#kind of miss the weirdly long neck though
themorningsunshine · 1 year
Pie - eyed over you - Chapter 3 
Mafia - Baker AU
Masterlist                        Series Masterlist
Previous Part 
Pairing - Mafia!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Summary - When a new baker in town refuses to abide by his rules, Bucky has no option but to go and take care of it himself. But nothing could prepare him for what stood on the other side. Nothing could prepare him for you.
Warnings - Mentions of murder, lots of fluff (gotta give the fluff before the angst for it to hurt more, yup I am evil), Steve and Sam being a menace 
Word count - around 6k 
a/n - So, after two delays, hell a lot of editing, and straight up changing the whole structure of this chapter and then combining it with another (hence the length), it’s finally here. Thank you so much to all of you for putting up with me. Please let me know what you guys think about this. Your kind words keep me going. 
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You placed the muffins in a tray for display before making a note in your diary to buy more chocolate chips when you go to the market on the weekend. 
Running a bakery all on your own is a difficult job but you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Even though you were not a morning person, the prospect of coming here and baking made it getting up from the bed every morning a tad bit easier. 
As you heard knocks on the door, you frowned before looking up, there was still some time left before it was time to open up the bakery. 
But when your eyes landed on the figure standing outside the door, looking like a complete misfit in his dark clothes and sunglasses and surprisingly, a baseball cap covering his forehead, a pathetic attempt at being discreet, you can't help the way your lips turn upward and your heart flutters. 
He was here just yesterday and yet it felt like you were seeing him after too long. 
Get yourself together. 
It's just a crush, it'll go away. 
You wiped your palms on your apron before walking towards the door to open it. 
You gave him a teasing smile before saying, "You're at the wrong place. Baseball convention is another mile from here." 
He rolled his eyes before stepping inside the bakery, bending a little, the door a little too short for him. "Hello to you too, sweets." 
You chuckled before walking towards the counter as he took his usual seat. Everything felt like a routine. Engraved in your soul as if it had always been there. 
"Gracing this bakery with your presence two days in a row. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Maybe I just missed my sweets." He shrugged as if it was obvious. 
"Continue this and you are going to get diabetic." You remarked with a smirk. 
"Not the sweets I was talking about, but okay." 
The smirk immediately left your lips as you could practically feel your heart beat out of your chest. He didn't mean it. He's just teasing. 
But no matter what you think, you can't help the way the red color crept up to your neck at his words. 
Okay, this crush is getting out of hand. 
"So, how's work?" You say in an attempt to change the topic. 
He tenses at your words. You had asked him what he did, and he had replied that he was a mechanic. It was becoming more difficult for him to lie to you. 
But maybe, he won't have to much longer. 
He was pretty sure Walker was on his way to screw things up. 
That son of a - 
"Earth to James!!" Your voice moving and your palm waving in front of his face brought him out of his thoughts. 
"I asked how was work." You said with a frown. James always got weirdly uncomfortable when you asked about work. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it, but you were no one to ask. 
"Oh, it's been fine. You know, the usual." 
"Yeah, yeah. Steve is a dorky idiot and Sam is an annoying prick. I know." You said imitating the words he had said to you not a long time ago. 
Bucky chuckles. Telling you about Steve and Sam was easier. Maybe sharing something about him which wasn't a lie, made him feel less guilty. 
He knew this was wrong. 
He was creating a web of lies that you will find out one day.
But Bucky Barnes wasn't a good man and he would take whatever time he has got before the inevitable happened. 
Which wasn't going to be today. 
He wasn't going to let Walker ruin this.
He will just sit there, hiding half of his face with the baseball cap. It would be easy. It wasn't like Walker would expect to see him here anyways. 
He was just here to make sure that he didn't hurt you. 
The both of you striked a conversation just like usual and you immediately felt better. You knew it was going to be a great day. Had started off on the best possible note, atleast.
The clock striked eight before you knew it and you got up from your chair to flip the sign at the bakery. 
"Why don't you hire someone to help you?" James asks, sipping his coffee. 
"Why, you're looking for a job?" You teased him with raised eyebrows. "Job at the garage doesn't pay enough for your baseball conventions?" 
He rolled his eyes. "When are you gonna let this one go?" 
"I think… never." 
He chuckled before asking again, "But, seriously, sweets, why not get a helping hand?" 
" 'Cause I am selfish." When he narrowed his eyes, you continued. "I know this sounds weird, but I don't like it when anybody else cooks the food. It's just never good enough." 
"So, why not hire someone to deal with the customers?" 
"That's literally the best part of the job." You half exclaimed. "People telling you whether they liked the sweets or not is the best part, James. Almost as good as getting to eat all the leftovers." 
James chuckled before setting his coffee mug down. "There is no pleasing you." 
You shrugged before walking behind the counter to get everything ready for the morning rush you were sure was about to walk through the door any moment now. 
When a few people came in, some regular customers and some students hoping to get in some caffeine to start the day, you saw as James involuntarily tensed. 
Bucky watched the front door with focused eyes as minutes ticked by. He knew Walker will be here any minute now. 
And he was proven right as he saw John Walker opening the door of the bakery and walking in with a smug look on his face, shoving away whoever came in his path. 
Bucky wanted nothing more than to pull him out of here, away from you and this warm place but he couldn't do that. There would be consequences, which he normally wouldn't give a second thought to, but the real nuisance would bring questions. 
He watched as you greet him with the same grin on your face that you used for all your customers, saying in a soft voice, "Hey, what can I get you?" And Bucky can swear Walker doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as you.
"Why not start by paying off?" Walker said with a tone harsh and loud enough that a few customers turned to see what was happening. 
You frowned your eyes in confusion, "I am sorry." You were still speaking in a calm, soft voice, trying your best to get whoever this man was to calm down. You didn't want a commotion so early in the day. 
"Walker." He said as if it was enough of an introduction before continuing, "And I think you have an idea of where I am coming from. You owe us." 
James watched as realization dawned on your face and you stood straighter, your smile turning into a forwn. "I don't owe anyone anything."
He leaned towards you, keeping his arms crossed on the counter, speaking with a smirk, "Don't try to act smart, baby doll. Pay up and no one gets hurt." 
He watches as you cringe at the nickname  and almost take a small step back, discomfort clear on your face. 
Bucky almost gets up from his chair, his first instinct to slit off Walker's throat with the knife he had tucked in his jacket. He would make it less messy too, but painful. 
Control, he isn't going to hurt her. 
"I am not going to pay you a single cent, Walker. So, why don't you take your ass out of my bakery and leave me alone?" As you speak, your hand inches towards the knife that you keep below the counter for situations like these. Even though you hoped you'd never have to use it, it was better to be prepared than sorry. 
John clenches his fist as his eyes bore into your skull, "Don't make this difficult. You don't know who you are trying to mess up with. The people I work with wouldn't blink an eye before dumping your body in a dumpster. Just pay every month and we leave you alone." 
"I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not going to pay you to let me live." It's as if something switches inside you. The slight fear or discomfort that could be seen in your features is completely gone now. 
Bucky watches as Walker growls in impatience before reaching for his jacket pocket. 
Nope, not happening
"Listen to me, you little bitch - " 
Walker is cut off immediately when a larger figure stands between him and the counter. 
James shields you from him, obstructing his view. 
"Leave her alone." The sound is almost a growl. And if Walker hadn't been too preoccupied he would have noticed how familiar that sounded. 
"And who the hell are you?" He spat. 
Bucky looks down at him and watches as all the color is drained out of his face when he recognises him. 
"S - si "
"Leave her alone and if you show up around here ever again, it will be you in the dumpster, cut into more pieces than you can count." 
Fear is obvious on Walker's face, as he completely forgets the weapon he was reaching for, trying to get his senses to work, confusion evident on his face.
Before he can ask any questions, Bucky takes a step towards him, with sheer coldness in his eyes as if he could slit Walker's throat right now and wouldn't blink. 
You watch as the man - who had introduced himself as Walker- saunters out of the bakery with quick steps. 
You frowned your eyes at whatever had happened here. 
You weren't going to pay the mob any money, you knew that. But you also knew that you couldn't have overpowered that man, especially if he had a weapon hidden under there somewhere. 
"You didn't have to do that, James." You said softly, in an attempt to get his attention away from the door he was boring holes in. 
He turned back and you watched as his expression turned into the soft one you were so familiar with. 
You walked from behind the counter towards where he was standing before explaining, "He works for the mob. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with them." 
Bucky's breath hitches at that. How could he explain to you that he wasn't just involved with the mob?
"It's okay, sweets. They won't hurt me." That was some truth. They were never going to hurt him, and before Walker could utter a single word to anyone about the events of the day, he would be fired. Bucky would make sure of that. 
"I know." You sighed, looking down at the floor as if contemplating something. It was silent for a moment before you looked up, "Thank you, James. It does mean a lot to me." You said with a soft, grateful smile on your face and your hand reached out to his. 
"Anytime, sweets." 
A moment passed before anyone of you dared to move. Your hand was now brushing his arm in slight touches. 
You broke the silence, "Come on, have some muffins. They are on me." You said before turning back and walking towards the counter. 
Bucky had to stand there for a moment because his skin had suddenly started to feel cold and empty. Like it wasn't enough without your touch, before walking back towards the counter and standing right in front of where you were taking out some muffins on a plate. 
"So, Ms Feisty, something against the mob?" He said, trying desperately for his voice to sound joking. 
You shrugged while passing the muffins to him and turning to pour some coffee for yourself. "I am not going to pay them money just because everybody else does. Why the hell do I pay taxes?" 
"But the way you were standing, you don't just want to rebel, sweets. You hate them." He said, an emotion in his voice you couldn't really place. He prayed that that wasn't the case, that he had read the situation wrong and maybe you didn't really hate the mob. 
"Hate is a strong word, James. I - despise them." You reply before looking up at him to meet his eyes, but he looks away, almost as if looking at you right now would physically hurt him. 
"I mean, they aren't really that bad, right? It's not like I know a lot about them but I have heard they protect the city." He tries.
"Uh-huh. They are not good people. You remember that day when we met? When it was raining and I had lost my way, and you were there - "
"I remember the day we met, sweets." He interrupts. Every part of that day was engraved in his mind.
"Yeah, yeah right. So, that day I was coming back from a friend's house. She has a daughter, Ellie, about 5 years old." 
He hums, nodding his head, not sure where you were going with this. 
"Both of them were switching houses. Leaving their home, that they had built, to live in a one bedroom apartment in the not so respected area of the town. You know why?" 
He narrowed his eyes. 
"Because her dad was killed." You took a deep breath, trying to keep the rage from bubbling up to the surface. "A 5 year old lost her father, James. And why? Because of some stupid mob feud." 
"What was her dad's name?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. 
Bucky's moments halted as images came back to his mind's forefront. He had killed that man himself. Shot three bullets straight into his chest. He had felt no remorse then. That man was a traitor. Had joined hands  with the enemy, knowing very well what the consequences could be. 
He had felt no remorse then because he hadn't given a moment of thought to the people he might be leaving behind. It made his work easier. Pretending that there were no consequences to whatever they did. 
But now he could see the consequences. In the form of rage in your eyes at the tale and the hurt he felt in his chest, thinking about the girl. He knew how that felt. Being alone, and helpless. 
"She didn't deserve that. None of them did. Nobody deserves to lose somebody they love, James. But it hits the worst when it's unforeseeable. When the people who did it are out there in the world, as if their hands aren't tainted with blood, living their life and you can do nothing about it."  You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. Thinking about your friend and Elliot always brought you to tears. You tried to help them as much as you could, but there was only so much you could do. 
Bucky looks into your eyes and sees tears in the corner of your eyes. He wants to hold your hand, to comfort you, to tell you that they are going to be fine. But how could he, when his were the hands that were tainted with blood, that had taken the life of that man without a second thought. 
So, he just sits there, listening to you talk about the lady and her kid, even though each of your words is like a sword stabbed through his chest. 
When he knows you are fine, he takes his leave, bidding you goodbye before walking out and calling Steve. 
"Steve, I need you to do something." 
"What's up, Buck? Everything okay?" Steve replied in a concerned voice. Even after everything, his concern for his best friend never faded. 
"I am sending you some details of a lady and her kid. Send me the contacts of the person who bought their house." 
"Give me half an hour. But who are these people?" 
"They are going to be our responsibility, Steve." 
He cuts the call and sends a quick text with all the details he might need. 
He can't help but turn back towards the bakery to have one last look. He has made up his mind. He was going to tell you the truth. 
he didn't care if it meant you would hate him. There were many people in the town who despised him, what's one more?
But when he turns back and his eyes land up on you, handing a cup of coffee to a middle aged lady, talking to her with a softness unique to you. 
As if you can feel his eyes on you, you turn towards the window and as your eyes meet, your smile grows wider. A smile that's only reserved for him, he realizes. 
And he would have hated himself for how quickly his resolve fades away. 
But Bucky Barnes was not a good man. 
And maybe many people in this world did hate him, but he would be damned if you were one of them. 
He wanted this. The weekly bakery visits, the warmth, the sheer simplicity of it all, even if it was all this was ever going to be. 
And it was about damn time he got what he wanted. 
Why should he apologize for the monster he has become when no one ever apologized for making him this way?
Maybe, one day you'll find out the truth and hate him more for lying to you, but it wasn't going to be anytime soon. He will make sure of that. 
So, he straightens his coat and walks away from the bakery, choosing to not pay any mind to the inevitable doom that could leave the both of you shattered. 
"James Buchanan Barnes" 
He turns back from what he is doing to find you, cross armed, shooting daggers at him. 
"How could you, James? It's like you're not even trying." 
He can't help the smile that finds its way to his lips at the way you look. Your christmas sweater that you had deemed "perfect" for the occasion and a scarf draped loosely on your neck, trying to look intimidating, just makes you look even cuter. 
You walk towards him and take the candy decoration from his hand, to place it exactly just an inch away from where he was going to, because it looked in your exact words, "more festive" 
Bucky just smiles at you as he watches you ramble more about Christmas decorations. 
When a week ago, he had heard you reminding Pietro that he had to come over to help you decorate, he had stepped in and offered his help. He was free that day anyways, he had told you. There was an international shipment that he had to sign off that day, but that could wait. 
When Pietro had shaken his hand and thanked him for 'saving him', he didn't understand, but now he did. You were extremely particular about how each and everything had to look for christmas and was not shy to tell the other person what a terrible job they were doing if it wasn't exactly the way you had wanted.
But if the cute pout on your face and the warmth that it caused in his chest was any indication, it was worth it. The cookies whose smell reached him even in the living room was just an added bonus. 
Right now, standing in the middle of your apartment, surrounded by incomplete decorations that signaled the arrival of a festival he wouldn't have cared the slightest about a year ago, being scolded by you for not hanging the canes correctly, he regretted nothing. 
3 hours and a lot of debates later, all of which you won, the house was finally decorated enough for the festival. 
"Here you go." You said, handing him a warm cup of coffee and placing a plate full of cookies on the table in front of him. It was your way of saying thank you. 
Bucky looks around your apartment. It's just above the bakery and much smaller than the mansion he lived in. But it felt different in a way he couldn't point out. 
A shelf filled to the brim with books standing in the corner, pictures adorning the walls, each telling a different story. Some soft music playing on the speaker, it was like a blanket of warmth stood over your house. A little messy, but beautiful nonetheless. 
His eyes then land on you, sitting across from him on the sofa, sipping your coffee with a warm, content look on your face, your scarf now lying on the table. 
As if you could feel his gaze, you turn back to look at him and your breath hitches in the throat at the way he is looking at you. 
It's as if the world could crumble around him and he wouldn't blink an eye. 
You can't get yourself to look away. So, you just raise your eyebrows, because you have suddenly forgotten how to breathe and if he didn't look away right now, you are not sure you will be able to survive longer. 
He just shrugs and turns towards his coffee, as if it was a natural occurrence. As if your whole world hadn't stopped spinning for a moment there. 
Bucky looks at you through the corner of his eyes and watches as red color creeps up to your neck and you try your hardest to not smile. 
He now recognises the feeling. 
Your apartment feels like home. 
And the next realization brings with itself questions and doubts he wasn't ready to answer. 
He wouldn't rather be anywhere else. 
He clenches his fist as he drags his feet towards the bakery. 
It was pretty late. He knew that. 
But he just had to be there. 
He liked his work more often than not. The impending guilt and the danger aside, the reason that had initially brought him to this world still stood. 
It made him feel something. The adrenaline of each task, the satisfaction of seeing everything that belonged to his enemies burning down till there was nothing but smoke.  
The mafia world had welcomed the darkness that he had inside of him and made him one of their own, for which he will be eternally grateful. 
But for some time now, it hasn't been enough. 
The darkness that had surrounded and consumed him for so many years now was suddenly not enough. 
Something inside him changed. 
For the first time in as long as he could remember, he had thought twice before shooting that man today. The whispers inside him that asked him every time 'if there was any other way' had become louder now and even the noise of the bullets couldn't silence it. 
He knew what was happening. 
He was seeking the light.
And every single part of him knew that this could only end in disaster. In a fire that threatened to burn every single thing to the last piece. 
But that didn't stop him from taking the next step. Or the one after that. 
He was still walking to the one place that could silence away his thoughts and make it all go away. Like a moth attracted to a flame. 
Maybe this was selfish of him. Maybe he was tainting you with his darkness. 
He will think about that some other day. 
When the bakery comes into view, he realizes just how late it is. 
You would be about to close now. 
Maybe he could catch a glimpse before you retired for the night. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. But it had to do. 
As he reaches the bakery, he watches as the door slowly opens and a young boy steps out. 
He frowns before walking ahead, and his eyes almost widen with who he sees. 
"Peter, what are you doing here?" 
Peter looks up from the book he is currently holding and his eyes widen with fear at the figure who stands before him. 
"S - sir, I - I was just - " 
A voice from inside the bakery calls out to him. A voice Bucky recognizes all too well. 
"Peter, you forgot this." 
You step out of the bakery with a textbook in your hands as you hand it over to Peter. 
Peter opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. Too afraid about what was going to happen. 
You turn around and when your eyes land on James, your lips turn into a grin before you know it. 
"James, hi"
Peter's eyebrows shoot up as he looks between the both of you. You have a glint in your eyes as if you couldn't be happier by anything else and the man he had feared with everything he had for the last couple of years, had a softness to his features that made Peter wonder if he was somehow swallowed into an alternate dimension. 
"Hey, sweets." Bucky says almost on instinct, before turning towards the boy who is still looking at the both of them as if he just saw a dolphin flying in the air. 
You probably notice it too, because you then point towards Peter before saying, "James, this is Peter, and Peter, this is James Barnes." 
"James?" Peter says almost on instinct, confusion evident in his voice. 
"Wait, you know him?" You ask, looking between the both of them now. 
Peter looks at Bucky and almost crumbles with fear by the warning glare he is shooting towards him. But there is something else there too. Something, he can swear he has never seen in the mob boss' eyes. 
There is fear in them. A tiny flicker of it. He fears the answer he is going to tell you. Whatever it was, it was too important for him. 
"No, no. I don't think we have met before." 
"Oh, okay." You say, confused as to what had just happened here. "All the best for the test and tell MJ I said hi," You give him an easy exit from a situation he was clearly uncomfortable in. 
You watch as a small blush spreads across his cheeks before he bids you goodbye and glancing at James once, takes his leave. 
"He is a nice kid." You break the silence after Peter walks away, out of earshot. "Pretty smart. I was helping him with his test tomorrow." 
Bucky looks back at you and shrugs in response. "Good for him." 
"By the way, it's closing time, James." You say with a teasing voice and he is relieved that you don't ask any further questions. 
"Come on, sweets. You could make an exception for your favorite customer." 
You roll your eyes before replying. "What about this? You help me clean up, and I get you something special I made today." 
"Help you clean up?" 
"Aww. The prince doesn't like to get his hands all dirty?" You smirk. 
"This special treat should better be worth it, sweets." He huffs before walking inside the bakery. 
You walk in behind him while giggling. 
"And that's it." 
You look at him with a smile and silently clap your hands together with an impressed look. 
If any of his men would see him right now, wearing an apron with a bunny on it, hands covered in flour, working in a bakery with soft music playing in the background, their eyes would pop out of their heads. But he couldn't care less. 
"Great job for a first timer, Barnes. You have earned yourself a serving of something special." 
Bucky smirked before replying, "Something special, you say?" He leans in and sends a wink your way. 
You roll your eyes before turning towards the kitchen, hoping that it wasn't evident how flustered you were.
You take out something from a box and place it on a plate in front of him. 
