#kimetsu kokushibo
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months ago
Kokushibo meeting another moon breather and falling hard
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Pairing: Kokushibo x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,1k
Synopsis: You were supposed to be another killed demon slayer on his list, nothing but a girl he stumbled upon in the woods at night. But something about you is different. Something stops him from ending your life.
Warnings: Honestly none, a little bit of violence, a little bit of HEAT, this will get a Part 2 if you guys are interested so feel free to interact with that fic! <3
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„Leaving again?“
You tilt your head to the side ever so slightly, your katana already lying heavy in your rough hands.
“I have no choice. The order comes from Ubuyashiki-sama himself”, you reply with low voice.
Out of instinct, your eyes wander to the shining orb above, the most faithful companion of your life. Countless innocent nights, you just sat on the grass and took in its beauty inch by inch. But at times like these, the moon being out also means that demons wander on free foot.
“Lucky bastard”, Sanemi mumbles under his breath.
You wouldn’t consider yourself lucky. Not when you know painfully well that all those demons where once humans with dreams, hopes and love filling their hearts. Not when your whole family drowned you with love and affection only a few years ago.
Until Muzan Kibitsuji decided to turn their heads against you by turning them into demons.
“I’ll be back before training starts.”
“You better live up to that.”
 Without looking back one last time, you begin your journey to the other side of this haunted land. If Ubuyashiki-sama called for a hashira, the matter has to be serious-minded. And while his crow didn’t deliver a lot of information about details apart from the place being a small village in the south, you know all too well what that means.
A strong demon, maybe one of the upper moons, even. And you, a hashira who was chosen to kill it.
Your eyes roam around the peaceful area, take in how beautifully the full moon lights up the trees around you. A truly remarkable scenery you try to enjoy as often as possible, even though working as a pillar keeps your mind and body occupied most of the time.
But you aren’t alone. An unsettling feeling starts spreading inside of your chest, the instinct of being watched out of the darkness becoming more and more urgent in your mind.
“Are you the one who is responsible for the destruction of the village nearby?”, you question into the dusk.
Destruction? Kokushibo can’t help but shake his head ever so slightly. As if he’d waste his time with something this minor.
The real question is, who are you? The way you walk and talk tells him more than urgently that you aren’t one of those average demon slayers, that you have to be someone special. A pillar, probably. He can’t help but take in your graceful sight, the way you almost float over the wet grass, your eyes lit by the moon oh so perfectly while your hands are tightly grabbing your katana in contrast.
You are beautiful.  Enigmatic, powerful, and captivating... truly mesmerizing. In his long-lasting life, Kokushibo stumbled upon countless of women.
But they never caught his attention like you.
“I came here to end your suffering”, you continue calmly, not even your hands shaking by the sensation of meeting a demon.
You must sense it, that he’s far above the average demons you’ve encountered before.  You have to feel his presence by the way you tilt your head towards his direction ever so slightly. And still, you don’t waver. Not even a little bit.
“Even if your skill level proceeds mine by miles.”
His eyes widen for a brief moment.
“Why don’t you show yourself, upper moon?”
It’s an instinct, an act out of trance. Kokushibo follows your word and emerges out of the darkness he found comfort in, his gleaming eyes now meeting yours directly.
The upper moon one.
You don’t allow your heart to skip a beat, force your mind to keep its focus. This must be the head of Muzan Kibutsuji’s army, the mightiest of them all apart from himself. The upper moon Kyojuro lost his life to was number 3. Weaker than the man standing in front of you, less dangerous than the man standing in front of you.
And you? You wouldn’t consider yourself stronger than Kyojuro was.
“I am forced to end your life right here and now”, you declare with a calm demeanor.
“You are too weak to even reach me”, Kokushibo replies automatically.
“I have no other choice but to try.”
He tilts his head to the side, watches like in slow motion how the neutral expression on your face hardens ever so slightly while you lift up your sword.
“Moon breathing, third form: celestial silence.”
You release a wave of soundless crescent blades like you always do, emerge him into confusion and darkness to prepare for your next attack.
“Moon breathing. You use moon breathing?”
You are barely able to escape the grasp of his arm that shouldn’t even be able to reach you by letting yourself fall onto the ground. Not even Sanemi is able to see through that curtain of silence, how was he able to react so fast?
A faint layer of cold sweat starts forming on your forehead, your fingers now grabbing the handle of your sword tighter. What did you expect from the upper moon one?
“Fourth form: Lunar precision.”
You can’t allow your thoughts to wander, need to focus on the way your sword feels inside your hands and the series of rapid, precise slashes that crush against his blade without mercy. Each strike is executed with meticulous accuracy, searing for any weaknesses.
But the man in front of you has none.
All it takes him is one minor slash to disarm you. With his other hand, he grabs your wrist tightly. Is he about to kill you? Will this be your last moment walking on earth? You can’t rip your now glossy eyes away from him, can’t even force yourself to look at the moon one last time.
“Who taught you that breathing technique?”
Your mind starts racing, brows furrowing ever so slightly. What is he talking about? And why are you not dead already?
“What?”, you breathe out.
With a swift motion, he puts his sword back in its sheath and grabs your other arm as well, now holding you so close that you can feel his breath dance across your face.
“Who taught you how to use moon breathing?”, he continues visibly aroused.
“I taught myself.”
Confusion, anger and shock roll over his face like a wave while his hands still keep you in place.
Impossible. This means that you mastered sun breathing as well. You, nothing but an average girl with eyes that make it easy to get lost in them. You with that basic sword that doesn’t show a single hint of your abilities.
Do you know what you���re capable of, that you might be a worthy opponent?
Or a mighty demon.
“You need to come with me.”
“Coming with you?”
Your heart now almost pounds out of your chest, arms instinctively fighting for what is dear life. If you go with him, you’ll die. What is his plan? Does he want to torture you, eat you alive? Your usual so collected mind starts falling apart bit by bit with every passing second.
“Stop attacking me”, he warns you.
You fight against his grasp even harder, desperately try to free you from the prison of his arms. You promised Sanemi that you’ll be back before the next training session starts, you promised Mitsuri to braid her hair in the morning. You made so many promises.
And now you might not be able to live up to a single one of them.
“Enough”, the man in front of you grumbles.
One well-placed hit. Then everything goes black.
