#kim yeong hu x kang seok chan
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bitchofdarkness · 4 months ago
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The Devil I know
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smokingbasterd · 4 months ago
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In hopes of cheering up my friend @bitchofdarkness I have tried myself on a Sweet Home fic. The pairing is Kim Yeonghu/Kang Seokchan and the story is 2032 words long.
You can read Yours here.
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professionalmenkisser · 7 months ago
I'm such a fucking loser that I cry while reading gay sex fanfics
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bitchofdarkness · 5 months ago
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A little something for the Halloween event @neohumanmonster is throwing. A Ghost AU, tiny fic under the cut or if you prefer AO3, you can read it here.
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Having a dead boyfriend meant he couldn't just call or text him whenever he wanted, but there were other options, Yeong-hu soon realized. A Ouija board came in handy, when he couldn't make it to the graveyard— which sadly was the only place Seok-chan could materialize into a solid form. Who would've thought a simple spell done as teenagers would actually work to bind them forever. Yeong-hu surely hadn't.
And whenever they weren't talking, Yeong-hu had no idea what his boyfriend was doing exactly and where he'd gone. One time Seok-chan had told him something about a parallel world, like a mirrored version to the one Yeong-hu was living in.
As he hurried to their date, he was almost hit by a car— luckily he dodged it. The further away from the city and closer to the graveyard he got, the quieter it was. Less people around, but Yeong-hu preferred it that way. It made him look less like a crazy person.
He knew Seok-chan had lost his sense of time after he died, but Yeong-hu still apologized when he got there. "Had a near death experience," he huffed a laugh, accepting the scolding he got from his boyfriend. "I'm fine, don't worry."
"Are you sure?" Seok-chan asked, looking around the graveyard in confusion. "You're here and I haven't entered the world of the living yet."
Yeong-hu allowed himself to take a closer look around, noticing the dark red tint to the sky, the lack of birds flying around. "Oh," he brought out as the realization hit him. "Did I really take long to get here?"
"I mean," Seok-chan started to say, scratching his neck, "You did take longer than usually."
The weight of it pulled him down to his knees and Seok-chan sank slowly down with him. "I'm dead." Yeong-hu stated calmly.
Seok-chan reached out to hold his hand, squeezing his lovingly, "That's not a bad thing, you know," he said, trying to make eyes contact with him as Yeong-hu looked down at their hands, "The good news is that I can show you around the city now and we can both live in your apartment again. It'll be fine."
"What about my parents?" Yeong-hu responded, his eyes burning with tears, "They must be so devastated."
A cool but soft hand wiped his tears away. "Death is part of life," Seok-chan told him, holding his face now before kissing his forehead, "I felt the same way when I died, but you were there— a steady rock to hold onto," Seok-chan admitted, "Let me be your rock from now on."
Yeong-hu was held in an embrace of pure warmth and slowly, he allowed himself to sink into Seok-chan as he cried for his lost life and the family he left behind. Thankfully, Seok-chan was at his side, just like he'd promised him to be.
Not even death could keep them apart.
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bitchofdarkness · 5 months ago
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Goodbye Kiss
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bitchofdarkness · 6 months ago
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Title: Favorite View Rating: Mature Pairing: Kim Yeong-hu/Kang Seok-chan A/N: I tried a new writing site and ended up with this. Summary: Seok-chan likes to draw in his free time. A lot of those sketches have a certain someone as muse. Word count: 2,9k
Seok-chan was just getting the chin of his sergeant right, when he felt a heavy arm across his shoulder, “When are you going to confess?” Seo-jin asked and Seok-chan wiggled the arm off of him. “Can’t take a joke, Private Kang?”
“It’s a lame joke, Sergeant Min,” Seok-chan countered, “You use it too often, it’s losing its charm.” He told him, shutting his sketchbook before Seo-jin could notice any of the other practice sketches on the pages before this. Perhaps he was sketching Sergeant Kim an unhealthy amount, but it wasn’t Seok-chan’s fault the man was just fun to draw. Easy too, since Yeong-hu tended to stay perfectly still in one spot long enough for Seok-chan to get him right. “Don’t you have anything better to do than pestering me?” Seok-chan snarked and was now playfully choked by Seo-jin’s arm.
The sergeant didn’t let up from him as Seok-chan fought for his life in silence. When he hit him over the head with his sketchbook, it alerted Sergeant Kim not too far away from them, “Hey! Cut it out you two,” Yeong-hu reprimanded both of them. Their superior let out a short huff of disappointment before he was back talking to Jin-ho.
Seo-jin backed away with a low cackled, clearly amused at the fact that Seok-chan had been scolded as well.
Usually, Seok-chan wasn’t petty, but in this case he lunged at Seo-jin’s head again with the sketchbook, the loud bonk of the hard cover meeting Seo-jin’s empty head caught Yeong-hu’s attention once more.
