#kim jiso
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For @madame-yus-wife, the pinacle of romance:
Kim Soo Ho/The Queen from Hwarang. She's totally not thinking about punishing the strapping young man who had the nerve to make physical contact...
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Hwarang / Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
Hangul: 화랑(花郞)
Director: Yun Seong-Sik
Writer: Park Eun-Young
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Go Ara, Park Hyung-Sik, Do Ji-Han, Seo Yea-Ji, Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Won-Hae, Yoo Jae-Myung, Minho, Jo Yoon-Woo, Sung Dong-Il
Hayal takımı!!! Şahane ekip! Benim fanatikliğimin çıkış noktası olan dizi. Park Seo-Joon var, yanına Parkk Hyung-Sik koymuşlar, bir de BTS’in göz bebeği Kim Tae-Hyung(V)’yi ikna etmişler. Daha ne olsun. Wooga Squad’ın temelleri atılmış. Çekimler sırasında Seo-Joon ve Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşınca set sonrasında Seo-Joon’un arkadaş ortamına girmek istemiş. Tae-Hyung ise bilmediği bir alanda iyi bir iş çıkartmak için Seo-Joon’dan yardım isteyince ekibe dahil olmuş. Zaten Wooga Squad’ın en küçüğü olarak her biri V’yi el üstünde tutuyor. Hatta bir sohbet sırasında Seo-Joon “onu konserde izlediğimizde ne kadar popüler olduğunu fark ettik, sahnede adeta devleşiyor” şeklinde konuşmuştu. Çünkü onlar için V küçük kardeş gibi.
Konudan çok uzaklaştım. Kırmızı çizgime denk geldi. Dizi, MÖ 1. yüzyılda Koguryo, Baekje ve Silla’dan oluşan 3 krallık döneminde; Silla’da geçiyor. Kraliçe askeri bir yapılanma kurmaya karar veriyor. Soylu ailelerin yüzü güzel olan oğullarına savaş sanatı eğitimi vererek “Hwarang” adını verdiği birliği kuruyor. Bu dizi için bir tarih dizisinden çok tarihi anekdotlar içeren tarihi bir dizi diyebilirim.
Queen Jiso (Kim Ji-Soo), tahtı elinde tutabilmek için genç yaşta tahtın varisi olan oğlu Ji Dwi Rang(Park Hyung-Sik)’ i herkesten saklayarak yönetimi elinde tutmaktadır. Kendini korumak için Hwarang’ı kurmaya karar verir. Prens ise halktan biri gibi yaşayarak tahta geçme sırasının gelmesini beklemektedir. Halk prensin kayıplara karıştığını düşünüyordur. Hiç kimse prensin yüzünü görmemiş, neye benzediğini bilmiyordur. Kraliçenin tek düşmanı diğer krallıklar değil, her dönem dizisinde olduğu gibi Silla içinde de tahta göz diken vekiller vardır. Hwarang aslında vekillerin oğlunu kraliçeye hizmet ettirerek ayaklanmalarını önlemek içinde gizli bir amaç barındırıyor.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon) yakın arkadaşı Mak-Moon(Lee Kwang-Soo) ile onun ailesini bulmaya Silla’ya gelirler. Yolda prens ile karşılaşırlar ve Mak-Moon yanlışlıkla karanlıkta prensi görür. Prensin korumaları bunu fark edince, peşine düşüp “prensin yüzünü gördü” diyerek onu öldürürler. Moo Myung arkadaşını kurtarmak için geç kalır. Bunu ona yapanlardan intikam almak için yemin eder. Bunu yapabilmek içinde Mak-Moon’un kimliğine bürünüp oymuş gibi ailesi ile yaşamaya başlar. Ve tabi ki kendisi başrolümüz olduğundan Hwarang’a katılıp saraya girmenin yollarını arayacaktır.
