spiritually · 2 years
im trying to talk as my tiny murder boy self to be more in the front since im better at academics. so ..
we actually started on a professor layton game (diabolic box) recently. zebs mostly the one playing but danis there too and obvs im trying to herald them into logic.
which isnt working out so great since we all share 1 brain cell
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kami-no-ko · 7 months
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Inspired by a cat vid I saw on ins
Also killu cat injured his paws because his stupid ass jumped on a hot plate while Gon’s cooking 🥺
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mugeesworld · 2 years
Sorry to keep talking about Phinks lol but your new theme has me imagining
One of the spiders needs him for something important and remembers he said he’d be at his girlfriends place. So they walk in only to find him in a sanriogirls utopia that’s so pink and cute and glittery it takes them a second to process him sitting on the couch surrounded with plushes and throw pillows with his gf playing animal crossing sticking out like a sore thumb as a large tough looking dude next to his chubby head to toe pink clad gf who’s explaining to him how to properly decorate the garden in her AC village.
I could also see his gf giving him little subtle things like socks with Badtz-Maru on them to wear so he has a little piece of him that matches with her
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YES OMG. THAT'S SO PERFECT. and please keep telling me if you want. I love phinks🙏.
The socks idea is so funny and cute cause imagine if he takes his shoes off to get comfortable or something at the hide out for the troupe and it’s has strawberry’s or badtz on them😭😭😭
Or like him and his gf doing skin care and he has one of those head bands on that makes him look like a cat.
And when the troupe walks into y/n’s house. Phinks has like a face mask on or your painting his nails or something 😭😭
Or another thing sorta like the socks but having all these cute bracelets you made him on him at all times. Or if you have long hair ALWAYS having a cute pink scrunchie💀
Hes out in the town with the troupe when he passes by a shop window to see a sanrio plush and is like. "HOLY SHIT! Y/n would love that! I can't believe they have them here!" then robs the place/buys it. Making the troupe wait for him to get done. Then he just walks around with a big ass plushy for the rest of the night
He's waiting for you outside a store cause you had to use the bathroom with your big pink purse and sunglasses. He didn't think anything about it so he puts them on while he waits. When all of a sudden people from the troupe round the corn to see yassified phinks😭
Phinks being really scary when he's fighting but one day when he lifts up his arm while sparing with someone in the troupe they see his nails are painted pink and gets really embarrassed 💀
He looks like he would have his ear pierced so he would buy some small strawberry ear rings that reminds him of you.
Or gets a small sanrio tattoo😭 just has a random hello kitty tat next to his spider one!!!
WAIT I HAVE ANOTHER. I walked away from my phone for like one second then I immediately ran back when thinking about this.
So how he always has a hair tie with him. He probably knows how to pull up hair. So one day when he sees killus sister (I forgot her name) trying to pull up her hair but failing badly. He couldn't take it anymore to watch so. "Give it here...." everyone gives him a crazy look but she gives him the hair bow.
He gets down on his knee to have better access.
"You want a bun, pony tail, pig tails, or a braid?"
AHHHHHH😭😭😭😭 I'm giggling so hard right now.
Also if me and you aren't already mutuals. We should be. Like right now. Give me your user♥︎♥︎
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ginrinkoi · 9 months
Unpopular opinion but
Now I kind of understand why TY sensei made Killu same age as Gon
and paired Gon Killu, while Leo got paired up with Kura, the first thing they met
One of the reason is bcs Yuu and Hi at the end of series were hitting off very well, whereas Kuwa and Kura shares same situational
Kuwa served as positive influence to Yuu when Yuu was in important growth
Then Yuu served as positive influence for Kura in Kura's Important time (once for all)
While Yuu did served as positive influence for Hi, Hi.... I'm sure Hi did not brought positive influence for Yuu 😂 he brought chaos WHICH Yuu loves
Genkai shihan did good job keeping them in check
Well Hi is a destiny luck for YT so.. This is another reason for Gon Killu combi (and Naru Sasu combi, and some other combi influence by YYH)
Back to combi, these pairs kind of lost their anchors with their intended duo by the last half of series
Kuwa and Kura pursue their normal lives, eventually become combi themselves (always wonder if we gonna get Kuwa Kura combi in situational like House of Strange, 7 Angels, surely kick ass)
Yuu and Hi doing things not so normal for them, Yuu doing things related to youkai, Hi doing things related to human. Late game, these two combi were too OP by this time, therefore born Gon Killu
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casasupernovas · 4 years
we don't talk about the fact that kite got reincarnated into the chimera ant king's twin nearly enough...