Kokushibo’s heavy breath hangs in the air, eyes staring at your unconscious figure lying on the floor. He lifts your body off the ground as gently as possible, allows his eyes to regard your face up-close. You look so peaceful while lying in his arms, your features not showing a single sign of your fight earlier on. Apart from a single tear at the corner of your eye, you look flawless. He wipes it away with his index finger, watches how the moonlight reflects so beautifully in your perfect little teardrop. If he’d be able to caress your cheek one time, feel the softness of your hair only once-
He shakes his head ever so slightly. No, he needs to focus on what’s in front of him, needs to find out what lend you that power. Are you just like him? Are you maybe the only person on this planet who understands his silent suffering?
The second you open your eyes again, everything is still black. What happened? Are you at home? The demon…
Your eyes widen in an instant, dart around the poor-lit area in a haste. Where is the upper moon one?
“It took you quite some time to regain consciousness.”
His cold voice cuts through your bones with ease. There he sits, only a few meters away to your opposite. You swallow hard, scan your body for any injuries.
But you aren’t injured. Not even a single scratch decorates your skin.
“Why did you allow me to stay alive?”
To be honest, he doesn’t know. Muzan Kibitsuji made it more than clear that all demons are forced to kill every single demon slayer who crosses their path. Especially pillars like you. He stares at you without saying a single word.
“Are you going to kill me now?”
It is his responsibility to do so. Not even the fact that you use moon breathing should be enough to change that fate of yours, not when you’re a hashira, a dirty demon slayer. Again, he keeps his mouth shut.
When you open your mouth again, not a single sound escapes your dry lips. The countless questions that linger through your mind make it hard to form a logical thought. What are you supposed to do? Is there any way out of this? You need to fight, need to stay strong until you die.
“What do you know about moon breathing?”
“More than you”, he gives back.
He’s beautiful. Despite the unpromising gleam in his orbs and that number one than reminds you oh so urgently that this man is the highest ranked upper moon, you can’t help but let that thought sink in. There’s no doubt in the fact that he was once a truly handsome man.
The two of you sit opposite of each other, plainly staring in your faces without saying another word. You never felt anything apart from sorrow for those creatures, never allowed yourself to get lost in their features or to ponder about what they might have become. But this man…
“Did you use this breathing technique when you were still human?”
In the blink of an eye, the upper moon one draws his sword. Sparks fly, the air around you suddenly so hot that you almost feel like choking. What is that immense power of his? Are those…moons?  Out of instinct, you grab his arm. For support, to stop him? You don’t know anymore.
“Stop”, you cough out.
He lowers his blade, his free hand now grabbing your back and pulling you towards his chest.
“I was the only user of moon breathing for countless centuries. Until you showed up”, he clarifies distantly.
“Tell me how you conquered sun breathing. Tell me how you taught yourself this technique.”
His face is only inches away from yours, forces your breath to get stuck in your throat all over again.
“It just happened.”
“You will come with me.”
He starts dragging you along with him, the unusual flaming touch of his hand almost driving you insane. Just a few hours ago, you were on a mission to free a small village from the cruel hands of a demon. What about those innocent people? What about those poor souls who might get slaughtered at this very moment? You can’t just follow him like a lost puppy.
“Only under one condition.”
Slowly, the upper moon one turns his face towards you.
“You set conditions?”
“Free the village I was assigned to from those demons or otherwise…”
With a swift motion you draw your sword and press it firmly against your very own neck.
“Or otherwise, I’ll make sure I won’t be able to answer all of your questions.”
You find yourself devoured in his arms and pressed against a cool stone wall before you finished blinking once, now staring straight into his dangerous orbs.
“I don’t negotiate with something like that”, he presses out.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt @virtual-202 @blunderland
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colourstreakgryffin · 2 years ago
Can I order a Hashira! Reader X yan! uppermoons 1, 2 and 3? (Separate)
Reader is pretty short and seems like a weak hashira but nuh uh, don't judge a book by its cover. THEY CAN BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF MUZAN UNTIL HE HAS A NEW FEAR WHICH IS THEM (in short, they are stronger than Muzan himself but won't kill Muzan yet because they wanna do it with other fellow hashiras, no they are not a reincarnation of Yoriichi.) (I'm in love with OP readers BARK BARK BORK BARK BARK😍😍)
I love seeing muzan being a coward and having PTSD attacks😇🙏
Okay, so we’re Yoriichi once again. He does deserve the love so it makes sense, ima just pretend we are Yoriichi. Also Muzan does deserve some beatings so let’s go along with this
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Kokushibo feels the anarchy drop before him with his jaw, when he first meets you. You look helpless, unable to lift up a sword but you can easily square up with Muzan. He should be afraid but he isn’t, he is interested
Kokushibo is obsessed with seeing you after you beat the living hell into his Lord. He wants to learn more about you and his mind rots with that need. He doesn’t care to walk around the morning to find you again
Kokushibo loves admiring all kinds of random parts of you, alongside his passionate love. Your hobbies, your habits, your height, your patterns and schedules. He knows all of it down to the core and stalks you at night to see them again
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Douma cannot believe a mere human can lay hands on Muzan, ever since the longtime threat Yoriichi was disposed off. Douma almost wants to congratulate you, he is very impressed by you and your skills, despite how useless your tiny body looks
Douma eventually grows so insane for you, that doing literally anything is a challenge for him. He can’t stand being away from you, you’ve taken his heart away when you slapped the oblivion out of his Lord. What does he have to do to get you?!
Douma leaves gifts at your doorstep every morning and every night, on repeat. The style he expresses his horrific affection for you is to spoil you rotten, he can easily get this gifts and he doesn’t care to brave the woods for you. He blindly believes that he is winning you over with each gift
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Akaza is beyond shocked, his world breaks when he witnesses the smackdown of the year, dealt by a scrawny petite Hashira to the actual King of Demons and how effortlessly you did it, he is both shocked and impressed, what a incredible human! He thinks and thinks for days, if not months
Akaza originally just wanted to train to be able to beat you, you become his rival but then that temporary rivalry turns into a soul-devouring adoration. Turning his views and last ounce of morality into mush, he needs you and he needs you so bad
Akaza doesn’t understand why you want to kill Muzan with your stupid fellow Hashira. Why are you wasting your care on them, they are below you and he is, to a extend, but he doesn’t care. He will be near you as much as he possibly can, rather you be asleep or not
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m1khailingf · 7 months ago
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“I hate oc x canon ships” keep yourself safe
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pfpanimes · 2 years ago
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⌕ kimetsu no yaiba - kokushibo.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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arkanicdevotion · 4 months ago
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The grandpa (I love him dearly)
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urfavssins · 7 months ago
kokushibo from demon slayer. he could fit into like 3 different sins dawg 😭
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nyacat39 · 2 years ago
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Todays break sketch, felt like drawing someone going apeshit… and Kokushibo came to mind immediately so yea.
