#kinda forgot about that whoops
kaionyx · 3 months
I hope everyone who claims they want to be with me knows that i’m not this hard dom all the time. Yes I post about the many dark and sadistic fantasies I want to do someday, but that’s all they are. Fantasies. In fact, i’m actually a complete nerd and a huge one at that.
I can infodump constantly about the different conspiracies I have or about my favorite game for hours, bring you different rocks and things I find and explain to you how they were made and how old they are. Talk about certain points in history and give you facts that I know you aren’t going to remember but I say them anyway just because someone new is listening, I could go on and on.
But inside the bedroom i’m nothing more than a feral dog in a rut that sees a warm set a holes to fuck his litters into, forcing each and every one of these sick and disgusting thoughts that run through my head onto the precious bunny I claimed. Growling and repeating faux sympathy and all those degrading praises they love so much while marking their neck with bites and scratches from holding them in place as I abuse their little frail body until I had my fill.
Then it’s right back to the sweet, loving boyfriend from before until it inevitably repeats. I guess in a way you could say it’s almost like a golden retriever but yknow, in a scary way.
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kelocitta · 1 year
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Day 7: Vulture Swoop
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moonshere · 1 day
Another day another ISAT live posting, some more thoughts and potential spoilers
Man man man where to even BEGIN! God this game gets more and more heart wrenching by the minute!!
to be clear, I’m currently at Act 3 I think? I tried to help everyone all at once so I did one full run with no skips to get all the info I needed, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what every else’s pov of Siffrin is like. At the moment my Siffrin is over lvl 60, so he managed to one-shot a lot of the enemies.
How does it look to everyone else? Your friend, the cheeky, pun-loving, trap and puzzle master. Who’s known more for their speed, killing enemies faster than anyone else. And while exploring they don’t look around, they just take the keys in the correct order and manage to choose the correct path every single time.
I noticed that some interactions you can make your friends notice that you’re acting suspiciously. So far I only got Odile to comment on it (and get interrupted rip) and Isabeau to say they will talk later about it. But I’m REALLY hoping there’s a way to get Siffrin’s friends to actually confront him before a loop end so he can actually freaking open up!!!
On that note, I know that I’ve only been talking about Siffrin (I can’t help myself ajdbhsbs they’re my absolute fav and consume my every thought!) I ADORE all the other characters too!!!
Mirabelle is soooooo freaking cute!! (I’ll be honest her character design is one of the reasons that made me want to play the game aidhisns) I’m so so so happy that she’s someone who’s aroace and adores romantic novels!!! There really isn’t that many aroace characters out there, especially one I relate to. But her!!!! It made me so happy!! I loved the scene between her and Siffrin (and that they’re ALSO ace and maybe alloromantic?? Demi??? I’m still unsure haha) their friendship means everything to me!! I also love the subtle way they confirmed she has anxiety! I’m kinda half wondering where she used to live before the House of Change considering how much she talked about how the headmaiden taught her everything
Odile is also so cool!! Finding out that she was only looking for half of her heritage, trying to find somewhere she belongs was something I did not expect but expands so much on her character. At first I thought she was just gonna be the Adult of the group, wise, knows what she’s doing, distant and Too Cool. But this was genuinely so good cuz it showed that Odile is just as unsure as everyone else. Hell, she and Siffrin turned out to have so much in common!! Finding a place to belong but finding nothing but yourself. I loved it so much!