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xiu21chen99 · 4 years
hxh headcanon
y’know the fanon “Hisoka greatly influenced Illumi’s fashion, if he wasn’t already the main inspiration,” then get ready for THIS-
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I've been thinking; if that were really the case then hisoillu have known each other waaaaaay before the Hunter’s Exam arc (where it alr was insinuated that they’ve worked together or helped each other out beforehand) and my one and only proof? THIS ICONIC LOOK that he served us in Phantom Rouge
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bc it has EXTREMELY SIMILAR tones with this outfit of 1999 ver Hisoka
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and don't deny it bc Hisoka's (2011) exactly the type to wear stuff like that. and since Togashi hasn't blessed us with a backstory arc yet, anything is possible, lads 🤩🤩
so the timelines like this
| hisoka and illumi meeting & hisoka marking a mark of himself in illumis mind | > | illumi trying out diff outfit styles that he unconsciously picked bc they reminded him of hisokas fashion choice | > | killua doing missions w illumi wearing said clothes aka killu's flashbacks in phantom rouge | > | phantom rouge time setting | > | present |
i can imagine it, can't you???
LIKE from the fam pic and their age gaps im guessing illu might've been 16 or 17??? that makes hisoka 20-smtg and his flamboyant ass would ofc wear suits like those
maybe they met during a mission?? that's most likely the only reason illu had to leave the estate. then hisoka sensed him or was alr there by chance or bc he was looking for a new challenge. illu found him annoying and hisoka found him interesting.
im willing to bet hisoka followed him back regardless of illus threats, and got surprised by how strong illu was at the testing gates bc illu could open maybe 5/6 doors at once and it made him schwing if ya knoe what i mean
it'd make sense too, illu would technically still be a minor so like... maybe illu was also why he's into that thing now???? "i know of your tastes quite well" remember??
and maybe hisoka's concept of "I'll wait for the fruit to ripen" was from illu too, bc if all of this was true then he got to see illu grow quite lusciously...
I STRAYED OFF POINT BUT long story short hisokas presence just became too familiar so when he left (idk to fight or smtg) then illus coping mechanism turned to fashion, bc he didn't wanna admit it but he missed hisoka... and hence the pics above^^
in short regardless of the prenup/engagement ring mistranslation, i am STILL 100% hisoillu trash. thanks for coming to my ted talk-
edit2: FORGOT TO MENTION THIS BUT!! if I'm ryt then hisoillu have known each other for nearly a decade now lmao, which would also make sense bc im pretty sure illu needs lots of time to get used to... having a give-and-take relationship??? esp one outside of the family. and like, cOME ON! im pretty sure hisoka ain't the type to let himself get tied down by marriage to just ANYONE, there had to be something there right..? if not romantic feelings then at least some sort of respect right..?
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curly-bangtan · 5 years
30🆘33🆘34 AAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥳🥳🥳🥳
#30: “you’re secretly so soft, don’t even deny it.”
#33: “let me kiss your pouty lips.”
#34: “okay that’s it, you’re definitely my soulmate.”
A/N: @taexxxiiaa means with Heatwave!Taehyung loll she got too excited…! Any fic member drabbles are non-canon so this could have happened in the Heatwave world but only hypothetically/possibly!!
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“Fuck.” Taehyung looks at his phone screen as it lights up so blindingly bright after plugging it into the charger. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCK!”
[23 unread message]
Roommate hoe: yo wya
Roommate hoe: y u always late
Roommate hoe: u better be on ur way
Roommate hoe: bitch where r u
Roommate hoe: kim taehyung
Roommate hoe: taehyung kim
Roommate hoe: hyung kim tae
Roommate hoe: can u at least reply
Roommate hoe: im getting so pissy
Roommate hoe: n cold
Roommate hoe: where the fuck r u
Roommate hoe: u better not be dead in a ditch somewhere or i killu
Roommate hoe: answer ur phone
Roommate hoe: 45 mins late
Roommate hoe: no sex for u tonight
Roommate hoe: i’m rly mad @ u
Roommate hoe: i’m sleeping with someone else tn
Roommate hoe: istg if u forgot our anniversary
Roommate hoe: is ur phone dead again
Roommate hoe: 1 hour
Roommate hoe: i’m rly fucking mad right now.
