#killie and Charlie
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elodieunderglass · 10 hours ago
In terms of "nerdy stuff that Derek would love and Killie would find completely confusing and possibly threatening", where would playing escape rooms fall? Killie seems like he'd have a hit-or-miss relationship with puzzles and riddles while Derek seems like he had a formative relationship with The Hobbit's 'Riddles in the Dark' scene
(Killie the OC)
You’re so right bestie!! Killie was something of an asset in the competitive nerd gaming circumstances they met in; as you say, a hit-or-miss thing. The nerds wanted him on their team for a lot of reasons besides his nice bum. He’s very good at math, spatial reasoning, and things like calculating odds. I’m currently picturing a sort of Lord of the Rings themed reality show in which teams competed outdoors to get points, and it was useful having at least one person as a strong practical and physical presence, even one with zero trope awareness.
Unfortunately the locked-in-a-room aspect of escape rooms, while obvious to anyone else, would not necessarily enhance the abilities of someone who is mentally kind of a wild horse.
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He’s sort of emitting a stressed-out frequency audible only to bees and Charlie. It feels like High C, or perhaps a fork in a microwave. He’s fine though. Cool. Chill, even. He’s participating. Just out of interest: would anyone object to him having the door open. Or breaking it open? maybe. Yeah. No, no, carry on with the things and stuff.
It’s just that Killie has kind of a thing about stealing - well not so much stealing horses as moving them around a bit, with certain amounts of doors or gates or latches or morals or checks upon one’s impulses in the way being sort of academic, if there’s a Situation - and he suddenly fancies stealing himself.
Not that it’s a SITUATION
(Quick shout to the escape room staff: he doesn’t mean it)
(He’s having fun)
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elodieunderglass · 4 days ago
Love this framing because there’s also the implications about Gollum, who had it for more than a gazillion years - had it for so long that his own kinship had become functionally and culturally unrecognisable to his own fellow hobbits - used it all the damn time, while living in a perfectly active goblin kingdom full of perfectly functional orcs, and was affected by the Ring giving him longevity, so he could keep it forever; and sneakiness, so they couldn’t catch him/take it from him.
Sauron being like: you fascinate me. You do. But we’re no good for each other. But we’re the only gays in this mountain short of other options - OH HELLO
"why did the ring mostly affect frodo and not bilbo who had it for a gazillion years" objectively has a textual answer but i think the best answer is that sauron just likes bilbo more than frodo
bilbo: *uses the ring to hide from his relatives*
sauron, remembering almaren: yknow. real.
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chameleonsallinvermillion · 11 days ago
Nobody look directly at me but I've latched onto @elodieunderglass's Killie like a barnacle and I've been rotating him in my mind. Now that I know he and his siblings did have access to ponies growing up, but probably not one each, I've been experimentally putting these terrible siblings into childhood scenarios based on my own life growing up in the horse world. Non-canon Killie & Siblings(tm) childhood vignettes coming up.
Killie and Charlie avoiding people after a huge family row by climbing up onto a stack of haylage bales to hide out. Maybe onto the roof of a barn.
All four siblings taking the shared pony out, switching out who gets to ride. The rest follow on bikes with their helmets dangling from the handlebars, because not wearing a helmet on a horse is unthinkable but wearing one on a bike is "silly". Bickering over whose turn is next. Constantly accusing Colm of slowing them down.
Killie riding as fast as he can to get help on the shared pony whilst Colm lies groaning on the ground, too badly hurt for even Ciara to think it’s a smart idea to shove him back on the pony and carry him home that way. He’s been sent because he’s fast, brave, and – most importantly – utterly useless if he sticks around. Charlie is sympathetic to Colm’s suffering. Ciara is not.
Charlie standing barefoot on the back of the pony whilst it placidly chews hay in its stable so that he can peep into the nest of house martins up in the far corner and see the new-born chicks
I imagine the terrible mother to be a lot like the wealthier horse mothers I used to know and therefore to have a box of old Pullein-Thompson and similar pony books tucked away somewhere from her childhood, covers falling off and pages dog-eared, that if not she then her parents will pass on to Ciara at some point. Killie doesn’t really get them (no imagination). Charlie likes the ones where they protect foreign princes from assassins through the power of being horse-children. Colm likes the ones where everyone is nice to each other and organises a gymkhana or something.
Teachers at school trying to separate the twins because they think it’s healthier for them to grow apart (also, most of them still can’t tell which is which and it annoys them that Charlie will just lie about it). Both twins doing everything in their power to prevent this.
Killie getting hauled up to the headmaster’s office for biting another child.
Charlie getting hauled up to the headmaster’s office for biting another child because he didn’t want Killie to be stuck in the isolation room alone and, besides, that child deserved it for making fun of Killie losing his temper.
Killie taking a bad fall and riding home with a broken ankle as a child, sitting side-saddle because it hurts less, totally oblivious to the fact that his bones are pointing the wrong way.
Getting up in the dark to help do the stable chores before school on a freezing cold winter's morning. Killie and Charlie working together, trading the sledgehammer back and forth, to break the ice on the water trough. Shards of ice flying up and into their eyes. Heaving the broken ice (inches thick) out with sopping wet gloves and numb fingers.
Getting taken to the races as children. Having to be on their absolute best behaviour at all times because this is Work. These are your future employers and coworkers. You must impress them. It doesn’t matter that you’re only six years old. You are representing the Family.
