#kim jaehwan angst
sadfragilegirl · 1 year
I'm really sad that they don't write for VIXX anymore...I mean there's no new VIXX scenarios on Tumblr and it disappoints me very much.
Like, Tumblr users who wrote for VIXX are either inactive for a very long time while others deactivated their accounts.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
wanna one
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saying that you love them in your sleep
fans ship you together
you calling them your ideal type
gf is sad about eye bags
soulmate au
hating you
pantone 14-1513
bf! guanlin
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hobeemin · 4 months
dangerous pairing ~ (pt. vii)
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🌙 genre: supernatural, fantasy, drama, angst, e2l, soulmates, forbidden romance, hybrid au
🌙 pairing(s): werewolf!kim namjoon x vampire!(f) oc; vampire!min yoongi x werewolf!jung hoseok; vampire!lee jaehwan x vampire!(f) oc; werewolf!kim namjoon x werewolf!ahn hyejin
🌙 summary: they were never meant to be together somehow, their lives intertwined, setting in motion a chain of events that would forever change the course of their lives and the people connected to them.
🌙 rating: 18+
🌙 warning(s): swearing, violence, torture, drinking blood, threats, jealousy, exhibitionism, penetration, fingering, scratching, biting
🌙 word count: 3.1k
🌙 inspiration: MB & Playlist
🌙 a/n: credit and many thanks to​💜💜 and @jeonggukingdom for the banner 💜💜 and to the lovely summer @beomcoups for beta reading 💛💛
🌙 < 🌙 m.list 🌙 > 🌙
“I won’t ask you again,” he said, circling the chair under the dim lights. “Where are the hunters?”
Muffled sounds came from the person tied to the chair. Namjoon motioned to Jungkook to remove the gag from his mouth.
Matthew spit out the blood as a tooth followed. Namjoon stepped back, shaking his head. “Matthew, Matthew. If you can do this the easy way or the hard way,” He squatted down, meeting his gaze. The man’s eyes were swollen, but he could see Namjoon’s form before him. His throat dried; he could barely form the words to speak.
“I-I d-don’t know anything.”
Namjoon dropped his head with a deep sigh. “I thought you were smarter than that, Kim. I’m very disappointed.”
He snapped his fingers as Jungkook and Hoseok stepped up to untie Matthew. The man struggled, trying to break free. Namjoon walked over to a tray of instruments, carefully running her fingers along each.
“Most would think I like to leave the dirty work to my pack, but I always felt it showed leadership and initiative to do things myself.”
The serrated blade reflected across Mathew’s face as Namjoon picked it up. 
“Last chance, Kim,” he replied.
Just as it got close to his side, Matthew jerked away with a yell. “J-Jackson!”
“Speak up, leech,” Hoseok snarled.
“The hunter’s name is Jackson.”
Namjoon put the blade down and wiped his hands with a towel. He gave Jungkook and Hoseok a curt nod, and they dropped Matthew to the floor. 
His gaze landed on Hoseok. “Find them.”
Hoseok gave a hum of understanding. “How you want them?”
“Alive for now. Get him cleaned up and back to whatever hole you found him in,” he instructed.
They picked up Matthew and dragged him out of the cellar. “Oh, and Matthew,” Namjoon called. “If I find you warned them, I’ll make a house call to your family. Are we clear?”
“U-Understood,” he whispered.
“–And so I didn’t even try to tell my father about it.”
Hwasa’s laugh seemed to echo as she turned to Namjoon. Her smile wavered slightly as she watched his facial expression. He seemed so far away.
No response. 
Hwasa smiled at the people around them as she stepped closer, interlocking her fingers with his. He blinked a few times, feeling the warmth. Glancing at her and the people around him, he gave them a slight grin.
“Sorry. My mind seemed to wander off. Enjoy your evening, everyone.”
Hwasa wiggled her fingers in farewell as they walked away to mingle more. They stopped by the bar, waiting to order drinks. Namjoon raised his hand, giving his order to the bartender.
“Are you alright? You’ve been distracted since we arrived,” she murmured as she grabbed the champagne glass off the counter.
“I’m fine,” he replied curtly, sipping the amber liquid in his glass.
“Then act like it,” she said sweetly, her smile not reaching her eyes.
“I’ll hold my end; you do the same,” he answered, his eyes flashing gold in warning.
Hwasa clinked her glass to his with a giggle. “Cheers.”
Eva sipped her champagne as classical music played softly in the background. She handled this gala effortlessly.
Ken stayed by her side as soon as they arrived, ensuring every photograph taken had them together. Reluctantly, she played the part. After all, this was all a rouse to get everyone to see she was a severe threat. Jimin and Yoongi watched around the room with careful eyes. 
Though they had the best security detail money could buy, Jin felt it was better to keep a close eye on Eva. Anything could happen at a moment’s notice. 
Ken introduced Eva to a group of hospital board members working to pass a motion for Ken’s company regarding a new drug on the market. She smiled demurely, leading Ken into a false sense of security.
“I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this exquisite woman from us, Ken. When’s the wedding?” one of the doctors teased. 
His grip tightened around her waist, pulling her closer. He bent down, kissing her cheek lightly. It almost made her recoil. Smiling, he winked at the doctors.
“If I have my way, she’ll have my last name before the year ends.”
Her smile strained before she gulped down the rest of her champagne. “Time for a refill. Excuse me.” Eva eyed Ken with disdain as she walked back to the bar. The bartender greeted her and placed a napkin in front of her.
“Another glass of champagne miss?”
“No, I require something a little stronger. Let’s go with the Macallan, double, on the rocks.”
She nodded once the highball was placed before her and brought it to her lips. Just as the liquid passed her lips, Eva froze. Her eyes widened, and goosebumps formed along her skin. Where did this come from? Her eyes darted around, searching for Jin, Yoongi, or Jimin.
Are you okay?
I don’t know. Something feels strange.
Would you like to leave Countess?
She sighed, shaking her head and taking another sip of her drink.
No, no, Jimin, I’ll be alright.
Jimin looked over at her with concern but stopped prying. If she stated she was alright, then she was until further notice.
She wanted to kick herself. When had she ever seemed this weak?
Get it together, girl, she scolded herself.
She sniffed, swallowed the rest of her drink, and wiped the corners of her mouth. This was her stage, and she wouldn’t be caught slipping. 
The irony.
Dark brown eyes met her own. Namjoon seemed to bore into her very being. Her grip tightened around the highball as it almost slipped. Ken was at her side immediately, a look of worry on his face. 
She stared at him for a moment with a blank expression. A frown appeared on his face.
She blinked once. Then, twice before letting him take the drink out of her hand.
“I’m fine.”
“We can–”
“I said I was fucking alright, Ken,” she hissed.
He straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “Very well. Let’s continue greeting these donors.”
“Whatever. Fix your tie; it’s crooked,” she said through a smile as they resumed their rounds. Much to her dismay, they walked up to Namjoon and his group. Eva grabbed another flute off a tray as Ken made introductions. 
“Evanglelina Romanus, this is Ahn Hyejin. Her family are patrons of the arts. And this is her escort, er-“
“Kim Namjoon,” he answered, giving Ken a side-eye. 
“Ah, Kim Namjoon. I think I’ve heard of you. Your company deals in construction, I believe?”
“Entertainment mostly. I own Club Lux. Have you been there?”
Ken shook his head with a smirk. “Can’t say that I have.”
“Stop by some time. I’ll give you a good deal,” Namjoon replied.
The tension grew between the two men. Eva cleared her throat, stepping between them.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kim and Ms. Ahn. I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight.”
Hwasa noticed the way Namjoon’s expression shifted slightly when looking at Evangelina. It was subtle but enough for the wolf to see, and maybe it was just plain old female intuition. Either way, she didn’t like it. This woman was a threat. And what did Hwasa do to threats?
Annihilate them.
Ken looked Namjoon up and down, trying to mask his distaste. Something was off about this man. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but the aura permeating off of him seemed dangerous. In his mind, Ken wanted him gone and away from him and Eva.
The Countess may have tried to seem icy, but internally she was suffering. She realized her hand had a slight shake to it. Placing the flute down, she gripped Ken’s arm. He glanced at her in concern.
“Are you alright, Bella?”
She ignored the inquiry.
Something about the way Ken said that made Namjoon’s wolf stir. Why was he touching her like that? Calling her names like they were involved? Who was this man to Eva?
Whatever power seemed to roll off Namjoon had some effect on Eva. Her knees buckled as she almost fell into one of the pillars. Ken quickly caught her as Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin appeared at her side.
She let out a small laugh, pushing away from Ken. It was time to put on an act.
”Goodness, I believe that champagne had more of a punch than I anticipated. I guess I got overheated, if you’ll excuse me.”
She waved them away and headed to the restroom. Namjoon watched her retreating form as Hwasa’s eyes narrowed.
Jin glanced at Ken. “Maybe I should check on her.”
Hwasa stepped up as a smile spread on her face. “Nonsense. I’ll pop in to see if she’s doing okay. It will be better for her to see another lady and all that. Be back in an instant.”
Yoongi nodded as the trio dispersed, returning to his position near the museum's second level. He sighed, drumming his fingers on the railing. His thoughts wandered to Eva, hoping she was recovering.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
A smirk appeared on Yoongi’s face. If his heart functioned, it would have beat erratically. Hoseok oozed charisma from the top of his head to his feet. His regular dark brown locks had been cut short and dyed platinum blonde. It suited him well and contrasted with his black suit. Yoongi appreciated the view before him.
Hoseok closed the distance between them, wanting to be closer, but too many eyes were around.
“Miss you.”
“I miss you too,” Yoongi murmured.
“Will you be able to slip away after this?”
“Maybe. I’ll send a message if I can.”
Hoseok smiled with a wink. “The usual meeting place?”
Hoseok’s face paled, giving Yoongi a look before turning back to face Taehyung. The younger wolf raised a brow at Yoongi before directing his attention at Hoseok. 
“So this is where you ran off, too.”
“The view was better from here,” Hoseok lied easily. “Is everything alright down there?”
“It’s fine. Jungkook has it taken care of for now,” he answered, stepping closer. “Who’s this?” he nudged his chin towards Yoongi.
Hoseok glanced from Yoongi to Taehyung, racking his brain for an answer. Yoongi stepped between them, extending his hand. 
“Min Yoongi. I’m head of security for the event. Hoseok had some questions about the entrance and exits in an emergency. I assured him my team had it under control.”
