#kim junkyu day
kimteume · 1 year
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Twitter update from Hyunsuk and Junkyu
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day6source · 1 year
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🌙 The cat's name is Sarang & Ddoong What's there to build! Right here. ❣️ There are five lovely people here TREASURE who can be sexy and cute (Q) T5 Dance practice video for "MOVE" Let's remember 3 minutes and 5 seconds 🤭
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sseastar · 2 years
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pairing: treasure ot10 x reader genre: fluff, established relationship!au, bsf2l!au warnings: n/a, not proofread, mentions of food listen to: light - wave to earth
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when you take care of the other members
we all know how much this man loves and adores his younglings, but seeing you care and watch out for the other members will have his heart soaring. literally five minutes after meeting the members, hyunsuk will find you already offering water or snacks to the other boys, or scolding them to be careful while they’re messing around. two words: heart eyes. hyunsuk will have the most loving look on his face whenever he watches you care for some of the most important people in his life, and he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have you by his side when you’re ready, caring for and loving kids of your own.
making his coffee in the morning
he doesn’t know if he loves or hates the way he can’t drink coffee anymore unless it’s yours, but all cafes have become irrelevant to him. he doesn’t care if those cafe’s have fresh artisan crafted beans, or have some special rose cream foam at all. it doesn’t matter even if your coffee is literally an instant coffee packet that you just add chocolate powder to - it’s the best coffee in the world and there’s no telling him otherwise. jihoon doesn’t actually know much about the differences of coffee, if he actually likes the taste of it, or if he just likes to correlate the image of you across the counter from him having breakfast together, but his favorite thing is seeing you first thing in the morning when you plan to meet for a day together, and you’re already sitting on the couch in their dorm with two mugs of coffee on the table in front of you.
when you thrift something for him
ah yoshinori, our darling lover boy. we all saw how freaking cute he would be on dates (he said it himself in his t-log how he wanted to make his vlog seem like we were on a date with him). but thrifting dates?? so. cute. he’d love taking you out to different places and finding these cute things for each other (and omg sharing them?? that’s so cute. BUT something he would find especially endearing is when you end up going thrifting on your own or with some friends, but still manage to bring him back the most vintage, most yoshi-like piece. somehow you always are able to bring back something exactly his style or something he’s looking for and he finds himself falling for you a little more every time he realizes you know him so well to the point that you’re shopping for him!! yoshi loves how knowing each other’s styles has just become instinctive in your relationship, and you best believe he’ll treasure all the things you buy him for the rest of his life.
when you invite him to go places
our sleepy baby is a homebody at heart (so am i kyu, i feel you), but that doesn’t mean he won’t leave home when it comes to you inviting him places. maybe it’s more so because you seem to know exactly when he actually does feel like going out, but kyu finds it absolutely freaking heartwarming when you tell him excitedly about a place you want to visit with him or take him too. he feels special in that he’s the one you go to, not anyone else, when you want to experience something new with him because he might be interested. new experiences can be scary, but being with someone you trust makes them a tad bit less. so find new cafes, or restaurants, or art studios. tell him all about it because he will totally be down to try new things with you!
bringing him stuff you bake
yoon jaehyuk gives me falling in love with someone even sweeter than him vibes. is that possible? almost not because we all know this boy is the embodiment of all things precious and sweet. but the moment this boy lays his eyes on you as you take his order at a cafe he stumbles upon one day, he falls head over heels for you and the way you seem to always recommend the perfect things for him to try every time he visits. further into your official relationship, jae lives for the times you go to him first whenever you try out a new recipe, bringing him the first batch of whatever pastry or dessert you bake. some are meh and the most others are drool-worthy, but jae finishes everything you make him nonetheless because the fact that you put your hard work into something and came to him first makes him realize how much trust you have in him in seeing possible flaws in your work.
taking photos of him
please, every single time a tweet or weverse comes out with this boy’s film work, i literally swoon bc how is asahi literally the epitome of my aesthetic? he has the most beautiful pieces of photography ever and captures the smallest yet important moments with the members. that one thread of his film photos while he was out with ruto, hwan, jaehyuk, and i think also jeongwoo? those are my favorite roommates right there. that being said, because a lot of times, asahi takes candid photos of others in their natural state, he finds himself feeling really important and wanted when you show him a photo you had secretly taken of him. to him, it kind of feels like your way of saying, “hey, i think you’re beautiful in the times you might not think you are, because you’re perfect to me no matter what.” this bby wouldn’t know how to react when you show him because he’s so overwhelmed with emotion that he kind of just smiles and shrinks into himself, PLS he’s so adorable.
having the same mannerisms as him
ah kim doyoung, our resident angel. we all know how our precious boy (or literally all of treasure) is so respectful of everyone whether he’s close with them or not, but his manner hands whenever he’s passing stuff to someone, or the way he seems to feed or give food to others before himself is something that tells me that our dobby would be absolutely enamored with someone with the same mannerisms. the first time he took you out to a family dinner (family dinner meaning a dinner with the other members), he would literally swoon when he catches you holding your hand under his sleeve when he’s reaching for something at the table, or when he catches you sneaking his favorite chicken pieces onto his plate. dobby sees you sitting back to let the other boys serve themselves before you, or to hand dish plates past you before taking food for yourself, and he can’t help but think about how perfect you guys are for each other.
the way you get along with his sister
we know that haruto loves airi so so much. the way he speaks about her and thinks about her during tmap so 37 (?) shows how much he loves his family, and how much he protects and cares for his sister. so when haruto sees you and airi playing and joking around with each other, completely comfortable with skinship as if she were your own little sister, he absolutely melts. just knowing that there’s someone other than his family that can make her smile has him feeling some kind of way, and a fond smile can’t help but make his way onto his face. he might tease you, asking if you like his sister better than him and pretending his heart doesn’t skip a beat when he sees you braiding airi’s hair, but the question alone just shows that he appreciates that you’re getting along with his family (and that he might be a little jealous lol).
when you compliment him
mr. i can’t take a compliment but i will hype literally everyone i care about. ah, our lovely boy. our jeongwoo’s always been a little shy - no matter how loud he is, he’s still a true introvert and this might be why he finds it hard to take compliments easily. it breaks my heart when he says things that imply that he’s not handsome or that the other members are more handsome than he is because he’s so beautiful on the inside and outside, so i think that his s/o should often remind him of this. he would definitely feel butterflies when you compliment anything about him, his voice, his look for the day, his skills, his personality, blushing and looking down with a smile because he doesn’t know where to look. ask him why he’s so handsome, ask him what made him look so pretty, ask him why he’s so talented and amazing that you can’t believe how lucky you are to have him - this boy will not know what to do with himself. jeongwoo is so so so precious, and i hope that he realizes how much we all love him because he deserves the world. fun fact: jeongwoo is the first member i noticed (besides having already known yedam from the skz survival show) because i thought he was so pretty and funny lol.
support him through his academics
i think we’re all well aware that our poor baby is just working his butt off to survive high school and i want to commend him immensely for all the hard work he’s put in academically while balancing the idol life. i don’t think i could ever survive a lifestyle as fast-paced as the one this boy lives and i’m so extremely proud of him for it. that being said, something tells me that junghwan would just absolutely appreciate any help and support you would give him while he’s balancing practice and school work. whether it be quizzing him for the next big exam he has or helping him out with chores just so that he doesn’t have to worry about them, he will fall for you a little bit more than he already has. he might not outright ask you for help, but the way that you somehow pick up on what he needs without him saying anything has him feeling a little more butterflies in his stomach just because of the way you know him so well without him even having to mention anything.
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⌕. author’s note ; omg it’s been so long but i’m back (for now) and trying lol. struggled so f much with junkyu, yoshi, and asahi but we got there eventually! got a little carried away with woo’s but congratulations to him for graduating!! i’m so so so proud of our boy
⌕. taglist ; @wooahaes​ @koishua​ @acaiasahi​ @enhacolor @soobin-chois @nichobins @chrysbibi
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standardfriends · 6 months
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you melt up my body 🍨
Word Count: 2.2k || Kim Junkyu x Fem. Reader || Tags: Smut, Daddy Kink, Degradation, Food Innuendos/References, Angst, Established Relationship, Toxic Pranks, Fem Petnames (Baby Girl, Princess), Mention of Safe Word
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Junkyu arrives at home after a long day at his part time job. It's just a basic gig at a ice cream shop but it covers his half of the rent so it's enough for him. However it also happens to be the same day college acceptance letters came in the mail. You and Junkyu prank each other a lot, for instance on your birthday he pretended he had forgotten, after you finally came out of your room from crying for hours he and your friends jumped out to surprise you with ice cream cake, your favorite, and gifts. Or on Christmas you both had the idea of pretending to get each other coal, however once you both started opening gifts that fell through immediately. You decide to get him again today and make him think he didn't get into his first choice. Was it a little cruel? Well yes, but you know he's smart enough to eventually figure out you're lying out of your ass, he's not as oblivious as you. If falling for this prank would fall under being oblivious that is. Walking into the kitchen he finds you on the counter shuffling through the mail as you usually do and doesn’t think much of it.
