear something cute.”
“Why exactly?”
“Just do it,” Ryanne said, not having time to think of an excuse, “bye.”
As you were about to say something else, the ring that told you she had hung up rang out. 
Joel wasn’t doing as good as he wanted to be recently and with an upcoming roadie, he knew he needed to spend more time on the ice before the game. Having asked a few of the guys to work with him during an unscheduled morning skate, he was able to work on what he needed to. 
“Wait, so she’s out how long?” Joel overheard Travis ask Kevin as he made his way into the locker room. 
“Like four weeks, but two weeks with the brace and basically no training, then two weeks with athletic tape on her knee and no hard landings. But she’ll only have two weeks before Championships, so she's not feeling too great about it. Plus, she has to use her brace and crutches again and she didn’t enjoy that the first time,” Kevin replied. 
“Is she going to be okay?” Joel hadn’t meant to ask his question aloud, but as soon as Kevin heard his voice a smile grew on his face. 
“Yeah, Lover Boy, she’ll be fine. She hasn’t really been up to do anything recently, but other than that I think she’ll be okay. She has to use her crutches again, which is honestly very entertaining,” Kevin stated before turning to leave the locker room, turning right as he got to the doorway, “random question, are you planning on going to G’s for the send off party tomorrow night?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Just wondering,” and with that Kevin was gone, leaving a confused Joel behind. 
Kevin knew that you had a lot on your plate right now and that you wouldn’t want to go to anyone about your problems. He also knew that the both you and Joel, were simply too stubborn to fix the problem going on between you on your own, hence why he had mentioned something to Ryanne. He knew that Ryanne would jump at the chance to be able to help you feel better and as soon as she mentioned the party set-up idea, he was in. The plan was then mentioned to most of the team, knowing that the help of many was needed in order to help the two idiots. 
After sending Kevin a quick text that you were leaving, you left your apartment and made your way to Ryanne and Claude’s house. Gently knocking on the door, you smiled when Ryanne opened the door, “awe, babe, I’m so happy you’re here, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too. Not to be rude, but where is the tiny human?” you asked, looking past Ryanne to see Gavin walking towards you, “hi, bub. Oh my god, you’re getting so big.” 
“Well if you came around more often, you’d get to see him more,” Ryanne mumbled, watching you play with the boy in front of you. 
“I heard that,” you said, in a sing-song voice.
“You were supposed to,” she replied, mocking your tone, “anyways, Claude is on his way back from the store, so he’ll be here soon, but I haven’t talked to you in forever, how’s everything? How’s gym?”
“Oh, well. I’ve been better, this last meet definitely wasn’t all that great and not being able to train doesn’t really help my case either, but I’m making the most of it,” you said, shrugging. 
“And you’re actually having to listen to Adrian this time around?” she said, pointedly, causing you to chuckle. 
“Yeah, I have to actually listen to Adrian this time,” you smiled, “I hate that I have to actually wear my knee brace, though. And I have to use crutches. Can you believe that?”
“Considering it’s you, I’m more shocked that you’re actually using them.” 
“Ry, shh, let’s not call me out too much today,” you replied. 
It wasn’t too long before you heard the front door open, Claude walking in a few seconds later, “awe, it’s my favorite babysitter. Come on, babe, let’s leave while we can.”
“Haha, I almost forgot how funny you are, G,” you said, sarcastically. 
“I’m sure, I’m sure. You know what would be nice though?”
“Helping me put the groceries up,” he said, smiling sweetly causing you to groan. 
“Are chores and babysitting all I’m good for to you?”
“Well,” he looked up to the ceiling, as if he were thinking for another answer,”hm, nothing comes to mind, y/n/n.”
“Oh, that was mean,” Ryanne said, playfully elbowing Claude. 
“She’ll never babysit again if we’re mean to her,” Ryanne smirked. 
“Oh, wow, I see how it is, don’t worry,” you said, the three of you laughing. 
As the three of you were setting out groceries - you mostly sitting on the kitchen island, taking things out of the bag - the three of you caught up. Claude talking about his hopes for these next few games, Ryanne talking about how Gavin was doing - not missing the few times Gav ran through the kitchen -, and you talking about whatever you could. 
“Ok, so we haven’t brought this up yet, but I was just wondering if you had any idea what’s going on with Beezer? I know you guys had gotten closer recently and he’s just not himself, so I’m asking if you know anything,” Claude asked, closing the fridge before turning back to you. Both him and Ryanne had a pretty good idea of what happened, but if they were missing something, they wanted to know. 
“Oh, um, well, about that one,” you sighed, gathering your thoughts, “me and him kinda haven’t talked since I told him I only wanted to be friends.” 
“Ok, but from the looks of it, it looked like both of you wanted to be more than friends?” 
“Yeah, but, there’s a lot more to it, you know.”
“No, actually, I’m a tad bit lost, y/n/n.”
“Look, I can’t have any distractions right now and I was worried about it affecting gymnastics, so I told him I only want to be friends.”
“That’s dumb,” Claude replied, quickly.
“Thank you, many people have mentioned that.”
“He has no place to talk in a situation like this,” Ryanne finally spoke up, causing you to look between the pair confused, “when his life was just hockey, hockey, and hockey, nothing could fill those spots. So, when our relationship was first starting he did the same thing to me that you’re doing to Bee.”
“This was supposed to be a philosophical moment and you messed it up,” Claude replied. 
“I didn’t mess it up, you’re just mad because you basically called yourself dumb. But pushing him away isn’t a smart option and it just hurts both of you in the process,” Ryanne said before walking back to where Gavin was. 
“Look, I know you said you didn’t want distractions, but this seems to be having a worse effect on you than you hoped. From the looks of it, when you started pushing him away, it affected your performance. Just pointing that out for you.”
“Yeah, I know. You didn’t have to point it out, you know.”
“Yeah, but you would have continued to ignore the obvious fact that you were just scared of a relationship in general,” he shrugged.
“I don’t even know how to talk to him about it or at least how to start the conversation.”
“Well, lucky for you,” he looked down to check his watch, “the guys are all coming over in like 10 minutes, so you’ll see him then.”
“Yeah, it’s a send off party for the roadie this weekend, why do you think we got so many groceries?” and with that he left you in the kitchen by yourself. 
Joel sat in the backseat of Kevin’s car, Nolan in the passenger seat, as they made their way to G’s house. By the time they got there, most of the guys had already gotten there, seeing a few familiar cars in the driveway, but one stood out in particular. He knew that it was yours from some of the times he had seen you driving, “what’s y/n/n doing here?”
Nolan and Kevin both chuckled at that, “she came over here earlier to watch Gavin, I think,” Kevin said. 
“Oh, cool,” Joel replied, attempting to sound nonchalant as possible 
“Don’t try to act like you’re not freaking out. You aren’t slick, dude,” Nolan added, shaking his head, “you two better talk, too. Because everyone is tired of the two of you being idiots and not talking shit out.” 
“We’re not idiots.”
“You are,” the other two said in unison. Joel didn’t try to argue as he followed the pair inside their captain’s house. 
As soon as he entered the house, he took note that almost all the team was here, most of the team was outside, but he immediately found you sitting on one of the barstools with Gavin sitting on your lap as you talked with Ryanne. “Go talk to her,” Nolan whispered, causing him to jump. 
“God, Pat. What the fuck?” Joel said turning around. 
“I said what I said. You’ll have to talk at some point, might as well just do it. Plus, she’s on crutches, so like, if she wants to run away it will take her a while.”
“Um, that’s- I mean, that’s valid, but-”
“At some point today, you should talk to her. I obviously can’t make you and it’s up to you, but I think it would help fix things,” Nolan said, shrugging.
“Yeah, I know, I know. I plan on it.” 
