#killian has walls
simgerale · 2 months
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killian: Mama gets so testy this time of year.
dara: Try being Empress to an entire nation. Oh, right—that will be me.
k: And you get especially testy. Really, what is it about spring?
gregor: The snow melts, and everyone wants to renew their trade deals with unreasonable demands. Nothing new.
k: The politics of it all… how exhausting. [mumbling] Every year, I am more and more grateful that I gave up my chance at the throne.
[The secret door shuts behind him, the mechanism locking into place with a soft thud]
g: I will take my leave, as well. How long are you going to be in here?
d: All day. As I am participating in the trade talks this time, I must know everything there is to know.
g: Oh well. I was going to invite you to the luncheon regarding magic reform.
d: Let me know if any good ideas float around, will you?
g: ...As always.
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keen2meecha · 2 years
Unofficially introducing the main four lits! Picture of the left is them normally, picture on the right is around their love interests
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Kikimora, our main girl
she/her || 22 || bi
Nicknames: Kiki (Avi, Jase on a good day), Mora
Character Archetype: Stepford snarker, protective big sister
Major(s): Fine arts, business
Birthplace: Colorado
Love languages: Acts of service, quality time
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Avigail, Kikimora's half-sister/soft spot
she/her || 21 || graysexual, heteromantic
Nicknames: Avi
Character Archetypes: Main character energy, consummate liar
Major(s): Criminology, creative writing
Birthplace: Tennessee
Love languages: Quality time, gifts
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Haneul, Kikimora's love interest
she/her || 27 || lesbian
Nicknames: Aries (stage name), Ries, Hana (most people), Rockstar (by Kikimora)
Character Archetypes: Playboy, stalker with a crush
Career: Director of a modelling agency
Birthplace: Washington
Love languages: Acts of service, physical touch
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Killian, Avi's love interest
he/him || 24 || bisexual
Nicknames: Ashkii (by his family), Capricorn (stage name), Horn Boy, Horny, Blondie, Little Drummer Boy, Rockstar (all by Avi)
Character Archetypes: Bad boy with a heart of gold, the only sane one (in comparison)
Career: Mechanic, underground rock drummer
Birthplace: New Mexico
Love languages: Roasting Physical touch, quality time
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theodoresgirl · 9 months
hey I have a request for a Killian jones x female reader where the female reader is Emma’s twin sister (looks more like snow) and has a 3 year old daughter from a past toxic relationship, if you can’t do it that’s fine either way thank you :)
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Killian jones x Emma’s twin sister
Killian jones x Fem!Reader
A/n: I did not forget about this request, Sorry it took me a few days to do! Hope you enjoy<3
Y/n was the daughter of David Nolan and Mary Margaret. She also is the twin sister of the savior Emma Swan. She grew up being bounced between foster homes in New Orleans. When she was 23 she had gotten into a really toxic relationship, at 25 she got pregnant and had a daughter.
She had been stuck in the toxic relationship until she was 28, She had packed up her and some of her daughters things and left in the middle of the night.
She had silky long black hair that was curly, brown eyes and a round face with dimples. She almost looked like a clone of Mary Margaret. Her daughter Edith had long dark brunette hair with emerald eyes.
Killian had met y/n and her daughter Edith one day when she had went to visit her sister and parents for one of the first times.
Thursday June 25th, 12:51pm.
Y/n was sitting on the top deck of the jolly roger with Edith, They were eating some sandwiches from granny’s. They were waiting on Killian to finish cleaning his ship.
Edith was sitting on the edge of the ship walls looking out on the water, Y/n kept her view on her daughter and occasionally if he was in view, glancing at killian. Y/n finishes her sandwich and crumbles up the wrapper putting it into a bag.
Y/n looks around trying to see killian but doesn’t, “can i have your trash princess?” She holds the bag out so Edith can put her trash in it, “and I need you to be on the deck instead of railing so I can go run this up to the dumpster” Edith shakes her head as she puts her trash into the bag.
“I can’t leave you on the railing of the boat- ship? You could fall in the water” “Mermaid” edith looks over the edge. “It doesn’t work that way” She holds Edith back so she doesn’t fall. “I’ll watch her, Don’t worry about it love” Killian came up behind her, startling her. “Oh!- it’s fine- you- You don’t gotta worry about it, Weren’t you cleaning?” she nervously smiled, still not used to someone offering to help her.
“I’m done cleaning, Honestly love we could just head back to your loft if you wanted-“ “i wanna stay” the little one interrupted. Y/n sighed before nodding “i’ll be right back then” she said as she walked down and off the jolly roger.
“Alright then love” Killian smirks and she walks away. He turns towards Edith and leans against the railing of the ship and holds himself up with his elbows. “So what do you like kiddo?” He asked curiously. Edith answered back “Princess, Cartoons, Barbie-“ “I'm gonna have to cut you off there my lady, I have no idea what this ‘barbie’ is, Cartoons too?” Killian admitted. Edith looks at Killian with a confused look, “you don’t know barbie?”. Killian shook his head “what is it?”
“Barbie is movies, some of my favorites” She smiles. “You’ll have to show me one next time I’m over then” Killian pats her head with his hand.
Edith nods and giggles “we can watch a mermaid one” “oh? There’s mermaids?” Killian raises an eyebrow. “yes!! Yes!!” she nods and smiles.
Saturday June 27th, 8:00pm
Y/n was laying in the living room with Killian and Edith. Edith was sitting in front of her mother and the pirate watching Barbie: In a Mermaid Tale 2. Killian was laying on the couch with y/n laying on his chest.
Killian had his focus on the tv, only sometimes asking questions about ‘Barbie’, and either getting an answer from the little brunette in front of him or the pale skinned woman in his arms.
After the movie was over both Y/n and Edith were asleep, Killian carefully slips himself out from under Y/n and picks her up. He carries her to her bedroom and lays her down before going out to the living room again and turning everything off. He picks up little Edith and carries her to her room and lays her down, tucking her in, “Goodnight Kiddo.” He muttered as he walked out of the room going into Y/n.
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g-on-ef · 3 months
Goddess of Loneliness ideas
Not sure yet if I will write GoL I'm tempted so imma just dump some ideas I have and see where it goes ^^
After coming back from the states Maya is isolated from everyone
Annika becomes a little mean spirited towards her and reminds everyone she always knew Maya was an awful person and she wasn't even surprised that Maya betrayed her family
Maya doesn't say anything but is hurt that her brother and Killian don't defend her and if anything Killian adds fuel to the fire
Gareth does however by reminding Annika she betrayed her family by dating the fucker that stabbed her brother almost got Nikolai killed and almost drove her to suicide
That did not end well with Jeremy as he defensed his sister
Gareth deciding they're being unfair to Maya remins everyone that their own partners have done some shitty things to them and they were quick to forgive them but can't do the same for Maya
It ends in a huge fight between him and Killian which had Jeremy and Niko separating them before it can escalate to something worst
Mia throws a comment how Maya is still ruining their family by pitting them against each other as she Niko and Kill leave
Gareth tries to sooth her but she decides to leave to go somewhere else
What no one knows is Maya has her own little cottage where she goes to escape
Maya writes in her diary and cries of being alone
She tries to talk to her mom who ignores her her dad who claims he's busy but she knows he's not
She tries to talk to Illya but all he does is yells at her calls her selfish and throws a traumatic event that happened to her back to her face making her feel worse than she already did
Trigger warning mention of eating disorder and self harm
Three weeks have passed and Maya has been a mess
Her eating disorder is back as she overhears Annika and the rest of the Elite girls talking badly of her Mia included
She gorges down on food till her stomach is full and vomits it out
She's done this before as her punishing herself so she does it again
She use to burn herself
She goes back to that habbit
Brandon catches her doing it
He approaches her but Maya dismisses him and tries to leave
Bran doesn't leave and threatens to tell Nikolai what she is doing
Maya says she doesn't care if he knows since she's not important to him and never was
No one knows this but Maya has a beautiful voice and sings beautifully she's also a huge anime nerd bigger than Cecily
She's also a talented anime artist
She's done commissions and has made a shit tone of money from it
Hell one of her drawings is hanging proudly on Cecilys walls but Cecily doesn't know it was Maya that drew it
Maya is a swifty and an army and part of the beyhive
In order she loves Jimin Yoongi Jin Hobi Namjoon Taehyung and Jungkook
Okay her list is always changing but Yoongi and Jimin are always on top
She owns rare merch and keeps in her little cottage
Annika, Ava, Glyn, and a reluctant Cecily and Mia think she deserved to be punished so they along with Killian tore up her posters she had at the mansion along with her Taylor Swift Viynal and Beyonce shirt that was a limited run and merch she had
When she went to her room she saw the state it was and felt like crying
The merch didn't mean a lot since she had bought it in double but it still hurt that someone ruined things she bought with her own money
She quietly packed everything and threw it away
Bran saw her room destroyed and helped her clean it
Maya didn't say anything she just picked up her things and threw them out
She was grateful she kept her sign merch, the rare photocards, and everything important to her in her cottage
Bran tried to talk to her but she ignored him
Bran was getting worried and didn't want her to hurt herself
He never told Niko but he was worried for her
He asked her if she wanted to hang out with him
Maya didn't say yes or no so Bran dragged her with him to go for some coffee
Maya didn't understand why Bran was being nice to her
Bran told her it's because no one should feel so low
Maya reminded him what she did to mia
Bran reminds her what his family did to hers
Maya smiles a little and it's the first time she actually did
She and Bran start hanging out more
The two bond and Maya can safely say she made a friend
Bran can say the same
Mia isn't happy and neither is Lan
Niko is conflicted
Maya brings him to her cottage and shows him her drawings
Bran is honored to be the first on here as well as the one she trusted with her drawings
Maya is happy
Well not for long
Maya is reminded once again of the pain she caused and how she'll ruin Brandon
She's tired of the constant harassment
The constant pain
Lan especially threatens her along with Eli Killian and Creighton
Having enough Maya runs away
She leaves a drawing for Bran and only Bran and leaves
She heads to California to start a new life
She doubts anyone will notice she's missing
She destroys her phone and anything that can trace her and leaves
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an idea inspired by paranormal home inspectors:
as a joke, because he's a terrible, terrible person, bucky advertises steve's home inspector job as a way to get rid of the ghosties and ghoulies causing creaking floors and cold spots in your home. to steve's never-ending frustration, the ad goes viral and people take it way too seriously. it's never ghosts, of course, just bad insulation, mishung doors, and old floors, but it's paying work at least.