Bucky looked at it closely with a frown. It was clearly made of chocolate and was shaped like a dome. He could swear he had never seen it in your bakery before. 
"Come on, give it a try. If I wanted to poison you, I would have done it ages ago." 
He picks up one and after a moment of close inspection, takes a bite. 
As the taste of chocolate invades his senses, he moans and puts the whole into his mouth. 
You watch as his head falls back in delight. 
Once he is done, which is faster than he would have wanted, he says, "Sweets, that was the best damn thing I have ever had." 
You chuckle, "You say that every single time, James."
"And I mean it every single time." 
You just smile at him before putting another on the plate. 
As he devours that one quickly too, he inquires, "What is it called?" 
You smirk before replying, "James." 
"James. That's what it is called." 
His eyes widen and he takes a moment to reply, "You named a sweet after me?"
"Well, technically, you were the inspiration for this." 
He frowns. "How so?" 
"Well, It's full of chocolate and exceptionally sweet. It's exterior is hard but its insides are so soft, they practically melt in your mouth." 
Bucky looks at you, baffled and you look away, unable to meet his eyes. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but is suddenly shushed by you. 
"That's my favorite song." You whisper, as if not wanting to obstruct the soft melody. 
Bucky listens to the sound coming from your phone.
Wise men say
"Only fools rush in"
But I can't help
Falling in love with you
He looks back at you and at the way you have a soft smile on your face, your features highlighted by the soft glow of the kitchen light. 
You look at him and with a teasing smile puts your hand forward, indicating to him to take it. 
He looks between your outstretched hand and your face with a frown.
"Dance with me." Your voice is so soft, he just can't get himself to say no. But, who is kidding? He will set the whole world on fire and watch it burn with a smile on his face if you asked him to. 
He slowly places his hand in yours as the music continues. 
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you
The both of you stand in the middle of the kitchen, the moonlight sweeping its way through the windows. 
Everything is brightened in a warm glow but you know nothing will ever shine brighter than the way his ocean blue eyes do right now. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
One of his arms finds its way around your waist while the other holds yours. 
You place your free hand on his shoulder and he gently pulls you closer. 
The both of you stay like that for the rest of the song, swaying slowly to the music. 
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
You don't know who  leans first but before you know it, the distance between the both of you starts decreasing. 
You hold your breath and your gaze move from his eyes to his lips. 
You would be lying if you said you had never thought of this before, of how his lips would feel against yours, how he would taste like. 
This man had occupied your thoughts since the day you had met all those months ago and you were pretty sure he had no idea of the effect he had on you. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
Just as the song is about to end and there's nothing but an inch of distance between the both of you, the door to the bakery was suddenly pushed open with a force and the sound of the bells invaded the comfortable silence that had covered the room in a blanket. 
The both of you took a sudden step away, and you needed a moment to calm your heart which felt like it was about to beat its way out of your chest, before looking up to see who it. was. 
You squinted as two men, one blonde and the other dark haired, stood at the door, looking comically too big, having no idea of what transcribed in the bakery before they had not-so-smoothly barged in. 
The blonde one speaks, breaking the silence, "I knew we'd find you here." 
You watch as he steps towards James, who looks at him with sheer annoyance. "What the hell are you doing here, punk?" 
The other man looks at you and forms a smirk before stepping towards you. "So, this is where you always sneak off to? I guess I understand why." 
James huffs in annoyance and with a sten face stops him, "Shut up, Wilson." 
You look between the men who looked like they were in a staring contest when realization hit you. "Steve and Sam?" 
All the men look at you at the same time and you feel like a deer caught in headlights before you stand up straighter reminding yourself that no matter how intimidating the situation was, this was your bakery. 
"And you must be y/n l/n. It's great to finally meet you, Ms l/n" Steve says, smiling. 
"Please, just call me y/n." 
"Or we could call you beautiful." Sam replies before stepping forwards, stretching his hand to take yours for a shake. 
You let out a chuckle before shaking his hand. "Y/n is fine." 
"What are the both of you doing here?" Bucky speaks up, shooting daggers at Sam, his fists clenched. 
"There's an emergency. We need to go." Steve replies, a serious expression adorning his face. 
Sam interjects them "What's the hurry? I have heard so much about this bakery. We could eat something before leaving." 
Bucky spats at him, "This bakery has closed, Wilson. Time's up. Get your butt moving." 
Sam pouts and you chuckle at the antics of these grown men, "Why don't you come here some other day, Sam, I have something that I think you'll like." 
Sam looks at you, a childlike smile replacing his pout, "I like her already." 
Bucky steps forward towards Sam, pulling him away. "Don't listen to him, sweets." 
Steve and Sam turn their head towards him so fast. you are sure they will get a sprain later. Sam raises his brows with a smirk on his face, while Steve looks at him with a smile on his. 
James then quickly bids you goodbye before pulling the both of them outside the bakery. 
Once they reach the car Steve and Sam had driven in, they both look at him with amused grins. 
"Back off, the both of you. What's the emergency?" 
Steve's expression turns serious as he replies, "Our shipment from Iran has been stopped at Morocco and they are refusing to comply." 
Bucky narrows his eyes at the information. Who would dare to stop their shipment and risk getting on his bad books? "Who is it, Steve?"
"It's Alexander Pierce." 
Bucky lets out a breath before looking in the direction of the bakery once more  and then turning towards Steve and Sam. 
"Get in the car. We need to leave right now. This is going to be a long assignment."
Next part
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
may i request a gojo x reader one shot where y/n is gojo's former student, after she graduated she went out of the country then after 5 yrs she comes back to work at tokyo jujutsu high as a teacher like gojo. y/n used to have a crush on gojo back then (maybe she still does 😋) and now that y/n's back after a long time gojo kinda missed her so they often spend time together. y/n keeps convincing herself it's just some kind of friendly reunion, nothing more but one day during the sister school goodwill event she gets jealous when she sees gojo teasing utahime and interacting with her. gojo wonders what got y/n into a pissy mood and y/n is like "why do you even care? just go back to your flirting session" then that's where gojo finds out she's just jealous. he'll tease her and idk maybe a confession between them will follow? i'm rlly sorry i suck at explaining things but i hope you get most of it and this gets accepted 😭 thanks! 💓
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hi anon! thank you for your request and patience! i changed a couple of details in this request and it turned out soo weirdly angst but the main idea is still there! i hope that’s alright!
3.2k words. a little all over the place.
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“call me every single day, you hear me? you can’t leave me all alone with this guy.” 
shoko doesn’t even look over her shoulder as she jabs her thumb toward the white haired teen standing behind her shoulder, who drops his mouth open in disbelief at her insulting tone. the tension in your chest eased up as you laughed.
“of course.” 
leaving your friends so soon after graduating was hard to wrap your head around, even with a car waiting to take you to the airport outside the gates of the jujutsu tech building and the occasion bump into your suitcase as you shifted your weight between your legs. 
with the assassination of the star plasma vessel and the suguru incident that made your worlds turn upside down, it seemed reasonable that you’d want to stay; immerse yourself in something familiar. but staying at jujutsu tech--in japan all together--was overwhelming. you needed time to figure and sort yourself out; cope without having to relive painful memories every time you passed where the incidents took place. 
leaving the two people who helped you cope during the ordeal with suguru was difficult, but though they too were pained to part from their friend, they also understood the importance of your leave. they weren’t too stressed, though. you’d stay in touch. you promised. 
shoko stepped forward to give you one final departing gift, wrapping her arms around your neck as you immediately reciprocated, and in shoko’s arms did you mull over whether this was the right choice for you for the nth time. 
a couple moments pass before the two of you pull apart, with shoko whispering a threatening “you better call.” one final time, jabbing an accusing finger at you as if you had already broken your promise, before stepping off to the side to allow satoru to get his own affairs in order. he stepped toward you with a roll of his eyes. 
satoru gojo has been an insufferable ass ever since you met him in your first year. to you, he once came off inconsiderate and ill-mannered, and to satoru, you once came off stuck up and uptight. yet somehow the mutual distaste you two had for each other upon first meeting turned into a friendship filled with teasing.
it felt weird leaving satoru behind especially, because somehow along the bumpy road the two of you took to get to where you were now, something yet again shifted in the way you viewed him, a shift you were still unfamiliar with. it felt strange leaving without it figured out. but you’d get a chance to, you hoped. like with everything else in your bizarre life. 
your usual banter insued as satoru took hold of the handle on your suitcase, swinging it back and forth before loading it into the open trunk. you threatened satoru to look out for himself and not be too much of a nuisance while you were away as he did so. he clicked his tongue as he brought the trunk down with a thud! and waved off your false threats. 
”don't miss me too much, y/n.” he smirked over his shoulder, tinted glasses sliding down the slope of his nose as he stepped back up on the sidewalk. cerulean eyes shone under the morning sunlight, fixed on you with an intense gaze in contrast to his easy smile. you looked over your shoulder as you opened the rear car door, mimicking his expression. 
”won't be a problem.”
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the first couple of months went strong. you upheld your promise of calling shoko frequently, and satoru would often squeeze himself into the frame of shoko’s camera to tease or hurl an insult toward you. she’d shoo him off or laugh along, because she too missed the playful banter you all once immersed yourselves in. and though you were far from the paths you once trekked with your friends, only ghosts of those moments lingering on them now, at least there was no trace of your dying friendship.
more time passed and contact became less frequent. life went on, and keeping in touch as regularly as you once did became increasingly difficult. only on occasion were you able to organize a chat, so much yet so little to be said. each new life event shared left you to ponder over even hours after you had hung up the phone. 
and soon enough, a decade had passed. ten years you thought you’d spend in agony over being away from the people and places you considered home flew by considerably fast, and the thought nauseated you slightly as you reminisced on memories from your youth. 
the nostalgia of your teenage years lingered like a light fog in your mind, always finding some way to trace even the most mundane of things back to your old friends, especially satoru gojo. even after ten long, busy years, you still found that annoying white haired friend of yours lingering in the back of your mind. 
though so much time had passed, you hadn’t gone cold turkey with your communication from your friends; only infrequent. you knew of the important things: the promising new students at jujutsu tech, satoru becoming a teacher, the curse that was rika, the night parade of a hundred demons, toji’s son that satoru was now looking over—suguru’s death. all things recollected to you from your texts with shoko and gojo. though neither of them were quite big on details.  
ten years has definitely granted you time to think, to organize, to consider and try new things. you worked through complicated feelings, you met new people, you saw and experienced new things, and certainly had all those things teach you a couple of important lessons. 
and ultimately, after over a decade, you made the decision to return to japan as a teacher at jujutsu tech. 
around this time, you felt a consistent nagging as if there was still a missing, unsorted piece of your life. you believed that perhaps the decision to return home was spurred by the growing intensity of it. it built up slowly over your less frequent phone calls and text conversations with your old friends and the ever growing amount of changing of their lives back home. though perhaps suguru’s death compelled you to return as well. 
you returned the following year after the night parade of a hundred demons. you convinced yourself it would just be a friendly reunion like with the rest of your old friends, but the second you were standing face to face with satoru, your heart said otherwise. 
it wasn’t unusual to feel anxious when reuniting with someone, but the painstakingly long pause that followed upon being reunited after so many years made you suppress a shudder. It was hard to believe the man in front of you was the troublemaker you used to go to school with. It was hard to believe he was even real. 
you used the silence to get a good look at him, just to make sure it was truly him (and you think satoru was doing the same, regardless of his six eyes.) he had gotten even taller, and he now wore his messy locks of snow white hair up. his uniform was still fitted as it used to be, always just a bit baggier than his tall frame. 
but the most prominent difference was his new defining feature, and so you decided to comment on it first. satoru was still in a sort of trance (of shock you guessed; your only indicator were his slightly parted lips) when you broke the ice with a smirk and the words he had parted with you over a decade ago.
"hope you didn’t miss me too much, satoru. what's with the tacky blindfold?” 
and the grin that followed on his lips stretched from ear to ear.
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satoru your coworker wasn't all that different from satoru your classmate. he was still as childish as ever, irritated by the higher ups and an irritation to all those around him. you found that out rather quickly when reuniting with yaga and nanami. you made a dramatic fuss over how much they both had changed, nanami shyly looking down with a slight frown reminiscent of the signature one he wore when he was younger. you didn’t feel it was appropriate to bring up haibara or suguru at any point. 
but your relationship with satoru your coworker was off from your relationship with satoru your classmate. It had been years, and you’ve fallen into your normal rhythm with satoru pretty quickly and easily on the surface. but the passage of time was still evident in your conversations as it was with the changes in your appearances. time matured him (or most likely his ordeals with suguru). even his manner of speaking was so serious sometimes that it caught you off guard. it felt even worse than having him hate you, treating you as if you were a stranger hurting that much more.
so much yet so little had changed. you were taken aback by the amount of maturity in his reasoning for wanting to become a teacher, even if it was so out of place for him, over a catch up brunch. it almost made you feel as if he were a stranger, with a new sense of maturity coupled with his new, more distant look and behaviour.
he’d tease you like he always did, but it didn't have as much bite. he'd show you around tokyo, treating you to desserts and jokingly gifting you funny souvenirs; but because satoru had become so unfamiliar, it didn’t feel as comforting as you thought it would. 
and that nagging feeling that you couldn’t quite put your finger on arose again.
you reunited with mei mei and utahime during the sister school goodwill event, with the latter enveloping you in a large hug reminiscent of the ones you received when you left them over a decade ago. they had all stayed relatively close, with utahime becoming a teacher like satoru at the sister school in kyoto. 
you were good friends with her, always defending her from satoru’s insults and indulging in her (in your case, faux) hatred toward satoru. you two had also stayed in close contact, appreciating all the emotional support she provided and her updates on the events in her life and the jujutsu world (with complaints about satoru tossed in here and there). 
which is why your jealousy was irrational, you thought to yourself as you watched satoru and utahime in the monitoring room. you knew satoru and utahime being the last two people in the world wouldn’t make them fall in love. even if they were, your jealousy was still out of place. if anything, you should feel happy for your two old friends.
but perhaps it had more to do with the distance and familiarity satoru and utahime were able to maintain, even if it was their regular quarreling and distaste for one another. perhaps the way they were able to slip into the routine they’ve kept up for so many years, no matter how ruthless it was, ate at you, reminded you of how different things were between you and satoru. you weren’t two teenagers who’d sometimes catch each other’s stares from across a room. you weren’t attending school together and going on missions. 
and the distance was bound to strain your relationship. but you figured that if there was anyone you’d be able to break back into routine with, it was the troublemaker you had known since the two of you were fresh faced students like the ones he now mentors. 
it was all those little things stacked atop each other, that casual and distant demeanor satoru treated you with as if you were a stranger, time staring back at you in the mature way he, shoko and utahime carried themselves, and satoru slipping into a routine that you were sure you and him would be able to maintain with someone else, made that whole tower of unease fall apart with that final crack. 
he had walked off after you after you had excused yourself from the room, feeling sick the more you thought about the large gap in memories, in time, in knowledge, between you and the others. 
“jealous?” he smirked, clearly amused by your sudden outburst (and deeply curious, since it was so out of character for you). 
“not a chance.”
not in the way he was suggesting, at least. you waved him off. “go back to your flirting session.” 
and Satoru stopped in his tracks, recoiling in disgust over the mere implication. because even he knew that you would never think such a thing of his relationship with utahime, even if he were to one day tell you that something was going on. 
perhaps it was the distance, satoru thought to himself sadly. because while to you satoru didn’t seem to be all that affected by your return, he still saw in you that old classmate of his that made his face burn with simply the strength they exhibited, with only a short meeting of gazes from across a room as a teenager, and his heart ached at emotional distance. there was no way that classmate that knew which treats to bribe him with and what games were his favorite would ever assume such a thing about him. 
getting through to one another was never easy, both of you equally stubborn in your resolve. and when you throw this terrible distance, these horrible feelings of insecurity and confusion, it made the miscommunication between the two of you that much worse. 
but satoru remembers the day you left as if no time had passed at all. he remembers the rising lump in his throat as he watched you say your goodbyes with shoko. he remembers the wave of fear that washed over him as he watched you turn your back from him, reminiscent of the event that took place when his best friend left him for good. he remembers the confession on the tip of his tongue as he looked down at you and into your sharp gleaming eyes, words he’s debated with himself for years over whether or not he was a coward or a hero in not saying.
and right now, as he stares at your confused and hurt expression, your back turned to him yet again, all those feelings wash over him and he feels as if it may be the former, because now he’s let his insecurity hurt you. but he also knows that whether he was a coward or hero then doesn’t matter now. he wouldn’t allow a repeat of what happened all those years ago. he wouldn't let himself hesitate.
he reached to grab your wrist, and you harshly recoiled, shooting him an angry glare from across your shoulder. “what the- hell, satoru? would you just-”
“i wasn’t flirting.” 
“whatever. I don’t-”
suguru knew him better than anyone. shoko knows him better than anyone. you know him better than anyone.
“utahime? really? i would think that you know me better than that.” 
the pout on his face seeped into his voice, and you further struggled in his grip. “things change with time, satoru. you can’t expect me-”
the distance was fine. satoru could do distance. but it was this misunderstanding that made his stomach churn uncomfortably. it was the fact that he seemed so unknown to you. that you seemed so unknown to him. who knew that such a minor misunderstanding would carry so much emotional baggage, invoke such strong reactions from the two of you? 
“can’t use that excuse if i’ve always been in love with you.”
you immediately stopped fidgeting, staring at satoru’s serious expression with wide eyes. his pout settled into a deep frown, and you’re absolutely despising the fact that you can’t see his eyes with that stupid new blindfold. stupid time. stupid change. 
“i’m in love with you,” he said again with a shrug. “and that never changed.”
silence. all you could do is continue to stare at him as he held your wrist. but then you inhaled sharply and satoru released his grip. you took another deep breath, and then…
“how the hell am I supposed to know something like that? it’s been over ten years, satoru gojo. everything feels different- you look different!- and you expect me to know you’ve been in love with me for how long?”
you ranted all your anger toward him as you jabbed a finger into his chest, while he continued to stare down at you with a frown and his hands now buried in his pockets. his lack of a reaction only added to your frustration, and you still felt as if you were staring at a stranger. 
“take off that damn blindfold.” 
his mouth drops into a small o for a moment, before he brings a hand to his face. it feels as if an agonizing amount of time passes as satoru slips the blindfold down from his eyes to hang over his neck. his hair falls into that familiar disheveled heap, and you’re immediately met with a familiar rush of anxiety rushing through your veins as you make eye contact with his blue ones. 
big and bright, and staring down at you with so much longing. his hand stays on his blindfold, and the frown stays etched into his face, but you can finally see those eyes. the ones that sent a wave of warmth over you when they connected with yours. the ones you found yourself gazing at as you leaned your head against a desk, admiring them from a sideways angle as they glistened in a ray of sunlight. one’s you knew you could rely on, not because they belonged to the strongest or because of the power they held, but because they belonged to your best friend, to the boy that made your heart stutter. 
and you’re too emotional finally seeing your satoru gojo to care about the fact that you were now sobbing into satoru’s chest in relief over something familiar, and you cried even harder when his arms wrapped around your frame, head resting sideways into your hair. and you felt stupid for breaking down over something so childish, so minor.
but maybe some things didn’t change and maybe some change was for the better. because you’ve had over ten years to figure yourself out and so did satoru, and with your decision to return home was your decision to return to satoru synonymous with it. 
and you felt satoru finally smile a genuine and childish and familiar sort of smile, into your hair, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about how stupid you felt in that moment. 
and that final unsorted piece of your life finally stopped nagging at you, as if satoru had exorcised a curse that lingered on your back these past ten years. those confusing and unidentifiable feelings you felt for satoru way back when. together, you’d be able to rebuild your relationship with satoru into the way it used to be all those years ago, not a single detail unknown, so you could put all those insecurities and fear to rest. 
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mychlapci · 14 days
TFA anon back again this time with pre slut era TFA Prowl just in time for Prowl Madness
A very long time ago, a while before Prowl ever got into his slut era, he was just a shy, painfully awkward bot sitting at Swerve’s for the first time. Prowl had went with some friends of his to the bar and while they were out getting drunk or hooking up with other bots, Prowl was sitting by himself fidgeting awkwardly. He didn’t have a lot of confidence in himself to go talk to any bots, nevermind try to hook up with them.
He was a very attractive bot though, long legs, small waist, nice aft, and a decently sized chassis to top it off. Bots of all kinds eyed him while Swerve was giving him another drink - non alcoholic of course. Prowl was sort of scared of the thought of getting drunk then making a fool of himself back then, though nowadays he’d gladly make a fool of himself ten times over to drink the night away and have a nice, thick spike in between his legs.