little Bonnie!! They are so stinking cute I would absolutely die for them!! I like how- in a turn on how kids in video games are always put in incredibly dangerous situations and adults let them just cuz they are determined to help- Bonnie is always the one the group wants to protect the most. Even though they wanna help (and they do!! Their heals are lifesaving frfr) it’s always within the limit of their own safety. I also loved their hang out, the hug was so sweet!! Seriously, if anything happened to them I would cry
And lastly Isabeau!! He's so sweet!! i love how much he looks out for Siffrin! I’m not sure if it was a scripted event or that I managed to raise enough sus points for him to notice, but I love how when he noticed that Siffrin isn’t doing ok, he decided to postpone the confession just so he can properly focus later on Siffren’s own mental state! Also also! After looking at the romance novels once again, I almost screamed when Siffren said they were aware!!! They know that Isabeau likes them!! (And their self deprecating comment once again,,,,) Seriously, what torture it must be to see him almost confess over and over and fail everytime!! I definitely want to go back to the ending one more time to see if he ever manages to say it (but man is the king fight long,,,) His hang out was also sweet!! I think also a possible nod to what Siffrin’s home town is? If related to the stars?? But either way, the full on picnic afterwards was so cute!!
I just had to do a full run with them all together once again without any looping cuz Siffrin said so, all the new cutscenes with them together was just the sweetest!! The woodcutting one, the hair brushing, all of it is so soft!! the ending scene where they said they were a family just 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I can’t I can’t this game is too good!! I think the worst part of this though, is seeing Siffrin hoping, despite himself, that maybe, maybe, this time might be it. That all he needed was to be safe, to be happy, to be loved
And it still wasn’t enough
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black-and-yellow · 1 year
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I am once again. Once again thinking about @ifyougoillfollow 's Loudspeaker one-shot.
Close up of my boy:
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
3rd King of the Beast Collection (short?) summaries - all
These stories are based on their promises for the election.
🦌 Keith - It's annoying how good the bully is at getting what he wants
Emma finds Keith hunched over his desk writing something and it doesn't seem like he's noticed that she's in his room. She goes to take a look and in that moment, alter!Keith calls her out for peeping. Emma tries to explain that she was curious and alter!Keith asks if she wants to take a look. Except when she reaches for the journal, he hold it out of his reach and taps his lips. He wants her to beg. The light kiss that Emma gives him is not enough and alter!Keith demonstrates the kind of kiss he wants from her, one with a lot of tongue. Emma tries her best and alter!Keith asks if she wants to see the jorunal that badly. Emma replies that she wants to know more about him, and she can't help it if he's purposely keeping it from her.
Alter!Keith then says that Emma's fallen for his trap, causing the latter to wonder if he made a show of writing on purpose. Then she recalls how she hadn't spent with this Keith the day before. Suddenly, she's become adorable in his eyes.
The journal's a diary that both Keiths use to write about Emma, with Keith being the one to write more often. Hearing that the contents are embarrassing to read makes Emma even more curious than ever. Alter!Keith makes Emma beg again and the desire to satisfy him lights a fire in the woman. She gently bites his thumb that's on her lower lip.
🐻 Luke - Teddy bears are the best
Luke and Emma are making stuffed animals to donate to the orphanage. Emma marvels at how cute the ones Luke made are and how they're so much fluffier. After getting some tips, the two go back to making the stuffed animals and Emma sees Luke hold up a kind-looking teddy bear. It's the cutest out of them all and the sleepy look reminds her of Luke. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, Luke asks if she wants the bear. While Emma does, the children come first. The joy on their faces is more important. Luke then asks if she's fine with that. Is she really, really, fine with it.
Emma picks up a rabbit and uses it to talk to him, asking if the kids will like them. Luke responds back with the bear, responding that they definitely will since Emma put her heart and soul into them. They're as cute as the person who made them. He then brings the bear close and makes it look like it's kissing the rabbit. The two continue playing and talking with the stuffed animals when Luke suddenly kisses Emma. His excuse is that he's imitating the stuffed animals. With her permission, Luke kisses her repeatedly. He thinks they should take a break. The kisses become more intense and Luke starts to get handsy.
A few days later, the day to deliver the stuffed animals arrives. Luke wakes up first, looks at a sleeping Emma, and puts a package topped with a ribbon by her. The most important thing to him is seeing Emma happy. He waits for her to wake up, imagining the smile on her face.
