#kinda funny cause i own a lot of red + purple things but neither are my fave color💀
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xxplastic-cubexx ¡ 4 months ago
white uniform erik or magenta/red (aka original colors) uniform erik?
The classic called The Classic for a reason .. ima big lover of the red + purple ….
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shinelikethunder ¡ 5 years ago
Rewatching Hannibal 1x07 Sorbet, and noticing how much of it is about what happens when you don’t become the mask you wear for the rest of the world. What happens to the part of you that’s stubbornly distinct from your façade, when it’s been trapped behind it for so long that even you aren’t sure what it might look like when viewed (...seen). The fear that it’s malformed and pitiable, followed by the slim, terrifying hope that the person who glimpses it might care more about it than about your meticulously-ornamented shell. (Which, among other things, hoo boy if that ain’t a Big Queer Mood... fitting, really, that this is the episode with a gratifying little revenge fantasy about medical homophobia, serophobia, and hostile assumptions about what “ugly little secret” you must be hiding.)
And in that context, one of the Thomas Harris quotes remixed into this episode makes a lot more sense to me than it did on previous viewings: “I see [the Ripper] as one of those pitiful things sometimes born in hospitals [...] They let it die. But he doesn’t die. He looks normal. Nobody can tell what he is.” It’s a demonstration of the thing Hannibal finds most terrifying and alluring about Will: he keeps seeing through all the personae and person suits. At this point it’s through a glass darkly, but still with shocking clarity, considering he doesn’t even know what--who--he’s seeing. Hannibal spends the episode coming up with new misdirections on the spot to test him: the “Chesapeake Ripper or organ harvesters?” red herring, the little game of “two lies and a truth” with the Ripper photos in Quantico. And every time, Will demolishes the misdirections and acknowledges the tiny scraps of truth, almost effortlessly, without even realizing what he’s doing. The episode ends with Will skipping out on the Extremely Person Suit dinner party to go examine its ugly underbelly: the Ripper cases that put the food on the table. Of course Hannibal is secretly delighted at the snub.
It’s the prospect of being seen that forces Hannibal to reckon with what the thing under his many masks might look like. The thing that so stubbornly refuses to die, even when starved of connection or recognition. And the unpleasant truth is that that thing looks a lot more like Franklyn than he’d ever want to admit.
Franklyn is so cringe-inducing to watch as a character--and no doubt even more unpleasant to interact with--that, as with Freddie Lounds, the audience kinda has to wonder why Hannibal hasn’t killed him already. I suspect the answer is that he has a weird soft spot for Franklyn as a form of painful self-recognition. Trying to help Mr. Secondhand Embarrassment Personified is like watching a well-hidden, well-guarded part of himself walk around naked, no manners or charm or cultivation, none of the protections that make his person suit so well-tailored. The part that craves connection but has no idea how to go about it, the part that’s fascinated with (curious about) other people but avoids looking at the stunted void it fears is where its sense of self should be. Or, to get all purple about it: Franklyn is a man who flinches at the threshold of his innermost self, but shorn of all the exquisite mental architecture Hannibal's built himself to live in, reduced to begging anyone nearby for shelter.
Even in the next episode, Hannibal goes out of his way to encourage Tobias not to murder Franklyn, which is about as much mercy as he ever shows to people he has personal affection for but wouldn’t hesitate to kill for pragmatic reasons. Of course, because he’s Hannibal, he ends up murdering the poor bastard himself with no hesitation or remorse--but it’s not because of some line of unbearableness that Franklyn finally crossed. It’s because his desire to spite Tobias was stronger than any hope of sparing Franklyn, who by that point had probably seen too much anyway. In his next session with Bedelia he tells her one of his little sideways truths--yes, it’s funny on its face to see him go “I feel responsible for what happened to him” about the man whose neck he snapped with his own hands, but I do think he feels regret if not remorse, for not managing to engineer a situation that kept his cringey shadow self out of the line of fire.
(Side note: I suspect the reason Freddie Lounds didn’t get eaten in the very second episode is that she was the only other person to see through Will’s protective suit of “socially inept smol bean who is very distressed by the insights he gets from his Unspecified Problems Disorder.” Sure, she’s an absolute bitch about it, but she’s an absolute bitch who can pull off outfits even more outrageous than Hannibal’s--she appeals to his sense of fun. As soon as he realized she’d clocked Will as absolutely fucking seething with all kinds of dark potential 24/7, he decided her rudeness and vulgarity were far outweighed by the entertainment value of having her around to cause problems on purpose.)
(Side note #2: All of this neglects the main casefic plot, which does connect to the same themes, but somewhat less directly. The other person going around without a mask in 1x07 is Devon Silvestri, who’s also kind of an inept schlub when viewed for what he really is. He didn’t arrange that crime scene to look like a Ripper murder, he just panicked and GTFO’d--all the conflation comes from Jack Crawford’s desire to find the Ripper and from Hannibal seizing on it as an opportunity for misdirection. It does lead to some fun playing with “are the mutilations for Art (artifice, performance) or for more prosaic uses of the organs?” when the answer, of course, is that the difference between the Ripper murders and the botched organ theft is “why not both?” Silvestri’s one real deception is to pass himself off as an emergency first responder (his day job) while he’s working his less altruistic sideline, and we also get some fun triangulation when Hannibal has to take on that role for real. Will sees him, gets his first good look at Hannibal’s mastery of this skillset that he once cultivated as part of his person suit, but also sees him looking absolutely in his element as he uses his power over life and death to preserve life. He sees it even more clearly against the backdrop of Silvestri’s dubious competence and furtive discomfort with what he’s doing. In his conscious mind he accepts the best possible interpretation of that glimpse, even as he feels a bunch of less-conscious connections snap into place at the sight--ones he isn’t ready to face yet, but boy is he having Big Feelings about it. Some of which may or may not be diverting blood from his brain, and/or setting him up for uncomfortable wet dreams about Hannibal’s hands in his viscera, but thaaat’s probably a topic for another post.)
Anyway. Sorbet as an episode is about the exact opposite of “fake it ‘til you make it”--it’s about the self that doesn’t become what it performs, the wonder of having someone glimpse it no matter how well-hidden it is, and, crucially, the terror of finally examining what someone else may have glimpsed and finding it stunted, ugly, even pitiable in its isolation. Neither the â€œthing that doesn’t die” quote nor any of the stuff with Franklyn makes sense, IMO, without the realization that Franklyn is an uncomfortable mirror of what’s under Hannibal’s human veil--and that Hannibal is equal parts intrigued and freaked the fuck out that Will keeps catching glimpses of him through the veil.
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collecting-stories ¡ 5 years ago
Edible - Connor Murphy
A/N: Mentions of weed use and psychiatric hospitals. 
If you listed out all the weird places that you could possibly meet a cute guy, the psychiatric hospital’s inpatient ‘boys’ ward would not be one of them. And yet, the kid by the window who was only half pretending to listen to the woman seated across from him was way cuter than you expected anyone in this particular hell-hole to be. He was tall, even sitting down, caved in on himself in some effort to disappear, you could tell he was tall. And thin. Like a vogue model or something. His hair was tied back in a bun and he had on a black hoodie that he kept picking at the sleeves of. He looked bored but maybe it was just medication, and the woman across from him looked seconds away from bursting into tears. You felt like you’d walked into your own ‘It’s Kind of a Funny Story’ except you weren’t a patience. You were just visiting one.  
Louder than he needed to be and talking a mile a minute about a video game you didn’t understand, your brother was seated on the computer chair next to you. He was in the middle of free time when you came to visit and unwilling to lose his time in front of the computer.  â€œAnd then you can run your guy up on the curb like this,” he continued, driving a pixelated jeep through an obstacle course of building.  
“I like the car.” You pointed out. Hospital visits made you antsy but you’d been religious in your scheduled appearances at the hospital. It was coming on October now and you had been here every weekend, Saturday and Sunday, since May.  
“It’s pretty good. Will’s got a camaro on his which is awesome! I wanna get a Tesla.” Ryan continued, pulling up a side panel of cars to show you exactly which one he planned on getting.  
“Dope.” You nodded as if any of the cars meant anything to you. “Hey Ryan, who’s the new kid?” You asked, dropping your voice to a whisper. You had chosen the perfect seat to be both a total creep and an interested older sister.  
Ryan glanced over at the boy in the corner, at the most 7 years his senior, and shrugged, “dunno, we’re not in the same group. Tyler’s the oldest in our group.”  
The groups were broken up into two sessions, from what you understood when the ward doctor had first explained the hospital to your mom. Eight to thirteens and then fourteen to seventeens. New boy had to be your age.  
You kept watching as the woman finally said goodbye, attempting a hug that he didn’t return and then hurrying out of the double doors. She was here less than you thought she’d be, less than you. It was just the three of you in the rec room now. There were two on this floor and this one was mainly used for visitation, probably because it was a little nicer.  
“Hey new kid do you wanna play Road Blocs with me?” Ryan called over to him, pointing to the screen of the computer.  
New kid looked over and yeah, he was even cuter when you could see his face unobscured. It sounded weird to say it but he looked something like a sad bunny rabbit, if that was a possible facial trait. The sad at least, was a definite. And tired, judging by the purple beneath his eyes. The cute ones could never just be mentally stable could they?  
He picked himself up off the couch and walked over slowly, moccasins shuffling and you thought they looked out of place on his feet. “What is it?”  
