#killed the tiefling bard and was very happy about it. in game.
autoneurotic · 9 months
how about also with the dark urge the butler that pops up like hello my most vile piece of shit girl boss you are looking so slay today btw u still into exhibitionism and necrophilia ?
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trulycertain · 7 months
A study of early game Lora and Astarion, and the absolute mess that was. Developing mostly-good bard Tav/Astarion, with so much arguing. 1.6k.
Lora has always found small, petty bastards boring - the kinds who tried to make her and so many others' lives a misery in the city. They've just got so little imagination. Their excuses are all the same, it's just a matter of scale. Even if they pretend to be misguidedly noble, the self-interest slips through eventually. Evil in stories is grand, elegant, tragic. It has really good tailoring. Evil in real life? It's banal, grey or mud-soaked, and seems to take place in offices half the time, for some reason. Good, that cheap, trite thing in too many stories? In reality, it's a sudden sparkling surprise every time it happens; Baldur's Gate is not a place known for being gentle. People are more beautiful when they do a good thing. The sky is brighter, the grass just a little bit greener.
Astarion is small, in the sense of both generosity of spirit and actual stature - it's not her fault that she's six foot two and that he gets so irritated when she sees something over the top of his head. She's not doing it on purpose. Mostly.
He's incredibly petty. (“Oh, I'm sure she's just a delight at parties,” he says of the druid guard who's stopped them at least twice, thinking they might be refugees. “Refugee? Me? Have they seen this thread? Have I a pair of horns and an air of pathetic desperation? Just because I didn't know that dirt-encrusted branches were apparently ‘in’ this week...” Finger-quotes and everything. Lora might have snorted at that. He catches her; he raises an eyebrow in response, but with the tiniest pleased tilt to his mouth.)
And he's definitely a bastard. He's happy to leave the tieflings to die - happy to leave anyone to, it seems. She has to take a deep breath at that, but there are the pressing time constraints of soon turning into a mindflayer; no wonder he wants to get straight to healers and the creche. Good intentions won't mean much if you turn into a squid mid-fight and end up killing or kidnapping all the refugees anyway. She tries hard to bear that in mind while he sighs melodramatically, as if helping people is an inconvenience that might lead to his breaking a nail, and she glares at him. He delights in a holy relic being stolen - but with something like genuine approval of the tiefling child's bravery, somewhere under all that. And he's not wrong that all this self-righteousness about not interfering in nature is a bit rich when you're very intentionally turning people out to the mercy of raiders. But that's all he's right about.
A small, petty bastard. All that's true, and real. So why does she keep talking to him? Why isn't she bored? Angry, most of the time, and amused, sometimes, but not bored.
If Lora knows one thing, it's a narrative. Retellings wear grooves in the dirt for a reason; it feels like there's a way some stories have to wrap up. She knows exactly how it would have ended if she'd met Astarion before the tadpole. A cruel vampire too well-oiled by half, who seemed to delight in death and blood? One of them would have ended up dead, the other with a twist of satisfaction - his at having survived another day and, as a bonus, shut up a pompous hero type; hers at having taken someone that dangerous out of the world, even if she'd have completely missed the master pulling the strings.
Later, when she realises she's been imagining completely the wrong backstory for him, she thinks of the Grove again. Of being free for the first time in two hundred years, finally able to walk in the sun, and losing it in minutes because your leader ran headfirst into a battle.
Hells, she hates when he almost makes sense. It makes her dust off her moral compass for a quick check.
Still, he meanders up to her - to poke her, to tease and taunt, but sometimes just… to ask questions. Feeling for her weak spots, probably, but there's a cheerful curiosity in his eyes that seems genuine when he asks her how she learned to play the lyre, what her other instruments are. It's a rare moment of peace in between their mutual arguments. He plays it off soon enough with some comment about her being good with her hands and an eyebrow-waggle, but the questions were real. He prods her to see what falls out and she… lets him. If anything, she does the same. And she still isn't bored.
He delights in bloodshed and mayhem; he drinks deeply of death just the way he does of life. She’s caught him laughing under his breath when someone falls to the floor, caught him licking the blood off his daggers when he thought she wasn’t looking - that just got her a red-stained grin and an obscene widening of his arms like he was inviting her to look. He makes jokes about killing gnomes. He makes jokes about killing her, though those are actually funny, and he's right about having to face what will happen if they change; it's best to do it with a laugh. It's also oddly forthright, oddly brave, for a man who's never been forthright in his life. He beams at her when she plays along, like she’s just given him a gift, morbidly pleased at speaking of his own beheading. Death and bloodshed and mayhem, yes.
Except when she’s watching a young tiefling girl about to be bitten by a snake, or pretending to offer the goblins’ general the tiefling camp on a platter. His eyes harden, in that moment, even while his mouth twitches and he makes amused, contemptuous quips: like he’s waiting for her to make the obvious choice. And even as he makes approving noises at the thought of the goblins’ victory, even as he castigates her for her soppy kindness…
Cruelty would be the obvious, the easy choice. It would be exactly what he expects. It would also be, she’s certain more and more when she feels those red eyes on her, the boring choice. To him, too. Even if he doesn't want to admit it.
She's always had a good instinct for people, so her mentor used to say. It got taught to her early, taught her when a glassing was coming or she was about to get stiffed on payment at a tavern or just how to work a crowd.
Stories in well-worn grooves. Two hundred years of death and desperate self-service and making sure everyone's expendable but you, over and over again. The same narrative shoved down your throat for two hundred years.
The shape of it is there in her mind, sketched out but not detailed yet: he knows cruelty like the back of his hand, partaking and receiving. He can sleepwalk his way through it. There’s a delight when he speaks of it, an amusement in his eyes, but it’s the same as when he spoke of being a magistrate back in the city, it’s all very tedious, lording his power over her, pointed and urbane and far, far too well-rehearsed. The same way she looks over her shoulder and catches him flirting with their companions, incorrigible, a lazy, leering lean closer in his tone even as he keeps walking beside them. There’s real amusement there at getting to play with words, at making them uncomfortable, and yet... I saw you mouthing that one to yourself in the mirror earlier, Shadowheart points out, when he tries a particularly trite line on her. And Lora thinks, Exactly.
He bristles and shouts at her and makes drawled comments about how much of a drip she is. She agrees to find an elderly woman’s missing daughter; behind her, she hears him sigh and not even bother to hide it, the rolling of his eyes entirely audible. They get back to camp and he asks her, “This will take us closer to understanding the tadpole how, exactly?” He hates every minute of it, hates her - but there’s a wildfire in him, searing bright and unrehearsed and fascinatingly real, when he snarls at her and melodramatically turns his back to her and calls her tedious.
She bought it at first, the way he called her that. She was boring, certainly, and he was a self-serving shallow ass - that part was true, even if he was lying through his teeth about so many things. He got to stay because they dearly needed a lockpicker and archer as good as him, and because she was too reluctantly herself to let him turn into a mindflayer alone, even if she should have. As he said that second night: you need someone to put you out of your misery.
And then she realised precisely what it was, behind all the bared teeth and callous suggestions: he’s waiting.
He waits for her to slip and kill someone because it’s easier, or say that he deserved his master’s treatment. She laughs sometimes at his sense of humour - less dark, more Underdark - and takes precisely none of his suggestions. He waits for her to be a humourless paladin type who crushes him underfoot or turns out to be a stiff fraud wearing mail, and she cackles at his muttered observations, happily humiliates the little tyrants they see on the road along with him. The moments their eyes meet and she sees the silent vicious glee in his, too, the both of them knowing pride comes before a very long fall, they almost understand each other. She lies and cheats the false servants of Tyr before killing them anyway, because they were going to drag an innocent tiefling back to the Hells, and sees his reluctantly impressed eyebrows out of the corner of her eye - and then she gives the money to refugees while he sighs. He snarls, I was a slave and waits for her to order him about or step over him; the best she can tell, she treats him just the same. As they keep to the road and he realises that the mask he’s been trying to pry away is just her face, the easy, dulled cynicism in his eyes is starting to be replaced by something else: a confused, furious surprise. Maybe the first surprise he’s had in two centuries.
She’s learned to read him a little better, over these weeks on the road. She’s driving him mad. He’s incandescently angry with and baffled by her in turns. But she doesn’t believe him when he says he finds her tedious.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
AHHHHH, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!! Okay, so as I said, I don’t have actual appearances for my babies since I don’t have the game, but I will happy give you some info about them.
I have five OCs currently planned:
Raven Waters (they/them), Wyll ship. Human bard, College of Lore subclass, with an urchin past. Grew up on the streets of Baldur’s Gate after being orphaned at a young age and became a decently well-known entertainer when they got older, performing at festivals and every tavern and inn in the area. Very cunning, sarcastic, and good at reading people, and is very unhappy about being snatched off the street only to have a worm stuck in their brain. Cares about people sort of in the way Astarion does - reluctantly and with no small amount of complaining but very deeply - and even though they don’t think much of Wyll at first because they don’t trust nobility or anyone wealthy, it doesn’t take long for them to become endeared by him. Also becomes absolute besties with Astarion because they literally laugh in his face when he tries to seduce them and once he gets over that they have fun judging people together. (There is also definitely an AU where Raven is dating both Wyll and Astarion, but they’re officially a Wyll ship.)