"Hey baby, how have you been today." Leaning in to kiss the corner of your lips earning a giggle from you. "I've been ok guess what came in the mail today~" you say gleefully, causing Junkyu to instantly grab at the envelopes in your hand. He furiously shuffles, once, twice, and three times. Only to realize that the one he was looking forward to the most isn't there, this had to be a joke right. A soft chuckle escapes him, "None from Princeton? Are you sure.." he tries his best to coat his words with calm unlike the anxiety racing in his mind. You put on the biggest sad puppy eyes as your boyfriend's eyebrows continue to furrow in confusion, "I checked the back of the mailbox & asked the mail man baby I'm sorry..." His mind just goes blank, his eyes filled with an empty dark stare.
He did everything perfectly, he was valedictorian, he was on several varsity sports, was the leader of the lite music club, and even did volunteer work on top of working. He can't help but be overcome with despair, how could this happen, why him, he did everything needed and more so why? "I mean, I didn't want you to go off and leave me here, it's too far anyways." You continue with the prank and try to gauge his reaction, he's looking down at the letters in his hands intently so you can't see his face. That giggle was just his final straw, it felt like the person he expected to understand his depression the most was mocking him. It was eating him alive. "Are you fucking dumb?" He finally looks you in the eyes, your smile has never dropped faster. His eyebrows furrow jaw quivering with rage. "You out of everyone should know how long I've been wanting to go to this school. And yet you have the audacity to sit here and laugh. It's funny to you because what? You didn't want to be lonely for a little bit while I literally complete one of my life goals. I feel like I just wasted four years of my life for nothing and you're laughing." He scoffs he cant believe it you are so fucking selfish. As he continues to chew you out you struggle to hold back tears, you just want to tell him it was a joke. You can't stand it when he yells, it's like he's a whole different person. You know you've gone too far, you actually hurt him this time.
He's spent up all his energy being angry at this point so he can do nothing but turn and face the cold marble counters. Tears streaming from his eyes, life is just so shitty and cruel he cant stand it. He put so much effort for it to all be a waste, like an idiot, and that his whole life he was lied to. You try to compose yourself, you knew this was important but you didn't realize this prank would lead to you feeling like the biggest asshole ever. To restore some hope to his now crushed dreams you grab his letter from under you, you bring it into his teary vision, knowing it was time to come clean. "Congrats on getting in baby! I'm so proud of you..." It takes him a second to process what you said through your strained voice yet he grips the small paper packet from you and starts sobbing with relief. He turns to look at you and hugs you deeply. Mumbling thank you, thank god, thank you, thank you, thank you.' And you sit there crying with him until he calms down.
Usually after pranks like this he immediately buries his head into the crook of your neck and asks if you want to get your shared favorite creamy dessert but today something is different. He simply wipes his face while smirking and giggling to himself, when he finally looks into your glassy brown eyes. "So you think it's funny to mess with my feelings princess?" Huh? Princess-Where did that come from? Junkyu thinks that'd be too easy, you toyed with him a lot today, he has to get his lick back somehow. "Don't act like you don't know what I mean baby..." He inches his face closer to you till you can feel his steaming breath on your lips. "Seems like you need to be taught a lesson." Without taking your eyes away from his intent gaze on your lips you sharply inhale. You definitely get the memo when swiftly you are on the counter again your shorts ripped off your legs in record time. This is not how you saw this prank going at all but you can't say you're complaining.
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Junkyu crashes his lips against yours desperate to prod your mouth open with his tongue, fiercely fighting for control. You can tell he's irritated enough and give in without a fight, you're too focused trying to keep up with his aggressive nature that you forget to breathe.
While your lips are starting to swell he pushes your panties to the side, looking like a rabid dog starved for days. "What a little slut how are you already so wet? Getting so needy from me being mean to you." You trace the lines of his hands with your eyes as he glides his fingers against your folds. His gaze is completely enamored by your, it's as if your a popsicle melting in the sun. His gaze burning holes into you while also making you more desperate. He loves dominating you watching you twitch at how antagonizing his motions are. He then lowers his head and licks his flat tongue against your dripping core making you melt in his hand. "This cunt tastes so good, so good just for me babygirl." he says staring deep into your eyes, he's so cocky. Only he could have you on the kitchen counter sensitive to his every touch. "I'll teach you to trick me again you cock hungry slut." Junkyu degrading you was different but god did it make your thighs press together (which he pried open of course) you were going to take his punishment like the dumb bitch you are.
Giving no time to adjust he sticks two fingers in the pain making you hitch your breath he just smirks and clicks his tongue. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of your heat, focusing hard on your walls clenching around his digits, while curling his tongue to flick your sensitive bud. You bite your lips trying to suppress your mewls and moans. God does he make it hard it's been less than a minute and yet he's hitting your g-spot so consistently he knows the insides and outs of your body better than you do sometimes. Junkyu being attentive as he is sharply takes notice, "You had no problem being a little brat earlier giggling while making me panic babygirl, daddy wants to hear every noise when he makes you cream on his fingers." You try to ignore him as you don't wan't all the neighbors to know that your boyfriend is fucking you dumb but he doesn't care. Misbehaving earned you a nice red mark on your thigh, it only made him more unrelenting. You try so hard to keep your composure but the way he's giving so much friction to your clit you can't help but grab his hair and push him away. Groaning when he quickly ceases "Ah Ah princess hands on the counter you're gonna take the punishment I give you." You end up trying to dig your nails into the counter only to have your grip fail you every single time. Junkyu finds you struggling under him so amusing, this is the person that tried to mess with him 10 minutes ago and now you're a moaning mess, begging him to give your poor pussy a break, how pathetic.
He rests his arm behind your back as your moans get louder and intensify, watching your strength and resistance weakening. "Junkyu—mmm I-I'm so—mm—" You try so hard to let him know but he's distracted, pounding into you unrelentingly. With every motion his palm hits your pussy rhythmically and sending shocks through your bud you didn't know were possible. Within seconds you release onto his finger shaking from the immense release washing over your body. It was like a mind numbing brain freeze of pure ecstasy. Whatever, Junkyu keeps going, "Stop closing your legs you cock drunk whore you know this what you deserve. Too bad you were being a stupid brat now daddy's gonna fuck your pretty little cunt until his fingers cramp." If there's one thing Junkyu doesn't do it's empty promises, your resistance if anything makes him rougher more aggressive than ever. Between your overstimulated moans and shaking all you can manage is "Junkyu please—stop! Daddy too much—Ah I can't! Please Junkyu—" He does nothing but continue to stare at your reactions, him biting his lip watching your eyes roll to the back of your head, he's so smug knowing that he's making you feel this way. You're his pretty little sex doll, no one else controls you like this, only him. Junkyu starts curling his fingers more, as overwhelming as it is he sure knows how to use his hands. "Daddy please it hurts, Junkyu it's too much I'm sorry please stop" you choke between tears the feeling has engulfed you, your legs are twitching and numb all you can do is hear the squelching of his hands rhythmically going in and out. "You should've thought about that earlier slut, and don't act like you're not enjoying this princess you haven't said our safe word once." It's like he scooped you out and ate you up, there's nothing you could hide from him. Junkyu ramming into your pussy over and over again until you can only think of him turns you on so much.