Dizilerdeki en sevdiğim romantizm, beni en çok etkileyen arkadaşlıklar hep ‘bromans’lar oluyor. Bayılıyorum erkeklerin birbirileri ile olan o güçlü bağlarına, hayranım. Sevdiğim bütün oyuncuları çıkartsak dizinin izleyecek bir yanı kalmayacağını kabul ediyorum. Hwarang’ı izleten şeyin Hwarang cast’ı olması ikonik olmuş. Bir araya gelmek zorunda kalan, başta birbirlerinden çok da hoşlanmasalar da mecbur kalan 6 erkeğin dostluğunu izliyoruz. Park Hyung-Sik’i nasıl da özlemişim. “Strong girl Do Bong Soon” dizisinin Min-Min’iydi benim için. Beğendiğim oyuncuların dizilerini izlerim ama onu hep Min-Min olarak bellemişim ki hiç elim gitmemiş başka bir şey izlemeye. Bu diziyle onu da yıkmış oldum. Şahaneydiler. Seo-Joon ile özellikle parıl parıl parlıyorlardı. BTS’den Kim Tae-Hyung‘un yanı sıra , Shinee grubunun üyesi olan Minho da Hwarang ekibindeydi. Onunla ve sesiyle de burada tanışmış olduk.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon); fakir bir hayat yaşamış arkadaşları için kendini feda edebilecek lider ruhlu bir gençtir. Köpek-Kuş lakabı ile bilinir. Sessiz sakin ama net bir duruşu vardır.
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Park Hyung-Sik); kendisi sürgün bir prenstir. Annesinin taht sevdası yüzünden saklanarak yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bir şekilde Hwarang’a katılarak kaleyi içten fethetmeyi amaçlar. Burada biraz yorum katmam gerekirse, çok pasifti. Öyle böyle değil. Ben en azından bir kral duruşuna tavrına sahip olmasını beklerdim. Önünde sonunda annesi çekilmek zorunda kalacak ve tahta çıkacak kişi olacaktı. Ama hiç o ışığı taşımıyordu. Bunun suçlusu senaryoydu muhtemelen. Daha net ve kararlı bir karakter yazmış olmalarını isterdim.
Soo Ho Rang (Minho); Kraliçenin destekçisi olan soylu bir ailenin oğludur. Bütün kızlara mavi boncuk dağıtırken, aslında gönlü kraliçededir. Onun gözünde hiçbir kadın kraliçeye denk değildir.
Ban Ryu Rang (Do Ji-Han); Kraliçenin düşman ailelerinden birinin oğludur. Ho-Rang’ın en büyük rakibidir. Sessiz, sinirli ve en soğuk üyedir. Babalarının düşmanlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışıyorlardır.
Yeo Wool Rang (Jo Yoon-Woo); grubun en femineni ve en güzel görünenidir. Hikayeye çok bir katkısı olmayan etkisiz eleman olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Ve Han Sung Rang (Kim Tae-Hyung); sevimli, şımarık ve en çocuksu Hwarang’dı. Aile ismi nedeni ile istemeden Hwarang’a katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Gerçek hayatta Seo-Joon’a olduğu gibi dizideki karakteri de Moo Myung’a kendini yakın hissettiği için onun etrafında dolaşırken bol bol görüyoruz. Çekimlerde kendi sahnelerinden önce Seo-Joon’a gidip “bu işi ilk kez yapıyorum ve iyi bir şekilde yapmak istiyorum, yardımcı olur musun?” diye sormuş. Seo-Joon ise adeta bir oyuncu koçu gibi her sahnesinden önce onunla ezber yaparak onu sahneye hazırlamış. O zamandan beride çok yakın arkadaş olmuşlar. Hatta bir sohbetlerinde şakayla karışık bütün oyuncuların öyle olmadığını herkese aynı şekilde yaklaşmaması gerektiğini tembihliyordu.
Ve dizideki tek kadın karakter olmasa da ön plandaki tek kadın olan A-Ro(Go Ara) vardı. Dizinin başında ölen Mak-Moon’ın gerçek kız kardeşiydi. Hem sahte abisi Moo Myung hem de gizli prens Maek Jong ile yakınlaşmalar yaşayan bu hanım kızımız, düşük sınıf bir anneden doğmuştur. Babasının soylu olması önemsizdir. Babası o dönemin doktoru olduğu için onun çıraklığını yapar. Ek gelir için ise kadınlara müstehcen hikayeler anlatır.