Amalal Quavein (he/they), Astarion ship. Seldarine drow and cleric of the Light Domain for the goddess Eilistrae with a sage past (he’s a huge bookworm when they can get his hands on some), and has been travelling around Faerun since they were just young, trying to find allies to assist in the Seldarine drows’ fight against Lolth and helping everyone he can along the way, before they get snatched up and taken to the nautiloid ship. He’s a total sweetheart who loves caring for people and fighting against tyrants and darker forces, but they’re also a bit socially stunted from being alone on the road for a lot of his life, which can lead people to think he’s naïve even when they aren’t. Astarion definitely thinks this at first, and thinks seducing Amalal will be easy, but really he’s just one of those people who always chooses kindness and doing the right thing because they want to make the world a better place and that’s the best way he knows how to do it. (They’re also asexual, which is very funny given Astarion’s whole seduction thing because not only is Amalal unfamiliar with seduction as a concept but he genuinely Does Not Feel Sexual Things, so they’re painfully oblivious to Astarion’s attempts the whole time.)
Nifara Reedwood (she/her), Gale ship. Strongheart halfling ranger, of the hunter subclass, with an outlander past who was raised in the wilderness and therefore has a very strong connection with nature. Travels all around Faerun hunting and tracking creatures from other realms, making it her personal mission to keep any kinds of invaders from attacking her realm and harming its nature. Also has a very strong bond with animals and is resistant to poison due to all the she’s spent in Faerun’s swamps. A complete and total badass, but is also kind of socially stunted due to all the time she’s spent alone on the road with only animals and the creatures she hunts. Brutally honest and has a quick temper, but also one that’s quick to calm back down if there’s no need for an actual fight, and although she’s slow to trust people would gladly kill and die for those she cares about and absolutely will not let them talk bad about themselves. (Very nearly smacks Gale for not believing he’s worth more than his magic and service to Mystra and calls him an idiot for it more than once, and then somehow that wanting him to think more of himself turns to catching feelings and she’s just like, “Ah, shit”. It’s fine, though, because Gale comes to love her too.)
Nisa Mournspire (they/she), Halsin ship. Mephistopheles tiefling paladin of the Oath of Devotion subclass, with a folk hero background. Adopted when they were a baby by a human couple, but never felt truly loved by them since she wasn’t their blood child, even if they’d given her their last name. Devoted themself to prayer from an early age as a way to feel some kind of belonging and purpose, and took her Oath and set out from their village to travel around and help people when she was only twenty years old. Gained a bit of a reputation around all of Faerun for their heroics, and eventually came to be known as The Horned Warrior. Taken from Baldur’s Gate by the Mindflayer’s goons when she stopped in for the night, and doesn’t hesitate to recruit Karlach and Lae’zel when they’re all on the beach, seeing defeating the Mindflayer and removing the parasites as yet another mission they’re committing to. Very warm and compassionate, able to make friends almost everywhere she goes, and fears almost nothing if it means helping others. A bit of a hopeless romantic who wants to find true love, but also isn’t against brief flings. Does sleep with Astarion once or twice (but they’re incredibly good about it and makes sure he feels good too, because she can tell he’s not used to that), but definitely takes a liking to Halsin very quickly after meeting him and spends a good amount of time staring at his biceps (which annoys Lae’zel incredibly because that should not be the focus right now).
Ellora Keyvaris (she/her), Karlach ship. High Elf half-elf wizard of the Conjuration School subclass with a noble background. Grew up in a wealthy family that was very devoted to maintaining appearances and always trotted her out to social events, but she was much more interested in magic and the study of it, more than happy to spend her time in her home’s library or at the local magical college learning conjuring spells from the professors she’d paid for private lessons. When she learned her family was planning to betroth her to an elf nobleman, she ran away to Baldur’s Gate, where she intended to live a quiet life and continue studying magic before she was kidnapped and infected with the parasite. Ellora is a very quiet and bookish person, but that doesn’t mean she’s timid; she has a sharp tongue and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others and say what she thinks. She struggles to connect to her companions at first, with the exception of Wyll since they were both raised among nobility, but she eventually makes genuine friends out of all of them, which means a lot to her because she’s never really had friends before. (She’s also a hopeless lesbian who falls in love at first sight with Karlach and thus is very sad when she can’t touch her, because she very much wants this large muscled lady to be able to pick her up.)
Anyways, yeah, those are my BG3 babies!! Thanks so much for asking about them, and if you have any more questions about any of them feel free to ask!!
Again tagging some of my other BG3 moots: @hiddenqveendom, @endless-oc-creations, @astarionbae.
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anab-starr · 1 month
The List of BG3 OC's... so far
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Resist-o-Durge: Oona, The Ghost Spider of Bhaal Szarkai Cleric of Eilistraee/Monk
Born of a ritual where an Underdark cult force-fed the flesh of Bhaal to a drider. She was then unceremoniously dumped above ground at the doors of an Eilistraeean church. Oona grew up with love, compassion, and a firm belief in redemption no matter the crime.
When the Slayer came for her, she razed the Church to the ground after murdering everybody inside.
Canon: Loves Gale Besties w/ Shadowheart & Astarion Hasn't killed any of the named drow. Nere, Drouin, Araj, Minty... all safe!
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Yes that includes "he's drow enough" Kar'niss. She just knocked him out, dragged him somewhere safe, and left a moonlantern beside him for when he came to.
Crazy Fanon: Has a li'l Gortling daughter. I imagine the reunion would be Gortash bringing her to his office after she gets rid of Orin and being like "I mean you could kill me instead of helping me, but wow that would really upset OUR CHILD." Oona doesn't know this but the baby is exactly what caused her to rethink her Absolute plans. She didn't want to destroy the world for Father anymore, she wanted the world to be worthy of her Gortling! And maybe she could convince bae to just settle for Archduke of Baldur's Gate! She went to Moonrise Towers to talk to Ketheric about her second thoughts since she felt he'd be most apt to listen whether or not he agreed.
And that's when Orin struck.
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Embrace the Durge (for now): Edeva the Black Tiefling Rogue/Assassin
I wanted to do a tiefling version of Origin Durge, I just love the creepy white and red look. I don't know her background yet, I just know she has one rule: TIEFLINGS ARE OFF LIMITS. Everyone else is fair game, but when she walked in on Lump the Enlightened eating a tiefling, she went berserk. She also did not allow Lae'zel to be mean to Zorru.
But those Gnolls... were SO COOL.
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Anyway, here's what I have of her: Canon: Crushing on Karlach, no besties yet :( unless you count Sceleritas Fel? Does NOT like Raphael, very much scared of him, even though she's the one who gets that good Devil-D in all my RaphxTav fanfics ^^;; Crazy Fanon: She's Orin's #1 hype gal, believes in her art skills, beat the absolute snot out of Sarevok for, as she puts it, "being mean to my girl". I figure, Sarevok is the driving force behind manipulating Orin into replacing Eva as Chosen because the thinks this Absolute Cult stuff is a waste of time and he feels Bhaal has better uses for Edeva.
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My very first Tav, Meadowlark High Elf Druid/Circle of Spores
She's a Bard and a Druid, a happy woman with an 8 year old son who was playing with friends when the Nautiloid showed up. She hopes her kid's ok, neither one of them expected her to be kidnapped and tadpole'd. She did send word via the grove that she was alive and getting home ASAP.
She's giving me wicked Mommy vibes, which is why I felt she should have a child already. No romantic prospects at the moment with how badly she mother-hens her companions. She's especially protective of Lae'zel because of the gith's youth and naiveté.
That being said, she's crushing heavily on Barcus Wroot, and she hasn't met fellow druid Halsin yet...
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Funny thing is, she's inspired by someone else's character! A long time ago I was in a Dragon Age fanart group on FB and someone created a mage named Meadowlark. The inspo pic the person used was of an absolutely gorgeous Turkish model. When I saw this face mod (Vamperen's Head's 2.0 I believe) I thought "omg that looks like Meadowlark!" and decided to make her a Tav.
Crazy Fanon: Her son is still in Baldur's Gate waiting for her... just not at home... :/
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barbwillbrb · 1 month
Finally finished my full playthrough of BG3. Here be my thoughts:
For context, I had been sitting on my first playthrough for a month, as I had 4 huge fights left that I was putting off and little else left (Orin, Ansur, House of Hope, and the last battle). I did start a second playthrough in the interim, getting that character to the Gauntlet of Shar, then decided to go back to finish my OG character. I finally finished the game a couple days ago and have been collecting my thoughts. Here are some resolutions from my playthrough and thoughts on the game/characters:
1. First, here is my first Tav— Quil, a nonbinary tiefling Bard with very high charisma. I adore the character creator, but have one gripe— why can’t we yeet the titties in the vanilla creator (I know there are mods)? I want no titties please.
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2. I did not get the Volo eye during my first run; Quil knew a bad idea when they saw one (my second Tav, Rackal, not so much). Quil also didn’t fuck with the Necromancy of Thay.
