#kinda a mad scientist low key
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ratsoh-writes · 22 hours ago
Notes let’s go!
Steampunk au
Victorian vibes, blimps, trains, *gulp* robots, etc… monsters and humans on the cusp of a technological revolution. Peaceful au, but industrial boom, lots of inventors
Maybe human vs monster conflict acting as reason for industrial boom. A technology race between countries
Low-key mad scientist sans, lil loopy, passionate, robot nerd
Either classy entrepreneur paps or soft paperboy style paps? Newspaper job, information broker?
Medieval au
Medieval au, mix of monster/human peasant class, monster royalty. Crusades going on, people leaving or being dragged away to be soldiers. Lots of classism, maybe some Robin Hood sh*t on the side
Milkmaid sans or paps, one of them is gonna be the milkmaid. The other will be like a Robin Hood type character? Idk
Ice age au
World cursed into an eternal winter, animals all massive and fluffy, dwindling monster and human tribes- small numbers
Definitely skelesisters. Kinda stocky appearances, will need to be tough
Parasite/shroom au-
The mushrooms have taken over- a magical strain gone rouge. Huge huge mushroom forests everywhere, sea covered in moss, massive bugs
Could do a zombie element where mushrooms animate recently deceased animals for a brief time. Dead have to be tied down as most are infected with the shrooms which activate after death
Monsters more horrific looking, lots of plant elements for each species, humans affected too?
Traveling circus au:
Colorful vibes, entertaining seen as way of life, acrobatics, all history told through performances? -honestly giving gypsy now
Ringmaster paps, *sighs* clown sans
War au
Roman empires aesthetic- monsters apex race, conquering world, very violent, driven, opportunistic- honestly a gold au but more punch happy. Could be two monster empires bitterly fighting against each other. Definitely will have gladiators
Fkn merchant sans. He/she won’t be no fighter. I’ve had enough of making the sanses the toughest ones
The paps will be the gladiator, literally bred to be a fighter. Will surpass butch/helios cause eff them
Ok any favorites so far?
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bogbees · 3 months ago
my current plan for drift au is like
Iruka: so here's the training room— oh, pardon us Hatake-san. I thought it'd be empty this time of day
Kakashi: fancy that, so did I
Iruka: ah, well, we'll be leaving then, sorry for the intrusion—
Naruto: hey, hey, what does sparring look like? can you show us? you n Kakashi-sensei
Iruka: i don't know... maybe not today—
Kakashi: ah, why not sensei, let's teach em what disappointment looks like
Iruka: *thousand yard stare* *removes knit sweater to reveal a nearly too tight button up* if you insist
Kakashi obviously gets a bit embarrassed by how hot Iruka looks. mostly the transformation fr goofy pencil pusher to the front page cover for every gay porno mag ever made. plus maybe idk a past infatuation that won't die?
Iruka just wants a chance to smack him upside the head for his rudeness.
whoops. turns out they're extremely drift compatible based off their quick spar. neither have any words. Kakashi is low-key upset he's gonna have to pilot again and kill Iruka this time. Iruka's just surprised by how... right it felt. he tries to cool his nerves, Kakashi interpts it as "oh no the grim reaper is coming for me next" fear, bc he's not aware Iruka might just be genuinely kinda amped up ab being toe-to-toe with a renowned pilot with a lot of kaiju kills. so Kakashi storms off. Iruka tries to calm his brain and his class.
he's ultimately hoping nobody finds out. he won't do well as a pilot, just let him do the paperwork for the base PLEASE.
now. they get hooked up with the actual machine to drift. it's stellar. until Kakashi starts freaking out ab how good it's going. Iruka tries to help but they're already fucked it up a bit.
now I'm thinking. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura end up taking the new mech. bc their drift results turned out better than Iruka and Kakashi's, but mostly bc they have less opportunity for failure; they're not riddled with depression and chronic illness.
so. Kakashi and Iruka get benched and become newt and herman without intention. like. idk. they finally go insane, try to hide away in a broom closet to make out, only it's the research lab, and with Iruka's book smarts and Kakashi's physical smarts (as in he knows kaiju patterns fr dealing with so many) (and Iruka's hobby is studying up on them in his spare time) they figure out the breech.
im imagining Kakashi trying to fuck Iruka senseless on some desk, only for Iruka to get distracted by the papers and he's like "wait, wait, look at this," effectively killing the mood by distracting the both of them.
i want iruka to be the one to drift with the kaiju??? idk fuuinjutsu feels like a mad scientist sorta deal
Mizuki still attacks Naruto and Iruka still saves his life by offering his own
Ramen. Dandelion yellow hair. Summer. Okinawa beach. Onsen. Bath. Ramen. Ma, Pa. Auntie Kushina. Ramen. School.
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dokidokitsuna · 11 months ago
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Our Hero
Looks like Dream Alliance is gonna win the poll-- in any case, even if it slips into 2nd place by the end, it’s the oldest AU on the list so it takes priority. ^^ The art train has already left the station~
I thought it’d be nice to start off with a picture of good old Mad Scientist Magolor. I’ve never actually drawn what he would look like after his big adventure is over, during the brief year or two when he’s considered the universally-beloved savior of the world…y’know, before Consequences™ start to muddy the waters. ^^; He’s basically the same; the only changes are his scar and Nova-freckles, updated vambraces, and of course, the wheelchair. I originally intended for his dimensional overcoat to carry his weakened body around, and I guess it could, but visually I like the actual chair better. :] It makes him feel more down-to-earth.
So, if you remember, a while back I wrote out a “bad ending” epilogue for Dream Alliance, which I admitted I didn’t actually consider “canon” to the AU. "So then," you may be wondering, "what IS the canon ending? What actually happens to Mags and Division Six after they save the world…?"
Well, I gave it some thought, and as painful as it is…I think the true ending would be very similar to the “bad” one. Hyness is the problem-- after all’s said and done, the various leaders of the world would probably want him dead for inciting a global genocide. And it would be hard to blame them…but at the same time, I simply cannot imagine a Magolor who would sit quietly and let his father be executed. Even if it meant having the whole world turn on him, even if he truly felt the punishment fit the crime, he would still have to try to save him. He just loves him too much.
There would only be two major differences, and the first would be the position of the Dream Alliance: one of the conditions of the “good ending” is that Susie discovers the truth about Magolor, but understands where he’s coming from, due to her relationship with her own morally-bankrupt-yet-loving father. She does have a talk with him, but keeps it under wraps, and generally ignores the issue until the public finds out that Hyness exists. And even then, although she’s duty-bound to respect the wishes of the rest of the world (and kinda does want to avenge President Haltmann Sr., who died during the Void fiasco) she feels bad about having to oppose Magolor on this, and holds back a bit during the final fight.
The second (even more painful) major difference would be…I think Magolor would decide to sacrifice himself to end the conflict. 🥺If the world wants a life to take, let it be his-- after all, that would be the harshest possible punishment for his father, and he knows it. Nothing would hurt Hyness more than to live out the rest of his days knowing his beloved son died for his crimes.
And it would also quell any concerns regarding all the power Magolor amassed during the story: if he dies, the Void Destroyer System dies with him. No one has to worry about the god-killing mecha or alien auxiliaries falling into the wrong hands; it will all be gone. That extra detail, I think, would be enough to convince other world leaders to accept the deal.
His angels would agree unanimously to die with their creator, because that’s how they are (Morpho might even pull a “see you on the other side”, being part death-god, after all…he knows they’ll meet again in some form~); Gryll and Adeleine would be inconsolable, the other generals would be low-key devastated too (I think MK would be hit the hardest); and Hyness would probably still be alone in his cell, able to ‘sense’ the loss of his child even without anyone telling him…and wishing for nothing more than to join him from that moment on.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year ago
gaz turning into a mad scientist to make her laugh is sending me😭 it's low-key giving Donny from 2012 tmnt doing lab experiments😭😭😭😭😭
but i have a question;
what if bunny gets nightmares because of gaz putting her in the burrow?🥲 maybe even develops claustrophobia because of it, which sucks because i know he'll use that against her.
2012 tmnt>>>
oh she 100% develops claustrophobia, it was lowkey his goal with the burrow. she's meant to associate his bed and cuddling with him as good things. getting locked in a small dark closet when you're panicking doesn't exactly create a positive association for the closet lmao
he'd be so sweet and comforting when you have a nightmare, but it was totally his end goal. your nightmares are kinda great for him - he gets to comfort you and look like the good guy & they mean you're terrified of punishments and less likely to misbehave
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otakween · 1 year ago
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Zero Men - Volume 1
Now that I've finished 0-Sen Hayato, this manga was next on the list, another oldie. At least this time it's by the Godfather of all manga, Osamu Tezuka. I think this is his first work I've ever read??? Apparently no one cares about it because there's very little English material on it. Oh well, the main character is cute!
Ch. 1
Omg I'm loving this so far! The art is so dynamic and cute and the dialogue is really colorful too. The protagonist Ricky is adorable ;w; I love his tail.
That was a pretty badass and hilarious opening with the two soldiers fighting a pointless war while also low key bonding over a baby they saved.
Ricky crying when his dad told him his tail was something to be ashamed of broke my damn heart! Glad the dad isn't fully evil though. Just misguided...
Kind of weird that the dad is like "I swear I'll find you a doctor!" Like dude...you've had many years to do that and it probably would have been easier when the kid was an infant.
Ch. 2
Obvious parental death is obvious. Ricky sure got over it quick lol.
So, so far we know that 0 men can survive extreme temperatures, are really fast learners, and have great agility. I think this is an Elfen Lied scenario where they're supposed to be "evolved humans." Making them squirrel like was kind of a weird choice but oh well.
The professor's design where he basically just has a cloud for a head reminds me of Dr. Uranus from Cyborg 009. Peak old dude character design lol.
Losing one dad and then instantly meeting your real dad is pretty wild. The emotional whiplash made it all feel kind of rushed and silly. It's nice that Ricky doesn't feel like a freak anymore tho. Kind of an ugly duckling story.
Ch. 3
Woah, suddenly the story gets very different. Forget the evil scientists, it's time for robot demons apparently! New bad guys are Enma (Buddhist God of Hell) and Satan. Fun for the whole family!
Enma kinda looks like one of the guards from Squid Game lol, simple but menacing
The scene where Enma and Satan make an entire lighthouse disappear and the keep jumps out to save his life was effectively frightening. I wonder if that guy will come back as a witness?
All of Tokyo is ripped apart and put back together in like an hour and everyone just shrugs it off!? I know Japanese people can be complacent, but not THAT complacent!
This chapter felt like an anti-communist message with every house being exactly the same but "something's missing." I googled it and apparently Tezuka was a communist, but only for a short time before he changed his tune, so it's still possible that's what he was going for.
Ch. 4
So apparently the professor is a good guy now (despite first impressions) as he teams up with Ricky to investigate Enma.
We learn that 0-men are closer biologically to squirrels than they are to humans...riiight. The adults definitely looked more squirrel-like at least.
Pretty savage of the professor to shoot up his friend with a gun to "check if he's human" (including a shot to the head!?) Reminds me of the original Stepford Wives when the MC stabs her friend in the crotch.
The way Tezuka draws the prime minister feels very Looney Tunes. He's very rubbery.
Ch. 5
This manga is very text heavy so the average chapter takes me a bit to get through. Luckily, the Japanese has been very easy so far! (Rare for an older manga...)
Ricky and the Professor escape the clutches of King Enma who was planning to kill them if they didn't reveal the whereabouts of the 0 men. They end up in the forest where Ricky finds his mom and dad again. They ask Ricky to return to their country with them but he turns them down because he's vowed to be an "ally of humanity."
I can see why King Enma wears a mask...he's pretty dweeby looking under there. I like his mad scientist hair though. The fact that his face is a little disfigured gives Darth Vader vibes.
Ch. 6
Ricky and the professor try to alert the public about King Enma's take over. People start to be swayed, but then Enma just kills anyone who tries to join the resistance, so they don't get very far. By the end of the chapter Ricky is captured again by another power hungry person after the 0 men. Gdi Ricky...
I know it's for plot convenience but Ricky's tail pops out so easily that you'd think they'd come up with a better strategy for hiding it than stuffing it into his pants by now.
Ch. 7
Ricky splits up from the professor and finds himself captive on a boat. His 0 men parents come to save the day (apparently this was like a 0 men slave ship) and they knock out their captors.
Ricky just did a dramatic goodbye to his parents in chapter 6 and now he's back with them again? Make up your mind, story!