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saintkaylaa · 11 months ago
Needy Hashiras
❀ ╤╤╤╤ ꕥ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ꕥ ╤╤╤╤ ❀
𓆸 ft. kyojuro, uzui, giyuu, sanemi, yoriichi, & michikatsu (human kokushibo)
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note: your husband express how needy he is and how much he wants you!
warnings: cursing, sex, f!reader
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lyrefromthesea · 8 months ago
Blind reader x hashira + kokushibo? (since she's blind she doesn't know he's a demon?)
Please 🙃
Male hashira (+ Kokushibo) x Reader - Blindness is something I can overlook
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author's note: fun fact, i am partially colorblind.
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: none
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"i like these.." you told him, holding a small chain of jewelry in your hands. the man looked over your shoulder, a content hum leaving him.
normally, people wouldn't take a blind person to shop for accessories with them, but Tengen didn't seem to care. in fact, he had appeared quite eager to take you with him.
now here you were, trying to find a "flashy" - as he'd like to call it - accessory for him. not knowing how they looked, you decided to feel them instead.
some of them were lightly sharp, sure to leave small scratches on his skin. others were rounded and had a smooth surface. you preferred them over the sharp jewelry, but weren't happy with those either.
finally, when your hand brushed over diverse stones, you felt content with the jewelery you've found. it felt like a rope in your hand, but it was made out of small cold stones, which were the perfect mix of smoothness and sharpness.
they varied in size and shape, leaving a good impression on you. especially since they reminded you of the big stones on his headband. when you told him that you liked them, his eyes lit up.
"there's another one here." he said, taking the second chain into his hand. the cool color of the new accessory matched the pink diamonds he already wore.
"they're perfect, beautiful." he told you, giving the cashier a handful of money. he didn't wait to get the rest of his money back, too focused on the gift you've found him.
"are you just saying that or do you mean it?" you ask, yet you smiled right after, knowing that he was being honest when he talked to you.
"they're great - flashy. i'll make sure to wear them everywhere." he was already attaching them to the side of his headband, determined to keep his promise true.
yet you were only focused on the softness that had sneaked into his voice, showing his appreciation for the newfound treasure.
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he didn't mind your blindness, welcomed it even. he would've never admitted it to you, never told you - knowing it would probably hurt your feelings.
but he felt it was better that way, better for you not to see him. he was hideous and he knew it.
so why, after years of insecurity, he allowed someone to see his state of weakness. his heart nearly sunk when you asked him to let you see him.
he had told you it wasn't important, that he just needed to be there for you, but you had insisted and he couldn't deny you a single wish.
now he held himself back from moving away, his heart beating faster as he saw your hands nearing his uncovered face.
yet the contrast of his feelings and the soft warmth of your touch left him puzzled. you were sitting right next to him, hands cupping his cheek. more importantly, your thumbs were carefully tracing over his scars.
he knew you could feel the difference under your thumb, could feel how different he was from other people. part of him had expected you to leave him after finding out how hideous he truly looked.
"you're beautiful.." you whispered, his eyes widening like they've never done before. he was left speechless by your words, swallowing down his fear to respond.
"you don't have to lie." he answered, voice unstable. he couldn't believe that someone could love him, not when he was like this.
"i wish i could see you with my eyes." his trembling hands touched yours, squeezing them just lightly. he knew how much those words meant, you had never spoken them out before.
and it wasn't only your wish. he could feel the desire to make you see swell up in his own chest. to imagine that he thought differently before - it felt stupid to him now.
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"open your mouth and close your eyes!" he instructed, making you halt.
did he just? he did not, right? ..right?
"Kyojuro..?" you carefully said his name, making the man answer with a hum. he still held his spoon in hand, having wanted to give you a bite of his food.
you raised your hand, waving it in front of your face. it took him a moment to catch on, realizing that his words had been stupid to the core.
"oh- i certainly didn't-" he stopped when he heard you snort, wide eyes watching you smile and laugh. his heart started beating faster, his cheeks flushing.
you clearly weren't mad or disappointed, but he felt embarrassed for forgetting something so obvious. the words slipped out of his mouth before he could even register it.
"it's fine, don't worry." you answered, putting a comforting hand on his. you leaned forward, taking the spoon into your mouth and chewing on the food before swallowing it down.
"is that sashimi? it's really good." you complimented, the note of wasabi still lingering on your tongue.
"do you want me to order some more?" he asked, turning his hand around to hold yours. you hummed, a small smile forming on your face.
days like these were your favourite - the perfect mix of romantic and silly.
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"it should be around here.." you mumbled, pulling the white haired man with you. his eyes were fixated on your surroundings, trying to figure out what exactly drove you towards this place.
"ah- can you smell it?" you gasped, turning your head towards the right, trying to pick up on the floral scent lingering in the air.
"no.." he answered, shaking his head lightly. no matter what he thought off, he couldn't come up with a reason why you'd bring him here.
nevertheless, his legs continued moving, not because he was necessarily interested, but because he wanted to make you happy.
that's why his eyes widened when you walked past multiple trees, reaching a giant flower field.
now he understood what you were talking about, the floral aroma enveloping his senses. he felt you letting go of his hand, leaning down to pick one of the flowers and smell on it.
the field was beautiful, full of the prettiest flowers he had ever seen. however, he realized that was a sight you'd never experience, slowly lowering himself in the grass next to you.
he took one of the flowers, mimicking your actions and breathing in it's scent. if you couldn't see what he was seeing, he could at least try experiencing the same as you.
"it's beautiful.."
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"like this." his voice was quiet, but it sounded much thicker and lower than the night's silence. he had asked you to show him your hand, but when you asked how, he guided it into the correct position.
your palm was facing him, fingers feeling the wind brush between them, teasing you with light touches and the surrounding silence.
you felt his hand on yours, his fingers brushing over your palm, gently drawing different forms onto your skin.