3. Scratch and owlbear cub made it all the way to the end!
4. Fucked up Auntie Ethel’s quest and got Mayrina killed.
5. Minthara was killed (I only recently fully learned how non-lethal attacks work).
6. It was really hard for me to pick a romance; I spent a good hour loading/reloading the tiefling party to go through my options (everyone but Gale and Wyll were interested, as I was specifically playing a character who wasn’t openly flirting with anyone; I wanted to see what characters came to me first. That said, I had to keep pushing Lae’zel back because girl wanted me within moments of meeting). Karlach ended up stealing my heart; I adore her.
7. I also had Halsin join us. I don’t see a lot of talk about KarlachxTavxHalsin on here, and it kinda bums me out; I was sold on the polycule when KarlachxHalsin started flirting with each other.
8. As a high-charisma character, Act 2 was my favorite, especially when it came to Yurgir. I did not know you could talk your way out of that fight completely; I think I was as shocked as Astarion when it worked. I’ve never seen a game where you could just… talk people to death. It was amazing.
9. Speaking of Act 2, Ketheric Thorm’s introduction is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. It was perfect at conveying the magnanimity of the situation.
10. I got everyone’s happy endings I think. Wyll, Karlach and I went to Avernus and are kicking ass, Gale is a professor/crown destroyed, and Astarion did not ascend/spawn were spared (the Gur letter at the epilogue is AMAZING). Shadowheart turned away from Shar, but her parents died so she could be free; she has the owlbear cub though, so I think she’ll be okay.
11. I don’t understand the whole “Wyll can’t make a decision” discourse. I get the issue with the pact scene (I can’t remember if I had the option to let him choose, but we worked with Mizora), but people make it out like he doesn’t make any decisions about his future at all in the game. I was able to leave the Blade of Avernus/Duke decision to him, and he chose the Blade. He had some cool dialog about the decision as well.
12. The goddamn Orpheus vs. Emperor choice is about the dumbest thing ever. I feel like if you maintained an overall positive relationship with the Emperor and managed to pull Lae’zel away from Vlaakith, I think there should be an opportunity to break Orpheus free and convince him to join you WITHOUT the Emperor turning tail to the Netherbrain. You should be able to free Orpheus and then have another high persuasion check to get him to stand down/join you. I feel that given the severity of the current situation, Orpheus would accept joining forces if it meant no additional mindflayers be made. Just the fact the Emperor goes by, Orpheus gets freed, and someone has to become a mindflayer is just…. Frustrating at best.
13. I think that regardless if romanced or not, a Lae’zel with high/exceptional approval who turned from Vlaakith is in love with Tav. The emotion in her goodbye at the docks is so powerful.
14. Similarly, I think the same can be said for Shadowheart (if turned away from Shar/had high approval).
15. The Dribbles quest sucked, but worth it just to make Lucretious happy/have her say nice things to me.
16. The character that grew on me the most was Astarion. I honestly didn’t like him too much, but his growth over Acts 2 and 3 really changed my mind. Plus, when I met Yenna, he actually gave approval towards any means of helping her— I was SHOOK.
17. I think the Orin kidnapping would be more impactful if your love interest was taken instead (the angst/race against the clock would be amazing). I also think that if one of the tadpole crew gets taken, the fact that Orin doesn’t have one should tell someone something’s up.
18. My favorite companion is tied between Karlach and Lae’zel. Karlach is so optimistic/stands true to herself despite the bullshit she goes through, and Lae’zel character growth is spectacular.
19. My least favorite companion is Shadowheart, although she’s beginning to grow on me. It’s just that some of her offhand comments are so off-putting in a real hypocritical way. For example, the “I didn’t expect to feel empathy towards refugees” thing is really hard to ignore.
20. My favorite NPCs are, in no particular order, Ketheric Thorm, Rolan, Yurgir, Omeluum, Blurg, Lucretious, Barcus Wroot, Auntie Ethel and Mol.
21. My least favorite NPCs are Gortash (I think he is a great villain, but he’s the kind of manipulative, opportunistic evil that makes my skin crawl), Wulburn Bongle and honestly most of the creche. Also that lady who’s mean to the dogs, but I nuked her with fireball and don’t see her as much if an NPC.
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maegalkarven · 7 months
Out of curiosity what happens to all of your dark urges post-game?
This is going to be LONG, so i'm putting it under the "read more".
Thanks so much for asking and giving me an opportunity to rant about my boys! (they're all masc, yeah. All kind of trans. I am not projecting anything. Also I lied just now)
As of now I have 3 (4 counting Morgan) developed till post-game Durges.
Morgan is my first playthrough and maybe shouldn't be counted, but he and Astarion leave for Underdark. Morgan is a drow bard btw and his story is the messiest bullshit ever bc at that point I was still figuring BG3 out.
Now to the fun part! (June, Levi and Nemo). Mind what all 3 of them are romantically involved with Gortash and it plays its part.
So let's start with my favorite druid asshole Levi. He visually appears to be a tiefling. 6 ft tall handsome young man with one blazing green eye, one eye pitch-black (later an implant of the eye of the devil he took for himself), wavy ginger hair, freckles EVERYWHERE and a very arrogant attitude. His horns have been broken by Sarevok when he was around adolescence.
Levi has 2 versions of how his live goes after the end credits. Basically his good (canon) ending and his bad ending.
Bad ending is where Gortash dies, Levi goes the whole "I am god" way, takes the Crown of Karsus for himself and erases Bhaal from the existence of the universe, successfully taking his domain, his aspect and his place. It's a lonely life of godhood for him and the one where he loses himself.
His good ending branches depending if Noah (his son) exists.
If Noah indeed exists, Levi has a whole ass husband and a son waiting for him at home (in Baldur's Gate) and a whole new playground of the city. He transforms part of the city into the garden and creates the new circle of druids with Kagha as the achdruid. But inevitably fuck off to hells to fight not his battle bc he can and he loves fighting.
Levi is set on a long ass quest conquering Hells bc: 1) it's fun. 2) His homie needs Mizora dead. 3) His other homie needs Zariel dead.
If Noah wasn't born, his path goes almost the same way (considering Hells), but it's the main focus of his, and the main goal. In that version he wants all of Mephisto's wonders for himself and operates from the House of Hope what he and Gortash live in (while planning evil things for evil reasons, yeah. "If heavens are out of reach, we will make Hells ours" kind of an attitude.)
Basically for Levi it's either godhood but the path of loneliness or a lot of shenanigans in hells with his two best friends (Wyll and Karlach) and the wicked partnership with Gortash. Watch him successfully balance out THAT dynamic mix.
Then there's Nemo. Nemo is non-amnesiac Durge who got very weak after his sister's attack. Looks like a half-drow (ppl keep calling him half-breed and he hates it. He is a pureblood bhaalspawn, damn it!) Looks like a golden child with sun-warmed skin, golden eyes and hair and A LONG ASS SCAR ORIN LEFT OVER HIS PERFECT FACE. THANKS FOR NOTHING, SISTER. Short (5 ft). The only 'off' thing about him is what his sclera is black.
He is also the mastermind behind the successful creation and management of the current cult of Bhaal in BG as it is. Nemo's misadventures are featured in the series of oneshots called "Empty Prayers".
He has only a good ending because I said so, and this is where he kills Orin and himself in a double suicide act, robbing Bhaal of the chosen and a child. Bhaal throws a fit, Withers plays a savior.
EVERYONE is angry at Nemo, Orin is left with no memory of who she is or what the fuck is going on.
No one is happy 2.0.
His post-game ending is where he is a shadow over the BG, a leader of the newly established assassins' guild into which he drags his lover and partner in crime Astarion.
Nemo is a man who transfers the cult of Bhaal into something else and earns money for it. It is easy, because most of the cultists only knew him as a leader and several of them were raised by him.
He basically lowers his expectations and chills, having joint-custody over the city underground with Ninefingers.
Gortash manages to stay arcduke in that one, but ba-a-a-arely. No one is happy, even Gortash, because it's such a mediocre win it's embarrassing. He will manage to pull Nemo into some heist-like bullshit very soon, that with him and his very useful guild of trained cutthroats who are loyal to Nemo and Nemo alone.
The last one - June. My least fav child bc I am v conflicted with how he just branched into 2 separate entities. @ June come on. He has either grey hair and silver eyes (selunite!June) or black-blue hair and light-blue eyes (cambion!June). Either way his skin is greyish-blue with freckles, his horns are grey as some ash can be. He is 5 ft 5.
June is either tiefling priest of Selune or cambion grandchild of Mephisto. I consider both of the versions like alt. of the same person.
In his good (canon) ending June leaves for Underdark with Gortash and Astarion to conquer it and seek all the netherise artifacts left there.
Ex priest of Selûne June does it in some quest of "salvation", cambion June does it because he's the forbidden knowledge seeking bastard (Mephisto raised him, ok). Both versions of June defy Bhaal, though for different reasons.
Now, there is a bad ending for June too, which is highly tied to how he treats the situation with Gortash and how much has the tadparty affected him. If he has failed to develop enough ties with the team, June agrees with everything the man says - Gortash dies at the Netherbrain Blast - June becomes the new Chosen of Bane.