Özetleyecek olursam, tatlı sert bir arkadaşlık hikayesi izledik diyebiliriz. Dizinin akışındaki aşk hikayesinden çok bromansin ön planda olduğu sıcak bir diziydi. Havasında asla ağırlık yoktu. Çok da ciddi olmayan bir atmosferde çok keyfi bir hikaye anlatılıyordu. Dizi müzikleri içinde ise BTS’den Jin ile V’nin eseri olan bir şarkı yer alıyor.
BTS (V, Jin) - It's Definitely You
Raven Melus
#Hwarang#Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth#dizi#yorum#kdrama#inceleme#eleştiri#Park Seo-Joon#Go Ara#Park Hyung-Sik#Do Ji-Han#Seo Yea-Ji#Kim Tae-Hyung#v#Kim Won-Hae#Yoo Jae-Myung#Minho#Jo Yoon-Woo#Sung Dong-Il
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BLACKPINK Reactions : S/O Wearing Revealing Clothes
hey yall! so this was requested a while back but i really liked the idea of it so here we are!! i think it was also in my comments in the rules of requesting. anyway here you all go! i hope you enjoy! blackpink members x reader disclaimer/s : relatively sexual content. nothing explicit but definitely suggestive. read with caution children
Kim Jisoo
Jisoo was the more conservative member of Blackpink so when you two got together, your friends found it rather funny. See, you were the one who was always going on the wildest adventures and meeting the most random people when you went out. So to them it just didn’t make sense.
Then they saw it, the tame and reserved version of yourself when they saw you hanging out with Jisoo. It wasn’t that you were faking it, it’s just that you didn’t feel the need for your high adventure and extremist lifestyle; you were content with being, as your friends would say, tame.
“Y/n come onnnn!” Your best friend whined as you both got ready for one of the bachelorette parties you’d been invited to. You chuckled to yourself as you applied mascara to your lashes. “It’s one night and then you can go back to being perfect little N/n for Jisoo.”
While you glared at her, she looked around your closet for the skimpiest thing you could wear. Leaving no stone unturned after you’d given away most of your partyware for comfortable hoodies and jeans. After a few minutes of her flipping through her limited options, she uttered a loud gasp. You shot up from your lying down position when your best friend pulled your favorite party dress out of your closet.
Your eyes grew to the size of the moon as you stared at it, it was a sequenced tube dress that reached only to the middle of your thighs, making men and women drool all over you. In your mind, you’d thrown it away with all of your other dresses. “You HAVE to wear this, N/n! For old times sake, please!”
You took the piece in your hands, you weren’t sure if it’d still fit but to sate your friend, you slipped the dress on as she searched for the matching heels and hair ties that you’d always used to pull your hair into a high ponytail, exposing even more skin. To your surprise, the dress fit you just the way it did. You grinned to yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror, kicking your leg up as you turned, your friend cheering you on.
The dress slipping on turned into an impromptu fashion show, you and your friend laughing and striking different poses, not hearing the front door clicking open.
“N/n?” You froze midturn. You grinned sheepishly before you saw Jisoo staring at you awestruck. You flushed under her gaze, almost physically shrinking. The singer walked past you to her side of the closet. “The look would look even better with this choker and high boots instead of just the high heels wouldn’t you say?” Your girlfriend asked before throwing a series of items on the bed beside your best friend.
She placed a kiss on your cheek before making her way to the bedroom door, “When you two are done in here, come out and I’ll take your photos! It’ll look good, I promise!” She called before leaving both you and your friend gobsmacked.
Before you both left, Jisoo did take your photos and she wrapped you in a tight hug. Not letting you go before she muttered, “I didn’t realize how hot my girlfriend would look in these kinds of clothes…You ought to show this off more often.”
You blushed a deeper shade of red as Jisoo kissed your lips, smearing your lipstick a little, leaving you wanting more.