“You drive this car around-�� Ryan went into an explanation of the game while new boy pulled a chair up on the other side. He looked over Ryan’s head at you, eyes meeting. You wondered later, because in the moment you were nothing but dazed and had managed only a small smile before looking away, if he looked at everyone so intensely. Like he was digging through their entire being to figure them out in one glance.  
“Sounds fun.” You weren’t sure if he was humouring your brother or actually interested in the game but either way he took the mouse from Ryan and began driving the car around the lot.  
You looked over toward the window to find Connor there. He gave a slight wave and then signalled for you to come over toward him.  
“Hey, how’s it going?” you asked, looking back toward the double doors your brother would be coming through soon.  
“Alright, didn’t think I’d see you.” He replied, looking back down to his chipped black nails.  
“I can’t come on Saturday because I have a college interview so I figured I’d stop by tonight,” you replied, sitting down on the chair beside him.  
It would be March soon and you had been coming every weekend just like you always did. Only, things had changed quite a lot since October. It wasn’t just Ryan that you visited anymore but Connor too. He hung around the visiting room on the weekends while you were there with your brother and he even made sure to look out for the younger boy during the week. Mostly though, he used his phone and computer privileges to contact you.  
The two of you would talk about nonsensical stuff, like music you liked or movies you wanted to go see or plans you had for the summer. He talked you through homework when you were stressed and he was allowed his hour on the phone. Connor had become someone who was a friend but who was also a little more than just a friend. You didn’t drop everything to spend an hour on the phone with just a friend. Or log on to your computer to email with him the second your phone alerted you to the first message in your inbox. Connor was not just a friend but neither of you had broached the ‘more than friends’ discussion yet.
“Excited?” He asked, twisting to see you better.
“Hardly, I just keep imagining myself screwing it up completely.”
“You won’t.”
“You don’t know that.” You replied.
Connor reached over, taking your hand in his and surprising you enough that you could practically hear your heart hammering in your chest. Could he tell?
“You’re way too smart to fuck it up, trust me, you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks...but are you sure your mom hasn’t been sneaking you weed?”
“I wish.” He laughed.  
The double doors swung open and Ryan came bursting through, looking happy as ever and holding an envelope in his hands. When he saw you he made a beeline for your chair, throwing himself onto your lap and hugging you. Connor let go of your hand and shifted away in his chair.  
When he had calmed down enough to stand up you decided it was safe to speak, “Hey, how’s it going?”  
“Good! I got stickers from Will, do you want one?” He asked, holding the envelope out to you. All the stickers inside were red rectangles with white writing, SUPREME printed on them. When you had plucked one out he passed the envelope along to Connor.  
“Are they all the same?” Connor asked, fishing out three. He unpeeled one and stuck it to the front of his grey t-shirt.  
“Yeah, I don’t know where Will got ‘em but he gave me the whole envelope.” Ryan replied, “I told him they’d be evenly distributed.”
“Well thank you, I appreciate the distribution.”
“Do you guys wanna play roadblocks?” Your little brother was already making his way over to the computer when he asked, still hooked on that game even after all these months. It was structured enough that he didn’t get bored and chaotic enough that he could follow along without being confused.
“Still with this game?” You asked, grabbing a folding chair to sit next to him.  
Connor followed behind you, sitting on the other side of your brother like always. Weekends had become almost predictable. You would meet both Ryan and Connor for computer games. Halfway through Connor would break so that he could visit his mother, who still religiously came in, just like you, and then he’d rejoin the small group. You were certain the first time he joined you was some bizarre fluke but he continued to go along with whatever game Ryan was hooked on.  
The gymnasium was filled with families, a buzz of indistinct conversation floated through the air as Connor made his way down the side aisle to where he saw Ryan standing, spinning one of those fidget toys that had been so popular a year ago. When Ryan saw Connor he waved, an excited smile on his face.
“Hey!” Ryan gave Connor a hug, causing the older boy to tense up from the sudden contact. When he pulled away he held the fidget spinner up for Connor to see, “I just got it, it glows in the dark.”
“Oh yeah?” Connor took the spinner, cupping his hands so that it was covered and peering through. “Damn, it does.”  
“Told you!”  
It was graduation day at your high school and you’d bought an extra ticket for Connor. Since his discharge from the hospital he’d spent most of his free time at your house. With his phone returned he was able to text you whenever he wanted and he did, often, but neither of you had progressed passed the ‘just friends’ status. Cute boys who were emotionally oblivious were probably your type though, so it wasn’t surprising.  
Once the actual graduation started and the gymnasium became quiet, except for the person speaking on the stage, Ryan started to get antsy. Connor felt a nudge to his side fifteen minutes into the principal’s opening speech. When he looked over Ryan was shifting positions on his seat. Your mom looked over at the same time, leaning in and whispering for Ryan to behave and sit still.
“Sorry, I’m warm.” He said, shifting once more.
“We can go outside?” Connor asked, looking to the side door. It was warm, with everyone in there. He wouldn’t hate stepping out. “I don’t mind.”
Outside was where you found Ryan and Connor, post-graduation, sitting on curb. Or at least Connor was, Ryan was racing back and forth asking Connor to time him to see how fast he was. When he saw you exit the gymnasium he veered off his path, running over to give you a hug.  
“Sorry,” Connor piped up, “we kinda missed the whole thing.”
You shrugged, “hey Ryan, mom’s wants you inside.”  
“Alright.” He released you, hurrying over to the doors and heading back inside while you walked over to Connor.  
“Thanks for coming out here with him, he can’t really do sitting down.”
“Oh trust me, I know.” Connor replied, standing up and brushing off his jeans. He appraised your graduation gown and the nice outfit you wore underneath briefly, “you got pockets?”
“I got you a present.”
“Mmhmm.” You hummed and nodded. Connor pulled a plastic ziplock out of his sweatshirt pocket with what appeared to be an oversized rice crispy treat inside. You took it skeptically, unzipping the bag and taking a whiff before laughing out loud. “Did you just hand me an edible on school grounds?”
“Not like you can get detention.”  
“Oh my god, I thought your mom told you to stop smoking.”
“Well I’m not really smoking am I,” he shrugged, grinning, “by the way, only a little at a time, it’s pretty strong.”
“How much have you had?”
“Are you suggesting I gave you my leftovers?”  
“I’m suggesting you like to dip.” You replied, breaking off a tiny piece and eating it before stuffing the bag into your pocket.  
“I haven’t had any...from that bag at least.”  
You shook your head at him in mock exasperation. You didn’t mind the weed habit, if it made Connor feel better you weren’t going to argue with that. He was balancing it out with CBD oil (a cheaper alternative, you had pointed out, in case he wanted to save his money for something else) which helped Cynthia feel less like her kid was a drug addict. Even your brother took CBD gummies to help his moods.
“Anything else?” you asked. Connor had told you that he had something important to talk to you about today and you were sure that it wasn’t the edible. Or you hoped at least.  
“Anything else?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow and looking at you as if he was trying to figure out what you were getting at.  
Maybe the edible really was it.
“Anything else you needed to tell me? You texted me this morning and said-”
“I know.”
“So?” You hated when he did this. Played dumb and made you drag out the entire thing.
“Connor! What is it?”
“What’s what?”
“I swear to god Connor...what’s the important thing?”
“Oh yeah, that,” he smiled when you groaned at him in annoyance, “go on a date with me?”
You rolled your eyes, smacking his arm gently, “stop repeating everything I say...and, okay. Okay, yes I’ll go out with you.”
“Thank god, otherwise I was gonna take the edible back.”
“What?” You laughed, “that is not contingent upon us dating! It’s a graduation gift.”
“Me taking you on the date is the graduation gift.” He replied, reaching into your pocket and taking the ziplock back so he could break off a piece of rice crispy.  
“What about...other dates, after that date?”
“Oh, you’re paying for those.”
My younger brother’s mom put him in a psychiatric hospital for half of the year and he just got out at the end of December, right before Christmas so...kinda based the younger brother in this on him. 
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tiny-pun ¡ 5 years ago
Have you considered a bit of prompt where the both hero and villian are taking a break because how bloody they are and they start verbally fighting and hero says somthing along the line of"I have to be good, I have to be the hero" and villian retorts with among the lines of "Your no hero" Thanks my dude, also honored to be your first prompt giver.I always love to see your writing pop up.
Hey! Thank you honestly so much! I know this sounds kinda cheesy but I'm honestly so happy about your feedback!
And thank you for the prompt! I believe you meant it in a more funny, sarcastic kind of way but I just wrote what came into my mind and it went a different route. Sorry.
But I'm gonna come back to this prompt when I'm in a more fitting mood! Anyway I hope you like this!
The sounds of their swords and their continuously shorter breaths was the only think the hero could hear. With every clash, it was if their energy was dragged out of their own body, fighting a war with their body itself, to stay for just a little while longer. But the fight has been going on for too long and the tremble of their body was bordering on violent. The hero barley escaped the villians sword, pressing their own sword just enough against the others, just enough to not be sliced in two.
Now there was only the panting for air to be heard. The hero vaguely registered that the villian was in just as bad of a shape now, as they were. That neither of them had the power for another collision of swords. That their only chance was to push harder, to make the other surrender by being the last one to stand, even if that meant standing there, trembling, bleeding and out of energy. But before the hero had time to process, let alone act on them, they buckled. It wasnt clear who lost their balance first and it didnt really matter now did it? .
With barley a sound, their swords started gliding down on one another, and with them their wielders.
Tho everything seemed to suddenly slow down, the ground coming closer and closer, the hero was unable to react properly. Shortly before they collided with a ground, they held up their arms a little, knowing full well how much that will hurt. But better than their head.