"it tickles.." you whispered, a quiet chuckle escaping you when he started tapping along your skin. a gentle huff escaped him, the one that made you know he was smiling.
"that's how i feel when i see you.." he answered, his hand finally pressing against yours, fingers interlocking in a gentle hold.
you silently scooted closer, the night's air sending a comfortable chill over your body. it didn't take him long to hold you closer, letting his body's warmth settle into your skin.
"you make me feel ticklish all around.. sometimes i worry i won't be able to think when i see you." he admitted, coaxing a smile out of you.
he didn't mind that you couldn't see, because he could see your beauty either way.
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some might say it would be ironic for two blind people to fall in love or befriend each other, but it certainly worked out for the two of you.
you admired his strength and he admired yours. truthfully, he hadn't noticed you at first, hadn't questioned why you used another weapon than the other demon slayers, but it all made sense when he found out about your blindness.
"this is your weapon of choice?" he had asked when the two of you joined a mission. he held a long rope dart in his hand - your treasure. Haganezuka had created the weapon for you.
the usually normal rope was made out of a thin chain, helping you coordinate throughout the fight. naturally, Gyomei who also used a special weapon, was intrigued by it.
"due to my lack of strength, it's the only suitable weapon for me." you answered, your fingers tracing over the axe he carried around with him. it was much heavier than your weapon, fitting for the man, who was much taller than you.
"it is a good choice indeed. i admire your critical thinking skills." he admitted, a smile displaying on his face.
and though you would sadly never see the happy look he'd give you in the future, you certainly liked the content tone of his voice.
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he didn't remember his former loved ones. he didn't remember his wife. he didn't remember his child. their faces were a blur that he had created himself.
but you weren't. you were well. you were alive. he didn't need to remember the past when he could enjoy the presence with you.
his own human, the one he swore to protect. perhaps the gods have blessed him this time around, just like they had blessed his damned brother before.
the one person Kokushibo yearned to have just had to be a human. his surprise when he realized you weren't able to see was immaculate. he felt compassionate. and relieved.
"greetings.." the male spoke, stepping through the small gate of your house. the area was surrounded by wisteria, but like the gods had wanted him to find you, they left a small path for him.
"Kokushibo, it's you!" you smiled, standing up and letting go of the flowers in your hand. it took some time, but you managed to grow some in your garden.
the demon watched you move towards him, affectionately taking his hand like you've known each other forever. "you came back earlier this time."
"i happened to have a bit of free time.." he answered, low voice filling you with contentedness. while he made sure to look at you, his other eyes glanced at the garden.
the world could be dangerous for a blind person, but you've built your own small paradise between the rows of poisonous trees.
"let's get you inside, it's quite cold." you said, leading him towards the entrance of your very own home.
he wondered if he could keep up this facade of trust or if you would hate him after you've found out that the enemy stood in your house.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 1 year ago
Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period.
Main Masterlist
KNY Masterlist
Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Blood, smut, sexual themes, oral sex; female receiving, oral sex during period, face sitting, mentions about fingering, drinking blood, eating human flesh.
Summary: Headcanons on the upper three and Muzan helping a marechi s/o through her period while keeping their stomachs full.
W/C: 2.5k+
In the time you’d been together, he had yet to smell your blood, it was hard enough to be placed in the situation when he always made sure you weren’t injured whenever he was around, and as such a high-ranking demon, he lacked the privilege to spend as much time with you as wanted, so the timings hadn’t lined properly for him to be present during your period either, but when they finally did without you being aware of your unique type of blood, to say the least, neither of you were ready.
Muzan Kibutsuji
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Takes full advantage of the situation.
Has to take a step back to steady himself the first time he smells you.
Is initially worried you’re injured at first.
Plays his cards right and shows initial concern despite your body doing a normal biological function.
Is more physically affectionate to get you to lower your guard even more.
Gets you to admit out loud that you’re in physical pain.
Suggests helping you ease the pain.
Had never buried his face between your legs before.
Was actually kind of sexist about it and would’ve felt inferior if he placed your legs on either side of his head, because why would the demon king do that?
Still tried to refuse but smelling your marechi blood didn’t help.
Having a monthly supply of marechi blood sounded tempting enough.
So he suggests easing your pain.
Surprises you by finally spreading your legs after laying between them.
Keeps you around him for the entirety of the week.
Takes you wherever he needs to go to keep you close.
But never near any demons.
If necessary, he has Kokushibo watch over you.
Doesn’t necessarily refuse to not have you in his presence.
But refuses to leave you alone and unguarded for other demons to try and eat you.
Knows that Kokushibo won’t even consider so much as laying a finger at you.
Still refuses to get on his knees for you.
You always have to lay down for him.
Forbids you from wearing anything under your kimono to have easier access.
Instantly smells whenever your blood’s about to stain the expensive fabric of your kimono.
Licks you clean every time he smells you starting to bleed.
Which is multiple times throughout the day.
As soon as you express being relieved from the pain, he uses it as an excuse.
Prefers you thinking he genuinely and solely wants to care for his favorite human rather than admitting that he needs to feed like any living creature.
Because he refuses to so much as get on his knees for you, he obviously even more so refuses to have you sit on his face.
Not even hover.
If you ever suggest it, he’ll give you the meanest side eye and refuse to speak to you for days.
Still will not eat you out outside of your period.
The moans entering Muzan’s ears easily sounded different than usual, similar to the first time he had you take his heavy cock in your lower area, where he was currently lapping at you for the first time with half lidded eyes in a relaxed expression while laying on his stomach for you, hands on either of your thighs which obediently remained spread open for him with ease due to how the rest of your body had fallen limp upon the first lick.
He had his doubts at first, but he had to admit, it’s awfully convenient to have a marechi lover who was so willing to hike up the expensive kimono and spread open the legs beneath it to allow him to feed rather than having to go through the trouble of going out of his way for people to eat. A louder moan fills the room as he dips his tongue inside your sensitive opening after having licked clean your labia.
A shaky hand reaches for his hair in attempt to pull him closer only to be pushed away rather gently by the man at your thighs. Normally, he would’ve slapped away the hand because despite actually bearing affection for you, how dare you try to command him in any way, however, he supposes the meal you’re offering him is enough for him to turn a blind eye to your insolence… once.