I was proud that I was able to read the kanji 船長. The videos I've watched of Marine-Senchou (vtuber) helped me out with that one.
We end the chapter in the jungle of the Himalayas. Maybe we'll learn more about 0 man culture?
Ch. 8
Uhhh wtf!? Ricky's dad just dies in an avalanche and they're like "meh, whatever!" Seriously Ricky and his mom recovered from that way too quickly. He might not really be dead, but they believe he is!!
It was cool seeing how the 0 men have been evading humans by living in a place that's only reachable by their species. That felt believable. I bet their land is nicer than the weird place Ricky was living before anyways. No dictators (I hope lol)
Ch. 9
Lol my previous statement was immediately proven wrong in this chapter. Ricky basically went from living in 1984 to Brave New World. I quickly went from enjoying learning about 0 men culture to being like...oh...that's not good.
Kind of confusing that Ricky's mom would intentionally bring her son into this world if she knew how messed up it was? She even is like "here's our apartment where we'll live as a big happy family" but then Ricky learns that kids are separated from their parents super early in this world and sent to live in a children's village. Like...did she not think of that??
Why was chapter 9 like 3 times longer than chapter 8? Well, I've been enjoying the kanji reading challenge. This manga has no furigana...
Ch. 10
Man this story is cyclical. They escape, they get captured, they escape, they get captured. Tezuka also seems to have ditched who I thought was the main villain for now. Will this whole thing be episodic or will we get a real plot?
They come across some yeti in their travels who say "yeti yeti" like Pokémon lol. I wouldn't mind seeing them make friends with all the cryptids, but the visit was very short.
Ricky's mom asking him to shoot her tail off with a gun was pretty dark. It does seem like it would make their lives a lot easier to remove their tails (in hopefully a less painful way), but I guess it's the principle of it.
Dude at they end looked like a Cyborg 009 character with his giant buttons and fancy hair haha.
Ch. 11
And just like that we gain another random party member (and Ricky's mom gains her 2nd adopted son in like 2 chapters). Ricky and Pete bond over their daddy issues.
I was wrong, they did bring Enma back. He reveals that his new, Communist version of Tokyo was inspired by the 0 man way of living, so I guess that explains that.
Like I said, we're going in circles here. Now we're back to looking for the professor Ricky befriended in earlier chapters. After the gang finds a safe place to live, then what? Are they going to save the world from oppressive regimes? Is the goal to just be a normal, happy family?
Ch. 12
So apparently the professor they eventually find is some kind of fake (even though he passed Ricky's needle test). Can Tezuka decide if this dude is a good guy or a bad guy already!?
Kinda funny how when they found a safe place to hide out they're like "now let's confront the evil people!" Like...weren't you running to hide from the evil people? Well I guess heroes gotta hero.
Ch. 13
So now it's doomsday via Mt. Fuji erupting. Although the gang succeeded in destroying Satan's clone factory, they now need to worry about the fate of humanity.
The version of this that I got from Bookwalker is 4 volumes but MAL has it at 7 volumes, so this must be an omnibus. I wonder where the original volume 1 cut off?
That first volume was kind of all over the place. The plot progression didn't feel all that natural, but I think this was one of those stories that was supposed to be a one-off and then got expanded, so whatever. Let's see where things go in volume 2...
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zumvublog · 1 month ago
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The Ultimate Guide to Starting an eCommerce Business: Your Ticket to Digital Gold
So, you’ve decided to dive into the wild world of eCommerce, huh? Buckle up, buttercup—this ain’t your grandma’s lemonade stand. Starting an online biz is like riding a rollercoaster blindfolded: thrilling, terrifying, and absolutely worth it if you hang on. But where do you even begin? Don’t sweat it! This guide’s your trusty map to navigate the jungle of pixels, products, and profit. Let’s crack this nut wide open.
1. Find Your Niche (No, Not That Kind of “Niche”)
First things first—what’s your golden ticket? Selling cat sweaters? Artisanal pickles? NFT-shaped toilet paper? The key here is to carve out a slice of the market that’s begging for attention. Think of it like dating: you gotta stand out in a sea of swipers. If you’re jumping into a niche already saturated to the brim (looking at you, dropshipping gym gear), you’ll drown faster than a snowman in July.
Pro tip: Passion meets profit. If you’re gonna eat, sleep, and breathe this biz, make sure it’s something that doesn’t make you want to yeet your laptop into the sun.
2. Validate Your Idea—Or Crash and Burn
Hold your horses, hotshot! Before you max out your credit card on inventory, ask yourself: Does anyone actually want this? Cue the “validation” dance. Hop on Google Trends, stalk Reddit threads, or hit up Facebook groups. If folks are griping about a problem your product solves? Boom! You’ve struck oil.
But if crickets chirp louder than your target audience… yikes. Pivot faster than a TikTok trend.
Also Read: Best Software Directory & SaaS Tools
3. Build Your Digital Castle (AKA Your Website)
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Your website isn’t just a pretty face—it’s your 24/7 salesperson. Platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce are your BFFs here. Keep it slick, simple, and stupid-easy to navigate. Cluttered layouts? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Sprinkle in some magic:
Speed matters: If your site loads slower than a sloth on melatonin, visitors will bail.
Mobile-friendly or bust: Over half of shoppers are scrolling on their phones. Don’t ghost ‘em!
CTAs that pop: “Buy Now” buttons should scream louder than a toddler with a megaphone.
4. Source Products Like a Pro
Now, here’s the fork in the road: Make it, curate it, or dropship it? If you’re crafty, DIY could be your jam. But if you’d rather not glue sequins onto mugs till 3 a.m., wholesalers or print-on-demand services are lifesavers. Dropshipping? Low risk, but thinner margins���so choose wisely, grasshopper.
Warning: Vetting suppliers is like online dating. Skip the sketchy ones, or you’ll end up with a warehouse full of “definitely not what I ordered.”
5. Market Like You Mean It (Or Get Lost in the Noise)
Listen up, buttercup—launching your store without marketing is like throwing a party and forgetting to send invites. Crickets. Time to hustle:
Social Media Savagery: Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest—pick your battlefield. Post content so juicy, followers drool. Influencers? Collab like your biz depends on it (spoiler: it kinda does).
Email Lists = Golden Geese: Capture those emails faster than a greased pig. Offer a discount, a freebie—heck, a dad joke. Just get ‘em hooked.
SEO Sorcery: Google’s the gatekeeper. Sprinkle keywords like fairy dust, blog like your life depends on it, and watch those rankings climb.
6. Customer Service: Don’t Be a Ghost
Newsflash: Customers aren’t ATMs. Treat ‘em like royalty, and they’ll crown you with loyalty. Respond to queries faster than a caffeinated cheetah. Handle complaints with grace (even Karens deserve love). And personal touches? A handwritten note can turn a one-time buyer into a ride-or-die fan.
7. Scale or Bail
Once the cash starts rolling in, don’t kick back just yet. Reinvest like a mad scientist. Test ads, expand product lines, or tap new markets. Automate the boring stuff—email flows, inventory management—so you can focus on the big picture.
But remember: Scaling too fast is like chugging a gallon of espresso. Steady growth trumps a flash-in-the-pan frenzy.
The Bottom Line? Grit > Quit
Let’s keep it 100: eCommerce isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a marathon with potholes, detours, and the occasional victory dance.
Some days, you’ll feel like a boss; others, you’ll question every life choice. But hey—no risk, no reward, right?
So slap on your hustle hat, embrace the chaos, and go make some digital magic. The world’s your oyster… now go find that pearl! 💥
Mic drop. 🎤 Your eCommerce empire starts now. What’re you waiting for?
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dualnaturedscientist · 1 year ago
Once Dr. Two-Brains was finished working up his cousins confidence with ARG, he felt satisfied enough to finally head back home. He had complicated feelings about going back home but he needed to check in on his daughter. He honestly couldn't go too long away with her without anxiety screaming in his mind. He had just got her back after months of working himself down to the bone to look for her. He hated that he wasn't the one to bring her and Bob back home. Thinking about his fathers. It wasn't the greatest plan to keep Maddrix around but Becky would go into another panic attack if he were to leave again. He couldn't handle seeing his precious daughter cry like that again. Even though they were back, it didn't mean that Dr.Two-Brains was going back to steal cheese again anytime soon. He was going to stay around and keep his daughter close as much as possible. He felt torn about attending the meeting and leaving her yet he had to make sure they knew. Dr.Two-Brains wanted to hold Becky and never let her go. His little pinkie. He wished he could understand her but he could only guess what she's saying now. No one will ever harm his little girl ever again. He will personally tear them apart atom by atom. In such a painful manner they'd wish for instantaneous death. The mad scientist wasn't going to allow those monsters to get away for hurting his family. One way or another that place will be rubble by the time they're done with it. During his deep thoughts, Dr.Two-Brains found himself being brought out of his own head by Steven. "Uh hey cuz. You're kinda driving by your place." "Huh?" It was Dr.Two-Brains turn to look sheepish as he noticed his cousin was right. He immediately rectified that by backing back up. Making sure no one was behind him as he went back. Finally pulling into the driveway. "Sorry about that." All Steven did was offer an understanding smile.
When Victor finally got the eye on the raggedy doll just right, he held it up to Eris. His grin was full of pride, beaming up at his significant other. He honestly loved to show off his work. Even though it wasn't his true job, it was completely his passion and he loved every bit of it. He always took such pride in his toys, in his toy craftsmanship. Always low-key bragging about it. That's the one thing all three siblings had in common. Pride in what they do and they werent afraid to show it. Honestly they deserved to be proud. It might be because he was biased since he was dating Victor, but especially his boyfriend deserved to feel pride in his work. Otherwise he was humble about himself. He hated being the focus of attention. Hating showing that he had needs and desires as well. Others always being above him. That was one of the traits that bothered Eris. Because Victor deserved to have his needs, his desires to be met just as anyone else would. He made it his mission to do so. Just as Victor made his final examination of the toy and was in the process of putting it down, they both heard his laptop give an alert that the data had finally finished downloading. Causing Victor to panic in that moment and nearly let the doll fall from his hands. It was comedic to watch him fumble around with the toy. He grinned in an embarrassed manner. "That's also for work. More designs for more toys. That's all." Eris smiled warmly at him. Accepting that answer with ease. It wasn't often but he was able to catch Victor's clumsiness peek through at times. Victor had thought he trained it out of himself years ago but he still slipped up every now and again. He finally placed down the doll. Satisfied with what he did. "Let's get going now. I don't have to deliver that doll until later on, I just happened to finish it early." "Alright sweetie." Victor noticed that Eris looked like he was wanting to laugh. It wasn't until he pointed towards the magnifying glass attached to his head. Honestly it wasn't the first time he forgot about that. He used it so much it was practically another limb to him. He grinned, they both chuckled as he put that away to. Quickly locking up the store and heading out.
Everyone was exhausted from the eventful day. Dr.Two-Brains had put the mice pups on a makeshift little bed for them to sleep on. They seemed to have grown attached to both Becky and the mad scientist in the short amount of time they were taking care of them. When they put the mice pups down they squeaked to be picked up again. When they finally fell asleep, full from their dinner, Becky and Dr.Two-Brains quietly left. Though Becky didn't want to leave the pinkies alone. The villain spoke softly. "They will be okay there. I promise. Let's be quiet and let them sleep." Becky stared at her father for a moment. She had a thoughtful expression, following after him. Dr.Two-Brains had put his kid to bed. Once she was tucked in. Bob too. He kissed her forehead goodnight. "Goodnight my little ray of hope. Rest well. I'll never let anyone hurt you anymore. I promise. You'll be safe from now on. I'll never let you out of my sight again." He mumbled this, his eyelids feeling so heavy now. He drifted off to sleep, head on the bed. Becky untucked herself and made herself comfortable near her dad. Bob made himself comfortable as well on the opposite side. Both of them curled up next to him. The others had already left for their own home. Leaving Carl, Steven and Matthew with them. Carl and Steven had been taken to the spare rooms while Matthew had only the couch to sleep on. If he was going to be honest it was still much better than the poor excuse of a bed they forced him to sleep on during his time in Maximum prison. The facility where he was transferred was so much worse. He was going to take what they gave. As his son in law wished, he was on his best behavior. It would stay that way until they didn't need him anymore. The truth was, he wants his kids to be happy. Just like any other parent would. Once he was of no use anymore, he will make sure they never see him again. He'll be far away. Just like they wanted. Despite what happened, Gene was still his favorite. He was so proud that his son turned out to be so brilliant, kind from what he saw. He was still all that despite the mouse brain. His son was strong. Maybe even more than him. He gave in, Dr.Two-Brains didn't give into it for the sake of his daughter. Matthew finally allowed himself to drift to sleep.