Taehyung paused before taking his hand. Besides being a bit cool to the touch, he couldn’t get a read on Yoongi. He didn’t like it, but the explanation seemed to soothe his curiosity. 
“I’m impressed with it. Hoseok, I’ll be downstairs with Jungkook. See you in a few?”
He gave a curt nod. “Yes.”
Satisfied, Taehyung headed back down the stairs. Hoseok waited until he was well out of earshot to let the breath he’d been holding pass his lips.
“That was too close for comfort,” he said, calm.
Yoongi shook his head. “It was fine. You kept a cool head. There was nothing suspicious about it.”
Hoseok’s lips thinned as he stared at Yoongi. “Even still. Taehyung has found it hard to move up in rank. I don’t need a reason for him to doubt my position.”
“It will work out, Hobi,” Yoongi reassured.
Hoseok sighed, shaking his head. “I have a lot to think about. We might have to postpone a bit more. Is that okay with you?”
Disappointment passed Yoongi’s face, but he held it in as he nodded. “No choice but to at this point. You better get back down there before he suspects anything else.”
“Thanks, babe. I appreciate it,” Hoseok winked before walking away.
Yoongi stared back out at the guests. His mood was much darker than before.
Eva stepped out of the stall and walked up to the sink, letting the water run momentarily before washing her hands. She wiped her hands with the towels laid out and adjusted her dress. As she fixed her hair, the door swung open as Hwasa entered. Eva paid her no mind as she approached the sink, washing her hands and fussing with her hair.
The tension crawled slowly between the two until Hwasa turned to Eva with a smile.
“It seems you look much better than before,” Hwasa observed.
“Mhmm, much better,” Eva replied, pulling lipstick from her mini clutch.
“I offered to come in here to see how you were.”
“Aren’t you thoughtful,” Eva answered dryly.
Annoyance flashed on Hwasa’s face, but she smiled wide. This woman was not going to get under her skin.
“You know something?”
Eva snapped her clutch close, feeling her temper rise. “I don’t, but I feel you will tell me.”
Hwasa giggled, aggravating Eva more as she leaned against the counter. “It seems you knew Namjoon before this event.”
“What gave you that idea?”
“I’m pretty observant, and the way he stared made it seem like you two are familiar.”
Eva shrugged. “Wow, you got me there, Ms. Ahn. But if you have any insecurities about it, maybe you should talk to Namjoon about it and not some random woman.”
All pretenses dropped as Hwasa’s wolf let out a snarl. Her voice dropped low. “Listen here bitch. Namjoon is mine. I don’t think I can see through that act you’re giving. You better watch your back.”
Eva let out a laugh that didn’t reach her eyes as she closed the distance between them. “And just so you know, for future reference, when you’re kissing Namjoon, that’s me on his lips. You’re in the big leagues now, so watch your back, dear.”
Hwasa felt her lip twitch as Eva turned on her heel and exited the bathroom without another word. She glared at the mirror before growling as her fist smashed the glass.
“She’ll regret crossing me,” she whispered as the glass shattered.
Eva looked around and saw Ken leaning against the bar, talking with Jin. His eyes met hers, and she nodded, heading towards the botanical gardens. As the chilled air of spring filled her lungs, she gripped the side of the fountain. 
What was happening to her?
I have it under control!
No, you don’t.
Eva spun around to see Namjoon standing there. Her eyes narrowed her body on the defense.
“What do you want? Was Ms. Ahn too much to handle?”
Namjoon snorted, placing his hands in his pockets. “Hardly that. I came to get some air myself. I guess we had the same idea.”
She rolled her eyes, taking a seat on the fountain's edge. “I see.”
“I’m surprised your pet didn’t follow you out here,” he sneered.
Eva ran her hand through her curls, letting out a scoff. “Look at the pot calling the kettle black.” She sniffed distastefully, looking him up and down. “Lay off the cologne, you reek of canine.”
Namjoon felt his wolf paw to the surface as he lunged forward, gripping her arm and bringing Eva against his chest. 
“Still with the insults, Eva.”
She gave him an emotionless stare. “I merely speak the truth.”
“Bullshit,’ he spat. He glanced down at her hungrily. “He better not touch you again.”
She hissed as her eyes glowed. “Who do you you are to tell me who can or can’t touch me?!”
His eyes glowed back in response as he smirked. “You know Eva. You’ve always known.”
“I don’t have the slightest clue what you mean.”
“Don’t play coy. I saw the look in your eyes. With him, there was no passion, no desire, no love. You’re fooling yourself if you can’t see what I can.”
His lips touched her pulse point, making her squirm in his arms. Every touch he made sent her closer and closer to the edge. She didn’t want to admit it, but Eva was slowly losing this battle with him.
And she loved every minute of it.
“A-And what is that?”
Namjoon nuzzled against her with a low growl. “You want me just as much as I want you.”
“I’ll rip your throat out,” she warned.
“I dare you,” he taunted.
It was as if time itself had stopped. No pretenses. Just a veil seemed to cover the pair as their lips collided. It felt as if a band snapped. No more pretending. They were in their own world. The kiss broke the rules of nature. Each was fighting the other for dominance. Nothing was gentle in that kiss, only the desire for each other.
Namjoon wasted no time picking her up, moving to a corner away from prying eyes. He pulled away from the kiss, making her whimper in disappointment. He grinned, staring into her eyes with utmost devotion.
“I’ve waited so long for this Eva.”
“Stop talking and fuck me,” she ordered, licking her lips at him.
The gold sparked in his eyes as he chuckled darkly. “Gladly.”
The sound of the belt unbuckling excited her more as he ripped her dress open for better access. Lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist, she giggled. “You owe me a new gown.”
“Fuck that gown,” he laughed as he adjusted himself. Moaning, his fingers brushed her clit, groaning at how aroused she was. He pressed his fingers as she pulsed in his hand. Lifting his fingers, he tasted her essence, trembling with lust. “Delicious.”
Chest rising, she sought out his lips. “J-Just do it, Namjoon. Now!”
He whimpered as he slid between her folds, hugging him just right. Breathing hard through his nostrils, he willed himself to be in control. No way was he going to end this too soon. Who knew when the next time they’d meet?
She wanted him to devour her. Take her for all to see. As his hips snapped, her nails dug into his back, shivering in his arms. This was what was missing, as much as she denied it all these months. It was him. He was her equal.
The grunts and moans filled the garden in shadows under a waning moon. 
Hwasa ran out into the gardens in search of Namjoon. A passerby mentioned seeing him in that direction. She walked out holding onto her champagne flute, wondering why he’d be out there. She paused as she heard noises towards the center of the garden. Picking up her train, she walked in the direction.
There it was. Two bodies writhing in the throes of passion. Hips snapping to an unknown rhythm. And then silver eyes locked with hers.
Hwasa felt her lip twitch as the woman gave her a wink as her fangs slid into view. Still staring, she pulled down Namjoon’s collar and sank her fangs into his neck. He let out a howl as he sped up his movements. The flute dropped from Hwasa’s fingers, crashing into the ground. The two lovers paid it no mind. She turned on her heel and ran back inside the museum, quickly vowing her revenge. She didn’t notice Ken standing behind a tree, watching their every move. His eyes narrowed as his fist formed, nails digging into his palms as blood dripped down.
Yes. Kim Namjoon had to die.
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Christmas Song
Wordcount; 3,775
Fandom; ACE
Pairing; Reader and O5
Characters; Park Junhee, Lee Donghun, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, Kang Yuchan, and features AQA especially Lee Jaehwan.
Warning; Sex Pacts, Fluffy, Slight Angst, full & Anal Sex, And Anal Sexy Toys.
Notes; Chapter 2/8 of Release That Stress
Happy Xmas Eve Choice ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You knocked on the door of the dorm to find Byeongkwan’s smiley face as he pulls you straight into him. Lips clashing with yours straight away, he pulls you into the apartment. “Really, people are going to click on if you keep ravishing her the second she arrives,” Donghun moans as Byeongkwan’s lips fall from yours to huff at his hyung. “Donghun’s right, I’m sure you could wait till the doors shut before you get all horny on me,” you tease as he smirks your way. “Well I got so much stress I really need some release,” he growls as he bites at your bottom lip. “Hey your not the only one who needs attention,” Chan moans as he makes his way towards you, battling his hyung. “Can you not let the poor girl at least breathe before you unleash yourselves on her,” Donghun scolds them both as he grabs your hands, dragging you to the sofa with him. “Right sit, you two,” he pauses to point at them both, “go have a wank or something, let her rest for a while,” he finishes lecturing them both as he walked to the fridge. Pulling out some sparkling cold apple juice, he brings it to you as you thank him before enjoying the taste.
It had been over a year since you had become what they joked was there sexy stress ball. Byeongkwan being the one who took advantage of your pact the most. Chan would slip between friendship and horny sex with benefit’s the second he needed attention. Sometimes he could go between chatting about something and then drag you to his room with the next breath. Junhee would often fight sensibility with his desire. You had soon learnt when he was horny, you would have to coax him to accept he needed some time with you. Sehyoon was very private unless Byeongkwan was there sometimes. You would often look just as friends, but when he was in need, his lust filled eyes would glaze over. Donghun however, was the one that still wasn’t too comfortable, often worrying and lecturing any of you that looked like your emotions was getting lost. He would take advantage the least, yet when he took you to his room he made the whole apartment know.
“So how was your day at work?” Junhee said throwing himself on the space next to you on the sofa. “Hard but I continued with good spirit,” you smiled swigging your apple juice. “Bet you can’t wait for the Christmas holidays,” Sehyoon said as he sat on the chair opposite. His thighs apart as you melted at the muscular texture that he knew you was soft for. Raising his eyebrow subtly smirking that told you he witnessed your meltdown moment, he cleared his throat that had the guys look at him. “So Y/N what are you doing over Christmas?” He asked. “Nothing my family are away till New Years,” you said frowning. “Oh if only we didn’t have our individual schedules we could have spent it with you,” Chan said sitting on the space on your other side. “Who says we can’t,” Byeongkwan added as you all looked at him while he perched at the side of the sofa Sehyoon was sitting on. “Well there’s not a day that we aren’t all together so, I’m sure we could all have a day to ourselves with Y/N,” Byeongkwan’s said with his eyes bright.