Kim Jennie
Jennie stirred awake one morning. It’d been one of her few days off since she’d had promotions for Chanel and Jentle Garden and she deeply wanted to spend it with you. But as she felt around the thick sheets, the rapper felt nothing but a cold comforter. She cracked an eye open and pushed up to see your side empty.
A pout began to form on her pink lips. Moving to get her phone to call you, Jennie saw a bright yellow sticky note on the screen of her phone with your handwriting scribbled in black ink. ‘Went out with my friends for a birthday brunch, hon. I’ll pick you up later and we can go out! I love you, Jen!’
Jennie bit back the smile that grew on her face before she fell back into the bed, squealing softly. Excitement in her building to see you.
A few hours pass before you text her that you’re downstairs waiting in the car. She’d been preparing for hours, picking the perfect outfit and making sure that her make-up was on point. She knew though that she could wear the tackiest thing in her closet and you’d still tell her she looked beautiful.
Before she rushed out the house, she grabbed one of her many coats knowing just how easily she gets cold and knowing both of you, you’d be out until the late hours of the night.
Jennie’s gaze jumped from car to car looking for yours in the building’s parking lot. Then she saw you leaning up against you f/c car staring down at your phone with a small grin. Her bright expression grew dim when she saw you in a lowcut minidress that hugged your curves extremely well. Her heartbeat picked up and her mouth went dry.
When the initial shock and subsequent arousal, she realized that you’d gone out like that. The rapper strut up to you with a passion, catching your attention making your grin grow wider and you opened your arms for her. All to be met with crossed arms and a pout.
You raised a brow curiously and tilted your head to the side, “What’s that look for honey?”
Jennie motioned to your outfit to which you threw your head back laughing. The pout on her face deepened as she slapped your exposed arm gently. “Yahh! I’m serious. You look amazing but I don’t like that others get to—!”
You immediately pressed your lips to her, cutting her off. Before she could fall into the feeling completely, you pulled away still wearing a cat’s grin. Your arms wrapping around her petite waist as you flushed her against yourself. “You have nothing to worry about, they can look but only you can touch, honey. I love you and no one else will hold a candle to that.” You finished as you pecked her lips again quickly, ushering her to her side of the car.
She grinned up at you sheepishly as you helped her slip into the seat of your car. You soon joined her, adjusting yourself in the car again before she caught your attention, taking your hand in hers. Placing light kisses over your knuckles. “I forgot to say, you look absolutely exquisite, N/n…”
You blushed and rolled your eyes, “I have a girlfriend whom I love, miss Kim.”
She giggled and played with your fingers as you drove off towards your destination, conversation never running dry, the jealously earlier that night almost completely forgotten. Until of course…
“Jen, I don’t need a jacket…” You argued softly as you walked through one of the parks in the middle of Seoul. “You’re probably colder than me right now.” Which you knew was a thinly veiled excuse for you to cover up with her jacket. But you merely shook your head and buried yourself under her arm making her giggle uncontrollably as you continued to deny the warmth of the jacket.
You knew fully well you had one of the most jealous girlfriends in the world, and you were alright with that. At the end of the day, she knew not to doubt how much you loved her and vice versa.
Park Chaeyoung / Rosé
“What time is the event, Rosie?” You asked through the phone as Rosé entered the backroom of the event to get ready for her and the rest of Blackpink’s walk down the red carpet. YGE had begun to host a gala every year to celebrate the success of the company that year and it was a big year; with Blackpink’s comeback and the success of their latest boy group.
The company was on the up and up to say the least.
“The dinner starts at seven but if you want to still walk with me, we’ll start the entrance to the hall at six thirty.” You looked down at your watch, it was now half past five, there was no way you were going to get glammed up within that time.
You clicked your tongue as you thought for a moment. “I’ll be there before the dinner but I probably won’t get to walk with you and the girls.” A soft, playful whine came from your phone and you couldn’t help the amused chuckle that fell past your lips as you filled through your closet for something you to wear.
“What’re you going to wear?” You asked with the intention not to clash with her. The line was silent for a minute, only hearing her discussing it with her stylist. “Black probably.”