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Very concerned for your health when he finds out.
Initially thinks you’re injured upon smelling your blood for the first time.
Takes a second (one too long in his opinion) to regain his composure after the scent of your blood makes him feel dizzy.
The opposite of Muzan.
Has eaten you out before.
And doesn’t mind doing it.
Genuinely suggests relieving your pain for your benefit.
Takes great pride in taking care of you.
Hardly even thinks of you as a source of food with how much he prioritizes easing your pain.
But does acknowledge that you’re keeping him well fed.
Another one that keeps you with him every time you’re on your period (they all do).
Doesn’t think much about if he likes or not getting on his knees for you.
But knows your height differences would make it a bit uncomfortable.
And prefers you lay down for your own comfort.
Will also eat you out whenever he smells blood on the way.
Enjoys doing so but does it mainly for your safety as to not attract any demons.
Doesn’t just drink your blood but also plays with your clit to actively give you orgasms to counter your cramps.
Gently rubs your lower stomach to further help with your cramps.
Or grazes it very lightly with his fingertips to give you goosebumps if he’s in a teasing mood.
Slows the pace after each orgasm as to not overstimulate you before picking it up again.
Overall treats you like a porcelain doll.
Would give you a break if you asked.
Even if you’re still bleeding
So long as you’re always close to him so he can keep you safe.
Soft gentle tugs to your clit force heavy breaths out through your nose, the occasional pinch making you clench around the soft pink tongue moving along your insides with your back tensing and arching off the futon briefly before a hand gently pushes down your stomach to press you back against the fabric beneath you in attempt to get you to relax, the tongue carefully moving back and forth as to not overwhelm your sensitive insides.
His eyes peek open when he feels your legs starting to tremble on either side of his face, the hand over your lower stomach carefully rubbing over the skin doing little to soothe you, his first pair of eyes looking at you due to your different than usual movements, unable to read any expression from your head being thrown back. “Are you alri-” He’s interrupted by your body falling limp against him and the unmistakable noise of you hitting your orgasm.
He’s quick to react and have his fingers gently rub at your clit, slowly licking over your leaking opening, his reasoning settling on your different reactions being from your current sensitive state. His eyes fall back shut again without his own hands failing to continue their ministrations, set on taking care of you and making sure you’re carefully brought back down from your own high as to not overstimulate you while you let him eat his fill.
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Doesn’t even occur to him that you might be injured.
Knows that he would’ve been notified if you’d been injured.
Also takes full advantage of the situation.
Absolutely delighted to find out you’re a marechi.
He’s been surrounded by plenty women before and has eaten enough to know what a period is obviously.
As well as eaten marechi women before.
But has never stumbled upon a marechi woman on her period.
Is baffled that it never occurred to him to keep a marechi woman by his side for a monthly supply.
Immediately asks to feed off of you rather than asking to help with your cramps.
Used to have you on him 97% of times, now it’s 100%.
Eats you out wherever, whenever and however.
Very vocal about it.
Constant praises on your taste.
Gets actually hungry while tasting you.
But remembers that you’re a fragile human who he genuinely enjoys having around and therefore would rather not hurt you.
So he treats you as an appetizer instead.
And proceeds to eat one of the other women around after you’ve stopped bleeding.
Keeps you on him under every circumstance.
Even if Muzan calls him over.
Promises to do as Muzan says and be on his best behavior which he actually fulfills much to Muzan’s surprise.
If you were to actually be apart from him, he would ask in all seriousness for you to save your blood for him for later in a jar.
Another one who would forbid you from wearing anything under your kimono.
Probably forbids you from doing so even when you aren’t on your period.
Doesn’t even warn you when he smells you starting to bleed and immediately goes under your kimono.
If there’s anyone nearby when you start bleeding, immediately orders them to leave.
For your sake.
If it were up to him, he’d bury his face between your legs right then and there.
Messy eater.
Will definitely take you on his beanbag.
Will treat your period (as well as your fucking sessions) like some type of bingo or a list that needs to have locations where he’s taken you crossed off.
You feel yourself sink further into the large pillow beneath you with your legs kept hiked to your chest, loud continuous moans coming from the blonde between said legs, the incessant noises coming from him having won long ago against your own. A slight shift of your body moves your untied kimono further open with it finally slipping off your breasts and exposing your nipples to the cold air, the elegant fabric bunching around your torso between the folds of the pillow.
“Ohh, you taste just heavenly my darling.” Douma smiles after lifting his head from your bloodied messy folds, letting you take in the sight of his chin drenched in your blood, fluids starting to trickle down to his neck followed by his tongue swiping across it. “Now sit pretty for me and let me eat…” He coaxes in a low tone while slowly lowering himself, continuing to delve his tongue into your opening.
While a knot started to form in the pit of your stomach, the hollow filling in the pit of Douma’s own stomach started to grow, tempting him with having more than just a taste of your blood, but he couldn’t, he’d never forgive himself. He shuts down his thoughts and instead licks you with more vigor, his mind wandering to other women who he’d much rather eat before you, maybe the one who’d been just slightly less polite than usual when attending you, maybe she’d be able to satiate his hunger for a while.
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Is terrified when he smells your blood for the first time.
Especially when he notices what type of blood it is.
Immediately assumes the worst.
Thanks whatever higher power there is when he sees you’re fine.
Gets headaches from trying to keep himself in control.
And still refuses to leave you alone.
Absolutely would never under any circumstances let Douma get remotely near you regardless of whatever situation you’re in.
Would never suggest eating you out to relieve the pain because he doesn’t want you to think he’s using you for food
But wouldn’t blatantly tell you no if you asked.
Would need a lot of convincing to say yes.
Would be really worried because what if he accidentally hurts you.
Is also worried that what if he genuinely gets hungry while trying to make you feel better.
Would be very hesitant due to his rule against eating women.
But tries to convince himself it’s alright because he’s not actually eating you.
Because he secretly is very curious and tempted to try it out.
Finally says yes when your cramps get unbearable.
Absolutely loses it upon his first taste.
Would already eat you out regularly for his own pleasure.
But would do it with dignity composure.
Now gets overly pussy drunk.
Doesn’t stop even after you’re clean.
Just continues while waiting for the next wave of blood.