the first time he gets called out to the old mansion on the hill just outside of town is before the new owner takes possession of it. he does the usual, collects his paycheck, and goes back home, only to get called out a few weeks later because the owner has since moved in and is still complaining of cold spots.
aldrich killian gives steve the creeps. if this guy is actually complaining about the cold spots, then he sure doesn't act like it. he acts oddly excited instead, a weird gleam in his eyes when he shows steve to the previous owner's son's room, who disappeared the day after his parents were killed in a car crash. killian says the cold spots are the worst there. steve notes the spots and decides that it's probably a draft coming in from the old windows, given that he'd just replaced the insulation.
killian leaves him to it, disappointed by steve's insistence that there are no ghosts in the house. steve gets to work on the window, whistling some pop song that he heard on the radio. it isn't long before he hears someone humming behind him. he sighs and puts down the tools, turning around to remind killian that he's been doing this a decade, he doesn't need to be supervised, and humming is just going to distract him.
it's not killian.
"hi!" the slightly transparent twenty year old says, handsome face inexplicably matching the photos hanging up on the wall behind him. "i'm tony!" he leans in, and steve can feel the temperature in the room drop a few degrees. "and you're going to help me get out of here."
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helpless pt1
Title: helpless pt1
Pairing: Killian Jones x reader
Word count: 984
Warnings: blood, swearing
Tags: angst, hurt-comfort
Synopsis: when reader gets really hurt, she has no choice but to go someone who is not really her friend....
A/N: I'm back!! I think this will be a multiple part story, I wanted to test something new. so the idea was that y/n arrives at his door beaten up and weak, and he has to kind of take care of her, but she's cold and doesn't wanna open up to him. enjoy :)
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They got you good. Your face is bloody, and you're covered in bruises. You're a long way from home, and won't make it back in one piece, so you have only one choice.
You new his house wasn't far from where you were, so you gathered yourself and went.
You stand in his doorway, bloody and beaten up. Your knees are weak and you're on the verge of collapsing right then and there
"I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go" You say, weakly.
His eyes instantly show concern. While you are definitely not his friend, he's not a complete monster.
"Come inside"
You try to get over to a chair, but your legs are unstable and it causes you to stumble. He lifts you to the chair as gently as possible, and leans you back. He takes a moment to study the bruises.
"You are beaten pretty badly. Who did this to you?"
Your breathing is heavy. Blood drips out of your mouth on the floor. there's a huge cut on your face, and blood leaks from it. You exhale, not giving him a response. You don't want to open up.
He gives you a stern, but concerned look, waiting for you to speak. It's breaking his heart to see you so roughed up. If this were any of his men in this state, he would be furious.
"You got any antiseptic?" I say, with a cold tone in my voice, breaking the silence.
He gets to work quickly, cleaning the injuries and getting the necessary supplies for stitching it up. He takes a deep breath and asks the dreaded question
"Who did this to you, y/n?"
You wince in pain as he touches the cloth to your open wound "It's none of your concern."
He shakes his head. "Your pride is going to get you killed. I have never seen an enemy left in such a state. You can hardly walk. Tell me. Who did this."
You lean your head against the wall, closing your eyes. You let out a groan, feeling discomfort because of your wounds.
"No offence y/n, but you truly are stubborn. I'll ask again. Who did this to you?"
"Let it go Killian."
"No. This could be vital information. The person who nearly killed you could attack you again, or attack me and my men. Or we could have some common ground on this matter. Please just tell me who it was."
"It's nothing!" you yell in frustration as you stand up with trouble. "Thank you for the care. I'm going now." You stand up, regretting your decision of coming here in the first place.
He stands in front of the door and sighs, shaking his head "I can't let you leave in this condition, y/n. You are practically helpless."
"Let me leave." You try to push him aside, but you have no strength left, and it causes you to have to take a step sideways, leaning into the wall with your hands.
"You cannot leave. You are in no condition to move. If whoever attacked you finds you leaving this state, for all I know they would just finish you off. Do not be so stubborn."
"Why are you acting like this? As if you care about what happens to me."
"You may not believe me y/n, but I do care. You have caused me a great deal of grief and rage, but seeing the state you are in right now fills me with empathy. So I'm not asking you again. Who did this to you?"
"It's nothing of your concern Killian"
"I am telling you, it is my concern." He takes a deep breath "Whoever did this to you, they are not good. I am willing to set our little rivalry aside to make sure this person doesn't cause any further trouble. I am only telling you this once, y/n. Who did this to you?"
"shut up." you say, softly.
He rolls his eyes. "What a surprise, the proud, stubborn woman finally breaks." he steps closer and towers over you, looking you dead in the eyes "Who. Did. This. To. You!"
"SHUT. UP!" You yell at him, your voice shaking. Your eyes tear up a little bit. You take a deep breath and put your hands at the wall, holding yourself up.
He notices how much this is obviously hurting you. You are on the verge of tears and it takes all your strength to keep from collapsing. It secretly pains him to see you in such a state. He sighs and looks at you. He takes a step closer and places a hand on your shoulder. He speaks in a softer tone
"I know this may be a shock to you y/n. But I'm willing to put a hold on his hate for you to help you. We can put our rivalry away temporarily and focus on this matter at hand. All I ask is for you to tell me who did this to you, so that I may ensure this does not happen to you or anyone I may care for again."
"Fine. It was Sunamo and his men." You say softly, having your eyes closed.
His eyes show shock and his jaw drops at such a name. Sunamo is a sadistic monster who knows no mercy. He lets out a slow exhale. For the first time in all his time knowing her, you are showing slight trust in him. This is certainly a breakthrough.
"What did they do to you?"
You look at your shoes with a puzzled look on your face, looking for words.
"Take your time. I am not going anywhere until I get the whole story. This Sunamo is someone I have had my eye on for a while. You are not the first to suffer at his hands. What did he do?"
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the-darkdragonfly · 7 days
NEW CHAPTER! A Trick of the Light
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Chapter Twelve: Back Again
I know I know! But we're here now...