🐍 Sariel - Sariel's secret treasure
Emma goes to Sariel's office to deliver some documents when she sees his desk drawer half open. She's about to close it when she notices a canvas in side. As she's about to take a look, Sariel catches her. Emma asks about the canvas and why it's in the drawer. Sariel explains that it's his own little secret. He can tell she's curious gets this dangerous smile on his face. He'll let Emma see it if she keeps it a secret from others.
Before showing her, Sariel tells her that it's a portrait of the princes in their childhood. Emma realizes that she's never seen any childhood portraits of the princes and Sariel explains that because of the princes' complex childhoods, there was never a good time to have portraits be done. This portrait he has was done in secret.
Emma then asks if there's a portrait of Sariel from when he was young. He says that's not something interesting to see, which means that it exists! Emma stars at him with hope in her eyes and he sighs in surrender. The twins had actually found out about the portrait he commissioned so they wanted one of Sariel done too. Sariel's embarrassed to show her but he will if she gives him something of equal value in exchange. There's an evil glint in his eyes as he tilts Emma's chin and tells her the he'll show her when she feels as embarrassed as him. Emma touches his cheek. They have an agreement. Sariel kisses her to signal the start of an evening of debauchery.
🦅 Jin - Wanted! Jin's handmade sweets
Emma and Jin are enjoying tea with some pastries they had bought in town. Emma's enjoying the food a lot and Jin chuckles at how well she eats. He loves watching her eat and so feeds her his share. He wants to feed her more. Jin says he should've bought all the pastries and Emma worries about table space. She only wants to eat her favorites and the ones that catch her interest.
Emma asks Jin if there were ever times when he wanted to eat sweets but couldn't. What does he do then? Jins replies that when he's going to be out of the castle for an extended period of time, he'll bring some that he knows won't go bad for a while. If he runs out, he'll make his won. Emma perks up at that. Jin says that he doesn't make anything spectacular. He makes do with what ingredients he has.
The image of Jin baking makes Emma smile and she asks if he could bake her something some time. Jin replies that she'd be better off eating sugar straight, but Emma insists. He can't refuse her. Emma tells him that she'll make some sweets in exhange, but Jin doesn't think his are worthy of exchanging with hers. It's worth it to Emma though, plus it's full of his love. Jin asks her to let him practice first and then he'll feed her until she's satisfied.
🐶 Rio - I'll do anything for you, you know?
Rio wheels in a wagon of tea and cakes into Emmas room and sees her poring over a thick book. Emma explains that she's reading a book on foreign princes as a refresher. She wants to work hard as his fiancee. Rio notices that there's so many books stacked up that it'd be a disaster if they toppled over. There's a lot of people for Emma to learn about, but because the information's so spread out, she has a lot to go through. Rio tells her that he knows of a book that has only info about the princes. He'll bring it to her next time. You can almost hear a sound effect with Rio's wink.
Int he meantime, Emma should take a break and have some tea. And since she's supposed to be resting, he'll feed her. As she's enjoying the cake, Rio licks the corner of her lip and agrees that it's good. Emma's heart can't handle it so she'll feed herself. Aww, but Rio wanted to make her heart race more. Emma’s heart has had enough, thanks. Oh no, he’s giving her puppy eyes. She'll let him pamper her for just a little bit longer.
Some days later, Rio comes by with a book, but Emma feels uneasy as she opens it. Why is it handwritten? Moreover, why does the handwriting look like Rio's? Rio looks at her with eyes filled with joy; yep, it's a book he made specially for Emma to use. This way, she can spend less time on other princes. It wasn't too much work for him since it meant helping her out. Emma gives him a hug and kiss as thanks. She'll give him kisses until he's satisfied. Rio tells her that he doesn't mind her learning about other princes, but how about some more Rio first?