The hero tried to focus on their breath, taking air in, longer and deeper with every breath. Their head was buzzing and the ringing in their ears filled up any other senses. It was as if their body existed only to the end of their lungs, pounding against their ribcage, taking away their senses. Curling their hands into fists, the hero tried to get a grasp of their body again. Trying to remember how to feel it and even more so: how move it. With a couple more longer and deeper breaths, the hero tried to sit up. It took longer than they wanted but when they finally sat, clutching their chest, hoping it would ease the burn in their lungs, they could finally think clearly again. They pressed their eyes closed, trying to focus a bit more for a second and then tried to keep moving.
This time it was easier. Somewhat at least. They tried not to stare at the villian or to think of their obviously failed mission. But it seemed like they were cursed with exactly that. The villian looked just as defeated in all the wrong ways, they felt themselves. Down on the ground, bleeding and panting, with an expression screaming, they weren't done yet. The villian rolled onto their back, closing their eyes. The hero tried not to think of the amount of pain the villian must be in. And how all of this was their fault.
'It doesn't matter.' The hero tried to tell themselve. ' they're a villian. They deserved this. If they just would've listened, if they would've tried to do better, to BE better, this wouldn't have happend'. More convincing. But it only working barley. 'Just cause they did a few things wrong, doesn't mean, they deserve THIS', another part of them argued.
The hero collapsed onto the wall the villian had already pulled themselves up against. They sighed.
"This isn't over. Just so were clear." The hero finally croaked out. " This isn't over." The hero could feel the villians gaze boring into them. "Why ?" The villians voice quivered but the hero couldn't really judge them. After all, they weren't in a much better shape either. They tried to gather themselves enough to answer. "What do you mean 'why'? " "Why do you always have to keep fighting? Why are you doing this?" The villian sounded desperate now, fear and confusion laceing their voice equally.
The hero still didnt dare to look at the villian. To scared what they'd see. Too scared to wonder about, who would heal the villians wounds, who would embrace the villian and comfort them, when they got home. Too scared to remember they weren't supposed to think about these kind of things.
" I have to. I have to do good. To BE good. To be a hero." The lack of firmness surprised them. The flatness of their voice, combined with a lulled voice sounded unconvincing. Even to themselves.
"You're no hero"
The hero hadn't been prepared for their body flinching this hard. All of their wounds seemed to close and reopen again, stones settling heavily in their stomach.
The villians whisper cut deeper than their sword could've ever had.
With burnin eyes and trembling lips, the hero finally turned their head, meeting the villians eyes. Keeping their hand, pressed tightly to their chest again, as if to hold their body together and keeping it from shaking so violently, the hero could barley hear their own words. "What?", they whispered, just as desperately as the villian had earlier. They knew it was a foolish question. One they shouldn't have asked, furthermore shouldn't have even THOUGHT about asking. Since when did a hero need the validation of their villian?
But the hero knew that this wasn't about validation. Or at least it shouldn't be. It should be about moral. About what is right and fair and what is wrong and unfair. 'Everybody knows: the lines between those things are blurred. Sometimes what is right isn't fair and what's fair isn't right.', the voice in their head was taunting them. 'Maybe it wasnt really taunting, maybe it was begging?', the hero contemplated.
"You're no hero. I know you think you a-." The villian coughed and then pulled themself up, to sit a little more comfortable. It didn't look more comfortable. ' But how could it, when-' "I know you think you are a hero but you're not.", the villian interrupted their thoughts.
"Look at the mess you've made of the city. How many buildings crashed and burned because of you. How many people were in it, you couldn't save. That I couldn't save. And look at me! Look at yourself! How long are you gonna fight for them? For what they represent? Its obvious, that you dont believe in them. That you're just doing you're task, like you're a robot. Making excuses after excuses, that you're doing the right thing, never looking back at the chaos you create just to point fingers at everyone else. So tell me: Why? Why are you fighting a fight that you dont believe in? What do they have on you? Just: Why?"
The hero hadn't noticed how close the villian had come. How they were now basically leaning into one another. Their opponents eyes were filled with tears and desperation, their hands twisting the heros shirt.
'They dont have anything on me.', Is what they don't say. 'I'm helping them because I want to. Cause I belie-'
Memories of their time with the Organisation, of their training, of their fights filled the heros mind. The time they were recruited, how happy they were to be part of something, something big. The first time they managed to be top of their class and how since then, that hadn't changed a day. All the times they ditched a party or meeting or hang out in favour of going up against the villian. All the times they've been told about the evil nature of the villian. All the times they berated themselves for doubting the Organisation. All the times they wondered 'what was even the point in fighting this fight, if the ones, who seemed to truly believe in the fight, wouldn't dare to fight it themselves. Who would rather sit behind a monitor and lecture them on all the ways they fucked it up this time.
"Say something. " The villians desperate cries pushed them back into reality, into the present. "Dammit. Just say something. Why aren't you sayi-" The hero caught the villians hand, that had reached out to take a swing, which wouldn't have done any damaged anyway.
"I'm sorry." The hero finally croaked out. "I am so sorry." The hero finally took in all the damage they had done to the villian not only half an hour ago. Examining the villians torn clothes revealing, purple bruises and red, angry cuts. Examining the broken gear, hanging off of their belt and the bloodied ground. Examining the beheaded statue nearby and cuts in the ground and walls, marking the frequently rising violence of their fight.
Finally the heroes gaze dropped back onto the villian. At their messed up hair and busted lip, just to follow the path of a long gone tear back into the villians eyes. "I am so sorry.", the hero repeated. This time their voice didnt crack. Instead there was the firmness and passion, they had missed before. The villian held their gaze for few calculating seconds, nodded and leaned into the hero. The hero laid a protective arm around them, pulling them even closer, ignoring the pain it caused.
The hero knew they had a lot to make up for. A lot of things to take a responsibility for. Afterall the fight wasn't over yet. But it was between the two. Them against the Organisation. And at the next fight, the hero had a hunch, they will actually believe they are a hero. And more importantly: they will belive in the fight itself. Cause what is a hero worth, what's a fighter worth, who doesnt believe in the war they're fighting?
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thorne93 ¡ 5 years ago
Unforeseen Chasm (Part26)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:3140
Warnings: Language
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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The following morning you couldn’t wait to talk to Shannon so you opened up the tablet, clicked the video chat app, and chose your only contact. For some people, one contact might seem lonely, but for you, that one contact was all you needed. 
She accepted the call and her stunning face lit up the window as you pulled your coffee close to your lips. 
“Morning, Y/N,” she greeted, pouring her own coffee, a tired look on her face. 
“Morning, hun.” You waved to her. “Any big plans for the day?” you wondered. 
“Kinda,” she answered after swallowing some coffee. 
You perked an eyebrow up. “Oh? I’m intrigued. What’s on the agenda?”
“Hoping to finish creating that surprise for you two,” she informed. 
You frowned at her, confused. “I thought the tablet was my surprise?” 
She smiled widely and giggled. “Nope, that’s for us to chat. But there’s this research I’ve been doing for a few months now but still no result. I feel like I’m missing something.” 
“What research?” you blurted out, not able to resist asking.
“It’s got to do with the genetic mutation in identical twins,” she informed. “Here. If you go to your office, you can project my notes and data from the camera that’s set up there. Just double tap the screen when you get there.”
You nodded and took your coffee and tablet to the office in the adjoining room, while she sent the files down to your cell. 
“Everything is there. I’m just having trouble identifying how it is that one of the two ends up with a mutation while the other doesn’t,” she commented, sounding frustrated. 
“Have you listened to Bach?” you asked, knowing that every time she listened to him, it jogged her mind. 
She stared at you through the tablet and deadpanned, “What do you think?” 
You laughed and held your hands up “Okay, okay. Fraternal or maternal twins? Raised in the same environment? What are Tony’s thoughts? Banner’s? They have a lot of experience with mutation… Did you call Charles?”
“Depends on the case. I have a few sets that are paternal and some there is a turn off, but they have the opposite effect with the mutations from each side. Tony doesn’t know. He is not really aware of what happened. Banner… he can help with just a small amount. The thing with the experience on mutation is that you know Bruce and becoming the Hulk but there’s not much you can get out of it because even his own studies have led to very little.” She began to read in her ledgers. “Speaking of, I’m actually I’m going to contact Charles later today. Hopefully he’s not that busy, and neither is Logan, and they can probably run some tests, figure out some stuff. Probably hit the ring to see what triggers some of my powers.”
Your face fell a little bit, remembering how you used to visit Charles with her. It made you miss him and all of the X-Men… “Oh, are your powers… bad? I mean.. Like, you haven’t consulted Charles in a long time,” you noted. 
She glanced over to the screen, noticing the change in your tone. 
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. It’s not really any of my business if you powers aren’t going quite right,” you stated, laughing somewhat nervously, a pang of guilt hitting your gut. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N. It’s not that they’re bad. It’s just… they’re changing. I used to take people’s powers temporarily, but now, I can store them. And the shapeshifting and the flying. I’m rapidly mutating and I’m not sure what’s causing it…”
You nodded, listening to her, worried for her, and angry that you were locked in a cell with no way to help her. 
“Y/N… do you remember that one kid at the mansion who would feed off people's emotions and it became what he felt?” she asked, looking at you, hoping you remembered. 
Sadly, you didn’t, so you shook your head. “No, who was that?” 
“I can’t remember his name, but he had bumped into me one of those few times I went to train. And it seems I absorbed some of his powers and that what might be messing me up. It used to be very subtle, but now… now I can hardly get through an emotional event without it draining on me. Like when Steve had to carry me out,” she reminded. 