Roommate hoe: TAEHYUGN
Roommate hoe: u r dead to me.
[8 miss calls from Roommate hoe]
Taehyung is scared for his life. And then he hears the keys rattle at the front door and his heart drops ten storeys more from the purgatory it had already fallen to. He has never experienced fear like the fear of your wrath, fiery as dragon’s breath and as potent as the venom of a scorpion. He chucks his phone onto his bed, anchored by the charger wire to the wall. And he quietly, cautiously, creeps out from his room.
Okay, you look really fuck hot. In your skin tight leather pants and black mesh top that allows some skin to peak through.
If it wasn’t for the pure rage carved onto your face like you’re some Halloween mask, he would pounce over like a wolf and fuck you on the couch. Except you’re practically breathing out fire through your nose, absolutely seething, arms crossed at the sight of him.
“M-My died phon- My phone died.” He stutters out like a poor kindergarten boy explaining to his teacher that he’d left his homework at home but he promises he did it.
“How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. To. Pack. Your. Charger. In. Your. Fucking. Bag.” You grit each syllable out so hard that your jaw almost hurts. Gulping, Taehyung watches you shake your heels off and kick them away harder than you need to.
“I’m so so so sorry I forgot, Y/N. I got so carried away at the library, it just completely slipped my mind.” It’s extremely brave of him, you have to say, for him to take those long strides towards you.
“You forgot? We literally were texting about it this afternoon! How the fuck can you forget? It’s our friendship anniversary! We do this ever fucking year!” Taehyung flinches as your volume raises. You almost regret it. But then you remember how fucking cold and embarrassed you were, waiting outside for a whole hour for his dumb ass to show up.
Every year, the two of you like to celebrate the night you had first met at the club. It’s a tradition for you to go to this club together and have a blast of a night, just the two of you, no inviting other friends, no sleeping with anyone else, and then end it with chicken and beer at the local 24hr Korean fried chicken place. It’s tradition!
And because Taehyung just so happen to have coursework due at midnight tonight, he had spent the whole day at the library rushing his project and promised to meet you there. It wasn’t like the thought hadn’t crossed your mind that he would be late; you had had an inkling that he would somehow goof it up and maybe show up 20 minutes past 11 or something. But you didn’t know that he would forget about it entirely.
Fucking ouch.
“Hey, I’m really honestly so tremendously awfully,” he inhales, “extremely terribly immensely appallingly very very sorry. I’m sorry. I fucked up and I have no excuse.”
You stare at him, hand gripping the plastic bag containing something that he doesn’t deserve but you got for him anyway. Fuck the frown lines you’re going to get, you’re gonna frown as much as you fucking can at him. He’s got those wide apologetic puppy eyes, trying to convey his genuine contrite and guilt.
Fuck his stupid puppy eyes.
“Okay. Good night.” You heedlessly toss the bag at him, watching him fumble to catch it in surprise as you walk past him to you room, purposely not making any more eye contact.
To your relief but also annoyance, he’s too busy revealing the contents of the bag to chase after your heel. You don’t slam your door, but you do shut it loud enough to convey how much you’re fuming.
God, you feel like an idiot.
You were just standing there in front of the club, waiting for an hour. So many people you know walked by as well, asking you how come you’re not going in yet. You should have just went in with them.
Taehyung is infuriating sometimes. On good days, he’s cute and ditsy, on bad days, he’s clumsy, incapable, forgetful, careless, unreliable and absent-minded. It really is as if you’re his mother sometimes.
Disgruntled, you flop onto your bed face first, mentally swearing your stupid roommate in six different languages. Then comes the timid knock on the door you were expecting. You ignore it. You hear his muffled throat-clearing, “Y/N… Can I come in?”
You want to ignore him. You want to ignore him so badly. But there’s just something about his boyish innocence that has his claws embedded into you. You sigh, cursing your soft spot for him, and go to open the door.