🐈 Yves - This magic's only for you
While Emma's getting her hair brushed by Yves, she asks him if he makes his own clothes since he makes hers. The question came to her after she saw some designs on the table. Of course he does, he replies. The designed the outfit he's currently wearing. He knows best how to dress to make himself stand out, though the tailoring's done by a court craftsman. Emma asks if there's any outfits he's made completely by hand. That's how he made her clothes.
Yves' thought about designs for his brothers too, but tailoring-wise, he only makes clothes for Emma. When he's done with his current designs for his brothers, he'll show her. Emma tries to hold in her curiosity but the sad look on her face makes Yves huff. He'll show her if she does something for him in return. He's got some new clothes for her to try.
Yves lays outs some outfits on his bed and tells Emma that he'll dress her himself, which surprises her. As Yves goes to remove her nightgown, Emma holds it to her chest in embarrassment. Yves tells her that he can't undress her if she does that. She's acting like this is the first time he's done this. Emma focuses on calming her heart as she watches Yves undress her and put on the new outfit. As Emma looks at herself in the mirror, Yves hugs her from behind. Just by holding her, he's thinking of more designs. There's still more outfits for Emma to try and she won't get to see his designs until she's tried them all.
🦁 Leon - Your personal dress-up doll for the day
Leon and Emma are at a clothing store they reserved. Leon's holding clothes and accessories that he thinks would look good on Emma, but the latter reminds him that they're at the store to pick out clothes for him. She wants to see him in a different outfit. Emma looks at the men's section and holds some shirts up. Leon looks good in anything so she's in a bit of a pickle. She never thought it'd take so long to choose a top and Leon reminds her that there's also pants and shoes to match. Accessories too, Emma adds. It's going to take forever to coordinate his outfit.
Leon can't help but kiss Emma over and over. Emma stops him, embarrassed since they're in a store. And if he continues, Emma won't be able to pick out an outfit. Leon apologizes but he doesn't look sorry at all. Emma holds the shirts against Leon and thinks about what would go well with each shirt. Leon suggests trying each outfit. As Emma reaches for a hat that'd go well with one of the shirts, Leon hugs her from behind. That's why he didn't get the hat for her earlier.
Leon's feeling really happy at the fact that Emma's thinking a lot about him and then tells her that he won't bother her anymore. As an apology, he'll try on all the outfits she's picked out. Well then Emma's going to dress him up like a doll. Leon pats her head to assure her that he's okay with it. He's planned on being with her until she's satisfied. Leon spins Emma around and kisses her again. He then asks if she'll let him kiss her after every outfit. Emma replies that she'll allow it if he doesn't do anything too embarrassing. Leon makes no promises.
🖤🐯 Gilbert - If you want to be trampled, come here
Just a moment ago, Emma was reading a romance novel given by Gilbert when said man plucks it out of her hands and asks if she only wants him in her sights and to be trampled by him. He closes the distance with her and she doesn't know what to make of the situation. Gilbert explains that he's the only one in her line of sight. Guess Emma will just keep staring. They stare at each other for a while and Emma starts to feel a bit embarrassed from the staring. One, because she's beautiful. Two, because he's someone she loves and staring at him for even just a little bit makes her heart race. Unable to stand it any longer, Emma looks away but her gaze is turned back to him by a cold finger. Gilbert tells her to keep her eyes on him. He caresses her cheek and nibbles her lips as punishment.
The two stare at each other again, but Emma's again unable to stand it. Gilbert kisses her cheek and trails down her neck, teeth grazing her skin. Emma tries to back away, but Gilbert hugs her close. Her hand brushes against the book she was reading and remembers that she was at a good part before it was taken away. Gilbert calls her out for spending a lot of time thinking while with hm. Emma tells him that she's thinking about him and wondering why he asked that question earlier about being trampled while having only him in her sights. Gilbert tells her to change "him" to "her". Emma's about to say that she wants to be trampled with only him in her sights, but stops. She doesn't want to get trampled!