Charlie, not on a horse, insisting that Killie let him up behind to give him a lift through the river / over the ford / over marshy ground because these are new shoes, Killie, and they’re not meant for that sort of thing, no it’s not silly to have shoes that aren’t designing to wade through mud, most shoes aren’t designed for that, just let him up
Having to go such a long way from home just to get to the bus stop to go to secondary school that they ride their bikes and then throw those bikes in a bush to pick up later in the day
Collecting conkers by climbing up into the chestnut trees using a horse as a ladder. Getting the smallest person up there to shake the branches whilst everyone else stands underneath with buckets.
Eating horse feed as children because someone has decided that they shouldn’t eat between meals but they got hungry and it’s oats, humans can eat oats. Or what? A salt lick? That’s delicious. It’s like a lollipop. Nettles? Nettles are a real food. Sugar beat? That’s basically a snack, right?  
Sitting around on a rainy evening (Colm has to sit on the floor, exiled for taking up too much sofa space) watching a horse racing movie (Racing Stripes, National Velvet, etc.) and critiquing it heavily for accuracy
Standing on the muck heaps on bitter winter days because the heat from the fermenting manure provides the most wonderful warmth to thaw out your frozen toes
Colic nights. Kids in wellington boots and coats hastily thrown on over pyjamas, walking a horse round and round in the rain whilst Pa bullies the vet out of bed to come down at once. Stumbling indoors in the watery dawn light, soaking wet and frozen to the core, with just time enough to grab a mouthful to eat and throw on school uniform before heading out again.
Colm dressed in his brothers’ hand-me-downs, until he ends up taller than them and then they get dressed in his hand-me-downs. Waste not, want not.
Killie volunteering to go out and do everyone’s least favourite chores on special occasions (Christmas, family birthdays, etc.) in order to get away from any guests or general hubbub in the home
The day the farrier comes round to shoe the horses. There are a lot of them at the stables – it’s a full day event. All staff need to be on hand to manage it, children too. It’s a working party. People bring cake. People are getting drunk the longer the day drags on. Watching the farrier at work with his portable forge. I imagine Colm, in particular, is drawn to the idea of being a farrier and blacksmith, though of course he knows that isn’t his role. He watches in awe, though, as a young child, before any tendency towards wonder or whimsy is fully trained out of him. Each of the children getting to keep one of the old shoes – dirty, encrusted with mud, with old nails still sticking out – for luck, but you’re not allowed to nail it to a door because that’s twee and you’re better than that.
Watching a horse be put down for the first time. Gruff instructions not to look away, that this is important, that this is part of the job. Different reactions from each of them to seeing their mother do it. No sentimental goodbyes. Ciara mocks Colm for shedding a tear. There is no grave.
Thank you for indulging me in this.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
@goated33 got me thinking-
in some ways, vaggie has the personality and risk assessment capabilities of a small furry animal
meaning everyone in hell THINKS she's the idiot chihuahua, picking fights with the local dobermans, getting metaphorically (literally?) dragged away by charlie for her own good
the twist is she's actually one of those damn weasel things, able to fuck up creatures several times her size and almost impossible to kill normally- yet STILL she's somehow picking fights waaaaay above her weight class
charlie got headaches over this in the early days, i bet. before vaggie simmered down from "don't kill kids wft" to "sinners maybe kinda redeemable actually? not for killy killy stab??"
even now though there's the vibe that, if left alone with alastor and even one less fuck to give, vaggie would be throttling him in seconds flat
this would probably not go well... sadly, once she got started, i could see her probably not noticing or caring much. imagine charlie worrying about this possibility a lot. some nights staying awake, concerned who her girlfriend might pick a fight with next, while vaggie lies fast asleep in her arms, blissfully smiling... likely dreaming of finally getting to stab somebody again like she means it <3
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yaoimurder · 7 months ago
[plain text: Help evacuate Palestinians from Gaza!]
Ahed and Samah are two women whose lives have been torn apart because of the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Ahed ( @ahedalshaer ) is in university for dentistry, and Samah is supposed to be in her final year of high school.
Their campaign began in May, but has raised only around one twenty-fifth of their goal - €3,314 of €80,000. This is extremely worrying, as their father is diabetic, and their mother suffers from a chest infection. Both require urgent medical attention, which they are currently unable to receive due to the poor conditions in Gaza.
Their fundraiser is verified as #407 on the Butterfly Effect Project.[link]
By August 20th, it is our aim to boost their campaign to 10,000 euros. That is still only one eighth of the 80,000 euros they require, but it is a start.
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mercurygray · 4 months ago
I'm also pulling an oldie out of my hat and going “i didn’t do it. please, you have to believe me!” & drunkenness & a skeevy motel just off the highway for Ron and Billie, for funsies 😏
Thanks for this prompt, Killy, and for being patient while I dithered about how I was going to do it! I decided to take advantage of costume season vibes to do a 1920s AU.
Scene: Small seedy motel outside of town. One of Duchess Warren's men has just been shot in his bar after being seen arguing with a woman earlier in the day, and one of the city's most notorious killers is on the scene to investigate.
It wouldn't have been his first choice for a hideout - but then again, what was?