You and Ryanne had stayed inside with Gav since the boys were grilling outside, so when Nolan, Kevin, and Joel walked in, you were one of the first people to notice. Kevin made his way over to you almost as soon as he came in, “so, you enjoying the party?”
“Considering I didn’t know it was happening, sure I’m having a great time, Kev.”
“Well, I guess it’s a surprise party then,” you quickly shot him a glare, “surprise.” 
As you heard the back door open, you looked up to see Joel already looking at you, shooting you a quick smile as he followed his teammate to go outside. “I swear, if all you guys do tonight is spare glances at each other and don’t talk, I’m going to lose it,” Ryanne said from beside you. 
“I think everyone will, to be honest,” Kevin added, “well, I’m going outside. If you need any help, just let me know.” 
The boys had a few different plans in place to get the two of you to talk; conveniently sending Joel in to help while you were inside, telling Joel to go help out inside, asking Joel to get Gavin, and as a last resort, make Joel jealous. 
When everyone had been done eating, Claude asked some of the younger guys to help him clean up and bring out the cooler with drinks that was still inside. Joel had somehow conveniently avoided going inside while helping and when he did, he went straight to the kitchen and right back out. He wasn’t wanting to avoid you all night, but he didn’t know what to do. Shortly after, Claude had asked Joel to go in and get Gavin, somehow right as you had left Gavin with Ryanne, which also ruined that plan. 
Ryanne knew that it would be suspicious if they kept trying those same plans. So instead, she basically forced you to go outside with her. She helped you get outside, Kevin shooting up from his chair to help you get down the stairs of the deck, “you don’t have to help me out, Kev.”
“Knowing you, you would trip and break something. You’re already hurt enough,” he said, causing you to roll your eyes. As Kevin looked up, he didn’t miss the way Joel lit up as he saw you, “hey, your boy is looking over here.”
Looking up, your eyes once again met his, to which you sent him a light smile, “yeah, he’s been watching me since I stepped out here.”
“y/n/n, you would only know that if you were looking at him, too.”
“Yeah, I never said that I wasn’t though.” 
“You know, it’s obvious the two of you aren’t mad at each other or anything like that. So, why the fuck haven’t you talked yet?”
“Oh, um. Words are hard,” you said, walking away towards Travis and Nolan on your crutches. 
“You’re literally on crutches, you aren’t moving that fast.”
“You know who else isn’t moving that fast?”
“y/n. I swear, if this is another your-”
“Your mom,” you yelled back to him. 
“What is up with you and making your mom jokes?” Nolan asked as you got closer to them. 
“They’re funny?” 
“y/n/n just has the sense of humor of a middle school boy, that’s why her and Beezer got along so well,” Travis added, helping you move your crutches so you could sit down at the table they were at, “how are the crutches?”
“How’s your mom?” you laughed, causing the two of them to groan, “nah, they’re not fun. In any way shape or form.”
As you were talking to Nolan and Teeks, Kevin and Ryanne realized that none of the plans they had tried were working. Both of them knew that the only plan that would probably work was to make Joel jealous, so Kevin texted Carter, Morgan, Nolan, and Teeks to let them know that was the plan that they were going with. 
“y/n looks really good today,” Carter said, causing Joel to spit out his drink. 
“Better watch yourself, Hartsy,” Joel replied, shooting a glare towards his friend. 
“I was just being honest, she really does. There’s nothing going on between you guys anymore, right?” Carter watched as Joel visibly tensed at the mention of what was happening between the two of you, knowing that the plan was working he continued, “I mean, if nothings going on between you two, then she’s single, right?”
“Well, I mean-” Joel stuttered out, “we haven’t talked in a while, but that doesn’t mean-”
“I’ll be right back, okay?” Carter said, making his way over to the table you were at, causing Nolan and TK to chuckle as they saw Joel’s face drop, “hey, y/n/n.”
“Hey, Hartsy, it’s been a minute. How is everything?” you smiled. You kept talking to the group around you for a while, not noticing the way Joel was becoming visibly angry. He didn’t want to seem jealous, but he assumed that Carter had been flirting with you this whole time, so he made the executive decision to talk to you now. 
Since your back was facing him, you didn’t see him coming, but the three boys around you did, only trying to hide their smiles since the plan was actually working. “Hey y/n, can we talk?” he asked. 
You turned around to finally face the boy you had been avoiding, “yeah, hold on a sec.” As you continued some of your conversation, Joel was getting more and more irritated, mostly because Carter was sending looks his way that he couldn’t exactly read. Joel, being the impatient person he was, pulled the chair you were sitting at away from the table, pulling you up to stand before lifting you up over his shoulder, “Bee, what the fuck?”
He simply ignored you as he carried you up the stairs and back inside his captain’s house. You tried pushing yourself off as he made his way up the stairs, but it was deemed useless when he just tightened his grip, “Farabee, I swear to god. I will hurt you.”
Eventually, he opened the door to the guest bathroom and gently set you down on the counter before locking the door, “what the fuck was that for? If you want to talk, you could have just waited a second. But no, you had to be all dramatic about it,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“Are you done?” Joel asked, crossing his arms and leaning back against the door.  
“I mean, yeah. Are you?” 
“Yeah, but I’m tired of us ignoring each other and I miss you, so we need to figure stuff out.”
“Awe, you miss me? That’s cute,” you smiled. 
“y/n/n, I swear, now is not the time for that one.”
“Ok, sorry. I’ll be serious now,” you said, crossing your arms to mock him. 
“I just want to know what happened at the lake?” 
“Oh, we’re going straight to the point, alright,” you sighed, “look, what I said at the lake wasn’t true. I got this idea in my head that if you were in my life, you were a distraction from what I wanted.”
“How’d that work out for you?” he said, smirking. 
“Oh, no, see that’s what we’re not going to do. No need for the attitude. Anyways, I had this idea that if anything happened between us, that I would mess it up and it would mess everything in my life up. So, pushing you away was the safest option.”
Joel took a moment to gather his thoughts before pushing himself off the door and made his way closer to you, ending up standing between your legs with his hands on either side of you, “look, I’m saying this and I mean it. I understand where you’re coming from with the fear of distractions thing, but I want you to know that I would never intentionally keep you from your goals and dreams. I’m just extra support, you know.”
“Yeah, I realized that after you ran from the lake house. We could have had this figured out by now, if you had stayed,” you said, sarcastically. Rolling your eyes for added dramatic effect. 
“Oh, shut up. You have no place to talk, babe,” he said, smiling when he heard you giggle, “what was that for?”
“I kinda missed you calling me babe, I guess. Kinda crazy, dude.”
“Awe, so you did miss me?”
“I never said I didn’t,” you said, quietly reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. You saw the way that his eyes went from your eyes to your lips, “I also missed this,” and with that you pulled him closer until your lips met in a long awaited kiss. 
As the two of you broke away, your foreheads were still together, “hey, Bee?”
“You know who else I missed? Your mom,” you laughed. 
“Way to ruin the moment, babe,” he smiled, “That was funny though, so I respect it.”
“Dude, I’m so funny sometimes.”
“Looks aren’t everything, babe,” he said, laughing at the gasp you responded with. 
“Oh, that was rude. I’ll get you back one day though,” you watched as he went to leave the bathroom, “hey, Bee. I’m not supposed to walk without crutches, hate to break it to you.”
Rolling his eyes, he made his way back to you, turning around right in front of you, “here.” You leaned a little bit forward, wrapping your arms around his neck once again as he readjusted his grip on the back of your legs, so he could give you a piggyback ride on the way back outside. 
“You know, they didn’t tell me there was a party,” you spoke as he made his way back towards the door. 
“Oh, they said it was teammates only and then I saw your car,” he replied, pausing a moment as the two of you realized what had happened at the same time, “so, this was-”
“And Hartsy saying he was going to ask you out was part of it?”