Gilbert asks if she has an answer to why he's doing this. Emma has a guess: she was too engrossed in the book that she ignored him. Emma then yelps when he bites her shoulder. She finally realized it. Jealous as always, Emma thinks. But she finds herself smiling and apologizes. She'll read later. Emma wants to make it up to him, perhaps make him some sweets. There's time to bake him a cake. However, Gilbert's not letting her go anywhere and he cups her cheeks. She won't be able to look at him if she bakes. Did she lie about wanting to be trampled just then? He squeezes her tight to the point of it being painful. It's going to be a fun day for him and Emma's not exactly opposed.
💎🐶 Silvio - A gaudy box packed with love and a red face
Emma's out in town on a date with Silvio when she sees some commotion going on at a corner. Silvio tells her it's a raffle using tickets based on the amount of money spent while shopping. That explains the one Emma got. The top prize is a beautiful tea set. Emma asks Silvio if she can try it out and he tells her to go ahead. It looks like she's enjoying the whole concept.
Emma ends up drawing the 8th prize with is just a participation award, a discount coupon to use in town. She goes back to Silvio and tells her what she got. He says that getting the top prize isn't easy, but Emma thought she'd be able to draw it because Silvio was with her as her lucky charm. Silvio tells her that she's got a lot of nerve and ruffles her hair before asking if she wants to pull again. Emma responds that once is enough. Even though she did want the tea set, she 's more into the thrill of pulling.
A few days later, Silvio visits Emma's room with a fancy box. It's a raffle box he made that he thought would be useful for business. Emma wonders if he made it because of how much fun Emma had with the raffle in town. She tells him that she'd be happy to test it out. Silvio's prepared some prizes too. Nothing too expensive since he knows she wouldn't accept them. The prizes are something he knows she'd enjoy. He stumbles over his words when asked about what he thinks would make her happy. Emma goes to pull but Silvio stops her because he's changed his mind. Emma asks if one of the prizes involves Silvio. Perhaps a coupon to have a drink with him, or words of love from him. Embarrassed, Silvio tells her to knock it off. Emma gives him a few kisses on the cheek for knowing what she wants and steals the box from him. She goes to pull as he tries Silvio tries to get it back from her.
🦊 Nokto - The most extreme night together
After a party, Emma and Nokto retire to Nokto's room. Looks like he's not going to let Emma sleep at all. Except he's just joking. Emma's had a little too much to drink. He leaves the bed to get some water and Emma lets out a small whine. She hopes he didn't hear her. It looks like he didn't, given how he continues on pouring a glass of water. Going from being touched so much by Nokto just then to him suddenly leaving her side fills Emma with a sense of loneliness.
As Emma drinks the glass of water, she's confused by this feeling in her chest. She can't believe she's upset that Nokto's not touching her because he's taking care of her. Turns out Nokto did hear her whine and knows she yearns for his touch. Emma turns redder than before. Nokto notices a hungry look on her. Did she not have enough? Emma tries to deny it but Nokto knows it's a lie. Emma calls him a bully and he replies that he would've granted her wish if she answered honestly.
Nokto runs a finger along her body while coaxing the answer out of her. He dodges her hand that reaches out for him and taps her lips. He wants to hear it from her. Emma gets up from the bed and ends up stumbling. Nokto catches her and points out how drunk she is. Emma takes this chance to kiss him. Nokto asks if she stumbled on purpose. Yep, it was revenge. She didn't want him to leave the bed and wants them to go at it one more time. Nokto asks if this boldness is coming from her being drunk. Regardless, he'll do what she wants and pushes her down on the bed.
🐺 Licht - Pictures of memories and a very difficult quiz
Licht's quizzing Emma on the thing she drew in a sketchbook. Emma looks at a picture of what looks like four legs sticking out of a yellow body and asks if it's a fox. Nope, it's chair. She can see it now after hearing the answer. Licht tightens his hold on Emma's waist. So far, she's gotten every drawing wrong. Next, Licht points at a brown oval. Emma asks if it's a table since the last drawing was a chair. Nope, a cat. Licht gives her a couple of kisses and smiles. Even though Emma got everything wrong, he's in a good moon. She wonders if this quiz is an excuse to be touchy with her.