The rain was really falling now, windshield wipers fighting steadily against the downpour while Ron turned the headlights off and eased into the center of the ratty little motor court, his eyes sweeping the numbers on the doors, the lights outside each one. Mahoney had said room six, and she'd had no reason to lie; Chuck was her friend, too. There was no car in the space outside, but Mitchell was too smart for that - she'd probably parked around back.  Ron eased the car into park and shut off the engine, pulling his gun out of its holster before getting out of the car, the rain changing its cadence on his hat. The room's blinds were drawn and there were no lights on inside - typical for near midnight. His gun was drawn regardless. He had a pretty good idea of what he'd find behind that door, but it never hurt to be prepared. And she's too smart to be sleeping. She's already tried running and hiding, so now it'll be time to fight.
The front desk's spare key scraped in the lock, and the door opened with ease, letting him take in the still-made bed, the travel case on the floor - and the short snub of a derringer, held between white-knuckled but otherwise steady hands, pointing at him from across the room.
"Expecting someone?" Ron asked, his voice pleasant. (It was a hell of a look, having a pretty woman point a gun at you.)
 "I didn't do it," Billie Mitchell said adamantly, standing her ground. "You have to believe me."
Ron could only scoff, his own revolver still ready in his hand. "You think that's why I'm here?"
The derringer remained where it was. "Someone shot up the Outpost and Charlie Grant is dead. You're the man they send for revenge."
"I'm not here to kill you," Ron assured her. Mahoney and Talbert wouldn't have given me information if I was.  His relationship with Chuck's best friend was tenuous, at best, but he had to give him credit for loyalty. Floyd had put himself in front of his girl hoping to take whatever bullet Ron had ready for her, and that counted for something, with him. You've got some friends, Miss Mitchell. There had been many reasons, good reasons, for coming in and shooting first and asking questions later, but everyone he'd confronted about this had said the same thing - that Billie Mitchell was not at fault, that she was being framed. "I want your help." And I think you want mine, too, because you could have shot me when I came through the door, and you didn't. Because you've got questions the same as I do. "And Chuck's not dead," he added, on a whim. "He's not great at the moment, but he's not dead." He gave her an abbreviated smile. "You were his friend, and you're going to help me find the bastard who did this."
Finally she lowered the gun. "Molly told you I was here."
He nodded. "Not until she knew why I was asking," he clarified, hearing the note of accusation in the woman's voice. "She was ready to take a bullet for you." He recalled the light in the kitchen, the tipped over chair, the way one body was placed in front of another. "Talbert, too."
Billie's expression was almost a smile. "I wish she wouldn't."
"You're lucky to have friends like that."
It was her turn to scoff. "Didn't stop Chuck from getting shot, though, did it?" She looked around the darkened room and took in the still-open door, the rain outside, the near-total darkness of the room. "So, who sent you? Duchess? Nixon?"
"No one sent me," Ron offered, privately laughing a little at the idea that Lewis Nixon would have the power to send him anywhere. I might like money but I'm not a man you can buy or sell, and Lew Nixon hasn't quite figured that out yet. "Chuck was my friend, too."
"I didn't know you had friends." The observation is so open that he almost stared. No one else on this earth would be so bold - but that's why Chuck was friendly with her, wasn't it? You gotta understand, Billie Mitchell ain't like other girls, Ronnie.
She took another look around the room and gestured, finally, to the waiting table and chairs. He took a moment to shut the door behind him and holstered his gun, watching her turn on the light above the table and sit down.  "So who do you like for it, if not me?"
It was a good question, one that Molly Mahoney had asked, too, and one he'd been thinking about on the drive here. Everyone remembered the fight earlier that day, the way Billie had stormed out, but details from that night were more difficult to come by. Connie Schmidt had remembered a drunk man, but couldn't place his face, and she couldn't say for certain if he'd been armed. (She'd been in the back room and hadn't seen anything - only Chuck on the floor, bleeding heavily, and his own gun next to his body, still warm.)  "The Outpost is near Hundreds territory. Someone gets cocky, crosses a boundary and goes to a bar he's not supposed to, and Chuck says he won't play. Guy gets mouthy and picks up the first thing he finds. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened." Certainly won't be the last, either. "Miss Mahoney said she'd call Bob Rosenthal, make inquiries."
Billie scoffed. "I'm sure Tab was real happy about that."
Ron recalled the annoyance on Floyd's face, the way he'd tried to wheedle her out of promises he didn't want her to keep. Are you afraid of being outmatched, Mr. Talbert? Gangland's golden-boy lawyer against the Iceman's right hand man? "He wasn't thrilled with the idea. But Mahoney didn't give him much choice." Billie nodded, taking it all in. "She said she'd wait up for us to come back," he added, watching her face for signs of agreement.
"Does this make us friends, then?"
Ron considered his options - the way Chuck had spoken of red-haired Billie, the way her eyes had followed him down the barrel of her gun, the way she had been completely unafraid of him. How long had it been since a woman had looked at him like that? Billie Mitchell ain't like other girls, Ronnie. "Why don't we start with allies, first."
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katerinaptrv · 1 year ago
Well for my calculations of Pit Babe next episode trailer we about to enter the danger zone in the novel.
It seems the Babe will find out about Charlie and Jeff being also Tony's children and that leads to a CharlieBabe break up.
Way seizing the oppotunity will try to mind control Babe to have sex with him (he is an Enigma).
Charlie comes in time to save the day and stops him, Babe learns about the years of mind manipulation he suffered from Way and that Way is also one of Tony's son sent to impregnate him, fetch him and bring him home. (now, i was not sure they would do this like the novel but after todays episode i think is going this way).
Charlie and Babe reconcile, Charlie confess to be an Alpha with the power of stealing others peoples powers. But the powers are borrowed and return to the owner if he dies (see were this is going?)