You quickly reach your second, third, and fourth orgasm. Around your incoming fifth orgasm he starts to burn up taking off his shirt to reveal his tonedd chest. Seeing you fully slutted out, cock drunk, and vulnerable for him just motivates him to keep going. As much as he'd like to keep up this "punishment" the tent in his pants has other ideas. "Fuck baby you keeping cumming and squirting for daddy think you got another one in you?" he unzips a bit to palm himself through his underwear. He's trying so hard to not be so needy, that's what you are, his vulnerable needy little fuck toy who is giving him such a show. But he couldn't help it hearing you yell his name, begging him, calling him daddy like the little slut you are how could he not get turned on. "Sorry daddy needs to feel all of you, Im gonna fill up your tight little cunt so good princess." You moan out in a dazed state, you couldn't even properly respond cause next thing you know his cock thrusts into you without warning. "Taking me in...so good baby, fuck!" His pace is so fast the room is filled with wet lewd noises and clapping of skin. Between your bodies is a mixture of so many different emotions and feelings. It drives him crazy feeling your walls clench and suck him in so well. He'd usually try and last longer but you just feel so good, he can feel everything it's as if he's on cloud nine. Only you could take him in so we'll, it was like you were made for him.
"I'm cumming baby girl, daddy's gonna fill up his pretty little toy with his seed." His pace starts to slow down you reaching your limit as well. Finally he releases into you with one last thrust and he circles your bud helping you both ride out your highs. Not moving an inch to make sure that not a drop of cum leaks out.You stay there for a while, pressing your sweaty heads together through the silence of your breaths. Even when Junkyu finally does pull out he pushes all his seed right back into you as if it's a precious homemade recipe. After finally wiping you down and helping you off the counter, that's when he goes back to your normal loving boyfriend. Asking you, "Let's go get some ice cream, hmm?"
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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imsparklingunicorn · 1 month
MTL of TREASURE to like gossiping
Oh I love this ask!!!
Let's be honest, men gossips too!!!
Does Treasure gossip??? For those who thinks they don't, well please skip this post. I believe they do and they do it A LOT!!!!
MTL below the line.
Most Likely
Watanabe Haruto
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Yes, this cool and calm MF is the king of gossiping. If anyone remembers some of Treasure's lives, there are plenty of times the members would say 'Haruto told me this...Haruto said that'...Personally, I recall the day Jihoon recalled a story of him pranking Hyunsuk in Japan by calling Hyunsuk's room and speak in Japanese and the next day Haruto, who was in the same room as Jihoon, immediately told Yoshi in the plane.
Park Jeongwoo
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Quiet and dangerous...Jeongwoo screams exactly that and I don't know if I want to know the amount of time he and his bestie Haruto be gossiping together.
Park Jihoon
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He may be the 'Daddy' in Treasure but he is also the 'Aunty' who could be everyone's best friend to a point he knows everyone's secrets. Worst of all, he probably shares them with the two 04-liners and Hyunsuk.
Kanemoto Yoshinori
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This boy is angel but he also grew up with three older sisters and one thing about growing up with sisters, you sort of pick up the talent to gossip or at least listening to gossips.
Kim Junkyu
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Junkyu probably don't gossip as much but he does look dangerous. He probably carries the most dirt on Jihoon only with the purpose to use them against him.
Choi Hyunsuk
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Hyunsuk is a workaholic so he probably don't have much time to gossip but the thing about working in an office full of people, you can't help but to hear some 'Chinese whispers' around the hall and the dark streets. He would gossip to people he knows would keep his stories to themselves.
Least Likely
Yoon Jaehyuk
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This one looks like he won't gossip because he likes it but if there is a good story, he would perk his ear up to listen. He would probably react very well to the gossip. Don't expect him to share though.
Hamada Asahi
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Asahi is the same as Jaehyuk. Come to think of it, I think the only person he would gossip to is Jaehyuk and vice versa but very unlikely for him to be sharing stories about other people to anyone. Maybe his mom but that's it.
So Junghwan
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Junghwan don't gossip but he gets curious sometimes and very rarely he would be curious.
Kim Doyoung
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Doyoung not only don't gossip, he won't listen to one and I don't think he likes to gossip. He's not interested in hearing stories about other people. If he's S/O has something to share, he tries his best to listen but after sometime, he would probably turn off and would say how it is probably not what it seems to be or something along the lines of there's probably more to it.
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malereaderpage · 2 years
want you both | hamada asahi & kim junkyu
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▶ top asahi x switch junkyu x switch male reader
▶ smut
▶ requested: yes
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it's been a couple of weeks since you and asahi had sex. you two have spoken a few times, hung out to get to know each other more. you've met his parents. turns out his father is the ceo of a very well known company and his mother works under the same company so to get straight to the point, asahi and his parents are very wealthy.
you've told your friend, haru all about and he's genuinely happy for you. he has a boyfriend now. his name is yoon jaehyuk. you like jaehyuk. he treats your best friend very well and the two of you get along well. jaehyuk is like the big brother you've craved for. he's also very funny. you are at home, watching youtube on your tv when you get a call from asahi. you happily answer the call and place your phone against your ear.
"hey pretty boy. meet me at the club tonight, i've got some news for you." you can't help but become excited and nervous as hell at the same time. 'what could be the news?' you think to yourself. it's 5pm so after finishing the video you get ready to meet asahi.
you arrive at the club and enter. your eyes immediately search for asahi and you find him. you walk over to him. he's recently dyed his hair blonde and you would be lying if you said it doesn't suit him at all. you sit down next to him and he greets you with a nod. "oh hi y/n!" a dark haired boy greets you. he's sitting on the opposite side of you, next to asahi. "um hi...asahi who is this?" you ask him. "let's go talk in a room, it's too loud." he says, ignoring your question. you gulp. a ugly feeling creeps up you and you follow asahi and the boy.
you sit down on the bed, the boy doing the same while asahi chooses to stand. "so my parents wants us to...to get, um, married, y/n." your body stiffens and your breath hitches, your heart dropping. "w-what?" you ask. "i tried talking them out of it but they won't give in." he says. "okay, but, what about him why is he here? no offense of course.." the boy shrugs it off. "this is kim junkyu and he'll also be apart of this...marriage. he'll be married to both you and i as well." your eyebrows furrow.
"i don't really wanna get married in general...i'm still so young..." you mumble to yourself. "i need time." you say. asahi and junkyu understands and they let you go. this is alot to take in. that night you can't sleep. too many thoughts accompany your mind.
after a few days you get over it and accept it. you were grateful that asahi didn't message you as you needed time to yourself. you call him. he picks up immediately. "are you okay?" asahi, along with junkyu is worried to death. junkyu doesn't know you at all but he knows asahi very well and asahi really likes you and he likes asahi, so automatically junkyu has taken a big liking to you. "yes. come over. bring junkyu too."
you get to know junkyu more and junkyu get's to know you more. thankfully his parents gave you all three another month before the wedding. you find out you and junkyu are quite similar.
after a week or so you get a call from asahi. "y/n...me and junkyu wants you. meet as at the club?" you become excited. you've grown to like junkyu and you are pretty comfortable around him. you get ready and head to the club. once you arrive the same waiter tells you which room and it's the same room as last time. you make your way towards the room and knock. you hear a muffled 'come in' from junkyu so you open the door and enter. as soon as you close the door and turn around, asahi pins you against the door and attacks your lips.
you taste a mixture of alcohol and mint. he's tipsy though, you know because of his voice over the phone and he's stated before that he doesn't want to have sex with someone special to him while drunk since he'll most likely not remember the next day. you repsond to the kiss immediately and kiss back. your arms wrap around his neck as his hands goes to your waist. he turns you and guides you to the bed, still kissing. your legs meet the bed and you fall backwards, your back hitting the soft mattress and asahi's hands instinctively letting go of your waist to catch himself, allowing his hands to meet the mattress to aviod putting all of his weight on you.
he kisses down your neck and you hum in content. asahi stops and looks up at junkyu. he cocks his head and junkyu crawls towards you both. "why don't you two have some fun? get to know each others bodies...kyu here is a switch, gonna try and top him? hm?" you know you are down bad bottom for asahi and you'll never be able to top him, however junkyu? you don't know and you are quite excited to try and top the boy. asahi stands up and you turn onto your stomach and crawl closer to junkyu.
asahi get's comfortable and watches the scene unfold in front of him. he watches as the two of you start to make out. at first, he easily dominates the kiss. he get's you to lie down and he hovers above you and kisses your neck and sucks. you whimper and you feel junkyu smirk against your neck's skin. you switch positions and you hover above junkyu. you attack his lips and this time you dominate the kiss. you suck his tongue and is surprised yet proud when he emits a moan.
you grow confident and allow your hands to roam. your hands travles under his shirt and junkyu get's goosebumps due to your touch. he's loving this, you ontop of him and touching him. he's hard. so are you and asahi. asahi wants to destroy both you and junkyu so badly but won't ruin the both of yours moment.