While Prowl was drowning in his self-deprecating thoughts, another mech sat down next to him at the bar. He looked up- then immediately had to crane his neck up higher just to see his face. He was mainly dark green and black except for his helm, which was white with black stripes. His optics were a deep red which Prowl immediately deduced that it meant he was probably a Decepticon. What surprised him the most of the fact one of his servos was missing, instead being replaced by a dangerous-looking hook. He easily towered over Prowl’s smaller frame and was a lot bulkier than Prowl’s leaner and lithe frame.
Prowl found him incredibly attractive, in his honest opinion.
The larger bot placed his order with Swerve, a rather strong drink, and then noticed that Prowl was staring at him. Prowl damn near squeaked when he turned to look at him and he quickly looked away, face burning hotly. The mech looked amused by his shyness and told him not to be so shy. They exchanged introductions (though Prowl was noticeably more nervous about it) and Prowl learned that the larger bot’s name was Lockdown. Lockdown was apparently there to wind down after work (what kind of work he did, Lockdown didn’t elaborate) and wanted a nice, strong drink to help him do that.
Prowl explained that he was dragged here by his friends to get him to relax since (in their words) he was so jittery and wound up all the time.
They eventually got into casual talk which continued long after Lockdown’s drink was served. Throughout the conversation Prowl seemed to become more and more out of his shell. By the time three hours have passed, Lockdown and Prowl were still talking passionately. Lockdown of course, wasn’t blind to Prowl’s attractiveness and was becoming more and more bold with his flirtations as he saw Prowl become more relaxed around him. When Prowl mentioned something about his friends probably going to hook up with someone, Lockdown bluntly asks if Prowl has ever had sex with someone before. Prowl is stunned and flustered as he stammered over his words before just giving a soft “no” and looked down at the ground in shame and awkwardness. Lockdown grins and tells him that it was such a shame, and that with a sexy frame like his he would have thought he’d had already lost his seals. Prowl decides to take a chance and boldly says that at least Lockdown could take the chance to take his seals.
Lockdown grin turns feral and lustful and the rest is history.
He pays for his and Prowl’s tabs and all but drags the smaller bot out of the bar and towards Lockdown’s apartment.
Prowl has the craziest night of his life.
Lockdown all but throws him onto his berth and crawls on top of him to make out with him while they grind together. Prowl nearly chokes when Lockdown’s weirdly long tongue slithers down his throat. Prowl’s panel snaps back to reveal his soaking wet valve and almost immediately after Lockdown thrusts two fingers into his valve. Prowl cries while those digits grind into his virginal pussy, unused to such an unfamiliar sensation. Once deemed spread out enough, Lockdown lined up to his valve despite Prowl’s worries about him tearing and pushes in.
And just like that, Prowl’s virginity is taken.
They go at it like mechanimals. Once Prowl had gotten used to the unreal stretch, he quickly becomes addicted to the feeling of Lockdown’s thick spike ruining his insides. Prowl scores his nails down his shoulders, clinging to the larger mech while he trips into the nth overload of that night, hiccuping and squealing while Lockdown fucks him through his overload. There’s nothing more Lockdown loves than a sweet little pussy creaming on his spike while he bullies his way to the gestational chamber. Lockdown is ruthless, not once letting up on the downright vicious pace, not even slowing down when Prowl screams and cries in overstimulation. When Lockdown finally comes and they finally stop, Prowl’s face is a mess of drool and tears, eyes rolled back as he pants heavily, trying to recover from the intense ride Lockdown took him on.
They go to the bath to clean up but no cleaning gets done because Prowl sucks Lockdown off for the first time. It starts as little kitten licks to the head of his spike before he takes it into his mouth and then immediately gets addicted to the taste and smell of it. Prowl’s helm is held still by Lockdown’s servos and is throat fucked by him. He gagged a lot considering he still had a gag reflex back then but it was still enjoyable. When Lockdown finishes in his mouth, Prowl ends up coughing and some of his transfluid ends up spurting out through his nose. Lockdown then bends him over the sink and fucks him again while Prowl’s valve drools on his spike all over again.
It takes a while before they actually clean themselves up because they couldn’t take their hands off of each other and ended up back on the berth interfacing until Lockdown and Prowl literally couldn’t come anymore. Finally, they cleaned themselves up and went to bed after this cycle continued for two more hours.
The next day they split ways only to find each other again at the same bar later that day and Prowl all but begs him to fuck him again.
Yeah.. Prowl got addicted to his spike.
It becomes a regular thing to the point that Prowl literally moves in with him so that he could get dicked down every day.
After a while of these flings, eventually, Lockdown leaves after getting another assignment somewhere else and leaves his apartment to Prowl. They literally never see each other again until canon.
After he left, Prowl’s Slut era began where he slept with pretty much anything that matched his type in bots (mean, large, cruel, etc..) but he never found another mech that matched the way Lockdown fucked him again. He did have fun sleeping around, doing orgies, getting gangbanged, doing glory holes, but he really did just want to get fucked stupid by Lockdown again.
So when he meets Lockdown again on Earth literally centuries later, it takes Prowl’s entire willpower to not pop his panels on the spot. Lockdown obviously recognized him. How could he not recognize the mech that he had flings with for three entire years. Lockdown flirts with Prowl while they fight, telling him how his body aged nicely, how being a ninjabot suits him, how much he missed their flings. Prowl just scowls and tells him to shut his mouth even though he is blushing slightly.
You know that one episode when Lockdown goes to the Death’s Head so he could prepare to go hunt down one of Starscream’s clones or something along those lines and Prowl follows him? Yeah. Prowl follows him into the Death’s Head and when they confront each other, Prowl compromises with Lockdown;
Lockdown helps Prowl in catching Starscream’s clone, and Prowl sucks his dick.
Lockdown agreed without a second thought.
Now then, instead of the inexperienced, awkward, and shy blowjob Lockdown thought he was going to get, Prowl has spent YEARS pretty much perfecting the art of dick sucking via him just whoring himself out after he left.
So what happens next is that Prowl sucks his soul out. Lockdown pretty much holds on for dear life while the ninjabot expertly bobs his head, deepthroating him and sucking him off with practiced ease all the while looking up smugly at him while Lockdown moans uncontrollably. It’s surprising how quick the bounty hunter cums, considering he usually lasts longer than that. After that, they pretty much just forget the fact they were supposed to be going after Starscream’s clone and Lockdown ends up bending Prowl over a table and fucks him so stupid all he could do is babble out Lockdown’s name and for more. Once Lockdown and Prowl come, the latter pushes him down onto the floor so he could sit down on his spike and ride him into oblivion. Prowl let Lockdown play with his fat, milky tits while he slams his hips down on the bounty hunter’s spike over and over before he eventually squirts all over his lap and his creamy milk spurts out of his tits and on Lockdown’s hand which he quickly brings Prowl close to suckle from while thrusting up into his creamy pussy. Prowl is moaning and squealing like a whore and all of Yoketron’s teachings on self respect literally just flew out the window while he creams himself on Lockdown’s fat spike.
They do end up catching Starscream’s clone but if anyone notices that Prowl looked pretty unsteady on his peds, nobody mentioned it.
From then on, whenever Prowl and Lockdown met on the battlefield, after fighting for a bit they hid out in a dark area and fucked each other until they had to go back. Prowl just couldn’t resist creaming himself dumb on Lockdown’s fat spike anyways <3
oh lord sorry buddy i just kept rereading this over and over and going Hell Yeah!! and then forgetting to answer it. But here I am.
Lockdown taking Prowl's virginity is actually one of my favourite fantasies and i constantly indulge myself in it on train rides home, so this really hit the spot. I love that Prowl goes from twitchy little virgin to a live-in spikesleeve <3
Need older Prowl sucking the soul out of Lockdown so badly hrghh he's all seductive and flirty now, he had his trial and error and emerged a classically trained fuck machine. What did Lockdown expect, that he can get him addicted to huge, mean spikes and then just leave and Prowl won't learn how to satisfy himself? Of course not <3
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dumbkiri · 10 months
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓨𝓸𝓾
ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
[Name] comes back from her suspension and is at her most vulnerable. Masamichi goes on to give the mission to Geto and Gojo.
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“Welcome back!”
Gojo shouted from the top of his lungs and threw confetti into your surprised face. You weren’t expecting to be greeted with such enthusiasm when you walked into the classroom. Alas, your betrothed was beyond normal with dramatics. 
Your dull black eyes looked around in the classroom and saw Gojo gleaming at you with glee. Meanwhile Shoko and Geto threw the colorful confetti in the air with small welcomes. 
“Can you greet me normally?” You growled as you did your best to remove the glitter sprinkles off of your body. “I came back from a suspension not a vacation, you bozo.” 
Gojo snaked an arm around your shoulder and gestured to Shoko and Geto, “We missed you so much! Hey, how about a game of cards?” He suggested and you were quick to remove yourself out of his hold. You backed away from him and looked at him weirdly as he rambled on. 
Then you looked over at Shoko and Geto’s expression of worry. You could see the trio was concerned about something and you were tempted to use your Shinigami Eye’s to demand the truth. But the classroom door sliding open caught their attention and Masamichi wore a stern look on his face. 
“Sit down.” He demanded your three friends like a parent.
You stifled a laugh seeing your friends immediately obey the command. The three of them sat in front of Masamichi waiting for his punishment. You wondered what the hell they got themselves into, but your teacher's attention was drawn to you. 
“Welcome back, [Name]. I expect that you worked on keeping Kaiser at bay?” Masamichi asked. 
You kneeled down behind Gojo and rolled your eyes, “Alright listen, it took forever to get that booger in line, okay? He’s back to being a juvenile dragon, but I’ll have you know it takes forever for him to age up into an adult. I’m risking my life and others with him at this age.” 
Masamichi hummed and sat down on the wooden bench. He raised a hand and landed it roughly on Gojo’s white hair. The said teenager yelped and was pushed to the left by the teacher. “Make some room for her. We are having a conversation,” Masamichi watched Gojo pout and move as instructed. Then you scooted yourself between Gojo and Geto with your hands placed in your lap. 
“We agreed that you’ll come back to the school when Kaiser is a baby, not in his teenage years.” 
You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. Then you glared up at Masamichi, getting a cruel idea in your head, “Kaiser, come out.” The room was engulfed in heavy cursed energy when you summoned your Shinigami, your god of death. 
The four students felt heavy breathing down their necks feeling like they would get crushed by its cursed energy alone. Kaiser was naturally a black dragon, but in the light his scales shimmered in all kinds of colors. 
He wasn’t that big in his juvenile form, he was the length of the room and half the width of it. While on all fours, Gojo would be able to reach the top of his head. Kaiser wasn’t a dragon with an abnormally long neck. His talons were very sharp and they punctured the wooden floorboard easily. 
“Ay! Stop breathing on us, will ya?” You pushed the big snout away from you all with a disgusted look. Kaiser was never one for personal space especially when it came to his favorite humans. You made sure that your shinigami got used to Gojo, Shoko and Geto. They were your closest friends and you went on missions with them a lot. 
Kaiser was very fond of Geto though. You two were always paired up because you controlled a dragon and he was the curse eater. Over time, Geto bonded with Kaiser much to Gojo’s dismay.
“No one likes a heavy breather, got it?” Your dragon ignored you and pushed his snout more into your face. Then he gave you his ‘teenage’ attitude.  
He growled back and huffed in your face in retaliation. Then you looked at Masamichi raising your brows, “See that? I get a big attitude from him and he refuses to listen to me most of the time! Look!”
You removed your hand from Kaiser's rough chin and began unbuttoning your shirt. “Whoa~Hey! Save that for me!” Gojo shouted and put his hands on yours to stop you from revealing your cleavage. Then he pointed at Geto accusingly shouting, “I saw you looking!” 
“You’re clearly blind.” Geto muttered and looked away from what you were trying to show the class. 
You had to look up at Gojo with a deadpan expression to catch his attention, “Seriously? I’m not showing my boobs off that much!” you pushed him away and showed everyone your new scar which you got from Kaiser. “I don’t know what’s up with Kaiser, but he refuses to become a baby version of himself. He told me that he grows with his master. And the only time he will be a baby is when I produce a new master for him.” 
Gojo awed at the explanation and looked at you with a smile, his playful side showing up, “That means our baby will be the most protected baby on earth! Nice job, Kaiser!” The male teenager praised the dragon and Kaiser let his head dip for the pets he got from his master’s betrothed. 
Masamichi sighed and put his head down in disappointment and exasperation. “I don’t know what to do with you two.” He muttered and you and Gojo looked at each other confused. 
“Sensei?” You both questioned looking back at Masamichi.
Masamichi stood up and pointed at you and Gojo. “Yes, you two are in a marriage contract with one another. Yes, you two are one of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers, but your attitudes are terrible!” 
You accepted that fact while Gojo protested for the both of you, “Excuse me, sensei! I think you meant to say that our attitudes are one of a kind!”
“No!” Masamichi argued against it, “One can summon a dragon, but cannot keep it in check. And the other cannot put up a veil!”
“I can put up a veil and hide my tracks.” You muttered with your arms crossed over your unbuttoned shirt. 
While Gojo looked away from Masamichi, a pout on his face as he said, “And I can control Kaiser just fine.” 
A lightbulb went off in Gojo’s head and he looked at Kaiser with a smirk on his face. “I can ask Kaiser to turn into a baby, but on one condition!” You began glaring daggers at Gojo, your eyes flickering between colors of red, blue and purple. 
“And what would that be?” Masamichi asked. 
Gojo stood up and patted Kaiser's head of sharp scales, “I will convince him to turn into a baby dragon only if you do not punish me for the veil incident!” 
You stood up to your feet and protested his idea, “No way! Kaiser is not some dog! He’s my guardian!” You grabbed Gojo’s forearm and pulled him away from your shinigami. You pushed him back to your friends and Masamichi. You were starting to get really irritated and you couldn’t stop your words from leaving your mouth. 
“Also if Kaiser doesn’t want to be a baby dragon then he doesn’t need to be one! He’s a god of death for crying out loud! He’s tamed enough not to kill any of you!” 
Your eyes had been flickering between colors and it finally set on one; red. 
“Why is everyone so determined to make him revert to being a baby?” You asked and Kaiser walked behind you with his spiky tail flicking side to side like he was waiting for a command to attack. He stood protectively behind you, his eyes were also the color red. 
Masamichi exhaled through his nose and stepped up in front of his students to confront you. He looked at you with a serious gaze, “Because we agreed on those terms in order for you to come back to the school. If you continue on to refuse this order then you will be expelled.” 
Your face scrunched up in anger and before you could go on another spout, you felt a nudge on your hip. You looked at Kaiser and he nudged you again like he was telling you that it was okay. Yet you still had your doubts. 
“Don’t be stubborn, [Name].” 
You turned your attention back to your group of friends and it was Geto that spoke up. He was the only one brave enough to talk to you especially when you were stuck in between them and Kaiser. You would totally choose your family over your friends. That was an easy choice.
“I’m not being stubborn, Geto. I just don’t trust the motive of reverting Kaiser back. The reason why he ages with his master is to get them used to the power of his eyes. If he reverts back to a baby, I’m losing his blue, red and green. All I’m left with is orange and yellow, shield projection and honesty. How am I supposed to fight with those techniques? I’ll be a sitting duck for all those that want me dead.”
“It’s only until you teach Kaiser to get in line. You said so yourself that he has trouble listening to you, but I think he’s actually fine with becoming a baby again if you get to stay in school. Plus I’m sure that you’ll be paired up with Satoru or I for missions,” Geto tried his best to reassure you. 
You clicked your tongue and crossed your arms over your chest. “I hate you guys,” You said bitterly, looking away from them. Your eyes changed back to their dull black color and you reached your hand out to the curved obsidian horns on Kaiser’s head. “Revert,” You commanded your dragon and plumes of black smoke engulfed his body. 
After a few seconds, the smoke dispersed and on the floor was a baby dragon sitting patiently. Kaiser was the size of a newborn human baby. He had no horns and his talons were blunt. His wings were tucked in staring at you expectantly. He let out a soft roar at you and you were taken out of your scary thoughts of dying.
You kneeled down in front of Kaiser and he immediately jumped into your open arms. He snuggled closer to you and yawned, transformations always got him sleepy. Even still, Kaiser was known to be lazy as a baby which was another reason why you didn’t want him at this age. 
“I’m going out for some lunch. Don’t bother me or I’ll kill you.” 
You threatened and Gojo shouted at you as you walked away from them. 
“How can you do that? You don’t have all the colors anymore!” 
Shoko slumped her shoulders and exhaled, “You’re not helping.”
Masamichi was in a pickle. No, seriously. The mission papers were sitting on his desk in all their terrifying glory. And there was a picture of a junior high school girl attached to those papers. 
Riko Amanai. 
He couldn’t turn away a special request and he had to choose between his students carefully. Riko Amanai is the younger sister of [Name] Amanai. Their parents died when they were young and they were taken care of by Kuroi who [Name] dubbed as Riko’s guardian. 
He rubbed his temple and stood up from his desk. He had to get Gojo and Geto on this mission right away without [Name] knowing. The only real reason why Masamichi put [Name] in the situation of reverting Kaiser to his baby form was because The Elders demanded it so. They needed her to be in her weakest state so that she and her god of death weren’t able to protect Riko from merging with Master Tengen. 
But there was a problem with it all. It was the bond between the boys and [Name]. Geto and [Name] will have a strained friendship. Gojo and [Name]’s marriage contract will suffer a huge blow too. She may not even want to go on with marrying the six eyes user. 
Luckily for Masamichi, [Name] never used her last name as she always insisted on using her first name to address her. Meaning that when he tells the boys about the mission, they will go on without ever knowing the familial relationship between [Name] and Riko. 
He knew this would cause irrevocable damage to [Name]’s mental state and her relationships with everybody. But Riko needed to merge with Master Tengen. Although nothing ever goes as planned. 
The power The Elders wanted to seal away for this ceremony was going to be their downfall. The cursed technique [Name] had control over was going to kill everyone involved in her sister's death.
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thestormynobody · 3 months
Turnabout Timeloop Chapter 1
“I’ve heard enough. It’s time to declare my verdict.”
(This is bad.) Apollo didn’t have the evidence needed to turn this around. (What should I do???) He was out of options, wasn’t he? (That doesn’t matter!! I can come up with a good reason why. For now, I just need to ob-)
Almost instantly, a voice rings out across the courtroom. “NO!!!!! Frin would never do something like that!! Let them go!!!” Bonnie struggles helplessly in Odile’s arms. They must have found a way to sneak into the courtroom after all. Odile’s expression is unreadable as she tries to usher them back out of the courtroom. None of them had wanted Bonnie to see this.
Apollo’s client, Sifferin, nomiddlename nolastname (Still can’t believe that was allowed), stares in horror at the commotion. “Bonbon….”  They look shattered. Understandably so, considering they were just declared guilty of murder, and in front of Bonnie, no less. 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t- I just- wanted to-I’m sorry.” Their voice is small. Practically drowned out by the scuffle happening in the back of the room.
(What do they mean?) Was there something he missed? There had to have been. It just didn’t add up. (I wish I had more time to investigate, maybe I could’ve-)
Apollo wakes up at his desk in the Wright Anything Agency. (A dream? Man. I must be really stressed about this case if I’m dreaming about losing it huh? That dream was weirdly detailed though….weird.) 
He tilts his head back and forth to try and deal with his stiff neck. It pops unpleasantly.
“You’re going to end up with back problems like me, you know.” A familiar voice calls out.
Phoenix. Wright. His boss. Didn’t he say something like this before? Apollo had just kind of responded noncommittally in the dream, something about not doing it again. It was pretty passive, and he’d felt weird about it after. Like he was a kid getting scolded by his dad. (Gross.) 
“Dunno, Mr. Wright. You sure you’re not just old?” 
“HA. I guess you don’t want this coffee then. More for me.”
“Wait, no I was just joking-” he wanted that coffee.
“Yeah, yeah I know-” He pauses and with a devious smirk adds “....kiddo.” and ruffles Apollo’s hair.
(Eugh.) Apollo nabs the coffee from Phoenix’s hand and downs it. He’s not sure how long he slept but he needs to get to work. There was lots to do. Meet with the client, investigate the crime scene, interview the witnesses…the sooner he got started the better. He didn’t want a repeat performance of his dream.