Which strangely fits both versions of June, because selunite!June DID pray to Bane, he just never answered.
And cambion!June is a little too alike Bane's own son (a hybrid of a god and fiend who Bhaal probably was going to use the same way Bane used his son) and in a dire need of a plan to out-do Mephisto.
If June does have close ties with his team and they affect his decision-making, then he's a little more smart about it, tadpoles Gortash, and that derails everything to Gortash joining the team and all hells breaking loose (to the good end. I promise)
There's also Callisto, but Callisto didn't live further than the escape from the nautiloid. I will play them after I break my pc's mind and re-merge it gently, after which BG3 (hopefully) will run on my pc without any third parties involved. But Callisto is a half-drow priest of Tiamat. My baby said FUCK toxic father, I want to be adopted by a toxic mother instead. Their main long goal is freeing Tiamat from her prison in Hell.
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ash-rik · 5 months
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Saw this tag game, but I didn't want to bother anyone so it's tagless. Feel free to do this with your bg3 ocs and tag me or not 🙈
Name: Boon
Pronouns: He/They
Orientation: He's a transmasc enby who's demi and loves women. Sometimes attracted to men but rarely.
Wyll humors Boon when he asks to be his sidekick. They're currently workshopping his sidekick name to go with the Blade of Frontiers because Crossbows of the Outback isn't cutting it. 
When Gale cooks, he tries to explain magic theory to Boon, but only some of it sticks. They refer to each other as master and apprentice for fun. 
Karlach will sometimes call him a rascal and ruffle his hair (they sibling bonded on sight). 
Shadowheart calls him the idiot bard or just an idiot when he does something really stupid, which is often enough that it could be considered a nickname (they're besties). 
Boon's heart warms whenever Jaheira calls him cub. 
He gets hit right in the kokoro when Lae'zel starts calling him “my joy”. 
Star sign: I dunno much about star signs but from a quick search maybe Gemini???
Height: 5'11
Race: Tiefling
Romancing: Lae'zel. They're the classic tale of opposites attract. Boon was drawn to her confidence and honesty, even if it's of a rougher variety. She speaks plainly, which is refreshing for someone in his line of work (thief). Her kindness takes a warped form due to her upbringing, but it's there. He sees it and tries to draw it out. He's gonna serenade that heart of stone of hers.
Favorite fruit: Grapes. He loves the crunchy ones and enjoys piercing into them with his fangs
Favorite season: Spring when it's not too hot or cold and he gets to feel the sun on his skin. Boon loves his crop tops and will go out walking barefoot in the grass or on the beach.
Favorite flower: I'm thinking violets. His mother was a follower of Lliira who favored them. She'd have violets all around the house. Boon has fond memories of tending to them with her.
Favorite scent: The smell of fresh bread and pastries always gets his mouth watering. His parents didn't have a lot of money, but the bakery was one place where they'd let him indulge on occasion.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee and tea. Coffee with a bit of milk and sugar helps him sleep. With tea, he loves that there are so many kinds and likes to try out new blends from different places. 
Average sleep hours: He'll sleep for as long as anyone will let him. So it's more dependent on what's currently going on in his life. Being a thief had him up at odd hours and made him a light sleeper.
Dogs or cats: Both. Every dog he sees, they're a puppy in his eyes. Young or old, big or small, he's happy to shower them in a ton of affection. And he'll spend forever finding the specific way a particular cat would like to be loved and do just that. But if he had to choose between dogs and cats, probably cats. He enjoys figuring them out and being chosen by them. Also, all the purring is very calming. 
Dream trip: Boon hasn't been to any cities outside of Baldur's Gate. He'd find it fun to take a road trip to the major cities along the Sword Coast.
Amount of blankets: Whatever number keeps him snug as a bug in a rug. He enjoys the feeling of being tucked in. Doesn't need as many if he's got someone to cuddle with.
Random fact(s):
Class: Bard/Rogue  
His tail is very flexible and is just as prone to theft as his hands.
He just broke out of prison after getting betrayed by his crew when the nautiloid snatched him up. The crew took him in when he was a kid after his parents were killed, but they didn't think twice to make him a scapegoat. And they didn't really treat him well, which is something he slowly starts to learn and unpack while being with the tadpole crew. Despite being a bunch of weirdos, the tadpole crew treat him far better.
He mistakenly thought Chicken was the name of the owlbear cub because that's what they called him back at the goblin camp. By the time Halsin tells him the truth, the owlbear already responds to the name. Just hoot hoots on over whenever he hears the word chicken. The little guy associates the word with getting loved on.
His dream guardian looked a lot like his mom, which is part of the reason he started munching on tadpoles. The main reason is because he felt incompetent compared to the tadpole crew. You've got a wizard prodigy, a hero of the Sword Coast, a githyanki warrior trained from birth, a vampire spawn, an archdevil's champion, and a Sharran spy/warrior. Then there's him, just some guy with a lute and sticky fingers. He wanted to keep up with the others, be useful to them, and not drag anyone down.
Sometimes when he tries to get out of doing something he doesn't want to do, he refers to himself as “just a little guy”, inferring that he's not up to the task. This ploy works 0.5 percent of the time. 
His parents named him Boon because he's a little boon to their lives given to them by the gods when they asked for a child.
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leopardmuffinxo · 9 months
Hey, hope it's ok to send you an ask too!
First I wanna say you are SO insanely talented at character creation and making gifs, oml, whenever I see your OCs on my dash I'm like woow hello gorgeous! Love that they all have such cool stories too!
So here's my question, which of your OCs would get along, which wouldn't and if you could have one in your party as a companion, who would it be and what would their dynamic be?
Also, do you play them all simultaneously or finish one run and then start another?
Hope you'll have a great day!
slkjdflksjfklsdjf !!! Omg this legit made me tear up just a bit. Thank you so so much. You're too sweet! ♡ Asks are always welcome! I just sometimes take a second to respond lol.
Character creation has always been one of my favorite parts playing any game with a CC, and gif making is so relaxing for me when I don't feel like gaming, so that truly means a lot. ♡
Now for your questions. I'll stick to my BG3 OCs (that have current playthroughs going on), otherwise we'll be here forever lol. I've actually thought about this a lot in the past, so answering this on my blog is fun. Just be jabbing myself a bit, but I feel like I'm not the best at putting my thoughts together and I tend to ramble, so this may be a bit all over the place. Good ol' ADHD brain. Hopefully one day I'll have ALL of their backstories written in a way that makes sense lol.
Who would they would/would not get along with:
Raven: She's snarky, sarcastic, and flirty but also very closed off to deeper conversations from anyone she's not close to. (In her mind, sharing secrets to her gives someone a power over you, so she avoids things like that at all costs.) I like to compare her to Mazikeen from the show Lucifer, because they're incredibly similar with their personalities. For this reason, she would get a long with almost everyone listed, except for Ember or Talon. Her and Kyvoni would def get along the most, as they share similar humor (and pasts). Her and Iris have... physical history, so Iris is still quite hurt regarding it, so they're wouldn't be on the best of terms.
Ember: To those who don't know her, she comes off as very serious and stoic, with a very regal aura about her. Also the literal biggest bookworm. Her and Juniper are sisters, with Ember being the older one, so they get along as well as and bicker as sisters do. Raven and Kyvoni would get on her nerves with their constant snark, so she would avoid them. She, Iris, Velvet, and Khione would get along amazingly. She would def pick Khione's brain about all things magic and share their favorite books. (Khione also writes and reads smut, so I always thought about her introducing those things to Ember lol.) Ember and Talon... might just kill each other. Keep them apart.
Juniper: She's pretty much the opposite of her older sister. Very much go with the flow and completely fine with spontaneity, unlike Ember who prefers structure. While Ember loves her younger sister, they bicker a lot now that their older since Juniper took the warlock route, instead of learning magic the "old fashion way" like her sister. Her patron is a couatl, so it's not like her pact is evil, but Ember still isn't happy with the way she went about things. Her and Iris would be best friends in an instant. She'd def lock on to Khione as another older sister figure, due to her draconic sorcerer background. She's pretty indifferent about the others, although she might pick up some of Raven's lewd humor.
Iris: An absolute sweetheart of a bard. Natural flirt, of course. Who doesn't love a pretty purple tiefling? As mentioned above, she had a fling with Raven and fell hard. Raven didn't return her feelings, so there's some hard feelings on Iris' end. She would get a long great with everyone, and even get Talon to crack a smile every now and then. She loves to bring positivity to any situation, so it's hard for most people to dislike her, as hard as they might try. Her and Velvet would be best friends.
Kyvoni: He's pretty intimidating on the outside, which he prefers. It keeps most people out of his space and out of his business. He can be snarky, usually going off into asshole territory with some of his sarcasm. Ember and Juniper wouldn't dislike him, but probably wouldn't pursue a friendship with him. They're just too different in that aspect. Him and Raven get along great and have constant banter. They sometimes both have a very lewd sense of humor, which gets on the others nerves quite often lol. Him and Talon would be fine, and have a mutual respect for one another.