The baby bag, which had begun to feel like another family member to Emma and himself ever since they had received it as a gift from Ruby, always filled to the brim with toddler approved snacks- I think those are meant to be given to Hope, Swan- which Emma had delighted in stealing- I’ve told you, toddler snacks and Emma snacks are the same thing, babe- lay toppled at Killian’s feet, having tumbled down from where he had tossed it haphazardly before they set sail from the small harbour only moments before, and when he knelt to retrieve it, Hope teary faced and reaching for him, something crinkled from the one of the outermost pockets. 
At the familiar noise, Emma sat up from her place against the wall, Hope having crawled into her lap the moment she had sunk to the floor, eyes suddenly clear as she whispered exaggeratedly slowly at him- is that a fruit snack?- as if their children wouldn't be interested in what she was saying when the word ‘snack’ was involved if she said it slowly enough. 
Hope cried again, her face scrunched in annoyance hands grabbing towards him- come here, little lovie, that was scary, I know, I’m sorry- whispering a broken plea for snacks against his neck, her curls tickling the skin on his throat, her speech less pronounced, softened as it had been when she was so much younger. 
Emma shuffled Liam into her vacated lap, plucking the boy gently from where he’d been laying against her thigh, happily chewing on the corner of the rug- oh, baby, no, that’s yucky- and reached into the bag, eyes wide with excitement. 
A veil of memory swam before Killian’s eyes, cool and refreshing, soft around the edges as the tension which had carried them away from the curse of Camelot cleared like morning fog from a lake, a memory of Emma several months earlier, pregnant in their Storybrooke kitchen, a scowl on her lovely face. 
“Can you put this somewhere?” Emma had huffed in annoyance, handing him the bag of generic brand sour soothers- they’re better than the big famous ones, babe- her third that week if he’d been keeping track properly, which, he knew, he probably hadn’t been. 
“Where shall I put them, then, love?” 
“Somewhere I can’t get them, I’m obsessed. It has to stop.” 
He privately agreed, but two pregnancies had taught him that honesty wasn’t always the best course of action, and he took the package from her outstretched hand- you’re a pirate, you have to be good at hiding treasure- raising an eyebrow. 
“I might not have to hide them, Swan…” 
“What do you-” she didn’t get to finish the remainder of her question as his smile widened in mischief and he dropped the package at her feet, her belly ensuring the task of retrieving the treats nearly impossible- if you can get them, then you’ve earned them, love. 
Read the rest here.
Read my other stuff here.
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killiansprincss · 28 days
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again 5A is criminally underrated. Watching it when you know why Emma has gone fully dark is heart wrenching because it’s not because of any dark magic it’s all because of love and seeing how she acts around Killian makes me weep because girl was trying so hard to make sure he doesn’t remember he’s the dark one because she was convinced she could save him and all throughout Camelot how she’s dressed in white is just chefs kiss. Emma’s walls have been smashed down by Killian and she’s slowly accepting that she deserves a future with him and she wants that so badly she refuses to let him die, straight up refuses and makes him immortal
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every color of the rainbow (love is a kaleidoscope)
PAIRING: Emma Swan/Regina Mills (SwanQueen)
In which it takes Storybrooke’s first-ever Pride event and continual intervention from their family and friends for Emma and Regina to finally pull their heads out of their asses and get together.
So here’s the deal…it’s not like she’s not gay. But it’s just one of those things that she’s too awkward to mention, unsure of how to even start that conversation.
It’s not like it had been a big revelation. Emma had always been attracted to women, had just always pushed those feelings away to act in the interest of self-preservation. It had just been easier to blend in and hide when she’d been pretending to be in love with men, and even easier to walk away when the time came for her to run.
But it’s been six years since she stopped running and had set up roots in Storybrooke, and after years of trying to make it work with Killian, she just couldn’t deny herself that anymore. So she’d done what any sane person would do and asked for a divorce.
Her family has been hinting for months since her divorce that maybe she’s interested in the fairer sex, but at this point, she’d rather die than admit they’re right.
It’s not that she’s scared of ruining relationships—no, Emma’s pretty sure that Snow would scream from the rooftops that she’s proud to have a gay daughter, and (though well-meaning) continually try to set her up on blind dates with women who are absolutely not her type. David and Henry have been subtly hinting for months that they love her “no matter what”. Even Killian had been accepting and amicable to divorce her, quick to reassure her with a nudge to the ribs and a cocky, “Aye lass, I’ve been to bed with a few gents in my day.”
Well—there is one relationship maybe that she’s scared of ruining.
Things with Regina have always been tense in a way that Emma can’t quite wrap her head around. There’s a lot about their relationship that Emma can’t quite wrap her head around, but Regina is family and Henry’s other mother and the closest thing that Emma’s ever had to a best friend since, well…as far back as she can remember.
They’ve just gotten to a place where the friendship feels comfortable again. It had been unbearably awkward and distant for months after Emma’s short-lived marriage to Killian, almost like Regina had put a wall up between them. But since the divorce almost a year ago, they’d finally settled back into a rhythm of Tuesday lunches in Regina’s office, Charming family game nights, and weekly movie nights with Henry.
A big part of her dilemma is that she’s interested in Regina as more than a friend. The revelation of liking Regina and her subsequent divorce were two mutually exclusive events that sort of just hit her out of nowhere, and suddenly it all made sense how they connected.
But confessing her more-than-friendly feelings for Regina was completely out of the picture, so Emma was stuck suffering in silence for all of eternity.
Read more on AO3!
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barry-j-blupjeans · 10 months
Before Lucretia has even truly stepped foot into the room, she knows this is it. Wave Echo Cave is large, hidden mostly underground. The long, confusing tunnels and the plethora of traps deter her every move closer to the vault that lies at the center. This is exactly the sort of place Lup would have hidden the Pheonix Fire Gauntlet and this is exactly the sort of place that Lucretia intended to recover it.
Once Lucretia did step foot in the room, though? It was— this was definitely it.
Lucretia had been down a long road since the Bureau began losing Reclaimers. Hell, she'd been down a long road since before the Bureau had even been a thing. But more than other things in this nearly decade of hell she created for herself, the repeated loss of Reclaimer after Reclaimer made her hurt more than expected. She had enacted her plan to stop the countless deaths caused by these Relics and then here she was, adding to them in the name of justice only she could see.
She had to recruit the boys, somehow. It would make sense. But Lucretia couldn't stomach that kind of responsibility yet. If she lost them, too, to the thrall of the Relics they don't even remember making…? And with all they've been through. Merle… Taako…? Not to mention all the emotional turmoil Magnus had gone through this time. She couldn't do that. Not yet.
But it still left her Reclaimerless. And so, with a stiff upper lip and a hardy resolve, Lucretia decided that she would be the one on this Relic expedition. There had been objects, of course, and she couldn't deny the overwhelming amount of anxiety at the thought of dying and leaving her work unfinished. But what other choice was there? Lucretia promised that it would be over soon. It had to be over soon. She hadn't managed to wiggle her way into going alone, so Killian was accompanying her. After the puzzles Wave Echo Cave had thrown at them, she was glad Killian had chosen to come.
There was a large metal door on the far side of the room, which Lucretia knew she could get through with no problem. The room was otherwise deserted, except for the skeletal figure lying against the wall, staring at the metal door.
"Hey, uh, what's with the hold-up?" Killian asked when Lucretia stopped dead in her tracks. "Did we fin— oh, shit."
The skeleton had a hand curled around itself like it— like she had been injured. There wasn't any blood on the ground— there might have been once, maybe, but not anymore. It had been too long. The skeleton wore a cloak. A red cloak. And had a familiar weapon held up against her, only visible by the curved tip of the intricately carved handle.
"Is that—" Killian stepped to her side, squinting at the figure. She lowered her voice. "Is that, like, an actual Red Robe?"
Lucretia had found her. And— and judging by the state of her, Lucretia had been the first to find her in a very, very long time. She still remembered the melancholy morning when she woke up to see the note left on the counter. Barry had found it first, having gotten up a while after Lup left due to the restless sleep they both shared. Davenport had woken up before her, then Taako, Magnus, Merle…
Probably went to go clear her head, Barry had said, in the way Lucretia knew he didn't fully believe his own words. She'll be back by tonight.
And then tonight had turned into tomorrow with no sign of Lup. Noon the next day sent Barry and Taako out on their first recon mission, but no one around them had seen her. After that, the days blended together. Taako and Barry were gone more often than not, Magnus listlessly paced the deck and Lucretia tried to ignore how he perked up every time the door the the ship opened, only to see it was Barry and Taako again, empty-handed. Davenport's restlessness grew, Merle's concerned attempts of reassurance fell flat.