Licht's about to go to the next picture but stops. It's a picture he drew with Yves and Nokto. Emma says the three must have been close as kids. Licht replies that Yves' always worried over them. He recalls Yves saying how he wanted to bake cookies based on the picture and the three did end up making cookies together. Not every drawing though; Licht points out which ones became cookies. Well, Yves did the baking. The twins helped, with Licht doing the cleanup. It must be a good memory because of how Licht's smiling.
Licht goes to the next page and Emma sees a bunch of overlapping purple circles. Emma asks if they're grapes. Finally, she got one right. Licht goes "this sucks" and pulls her in for a deep kiss. Emma asks what he meant and he tells her that the drawing was done by Nokto. He kisses her again and asks her to guess his drawing next time. If she gets it wrong, he'll do something more extreme. With the grapes being the last drawing in the sketchbook, Licht gets a quill and starts drawing in the book. He'll do his best to draw something Emma can guess. Emma in turn will do her guess to guess.
🐆 Clavis - Love storage expansion plan!
Clavis has given Emma presents in various situations and each time, Emma gets excited. However, recently, she's been feeling troubled. One day, Clavis enters her room and announces that he has an extraordinary gift for her. It's a lot heavier than she thought. Tearing the wrapping apart reveals an oddly patterned clay figure. The first time she got a clay figure from Clavis, she was confused. But now, she finds them adorable.
Clavis can tell something's bothering her. Emma apologizes and explains that she was trying to figure out where to display it. She's running out of space. She wants to display them properly since they're all precious gifts to him. Clavis has one more present for her then. A closet that can hold 100 clay figures. Emma asks if he's going to use an empty room. Currently, there aren't any rooms large enough to fit the figures. Clavis says he'll have a new room with sturdy shelves built. He's going to make an elaborate closet. He continues to spout off ideas and Emma stops him. She'd love to have more space to display her gifts but an extension's just too much. Clavis suggests Emma pay a fair price for the extension so that she doesn't feel bad about it. He pushes her down on the bed and ties her hands with the ribbon from the present. Clavis asks if he can receive Emma like this and she tells him not to bother asking since he already has her. Clavis reminds her that he's a gentleman so Emma tells him that he can do as he pleases. He assures her that she'll enjoy herself too.
A few days later, some noises in the castle makes Emma leave her room. Wow, Clavis really did go and start building an extension. She sees the man directing the construction. As usual, Clavis does things on a grand scale. Emma's never seen another person go to such lengths for their fiancee. Emma's so filled with love that she squeezes Clavis in a tight hug. She loves him so much and can't wait to fill the closet with clay figures.
🐯 Chevalier - I'll go along with it until you're satisfied
One afternoon, Emma visits Chevalier's room and asks him if she can read a book to her. It's the first time she's ever asked him to do something like this and she waits nervously for his answer. Chevalier notices that it's a book written in an archaic language. Emma explains what the book's about and how she's tried to read it before, but there are a lot of parts she doesn't understand. Chev gestures for her to sit and asks why she's so surprised. She did ask him to read the book to her. Emma just didn't expect him to grant her request so easily.
Emma can't control her happiness but tries to calm herself. It'd be embarrassing if he found out about her true intentions. Chev has a condition. He pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her. Her seat while he reads. Seeing the look on her face, he asks if she's disappointed. Emma stutters out that she's happy but internally wonders if he knows what she had planned. While it's true that Emma has trouble reading the book, what she really wanted was listening to Chev's voice. Emma turns nervously and meets his gaze. he asks if he should start from the beginning. Emma can't believe he's actually going to read the book and is feeling nervous. And over the moon.