Talon: She's very prickly lol. She's pretty abrasive and blunt most of the time, even when it's not needed. She has tattoos over a lot of her body, mostly depicting snakes within them, so she looks intimidating to most people. (I'll figure out how to implement them in game one day.) Due to this, she doesn't get along with most of my other OCs at first, but would eventually warm up to Iris and Velvet, since they would go out of their way to get to know her softer side.
Khione: She's incredibly intelligent, and sweet... most of the time. Think Evie from The Mummy. She is a draconic sorcerer, so of course she's well versed in magic without trying, and specializes in ice magic, though she's not really much of a show-off. She prefers to let her mind impress people. As mentioned above, she's a bookworm and a writer, so her and Ember would get along great, especially after she helps mend her relationship with her sister. Khione can match Raven and Kyvoni when it comes to their wit, which will throw them both off at first, but they'll come to be good friends.
Velvet: She's very much a mix of sweet and spicy. She feels the spice is needed, as some people are put off by her being a half-drow, necromancer, and for her eyes which are black voids. (A side effect from a spell when she was younger and just getting into necromancy.) She would get a long with Talon, despite Talon's spiky nature. They have a lot in common with their backgrounds, so Velvet would be able to crack her shell. Iris constantly comments on how pretty she is, which blossoms their friendship. She would get a long fine with the rest of them, though they might not become as close as Talon and Iris.
If you have any questions about ones I maybe didn't mention together, feel free to ask!
Obviously I love all my bbys, but if I could have one in my party as a companion, it would be Kyvoni. He's an ex member of Zhentarim, and has a long, sordid past he would prefer to keep secret. He would def agree to anything that gets you paid or intimidation tactics at the beginning. He has a bit of a temper, and can be incredibly impulsive. He would be a tough nut to crack in opening up when it comes to his past or feelings about things, whether it be a friendship or romance path. A romance path would def have a scene were he intentionally pushes you away or tries to get you to hate him. He's dangerous, and already had someone close to him hurt because of it. He doesn't want to go through it again and has sworn off of matters of the heart. (Hoping to eventually dig deeper into what everyone would be like as a companion.)
I play all of them simultaneously, just depending on who's story I feel like playing at the time. Sometimes I play a certain character for days; other times, I switch characters multiple times within the hour. Just depends! I actually still haven't finished the game, but didn't really mind ending spoilers, so I have a good idea of who will do what. I'm currently working on act 3 with a lot of them.
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry for the rambling lol. ♡
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friendrat · 2 years
So so so so so — you said you had two or three D&D campaigns that lasted for a while. What were those, and what characters did you play in them?
Also, do you have a favorite D&D character who you either have never gotten to play or only got to play for a very short amount of time?
My first long running character was a 5e Tiefling Sorcerer who worshiped Bahamut. Her name was Friendrat (😆), and she drew some vague backstory information from her true namesake (ie that she was an advisor). She and her group lived in a post apocalyptic wasteland where there were shortages on food, water, shelter, and pretty much everything. People were generally untrusting of outsiders and slave trade was rampant. Her best friend was an elderly monk named Mouse (this was not planned at all, random coincidence), and they dubbed themselves Team Rodent and had a team rocket parody motto. Her backstory isn't anything she's proud of. She used to be an advisor to a gang leader named Joe. His gang was a big leader in the prostitution and human trafficking industry. She was to an extent an advocate for the girls, in that she advised Joe to give the girls better treatment, such as medical care, nutrition, and better living conditions. Somehow she also came to know a bit about the underground railroad of sorts that helped the girls escape, but her involvement in that never really got defined. Anyway, she was a pretty important figure in the gang, basically second in command, until a new Joe took over (the name functioned as a title rather than a given name, whoever was in charge was Joe). This Joe didn't think women should be in positions of power, so he gave her the ultimatum that she could be his private girl, or she could join the rest. She left that night, and never stopped running since. At some point she started worshiping Bahamut, and tried to make up for her part in the trafficking. That campaign kinda fizzled due to a player stepping away right when he was about to be important. We got to see a flashforward though in my second character's campaign after an interdimensional crossover. It may start again someday, but who knows.
My second character was a 5e Half Elf Bard/Druid named Eanrin (I was needing Goldstone Woods closure, ok? 😆). His story didn't get a happy ending though. We weren't good at following instructions in that campaign. It was supposed to be like 5 sessions long, and we were meant to kill a lich. We got hung up on the fact that the lich would come back if we didn't destroy the phylactory as well, and we spent so much time worrying about that that we ran the campaign for over a year, and in game accidentally let the lich win the war. Eanrin never got to confess to his true love because she got bodyswapped with the lich and then murdered. The campaign ultimately ended by the lich dying in a random accident, and an emissary of the Raven Queen telling us all off, and taking one of the companions as payment for our failure. Although two of us were still contractually bound to her or something... I don't remember for sure. We were alive and she expected better from us in the future. Some room for a sequel. It was bittersweet (more bitter than sweet), still a fun campaign though. We learned sometimes you shouldn't overthink the plot... not exactly the closure I was looking for, obviously.
My third character is in an active campaign. She is a 4e Maubashri (homebrew cat race) Fighter named Acara. Acara is fiercely loyal, and has a sense of wonder and curiosity. She dual wields short swords and has been known to scale houses mid battle to fight opponents on the roof. Before she was born her parents were attacked and her father, a healer, was killed. Her mother, pregnant at the time, was the only survivor of the attack, because she was saved by a gold dragon. When Acara was born she was a black panther like her mother, but her undercoat was a unique shining gold. Eventually she set out from home in search of the dragon to thank him for saving her life, and a part of her also hoped to find the people responsible for her father's death to bring them to justice. Thusly far she hasn't succeeded in either. Her travels led her to a town trapped in a strange fog, and plagued by a mysterious killer known as Slasher Jack, who has been attacking "working girls" and removing their organs for unknown purposes. Upon arrival in town Acara stumbled across one of his victims, but the effects of the fog played with her mind and caused her to see the body of her mother (this DM is bound and determined to give Acara unending trauma...). Anyway for some unexplained reason, Jack became obsessed with Acara (not sure why, she doesn't fit his pattern), and after our failed attempt to defeat him, he left town, and left some creepy love note for Acara saying how they would be together again and he would take her apart then (like I said... unending trauma...). He wasn't the real big bad for this chapter though. The real big bad is a trapped dark god, one of 6 or 7 that are breaking through into our world, and we have to reseal them. We have managed to reseal the first one, but still have a long way to go. Our party lost two characters in the process, but only one will be replaced (we lost a player to cancer...).
For the second question, I made Nyx and Brendis from one of my original stories into 4e characters to further flesh out the characters, especially Brendis, because Nyx is more fun to think about. We didn't get very far in the campaign, but Brendis was a lot of fun to play. He was a cinnamon roll, so the other players picked on him quite a bit. They suggested things like going to a brothel to get the girls to teach him to apply makeup (to cover his birthmark, which was attracting unwanted attention), and he would go bright red. 😆 So I wish I had gotten to play around with him in a dnd setting more. Other than that I have a series of characters based on mythology and fairy tales in various stages of being finished, including a Hercules character, a Princess Niamh character, and a Billy Beg character. I also have a character named Brugrim who is based solely on the thought "a Dwarven Bard who plays exclusively Dwarf Metal". He likes to sing Diggy Diggy Hole.
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the-rxven-king · 2 years
Ttrpg questions 19 and 23 for all of the lads! I want to know about them all!!!
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anon i love you i didnt think anyone would actually ask me about them
the questions post is here for context since i reblogged it a while ago and ive been chipping away when i have time!! and ill put under a read more so that the post isnt super long cause i Did Ramble since i love my characters
any of my friends who play in the games with them if you do look under the read more try not to read anything from the characters you play with unless you know you know you know all of the lore associated please and thank you <33
therell be very vague mentions of abuse and suicidal ideaology, so just be aware of that!
very quick summary of who each character is!
donte “requiem” von strega | he/they | vampire spawn winged tiefling/shadow genasi | spirits bard/phantom rogue
lumaris “desolation” arivine | it/its mainly now cause of bullshit, but he/they also works! | drow/tiefling | bloodhunter of the ghostslayer order/(soon to be)phantom rogue
ruvyn “narcissus velarastra” ares naizora | eladrin | shadow sorcerer
nowell samson | demon | undying warlock
aaand side note about nowell! hes based in a modern setting that uses d&d stats still!
and now i go ahead and answer
19. have they ever been in love? 