“Hartsy said he was going to do that,” you started cackling. “Wait, were you jealous of him?” you asked laughing even harder. 
“It’s not funny.”
“Oh, yeah. I know, it’s hilarious.” 
“I will drop you right now,” he said, as he opened the door for outside, “and you’ll stuck right here, Ms. ‘I can’t walk down stairs right now’.”
“That’s a low blow,” you said, as the two of you made your way back to the table you were at. 
“Oops, sorry, babe,” he set you down close to your chair, but sat down before you could.
“Oh, so now you steal my chair, too?”
“Oh, shut up, you’re fine,” he said, pulling you to sit in his lap, “there you go.”
“So, I see the two of you made up?” Nolan asked, pointing at the two of you. 
“We also made out, in case you were wondering,” Joel replied, earning an elbow to the stomach, “ow, that hurt.”
“Sucks to suck, babe,” you replied, causing the smile on his face to grow even more. 
When Kevin and Ryanne watched the two of you walk back outside, they were happy to see that the plan worked. Ryanne simply laughed and shook her head as she heard the exchange between the two of you, “they are so in love and I don’t even think they realize it.”
“Ryanne, that is a big word, that I’m not prepared for. So, please, let’s not do that today,” Kevin replied, earning a laugh from Ryanne, “they’re happy though, that’s all that matters to me.”
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sckyie · 4 years
i hate my boyfriend | oikawa tooru
word count: 1.2k
genre: fluff? angst? i dont think its angst????
pronouns used: female insert (she/her)
a/n: you can thank my cousin for picking this one (ngl its kinda trash dont come for me)
Everyone knows about the famous Seijoh setter. How he has girls lined up to confess, girls swooned when he talks, and a whole crowd of girls cheering him on at his games. Many students around the school believe he can get any girl he wants with the snap of his fingers. The one girl however he couldn't get, was you.
It was lunch time and you wanted to get a drink from the vending machine. You make your way outside and you noticed a crowd of girls surrounding the machines. You try to peek around them and noticed they're surrounding the King himself, Oikawa. As you approached, you tried to shuffle around the girls to get to the machine but eventually is pushed away.
"Hey! Wait your turn!" A girl snapped at you. "I was here first, I get to talk to him before you."
"Be nice girls," Oikawa smiled. "Everyone can get the chance to talk to me. She just seemed like she has something important to tell me."
You tilted your head kind of irritated at his tone.
"Go on then, you have something to say?" Oikawa looked at you and smirked.
"Yea, get you and your fangirls away from the vending machine. I'm thirsty," You growled. "If you're going to have a meet and greet, have it away from the vending machine."
The girls gasp at the way you talked. How could anyone talk to their idol like that? Oikawa is shocked as well, he was stunned that you talked to him like that.
"Well? Are you gonna move?" You question.
Oikawa makes his way passed the girls and stood right in front of you. "Maybe if you give me a kiss, Y/n-chan," He leaned down and tapped his cheek. You rolled your eyes and pushed his face away from yours and walked over to the machine. You quickly got your drink and walked through the small group of girls.
"How annoying," One girl muttered.
"Who does she think she is?" Another grumbled.
"She can't disrespect Oikawa-san like that!" One argued.
You snickered at their words as you made your way to your classroom. You seated yourself with your friends and enjoyed the rest of lunch with them. Oikawa was in the same class but he sat in the front away from you.
Your teacher assigned a project requiring you to have partners. Before you could get up to go to your friend, Oikawa rushed over to you. "Be my partner?" He smiled.
"Why?" You say with a disgusted face.
"Come on, who wouldn't want to work with me?" He smirked.
"Me," You shoved past him and walked over to your friend.
After class, you were getting ready to leave to work when you overheard Oikawa and Iwaizumi talking about you.
"I don't get it, why doesn't Y/n like me Iwa-chan?" Oikawa sounded defeated.
"You have to accept not all girls like you dumbass," His best friend responded. "Maybe she doesn't like you."
"I want her to like me though," He sighed.
"Why? Do you like her or something?" Iwaizumi suggests.
"No- I just- I don't know? I just want her to like me," Oikawa whined.
You scoffed and grabbed everything for you to leave. Passing by the two, Oikawa stopped his whining and noticed you walking out the building.
"Y/n! Wait up!" He called out. You ignored his calls and you continued walking. "Y/n!" You made it out the gates and continued to avoid talking to the pompous setter.
For the next few weeks, Oikawa tried to get you to talk to him more or less like him. He tried giving you chocolates, walking to class with you, even visited you at work once or twice.
Then one day, you were walking to work and you felt a presence follow you. You stopped and turned to see Oikawa standing there embarrassed. You turned back to walk to work only to see your ex-boyfriend in the same direction. You took a deep breath and turned to Oikawa. You walked over and took his hand out of his pocket to hold.
"I don't like you but you're my boyfriend right now," You say to him.
"Wha-" Oikawa stuttered.
"Shut up," You cut him off.
You walked hand in hand with Oikawa as you walked to work. Your ex spots you and almost immediately started chuckling. "Wow Y/n, this is what you settle for?" You ex scoffed.
"Leave me alone," You gripped Oikawa's hand harder. Trying to walk past your ex, Oikawa noticed how hurt you were as you held onto him.
"Hey, new boyfriend, did she sleep with you to get you to like her?" Your ex called out.
You tried to continue on your path to work but you felt Oikawa hold you back. "What the hell did you just say?" You heard. You were fighting the tears but you looked at Oikawa. You could tell he was angry but he was still keeping up his positive façade.
"Oh nothing, just your girlfriend here is a slut who clearly can't to better than me," Your ex laughed. "She's just some annoying bitch, I hope you know what-"
He was cut off by Oikawa punching him straight in the face. Your ex falls back and shook his head confused. You put your hands on your mouth as you've never seen the notorious setter be violent before. "Oik-"
"Don't ever say that shit about my girl," Oikawa growled. He turns around to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Come on babe, can't be late for work now can we?"
The walk to work was silent but you were happy Oikawa was there where he was. Once at the steps of your job, you turned to look at Oikawa. "Hey," You say softly. "Thanks for that."
"No problem," He moved his hands to your shoulder. "Sorry for following you to work though. I just-"
"You wanted me to like you," You chuckled. "I know, I know. Sorry for giving you a hard time."
"It's okay," Oikawa put his hand on his neck. "I'll stop bothering you, I know I've been annoying the past few weeks."
You reached over and pulled Oikawa's face down. You pecked his cheek. "No I kinda like hating my 'boyfriend.' Always nice knowing you walk behind me to work," You smiled. "Oh also when you walk with me to class. Come by my work after practice. It's cute." Oikawa stood there stunned you even noticed that he did those things.
"You actually notice that I do those things?" He stuttered.
"Obviously," You reached up to him and pecked his cheek once more. "Thank you fake boyfriend, I have to go to work now." You winked at him before stepping towards the front door.
"Wait-" Oikawa starts.
"If you come inside, I'm telling everyone you buy milk bread and matcha tea here just to see me," You growled.
"What you're not gonna give your wonderful boyfriend a kiss goodbye?" He pouted. He said it loud enough for people around you to hear. "After I punched your ex for you?"
You groaned and walked over to him. He bends down to your level and looks at you directly in the eyes. "I hate you," You say. He pursed his lips at you indicating he wants a kiss. You kissed your hand then placed your palm on his lips. "That's the closest I'm ever kissing you. If you want a real kiss, you have to earn it." Oikawa smiled knowing there might be a chance you'd actually give him the light of day.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @lil-mouse-999
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Kageyama, Hinata, Bokuto and Oikawa with a really smart s/o
requested: hey! can i request some headcanons for kags, hinata, bokuto and oikawa with a crush on a reader who excels in school??