“You think it’s damaging you,” you said, summarizing for her. 
“I think it is,” she agreed. “If it’s emotionally strong, positive or negative, I just… The fight I had with Tony?”
“I was so mad at what he was saying I hadn’t realized my weather powers had triggered and mixed with the laser beams I took from Cyclops and it mixed with your purple energy and things were thrown at Tony when I yelled at him. Thankfully one of his suits was there or I might have hurt him.”
You muttered, “I know what that’s like.” 
Shannon stopped what she was doing and put down her pen, giving you her full attention. “What do you mean you know what it’s like?” A moment later she added, “If you’re comfortable telling me, that is.”
“Ever since Thanos put this--” You showed your purple dark energy and then made it disappear “--inside me, it’s turned me into someone else… I was so angry all the time, at everything. It’s much better now, but I still get so much rage.” You looked up at the camera, facing her. “So I know what it’s like to not quite know what’s happening to your body… To have this… power… but it destroys you.” 
“It does. I’ve noticed I can’t keep up during training with Nat. Both of us being a part of the Red Room, we’ve kept to training like they taught us, but I’m just not as fast as I used to be.” She shrugged and looked a bit sullen. “It’s all still here,” she noted, pointing at her head with her pen. “It’s just that this is giving me trouble.” She closed her eyes, and then opened them, revealing  milky red eyes with purple swirls. 
“I can’t imagine how hard it is for you,” you commented. “To hold all those powers and finding out how to use them and keep them in check.”
“At least it hasn’t taken over… yet,” she remarked, staring down at her hands. 
“It won’t. You’re too strong for that,” you assured. 
Shannon smiled a small bit, glancing up to look at you through the screen, trying to find solace in your words. 
“I was hoping to see if I can get you out of there so that you can come with me to the mansion and we can both figure out what’s going on with our powers?” She sighed and reminded, “Of course, I’ll have to talk to Fury about it.” A groan escaped her just thinking about it, and you smiled slightly, remembering how much she did not like negotiating with the SHIELD director. 
Your face list up a million degrees. “You would really see about that?” 
“Of course. I want us to be able to get the help we need. We shouldn’t have to suffer at the hands of these powers.”
“I’m sort of public enemy number one. Not sure the world is ready for me to be out…” A deep frown followed your statement that didn’t go unnoticed by your friend. 
She lifted an eyebrow. “Well… technically, the world doesn’t know it was you. You know Charles, he’d probably help get you to the mansion without being seen, just to help you.”
A sly smile played on your lips. “Are you suggesting Nightcrawler break me out?” you teased. 
Shannon couldn’t help but start laughing jovially at your comment. “He’d probably have a blast getting out of there! That kid loves scaring Tony.”
You were so overwhelmed with the prospect of getting out, even if it was just for a few hours, that you had almost forgot about your fellow cellmate. Saness colored your face and tone. “I don’t know if I should Leave Loki though… That doesn’t seem… fair that I should get a day pass…” You glanced back toward your bedroom, a guilty look on your face. 
Shannon understood where you were coming from, so she offered, “I mean, it’s only if you want to. Besides, it’s not like we’re going out to shop. It’s to help you progress and reinstate yourself to the world.”
You bit your lip, noticing the wording. Reinstate yourself to the world… Right.. Because you were in prison. 
“Not to make that sound like you’re a felon!” she loudly corrected, turning back to the screen with a look of embarrassment. 
You waved it off. It wasn’t her fault you were in the situation you were in. 
“Let me talk to Loki?” you requested with raised eyebrows. “But I would love to see everyone again, and figure out how to get… this side of me out.” 
“Of course! Take whatever time you need. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to contact Charles, so let me know whenever you’ve made a decision.”
“I will. Thank you, Shannon. In the meantime, do you have anything physics related I can study? I am going bonkers down here…” You paused for a moment, before asking, “Does Tony mind you talking to me? Or sharing data? I mean, he’s still pissed at me… right?” 
This time, it was her turn to wave you off. “Forget Tony, he’s my problem, not yours.” She looked at you and smiled. “I could get you whatever Jane’s left unfinished? There are a few new things she got here.” She pointed to a stack of files on the nearby desk. 
“Please, send me anything, otherwise this gold mine is going to rot,” you joked, pointing to your head. 
“Well we can’t have that now, can we?” She giggled before talking to JARVIS. “JARVIS, send whatever files are in our system from Jane’s recent studies down to Y/N’s office.”
“Right away, Ms. Shannon. Is there anything else?”
“Let me know when Fury will be coming by the Tower or the complex, please?” 
“Yes, Ms. Shannon.”
“The files should be ready for you to look through, now. I’ll make sure any new data gets sent to you too.” Meanwhile, she was nodding her head while looking at the holographic data in front of her, swiping it to and fro. 
“I’ll let you get back to your work,” you offered, trying to hide the sadness in your voice. But her work and research was more important than keeping a prisoner like you company. 
She hummed. “Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry. I just have a deadline for this and--”
“Shan, it’s fine,” you assured genuinely with a soft smile. 
She seemed to be relieved by your words. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later, okay? Don’t forget to talk to Loki and let me know?”
“I’ll let you know by the end of the day.”
“Thanks. Talk to you soon.”
The call ended. 
But no part of you could even be sad, for this had been the best gift you’d gotten in some time. Other than being allowed to share a cell with Loki, this was the next best thing.
Loki was still asleep during your conversation with Shannon, but when he woke up and you made him a nice brunch, you decided to dive right into the touchy subject of you getting a day pass, and not him. 
“Uh, Loki,” you started as he ate his meal. 
“Yes, darling?” he asked, glancing up to you. 
You wrung your hands, knowing how this sounded. That you would be leaving Loki behind, that you were gaining freedom and he wasn’t. That you were not, in fact, equals, as you had said you’d been. As you always tried to prove to him. 
“Shannon.. She has an idea…”
“Is it an idea to break out of this?” he asked, pointing around with his eyes. 
“Well… actually… kind of.” 
He peered at you with a curious frown. 
“I told her about my powers, about how the thing Thanos pout in me is dark and it wears on me…” 
“Well… she’s going to Charles Xavier to get her powers looked at. It seems she has a mutation that’s causing her issues… And she said she might be able to get me a pass to sort of… go with her,” you informed nervously. You were so worried Loki would simply see this as a way of you gaining freedom, while he stayed behind. Or that you were somehow distancing yourself from him. 
“So you would get to leave?” he clarified. 
“Yes. She’s going to talk to Fury, and see if it’s even possible. It’s more like a trip to the doctor. I’ll be going to see if he can do anything about the power not being so…”
Your gaze slid to his as you nodded.
“My love, if you need to go, go. It will be nice for at least one of us to leave this cell, even if it’s just for a day.”
“Really?” you asked, hope swelling inside you.
“Yes, of course. Go, do whatever you need. I’ll be here when you get back,” he said with a sly smile and you couldn’t help but round the kitchen island and hug him tightly. 
As Shannon closed down her work and research for the day, she stepped out of the lab, somewhat exhausted, but simultaneously refreshed. It was amazing how just talking to you had lifted her spirit so much. She had only made it a few steps when Tony came up and greeted her. 
“Hey, babe. Mind walking with me?’ he asked.
“Ugh, Tony, I’m so tired... I think I just want to go sit and read for a little bit,” she said, hoping she wouldn’t offend him. 
“That’s fine, I just thought we could have a quick bite together?” he wondered, his eyebrows perched up,wanting to guilt her in with his innocent, irresistible look. 
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Alright, alright. Yeah, let’s go grab a bite. What did you have in mind?” she asked as he led her down the hall toward the kitchen and dining area. 
As soon as the two of them rounded the corner, she was greeted with the Avengers and some other colleagues from around the tower. The people she’d hidden herself away from for the last several days.
“Surprise!” the group yelled. 
“What’s all this?” she asked, befuddled, a warm grin on her face. 
“We noticed you looked a little down,” Clint noted. 
“And you just got back,” Bruce added. 
“So they thought it would be nice to have a little welcome home dinner. Nothing fancy, just… the tower isn’t the same without you, babe,” Tony said, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have,” she said with a humble, sweet smile. 
“Nonsense!” Steve objected as Tony let go of her and Steve’s arm replaced it. “You deserve it. We all missed you.” 
“Well, thank you, all of you. I missed you too.”
Sometime later that evening, you called Shannon on the video chat. The AI found her closest device and opened up, displaying where she was. 
“Hey, Sha--” Was all you got out before you saw what was going on around her. It appeared to be a small party. Shannon had a drink in her hand, as did all the Avengers and a few other people you didn’t recognize. She was laughing and hitting Nat’s arm, while Tony and Clint were smiling and talking. Bruce seemed to be having a good time with the strangers, talking. 
At first, you were happy, a smile pulling at your lips, but just as you were about to join in, you realized -- you couldn’t. You couldn’t open your mouth and tell a joke, you couldn’t say anything to anyone… Because you were locked away, several floors below them, paying for your crime. Even if you did try to blend in, even if you did try to get anyone’s attention, you would be met with a resounding “fuck off”. Who knew what kind of pandemonium would’ve erupted if they knew you were contacting them. 
With a sad sigh, you swiped over to the texting app and sent Shannon a text, telling her that you were good to go.
You switched back to the video app, where Shannon pulled out her phone, smiled at it, typed a quick response, and pocketed it again. 
“Sounds good. I’ll talk to Fury,” she sent back.