Eats you out like a starved animal when you’re on your period.
Another messy eater.
Doesn’t leave your side for your safety.
And your mutual pleasure.
Would enjoy you sitting on his face.
But fails to notice how he refuses to let you leave your seat once you’ve sat.
Despite eating you out mostly for his own pleasure, doesn’t forget yours and uses his fingers to give you as many orgasms as he can as a thanks for keeping him fed.
Has no shame in licking his fingers clean in front of you.
Makes sure to still give you plenty of head regularly after your period so you don’t feel like he just sees you as food.
Would wonder in the back of his head if your blood alone can make him strong enough to surpass the other upper ranks.
Would be damned if Douma found out what he’s doing.
“Are you su-” “Yes.” Akaza’s quick to respond, trying to hold himself back from yanking you down, instead, gently guiding you lower to take a seat on his face. It’d been a few cycles since he finally started eating you out during your period and in that time, he’d grown addicted, though that would be an understatement. And though he still much enjoyed spending his days face buried between your legs even outside your cycle, during was something far preferable.
In the last few times he’d helped you through your difficult time of the month, he started feeling as though it wasn’t enough, no, rather he wanted more, and so he suggested something new, something you’d never know if he’d thought about himself, seen somewhere or heard of. Once you feel your lower area come into contact with him a sigh escapes you with his tongue starting to move along you, pressing over your clit, licking between your folds, circling your opening and licking clean every crevice.
He continues to suffocate himself in the intoxicating smell of your blood and decides it still isn’t enough, not with you hovering. A yelp leaves your mouth at the sudden yank of your legs being pulled upward folded against each other by a pair of strong hands with you falling completely sat on Akaza’s face, a muffled moan heard from under you pulling your gaze toward him, taking in the expression of his eyes rolled to the back of his head while his tongue invaded your insides, refusing to stop tasting you.
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shycroissanti · 6 months ago
I grabbed a pen and drew a bunch of quick sketches of random KNY characters, it was really fun xD
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This is my favorite of all xD
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I hope you enjoyed this post, consider helping me by reblogging it (*^▽^*)💖
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year ago
(y/n) sparing Kokushibo's life for him to save her
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Pairing: Kokushibo x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,9k
Synopsis: You find yourself standing in front of none other than the upper moon one. And while you know your chances are low and that your life might end in the dusk of day, you are able to cage Kokushibo into the upgoing sun. Until his eyes are filled with sorrow, until you make a decicion that might cost your life...
Warnings: this is my first ever Kokushibo fic so please let me know what you think! Like for Yorichii, I inserted a few pics into the fanfic itself so be prepared, angst to fluff, not proofread yet, NO MANGA SPOILERS 🤍
Special thanks to my dear @lavenderdrxp for the request!
The cold air of the night lashes against your sensitive skin without mercy, only warmed by your blood that runs down your frame like rivers. You are so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of your life. Why did you decide on becoming a demon slayer, developing into a quite skilled hashira? Right, because one of them murdered your whole village without blinking, because you wanted to protect humans from their cruel hands.
Your fingers start to tremble uncontrollably while you hold onto your sword for dear life, the handle smeared in crimson. The second you laid your eyes on him, felt his presence, you saw death itself. You’ve never encountered one of the upper moons carefully chosen by Muzan Kibutsuji himself. Until today, you were so keen to win this endless fight, thought you’d stand a chance against the demon king.
“Give up your dreams and die.”
But the man in front of you is the upper moon one. The man in front of you was able to almost kill you with just one skilled slash of his sword. Is this how you’ll die? In a 10-minute fight with a demon? Of course, you always knew your life would end like this. After all, this is the fate of a demon slayer, this is what you chose.
But…you don’t want to die. You want to live a long and healthy life, want to eat mochis until sunset and play cards with your friends.
“I will never give up”, you press out, dashing forward over and over again.
Your body begs you to stop and rest, to let your blade fall and never return to this life. But instead, you stare into his cold eyes, those beautiful colourful orbs that would fascinate you in another situation. How did a man like him end up being such a powerful demon?
“Foolish human. Do you really think you are able to defeat me?”
Your eyes dart up to the sky above. That cursed night that makes it possible for these creatures to walk on earth freely. But that faint shimmer of orange tells you that day will soon arrive, that maybe…
It might be stupid to even consider a win, that you’ll make it out of here alive. But if you are able to entertain him for a couple more minutes and trap him until sunrise, you’d be able to not only escape, but kill him.
Your mind starts to race, eyes scanning his body up and down. He’s quite tall and muscular, it won’t be easy to defeat him without any weapons. No, not even your katana will be enough. But maybe the poison you created with Shinobu-san will be.
“Use this against a demon whenever you feel like you can’t defeat him otherwise. This will make any demon unable to move for at least a few minutes.”
Every demon, she said. Every demon definitely includes the man standing in front of you. But will this be enough, are you actually skilled enough to even hit him? You need to inject the poison into his body, meaning a slice with your poisoned blade would be more than enough.
But that means you have to land a hit.
“You’re a fool if you really think I’ll give up so easily.”
Kokushibo needs to move, needs to end this fight before the sun starts to rise. You’re a hashira, his worst enemy. But instead, he can’t help but stare at you through the darkness of the night. You seem so unbothered by his presence, so confident in your abilities that it simply sweeps him off his feet.
Are you actually dumb enough to underestimate him? No, the fact that you keep your save distance to his sword tells him more than urgently that you know very well who is standing in front of you. No, your firm believe in yourself is enough to make you stand your ground.
And again, you dash towards him, holding onto your sword so tightly that your knuckles stand out white. He dodges your attack with ease, slicing through your tender flesh too light to hurt you critically. Oh, he knows all too well that he’s holding back, that you should be dead already. Why is he not able to end this fight, to finally get rid of you? Your eyes seem to gleam in the darkness, light up the word around him. When was the last time he saw the sun? He can’t remember. But your eyes have to be close.
A sudden pain crawling up his back rips him out of his pondering. What was that? Did you manage to hit him, is the sun starting to rise? Slowly he turns around, eyes finding your cramped-up figure on the floor. His flesh starts to heal in an instant, the only hint for your attack being a minor cut in his cloak. Yes, you indeed managed to hit him.
“I thought you are a hashira. Aren’t you aware that as a demon, I’m healing in an instant?”