I had to think of a good High School friend of mine while writing this?? Oh well. It’s alittle short (especially Hinatas, I’m so sorry bby :c) but I didn’t want to write same thing for all of them so~
Kageyama Tobio:
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Thinks how can you even be a real person lol
Like ‘who likes learning’ ‘how does she know all of this?’ poor boy
He can’t help but gape at you everytime you raise your hand in class and then answer correct all the time
Or when the teacher passes out tests and says that you had the best results of the whole class 
(silently thinks you could probably win any quiz against Tsukishima and his positive feelings for you just grow 10x lol)
He slowly finds himself being attracted to you, because despite your good grades, you’re not an asshole like Tsukishima lol. You’re actually really nice and he likes that a lot. You never say no when someone asks you for help and you can explain things so easily
He finds himself just staring at you in class because he thinks you’re so pretty
Once he asks you for help with a math problem and while you explain it to him he barely listens to your words, he can just stare at your pretty face and your little gestures and he’s so close to you he can even smell your perfume someone help him-
Sometimes you turn around in class and smile and wave at him and he might just pass out
Will definitely blurt out the words “please go on a date with me” very unintentionally and very loud while you explain something to him
You both just kinda freeze as he looks at you in shock with widened eyes and face as red as lightning McQueen and you’re so surprised you don’t know what to say for a whole moment or two until you relax and smile. “Yeah, sure.” because who can ever say no to Tobio Kageyama
Hinata Shoyo:
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Amazed babyboy
“How can she be a real person?” he thinks to himself as you get yet another A with all points in a test
Please teach him everything this boy needs help lol
Will very bluntly ask you for help and then gets really invested into doing better in class, showing off his best side 
Really everyone is impressed at how well he is doing until Kageyama exposes him and is like “it’s just because Y/n is in our class and he’s up her ass with his obvious crush on her” (Hinata totally smashes a ball in his face for that)
Will also stand up for you when someone calls you nerd and he notices! Will definitely defend you even though you tell him that it’s not necessary - he’ll stand up for you like a knight in shining armor does lol
He’s not as shy as Kageyama so he’d definitely just straight up ask you if you could hang after school to learn and you also 100% say yes because he’s just sooo precious!
Bokuto Koutarou:
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A total crack head
Definitely the class clown you can’t tell me otherwise
If he can’t impress you with his knowledge he’ll efinitely do it with his jokes and pranks
Doesn’t even try to compete or keep up with you, he knows he could never be like you
Instead he always congratulates you on your grades and good work. “Nice one, Y/N!” “You really aced that test, huh? Just like I ace at volleyball ;) ;)”
ngl you’re kinda smitten by his behaviour he’s just so cute!
Whenever the teacher announces that you had the best result in a test he’ll stand up and just straight up clap and cheer for you oh no-
Definitely has a small cruhs on you since the beginning (he’s turned on by smart people) but he falls even harder for you when you help him out of his emo-mode once after he failed a test
You offer to help him study for the next test and tell that everyone has a bad day occasionally, even you. 
He doesn’t believe but his ears perked up at your offer and he’s so happy that he’ll spend some alone time with you!! A study date!! (You never said it was a date but honestly- you don’t complain)
You definitely won’t study a lot on that day (no, not because of what you think!) He distracts you the whole time because he’s singing or dancing around, showing you funny pictures on his phone or showing you how he spikes the ball lol
Oikawa Tooru:
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Bit of a smart boy himself
Y’all can pry nerd!Oikawa from my cold dead hands okay
He definitely doesn’t do bad in school either, in fact I think he’s top of his class in some subjects
Until you appeared, that is. But instead of being mad at you he very quickly found himself developing a big fat crush on you because you’re so smart! You’re not like his fangirls or past girlfriends at all!
He totally wants to impress you and always sits next to you in class so you can work together when you’re doing team work!
Always wants to work on projects with you! He’s just so so impressed by you and he could listen to you talk about math formulas or photosynthesis or World War II without an end oh well he’s lost
Everyone hates you because you’re the best in most classes and no one can keep up with you
Actually it turns into a friendly rivalry between you two and yu silently always fight for the best presentation topics, who wrote more words in an essay, who handed it in earlier, who spent more hours studying or working on the project... It’s not even about the grades lol
Y’all very obviously crush on each other but the thing you have going on is too nice neither of you wants to ruin it
He still probably asks you out once the school year is over or something because you’re the most mpressive girl he’s ever met and you keep him determined and he just wants to learn so much more about you
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for @thatoneao3writer because i am too lazy to send an ask rn
not the happiest with how this turned out, but i believe it will suffice for now.
So, you know the hc that Glatt would haunt Michael on the Dream SMP? Well, guess what? I am obligated to traumatise a child as the Dream Kinnie of the discord, and so, I will be taking the place of Glatt.
The murderer replaces the dictator.
It always starts with silence, doesn’t it?
And for good reason.
It’s pure.
A clean slate.
Always was, always will be.
“No.” He shakes his head, “No, it’s not right. Listen, listen to me, Tubbo.” Ranboo grabs Tubbo by the shoulders, the optimal way to get the teen to listen, especially when he’s being stubborn. “You have to let him move through grief on his own. You can’t force it. You- you can’t-” Ranboo’s voice breaks, and Tubbo’s face softens, giving the taller a firm hug.
“Boo? Bo? Is everything okay?” Michael had snuck up on them. Tubbo and Ranboo share a look, before Ranboo forces a chuckle, picking his ‘son’ up to give him a hug.
“Hey Bub. Everythings just fine.” Ranboo assures the child, giving him a tight hug. Michael feels tears on his dad’s face, and pulls away from the hug. He watches his fathers face, contemplating. He giggles all of a sudden, putting his small hands on Ranboo’s cheeks, feeling him give a small smile, tears still streaming down his face.
“Dad!” Michael smiles. “I love you.” Ranboo smiles, pulling all three into a hug. After a beat, they separate, and Ranboo let's Michael down on the floor, urging him to go play and let the other two talk.
The tears are still there.
He does a good job of hiding the pain.
Michael listens.
What else would he do?
The two most important people in his life were distraught and trying so hard to hide it.
The more he listened, the more he learned. ‘Their close friend Tommy was grieving. They had all lost a friend. Their friend named Wilbur. He was a bad man, but he had been a good friend. He killed people. He-’
“So did I. Doesn’t make anyone special.” Someone says from behind where Michael is sitting. He looks around.
“Wh- who- who said th- that?” He manages to force out, There is a chuckle to his left, the voice sending shivers up his spine. There was something not right about it, it was off. Something moves, and a humanoid becomes visible. They are transparent, but their hands are burnt black, covered in ashes.
“Michael, right?” They ask, floating closer, eerily. Michael nods, recoiling when they offer a handshake. “Hmm,” They look Michael up and down, evaluating, analyzing. “You know, it feels good to be back.” Michael takes another good look. At first glance, they seem completely normal, at least before they speak. But then you look closer. You see the burn marks, and the ash, and the blood.
‘Why is there so much blood?’
“Well that has an easy answer! You should really be asking harder questions, Michael.” They laugh. It’s terrifying. “The blood is from the veins of the bodies dead at my feet, piling higher and higher. The blood of innocent people always was sweeter than that of the guilty.” And that's when the person moves, floating towards Ranboo and Tubbo. They don’t seem to notice. Michael gasps, and they look back at him, tilting their head and giving a smile. Without warning there is a dagger in each hand, at his parents' necks.
They don’t seem to mind.
Without thinking, Michael screams. It’s loud and heart-shattering. It’s like he was witnessing murder. Ranboo and Tubbo stop talking, running over to comfort the child. The person doesn’t move, just smiles.
“It was nice to meet me, right Michael? I would say the same in your own regard, but I’ve been watching for a long time. See you soon.”
And they disappear.
That was only the beginning.