The vision Jeff had when he touched Babe must be the one of him invading the mansion after finding out Tony killed Charlie and Jeff and also getting killied by him.
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thurio-edau · 7 months ago
hey killies!! doing better
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missjackil · 1 year ago
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Werther pulled out another win from the late s10 basement! Does it have enough power to see us into s11?
Let's get this going! Who do we got Chuck?
Chuck: In today's battle we have The Prisoner - Sam and Dean burn Charlie's body and Dean tells Sam it should be him! Then Dean gets all killy and takes out the Styne family including the youngest who didn't even want to be part of the family!
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starry-dust · 14 days ago
新生活新希望 : Serene tidings, like a river’s gentle flow.
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The name goes with, “Killian Ealer” can simply called by Kiki, Keke, or Killie but if you guys deciding any nickname that you thought suit them enough, go ahead, this little pretty thing would love it without any doubts. they goes with any pronounces, make sure to make yourself enjoy surrounding them, cause the world too cruel to be embracing with alot of rules, so let’s just chill together and make everything better by our own ways. They won’t put their MBTI, cause it always changes depends of their situations, but one thing that never change is, they are INTROVERT and being apart of TAURUS of May, don’t judge by a cover sweetlings, you would know them better after spend your time with them and mingle well with them, no one is perfect, but at least they would keep theirself afar from bad things.
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They have a sweet spot for cats, zodiacs and MBTI’s foreknowledges eventhough never put 100% trusts of it, K-Dramas or movies with heavy genres and less romance (cause the world too realistic to imagining ‘bout love and romantizations), and also music with any unpredictable genres but mostly feel comfy when songs of ENHYPEN, aespa, Hearts2Hearts, BABYMONSTER, Taylor swift, NIKI, Keshi, Charlie puth and Justin Bieber greeting their ears politely. Have some same taste with them? you must getting closer to them and talk alot about it, cause the great bonds come when we get the same taste of favourites.
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it must be read carefully, cause it’s about allowed or prohibited my account to be followed for, so please keep in chill under my rules cause i want everything comfy for both of us either you and me, of course. if you haven’t reach your legal age yet, please, without reduce my respect i ask you to not follow me, our gaps can might make our opinions never meet their path for crosses. if you’re part of LGBTQ’s phobic, racism, narsism, badmouther and problem/attentions skeer’s maker, please don’t follow me, i have no space for those who can’t being tolerants to others.
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slydiddledeedee · 6 months ago
Tagging for reach:
@clankit @hogwings @tealgoat @daydreams-42 @clawpatrol
@rainbowsnowflake @saint-oleander @jackironsides @f4rfields @cassandragemini
@nvoembers @ardl @someguywithaname-blog @giritina @arcaneglitch
@shiskabubble @novrium @skellyweb @theywontletmebeprincipal @gnomepng @oursapphirestars @messilymoonlit @thesoulshyperrealaslacreatura @genderascendant @liquidpaperfoundation  @frizzdotbizz @fitzfunnymoments @clownluverr @skunkes @chardis20 @milkshakehaver @call-me-rucy @professor-glasses @acridid-s @asharestupid @vriendjes @lappyisgaming @jonpertwee @sailorminimoon @itssovaa @earth-dad @karamelmikaelsons @butchdataset @lesvibes @squishysphealgirl @prismatic-starstuff @fliptop @bell-bones @friendly-jester @aristotels
@chaos-cafe32 @anxiouspotionofgloom @unrealityshift @ragingbullmode @aseplant
@nuropunkslut @thecl0wnfather @frizzdotbizz @envytheroost @transgenderism-horror 
@iputthebomp @towerofglass @rodent178 @nil-number @galvaniccorsair 
@punkitt-is-here @trimmau @falsegrailwar @queue-slur @somepinkthing 
@tangledinourstrings @kraigeslist @2kreebs @deadnightguard @gayrat-deactivated19690420 
@noajennifers @tina-snow @parsnipjunction @mintmoth @mrfluffyturtle 
@colombinna @tinygalaxykid @br-eddrolls @0luna123 @block-swing-perry 
@eflatminorseven @mothtral @charlie-charlie @bitterlyromantic @pseudonymousposting 
@divineclouds @interact-if @agnesandhilda @frostbitefae @dove-tears 
@soljierpg @assad-zaman @claudeleine @error-core-animations @kengi-bengi-alt
@juneybug @kodigobacktosleep @apocalyptic-dancehall @imnotthepersonyouseek @toonirl 
@kingofthebookcase @kazehita @yonch @ayoedebiris @pinkdreamscape1 
@king-dail @caseys-soup-corner @shoogachi @killy @missusmousse 
@j0ckhead @whoopsiedaisy20 @squidie-tittie @dreamingamongthestars @trexpel 
@mischief16 @foulharbor @draginfyre16 @tangerinesteve @3amsnow 
@fruitpuddle @wallsong @selkiesmile @suzakus-canon-wife @turquoisewavesstitch
@loutrem @thatlethalsoul @visemes @orange-coloredsky @dweamdoodles
@trannydurden @just-a-girl-0001 @samrobotize @aunty-matter @gamelpar 