Read everything on AO3
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bitchofdarkness · 7 months ago
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Title: Last Farewell Rating: General Audiences Pairing: Kang Seok-chan/Kim Yeong-hu, Bang Jin-ho/Tak In-hwan A/N: This one is definitely sad, I'm not gonna lie. But I'm honestly just trying to cope through all my feelings for what happened in s3. Summary: Bang Jin-ho finds Sergeant Kim on the roof. They talk. Word count: 1,841
How strange it was to live in an apartment again. Jin-ho was still not used to it, even though he was sharing his with Dong-jun, it felt empty at times. Like there were supposed to be twenty more people around them. The quietness was what mostly got to him. There was no need to be too careful anymore, but his comrades and the survivors had learned how to live without making too much sound.
This was how he found himself on the roof. Dong-jun called it his bird watching time, but really it was only to feel the wind, hear the sounds of a half-alive city around them. Jin-ho wasn’t alone, he noticed, when he got to the last couple of stairs. The door was open and he could make out the back of Sergeant Kim. He was perched on the edge, his legs probably dangling off in the air. It’s a spot where Jin-ho liked to sit as well. The vast view of their broken Seoul had something beautiful at times.
Upon his approaching steps, he heard the clinking of metal as Sergeant Kim’s arm moved as if he was stuffing something in his pocket. “You wouldn’t jump, Sergeant, would you?” Jin-ho said as he leaned against the ledge with his back to the city.
You can find the rest on AO3
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bitchofdarkness · 7 months ago
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Title: Secret Third Thing Rating: Teen and Up Audience Pairing: Kim Yeong-hu/Kang Seok-chan A/N: brainrot is still brainrotting. As promised, the happy fic for the happy-sad-happy fic sandwich. Personally I think if Yeong-hu had been a bit meaner to Dr. Lim, a lot would've been different xD Summary: Everything's the same, but Kim Yeong-hu threatened Dr. Lim in a very important moment to turn the events the slightest bit around. Word count: ~6k
“Where’d you get the candy?” Yeong-hu asked as they made it into the office. He didn’t recall sweets being on the recent list of raided goods.
Seok-chan took out another one and held it out to him, “Here,” he insisted until Yeong-hu finally accepted, “I only found those two and didn’t see the point in documenting them,” Seok-chan admitted, “Originally, I wanted us to share them, but she looked like she needed a pick-me-up more than either of us,” he said.
“You said it’s your favorite, you should have it,” Yeong-hu replied, trying to give it back, but Seok-chan just went out of reach, telling him to just eat the damn candy.
He only came back and leaned against Yeong-hu’s desk again when the candy finally disappeared between his lips. It was the sweetest food he’d had in over a year. Maneuvering the bonbon to his cheek, he joking ly suggested, “We could still share,” but then decided to go through with it when he saw how flustered Seok-chan got. He sucked on the little sugar ball once more before he leaned into Seok-chan’s space and took it out, smacking his lips. The sweetness made his mouth water.
“What-“ that was as far as he got before Yeong-hu simply slid the candy into Seok-chan’s mouth. A perplexed look crossing his face and then he started to undoubtedly move it around with his tongue. It ended up in Seok-chan’s cheek, making him look like a hamster smuggling nuts. “This is so unsanitary, Sir,” he complained around the candy, but didn’t take it out.
“Like you care,” Yeong-hu countered, the many shared cigarettes, water bottles and chopsticks a testament to his statement, “Don’t forget to give it back, idiot.” This caused a delicious blush to appear on Seok-chan’s cheeks that his subordinate tried to hide by looking down. Unsuccessfully.
He should’ve kisses him back then, Yeong-hu realized. Right in that moment and it would’ve been perfect, but he let it pass him and then someone barged into the office and ruined the mood with bad news. 
Find out where this scene is by reading the whole story on AO3
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bitchofdarkness · 7 months ago
On the bright side, I headcanon Seok-chan to have the endless tune of "don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious" going through his head while he stares at Yeong-hu('s mouth and ass) ... While that exact person is giving him the most obvy fuck me eyes ever been given to anyone.
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bitchofdarkness · 7 months ago
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Title: A Random Thursday Rating: Gen Pairing: Kim Yeong-hu/Kang Seok-chan A/N: fyi, I don't pay for therapy. Not that I personally think it's that sad, but just in case someone else feels that way xD This is not the fic I talked about before btw, so you can expect another sad one in the future. Heavily inspired by Eun-yu's scene when she's symptomatic. Summary: On a random Thursday, Sergeant Kim Yeong-hu lost his mind. Word count: 760
When Kim Yeong-hu became a Sergeant, his mother gifted him a watch that also showed the date. It was the only reason why he knew it was a Thursday afternoon while eating with the remaining Crow Platoon at their new refuge.
At first he thought it was one of the boys calling out to him, but when he looked around, no one seemed to expect him to react. No one was looking his way.
“Are you dating anyone, Sarge?”
This time he knew immediately whose voice he was hearing and slowly lay down his spoon, only to lose its grip momentarily. Metal hit porcelain with a clatter and he noticed some of the boys were now regarding him with confusion painting their faces.