The next morning, Matthew was woken up by his son cooking breakfast for everyone. Well everyone but him. He assumed that Gene would want to feed the man he hates. Matthew felt guilt. Over hurting his son like that. Everyone else woke up soon, gathering around the table. Once it was set up, everyone helped themself to the delicious and cheesy meal. Matthew stayed in the living room though. Becky glanced over at him, puzzled why he wasn't joining them. Dr.Two-Brains felt his insides twist. As much as he hates Matthew he couldn't let his little girl panic like that. If he's staying here, he must eat as well. He spoke in a less than enthused tone. "You want your plate over there or are you going to join us?" Matthew blinked owlishly. He saw that the table seemed a bit crowded and he doubted they wanted him to sit with them. "I'll fix up my plate and eat on the couch. Thank you." There was no sarcasm in his tone. He was genuinely thanking his son. After they ate, Matthew and Dr.Two-Brains were alone in the living room. It was tense. Matthew wasn't looking at his son, not wanting to make the situation worse. He didn't see the expression Dr.Two-Brains was wearing. Grim. He wanted answers. He was finally able to ask this question he had been dying to ask for years. "Why did you do it? Why did you massacre all those heroes? Rebecca?" Two-Brains found himself even more emotional, bringing up his late best friend. There was anger in his eyes. Sadness. Hurt. Matthew only felt guilty when it came to his family. He hated seeing them hurt. A thought he always had. If he hadn't massacred the heroes, maybe he could've done something to prevent Carl and Steven from being kidnapped. Prevent Gene from going through all that. "You wish to know? I'll tell you. Just a heads up. I'm telling you why and it's not an excuse for what I did. I'm simply telling you what happened." Matthew paused for a second, frowning at the memory. "A good man died so many years ago. Not one hero shed a tear for someone whose intentions were good. Despite his less than legal ways of achieving his goals, he was on their side. They never saw it that way. It didn't affect him in the least. He still fought for what was good. They said horrible things about him. Yet he never retaliated. Never spoke against them in anger. My uncle. He hated this vigilante just as much. Hated that he was teaching me just as much. I didn't realize it at the time but this vigilante was more of a hero than the others were. Not one of them, including my uncle, mourned for him. They never even mentioned his passing once. The one who killed him, he wasn't going to stop. I had to make him stop. The anger I felt. I wiped him out. With his goons. They didn't care how many lives were lost. That added so much fuel to my hatred of heroes. So much so. It blinded me. Making me no better. I became the malicious monster that my uncle said I was. The rage grew in me. He disowned me. So did my mother. When the rage grew, I only had one thought. One goal. I was unfortunately blinded by this. Not seeing the damage I've done after I executed my plan. All of my rage was released. I don't remember killing most of them. But I know I did. I truly love you and your siblings. Your father, I never stopped loving him. Yet my hatred was stronger. I gave into it. I know this is the consequence of my actions and I accept it. If you wish to get revenge, I won't fight back. Do as you please. I'm truly sorry. I know it doesn't mean anything to you since it's from me. But my apology is genuine. I am sorry. I don't expect forgiveness. But I thought you deserved an apology."
Dr. Two Brains sat stunned at Maddrix's explanation. He had no idea Matthew used to be a hero. None of them did. He didn't know how to react to his apology either. It was a little too late to say sorry. Yet on the other hand, Two Brains could tell he was being serious and genuine. Maddrix's explanation though, it opened up more questions for him as he reflected on his past before the massacre, analyzing Matthew's actions and comparing it to what he knows now. "Is that why you raised me to be a villain? So I wouldn't end up like the heroes you hated so much?" Two Brains asked. Matthew shook his head. "I had that hatred festering, but it wasn't the main reason I raised you to be a villain. I genuinely saw the natural spark and flare you had for villainy at an early age. When you acted sweet and innocent as a cover to get what you want or to get away with biting people that made you mad." Matthew paused a bit as he chuckled a little at the memories. "I honestly lost count of how many people you bit." Two Brains couldn't help but smirk at that. "It was the only way I could get back at those who made me upset. Neither you nor dad would let me gain access to tech until I was 13." Two Brains quipped. Matthew nodded with a bittersweet smile. "True. We were both slightly afraid what you mind would do if we gave you access to tools and tech before you were mature enough to use them." Matthew then frowned. "The true reason was I didn't want you to end up like me. I had a lot of anger and aggression issues when I was growing up. I don't exactly know where they came from. I just know that my uncle nor my mother never gave me the help I needed. My uncle saw me nothing more than a weapon that made him look good until I didn't. My mother was a spineless fool who went along with anything my uncle told her. I wanted to help channel your villainous impulses into something productive. I wanted to give you the helping guidance I never got. Even after you got me arrested. I was miffed yeah but I was never truly mad at you. I'm proud of the person you grown up into. Not because of the villain part. It's because you have a lot more control over your priorities and better restraints over your impulses than I ever did." "So that's why you told dad you were an orphan." Two Brains muttered as he processed what Matthew told him. Maddrix just shrugged. "Well your biological grandfather walked out when I was a toddler and the only true parental figure I had died when I was teenager. It was easier to say I was an orphan than to go into the nitty gritty." Dr. Two Brains leveled Matthew a hardened look. "You kept a lot of secrets from dad, including the part about you and me being villains. I remember you said it was best that no one else in our family knew the truth about our villain work. Even though they wouldn't be bothered about it, you still didn't want them to know. Why was that? Were you afraid of them getting hurt if they knew?" Dr. Two Brains interrogated. Matthew's expression became pale before he turned his gaze away Dr. Two Brains looked at the man with annoyance and confusion for not answering his question in a rude manner. A thought then struck his head. That evasive and somewhat rude reaction. He knew it all too well. "You were afraid dad would hate your for being a villain and kick you out like your mom and uncle did. That was why?" Two Brains muttered quietly. Maddrix didn't reply. He didn't have too. Dr. Two Brains could see clear as day the prickling tears the villain was trying to blink away. Two Brains gave a bitter chuckle. "I guess I did take more after you than I realized." Two Brains mumbled. Both he and Matthew never wanted their loved ones to see the true them, consumed by their fear of being hated and alone by those they cared the most. The difference here, while Two Brains found a better way to cope with his fears and learn to be more open to others, Matthew didn't. @dualnaturedscientist
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fluffomatic · 4 years ago
Hewwo, could you tell us more about Dr. Cackle, please? They look like a very interesting character!
Yooo this took forever to write out lmao. But thank u! I'm glad ur interested in them! Can't wait to draw more of them! (And eventually design their assistant whoops 😅)
Here we go! Also I looked up a template for this cause I needed a guide, if you're interested here it is!
First name: Alban
Surname: Cackle
Age: 23
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Current residence: On the Tickle Island
Relationship status: Single (they care more for their research than forming a strong relationship with someone)
Physical Appearence
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 173 lbs
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Blonde (they dyed it tho they're a brunette)
Likes: Tickling, science, being inside, alone time, traveling, adventure, seen as intelligent, their pet Buzzli, plants, bugs and animals
Dislikes: being seen as an idiot, arguments, large crowds, being over powered, people touching their hair, people calling them "sir", messes
Education: College Graduate
Fears: Large Crowds, Germs, Needles
Personal goals: To continue to expand the tickle island
General attitude: Reclusive and overly confident in themself. Sees themself as too powerful to overtake. If they feel like they're losing, in an argument, battle, etc, they will get angry and release one of their creations on the other.
Illnesses : Diabetes Type 2
Sleeping habits: Poor, they tend to overwork themself. Sees their research as more important
Energy level: Low until they've had their coffee. Than it's average
Eating habits: Poor, again focuses too much on work and forgets to eat. Their assistant will sometimes bring them snacks if they haven't eaten in awhile
Memory: Excellent, will remember notes they took weeks ago
Any unhealthy habits: other than their poor sleeping and eating habits and the constant over working, they tend to strive for perfection and anything less than that is out of the question. They will do anything to make sure their experiments turn out perfectly, even if they have to sacrifice their body or anothers to do that.
Childhood: They had a fairly normal childhood, two great parents that loved them more than life. They were amazing in school and loved doing the work, sometimes they'd ask the teacher for more work cause they got bored quickly. They were tickled often as a child, their parents noticed they liked it, considering they told them, so they practically tickled Alban everyday. When they got a little older they started to tickle their parents back. They had the most relentless tickle fights.
Teen years: This is when they started questioning their gender. They felt uncomfortable being raised as a boy and they knew it wasn't who they were. They talked to their parents about how they were feeling and they started doing research right away. That's when they came out as Agender. Albans school life wasn't the best due to some bullying, being the schools "smart kid" they had a target on their back, however they took the bullying head on. Their confidence in themself overshadowed any negativity thrown their way. They're love for tickling only grew as they aged. They made a small group of friends and they dubbed Alban the "Tickle Monster". They constantly started tickle fights and they usually won. Luckily their friends were really sweet when they opened up and told them about their love for tickling. However the news somehow got around the school and that added to the bullying. They were embarrassed but kept their composure. They kept their tickling to a minimum afterwards.
Adult years: When Alban went to college for science they learned so much, too much some might say. In the end of their time at school they had figured out how to modify plants, on a small scale. Nothing crazy, but it planted a seed in their brain. After they graduated they started researching more at a small lab in their hometown. They learned more about modifying plants and even was able to modify their first bug, just a grub, they managed to modify the grubs body to be able to grow soft fur. This only heightend their interest. Their work got out and many science corporations contacted them for a higher paying job. One in particular peeked their interest. In the email they received from this place who were part of the government they offered them their own private island with a lab to do whatever they please with it, in return they must share their findings with them. They took the offer right away. When they got there they weren't sure what they were gonna do at first, but then they ran into Motherbloom. The huge flower asked why Alban was there and they told her, than asked what she was. Instead of telling them she decided to show them. That's when she pinned them down and wreaked them with tickles. After 10 minutes she let them up and Alban wanted in right away. They did some experiments on her and her flowers and discovered she held a potent "tickle pollen" they then used this pollen to start modifying the creatures on the island, not already changed by insects spreading it to themselves and other plants. At this point Alban developed kind of a "God complex". They felt they could do anything. As years went by they created the tickle forest. They don't know what the government is using their research for but they know that they want more of it, considering they're still paying them.
Parents: Mother, Harriet Cackle/Father, Roger Cackle
Siblings: 1 brother, Billy Cackle
Friends: their assistant but barely
Occupation: full time scientist at their own lab
Current home: the labs on tickle island
Favourite types of food: Spicy or Fried
Favourite types of drink: Just water, sometimes flavored
Guilty pleasures: Tickling, duh
Pet peeves: Small distracting noises like loud chewing or tapping
Pets: Buzzli the tickle bee
Talents: superior intelligence, cunning and can outsmart people easily
Favourite colours: pink
Favourite type of music: soft indie
If you have anything else specifically you wanna know go ahead and ask! :D
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years ago
OUAT Thoughts Pt.56--Episodes 2-3
I have watched through S6E3; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—That Renaissance-y ballroom Monte Cristo had was so pretty. If I had a house that cool, I wouldn’t throw parties or care about revenge, I would just stay home and stare at the decor all day.
—Regina’s outfit at that ball was lovely. She has the best embroidery on her Evil Queen clothes.
—Zelena and the Evil Queen working together is going to be a huge pain in the neck, I can just feel it. Zelena’s annoying and the Evil Queen is…evil. It’s a very bad combination.
—Belle is low-key full of crap. She never really tried to make things work with Rumple. (Disclaimer, he didn’t really try much either.) She A) didn’t have realistic goals for their marriage and B) didn’t really do the whole communication thing too well. She could at least have the good grace to admit it instead of acting like the marriage not vibing is entirely Rumple’s fault.
—Very cool how extremely normal it’s played for Emma to go to counseling. And I love Hook even more for being supportive of her, and encouraging her to go. Their relationship is actually one of the most plausible, realistic, healthy relationships in the show. I mean, not that I know much about that kinda stuff, but that’s how it comes across to me.
—Why is Monte Cristo so speedy? I know the gist of the original story, but none of the details, so I’m not going to know which traits are derived from the original and which are cool new ones. Which is a lil sad for me, because I love being able to compare.
—I like the Evil Queen’s hairstyle except for the loose hair. When you’ve got a perfectly chic updo, why ruin it with having some hair not make it in?