You’re silenced when he enshrouds you in his embrace, his honey scent permeating into your mind and making you unable to resist sinking into him. You give yourself credit for being able to not reciprocate the hug. But as he walks you back into your room into your bed, your head buried in his shoulder, his hands clutching your back the way he holds his teddy bear Kimchi when he sleeps, your own arms are itching to circle his neck. The plastic bag dangles from his elbow, swinging at your every step back
With his weight on top of you, you fall onto the mattress. Or more like he forces you to fall onto the mattress, his body propped up over you by his two arms on either side of your face.
“I’m so sorry.”
You refuse to look at him.
“You got me chicken and beer on your way home?” The noisy crinkle of the plastic bag as he takes out the takeaway you had bought for him despite being absolutely livid is vexing.
You should’ve just consumed it all yourself. Why did you even get it for him?
“Yeah, figured you’d forget to eat since you were at the library all day. Plus, unlike some people, I don’t forget our annual friendship traditions.” Grumbling, you fix your eyes on him, determined to coax more guilt from him. Yet instead, it backfires because you feel a warmth in your chest, urging you to forgive him.
“Fuck. Okay, that’s it, you’re definitely my soulmate.” He is cursing at himself in his head, you can tell. As he pushes his hair out of his face in frustration, you want to kiss him stupid. The fuck is wrong with you?
“Ha. Don’t call me your soulmate if you can’t even remember our anniversary.” Puckering your bottom lip out at him, you say. “I’ll kick you in the balls if you don’t get off me.”
Taehyung laughs. It’s a sound that threatens to dissolve your anger, a smile queuing impatiently at your lips. Don’t break. “You wouldn’t. You just went all the way to to get me fried chicken and beer even after I stood you up on our anniversary. You’re secretly so soft, don’t even deny it.”
“Shut it, dickface.” You attempt to roll away from under him but he cages you between his arms. “Look how you take advantage of my kindness towards you. You don’t deserve me.”
“I knowwww I don’t deserve you. I will do all the grovelling for as long as you want me. I’ll do laundry for the rest of the month. I’ll wash the dishes every time. I’ll buy you bubble tea any time you want me to. Pleaseeeee.” Whining, he squeezes your cheeks between his two unholy massive palms and nuzzles into your neck.
Ugh, you’re so sick of him. He’s impossible.
“Firstly, the last time you did laundry, you stained all our white clothes pink.” You yank him by his hair off your neck. “Secondly, I don’t trust you with the dishes because you’ve already broken my favourite mug. And third, no take backs on the bubble tea.”
He smiles at you sheepishly. He knows how incompetent he is, how he is honestly a twenty-something year old toddler. A man child.
When he doesn’t say anything, plainly staring at you with his cheeks risen so high from his smile, you finally give in and giggle.
God, why is your roommate so annoying?
“Haha! Got you! You can’t stay mad at me.” Taehyung shakes you by the head triumphantly like a baby playing, borderline trying to decapitate, his doll.
“Let go! I’m getting whiplash!” The laughter sputters out of you traitorously.
“Let me kiss your pouty lips then.”
You hate that you let him, and you hate how just like that, you’re not mad at your best friend anymore. As he kisses you so softly and apologetically, you melt into him, forgetting how rudely you were cursing him an hour ago.
Later, you two eat the Korean fried chicken and drink the cans of beer on your bed, reminiscing about your early days after initially moving in together, laughing at all those weird awkward encounters.
It’s your friendship anniversary, so you don’t have sex tonight. But ironically you can’t stop kissing as he cuddles you to sleep.
© Copyright 2019
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Halley Comits - They/Them - 11 sweeps (24 years) - Acrobat (Hal-ie Commits) - Bisexual - Don’t make them choose .... Prospit dreamer - Witch of Hope - Spider tamarin lusus  <> with Weyver <3 with Astred
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Weyver Astotl - She/Her - 10 sweeps (23 years) - Silks/Fortune teller (Waver Ass-tot-el) - Lesbian - Female  Derse Dreamer - Prince of Void(?) - Micrathena lusus <> with Halley <3< crush on Astred
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Astred Killue - She/They - 12 sweeps (26 years) - Acrobat (Astrid Kill-Ooh) - Lesbian - Nonbinary Prospit Dreamer -  Thief of Rage (?) - Tiger lusus <3 with Halley
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Sulare (Sully) Nictis - He/Them - 9 sweeps (21 years) - Clown (Sol-air Nick-tis) - Bisexual - GNC male Prospit Dreamer - aaa ??? :) idk - Seal lusus
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Eweuhe Bankis - He/Him - 11 sweeps (24 years) - Fire breather (Eww Bank-eeys) - Gay - Male Derse Dreamer - Mage of Time - Lamb...? lusus
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killuwumi · 4 years
Lil Request Update
Requests are still open! Just got a new laptop charger and plan on finishing some requests while I’m hyped up on 2 energy drinks. 