Lucretia did what she had to do. And she wasn't proud of it. But now was her chance to make up for the years of heartache she had caused.
"Killian," Lucretia said, stepping further into the room. The Bulwark Staff made contact with the stone floor and the sound echoed. "Contact Base— tell them we've been able to find a Relic— the Gauntlet, presumably— and have someone ready a transfer sphere in the hanger for when we return."
"Now, Killian," Lucretia said, kneeling next to Lup.
"What do I say about uhm," Killian paused, glancing between the Red Robe and Lucretia. Then, briefly, at the metal door. "The whole…" she waved a hand in the direction of Lup's skeleton. "Situation here."
"Nothing," Lucretia said. "This— she's long dead." Lucretia wanted to reach out and touch her, to ask her questions— though, it's not like Lup's soul was here anymore. This confirmed she was in lich form but where— where in lich form? Even has distant as she has made herself from Barry, he wouldn't hide finding Lup from her. Or, Lup finding him. But maybe he would…? Lucretia has been unimaginably hostile towards Barry's involvement in this. Would he keep this from her? Would Lup want him to?
Should she keep this from him?
"Gotcha," Killian said. "Okay, okay, so mention that we found— are about to find?— the Gauntlet, ask for transfer sphere, come back."
"Correct," Lucretia said. She surveyed the space around Lup, looking for a sign of what would have done her in— ah, and there was the blood. She had been injured— stabbed?— in the back. You needed Rockseeker blood to get in, Lucretia knew, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve to figure that out without having to interact with one of them. But if Lup hadn't? If she had had the Gauntlet with her when she sought out a guide through the cave, Lucretia would bet bottom dollar that the thrall had been too strong to resist.
Killian stepped out of the room once more, searching for a better signal. Lucretia tilted her head back, closing her eyes. Her throat felt too tight. She let out a sigh when she looked back down at Lup's form.
"I'm sorry," she said, taking the handle of the Umrbastaff and pulling it toward her. The skeleton shuddered for a second before collapsing into dust. The umbrastaff was still buzzing with magic as Lucretia held it up to inspect it. Lup wouldn't have left this here without reason. She must have been planning on coming back for it. Or, she had been waiting to see when someone would take it? If she was out there, and with Barry, somehow, or even by herself, there had to be some kind of plan involving leaving the umbrastaff here.
She lowered the umbrastaff, thinking. If Lup had a plan, she could only hope it was not to disrupt her own. Giving her back the umbrastaff would be a risk too great to take, though Lucretia didn't know if she could keep herself in that stance if she ever came face to face with Lup once more. Or, well, face-to-hood, with the whole Lich Thing. It was best if she kept it, only for a little while.
"It'll be over soon," she whispered. She tucked the umbrastaff under her arm, standing as Killian came back into the room.
Right now, she had to focus on retrieving the Gauntlet. She didn't know what kind of horrors lay beyond that door— if something from in there had killed Lup, or if Lup had set some kind of trap over the Gauntlet before dying. It required her full attention.
Once they were back at Base, she could focus on her next course of action. For right now, she was ready to face the last parting gift Lup had left.
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
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Elain was brought to Nesta, standing in a little alcove that offered them the illusion of privacy. Nesta looked exhausted, eyes ringed with dark circles and her face paler than Elain remembered. She watched Elain approach, nostrils flaring and lips thinning.
“I don’t know which of you is worse,” Nesta hissed when Elain reached her. “Tell me the rumors aren’t true.”
Elain should have known Nesta hadn’t come to hug. “What rumors?”
There were so many possibilities, and Elain didn’t dare to admit to anything. Nesta narrowed her eyes, but said, “You killed a High Lord?”
“That was Eris Vanserra,” Elain said automatically, just like Cadmus had instructed. Nesta looked like living flame just then, like she might combust entirely. “I was only in the room.”
“That’s not what Killian has said. He’s frantic.”
“Why?” Elain genuinely could not fathom what would have Killian so worked up. If Eris wanted to hold Elain accountable, surely he would have called in the troops by now. 
“Because you assisted in killing a High Lord,” Nesta hissed, speaking slow as though Elain were simple. “Why aren’t you more concerned?”
“Because Eris Vanserra isn’t going to share any of the credit,” Elain replied snappishly. “And this is just another attempt on Killian’s end to drag me home. I’m not going.”
Nesta stared at her for a moment, blue eyes unreadable. “Feyre said the same thing,” she mused, more to herself than to Elain. “No one wants to return.”
“Why are you here, Nesta?”
“Because the rumors circling you are concerning. Shacking up with a Day Court Prince—” Nesta’s nostrils flared again, lip curling in triumph when she realized that must be true.
“Assassinating High Lords. Three of them are dead in the span of a day, and our family is at the center of all three. Not to mention Hybern is in Spring—”
“What?” Elain breathed, trying to recall if Lucien had told her that.
Nesta’s amusement died again. “Tamlin is a fool. His father had some bargain with their king—one that was broken when he died, and should have remained broken. But Tamlin…Tamlin invited their general in anyway, and has been giving them tours of the wall.”
“Why would he do that?” Elain demanded, heart frantic in her chest. There were defenseless humans on the other side of that wall. Not to mention, her family was centralized in Spring, left to the whims of Hybern. Maybe her father would be fine, but would everyone else? Nesta waited for Elain to have the same realization she must have had. 
“Because he truly believes Rhysand has kidnapped Feyre and is holding her mind, and nothing short of a thousand years married to her will convince him otherwise. Lucien Vanserra’s assertion that she was not spelled and quite herself didn’t matter. Tamlin is willing to sacrifice everything to get her back.”
“So what do we do?” Elain asked, stepping a little closer. “I could talk to the High Lord—”
“We need to go home,” Nesta said, reaching for Elain’s shoulders. “All three of us. We need to go back, and I can’t convince Feyre this is the right thing.”
Elain blinked. “You want me to…”
“To talk to her? Yes. I want you to tell her that Tamlin isn’t listening to reason. He needed to see her, hear it from her own lips.”
“And what then? What if he doesn’t?” Elain demanded, pulling from Nesta’s grip. “What if you’re right and he won’t believe her unless she marries him. Are you asking me to convince Feyre or that, too?”
“No. There will be no convincing her, not when—” Nesta pressed her lips together tightly, arms crossed over her chest. “If Tamlin can’t be convinced, there is still one brother who could rule. Killian has some sense, at least. He hates Amarantha.”
“You don’t need me for that,” Elain murmured.
“You’re the only one who has seen a High Lord die,” Nesta disagreed, eyes pleading. “And I can’t do this by myself. I don’t want to go back either, Elain. We have to. Spring has been our home and the thought of letting it fall…I…”
Elain knew if she told Lucien this plan, he’d intervene. He’d come up with a hundred reasons for her to wait, or for him to accompany her. She thought of her promise—she wanted to make things permanent between them. 
“How much time do I have?”
“I’d like to leave right now,” Nesta said gently, as if she guessed Elain’s thoughts. “It’s not forever. That mate of yours will survive a week without you.”
Elain didn’t bother asking how Nesta knew. Of course she did. She must have scented it the moment Elain walked into the room. 
“A week?” Elain questioned, sliding the ring on her finger in circles. Nesta nodded her head, though Elain thought it was smart not to make any promises. A week could become a month, or even a year if they weren’t careful. 
“What happens if Feyre says no?”
“Then we go back and you can explain to me exactly how you ended up in a room with the High Lord as his son murdered him.”
Nesta’s eyes glittered with promise—she knew Elain was lying. Elain didn’t bother to correct her, even as she thought the plan was awful. Beron had been seduced by a younger, prettier female and put in a compromising position. Elain very much doubted she or Nesta could tempt Tamlin into the same.
He likely would have heard the details, besides. The only person who was going to ever get close enough to Tamlin was Feyre. And if Feyre was smart, she wouldn’t agree to go back. She’d say no and stay safe in Night with the new High Lord and whatever friends she’d made. 
“Did mother write to you?” Elain asked, thinking of her things dumped wordlessly into Lucien’s bedroom. What kind of welcome was waiting for her at home?
“She did,” Nesta said, her voice laced with pity. “She is…unhappy, but not unswayable.”
“She’ll never approve of him,” Elain insisted, her voice thin and reedy. 