“You mean like we each have our own Christmas with her?” Junhee asked as he nodded. “No I don’t like this idea it kind of sounds like a date. Are we not crossing the lines from the pact here?” Donghun scoffed as you saw the guys all look to the floor. “No, not if we don’t let it Hyung,” Chan said as there eyes threw to the younger. “We’ve been shagging over a year now and not one of us have had emotions, we’ve had plenty alone time as well,” Chan explained. “He’s right hyung, what harm is there with each of us spending a day with Y/N. It be good for us but also a way to thank her by spoiling her,” Byeongkwan added with puppy eyes at his hyung. “Unless your struggling under your emotions yourself,” Junhee said raising a eyebrow Donghun’s way. “Don’t be dumb Junhee,” he shot out. “Then why the hesitance?” Junhee asks with a little excitement. “Sehni help me out here,” Donghun shot out as Sehyoon sat further into his chair. “Right is there any one here who thinks they can’t handle it?” Sehyoon asked as he looked round the room as you all shook your head. “And your up for this idea Y/N?” He asked as you nodded. “Words Y/N,” he barked out with the familiar glaze across his eyes. “Yes Sehni I think it’s a brilliant idea,” you said getting excited watching the lust fall over him. “Right then if you have no emotions, then you need to snap out of it, do it for Y/N to give her a good Xmas,” he shot out at Donghun. “I’m sure I can leave you to fit the rota,” he added as he looked up at Byeongkwan, who look too excited to contain it all. “And you,” he paused looking at you with desire in his eyes. “My room now,” he growled at you wasting no time getting you to his bed, to await his need to release himself into you.
It was the day before Christmas Eve and you woke to the door banging. Upon the door matt was a red card, recognising Byeongkwan’s writing immediately you picked it up. Sitting on your Kitchen table you opened it to find the most beautiful card. You could easily tell that Sehyoon had made it as your fingers followed the Christmas painted cardboard.
‘To our little Stress Reliever
Our Christmas present to you, check in tonight at 6pm at Park Hyatt hotel. Your first companion will arrive 10am tomorrow morning. Donghun, Sehyoon, Junhee, Byeongkwan & Yuchan xx.’
You smiled into the card, fingers following each individual swirl of names they each wrote. Excitement tingled through you, as you rushed to your room to pack. These Guys was so special to you to treat you to such an amazing hotel.
Walking into your room, you found a basket of fruit on the glass table with a bucket of Champagne. On the bed was a swan made of towels as you giggled to yourself. By it’s side was a bag, you opened with impatience running through you at being spoiled.
‘Because we know you forgot yours, please pamper yourself, eat well and sleep plenty, your need it for when we’re finished with you.’
You chuckled at the note as you placed it gently on your bed, before pulling at the colourful tissue paper. You pulled out the orange bathers, though they was revealing they was perfect. You squeezed it to your chest looking at the room and your gifts and squealed like a teenager.
You enjoyed swimming in the pool looking over Gangnam-gu from inside the pool, your only wish was to have one of them with you. They had really spoiled you, especially when you had room service bring you up your favourite pork Jajangmyeon, with a Beef Jjinppang. You fell asleep with a happy tum, loving thoughts and excitement for your first date tomorrow.
You could have laughed when Junhee tumbled into your room looking like he had put on so many layers that he was going to the artic. “Why all that?” you chuckled at him as he lowered his hood to remove his winter hat. “Clothes it’s so cold, there saying we could even have snow,” Junhee said as he unzipped his winter coat.
“So your Santa then?” you smiled as he looked at you puzzled. “Your my Christmas Eve date so your Santa,” you chuckled as he finally understood and laughed. “Funny Y/N, you won’t be saying that later, your be wishing Santa will be coming to save you,” he threatened with a wink. “If you say so,” you teased throwing yourself back on your bed patting for him to join. Crawling over you he sinks his lips to yours as he kisses with inpatient needs, his member digging into your heat. “Are we here to fuck or date,” you said panting as you broke the kiss.
“Ok can I be cheeky,” he grits his teeth worrying. “What is it,” you reply as he moved off. “I haven’t got any Christmas shopping done, would you mind if we did some before our date,” he said looking worried for your reply. “You want to take me shopping and your worried about my response,” you teased as he nodded unsure. “Junhee I would love to accompany you, I haven’t done any shopping neither,” you smiled. “First though let me buy lunch,” you said hearing his stomach rumble.
“Hey I would say I’d pay,” you scoffed as Junhee smirked getting his card to pay for your lunch. “Snooze you lose,” he smirked standing up to hold your hands. “Should we be doing this in public?” You asked worried about being caught being intimate. “Not really but hold my hand to the door at least,” he smiles as his hands grip tighter till the cold air forces you to separate.
“Do you think this will suit him?” Junhee asked shoving a cat jumper in to your face. Taking the hanger you placed it under his chin to stand back and look. “I presume this is Donghun’s?” You asked as he nodded, “I’m sure he’ll love it’” you said as Junhee’s eyes lit up. “Plus this will really keep him warm this winter, I’m almost jealous,” you smiled. “Well I can buy you one too,” he teased as you shook your head lightly laughing as you searched for something for Donghun yourself. “Your ok it’s not really my thing,” you said lightly as you gave up your search.
He took you to the clothes shop next door, looking for his mums Christmas gift. While he was rooting through the racks you found a really pretty red sequinned sparkly dress. Though it looked beautiful your money was needed on gifts. So you continued looking through the other racks till Junhee’s hand rested on your shoulder to leave.
You made your way to a jewellery shop for a gift, Junhee was buying some friendship rings for the guys when he was swamped with fans. While you left him slightly to avoid questions you wandered around the shop. You found some cufflinks with red swirls, and remembered Junhee’s conversation earlier about not owning any. Still in need of his gift, and not having much hope for another chance to buy, while he was distracted by choice you purchased it. Sliding the small box into your pocket you turned to Junhee who was leant over signing autographs.
“Is he your boyfriend?” The young fan who appeared at your side asked. “No I’m just staff,” you lied smiling, she seemed happy with her response and ran back to the girls crowding him all giddy. What ever was said had Junhee turn to face you, eyebrows raised as you shrugged his way.
“So your my manager are you?” He teased after sending his cluster of fans off. “I said staff, not manager, what did you want me to say. Hey I’m your bias’s sex buddy,” you chuckled. “Stress reliever,” he recorrected you looking at the male rings. “Plus how do you know I was there bias?” He scoffed as he’s eyes roamed the jewellery. “Oh Park Junhee trust me when I say I can recognise that bias look,” you chuckled. “Excuse me can I have five of these,” he smiled at the woman who served you earlier. She bowed at him and went to the back room. “Is that because you look the same at me?” He teased, like the others trying to push who your favourite was. “Junhee I’m a all five bias girl, your all talented and beautiful,” you said gently swatting his chest. “One day your admit there’s one you like the most,” he chuckled as he flicked his hair. “Never,” you smiled leaning on the counter. “Can you do me a favour?” He asked as you nodded. “Can you hold the fort while I find the restroom?” He said looking a little in need as you nodded smiling.
You had barely put the bags down when Junhee pulled you in kissing you deeply, pushing you against the wall. “Y/N, I need you so badly,” he choked between kisses. “But I still have our date tonight,” he winked, “so it will have to wait,” he added as your hands rested over his hardening bulge. “Right I need a shower, give you time to wrap that lot up,” he smirked as you look at all your gifts. You have one for all the guys but Donghun, you really needed to find something quick. Thankfully you knew he wasn’t with you tomorrow as that was the day of his sole schedule.
You was resting on the bed napping when you felt a body lean into your kisses upon your neck. “Bathroom free babe,” he says in to your ear waking you. “Did you have to wake me?” You moaned as he pushed his arms under your breast and waist and lifted you. “Come on, your eating in to my date time,” he chuckled as he placed you weary on the floor.
“I got your Xmas present,” he said kissing your jaw line. “Oooh what have you got?” You said excitedly as he gave you a large box with a bow on. Sitting back down you opened it to find the dress you was looking at earlier In the shop. Next to it was a pair of leather boots and a fluffy white cardigan. “I saw you looking at the dress earlier,” he smiled at you as you wiped a happy tear flinging your arms around his shoulder. “Thank you I love this,” you said peppering kisses on any inch of his face you could reach.
“Look at you, your just, yeah there’s no words,” Junhee said as you left the bathroom. His mouth was still Open agape as you pressed your lips to his momentarily.
“I got you something too,” you said passing him your gift. He looked at you suspicious as he opened the wrapper to the small box. “Ahh is this a proposal,” he teased as you held back a snigger. His eyes lit up the second he saw the cufflinks, his fingers following the swirls like you did earlier. “Y/N, you didn’t need to do this?” He choked. “I did because your worth it, your worth every inch,” you said placing your hand on his shoulder. “You’ve all got me this,” you paused to look around the hotel room, “and you got me this,” you said looking down at your dress. “So if you can so can i,” you add smiling. His lips come to yours crashing against you, his hands pulling on your ass as he gets lost in your kiss. “We really need to go before I start on you now,” he whispers panting in your ear.
You walked down the crowded streets of the Christmas market, your hands occasionally brushing against each other. “I’m so desperate to hold your hand,” he whined as you turn to him patting him on the shoulder. “You know the rules no touching the manager,” you teased. “So you did say manager then,” he sniggered. “No I really did say staff but now choice has upgraded me, I prefer it,” you said laughing as you watched the mist from your mouth form from the cold air.
You find a table by the ice rink behind the stage as Junhee goes off in search for food. You offered to go with him, but the seats are filling and he wants to enjoy the Christmas Eve performance the local street artists was performing. He doesn’t take long before he comes back, Mulled Wine & Christmas inspired Ramen that your sure is a turkey and Stuffing. The concert starts just as you use your chop sticks to take a mouthful. “This is heaven,” you moan as he smiles at you doe eyed.
The music, setting, food and Junhee’s contentment brings you to peace as you make a memory snap in your mind. You knew who ever dated Park Junhee would truly be lucky.
You almost choke on your drink when you hear Junhee’s pleasant voice hitting the air. He gained the notice of AQA the group performing. The one your sure introduced himself as Hwan rushes to him with excitement to help with the audience. You can’t help but be wowed watching him perform with them, despite watching him a thousand times before. Junhee looks alive more then you’ve ever seen working and fitting in with the new group that he’d been thrown in to.
After a couple more songs he sits out the rest, coming to sit back down as you smile like a proud girlfriend at him. “You was amazing,” you mouth over the music. “You worked that out only now, I’m offended,” he says playfully. Swathes of fans dashed over in a desperate frenzy to meet him. However, this time he wanted his favourite choice. Making excuses and politely bowing he grabbed your hand to make a dash. “Hands really?” You grumbled as you jogged towards the hotel. “If people ask I’m protecting my manager from being injured,” he chuckles.