“Alright, you know Trucy and I are going to be out of town for her next show. Gonna have to get your own coffee for a few days. “
“I’m sure I’ll manage.” It was kind of a shame. Mr. Wright did make weirdly good coffee. Maybe he worked at a coffee shop at some point when he was disbarred? Who knows. Wasn’t like he’d tell Apollo if he had.
“Good luck on your case. I know Prosecutor Von Karma can be intimidating but she’s mellowed out a lot since I faced her in court. You got this!”
Prosecutor Von Karma…she had been practicing law abroad for some time now and had only just recently returned to Ka Bue. The daughter of Manfred Von Karma, the prosecutor with one of the longest win streaks known in the law world as well as the adoptive sister of the head prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. Family legacy aside, she was well known to be very good at what she did and to take very little nonsense in the courtroom. He’d have to be at the top of his game if he was going to be facing her. In his dream she’d been as formidable as he’d imagined… Perhaps it was some sort of subconscious warning against complacency? Sure. He’d go with that.
“Athena’s out of the office today but should be able to assist you in the trial tomorrow if you need back up.” He knew she’d been enjoying some down time after her last big case and didn’t want to drag her into his own workload. Still, her skills were invaluable in many past cases so he should consider his options carefully.  
“Water Charley for me, won’t you?”
Oh, he’d been in his own head about the case and not responding to Mr. Wright, oops. “Of course. I’ve got things here Mr. Wright. Go enjoy Trucy’s show”
“I know you’ve got this, I just gotta do my job as your boss, heh. See ya in a few days.”
“Don’t forget to take a few videos of the show for me!”
“‘Course.” He says as he leaves the room with a small wave.
 He fixes his signature spikes and pulls on his suit pinning his badge to the lapel. 
His pretrial nerves were starting to get to him as well as lingering weirdness from the dream. Well. No one was here to judge him for doing his cords of steel warm ups as he got ready sooo-
“I! AM! FINE!”
(Alright!! All warmed up! It's go time, Apollo!)
He hops on his bike and pedals away to the detention center. He vaguely remembers how there had been a traffic jam in his dream so he takes an alternative route where he could stick to side streets more. Silly maybe but hey if his subconscious was trying to protect him from being late who was he to argue?
  A woman is waiting for him outside the building. She is technically the one who hired him. (Odile if I remember correctly. She’s a Ka Buan citizen but has been abroad up until recently. She was part of a group that saved the country of Vaugarde.) 
This case was somewhat of a diplomatic nightmare. Despite the distance, Vauguarde and Ka Bue were in pretty good standing with one another. Convicting one the saviors of Vauguarde carried steep political implications. A citizen of Ka Bue had been murdered though and the law was clear that justice must be served regardless of the circumstances of the accused. It was his job to prove his client innocent and possibly prevent an international incident. (No pressure!)
“Mr. Justice.” She says it more as a statement than a question. HIs defense badge must have given him away.
“Yes, ma'am! At your service!”  He realizes he sounds a bit too over eager and tones it back a bit. “You must be madame Odile?”
“That’s correct.” She gives him an appraising look. Her expression does not give away any conclusions she may have drawn. “Thank you for coming out on such short notice.”
“Of course.” (Short notice is kind of the norm in my experience…) 
“Siffrin is inside. They wouldn’t let me inside to talk to them but they should let you in as his lawyer.” 
(She seems calm for someone whose friend is currently being held on suspicion of murder. She’s either one tough lady or she’s convinced they didn’t do it.)
“I’ll see if I can get you visitation privileges after I talk to them.” 
She gives him a small nod. “Thank you.”
Apollo enters the detention center trying not to think too hard about how Odile had appeared so accurately in his dream. It was probably just his brain mixing up memory with dreams after all. She just looks similar enough that his brain THINKS it's the same! (....yeah that’s gotta be it)
His client looks very distraught. Understandable considering the circumstances but they look like they’re on the verge of a panic attack. (I should do something to calm them down.)
In Vauguardian he says: “Hey, breathe for a second alright?” When their attention snaps to him he hesitates for a moment then: “Here um. LIke this?” He breathes in. Then out. 
They follow his lead and after a bit seem to have centered themself a bit. A realization seems to dawn on them a moment later however. “How did you know to do that?”
“A breathing exercise? I mean. It's a pretty common calming technique isn’t it?”
“No- You…did it differently before” 
“Before…?” (I did do it differently in the dream didn’t I? This way seemed to work better for them in the dream so I guess I just led with it? But that was just a dream. Wasn’t it???)
They seem to be deep in thought for a long moment then they fix an intense look on him. “Something of mine was found on the victim. What was it?”
“A coin.”
The answer was so automatic he surprises himself. That wasn’t right. He hadn’t even been to the crime scene yet. Sure in his dream there’d been a coin but that was just-
“Stars. You remember.”
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sadhours · 1 year
just the two (okay maybe four) of us - part one.
written by @buckysgrace and i ❤️
read on ao3
billy hargrove x oc + steve harringron x oc
contents: 18+ minors dni, polyamory, voyeurism, p in v, smut, kinda gay stuff between Billy and Steve, it’s gonna get gayer between them, modern au
word count: 5.9 k
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“Harrington,” Billy purrs, lounged on the couch with Kim cuddled up tightly to his side.
Steve glances to his girlfriend, trying to convey his annoyance before looking back to the couple, “Hargrove.”
They’re watching some reality show, Billy’s got a beer in the hand he doesn’t have plastered on Kim’s ass and from the label on the bottle, Steve knows it’s from the pack of Stella he left here. For him. Not for Billy. He knows the girls won’t touch the beer. He groans, “Ya know, those beers are mine.”
“Whatever,” Billy scoffs, taking a swig from the bottle.
Gina sets her purse down, “Kim and I have some drinks, don’t worry.”
Steve follows her into the kitchen, though he knows what they have. Truly and Long Drinks. He was really looking forward to a beer but at the rate Billy drinks, he’s sure they’re gone. And as Gina opens the fridge, his suspicions are confirmed. Steve grabs onto Gina’s elbow and mumbles into her ear, “I fucking hate that guy.”
The busty girl rolls her eyes, leaning down and grabbing two blue cans from the pack of the gin cocktails and hands one to Steve, “You’ll live. Steal some of his beers when he brings ‘em.”
“See, Gina,” Steve exhales, “That’s the thing, he doesn’t ever bring any.”
Gina shakes her head, “Come on, I wanna listen to that new record I bought.”
Steve follows her back into the living room, where Gina drops on the couch next to Kim and drapes her arms around her waist and gives her a kiss to the cheek.
“Missed you,” she sings as Kim raises her shoulders and giggles while Steve stands awkwardly to the side.
“Missed you too,” Kim smiles bright, her eyes crinkling.
Steve’s been suspicious of them, wonders (with his dick in his hand) if they ever messed around before they got boyfriends, or if they still do. They’re weirdly close. Steve’s actually seen them kiss on the mouth a handful of times. He’d been too shy to ask Gina about it. Figures she’ll claim they’re just best friends anyways.
Gina gives Kim’s cheek another kiss before standing up, lacing her fingers with Steve’s and drags him into her bedroom. She closes the door behind her and Steve sits on her pink bedspread, kicking his shoes off. Gina walks over to her record player, opening the lid before grabbing the cellophane wrapped vinyl she bought yesterday while they were out shopping. It’s a Tame Impala album, an artist they bonded over when they first met this year. Gina slices the cellophane open with her manicured nail and sets it on the player, starting it up and turning the volume up. She kicks her shoes off and sets her drink on her nightstand before doing the same to Steve’s. She straddles his lap and wraps her arms around his neck, leaning down and kissing him slowly.
God, he’s obsessed with her. Her lips are so soft and plush, his mind goes blank when they kiss. Gina’s a goddamn vision. Huge tits, covered in freckles and pretty, dark eyelashes. Steve feels giddy at the thought of her so it’s kind of intense when she’s on top of him. They kiss for the entirety of the album, Gina getting up briefly to flip the record before climbing back on top of her boyfriend. Gina tastes sweet, mostly like the grapefruit from the drink but it’s also something particular. Tastes it whenever they kiss. While they’re making out, the room starts to darken as the sun goes down. And their session is interrupted with a knock at the door.
Kim opens it, walking in on the pair mid-kiss which embarrasses Steve. Mostly because Gina’s been grinding on him and his cock is hard. But Gina sits up and turns slightly, “Hi, Kimmy.”
“Hi,” Kim says, smiling at her friend, “Billy made dinner.”
“He cooks?” Steve says under his breath, Gina tugs on his hair as punishment.
“We’ll be right out,” Gina assures the redhead, who luckily closes the door behind her.
Gina climbs off of Steve’s lap and starts adjusting her clothes. She’s at the door and looks expectantly at Steve. He sits slowly but doesn’t stand, eyes at the ceiling.
“Let’s go, Stevie,” she giggles.
“Give me a second,” he mumbles, willing his fucking boner to go away.
“Whatcha looking at?” Gina wonders, a teasing tone to her voice.
Steve laughs softly, “If I look at you, it’s not gonna go away.”
Gina laughs, “Well… meet me out there, yeah?”
“Sure,” Steve nods, still staring at the ceiling. Thinks of homework and his grandparents and every trick in the book. But he’s embarrassed because Kim walked in on them and he’s sure they’re all sitting at the table talking about how Steve’s got to get rid of his wood before he can come out.
And they definitely were because he hears Billy say, “Well I’d be walking out here anyways. Shameless.”
Steve groans, walking into the dining area, “Don’t exactly want the two of you seeing that.”
Billy shrugs, “Nothing to be embarrassed about, King Steve.”
The brunette rolls his eyes before taking his seat next to Gina, looking out at the dinner Billy prepared and shit, he’s impressed. Tri-tip, garlic mashed potatoes and broccolini. There’s some type of gravy poured over the meat and potatoes.
“Looks good, Billy,” Gina beams, “Thanks for cooking.”
Steve’s jealous suddenly and wants to knock Billy’s lights out. He could cook. He’s never really tried. He makes a mean frozen pizza. Gina’s never complained before. She kicks his ankle and he looks at her with confusion, she mouths something to him that he can’t read and nods towards Billy. Oh. Well he doesn’t want to compliment this fucking asshole but he wants to make Gina happy.
“Yeah, man, looks awesome,” he says, “Uh, thanks.”
Billy shrugs his shoulders, smirking as he meets Steve’s eyes, “It’s nothing. Pretty simple and easy. Huh, Kim?”
Kim blushes, looking to her boyfriend with fucking stars in her eyes and Steve really fucking hates this guy. He popped a pizza in the oven for the girls one time and they seemed grateful. Gina sucked his dick that night so Steve still thinks he did good.
“Stop being humble,” Kim scolds him, “You're such a good cook.”
Billy waves her off, “I like to eat good.” He places his hand on Kim’s thigh and leans forward, licking his lips before saying, “And I eat good often, don’t I, babe?”
Steve rolls his eyes, turning to see Gina grinning wide and blushing. Maybe Steve needs to step up his game. He guesses he could eat Gina out more often. The ratio is off and he knows it. He gets head at least once a week and the last time he ate Gina out was three weeks ago. He notices the glass of wine set for him and gulps some down, before digging into his meal.
“Kim tells me you got a band,” Billy says to him, “What do you do?”
“Play music,” Steve retorts and Gina kicks his ankle again. He doesn’t want to play nice but he gets it. Gina and Kim are best friends. Of course they want their boyfriends to be friends. And Billy’s making an effort while Steve’s stewing in potentially unwarranted jealousy. Billy’s a good looking guy. Kim and Gina are close, he’s worried that they’ll ask her to join and he’ll be kicked aside. Which is stupid and Steve knows that.
“Uh, I play guitar and sing,” Steve clarifies, nodding as he smiles awkwardly.
“He’s really good,” Kim offers, “Gina and I went to one of his shows a month ago. Plus, when we went to karaoke.”
Billy’s face tightens and Steve feels like he’s won something. Yeah, sure, Billy can cook but Steve can serenade these bitches until their clothes fall off. It works for Gina, he can bet it’ll work on Kim. Maybe they should go out for karaoke again. Maybe they should invite Billy and Steve can really show off.
“Aw, thanks, Kim,” he smiles at her, “That was fun. I liked the duet you guys did.”
“I was so scared,” Kim breathes out, eyes wide as they meet Gina’s. Steve remembers that night fondly. He kinda felt like he had two girlfriends because both Kim and Gina get rather touchy when they’re drunk. They both clung to him in the Uber home.
“You did so good!” Gina gushes, “I think… we were hammered.”
Billy’s eyes widen as he blinks, looking to his girlfriend, “When was this?”
“We invited you, baby,” Kim assures him, “You had some frat thing.”
Billy nods along, reaching for Kim’s hand and lacing their fingers, “I bet you sounded great. You have a very sexy voice.”
Steve cringes, focusing on his food. He wonders if Gina wants him to blatantly flirt in front of them like that. But that’s really not Steve’s style.
“Stevie,” Gina whispers, turning to him and rubbing his chest. “Can you grab me a glass of water?”
“Yeah, ‘course,” he pecks her lips and sits up from the bed. He’s trying to find his boxers but he can’t. He goes to turn the light on but Gina protests.
“No, my eyes,” she whines, “Just go. No one’s awake.”
Steve reluctantly obeys, opening the door and peeking out his head. Kim’s door is closed and there’s no light underneath. Okay, it’s safe. Steve steps out to the kitchen, opening the cabinet and grabbing the orange, plastic cups Gina prefers for water. He reaches into the fridge and grabs the pitcher of water they keep in there. He begins filling the cup when the kitchen light is flicked on.
It’s Billy. And he’s also butt-ass naked. Steve immediately goes to cover his junk, knocking over the cup as he does so.
“Fuck,” he groans, setting the cup upright as he looks to Billy.
The blonde grins, wide and confident and yeah, okay, Steve looks at his dick. It’s out! He’s not covering it and Steve’s human. You display any set of gentians in front of him and he’s gonna look. It’s thicker than his own, even flaccid. His balls might be a bit smaller than Steve’s. But Billy’s working with a good set. It only makes him hate the guy more.
“I uh,” Steve clears his throat and he reaches for a towel to clean his mess up, exposing himself to Billy, who is obviously looking.
“Interesting,” Billy purses his lips and nods.
“What?” Steve replies as he wipes the water from the counter,
“Big cock for such a dweeb.”
“Did you just call me a dweeb?” Steve asks, covering himself again.
“Yeah, you are,” Billy scoffs, dumping the rest of his backwashed beer down the sink. He crouches in front of the fridge as he grabs a Truly. “No spine. That woman walks all over you. With a dick that size, I don’t get it.”
Steve’s beyond uncomfortable, turning away from Billy as he refills the plastic cup. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Steve mumbles.
“Guess you just don’t know what to do with it,” Billy comments as he stands again, cracking the can open and taking a swig, “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard you two have sex.”
Steve usually has his hand over Gina’s mouth, in consideration for Kim and Billy. He’s offended by Billy’s comment, fuming from it actually.
“I know how to use it, thank you very much,” he grumbles, moving passed Billy to put the pitcher back in the fridge.
And okay, yeah. He’s heard Kim every time he’s here and Billy spends the night. She screams. No regard for Gina and Steve. Even on school nights. Steve always thought it was rude.
“If you did, I’d hear it. Walls are thin,” Billy points out, frowning.
Steve rolls his eyes, holding the cup in his hand as he walks passed Billy down the dark hallway. Whatever. Steve pleases Gina. He doesn’t need the whole neighborhood knowing when they fuck. He closes her bedroom door behind him, handing Gina the cup. She grins and takes a couple of gulps before putting it on her nightstand.
“What took so long?” she wonders aloud, cuddling up to Steve once he crawls back into bed with her.
“Billy,” he groans, resting his head on the pillow and closing his eyes.
“Sorry,” Gina apologizes and kisses his jaw, dragging her hand through the tuft of hair on his chest.
“I saw his dick,” Steve mumbles, sighing after.
“And?” Gina giggles.
“He complimented mine,” Steve laughs, nudging his nose against Gina’s temple.
“It’s a nice cock,” Gina tells him, giggling as she moves her fingertip against his nipple.
“Oh, yeah?” Steve purrs, “You can like, touch it if it’s so nice.”
Gina giggles, shoving her face against Steve’s neck as her hand moves lower. She drags her fingertips across his length, “Like this?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve nods while he feels his dick start to fill out the more Gina touches it.
“Billy!” Kim’s voice can be heard through the wall, a gasp almost. Steve closes his eyes, grinding his teeth together. Of course. Billy wants to play this game? Well, he’s on. Steve sits up, pushes Gina on her back and kicks the blankets off of them. He pulls her panties down her legs before spreading them, lowering his mouth to her thighs and sucks a sizable bruise against her skin. Gina gasps, knitting her fingers in his hair. Steve kisses up to her pussy, licks a big, broad stroke up her slit. He digs his fingernails into her skin, holding her legs apart while he continues licking through her folds, wondering what exactly Billy’s doing to Kim that has her so loud so quick.
“Oh, fuck,” Gina exhales quietly, tugging on Steve’s hair.
He hears Kim moan again and he’s only a tiny bit ashamed that it makes his dick twitch. He can do this, he can make Gina scream, he’s sure of it. He licks patterns through her folds, pulling back to tell her, “Wanna hear you. Be loud for me, baby.”
Billy really fucking hated Steve.
He hated the way the brown eyed boy played innocent, and acted naive towards the problem at hand. Steve was a shit liar, that was for sure. It had only taken one meeting for Billy to quickly understand that Steve thought that Kim could do better. He was an ass who probably thought he could make off with both of their girlfriends.
The truth of it all was that he probably could. Steve was a fucking dweeb, a nerd who wore reading glasses and read through reddit for fun. Billy wasn’t even sure how he’d gotten a girlfriend like Gina, not that Steve was really lacking in the looks department. But being good looking didn’t erase how dorky and lame the other boy was. Despite all of that, Steve was sweet.
He sang songs and played guitar and wrote songs for Gina, all grand gestures that Billy had endured hearing about from Kim. Meanwhile, he sucked at giving her any romantic presents. He couldn’t sing and he sure as hell didn’t know what to buy for her. Kim was on a whole other spectrum than him. She listened to Taylor Swift, wore pretty pink dresses and recorded herself doing silly dances on Tik Tok. Steve was exactly the type of guy she’d probably dreamt up of.
And the stupid asshole had a big dick. Billy thought it was a shame, wasted potential on someone like Steve.
He’d nearly raced back to Kim’s room after their conversation, noticing the gleam in Steve’s eyes. He had the same idea and there was no way in hell that Billy was going to let him win at his own game.
“What are you doing?” Kim asked, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at him curiously. He glanced at her phone, noticing it was a Tik Tok for different spicy books. His lips curled into a smirk as she fumbled with her phone before she eventually turned it off, grinning sheepishly at him.
“Just wanted to see you,” He mumbled as he slinked between her legs, spreading her soft thighs wide. She wore nothing but one of the shirts he’d forgotten a few weeks ago. He breathed in her scent, liking the way her hips were already jerking up towards his mouth, “I wanna taste you.”
“You just had me.” She giggled softly, but her hazel eyes were wide as she stared down at him. It was true. He’d taken her not long after Steve and Gina had disappeared into her room. He’d had her sprawled out on the couch, his tongue deep inside of her wet cunt and his hands on her perky tits.
“I didn’t get my fill,” He teased her, wondering if Steve was going to practice putting his lame mouth to work. He kissed up her bruised thighs, dragging his tongue up slowly and earning a blissful sigh from her. She pushed her hands up over her head, her fingertips reaching towards the head of the bed as he spit onto her pretty cunt, “Gonna be good for me?” He teased, watching the way his saliva dripped down her pussy.
“Always,” She breathed out, her nipples hardening against his shirt. He grinned, figuring she would answer with that statement. He licked at her folds, swirling his tongue around before he was flicking it against her sensitive clit. She whimpered, her hips jerking forward as he brought his fingertips against her cunt, “Oh god.” She spread her legs wider, inviting him in.
He looked up at her, enjoying how she already looked like she was in far too much pleasure as he popped his pinky finger into his mouth. He wasn’t usually so quick, but he wanted Steve to hear just how loud she could be.
He slid two fingers into her cunt, sighing as they engulfed his thick digits. She clamped down around him, still moaning as he peppered some kisses against her sensitive clit. He grinned against her folds as her hips jerked forward. He spit again, letting it slick down further until it slid between her ass cheeks. He glanced up at her, languidly licking at her clit as he slid his pink inside of her puckered hole.