Your face fell and you were about to close the app when you noticed Steve Rogers was looking at you. It seemed he had just glanced up. Your eyes met but you didn’t have it in you to try and smile to be polite. Steve gazed at you, and if you weren’t mistaken, you saw… sympathy in his eyes, in his slight frown. He gave you a tiny nod, and you returned it before your gaze dropped. 
Unable to bear the sadness, and downright pity for yourself, you closed the video app. Steve looked away, feeling sorry for you, but tried to get back to the party. 
Sulking, you closed the tablet and left it on the coffee table to get up and go to bed. 
Loki peered up at you from his magazine, a worried frown etched into his stunning features. “Darling?” 
“Hmm?” you hummed.
“Is everything alright? I thought you were going to call Shannon?” 
You turned slowly to face him. “Uh, I did. She was busy so… I'll catch up with her tomorrow,” you said, hoping to hide your disappointment. 
“Are you sure? You seem upset,” he commented as he stood and came over to you, putting his hands on your arms. 
“I’m fine,” you lied. 
He peered down at you with peculiarity. “If you’re not fine, you know you can tell me. If you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll understand.”
You smiled up at him, loving that you could tell him anything. “Alright, that’s fair. I'm not fine, but I don’t feel like talking about it.” 
He smiled. “There we are.” He kissed your forehead. “I’m here if you need me.”
“I know,” you assured before leaning up to kiss him earnestly, but quickly. “Thank you. I just want to go to bed for now. I’ll let you know if I feel like talking.”
“Goodnight, darling. I’ll be in shortly,” he promised with warmth. He let go of you and you nodded slightly before heading to bed and curling up in your bed. The bed you lived in for the last several months… the bed you would probably live the rest of your life in. 
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
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heirs-of-prythian ¡ 7 years ago
Pretty Colourful!
Hi, guys! I am back with a one-shot! No this has nothing to do with Wanted: Lila, since my brain kinda refuses to let write it down, even if I know how it is going to end. But whatever, I now have for you a fluffy fic about Rhys and Art having some fun with paints together (and Feyre will show up at the end again)!
Word count: 3k
It's midday on a wonderful summer day and three year old Artemas has woken up from his nap not long ago. After being fed some mashed potatoes, baby-carrots, peas and butter cookies for lunch, Art was cleaned up and brought into his room to play by his father.
For a toddler, Art has a really big room. The floor is mostly covered in midnight blue fluffy and soft carpets. One wall is painted completely dark blue and golden and white stars are dotted around in constellations. As well as the phases of the moon, in a circle directly above the bed, which is Art's favorite thing on that wall. Even the falling stars from Starfall are seen in their bright blue glowing glory in the right corner beside the bed. The other wall opposite is painted with mountains in different shades of blue, and the other two do look like forests in dark green, brown and black. The walls were, of course, painted by Feyre herself, when she was pregnant with Art.
The room has two floor-to-ceiling windows, which both lead out to the same big balcony. The glass doors are sealed shut with magic since Art has tried several times to jump down from the balcony. Both Feyre and Rhys don't want their little baby son doing that and getting hurt, not to killed since they highly doubt that a jump like that could kill him, with their baby having strong magic like that, but they aren't taking any chances. Now the blue curtains are open and the room is flooded with warm daylight.
The room has also three doors. The first one is next to the window on the right and leads into the hallway. The former black wooden door is now adorned with various colors in different forms. Some look like moons, stars, suns, shooting stars, flowers, even a hand print here and there, and some basic forms. This door isn't the only door that looks like this in Art's room. The other two painted doors are opposite the first door, but in the far two corners of the room. One leads into the rooms own bathroom and the other into the closet/storage room for Art's toys/Art's "secret" playroom.
Beside the doors, most of the furniture also have been painted on. The room has now a tiny bed, a nightstand, a big armchair, shelves upon shelves filled with various stuffed animals (who are all named, and sorted both alphabetically and from most favorite to least), a tiny desk with bookshelves around it and a massive bookshelf between the windows with a fast growing book collection of storybooks of all shapes and sizes.
Even the walls aren't save from the paint, one corner between window and door is known as Art's little atelier. The whole corner has been used as a canvas from floor to ceiling. A small shelf stores canvases, palettes, various containers of paint, brushes, sponges, colorful pencils, crayons, chalks, pastels, papers, and other art utensils. Art likes to imitate Feyre as much as possible, when it comes to painting and art in general.
Now father and son are sitting in the middle of the room at a colourfully painted tiny table. Which Art has demand like a spoilt little prince to have been brought from his playroom by his father. Art has meanwhile plopped himself onto the carpet and looked over his paints in his corner. When Rhys came back with the table and set it in front of his son, said son has looked up to him, pointed one finger at the corner and simply said "Paints." At which Rhys just had risen an eyebrow and didn't move. Art's brows creased at that, not used not being obeyed, but than his face cleared.
"Thank you, daddy. Can you please get some paints?" Art has said slowly and carefully to pronounce every word correctly. "You're welcome, little moon. Now was that so hard, Artemas?" Rhys smiled at the head shaking Art, and started to move to the "Ala" (Art's little atelier). "And of course, what colours do you want?" "Blue," it came from Art before Rhys even finished the question, "red, yellow, green, white and black."
After Rhys has grabbed the paints and settled beside his son, summing papers and paintbrushes, while opening the containers and scooping the colours on a palette.
Feyre had made sure that the paints are save for Art to eat, since even the Heir of Night is a normal baby and now toddler and puts almost anything in his mouth. So now Art can go wild with it.
Meanwhile Art looks excited at the colours, a big smile attached to his face. Grinning, Rhys ruffles Art's short black hair, looking forward as to what Art will paint.
"Thanks, daddy!" Art grins up to his father, a brush already in hand.
"For you, everything, little moon." Rhys says sincerely and moves his head down until their noses meet. Art's impossibly big grin widens even more. For a few seconds, neither of the two moves, but then Art goes in for the kill, Rhys is only a millisecond to slow.
"First!" Art cheers loudly, after he kissed his father's nose. Both start grinning at each other again and than dissolve into laughter.
Cauldron, he loves his son so much.
After the laughter died down, Art faced his paints and paper and started dipping the paintbrush into blue paint. Now concentrating on painting, Art ignores his father, who has slung an arm around him, and the world around him. He barely registers the kiss on his head by his father. Rhys smiles into his son's hair, as Art barely reacts to him.
Mother, when he is like this, he is so much like Feyre. It's so adorable.
But when Art is like this, there's isn't much to do, since Art will probably not move from his spot for some time. Being content with painting in peace, Art is completely distracted and has no desire to do anything else right now. It's like he is in his own world right now.
So Rhys is just happy with watching Art paint, listening to Art's mumbles, which most of the time make absolutely no sense at all, and looking out of the window at the Sidra. Since interaction with his son when he is in this state is practically nonexistent, Rhys doesn't even try. He also doesn't react when his son paints over the ends of the paper and onto the table. Art does it constantly and the table is full of paint because of that.
It's something Feyre does often as well, painting on something that isn't a canvas or papers, usually walls or furniture. And that shows to Rhys at least that his little moon is more like is mother than him, despite looking like him. And Rhys loves it.
It's been almost half an hour when Art gets bored painting with brushes. So Art puts the still covered in red paint brush down. Then without hesitation, Art puts his whole tiny hand into the palette, still mumbling to himself. Cold paint squishes between his fingers. He giggles at the feeling.
Art loves this feeling. Just the paint simply on his skin.
He didn't really paid attention into what colours he put his hand, so now blue and red are covering his hand, mixing slightly into purple. But Art doesn't care, so he just continues painting, starting a new story in his head, at least to him. To everyone else, Art's mumbling while he paints is mostly incoherent and nonsensical words mixed with words and sentences he knows. And for a three year old, Artemas knows a lot of words, courtesy mostly to his older cousins Cadan and Hemera. Who try to get him as up to speed with them as possible.
Rhys didn't even noticed that his son has gone from brush painting to finger painting. His hand is still on his mumbling son's back, who made no indication himself that something has changed. Rhys is absently drawing circles with his thumb on the tiny back and just stares almost vacantly out of the window, without really seeing anything, thinking on an slight issue with the Lords of Hewn City. Which he will take care of tomorrow. But in his head he is going over the issue and the solution he and Feyre came up with. And then is thoughts lead him into thinking of his beloved mate Feyre.
The High Lord of the Night Court is as lost to the world as the Heir of Night is.
But Rhys was abruptly thrown off his thoughts when he feels something cold and slick gliding across his right cheek. And a giggle follows the disappearance of the feeling. His son's giggle. Casting his head down, Rhys looks at his giggling and at his face pointing son. The palm of the hand that points at him is covered completely in paint. Red and blue are mixed into purple, while yellow almost completely disappeared into green, and white and black merged into various shades of grey. Non of the colours are dried yet, so the palm is glinting wetly.
The other hand is clean and is clutching Rhys' shirt to keep the laughing toddler upright. Whose giggling transformed into a full blown laugh.
"I don't think that that's so funny, little moon." Rhys says grinning, loving hearing his son laugh like that, even if it is apparently on his expense.
"Daddy, .... real ... pretty... now!" Art gasps out between laughing, not even bothering with sentence structures or the correct pronunciations of the words, causing him to say "Leal" and "pletty".
"Oh am I now?" Rhys asks amused, violet eyes glittering like stars. Art just nods while still laughing, not noticing his father's finger dipping into blue paint.
"How about I make you pretty?" Rhys asks as he taps his son's nose, painting it blue.
Art gasps and stops laughing, blinking at his father, who now laughs at his son's stunned face.