He wastes no time throwing you to the door the second you’ve entered, he’s reached his quota. “I need you, and I need you now,” he warns between kisses as he hitched one of your legs behind him. “I’ve wanted to fuck you all night, bend you over the table, without a care who saw,” he says whispering into your ear. “I’m all yours now,” you pant feeling your core tighten. “I want to fuck you in this,” he growls as his lips find there way to your neck. “I’m yours to use as you wish,” you say before hissing as he suckles his mark on your collarbone. Scrunching your dress he pulls them up your thighs. You bring your pelvis to meet him before his fingers skip under the material. Pulling your knickers aside, he rolls his thumb against your clit as his mouth returns to yours to suckle down your whimpers. Fingers sliding up your core, your nails dig into his arms as he rubs them along your wall. Following a few heavenly minutes of his finger attack he releases them covered in your slick. Placing them to his mouth he then slides them in yours to taste.
Fingers attacking his Jean buttons he frees himself, pumping and moaning like he’s needed this all night. Returning to your core he moves your pants aside and rubs his member around your clit bringing a excited moan to himself.
“I need this, I need you,” he pants again before he slams himself into you, hastily kissing you to suckle down your cry’s. He picks his pace as your walls tighten around him picking pretty moans to fall from his lips. “Feels so good,” he cry’s as he fastens his speed. Core springing you chase your high as much as you know he’s avoiding his. Bringing your other leg around him you let him help lean you fully against the wall. Core slamming down on him as his hands dig into the flesh of your ass, you feel him losing himself. “Fuck Y/N,” he cry’s as your wall tightens as his fingers find your nub making your head hit the wall. “Baby be careful,” he pants as you continue to work with him building your orgasm while challenging his. But you fail, your inner core snapping as he hits your cervix shaking heavily around him, cry’s filling the air.
He releases you, spinning you to the wall as you struggle on your jelly legs. The zip is pulled down as your dress falls to the floor while he attacks the remaining of your clothes. “I so want this ass,” he growls into your ear as he nips your ear lobe. “Then do as you wish,” you pant against the wall knowing he had a thing for fucking you anally. “It’s a good thing I have my toys,” he purs against your skin.
Dragging you to the bed onto all fours you hear him rummaging in his bag. You hear the lube bottle as you feel a finger intrude on your rim, pushing in as you close your eyes relaxing. After a couple pumps he leaves you empty, returning to fill you with a cold metal sensation by your ass. Pushing what you soon realise is the anal plug in, you winch as he fits it in. Fingers falling to your sensitive clit has your back arch. “Your ass looks so beautiful with this here,” he says before kissing your cheeks. Speeding his rhythm before he then replaces his finger with his shaft. Positioning himself that his cock is rubbing against the thin wall shared by the plug that feels heavenly. Panting you feel him closing in, as your walls clench around him. His thighs shaking before he relaxes himself, “fuck I need this ass,” he growls pulling the plug out with a loud plop.
Pressing the head against you, he slowly pushes in, small whines leaving your lips never being use to being this stretched. Hands pulling on your hip, he starts his pace, slow to start with. “Y/N you take me so well,” he growls as he speeds his rhythm. “This is perfect, your perfect,” he cry’s as he becomes sluggish.
High moans fall from his lips as his orgasm tethers. “Baby cum deep in my ass,” you cry, which spurs him on. Obeying your command he does just that as you hear your name while feeling your ass filled with his warm cum. He continues to slowly fuck your cum back in as he falls on you panting. “We need to clean up,” he says kissing your arched back.
Finishing from your second session he pulls you in counting the last minute down to Christmas Day. “Happy Christmas baby,” he says pulling you in as you hear your phone pinging in what your sure is the guys wishing you happy Christmas too. “Happy Christmas Junhee,” you say pressing your lips to his.
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Full Masterlist A.C.E.'s Masterlist
6 notes · View notes
My Star
Classmate!AU Kim Jaehwan
A very short angst without much context.
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You were broken...
But he was more broken. He tried to help but you pushed him away. Everything is going down for you but it was still okay. At least that was what you told yourself and what you told him. His chestnut brown head bouncing in your direction every morning as he sees you.
You didn't want to see his presence anymore, you thought that you weren't worth his time and his effort to counsel or to help. You felt like a gone case. Although you did see light at the end of the tunnel, which was Jaehwan, you felt like it became dimmer everyday.
His warm hugs while you cried into him as he tries to understand. The way his mouth forms into a pout as he tries to give you words of encouragement. Your worries weren't going away but at least he didn't too. Everyday, you felt the twinkle in his eyes get dimmer and dimmer. You felt like a burden to him, draining out his light. The light at the end of your tunnel also seemed to have extinguished when those eyes closed for the very last time.
He had always heard your side of the story, perhaps it was too late to hear his. Now that you longed for his presence, you could only dream of his embrace once again. His last words to you were, "The brightest stars shines through the darkest nights. You are a star, y/n. You will stay bright through this dark period"
You lay down in the school field under a patch of stars.
"You seem to be shining brighter today Kim Jaehwan"
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Modern Day Fairytale
Summary: You had been best friends with Jaehwan forever and somehow grown feelings for him. Would bad timing and miscommunication ruin your chances of a happily ever after?
Characters: Kim Jaehwan x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, university au, friends to lovers
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A/N: Requested by anon. Originally I was going to do this in two parts, but it flowed nicely as one, so I hope the anon who requested this doesn’t mind! Also I added in only the hyung line from Wanna One due to the setting I placed this story in.
Word count: 3716
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You had no idea when it had happened.
There was no clear cut signal that alerted you to the change within your friendship with Jaehwan, and you wish there had been one, just so you could prepare your heart and mind for enduring this unexpected crush.
You had grown up together, from bickering neighbours as children, through the turbulent ride of your teenage years, to now being young adults; every thing had been done with Jaehwan at your side.
He was the reason you smiled from his infectious laughter, the person who helped you dry your tears, your study buddy, your boredom buster, the one who knew all your secrets and fails in life, and had been the first to congratulate you on all your successes. He was more than a friend, and now, he was someone you realised you had feelings for.
It was disorientating to have your understanding of his place in your world turned upside down.
At first you decided to ignore it. He was after all, three years younger than you, and so whilst you were finishing up with university, he was just beginning. Soon your life would hold further expectations, none in which his world was ready for. With this solution in place you attempted to continue on, paying no mind to the fluttering in your stomach when Jaehwan greeted you on campus. But this was easier said than done. Even in university, you spent a lot of time together, studying in the library or grabbing dinner when your schedules permitted it, and because you both had the same large group of friends, you crossed paths at events frequently, even if you didn’t know the other would be there. Soon it became impossible to think about anything but grabbing his warm hand within your own and leaning into his side like you used to when things were platonic. Unlike back then, there would be more emotion involved and it was becoming dangerous, a couple of times you had almost slipped up and told him how you felt.
Your solution had been temporary, like a bandaid over a gaping wound, and the more you left the bandaid there, the more you knew it was going to hurt when it came off.
So your next phase was to avoid him. If you didn’t see Jaehwan, then you could deny the feelings steadily growing for him. Initially this solved a lot of your issues. You felt like you could breathe more easily on campus, knowing Jaehwan’s schedule well enough to alter your own so you wouldn’t cross paths each day. You also began declining your friend Seongwoo’s offers to join him, Minhyun and Daniel on Friday nights, knowing Jaehwan would generally join them. But soon it began to impact your psyche, you were stressed, trying to maintain your grades as well as your stealth tactics on campus was exhausting. Not to mention when you actually messed up the timing and saw your best friend, it was far more heart crushing than you expected it to be. You’d be a lost cause for a couple of days after. And to make things worse, your classmate and good friend Sungwoon who you had been spending more time with became difficult to be around, he now had a girlfriend and all he did was gush about how great dating was.
So you were alone, and miserable, aching for Jaehwan more than ever.
The only step left was to tell him. You spent a considerable amount of time trying to decipher how to confess to him in a way that wouldn’t hinder your friendship. The longer you mulled, the more apparent it became that there was three ways it could go. One, he miraculously had feelings he’s never mentioned before either, and it ended happily ever after. But since you weren’t a princess, or gone through hell and lost your family and was now being courted a Prince Charming, you knew that was unlikely to be the case. Next was the awkward stage where he would laugh it off and tell you it wasn’t going to affect your friendship, but at the same time you both drifted apart due to the tension of your unreciprocated feelings. And three, well you didn’t want to believe you could lose Jaehwan for good, and the idea of even considering this as an option sent you into despair.
You realised telling him would have some implications that you seriously weren’t ready for.
So it came as a surprise when he sought you out first, arriving on your doorstep one night with a grin and a bag of beer cans. You always knew what that meant, something was up and he needed you to help him through it. You figured it might be a perfect night to air out your feelings and accepted Jaehwan’s offer, taking the bag of beer as he shrugged off his coat and followed you into your tiny living space and sat down.
“So I haven’t seen you around much, noona.”
“Mm, I’ve been rather busy,” you said weakly, readily grabbing the alcohol and opening one can for Jaehwan and then one for yourself. You clunked the cans together in toast before each taking a drink.
“You never used to be busy for me, I’m hurt,” he admitted with a whine and you couldn’t help but smile at his pout.
“I’m sure you’ve survived.”
“Actually, I was wondering if you could help me with something,” he mentioned, placing his can down on the small table between you both and smiling graciously.
You leaned back and shook your head. “I don’t like that look. It means trouble.”
“No, no, no!” He waved his hands in disagreement, and soon his cheeks were flushing with colour. The reaction confused you, knowing Jaehwan didn’t embarrass that easily, especially around you. Since growing up together, nothing was sacred between each other and you had heard it all.
You had to admit you were hopeful and curious by his blushing. You chewed at your bottom lip lightly, gesturing for Jaehwan to speak up.
“Okay, so you’re a girl.”
“Last time I checked.”
“And you know a lot about being a girl,” he continued, his expression becoming earnest. You frowned. He cleared his throat and let out an awkward laugh.
Your heart was thumping in your ears by now, and the anticipation you felt was overwhelming. You swallowed. “Just spit it out, Jae.”
“There’s this girl I like, and I want to ask her out.”
Please let this be my happily ever after, you pleaded inwardly, your eyes widening at his statement. Your brain flooded with attempts to connect feelings and situations, that you almost missed what he said next.
“I was wondering if you could help give me some tips?”