You hummed thoughtfully before your eyes caught a velvety dark maroon off-shoulder dress with a high slit. It was classy enough for one of the biggest parties for your girlfriend’s career but still nice enough that Rosé could post about the both of you on her Instagram. “Got it. I’ll see you in a bit, baby.”
Rosé had been mingling with investors, other idols, and her members while waiting for you. She couldn’t help but feel some concern, you weren’t often late. For the hundredth time within fifteen minutes, she pulled her phone out, looking for a text from you to only hear Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo gasp softly.
The vocalist raised her head to ask what had happened when her arms fell helplessly to the side seeing you at the entrance of the venue. In the red dress, your make-up done splendidly, and the most adorable lost expression over your face. Rosé’s eyes went wide and her mouth fell agape. For a moment, she doesn’t move, she’s frozen in her place, heart racing a mile a minute as her eyes trailed over your figure.
The trance was broken by a not so subtle cough from all three of her members. She quickly caught her bearings and weaved her way through the light crowd in the function hall. The vocalist couldn’t stop the smile when your eyes met.
A flash of relief washed over your face as your girlfriend waved at you. She leaned close leaving a light kiss over your cheek with a huge smile on her face. “You should dress this way more often...” She teased, laughing at the bright red flush on your face
The entire night had now become Rose proudly showing you off to her members and other party guests.
Lalisa Manoban / Lisa
Lisa considered herself to be a patient person but the fact that you were almost late to your appointment was making her anxious. She didn’t like to leave people waiting and the idea of entering after everyone made her feel more than a little on edge.
“Y/n! Angel! I love you, but we’re going to be late!” Lisa called, making her pets jump up a little at the sudden sound of her voice.
Without a response from the bedroom, she took another deep breath, body sinking deeper into the cushions behind her. She didn’t want to rush you since prior to her coming home, you two had gotten into a spat about how much time she spends practicing even when she doesn’t need to. She knew you’d just wanted more time with her and it was really affecting your relationship as of recent.
The situation had her conflicted.
Lisa wanted more time with you, but she still wanted to get her stamina and focus up to speed in case of their future comebacks. She closed her eyes again trying to find a simple solution for her problem when she heard soft padded footsteps making her eye crack open.
Then her eyes popped open at the sight of you. A skin-tight pantsuit with a very, very deep plunging neckline leaving little to the imagination. Lisa felt a shudder rush through her body as she stared at you, her body turning hot as she stared at every crevice that stretched against the soft fabric of the jumpsuit.
Despite knowing that you’d both be late, Lisa found herself right behind you, her hands over your waist making your breath hitch in your throat. You tentatively look behind yourself as Lisa pulled your hips closer. “Lali…We have to—”
“Shhh, N/n…” She rut her front into your ass making you groan sotly. “I think I have to apologize for all the wasted time…” You were suddenly spun around and were face to face with Lisa’s sharp features making you weak at the knees. You nodded helplessly making Lisa flash her signature smirk your way.
Lisa didn’t really mind that she was an hour late to her engagement anymore.
i hope you all enjoyed! i might do some twice or red velvet stuff next but probably some poppy or veronica x readers over the weekend. depends on how my weekend goes HAHAHAH i hope you're all keeping safe and remember that requests are open! i'll see you vv soon, my lovelies 💓 - r
#blackpink#blackpink imagines#blackpink x reader#blackpink scanrios#blackpink reactions#blackpink jisoo#blackpink jennie#blackpink rosé#blackpink chaeyoung#blackpink lisa#jisoo x reader#jisoo imagines#jisoo reaction#jennie imagines#jennie x reader#kim jiso#kim jennie#jennie reaction#park chaeyoung#park rosé#rosé imagines#chaeyoung x reader#chaeyoung imagines#lisa imagines#lisa x reader#lisa reaction#kpop idol imagines#kpop idol reactions#purecantarella
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BLACKPINK’s icon emoji drawings (wallpaper version)
#blackpink#kim jiso#kim jennie#park chaeyoung#lisa manoban#blackpink jisoo#blackpink jennie#blackpink rose#blackpink lisa#kpop#kpop aesthetic#kpop wallpaper#kpop lockscreen#blackpink wallpaper#blackpink lockscreens#jenlisa#chaesoo#jensoo#chaelisa#lisoo#chaennie#hylt#blackpink hylt#how you like that
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blackpink japan debut edit
#blackpink#blackpinknet#femaleidolsedit#qirlqroupsedit#lisa#jisoo#jennie#rose#black pin#yg#girl groups#kpop#blackpink lockscreen#lockscreen#park chaeyoung#kim jennie#kim jiso#lalisa manoban
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#kim jiso#kim jisoo icons#icons kim jisoo#jisoo icons#icons jisoo#blackpink#blackpink icons#icons blackpink
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The Glory
(netflix series 2022 -1st part/8 episodes)
Song Hye kyo's iconic acting
The storyline is so good, heavy subject but so addictive, you'll binge watch it for sure
Lee Do Hyun!!!
