#kincentric ecology
So obviously I had this hella sapphic dream about planet earth personified as one does and well...
When she laughed. I was hypnotised at how the light of her face curved, like a thousand sunrises. I kissed her. I felt her smile in this kiss...
...Soo yeah thats from what I wrote about it. Very gay tbh. And like eco... lusty? & ofc it was my dream, not my nightmare, so I was her special little human😇
Anyway what I wrote about it:
The calling.
There was a calling, thats what they called it anyway. There's no way to express such a thing with a human tongue, or a human anything really.
Here she was. The earth goddess. With a body.
A body that all could see, to a certain degree, and that a blessed few would be able to really see.
It's not as if she was cloaked in flesh, the way we are. A flesh design such as ours, could not even humour to hold such a being. A goddess.
She looked like star light, she looked like mountains as they crumbled, the sea as it rocked, and waved.
She looked like the purest sense of the feeling that is love. Even with a body she towered everybody. Not that anyone had the confidence, to even try to stand to their full height. Whilst in her presence.
The chosen.
She came to free her children, the ones that loved her the most loyally and deeply, the ones who never lost a connection to her. A connection, that they would emotionally nurture and more, despite how man would only make them suffer more by doing so.
These same children, were the ones who suffered the most traumatically, at the hands of the human induced disease, we named 'the ecocrises'.
Her children one by one, without a build up, with no pattern as to who is first or next, or last, would feel it. That indescribable feeling we lamely term 'the calling'. It makes your body drop, as you in an instant become overwhelmed, with being seen, directly for the first time ever.
It's what each of her children had been desperately aching for, since their infant years on earth. A recognition only she could give. It would bathe them in light, even in the darkest hours, and in the darkest lands. They would shine from it, before totally submitting their body to her, without even seeing her yet.
They would cry. And cry. And some would pray, or scream the agonies they had been waiting to release. Some would laugh deliriously, or punch something just to make sure it was real. But all of them would crawl. She would speak in their minds, 'come to me', and though she never told a single one to come crawling, every single one would.
The call of their God planet, would free them so much, that they would comfortably fall into their animal body that they had been, so socialised to disconnect from.
They would crawl as if they had never not, and with time gleefly pick up pace only to notice that with every step, or leap, they could feel her light wrapping their body and making it lighter. Which in turn made it easier to go faster, and leap further, and higher.
My time.
One day I was out with my family. We were taking the usual route, passing all the humans that seemed to exist simply to fill space, to make the experience feel more real, to distract you from your own being, and its connection to earth.
By this point I was already well afflicted by scopophobia, and as the ecocrises grew so did all mental health issues worldwide.
Such as, with my scopophobia, which was largely induced by the masses that seemed only to exist, as a reality filler, to add depth to your percieved experience.
Like many of earths children, the ills of man and the diseases they brought, had found us the few, in many interlocking 'minorites' of society.
When you obtain so many minority spaces just to be able to fit at all, its easier to start desiring to not be seen. As the 'filler' humans stare out any difference, even in their own, mostly copied & pasted, expressions of self.
So, as I walked the usual route with my family, I as usual was avoiding peoples faces, not that it matters, as everything that is. Is energy. So even a look can be physically felt. And boy do the children of earth that were being called to, feel it. Feel it all, everything, and thats after, years of trying to disconnect from such a sensitivity.
Lord knows it would be a godly power in itself, if we lived in a world where suppressing such a thing would not be a necessity.
We were all aware I think. Me and my family. Aware, that I would likely be called, all the patterns were there for the types being called to. And, it just made sense. Deeply.
Yet I was still nervous, almost like before your first ever date and you're excited but can't shake the worry of some level of rejection, of misreading and ultimately feeling let down by yourself.
Then it happened. I knew it in the second before it happened. I began to look upward. I don't know why.
Then in an instance my breathe left, and my body felt something unexplainable.
My family and I turned, they knew too. Even though the physical signs had not yet begun.
Then there was light. I felt it as if she, the earth, embraced me. With a level of love, and understanding thats hard to bare, but longed for. As I felt this, I then started to give it, from my own being.
Thats when everyone else could see, all the passers by, my family.
I was becoming light. It poured down my eyes like gold, rushed from the top of my head, out my pineal gland, both my hands, pelvis down through my legs to my feet, strong, blinding, beams. That burnt as they left me. The pain of it, truly a physical ecstacy I'd yet to experience, but had me remember, the darker moments of my mental health, when wanting to rip out of my own skin. I understood now, that was really just me seeking  this feeling i now had, that I was truly seeking.