He exhaled at the same time she cried out in bliss, her eyes shutting tightly as he curled his fingers inside of her. He groaned, wishing he could stretch both of her holes out at once with his cock. He puckered his lips around her clit, sucking and licking as he fucked into her with his fingers.
“Billy!” She cried out, her eyes snapping down towards him like she was afraid he’d miss something. He slyly winked at her, knowing she would be loud enough to irritate that bastard next door. He pumped his fingers inside of her, curling them as she continued to moan and fall apart underneath him.
“Such a naughty little slut,” He spit out harshly, liking the way her cheeks reddened as he pussy squelched around his fingers. He pressed them in deeper, searching for that spot that made her hips jerk off the bed and her eyes roll into the back of her head, “Does it feel good?” He mocked her, clearly knowing the answer from how well she was responding to him.
“Yes,” She cried out, jerking her hips up against his fingers. He felt himself smirking, feeling proud at the way the redhead was responding to his touch. He was just about to dip his mouth back against her sweet cunt when he heard a moan, a loud one that didn’t form from her lips. Kim’s motions paused for a moment as she giggled, “Sounds like someone is having fun.”
“Billy didn’t think it was funny, however. He knew Steve was doing it on purpose. To be an ass just because he could. If he wanted to play that game, Billy would give it his all.
He pulled his fingers away hastily, stroking his hard cock as he smacked the back of Kim’s thigh. She yelped as she moved quickly onto her hands and knees, her ass high in the air as she looked back towards him. He groaned, admiring the way her pussy gleamed in the moonlight.
“Do you want my cock?” He asked her, slowly rubbing the head of his thick cock along her drenched folds. She sighed, causing him to smack her ass with his free hand to make her moans louder. She gaped.
“Yes,” She said quickly, sitting up a bit so she could nod her head at him as she arched her ass further towards him, “Want you so bad, Billy.” She pleaded with him, her hazel eyes wide as she looked to him. He felt irritated as he heard Gina moan Steve’s name again.
“You want who?” He mocked as he squeezed her soft flesh in his hands. She blushed, looking at him a little shyly. She usually didn’t like to play too dirty with someone else in the apartment, but he didn’t care this time. He smacked her ass again, the sound echoing as Gina moaned out again.
“I want you daddy,” Kim clarified, her words tasting as sweet as sugar as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. He smirked, pressing his fat tip against her drenched hole as he slowly slid inside of her aching cunt. He hoped Steve heard every word, that he knew that Billy could treat Kim better in such a way that Steve could never imagine, “Oh my god.” She whined, her fingers turning into fists as she gripped the bedsheets.
He sighed, spreading her ass cheeks as he spit onto her again. He watched the way the saliva traveled until it met where they were connected. He groaned, thrusting forward hard enough to make the bed creak underneath their weight.
He pulled his hips back, far enough to where only his tip remained before he slammed into her again. She squeaked, her lips parting in awe as he moved his hands towards her slender hips. He held onto them, beginning to rock her into a steady rhythm.
She moaned as he tugged on her hair, forcing her head back until their lips met in a heated frenzy. He groaned, his cock pulsing as he tasted her moans on his lips. He momentarily forgot what he was doing before he heard a groan and was roughly shoving Kim’s face back into the pillows.
“Such a little whore,” He tsked, still feeling irritated at the fact that he could hear Gina moaning. He grunted as he rolled his hips forward, admiring the way Kim squeezed his cock so well. He was lying if he said he hadn’t imagined the two girls worshiping his cock before. He was only human and he couldn’t deny that it made his dick ache every time they hugged or kissed each other on the cheek, “Are you daddy’s little whore?” He asked as he dragged her back along the length of his cock.
“Yes,” She spit out roughly, loud and incoherent as her pussy clamped down around him. He groaned, rubbing his fingertips into her skin. He liked the way she had bruises fading from the last time he’d been this rough, “I’m daddy’s little whore.” She cried out, squeaking as his cock found her bundle of nerves. He laughed, pushing her hair from her face so he could get a better picture.
Her eyebrows were knitted together tightly, pouty lips opened in awe as drool fell from her open mouth. Billy felt his dick throb as he bent over her more, the sound of her flesh smacking against hers so loud that he hoped it lingered in Steve’s mind for the next few days.
He spit, his saliva landing on the corner of her mouth as he rocked his aching cock forward again. Her walls clamped down on him again as she whimpered, her tongue darting out to lick it away. He groaned, wanting to see how Steve would react when they did it in public. The next time they drank together; he’d make her do it.
He groaned as her body became more and more relaxed, her body slowly falling into the mattress as he pressed his cock into her harder. He groaned, wrapping an arm underneath her waist to keep her up as he rammed into her deeper. She was moaning incoherently, her breathing more labored as the head of the bed smacked against the wall.
“Right there, daddy,” She was panting harder, her whimpers coming out roughly and pitchy as he dragged his cock in and out of her wet walls. He groaned, bending his head down to kiss at her pale skin. He nipped at it, enjoying the way her back arched in response, “So close.” She was squealing suddenly, the tops of her feet smacking against the mattress as he slammed her roughly against his cock.
“S’alright,” He praised her, his voice sounding guttural from how tightly her cunt was squeezing down around his cock, “Cum for me.” He dipped his fingertips lower, proud that he could no longer hear Steve and Gina over Kim’s loud cries as he pressed his fingers roughly against her clit. He rubbed the sensitive nub quickly, earning a shrill moan from her as her body contorted at once.
She was loud as she came around his cock, her body spasming as she nearly did topple into the mattress this time. He groaned loudly, feeling like he wasn’t far behind from how her cunt was milking him. He hissed between his teeth, trying to keep his pace as he rocked her through her orgasm. She jerked her hips back, setting herself up onto her elbows as she turned to look at him with dark eyes.
“Cum inside me, daddy. Please, please,” Kim was gripping his forearm as she spoke, her eyes wide and dilated with lust as he dragged her back and forth along his cock even harder. He was groaning, his stomach muscles clenching together as the pleasure grew deep inside of him, “Please, daddy, please.” She sounded like she was crying, like she’d never recover if she didn’t feel his cum painting her walls.
He brought his forehead against hers, his lips open against hers as he breathed in her pitchy moans. His thrusts became sporadic as all of his muscles clenched together, his mind whirling as her pussy gripped his cock firmly. Her tongue darted out against his bottom lip, licking as he slammed his hips forward. He groaned, falling on top of her as he came with his own strangled cry. He sighed blissfully as she mewled underneath him, her legs still moving as his spunk filled her.
“Shit,” He breathed out harshly, his heart racing in his chest as he tried to collect himself. She giggled, looking up towards him as he slowly moved off of her. He looked over her for a moment, scared that he might have actually crushed her tiny body, “You’re bad.”
“Good,” She corrected him, sliding her tongue across her bottom lip as she watched him. His muscles were still contracting and he was out of breath but he slid between her legs again, dipping his tongue into her drenched hole as he licked his cum away. She moaned again, tugging on his hair as she brought him back up towards her mouth. They kissed messily, sloppily as they traded their cum back and forth with their tongues, “Oh god.” She whimpered softly, her eyelashes fluttering shut.
“So good for me, Kim,” He breathed against her lips. He pulled away for a second before he kissed the corners of her mouth, hoping that Steve had a hard time sleeping tonight, “Such a good girl.”
In the other room, Steve was doing pretty well. Gina was being more verbal than most nights. He ate her out until Kim started getting really loud. Then he knew he had to step up his game. Thing is, it sounded like Billy was being rough with Kim by the sounds she made, and all the smacking he could hear. Could swear Kim was calling him daddy. Steve wasn’t sure how he felt about that kink. Couldn’t exactly imagine Gina calling him that without thinking of his own father, or Mr. Hagan. Not to mention, Steve hadn’t ever been rough with Gina. He slapped her ass sometimes but he was usually pretty focused on not coming and knew that if he held her still and pounded away, he wouldn’t be able to last. He had to take things slow.
Gina was soaking wet, always got that one when Steve ate her out. He sits up, wiping his face off with the back of his hand before grabbing a hold of his cock and pushing the head through her folds. Then he remembers he needs to get a condom on, so he leans over her to dig through the nightstand. He grabs onto the golden wrapper and sits back up, tearing it open with his teeth and rolls the rubber over his aching cock. Kim makes another loud noise, egging Steve on as he lines himself up and thrusts inside Gina harder than he usually would. He knows he’s big, doesn’t typically want to hurt her but this weird competition has him not thinking straight. Gina yelps, eyebrows knitting together quickly as her jaw falls open. Her big brown eyes gaze up at Steve and he’s worried he’s hurt her, but then she rolls her hips and moans out his name.
He bites his lip, staying still because the look on her face is about all he needs to cum. Goddamnit. He never understood how some guys can last hours, let alone 20 minutes. Gina’s cunt feels amazing, squeezing him tight and so wet and warm. He groans softly, grabbing a hold of her supple breast as he drags his cock out until just the tip remains.
“Uh—uhn…” Gina moans out, arching her back slightly.
“Fuck,” Steve exhales through gritted teeth, “you feel so good.”
Gina hums, wrapping her arms around Steve’s neck and rolls her hips, pushing his length deeper inside. He gasps, hanging his head as he grabs a hold of her waist with his other hand.
“You’re so big,” she whines, looking up at him with these almost innocent, huge brown eyes and Steve’s a little pissed off with himself for how close he already is. Gina has to cum first. He can’t fuck this up. He knows Billy is listening, even though it sounds like he’s fucking Kim’s brains out. Weirdly, thinking about Billy kind of helps distract him. He thrusts his hips again, builds up a steady rhythm while he toys with Gina’s sensitive nipple.
“Fuck!” she cries out, tossing her head back against the pillows while Steve pounds into her. This is about the point when he’d cover her mouth, always worried about someone hearing. However, it’s actually pretty exciting to think about the other couple hearing them. Now, all he has to do is last longer than them. Make sure that when they’re finished, they have to lay there and hear Gina.
“Is that good, baby?” Steve chokes out, squeezing the handful he’s got of her tit.
“So fucking good, Stevie,” she babbles out, tightening her arms around him.
Steve lowers his lips to Gina’s ear, like he always does, starts praising her. Though this time, he’s not muffling her sounds with his hand. Gets to hear the way his words drive her wild. He took his time eating her out, there’s no way Kim and Billy will last longer. Steve’s gonna win, has to.
“You’re so pretty for me, baby. Look so good when you take my cock,” Steve tells her, grinning to himself when she moans out and writhes beneath him. “Taking it so well.”
He snaps his hips faster, kissing against Gina’s jaw. Kim screams, it’s muffled but Steve’s sure she came. He thinks he’s right because moments later, he can hear Billy cry out. Fuck yes, he beat them. He’s got this. He’s just gotta make Gina scream like Kim did. Which is quite the task, she’s not usually loud. He’s gotta think quickly, tries to remember all the things that she likes. He hears Kim moan again and it throws him off. Were they not done? Are they going again? Fuck Billy. That asshole. Again? That quickly? Wait— they’re quiet. Okay, Steve, you can do this. Rock Gina’s world. Make her scream. You can do it.
Steve pulls out, Gina whimpers but looks at him curiously. He pats her thigh, “Flip over for me, beautiful.”
She looks excited now, quickly rolls onto her knees and sticks her ass up at Steve. He smooths his hand over her ass and then delivers a harsh smack to it. Gina cries out, arching her back and wiggles her ass at him. So he does it again, to the other cheek.
“Fuck me,” she begs breathlessly and Steve obliges, slides his cock back into her aching hole. Clearly, once he bottoms out, his tip presses against her g-spot because she’s moaning and her arms shake where she’s holding herself up. Steve runs his hand up her back and grabs a handful of her hair, pulling her up by it so her back meets his chest. She cries out from the sensation, turning her head to pant against Steve’s mouth. He snaps his hips forward again, licking against her lower lip. Gina moans softly, reaching her hand to grab Steve’s wrist, trying to hold herself up.
“I got you, baby,” he purrs, licking the pads of his fingertips before bringing them down to rub circles against Gina’s clit. He pays attention when she does it herself, tries to memorize exactly the right way to do it.
She whines out but he wants her to be louder, so he pounds into her harder and moves his fingers faster. It works, Gina chants his name out, “St-eve… Steve! Steeeve!”
Ha. Take that Billy. He knows exactly how to use his equipment. He’s beaming, smiling from ear to ear while Gina moves her ass against him harder.
“That’s it, baby,” Steve mutters, “Tell me how good it feels.”
“So fucking good!” she moans out through gritted teeth, he can tell she’s close by it. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, just like that!”
He grabs a hold of her hip with his left hand, still dragging quick and firm circles against her clit while he hammers into her deep and fast. Gina babbles, incoherent sounds falling from her lips. Before he knows it, she’s seizing against him while crying out. It’s loud, and fuck she sounds so sexy. Fuck, fuck, fuck— he cums too. Whimpering while they collapse on the bed, Steve is still pumping into her uncontrollably as he fills the condom. He rides out his orgasm, whining and whimpering against her ear.
Once he comes down, he pulls out and tugs the condom off his softening cock. He ties it off and tosses it into the trash next to the bed before laying beside Gina and pulling her into his arms. She hums happily before connecting their lips, kissing him soft and slow until they fall asleep.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A little while ago I saw one of ur art works about Ortho waiting for Idia to bring him back to light, waiting for the day he can finally tell Idia how much he missed Idia. So I was wondering if u had any headcanons for the 2 Shrouds while Ortho was still dead. I was sort of curious what Ortho had been doing during that time. I always imagined Ortho would be cruely haunting Idia day by day, but only because he wanted to tell Idia so many things. Do so many things, even if it was just in dreams.... (Sort of like lucid dreaming but Idia thinks it's just him missing Ortho too much. Even though he can feel, hear, taste, touch, smell and remember EVERYTHING.)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
It’s an interesting theme and I love it very much (I think I’ve drawn it dozens of times at this point lol), but unfortunately, it’s kind of limiting because the whole point is that Ortho can’t reach Idia while he is in Tartarus… but still, let’s talk about it because there is a lot to talk about!
When it comes to Ortho, I really think he spent all those years talking to Phantoms (the ancient ones!! The Titans!!) about Idia, how much of a genius Idia is and about how much Ortho loves him. Just like in that comic you’ve mentioned: he’s just chilling down there, talking a whole lot and feeling nothing but love and yearning. Imagine being stuck with beings that are pretty much all the negative emotions personified, being cooked in a soup of everything that is horrible, and still not feeling even a speck of grudge towards Idia? I just complained about this whole thing being limiting, but this is exactly where the beauty of it is: Ortho really couldn’t do anything but wait for Idia and continue genuinely loving him. He also probably spent a lot of time monologuing about what needed to happen for them to be together again.
But anyways, speaking of the scenario that you’ve mentioned! If we imagine that Ortho could leave Tartarus (maybe it’s for a very short time, maybe it’s his mental connection to Idia that helps him to access his dreams, anything), Idia would absolutely think that he is either dreaming or hallucinating. No amount of traces of Ortho actually being there would convince him otherwise, he would find a way to rationalise every single mark on his body (even the ones that look like someone was squeezing his wrist, even the one that looks like someone was sucking on his neck), and the fact that he remembers all the dialogues he would have with the dream!Ortho. The dialogues would be very vague though because Ortho wouldn’t be able to both be present, touch Idia and talk to him for long enough time. Sometimes it would be scarier, sometimes it would be more erotic, but usually it’s a mix of two that leaves Idia super conflicted. Idia probably think that he is completely messed up, so he can’t even discuss it with anyone, not even AI!Ortho.
Oh, if Ortho was able to haunt Idia and watch over him daily, he would also probably be one jealous “ghost”! If someone is talking to Idia, if he feels like Idia is nervous around someone, Ortho would want to do anything to scare that person away. Weirdly, he doesn’t feel jealous of AI!Ortho.
Also, he could stop appearing for some time to collect more energy, and Idia would start thinking that maybe his weird dreams and hallucinations are over… only for Ortho to appear again the next night, strong just enough to have sex with Idia in his head and disappear again.
So yeah… I guess I don’t have much headcanons about it, but I still like the idea a lot! So I thought I’d share some thoughts.
Thanks for your ask.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
Bachira….with a tongue piercing
It just makes sense
And the good use he would put it at😔
bachira who comes home from practice one day and catches your attention by his unusual behavior and looks.
any other day, he’d enthusiastically kick off his shoes, drop his bag at the door, and smother you in kisses so sweet and urgent, it’d knock your breath away. he’d cup your face in his hands, lap at your mouth with vigor for a few passionate moments — ‘ve just missed ya so much, baby, s’that so wrong? — then start to babble about on his day as you plate up his lunch.
this time around, when he comes home, it’s surprisingly quiet.
and, worst of all, there’s not even one kiss. a proper one, that is — cause all meguru gives you is a few quick pecks and a mumbled “hi, cutie”, before heading over to the fridge.
your brows furrow a bit as you take note of his hair — perfectly dry and wispy, looking just like when he first left the house hours ago — and weirdly pale face. usually, meguru takes a quick shower right after practice wraps up, not bothering to properly dry his hair off before he hops into his beloved yellow huracan and drives home — cheeks still flushed from exhaustion, eyes wide with endorphins.
today, bachira looks perfectly in tact, and it makes you stir.
“where were you, megs?” your voice startles him so much, the icy cold water bottle nearly tumbles out of his hand. “cause it definitely wasn’t practice.”
he turns around and sees you leaning against the island, arms crossed — and an amused kind of look on your mouth. (he’s in trouble and he knows it, but not because you’re accusing him. you’d never — cause he’d never, ever hurt you. he’s in trouble because he’s just done something silly.)
“huuh? i dunno what’re y’talking about, baby.” bachira tries, but the swollen muscle sits heavy in his mouth and renders his speech muffled, a thick lisp to his words.
your brows knit together, “wha- why’d you speak like that?” you sound suspicious when you close the gap between you two with a few long strides. “oh, my god. did you get hurt? you knocked a tooth out, didn’t you, meguru?”
bachira feels his mouth twitch into a grin, one that he kinda feels bad for, considering you sound more concerned than playful by this point. he puts the bottle down, cool hands resting on your waist as he breathes out a laugh.
“nope, no, sweets. i didn’t wanna tell you like this, wanted t’ make this a little surprise for ya—“
a loud gasp rips from your throat, cutting his sentence short and he cannot help but giggle upon your shocked expression — hand covering your mouth, eyes bigger than he’s ever seen them as they zone in on the silver barbell pierced right through his tongue.
“m— meguru!” you pinch his chin between your thumb and forefinger, forcing his mouth open. he obediently hangs his tongue out, proudly showcasing the new jewelry, sparkling against his swollen flesh. “you- are you crazy?!” you laugh, “how did you even think of that?”
he shrugs a bit, fingers digging into the doughy flesh of your hips as he tugs you closer to himself. meguru licks his lips, carefully so not to tug at the piercing, and gives a bit of a pout. “just felt like it,” he murmurs and leans in to nose at your neck. “can’t give my girl any kisses just yet, though.”
you slap his bicep playfully at the whine to his voice, then wrap your arms around his neck with a grin. “you got yourself into this, baby.”
bachira is an impatient man and acts on impulse instead of plan more often than not — and it so, it takes all of his self restraint not to push his tongue in your mouth for the next few days. what’s worse, he almost feels physically sick with withdrawal from the taste of you — from the feeling of your thighs trembling around his head, fingers tugging at the blonde hair at the nape of his neck as you moan oh, so sweetly.
luckily, he finds out patience has it’s perks weeks later — when you come within barely two minutes of the pretty silver jewelry making contact with your throbbing, soaking cunt <3
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mothxmoons · 2 years
You were transferred after stars was disbanded and the government decided to keep a closer eye on you but also make use your skills. Pulled out of Raccoon City, you’re now a special black-ops agent. However, you have no team. Perhaps that’s for the best when a familiar face comes around.
First part
Transported au
It’s been some time since the team was disbanded and you were transferred not long after that, shipped out of raccoon city not long after you got there. You had said goodbye to your former teammates before leaving, it was hard but you had to do it. You’d reach out to them when you could. But you’d usually be on duty for hours on end. You didn’t interact with the others, nor did you want to. You simply got your orders and assignments and left, no need for formalities. After all, they’re just keeping an eye on you, nothing more.
You missed the chaos of a team though, how Chris and Brad would start an argument while Barry would chime in before Jill would correct them all. And then Wesker would slightly smile at them, amused. And you were their weirdo. Tough, strong, and could pick up on things they couldn’t. You missed them. Their warm hugs could never be forgotten either. Perhaps you’ll be able to see them again.