The villains, wow, especially Yeon Jin, the devil herself; and I need a leading role for Kim Hieora
Hyeom Nam , she is everything 😍

Their chemistry even if he's not the lead, we need another drama with these two

The past and present cast is perfection

The cinematography is 🤌❤
#kdramas#the glory#the glory netflix#song hye kyo#lee do hyun#lim ji yeon#jung sung il#kim hieora#yeom hye ran#park sung hoon#kim gun woo#cha joo young#jung jiso#shin ye eun
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Show Me ! ਏਓ
#tea party#imitation#jung jiso#hyun seungmin#lim nayoung#kim minseo#maha#hyunji#riah#tea party layouts#imitation layouts#ateez layouts#ateez#ggs layouts#twitter layouts#twitter packs#messy layouts#lq icons#imitation drama#kpop#kim minseo icons#kim minseo layouts#jung jiso layouts#jung jiso icons#lim nayoung layouts#lim nayoung icons#yoo riah#lee maha#shim hyunji
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Tea party/Omega3 in Imitation episode 1-3
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I would wait forever
Word count: 1,239
Genre: angst, mentions of smut??
I said "I would wait forever", and that's what I'm doing… I'm waiting for her, for her love more specifically.
I said that when we were only four, now we're eighteen and we're in college together, sharing a small apartment and she seems to have forgotten my promise.
I can tell she forgot, the amount of young men she brings back after dark tells me directly.
She smiles at me like I'm her best friend but her eyes say I'm a stranger. She doesn't talk to me all that much anymore, she barely even looks my way.
Her friends are displeasing to my eye and her boyfriend even more so.
It's all changed and I'm not enjoying it, I can't believe how she's turned on me, I refuse to believe this is the end of us.
"Morning" Jisoo mumbles, stumbling out of her bedroom with dark knotted hair and an oversized shirt draped over her thin figure.
"Good morning" I chirp back, a glad smile upon my face.
Jisoo makes her way over to the kitchen, placing some bread in the toaster as a male with the typical nerd look exits her room, his glasses slid half down the bridge of his nose.
One thing about jisoo is that she doesn't care who she's fucking, as long as she can't see their face. Guess it's so she can have a mental image of the person she actually loves instead of seeing some random person when she's getting pressured.
"I-I enjoyed last night. Can I have your number please?" Poor boy, Jisoos only leading him on, they'll never talk again, they'll for sure never hook up again.
"Mmm? Oh, maybe later" she smiles at him, handing him his coat.
"Like, at school?" Jisoo nods. "Alrighty! I'll introduce my friends to you too!" She closes the door on his face with a slam.
"Please don't" she groans, an annoyed look on her beautiful face. As if on cue, the toaster pings, two fresh pieces of toast pop up.
"Hey y/n?" I hum in response "mind telling your little nerd friend to not embarrass me? Keep him and his friends away from me"
"I don't even know that dude-"
"Do it or get kicked out of my apartment" this is my apartment, she lives here and pays bare minimum.
She spends all her money on alcohol and useless 'toys'... whatever, she clearly enjoys them though. I can hear her voice through the walls almost every night.