—Archie is still v handsome. I wish he was wearing more sweater vests right now, but jackets and ties are cool too. I 💖 his glasses, btw. So cute. And he’s a listener. Oh, gosh, listeners slay me.
—Regina’s new haircut is cute.
—Hook and Henry sword fighting with branches is cute. I love that they get to have a good relationship. And I love when Hook gets to show his playful side.
—Monte Cristo makes me sad. He wanted revenge, but not at any cost. When he died, yes Regina was defending her friends, but he wasn’t trying to hurt them of his own free will.
—Rumple’s Scottish came out in full force when he was reading that nursery rhyme for the baby. Like damn, I’m still kinda starry-eyed over it. 
—It’s an interesting take on Cinderella to also have one of her stepsisters be a victim of the stepmother’s scheming. I’ve seen Cinderella where the stepsisters are willing accomplices and Cinderella where none of the stepfamily is evil, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before. Well done.
—I also like that Gus got to go to the ball with Cinderella in his human form. He can eat so much more cheese as a human!
—David’s verging on dumbass here. Seriously, this whole family needs to take a communication workshop. Something important happens? Somebody’s gonna die? Well, no need to discuss with the loved ones, they’ll find out soon enough!
—Speaking of, Emma not telling her family about her impending death is very David-in-Neverland. She’s really her father’s daughter.
—I have seen the light. The light is Dr. Frankenstein x Dr. Jekyll. They’re both kinda mad scientists and the way Jekyll was all ‘it’s an honor to meet you’??!?!!? YES! Plus they aesthetically work, because one looks a little bit more sinister and one of them looks pretty non-threatening, which reflects their personalities. Put them together and they just 🌟vibe🌟 in every possible way!
—Also I would like to point out that Frankenstein is low-grade smoking, what with his blonde hair, mad scientist lab coat, and little bit of dark eye makeup. Dr. Whale? Not so interesting. Dr. Frankenstein? Oh yes.
—I am gonna be obsessing over Jekyllstein (IDK) for at least another week. Maybe longer. If I get some decent footage of them working together in Frankenstein’s garage lab, it’s gonna be a month.
—Speaking of eye makeup, Hook’s was on point in episode 3. His eyeliner just stood out so well for some reason. And gosh does it highlight his eyes!
—He and Emma are finally moving in together! YAY!
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laketaj24 · 4 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really love your work!!!! I have more of a question than a kink (but it is a question about this particular one). Out of which of the Ragnarssons would have a machinery kink? (using machines on their S/O, building a machine for them to use on their S/O and just sitting back for the show).
Machinery Kink: Ivar Lothbrok
Author Notes: Thank you! I wanted to get this one out last week! I forgot to post it but no time better than the present! I got the answer for you below love! Happy Tuesday! And also to all my Americans, GO VOTE!
Warnings: Light smut.
Parings: Ivar Ragnarsson x Reader
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That would 110% be Mr. Ivar; I’ll find a way to walk my damn self, Lothbrok. He’s so intuitive and manipulative. And he low key gives off Mad scientist vibes lmao
He’d want to build the machine only to watch how you fall apart when he’s not the one giving you pleasure, and he’s almost too selfish to share you with anyone else... so why not a fucking machine?
He’d have you have strapped onto a cross, legs, and arms spread for him. “This is just a test run.” Ivar would promise walking back o the machine.
Like the expert, he would make sure you were comfortable in your restraints before he’d unveil it. The mechanical fingers with realistic fingers would crawl up your body, halting at the curve of flesh just above your pussy. You’d suck air through your teeth, unfamiliar with the touches it’d give.
“Do you enjoy that?” His soft voice would come from behind you like the hand slides slowly to your clit, and then the slow hum of the vibrations start. It was something that you ere not expecting, so you’d attempt to you clench your legs together
“You want this, don’t you?” Ivar’s full hand would hit the globe of your ass, and you’d jump, but it’d only send more pressure to your now throbbing clit. It was there on the precipice a release that you had cried, and then it pulled back.
“Ivar.” You moaned.
“Not yet, my pet.” He’d laugh and press a few more buttons; the fingers begin to press as if they knew precisely to fall apart.
You buckle from the cross, the high pitch mewls fill the air around you, and all you can feel is more pressure building as if you were about to explode.
Undoubtedly, Ivar would stop the machine; there is no way he’d allow the machine privilege of making you cum. He’d step in and takeover, jealous that his own creation has you crying out for more.
You know, because he’s kinda selfish, lol
Short Viking Taglist: @oddsnendsfanfics @imgoldielikehawn @sparklemichele @whenimaunicorn @honestsycrets @supernaturalvikingwhore @gearhead66 @therandomthoughtsofmsparker @therealcalicali @captstefanbrandt @titty-teetee @harleycativy @readsalot73 @xxdearlybeloved @lol-haha-joke @my-rosegold-soul @kenzieam | @tomarisela  | @scumyeol | @naaladareia | @amour-quinn | @lil-lit-bit @wheredidallthedreamersgo | @unsure-but-trying  | @lisinfleur |  @ceridwenofwales | @cinnabearice | @tephi101 |   @igetcarriedawaywithyou | @sunnyfortomorrow | @earthsmightiestasses | @sincerelysinister | @dangerousvikings |  @alicedopey | @brownsugerhippy | @purplerain85​ | @doloreschanal​ | @ilvebeenabad | @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​ | @young-ugly-god | @blackspiritshake​ | @trailerthoughtstexas​ | @athroatfullofglass​ | @riottkatt |  @honeyofthegods​|  @funmadnessandbadassvikings @isthat-tyra98 | @khiraeth | @geekandbooknerd​
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ashestospace-fics · 5 years ago
H/C for Leorio, kurapika, Wing and Kite with a Male crush
Request open!
The panic is real on this man
It's kinda obvious from the start he thought he was just straight, but then he meets you and new feelings emerge from his soul that send him too a inner panic.
You always seemed to put a smile on his face or make him laugh. There's moments that he couldn't breath on how hard you made him laugh at times.
He didn't know how to act at first, he genuinely thought he just like you as a very good friend.
You both will be going out for drinks, gambling at times as well.
Or you will just stick around his office when he was studying while playing on your own device. He enjoy this moments a lot.
But for me Leorio is a easily Jealous guy, so if he really likes you he will easily get jealous if he sees you paying more attention to Kurapika or anyone but him.
Will be breathing over your neck all grumpy making a excuse for you to pay attention too him, you honestly thought he was just being normal dramatic Leorio until you notice what it was.
It wasn't dead obvious at first, but it soon was when you notice the constant compliments and his constant pestering to help you with anything, he low-key gets over protective.
When you started complimenting him back is when he really gets flustered, which is really amusing to you how easily you can push his buttons with just telling the guy how handsome he looks today.
You have to be the one to confess in the end actually, the tension between you two got overly thick that everyone was drowning in it.
Killua was one to throw it deeper with a "just get a room and kiss already"
Boy was he a rambling mess, mad at Killua but dead embarrassed because he thought it just made things awkward with you.
You had to pull him apart after that and tell him straight to the point, he was silent for a moment before sighing out of relief. "Oh thank God " "Leorio are you serious? Just lean down so I can kiss you already you idiot"
Kurapika is a very busy guy,well all know this, he has only one thing in mind and that's revenge.
So him having a crush is not on his list, but if he really likes you a lot then it might be a problem for his heart to deal with. Especially if you're part of the gang.
He wouldn't really treat you any different from the rest, but there will be little of things here and there.
He will stare longer when you talk about something or when he thinks you aren't looking.
He finds you funny and amusing at times when you play a long with the boys, he likes how you treat them as your kids and make fun of them in a childish way.
Will be constantly pulling you apart when you and Leorio bicker, he secretly likes it when he has to pull you off by your waist or just get the opportunity to hold you even if it's in that kind of situation.
He's crush on you only gets worse when you call him "pretty boy" or compliment his eyes. But push his hair to the side when you do it and he is falling deep my guy. He can't control the sudden raise of his heart beat.
It never fails to make him blush just a bit.
He loves when you try to make him laugh, even if it's corny and bad. He likes the effort you put on trying to cheer him up. He values your friendship a lot.
He ends up confessing one night after the whole deal with the troupe, he was very broken at the moment. But he really couldn't keep it inside anymore.
"I really don't know what I would do if I lose you,...I....I love you y/n...isn't that silly? You made my life a little bit brighter even though I'm doing such horrible things" He's smiling while tears roll down his rosy cheeks.
You literally drop everything you had to ran up and hug him, tightly hugging him you tell him you love him back and that you won't go anywhere.
That you will always have his back and that your both in this together.
You two already knew each other before, back when you used to train under Bisky when you two where way younger.
So when the years had pass and you two meet up again that mans heart went up his throat when he saw you.
You had completely change, obviously taking your training a bit more serious than him, you where clearly levels higher than him. By physical means at least revolving your Nen.
But your personality was still the same, you practically brought the guy into a death hug.
"Wing dude you look the same, still don't know how to tuck in your shirt I see"
"haha... hello Y/n nice too see you again"
He gets flustered so easily it kills you.
You're both teachers, so you ended up pairing up your kids for training.
Wing can not take a simple compliment from you from the start, like I mention before he gets flustered easily at your praises or compliments on legit anything.
"wow your kids progressing so fast your doing such a good job Wing" my man has the tiniest smile while blushing as he quietly thanks you.
But then you are also dragging him out too drink. And you tend to get slightly flirty with the poor teacher.
Literally you don't give the poor man a break, the fact you get touchy with out a care too pull him closer as his breath stuck on his throat as he feels your strong arm around him.
At one point the slightly teasing compliments and flirting does get a bit too much for the guy.
"Y/n your constant flirty attitude is starting to make me believe you have a thing for me"
"yeah that's kinda the point in Flirting Wing"
It takes him a long pause as he's face heats up.
"Oh..." "....you wanna send the kids home earlier then?"
You both ended up working in the same deal, studying animals with his group. You where new to it, since it was a big decision to actually team up with Hunter's and other 'scientists'.
He appreciated your hard work on the team, always concentrated in your task but still manage to keep everyone lively when things got too boring while waiting for results.
For him to even crush on you it must take a long while, and when it does he doesn't even realize it.
That man lacks a certain amount of physical contact, in other words he is legit touch starve with out noticing.
So when you started going out with him to watch over animals and you lean on him, or place your hand on his back. He just can't help but relax to it. He doesn't mind the closeness when it comes too you.
Also when you started playing with strands of his hair when you waited on this type of work it has his heart beating faster. The fact that you where still concentrated while twisting his hair in your finger just did things for him.
So after all this little things when he realizes he has a crush on you, all he could say to himself was "Oh I'm definitely gay for Y/n..."
You both ended up confessing at the same time actually. It was odd, but it did had you both smiling realizing that you both like each other. Cause it was brought up so casually.
"it's feels nice when you touch my hair" he mumbled out while looking at the lake in front of him.
"hmm I really like your hair" you reply back casually as you play with a strand in-between your fingers.
"I like you" he blurts out following your statement as he looks over to you with pink cheeks.
"...I like you in general too" now you two smiling like idiots as you go back to the look at the lake.
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sugar-petals · 4 years ago
♡ Levi Dating A Tall Girl
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warnings ⚠️  some innuendo, possessiveness, jealousy, skinship
↳ NOTE. short captain ftw 
You don’t fall backwards the first time he hands you a big ass gun to practice target shooting. Finally someone who doesn’t act like a wobbly fool. Long legs. Better shooting stances. No questions asked. Levi likes that.
You can get the emergency supply tea box from the top shelf. He is jealous, this is cheesy, but still. Levi likes that.
You are hard to overlook. For pragmatic reasons since he lives in sheer chaos and needs to collect his squad from the most unholy places, Levi likes that.
But also... he has to confess he finds it fascinating to see you walk and talk. So, Levi likes that.
You can clean the ceiling. For obvious reasons: Levi likes that.
Paintjobs are easy to you. Levi likes that.
You can carry more weapons on you. Knife here, knife there, knives everywhere. Levi likes that.
Without even knowing or trying, you have a natural bold appearance. People don’t start trouble. The squad is peaceful and diligent in your presence. Him, too. He doesn’t say it, but he admits to himself that he feels protected. Levi likes that. A lot.
It might be outdated in the Survey Corps, but Levi enjoys calling you Madam. You really look like one in your Sunday outfit, just so you know. The height difference makes anyone buy into it. So, you go by „Ma’am“ wherever you go, knowing who addressed you that way first because he respects you. Levi likes that.