the quickest way to answer this for all of them is to say 3/4 is yes! nowell is the only one who has not
requiem has been in love, deeply and unconditionally so. he had (or i guess has? that whole situation is incredibly complicated and hes not even sure how to go about it anymore) a fiance named castor who was his everything. the stars to his moon, the light to his dark, the day to his night, the warmth to his cold, just everything. he was perfect to requiem, and quite frankly he still is. he believed that he had killed castor, as his vampire sire chandra briarwood has ordered him to kill his loved ones and bring her their hearts as proof of her “undying love and devotion” to her and her alone, as shes completely and utterly obsessed with him and wants him to love her despite him already telling her he only likes men. he was able to snap out of her control just last second as castor lay dying in his arms, but its recently been discovered in game that castor is alive as a champion of the raven queen! so requiem wants to see him again extremely badly, but he fears what he would think of him now or if he would even still love him at all. he just wants to know his mans is safe and hopes that he can be happy some day :(
desolation was completely and utterly enamored with his best friend, sasira. it took him a good long while to realize that what he felt so strong in his chest every time he saw him was romantic love, but he loved him for a long time. he was, however, scared to lose the friendship they had between them, and thus he never said anything to him about how he truly felt. not even after they began a friends with benefits relationship, not even after they found themselves in situations that most would look at and know are romantic, neither said a thing. sasira loved him too, but held the same fear in their chest that lumaris did. desolation is a completely different man than he was before, no longer going by lumaris for it no longer feels a man at all, much less that sweet, gentle, happy, kind soul that lumaris had been, and sasira is a ghost who trails along behind it just trying to make sure its alive, but this has not changed their feelings for each other in the slightest. everything desolation does is to avenge sasira (as well as his family, but his love for sira is definitely a strong fuel for fire in a lot of regards).
narcissus has, technically, been in love before, but whenever they think back on it, they feel such a fool. in the past, he was openly and deeply a hopeless romantic. he wanted to be whisked away for a whirlwind romance and truly, deeply cared for for the first time in his life by some handsome man (or hell, hed take a woman too, but he has a strong preference for men) and he thought at one point he had that. a noble gentleman showed up and swept him off his feet, and they had a secret relationship for a short handful of months before said nobleman realized that narcissus was the last in line for his high ranking family name. of 5 siblings, hes the baby, and that meant very little to the nobleman, as narcissus was set to inherit the least just because of his place in the bloodline (and also because his parents never wanted him, and thus, they never cared enough to give him much of anything in their wills). because of this, the man went and cheated on narcissus with his eldest sister, allegra, and once he had secured a place in her heart, he broke it off with narcissus suddenly and brutally. narcissus has been hurt and wary ever since. hes been lead to believe he is not someone who can be loved - hes nothing more than an object who must look perfect, be perfect, and will be used to someone elses desires and thrown away when theyre done/bored with him.
and as i said nowell has never been in love. the man has never been good at socializing after a supernatural incident left him deeply traumatized and orphaned by the age of 6 - the only creatures he feels at ease speaking with are the dead, of which he is deeply connected. he can see and hear ghosts, and one ghost - the spirit of a demon named varthron - is his “guardian”. i put air quotes cause in reality, varthron is just his dad, but nowell keeps not admitting it aloud even if he feels that connection with him. when he left england, where he originally lived, and ended up in america, he ended up being severely bullied for his strange mannerisms. he would speak in fluent ancient latin to “himself” (it was actually varthron, who has yet to learn english and taught nowell latin at a young age), speak with “himself” in english as well (to various ghosts hed encounter), and would draw strange runes, pentagrams, and spells in his notebook during classes. he was also very socially awkward and hadnt grasped social queues, so the way he spoke with others and interacted with them (the few times he did) was made fun of and used as the punchline of a joke often. because of the intense abuse he suffered at the hands of his peers, he never really made any bonds and now finds it incredibly difficult to bond with people or find it in himself to trust them. group situations make him anxious, especially if he is the focus of attention, but speaking on an individual basis also makes him anxious because he cant trust a stranger easily, and he lacks good social skills after years of his only company being ghosts and little else. thus, nowell has yet to find someone he could trust enough to even fully, with confidence, call a best friend. he has a friend, found in a man named santana hes got a friends with benefits relationship with as of current, but there has been no one he loves romantically quite yet
23. when do they feel the most beautiful?
requiem hasnt felt truly beautiful in a while. ever since his turning, hes felt like nothing but a monster. he does, however, find some joy and a bit of ease in that mental pain when he gets to wear a really nice outfit and he knows hes accessorized well with silver-colored jewelry. sometimes all it truly takes is light, flowy clothes and pretty jewelry in his signature gothic style to make himself feel like he used to, and that makes him feel a bit prettier than he normally feels he is.
desolation doesnt put any stock in any emotion other than anger anymore, not truly. it has no need to feel beautiful, or even happy? it simply wants revenge and it wants that feeling of peace before it can finally die as its been waiting to do, to put it bluntly. the last time it felt beautiful was the last time that sasira braided his hair, and even then, that was lumaris, not desolation. the only time hes felt beautiful in the past 4 years and some change was when he had a moment together with his newly committed partner, sandro. it hadnt even felt human in some time, but the way that sandro cared about him and loved him made it feel something more than just a deeply repressed grief and anger. the way sandro loves him makes him feel not only human, but it makes him feel pretty. he wouldnt say it, i dont think they even realize they feel it, but he does. when sandro loves him and shows him he has humanity left somewhere deep in this hollowed husk of a soul, he feels pretty
narcissus is full of fake confidence. he will claim up and down and all around that hes the hottest bitch in this room. he is the sexiest bastard youll ever meet, i mean look at him, of course hes beautiful! but he doesnt really believe it. sometimes he takes a quick glance in the mirror, preens a bit, and hell think he looks sexy and beautiful, but dont let him look too long. hell pick himself apart. he isnt absolute perfection and he will destroy himself internally for that. his freckles arent pretty, his hair isnt nice enough, not soft enough or shiny enough, his eyes arent a nice shape, his cheekbones arent sharp enough, his jaw isnt sharp enough, his features arent delicate enough, his skin isnt clear enough, his scars are disgusting and improper, and not only that, but its all a mask anyway. he wears a summer mask when he is so so deeply in winter at all times. he refuses to let anyone see him sleep because he cannot physically hold his summer mask up anymore when he falls asleep and he finds himself so disgusting and shameful and ugly that he cant let anyone see it. he hates how he looks. especially in winter, his most natural season at this point in his life. the only beautiful season is summer, such is the way he was taught, so he clings to it best he can to make sure everyone thinks his mask is pretty and dont know the ugly underneath.
nowell has never found himself pretty. at most he thinks hes Fine on a good day. hes kind of accepted that he believed hes an unattractive man. he barely looks in the mirror cause he looks at his own face and is like guh but truly he just feels kinda numb to those feelings a lot of the time. it doesnt fully bother him. on his worse depression days it is something that bothers him but most of the time its just like yea i know i know but dont talk to him about his own appearance too much in a negative way or hell kinda spiral a little due to previous experiences kinda giving him much more intense reactions to insults directed at him, playful or no. he gets genuinely surprised when people find him attractive, and he has to take a moment and bite his tongue not to fully disagree on the spot. he just says “thanks?” in a really confused tone and moves on with his life.
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NEREIDA MOREAU—the haunted bard
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This is my lovely Tav, Nereida! I’ve had her for a while, and she’s one of my favorites. She’s a half-drow bard who can see ghosts in her dreams, due to a curse Myrkul placed on her parents. I’m using @sporeservant’s ask game. Thanks for the fun asks!!
What is your Tav’s…
favorite weapon: She doesn’t really like fights all that much. She prefers to talk her way out of situations. If she had to choose a physical weapon, she likes her daggers.
style of combat: She’s very defensive when she fights. If a situation comes to physical violence, she fights to keep herself alive until one of the others helps her kill her opponent.
most prized possession: Her violin is near and dear to her heart, of course, but more than that, she loves the book of funerary rites next to her bed, which has helped her calm more than one murderous ghost and expel them from her nightmares.
deepest desire: To be happy. She will do almost anything, sacrifice almost everything, to see herself and her friends safe and content.
guilty pleasure: Writing poetry and drinking really shitty spirits. She’s not very good at writing poetry, but she’ll do it if she’s sure it won’t be seen by anyone. She also probably burns them the morning after. The alcohol speaks for itself.
best-kept secret: Probably the fact that she sees ghosts. Only a couple people know about that, those people being her parents and her closest confidants.
greatest strength: Her kindness. It’s not hard to win her kindness and compassion, and it’s very hard to lose it once you have it. Initially, in the grove, she turned down Zevlor’s plea for help. She simply didn’t have enough time or energy to spend on a veritable city of refugees. Still, it didn’t take long for her to love the tieflings and decide to help them.
fatal flaw: This will seem like a contradiction, but my girl is afraid of everyone. She’s seen how horrible the ghosts in her dreams can be and she knows that they, too, were once people. She’s scared of people in that she’s scared of what people can and will do—she’s not really scared that people are not what they say they are. That leads to a fatal flaw that’s arguably worse: she trusts people almost instantly.
favorite smell: Flowers and incense! It’s what she surrounds herself with, and it tells her that, at least for the moment, she’s safe.
favorite spell or cantrip: Prestidigitation. It’s her way of keeping herself pretty and feigning comfort.
pet peeve: Bad smells. They make her just want to get up and leave. It’s horrible.
bad habit: Looking at objectively iffy people and saying “I can fix them!” Her taste in people is her bad habit, honesty.
hidden talent: Not exactly hidden, it’s just never come up. She can perform funerary rites for over 100 cultural and religious groups. She knows important hymns and prayers for almost every god.
leisure activity: Playing jigs and reels on her violin! It’s so much fun! She especially likes maypole dances.
favorite drink: Red wine. She’s a woman with taste.
favorite person: Kurt! He’s my lovely friend’s Durge and he’s… a lot. I might link her profile if people want and ask her whether she’d maybe want to collaborate with me as far as Kurt and Nereida go. We’ve already had dozens upon dozens of conversations about them, we’d just be putting our work on display.