@roachie-paradise @queruloustea @ehjane @firebird963 @butchdykekondraki 
@dinofur @cthulhu-with-a-fez @purplenickel @thesirenswept @ysngie
@fluffyfairyzz @the-autism-album @hauntingblue @tyranion @only-came-for-the-food 
@thiscouldbetheendofanera @dogesterone @oliviawebsite @atroph1k @specialmouse 
@heyitslaika @thehollyraven @crumchylettuce @draconic-distress @amorosebeing 
@ruthlesslistener @subway-intercom @bbbigforehead @murenaaaaa @shadedtragedysandwich 
@merirat @skys-archive @drhu0806 @valkatra @thesblu 
@harpytooth @pokemonhammerandsickle @batricity @taffywabbit @zeia-reblog-blog 
@regina-cordium @ripley-stark @thatcrazybookwyrm @beehtml @truffledtoad
@hojoslutoru @skiddlecat @phoebelovingcare @yourmcboy @diddlefib
@gremlinandacrow @darewolfdq @sybeez @butt3rbug-22 @endearmint 
@mermen @zokiraaa @arty-cakes @thelegendaryfluffypotato13 @nofacednerd
@polyphonetic @shadybug @lilycat23 @mudboyman @whoseri 
@lyrakae @ataraxiaspainting @teabutmakeitazure @knightbloomings @heydreamchild 
@bisexualpositivity @steampoweredwerehog @ultrabananapudding
@legenspeople @mageofreblogs 
@dragongirlgemstone @fatalglitter @kazehita @chromatasia @radioroxx 
@theneutral-zone @specre @catgirlwarrior @sealedverses
@astro-b-o-y-d @skullfaced-fruitcake @lesserbeans @sandersgrey @xsurean 
@malecorrin @yobirinn @icariancowboy @myrosecolouredgirl @raeiner 
@cdpdoodler @rockinmusicquarterly @lesbonoi @heartilly @seacandys 
@lunarhaze @jo-evo24 @lonisaiou @just-radicles @lightbulb-warning 
@chaoticchickengremlin @judas @2bu @prinsii @turtle-ly 
@groose @your-cryptid-dad @sunnyyyteaaa @spectra-bear @selkiesmile 
@saviorified @flymajesticbagels @j-the-latter-gay-saint @veilguards @whenthesunshone 
@brittaunfiltered @aunnokokyuu @leosulfurous @creatures-in-posts @darkcreamz95 
@jadequarze @chistery @anonbea @spiderbirdo @dappledwrites 
@vrfreeman @galliumyttriumreblogaccount @nebulamist @straightlightyagami @egiirls 
@fardf150 @cakeicecreamandicecreamcake @venn-ila-ve @cinnermanspyce @theglitchywriterboi 
@fallenrain40 @bramble-d @zagreus @thenaiads @kayfabeoutcold 
@p0cketclown @tricitymonsters @gh0stlyscooter @spectra-bear @rhikasa 
@thelittlestspider @safodebuenosaires @mintycel @mxaether @ohyesididnotjustdothat 
@peeptro @look-ma-no-pants @ripe @adampairrish @mmelark
@ohwarnette @omaano @intricatecakes @sponfawn @nastynas1991 
@scuffle-with-spirals @isthereameaningtothissong @temantumbeler @marbirds @grapejuicedragoon 
@fly-sky-high-09 @bubble-popping @simplepotatofarmer @preferablymimi @ms-interpret 
@gigacat @smellectric @nobodysvoice22 @catmask @heydreamchild 
@bestial4ngel @potionio @mysteryvhs @boostp0wer @distinguishedbananalord 
@hydrobugz @nerdgatehobbit @asokatanos @aforestfairyfox @jynjackets 
@jeckilon @josieann1 @spohkh @iamjessiesgirl @ankellysaurus 
@kidbiscuitt @kingtransgender @friendlizard @unknownangels @ghoulgirl 
@toxicspores @bigdicksoftgirlfriend @pianta @theimkual0u0 @fogartdungeon 
@wtfforged @honeybee-fuzz @dipnomorpha @archiealt @doritoprincess
@phonx13 @lesbianluxray @owllover2319 @blackerinapendleton @smalldumbpigeon
@albi-bumblebee @sakeeeee @mollysunder @thisisadogperson
@decolonize-solidarity @andtheheir @atinybeanchild @glysaturn
@brawlingdiscontent @akasanata @lwh-writing @whimster @woodwool
@komorisansgarden @lumashoes @lyrslair @reflectingstars @frostfire425
@apocketsizedace @bhavna-does-stuff @hal-your-pal @ponytailzuko 
@baddywronglegs @nevermore-was-here @imjustli @yb-cringe @gusilux
@amarantoo @thisisacatperson @roomba-mangga @cheesey-rice @isa-ghost
@astrumavis @mai-monnie @undeniablyares @shadowinthetrees @levlies889
@nightydraws @puppyaulait @theothergal @exanuz @moonmoss
@beanlightbibblekeepflickbeanboss @ixzotica @realitycanbewhateveridesire
@avifromaplaceofcaring @abyssbirds @maruxee @merricat-3 @tedious-insanity
@budgies-in-blue @bandedbulbussnarfblat @emeraldinerosefaedragon @mothalaalee @mere-glim
@patantasma @dreamcaster-jelly @fuzzy-little-wormi-guy @salty-mush-soup @leviticus101st
@yamino @a-wild-louser-appears @kn1ghtraine @vhstape  @whatthe4355
@ehksidian @lyunarium @sunpdf @mytinystay @lopiditty
@illiterate-words @aphicius @shrimpkidd @megabullz @unknown-lifeform 
@mindfulruminate @nibbelraz @beasaintgermain @fluffykitty149
@tododeku-or-bust @littlestpersimmon @wayneradiotv @windwake-me-up-inside @flamagenitus
@little-big-batbag @chamiryokuroi @alliumduorpf @sunlitmcgee @fanficphoenixed
@sweetlilluvmaker @thatdiabolicalfeminist @tumkaafiho @control-z-my-decisions @ah0yh0y
@dig-it-like-a-spigot @jennie--kim @blastthatsadfm @cowsquirrel @warlordess
@akaratna @opencommunion @dirhwangdaseul @womenintheirwebs @testosteroneshooter
@devilofthepit @hollytanaka @communist-ojou-sama @aozakibeatrice @dicktouching
@zamanassad @zibah-ho @lesbianmaxevans @eelthekruppe @plum-soup
@bigskydreaming @necrowizard @subuwu-dyke @cloudbian @dqrknight 
@h4teh3x @regalityandcoffee @elusive-suggestions @hummingirls @humanwheatleyslefttoenail
@edomites @mechanicalsatanical @tenderhaunted @silenthillcoffeebeans @boyentity
@capturethemeansofdestruction @prehistoricmancunt @monochrome-anomaly @where-that-old-train-goes @brutallus
@afunlessland @kangelnet @doimakeyounervous @lesbiankendall @aiteanngaelach