The next time they showed up, Michael was all alone. Ranboo and Tubbo had to leave, had ‘something to do’. Tommy had come and collected them late at night, right as Michael had gone to bed, this being one of the nights that Michael was staying in the Tower. Bad had helped him get ready for bed, making sure he had his chicken plush before saying goodnight and leaving, promising that Tubbo and Ranboo would be back by morning.
Michael knew the truth, that the two people who meant the most to him were most likely in danger at that very moment. He might be young, but he wasn’t stupid. In fact, he was turning 6 soon!!! Hopefully Tubbo and Ranboo would be back soon, Michael desperately wanted to go to the park tomorrow.
“Can’t go to the park if they're dead.”
Michael pales at the voice. It’s back. ‘Why is it back?’ A bone-chilling laugh.
“Why Michael, your fear summoned me. There really is quite a lot of it. Fear of abandonment, fear of death, fear of losing a loved one, fear of being alone.” They chuckle, picking up one of Michaels toys, tossing it around as a form of entertainment, as if scaring a child wasn’t enough. “I really just saved you from that one, huh? No matter, you’re terrified of me, and that gives me all the power I could want, not that that’s what I’m after.” Michael looks at them, thinking.
‘Who is this? How did they get in here? Where are Boo and Bo? I really want them now, so I can have a hug and a brownie from the Titans kitchen. I want-’
“Hmmmm, that really is a very specific request Michael. But, you did ask one good question. Who am I? Who do you think I am Michael?”
He freezes, trying to think of what to call the person floating in front of him. After a moment, he gives up saying,
“You’re a scary man.” The person laughs.
“Well not quite, Michael, but close. I am Hayden Eyens. A hunter, a ghost, a storyteller, a prisoner, a witch, and, above all, a murderer. As for how I got in here, I can get to wherever I want or need to be.” Michael curls up against the headboard of the bed, not completely understanding everything that the person- no, Hayden- had said. But he did understand one thing.
It’s what everyone calls Wilbur.
“Let that sit with you Michael. I hope we talk again soon.” Hayden fades away, laughing maniacally.
Michael doesn’t sleep that night.
It doesn’t end there.
Hayden shows up at the worst times, feeding off of the fear that Michael hates so much. Every once in a while, Hayden’s visits are nice, and they just talk, and Michael learns, listening to the stories told so colourfully that it was like looking at a painting. He learns about how Hayden had grown up, having a similar start in life to Michael. Loving parents who were no longer there for one reason or another, eventually leading to the ghosts' untimely demise at the hands of the village they had grown up in. Michael listens to Hayden talk about manipulation and murder. It’s not very nice to listen to, but it is preferable to the bad days.
The bad days are the days where Hayden manipulates him, messing with his mind and his sense of right and wrong. The days when Hayden possesses him, trapping his conscious inside of himself, making him claustrophobic and terrified of possession.
It makes him think of the accident. What had happened when Michael had gotten very hurt by a bad man, and he had been stuck where he couldn’t get away, couldn’t escape. Once, Hayden had explained how the possession worked.
“Your conscious is the lesser one, of course. My mind pokes and prods and searches until it finds a way in. And when it does-” They smile. “When it does, my mind takes control. And it forces your mind into a tiny, tiny box. It is so refreshing. An escape from my own guilt.” Before Michael could even ask what they felt guilty for, Hayden was gone again, sure to return soon enough.
It went on for a long time, day in and day out, never subsiding long enough for a true break or recovery. The manipulation and the fear and the claustrophobia grow worse, almost to the point where Michael often couldn’t be left alone in some rooms in Bo’s house, Uncle Tommy’s house, or even the Titan’s Tower.
And one day, out of the blue, Hayden disappeared. The most peculiar thing happened as well, for right before Hayden had disappeared, Bo and Boo had seen them. They had flown at the trio at the Bee n’ Boo late one night, and they had freaked out. That was why Michael freaked out as well. Not because a ghost had flown at him, for he was used to that already, but seeing his favourite people freak out.
Later, Michael heard Ranboo and Tubbo talking. Apparently, there were more people like Hayden, though they weren’t all bad. Tanboo and Tubbo had met them. To repeat what Tubbo had said, it had ‘scared the shit out of them’, whatever that meant.
And that was the end of it.
Or so he believed.
Once a killer, always a killer.
Quick and easy, here is some info about this:
1)This is tied to my fic and that will become somewhat evident in the next update.
2)This takes place during the aftermath of Wilbur's death, before the Askers were introduced to the Titans and the HIVE and such.
3)This was kinda difficult to write, ngl. Michael is very young in this AU, so it is difficult to use complicated themes. Therefore, my solution is that(sticking with what is already canon) Michael was left with Tubbo when he was 3. By the time this takes place, Michael is almost 6. I’d like to think that Tubbo was about 15 or so when he “adopted” Michael, making him 17 or so at this point.
4) I know that the trauma was not super apparent in this, but I feel it is important to establish Michaels trauma and fear of ghosts and Wilbur for my next fic update.
Alright, I am off to work on the next update.
Talk soon,
Hayden <3
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jihyuncompass · 4 years
RFA+V+Saeran with a sick MC
I realize this concept has been done to death by this point but I really wanted to take a shot at it, I’m still learning how to write headcanons and find my own style so I hope you enjoy! 
This man doesn’t get sick are you kidding? 
Not only does Zen heal at an inhuman speed but despite drinking and smoking frequently he has the immune system of a God. 
So when you’re sick he isn’t super familiar with all the remedies and things to do when someone is sick. 
One thing he is good at though is giving you attention and affection. 
Need some cuddles? All you have to do is ask and he’s all over you. 
Doesn’t like seeing you sick and unhappy but he does like how cute you look when you’re asleep curled up with a blanket on the couch or in bed. 
Makes you some tea to help soothe your sore throat and holds you close while you drink it. 
He’ll feel extraordinarily guilty if he has to leave you to go to rehearsal or a show but expect for him to come back and immediately give you hugs and kisses to try and make up for his absence. 
He loves you so much and isn’t scared of getting sick himself. So expect him to be just as affectionate with you as you would be in full health. 
He kinda knows what to do to help you?
(He calls his Mom)
Makes you some soup that his mom would make him when he wasn’t feeling well. 
Obviously buys you medicine, he doesn’t have a lot of money but he’ll get the store brand stuff that hopefully will be just as effective. 
Encourages you to rest by watching him play LOLOL 
It’s pretty fun to watch you can’t deny that. 
He’s kinda afraid of getting sick himself so he’s careful around you. He spends a lot of the time that you’re sick cleaning. 
However he can’t help cuddling with you a little bit, even if it puts him at risk. 
He’s not the best at taking care of someone who isn't feeling well but he genuinely tries his best to help you feel better and comfort you at the same time. He’s inexperienced but always has his heart in the right place. 
Probably gets the same sickness after you. Now it’s your turn. 
Jaehee gets sick, but she doesn’t have the time to be sick so she is the type to take a dayquil and then get to work. 
Even after she stops working at C&R and starts her cafe she still is really bad about taking sick days for herself. 
However that isn’t going to fly with you, Jaehee isn’t going to allow you to become a slave to capitalism that she already is. 
When you wake up with a sore throat and a coughing fit so bad that you can barely catch your breath, Jaehee is next to you patting your back until you're coughing fit subsides. 
She makes you a hot mug of tea. 
Considering she owns a cafe the tea she makes is definitely the best cup of tea you’ve had in your entire life. 
She decides to close the cafe for a day to take care of you so that means you get Jaehee all to yourself :)
Musicals all day long, you start working through Zen’s entire musical career while you cuddle together on the couch.
She definitely tries not to get sick herself but you may notice her sniffling a few days later. 
Kind of a mix of Jaehee and Zen, he doesn’t get sick often and when he does he will do everything in his power to try and hide it.