"Little moon, ... real.... pretty .. now." Laughing, Rhys imitates his son, also pronouncing it incorrectly.
Art crosses his arms, smearing paint into his blue shirt, and pouts at his laughing father. But then he has an idea. Uncrossing his arms, turns to his father, who has calmed down and is facing the ceiling, eyes closed and grinning widely. Tugging at his father's shirt and a "Daddy", Art gets the wanted attention from his father. Rhys hums and brushes strands of hair away from his son's face.
"I make you pretty!" Art explains or better demands, points from him to Rhys, "and you make me pretty!" The finger points first to Rhys than to Art again and than to the paints on the table. Throughout the demand, Rhys eyebrow has risen, but than he sighs and smiles.
"Okay, little moon, let's paint each other's faces." He obeys amused, already knowing that his stubborn son will not take an "no" for an answer, well at least not if it isn't satisfiedly explained to Art. And it does sound like a lot of fun.
Rhys needs to duck down a little so the blue-nosed toddler can reach him comfortably. So father and son start painting the face of the other.
They paint until no patch of skin is clean and untouched, covering their face in shades of blue, red, purple, yellow, green, orange, white, gray and black. Rhys has drown a white full moon, a yellow crescent moon and a red waning moon on little moon's forehead. Art has only put stars on his father's entire face, in all colours, all shapes and sizes overlapping and mixing together, only a few stars are still recognisable as such.
Satisfied, both father and son lean back, hands at hips, admiring their work with a critical eye, but than smiling widely, mirroring each other. Violet eyes meet blue-grey eyes. And both start laughing again.
"You are very ... very pretty now, Daddy!" Art wrings out between his laughter, hands clutching his stomach, smearing more paint into his shirt. The "r" is again a "l", except for the "are".
Cauldron, his little moon is so cute and wonderful.
Rhys was about to give his son the compliment back, but than they hear from downstairs a voice, shouting.
"I'm home, boys!"
"Mommy!" Art has straighten and stopped laughing, but now excited to see his mother. Getting to his feet, he has completely forgetting about his paint covered hands and face. But Rhys catches his arm as he was about to run out, stopping him completely. Art turns his face and sees a mischievous smile on his father's face that immediately gets his interest. Art is always up for some mischief.
"How about we show Mommy our new masterpieces, little moon?" Rhys whispers softly, the smile still on his face.
Art grins and than giggles, nodding, he puts his arms up, silently demanding to be picked up. Rhys stands and swoops up his son in one fluid move, not caring for the paint that Art smears on his shirt. With a little magic, Rhys makes the paint in their faces instantly dry, so they couldn't accidentally destroy their masterpieces. Going down the stairs, they scan the foyer. No Feyre in sight.
"Mommy?" Art shouts. "In the kitchen, little moon!" Feyre shouts back. Turning left, Rhys almost tiptoes to the kitchens door, hoping his mate isn't facing them. And he is in luck, Feyre has her back to them, preparing a tea. Seemingly not noticing them.
Impatient as ever, Art makes a noise and says "Mommy look! We are pretty now!"
At her son's weird sentence, Feyre turns around, prepared to say that they are always pretty, but the words died down at the sight of her most beloved males: her mate, and her son. Stunned, Feyre gaps at them, taking in the paint covered faces. Blue is the dominant colour in both faces. Rhys' face seems to be covered in a similar shape over and over. Feyre can make the shapes out to be stars. Art's face seems to have a blue background with things painted over it. The most eye-catching are the three moons on his forehead.
And to be honest, Feyre can't decide who has more artistic talent, her three year old son or her well over 500 year old mate. But she leans slightly towards her son, and she is not biased with that opinion. Not even a little, and Rhys would agree with her.
This isn't what she expected to welcome her home, but she welcomes it nonetheless.
"Look, little moon, we are so pretty, we made your mother speechless!" Rhys says proudly. Art makes a proud noise of agreement, while nodding his head.
"Feyre Darling, tell as how pretty we are!" Rhys requests dramatically to his still speechless and gaping mate. "Tell us! Tell us, Mommy!" Art chimes in, excited. At this, Feyre snaps out of her stupor, and laughs.
"Both of you're beautiful!" Feyre smiles brightly and advances towards them. The second she is within arm reach of Rhys, an arm is slung around her waist, drawing her closer. Feyre brings her arms around her mates waist and her son's back. Art leans an arm around his mother's shoulder, the other is already on his father's.
Hugging each other, the small family stays like that and enjoying the closeness and the warmth.
Bending down a little, Rhys kisses Feyre. Both smile into the kiss. But they don't kiss for long with a impatient toddler in their arms. After breaking the kiss, Feyre tiptoes and kisses her son's cheek.
"What happened?" Feyre asks amused, looking closer at their faces.
"Your son,-" Rhys starts but Feyre interrupts him. "My son?"
"Yes, he is your son only when he paints, Darling. He is so much like you when he does." Feyre laughs at that.
Well, he isn't wrong.
"Anyways, little moon has decided that my face would be prettier with paint on it and followed his impulse," Rhys continues amused, smiling at Art, who smiled back innocently. "And I just copied him, making him prettier as well. And than this little artist here decided that we should paint each other's faces to make the other pretty. And that's all there is to it, Darling."
"Both of you are definitely pretty" Feyre agrees, smiling. "Are those stars, little moon?"
"Yes!" Art answers proudly. "All of it! Stars!"
"Is that a new masterpiece, little moon?" His mother inquiries, tracing a line of a half visible star on his father's face. "To bad we can't hang this one." Rhys laughs at that. "To bad, isn't it." He agrees. "But you could paint us later, Feyre Darling." Rhys suggests it because of a growing frown and sad eyes on Art's face.
"Can you, mommy?" Art is immediately onboard with the idea, excited to be painted by his talented mother.
In his eyes, Feyre is the best artist there is and he wants to be as good as her, no maybe even better than her!
"I can and definitely will!" Feyre promises, "As soon as I have time, this is going to be my next project! Because this needs to be immortalised"
"It does, doesn't it!" Rhys agrees, grinning. Art nods his head wildly in agreement, looking rather smug.
Than he hugs his parents closer and buries his face in-between them, making a happy purr. Feyre and Rhys laugh and smile at each other.
What did they do to deserve such a wonderful gift, like their son.
"I love you both!" Art mumbles, his head still buried between his parents. But they can hear the smile in his voice.
"We love you, too, Artemas." They say together, smiling down at their son.
And not even two weeks later, the High Lady of the Night Court has finished her newest favourite painting. It shows the High Lord of the Night Court and the Heir of Night, cheek to cheek, smiling, eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky, paint covering their faces in various colours and shapes, making them prettier and pretty colourful.
I hope you liked it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I would love to answer them! And feel free to check out my blog for more information!
Tagging: @thelaziestgeek @lux-et-tenebra @mindnumbmikey @starlightheir @guthiix @iamthebonecarver @tswaney17
(if you want to get tagged, just let me know!)
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deadlygoddess85 ¡ 4 years ago
More about me!
Say this somewhere and I thought I’d tell you more about me! 
1. Name: Joanie
2. Nationality: French Canadian
3. Age: 35
4. Birthday: October 20th
5. Zodiac sign: Libra
6. Gender: Woman
7. Sexuality: I don’t define myself by any word describing sexuality. 
8. Your looks: Meh...it’s my look, I don’t care if you like it or not. 
9. What do you: I’m an assistant director of a company
10. What's your current job like? It’s ok, I guess. Very challenging! 
11. Your birth order: Youngest
12. How many siblings do you have? 1, but my brother is unfortunately deceased
13. Do you have good relations with your family? Yes
14. How many friends do you have? a few
15. Your relationship status: Married
16. What do you look for in a SO? Someone who will pull-up with my shit :p (and I found him soooo...)
17. Do you have a crush? yes
18. When did you have your first kiss? I was 17
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? Serious and meaningful...
20. What are your deal breakers? Douche who can’t respect their s/o, bad hygiene, someone who can’t get along with my family.  
21. How was your day? Meh...pretty quiet. 
22. Favourite food & drink: home cooked food, water, soda.
23. What position do you sleep in? on my left side most of the time.
24. What was your last dream about? Ateez :p
25. Your fears: The dark 
26. Your dreams: Right now? It would be for Covid to be done, so I could go visit my friends. 
27. Your goals: To be happy!!!
28. Any pets? A cat, Lilo!
29. What are your hobbies? Gaming, writing, DnD, baking, cooking, listening music.
30. Any cool places in your area? Yes! We have â€œLes Passerelles” but they are unfortunately closed right now because of Covid. We have the pier, the whole downtown area. 
31. What was your last awkward situation? I tried to quite a job I don’t really like, but the manager didn’t want me to leave....like, dude, let me go!
32. What is your last regret? It all involve my past...
33. Language/s you can speak: English, French and a bit of Spanish, Oh and I knew a few Korean words :P...
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? Kinda
35. Have any quirks? A LOT!!!
36. Your pet peeves: I’m stubborn..like A LOT!!!
37. Ideal vacation: Anywhere as long as i’m with goo people
38. Any scars? No
39. What does your last text message say? Ok thanks - From my dad
40. Last 5 things from your search history: Rage of Light / Eleine / Tumblr / YouTube / Spotify
41. What's your [device] background? Not sure I understand this question...
42. What do you daydream about? Everything...I’m an hopeless romantic and I daydream all the time. 
43. Describe your dream home: Doesn’t need to be big, but I’d have an amazing gaming room ;) 
44. What's your religion: I don’t have any religion. I believe in a power greater than man, life is mysterious. 
45. Your personality type: Funny, friendly, easy going. 
46. The most dangerous thing you've done: Staying with a violent alcoholic for 7 years
47. Are you happy with your current life? Mostly...
48. Some things you've tried in your life: ??? This is a very vague question, I’ve tried many things...what do you want to know specifically? 