Mahmoud (@ma7moudgaza2) and his brother Muhammad's next goal, now that they have a better tent, is to buy a solar panel, a 200A battery, and an inverter, which in total comes to about $3,000. We have so far raised $10,060. Can you help the Hamams reach their new goal as quickly as possible?
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elodieunderglass · 3 days ago
I was digging through the old Killie-posting at the reminder of a recent ask (it's fun reading the older stuff now that you've thoroughly Gotten Me and I'm invested), and I wanted to ask: there's a mention in a post talking about Thunder and Killie's relationship that "the thing about Thunder is he’s the one who started it when you do the psychic-plugging-in-thing with him, he makes you a slightly worse person, and Killie’s already awful" (you, a month ago)
and. is that. is that why Killie bites people. and also why does Killie bite people. and also please talk more about Killie biting people???
(Killie the jockey OC, who has a bit of a nipping problem, and this post about his beautiful relationship with O Holy Thunder.)
Ah, unfortunately for everyone, Killie’s impulses to biting and kicking are because he is a wild horse predate his rancid racehorse frenemy.
Picture this: Republic of Ireland, the 1990s, around the time of the ceasefire. You have an English mother, ginger hair and the build of a half-starved pixie, which despite the context of everyone knowing you’re a member of the fifth generation of a large and well-known family of jockeys, is still small as hell. You are the pride and joy of your father’s heart, and he loves you, but also hits you with a jockey’s whip, because he loves you. Your mother seems alarmed by reminders of your existence and seems to wish that she hadn’t had children at all. You are the Oldest and responsible for the others, but do not really understand them. You and your twin see people’s deaths sometimes maybe. You live with horses and can read their minds, but you are also told not to love them, because they aren’t yours. It’s rural and everyone’s broke and you have a stammer. You are good at two things: maths, and horses, but people persist in talking to you about other things regardless. In a Catholic country you are so bad at Catholicism that you fuck up your own first communion. You are violently, relentlessly, unspeakably competitive. You already have the prided imperviousness to pain and toughness of constitution that will make you a champion. You are, it must be said, extraordinarily tiny.
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And then people expect you to go to school about it. Where you are autistic in a way detectable to every schoolchild wishing to start an early bullying career in unenlightened times.
So the first time someone tries something, you don’t understand; and your father tells you to come back with his blood on your mouth. So the next time someone tries something, you simply get him on the floor and try to take his ear off. Simple. Clear. Elegant. Sorts everything out. People make too much fuss about things, really.
You develop a fairly vile temper and tendency to fight first, rather than trying to interpret the nuance of how people are trying to tease you.
You grow up into a sport in a time where a certain amount of scuffling went on in the changing rooms. That was how it’s always been.
In the column of Things On Your Side, you have an identical twin, who has somehow managed to fill in every gap, do all the talking, drag you through the worst bits and somehow include you in things like Having Friends. Much like an emotional support dog for a cheetah, you share the burden of emotional regulation with him, and fight for each other, and communicate constantly. And then he goes.
You are 4’10, and a champion athlete, always angry, impervious to pain, and will do anything to win…
And you also bite the horses on the ear sometime. Old and problematic horse handling trick.
Thunder started it.
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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   More often than not, Damien would simply watch as Nimue broke rules here and there for the past six months. He had told her not to go near the hotel, but she did anyway. The only reason he hadn't gotten on her about it was for the simple fact she believed she couldn't be redeemed and was only truly there to visit a friend. Had it been any other reason, she would've been in trouble. 
   However there was a small period of time that she seemed to catch an angel's attention, and not any angel, but apparently the First Man himself. Though he paid no mind to it other than the fact they bickered and Nimue had returned to the manor that day bitching about him and the fact he scruffed her after she bit him. Surprised that Adam hadn't killed her for her actions, he thought nothing more of it.
So why would he be worried about some angel?
   He was given a reason after the war to worry about this fucking angel, it seems. Imagine his surprise when he's called from the remains of the battlefield by his own pet so to speak, in order to help her get Adam to safety. Of course it was after he quite literally yelled at her for being stupid, and her begging him to help because Charlie wouldn't have wanted him to actually die. 