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Your heavy breaths hang in the air between both of you, your blood discolouring the forest ground crimson while your hands dig into the mud. This was all you’ve had left. It has to be enough, the poison has to function. Otherwise…
Your tired eyes dart towards him and the way he slowly approaches you. Will this be your end? Like in slow motion he raises his sword over your head, ready to behead you. At least you did what you could, faced him with everything you’ve head. Becoming a demon slayer meant being ready to give your life sooner or later. You allow your lids to rest, awaiting the bow of his sharp blade in silence. At least your end will be graceful, right?
But instead of his sharp blade, you are greeted by his tall figure crashing into you onto the ground. Is this real? Did the poison work? You force your eyes open, heart almost beating out of your chest when you begin to realize.
You made it. Despite the stinging fact that this man is the upper moon one, you somehow managed to stand up against him and steal his ability to move.
“You…poisoned…me”, he presses out.
What a fool he was for sparing your life when he had the chance to kill you so easily. Now the sun slowly but surely starts to rise, makes his skin burn uncomfortably while his venomous eyes stare right through your soul. You really are a brave one, bright orbs set on him while you free yourself from the pressure of his body above you.
“I did what I have to do. You are my enemy.”
Yes, you have to remind yourself over and over again. It doesn’t matter that his facial features suddenly begin to soften, you really don’t care about the way he stares into the rising sun. No, it doesn’t bother you that he looks almost…hurt.
“I haven’t seen a sunrise for a long time”, he mumbles.
“I love to see the sun rise. There is no better feeling than the first warm rays of the day against bare skin and that striking colours painted in the sky.”
“You look exactly like a woman who adores sunrises”, he comments so tenderly that you rip your gaze away from the orange sky for a second.
“And you look like a man who did as well”, you reply without thinking twice.
In the dim light he looks breathtakingly gorgeous. Yes, there is no doubt that this demon once was a handsome man with the kindest eyes. You hold your breath, the mark engraved into his eye reminding you more than urgently that this man is indeed a powerful demon. You should leave him to the sheer force of the sun, let him burn for all the sins he committed. But instead, a deep grief holds onto your heart tightly.
“I did indeed.”
Is that a tear escaping his eye? No, impossible. No demon you ever encountered cried, regretted his actions. Does he feel the presence of death haunting after him, the way his skin starts to burn under the first rays of sunshine? His forehead starts to redden before catching fire, making a deep whimper escape his lips.
“Do you want to live on?”
What a stupid question to ask, how reckless to even talk to him. Why does your hand cup his cheek all of the sudden, why do you feel sorry for one of the strongest demons in existence?
“Maybe dying in the upgoing sun is more than I am able to ask for”, he speaks out slowly and reserved.
Your mind starts to raise, comes up with a plan more poisonous than anything Shinobu has ever created. This is ridiculous to even think about, you are a demon slayer, a hashira to be exact. The thought alone is ridiculous.
But not ridiculous enough to stop yourself from grabbing him under his armpits and start hovering him into the safety of the thick woods, away from the dangerous rays of sunshine. You feel like fainting, your very own blood following you behind like a trail while you huff in exhaustion. But still, you keep on moving, shield his body from the sun with your blood-soaked coat while all he does is staring at the angelic sky.
This will be the death of you, as soon as he regains the power over his body, he’ll slice you into pieces. Why? Why are you not strong enough to outstand your pity, why weren’t you able to leave him to his fate? Instead, you find yourself hauling him up a pair of stairs leading into an abandoned cottage you’ve known for years. This is your safe place, your retreat from this cruel world.
And this will be the place you lose your life in.
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You fall onto the cold wooden floor the second the door behind both of you is closed, your mouth tasting like iron while coughing up blood. You must be severely injured, given the fact how numb your body starts to feel and how your heart seems to beat slower with every passing minute.
Your eyes catch his shadow next to you, how it builds up into its old frightening gloom. The poison must have worn off, gave him back the ability to move freely. You swallow hard, glossy eyes widened in thick horror.
This will be your end.
“Why did you save me?”
His dark voice sends shivers down your spine, the sheer presence of his powers alone while laying on the floor helplessly almost making you lose your composure.
“I don’t know”, you mumble in response, voice nothing more than a fade away whisper.
His heavy yet light footsteps make the floor vibrate underneath his weight when he crosses the room and comes to a stand in front of you. All you can do is stare at his feet next to your head, waiting for your certain death.
“I’m the upper moon one”, he reminds you.
“And I’m…a hashira…”
You feel the wood next to you give in under his weight as he kneels down next to you, six eyes staring at you intensely. Why…why is he still hesitating? It wouldn’t be hard to kill you in the state you are in, even though the sun now almost fully rose. What a victory, killing another hashira off with ease, coming closer to being the strongest.
Kokushibo can’t help but admire you for the way you still carry yourself with so much pride. Despite the fact that you’ll die within an hour if not treated, despite his sheer presence by your side, your eyes still hold contact with his unwavering. Like in trance he leans forward, lets go of the handle of his sword for the first time since forever. As gentle as his hands remember to move, he places them onto your stomach, watches as your eyes fill with dread. Is he even able to use his powers after all this time ignoring them? He has to try.
The room lights up in red as your body seems to burn alive, a silent scream escaping your lips before you are able to stop it. Out of instinct, you grab on of his hands, hold onto it tightly while waiting for the sharp pain haunting down your body.
But nothing happens. No, it almost feels as if…your pain slowly fades away.
“You…You healed me”, you breathe out in utter disbelief, chest rising and falling so sharply that oxygen refuses to fill your lungs.
Your hands wander around your body rapidly, scan every inch of your busted skin to be greeted by nothing.
“You healed me.”
“You saved me”, he replies briefly, hands still pressed onto your stomach ever so slightly.
Time stands still, the only thing you can think about are his eyes. The eyes that were filled with sorrow when staring into certain death, the eyes that roamed around your body to check for your injuries, the eyes that are now locked with yours.
“Thank you.”
“I need to thank you as well”, he answers calmly.
You don’t know what to say. Is all of this just a dream? This creature, this force of a man kneeling next to you is none other than the upper moon one, the most dangerous demon after Muzan Kibusuji himself. But he didn’t kill you. No, in fact he even healed your severe wounds, saved your life instead of sinking his teeth into you.