The advanced Trojan horse: You can smuggle him almost anywhere when you wear a dress. Levi is kinda going crazy with your legs being so up close though. My, my. What an interesting undercover mission. Levi likes that. You, too. Wink wink nudge nudge.
When cooking, you fool around planting your underboob on Levi’s head while the oven does its thing. He’s cursing a bunch of things. But he can’t deny you’re funny and he really fits in that spot, too. Levi likes that.
Your height means more to scrub in the shower. Levi does not shy away from grabbing a sponge for the ladies as we know. Only select people he will foam up personally, so, this is a knighting. If you can shave him, he can shampoo you, it’s tit for tat. A very cleanly exchange. Levi likes that.
In the comfort of your room, not in his, nor his office or elsewhere, really when nobody is watching — Levi sits on your lap. Plenty of space, so. He fits snugly right there. Levi likes that.
You look great when you ride a horse and handle horses well in general. You can get on there in two seconds without delay. Speed is key. Levi likes that.
And I mean.
What’s not to like, anyway? Levi’s captain crush on you equals your height in terms of intensity.
Technically, you, like all other people, qualify as a brat. A tall, noodly brat. But you’re nice to him and vice versa: Don’t deliberately nor accidentally get on his nerves. So the most he’ll do is grumble at you where others would get a speech. If you make a mistake with the equipment, he won’t let it slide for obvious survival-related reasons, but his tone is noticeably gentler, a crucial tinge.
The whole squad — especially the rowdy members who tease him the most ironically — spirals into envy, but doesn’t say anything lest they want Levi’s frown and explanation on how they were messing around while you worked. The guy’s proud of it and wants to deservedly hype your ethic to be honest.
So let us just note that special fondness he has and let it sink in.
Under the guise of “establishing order”, Levi has an excuse to make his schtick for you heard: Indirectly.
Levi scolds anyone calling you bigfoot or titan girl. His supposed reason: They didn’t clean well. In reality, he’s mad they pick on you but he can’t say it.
The captain is concerned that people don’t ruin your day and he’ll do something about it. That’s pretty damn astounding. Levi hardly bothers getting into other people’s mood management and personal things.
Armin thinks it’s adorable when Levi casually walks between you and Hanji, likely headed somewhere to buy conveniences because Sasha is dying to get food. Connie calls it the ‘Levi Sammich’ and laughs his ass off every. Single. Time.
Mad titan scientist she is, Hanji’s latest experiment involves a two-person battle maneuver where you have to carry Levi piggyback. He initially declines, but it looks adorable indeed, actually. You don’t really have to put efforts into holding him in place awkwardly, his legs are strong. So much about two-person maneuvers, the two of you fight well as a duo, your bodies complement each other. Best believe the same feat applies to what happens between four bedposts.
In more casual settings, he dons his usual scowl when he stands next to you, but he thinks it's sexy that you look at his shoulders from above. You can see the weight on them.
He wishes he had your shoulders. But then again, he wouldn’t want to change bodies at the end of the day, as surprising as it sounds. Levi knows he needs to be a compact little unit to do what he does.
A lot of people taunt you as a couple, but after some time of always reacting with anger right away, he becomes cooler about his self-worth. Levi realizes — man, he knows who he is.
Should you ever faint, he can catch you with ease. Levi Ackerman is the last guy to get crushed by his gf, that we all know. He’s not afraid of your body or your weight. No cowardice, no shame, no questions asked.
And as we know. He got a thing with your legs, don’t even try. Legs legs legs leggy legs, that’s all there is on Levi’s brain when you don’t wear a uniform but skirts during leisure time. He tries to block out that thought, unsuccessfully.
Titans he can go without, but you are his irreplaceable sexy goddess you know. Levi admires you.
Whenever you hit your hip or limbs at an awkwardly set-up table, Levi will position it elsewhere immediately. Low door frames he can’t do anything against, but he will tug at your sleeve twice every time you enter a room while walking behind you so you remember to stay alert. It’s... really cute how he’s tugging at you from below. I need a moment.
In the mornings, an even cuter thing happens: When his legs are too short to reach the ground while he’s sitting on an improvised barber chair of yours. You’re cutting his neck hair while he’s pouty about his tininess. You do your best to organize a smaller chair with Armin’s help later on.
But your height difference also causes some upheaval at the start or the relationship and brings up some deeper wounds.
You can easily help tie Eren’s man bun way up there and that makes Levi extra jealous. In fact, he feels like imploding to the point of creating a black hole. Even Mikasa is fine with it because it’s all on a friendly basis with no thought behind it. Like it’s just helping Eren get his hair under control for squad practice. But Levi sees red:
Out of sheer Ackerspite, he will grow out the top part of his undercut and ask you to tie up his hair, too. This guy is on fire. Like hello, he wants your hands in his hair like that as well!
He orders Mikasa to take care of Eren’s “brat mop on his head” every morning “for the sake of the cleanly survey corps dress code” without exception. Eren is totally confused, Mikasa likes the idea, and you are shocked.
Damn, this guy doesn’t play.
He wants you to stroke and tie only his sacred hair if he’s entirely honest with himself. Best time of the day for him. Levi ends up looking like your smol samurai bodyguard with his new hairstyle. You could fancy that in the long run.
And... you know he is insecure. You always know. And, if you’re honest yourself, are glad to have permission to give him such deliberate affection because he values it so much.
Levi hardly builds any romantic bonds and if he does, he easily feels left out because the truth is, he’s needier than the average person. It’s difficult if there are only few people close enough for that, since Levi needs a lot.
Eren is no viable competition, but you decide you gotta make that clear to the touch-starved little guy. Since... In reality, the man bun discussion is not about Levi being petty just because. It’s about wanting to have that connection with you. And: Your attention. Levi doesn’t look like it, but he needs it. A metric ton.
In fact, Levi is the biggest love-deprived attention whore on the entire island and that’s a hard fact.
So, what to do about it. First: Clean slate needed, because you’re a bit annoyed, too.
You sit down for dinner and talk to Levi about how you are not interested in stealing Eren from Mikasa, nor do you think Levi looks ugly or invisible compared to Eren because of the height. You want to be a helpful squad member and he has no business imposing his brat hair rules to make himself exclusive out of fear, as if you would jump Eren as soon as he doesn’t look. And that he should say when he’s envious or wants something, point-blank. You’re very willing to give him all the attention to the moon and back alright.
Levi, grumpy at himself, apologizes for wanting to control the situation instead of saying that he wishes for time with you and makes tea.
He’s feeling mighty called out but owns up to all of this having been a knee-jerk response. Guy’s hard on himself, but that’s how he adapts his behavior.
The whole truth is, he knows that Eren is a lot easier to be around while he, Levi, is a complicated guy that is arguably hard to approach in random matters, even for loved ones.
He beats himself up for that and wants to be more emotionally and physically accessible to you so you can shower your affections on him the way you want to. That’s what it really boils down to.
That means fishing for old parts of his youth he didn’t allow. Levi wants to challenge himself to be more open to receiving. He knows he keeps his appeal on lock and it’s time to change that because he sees that you enjoy such closeness. Just the way he does, but secretly.
He also says to you that you can always touch him the way you desire after work.
Levi sees how you like being hands-on and how you do it, and makes it firm that you don’t have to walk on eggshells, hold back, or ask like it’s a delicate matter.
Levi sees relationships in simple terms: Since you’re together, of course you can touch him. It’s part of the whole thing by default to him and he even assumed you took it for granted like there’s telepathy going on.
In fact, brace yourself: For the lack of a better word, it’s even his expectation that this happens. Not like an obligation but as in, that you take opportunities is a given to him, he anticipates it.
You reply that it’s good he communicates this, it’s got to be outspoken. His views on how this whole thing goes has to be out in the open. It gives you a lot more clarity on his boundaries, too.
Before another bout of jealousy unearths more taken-for-granted things, Levi realizes he has to make up his mind that he has to talk about his limits.
So, he also says he entrusts it to you to find the very right moments for skinship.
That entails kissing and pinning and sitting close to another. And sex. Which is pretty damn enjoyable with him, the real fucking deal. So steamy. My God.
And he makes it clear he does his paperwork fast and you can always ask, he’s never too busy to postpone things entirely. He’d rather die the next day after winding in the sheets than handling paper. Levi can’t sleep anyways so it gets his mind off. It’s always welcome and he tells you not to be hesitant.
Levi is the type to absolutely pick up the cues right away — and proceed to really make out against a wall really intensely — so you’re under no obligation to wave a giant red cloth in front of him like he’s a Spanish bull or whatever. He gets the hints and goes along. Not to worry.
You also ask Levi what he thinks about you initiating romantic things and he shrugs — „Do what you want.“
The brand of romance Levi is out for you can already guess anyways. Tea and more tea.
For now, that’s where you agree to “leave it at that” after he thanks you for being straightforward.
You launch your first affections before bedtime. He lets you sleep in his bed, damn right. You really have to be a priority to be able to reside there, I’m telling you. Levi rests with one eye open and in his harness, you have all the blanket for yourself to cuddle up in. That won’t stop you from peppering his face with a few very deliberately placed smooches.
Levi can’t deny he’s a sucker for getting forehead kisses. He drops his hygiene protocol just for that. Safe to say his man bun jealousy from earlier that day cools off in no time. Not to say it shatters completely when you go for the gold that is his pretty little mouth. He’s so overwhelmed emotionally, he almost cries. Levi never thought someone would do this with him.
You repeat the same thing next day, behind the barracks after sunset. Levi holds you real tight. He’s so addictive in the best way. Going by how breathless it all winds up to be, he doesn’t want the kisses to end.
What your height is handy for here? He can gaze up to the night sky when he locks lips with you. Levi, as we know, likes seeing the moon and training his neck flexibility anyways. But that’s not the purpose behind why he’s so down to kiss you so passionately, rest assured.
If he tiptoes a little, he can park his pretty face under your chin after you both ran out of air. Levi’s drug... your long neck. He thinks it smells so good.
He murmurs in response, but he actually wants to be gently cooed at and petted when he rests there. Just a little. He’s humming. Ah, so satisfying. Guess you aced the „Do what you want“ part. You’ll do this with him Lord knows for how many times.
Levi cuddles up at your chest later. Plenty of space for him, and he loves how your voice resounds from there.
Oh— by the way. Since Hanji installed one between the two apple trees outside: It’s always nice to sleep in a hammock with a tall girl. The fabric doesn’t fold him in, he can watch the stars with you off duty. You give him a reason to be content, and that’s the sweetest thing. Levi’s all in love, he’s really grateful. You go, Ma’am.
— more levi writings: sub!levi hc | levi’s happy end/tea shop hc
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borathae · 3 years ago
So this is my first time writing an ask ever but after reading the latest chapter of SA I just had to share my thoughts.
Let me preface by saying I have read a lot of your works and have a deep respect for you as a writer, I feel not many writers touch on the realistic aspects of various kinds of sex and you promote it in a way that encourages open and safe discussion, plus your story-telling abilities are through the roof and if I read these as stand alones without any knowledge of BTS etc I would happily pay money to grab a copy at a book shop.
Anyways, on this chapter of SA:
Holy moly the darkness of this chapter just hit different. It's nice to see something so dark and the protagonists being so helpless because far too often it's the trope of "oh it's the classic anime protagonist and no real harm can befall them" but with this, so far I can't see any real "plot armour" for the characters outside of y/n and I feel like this chapter is just the beginning of more, similar interactions with this mysterious group of mad scientists and I love it!
I felt so sorry for Jungkook in this, I can only imagine how painful his existence is and low-key I kinda don't want to see him overcome it and perhaps it's an unfortunate case of one of the other guys having to kill him to protect y/n later down the line (but then again I love it when no character is safe like that 🙃) but I feel like you've set up his incredible discipline so well and it's making me feel like it's perhaps tied into the military costume you've chosen for him at the masquerade.
I am left with so many questions now the pace has really picked up. I want to know more about all of the characters and their backstories, especially in relation to the knowledge uncovered about vampires in the book Namjoon left notes in for y/n. Where does Yoongi slot into all of this? He seems on the edge of everything but still so omnipotent and omniscient. And obviously the clashes between the two groups and their various motives, I want to know how it will all pan out. And these mysterious figures and the fact that they said "they" hid Jungkook... Who is they? Is it Hoseok and Jin, or someone higher up the ladder than them? And why did they hide Jungkook? And what is this about replacing vampire parts with human parts?