Wait, she doesn't hear his voice. She looks up at him and is met with a surprise kiss. He smirks, returns his gaze to the book, and starts reading. In contrast to him reading calmly, Emma's sitting there with her heart racing. His low voice is relaxing. Emma holds her blushing cheeks as he puts his lips by her ear. Chev says it's just like her to get so happy and restless from something like this. Emma replies that it's only natural since he's reading a book to her. Chevalier knows that's not the case. She can feel him smiling. He'll have her get used to it and tells her to think about the next book for him to read before he finishes the current one. It's embarrassing to know that Chev can easily see through her desires, but she's glad she asked. As Emma fidgets at Chev's voice in her ear, she wonders how much more her heart can take.
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eeblouissant · 2 months
I had a singular brainworm & two seconds to doodle. where’re my blanche/dorothy enthusiasts because they’ve grown on me so fast (+ an extra doodle under the cut 🫣 it’s cropped here but still a little nsfw regardless, so feel free to scroll if that’s not your thing!)
something something that one thing Blanche was wearing that one time
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retros-artandstuff · 8 months
another unfinished ranboo wip gah
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petitelappin · 7 months
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I just wanted to draw the version of Kieran whose father is Mal Cousland. I can't imagine Morrigan talks about Mal much -- they never got along particularly well, and it's not relevant to the first decade of Kieran's upbringing. (Though I'm certain Mal visits him at Skyhold once Leliana tells him Morrigan is there with Kieran. He'd love to meet his boy, even if his boy is a little off-putting and otherworldly).
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chloelouygo · 3 months
Ah yes, dying my hair 2 hours before I leave for work is definitely a good idea
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serenanymph · 6 months
nine people I'd like to get to know better
thanks for the tag, @mister-writes! gonna tag uhhh @writingamongther0ses, @faytelumos, @halfbit, @digitalsatyr23, @thatndginger, @aziz-reads, @toribookworm22, @scribbling-stardust and @e-klair (no pressure ofc!!)
last song: baumkuchen end by eve!
fav color: honestly I like most shades of blue but there isn't one that stands out in particular
last tv show/movie: I just started watching the pjo tv series today! I've only watched two eps but it's really good so far
spicy/sweet/savory?: I'd say sweet and savory are pretty evenly tied, but I have a low spice tolerance
relationship status: single
last thing I googled: is this in general or for writing? because the last thing I googled in general was about a game I was downloading, but for writing I think it might've been something about crows. I've been reading a lot about crows recently
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
reading springfest now after everything in nagazora is making me crave more fu hua and mei interactions. i feel like thus far in my go through, i've never actually seen them interact, but it's kinda fun that the person who made the recommended reading order put springfest after nagazora (though of course this is probably in preparation for whatevers going on with senti/fu hua rn in ch 19)
but the way that the empyrea isolates herself so she doesn't have any attachment to those who she will outlive and how she winds up becoming lonely as a result threw me back to mei isolating herself in world serpent so that she can protect kiana and just... idk..... i think the two talk about that isolation would be interesting
also. i love fu hua. she's still at the top of my list for best character so i'm just a happy little guy getting more fu hua content now in the story :> yippee fu hua
#idk who to ramble to about honkai so hi#avil plays hi3#ill probably liveblog my thoughts as i read through springfest and UH#blade of the empyrean!#but im excited :> then after that i gotta go through the 7 blades visual novel ^7^ that one has sushang!! i havent met her in the game yet#but i do have her !!!#its kinda interesting though because sushangs ultimate in hi3 is yanqing's ultimate in hsr. or i guess yanqing as a boss???#idk. so im like HMMMMMMMM WHATS UP THERE WHATS GOING ON#i wonder if theres a character sorter for hi3 actually#if i had to say who my top 5 are atm for honkai#its probably like fu hua mei kiana kevin and sakura ???#kiana is so easy. like if i loved oz vessalius how could i NOT love kiana we sure love vessel characters LJSHDFLASKDHFLAKSH#maybe its also recency effect though for mei but also. characters who isolate thinking that its the best htey could do to protect#like NO YOU IDIOT GET LOVED!!!!! GET L O V E D#they kinda get me#AND WELT I FORGOT WELT HOW COULD I DO THAT......#i feel like welt over kevin tbh#but thats super hard to say on my end alkdjfha#YOU KNOW i wouldve also said rita because i think rita is so fun#but i still dotn know enough about her#but personality wise i think shes so funny in a very stereotypical anime villain esque way LOL#also she is so catty too like what was she doing picking a fight with natasha LKAJHDLAFKJSDFH#OH I ALSO LOVE RITA AND NATASHA...#tbh i havent run into a character that i absolutely Hate in honkai yet....#at least not that i remember#if i hated them i probably forgot about them LMAOOOOO#like even durandal? i love durandal in the manga. she doesnt really stand out to me MUCH yet in the game but i loved her a lot in the manga#but for me durandal is low on the list for now. but that doesnt mean i dislike her i think shes cool but just hasnt done anything in#particular that caught my attention yet alskjdfahl#rambling WHOOPS ASLKJDFA
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midnight197 · 6 months
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Daily MO 9!