But for now, you have a mission to do. Steal some information from a computer chip in a very active umbrella laboratory. Luckily, your low presence will help with that, they probably won’t even notice you’re there. Plus your darker clothes would help you blend into the shadows, you were mainly a thief in all honesty, but no one else could carry out what you do.
Sneaking in was the easiest part, you just grabbed a white lab coat and yoinked one of the member’s ids with them even noticing. You were always good at that. You swiftly dodged the cameras and didn’t look at anyone, and made it to the server room. Weirdly, this place did not have any security cameras. Big mistake on their part.
You spotted the computer that held the chip you needed, however there were others in the room, preparing for something. They were setting up a camera, and not wanting to draw even more attention to yourself, you quickly moved out of sight, ducking under one of the desks. You heard a click, and something whirring to life.
“What is the status of the sample?” A very familiar voice called out.
You took a peek around the corner and saw him. Wesker. Projected on a screen, so this was a video call, that’s why they were setting up a camera. He looked…handsome, as always. Black turtleneck and a black suit jacket, a silver chain hung around his neck and disappeared beneath the coat, black gloves that rested under his chin, and of course his signature black shades.
“It’s going better than expected, results will be shown tomorrow in an older, bigger lab.” One of the scientists replied, just as you ducked back down, scurrying over to the computer and hiding behind the various clutter on the desks.
“Good. I’ll be there personally. There’s a lot of data I’d like to collect.” His voice rang out again, it was so commanding, kind of hard to believe he was your friend, but then again you do know him.
“Yes sir. See you soon.” Another scientist commented before the video call ended and they all breathed out a sigh. Just as you grabbed the chip that jutted out of the computer.
“Hey!” One of the scientists pointed at you, “Drop that!”
You smiled at them, waving at them and waving the chip before taking off.
“After them!” The other called, chasing after you. More and more scientists and personal running after you as they realized what was going on.
Time for an impromptu exit it seems.
Bracing yourself you guarded your head with your arms and through the window you went. The street was dark and rainy, perfect for an escape. You discarded the lab coat and made a run down the street and into an alleyway.
You have to make it to your rendezvous point. An abandoned warehouse in the run down part of the city. You didn’t really care what was on the chip, but the government wanted it, and they were paying you way more than enough.
You jumped and climbed up a fire escape ladder, just for some extra distance, making it onto a roof. The scientists, and whole lot of them, were still running around trying to find you. You’re wearing black clothes thanks to being black ops so maybe you should lay low on the roofs while you got to the rendezvous.
Watching them carefully and waiting for a few others to pass, you quickly jumped onto another roof, making your way to the run down path of the town. Making your way from roof to roof under the cover of night and rain, you could chill out once you got to the abandoned warehouse. The pick up isn’t for another two days, so you had some time to kill, and some time to watch the scientists for a little while longer. But better safe than sorry.
The warehouse had some abandoned and very tall construction equipment inside that you could easily climb on, these guys don’t really look up, so even if this place is found, you won’t be. There was a small table in the middle of all the abandoned equipment and old rusty pipework. It was going to be a factory warehouse but oh well.
You opened one of the skylight windows and dropped onto the catwalk, making your way to the stairs and ladder near the wall. Taking deep breaths from running and jumping everywhere just to get here, you leaned on the wall for a bit, trying to regain your breath. Chip in hand, you stared at it for a while, before making your way to the small table.
It was a tiring night, so you shed your gear and placed it onto the table. Most of the gear you don’t even use, so you didn’t care if it was far away from you. Sighing, you placed the chip into your pocket and started climbing up the old equipment to rest. It had a window up where you were, so you could also easily watch any people who might be onto you. But for now? You needed to rest.
Wesker had spent a month, almost two, without his rookie around. And quite frankly, he was very upset about that. He missed your presence and your humor. He missed going over plans with you, and getting input from you until the rest of the team would barge in arguing. He’d been thinking about it all week, about where you went. The spy could only follow you so far before you were just…gone. That disappointed him, he…even took his anger out on the spy.
He didn’t know where you were transferred to and that frustrated him. He wanted you back by his side as soon as possible, for both your smarts and your genuine loyalty to him. There will never be another you for him.
The next day, in the very early morning, after what Wesker had been promised in the video call, he was not expecting to come to the lab in absolute shambles. They were rushing everywhere, paperwork scattered and most of the personal had obviously never went home.
“What happened?” He asked one of the scientists that was on the video call.
“Some-someone broke in, sir. They stole the data chip…” The man stuttered, eyes wide with fear.
“And where are they now?” He hissed, stepping threateningly closer to the scientist.
“We-we don’t know! They broke through the window and disappeared in the alley!” The man cried, stepping back from Wesker.
He gave a frustrated growl before knocking the man to the ground.
“Then I’ll find them myself.” He stated loudly for the others to hear, “Since you cretins can’t seem to find one measly person.”
With that he immediately wasted no time and went to the window where the thief broke through to get out. There were some very tiny glass shards that probably stuck to their shoes like glitter. He could follow them.
Wesker vaulted through the window with ease, chasing after the sparkly glass shards in the streetlights. But they disappeared in an alleyway, and no other tracks that signified that they doubled back or climbed the chainlink fence. He looked up and saw the fire escape and chuckled.
Ah, so this thief was planning this? He thought as he jumped to the ladder and ascended the fire escape to the roof. The shards became more scarce as they ran but he could still see where they led. They stopped just a building away from a big abandoned factory warehouse. And that’s where Wesker knew this little thief was hiding. As his favorite rookie would say, “Go big or go home.”
Entering the warehouse was easy, the door had been broken for what seemed to be ages. He made his way through the clutter of wood, pipes and abandoned equipment to see a table in the middle.
Aha! He thought as he saw the discarded gear on the table, so the thief is here. And not just any thief. This was the FBI.
He walked up the table and began looking through the gear and bags, hoping to find his data. It was a very small chip, so he spread everything out as he searched for it. But nothing turned up from the discarded gear, only things that seemed to have only been used once. He groaned in frustration.
“You’re looking awfully alive for a dead man.” A voice rang out, he looked to source above him. There you stood, alive and leaning on the support next to the windowsill up near the roof.
“And you’re still as beautiful as I remember.” He chuckled in response. You rolled your eyes as stood up at straight.
“You’re here for the chip? Hm?” You asked, holding up the small chip in your fingers.
“That’s right, it has data that I’d love to have.” He responded, a smirk ever present on his face, “And for you to give back to me.”
You hummed, shifting your weight onto your left foot.
“I don’t know…I’ve being payed pretty nicely to give this to the Feds.” You said, thumbing the chip between your gloved fingers.
“How about this then..” He started, catching your attention, “Give the chip to me…and we can catch up. Must be lonely without the original team now, huh?”
“Can’t exactly keep in touch.” You gestured to the gear on the table, all labeled FBI in big white letters.
“So…what do you say?” He asked, leaning against the table and staring up at you.
“What about you? What do you get out of me catching up with you?” You asked, crossing your arms and leaning against the support again.
“Is it bad for me to want to talk to a friend?” He asked back, a smirk reaching his face.
“How do I know that you aren’t going to just stab me in the back, break my heart, and leave? Again.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, smoothing it. He couldn’t possibly know how you became so distrustful but he can’t blame you for it either.
So he reached up to his neck and pulled out a specific necklace. Your necklace. The one you left with him.
“You…still have it?” You asked, crouching down to see better.
“Of course,” He replied, “I always wanted to see you again.”
You took pause at that, and Wesker hoped that that would be enough, that you would be by his side. Loyal and caring, just as he would be for you. Of course, not all things can go his way. As you held the chip in hand before you tossed it down to him, with a deep sigh.
“Maybe one day. But I’ll remember what you said, I need to think. And when I come back, I’ll tell you.” You replied, opening the window and disappearing once again from his life.
You’ll come back…that’s what you promised right? He stared at the chip in hand, he got what he came for but he wanted something more.
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adultswim2021 · 10 months
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Moral Orel: “Abstinence” | January 18, 2009 | Unaired Special
Abstinence, “the nearly lost episode of Moral Orel”, or “episode 14 of 13” was an episode of the show that was left in an incomplete state thanks to Adult Swim cutting down the episode order. The audio for the episode was recorded, at least mostly (some characters might be scratch tracks, but I’m not certain), but the animation hadn’t been done. So, some people who worked on the show took it upon themselves to animate the radio play using “Orel’s Movie Premiere” style claymation. 
I’m glad they did it, because this is a worthy episode to have exist, even if it’s not 100% a “real” episode. This actually comes pretty damn close to being as satisfying as watching a normal episode. I wish we lived in the alternate universe where Dino manages to talk Adult Swim into letting him animate the show this cheaply in exchange for more episodes.  
This episode takes place during season two (with a post-Nature scene at the end). Doughy has long been neglected by his parents, who simply give Doughy a few bucks and ask him to stay out all day so they can neck with each other. They are now requesting Doughy stay out overnight. Not used to non-daytime activities, Orel encourages Doughy to just do what he does and walk around trying to help people. Doughy keeps encountering people trying to have sex with each other and manages to cockblock them all.
This leads to Doughy getting a job cockblocking actual roosters from impregnating the farmer’s chickens. He loses this job because Ms. Censordoll’s campaign to illegalize succeeds. Doughy winds up working for Ms. Censordoll as a masked superhero that goes around breaking up congress everywhere. 
This one has a very funny joke at the beginning, where Doughy and Orel are waving goodbye to a busload of gay men, and remarking how it was a big mistake bussing them into Moralton. Do you think the show was cleverly going to show the gay dudes in another episode to explain the beginning of this one? And, don’t you think it’s sad they left on the bus and we didn’t get to watch them walk away (hubba hubba). I also laughed at the farmer’s extremely dumb and convoluted reason for not caging his roosters (it’s basically so he can say a dumb thing when asked why he’s not caging his roosters). 
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Moral Orel: The Unproduced Scripts
A couple of scripts for episodes have been shared online. I remember Dino posting one on his Myspace page. The episodes are: 
Raped: This episode was going to be a late season three episode. The original arc for the season was meant to include Arthur Puppington, Clay’s father, moving into Orel’s bedroom while he waits to die of some painful life-ending disease.
Miss Sculptham finds that she is still pregnant post-abortion. That’s because she had twins, and only managed to kill one of them. So she arranges a visit to the prison to talk to Cecil Creepler’s (the guy what raped her) cell-mate to find out what his whole deal was (you know, being naturally curious about the father of her future child). This leads to her deciding to marry this man, even though he’s spending the rest of his life in prison. Orel is being a bitch about it, and celebrates when the guy backs down. The end of the episode is Sculptham falls in love with a woman and is denied for a marriage license, because “this is America”. She can get married to an actual convicted rapist, but not to another woman. 
I was about to comment on the time and place in which this episode was produced, but then realized: I have no idea how legal gay marriage actually is these days. Weird guys have been fighting over the stuff a lot lately. It took a weirdly long time for gay marriage to become any kind of legal here, and it’s still contentious. I just have a vague sense of reading it in 2009 and it feeling very pointed and topical. Pretty weird that it still sorta might be.
This episode was sorta billboarded in Alone, where we learn about Scultham’s rape and her abortion. There also a reference to this in “Abstinence”, where one of the encounters Doughy puts a stop to is one between Creepler and Scultham. 
Narcissism is the other “lost” episode. I never actually read this script before tonight, and I don’t know what the origin of this one’s leakage is or if it’s liberation was acrimonious or not. This one is another Putty-centric episode and is basically a follow-up on the events of Sundays. Putty becomes so obsessed with Florence and uninterested in other women that it makes him attractive. He unceremoniously beds all the hotties of Moralton and doesn’t feel a thing the entire time. His obsession with Florence is simply because she’s disappeared, and Putty doesn’t know where she went. When he finally finds her, she’s lost weight and is generally happier. It appears they get together by the end of the episode. 
I think Arthur is also in this episode, but I forget. I remember Oral mentioning him in a funny bit where he says he would do unto others with his Grandpa, who is currently dying in his bed. Orel says his Grandpa would probably let Orel die in his bed if things were the other way around. 
I found a thing on the Moral Orel wiki where Dino apparently posted the synopsis for the some of the unproduced scripts. I’d been looking for this to quote and kept coming up dry, so now that i found it, I’m just gonna paste it here in this post. The links link to pages on the wiki, and the scripts I described are available on their respective pages:
1. Easter: "Orel's Grampa (Clay's father) comes to Moralton to tie up loose ends before he dies. He ends up sharing Orel's bed as his death bed for the last ten episodes, giving Orel good advice. (happens during the Sacrifice episode)." 2. Nurture: "Shapey and Block nurture each other and grow emotionally." 3. Narcissism: After cutting it off with Florence, Putty becomes disillusioned with all women. This makes him incredibly attractive to all the females in Moralton and he becomes the most available bachelor in town, f***ing tons of *****. This makes him even more bored with every lady out there. He starts picturing Florence as he's f***ing everyone. When he finally runs into Florence, she is dating someone else and is really really thin. Putty's disappointed in her appearance. He's been picturing fat Florence, and even though she's prettier on a shallow level, longs for her previous look. She explains that she got so depressed when he stopped seeing her that she didn't feel like eating. He happily tells her now that he's back and she can get fat again. She is insulted by his self-centered attitude and tells him to go away. In the end, I think he probably wins her back though by showing he really cares. 4. Untitled: "Bloberta and Officer Papermouth accidentally bump into each other late at night, both reaching into the garbage can outside Nurse Bendy's apt. and simultaneously grabbing the "Sonny" Teddy bear. Papermouth chivalrously let's Bloberta keep it, and this starts off an affair between the two of them. It ends up being very good for the both of them. Not sure how Clay reacts. Didn't get very far on this one." 5. Untitled: "I wanted to write the continuing saga of Orel and Christina, but never got to it. No solid ideas on this." 6. Raped: A script for this episode was briefly put on Stamatopoulos's MySpace blog. It expanded on Miss Sculptham's trauma over being raped. She would take the kids on a field trip to prison to meet the man's cellmate and strike up a brief relationship with him. 7. Death: "Orel's Grampa finally dies. Orel doesn't find too much solace from anyone and becomes a Goth kid, getting heavily into the Christian Death Metal band: Multiple Godgasm. Don't want to say much more about this, on the remote chance that there will be a Moral Orel movie, I'd like to use a lot of this story."
And that’s it for Moral Orel. Unless you count the special. Unless you count the Frankenhole Bumper where he cameos. Unless you count Australian DVD releases. But you can COUNT on me… blogging about it!!!!
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not-d3ad-y3t · 7 months
You and I'll be safe and sound
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Fandom: Marvel/Guardians of the galaxy
Paring: Adam & Reader
Rating: G
Words: 1,006
Summary: ”Adam?” You muttered tiredly, trying to wake your brain up. Your entire demeanor changed, noticing him was trembling. Thoughts swirled through your brain; was he hurt? Is someone else hurt? He's shaking like a dog in the rain.
“May I sleep with you? I've had a nightmare…” he spoke quietly in his deep voice, his face scrunched up, almost as if he were in pain.
Adam jolted awake with a gasp. His fingers were gripping the blanket, and he was breathing heavily. His eyes darted around the dark room. Adam, being mentally an infant, was figuring out his emotions, which In turn, meant fear.
He realized quickly he did not like it. On multiple occasions, he would wake up in tears, gripping the sheets. He'd been having nightmares on and off. About his mother. He hated it, hated the constant fear he was feeling. A lot of the time when he had these nightmares, he considered going to you, but he would rather not bother you.
But tonight was worse, he was sobbing and terrified. His mind raced, the sting of the tears were prominent. He felt dizzy and confused, so, he crept out of his bed and made his way towards your room. He had gotten weirdly attached to you. You didn't mind it though, you actually like it quite a bit. You were like a mother figure to him.
He poked you gently, trying to wake you up. When that didn't work, he shook you. A bit of relief washed over him as he saw you stir. You opened your eyes, still half asleep. You tried to get them to focus on the figure at the edge of your bed.
”Adam?” You muttered tiredly, trying to wake your brain up. Your entire demeanor changed, noticing him was trembling. Thoughts swirled through your brain; was he hurt? Is someone else hurt? He's shaking like a dog in the rain.
“May I sleep with you? I've had a nightmare…” he spoke quietly in his deep voice, his face scrunched up, almost as if he were in pain.
You sat up, and your eyebrows knitted together. Has he had these nightmares before? This definitely isn't the first time. Why didn't he tell me sooner? You worried about him often, it was almost paternal.” nightmare?”
He nodded, tears fell, and his eyes were glazed over, filled to the brim. He was clearly distressed and scared, and it made your heart ache. You moved over, worry was clearly shown on your face. You were quite knowledgeable when it came to nightmares, and you knew what they did to a person.
He crawled underneath the covers, scooting to the edge away from you. He didn't want to bother you and be a nuisance and beg you to hold him.
And god, you hated that he felt that way.
“Goldie,” you had been calling him that since you met him, and it just kind of stuck. He never objected to it, so you knew he didn't hate it. His eyes met yours when you called him that. You held your arms open, offering him some comfort.
Moving closer, he hesitantly let you hold him. He wanted this. To feel your arms around him, touching him. To feel safe. Once he realized you actually wanted to hold him, he buried his face in your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist. It wasn't long before you heard quiet sobbing. You could feel your shirt getting wet. Tears and snot. It wasn't the most pleasant thing, but Adam deserved to be held, loved, and comforted.
“Shh, it's okay…” you whispered, running a hand through his golden hair and down his arm. His grip on you tightened on your shirt, hiccupy crying muffled by your shirt.
You rubbed circles on his back and whispered to him occasionally, trying to get him to calm down. You kissed his temple and caressed the back of his neck. Reminding him that you weren't going anywhere.
“Do you want to talk about it, would that help?” he shook his head, barely getting any words out except sharp gaps.
“I miss my mother.” he said in-between choked sobs. His mother's death had really taken a toll on him, though, you're trying to help him grieve, you knew it was going to take a while. It was awful seeing him like this. The others would say you coddled him, but in your opinion; you were just giving him the love he'd so desperately been craving.
“I miss her,” He paused and sniffled. You somewhat felt helpless in this situation. Afraid you would do something wrong or scare him away. That was the last thing you wanted. You tried your best to fill the void of his mother that he had lost. And to a certain extent, you did. You were his rock at this point. He was becoming increasingly attached to you as the days went on. You kept him grounded.” I'm scared…”
“I know, and it's okay to feel like that. I'm here.” You cupped his face and made him look at you. His golden eyes met yours, filled with tears and sorrow. You wiped the stains from his cheeks with your thumb and gently caressed them. He looked at you as if he were analyzing your face for any negative emotions, but all he saw was love. You kissed his forehead and brought him back into a tight hug.
His breathing continued shuttering and his body shaking. Poor boy just wanted his mother. You could feel his heart pounding in his chest, though, breathing in your scent helped him calm down a little. It was oddly comforting to him. You noticed this, giving yourself a mental reminder to spray some of his things with your perfume.
You sat there, rocking, cradling, and talking to him, just talking about anything that came to mind, trying to make him laugh. After a while, a gentle smile appeared on your face as you continued rocking side to side, hearing soft snoring. You leaned your head on top of his, closing your eyes.
He was a strong boy. Super strength, flying, tall, muscular. But he was still just a kid. The things he had gone through, it was enough to make a grown man go crazy. He needed those little touches of reassurance. The small smiles from his team.
He was loved. And nothing could change that.
Also on ao3 @Not_D3ad_Y3t
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 7 months
Going further with the Eren + Nagito comparison, what if Nagito has another "revelation" of sorts. Wondering to himself, was it ever truly hope that he yearned so much for? Or was it freedom? A sense of autonomy and control over his life. Not a life dictated by the whims of his luck cycle, by the diseases limiting his body, and of course by some bitch mind-raping him into a despair addiction.
And this extends to how he treats his luck cycle. Finally reaching the conclusion that no, it has never been a fair balance and it has always just been Ultimate Bad Luck. Deciding that the "good luck" is just a bullshit illusion to get his hopes up and then be crushed again. So he goes out of his way to spite the cycle. Passing over and deliberately sabotaging every single bit of "good luck" that comes his way from there on.
"Fuck off, I'm not falling for that shit anymore. Go ahead, toss me all the bad luck you want. See if I care."
It would probably feel weirdly uncomfortable for the rest of Class 77. Because like...yeah, he's finally shut up about hope and luck and all that. But it also feels kind of wrong. Like the world has turned upside down. And a number of them probably realize that they actually do miss that sense of irreverent optimism. Which in turn would likely make Nagito even more irritable and lash out at attempts to cheer him up.