The crawl.
I dropped, in submission to her. Normal social anxieties flew away with all the fucks I no longer gave because it had happened. Finally. I was seen and above that was going to see, her.
On my knees, I smiled as tears blurred my vision. I looked to my family, I could see their apprehension, would I really come back to them? Would I want to?.
I knew I would, but I felt their anxiety, along with their solidarity and compassion.
We gave eachother a knowing look
"I love you"
*in unison* Them: "Your". Me: "My"
I turned ready to approach her as if I knew she was about to call to me.
I began crawling, as soon as I did I noticed how my body felt different. Unburdened, as if every bit of me right down the molecular vibrational levels was unlocking, becoming totally unbounded.
I laughed, causing a couple of tears to bounce away from my glimmering eyes.
Every move forward was like stretching different parts of my body for the first time. As if they had been restrained from finishing a full stretch, my whole life up until this moment.
Bliss. It was pure bliss. Endorphins quickly took over. I was laughing, or so I was told, I'm sure I'd heard her laughing with me in my mind.
Once by her feet my head dropped into loyal submission to show my respect, that I knew this physical form was all her, she made it as she could so easily destroy it, she fed it, watered it, kept it together even when I fought it, or struggled to help.
I began to sob, my tears seemed to pour the purest of sparkling water, that seeked only to bathe her feet. I felt her pull and closed my eyes as I allowed my head to go against her calve. I can't explain what she looked like, or felt like that well at all. My head against her was like being half in an ocean, and space. But instead of the weight of those spaces, I just felt more like the wind, when it blows to you in soke seaside town.
When we walked, she read my mind pondering why none that she called to, were male identified, she told me how those who had claimed the title of 'men' were not even built with the emotional abilities needed to help her heal, let alone be a lover. She laughed at the idea.
It became apparent, rather quickly, that she treated my company different to the others. Even the smiles she offered me were slightly different, some I think had never been seen by a human before.
When she laughed. I was hypnotised at how the light of her face curved, like a thousand sunrises. I kissed her. I felt her smile in this kiss. I began to float upward. So taken by my emotions. It may sound strange but floating up, felt like the most natural thing. Like it was bizzare that I had never done that before. Bizzare it wasn't a causal daily occurance. The way my feelings pulsate, changed shape, grew and re-energised, puffing me up in my spirit. The only way to feel such things, was to float. Her hands clasped the sides of my face, entirely delicate and entirely firm. Both to embrace me for the sake of embracing itself, and to allow me to float without having to restrain it in order to not float away entirely.
Ecstacy. I've put this before now. But its a perfect word for her. Experiencing her. Experiencing, my animal body, in the presence of its creator. Yes. Ecstacy. Pure, unbridled, ecstacy. At some point I put my hands on her chest, I pushed gently for her release, she let go watching me as if she knew something was coming even though at this point all I knew is I needed to take  a breath. But the moment I breathed I began to sing. More like a call in itself. And a cry. But above all, a song. It was too primal to be recognised by human feigning, and as I did, light poured from my throat out of my mouth. The vibrations that left looked like, that light had turned to a sea made of silk.
Everything that light of my call shone on, was healed, and became more. Trees girthier, taller, greener, healthier, in bloom. She would react to this. As if it was the most pleasurable of sensations to feel. At one point as my song healed a particularly diverse bit of the earth, having me catch my breath for the first time during, I saw her, eyes rolling back like a volcano eruption being rewound. Her fingers sliding through the wetness of her hair as if to ground herself.
I felt like my body grew when I pleased her.
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machudson · 3 months
the klamath river is an alive being to me and i always want to refer to it as such but i dont want to like.... misgender it...... im sorry klamath......... for further reading check out we are a part of the land and the land is part of us by dr kaitlin reed, and, if you have a way to access it, kincentric ecology by dr enrique salmón
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planetmoose · 7 years
On our perception of the natural.
The skin of my burnt hand is pealing off like a potato who had just come out of the oven…I wonder if those cells weren’t able to self repair what would I have tasted like. Computers bare rare minerals within their microchips. Natura started at birth, expanded to the Cosmos and contracted to what’s beyond the microscope. It is all too hard to determine if the natural order was in essence so orderly or chaotic.