But like I said this chapter was amazing and I can't wait to see how this story develops along with your interpretation of vampire lore, I think it will be something much more intricate than is currently written in popular literature. I'm feeling "Vampire the Masquerade" vibes here (if you don't know what that is it's a game kinda like Dungeons and Dragons and the lore is amazing 🤓)
- 🌸
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Let me preface by saying I have read a lot of your works and have a deep respect for you as a writer, I feel not many writers touch on the realistic aspects of various kinds of sex and you promote it in a way that encourages open and safe discussion, plus your story-telling abilities are through the roof and if I read these as stand alones without any knowledge of BTS etc I would happily pay money to grab a copy at a book shop.
I read the part so many times and I am crying a little 😭😭 I literally can't put into words how deeply impacted this words make me feel. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! 😭😭💜💜
First of all omgmgmgm I feel so happy that you liked the darkness in this chapter! I really do!1 Honestly I am such an asshole to my characters sometimes because nobody is truly safe in my stories jjajsj
I felt so sorry for Jungkook in this, I can only imagine how painful his existence is and low-key I kinda don't want to see him overcome it and perhaps it's an unfortunate case of one of the other guys having to kill him to protect y/n later down the line
BROROOAOFAODFG YOU ARE EVEN MORE EVIL THAN ME HAFHAHHAHA I am loving this ajdfjasd and I can say that :-) this is just the beginning of his storyline :-)
Where does Yoongi slot into all of this? He seems on the edge of everything but still so omnipotent and omniscient.
Seriously though, Yoongi is such a mystery isn't he? like who are you good sir? what are you hiding?
omgmgm please I wanna quote all your questions and just go ":---) who knows" afjdsjfah pleASE I CAN'T TALK don't make mengfngn 🤐
But like I said this chapter was amazing and I can't wait to see how this story develops along with your interpretation of vampire lore, I think it will be something much more intricate than is currently written in popular literature.
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Also I love vampires and I always wanted to create my own take on them, I really hope that the lore I created can satisfy you omfmg please I wanna spoil so much stuff about them 😭😭
I have to be quiet for now hahahfh I swear to god I was this close to screaming about all the different characters and what they are going to do and how they play into the whole plot 😩 but for now all I can do is thank you with my entire heart and send you all the love I can muster 🥺💜💜
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stilloutofmyvulcanmind · 5 years ago
The Wedding
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Pairing: Earth-2 Harry Wells x Female!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: None
Summary: Needing a date for a cousin’s wedding, you ask your colleague and friend Harry to pretend to be your boyfriend for the day. But is it really pretend when you’re already secretly in love with him?
A/N: My first fully-fledged Harry fic! Ahhhh! If you guys like it and want more, there may be a smutty sequel
"Got any plans the weekend, Harry?" Cisco asked, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms. "Or you just gonna wait here for us to get back?" 
Harry glared at him from behind his coffee mug. "Actually, Ramon, I do my best work when I don't have your incessant drivel in my ear."
"Oh yeah, hot stuff? What grand piece of technology are you gonna bless upon us on Monday then? A personality transplant?" Cisco laughed, narrowly swiveling out of the way of the pen that came hurtling towards his head. 
"Nothing this week. I have other plans."
"Suuuch as?" 
"Y/N invited me to her cousin's wedding and asked for me to…pretend we're together. So she doesn't get inundated by annoying questions."
"Ohhh myyy God!" 
"Look, I know my fiction tropes and fake dating? It's a classic! And it's only gonna end one way, my dude."
Harry raised an eyebrow and took a sip of coffee. 
"With you two declaring your love for each other."
Nearly choking, Harry coughed up the drink, his grip on the armrest turning knuckle white. "I...are you…suggesting that I… love Y/N?!" 
"And that she loves you, genius."
Spluttering, Harry shot up from his seat. "Don't be absurd, Ramon! Y/N doesn't love me! The only reason she asked me was because you and Allen are already in relationships! Th-there's no love! Or any romantic…feelings. Why would there be? She's…smart and kind and beautiful! She's brave and strong and I assure you there's no universe in which she'd ever love me!"
Cisco looked at him a moment, smile curling up on his lips. "See, I was just teasing you before, but wow, dude, you're really in love with her."
"Maybe you're in love with her!" 
Cisco simply raised his own mug, failing to hide his own smirk behind it. 
"... Shut up, Ramon." 
"Thanks for agreeing to this, Hare," you said, smiling over your shoulder at him before resuming your task of unpacking. 
"It's fine. Nice to get out of the Labs for once." Harry dropped his bag on the armchair of the hotel room you were sharing and hooked the one carrying his suit on the bathroom door frame. "But uh," he gestured to the one bed in the room, "how are we going to negotiate this?" 
"I've got that covered." Reaching into your case, you pulled out the rolled-up sleeping bag.
Harry made a face. "You expect me to let you sleep in that?" 
"I expect you to play me for it." Dropping the bag down, you held up a closed fist. "Paper, rock, scissors."
Harry stared at you a moment then laughed. The sound made your stomach flip in the giddiest of ways. "You should know I've never lost a game," he said, walking towards you. 
"There's a first time for everything, Doctor Wells."
"Bring it on, Y/L/N."
You looked yourself over in the bathroom mirror a final time, adding the final touches to your make-up and clasping a silver necklace in place. You were ready, and looking pretty damn fine. Knee-length and with a cold shoulder, the midnight blue dress fit you perfectly. Exiting, with the intent on adding your shoes, you stopped short when you saw the sight in front of you. 
Harry was dressed in a suit that matched the shade of blue you wore, an unintentional but useful detail for your ruse, the white button up standing out stark against the jacket. The most distracting detail was the fact that he'd left one too many of the top buttons undone, leaving a tantalizing amount of neck on display.
Not for the first time you wondered if asking Harry to be your fake boyfriend for the day was your smartest idea. Being forced to share a bedroom and pretend to be smitten with the man you were already in love with was definitely going to take a toll on your sanity. But showing up to yet another family event filled with happy couples on your own, and having to deflect the endless questions as to why seemed worse than having to spend forty-eight trying not to go mad. 
"Y/N," Harry's voice broke you free from the trance, "you...you look…nice."
"Thanks. So do you! Who knew you scrubbed up so well." You moved around Harry quickly, avoiding looking at him too much and sat on the edge of the bed, to pull on your heels, while he tucked the sleeping bag he'd ended up using away out of sight. 
"Ready?" You asked, finishing up and grabbing your purse. 
"As I'll ever be." Harry opened the door for you, then locked it behind you both before passing you the key to tuck away in your purse. 
Even though the hotel had been booked by your cousin for all the out of town guests, you hadn't expected to do much pretending until the reception. While guests were mingling on their way to the ceremony, there wasn't much time to chat yet, so not much time for prying questions or close observations either. Harry, however, seemed prepared to delve straight into it. He took your hand in his almost immediately, giving you a quick glance to make sure it was okay, then walked with you to the elevator. It was a simple gesture, but it sent your heart racing. 
How the hell were you going to survive the day? 
You were starting to think you'd accidentally brought another Wells doppelganger to the wedding. A much more polite, charming doppelganger, because it had been two hours now and Harry had yet to reduce anyone to tears or be anything more than a little sardonic. 
"Who are you and what have you done to Harry Wells?" you whispered in his ear as you lined up outside the fancy hall to congratulate the newlyweds and take your seats for the reception meal. 
Harry chuckled. "I don't think your family would approve of your new 'boyfriend' if I was my usual self."
"Okay, fair. Still, it's weird. I wasn't aware you even knew how to be charming."
"You don't build a billion-dollar research company by not knowing how to occasionally butter people up."
"Well, thank you. It must be painful for you, and I appreciate it."
Harry smiled at you softly. It was the same one you'd only ever previously seen him use on Jesse. It did a funny little thing to your heart and nearly distracted you from the hand that came to rest low on your back as he guided you forward. 
"Annie! Congratulations!" You beamed, hugging your cousin and kissing her on the cheek. "You look beautiful!" 
"Thank you!" Both she and her new husband couldn't stop grinning, and you loved how happy they looked. 
"Uh, this is Harry, my boyfriend." The word sounded strange to say. 
"A pleasure. Congratulations," Harry smiled, shaking both their hands. 
"I could hardly believe it when Y/N told me she'd be bringing a plus one! You kept that one quiet!" 
Laughing nervously, you shrugged. "We wanted to keep it on the down-low for a bit."
"Wanted to keep him to yourself more like!" 
"That too."
"You know, you look kinda familiar, Harry, but I can't- oooh! I know! You look like that scientist Y/N used to crush on! What was his name again, Y/N?" 
Feeling the heat rapidly spread up your neck and across your cheeks, you looked at anywhere other than Harry. "I, uh, I can't remember now."
Annie gave you a knowing look, but Harry came to your rescue before any more embarrassment could be had. "We'll let you greet the rest of your guests. Congratulations, again."
"Thank you, Harry. Talk later."
Harry led you into the beautifully decorated hall, his hand still hovering on your back as you made your way to the table. You were the first ones there to take a seat, which meant you were unable to escape the look he gave you. 
"So, you used to have a crush on Harrison Wells?" He asked with an amused eyebrow raise. 
You groaned, wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole. "In my defense that was years before I joined the Team and found out about the whole evil speedster thing. Don't mention it to anyone, please?" 
Harry looked at you a moment longer, then nodded. "It stays between us."
"Thank you."
Other guests began to arrive at your table, and the topic was dropped. 
The food was amazing and the company just as much, and with the distraction of other people to talk to, it was easier to ignore the constant butterflies in your stomach. 
After the meal and the speeches and the first dance, people began to mingle. You and Harry mostly stayed at your table, however, talking with your Great Aunt Margaret. The woman was in her nineties now, but she was just as sharp as ever, and probably one of the members of your family you were closest too. 
"Another drink, ladies?" Harry asked after a little while. 
"Gin and tonic for me, dear."
"Just an orange juice." As tempting as it was to just drown your feelings in alcohol, keeping a clear meant it was far less likely you'd make a fool of yourself by saying something you regretted. 
Harry nodded, standing from the table and heading over to the bar. 
"So, who’s he really?" Margaret asked as soon as Harry was out of earshot. 
"What do you mean? He's my boyfriend." Margaret fixed you with her infamous 'cut the bullshit' look. "He's a co-worker. A friend. I asked him so I wouldn't have to show up to another family function alone."
Margaret watched you thoughtfully. "That's what I thought. You've been too skittish around him for you to be together."
"Was it that obvious?" 
"Only to me, dear." She smiled and leaned across the table to you. "But you two need to talk."
"Because it's clear he's more than just a friend to you, and he's hopelessly in love with you."
"Wh-what? No, he's not!" 
"Dear, I don't think I've ever seen a man more in love."
"I…" Looking away and down at your hands, you chewed your lip. "How do you know?" 
"The way he looks at you. It's plain to see."
"No, no, I'd have noticed if he'd been looking at me like that!" 
"We don't reveal our true feelings when the object of them is watching. We wait until we think they aren't looking. And the way that man looks at you when you aren't paying attention...it's like you hung the moon. I can tell you there aren't many people lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that kind of adoration."
Margaret's smile was kind when you met her gaze again. "Talk to Harry, Y/N. You deserve to be happy, and I get the feeling he does too."
"He does. He's been through a lot." 
"Did I miss anything?" Harry returned carrying your drinks. 
"Just some girl talk. Thank you," Margaret said as he set the glasses down in front of you. "Why don't you two have a dance?" 
"Oh no, you know I'm not much of dancer-" 
"Nonsense! I went to enough of your dance rehearsals to know better!" 
"Aunt Margaret-" 
"All the other couples are up dancing! You don't want to be the odd duck, do you?" To anyone else, Margaret's happy grin seemed innocent enough. You knew better. "Go on! Off with you! I'll watch your drinks!" 
Before you could protest further, you were being poked out of your seat by her walking stick in your ribs. 
Harry followed suit before he too came under attack, and took your hand as you merged into the crowd already on the dance floor. 
"It's okay. I'm the one who should be apologizing for this-" Harry pulled a few moves that could really only be described as 'dad dancing.'
Muffling a laugh with your hand, "That's…something," you giggled, swaying your own body in time with the music. 
"Told you."
"Maybe one day I'll teach you a few moves. Ready for when you have to do your Father/Daughter dance with Jesse."
Harry groaned, "Don't. Don't make me think about that."
Giggling again, it turned into a squeak of surprise when Harry suddenly grabbed your hand and twirled you around. 
"That's what happens when you tease," he grinned, hands landing on your hips to steady you. 
"Not the worst punishment I could think of."