“It’s not her life,” Nesta said fiercely. “She made her choices with father, and you get to make yours, too. What male wants another male’s mate, besides? Killian thinks he will but the scent coming off you makes my hair stand on edge. Mother had a life planned for us all, and we’ve wrecked it.”
“Sorry about Atticus,” Elain murmured. Nesta had always been slated to marry him just as soon as she finished her studies.
Nesta smiled—a genuine thing that made her far more beautiful than she already was. “Why? The High Lord of Night did me a favor. Atticus, too, if we’re honest. I don’t think he ever wanted me as a wife, either.” 
“If we’re going to leave, we should go now,” Elain murmured, looking behind her sister toward the window and the rising sun. Lucien would eat breakfast and meet with his father before coming to look for her again. 
He’d understand, she reasoned. Lucien wouldn’t like the deception, but he’d understand. And he’d be careful, too. Rationalizing that if things went so wrong, Elain could take refuge in nearby Autumn, she reached for Nesta’s hand and began leading her through the palace. Her home. 
I’ll be back, I’ll be back, she chanted in her head. Careful to keep her heart rate steady so she wouldn’t alert Lucien that anything was amiss, Elain managed to get Nesta through the palace without much notice. Courtiers and scholars still fluttered through the halls, glancing her way before returning to their conversations. She was nothing interesting anymore—a princess, so commonplace most of them just barely inclined their heads. 
Later, when Lucien was looking for her, this moment would be cited. He’d know she left intentionally, that she avoided him to keep him from convincing her to stay. It would take no effort on his part—Elain didn’t want to be parted from him. Not today, not ever. Her vision still loomed heavy in her mind. Was she walking straight into it? Or had she derailed just enough that Lucien would honor their marriage vows, deception or not?
Elain simply had to trust that whatever Lucien swore he felt, he meant. That it would take more than one small act of defiance—one made to try and save her home from utter ruination—to sour his feelings for her. Lucien had said he would want her, bond or not.
And though it was so deeply unfair to make him prove it, there was no other choice. Elain stepped into the humidity and the bright light, tilting her head against the warmth while Nesta hissed in disgust. Elain closed her eyes against the cold wind of Nesta’s winnow, wishing that when she opened her eyes, she’d be back in bed with Lucien.
That she’d find this had all been a dream. 
Elain opened her eyes to a city made of moonstone and marble. If Day was burning sunlight, this place was glittering starlight. Elain had never given much thought to the Night Court, and never truly considered what it might look like. This, though, with its shining, clean streets and neat buildings lined up in elegant rows, was beautiful. 
There was no screaming, no pleading or rivers of blood. There was even sunlight, hazy up above and far colder than Elain was used to. She wished she’d grabbed a cloak on her way out. Nesta smiled for a moment, unbidden and bright before she caught herself and replaced that smile with a scowl. A male was striding toward them. He was handsome with his thick, dark hair that fell in waves around truly massive shoulders. Elain didn’t think she’d ever seen someone as broad and muscular as this person. Tattoos crawled up his neck, vanishing dark leathers conforming to his powerful body. Red gems glinted in the light, flaring with what Elain suspected to be excitement when he saw her sister. 
His massive wings, once tucked tightly against his back, flared out for a moment. “Hey, Nes. She came.”
“Don’t call me that,” Nesta snapped as Elain turned to look at her elder sister. Nes? 
“I’m Cassian,” the large, impossibly tall male told her as he extended a hand. “Elain?”
“Elain,” she agreed with a broad smile. “How do you two know each other?”
“We don’t,” Nesta insisted as Cassian, still holding her hand, replied, “I’ve been training her.”
Training her in what? Judging from the flush staining Nesta’s cheeks, it wasn’t just a sword. There would be time to untease all that later—maybe when Elain had Feyre to herself and they could giggle like they were children again, far out of Nesta’s earshot. 
“We’re here to see Feyre,” Nesta interrupted, spine impossibly straight. Cassian’s grin merely widened, as though he were used to these sort of displays and enjoyed them immensely. 
“Lucky for you, she’s at the town house with Rhys. I’ll walk you to her.”
“There’s no need—”
“Oh, I insist,” Cassian interrupted smoothly. “It’s my job to welcome your sister into our court.”
“Well. Welcome her, then,” Nesta snapped. Cassian’s grin was just as sharp, just as lethal as Elain’s eldest sister. Had Nesta met her match here? 
Cassian turned to Elain, sweeping into a half bow. “Welcome to the Night Court, Elain Archeron.”
“You wanted to see me?”
Lucien’s father turned from his place in front of the window, his study in disarray. “I did. Elain is with her sister for the day, and I was hoping you could do me a favor.”
Anything to pass the time, he thought to himself. Lucien was unreasonably excited that when he returned to his bedchamber later, Elain would be waiting with food. She was going to accept the bond and they’d have a private celebration. No one could take her from him, then. No matter where they went, no matter how they were separated, she would always belong wholly to him.
Lucien needed something else to think about while he waited or he’d be too tempted to track her down. 
“Of course.”
“I need you to meet with your brother.”
Lucien looked up at the ceiling, sighing heavily. “What has Eris done this time?”
“Nothing,” said Helion, turning to face his son. “That’s the problem. War is on the horizon and Eris has all but closed his borders. I thought we could count on him…but…”
But Eris was self-serving above all else. And if he felt the risk was too great to himself personally, he’d stay out. Just like his cowardly father. Lucien was trying so hard not to hate his half brothers, especially after what they’d done for Elain. He owed them for that—Eris and Cadmus could have locked Elain up and held a trial, could have used what she’d done as an excuse to march into Spring or Day, depending on their mood. 
And instead Cadmus had brought her home while Eris gleefully announced to the world that he’d killed his father and then pardoned himself for crimes of treason, all while sitting with a Day Court courtier on his lap. Presumably. Lucien couldn’t picture Eris putting Arina on his lap—that’s just what he would have done if he’d killed Beron and had his mate with him.
Eris probably had Arina stand at the foot of his throne in one of those dresses that buttoned to her neck, penciling in when they ought to have sex based on some ridiculous calendar of her courses so he was certain to get his precious heir. 
“I’ll go. I want to see Arina, anyway.” That was true. Lucien wanted to offer her an out if she’d changed her mind. He knew how overwhelming the mating bond could be and how heady an experience it was. Surely the fog would be clearing, her senses returning. Assuming she hadn’t done anything stupid—like accept the bond and married his brother—Arina could still come home. 
Even if she hadn’t, Lucien might try and smuggle her out anyway. He could always lie and say she’d run away. His parents would kill him for it, but Lucien thought it would be quite fun to steal Eris’s wife right from under his nose just as his father had done to Eris’s father. 
“Take your time,” Helion instructed, unaware that Lucien was itching to get back to Elain. Or maybe he did, given his eyes slid to the mating band on Lucien’s hand. “Keep that from your mother. You’ll break her heart.”
“She’ll get her big celebration,” Lucien promised, though he ducked his hand behind his back all the same. Disappointing his mother was one of the worst things he could imagine. “This was just for us.”
A soft smile slid across his father’s face. “I know the feeling well. Keep it to yourself.”
Lucien nodded, making his way back into the palace. He did go checking after Elain, unable to help himself. He wanted to tell her he was leaving without her, and that it had nothing to do with her abilities or skills. A servant informed him she’d taken her sister into the city and Lucien thought it was best not to bother them given how sad she’d been about her mother and father’s rejection. Maybe Nesta Archeron could smooth things over for Elain’s family so by the time he visited, everyone was on better terms.
Lucien dressed himself, unable to take his eyes off the still rumpled bed in the center of the room. Elain’s trunks were still scattered about, half opened with clothes spilling out. He knew when he arrived, all her things would be neatly stored, the trunks put away. Maybe, having spoken to Nesta, Elain would feel better about where she’d left things with her parents, too.
Assuming, of course, Nesta hadn’t come to drag Elain back home. Lucien wasn’t willing to entertain that possibility, twisting the mating band around his hand nervously. She was his wife—he could go into Spring and bring her back, kicking and screaming if he had to.
And Lucien suspected he would. If Elain went home under some misguided belief she needed to do right by her family, Lucien would flex his muscles as heir of the Day Court, bring that signed scroll with Elain’s uncoerced signature on it, and put her right back in his bed.