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): She’s huge on physical touch. I’m not going to get into her parents here, but suffice to say that she wasn’t really hugged a lot as a kid.
fondest childhood memory: Her father saw her looking at a bard play during a festival and told her that as soon as she could buy one with her own money, he’d take her into the city and she could pick one out. So she did, and her fondest memory is finally getting her first violin at 14.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? (feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Tav if available!): Nereida originated as a kind of response to Kurt. Now, though, she’s one of my nearest and dearest characters and definitely my most complex Tavs. Her current character has been roughly 2 months in the making, and both my friend and I have done a lot of stuff related to Nereida and Kurt. I’m really happy with her right now.
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paper-pixies · 2 years
For the most recent ask game:
28 27 for Astrid, 48 for Azure, 50 for any or several or all of them <3
27. Has a chance encounter ever had an unexpected effect on them?
You remember when we played through one of Dacio’s memories? Prior to that mission, Astrid had gone to the Granitebreaker castle a couple of times to scope it out and get herself familiar with the people there. Just so happens that she met a blind tiefling woman there, who she completely fell in love with during the brief interaction they had. They're married now <3
48. How likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
"Go on a quest" is strong wording considering how much Azure hates doing work, but they're also such a petty bitch that the answer has to be yes. Like, Talamaeus gave them illusory clothes as a dumb prank and they swore to ruin him and bring everything he's built there crashing down on his head
Usually it's more in a political or economical sense than a "let me kill this person" sense, but Azure absolutely can and will hold a grudge and usually has the money/connections to completely ruin someone's life if they want to
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
Ace - I absolutely love how much of a dialectical person they are. On one hand you have the flirtatious dazzling bard who works at a brothel and just wants to be free to fuck around and enjoy life. On the other hand he’s an extremely intelligent wizard who fights for revolutions and would give his life in an instant for people he doesn’t even know. Neither of these sides of them are less true than the other and I love how they come together in this silly little twink 
Scout - She’s just such a fun character to play, I love her attitude and everything about her character. She’s got so much spunk and personality and she just has so much fun with everything she does. Her conversations with Elliott are so enjoyable and silly and I’ve literally never not had a great time playing her
Azure - Just the way that they fit the rich snob stereotype so perfectly. You meet them and immediately know exactly what they’re about and you’re correct. They’re exactly as shallow and two dimensional as they seem. They have effectively no redeeming qualities. If you dig deeper into their character you’ll just find more layers of rich snob and very little else. I love them for their lack of any complexity at all
28. Are they a #gamer?
Happy to announce that Astrid as well as her wife would 100% both be gamers. They’re both very good and also can be extremely chaotic when they play together regardless of if they're playing co-op or not
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actualbird · 2 years
Oh that's. That's a lot of alcohol. I did not think soju had five times more alcohol than beer it makes much more sense now. Thank you ihavenotfallenyet, you answered probably one of the biggest questions I had about alcohol!
Yeah the out of order events was something that I also wasn't that happy about, though I had already grown a tolerance to it since a lot of mobile otome games with events also kind of have this issue. It would be better if the events remained in the order they are but there's not much we can do aside from reading the event progression in order beforehand. Hopefully any other event shifts won't be as jarring as RRG, and at least Artem and Vyn have their progression more or less intact for their fans. Better two of them have out of order progression than all of them.
Vyn's perception is absolutely maxed as high as he can get it. There's a friend of mine who always makes bards with +10 charisma, and Vyn has that but for his perception. He probably does the same in dnd honestly, someone has to save the team from falling for lies and getting themselves in trouble.
xfjdtd nice way to use low rolls to your advantage. The image of a bard trying to serenade everyone with a beautiful song, realising it's just an off day for them and immediately switching gears to singing badly on purpose to annoy everyone is the best thing I've ever heard.
ohhhh, i didnt know this happened in other otome games too!!! tot is the first otome game ive played EVER which is surprising to me since im such a sucker for cheesy romance kjsdbgjsd. yeah, it was only rlly marius' relationship progression that got messed up. luke was fine because he and mc are already close so nothing noticeable was a discrepancy. marius tho, i kept squinting during RRG like.....dude, u havent smirked at mc for 3 whole scenes, are you sick? do you need a nap? im worried KJBKJSBGS
VYN WOULD MAX OUT HIS WISDOM and maybe get his proficiency there too. maybe also intelligence, but i do also want him to have a proficiency in dexterity bcuz hes a nimble archer and equestrian. im p sure his constitution is squishy as fuck tho, no offense, vyn. of all the boys, u look like a strong gust of wind could blow u off into the horizon.
and also if in my maybe future tot dnd fic and the fic is where the team play dnd, im so conflicted bc i want vyn to have a character cuz thats so fun but also, of all of them, he'd be the type to want to be DM the MOST. dnd is inherently improvisational storytelling and no single player has all control, it's a grp thing, yep, but also vyn would still enjoy like, Knowing Things The Others Do Not. i think he'd love creating the premises and lore and backstory and whipping those out when absolutely perfect to make the others scream.
also, because this one exchange my campaign team had with our DM fits vyn very well. adapted to the nxx team, it'll go like
the team: youre such a great DM!! can WE give YOU inspiration points?
vyn: i am flattered but that is an unwise decision. since i would use that inspiration to kill you all
my character, skirmish, is a tiefling bard and theyre a fucking nightmare. to give you an image of them, in our latest session, they rolled performance (really high) to sing a song about how these two villains we apprehended were just such shit people
and of course i roleplayed singing the song because u gotta commit to the bit. the song went like
the performance was so rousing, the locals of the town were invigorated in rage against the villains and started throwing fish guts at them
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cupcakecoterie · 3 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
So, yeah, my dice are utterly terrifying, or else all the luck I lack elsewhere ends up going into random dice. Not that what happened is necessarily lucky...
See, @hyperewok1 had Remi go to the Shrine of Pelor in Egref to have a specific magical item created for Alisaie, to allow her aasimar-granted wings to last longer, at least for flight. They were aiming for about an hour. However, since this was a slightly unusual circumstance (and some phenomenal text RP), I made a couple of mechanics about how it might go a little bit above and beyond. So I rolled percentile dice: on a 25, 50, or 75, she’d be able to have an hour total, as in if she ended the effect after ten minutes, she could re-engage it and have 50 minutes left. But if I rolled a 100...
GUESS WHAT I ROLLED. (I swear, my fucking dice...)
So Remi told Alisaie what the circlet she’d had made was supposed to do; Alisaie went speechless and very smoochy, and was encouraged to try them out. She activated her wings, had a second of nothing but, “...ow...”, and then BAM. Physical wings, like unto a deva or an angel. Thankfully she was wearing a largely backless dress at the time.
For all it was not what anyone expected, it was some phenomenal RP all told as everyone went their own shades of “What the FUCK” and tried to determine the best way to proceed. Alisaie’s keeping the wings (she does love to fly, and it’s probably nice to have something that Antimagic Field or Dispel Magic won’t touch) and is currently figuring out ways around wardrobe issues, seating arrangements, sleeping arrangements and use of Disguise Self when she has to be more inconspicuous than literal wings allow. Remi’s going to have words with Ziriel, and probably the individual who crafted the thing in the first place.
...But later, because wedding reception. A pair of very unexpected wings wasn’t going to fuck with their wedding.
......Honestly, everything else kind of did that anyway.
Hazel’s Quickflight cousins were hosting the reception at their restaurant, The Farmer in the Dale, and wound up more or less pummelling Hazel, Clarity, Darvin and (because Darvin drew her in to deflect some of the questions) Ava. Clarity put it best: “It’s ... like ... a halfling gelatinous cube...”
Remi’s parents more or less cornered Kreia Bendis (the brass dragon who runs Alama-Ver, its capital Al-Zorhai, and the Brass Arrows) about her denying Alisaie her rightful place with the Brass Arrows as punishment for someone else’s misdeeds. Corri Crestwind is a force to be reckoned with, and after the rest of the Five Claws joined in, Kreia Bendis gave up and decided, since they were all part of the same group and were going to have to hunt together if they were hunting in Alama-Ver territory anyway, asked what Clarity and Barnabus had helped kill before inducting Alisaie, Barnabus and Clarity into the Brass Arrows. Clarity and Barnabus were a little confused, but there you have it.
Vieve Alled, the silver dragon who runs Eun-Bac (home of the People and the Silver Vault, capital city Damyl), told them that they’d be given a task by whatever hunting pack of the People they ran into on the outskirts, which if successfully undertaken would guarantee them entry into the section of the Silver Vault of their choice. She figured it’d be faster than making them go all the way up to Damyl and then back down to perform the necessary task. She also warned them that she would house them when they finally reached Damyl, and that no one leaves her table at their shared meal without telling three things about themselves. Ava worried about this until people effectively reminded her of how interesting her life has actually been to someone who isn’t living it.