"Oh, and what is?" 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" 
Realizing you were suddenly on the border of flirting, you shrugged. "You know, the usual. The same stuff everyone else hates as punishment," you mumbled. 
"I see." It seemed like Harry was going to step back and let go of your hips when the song changed. A slow song. A slow, romantic song. Harry swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing, "We should...head back?" 
You were going to nod when you looked across the floor to spot Margaret. She motioned for you to move close together. "Or...we could stay. Unless you want to get whacked with a walking stick that is."
"No. No, I don't."
It was awkward for a moment, then Harry took you into hold, one hand staying on your hip while he took one of your own in the other, with your free arm finding it's way to his shoulder. 
He smiled. You returned it. Together you started to sway softly to the music. 
It was way too intimate. More intimate than you really had the capacity to deal with, especially after your earlier conversation with Margaret. So you did the only thing you could think of to not have to look Harry in the eye. You lay your head on his chest. 
For a split second, Harry's breath seemed to hitch, then it evened out again, though his hold on you tightened slightly, drawing you in until there was no space left between you. 
Okay so maybe this was actually way more intimate. But at least now, with your head tilted away from him, you didn't have to hide the sappy smile that spread across your face.
Yet your mind was still racing. Was Margaret right? She'd never been wrong before. But that would mean Harry actually loved you in return, and that...that was nearly enough to make your brain explode. 
You would have to tell him. He'd never say anything himself. But when? Now? Later? Tomorrow? Next week? That would be safest. If things went sour you wouldn't have to share a room or a car, and you could simply retreat to the safety of your apartment and eat away your feelings. Yet it felt like if you didn't say anything soon you'd implode. 
It was so hard to think when he was still swaying you like this and was he…he was resting his cheek on top of your head. He was relaxed. Enjoying it just as much as you were. 
The song came to an end, and Harry's grip loosened enough for you to take a step back. He didn't say a word. Just looked at you with that soft smile again. 
You had to say something. Now. Just say the words and tell him. It'd be fine. You just had to say three little words. 
"I...I'm really warm. I'm gonna go get some fresh air."
Turning before you could see his face drop, you wormed your way off the dance floor and made a beeline for the door, exiting out into the garden and the cool night air. 
"Stupid, stupid!" You muttered under your breath, pacing up and down the cobblestone path. How could you have chickened out like that? The opportunity was right there. And there was no way Harry would've bought the 'needing fresh air' excuse, which meant now you had to come up with something more believable or leave it feeling awkward. Why did you have to fuck it all up? 
"Y/N?" Harry's voice from behind you nearly startled you out of your skin. Spinning around, you saw him approach, illuminated by garden lights that lined the path. "Are you alright?" 
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
"If I did something-" 
"No! You didn't do anything. You've been amazing all day, Harry."
Nodding, Harry came to a stop in front of you. "You ran out so quickly, I thought...maybe…"
"It's not you, I just...I had to get out before I did something potentially very stupid. We both know how much you hate stupid."
"The last thing you could ever be is stupid."
"Says the man with seven PhDs. Pretty much everyone is stupid to you."
"Never you."
The way he was looking at you...it made you want to turn and run. There were too many emotions in his eyes, and it almost made you hate the hope that bubbled up in your chest. 
Harry was the first to move, running a hand through his hair as he turned away. "Ramon...he said this would happen. I thought...I told him not to be ridiculous. Now here I am…he'll never let me live it down."
"What did he say would happen?" You asked, voice barely above a whisper. 
Taking a breath, Harry faced you. "He said I'd end up...saying how I love you."
The world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you, the din from the party could no longer be heard, the garden disappeared, only you and Harry and the thumping of your heart remained. "You love me?" 
"How could I not? You're...special. I'm not an easy person to get on with. I know I'm an annoying, cantankerous dick, and while I can act the charmer, when I'm just being…me, I can't, I don't...I don't always find it easy being around people. Except you. From the start being around you was easy. You know when to call me out or when to let me rant, and always you're kind. You're smart and brave and beautiful and I love you."
You stood in shock, simply staring at him. You'd never expected him to say anything let alone make a confession like that. 
Harry cleared his throat, "Of course I value your friendship above anything else. Say the word and I'll never mention it-" 
"I love you too. I wanted to say it in there, after our dance, but I couldn't…I was too scared it wouldn't be reciprocated." 
For a breath, Harry hesitated, then he took your face in his hands, fingers curling around the back of your neck and pulled you into a kiss. Your response was immediate, kissing him back as fiercely as he kissed you, your own hands clutching at his arms. It was everything you'd ever imagined and then some. 
Breaking the kiss Harry stayed where he was, holding you as if he were scared you'd slip away if he let go. 
"Wow," you whispered, leaning your forehead against his. 
"I should've said something sooner."
"I should've too, but it doesn't matter now."
"No, it doesn't."
Unable to stop the giggling like a schoolgirl, you kissed him again. "Just so you know I'm going to want a lot of these kisses." 
"I wouldn't expect anything less."
"I love you, Harrison Wells."
"I love you too."
Best wedding ever. 
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee! I’ll love you forever!
Tagging: @pinkdiamond1016​
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thestraggletag · 5 years ago
How would you rumbelle Sky High? That movie is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I’ll start by saying that there are 100% ways to Rumbelle this movie. Like... all of them. You could go nuts. But here’s an idea:
Rumple is a retired villain. He had a kid with a one-night stand villainess, and straightened up. Said villainess didn’t, so she’s in super jail or whatever and he’s raising Bae. As part of his plea bargain or whatever he works at Sky High as a Mad Scientist teacher (or just science, if you wanna make it boring). Now it’s his kid’s first year as a student and he worries about other kids not giving him a chance. The star of Bae’s year is Emma, the daughter of two grade-A heroes, and he’s surprised when the veritable princess of the school seems to want to hang out with Bae.
Adding to his worries is the fact that the school hired a new librarian, one he’s dreadfully sweet on. Belle French, aka Bluebelle, a former “sidekick” (HERO SUPPORT!) of Snow and Charming from after he retired, with water-control powers people kinda make fun of low-key because, compared to fire powers or earth manipulation, they’re considered a bit of a party trick at best, is sweet and kind and he’s just... so fucking into her. Like, yes. He’s also dreadfully bad at speaking to her or otherwise trying to get her to pay attention to him. Belle, on the other hand, is just SO fucking fascinated with Gold and seeks him out.
So shit starts going down in Sky High and the OBVIOUS suspect is Bae (and mostly because Gold always has a wrist monitor that keeps tab on his powers). Eventually he figures out it’s the golden boys, Peter and Killian Jones, that are behind it. Turns out they’re actually Malcolm Gold, Rum’s dad and a former two-bit supervillain with shadow powers and Jas Hook, who were supposed to be dead but turns out Malcolm’s shadow-manipulation can de-age people and he disguised himself as a teenage boy and later de-aged Hook to serve as his accomplice so they could enact some time-sensitive evil plot (maybe something to do with some eclipse or something). But in Sky High they’re seen as the golden boys capable of no wrong so it’s up to Bae, Emma and company of sidekicks to save the day, with the help of Rum and Belle (who surprises everyone with the extent of damage her powers can do if she uses it fully because Avatar taught us never to fuck with people who can manipulate water).
Featuring Gaston as Coach Boomer, Snow and Charming as the Strongholds, Gold as a sort of Mad Alchemist with matter-manipulation powers (hence why he can turn straw into gold), Belle as the deceptive librarian who can actually fuck you up but it’s just too nice to do it most of the time and others. Perhaps Regina as the principal? That or the Blue Fairy. Also featuring Gold and Charming as bros because that is still one of my favourite broships of OUAT.
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etlunainmorte · 4 years ago
( Because, yes! ❤❤❤😍😍😍 )
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This is my Christmas gift to my dear friend, @dreaming-gamer . And the part 2 of my DMC Mecha Opera, err,... Alternate Universe! I hope you like this as much as I enjoyed writing this!😍😍😍❤❤❤
Without strength, you can't protect anything!
Nero took Credo out to visit Dante, the best Mecha Pilot Rubrum has ever seen, to prove to him that he’s worthy to be accepted as a student in the planet's most prestigious Mecha school, The Tyger University. But, on his way towards the legendary Pilot's residence, he saw a group of unknown Mecha chasing after the man, himself! And behind the Red Justice Rebellion's back was a mysterious metal case - containing Tigris Dominus' most lethal of all lethal secrets!
If you truly are righteous, you should not be running away from these men! You should face them as a man of justice should!
At first, our hero doubted Dante's intentions. Why was he running away? Why were these men chasing him? What,... was he hiding?!
Luckily for Dante, Nero listened to his heart and chose to protect him. He fought with Nico's underdeveloped Mecha, Credo, but ended up failing when he activated the not – so perfected laser beam!
All seemed lost, Nero and Dante were going to die!
I'm taking my,... time!
That was, until the mysterious thing that was concealed inside the metal case behind Rebellion's back showed itself. It was a man,... WHO TRANSFORMED INTO A MECHA!
A human,... who can turn into a machine?! What an unbelievable sight! And what a powerful being it was! With a single laser beam attack, he annihilated the enemies!
What is Dante's connection to this mysterious man? Why is he running away with him like a convicted man?
And most importantly, what would happen to Nero now that he is involved with the most destructive secret in the face of planet Rubrum?!
"Are you sure we would be safe here?" The Legendary Mecha Pilot, Dante, asked for the fourth time that evening as Nero led him, and the mysterious dark - haired man, who transformed into that powerful, mystical Mecha, into Nico's spacious secret facility.
"I told you! We're gonna be safe here. Trust me." And as much as Nero wanted to be more patient towards the Pilot and his strange behaviors, he could not shake off the foreboding feeling that began plaguing his head.
Especially when he gazed at that unconscious man in Dante's arms.
A man,... who could transform into a Mecha. And Dante being pursued by those Pilots who seemed to be working for Mundus, all because the famous Pilot took this man away,...
As soon as the men, and their slightly malfunctioning Mechas, were settled inside the dark facility, Nero made his way towards the corner of the room to look for the light switch. He was so itching to interrogate Dante about all this, and interrogate him, he shall.
"Now, as much as I admire you as the greatest Mecha Pilot in the Universe," The youth began. " ... you must tell me why - "
However, as soon as Nero opened the lights, he was shocked! Beyond surprise!
For, right before them stood Nico, and none other than Nero's mother, Queenie, herself. And what's more, right behind the ladies was a table full of Nero's favorite home cooked meals, and a large poster on the wall that says, "CONGRATULATIONS, ON YOUR PROMOTION, NERO!"
They were supposed to surprise him! And they were speechless! It looked like they were waiting for him to return for hours! But, they didn't only see Nero, they saw Dante, his Rebellion, the steaming Credo, and the unconscious mysterious man, as well!
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN' ON HERE?!" Eyes as wide as saucers, Nico questioned, the unused party popper still in her hands.
"Nero, sweetie, are you alright?" Queenie asked worriedly as her eyes bounced from Nero to Dante to the man in his arms, then back to her son.
It took Nero and Dante almost an hour to explain everything that went on earlier that day, how Nero was going to visit Dante, how he found the Rebellion being chased, and how this enigmatic man, now lying on the couch, still unconscious, saved them from certain death.
And by the time Nero finished explaining, Queenie got even more worried, and Nico started fuming even more in sheer anger.
"So, you're saying," Nico began, her voice getting dangerously low that it honestly scared both Nero and Dante. " ... YOU TOOK CREDO OUT,... JUST TO SHOW OFF IN FRONT OF DANTE?!"
"Well, I - " Nero tried to explain but, he was interrupted as Nico's cigar - stained, tattooed finger almost punctured his left shoulder.
"It's not what you think - !"
"To be perfectly frank here," Nero thanked the Heaven's that Dante decided to intervene. Ignoring the youth's dagger gazes at him that clearly to ask for rescue, he went on. " ... Credo,... ahh, did I get the name right?"
"Damn straight ye did!" Nico huffed indignantly, crossing her arms and looking down at Dante with such ferocity.
"Ah, yes, Credo." Dante calmly went on, and with a smile and a single wink at Nero, he said, "You see, Credo is not Nell Goldstein's most prized work."
"Huh?" Nico muttered, raising her eyebrows.
And with this, Dante smirked and pointed at the Rebellion behind him with his thumb. "The Red Sword Of Justice, Rebellion. That's one of Nell Goldstein's Mecha masterpieces. You could say, that's made just for me."
"You're kidding." Nico blabbered without a single blink of an eye, unable to believe Dante's words. "H - how is that Nell's work? I thought Mundus and his scientists developed Rebellion?"