Shaking his head, Lucien shoved the thought out of his mind. Elain wouldn’t—she’d wanted to get married, and she wanted to accept the bond. She wasn’t going home, barring some unforeseen disaster. She was safe in the city, likely showing her sister all the best parts of Rhodes. He’d meet them for dinner if he was home in time and hopefully charm the eldest Archeron into loving both his home and himself, and then have Elain moaning beneath him before the night was through. 
It was too hot to have a jacket buttoned to his neck. Lucien opted for a hunter green tunic with a white shirt beneath. Lucien used gold sleeve garters right above his elbows in lieu of his usual armband, and picked out his nicest pair of trousers and a gleaming pair of boots. That ought to satisfy Eris and his ridiculous court would be looking for anything to pick apart—Lucien didn’t intend to let them find it in his appearance.
Still, for the moment he stood outside, the outfit was unbearably hot. Itchy, too. Lucien winnowed quickly before sweat could cling to his skin and make a mockery of him, landing on crunchy leaves just outside the Forest House. 
Beron is dead, he reminded himself. It did little for his crawling anxiety, especially when the guards surrounding the palace watched him, arrows pointed straight at him as he walked to the entrance. 
The smell of cinnamon and wet soil slammed into his senses, far stronger than it had ever been outdoors. Lucien frowned, already missing home. A guard was waiting in a crisp red and white uniform, beckoning for Lucien to follow after him. The palace seemed thinner than Lucien remembered—fewer courtiers meandering the winding halls, watching for something to gossip about later.
Absently, Lucien wondered if Eris hadn’t culled them. It was possible they’d also fled for another court, though Lucien wouldn’t fathom who would want Autumn’s set living within their walls. 
Familiar golden doors were thrust open when Lucien approached, though there was no Beron Vanserra sneering at him as he entered. No open insults, no hateful eyes. Only Eris, casually positioned in that wooden chair made of twisting branches. Arina was propped on his knee, crowned in a burnished laurel leaves and draped in a pretty, burgundy dress that cut far lower than anything Lucien had ever seen on an Autumn Court female. Rubies adorned her throat, a match for the pretty ring on her finger.
She shot upward the moment she saw him, gathering her skirts as she jogged the four steps to the wood floors. Lucien kept his eyes on his brother, waiting for that flash of anger his father would have given.
Eris merely seemed amused. Indulgent, even. Lucien didn’t know what to make of that.
Arina flung her arms around his neck, and Lucien, still testing her brother, hugged her back with a little too much intimacy. He caught Eris’s expression shift to irritation, lip curling over his teeth before he smothered it.
“Where is Elain?” Arina demanded, pushing back just enough to peer around him.
“Busy, unfortunately,” Lucien replied, scanning his friend for any tell-tale signs of bruises or other harm. “How are you?”
He expected Eris to jump in, furious at the insinuation. True, his brother stiffened on the throne, gripping the arms so tightly Lucien heard the wood creak beneath his grip. But he kept silent so Arina, bubbly and vivacious as ever, could say, “I’m fine. Don’t look at me like that—Eris could only dream of getting one good hit in.”
“I don’t dream of that,” Eris said, his first words since Lucien had arrived. “I am content to let my wife speak for me.”
Arina rolled her eyes with affection, looking over her shoulder as Eris stood. 
“He had to make such a show of it. Did you know he’s High Lord?” she teased as Eris rolled his neck before slowly making his way toward them. “He reminds us all no less than ten times a day.”
An affectionate smile spread across his brother's face, so at odds with the male Lucien was accustomed to seeing. What had Arina done to him? It was impossible to consider that Eris may have always been this way.
“Brother,” Eris said by way of greeting, sliding one arm possessively around Arina’s waist. Was Lucien also that obnoxious? Arina reeked of Eris’s scent, the bond between them nearly overpowering. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, a warning not to get too close unless he wanted his throat ripped out.
But Eris was keeping it together, given Lucien had just been rubbing his hand up and down Arina’s spine. 
“Have you come to ensure I’m not mistreating my mate?”
“Among other things,” Lucien replied, not bothering to deny it. 
Eris exhaled. “Spend as much time with her as you like.”
Lucien didn’t think he could stand to, though it certainly put some of his fears to rest. If Eris had things to hide, he surely wouldn’t hand her up on a silver platter. Not when the mating bond was still riding him so hard, at any rate. “It’s tempting. A sleepover, like old times?”
Lucien relished the growl that slipped past Eris’s throat. It was too easy to rile him up now. Arina poked Eris in the ribs, leashing Eris before he could do or say something that might start an incident between Autumn and Day.
“Why are you really here, brother?’
“You know why,” Lucien retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. “This potential war. Father wants to know where you stand.”
Arina looked up at Eris, eyes wide. “War?” she asked. 
“How poorly you inform her,” Lucien sneered, earning a smack in the chest from Arina.
“Knock it off,” she warned, looking between the pair of them. “What war?”
“Maybe war,” Eris interrupted, pushing the words through his teeth. “As far as I can tell, Tamlin is merely giving Amarantha a tour of his home.”
“Of his borders,” Lucien clarified. “Why would she possibly need to know that? And ships are pouring in from Hybern in the dozens. I doubt it’s all goods for trade.”
“What do you want, then? A promise I’ll march with Helion if Amarantha decides to invade?”
“Yes,” Lucien replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s exactly what I want.”
Eris held Lucien’s gaze. “Fine. I’ll agree—on one condition.”
Gritting his teeth, Lucien replied, “What is it that you want?”
“For you to stay two nights. Here. With your brothers,” Eris clarified, perhaps guessing Lucien would merely waste his time hanging out with Arina. “Otherwise tell Helion he can get fucked.”
“Are you serious?” Lucien seethed, well aware his father would not be so forgiving if he returned home without securing this alliance all because he wanted to sleep beside his wife. Eris must have guessed, eyes sliding to the band on Lucien’s hand. 
“It’s time to put the past behind us,” Eris said, slinging his arm around Arina’s neck. She beamed, clearly loving this plan and wholly unaware of what a bastard her mate was. 
“Oh, Lucien, you should. Things are so different—you’d love it. Invite Elain to spend some time here, too.”
“I’m sure Cadmus would love to see her,” Eris added. Lucien swallowed the urge to beat Eris to death with his fists.
“Fine,” he gritted out. He’d write Elain and explain himself. “Two days, and you agree to support Day if Spring lets Amarantha use their territory as a base.”
Something dark flickered over Eris’s face. “And Day will agree to house any refugees from my court should she come over our borders.”
Lucien would need to talk to Winter, too, but it was reasonable enough. Extending his hand, he nodded.
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simgerale · 2 months
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[sounds of swords clashing and rowdy cheering]
geordie: Your highness, apologies for the intrusion, but her majesty has asked me to remind you of the time.
killian: [panting] The time? And what exactly is the time?
g: Half past noon.
k: So she wished to inform me of my tardiness. Thank you, Geordie. I will be with you shortly.
k: Am I the only late one?
g: I am afraid so. Even the princess arrived promptly.
k: Drat. Dara will never let me live it down. The one time I lose track of the hour…
g: No matter, your highness. Soon you will be Knight Captain and have plenty of excuses for tardiness.
k: I sincerely hope not. I am perfectly satisfied with my rank.
luca: There you are, at last.
k: Apologies, apologies. What did I miss?
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Hey there. Guess who is still thinking about Breaking Glass? "May I have the honour?" He asks. And in those lines, he has ruined me for any other OTP. The fact he calls it an honour. An honour for her to open up another layer. An honour to see the girl he will never get to meet but still loves because she is the woman he loves today. An honour to see more of her story. An honour to peek over those walls.
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Look at how nervous she is as she hands the box over to him. She keeps her eyes averted. She doesn't know what to expect, because she has never opened up like this before.
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He, however, has not stopped looking at her. Our Consent King is giving her every opportunity to bail out. He is also checking in on her. He knows she doesn't let those walls down easily, so he is watching for any indication that this is not something she is okay with.
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Jaw set. Emma is uncomfortable but she is going to let him in. She's also terrified by what his response will be. She knows what she sees in this meagre collection; but what will Killian see? What will he think? What will she do with his reactions? This is new territory for her.
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The moment before she sees his reaction. But, we see it. Look at the joy on that man's face! He is seeing more Swan and he couldn't be happier. This is what she kept. These are meaningful and happy things that she's held on to. I imagine that he is imagining the girl who would hold these things dear.