I decided to challenge myself a bit by drawing at least 1 MO almost everyday. The lack of Fanart for this Game is breaking my heart, so I wanna make up for that lmao
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nyxronomicon · 7 days
baby do you have other favorite characters in kny ? the public wants to know
other than Rengoku and his dad... Tengen has definitely caught my attention 👀. I haven't really met Sanemi but I eagerly await learning more about him bc he seems like my type lol
Also NGL Akaza is pretty fine (despite his transgressions). I'm looking forward to meeting more of the demons too!! Kibutsiji is really hot as a woman but ugh I just wish as a man they didn't look like Michael Jackson lmao
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
think this is the first time ever i have been disappointed to see an awakening banner
#ann cries about feh#I WAS SOOOO READY FOR BABY RAM VILLAGERS MAN#SO READY#BABY KLIFF… WHERE YOU?!????#cuz like. sorry i love the ram kids so much. and NONE OF THEM HAVE ALTS#ok well. thats not true. valentines faye and alm and celica have a few#but 1) v!faye was SO long ago and 2) alm and celica NEVER get seasonals#they got valentines and then??? AND THEN WHAT??#brave alts cuz they won and legends bc its mandatory for lords. ????!!?!!!!?!!!#THATS IT???!!!!#not that baby hell is the best outcome but i thought theyd be a shoe in eventually#also for an awakening baby banner i was. kinda hoping if it happened itd be like. the second gen???#bc. theyre the babies???#BABY LUCINA IS LITERALLY IN THE GAME#i mean i guess itd be weird to have a newborn out on her own like that#but idk i think baby lucina + a few others would be a much better idea than chrom and lissa im sorry#do we not have enough chrom alts.#+ consider if we got like. cousins duo baby lucina and owain. cMONN owain doesnt have enough alts considering hes. yk. OWAIN?!#itd be nice if emmeryn was there though. though again her being relegated to BABY BANNER is kinds insane#ugh idk. couldve had duo baby celica and faye and i think that wouldve been adorable#or not. actually high chance intsys would ruin that and turn them into only talking about alm…#instead we get to have lissa and emmeryn only talking about chrom! whoop de doo!#i think theres actually child chrom lissa emm art out there somewhere i forgot where but#thats probably why. but that doesnt make the missed opportunities hurt any less#whatever ram gang fs next year!!!#please#what if we got baby awakening tiki and its j y!tiki again lmfao
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agentbuggy · 6 months
[Buggy walks into her office, she seems pretty tired…]
[She flops down on her chair and pulls out some paper and starts to fold them into tiny small animals while humming a simple tune]
[Drummer seemed to have waken up… how long as she been asleep…?]
[She takes a look at a picture on her desk, seems to be a drawing of something… she then gets back to work…]
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dirusflor · 9 months
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Another con of having a barely functioning facial nerve
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