junkyu's legs wrap around your waist and his hands travles to your head, his fingers finding your hair and gripping it tightly as you continue to skillfully kiss him. using his legs that's wrapped around your waist he presses down, forcing your crotch to come in contact with his. you can't help but moan into the kiss. junkyu bucks his hips and when he does he breaks the kiss and you immediately attack his neck. "please y/n...fuck me. just fuck me." he begs. you groan in response and pull back.
the both of you strip as quick as possible, the clothing irritating you both to the max. afterwards, you both clash again and kiss one another sloppily, hands roaming all over each others bodies. your hand finds his dick and his hand finds yours. your strokes are messy as your desire for one another has reached it's peak. your hand leaves his dick and push him down, his back meets the mattress as you go down on him. you take his dick in your mouth. you get a airy moan out of him as you bop your head up and down. he grips your locks and tugs which makes you moan, causing vibrations to travel through his shaft.
junkyu lifts up his hips. he's desperate for friction. you push down his hips and he huffs. you pull back and start to stretch him out. he becomes a whiny and squirming mess and you love it. you look over to asahi and he's still watching. your eyes meet his lustful ones.
he wants you both so badly but is holding back. you finish stretching junkyu out and enters him slowly. once fully inside you both let out a groan. after letting junkyu adjust and him clenching around you a few times you can finally move. your thrusts are slow and steady until junkyu begs for more. you pick up your pace, your thrusts becoming quick and your breathing becoming uneven. "faster." you groan. "i'm going as fast as you can you brat," you tell him. he giggles but is replaced with a loud moan when your thrusts become slow yet with a strong force. his back arches and you smirk.
you lean in and kiss him again. he whimpers into the kiss as you continue to pound into him with a slow yet a strong force. you move on to his jaw and then his neck. he let's out a sigh of content. "fuck." asahi curses under his breath as he watches the both of you. he's really horny but he won't dare to touch himself, not until the both of you are done. you focus on making junkyu cum so you start to jerk junkyu off, teasing him now and then you allow his climax to build up and he cums. you pull out, not allowing yourself to cum. "you could've kept going you know..." junkyu says, a bit disappointed. he wanted you to cum inside of him not going to lie.
you soon catch on and grin. "oh don't worry, i will cum inside of you." you reassure him and get off of the bed and approach asahi. you get on your knees and tug on asahi's pants. he gladly stands up and grips your wrist, taking you back to the bed and junkyu. you sit there, abit confused as he takes off his pants. he stops for a moment and gives you a glance. "the floor is dirty, i don't want you nor junkyu getting dirty." such a gentleman, you love it.
he strips and get's on the bed in front of you and junkyu, on his knees. "junkyu, suck." he demands and junkyu immediately obeys. you get on your knees as well and kiss asahi. asahi responds quickly and kisses you back. the kiss is full of lust and hunger. he groans into the kiss as junkyu sucks him off. you break the kiss to only attack his neck. his hand rests on your head, his head turning to the opposite side to give you more access. he moans lowly and both you and junkyu finds it so sexy.
asahi resists the urge to move his hips as junkyu continues to bop his head. he hums in content. junkyu picks up his pace and asahi's available hand finds junkyu's hair and grips it firmly, tugging as he grunts. "fuck." he curses under his breath. you have moved on to asahi's shoulders. after abusing his shoulders you go to his collarbones. asahi cums in junkyu's mouth. asahi attacks you and you yelp in surprise as your back meets the mattress. he immediately goes to your rim. he preps you and afterwards he enteres you impatiently. "just move." you tell him. "are you sure? so far i know you haven't been fucked in a while."
"i prepped myself earlier today. i'm sure." asahi takes your word for it so he moves and you begin to moan, asahi grunts, loving the way your walls clench around him. junkyu watches and starts to jerk himself off. his strokes matches the pace of asahi's thrusts. "g-go faster." you are desperate to be fucked by asahi. he makes you feel so good. he's addicting. asahi goes faster. he watches how his dick dissappear by going inside of you and he can't help but groan.
junkyu comes over and starts to kiss you. you kiss him back and your hand finds his dick. you start to stroke him. he comes closer and sits up to give you better access. junkyu can't help moving his hips, wanting more friction. asahi begins to pant as you continue to whimper and moan. he finds your prostate and hits it perfectly over and over. "f-fuck," you say breathlessly as your strokes stutter. your dick leaks of precum. you are close and asahi knows it so he grips your dick and you gasp. his strokes are rough and messy as he continues to pound into you. you arch your back as you cum. "going to cum inside of me like you promised?" junkyu smirks at you. you scoff and grin. "fuck yeah." you reply.
let's just say that it was a very long but enjoyable and unforgettable night for the three boys soon to be husbands.
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atinyjules · 1 year
Another request by Katie🌼
I honestly just went random with this one so I hope you guys like it!✨
Genre: fluff, crack au, romance
Pairings: Doyoung x named reader
Warnings: A few curse words here and there
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Everything happened so quick, one second you were laying on your bed and the next moment you were running towards Treasure's dorm. The moment you read the email you knew that you had to tell Doyoung. You and Doyoung were the biggest Harry Potter fans.
You were a budding actress and the moment you heard that HBO were holding auditions for the new Harry Potter series you rushed to the spot and auditioned. Today was the day you finally got the results and well you screamed your lungs out the moment the email read that you were casted. Doyoung being your biggest hype boy you knew he had to be the first one to know.
"Doyoung!!!" you exclaimed and banged on the door as you couldn't hold your excitement. You giggled the moment you heard the familiar sound of Doyoung's voice as he shuffled from inside the dorm.
"I need to tell you something!!" the both of you screamed in unison making each other laugh after.
"You have something to tell me? I have something to tell you too! But you say yours first." you said as you entered the dorm and removed your shoes after which you entered the living room.
"No, no ladies first so Aera, you first." Doyoung said and encourage making you smile as you sat down and smiled happily.
"You'll never guess what I found in my emails..." you trailed as ge nodded eagerly, equally excited.
"Tell me, tell me!" he encouraged as you stood up.
"Okay, okay...remember when I told you I auditioned for this one movie?" you questioned and giggled when Doyoung stood up in excitement, eyes lighting up.
"You got it?" he asked as you nodded and took off your coat.
"I'm gonna be a Hogwarts student!!" you squealed making him scream and quickly pick you up and twirl you around.
"I'm gonna be a Hogwarts student too!! I got casted for Harry Potter too!!" he exclaimed making you gasp as you both quickly hugged each other while jumping in the process.
"I'm so happyy!!" he exclaimed as you nodded.
"I'm happier!!" you chirped.
"I'm not." the both of you stopped midway your celebration when you turned to meet a pouty Junkyu who stood by the door.
"I wanted to be on the show too..." he said making you smile as you went to hug him.
"Don't worry! We'll give you spoilers." you teased making his usual bright smile to grace his features as hugged you back.
"You're the bestt!" he said when Doyoung cleared his throat. Both you and Junkyu began laughing when you turned back to see him in his Hogwarts uniform, posing with his wand.
"What are you doing stupid?" you said and giggled as Junkyu slapped his back.
"Yah! When did you even change into your outfit?!" he exclaimed in pure shock gaining the attention of the other members.
"What's the ruckus?" Haruto asked and came in to see Aera and Doyoung both in their Hogwarts uniforms.
"We're getting ready to go to Hogwarts!" Doyoung chirped and swayed his wand around.
"We got casted for the new Harry Potter movie!" you translated making Haruto gasp and tackle both you and Doyoung in a hug.
"Bring me some merch." he said after putting the both of you down.
"Sure!" you exclaimed as Doyoung went a few steps back and did his 'cool' wizard poses.
"The hell are you doing again?" you questioned as Haruto pulled you to his side.
"Cast a spell on him to see if he reacts." he suggested making you smirk as you took out your wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa!!" you say and flick your wand towards Doyoung who obviously kept up with the act pretending to levitate making Junkyu and Haruto burst out laughing.
"What are you guys doing??" Junghwan and Asahi came in only to laugh along with the others as the both of you pretended to dodge each other's spell.
"We're trying to work-" Hyunsuk's words disappeared from his mouth the moment he say Doyoung hanging by the window.
"Alohomora!" Doyoung said making you furrow your eye brows.
"There's no lock around here..." you trailed making Doyoung jump down from the window with a smirk as he approached and dipped you.
"I used that spell to unlock your heart~" he said making you giggle as the others turned away disgusted or tease you.