   To say his blood was boiling was an understatement, but he decides to help, maybe to watch this angel struggle to get back to where he needs to go only to fail and maybe even eventually be torn apart by other demons eventually. He'll let Nimue play caretaker for awhile, maybe if he's lucky, Adam will scare her off and make her stop on his own.
Seems he was wrong about that. 
   The one time he lets Nimue out without supervision, due to her needing time away from the manor due to their newest addition, he's a little surprised when she comes back with a conflicted look on her face, and gradually he notes the changes. Saying nothing for the moment, he lets it go. 
   It's when he notices that she's starting to actually mess around with Adam that it becomes a problem. That spells trouble, or at least more trouble than what she's already in. He doesn't like the implications of someone who he owns becoming close with an angel of all people. 
   Choosing to wait until Adam had fucked off somewhere in the manor away from his office, Damien has Nimue come to him, and boy is he seething. However, for now he holds his temper and simply watches as she moves to stand across from his desk. Claws dig into the desk and drag as he moves to stand up, a snarl crossing his features. 
" How long do you plan to keep that son of a bitch here? I thought I told you to get rid of him when he's well enough to move? "
" I- He's still healing. If he goes out there he'll be killed and I- " Freezing for a moment, her ears flatten slightly as she starts to tremble. She knows Damien is angry and knows she's in trouble. " Please, I promised I'd help him get back to Heaven. Maybe not to him directly but- "
" And you didn't think to ask if I was okay with him around? " Moving closer to her, he snaps his jaw shut merely inches from her face, a threat that he will tear into her. 
" No I. I'm sorry. Please just let him stay until he can get back home, I'll do whatever you ask. "
   Ears perk up slightly as a grin crosses his face, he'll probably end up throwing them both out if Adam gets on his nerves enough, or kill him. Though for now he needs to shut down this possible ' friendship ' that could potentially grow between them.
   There's a snap of his fingers and the blackened chain with a fiery red glow appears around her neck and into his hands. Sure enough with one sharp yank, she's pulled forward as he holds her up by the chain before she can fall. Teeth bared, a slight snarl can be heard from him. 
" Stop acting buddy buddy with him, or did you forget he killed your friend? Did you ever maybe take a moment to think that he could do the very same thing to you? You're still below him, you're nothing to him. The only thing that's keeping him from killing you is me, and the fact he's using you. " 
   Taking a moment to let it sink in, he resists the urge to grin when he sees it's slowly clicking with her.
" You will never mean a thing to him, you're just another filthy sinner that he'd kill in a heartbeat if he was able to. Don't you dare forget that. "
   Within moments, the chain disappears as he shoves her backwards and knocks her onto the floor. Soon returning to the chair behind his desk, he sits back down.
" He may stay, until I find him annoying enough to toss out. But, if he goes, you go with him. Those are my terms. So you better hope I don't decide that I'm tired of him being in this manor. Because then there will be nothing stopping him from disposing of you how he sees fit, and I will not save you when that happens. Now get out. "
   There's only a nod in response as Nimue scrambles to her feet, quickly making her way out of the office as a free hand rubs at her neck where the chain resided briefly. Though after she's out and partially down the hall, she stops for a moment. Right, Adam was using her because she was technically his only safety. 
   That's fine though, she'll still keep her promise to Cain and get Adam back where he belongs, even if she is being used.
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year ago
Reminisce, Odumodublvck, Dremo & Powpeezy - Olu Maintain Lyrics
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Reminisce, Odumodublvck, Dremo & Powpeezy - Olu Maintain Lyrics Bile Won ni ka drill e wo boya oil maa jade Cash getting bigger Mo n la’gbo , mo n la cigar Durag, Black Tee pelu Jigger Down south, be big deal like jigger Way back dream 1 million Dollars Owo 2 nights ta ba maa? e baller But of course ojadaddy mi o kola You already know kirakita o dola O n wu, o n wu, o n gasinpo ma lo wa o My men we on red we hot awa n gba o A maa ya e bi obo eeyan Kabaka o A maa ya ika si e loju wakawaka Mo wole bi eni to? a gbana, eni to? a gbana omo mo tun dangajiya, we dey la la la Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain Olu Maintain I dey pipe am she dey come back she no want your own again Odomodu bless me shower me bills and prick I go play your game State your claim Anything you want I go swipe and pay Na me be the night and day Mark my ground call me name Odogwu na my name Odogwu from Malay Makanaki I dey, kala dey rain I spray Odumodu gobe Remilekun my name Tire for the jungle nain show me the way For the bando e dey whip am Cocaine All these bitches dem just dey bill me I no wan trabaye Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain Mo jokoo sori aga reminiscing About all the times and days I no get... Won ro pe o ti tan, they thought I was finished Now I dey get money in 7 digits Lati Ibadan, mo sare wo Gidi I entered the corners cos I gotta get it Nobody fit stop me till I get a billi And I dey with Remi that my killy killy Iya Charlie ni mo fe fe Owo afefe Smoking zaza In LA o I dey relax I dey sempe I got 3 baddies in the Bentley Demon time, Ben 10 And make una no even word me If money or kele no dey the sentence, dey the sentence Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain Dreams getting bigger I can’t explain Owo afefe la fi n sustain Oh baby bill me I won’t complain 1 million Dollar Olu Maintain O bembe ko bembe omo ope duro deedee O lele ko lele omo ope le won lere They say man’s not hot, iro lo n pa Say Hip hop is dead, itan lo n pa Mo lenu bi pon pon pon, Dagrin Shii runs in ma blood like Haemoglobin Read the full article