As we all know Jumin is rather protective over you so the second he notices you coughing or your voice sounding raspy his personal private doctor is called and on his way. 
Doesn’t matter if it’s a minor stomach bug or something more serious, with Jumin it is taken extremely seriously.
The chef makes the best meals for you, if he has to go to work then he’ll have the best in-home care nurse come and look after you while he’s gone. 
Though he would feel much more comfortable staying home with you and tending to you himself no matter how long it takes (Sorry Jaehee :( )
You’re given the best medicine money can buy, and the best husband in the world so even if it takes a while to feel better you can’t complain too much. 
Jumin is a careful man so he doesn’t get sick after you, it’s honestly kind of impressive. 
Surprisingly good at taking care of you. 
He did have to take care of Saeran when he was sick as a little kid so you guess he has some experience. 
You’re stuck in bed the entire time you’re sick. Don’t even think about getting up. 
If you do Seven’s right there bringing you back and insisting you rest. He’s watching you through the CCTV cameras he keeps in the bunker. He knows.
Can’t cook for shit but he’ll try. 
And then he’ll ruin whatever he tries to make so he ends up calling Vanderwood for help. 
He’s very gentle with you he’ll get you anything you need, spend as much time as possible with you, and if he’s stuck working and can’t be with you directly he’ll build you a robot to keep you company. 
On a joking note he’ll definitely bring you all your food, medicine, and drinks wearing either his maid outfit or the brand new nurse one he bought just for occasions like this. 
(He looks great ngl) 
He’ll only respond to you if you call him “nurse” just to tease you. 
Very good at keeping your spirits up when you aren’t feeling your best. He’ll probably get sick after you too but it doesn’t matter to him. 
Activate worried Jihyun mode
V notices that you’re sick pretty quickly. 
If you try and insist that you’re fine, you don’t need to rest, you don’t need to take the day off. He isn't going to force you to lay down. 
He will however give you his saddest, most concerned expression that makes your heart break into a thousand pieces so you voluntarily get back in bed. 
V gets sick the normal amount any person does. He’s usually down for a couple days but then he’s right back at it. He hopes you’re the same way.
This man can’t handle seeing you unwell for long. 
Would definitely work from home to look after you. 
In general he’s very doting, he’s willing to go to the ends of the Earth to make sure you’re taken care of. 
Makes you lots of cups of tea and makes you drink a lot of water to help you feel better 
He tends to worry about overstepping your boundaries so if you want cuddles or any kind of physical affection you’re going to need to ask him for it. 
But once you do he’ll be by your side immediately, rubbing your back, cuddling with you or anything you want. 
He might get sick after you but if he does you’ll take good care of him like he did for you. 
Saeran is no stranger to being sick, as a kid he was sick a lot and after continuous use of Elixir while at Mint Eye his immune system is pretty bad. 
He’s used to being sick but he absolutely hates it when you are. 
He feels useless just seeing you coughing and shivering and not being able to do anything about it. 
He’ll cook you anything he can think of that would help you feel better, hot soup with fresh herbs, hot tea and juice, homemade bread, anything he can think of he’s making for you. 
He knows that logically he should keep his distance because he’ll definitely get sick if he stays too close to you but he can’t be away from you for long. 
In general he isn’t one to initiate any physical affection and the same goes for when you’re sick. You need to tell him what you want, and that it’s okay for him to be close to you. 
While you’re sick it’s hard not to notice Ray peeking out a bit, that anxiousness, the worry, the shyness. 
No matter how anxious he is he’ll push through it for you, you’re his prince(ss) after all.
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Nekoma (main players) with an S/O that makes self- deprecating jokes
TW(?)- Jokes about the reader hating themself, so proceed with caution! 
The actual post is under the cut:
Tetsuro Kuroo
-Kinda teases you and stuff, but doesn’t know that sometimes you take it seriously
You and Kuroo were sitting on the couch together, just kinda chilling for a bit
-It had been a really long time, probably a few hours
-You looked at the time and got super surprised
-”Woah, look at the time! We’re such couch potatoes.”
-”True. But at least I have volleyball.”
-”This is probably why everyone at school practically hates me, isn’t it? I’m just a lazy couch potato.”
-You look up at him, but he’s not laughing
-”Who hates you at school?”
-He’s literally ready to throw hands with whoever even looked at you weird
-”Nonononono Kuroo, it’s really okay”
-But he finds out anyways through Kenma and Lev
-And Lev gets in trouble during practice again for not telling Kuroo earlier
-Bonus: The next day, you see the person all black and blue
-You look at Kuroo, Lev, Yaku and Kenma, standing next to each other, and Kenma points at Kuroo
Kenma Kozume
-Tbh I think he’d sometimes make jokes like that too
-Like sometimes you’ll be like “I hate myself”
-And he’ll just go “me too”
-So it wasn’t unusual for you and him to joke around about hating yourselves
-One day you two were just chilling (a lot like in Kuroo’s headcanon) while you were scrolling through your social media
-And then you sat up a bit more, and said “I hate myself.”
-Kenma thought it was another joke session, so he said “What a coincidence, I hate myself too.”
-You both took turns mocking yourselves about your hair, hobbies, and personality as if you were other people
-And your next joke was “I can’t believe that Y/N is still with Kenma. I mean, look at him! Kenma deserves so much better.”
-You have just yee’d you last haw
-He looks up and squints at you
-And then he got all sad, like “Do you really think you don’t deserve me?”
-You had to reassure him that he deserved you, which Kenma had planned out when he heard your joke
-Sneaky boi
-Bonus: you found out his plan a few minutes later, and he just gives you a smile and kisses you 
Morisuke Yaku
-A super sweet caring bf
-Ab so lutely will not even let you joke about hating yourself
-But one day he’s just so tired it just completely slips by him and he jokes along with you
-Like you’ll be laying in bed (to SLEEP)
-And he’s like almost asleep 
-And then you say something like
-”I’m so lazy, I honestly have no clue how you’re still sticking around.”
-Laughs along and then actually falls asleep
-But when he wakes up his first thought is immediately
-”Wait, what?”
-Freaking runs at you while you’re brushing your teeth and says “you’re not lazy!”
-And like ngl you’re just so confused 
-”That was yesterday.”
-”But still!”
-Pulls you into a giant hug and starts kissing you all over your face awwwww
-Bonus: Later, when you go to the bathroom, you look in the mirror and see a bunch of sticky-notes on the mirror in a little heart shape, each of them with a cute comment
Lev Haiba
-Doesn’t think your jokes are super funny, so he usually fake-laughs along and then changes the subject quickly
You decided to surprise him by cooking something for him after practice
-But you took your eyes off the food for what seemed like a second
-And then a little part of the food burned
-Lev came back soon after that
-The surprise worked, Lev was super happy, and you had mostly forgotten all about the burnt part
-But then Lev saw it and poked it (lEV nO)
-”Oh! Sorry about that. Geez, I’m a total mess. At this point, it might even be better if I just die or something...”
-Lev is literally giving you the surprised Pikachu face
-”Is-is she okay?! Why does she want to die? Is it because of me? The burnt part? Oh no, it’s totally my fault. I made her notice it again! Ahhhh, I have to cheer her up somehow!”- Lev, internally
-”Hey, don’t say that! At least you’re not as clumsy as me! Kuroo made me run an extra 4 laps around the gym because I drank from the wrong water bottle!”
-You giggle a bit, and he continues
-He tells you a bunch of stories from when Kuroo and Yaku got mad at him
-And once you’ve forgotten about the whole burnt food thing
-”Hey, don’t make jokes like that, okay? They make everyone sad.”