School is still, and constantly probably will be kicking my ass but I’m working around it. So please be patient and know that I have seen your requests <3 
Thank you all and stay safe! If anyone needs to contact me, feel free to do so here or on discord: killu#9141
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Killua’s never had friends before.
He’s never needed them. That’s what Mama says, at least. And Mama is always right--Killu is meant to be the heir, the head of their family and the future of their business as assassins. Mama and Papa have increasingly high hopes for him, Gramps spoils him and Illumi...well, who knows what’s going on beyond those pits for eyes.
But they aren’t the problem. Killua is the problem. He’s a smart-ass, ungrateful, impatient brat. Milluki tries teaching the white-haired Zoldyck lesson, tries to show him what happens when he hurts Mama--
And then Killua turns on him, blue eyes cold and dead, smile stretched in a manic smile. Milluki’s blood turns to ice and he suddenly can’t breathe.
Millumi doesn’t know who these friends of Killua’s are. But Killua doesn’t go into full-blown assassin mode for just anyone, doesn’t trade a copy of Greed Island or returns to the mansion for Alluka for just anyone. And if Killua would go and do all those things for his friend...there’s no telling just how far he’ll go in the future.
(btw if you enjoy my writing and would like to support it, please consider Buying Me a Coffee~)
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twila-star · 5 years
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My favorite story/series of @girlskylark-blog (girlskylark on A03): Critical Hit! After stream hours with Freakss and Killu.
After a medical crisis, Gon's confined by bedrest and he needs to do something—anything— to keep his mind occupied, even if that thing is the latest game on the market: Hunter Vs Hunter. Gon becomes consumed by the world of gaming and streaming where he finds a famous, furious, and devilishly handsome streamer by the name Kill.
When Gon's dorm friend introduces them in a match, Kill's fanbase goes crazy because of one simple fact: That Gon is an absolute newbie who can kick Kill's ass any day, any time.
Kill won't stop until he ends Gon's winning streak—even if that means flying Gon out to a nation-wide HvsH tournament to face off, kick ass, and meet for the first time.
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ao3feed-killugon · 6 years
Kukuroo’s Hunter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0ngdu
by Loverboy360
Where the Zoldyck family brings a new butler to be trained at kukuroo mountain. A child orphan by the name of Gon Freccs. The butler soon turns to have more potential than expected so he becomes Killuas personal dog. A way for the family to dismiss Killua’s burgeoning lack of a companion. Killua doesn’t need friends, but a servant is something else entirely. No one expected them to be more than the titles labeled. Neither expected friendship.
Words: 3385, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zoldyck, Kikyou Zoldyck, Maha Zoldyck, Milluki Zoldyck, Alluka Zoldyck, Gotoh (Hunter X Hunter), Canary (Hunter X Hunter), mentions of Mito, More as we go i geuss
Relationships: Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck, young Gon Freecs/Killu Zoldyck, Nen-stuff, Gon as the new zoldyck butler, Killua-gets-a Freecs-as-a-dog, My OTP, love this trope-I dont think its done enough, Same hunterxhunter universe, different route AU, Possessive Killua, Protective Gon, their-both-too-badasss, Illumi you ass, what if Killua never left Kukuroo mountain, what if Gon was a butler there, what if Killua became the Zoldyck head before he left, what if they’re alot older before the chimera ant arc happens??, this is going to be a long one guys, Friend-SHIP!!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0ngdu
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kirbyxdesu · 7 years
hi gingxbeanslover202 here uwu could you write a bee movie killugon au ??