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cast-you-dxwn · 3 months ago
"Can you not kill people FOR FIVE SECONDS"
Has no idea what is going on but apparently one of the Goetia did a bad thing or whatever
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years ago
Meet the 2P characters of HH/HB
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Property of Helluva Scribe/Kathy Prior 42
Reverse Locations:
 Haven Hotel (Opposite Hazbin Hotel)
Holy Halo City (Opposite Pentagram City)
E.L.F. Headquarters (Opposite I.M.P. Headquarters)
Humility Halo (opposite Pride Ring)
Charity Halo (opposite Greed Ring)
Chasity Halo (opposite Lust Ring)
Kindness Halo (opposite Envy Ring)
Temperance Halo (opposite Gluttony Ring)
Patience Halo (opposite Wrath Ring)
Diligence Halo (Opposite Sloth Ring)
Woo-Hoo Land (opposite Loo-Loo Land)
 Currency: souls (Hell) spirits (Heaven)
    Haven Hotel:
 2P Charlie Magne/Charlie Morningstar – Coercea Eveningstar (has a crush on Adam the Exorcist, teal suit, black hair, sharp fangs, violent, evil, prideful)
 2P Angel Dust – Devil Grit (dark fur, hates sex, straight)
 2P Alastor – Stalaro (blue and white, cowardly, sad, loves dubstep and sex, Techno Angel, loves sweets and tea)
 2P Vaggie – Phalla (loves men and hates to fight)
 2P Niffty – Klutzy (lazy, rude, gluttonous, lesbian, water/ice powers)
 2P Husk – Core (white cat, friendly)
 2P Valentino – Valentine
 2P Vox – Nil
 2P Velvet - Ashen
 Lucius and Lilian – Coercea’s angel parents, counterparts of Lucifer and Lilith
 2P Travis – Sivart
 2P Egg Bois – Hatchlings
 2P Baxter – Baker (the artist/animal lover, uses science for good)
 2p Crymini – Joymaxi the Heavencat popstar
 2P Mimzy (miserable and flimsy) – Jueva (joyful/strong)
 2P Sir Pentious – Bold Egull (bald eagle angel) (originally Anguis/snake)
 2P Cherri Bomb – Berri Blossom
 2P Razzle and Dazzle – Pub and Chub (Coercea’s rocker cherub lackeys, creepy babies)
 2P Katie Killjoy – Catie Carejoy
 2P Tom Trench – Ron Wrench
 2P Helsa von Eldritch – Seraphia (fiery angel princess bird)
 2P Seviathan von Eldritch – Enochsera (fiery prince)
 2P Rosie – Violeta
 2P Roo – Moo (cow, instead of and kangaroo trash-loving, hungry, Australian demon) likes vegetables and being proper
 2P Molly – Holly
 2P Fat Nuggets – Thin Tenders (Devil Grit’s boar)
 2P Adam and Lute – (Eva and Harp white anti-exorcists)
   Heavenly Boss: (in order of appearance)
 2P Blitzo – Docile
 2P Moxxie – Tirred
 2P Millie – Timmid
 2P Loona – Sunna
   2P Eddie – Ellie
  0 0 0
 “Savior Family”
 Mrs. Mayberry (good alternate universe)
 2P Jarold – James
 2P Ralphie – Ralph
 2P Martha – Mary
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  “Woo-Hoo Land”
 2P Octavia – Quartet
 2P Robo Fizz – Bio Rizz
 2P Wally Wackford – Sully Serious
 2P Fizzaroli – Rizzafoli
 2P Queef - Feeuq
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika) and Lord Menadel
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 “Autumn Intact”
 2P Verosika - Veronica
 Kiva Perdera
 Kiva Perdera’s cherubs
 2P Vortex – Portal
 0 0 0
 2P Lyle Lipton – Kyle Kipton
 2P Loopty Goopty – Straight Nate
 2P Cletus (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Erebos (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Collin (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Devvin (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Keenie (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Dammna (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Deerie – Doe-Doe
 0 0 0
  “Sowing Sun Festival”
 2P Striker – Soother
 2P Joe – Max
 2P Lin – Min
 2P Sallie May – Polly Pax (deaf, expert in sign language)
 Lord Menadel
 2P Billie May, Willie May, Tillie May, and Killie May (Millie’s siblings) – Polly Pax, Molly Pax, Holly Pax, Jolly Pax, Dolly Pax ( “Tolly” Timmid’s siblings)
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 “Lying Inductees”
 2P Agent One (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative One (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S.)
 2P Agent Two (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative Two (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S)
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 2P Asmodeus/Ozzie – Archangel Uriel-Uri
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 Future/other characters:
 2P Barbie Wire – Holly Dove
 2P Cash Buckzo/Blitzo’s Father – Deferent
 2P Tilla/Blitzo’s Mother – Allie
 2P Joe and Lin – Max and Min
 2P Andrealphus – Damabiah (65th duck-like angel of the 72 angels, opposite of Andrealphus, representing sun and summer)
 2P Crimson Knolastname - Turquoise
 2P “Rosa” Knolastname/Moxxie’s Mother – Teal
 2P Chaz Turman – Zach (letters mixed)
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika), Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Chamuel, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Lord Menadel etc.
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