-He’s giving you puppy eyes, and you smile and pull him into a hug
-Tall boi doesn’t let go of you for the rest of the day or night
-Bonus: He’s still clinging to you at school the next day, and Yaku throws his bag at him
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silverkoushi · 4 years
haikyuu!! headcanons
⇢ scenario: how you’d spend the holidays with them!! pt.2 | read pt. 1 here! ⇢ feat. : tsukki (karasuno), bokuto (fukurodani) & kuroo (nekoma) x gn!reader ⇢  wc & warnings:  3.3k, slightly suggestive for kuroo
ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ not @ me having the phattest crush on kuroo as you can probably tell here... dear god that man is something edit: omo for some reason the paragraphs got messed up n i just checked it after hours of posting... i fixed it now so hopefully it makes more sense ahh my apologies!! ><
tsukishima kei
୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮  idk about you but i think tsukki secretly enjoys the holidays? like he’d think the music is overbearing, the movies are disgustingly cliche, and the amount of people gathering in places is one of his worst nightmares— those aren’t the things that he looks forward to. i think tsukki loves winter, maybe because i see him as a softie who collects sweaters, hoodies, and sweatpants that keep him comfy and cozy during cold nights and chilly mornings! WITH THAT BEING SAID, tsukki dies inside when he sees you wearing any of those following outfits of his. he might get annoyed at first that you don’t ask because he was planning on wearing them that day, but when you show up at his dorm clad in his night blue sweater with a little moon stitched on the side, there are no words coming out of his mouth. he will try to look menacing, eyes in a deadpan expression but you know he’s lying, and just stare at him with a doe-like face and put his hands in yours, swinging it back and forth as you drag him out of his room and into the snowy field. you don’t even think twice about getting matching sweaters because the boy will hate you for the rest of his life, but at least you got him to wear a reindeer headband for 2 seconds in the photobooth!! most of the time, you basically just bring him to anywhere you want to go. you guys look at the humongous christmas tree they placed in the center of the plaza, and you ask someone walking by if you can get a picture of the two of you in front of him. this way, tsukki can’t complain and will be semi-forced to pose with you hehe. you thought he’d just be standing there, arms to his side with a nonchalant expression but you actually feel him put his arm around your waist and lean his head down on top of yours. 
you can’t help the cheeky smile show on your face as you tiptoe just enough to reach his cheek, and once the guy said, “ok one more!” you steal a kiss on the side of tsukki’s small smile. “hey, what was—” “thanks, mister!! happy holidays!!” you avoid his stare, and get your phone back from the guy as you scroll through the pics he took (thank god only a few were blurry). tsukki keeps glaring at you, and you understand he’s not big into pda but uh, he started it with holding you close to him like that >:( “what?? you look so cute here, though!!” you whine to him, hoping he doesn’t ask that you delete it :( tsukki gives it a once over, a warm feeling creeping on his cheeks as he studies the picture: damn, is he whipped for you. he dismisses the overreaction on his part (for once), and takes your hand in his once more, asking where it is you wanted to go next. you’re surprised he left it like that, but you’re taking advantage of this situation and drag him to more festive stuff around the plaza <3
with your parents spending the holidays abroad and working overtime, tsukki’s mom invited you to their place instead and you’re!! more than happy and oh so grateful!! tsukki doesn’t show it but he’s actually extremely nervous,, what if you don’t like his family?? what if his brother is too annoying for you, what if this isn’t the kind of in-laws you were expecting— wait, he’s thinking too far ahead and you’re looking at him with raised eyebrows. quick! he turns away from your gaze, biting his lip at getting caught with his overthinking. “tsukki, you okay?” you ask gently, looping your arm around his as you guys near his house. “yeah…” he responds lamely, and you’re not sure if he wanted you at his house for the holidays or what… but you shake the negativity away and tell yourself that this is an opportunity to show your own personality to his family!! you’re greeted by a boisterous even taller guy at the door, and his also really tall mom waving at you from the kitchen, finishing up the grand dinner. “mom and i thought you were just pretending about your relationship, tsukki~” akiteru nudges him, and you chuckle at your boyfriend’s helpless look on his face, as if telling you this is what i dealt with during my childhood. but the holiday celebration with his family went super smooth!! his mom cooked amazing homemade dishes, and tsukki was actually smiling and laughing along the poor jokes akiteru made, it was so endearing to watch. you asked to help with the clean up as tsukki and his brother play volleyball outside in the cold. 
“i’m so glad he has you,” his mom comforts you, and you nod your head in thanks while you wipe the plates clean. “i’ve never seen him so… cheerful like this, you know?” what a heartwarming thing to say :(( and yet you thought he was just finally letting loose because he’s at home!! his mom turns in early that eve of christmas, and his brother goes out to have a nightly beer sesh with his hometown friends before christmas morning tomorrow. you and tsukki are left alone in his room as you marvel at the many dinosaur related merch, posters, and even stuffies he has in his childhood room!! “don’t say it,” he threatens you lightly, even though you’ve been well-aware of his fascination for the species. a little tired from the trip earlier and ngl you’re both full from the food, you lay down on the floor, pillows supporting your sleepy heads as tsukki shares the other side of his earphones. you listen to calming, lofi music for the night and at some point, he finds your fingers in his again. “thank you for having me, tsukki,” you whisper with a yawn, remembering the night days ago where you cried into his shoulder about missing your own family during this season. tsukki doesn’t respond as he hears your light snoring, and instead turns his body towards you as he caresses the side of your face, smiling at the beauty before him. “you’re always welcome here, dummy. you’ll always have me.”
bokuto koutarou
୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮  oof!! so many holiday parties!! gift giving exchanges!! dancing and singing, drinking and having the time of your lives! of course, bokuto asks first and foremost if you’re okay going to all of these celebrations with him as he has gathered a lot of friends from different majors, clubs, and such. you didn’t expect to come with him to all of them, tbh, but since he seems so excited to bring you along you found yourself nodding along! OOPS, what a wild ride it was to meet friends you didn’t even know he had. first, bokuto asked you to help him find some gifts for the exchange parties and you comply— you love thinking up presents for diff kinds of people! “would akaashi want this?” he points at a set of compression socks for sports “you’d want that more, bo” “oh oh!! how about this for kuroo?!” he leads you to the beauty section, hairspray littering the aisle “i think that’s more of an insult than a gift…” he’ll pout at his failure to think of the best gifts for his friends, but you cling to him with your linked arms and tell him not to worry— you kinda figured the kind of people his best friends are, so you suggest things off the bat: film roll for akaashi the photography minor, a mug with a pun-ny chem joke for kuroo, and a new case for kenma’s switch lite!! “wah! you know them better than i do,” he exclaims, eyes shining in excitement as you bring the gifts and other extra stuff to his apartment to help him wrap them. with this, bokuto came up with an idea to wrap the presents in the most creative way possible, and you just stare at him in awe as he tries to disguise the mug as.. a gingerbread man?? you don’t even know how he did it! as you tape up the finishing touches with the others, you eye a small gift wrapped box on the island counter along with a card next to it, all glittery and a name scribbled on top that you can’t make out where you were seated. 