"Ayy, nation's couple!" Junkyu howls along with Yoshi as Jeongwoo throws a side eye at the overly lovey dovey couple.
"Get a room!" Haruto exclaims as Jihoon smacks his head.
"You're just jealous, come on let's give them some privacy." Jihoon says pulling Haruto away leaving the oth of them to themselves.
"I love you." Doyoung confessed and kissed you making you smile as you kissed him back.
"I love you too~"
No matter how lovey dovey you both were, at the end of the day everyone was equally envious and proud of their favourite couple for successfully bagging a role in the same movie so everything was fine.
And that's it for this one! I hope you guys liked it!🦋✨🌻
Reblogs and likes are appreciated🌻💗✨🦋
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xonepeacelovex · 2 years
treasure imagines as songs from folklore (deluxe version)
bang yedam
the 1
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what if
yedam is your greatest what if
and your greatest heart break
you’ve met him a little too late
and loved him a little too early
right person at the wrong time
it’s been years since you last saw him
the break-up was mutual
deciding it was for your both own good
after that you didn’t communicate at all
keeping each other out of sight
until one day, he’s already out of your mind
it worked
until you saw him again years after
and these questions you’ve kept at the back of your mind
comes crashing down on you
what if
what if you’ve met him a little too early
what could’ve been
what would’ve been
asahi hamada
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asahi hamada, your summer love
you can describe him in thousand words
quiet, private, talented, sincere, just to name a few
you met him in your summer gateaway
the beach house your family rented was beside each other
and every year, you’ll see him
you became friends and just that
though everyday of your summer was spent with
making memories together you’ll know would be hard to forget
and just like summer, you love the thrill of falling in love
with the quiet, thoughtful boy who filled your boring summer days
and it would be nice if you confessed your feelings to him
it’s been years of you keeping it
but he beat you to it, saying he’ll not be around for the next summers
cause he’ll be pursuing his dream in another country
you can’t do anything but to nod and smile at him
saying you are already proud
he smiles at you, thanking you for believing in him
asahi hamada
he reminds you a lot of things
the salt air, the orange sunset, the sand between your toes, the cold air at night, the calming sound of waves, to name a few
he reminds you of the summer love you that would be forever in your memories
kim junkyu
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you met him at the lowest time of your life
both young and broke
both just full of dreams
you both immediately became close
sharing the everything to each other
he became your escape from the harsh reality of life
and you became his anchor while he sail his ship out
but like peter pan and wendy, you are bound to lose each other
opportunity came and you knew he needs to take it
even if he needs to weigh the anchor off you
you watched him with a smile while you says your goodbye
it’s been a long time, isn’t?
how are you?
i’m fine. nothing changed really. you?
he remained silent. you knew. you actually don’t need to ask him that.
by the way, congrats on your wedding.
thank you, y/n.
nothing changed, really. even the love you have for him.
park jihoon
illicit affairs
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ahh... falling in love
you always thought falling in love would be just red
full of heat flutters, soft kisses, holding hands
and then you met jihoon
and the three words meant a whole different thing
love can be orange
excitement whenever you can see, hold and talk to him
even just like a sunset with a little bit of time
you never thought it could be blue
the constant sadness because you can’t hold his hands in public
cause no one knows you are together
then it could be green
and all the jealousy you’ve been throwing at him
cause how can they touch and talk to him and you can’t
the thrill of yellow
as he constantly assures you, you are the only one
happiness would fill you as you settle with his words
the greed of purple
secrecy, years of hiding your relationship
the gifts he’ll give whenever he can’t meet you
then it became maroon
as you fallen deeper in love with the man
then the darkness of black
as you learned why is he hiding you from the public
then the gray days you’ve had when you decided to broke up with him
now as you stare at your empty white document waiting for you to fill in with words
you suddenly remember that falling in love is a whole damn box of crayons
Copyright © 2023 xonepeacelovex All rights reserved.
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hoonqyus · 1 year
random facts about jikyu that i find really cute pt. 2 <3
1) junkyu used to be jihoon's homescreen. teumes found out abt it on one tmap episode. yedam posted the original photo on junkyu's birthday (2020) and it became everyone's lockscreen, kyu jokingly "blamed" jihoon for making it a "trend" in the fandom.
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2) jihoon supporting junkyu's love for shinchan. he gave the shinchan keyrings he got to junkyu and asked a fan where he can find the shinchan biscuit w freebies since it suits junkyu's taste.
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3) "who is jihoon's jagiya??" 1. kim doyoung 2. kim junkyu 3. so junghwan 4. teume jihoon's answer: 4>2>3>1
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4) junkyu voted for jihoon as a promising entertainer during ygtb
5) jihoon rooting for junkyu as the member he wants to make it to treasure 7 (ygtb)
6) this is the day jihoon hugged junkyu the hardest in his life 😆 popping balloons during free time!
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7) just junkyu in jihoon's weverse moments 😆 he loves to tease junkyu pls 😂
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8) on mspotlight, junkyu said that jihoon and him have a business relationship while jihoon said him and kyu are like black and white and water and fire 😂
9) idk but jihoon said junkyu and him have a fun relationship they don't know 🙂
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10) the iconic 10.18.22 jikyu wv interaction 😭
junkyu: posts a pic of him w a caption "teume, i miss you."
jihoon: "what about me?" 🐨: "let’s stop seeing each other" 🐶: "락나쭙쭙 😘" (i love you, mwa mwa 🇹🇭) 🐨: "락나쭙쭙~~~ 🥰🥰🥰😝" 🐶: ???
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more on my twt thread !
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theficblog · 1 year
im devastated i was feeling bad about nkt being able to be as pretty as minjeong here
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And then my bestie posts this
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With the caption "goodluck today"
And now idk whether to laugh or sob
OHMYGOD winter fr is so ethereal i just saw her paris airport pictures before and shes just so hsjdhjdhfjrj and aespa opening their own igs is the best thing this summer (not karina changing her username 3 times she's so relatable 😭😭)
who's also veryy relatable is kim junkyu other than the fact he's talented, tall and pretty CAUSE MANS SERVING EVEN IN THE BARE MINIMUM OF A WHITE TEE SHIRT AND CLOSED WALL ROOM that's elite culture 😭😩😤🤧😍😍
i bet he's like that all day in the ravenclaw homeroom 💙
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kimteume · 1 year
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Treasure for their Hello tour in Bangkok, Thailand D3 (02.04.2023)
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connectkrp · 2 years
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↳ To prevent account deletion, please add our community mod NORA within 2 days. After your request has been accepted, she’ll guide you through the rest of our registration process. Thank you again for choosing the CONNECT network! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ 
(  we appreciate your understanding and patience in acceptances this week! thank you! ) 
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kanalalovers · 20 days
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The smile I've always longed for.
Happy Birthday,
Kim Junkyu.
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Here is a small appreciation for the cutest and precious person who has achieved their dreams.
Here's to the day you were born, a day that brought into this world a person so deeply loved by everyone. From a young age, you've been showered with love, and as time went on, that love only grew stronger as you chased and achieved your dreams.
You are an incredible person, growing into a genius and extraordinary individual. How could God create someone as perfect as you?
You possess qualities that not everyone has, and I am so proud of you.
I know that not everything you’ve gone through has been easy, but you've faced it all with resilience. You've become someone joyful and loved by so many, including me. I adore your smile, your voice, your hard work—everything about you. I could never get tired of saying just how perfect you are.
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Thank you for existing, Kim Junkyu, Junkcyu. I love you. ❤️
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sungtaro · 1 year
Hii it's teubunn here, how you've been? I've been busy with uni and I will be for a while but! I wanted to ask. Since I'm still not that good at remembering the members and also so I could get to know them better- maybe u can tell me some things to know abt each member (or some of them if u want). Like one of those unhelpful guide to videos lol. maybe ur fave physical features and fave personality trait of theirs🥺 idk I think it'll be cute and also like it's so hard to get into a group that's not active so I'm hoping they cb soon. ur mv gif series is so cute btw!!! 🐇🐇💌
hiii bestie 💖 i hope that you're not working yourself too hard at uni ! this is so cute i'd love to give it a go hehe, i'll put in gifs i've made with them all too ... i ended up writing idek what for all of them LOL so i hope it helps 🥹 i also recommend this old but good 'who's who' video it's from ILY era so they look like babies but i think a lot of it is still true and funny; if you have more time and want something more recent this video is amazing for getting to put names to faces! anyways ... the eri version of unhelpful guide below the cut LOL
choi hyunsuk: 1/2 leaders and the oldest. his representative animal is hedgehog (after his jikjin era hedgehog haircut lol) and one thing about choi is he WILL cry. he's a super softie and is totally the group's mom lol my fave Choi Crying moment was when they surprised him for his birthday while filming tmap ! he's a short king and has the cutest nose
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park jihoon: 2/2 leaders and my best friend (real). his representative animal is puppy (formerly panda but he rly wanted to be a puppy lol) and he's super playful and affectionate with the members, def the dad of mom and dad, and a total power extrovert. killer smile and super cute beauty mark under his eye on his cheek !