You instantly wished you hadn’t of let him in the door earlier on. Your world crashed down around you, and your inner critic began to laugh manically at your thought that it could actually be you Jaehwan wanted.
You had never felt so stupid in your entire existence.
Jaehwan was waiting, an awkward laugh soon falling from his lips. “Y/N? Don’t be so shocked, I know it’s crazy to think I like her too. She just joined our class as a transfer student. She lived over in Canada for some time too, so she’s well versed in different cultures, so I’m unsure what is the proper way to confess to someone like her.”
You didn’t respond, your mind feeling numb. Jaehwan reached over to shake you and you jumped back, hitting your knee on the table. The pain wasn’t anything like what you were experiencing in your heart right now and you ignored his questioning if you were alright. There was nothing right with this situation.  
“Y/N? Can you help me? Please say yes, you’re the most important person in my world. It would mean everything if you could.”
You stared back at him, nodding once. You were unable to join in with his cheerful cries of gratitude, and you barely acknowledged his animated conversation afterwards.
Because the person you had fallen in love with didn’t like you, and now you only had one option left – to let go.
Jaehwan had been thankful for your help initially. After all, he trusted you the most, and knew you would put everything into helping him, like you always had. You had been a dependable pillar throughout his entire life, supporting all of his crazy ideas, or reproaching him in ways to help him grow up well. To him he had idolised you ever since he was a child when your red ball was cooler than his blue one and you had let him play with it. To not have your guidance when he needed it the most would be the most difficult thing to face.
And so he was relieved you hadn’t let him down.
At first he just asked for your advice, writing down notes as you told him things that girls liked. It was intriguing from a male standpoint as well as your best friend. He noted when you blushed over some concepts compared to others, making him smile and wish that someone would make those ideas come into fruition for you as well. It also made him wonder how your brain ticked further. You never had a distinctive gender role in your friendship, since you had known each other for so long and you hung out with a lot of his male friends, you never really stood out overtly as a girl to him. But he wasn’t blind to it either, during puberty when your body had begun developing and you had grown into your curves, he had a few stints of being awestruck by you. He knew he would take the sins he had fantasised with you as an adolescent to the grave. But now as an adult, although he appreciated whenever you wore a dress, he never gave it a seconds thought.
Until now.
He was unsure how he had never realised how feminine you were. As you described some scenarios in full detail he could tell they were desires you had, and he tried to recall if it was from memory or a want to fulfil. You hadn’t really dated all that much that he was aware of and it had been custom for him to be your Valentine each year, both of you watching comedies and gorging on junk food together every time. So Jaehwan was confused, had you always been this interested in the little details and he had never bothered to delve deeper as a friend, or were you just doing research on his behalf? Since you were good at studying, even taking the effort to learn some of his own music theory to help him at times, he decided it was the latter, attempting to find comfort in not thinking of you to be that in-depth with your emotions.
But there was a small part of him that was uneasy; there was more to you than he had known. And for some reason the more time you spent discussing how to help him, the sessions were now spent internalising you as a person, as opposed to taking his notes.
He didn’t know why he was more interested in understanding you than getting your advice to help his confession be successful.
So it came as relief to him when you started mentioning you were suddenly busy. He had been slowly using some of your advice with Sora, the exchange student, and was pleasantly surprised by how receptive she was, but instead of this spurring him to press you for further details; Jaehwan was content in allowing your own time back for whatever was keeping you busy.
That was, until he found out what you were doing.
“Mm, I set her up with him,” Jisung confirmed one afternoon, glancing at Jaehwan and frowning. “Why aren’t you happy about this? We’ve all said that one day Y/N would find her desire to date.”
“She’s supposed to be helping me, not herself,” he complained, Jisung’s face scrunching up at Jaehwan’s pettiness. He noted it and sighed. “Hyung, what if he’s not good for her?”
“Then we both know Y/N is strong enough to turn him down. Besides, I didn’t just send her off to any guy; this person is someone I’ve known for some time, okay.”
“Tell me about him! What’s so special about him?” Jisung shook his head, smiling lightly to himself. It irked Jaehwan greatly and he folded his arms across his chest. “Oh what hyung?!”
“Why are you so invested in knowing? She might be your best friend, but she’s also at the age now that she’s got to start thinking more.”
“More as in how?”
Jisung prodded his friend and tilted his head. “Honestly, use your brain Jae. She’s moving onto the next chapter in her life. You can’t expect her to wait until you’re ready to be on the same playing level like she always has. It’s different for girls. If Y/N waits too long for marriage and babies, she’ll only get slack for it from everyone. So it’s natural she starts dating now, right?”
The feeling in Jaehwan’s stomach didn’t agree with what his older friend was saying, though he nodded his head softly.
He hadn’t realised just how much he didn’t want things to change.
  You were busy for sometime. Jaehwan watched from afar as you went on countless blind dates, frustrated that you were throwing yourself into dating so desperately. It made him angry with you, not only had you ditched helping him, but now you were acting in a way he had never expected from you. And he didn’t know how to approach you about it.
He was annoyed at himself too. Jaehwan believed it was due to his insistence to know how the female mind worked that had created the fuel for you to be distancing yourself away from him and your friends, trying to find the elusive Mr Right. He felt neglected by you, and as the weeks went by he was so sour, that your behaviour was interrupting his way of living.
The tip of the iceberg that sent him overboard was when Sora ended up dating another student because he was so invested in disapproving what you were up to. He was furious, and this had him banging on your door later that evening, hitting it until you opened it suddenly in the middle of a further knock.
You eyed him warily, stepping aside silently to let him inside. Glancing around your studio apartment, Jaehwan noticed an outfit laid out upon your bed and strode up to it, snatching it up within his fist. “Again?!”
“Yah, Kim Jaehwan, what the hell?!”
“Answer me, are you going on another blind date tonight?!”
“Why does it matter to you?” you snapped, yanking on the dress in his hand. He didn’t budge. “Jaehwan!”
“You’re not going!”
“What?! You cannot stop me!”
He nodded promptly. “Yes I can and I will!”
“Let go, stop acting like a child! Why are you even here?!” You attempted to pull on the fabric some more but Jaehwan rearranged his grip.
“To stop you from making another mistake!”
“Mistake?!” you hollered and if he wasn’t so worked up himself, he would have shrunk back at your tone. You weren’t normally this aggravated with him unless he had done something terribly wrong. “What mistake?!”
“You don’t need to rush about meeting random guys in hopes to find love!”
“Oh no?!” you challenged, still yanking on the dress. “But it’s alright for you to come to me for help over some girl you barely know too? Why aren’t you focusing on that yourself huh?!”
Jaehwan shifted closer to you, glaring down at your verbal attack. “Because I’ve been so worried about you and what you’re up to, she’s found someone else!”
“Has she?” you faltered for a moment and he nodded. Your eyes turned cold again and you yanked on the dress. “Well I’m sorry but you’re not going to ruin my love life as well!”
“Why are you so hell bent on dating all of a sudden?! And why are you avoiding me?!” You didn’t answer, letting go of the dress altogether and heading over to the door. You opened it and gestured for him to leave. Jaehwan shook his head defiantly. “I’m not leaving until I have answers.”
“I have nothing more to say to you, get out!”
“Why?! Why can’t you turn to me anymore? Why does Jisung-hyung know more about you lately than I do?!”
You slammed your door shut and returned to his side, your eyes probing through his unnervingly. Jaehwan broke his stare first, but the steeliness in his dark orbs remained.
“Because it’s time for me to let go.”
He snapped his gaze to yours again, feeling a hopeless desperation wash over him. “Of me?!”
You nodded, a tear slipping down your cheek. Jaehwan’s resolve crashed then, much like his body did on yours as he hugged you tightly. It made you tremble in his arms and he hated that it had. He buried his head into your neck, inhaling you as if he hadn’t been aware that he hadn’t been breathing properly all this time. His arms held you even closer to him, and he began to feel more at ease with you there. It was making his mind conjure thoughts he had never considered before.
Like how well you fitted against him. How your smiles always made his heart warmer. How having you in his daily life was what made it worth getting up in the morning.
He had a surprising amount of clarity in that moment, unlike the weeks of discontent.
“Let me go, Jaehwan,” you whispered, and it was only then that he realised you were still crying. He shook his head and you choked on a sob. “Please.”
“I won’t let you go to any other man.”
“Jaehwan, I can’t keep being around you anymore,” you begged and he finally shifted enough to take in your anxious gaze. “I need you to respect my need to do this.”
“What if I told you I know a better person for you to date?” he heard himself say, his heart thumping erratically at how easy the words fell from his mouth.
“Who?” you asked tiredly, avoiding his gaze.
It took some time for your eyes to travel back up to his, but when they did they were wide with emotion. He smiled and nodded once to confirm you hadn’t heard differently.
“I realised tonight why I’ve been so mad at you,” he started, smiling weakly. “How frustrated I’ve been seeing you go on dates. Why it irked me that you weren’t with me anymore. I barely had time to care about Sora, I was so focused on what you were doing.”
“I’m sorry Jaehwan about that but I-”
“It’s because I like us. And not us as in a friendship, but us as together.”
“I’m confused,” you admitted, trying to push his arms off of you. “And its better you stop there because I can’t cope with you doing this to me.”
“Tell me honestly,” he urged, capturing your eyes in his again and searching for the answers himself. “Why are you avoiding me?”
You didn’t answer, frozen to the spot. It made Jaehwan smile again, moving closer. He liked that you didn’t shift back, and so he closed the gap between your lips and his, softly exploring your mouth for the first time.
It was like an explosion went off within you both, and there was a surge of passion that overwhelmed you, your lips and hands demanding more of each other. Jaehwan backed you up blindly to the closest wall, his lips parting to let his tongue entangle with yours, his hands running up and down your sides, gripping at you now and then as the kiss deepened. And finally after what felt like a lifetime of imprinting yourselves into each other, you pulled away from him, panting heavily.
As he caught your eyes, he smiled widely, never finding them so captivating as they were now with the lust and love coursing through them. He then cleared his throat. “Don’t tell me that can’t happen again.”
“I love you,” you uttered, your cheeks deepening at the sentence. For a moment you appeared like you were about to take it back, but you decided to own it, making him fall for you harder. “That’s why I was avoiding you. Because I had been crushing on you for awhile.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he breathed, running his hand through your hair.
“It’s kind of frightening to tell your best friend that you like them.”
“Love them,” he corrected and you chewed at your bottom lip gently at how easily he had said that. It made him lower his head again, resting his forehead on yours, pecking your swollen mouth lightly. “I have always loved you, Y/N.”