It's generally sickening to hear the person you love with others in her bedroom after curfew hours.
"Fine, whatever" I scoff back.
I swear going into classes with Jisoo is even worse than just living with her. She's either constantly laughing in the back or flirting in front of me.
It's genuine hell for me.
"Pay attention, miss keeps looking at you. She could pick on you at any moment" Taehyung whispers to me, ink drawn letters are covering his entire page like paint on a canvas.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right" I grumble, a frown growing in the corners of my lips. The tip of my pen collides with the paper, words being scribbled down, written to the point where they're just about readable.
"What could be the hazards of this?" The teacher asks, picking out the students with social anxiety. She's a bastard for doing that to them, they struggle enough as it is.
"P-possible liver failure and incomplete digestion" miss hums, a somewhat satisfied look on her face.
"Y/n, care to add?"
No, I really don't care enough to add..
"Could also cause nausea, throwing up of stomach acid and several blurred results" she nods, flicking her hair over her shoulder like some runway model.
Other than the unnecessary amount of times I have been picked on today, there were other things ruining my day… Jisoo always being the main reason.
Her voice is so loud, however, I'm not shocked she hasn't hasn't told to quieten down yet, I'm half positive her mother owns the school so… that's self explanatory.
She's floating around to every single and non single male possible, setting up a time for them to meet up in… private…
And by private I mean our shared apartment. I genuinely can't with her. I'm going to have to evict her soon, maybe tomorrow, after she pays me for this month's stay.
Yeah, I'll do just that..
Tomorrow came rather fast, and the payment even faster.. ₩2000, half of what she paid me last month.
She'd slap the cash in my hand "sorry, I need the rest for personal reasons" she'd chuckle as she'd walk away with such a confident strut.
"Jisoo" I'd call for her, her head would turn to the right slightly so her ear is facing me.
"I'm evicting you" my tone was stong and my posture even more so.
"What do you mean?" She turns completely, now facing you.
"I'm evicting you, you're no longer my roommate, I don't want you here anymore" her eyebrows furrow
"Well Why not? I pay, don't I?"
"Yes, you pay. However, you pay so little it's like you expect the rent to cost that little for a two bedroom apartment just a little way off the city" I scoff at her pissed face
"Always knew you'd be the to turn snotty" she spits
"That's really funny coming from you. You fuck people every night, ever consider what I hear at night? Ever considered the thoughts that run through my mind, how I lose hours of sleep because kd you and whoever is in there?"
"Don't need to, I have my boy toys and you have your ear plugs"
"I can't even afford earplugs. I'm that broke, paying for your food and the water consumption you cost me is expensive. I don't even want to talk about the gas"
"Then work more" her lip takes a slight dip, a disgusting look on her once beautiful face. Her personality is all clogged with the new fame.
"Do you even have a job or are you just some slut waiting to get paid for the things she does?" Jisoo stands silent at my words, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Fuck you" she walks past me, exiting the building.
"I could say the same to you too" I mumble, having a civil war with myself over whether or not I just did the correct thing.
#korea#kpop#gxg#YG#agnst#Jisoo#kim jisoo#yg jisoo#blackpink#love#writing#female reader#jisoo x reader#jisoo x fem reader#jiso x female reader#reader#fiction
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Upcoming idol based drama “Imitation,” based on the webtoon of the same name, has released concept photos of fictitious girlgroup TEAPARTY and its members Ria (Kim Minseo), Hyunji (I.O.I & PRISTIN alum Lim Nayoung), & Maha (Jung Jiso). “Imitation” is set to premiere on KBS2 on May 7th.
#imitation#teaparty#teaser#imitation: teaser#teaparty: teaser#k-drama#lim nayoung#kim minseo#jung jiso#pristin#i.o.i
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#jiso#jisoo icons#kim jisoo#kim jisoo icons#jisoo instagram#blackpink#Blackpink icons#blackpink jisoo#blackpink jisoo ig#blackpink jisoo kim#jisoo blackpink#blackpink kim jisoo#blackpink kim jisoo icons#blackpink jisoo icons#blackpink kim jisoo instagram
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