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professionalmenkisser · 7 months ago
Rewatching s2 I noticed a VERY delicious detail that I absolutely love
Seokchan isn't too good with eye contact and he blinks so fucking much it's adorable but either way he always looks into the person's eyes that he's talking to and he's quite serious and I'd even say intimidating
But with Serge Kim? That man is looking EVERYWHERE beside Yeonghu. He only looks at him when he's not looking and he's smiling like an idiot, talking so casually and being purely sweet
Also the way Yeonghu smiled when Seokchan told him that he should smile more 🤭🤭
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professionalmenkisser · 7 months ago
Very homophobic of Netflix to kill Seokchan
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professionalmenkisser · 7 months ago
In my brain Serge Kim took Seokchan's necklace to himself and he rather carries it in his pocket or around his neck with his own (I'm delusional)
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bitchofdarkness · 8 months ago
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Title: Fucking Flower Rating: Explicit Pairing: Kang Seok-chan/Kim Yeong-hu A/N: Yeah, I know, I come back from being quiet with Sex Pollen? I wish I could say it was a choice, but it is just brainrot that took over last night and I finished it just moments ago. I'm utterly incapable of refusing my blorbos what they want, sue me. Warning: Elements of Non-Con, Fuck or Die Summary: Their arrival in Bamseom went a little astray when they came across a mysterious flower doctor Lim had created. Soon they would realize that there was only one way to safe Seok-chan. Word count: 2,970
The source of the soft yellow glow that he’d seen from the doorway were lights used to imitate the sun for what must be hundreds of flowers. Yeong-hu had never seen those kinds of flowers before and he would say he was pretty educated in all kinds of flora and fauna. The moment Seok-chan had walked into the second half of the laboratory, it looked like pollen were surrounding him. A truly fascinating sight.
What had him stop in his tracks was the way Doctor Lim watched from a safe distance at the entrance or else he would’ve joined Seok-chan. His private had turned around briefly as if to check if they were there as well before he reached out to one of the bigger flowers. “Careful,” he heard the doctor say in a whispered warning, one that Seok-chan would never be able to hear.
More pollen were set free and when Seok-chan stumbled backwards, doctor Lim shot past Yeong-hu and hit a button next to the open door. It immediately closed it with red lights blinking on and off, the glass door separating Seok-chan from his only escape. “You inhaled the pollen, didn’t you?” Lim asked Seok-chan, who looked at him in confusion, then around as he made a face as if he was in pain. “It’s too late now, you can’t come out— not that it would change anything for you.”
“Hey!” Yeong-hu yelled angrily, grabbing the doc by his shirt and pushing him violently against the wall near them.
Read the rest on AO3
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bitchofdarkness · 11 months ago
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Title: 5 Times + 1: Doubts Rating: Teen and Up Audience Pairing: Kim Yeong-hu/Kang Seok-chan A/N: It's kinda funny how I have a ton of smutty fics with them in the works and then the one I finish writing has only a little bit of smooches. Summary: Five times people wanted to unknowingly steal Yeong-hu's boyfriend and one time Seok-chan was convinced he was losing his. Word count: 9,1k
It all started innocently enough, but soon it would positively break his heart. Kim Yeong-hu was very aware of the fact that the man he loved was popular due to his kindness. People flocked around him if he wanted them to or not. Seok-chan wasn’t exactly fond of that, he knew, especially when he wanted to spent time with Yeong-hu, but it couldn’t be helped if one had a secret relationship with a colleague— Subordinate.
Whoever had decided to end this night in a karaoke bar should be shot, Yeong-hu decided.
Now, it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy karaoke, it was in fact one of his favorite things to do— with people he loved to have around. Not a whole bunch of subordinates and a sergeant who didn’t know how to hold his liquor. And the worst part was how cute Seok-chan was and Yeong-hu couldn’t do anything. He was doomed to watch his boyfriend dance and laugh with the other privates, even though he wanted nothing more than pull him onto his lap and kiss him silly.
All he could do was begging whatever higher power might exist for mercy, when Seok-chan decided to turn to him with a big smile. Those stupid cat ears on his head didn’t make it any less cute. Quite the contrary.
Read it all on AO3
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bitchofdarkness · 1 year ago
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Title: heart beat Rating: Mature Pairing: Kim Yeong-hu/Kang Seok-chan word count: 4,3k
“Stupid idiot,” he scolded him, still not able to comprehend why Seok-chan had suddenly been so reckless. “Ouch,” the wounded soldier mumbled, his eyes still closed. “My leg's still there, is it?” Seok-chan wanted to know. There was honest concern swinging in his words, but Yeong-hu was still mad at him. “No, we cut it off,” Yeong-hu scoffed, “Everything below the waist– you don't need it anyways.” he told him without missing a beat and earned a dry laugh from Seok-chan. When he opened his eyes to look at Yeong-hu, his pupils were dilated so much his iris appeared to be black. “Not sure if it's ‘cause of the stuff Doctor Lim gave me,” Seok-chan slurred, “But you're funny, Sarge.” Yeong-hu held his gaze and then shook his head, “Only a little morphine,” he informed him. “There is not much left, so you should bask in the painless life as long as you can. It will be over soon.” Yeong-hu couldn't help but feel concerned for him and he knew it showed on his face. Luckily Seok-chan was so high he probably won't remember.
Read everything on AO3
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