"If I recall correctly, all the time you'd say stuff like 'I wish that moron would just shut the hell up about hope'. And yet...now you're upset that I've taken your advice? Make your damn mind up."
The idea of believing in hope "in a healthy way" sounds good on paper. But like...I think it would take a very long character arc to come around to that idea. As far as Nagito is concerned (and let's face it he's not exactly wrong here), hope or fate or whatever spited him from the moment he was born. It doesn't smile upon him the way it does people like Makoto.
"No. Fuck that. I'm never going back to that lie. Looking back now...I was a slave long before I ever had a chain around my neck. It doesn't matter that I'm gonna die a miserable death. Nothing's gonna change that. What matters is whether or not I die free."
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This would be quite the intriguing concept to explore indeed though as you mentioned it would be a long work-in-progress for Nagito to open himself up again to believing in hope from this point.
Here's hoping that things don't end as tragically for him as they did Eren--though I suppose some argue that Eren did die "free" to an extent. Though really did he ever truly escape? I mean he died a Titan and there was really no way at all for him to be able to remotely have a normal happy life with how deeply involved he was with, well, everything. To that effect, at least Nagito in way has a shot of finding some sort of contentment in life. Yeah, he'll never be truly "free" from his luck the same as Eren will never be free of being a titan, but Nagito has time. As ironic as that may sound for someone with terminal illness, if there is a constant about Nagito's luck is that it does first and foremost ensure his survival (whether it's painful or not). Along with the fact that they really aren't any obligations or responsibilities he's tied (not in the way Eren had), Nagito is at least free to spend his recovery period well...recovering and allowing for introspection to happen. And, because of that, I do think at some point he'll be able to see some sort of reason to genuinely smile again and be happy despite his luck.
I don't think he necessarily needs to be hopeful for the future--because that could feel like you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead I think Nagito will do better simply allowing himself to find enjoyment and be happy in the present. He won't fool himself by claiming that everything in the future will be okay, but he won't let his bad luck continue to control him by sapping away all his happiness and making him an empty husk. After all, the freedom of feeling and expressing all the emotions he has, the good and the bad, isn't that really what he's striving for? I can't imagine a bigger "fuck you" to that chain of bad luck he was born with than living and enjoying life despite it.
He won't make plans but he'll enjoy the moments as they come.
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2kverrr · 7 hours
RIVER WARD || SFW Alphabet
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Due to his line of work, River's stacked with paperwork, spending most of his time in the office and daydreaming about getting home. So he savours any quality time the two of you have, whether it's an hour or two lounging about in bed of a weekend or the brief fifteen minutes you get to see him when dropping off the lunch he'd forgotten.
And when you're not together, there's always the small things that brighten his day. Noticing one of his shirts missing, then finding you wearing it a week later. On the other hand, he often plants small post-it notes around your room, usually teasing or flirtatious. He'll cook for you - clearly aware that food isn't usually one of your priorities when you've got Maelstrom chasing you around Watson.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It's pretty difficult to imagine a friendship starting, police investigator befriends a big bad merc? Yeah, probably not going to happen. It'd definitely take a bit of mutual understanding from the both of you to get to a 'good friend' point.
However, he's trustworthy, the crimes you commit do not concern him and never will. He will occasionally scold you for perhaps taking a more violent route, but he does honestly mean the best for you. Though you're both on opposite sides of the law, you're weirdly similar. Morals and values, integrity in what you do, where your loyalties lie. It was a rocky start, but with time the two of you eventually warm up to each other.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
In contrast to his big and brooding stature, after a long day at work all he wants to do is collapse onto you and hold you close, complaining about his most recent case and ask about whatever contract you were to complete that day.
He's the kind to tangle is legs in yours, either one of you resting your head on the other's chest.
You hand drops onto your boyfriends shoulder, playing with the necklace softly resting on his neck. It'd been a long day for the both of you, and you'd both been looking forward to this moment all day. River shuffles his head on your chest, as if to grab your attention, you ignore it and return to the sitcom playing on the TV in front of you. A mere six seconds pass and he shuffles again, a wince escaped your throat as his piercing catches some skin, "Riv, what is up with you? You're so fidgety." You tilt your head. His eyes meets yours, guilty with a glimpse of annoyance but he doesn't respond, only a huff is returned. 'He's had a long day' you think to yourself, your heart going out to the man, he's got a lot on his plate at th- "River you shuffle again and I'll shuffle you across the floor." You threaten, slightly dramatically - just slightly. "You stopped." He responds shortly. You couldn't conjure what he could be talking about, "Huh? What do you me-" , until you feel one of his big hands slowly dragging your hand back onto his head. About five minutes prior, he'd promised you five minutes of arm scratches if you returned the same favour on his head (which you unintentionally gave up on). "God, you're such a child."
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Shortly after meeting River and his family, you came to realise he was the chef of the family, secured with handfuls of family recipes and tricks.
Ever since that first dinner with Joss and the kids, you haven't cooked for yourself since; River is willing and able and you're happy to let him cook for you.
He's a pretty tidy guy, not the make your bed ever morning, deep clean every two days kind of guy - more of the, stays on top of the laundry, and makes sure it's at least presentable kind of guy. Nothing to complain about.
He's desperate to settle down; but in Night City, it's an opportunity for few. He dreams of buying a house in the old school suburbs, playing husband and wife for a year or two then, if you're up to it, add a few kids to the mix. He's perfect material for a stay at home dad, and he'd be happy to do so.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The thought of the two of you coming to an end fills his heart with dread. You're the best thing that could've ever happened to him in the twisted world of Night City, he couldn't let you go. He wouldn't.
However, if his work became a threat to yours and you, and he had tried his hardest to prevent any harm coming to you, he'd cut you off for your own safety. God forbid that to ever happen.
F: Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It's hard to find someone special in this day and age, so River would definitely cling onto it. Though that doesn't mean he'd dive into wedding ring shopping at an instant. His family comes first, you win their blessing and the wedding bells start ringing.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
River's a tough nut to crack, you have to dig his feelings out of him or else he leaves them to rot inside. You know he doesn't like to open up often and puts on a brave face, but he melts like putty when it comes to you. You just give him the 'I know you won't tell me what's wrong but I will eventually rip it out of you so you best just tell me now' look and he's an open book.
Physically however, those muscle aren't just for show. He's massive and he knows it, he doesn't hold back when play fighting, he full on lifts you above his head and throws you onto the couch. Of course, he then turns from bid bad river into gentle giant river when he peppers you in light kisses.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are they like.)
River isn't a big hugger, her prefers a quick peck on departure despite how big of a sucker he is for a cuddle.
Though, if he was asked his favourite, it'd be hugging you from behind, smelling your freshly washed hair and planting a kiss onto your neck. Slowly swaying your hips together.
To you, he's like hugging a grizzling bear, his arms could wrap around your body twice, and he's so warm, like a personal radiator. (No wonder he's always in that red tank top).
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Two words. Not long. After spending your first night together, you were attached by the hip, you were both very much in the honeymoon phase and he just couldn't ignore the growing swell in his heart at the thought of a life with you.
It was sheepish, he was clearly beating around the bush, hoping you'd finish the sentence for him. But you forced it out of him, slightly for your own amusement but also for your own self-esteem.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they get jealous?)
He's not a jealous guy, well not that much. He's pretty confident where you're at in your relationship, and he trusts you with his life.
However, when somebody is getting a bit too friendly at a bar, he's quick to step in. He lingers at first, scoping out what he's dealing with, until the drunken flirting begins, you're immediately soothed at the feeling of River's big hands placing themselves on you.
And if his presence doesn't work, he gets a bit handsy, nothing too serious, but it let's people know who they're working with.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like?)
River can't get enough of you, his kisses are long and passionate, to the point even though you're enjoying it, you've got to tell him to go to work. He loves to have you close, and wants it at all times.
His second favourites are tied, a close call between soft pecks on the cheek that leave him longing and the rushed, sloppy kisses slathered over your neck when things get a bit heated.
L: Little ones (How are they around children?)
He was basically a 2nd father to Joss's kids so he knows the tips and tricks to getting the kids to brush their teeth, to go to bed, to go and grab a beer for him. He's got the parenting pretty nailed down.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
The rare occasion where the two of have the morning free is a gift from heaven, you both love a lie in on a lazy morning. It's usually spent giggling at nothing under the covers, bringing coffee back to bed and flicking on a movie neither of you end up actually watching.
Eventually River's humungous appetite roars to be fed, which leads you to be dragged out the bed to fulfil your role as su-chef.
N: Night (How are nights with them?)
You both ever get home at the same time, so whoever's home first usually sorts some food for the other any chores, anything to give a helping hand.
However it ends with a debrief of both your days, shared kisses, and then finally snores.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they spill everything all at once or slowly reveal things with time?)
Ever since you and River had saved Randy from the farm, the police detective started stringing out more pieces of himself each time you'd see each other outside of any mission or task.
He's eager to hear about your life, he wants to learn every aspect and event that made you who you are.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
River is great at acting under pressure, it’s all apart of the job. But good God does he get pissed at board games, he refuses and discounts on rent when playing monopoly. He’s an extremely sore loser (unless it’s against the kids).
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?) Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's 50/50. For example, the one time you told River that you don't mind tomatoes, but peppers are definitely better. It was a mindless conversation, not one you were fully immersed in, too busy watching the cooking show in front of you.
So from now on, whenever he makes a salad he'll recite, "Peppers would be much preferred over tomatoes." Just to himself, though when asked what your middle name is, he freezes up.
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
A month or two after Randy had settled back home (from the farm situation), River invited you over to help him clean before Joss got home. You hadn't really seen Randy since the farm, too busy stashing himself away in his cabin for the majority of the time.
You were outside cleaning the rust off of the generator, waiting for River to return with some sort of brush or scraper. You flicked over the radio briefly then continued with the task at hand, you hadn't noticed Randy leaning his head out the window, presumeably to listen to the music playing.
By the time River had returned, you were nowhere to be seen. Only your voice heard from inside the cabin, Randy sharing his favourites songs, while you introduce him to Samurai (as demanded by Johnny). The boy was so animated in the way he was talking, something River hadn't seen in a long, long while. That was when he became certain you were forever.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
River likes protecting you, its become a lifelong service to him and would give his life away for you if it meant you'd be safe.
But he love how you can handle yourself. Someone bothering you? You'll give them a piece of your mind. Violence involved? You'll put them to sleep. Someone talking shit at the police department? You couldn't care less.
River's whole job is about protection, so while he may be good at it, he's enamoured with the fact you can hold your own.
On the other hand, he's always first to tell you areas you should avoid, gangs to keep away from, the safest places to take shelter, as his job more or less spoon-feeds him that information.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
What River doesn't know is that your favourite dates and gifts are always the ones he puts the least stress and effort into.
Impromptu movie nights, cooking lessons, gym day - literally anything.
But when he knows it's an important event, like an anniversary or birthday, he makes it so difficult for himself, spending 4 hours to choose a belt, spending 4 months finding a gift, and 4 seconds into the date before panicking.
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He can be pretty uptight sometimes, the once Joss brought home a date, just for a drink - as soon as River's eyes landed on him, he was like a completely different person. Way too protective for your liking.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
You make it a point to him that he's a gorgeous specimen, so he doesn't care so much, not that he was very vain before he met you anyway.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You know how close he is to his family and how close he holds them to his heart, so you have some stiff competition.
But overall, without you there'd be a massive hole in his heart
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
River acts all good cop around the kids, letting them win games they like playing. But when it comes to basketball, he does not hold back.
It's the same when playing Uno, he's cruel and competitive.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Recklessness. He doesn't want to have to constantly worry about his partner, whether they're injured, dead, missing. He likes to have solidarity in his relationships.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Snorer, snorer, snorer. Not the annoying kind, in fact it's rather soothing open mouthed snoring - cute for such a big scary guy.
Sleep mumbling as well, usually about one of his recent cases which can be terrifying when you can actually understand him.
River's large frame rolls over to face you, a grumble escaping his lips. "There's a man." He sighs, your eyes widen, assuming he's awake, "Riv, what are you talking about.
"He's here. 3 counts of murder." The sleeptalk continues, at this point your hearts racing, unsure of how River was staying so calm while there was a murderer in the cabin. God, you've never been so gullible nor stupid.
An arm slopes around you, sloppily, the big arm belonging to your boyfriend "Coffee with cream please."
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One last time
Grass pricked softly on her back as Tahlia adjusted herself beside Cardan. Tilting her head sideways she saw him gazing up at the night sky. The usual brightness that lit his face was missing tonight. 
Up above, tiny flickering stars dotted the sky. The vastness of the world had her smiling fondly. She held his hand tightly as she said, "I'm going to miss you." 
There was a pause before he let out a slight sigh and turned his body to face her.
"Is there no way you can stop going?", he asked looking directly into her hazel eyes that reflected the stars. 
"No", she said, bringing her palm to touch his cheek. 
"...I know you don't want to go." 
"What can I do about it, though?". 
"What if we elope? Somewhere far away, just like how it is in your books?" Even though that would never happen, there was an enthusiastic undertone to his voice. His forehead was creased with a slight frown, as if he was really considering the idea. Turning on the grass, she chuckled into his chest. "I don't think that'll happen". Her voice was muffled as she spoke. Suddenly, the frail string that had been holding her entire conscience together snapped and tears streamed down her cheeks, damping his loose black shirt. 
He caressed her hair gently as she wept into his shirt. 
“I didn’t want to ruin our last meeting like this”
He carried her with him as he pulled himself to a sitting position on the dew beaded expanse of green . His arms held her tightly. Her cheeks were flustered and smudged slightly  with a fading mascara when he pulled her softly from his chest. When she refused to look him in the eyes, he tipped her chin back with his fingers. Those red rimmed eyes were moist and sad. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he whispered, “We will meet again. Even if it's years from now.”
She wiped the receding tears on the sleeve of her top. “I’m scared our memories will fade and one day we’ll stop just feeling a connection and...”
When the sentence hung heavy in the air, he said, “...we’ll just turn into sweet vacation memories.”
She nodded her head quietly. The kind of memories they would tell their grandkids with a smile. 
If only her father had told her where they were moving, though she fears it would have made any difference. But at least they would know how far they were from each other.
She raised her neck and took in the beauty of the sky. 
“It’s so beautiful”, she sighed. Cardan hummed in response. Both of them were searching the stars for something to fill in the aching void growing in their hearts. 
“Even if I wasn’t going, I don't think we could have lasted”, she whispered.
“But it would have been nice if we did”.
He held her close to him when he murmured, “Do you remember the first time we came here?”
Tahlia grinned. “My father had almost caught me sneaking back into my room at dawn.” 
“I remember how excited you were”
“That was the first time I had ever stepped out of my house at night without the maid. You really caught me off guard when you climbed up the tree and poked your head into my room”
“You screamed”, he laughed.
“Of course I would!” 
After a beat, Thalia broke the silence.
“Do you think in some other universe, we could have married?”
“And we would have gotten children. And they would have loved us. A lot”
Cardan smiled, “A girl and a boy. What do you say?”
She laughed quietly as she lay her head on his shoulders. 
“It must be around one now”, she mumbled, intervening her fingers in his. 
“In six hours the carriages will come...” she trailed off and closed her eyes. She listened to his heartbeat thumping in his chest silently. It was weirdly soothing.
He stroked her hair, rich in blue, as it flowed lightly in the cool night breeze. They stayed there for long moments, occasionally one of them reminisced sweet memories. 
“You  must go back now, Tahlia. It’s too late”, he finally said, pressing his lips onto her cheek.
“Only if we could stay here like this, forever.”
Cupping her face, he gazed at her for a moment, his eyes searched along all her features. The tiny mole on her forehead and the rose tinted cheeks. He was going to miss how she laughed like she couldn’t breathe and how she always shot an eyebrow up when she was annoyed. How her eyes drooped when she was sleepy and how she hissed when they met in public so that her father wouldn’t hear them. Every little thing about her. He was going to miss them all. 
Leaning in, he kissed her on the lips. She held him tightly as their lips caressed each other gently. 
When they broke off, Tahlia was pulled to her feet as he got up. Holding hands, they walked in a calm pace through tiny ivy spread paths.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 11 months
November/October 2023 Contest Submission #4: part of your world
Words: ca. 4,000 Setting: Urban fantasy AU Lemon: lime Content: Birds and the bees discussion, mentions of homophobia
“How do you think they fucked?”
Elsa dropped her book. “What.” Did Anna seriously just… That girl will be the death of her.
“Our parents. How do you think they fucked?” Anna repeated her question, as if Elsa hadn’t heard her.
Regaining her composure, and picking the book from the ground, she responded, trying to sound nonchalantly. “Similar to us, I’d wager.” 
“Well, duh, but you don’t have a penis. Wait, does dad have one?” Anna seemed genuinely curious.
“Yes, Anna, our father, in fact, does have a penis. What kind of question is that?” Elsa tried really hard to not blush, knowing it’s a losing battle.
“Well I don’t know mermaid anatomy!”
“Yes, but… you know what, I don’t want to think about it anymore. Our father has a penis. End of story.” She picked her book up.
“How do you know that?” 
“It may be shocking, but since we are naked underwater, I have seen naked members of my species. Father included.”
“And what, you never wondered how they managed it?”
“No, why the fuck would I?”
Anna clearly wanted to add something, so Elsa decided to quickly change the topic. “What are you reading anyway?”
Anna smiled. “History of the early Arendelle, around the tenth century. Though that was before our family. What about you?”
Ah, Arendelle. Anna’s current hyperfixation was finding everything she could on the small country whose rulers were apparently their mother’s ancestors. She has never seen Anna as offended as when she asked if she was proud of that ancestry. ‘What, no, fuck the monarchy! But history is interesting, and this is basically our history. Also they were weirdly accepting of homosexuality for the time, so at least there is that.’
“Eh, just some trashy hetero romance. Apparently it’s a very important piece of your culture, so I thought I should check it out.” Elsa replied.
“Hey, if you’re going to be a part of our society, it’s good if you know that stuff.”
“I knooooow, but why couldn’t it be just a tiny bit gay?”
“Because homophobia is still present and what you’re reading is a hundred years old.”
“Stupid human rules.”
“100% there with you, sis.”
They went back to their lectures. They were currently both sunbathing (or, Anna was sunbathing and Elsa was enjoying the sun, seeing as her pale skin didn’t really tan) on the beach. After a moment of silence, Anna’s phone rang. “Oh, looks like Kristoff can come over today. If you’re still okay with meeting him?” She looked questioningly at Elsa.
“Of course! We already hid me for long enough. But I want to be inside, and wearing a T-shirt.” 
“Sure thing, I’ll tell him. That he can come, not the T-shirt thing.”
“So… she is your sister.” Krtistoff looked baffled.
“Twin sister, yeah.” Anna replied, blushing a bit but not bothering to swat away Elsa’s hand, currently caressing her cheek. 
When they finally got the green light to stop hiding Elsa, she wanted to tell her best friend immediately. Elsa was very willing, but Anna apparently missed the crucial detail of her Elsa not really understanding what constitutes an appropriate behavior between sisters, and so the conversation was happening while Elsa sat sideways across Anna’s knees, her lips glued to her sister’s neck, with her light blue tail half laying on the floor. Kristoff was, suffice to say, shocked, but he nevertheless sat down, and Anna tried to bring him back to speed. Elsa, on her part, greeted him politely, before getting back to her efforts to devour Anna neck first.
“And she is… a fish.” At that, Elsa peeled off Anna (plop) for a moment, and narrowed her eyes at him.
“And you’re a mammal. What does that have to do with anything?”
“I’m sorry. This is all very shocking.” He turned his eyes to Anna again, as Elsa continued her antics. “And you never told me this because?”
“Government wanted to cover up any supernatural sightings, so we got a ton of money, and a ton of subtle death threats to never mention her to anyone. But after the dragon incident in Vien, they couldn’t contain it any more, and so we got a green light to stop hiding her.”
“Okay. I guess. Umm… and why is she so… touchy with you?”
Ah. So the strategy of not addressing the elephant in the room was not working. What now? ‘Kristoff, we are actually also in an incestous relationship’? That wouldn’t fly, probably. May be worth it for his face though. Option two it is then.
“This is perfectly normal.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t.”
“She is cold blooded and likes my warmth.”
“And the neck thing…?”
Elsa stopped again. “It’s perfectly normal for my people.” She tried, and failed, to discreetly wink at Anna. “Now come on, I can see you’re dying to ask a bunch of questions that will make all of us uncomfortable, so go for it. This is your only chance.”
