#kim hyejin : starter.
gompop · 4 months
special starter for @roundwon ๑•ᴗ•๑
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           to put it simply, hyejin had been dreading this moment. ever since her best friend had asked for a favor - one that wasn't of simple nature at all, she'd been going back and forth about it. but alas, the day has come and she has zeroed in on her target. trudging up to the group of men chatting away in the corner of the study hall, she ignores the stares from the others and locks eyes with the one and only star athlete, yang insoo. " you, " she points at him directly with her index, " i need to tell you something. privately, of course if . . . you don't mind. "
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gompop · 4 months
special starter for @faeriemists ๑•ᴗ•๑
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            as soon as the front door to her bedroom slammed shut, hyejin already had an idea on who it could be. after all, she just received a text not too long ago about her best friend's horrible experience on a first date. without missing a beat, the volleyball player was off her feet and welcoming the female with open arms, " men ain't shit, yeah ? " she mumbles, enveloping the shorter in a warm and tight hug, knowing it was the only thing she could offer. well - that, and a listening ear, as per usual. " i'll go make some tea and you can tell me all about it. deal ? we just have to be a little quiet, mom's trying to get some rest for work tomorrow and she'll kill me if i disturb her beauty sleep. "
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gompop · 3 months
special starter for @wcvensouls ๑•ᴗ•๑
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            working the night shift on a weekend at a crowded, college bar was not one of her favorite things to do. nevertheless, hyejin knew she needed to grind if she wanted to save up to eventually move out of the house. as she was weaving through the mess of people and heading her way out to the back, for some reason ( or was it simply her innate clumsiness ? ) she tumbled forward, the tray of glasses crashing to the ground in a spectacular mess. as she scrambled to get up, her eyes met those of someone else's who was standing right in front of her.
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gompop · 4 months
special starter for @lockedfighter ๑•ᴗ•๑
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            " aaaah ! sorry i'm late ! my bike tire popped on the way here. " exclaiming as she burst through the back door of the bar, placing her hair up in a pontail. hyejin has had a day and a half. waking up early for volleyball training, taking final exams and the cherry on top - practically getting launched to the other side of the street due to her tire popping. " i was sure my tires were good when i checked them this morning, though. " her face twists in a sour expression, " i guess i was wrong. " trying to shake off the setback, she locks eyes with the bartender, causing her to smile wide, " are we expecting a lot of people tonight ? i think this is my first time working the friday night shift. "
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