“Mm.” He chuckled lightly. “As a friend up until now.”
“And that’s changed?” you asked tentatively. It made him laugh, considering just how in-depth you had been exploring each other’s mouths just before. You cringed meekly, grasping onto his train of thought. “I guess I always wanted the happily ever after with you, but since I’m no princess, I convinced myself it couldn’t happen.”
Jaehwan kissed your forehead before hugging you again. “I can’t give you any promises; I mean I’m no prince myself. But I’m sure we’ll be very happy from here out right? The best of both worlds, as best friends, and lovers.”
“Lovers?” you repeated, pulling your head out of his chest to look up at him. Your cheeks were tinged pink again. “You’re thinking that far ahead?”
Jaehwan smirked. “You have no idea where my brain has gone over your body in the past, but I’m sure looking forward to seeing if those fantasies live up to how good they once were.”
“Kim Jaehwan!” you cried, slapping his arm lightly, but accepted his incoming kiss all the same.
And he could tell you were ready to experience all you own fantasies with him too.
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love-kazin · 5 years
Writings - VIXX
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- VIXX - 
VIXX as flowers
History Walls
- Cha Hakyeon/N -
- Jung Taekwoon/Leo -
     none yet
- Lee Jaehwan/Ken - 
     none yet
- Kim Wonsik/Ravi -
Best Birthday Ever
- Lee Hongbin - 
- Han Sanghyuk - 
     none yet
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hwangdol · 5 years
h.mh: i’m (not) fine.
part of the We Can’t Be Friends Series
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pairing: college!hwang minhyun x fem!reader
note: see, i’m not dead! school has just been a bitch and i haven’t really had any motivation to write but! i finally got hit by lightning and i saw the holy god hwang minhyun. anyways i’m making this into a little series for minhyun because i feel like the story i want is the best express this way. i’m a heavy curser so this also contains a shit ton of curse words. and since this is set as a college!au, there’s gonna be some more mature themes compared to my other fics and the format is a little different.   
read the preview to get a little insight (don’t necessarily need to but it would be recommended)!!!
“i’m fine,” you stressed. 
your phone was pressed to your check with your shoulder as you placed some of the carrots you selected into a plastic bag, throwing it into your shopping cart once you finished. 
“i’m not sure i believe that,” your long-time bestfriend, kim jaehwan, said from the other side. 
you rolled your eyes at his comment. it’s been about two months since minhyun’s sudden break-up and you were doing just fine. well, at least that’s what you told everyone. 
switching the phone to the other ear, you lazily pushed the shopping cart forwards. it was currently two in the morning and here you were, dressed in nothing but an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts on a friday night, grocery shopping. 
“you’ve barely been out since the two of you broke up!” jaehwan pointed out. 
“i’m grocery shopping right now!” you argued back, turning your cart down the juices and drink aisle. jaehwan had a habit of stealing your precious ice yea. “i’m buying vegetables and all of that adult shit.” 
“dude, we both know that you’re only grocery shopping because your mom has been nagging you for weeks and you need to have physical proof that you’re a fully-functioning adult, which i might have to add, you’re not.” 
“shut up,” you muttered, eyes scanning for your favorite drink. “whose fault is it that i have completely bare cabinets and fridge? you practically inhale all of my food.” 
“it’s payment for keeping your depressing ass company when i can do better things with my time.” 
“excuse you, i am not depressing, i’m merely sweating from my eyes every night,” you replied back. picking up a pack of your sweetened ice tea, you placed it into the shopping cart. “did you want anything? might as well buy your fat ass something while i’m here.” 
“booze.” was jaehwan’s replied. “get the good shit, not the one that tastes like donkey piss.” 
“fine, you fucking alcoholic,” you sighed. sadly the alcohol aisle was in another area despite it also being a beverage, which meant that you had to walk even further. 
“anyways, how do you feel about going back into the scene again?” 
“no,” you quickly replied. “i’m not doing that shit again” 
“i’m not talking about being in a serious relationship.” 
“what do you mean then?” 
“i think it’s time for y/n to return to the hoe life,” jaehwan said. “i’ve been missing my thotty bestie.” 
“you really think it’s a good time for me to get blackout drunk every staturday night again?” 
“hey, you were the one that said you’re doing fine,” jaehwan countered with your own words. “i think we need to transition out of the i’m-so-sad-i-miss-him phase and into lets-get-fucking-hammered.”  
“you act like you’ve been going through a breakup alone. this has been a team effort, it's like i’ve been dumped too,” he replied as if if made sense. and according to jaehwan logic, it did. 
a small smile picked up the corners of your lips, typical jaehwan.
he was a friend that's been with you through everything little up and down since middle school. despite his blunt words, jaehwan was the first person that you called after the breakup and watch as you went through three pints of strawberry cheesecake ice cream and ten thousand boxes of tissues. not to mention, he even offered to beat your ex-boyfriend up in multiple violent ways. 
jaehwan was the best bestfriend you could possibly ask for. 
turning the cart into the alcohol aisle, you asked, “what type of booze do you want? the sweet type or the sophisticated one?” 
“the one we can pregame with for the party tomorrow” your friend stated. 
you opened your mouth to argue, but the words got trapped in your throat once your eyes laid upon a familiar figure debating between two bottles of wine. 
“i’m taking your sudden silence as a yes to the party-” 
he didn’t seem to notice you yet as he was heavily invested in making a decision between two bottles of wine, so you quickly turned around and stopped in another aisle.
“holy shit,” you breathed out. 
“why? did something happen?” 
“he’s fucking here right now,” you spilled out. 
“you know who!” you whispered aggressively in fear that he could hear you. “i just saw hwang minhyun in the alcohol aisle!” 
“oh.” he said. “that’s not good.” 
“fuck your alcohol jaehwan, i’m going home,” you said, not wanting to return to the aisle next to you in fear of facing the last person you wanted to see right now. 
“wait! hold on,” jaehwan argued. “we need the booze so stop being a pussy and listen to me. if he’s buying alcohol at two in the morning, it doesn’t really show that he’s in the best of shape right now so just go for it.” 
“jaehwan, did you forget that i’m also going to buy alcohol at two in the morning?” you pointed out. “doesn’t exactly say i’m-doing-perfectly-fine-without-you to me either” 
“at least you have a shopping cart full of vegetables to back you up,” jaehwan try to reason. “and the other adult shit you bought.” 
“i have a total of two vegetables in my cart, jaehwan.” you said. “not a fucking farmers’ market.” 
“just go for it. he’s not someone in your life anymore so it shouldn’t matter what he thinks,” jaehwan reminded you. “i have an essay due at like six so i’m gonna go bs it, but you really need to grow a pair and buy my booze. i’ll see you tomorrow night and you better pull out that one hoe-y dress of yours.” 
and the called ended with a small beep. 
fuck, you thought to yourself. you contemplated on whether or not you really wanted to face minhyun right now. 
maybe you were lying a tad bit when you told everyone that you were okay and that you were doing just peachy without him. maybe it was a small white lie that you told to reassure everyone around you and maybe yourself. maybe you were still in love with him. maybe. 
biting on your lip, you finally made the decision to just suck it up and do it. if anything, you could just drown yourself in alcohol tomorrow. a perfect back-up plan, kinda. 
when you looked back to the aisle, minhyun was still there, except there was another bottle replacing one of the others you saw in his hands earlier. minhyun had always been particular with his food from what you could recall. actually, from what you know. 
perhaps you could just shimmy your way past him (who was standing straight in the middle of the aisle) and perhaps he wouldn’t even notice it. so with some resolve, you charged (not really) forward to get past him to get to where the tequila was. 
except, minhyun was a very hypersensitive person that becomes ten times alert once someone enters his little personal bubble. it was something that you once that was endearing and unique, now, it was the bane of your existence. 
as you tried to pass by behind him quietly, his head whipped and made eye contact with you. 
you froze as minhyun’s eyes widened once he registered who you were. 
he opened his mouth to say something, but you muttered a quick excuse me before passing by him. you ignored his stares and the heavy silence as you beelined towards the tequila section. 
you quickly placed in two bottles (and maybe a third) and prepared to leave when you heard his small voice you missed so much. 
“how are you?” 
you bit the inside of your cheek, should you respond? 
you did anyways. 
“i’m fine.”
you pushed your cart away to quickly escape, wondering exactly who you were saying it too. minhyun? or yourself?
you were a fool to think that you were okay when you were the entire opposite.
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peachdanik · 6 years
[Drabble] I Miss You Kang Daniel
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genre: fluff / 457 words
a/n : I don’t know but I’m sorry if this is bad:(
After going on world tour for about 3 months finally the tour is over and Daniel could spent his time with you.Today you are going to his house. After you arrived you ring the bell and his mom is the one who opening the door. “Hello Mrs. Kang” you say hello to Daniel's mom "Hello (y/n), Daniel is in his room” said Daniel’s mom. You nodded and excuse yourself to see him, Daniel’s room is in upstairs, but just when you take a step on the stair
“(y/n) later lets eat together later” said Daniel’s mom “Okayy” you smile and happily going to upstairs. 
You knock on his door room but there is no answer. "Daniel???" you called his name and there is still no answer. Then you gently open his door luckily he didn’t lock the door "Dan-" when you about to call him, you found him sleeping peacefully on his bed. You chuckles "You must be tired huh?" 
You walk over to him and sat on the floor. You pat his head hair gently while resting your face on the bed. You play with his hair gently so you don't wake him up. You found yourself smiling like an idiot because of his sleeping face is super cute, it's really different with the on stage Kang Daniel.
"I love you" you said it almost like a whisper. After you said it Daniel suddenly opened his eyes and stares at you *like on the picture* 
"You should have said that louder I barely hear you" he said it with his husky voice, his voice getting lower than usual because he just woke up IS SUPER SEXY you stopped playing with his hair and smile "I miss you Daniel" "I miss you too princess"
“How long have you been hear? why don’t you wake me up?” said Daniel looking like a big baby “about 5 mins? I think? it’s not that long. I don’t want to wake you up because it looks like you need some rest and you look cute”
Daniel laugh at your answer. Daniel shifted his body to the side “come here” he motioned you to lay beside him. You stand up and climb up to the bed. He kisses your nose and small peck on your lips. You both just talked about what happened in the past 3 months. Your eyes start to feel heavy and without realizing you fell asleep. Daniel realize that you fell asleep, he smile and kiss your forehead and start close his eyes too. 