Kristoff, still barely registering what’s going on, decided to just go along with it, wondering when exactly he would wake up. “Alright. So… how are you sisters exactly?”
Elsa straightened her back, and embraced Anna, turning her head towards him. “Our father is a mermaid. And mother is…” She turned to Anna, who finished for her. “A monsterfucker.”
Kristoff’s eyes went wide. “A what now?”
“A monsterfucker. I’m pretty sure we have a centaur brother somewhere. But overall, interspecies pregnancies are extremely rare, so she really had to put in the work. And it’s 50/50 on what species the kid will be. So it just happened to be that Elsa is a mermaid, and I’m a human. I can hold my breath for a while longer than normal though, and can survive higher pressure. Don’t know how much higher, obviously. Oh, and Elsa dries up a bit slower.”
“How did they even… You know what? I don’t even care anymore. This day was too much already.” He shook his head, and continued. “How do you breathe here? I can see the gills on your neck.”
“Not sure how that works, but as long as they’re wet, I can breathe air. Probably part magic part super-complex-biology-we-wouldn’t-understand.”
“Alright, sure, may as well just accept that. Wouldn’t your dad be a triton though?”
“What?” Elsa asked.
“Well, if he is like you, but a dude, isn’t that a triton?”
“Did you just… humansplain me? No, he is a mermaid.”
“I… you know what? I will just stop talking. Thanks for an almost heart attack Anna. I guess I understand you didn’t have a choice but to keep it a secret but… it still hurts.” He stood up. “Pleasure meeting you, Elsa. I’m sorry for being inconsiderate, but given I didn’t know you existed half an hour ago, I think I did well.”
Elsa’s eyes softened. “You did. It could go a lot worse. Anna always talked about you like a brother, so I wanted to meet you for years. Glad we didn’t have to wait longer.” She extended her hand to him, and he shook it. 
He quickly pulled it away though, and wiped it on his jeans. “Your hand is wet! And webbed! No, sorry, not talking anymore, I will just go.” Elsa chuckled.
Anna shrugged. “You get used to it.” 
Kristoff left the room, pinching his arm and muttering under his breath. 
Anna turned to Elsa. “That went well.” Elsa nodded. “Although I wish I didn’t forget to warn you to be less…” She gestured to Elsa’s but still firmly on her lap. “Elsa-y. Elsy. Whatever.”
“Oh, right, your weird obsession with incest.” Elsa replied.
“It’s not weird, it makes evolutionary sense and with all the evidence of it affecting children and…” She huffed, seeing that Elsa wasn’t really listening. “Doesn’t matter. What else do you want to do on your first day out-out?” 
Elsa thought for a moment. “First, I need to soak a bit. But then… I always wanted to go on a walk in our town with you.”
Anna beamed. “You got it! I’ll get you to the bathtub and then bring the wheelchair.”
Elsa relaxed and embraced Anna tighter, as she stood up, carrying her. “I love you.”
“Love you too, silly.” Anna kissed her forehead.
They were walking around the town, purposefully ignoring all the looks directed at Elsa. They had no real destination in mind; Elsa just wanted to see how an actual city looks like, not an artificial one built on a secret island for only the government officials and those under its “protection”. 
“I must admit, this just feels more authentic. I had no idea humans can wear colors, I thought you were just a weird one.”
Anna smacked her lightly. “Hey! Not my fault government people think you need to look boring and scary on the job. Though if you want colors, you should see a pride parade.”
“Oh yeah, they sound amazing.” Elsa looked back at her. “When is the next one?”
“June. So, in like a month.”
“We have to go there.”
“Sure thing. Now let’s go eat something, I’m starving.”
“Just pick a good place.”
They entered a small, local restaurant.
“I want cow!” Elsa immediately exclaimed.
“What?” Anna looked down at her.
“Cow? Beef? Big horny thing.”
“Please don’t ever call it a big horny thing again. Sure, we can get beef. Why that though?” Anna moved them to a table and sat down.
Elsa shrugged. “Never had it, and I heard it’s the toughest meat you eat. I got kinda tired of stuff you can barely chew.”
They placed their orders (the waiter too dead inside to pay any attention to a sudden mermaid in the restaurant) and waited. Elsa spoke “Won’t they mind that I’m soaking everything I touch?”
Anna thought for a bit. “Maybe. But you waited 20 years for that, and if the government didn’t prepare anyone, that’s their problem. Also I will tip them a lot.”
“That works for me.”
Their orders arrived, and they dug in. While it was definitely nice to try something new, Elsa decided that she still prefers her regular diet. She decided not to mention that. They were chatting when someone approached their table.
“Oh hi Anna. Haven’t seen you in a while.” 
Elsa looked up. Looking at Anna stood a tall man with absolutely atrocious sideburns.
“Oh. Hans.” Anna didn’t sound happy. Elsa just looked between them, the man visibly trying very hard to not look at her. 
After a moment of awkward silence, he spoke. “Not going to introduce us?” He gestured at Elsa. 
Anna sighed quietly, and forced a smile. “Sure! Elsa, this is Hans, a local himbo. Remember my ex I broke up with because a girl caught my eye?” Elsa remembered. The following night even more so. “Hans, this is my sister, Elsa.”
Elsa waved at him. “Hi.” 
He blinked. “Sister?” He quickly turned to Elsa. “Uh, sorry, hello.” 
Anna sighed, purposefully loud this time. “Yup, twin sister.”
“How did I not know that?”
“Government cover up.”
“Wait, really? That’s cool as hell!”
“Sure is. Real, I mean. Wasn’t cool when I wanted to go somewhere outside our house.” Elsa said.
“Oh yeah, that’d suck. Sorry.” Hans thought for a second. “Wanna come to a pool party? I’m sure people would kill to see a fish girl there.”
Elsa looked questioningly at Anna, who shrugged. “If you want to, we can go.”
Elsa wondered for a bit. She did always want to go to a party, but Anna seemed to not like this guy very much. Though she did agree to go, and they could always go back home if needed. “Sure, we’ll go, mammal boy.”
He gave them the address and left.
“Just be sure to tell me if you want to go home, I don’t want you to have a bad time.” Elsa said.
“Nah, don’t worry, he wasn’t terrible, it was just an awkward meeting. Party could be fun though.”
They arrived at the party. Other than Hans, and surprisingly, Kristoff, Anna didn’t know anybody there. But everyone was very interested in Elsa, and it quickly turned out that she was great at entertaining people, telling them all sorts of anecdotes about life underwater. Feeling more confident now about leaving her alone, she approached Kristoff.
“Surprised to see you here.” She started. “I thought you don’t like parties.”
“I don’t.” He blushed. “But Ryder is here, so I thought that’d be a good occasion.”
Anna smiled. Ah, the crush. “Well then, what’s the problem?”
Kristoff sighed. “Your sister. There is no way I’m one upping a first encounter with a mermaid.”
Anna hadn’t considered that. “I guess that’s true. Well, we didn’t know you’d be here.”
He shrugged. “Not your fault. I’ll try to invite him over for something.”
As Anna wanted to respond, a loud splash caught her attention. 
Hans was standing next to Elsa’s wheelchair, laughing, while her sister was flailing in the pool. Fuck, how could I forget?! Wasting no time she ran and jumped in, and tried to get Elsa out. Elsa however, seemed to not be fully aware of what was going on and fought back. Anna yelled again. “COME HELP ME YOU MORON OR I’M DROWNING YOU NEXT!”
Hans didn’t seem to understand. “What’s the big deal? I thought she was good at swimming.” His smirk became uncertain.
“IT’S CHLORIFIED WATER AND SHE BREATHES THAT IN!” She managed to pull Elsa’s neck above the water.
Realization dawned on Hans’ face. He jumped into the water and helped carry Elsa out. As soon as she was out she started wheezing, her gills trying to expel all that water. Anna quickly grabbed a water bottle and started pouring it onto her sister’s neck, trying to rinse all the chlorine she could. After that, Elsa passed out. Her neck was irritated, and the gills themselves burnt, but she was breathing. Anna held her close, trying to fight back the anger, at herself and at Hans. She kept ignoring him, and called their doctor.
“Lewis? There had been an incident. We need you, now.”
Anna washed Elsa’s gills with a sponge of seawater again. After the doctor has confirmed that she mostly just needs rest, Anna put her into the bathtub filled with saltwater, and kept an eye on her. Elsa had an awful rash around her neck, and her scales seemed more pale, but other than that she seemed to be okay. It’s been three hours and Anna was starting to get tired. Finally, Elsa moved.
“Elsa! How are you feeling?” Anna quickly moved to face her.
“Fuuck, my head. And neck.” She touched her neck. “Why was the water… burning?”
“It was chlorified. Asshole threw you in without thinking and I forgot to check that. I’m sorry." 
"What does that mean?” Elsa lifted her eyes, clearly exhausted.
“It’s a… chemical we use for our pools to keep them clean.”
“Clean? That’s rich coming from the biggest ocean polluters.”
“Well, clean from… any aquatic life. Algae, mostly.”
Elsa scoffed. “That fits you more. So how come I’m alive?”
Anna looked apologetic. “Well, you were in for like 20 seconds before I pulled you out, firstly. And secondly, the dosage was never meant for anything bigger than like a wasp.”
“Lucky me.” She started coughing. “Will I recover?”
“Yes, Lewis came to see you and he said you should be good until the end of the week. In the meantime you have to soak a lot, and I have some meds for you." 
She went to grab a few pills, which Elsa quickly swallowed.
"Sorry I was an ass.” Elsa said. “I know it’s not you throwing tires to my home.”
“Babe, we’ve been over this a million times. You’re allowed to get angry at this situation, and if you being an ass is a few snarky comments, I think I lucked out with the most patient angel on Earth, both on land and in the water.” They both smiled for a bit, before Elsa grimaced in pain. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just a gigantic headache. I think I need a nap. Or to sleep, it’s getting late.”
“Hmm…” Anna mused purposefully loudly.
“Anna, this bathtub is tiny. This can not be comfortable for you.”
“As if you’d know miss I-don’t-have-legs-but-like-to-judge-what-is-and-isn’t-comfortable-for-them.”
Elsa rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine, get in, but don’t complain if you’re extremely thirsty in the morning.”
“Hah! I’ll be extremely thirsty long before that.” Anna smiled smugly.
“Just get in, you dork.”
“You love me.” She stuck her tongue out.
“More than you could possibly know.” She got slapped lightly on the shoulder.
“Shut up you sap, tonight is not a night for crying.”
They enjoyed the silence for a bit. Anna started playing with Elsa’s blonde hair, when her sister spoke again. “I want to show you something, when I get better. Will you go swimming with me?”
Anna chuckled. “Do you even need to ask? Always.”
Anna emerged from the water, and she took a deep breath. She found herself in a small cave, with the walls shining, reflecting the light back. Combined with also the shiny surface of the water, the effect was stunning. But… how exactly could she see?
“Ohhh do you have those weird glowing fish in jars here somewhere?” She asked, excited.
“What? Why would I do that? And when would I feed them? I bought some LEDs and waterproof batteries.” Elsa, just now emerging, replied.
“Because it would be cool, duh.” She responded, rolling her eyes.
“Animal cruelty is never cool, Anna.”
“Ohh, you’re going full vegan now?” 
“You know I would if my digestive system allowed that. Can we go back on the topic?”
“That is the first topic of this conversation.”
“Fine. Can I tell you why I wanted to bring you here?”
“Sure.” She looked up, excited.
“There are a ton of places like this in the oceans. Those small caves with trapped air bubbles. This makes them completely unremarkable. And this means-” Elsa paused for a moment, her eyes shining with excitement.”- that this specific one is very remarkable. We are probably the only people who ever were or ever will be here. Most likely the only multicellular organisms in general, given how little food there is here. And if there was ever a person I wanted to share a moment like this, a moment that is, and always will be, only ever for us - it’s you.”
She was met with a brief silence, and looked worriedly at her sister. “Sorry, I thought that sounded kinda cool.”
Anna sniffled. “It is. I just got overwhelmed a bit.” She composed herself. “It’s beautiful.”
“I’m glad.” Elsa smiled.
“So,” Anna continued, an ominous smirk upon her lips. ”what did you have in mind for this extremely private moment that no one will ever witness?”
Elsa blushed. “I had… few ideas.” They swam closer to each other.
“Tell me about them. In excruciating detail.”
“I would prefer a presentation.”
Pale lips met red ones, and huh, salt water doesn’t taste so bad once you get used to it, she thought, before all thought ceased.
After they both calmed down a bit, Elsa spoke again. “There is a second reason why I wanted to take you swimming today.” She got closer to a wooden box Anna noticed on the rocks, and pulled a netty bag out of it. “Now put your scuba gear back on, I promise you’ll love this.”
Anna did as she was told, and soon they were diving even deeper. She knew this depth was probably dangerous to regular humans, but she tested her limits long ago and knew it was safe for her. 
“So,” Elsa said again. “I took a look into your recent obsession, you know, the kingdom?” Anna nodded, since she couldn’t speak. “Yeah, so, I asked around, and found something that will be of great interest to you. Did you also bring the camera?” Anna nodded again. “Great!” She sped up a little, but made sure Anna was able to follow her. Anna was glad to be here with her again. They often went on trips like this, and Elsa always felt great being able to be one taking the lead. And Anna was alway happy to see her so energetic and, as it were, in her element.
After what felt like an hour, they reached the bottom. They were relatively close to the shore, so it wasn’t too deep, but Anna still wasn’t sure what to expect. Elsa swam excitedly around her. “So, get ready for the big reveal.” She pulled a big waterproof flashlight out of the bag she was carrying, and turned it on.
Anna’s eyes went wide. There, before her, laid a wreck of an old wooden ship, at least a few hundred years old. Elsa immediately swam inside and gestured for Anna to come with. Trusting her sister, she did so. Inside, she saw a lot of seaweed, some crabs that ran away when they approached, and a lot of destroyed furniture. She still didn’t know why Elsa wanted her to be there. “Take a look at this!” Elsa said, forcing open one of the drawers. Inside, there was a bunch of cutlery, and Elsa grabbed one of the spoons and brought it closer to Anna’s face. Then, Anna understood. The royal crocus of Arendelle. 
Elsa beamed. Anna was… shocked, to say the least. “I’m guessing this is all a lot to take in for you,” Elsa said, ”but come on, it’s basically our inheritance, right? And it’s not like anyone’s using it here, so, just grab what you want, and we can have a moral debate about this once you can talk.” Anna couldn’t really argue with that logic, and so she shrugged and began to pack her bag, while Elsa took a bunch of photos. They took most of the cutlery, a few candlesticks, and a dagger. She wished there would be some old books or documents, but seeing where they were, she knew that was impossible. She grabbed Elsa’s hand and gestured upwards. Elsa nodded and they swam to the surface.
Once back in their backyard, Anna finally spoke. “I can’t believe we did that!”
Elsa shrugged. “As I said, it is kinda our inheritance. And if you feel bad about it, you can always donate it to a museum or something.”
Anna sighed. “I guess you’re right, it’s just… I never imagined myself doing anything like this, you know?”
Elsa looked a bit guilty. “Did you… not like it? I admit, even though we were mostly raised together, human morals and rules are still foreign to me. I can go put it back if you want.”
“No, no, I loved it!” Anna quickly said. “It’s just kinda weird. I can’t express how much I appreciate you going through all that effort for me, really.”
Elsa blushed. “I read in one of your books about the royal ship that sank around here. I asked a few friends and they told me about some wrecks, and I looked around. This was the third that I checked.”
Anna came closer and hugged her. “Thank you. Learning history is one thing, but touching it is- it’s something else entirely. I was just shocked.”
Elsa smiled. “I’m glad. Now come cuddle on the beach with me.”
And so they did.
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invisiblegarters · 11 months
Dangerous Romance Ep 10
Last week, Kang tried to get dad's attention and rebel or something by running away, which he apparently does all the time so dad wasn't too fussed. Plus he had Sailom reporting back. Kang sold his bike for funds after dad froze his card, and then had regrets. He was forced to beg in order to get it back and I was supposed to feel bad I'm sure but I'm heartless and also apparently still sour about the bullying in the beginning so I didn't. Kang and Sailom did the do and I failed to feel any kind of way about it.
For the first time ever I have caught second couple syndrome and spent the whole time chanting at Nawa and Guy to make out already. They did not, but they did go on a bike ride to save their friends that they gave up on eventually because they got lost. The brain trust, these two are not.
Meanwhile, Saifah and Name had a little heart to heart and Saifah got Name a job driving Kang's dad around. I'm sure nothing bad will come of that at all.
And now on with the show! What will today bring and will I care? I'll probably care a little.
Ooh scent kink.
I do like how much Sailom likes teasing Kang. And ah, yes, the good old mosquito bite. What would we do without it.
Honeymoon my foot Sailom says with the imprint of Kang's mouth visible on his neck for anyone to see. Come on my guy.
Oh Saifah no. Honey I get that you are way sweeter than I expected. but please stop trusting - oh did you have a crush on Name? That's adorable. But please stop being stupid.
Trust no one in this show. Except Sailom because he's the best. And Auto, my beloved.
Oh. Oh, maybe it'll be the boss that fucks it up and not Name. Either way Saifah is so screwed.
I feel like people keep being sweeter than I expect.
KNEW IT. Of course the boss knew.
Also ew get those bloody meaty hands off of his face that's gross. And then he touches the damn meat again. Nope. Would not be eating dinner with him.
Pfft like father like son, I guess. Is dad gonna wind up being decent too in the end? Man all my suspicion of everyone is coming to absolutely nothing. Maybe I should watch The Player after this. I hear it has the double and triple crossing I crave. I want to trust no one!
Oh hey is dad gonna go see Kang's game? Look at this.
Tread carefully here Sailom.
Drama! Guy is hurt. Careful Nawa you're running the risk of looking concerned. And Kang gets to get over his issues with penalty shots. I wonder if Saifah will tell him about his dad. Those two need to have a talk already.
Ah, so that explains why Kang gets so weirdly tense when his dad finds him messing around or not studying hard enough. But of course now he thinks his dad has given up. Maybe find a happy medium, dude. I really don't think that your wife meant let him do whatever whenever.
Oh NO. Dad surprised a burglary in progress eh? Saifah what did you do? I no longer believe that it was entirely you so what happened? And where is Name? Fled the scene huh?
I have no doubt that Dad will wake up. But it would be kind of interesting if he didn't. Way too bleak for this show though.
Aw okay that's sweet and supportive.
Well now that Saifah confessed I am more sure than ever that it isn't what it looks like, haha.
Haha that didn't last long. Man, it wasn't even Sailom who brought him into the house, it was grandma. SO much for all that support. Why is this so funny to me? I am a horrible person.
Oh look, it's Flashback's Triumphant Return. I did not miss you, Flashback. The show has been so good about their use of them lately that I got complacent. And now look at us. Here we are, and no one is happy. Not me, not Sailom, I'm assuming not Kang. Definitely not me.
WOW Name. Now I know you're the actual problem.
Pfft okay I kind of love how they just forgot about Guy. Granted there was a bit of a situation at home.
AW look at the troops all rallied. They're such sweeties. But uh, I'm pretty sure a confession means jail time regarless of lawyers, no?
Oh no! Isn't Guy on a scholarship for football? What happens to that if he can't play?
The way I am feeling these two, though. Every time that they interact I perk up.
Sailom what are you doing. Don't do it, kiddo.
Okay I do not like Name. I take back anything nice I might have said about him. Also that watch is totally the one that Kang's dad already gave Saifah. I would bet money on it.
Listen to grandma kid. She gets it. She's a lot smarter than you.
"Poor people will do anythign for money." This coming from a guy who has watched Sailom actively not do things for money over and over again. I know Kang's upset but he's also a lot less likable without Sailom. Not sorry.
Oooh return of the escorting plot! YAY.
Huh. I am actually really curious as to why Saifah is taking the blame for this. Because I don't believe for one second he shot Kang's dad. Also I bet the reason Name's so concerned is because he did it, and dad knows that.
I mean I did see the preview, but even if I hadn't I would have known that this dude totally roofied the wine. Oh, Sailom.
And of course Kang is gonna take his ire out on Sailom.
Yes, you stupid shit. You kicked him out of your house and fired him, what the fuck do you expect. Like come on dude I know thinking isn't your strongest suit but do try it.
Hm. That last scene did not hit me like I think it was supposed to. Dammit. Why do these big scenes keep not working for me?
I guess next week Kang's back to letting Sailom think for him. Good. It's better for all of us when he does.
In conclusion, if Nawa and Guy don't make out by the end of this I will be mightily displeased.
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