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? Skinny jeans, shirts, combat boots. 
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, purple, red.
51. How would you describe your style? tomboy-ish
52. Are you happy with your current looks? Yes!
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? Getting a sexier body.
54. Any tattoos or piercings? 16 tattoos, 0 piercing 
55. Do you get complimented often? Not really.
56. Favourite aesthetic? Anything grungy, gothic type etc..
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Ugh...I don’t want to start on that!
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? Reason to believe - Arch enemy / All shall burn - Eleine / Middle of the night - Monsta X. 
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like: My oh my - Aqua
60. Favourite genre? Everything, really!!! 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? Ateez
62. Hated popular songs/artists? WAP - Cardi B
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5: That’s what’s working right now - Trent Tomlingson / We know the way - Opetaia Foa’i /  Try - Pink / Say you’ll be there - Spice Girls / PAPI - Isabela Merced.
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? I can sing!!! 
65. Do you like karaoke? Yes
66. Own any albums? Yes Ateez albums
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? Yes - NRJ 102.3
68. Favorite movie/series? Along with the gods: The two worlds. / Lucifer 
69. Favorite genre of movies/books/etc: I don’t have any favorite. 
70. Your fictional crush/es:  Park Sae-royi - Itaewon class
71. Which fictional character is you? Robin Schabowski - How I met your mother...(I think...)
72. Are you a shipper? Meh
73. Favorite greek god(dess)? Aphrodite
74. A legend from where you live that you like: The legend of â€œLa Chasse Galerie”
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? Yes and idk
76. Can you share your other social media? NO
77. Favourite youtubers? Markiplier / Tingting ASMR /  Dancing Bacon
78. Favourite platform? Twitter / Youtube
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? Too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? Borderlands series - Skyrim - Fallout series - Sniper Elite 4 - Rainbow six series - Call of Duty Black Op - Minecraft - Red dead redemption - Assassin’s creed  series - Resident Evil 5 and 6 - etc....
81. Your favourite books: Alyss from Patrick Senecal / Queen of the Damned - Anne Rice
82. Do you play board/card games? Yes I LOVE to play with friends and family. 
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? No
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween and Christmas
85. Are you into dramas? YES!!!!
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? YES
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? I’d stop racism, bullying and open minds. 
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? HA! I don’t know, I want to believe that yes I could, but...I doubt.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? Depends of the power that would come with the being (cause it changes depending on the culture) But a vampire would be my first choice. 
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? Be in peace and being able to see the loved one I lost at least one more time. 
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?  I love my name I don’t want to change it. 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? No one! other people’s life can look fun and interesting from outside, but sometimes with can be very surprised. So, I want to keep my life. 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: NO! Never....
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true: I know all the lyrics of We will rock you - Queen / I’ve been threaten to death three times in my life / I had a car accident last year
95. Cold or hot? Neither...I like a perfect temperature 
96. Be a hero or be a villain? OH! Be a villain who turns to be a hero.
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? Both
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? Shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death? Immune
100. Hope you enjoyed this list, if you have any question, don’t be afraid to ask ;) 
0 notes
thetakenpokemon ¡ 8 years ago
Act 2 - From the Ashes
[Location: GoT HQ]
[PoV: Ash]
I quietly close the door behind me, letting out a quiet sigh.
As Kaiser ordered, I’ve been taking it easy for the past few days. Doing things such as talking with the various members, playing a few games on the console in my room, the works.
But...I’ve also been frequently visiting Ren’Gul in the infirmary, in fact I’m currently leaving from my most recent visit as of this moment.
Although his path to recovery is certain, it’s a very slow one. Even with our best healers...it’s best to let the body recover naturally, since even though it’s been mended...the shock of the severe wound is still there.
He’s...sometimes conscious, but not always. Most of the time he’s sleeping, since it’s all he really can do.
The first time he saw me when he was awake, he gave me a look that contained so much anger that I nearly ran out of the room. I knew why he was angry, it was because I came back for him...when he told me to not look back.
But at the same time...I knew he was thankful, but the sheer amount of anger he had...it’s something I’ll never forget.
Has he forgiven me? Probably, but I’m unsure if he’ll ever tell me. We’ve left the subject behind, since it’s something neither of us want to discuss. Instead when he’s awake...I give him updates on the various comings and goings of the place, since it’s all I can do.
Taking a turn to the various lounges I take a seat at a couch, with another sigh I lean my head back and close my eyes.
I don’t feel like taking the trip back to my room, so I’m just gonna rest here for a little bit. I’m just feeling mentally exhausted from the recent events, so...I’m gonna make use of this couch since it’s here for a reason...
I...don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, but I can only assume it’s been a while. The reason is because when a voice spoke to me, I felt a strong sense of drowsiness when I rise from my dreamless sleep.
“How are you handling things, Delilah?” Asks a sudden feminine voice followed by the sound of someone sitting down on an open spot on the couch, making me crack an eye open to see who’s bugging me.
Much to my surprise it’s no other than Venya.
To those who don’t know her, she’s part of the Floral Triad team (on the job, she’s known as Carnation). She’s a Mienshao with strong Zoroark genes, specifically the black coat with red accents on her face, whips, and in her hair.
The girl’s dress and hairstyle reminds me a bit of the Asian dancers I’ve seen on the internet, however her clothing possesses the dark blue colors of the GoT. I don’t see her signature fan-blades on her person, so I can only assume that she has them hidden somewhere on her.
“As well as I can.” I respond tiredly, closing my eyes again. â€œJust resting and regaining my senses really, can’t say the same for Ren’Gul though.”
Normally Venya is the kind of girl to be constantly showing off, always gotta prove to the world on how great and capable she is. But when she’s talking with me? She’s a lot more reserved, it also helps that she understands that I’m not really in a happy mood right now.
“My words may mean little to you, but I’m sorry that the battle ended in such a terrible way.” She says quietly. â€œEspecially Ren’Gul, but...I’m glad that he’s still alive.” Although my eyes are still closed, from hearing the tone of her voice...I can only guess that she’s giving me a sad smile. â€œThis place wouldn’t be the same without either of you.”
I open my eyes and look at her, unable to contain my own smile. â€œThanks Venya, I appreciate it.”
She giggles and brushes her extremely long hair over her shoulder, the ends pooling on her lap. “No need to thank me Delilah. I greatly dislike seeing you like this since you’re normally the life of the party, so of course I need to come over to check on you.”
I couldn’t help but smirk. â€œNow don’t I feel special, since I normally don’t see you doing this for other people.”
The Mienshao sniffs, sticking her nose into the air. â€œHmph, it’s because the others aren’t as fun and appealing as you.”
“Is that so?” I ask, my smirk growing. â€œOr is it because they don’t like your â€˜I’m better than you’ attitude?”
She quickly looks back at me, her expression becoming one of indignation. â€œWhat? But it’s true!” Venya reaches into her dress and pulls out a pair of bladed fans, one black and gold...the other purple and white. â€œI’m quite a superior individual, in both combat and elegance~” In one swift motion she opens them, the metal bladed tips of the fans shining in the soft light.
I roll my eyes at her. â€œSure, but I’m sure Kendra would say otherwise.”
Her eyes widen at this, she lets out an angry huff before snapping her fans closed. â€œHer? She doesn’t know any better.”
In case you’re confused, I’ll tell you about the other two members of the Floral Triad.
The one I mentioned is Kendra, a very unique hybrid between a Medicham, Blaziken, and Arcanine. She’s a very spirited girl, not to mention incredibly dedicated and passionate. From the times I’ve met her, I’ve learned that she’s incredibly focused on getting herself stronger.
You think I’m kidding? She’s pulling out all the stops. She eats a specialized diet to efficiently build her body, exercises and trains daily, the works.
Now before you people think otherwise, I DO train and watch myself. But I don’t do it to the extremes like how Kendra does it, since that girl is on a mission.
And because of her rather â€˜fiery personality’, she and Venya often clash. They both share a mutual dislike to one another, which is funny since they’re both on the same team.
Huh, I think I’m sensing a strong sense of irony here.
The other girl I haven’t mentioned yet is Jubei, a Gothitelle who’s considered the leader of the trio.
Unlike the other two, she’s definitely a far more reserved and refined girl. Most of the time I see her keeping the other two in line, since otherwise they’d get into fist-fights. Her level-head is the key factor of this, but at the same time...she’s also not above whipping the two into shape if they themselves don’t shape up.
So my overall opinion? I like them all, but Venya is my closest friend of the three. More because she actually goes out of her way to hang with me, which makes her cool in my books.
“Fine, you know her better than me.” I chuckle, folding my arms behind my head as I continue to lean back.
The Mienshao’s lips spread into a smile, a sign that she knows that I’m simply messing with her. â€œI’m glad to see that the Delilah I’ve come to know has returned.” She giggles again, tucking her folded fans back into her dress.
“She has always been here.” I say to her. â€œJust taking a breather is all.” I turn my head slightly, looking at her fully now. â€œStill, I greatly appreciate you coming to talk to me.”
She waves me off. â€œPlease Delilah, it was nothing. It took no effort for me to come here, making you feel better was an incredibly easy thing for someone of my capabilities.”