“Daniel, (y/n) food is rea-” Daniel’s mom open the door and see both of you fell asleep while hugging each other. She smile and quietly close the door to let both of you sleep 
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blckstonescherry · 6 years
[00:00] wannaone’s beautiful part ii starts playing as the fireworks dominates the sky. eleven people yet so many memories to count, looking at the sky as tears drop from your eye, hoping you could turn back the time but some things are not meant to last. this is it, this is the end where we all say our final goodbyes.
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sadfragilegirl · 6 months
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1st Picture: April 11, 2023: "And that's how everything's turning red all over the place after I saw this heart shattering news that it became my lifetime traumatic nightmare finally came true that as I felt the cracking pain into my heart and tears streaming down right onto my eyes and face that I could imagine myself that I was captured and trapped into a dark black void filled with red threads like blood, signaling that my life will never ever be the same again. Scarlet red to be exact.
And that's when I gave this lifetime trauma dream a special name. A special name of a lifetime trauma dream that it could turned everything scarlet red all over the place as my life will never ever be the same again.
I called this lifetime trauma dream that turns everything scarlet red as...
Scarlet Dreams."
Second Picture: March 11, 2024: "I'm the Scarlet Dream Girl who lived in a Scarlet Dream World.
I faced two Scarlet Dreams that it took a toll of my entire life...and it caused to be completely lost that's being a part of me.
And I faced too many heartaches and heartbreaks, tragedies, conflicts, unhappy endings, shattered memories and never ending nightmares that it made me think how the world today has lost its hope and humanity.
One more moment that's about taking away all the happy things from me, I'm going to broke myself into tears, tear my heart out, and my life will never EVER be the same again.
Because why...? I'm already traumatized enough...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"
Today, April 11, 2024, marks the 1st Anniversary of Scarlet Dreams aka the day Ravi's departure from VIXX due to the "scandal" that he didn't deserve the hate he has been giving last April 11, 2023.
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sungwoonh · 6 years
Wanna One | When you want to leave during an argument (part 2)
a/n: Here’s part two of this hyung line scenario as promised! Hope these drabbles make up for me being inactive for the next three days as I take my finals. I’ll be back soon with more writing for you guys! 
Genre: angst & (slight) fluff Warnings: mention of profanity Characters: Ong Seongwu / Kim Jaehwan / Kang Daniel
part one / part two
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Ong Seongwu
Leaning onto the kitchen counter, you tap your fingernails on the granite-covered surface, the sound echoing throughout the empty apartment. You’ve been standing there for an hour? Maybe two? You weren’t even sure anymore. With your other hand holding onto your phone, you check the time - 4:48AM. Where was he?
Suddenly, you hear keys hurriedly opening the lock to the door, with a string of mumbled curses. Your grip on the counter tightens as the door opens, and you lock eyes with Seongwu.
He’s hesitant before he says, “why are you still up?”
“What do you think?” You didn’t want to sound condescending but you were exhausted. This wasn’t the first time he had come home extremely late, without a word about where he was going or when he was coming home. 
It started weeks ago. You knew that he was highly stressed from work. His schedule was hectic, and he tried to keep a happy facade around everyone - it was part of his job after all. But after a while, all the pressure and expectations from him had become too much. He was spreading himself too thin, and he wasn’t sure if there was anything of him left anymore. He wasn’t even sure if there was any of him - his energy, his passion, his love - left for you.
Because of this, he was terrified. He didn’t know what to do anymore, and he didn’t want to face the uncertainty yet. So he decided to just spend the nights after work going out with his friends, drinking and whatnot. 
The first time he came home late, he told you it was to blow off some steam because work was draining him, and you understood. But this understanding grew thin after weeks turning into months of him coming home late every night. You were at your breaking point.
“I’ve told you before. You don’t have to wait for me anymore.” he sighs as he looks at you.
“Then what do you want me to do, Seongwu?” you say, as you cross your arms over your chest.
“You’re telling me to not care about you anymore,” your voice firm.
“What? I never said that!”
“It’s the same when you tell me not to wait for you anymore. This has been going on for months, Seongwu. I don’t even know what’s going on with you anymore. You brush me off every time I ask you about it.”
He rolled his eyes, “and I keep telling you not to worry yourself about it.”
You stand abruptly, leaving the stability you felt from leaning onto the counter. You could feel your walls crashing down. “How am I not supposed to worry when you’re out there every night until god knows what hour and I have no idea if you’re even coming home?” your voice is raised now, with your body starting to tremble. 
“Do you still even love me, Seongwu?” you say quietly.
There was silence, and then you were ready to break. It’s true, he didn’t need you anymore. He came home late all those nights and avoided you because of that. You leaned back into the counter, it’s support meaning nothing now.
When he didn’t say anything, you started to turn away, “I guess that answers my question,” your voice was solid despite the sobs threatening to escape your throat. You start to leave, and make your way to your bedroom. 
Suddenly, he approaches you and places his hands on either side of you on the counter, trapping you between his arms. He leaned down, leveling his eyes with yours. “I do love you,” his voice thick under all the tension.
“Then why are you doing this?” you don’t break eye contact with him, scared that if you let go, everything will disappear all at once.
However, Seongwu breaks the contact and leans his head on your shoulder, his eyes locking onto the floor. He didn’t want to look at you as he said what he was about to,
“I... I’m tired. I think - I think I want to quit from work. I was scared to tell you this, so I came home late hoping to avoid the conversation. I knew you were going to see through me, because you know me more than anyone else. Sometimes even more than I know myself.” he chuckles, as he finally raises his head to look at you. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
You sigh as you move away from the counter, and closer to him. You run a hand through his hair, before letting it rest on his cheek. “Seongwu, I want you to remember what I’m about to say.” You pause as he looks at you expectantly.
“I love you, and I always will. No matter what path you choose, I’ll be there. I’ll be there to support you. But you need to be honest with me, you need to tell me when something’s happening because how can I be there with you if you won’t let me?”
Then, he wraps his arms around you and buries his face onto your neck, “I’m so glad I have you.”
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Kim Jaehwan
“Are you done yet?” Jaehwan says, obviously irritated.
“Excuse me?” you ask, offended, as you turn to look straight at him. Jaehwan was sitting on the bed, annoyance clearly written on his face.
“You’ve been rambling for what seems like forever.”
“I keep rambling because no matter how long I keep talking, you never listen to me,” you cross your arms over your chest. You hated arguing with Jaehwan, especially since you don’t think he ever took you seriously - not one of your arguments. You weren’t even sure if he was serious and committed enough to this relationship.
“I don’t listen when you’ve been talking too much,” his voice tight with discontent. 
It was like this whenever you and Jaehwan argued. It was like he didn’t care enough to listen to you, and try to work through the conflict. He was always just impatiently waiting for the fight to end. Jaehwan always thought that arguing was a waste of time, but he never tried to help you solve the problem or come to a compromise. He always took the easiest and quickest way out.
“Are you saying you don’t take me seriously anymore?” You were biting back the anger emanating from your lips. You were close to the edge, and yet he did nothing but push you over it.
“What? When did I say that?”
“You clearly don’t think this argument is important - maybe not even one of our arguments is important to you. That means you’re not taking this seriously,” you say, your feet solidly rooted on the ground despite the feeling of wanting to breakdown at any second.
 “You’re unbelievable.” Jaehwan lets out an exasperated laugh.
That’s when it hit you. Jaehwan didn’t really put any effort into trying to solve conflicts between you - maybe he just really didn’t take your relationship seriously. 
“Fine,” you turn to your desk and begin packing your phone, wallet, and other belongings into your purse.
“What are you doing?” he cautiously gets up from the bed.
“Leaving.” But before you could move through the doorway, you feel arms strongly encircling your waist. Jaehwan had confined you into his hold, you weren’t going anywhere.
“Let me go, Jaehwan.”
“No! I’ll never do that,” he wraps his arms around you tighter. “Please,” he breathed, “I don’t want to let you go.”
You’re quiet for a bit, before he turns you around in his arms, and cups either side of your face with his hands. “I’m sorry,” he says solemnly, his thumbs gently brushing the side of your cheek.
“I just - I really hate arguments. I’m scared that it would lead to something worse and I don’t want that. I don’t want to fight with you anymore.”
You look deep into his eyes, “it’s only natural that we argue over some things, Jaehwan. But you have to help me work through it. You’re not going to lose me just over an argument, especially if we go through it together.”
He nods gently and smiles, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “We’ll be okay.”
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Kang Daniel
You throw your keys and your coat furiously onto the kitchen table, as soon as you enter your apartment, a visibly upset Daniel following after you.
“What do you want me to do, y/n? I’m doing the best that I can,” he says, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it onto the couch.
“I want you to think about yourself for once, Daniel!” you say, raising your voice slightly. 
You had just gotten back from the company clinic where they took Daniel due to constant headaches that hindered him from continuing with rehearsals and his other schedules for the day. He was advised by the doctor to rest for the entire day, and try to avoid straining himself for the rest of the week. 
However, as soon as you exited the doctor’s office, you were met by Daniel’s manager who reminded him of his schedules for the week, but not after asking if the doctor cleared him, and that he was able to continue the rest of his schedule. “Yes, of course. I’ll be here early tomorrow,” Daniel responds despite the pointed look you had been giving him. You didn’t want to make a scene, or create tension with his manager so you decided to stay quiet and take him home. And you were quiet, throughout the entire drive home.
“The doctor told you to rest! But you’re pushing through with your schedule?” you say, exasperated. 
“What am I supposed to do? It’s my job!” Daniel snapped, annoyance now evident on his face.
“It’s your job to work yourself into exhaustion until something bad happens to you? Your manager even asked you first if you can do the schedules, and you agreed like you didn’t just walk out of a damn clinic!”
“I’m fine, y/n! I know I can do it. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
“Because I care about you!” you were close to shouting now.
“Then if you care about me, why don’t you just leave me alone and let me do my work?” Daniel had raised his voice too.
Then it grew quiet. You were taken aback by what he just said. All you wanted was to take care of him, and for him to value his health just like you did. You were scared that something worse was bound to happen if he didn’t pay attention to his health - and you wanted him to realize that today. But apparently, you caring for him was something Daniel disliked.
“Fine. I’m leaving.” You say as you made your way to the kitchen, grabbing your keys and coat from the table. But before you could leave, Daniel was blocking the doorway.
“You’re not leaving,” he says with serious expression on his face.
“I’m leaving. You just told me to.” You begin to push him away, and try to pass through the space between him and the door - but Daniel picks you up and heads straight to your shared bedroom.