Dante sighed. "Well, you don't know a lot of things about Nell and Mundus! They go way back, you know?"
"Yeah, granny used to say that." Nico's walls were finally breached at the famous Pilot's words. And with a growing curiosity and fascination towards the Red Mecha, she now politely asked, "Hey, uhh, can I go s - see the Rebellion?"
"Ehh, sure! Whatever." Dante tiredly answered as he collapsed on the sofa right next to the dark - haired mystery man. Throwing the Rebellion's key at Nico, he added, "You'd even see Nell's original programming in it. One of Mundus' mad scientists tinkered with it and replaced it with one of his. Kinda made to synchronize with the other Mechs. You know? For tracing. But, don't worry! I put it back the way it is just before I threw my own ass out of Tigris. Spent the whole night working on it.”
With a huge smile on her face, and the golden key on her hands, Nico said, running towards the red Mecha, "This is a brand new discovery! I'm gonna take note of all of this!"
"Yeah, yeah." Dante muttered as the smile slowly faded away from his face. Looking at Nero, he asked in a whisper, "She’s really Nell's grandkid?"
Nero nodded. "Yeah, she is."
"Well, kinda hard to say! They don't exactly, ahh, look similar."
"You're not the first one. She gets that a lot."
Nero sat at the chair opposite Dante, and with such curiosity burning at the back of his mind, he began asking. "Nell and Mundus went their separate ways. You left him. Nell tried to develop machines to match Mundus', you ran away with," Nero's eyes wandered towards the peaceful face of the dark - haired man sleeping on the sofa, then back at the renowned Pilot's eyes. " ... that." Nero ended with the word, unsure how to call the man - creature who saved his skin from danger. "Why are you, guys, plotting against Mundus? I mean, why are you,... hey!"
Nero's eyebrows furrowed when Dante began laughing quite hysterically. And this unnerved the youth, and scared the living hell out of his mother, who remained silent all throughout their conversation.
"Me and Nell? Plotting against Mundus?!" Dante mocked through his fits of uncontrolled laughter. Then, all of a sudden, all traces of amusement vanished from the Pilot's face, to be replaced with something that was truly menacing. "No, we're not plotting against Mundus. Mundus,... is plotting against the whole Universe."
"What?!" Nero was beyond shocked of what he just heard. It's truly unbelievable! "Y - you must be joking! You - "
"Mundus, for all his goody - two shoes farce of a leader, wanted nothing more than to dominate all the planets in existence." Dante began, his voice only being slightly interrupted by Nico's excited remarks on the Rebellion a few feet away from them. "And for that to happen, he wanted this kind of power that would give unlimited energy to his Mechas. He has been searching, for twenty goddamn years, for this source of power.
"And guess what? He found it! Right on a certain far - flung crimson planet on the neighborhood galaxy! The one planet we knew only as a myth! You know Operation Red Grave?"
"Y - yeah." Nero nervously answered, feeling his sweat and blood running colder and colder at the Pilot's relentless revelations. Giving a sad look to his mother right next to him, he said, "My father, who worked for Mundus, went along with that operation. He never returned, we never found out why."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear about that, kid, but, what do you remember about Operation Red Grave?" Dante went on, seemingly becoming more and more impatient.
Racking his brain for answers, Nero set aside his feelings towards the parent who abandoned him and his mother for a while and tried to recall the events that took place twenty years ago. "It's, ahh,... Operation Red Grave was launched by Mundus to repel the Rubrum rebels who fled into this neighbor planet and take into custody the innocent civilians they kidnapped and tried to murder."
"Don't you find it strange? If there are rebels, Mundus would not let them flee into another planet in the first place!"
"So you're saying it's all a farce?"
"Exactly! It's a huge, goddamn cover up! To kidnap the innocent civilians of the mythical crimson planet! And why?" Dante leaned a bit closer towards Nero as his eyes travelled to the man who was lying right next to him. Nero followed the direction of his eyes and realized,... everything.
It doesn't take genius brain cells to figure out what's truly going on.
Nero,... finally realized.
"This man," Nero said, feeling his voice shaking in fear. " ... he lived on that crimson planet, didn't he? Mundus,... is going to use him to power up his Mechas, isn't he?"
"Yes." Dante answered with a nod, his eyes as furious as they can be. "The pain he and his men went through. The torture they endured. It was a horrible, horrible nightmare! Mundus' mad scientists drained his fellowmen of all their power in many ways you would never dream of. They did it for power and still failed.
"And this man. He is the only one left. And he is very strong, as you have witnessed. That power you just saw? That's just the tip of the iceberg! This man tried to help what remained of his fellowmen to escape and nearly annihilated Tigris Dominus all by himself!"
"Wait! Is that," Nero interrupted as the pieces of the puzzle started coming together. " ... last year's Mecha facility malfunction that killed thousands of men? That was caused by this man?! It's another huge cover up?!"
"A FREAKIN' TRIPLE LASER BLAST AT THREE TIMES THE AVERAGE SPEED?!" Nico's voice from inside the Rebellion echoed all over the place all of a sudden. "HOOEE! THAT'S GENIUS MECHA ENGINEERIN' RIGHT THERE!"
"Got that damn straight, kid." Dante confirmed.
"What happened?" Nero asked, starting to feel pity towards this man he never even personally knew.
Dante shook his head with a pained look in his face. "Mundus ordered us to massacre those few remaining captives right before this poor guy's eyes. Sent him into panic mode. Got neutralized even before he got a chance to retaliate. Hold up a second right there. I disobeyed Mundus on the massacre part. That's why I was - "
"Sent to a military probation camp for a month, I know." Nero finished for Dante. "The media pretty much bloated it up, you know?"
"Punished for running away with nobleman Morrison's ward?!" The Pilot added. "That's bullshit! I don't even have the hots for Lady Patty Lowell! If you ask me, I'd rather go out with Lady Mary or Lady Tr - "
"Mundus surely values you as a Pilot." Nero cut him off mid - sentence. "Would have killed you for insubordination right then and there, you know?"
"Sure, he does! He raised us, yeah? We're the most talented men on the face of Rubrum, after all!"
Wait, us? "What do you mean by - ?"
"Anyway, we can't let Mundus get a hold of poetry guy right here. If he does, that marks the start of the apocalypse, as we know it."
"So,... that's," Nero said, slowly nodding in agreement. " ... what you mean before when you said he must not fall into the wrong hands, or something."
Dante held up a finger. "Close enough!" Then, rubbing his hands together, he added, "Do you have pizza right there? I'm starving!"
"I'm not sure about pizza but, yeah, go help yourself." Nero said as he watched the renowned Pilot, now wanted man, waltz towards the table to help himself with some chicken legs that Queenie herself cooked.
And Queenie?
"Hey, mom?" Nero was not surprised to see his mother so upset. After all, who could handle those facts that Dante just revealed and still remain calm?
However, this changed when the youth faced Queenie and convinced her to speak up.
"You okay there, mom?" Nero gently asked, his hand on her frail and bony shoulder.
Queenie faced her son and right then and there, Nero saw the tears in her kind blue eyes. And this broke the youth's heart. "I can't allow you to be involved with this, Nero."
"But, why? We can't just sit by and let Mundus do as he wants! Don't you understand? The whole Universe counts on us!"
"No! I won't let you fight this war! I lost your father, I won't ever lose you!"
That man,... Nero thought. She mentioned that man again. She must be really, really hurt.
"Mom, father left us, plain and simple! He was not fighting any war, nor protecting innocent, mythical beings like - "
"He did!" Everyone, even Nico, who heard Queenie's voice all the way towards Rebellion's cockpit, went silent when she raised her voice. "This,... Operation Red Grave. This mythical crimson planet. This,... abominable creature,… who turns into a deadly machine,...
"Your father,... tried to stop Mundus' plans! He tried to save each and every one of these creatures! All for the sake of mankind and the Universe! He,... single handedly fought Tigris Dominus, and Mundus, all by himself!
"And he was mercilessly killed! All because of Mundus' selfish needs! All because he went ahead and pretended to be the hero! But, the truth is – he was not!”
Nero felt a huge lump blocking his throat the moment he saw Queenie bursting into tears. The room was still silent, and he couldn't do anything else but watch as she quietly wept.
And, above all, he was speechless at what he just found out.
"You,... knew about Mundus' plans? Right from the very start?"
"Y - yes!" Queenie cried. “He,… told me everything,… before he left.”
"And you knew what really happened to dad but, you didn't tell me. Why?"
"You have to understand, Nero! I'm only trying to protect you - "
"Why did you hide all this?!" Nero stood, helpless, feeling his emotions getting the better of him. "I thought dad just left us. I mean, you knew all this time, and you didn't tell me?! Why did you lie to me, mom?! Answer me!”
"Nero, please - !"
"Erm, excuse me." Dante, who was still holding a chicken leg, now bitten on some parts, interrupted, getting between her and Nero and feeling really, really awkward. Facing the mother, he cautiously asked, "Ahh, your sweetheart who got killed by Mundus and his men. What's his name?"
"Vergil." Both mother and son answered.
And to this, the legendary Pilot's eyes widened in shock. Dropping the chicken leg onto the floor, he breathlessly mumbled, "O - oh, s - shit - !"
"What's wrong, Dante?" Nero asked, getting confused and impatient with the older man.
"W - well," Dante began. " ... y - you see, h - he's - "
"Ahh, Dante?" Nico nervously called from the Rebellion. "I see red dots on your monitor getting closer and closer to our location. Is that supposed to mean something important?"
The moment those words came out of Dante's lips, all of them heard an awful and deafening noise seemingly made by something mechanical, followed by a huge explosion that wrecked the wall of the once protected facility. The impact almost threw them away but, they were all protected by Credo, who was standing just between the wrecked wall and them.
And now, Nell Goldstein's prototype, The Creed 001, or simply known as Credo, lay in multiple pieces they couldn't even count.
"CREDO!" Nico, who was still inside Rebellion clinging for dear life, wailed. Her cries were followed by a voice that made their blood run cold. It seemed to come from a Mecha's speaker, its volume turned up to maximum.
"I know you're there, Dante, my son." That sinister voice said. It was, indeed, none other than Mundus, himself.
"Still as persistent as ever, are we, dad?!" Dante mocked, emphasizing the word, dad.
"Oh, you know the drill, my son." The voice that seemed to ring all over the place went on. "Surrender the Vitalis now, and none of your friends would be harmed."
"Oh, yeah?" Dante threatened, all the while signaling Nero and the others to carry the still unconscious man away from the place and escape. "And when was the last time you fulfilled a promise, huh?"
"Hahaha! Your foolishness would not get you anywhere, Dante! And it seems that you are still unwilling to accept my mercy even after I’ve done all acts of kindness towards you.”
"Mercy? Kindness?" Dante spout, giving Nero the angry look when he realized that they wouldn't leave without him. "Do you have,... any idea,... how much I've heard that exact same line from you?! You're a liar! And the Vitalis is not going anywhere! You,… WILL NEVER HAVE V!”
Dante's words were followed by a deathly silence that filled the room. And it was followed by a voice so horrific, it frightened the living hell out of them.
"And so be it."
What happened next went by in a blur. Dante angrily shouting at them to take cover, Nero protecting his mother and the said Vitalis with his own body, and Nico ducking inside the Rebellion as multiple laser beams assaulted them with the full intention of killing all of them.
However, the laser blasts didn't even reach their bodies. In fact, the multiple blasts of blinding light stopped suspended in mid air. As if time, itself, stopped. And when Nero looked beneath him, his eyes went wide with shock. He found his mother safe and sound but, the Vitalis was nowhere to be found. The youth looked up and saw the mysterious dark - haired man, himself, now wide awake, standing between him and the laser blasts that could've ended their lives. He seemed to be projecting, with his strangely marked hands, a force field that protected them like a very strong shield.
A few seconds later, Nero heard the Vitalis muttering something under his breath, and the multiple blasts of light slowly started moving towards them once more. At the blink of an eye, the blasts of light sped up towards them at their normal pace once more, and the Vitalis countered this by making another gesture that projected a seemingly electrical kind of force field that enveloped them like a pair of bright blue wings. The blasts of light flew towards the shield of wings and got instantly annihilated as they made contact with it.
"What,... the hell - ?" Dante muttered as he witnessed everything that's happening.
And even before Mundus could make another move, the Vitalis snapped his fingers.
The last things Nero saw that night was the Vitalis' hair turning from jet - black to white, and the whole room being engulfed in blinding light. As if he's died and gone to Heaven.
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