An explosion of fireworks caused the cats to jump in terror. I am always intrigued by incidents like these where sound causes a real disturbance for the birds in the trees. Earthquake and fireworks alike. I for one think nature is a passion. The one place I go to for healing. It’s also very magnificently intricately hard to define because I am not sure that a definition does exist. Are the cosmos natural? Or is nature just related to the earth and even more precisely related to life on earth? We are new visitors to earth and yes we share a lot of DNA with Banana for instance whose family existed way before us. We evolved according to the natural order around us but then we are a smart body of locus that occasionally trample each other to cross oceans. Instead of long searching for the seeds and fruits we plant them. We started noticing the natural order and synchronising to it…but if we examine how much of hacking we have done through out the last century… GDP growth rates are almost exponential. Considering that we are separate from nature is an overstatement. We make attempts at separation because the outside world can also be very scary. Who wants to sleep out in a freezing -20 degrees? It feels very at home and very terrifying to be in nature. Nature can be abundant and it can be brutal. But here we are an explosion of beings who have gotten so well at survival because we are so orderly and interconnected and in such creative and complex manners can extract and transform other elements needed for our sustenance. I think it’s only natural that massive changes in the shape of nature as it were when we first got here occur as a result of this mere extravagance.
To me Nature is the interconnectedness itself. It’s the order arising within the chaos. and the chaos that wrecks that order to form a new order. It’s very hard to define. But I know I am still romantically in love with the desert, the forest and the waterfall but isn’t there a certain allure to the metro station as well?
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arinfmdxcs2 · 3 years
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L. White Jr. 1967, The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, Science, (V.155 N.3767) pp 1203-1207. Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science accessible by: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1720120
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 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) Directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Avatar (2009) Directed by James Cameron.
There Will Be Blood (2008) Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
Black Mirror (2011) NETFLIX, 4 December 2011.
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spf5 · 5 years
“First Peoples have a relationship with Country that is loving, reciprocal and engaged. This “kincentric” relationship includes custodianship obligations – often lacking within non-Indigenous views of Country. Instead of being seen as kin – something to be cared for, listened to, deeply respected and nurtured – Country is seen by many non-Indigneous people as a resource to be exploited and controlled.
Our custodianship of Country, our Law and our vast ecological knowledges are all attached to a place. For each area in Australia, the mob belonging to that place must be engaged, and empowered to speak for that Country.
It’s time to stop seeing Aboriginal ecological knowledges as something which can exist separately from the people who are its custodians. Our vast knowledges are embedded in our communities, and always have been.”
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filth-thezine · 2 years
Despite efforts to protect the river, Muteshekau Shipu continues to be threatened by potential new hydroelectric dam development. But, in February, the Innu Council of Ekuanitshit and the Minganie Regional County Municipality declared the Muteshekau Shipu (Magpie River) a legal person, a move that may provide greater certainty for this majestic river’s future.
While a first in Canada, granting legal personhood to natural entities is part of a global movement to recognize the rights of nature in law. Indigenous communities around the world are leading the way in upholding the rights of sacred and ancestral rivers, forests and mountains.
Recognizing the rights of nature is an opportunity to elevate the power of Indigenous Peoples’ laws and worldviews to benefit all peoples.
“Designating the river as a legal person was the clearest message we could send,” Chief Jean-Charles Piétacho of the Innu Council of Ekuanitshit told us in an interview. “There will never be dams in this river. The river protects herself, we protect the river, we’re all protected. I think the message is very clear.”
Galvanized by widespread environmental degradation and rising Indigenous rights movements, Indigenous communities around the world are leading the way in upholding the rights of sacred and ancestral rivers. This includes Māori tribal relationships with the Whanganui River in Aotearoa New Zealand, the role of Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in the Atrato River in Colombia, and the Yurok Tribal Council’s granting legal rights of personhood to the Klamath River through an ordinance in the United States.
The idea that nature is a sentient being isn’t new to Indigenous and other traditional peoples. “The vision of the Innu is that Nature is living. Everything is alive,” said Chief Piétacho.
Bridging western and Indigenous legal systems through a rights-of-nature approach is one tool for encouraging a kincentric view of the world, which sees humans as “part of an extended ecological family that shares ancestry and origins.”
Indigenous laws mirror and reinforce relational worldviews that view living entities as relatives, not resources. This in turn shapes social conduct that emphasizes respect and responsibility to the natural world. Innovative governance arrangements are one means through which distinct worldviews and associated laws can be woven together.
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machudson · 9 months
astro academic articles required readings
- binary boys: autism, aspie supremacy and post/humanist normativity by anna n. de hooge
- kincentric ecology: indigenous perceptions of the human-nature relationship by enrique salmón
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