He spared you.
Your life was saved by a demon.
“Join the demon slayer corps. Come with me.”
Your words leave your mouth faster than you are able to even think, regret immediately washing over you like a wave. What on earth were you just saying?
“Did you forget how I am?”
“In exchange for saving your life”, you continue.
He just stares at you, eyes widen in sheer surprise. He expected everything when he followed your tracks tonight, the mission Muzan Kibutsuji entrusted Kokushibo with still present in his mind. It was fairly simple: Kill the hashira with the bright orbs, the girl on her way to a nearby village flooded by demons.
But now that he’s sitting right next to you, his hands still resting against your stomach, your heartbeat pounding against his palms, he simply can’t imagine to end your life right here and now. No, the urge to brush his fingertips over your cheek just once, to feel the heat of your skin becomes almost unbearable. Is it because of your innocent eyes, because you saved him despite he injured you severely?
“We live in different worlds, (y/n). It is simply impossible for me to be a part of yours.”
Your stomach drops by the way he says your name, breath getting stuck in your throat. You’ve seen countless demons in your life, always hated every single one with all of your heart. But this man showed you his real face, that he is still human after all these years. Maybe there is still hope, maybe turning into a demon doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Maybe…maybe you’ll be able to save Tanjiro Kamado’s sister.
“Promise that we’ll meet each other again. Promise me that you’ll visit me here right here again soon”, you urge.
Kokushibo is los at words, lost in your bright orbs, lost in your tenderness. Not so long ago, he was on his way to end your life violently, to kill you and leave with the arrival of the sun. But now he finds himself right by your side, his mind wandering just by the exciting thought of meeting you again.
“I will visit you again”, he finally gives in.
“Good”, you breathe out.
“Now, tell me a little about yourself. After all, we are trapped here until the sun goes down.”
“I don’t enjoy talking that much.”
“Come on…”
-one year later-
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Your eyes gleam in the down-going sun, whole body electrified in excitement. Only a few minutes before the sun is gone, only a few minutes until you finally see him again. As much as you adore the play of colours in the sky just before the sun sets, you started to love the tenderness of the night far more.
Because it means he’s able to walk freely, because it means finally seeing him again.
“There you are, sweetheart.”
Your heart skips a beat, cheeks already heating up before you even turned around. You wrap your arms around his tall figure in an instant, his thumb gently stroking over your forehead.
"I still despise that scar", he states, eyes lost in your sight.
He was the one who did this to you, the one who almost killed you that night.
“That was long ago, Koku, please don't worry about it. I missed you, where have you been?”
There he stands as charismatic as ever, his sheer presence alone signalling nothing but power. You never fail to notice that he’s around no matter where you are, looking after you while fighting off demons. Oh, how much he hates to hide in the shadow, to keep his affection a secret. But there is no way he’ll allow any other upper moon to harm a single hair on your body, let alone Muzan Kibutsuji himself.
Gently, you wrap your arms around him the way he adores so much, rest your head against his chest while he strokes your hair gently.
“I need to keep you save, I am not risking your life over one meeting, (y/n)”, he explains in all seriousness.
“I’d rather die than not seeing you”, you reply with a grin.
“Don’t say that, (y/n)”, he warns you while wrapping his arms tighter around your waist.
Need more? Click here for my Yoriichi x fem!reader fic!
Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @kayleegomez @snowywhiterose @chosomybeloved3
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
HELLO CAN I GET A TRIPLE FLUFF PLEASE 😩🥺 i'll get a kokushibo, doma, and akaza's reactions (separate) to reader giving them 🥰cute😘 nicknames
Oooh! Okay, this is rather simple and I think I have a idea! I hope you all like this, loves!
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Kokushibo is very surprised when you call ‘Kitten’. He doesn’t really know how to respond but he, for sure, does like it!
Kokushibo suspects you to always call him ‘Kitten’ now and he gets a bit upset when you don’t. Maybe his request is ridiculous but he just loves the nickname
Kokushibo is soft and shy about the nicknames and he likes to try give you one back as a fair exchange. He has one, so do you
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Douma is the only one who isn’t shocked or surprised by your nickname. No, he smirks maliciously and throws a flirty nickname back at you
Douma doesn’t really care about how often you call him ‘Kitten’, infact, he only wants to hear it when he is getting down and dirty with you. He is naughty like that
Douma is the most forward of the three tops. He doesn’t mind you calling him any nickname and him doing it back in public, he sees it as a gesture of romance and he is very into it
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Akaza truly can’t respond properly and his brain skips over, trying to process this sudden nickname with no context to it. You think he is that cute?
Akaza is far too embarrassed for you to call him kitten in any other environment but a private one. Don’t downgrade him to something so little, do that when you’re both alone
Akaza wants to impress you the best he can so he will nickname you back in the cutest form he can. He is quite inexperienced but he does his best in all honesty
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whatyousae · 7 months ago
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he should have rethought before putting a ring on your finger. here he was staring at the powerpoint you quickly made before he got home.
"my handsome caring husband, this is one of many reasons why we shoul-"
you gasp at him before whining. "come onnn, aren't you atleast curious about my powerpoint?" you pouted at him stomping your feet on the floor. he sighed rubbing his temples before looking at your powerpoint. "i already know it's about those stupid cats."
"THEY AREN'T STUPID!" you yell at him as you show him the cat pictures in the powerpoint. "don't tell me you don't find them adorable." shoving the laptop near his face, he closes the laptop before pretending to think about it.
"what do you mean no!?, they are so adorable and cuddly and so sweet!" as you ramble about the cats he pays no attention to what you say. just focusing on his wife.
he always disagrees with adopting a cat because he wants all your attention on him.
bluelock: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, micheal kaiser, shouei barou, rensuke kunigami (emo version), your favs!
kimetsu no yaiba: iguro obanai, shinazugawa sanemi, kibutsuji muzan, mitchikatsu, your favs!
jujutsu kaisen: fushiguro toji, ryomen sukuna, naoya zenin, your favs!
@2024 whatyousae do not repost, copy, translate.
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afolksongs · 20 days ago
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arkanicdevotion · 5 months ago
New art after awhile, not Pressure related sorry sorry
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I love creatures with many eyes it's insane, so have Kokushibo as a kitsune! This is the design headshot test, I will sooner or later make him a full body and probably will do other characters!
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