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Emma has seen his reaction. He isn't pitying her. He isn't passing any comment or judgment on her offerings. He isn't running from her. He is DELIGHTING in her and in this moment. She is smiling, you can see the relief of the burden lifted from her shoulders.
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The absolute delight in this smile. She is sharing with him, Emma let him into the softest part of her and it is beautiful and perfect. She let HIM see. She trusts him - which is a lot harder than getting her to love him.
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She's pleased, relieved, and almost a bit... contented? Almost as if she is thinking "What was I expecting? Of course, he gets it."
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Oh hey I started re-listening to Balance and I had forgotten that when they find the red robe in Wave Echo Cave that Justin asks about the robe's stats and whether he could take it and god can you just imagine if Taako had shown up at the Bureau wearing Lup's robe??
And then I wrote a thing about it.
Lucretia thought she was prepared for seeing her brothers again.
She's had time to build up her walls, to steel herself for what she knows will be a painful encounter. She's had a decade now of secrets and privately held regrets and memories, and she's become adept at hiding her emotions, learned how to school all the dismay and sorrow from her expression.
Even so, it takes everything in her to keep her expression neutral when the three of them walk into the room.
Magnus and Merle look in many ways like she expected--though older, ten years older; and she realizes she's never seen them age before. They've been in stasis for a hundred years, always come back each cycle looking exactly the same; but now Merle's wrinkles have deepened, and Magnus has new lines at the corners of his eyes and grey threaded through his hair, even though his body is barely thirty.
The joy and and intense sorrow she feels at the sight of them, with all the changes the past ten years have wrought, is so strong she doesn't think she can hold it inside her.
But what nearly undoes her is when Taako walks in. He looks exactly the same; elves don't age the same way humans do, or even dwarves--but for a moment she thinks--
She knows it's impossible, but for a moment, every signal is telling her brain that the elf in front of her wearing a red robe and carrying a familiar umbrella isn't Taako--it's Lup.
Then she blinks, and her brain recalibrates, and she realizes her mistake.
It's not that she has trouble telling the two apart--after a century living together, the twins lost the ability to fool the others unless they were trying very hard.
But she thinks she could be forgiven for the lapse, because the robe Taako is wearing isn't just any red robe--not some ironic twist, the universe mocking her with echoes.
It's an IPRE robe. Lup's IPRE robe.
And he's holding Lup's umbrastaff, casually slung over his shoulder like it belongs there.
Lucretia has spent any moment she could spare from her search for the Relics trying to find any trace of where Lup might have gone, and has come up empty.
Taako doesn't know what he's lost, hasn't even known to look--but somehow he's succeeded where Lucretia has failed. Clearly, at some point in their recent adventure--
He found Lup.
Or at least, he found Lup's things. What does it mean, that the robe and staff were left somewhere Taako could just pick them up? If Lup left the staff behind, does that mean--
With effort, Lucretia stops her train of thought, forcing herself to take a deep, even breath and push the roil of emotions down deep inside her. Later, she'll be able to sit and think through what this could mean.
For now, she has a part to play.
She straightens her shoulders and smiles, only leaning a little bit extra on her staff as she stands to greet them.
"Welcome, you three. Magnus, Merle, Taako. Killian has told me a lot about you and your...exploits."
She glances over at Killian, who is watching her with a sharp expression. She can't have failed to notice Lucretia's reaction to the robe when Taako walked in. Lucretia wonders what she knows about how Taako got it.
"I wanted to personally thank you for your help in retrieving the Phoenix Fire Gauntlet," she continues. "Thanks to you, an enormous danger has been removed from the world."
Magnus coughs awkwardly. Lucretia knows he's thinking about Phandolin, all those people he failed to save. "Yeah, we uh. We were happy to help."
"Does this thanks come in the form of gold?" Taako asks. "I think retreiving a super magic weapon is worth a reward, right?"
"Or a job? We were told there might be job openings here," Merle adds.
Lucretia laughs a little.
"We'll get to that in a minute," she says. She glances at Killian. "First, I--Taako, I would like to know where you got that robe? It's very--"
"Red," Killian finishes.
Taako looks down at himself. "Oh this thing? Yeah, I picked it up off some skeleton in a cave."
A yawning, empty pit opens up inside Lucretia.
"I figured, he was super dead, so finders keepers." He swoops the ends of the robe a little. "Stylish, right?"
The pit inside Lucretia yawns a little wider.
It's not that she hasn't considered the possibility--probability even--that Lup is dead. And just because her body is dead doesn't mean that she is gone.
But it's the confirmation--and Taako's cavalier description of his sister's bones--that nearly undoes Lucretia for the second time that day.
She grips her staff tight, and forces herself to keep her breathing even. She places one hand behind her back, so that the others can't see the tight fist she's balled it into.
"This was the cave where you first found the gauntlet?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
Lucretia exchanges glances with Killian.
"You all have visited Johann, correct? You've taken the voidfish's ichor?"
"You mean the fish poop?" Taako asks. "Yeah, we drank it. Not my favorite thing ever, I've gotta say."
"Yeah, it was super gross," Magnus puts in.
"Salty," Merle adds. "But I dunno, it had a kinda--"
"Oh my gods, do not--" Taako says.
"I'm just saying, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever tasted."
"Please stop."
Taako pinches the bridge of his nose, and Magnus busts out laughing. Lucretia has to steel herself against another wave of emotion as she watches the three of them banter. The familiarity aches.
She raises her voice a little to be heard over Magnus's laughter. "In that case, you've remembered the Relic Wars."
Magnus sobers instantly.
"The wars were caused by the Grand Relics: a series of extraordinarily powerful magical objects created by a group of magicians that we...refer to...as the Red Robes."
All three of the boys look down at Taako's robe.
"Oh," Merle says.
"Shit," Magnus says.
"Well," Taako says.
"It is very probable that the...the remains you found belonged to a member of that group."
"But that's good though, right?" Magnus says after a moment. "If one of them is dead--that's a good thing? Isn't it? They can't cause any more harm if they're dead."
Lucretia digs a fingernail deep into the palm of the hand behind her back.
"I'm afraid the harm the Grand Relics are capable of will long outlive the Red Robes themselves," she says. "But that's why we're here. We are doing our best to right the wrongs the Red Robes did. To remove the dangers they put into the world with the Relics. And we'd like your help."
"Sounds like a good cause," Merle says. "Does it pay?"
"It does pay," Lucretia says. "Competitively, if I say so myself."
"I'm in," Magnus says.
"Can I ask a quick question?" Taako says.
"Of course," Lucretia says. "I understand if you want more information before--"
"No, no, I'm--as long as the pay is good, I'm all on board," Taako says. "But I wanted to ask--"
He gives the robe a dramatic swish.
"Would it be in bad taste for me to keep the robe? It's just so comfy, you know? Great armor stats."
Taako gives her a shit-eating grin, and Lucretia's head swims for a moment at the image, one part of her brain telling her Lup, it's Lup, while the rest replies no it's not, it's not, she's gone, maybe forever.
She forces a small, rueful smile.
"Well, I can't deny that seeing a red robe around the Bureau regularly might cause some talk, some... discomfort. But we're not in the business of dress codes here. I'll leave it up to you."
"Great!" Taako drawls. "Can't wait to be the fashion talk of the moon!"
And Lucretia can't help but smile genuinely at that--he's still Taako, even after everything.
"Very well." She sets her staff carefully against her chair, consciously relaxes her shoulders. In her imagination, Magnus's hand rests firmly on her shoulder, Merle's a reassuring presence at her hip. The memory of Lup's voice whispers in her mind. You got this, Luce.
"If that's decided, let's get you three up to speed."
She gestures widely to the reception room, putting a little bit of the theatrical flair she learned from Taako into the gesture.
"Welcome to the Bureau of Balance."
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strange-destinations · 5 months
....I need you to break down which Game of Rassilon characters would survive Dracula now please.
ah fuck okay, here we go. going by @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula's set of critera at the top of the blog...
Riley!Doctor - Wouldn't take the crucifix because she's already got several spare ones in her pockets, somewhere, maybe, she'll go looking for them later. Of course she's sneaking around and getting nosy. It's what she does. Holds Dracula's attention well enough until he says something really blatantly evil, and then she promptly snaps and ruins everything and turns the whole deal into a survival horror game. Finds a rusting sword somewhere and beats the three vampire gfs back with it. Uses her scarf to rappel her way down the side of the castle, and uses a combination of Venusian Akido and clever sonic screwdriver technobabble to disrupt the vampiric influence on the wolves. She's the Doctor. She'll be fine.