Killua was a bee. That’s all he ever knew. How to be a bee.And how to act like a bee. His family all were the greatest pollinators inexistence- his older brother in particular was very pushy when it came to this.And that was all fine and dandy- since it’d give Killua a chance to see theoutside world. But that was before he decided to go off on his own on anassignment and if fucking rained. Andbees can’t fly in the rain. So down he went.
Into the window of an apartment. Owned by Gon. Who prettymuch freaked the fuck out because there was a bee that was drowning in raindrops. So of course what personwould he be if he didn’t help it? And it was love at first sight. So Gon dumpedhis asshole prick of a boyfriend, Hisoka, to date this beautiful bee.
And when they were at the store getting some good goods,Killua saw jars of HONEY. What the hell? How could we be taken advantage of?And Killua questioned all he knew. He was in love with a human (which was BAD.)and now the humans were stealing all of their hard work?
The natural solution was to sue their asses. And Gon was stoked. He’d been preparing for justthis event. He was ready. He went to law school- the only law school in thestate that accepted 12 year olds. But just to be careful, Killua told him tolet Leorio do it. Because he was a doctor and you have to trust a doctor.
But during the whole ordeal the flowers started dying? AndKillua’s brother came after him like what the fuck? Killu you betrayed us? Youkilled the flowers? Gon is a bad influence on you?
So Gon and Killua went on this adventure to save everyone-getting the last of the flowers and moving them all to this one place. And itsummoned all the bees. And they started pollinating and everything again. Andit was all okay.
But Killua still stayed with Gon because they were cool withthe whole interspecies thing.
And Hisoka cried. Many bungee tears. For his lost love. Whochose a bee over him.
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miscreantmelon · 7 years
Tagged - - -
Tag Nine People with Excellent Taste
I was tagged by: @thunder-lightning-strike​ (who I don’t know how I wasn’t following already? Fixed, sorry! ♥) Color you’re wearing: Black Last Band T-shirt you bought: Wow this is predictable as hell but it was Rammstein lmao Last Band you saw live: Ok awkward this was Rammstein too.. back in July, because I’m really lame and haven’t been to a gig since then  Last song you listened to: Crazy Trip on the Road - Killus Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick Last movie you watched: Thor: Ragnarok (I think..) Last 3 TV shows you watched: Blue Planet, WWE Raw... & Total Divas 😂😂 3 Characters you identify with: This is a really hard question but off the top of my head: Miranda Hobbes (SATC), Chandler Bing (Friends), Mark Corrigan (Peep Show). Book You’re currently reading: Technically its Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman but I haven’t read any of it for a really long time... I’m not tagging anyone because the 2 people I actually talk to on tumblr have already done this I think. Have you done it @megfeyer? If not, you’re tagged, dork. 
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WHILST IM HERE @followthecreeper (again, how am i not already following you? I’m the worst) tagged me in a thing about a bloody year ago but I’m gonna do it now because I feel bad for not doing it before. 10 songs I’ve been listening to in my weird-ass music taste: 1. Marilyn Manson - JE$U$ CRI$I$  2. Killus -  Verso 666 3. Sido - Knochen und Fleisch 4. The Haxans - Dirty Magic 5. Enter Shikari - Rabble Rouser 6. PeroxWhy?Gen - Obsolete 7. Rob Zombie - Pussy Liqour 8. Rammstein - Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen (every day, forever, until the end of time ♥) 9. Sido, Andreas Bourani - Astronaut (*ignores that she said Sido once already*) 10. Schattenmann - Licht an
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his-tasty-katsudon · 7 years
so i have a bad habit of ditching old rp blogs every time i get into a new series and i am so......... sorry........... to everyone I plotted with on this blog.
So yeah, I DID end up making a Killua rp blog, and probably won’t use Yuuri anymore until yoi gets another season or something because I’m not really feeling the ‘spark’ like before. so yeah, if you wanna find my gay ass i’m either on my killu or on my personal blog.
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kyousei-archive · 3 years
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     @scxrleteyed​ sᴀɪᴅ: ❝ No. ❞ (To Killua, for the crush meme.) // tell my muse about your crush
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     ❝Heheh-- What, are you too scared, Kurapika? Think I’m gonna go tell Leorio all about your cute widdle cwush on him?❞ Come on. It’s obvious by now, isn’t it? They’ve been gushing after each other for what has felt like millennia!
     ❝I won’t.... For a price.❞
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