“hey, bo, who’s that for?” you point at the suspecting box, and almost immediately bokuto body slams you on the ground, obstructing your view of the gift. “bokuto i can’t breathe—” you wheeze, laughing at the way he scrambles to get up from the position but his feet slips against the unused wrapping paper on the floor. “sorry, sorry i just— STOP LOOKING” he pleads, caging you with his arms either side your figure. the both of you pause, realizing the predicament you’re in until bokuto unleashes a sly smirk, eyes pointed at you with a mischievous glint. you know that look, so you start wiggling out of his way until he plops down on you again (mind you, he’s MANY inches taller than you and his built...whew, but that’s part of the problem right now!!) and blows raspberries on your neck, the audacity!! “tell me,” he whispers against your ear after a while, voice suddenly low in tone and your senses perk up. “have you been naughty or nice recently?” he continues hoarsely, and it doesn’t take long until you burst out laughing at his attempt of being flirty right now. he finally releases you, feigns hurt from your reaction but he knows what a goofball he is.
anyway, you put all the gifts in the car and head to the many parties he was invited to!! and honestly, you enjoyed yourself albeit it got really tiring to show up with much enthusiasm compared to the last. but bokuto on the other hand never runs out of energy for some reason!! he’s still winning the games, singing his heart out with his friends, and trying all the foods in the potluck, even shamelessly!! feeding you too! it’s embarrassing >< but in a way your heart swells with the thought of bokuto being very openly proud of his relationship with you, and how his friends seem to like you as well! pictures were taken, holiday spirits and gifts were exchanged and finally, he’s free for the night <3 you’ve been waiting for the right moment to give him your personal gift to your boyf (it’s an edited picture of the two of you at one of his winning games!! you can’t draw for sht but you are the best at adding lil stickers and cute petnames all around the photo hehe) you had it inserted in a picture frame too so the gift was relatively medium sized and rectangular. when you crash at his place, you ready yourself to give it to him, having second thoughts with how corny it must seem like… as you psych yourself up on the couch, you feel his arms suddenly wrap themselves around you as he starts peppering your neck with lazy kisses. your chest tightens, eyes closed at the warmth of his lips on your skin but— you can’t get distracted!! “bo, i have something for you—” “i saved the best gift for last—” o, you say it at the same time and so you look at each other with blank stares, and then laugh at your awkwardness!! 
he lets you go first, your nerves slowly dissipating at the excited gleam in his irises, he’s so cute!! as he unwraps it, he hitches a breath, looks at you then the picture and you again and— let’s say your face was just full on bokuto territory only ;-) as much as you were enjoying his attention all on you, his gift wasn’t opened yet!! bokuto went from confident to shy mode again, hiding his face with only one eye peeking out to watch you…. for some reason, since it was a tiny box you blurted out, “don’t tell me it’s a ring, bo.” as a joke but bokuto suddenly freezes at your words. and you had to stop unboxing to make sure he doesn’t go all pale on you, but also??? was he really???? GOING TO???-- “DID YOU WANT ME TO GET YOU A RING?? I CAN RETURN THE EARRINGS TODAY, I THINK I STILL HAVE THE RECEIPT—” “bo, it’s okay!!! omg no T_T” you take his hands off his face to look at him lovingly, a kiss on his pouty lips as you reassure him his presence is all that you can ever want, but whatever it was he gave you, you’ll cherish just the same!! so finally, once you take the lid off the box you see an adorable pair of owl earrings!! it’s so cute and it reminds you of him and thats probably why he got that for you :’)))) “i also wrote you a letter but please read it when i’m asleep or something…” aww shy bokuto!! >< you never thought you’d see the day :’)
kuroo tetsurou
୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮  man.. i just know this guy wouldn’t want to let leave… the bed… with him… on christmas day. imagine something like having to stay until he can for his duties at work which ended up til late christmas eve :( you were looking forward to spending time with him back at his hometown since you don’t necessarily celebrate the specific holiday, but being with tetsurou for almost a year now and knowing he does— you wanted it to be special and memorable for him! he felt really bad making you stay at his apartment until he finishes up work, really zooming through all the documents and stuff he needed to complete just so he can spend at least a few hours of christmas eve with you. when he got home, his heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of you falling asleep on the couch, right next to the lit up christmas tree you two decorated a week ago (thats how busy he has been! you opted to fix the tree yourself, but tetsu insisted on doing it together since it’s your first holiday with him!). your favorite blanket was wrapped around you but your feet were dangling midway with no socks on and he just >:( had to carry you to bed and tuck you in— all of you!! 
he changes to a sweater and pjs before readying himself to carry you against his chest. his own body is exhausted from working non-stop, but he doesn’t let it get to him as he passes by the hallway and plops you gently on your side of the bed. you stir groggily, eyes refusing to open but you notice your surroundings are different. the room is dimly lit but the figure walking around the place isn’t amiss; with his hair sticking up and his wide shoulders, you know it’s your tired boyfriend finally home for the holidays. you smile, still sleep-induced but you try to reach over for him. “tetsu… come to bed, please,” you mumble but he hears you, and his back is against you but he smiles at your half-awake tone. “i’ll be right there,” he lets you know softly, and true to his word you feel the dip in the mattress with his warmth slowly exuding onto your own body, his hands easily finding themselves over you. you wiggle into his grasp, head against his chest and hands holding onto his waist. he feels warm, he feels like home, and you press a kiss where his neck meets his collarbones. “mm, merry christm…” you mutter, losing consciousness but he doesn’t mind. he lets you snore your way into dreamland, watching your eyelashes tickle the surface of your skin, lips partly open as you breathe in and out. suddenly, his tense muscles relax with your presence oh so close to you, and he sleeps soundly after a few minutes of admiring your face.
as the sunlight filters thru the windows, kuroo wakes up first but knowing it’s his day off (finally), he relaxes into the bed and just observes the tiny details of your face, same as the night before but with some of the brightly shining rays of the sun hitting the right spots— you’re breathtaking to him. he feels you stir in his embrace so he pretends to snore because he knows you like to get up as soon as you feel awake. “tetsu…” you mumble, popping out your head from his grasp to peer your eyes at him pretending to not hear you. “you’re a lousy liar, i know you’re up,” you tell him, rubbing your nose against him as a form of an eskimo kiss. it takes so much out of his restraint to bite his lip in pure love for you, so he gives in and kisses you on the lips. 
you are taken aback for a split second until you comply to his request, and you spend your first christmas morning with him in bed just like that <3 he still asks if you guys can spend the whole day just tangled into each other’s embrace but you lecture him playfully, knowing that he had a christmas party to attend to in the afternoon with his closest friends (bokuto, akaashi, kenma, and others) and you have a lovely dinner planned in the evening. he wiggles his eyebrows, fingertips tracing the exposed skin on your chest, “what if we skip all of that and i just have you for dinner instead?” “KUROO TETSUROU IT IS TOO EARLY FOR YOU TO SAY THAT RIGHT NOW—” you swear to god, it is his teasing and malicious intent that will kill you one day. but the blush on your face doesn’t go unnoticed, and yet kuroo complies with your light nagging, getting up and getting ready for the day. you’re happy that he finally has the day off, and being with his friends during the party truly lightened up his mood. afterwards, he then asks where you got a reservation during the busiest time of the year, and you just winked at him and zipped your mouth. 
since you ate a bit at the party, you knew you had some time to finish prepping the food you had prepared the night before, it all just needed to bake or be cooked on the pan. and bec of his exhaustion last night, he didn’t even open the fridge at all so there were zero suspicious at your surprise dinner. urging him to take a long, hot bath, he drags you with him. “you seriously want me to take a bath by myself?” he says in shock horror, and normally you would join him hah but you tell him that your parents are calling, just wanting to say hello. a little sad, kuroo nods in understanding and so he goes about his way while you cook the food with haste. he likes to take his time in there but you know you won’t finish beforehand, so once he’s out of the bathroom, you immediately go right in front of him to hide the view of the kitchen. you played yourself, seeing kuroo only in his bathrobe with his chest exposed, you slap him right at the center to ignore the sensation in the pit of your stomach. “what?? what’d i do???” “existing right in front of me like that!!” kuroo laughs at your embarrassment, but kisses you on the forehead nonetheless. he ignores the obvious smell of pasta and chicken in the apartment, ignores the messy apron you forgot to take off because he thinks you really wanted to surprise him. so he goes to the room to change, thinking about how lucky he is to have you in his life. the rest of the night ends up with the both of you having a romantic dinner in the dining room, talking about everything you already know about each other—but it never feels repetitive. he always feels so renewed with you, falling in love every day. 
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