Millie - the real-life Amelia Earhart was somewhat religious, so I can easily see her taking the crucifix if offered. Talking and climbing aren't what's going to save her here. Her greatest strength is piloting and repurposing things. In the absense of a plane or spaceship, she might very well hijack the carriage Dracula drove in on. 50/50 chance of her managing to pull this off.
Travis Killian - Travis's greatest strength lies in his ability to fuck with technology, and unfortunately castle Dracula is not wi-fi enabled. He's genre-savvy enough and probably knows enough vampire lore to get a good grasp on what's going on, but that's not going to save him. I don't doubt his ability to survive a few terrifying conversations with the Count, but I do doubt his ability to climb down a ladder, let alone a massive castle wall. Probably going to die without assistance, let's hope he asks for help.
Roman - Roman would try to shoot Dracula several times and miss, every time; but that only happens at the climax of this little disaster. Vampires and Time Lords are natural enemies, so he'd have a pretty good idea what's going on from the start. Being left in a creepy old building owned by a malicious entity that wants him to suffer and lose his mind is kind of already Roman's thing, so he gets bonus points for that. Roman can absolutely talk his way around Dracula and in fact I'd pay actual money to see those conversations. When things inevitably go to shit and he has to run like hell, the aforementioned bad Marksman score kicks in. He fails to even so much as wound Dracula, and probably isn't remotely equipped to climb down the castle walls. The wolves probably get him. Sorry, Roman. He dies, but don't worry, it's all part of the plan.
Carrie Vu - after ascertaining that someone really weird is going on in the town, would turn up at Castle Dracula's front doors and offer him girl scout cookies that she doesn't own in order to sneak in and snoop around. Dracula would not be fooled but would let her in anyway. Every conversation between Carrie and Dracula is the equivalent of getting beat around the head with a rubber chicken. There's no way to predict how any of this will go. Dracula is too bemused and off-balance to contemplate killing her at first. Gets very very offended when he calls her iPhone a foul bauble of man's vanity. Would manage to get at least one good whack in with her baseball bat. The vampire GFs do eventually get her and things look hopeless, but the Corsair swings in at the last moment to rescue her, and the resulting scene is like something off the front cover of a horny romance novel.
Dan!Doctor - Would take the crucifix, insist on paying or giving something back, comedic 5-minute sequence of him pulling random currency and bizarre items out of his pockets. Solemnly promises to do something about the babies getting stolen and eaten, and this is his entire life goal for the next few weeks. Probably manages Dracula marginally better than Riley!Doctor, can keep up and hold a conversation while carefully plotting his exit route. Locates every coffin and regretfully destroys them. Very thoroughly makes sure that no part of Dracula's cunning real estate plan will ever come to pass. Escapes Castle Dracula by jumping out a window because climbing is too slow. He's good at falling off things, he'll be fine probably.
Lita Fane - Lita's wary enough that I have serious doubts she'd even go up to the castle in the first place unless coerced or forced into it. She feels much more like the person to stay down in the town and try to help the people living there. Assuming she has to go to the castle anyway - I don't know if the crucifix would be even recognizable to her as an important item, so she'd probably just be really confused about it, might take it just to be polite. Engineering skills aren't really helpful to her here. I don't think she'd be great at talking to the Count, either. Dracula sets off every red flag possible for her - Lita's having a bad time. It doesn't feel like she'd be an especially great climber, either. Lita's a survivor, but probably not in this case. Vampires were never really the thing she learned how to survive.
Stanley Campbell - Oh, god. Sorry, but there's just no way Stanley would notice that Dracula is even remotely a vampire until it's way WAY too late. 50/50 on him taking the crucifix but I'm thinking maaaybe not. He'd probably end up wandering. Dracula would lose interest in his tangents very very fast. He ain't climbing his way out, with OR without crocs. One way or another, he's not moseying his way out of this one.
bonus: Joseph!Doctor - a stick is just a stake that hasn't been sharpened yet. Dracula's going down.
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candyistoosweet · 2 months
Hellcrew OC: Wilma Louise
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Wilma Louise
Age: Physically 13~15 (minor)
Species: Ghost / Vengeful spirit; formerly human
Birthdate: 18/9 1876
Deathdate: 25/9 1889
Personality (Now)
-Extremely cautious; suspicious
-Kind towards most of others
-Despises specific people
-Mood swing
Personality (Before death)
-Laughed at most of the time
-Numb to danger
-Easily got hurted (Emotionally)
Weapon / Powers
-Mainly uses a small awl she had when she was a human, but also knows how to use guns. (Doesn't really use guns very often)
-Moving through walls, objects
Body Type
Small height (5.1ft, 155cm)
Small body / weight (45kg)
Easily get damaged
Low strength
Family Members
Brian Louise (Dad): Dead
Willow Louise (Mom): Dead
Willson Louise (Older brother): Dead
Jessica (Pet): Dead
Wilma was a latest child born in a wealthy class family in 1800s. There was a boy named 'Willson Louise' who was Wilma's 8 years old older brother and having a treatment in Lucien's asylum earlier. But he got killed by Lucien when Wilma was 7 because he tried to tell his parents about the thing Lucien did to other patients and to himself. Wilma and her parents were very sweet and having a nice relationship with Wilson, but there was no way to figure out why exactly Willson died, because of Lucien's manipulative and clever lies. After older brother's death, Wilma started to get depression, insomnia, and other mental illnesses which caused her to get in the Lucien's asylum at the age of 12~13. In the asylum, she first met Julius at 15 who was also in the asylum, and they quickly bacame friends by showing each other's flaws. Since Wilma was in a wealthy family unlike Julius', she sometimes gave Julius a bag of groceries, coins, or cashes. But Lucien did not like her showing friendship with his 'favorite patient' and forced her to stop helping Julius in any kinds of ways.
But Wilma was too numb and careless about the warning. She ignored what her doctor told her and this made Lucien to slowly raise a hatred towards her. Lucien at first had no plan to do the same thing he did to Julius and other patients to her because of the amount of money Wilma's family gave him, but money couldn't protect Wilma so long. He had no choice but doing it to stop his jealousy growing.
After Wilma going through all the stuff from her doctor, Wilma slowly started to realize Julius, other patients and also her dead brother Willson has been through the same thing she was and it caused Wilson's death. This made Wilma trying to tell her parents about Lucien's crimes and stab him with an awl Julius gave her which he used for making dresses. But Wilma's body was too weak and fragile which made nothing more than Lucien pushing her through stairs and making her head crush.
Friendship / Alies
Julius Doherty (Friend figure) @sanityshorror
Killian Lynch (Dad figure) @sanityshorror
Seraphina Shaw (Sister figure) @gracilissart
Duvessa Doyle (Sister, mother figure) @sanityshorror
Seamus Wrynn (Another dad figure) @gracilissart
Kelly Duffy (Uncle figure) @sanityshorror
Octavian "Vivi" Doherty (Another uncle figure) @sanityshorror
Sullivan Sweeney (?? figure) @sanityshorror
Cian Lynch (Uncle, dad figure) @sanityshorror
Devlin Doherty (Another uncle figure) @scarfaxia
Lucien Delaney @scarfaxia
Anyone who's trying to put her or someone ese she thinks precious in a danger
Others / Facts
Wilma's sexuallity is straight.
Wilma doesn't actually kills but helps others murdering or cleaning the corpses.
Wilma's MBTI is ENTJ.
Wilma once had a very catchy and unique voice, but now she communicates with pens and papers or by hand languages.
Wilma's favorite hellcrew member is Duvessa and Cian.
Jesssica was a dog Wilma used to take care of, and Wilma has a plushie looking alike her. It's one of her comfort objects.
Wilma is allergic to carrots, eggs and specific kinds of metal.
Since Wilma is a ghost, she isn't really trapped in the pocket dimention of hell. She can go wherever she wants to go.
Wilma studies by herself cuz she doesn't want to go to the school. Also she's clever and smart enough to understand school topics by herself.
Wilma is Irish.
Wilma cannot talk because her left side of head is damaged. She uses pens and papers or hand languages to talk.
"I'm not the one to blame."
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