I raise an eyebrow at her, specifically because of how rude that sounded. Now I myself don’t feel offended at all, but just giving her the look should make her realize what’s coming out of her mouth.
And it did, seeing how her eyes widen and a blush forms on her dark coat. â€œToo much?” She squeaks.
I try to make myself look stern, but I feel my lips widen into a smile like the betrayer it is. I end up bursting out laughing, since there’s no use holding it any longer. â€œYeah, but it’s all good!” I feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes and I quickly wipe them away, trying my best to contain my laughter.
The look of relief on Venya’s face made me try harder to calm myself down, since she’s far more watchful of her behavior around me more than anyone else.
It’s kinda funny, since I’m the least likely person to get upset over it. But I guess that since she and I are very good friends, she actually puts effort into controlling herself.
 In fact, it’s kinda heartwarming when I think about it...since she’s never like this around Jubei (even though I think that she really needs to keep herself in line when around her ESPECIALLY).
I slowly stand up, a moan of relief escapes my mouth when I feel the bones in my back pop. After twisting and turning myself to cause the rest of my joints to release any sort of pressure I turn back to Venya. â€œI don’t know about you, but I feel like hitting the cafeteria.” I offer a hand to her. â€œCare to join me?”
She smiles in response, but with Veyna being Venya she ignores my extended hand and instead stands up on her own. â€œI could go for something light.” She admits, pointedly ignoring my hand still.
Course it didn’t surprise me, but it didn’t stop me from trying at least to help a girl up. “Then it’s all on me~” I singsong, turning and making my way out of the lounge.
The Mienshao follows close behind, looking at me incredulously. â€œBut it’s all free...?” She says slowly and uncertainly.
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drunkenvigors ¡ 6 years ago
These are kinda therapeutic for me (I’m going to skip some of them cause there’s a lot though!) sorry if you somehow know me irl and see this
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I would love to be at least 5’6
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) I already have my dream pets and I love them with my entire being
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? No I switch between so many I never look the same lmao
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Don’t make me answer this it’s too hard to think of, nextttt.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: 8:30pm (my fave time of day), mashed potatoes, and the rest of my brain goes into oblivion idk
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? I care too much or not at all there’s no inbetween beware I could scare u off or piss u off take ur pick
9: Are you ticklish? Everywhere on me is ticklish unfortunately but you can get a free pass to tickle me for 1min if I think you’re cute, otherwise take ya hands off the merchandise stupid bitch.
10: Are you allergic to anything? Being social
11: What’s your sexuality? I am pansexual but due to being bullied about it I tell everyone I’m Bi.
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? This is a choice nobody should have to make.
13: Are you a cat or dog person? I am a regular person that loves them both
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Short enough to pass as an elf so why not 🧝‍♀️
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? David Dobrik, hes entertainment for when I’m eating snacks
16: How tall are you? Mind ya business.. 5feet...
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Tee, that’s what I go by anyways so considered it changed
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes and no.
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? How about neither because they’re big cluster fucks of the unknown and that in itself is terrifying
22: Pet peeves? Letting me get attached and talking to me then leaving me hanging without any fucking explanation like um lmao you suck
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? I’m nocturnal for sure
24: Favorite constellation? Dis pussy
25: Favorite star? Ur moms pussy
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? This sounds sexual
27: Any phobias or fears? Too many dots/holes in the same area, I’ll actually vomit.
28: Do you think global warming is real? OBVIOUSLY
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eeeehhhh I guess. I believe in a lot of different theories that I’ve thought of myself, I don’t care what other people think about these things because I’d like to stay true to my own thoughts.
30: Favorite movie? Spirited Away
31: Do you get scared easily? Not really
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Too much math brb
34: What is a color that calms you? Red yay
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? ... don’t make me say it because I won’t
36: Where were you born? In a Jesus piece praise
37: What is your eye color? Poop
38: Introvert or extrovert? Both depending on the day
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Yea & if you don’t we probably won’t get along very well
40: Hugs or kisses? I’m definitely a hugger
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? There’s a very kind soul I’m dying to meet
42: Who is someone you love deeply? Tiger (my cat)
43: Any piercings you want? My bridge
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? This is hilarious if you’ve never seen me before
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? No smh are u kidding me that shits for the birds ya’heard weed will kill ya ;’(
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Godddd fucking DAMN he is so nice to me. Better than the stupid fuck people I tried to take care of around my area. These circumstances really suck.
47: What is a sound you really hate? There’s a couple people in mind that when they talk I would love to just shove a sock down their throat
48: A sound you really love? A skateboard on the pavement
49: Can you do a backflip? Fuk off maybe I’ll try to after doing this post
50: Can you do the splits? Used to
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Myself when I need to get out of certain situations due to excessive anxiety but not wanting to show my real emotions, you feel?
53: How are you feeling right now? Would be better if I wasn’t here rn
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Exactly how it is
55: When did you feel happiest? When I get attention from the person I want it from, stupid romantic bullshit that doesn’t even matter
56: Something that calms you down? Probably my sister because we can laugh anything off together and I mean ANYTHING
57: Have any mental disorders? I can’t count them all on one hand
58: What does your URL mean? It’s from a hopsin song and Bioshock infinite. Good luck figuring it out
59: What three words describe you the most? Confusing, loud, quiet, and I’ll add one more, contradiction
60: Do you believe in evolution? Well.. how do you think we’re humans rn, we came from monkeys or whatever
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? If they post stupid ads or things that’ll try to pursue you into doing something
62: What makes you follow a blog? If it fits my aesthetic
63: Favorite kind of person: funny
64: Favorite animal(s): 🐨
66: Favorite emoticon: 🖤
67: Favorite meme: disgusteng
69: What is your star sign? TAURUS BAAAABYYYY 😍
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No but I can so wassup dâddÿ
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? I have too many to pick
72: Post a selfie or two? How about no because I’m ugly lmao tf
73: Do you have platform shoes? NO I SHOULD GET SOME TBH
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I’ve pissed myself while drunk too many times to count, do as you wish with this information because I find it hilarious & I’m glad I don’t have an alcohol problem anymore lol
75: Can you do a front flip? Actually, yes, yes I can
76: Do you like birds? Don’t hate me for this but no I really don’t
77: Do you like to swim? Yessss
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Ice skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: trump
80: Some thing you wish did exist: a green sky and a purple moon
81: Piercings you have? Lip, nose, ears, nipple (yes only one of them lmao)
82: Something you really enjoy doing: sucking my own dick for attention
83: Favorite person to talk to: myself in the mirror
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Idk I was so young when I made this blog I can’t recall
85: How many followers do you have? Idk does it even matter
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? I smoke far too many cigarettes for that
87: Do your socks always match? Never
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? No wtf you thought I was fit? Nexxxttt
89: What are your birthstones? Emerald
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Koala
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Lillies, sunflowers, or buttercup flowers
92: A store you hate? Aerocrombie or however you fuckin spell it
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? 6 or 7
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Read minds but I would probably end up killing myself knowing all the bad things people think of me
95: Do you like to wear camo? Sometimes
96: Winter or summer? Summer
97: How long can you hold your breath for? 326183621
98: Least favorite person? Andrew lol fuck you.
99: Someone you look up to: my homies that have passed away, I look up to them every day
100: A store you love? I like to order things
101: Favorite type of shoes? VANS
102: Where do you live? Doesn’t matter smh
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nnnooo
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Shiet
105: Do you drink milk? Milk drinks me glug glug bitch
106: Do you like bugs? NAH
107: Do you like spiders? NEGATIVE
108: Something you get paranoid about? Crack
109: Can you draw: if I try
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Mannnnn idk
111: A question you hate being asked? Anything about my dead homies makes me at least a little uncomfortable
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Obviously
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Sunny but not burning hot sunny u feel me
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: who told u this information
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruit salad perhaps
121: Something you want to do right now: Get tf out of here
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky for sure
123: Sweet or sour foods? I eat sweets to confuse the demons inhabiting this body
124: Bright or dim lights? Dimmadomedim
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Bitch u really thought dragons aren’t real
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: everyone is so sensitive bro then y’all gang up and bully someone for something so small & meaningless as if you have nothing better to do with yourselves
127: Something you love about Tumblr: nobody really knows me here & if you do then hey hi wassup I trust you 🖤
128: What do you think about the least? Sheesh I have adhd next question please
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? She was a bitch but she was a lit bitch
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Fuck violence
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My mind
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Ehhhhh on occasion
133: Computer or TV? Tv
134: Do you like roller coasters? Naaah son
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed thank god
137: Do you believe in karma? HAH YES, she been slacking though💀👀
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 3 tbh
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? People used to call me gauges and I am so glad that stage is over
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Oh, you mean schizophrenia because yes
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? For years, then I dipped out because I know I can’t be cured from mental instability
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Bad bad baaaad yikes
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving
144: What makes you angry? When people play with me or attention seeking people, I really hate some of y’all cry baby asses fr
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? one sadly
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? All of the above
147: Are you androgynous? Have you seen me because lmao
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: I can’t even pick one because I genuinely hate myself and how I look
149: Favorite thing about your personality: my what now 💀
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person: Jeremy McKinnon I want to tell him thank you. That’s it I guess
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Um probably none
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Oooooofff I used to years ago but shit I’m over it now
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] my what
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? NO I AM NOT THE MOM FRIEND
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Not unless you’re my actual partner and even then I don’t really like to
156: What embarrasses you? Being outside
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: speaking/existing
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: I love you
159: How many people are you following? Idk prob a lot
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? I’ve had this since I was 12 or something I really don’t know
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? IDFKKK
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? WHAT
0 notes