“Daniel! What are you doing?! Put me down!” He gently places you onto the bed, quickly lying next to you and caging you into his arms before you could escape. 
“You’re not going anywhere!” Daniel says as he pulls you closer to him, your back flat on his chest. 
It’s quiet for a bit and he says sadly, “please don’t leave me.”
Slowly, you move your body to face him, as he raises his head to meet your eyes. You reach out your hand to move his hair away from his eyes.
“Daniel,” you breathe, “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about my health. I’m just too stubborn to think I can do everything,” Daniel admits.
“At least you’re not too stubborn to know that you’re stubborn,” you say, eliciting a laugh from him.
He pulls you closer to him, and buries his face into the crook of your neck. “Will you let me take care of you now?” you ask quietly. 
“You always do.”
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minhyuwun · 6 years
Situation 21+ sentence 4 fluff with wanna one kim jaehwan pleasee I really love your works and it always make my day. They make me go UwU. 💗
prompt: (21) college au + (4) “Sometimes I hate you, sometimes I love you. I’m trying to decide which I’m feeling right now.”
genre: fluff
a/n: thank u so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💓 i hope u like this one too!
“You’re late,” you tell him without even bothering to look him in the eye. You continue to highlight the sentence on your reading–which, let’s be honest, you don’t even understand. “You were supposed to be here, like, two hours ago.” Upcoming midterms week and feeling homesick is definitely taking a toll on you.
“I’m sorry,” he pouts. “But I got you something!” The pout disappears into a huge smile on his face as he proudly places this large paper bag on your table. “Open it,” he motions you–pushing the bag closer to you.
You give him a stern look as you put your books aside. “What did you bring this time? I swear if this is one of your pranks, I wouldn’t even know what to tell you, I have a freaking midterm exam tomorro––“ your continuous blabber when you’re annoyed is put to a halt when you find out what is inside the bag. “What the…” Your eyes widen in surprise. “How did you…?” Suddenly, you too, break into a huge smile.
“As I’ve told you, my groupmates and I filmed our midterm project earlier and surprisingly, it was actually close to where you and your family live,” he says, quite proud of himself. “So, I dropped by to say hi and as lucky as I am, your mom had just prepared lunch so she told me to bring some back here.” Jaehwan crosses his arms to taunt you, “So what were you mad about?”
Too busy unpacking and taking whiffs of each box filled with large portions of home cooked meals, you too, forgot you were mad in the first place. “Sometimes I hate you, sometimes I love you. I’m trying to decide which I’m feeling right now.”
“Come on, you know you always love me!” He teases you. Jaehwan continues to watch you unpack each box and lay it out on the table neatly. He gives you a tender smile you wouldn’t even get to see. “Three of those are for me, by the way.” You shoot him a suspicious look. “That’s what your mom said. Call her if you want to,” he shrugs.
“Fine,” you tell him. “Honestly sometimes I feel like my mom loves you more than she loves me.” You hand him the 3 boxes that were prepared specially for him, which of course included his favorites.
“Thank you~” he sings in a very chirpy tone. “Let’s eat!” He motions you to clink your spoon with his. And, like the finale of a magic trick, you feel like Jaehwan has magically brought you home. Suddenly home wasn’t a place anymore, but a feeling.
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godrics · 6 years
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pairing kim jaehwan x gender neutral reader
summary 62 + jaehwan. “It can wait until tomorrow.”
genre & theme fluff
warnings none
author’s note its almost 3am sorry for mistakes
Jaehwan could hear the loud typing one after another from your shared bedroom, and you were all the way on the other side of house, in your home office. The clock’s red numbers shine brightly, reading 3:43am. He sighs, bringing the blankets over his legs and to your side, where you should be sleeping.
His feet lightly - or so he thinks - patter against the floorboard as he makes his way to your office, and slowly opens the door, exposing him to the bright light and the sight of you rapidly typing on your computer.
As a college student, you had deadlines and essays every other day. As you, you always procrastinated to the last minute. Jaehwan had always reminded you to start earlier, but you’d refused, instead finish the latest episode of a drama he had gotten you into. Maybe that was his fault, he figures.
“Y/N,” you jump, obviously startled by him calling your name and your head turns over your shoulder, your fingers stopping as you see him in the doorway, sweatpants and a loose white shirt on his figure. “It’s late.”
You turn to see the time on your computer, blinking at the letters on the bottom corner of the screen and nod your head, agreeing with him, “Why are you up?”
“Because of you,” he bluntly says, your eyebrows raising slightly.
“And... Wait, what? What do I have to do with you being up?” You’re confused, leaning forward slightly as you wait for his reply.
“It’s almost four in the morning, you have classes tomorrow,” Jaehwan says. Usually, he doesn’t take charge in the relationship, and is almost never serious, but when it comes down to you risking your sleep and health, he puts his foot down.
“Okay, and?”
He rolls his eyes, “It’s time to go to sleep.”
“I still have to finish this, though!” You turn back around as you start to speak, your fingers already starting to rapidly move against your keyboard, your eyes glaring at the screen, “Swear, I’m almost finished.”
“You said that at eight,” he says, walking closer to you and peering down at your screen, “Y/N. I get it, the deadlines and all, but you shouldn’t have procrastinated.”
“I know,” you murmur, so there is a sign you’re still listening to him.
“But trust me, your health is more important than one grade,” he whispers, bending down to your level, “I’m an idol.”
“Yet you still don’t take your own advice,” you retort, reminding him of his late hour practicing.
Jaehwan sighs, nodding, “I know, and I’m working on it. Just like you should be, too. Y/N.. you can finish it tomorrow, I know the deadline isn’t until the day after tomorrow.”
“One more paragraph,” you say, glancing over at him.
He shakes his head, “No, now.”
“No, now. It can wait until tomorrow, save it all, shut your laptop down, and follow me into bed,” he demands, tired of you and his long day.
You open your mouth to argue, but when you see the tired look on his face, you reluctantly agree, nodding your head, “Okay.” You do as he says, and he smiles slightly as he holds onto your hand, switching the light off in the office and bringing you to the bed.
“Night,” he hears you mutter after you’ve both settled into your respective spots in bed.
“Rest,” he says, bringing an arm around your waist, “God knows how much you need it.”
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radiantbaekhyun · 6 years
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Day By Day [FINAL]
part 6/6 previous 
social media/text au where hwang minhyun is your ex-best friend & neighbour
i couldn't let ong suffer so he got over y/n!!! & minhyun and oc are so cute??? 💓💓💓💓💓 
and thats a wrap! hope u enjoyed it :)))
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bambyeol · 6 years
This Band (p.15)
B.A.M SEQUEL now updating daily!
pairing/s: band! park jihoon x oc ; band! bae jinyoung x oc ; doctor! hwang minhyun x oc
character/s: park jihoon, park woojin, bae jinyoung, ong seongwoo, kim jaehwan, ha sungwoon, lai guanlin, kang daniel, yoon jisung, hwang minhyun
genre: angst, fluff, music (band)
summary: never date your band mate.
warning : a sequel so I’d appreciate it if you’ll read B.A.M first. though you can always live dangerously and read this immediately.
This Band (p.1) This Band (p.2) This Band (p.3) This Band (p.4)  This Band (p.5)    This Band (p.6) This Band (p.7) This Band (p.8)  This Band (p.9)  This Band (p.10) This Band (p.11)    This Band (p.12) This Band (p.13) This Band (final)
B.A.M p1 // B.A.M p2 // B.A.M p3 // B.A.M final
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wanna one masterlist 
Barely halfway through the first set, the crowd was up on their feet grooving to the bright beats and swaying to the gloomier ones. Every lyric, every note resounded through the dome-like venue not only through the speakers but through the voices of the audience as well. The arena, along with the hearts of everyone inside it, was fired up as promised.
Time seemed to be put on halt and the minutes that have passed didn’t matter, only the beats and the melody did. This is crazy, all nine of them thought, effortlessly hiding away their surprise with their skillful harmony and perfect buildup. Recalling the first time they set foot on the arena sent goosebumps throughout their already active bodies. A dream came true for BAM that night.
Six youngsters enter the arena, all of their mouths agape at the sheer size and capacity of the place. They were attending a Nell concert clad in black band t-shirts and haircuts considered cool for that time period.
“Huge, right?” A younger Seongwoo, the only one who has been to the said arena, snapped the rest back into reality.  “And to think their tickets were sold-out.”
“Huge? That’s an understatement!” Woojin started walking further inside, eyes darting in all directions, mechanically dodging everyone in his way.
“The acoustics here must be perfect. Yah.” Jaehwan unconsciously places his hand to his chest, unable to contain his excitement.
“Keep it in your pants, hyung.” Baejin said, momentarily pausing his surprise to squeeze in a small tease.   
“Will we ever get to perform in a venue this high-end?” Riseul, finding her seat beside Jihoon and Seongwoo, continued taking in the high-ceiling and the massive speakers overhead, genuinely pondering if, in the next 10 years, this would be a stage they would be standing in.
“BAM live in Seoul Dome.” Jihoon looked up cheesily, putting on the best mimicry of an emcee he could do.
The group applauded the remark, stomachs fluttering at the thought.
“Someday, guys. Nell will even attend our concert.” Seongwoo nodded to no one in particular as all of them were preoccupied visualizing their names on the huge LED screen.
And so, since then it has been a dream of theirs. Unspoken for the next five years.
Before they knew it, it was time for the last song of the night. The song that was carefully crafted by all nine members in a span of a month. The song that will be the true mark of this day.
“There’s a new song we’d like you to hear.” Jaehwan’s announcement was welcomed by cheers of anticipation and surprise. This sound has prevailed for the past two hours and apparently it has only gotten stronger and stronger, their fuses of energy not running out any moment soon.
They let this sound fill the air uninterrupted as water bottles and towels were tossed to each of the members. Finally, he continued, “It’s called Sing Me. This has been BAM and it has been a great night because of all of you. Let’s go!”
Please don’t forget me
Cherish me, so that you could feel me
Sing me, remember me
So that I could last forever
Lifespan is just a number
Destiny cannot kill me
Until the day you forget me
I’ll be everlasting, no ending
The LED screens flashed a timeline of BAM throughout the years, photos, video clips, heightening the reactions especially from the long-time fans. The song ends with a photo of all nine members before the concert, hands joined between them.
“Encore! Encore!”
notes: hope you take time to listen to Day6 Sing me, and maybe in the process stan Day6 also (THEY”RE THE REAL DEAL. TRULY KINGS)  
will be posting the final part in like 8 hours .
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