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kanemoto yoshinori (yoshi): he is a human marshmallow ... very distinct rap voice (all the rappers have unique tones and voices imo) and he's got a recognizable birthmark on his chin ! looks like an anime protagonist come to life honestly. his animal is a tiger. he's soft spoken but when he warms up he's also rly playful especially with hyunsuk hehe
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kim junkyu: MEME BOY literally so introverted that it's not even funny lol he hates leaving his room and he will wear the same hoodie and sweatpants every day of his life. his animal is a koala but he's strong on his catboy agenda like he is meowing left and right these days idk also for a while he was known as being the most like 'yg type' of the group whatever that means ! known for his broad shoulders and generally 'good' proportions, again whatever that means . also never dyes his hair
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yoon jaehyuk: my angel on earth never not making a kissy face. his animal is a lion and you will pretty much always find him with asahi and/or jeongwoo. apparently he was street cast by like 7 different companies bc he's so handsome, so he chose yg and just like . learned to dance and sing a few months before they put him through ygtb hell ... genuinely just so sweet and soft he always has his arm around whoever is next to him i cry
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hamada asahi: looks like a cat but his 'animal' is a robot haha. he's trsr's resident quirky guy and will just do the most random funny things, but he's also a soft spoken sweetheart who is mega talented as a musician/producer and also visual artist. he's come out of his shell a ton over the years we're so proud ... his best look imo is his platinum blonde hair during ILY era. he's got the smudged lipstick in the mv SO iconic
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kim doyoung: little prince .. he rly looks like a little cherub to me. his animal is a rabbit (like you!). dobby is a little corny imo like he will just say the cheesiest pick up lines and wink at u but he's being so serious 😭 it's really cute haha. he's also just super sweet and attentive. some ppl say he and junkyu really look like twins but i've never seen it
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watanabe haruto: the tallest member! and also the deepest voice lol. he was formerly an alpaca but he changed to a butterfly (nabi is butterfly in korean so i believe it's a play on his last name). tutu seems really cool but he's actually really soft and thoughtful.
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park jeongwoo: my annoying little brother (real). also MAIN VOCAL ! his animal is a wolf. the other members hype him up for being handsome hehe bc i think for a while he was really insecure 🥲 he's got so much energy and is often seen messing around w his favorite hyungs, esp jaehyuk and asahi.
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so junghwan: our super king cow baby <3 his animal is of course a cow (so means cow). he's also one of the tallest members haha and i don't think he really acts like a maknae, jeongwoo is much more like 'typical' maknae behavior, junghwan is a bit more reserved and pretty responsible imo so he doesn't really take advantage of being the baby. but it comes out and is really cute haha (he's been known to fall asleep while studying on camera 😭)
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takata mashiho (former): pocket size main dancer beloved i miss u ... he was also the only one who could really cook so i hope everyone is eating okay now lol. very CUTE but also like one of the absolute most responsible members
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bang yedam (former): pd bang u will always be famous ... just absolute main slayer vocalist and songwriter, cute curly hair and super handsome. one of the more down to earth energies of the group too
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nicanicani · 1 year
South Korean boy group TREASURE just held a 2-days concert plus a fan signing event here in the Philippines last April 13 to April 15.
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I am one of the Filipino treasure makers (teume - fanclub name) who are blessed to witness these 10 boys performed live on big stage for their first ever Asia Tour.
And as a big fan I can't help it but to volunteer for the fan projects, been doing this volunteer thing ever since Super Junior by the way, so this is not new to me. Being a volunteer is tiring for sure but there's a fulfillment and happiness after it. I was appointed to distribute banners on queue and pink stickers for Upper Box ticker holders on section 417. The stickers are for rainbow ocean fan project before encore performance.
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Concert haven't started yet but I'm already sweating and my arms and legs hurts from too much walking.
After waiting for hours TREASURE finally enter the stage and performed their first song for the night and it's JIKJIN. I was in Upper Box so my view isn't the best view. But hearing them live is more than enough.
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They performed old songs such as Slow Motion and Orange their best ballad songs, Boy their debut song, and Going Crazy their pre-debut song.
Hyping the fans more with their cover of their labelmates songs like Bang Bang Bang by Bigbang and Rhythm Ta by iKON. TREASURE members especially their leader Hyunsuk was in awe that Filipino fans can sing along to these songs loudly.
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One of the memorable segment was when the members were trying to deliver their tagalog pickup lines to fans. Junkyu's line was "Teume there's something in your face, cute maganda at sexy" it's cringe but boy it's Kim Junkyu so I won't complain 🤣
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Before encore the boys stood in the middle to take group photos together with fans. 💙
After that they performed their last song MY TREASURE. And after that song was our cue to start the Rainbow ocean light project. The whole arena shine in different colors as fans open their phone flashlights while singing the bridge of TREASURE's Everyday.
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IT WAS A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT because the happiness was shown on their faces. And we got two additional encores after that which was not part of the original plan. TREASURE ended up cancelling their flight back home to extend their time with us Filipino fans.
Hyunsuk's reaction when he saw our fan project 🥺
It was hard to say goodbye to these lovely boy. Definitely one of the best concert I've been to, not being biased, their live performance was superb, their fan service was heart warming, their appreciation towards their fans is genuine. I will never regret supporting and loving these boys. 💙
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I will figure out how I can make my videos a short vlog. As you can see my section is not the spot. But I'll try.
I would like to thank Vampedia admins for helping me make this possible. Thank you! 🫰🏼
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complete-in-ix · 1 year
This Side Of Paradise
Rated: G Warning(s): None
Description: Yedam has always wanted to be a star, a beacon to light up other people's dark nights. However, there's one drawback to being another's light: No one will be there to be his Polaris—or so he thinks. Enter Kim Doyoung. Distant at first, but bright and beautiful, a star just like him. They're both surrounded by dark loneliness on all sides, but maybe—just maybe, they can find their way through it with each other's shine. (Spoiler alert: They do)
(Read on Ao3)
Ask me why my heart's inside my throat
I've never been in love, I've been alone
    Yedam feels strange. Almost eight whole years of balancing school, training, and his second survival show without ever getting so choked—up like this, like his heart has crawled to his throat. It’s not like he would have died without company, he doesn’t need a clique of friends or some cliche teenage love story. His parents and a few of his mentors occasionally express concern over the fact that there are few people that could actually be considered his close friends, but he doesn’t see the issue. He keeps up enough of a social life to not drown in the combined responsibilities of being a top student and YG’s prodigy trainee. It really isn’t that big of a deal to him. 
    At least, that’s what he tells them.
Feel like I've been living life asleep
Love so strong it makes me feel so weak
    In reality, there’s a hollow inside his chest that gets scraped wider every time he watches the people around him, so bright in each other’s presence, so warm. He sees it the most prominently in his hyungs; the way Seunghun will cuddle up to Byounggon after a long day, the way Hyunsuk and Jihoon will bicker as a form of flirting, the way Yoshinori clings to Mashiho and Hyunsuk like a pair of lifelines: one leading back home and the other anchoring him to his new place, the way Junkyu and Mashiho so effortlessly clicked and bonded from early on, the way Jaehyuk so tenderly watches over Asahi. It’s not exactly painful, but there are times where he wishes he could have someone who could awaken his heart like that. The logical, goal—oriented side of him scoffs at their theatrics, finds them weak for swaying to their partners so easily, but the emotional side of him that he does his best to keep neatly tucked away is persistent, whispers to him in his sleep during dark and lonely nights: How strong must their love be, then, to render their bodies so weak?
Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
    “Are you lonely?” That seems to be a question he gets a lot, both from other people and from himself. He tries his best to answer, but what he finds only leads to more questions. In a general sense, no. He’s made enough friends to keep himself satisfied, and he’s close enough to them to be able to make deep conversations. One of said friends is even close enough to him that the line between friendship and something else is extremely blurred, yet he still yearns for something . Something more, something different, he can’t quite tell. For now, he’s satisfied with his bond with Kim Doyoung. He treats him well, both as a hyung and a more—than—friend. Their attachment is so deep that they understand each other with just a single word or a glance, and they both have trouble envisioning a future without the other. Yedam doesn’t like thinking about that, determined to make it to the end with Doyoung’s hand in his, their fingers intertwined when they meet at the finish line for the last dance of this godforsaken show. It’s sappy, and maybe a little out—of—character for him, but as long as the cameras aren’t rolling, he can afford to have a little distraction.
    Like how Doyoung has been acting a little off ever since he noticed his own strange feelings.
You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
    His dear friend, the almost perpetual ray of sunshine in his life, has dimmed over the past few weeks. There’s hardly enough time to talk without a camera rolling these days and any slips of truly free time they have is spent either catching up on practice or rest, so a true heart—to—heart with him would be hard to come by. Still, he tries his best to help him, distract him from the rainclouds in his heart for a moment at least. A question in the form of a look from across the practice room, one that not even the keenest camera could pick up on: “Are you lonely?” An answer in Doyoung’s uncharacteristically dark eyes, the way doesn’t smile even as his favourite song is blasting in the small practice room. “Yes. Nightmares again,” they say. Perhaps a daydream in the form of Yedam’s presence could chase away the exhaustion they left behind. He dances his way across the room, holding out a hand for Doyoung to take. “May I have this dance?” he wants to say, but the cameras are rolling and he doesn’t want to show any more than he has to. 
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely come be lonely with me
    Doyoung gazes at him in confusion as he takes his hand, but no words are needed to explain as Yedam pulls him to his feet. They’ve gotten quite good at communicating without them while they’re living under the constant watch of cameras, and Yedam has enough experience that he’ll know what Doyoung is thinking without him even having to show it. Sometimes it’s hard to pretend that he doesn’t, which is a little hard when he’s cuddled up against Doyoung’s side and he can feel how badly Doyoung wants to kiss him. He’s quick to push those thoughts away; now isn’t the time. As much as he yearns, this moment is for Doyoung alone. 
    They’re both stars burning bright against the dark backdrop of their uncertain futures, but Doyoung is growing cold while Yedam is still warm and he fears that Doyoung might collapse in a silent heat death, so he pulls him into his orbit and sends off something of a solar flare to light him back up, dancing and jumping about so intensely that he’s sure the viewers will worry for him. He finds he doesn’t care as much as he should; it all pales in comparison to how much he just wants to see Doyoung smile like he means it again. If it takes going a little cold to keep him warm, then so be it.
    After all, it’s better to be lonely with someone else than to be lonely alone, right?
Lonely (Are you lonely?)
Passion is crashing as we speak
    He doesn’t have to wait long, catching the ghost of a smile on Doyoung’s lips as sneaks into his room a few days later. Yedam’s presence is unexpected but not unwelcome, if the way Doyoung lifts the covers for him to get in says anything. He’s quick to pull Doyoung into his embrace as soon as he’s comfortable, barely resisting the urge to press a kiss to his forehead in the process. He’s lonely, Yedam can tell, and it hurts his heart.
    “What are you doing here, hyung?” Doyoung asks, a soft whisper that sends Yedam’s defenses crashing straight down. 
    “I noticed you seemed a little off earlier today, I thought you could use some company,” Yedam murmurs, equally as soft and tinged with ten times more love. “If you want me to leave, I’ll go.” 
    “No, don’t leave,” Doyoung whispers. His hand comes up to hold Yedam’s, oh—so—shyly guiding it to his waist and Yedam feels like he’s drowning, but it’s fine, the water’s warm anyway. “Hyung, I…” 
You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?)
You're the ground my feet won't reach
    “... I want you.” I know, I know, I know. Yedam can tell by the way Doyoung won’t meet his eyes, the way he bites the inside of his lip. Yedam is so, so tempted to lean in, kiss his sorrows away until the whole world has disappeared and it’s just the two of them. He could, and Doyoung wouldn’t resist him. He just has to take that one step, but neither of them are stable right now and taking any steps in this low gravity might mean their feet never touch the ground again. 
    Space is dangerous. They can’t drift off now, not until they have a sound shuttle at least.
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
    “Sleep, Doyoung—ah. I’ll still be here in the morning.” He whispers, “Tell me then.” 
    Doyoung hums and buries himself deeper in Yedam’s embrace, too tired to protest. Yedam waits and watches as he falls asleep, finally relaxing in his arms and content for the first time in weeks. He’s glad his heart no longer races in Doyoung’s presence, or else it would have taken much longer to see him glow like this again. 
    That isn’t to say that Yedam no longer loves Doyoung, heavens no. It’s just that he’s grown past the infatuation that had collapsed the both of them when they had first met. Stars can be formed when molecular clouds collide with each other, sending shocked matter through said clouds and throwing off their thermodynamic equilibrium, triggering a collapse and the birth of a star cluster; and that’s how Yedam would describe their relationship. 
    They had been content on their own in the beginning, until one fateful meeting sent them into a spiral of tension and intrigue. They had been storming inside during their every meeting, emotions crumbling and reforming as they drew each other into their gravities. Now, they shine together, bright against the dark backdrop of their futures. It does get a little lonely being on separate teams sometimes, but just being able to see each other or sneak off to the studio to compose and be alone together makes it bearable. 
Underneath the pale moonlight
Dreaming of a circus life
    Yedam dreams that they’re dancing on the Han River that night. The moon, bright and tranquil, hangs low in the sky and provides a dance floor on the water for them; a pleasant break from the solar intensity of their mutual longing. Almost no words are exchanged, and the music they dance to is something he won’t remember upon waking, but that’s alright. All that matters is Doyoung smiling with that special sparkle in his eye that’s only for Yedam, leading him down the river with one hand in his and the other on his waist. 
    A carnival appears by the riverside after a while, and maybe it doesn’t make sense, but then again, dreams are never really supposed to. 
Carousels and Ferris heights
I'll be yours if you'll be mine
    Doyoung gives him a look and all of a sudden they’re in the carriage seat of a carousel running full speed ahead, fast enough that Yedam has to cling to Doyoung’s arm like the meek protagonist of a cliche romance drama, but it’s alright because Doyoung in his dream is laughing and holding him tight and the Doyoung in reality will never know what happens in Yedam’s dreams about him. 
    Another look and three words that Yedam only hears in his dreams and they’re at the top of a ferris wheel with the moon smiling down at them. Doyoung looks so gorgeous like this, bathed in pale light and watching the river below them. He lets Yedam curl up against his side as usual, pressing a kiss to his head in that shameless way he always does. Something feels different about this dream as they sit in silence, building and building as they ascend to the top of the wheel. Doyoung seems unaffected, so Yedam doesn’t speak on it. Better to keep this dream quiet than turn it into a nightmare.
    It stays silent until the very top of the wheel, where it comes creaking to a stop. There, Doyoung says the only words that Yedam will remember when he wakes up.
    “Hyung, I want you to be mine.” God, of course Yedam would be, there’s no universe where he wouldn’t. Still, to protect his heart, there’s one condition.
    “I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine in return. Will you?” 
Cause I'm lonely, I'm so lonely
If you hold me, I'll be your only
    Yedam wakes up alone before he can get an answer. The sheets are still warm, and he wraps himself up in them to pretend like he had gotten one. Hmm, perhaps he’s lonelier than he first thought. Pondering his dream, a sudden burst of emotion catches him by surprise. All this time, all the hours in the studio, all the breakdowns on camera, all the soft words exchanged in darkness behind closed doors, even the few cheek kisses he had managed to push the limit of platonic for… He had already done everything needed for something to finally come out from this game of longing that they’ve been playing. Perhaps another collapse is needed, because Yedam’s star—shaped heart is growing heavy under the weight of his emotions and it’s going to break down into a supernova soon if they keep going like this. 
    Maybe it won’t be so bad if he does. Neutron stars sometimes remain and glow on after novas, so maybe he could move on and set Doyoung free if Venus decides to spare him. However, it’s the other possibility that he fears. Black holes are indiscriminate in their destruction, sucking in everything and warping them beyond recognition or salvation on their way down to hell knows where. Yedam has always considered himself a calm, rational person, but if things go wrong enough that he breaks… He doesn’t want to think about it. 
Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
    The bed dipping behind him as Doyoung returns finally snaps him from his spiraling thoughts. He undoes Yedam’s cocoon of blankets to hold him properly, entwining his fingers with the hand that Yedam’s holding over his heart, warm and safe. Yedam could cry.
    “Hyung, what’s wrong?” 
    Oh. he already is. 
    He can’t speak, scared that he’ll open his mouth and fifteen times the mass of the fucking planet earth’s worth of feelings are going to drop down on Doyoung, and he can’t do that to him. He just squeezes Doyoung’s hand a little tighter, hoping to convey the words that he can’t say. 
    “... Are you lonely, hyung?”
You seem so lonely (Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
    Yes. God, yes. But that isn’t something he can say, not when Doyoung needs comfort more than him. He’ll keep Doyoung in his orbit, but only seek him out in his dreams. It’s better that way, safer for both of their hearts. 
    Still, Doyoung is insistent, sighing softly and pulling Yedam's back flush against his chest. He's so warm it shakes Yedam to the core, his fragile heart threatening to crack under the proximity. Please, stop… You can’t know how much I love you. I shouldn’t want you to love me back this badly...
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
    "You don't have to say anything, it's okay. I know." Doyoung whispers, his thumb gently caressing the back of Yedam's hand. "You've always been there for me when I'm feeling down. It's my turn now." It’s everything that Yedam needs to hear, the spark that he needs if he wants to keep burning, yet it pains him just as much as if Doyoung had violently spurned him. He whimpers in pain and Doyoung hums in sympathy, pressing a kiss to the junction between his shoulder and neck. “I’m sorry it took me so long, hyung. I’ve been scared, but you’ve given me the courage to finally tell you, I… I’m in love with you, hyung. I’m so sorry it took you being hurt for me to quit being so complacent.” 
    Yedam finally manages to breathe, ragged and stuttering. Every word, every little action that he had received from Doyoung since he had returned to him was a thundering rain cloud over the drought—ravaged riverbank of his heart that had been crumbling under the solar wrath of his yearning. Unaccustomed to the sudden rapids, his banks swell and burst, shattering the damn that had held back the tears he had been trying to stop. Doyoung holds him through the flood, whispering soft apologies and affirmations until he can calm down, let his love sink in and steady him. 
    “No fair,” Yedam chokes out, “I’m supposed to be the one holding you together when you’re hurting.” 
    “Not when you’re hurting more than me, hyung,” Doyoung murmurs. “I should have noticed sooner… Both your feelings and the way you’ve been falling apart for me.” He plays with Yedam’s hands as he speaks, melting him further. 
    “I hoped you wouldn’t, to be honest. I didn’t mind being lonely as long as I can be there for you.” The way Yedam clings to Doyoung’s hands greatly contrasts his words, and Doyoung sighs.
    “That’s a lie and you know it,” Doyoung grumbles, though his voice holds no venom. “From now on, if you’re lonely, you have to come be lonely with me, okay? I want to love you more than I do now, to make up for me hurting you.”
    Maybe it’s cheesy, maybe it doesn’t exactly eliminate Yedam’s problems at the root, but god, it’s just so Doyoung. The same Doyoung whose meteor showers of affection always seemed so distant and unattainable, but now have him bracing for impact. He always figured he would go down like Cassini, de—orbiting and confessing once he started to break down under his feelings and burning up in the atmosphere of Doyoung letting him down easily, but being knocked into romantic orbit by Doyoung’s own confession is decidedly much better. 
    “Okay. Let’s be lonely together, then.”
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
    Enduring this god—forsaken competition becomes a little easier with Doyoung's light by his side after that night, if not more high—stakes. They already hide their friendship from the cameras well, and a relationship is no different; if anything they hide so well that their fans worry there was a falling out. If only they knew how much time the two lonely souls spent together, crashing into each other after spending the day apart. It’s getting to the point where Yedam worries he’s being a bother, but Doyoung always welcomes his clinging. Admittedly he’s gotten better at handling distance between them now that there's no risk of getting separated, but his touch is still an anchor after the absolute hell they had gone through together. 
    Like now, the night before their debut.
    They’re in Yedam’s room this time, the door closed and locked against any knocking hyungs. Doyoung technically isn’t supposed to be here, but a pout and a few words about inspiration for a new song got him past Hyunsuk at the door easily. Yedam has half a mind to scold him for it, but Doyoung crashing onto his lips and lap easily extinguishes the words on the tip of his tongue. Like an asteroid getting dragged away from Earth by Jupiter, Yedam easily switches all his attention to Doyoung, his homework be damned. 
    He hadn’t realized how much he had missed kissing Doyoung, the tension of weeks of being too tired from practice and schoolwork and TMap filming and his own solo debut for anything other than a lingering hug finally bleeding from his shoulders. He sighs and Doyoung tilts his head just so, and all of a sudden he’s reeling from the impact of all the passion he didn’t know he had been repressing.
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
    Doyoung smirks against his lips, pulling back with a purr of “I knew you missed me.” 
    “S’lonely without you,” he huffs, meeting Doyoung’s self—satisfied grin with a half—lidded glare. He’s so close, Yedam can see the mini galaxies in his eyes. As if he couldn’t get any more gorgeous… 
    Doyoung kisses him again before he can think of anything else, cupping his face and disconnecting them from gravity just like how Yedam had longed to do months ago. They had kissed before; quick meteor—like moments stolen during precious seconds of unsupervised free time—bright, but never long enough to truly capture and savor. This, however, is an aurora: languid, intense, vibrant, and utterly breathtaking. Funny how just a press of the lips and the occasional swipe of a tongue will have Yedam so dazed that he can’t feel his feet reach the ground, clinging to Doyoung to ground himself, but then again it’s Doyoung , and Doyoung has impacted him in so many ways that their souls have become entwined, so there’s no use trying to resist.
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
    They have to separate for air eventually, though they stay close in each other’s orbits, close enough that they can still feel the heat from each other’s atmospheres. Yedam drops his head onto Doyoung’s shoulder, his chest heavy with the hollow that’s no longer there. He has to collect his thoughts before he can bear to look at Doyoung again, connect the dots to form the constellation that is the epiphany he had finally come to realize in the past week of missing him. He presses a kiss to Doyoung’s neck for good luck, not missing the way his breath hitches as he does.
    His pupils are blown wide when Yedam meets his gaze, glowing with anticipation and unadulterated love at the call of his name. He’s so bright that Yedam nearly falters until he remembers that he would probably see that same glow if he looked in the mirror. 
    “You know, I’ve always loved thinking of myself as a star. Not just like an idol, but like a real star, up in space. My passion and dreams are my gravity, and it’s strong enough to generate my drive to be who I am now and improve that, my light and heat. I see everyone as stars, really, but you were one of the first to pull me into your orbit along with Hyunsuk—hyung and Jihoon—hyung. All of us, we’re orbiting around the same dream of debuting, our barycenter. You, though… We have our own, the one that I found the day I saw you leaning by yourself against the practice room wall. It was there the whole time, drawing us together. I think it was our shared loneliness, at first, but now it’s something different... ” Yedam pauses to lean forward and press his forehead against Doyoung’s so he’ll feel the weight of his next words. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m orbiting around how much I love you, Doyoung.” 
    Doyoung is blinking back tears at this point, his breath shaky and coming in sobs. Yedam watches him swallow, watches the way his tongue darts out to wet his kiss—swollen lips before he speaks. 
    “You don’t have to be lonely anymore, hyung. You’ve been there for me at my worst, and I promised I’d be there for yours. I know it took me a long time, and I should have loved you more than I did when I realized—” 
    “You didn’t—”
    “—but now I finally understand. I know what true love is, and it’s the gravity that pulled me in, it’s the way you still keep shining even when your light is flickering and any normal person would have blown out by then. It’s the way you look at me when no one else is looking, the way you can never get your hands off me whenever I’m within reach. You may be orbiting around your love, but I’m getting bombarded by mine. Now I know how the moon felt, constantly getting hit by asteroids.”
    A moment of silence passes between the two, the calm after a pair of supernovas. Twin neutron stars are left in their wake, tears streaming down their faces as they return to Earth, back down to two boys in YG’s idol dorms, one in the other’s lap. Yedam recovers first, pulling Doyoung the rest of the way down with a kiss. They both smile against each other’s lips, still exhilarated from their confessions. The exhaustion will catch up to them soon, but Yedam still has one last question.
    “Be my boy, Doyoung?” 
    “Only if you’ll be mine.” 
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