Remi made a joking remark about how she wanted a cut of the profits from that play about her and Alisaie. Never make joking remarks around Cal Etielle; that particular copper dragon takes the weirdest things seriously and left mid-reception to shake said cut out of somebody. Succeeded, too, so now there’s a significant but as-yet uncounted amount of platinum in Remi’s possession.
Cal Etielle also made a toast to the couple. So did Darvin; it was very moving.
The Crestwinds, bakers by trade, made a glorious wedding cake, intricately iced to reflect the lives of the happy couple to date. Corri also baked Remi some chocolate chip cookies (Remi’s favourite).
Kreia Bendis propositioned Hazel, who’d been giving Kreia Bendis looks of, “You’re hot but TERRIFYING!!!” for basically ever. Hazel meeped a lot and went to ask Clarity what to do about this. See, their relationship is a little complicated because Clarity’s asexual and Hazel’s ... not ... and they’re striking a balance to allow Hazel’s physical desires to be met while still keeping ... romantically monogamous, if that makes sense. (I mean, it does to me, but Clarity has the same outlook as I do in that regard.)
Side note: off-screen, Clarity said that’d be complicated for her because they would probably have to work with Kreia Bendis on and off and knowing that would be stressful for Clarity, so not so much. Clarity also demanded an apology from Kreia Bendis, who said, more or less, “I’m not psychic - I just asked a question. Message received but I don’t owe you a damn thing”. Both sides have points so it’s honestly just interesting.
Reception went well in spite of (or maybe in some ways because of) the weird shit, and Remi and Alisaie went for their two-night stay at one of Egref’s luxury resort hotels.
The next in-game day, and thus the next session, is going to be all about shopping and bits and pieces because we’re missing a @miaaoi (belated Canada Day outing) and a @lindira (literally 4th of July) and anyway, dice bullshit means that Alisaie needs to sort out her wardrobe. Again.
Don’t we just have the most fun?
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deliriamdaze · 4 years
If you play DnD, who was your favorite PC, and why? If you don't, what sort of PC do you think you'd make?
I do play DnD, and I have several wonderful characters I have played and do play! I do not choose favorites as they are all my wonderful children. I do have some fun highlights though, for example:
My Goliath Barbarian Slaybell, who I made for the first Christmas oneshot my group ever played. He was great because as much as I love to play casters there is something really satisfying about cleaving a paindeer in twain with a greataxe. Also, he picked up an evil crown and got possessed, so that was fun!
My Tiefling Warlock(don't at me, IDC if it's cliched it's fun) Hirako, who accidentally unleashed an evil shadow creature who proceeded to murder an emperor and steal his throne. She accidentally flirted so hard getting info from a hot elf person that they fucked later that night. She also had what has been my favorite ever crossconvo we ever had in rp in game with our then stranger new pc bard who was undercover. There were a lot of fun inuendos we fit into that conversation. She tragically was killed along with that same bard two sessions later by a white dragon.
There is also my current character, a dragonborn eldritch knight fighter named Xun. She is incredibly socially awkward and her charisma shows(-3 on charisma rolls lol), but she is very much a protector. In the last big fight we had against non-monsters it was an arena battle and she ended up going 1v4 with the enemies, in what was supposed to be a 4v4 battle. Somehow she did not die(thank you cleric). She also once got picked up by a flying snake monster and was able to summon her glaive and slice through its belly while it flew, which was pretty fucking cool! Fingers crossed she continues to live.
I'm happy to answer questions on my PCs and about DnD, but please be aware I am not in it for the rules, but for FUN!
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puppy-the-mask · 4 years
Poly? Morph
A Friends to lovers post-dnd-transportation fic focusing on our boys Rant and Rus (debating on adding Edge aswell) 
There’s like 4 POV changes so let me know if I should re-write? this was more for fun than anything, It doesn’t get to romance yet but I hope to continue in my free time. Let me know any errors or anything, I’ll put it on AO3 after a bit more editing and input. I’ve just re-read it so much its all bleh to me so i’m getting second opinions/input here
tw/Blood and Death- not graphic but y’know -/(Owo)\-
It’s been 5 years since we began, just a couple of students playing a game of DnD. Mere hours after wrapping up session zero us players arrived home and as a collective felt a foreign wave of exhaustion, falling asleep one by one.
The city's air was damp and the pathways were dim with the light of half dead lanterns. The party was shuffling through the empty streets to the gates bound for our next assignment when a figure appeared out of the shadows, the glint of metal and we found ourselves face to face with a hostage situation. 
You had once been the closest we had to a tank, a perk of having been a dragonborn with high strength- even if you were a druid bard- but after being cursed for the upteenth time you’d been separated from your avatar- Blackjack-  and rendered a low level support for our high level party. 
Without you taking lead your roll was delegated to other, more impulsive members. The next moments are a flurry of movement as a loud burst sends the assailant back along with you- the dagger at your neck drawing blood. 
Everything blended together as I flew to the front lines, rage getting the best of me as the look on your face burned itself into my mind. The shock and pain in your eyes drove me forward as the streets were painted red. 
The cleric could heal you, I had a life to take. 
Sans woke up panting, eyelights materializing and analyzing his surroundings. WHAT? 
He couldn’t believe it, there was no way… He was back in his room, back in his world- well the one he’d been in before. There was so much to process, his new surroundings aside- their last foe had been someone they’d trusted. And yet she almost killed y/n… had she even known who she was attacking? There were so many questions rattling around his skull as his magic buzzed in his bones. He needed to check on them, he needed to make sure they made it back. Normally he’d shortcut straight to their room but his magic was sluggish and unresponsive. He’d just have to run.
He managed to make it down the stairs without falling and stumble a few more steps before he heard voices. NO NONONO FUCK! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!
“AH RANT, YOU’RE AWAKE! RANT?” He had to brace himself on the couch, his center of gravity was much different than his avatar’s “RANT ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Paps knelt to his level and looked him over
“I’m Fine, Let Me Go-!” The hand on his shoulder tightened its grip as he tried to get past to the door “I SAID LET ME GO! I NEED TO CHECK ON THEM!” 
“WHO? RANT TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG.” He just kept struggling, but everything was getting fuzzy as his soul was settling back in his proper body. “Can You Tell Me Where You Are?” More people were walking in, having been drawn from the dining room by their voices. 
“WHERE!? I'M HERE WITH YOU AT THE HOUSE- NOW LET ME GO!” more voices joined the conversation but they all started to run together.
“rant? dude what’s wrong!?” 
“huh, so the shortstack does have eyelights”
“bro?” his eyelights sharpened and shrank on his brother and he felt tears prick his sockets. 
“Papyrus?” The soft copy let him go as he stumbled into his brother’s arms. Stars he really hoped this wasn’t an illusion, but the comfort of his brother’s magic reassured him. “It’s Really You…” 
“sans? sans what happened?” Rant just shook his head, his voice leaving him. Had that all just been a dream? It didn’t feel like it, there was no way a dream could be that real. He could remember with clarity how vivid it all was, the blood- the pain- the party that was just so full of life despite their situation- their bard. His gaze hardened. 
He may not be able to do anything in his current state but there was one other person who was close enough to y/n to have a shortcut straight to them. Rant forced his voice to settle and pinned his friend with his stare 
“bro, sans you need to breathe with me you’re friend is fine.” He ignored his brother, not looking away from Rus. 
“RUS I CAN’T USE MY MAGIC” The room stilled around him but he persisted, dragging the younger skeleton closer and dropping his volume “You’re All They Have Right Now.
Seeing his hesitance Rant quickly amended his plea. “If I'm Wrong And They’re Fine I’ll Owe You- I Don’t Care- Just please…” 
Rus swallowed, settled his frantic magic, and nodded before stepping out of Rant’s slackened grip into nowhere. 
“sans i know you like bein dramatic but yer really startin to worry me- what happened, what’s wrong with yer magic.” Rant took a deep breath before looking up at Mutt and muttering into his brother’s hoodie
“I’ll Tell You Tonight” Shifting he let his tears fall and grabbed at the fabric in front of him “ I-I DON’T KNOW I JUST- I WOKE UP BUT WHAT I SAW- IT WAS TOO GRAPHIC TO NOT BE REAL AND I...” Rant took a shuddering breath “ IN IT Y/N- THEY GOT HURT BUT I CAN’T CALM DOWN ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.” He looked away from the crowd to the ground and flinched at the annoyed responses of some of them- mad at him for interrupting dinner over a nightmare and unaware of the satisfaction each rude comment brought him. 
He couldn’t help but thank his old reputation as an attention seeking drama queen, this was his easiest coverup yet. Rant wiped his tears and started the process of evening out his breathing
Stars, it felt so good to be back in his own body. He settled into his brother’s embrace, hugging him back. He’d missed him so much. 
Blackjack hadn’t exactly been thrilled when you had showed up, he was quite the opposite if he was being honest. He didn’t like taking a back seat while a teenager piloted his body, sue him. But unlike you’d think he didn’t despise you, It was obvious that neither you nor your friends had been expecting a body switch to happen by the end of the first day. But then nearly 5 years later you’d made a deal with good old gertrude, accepted yet another experimental curse, and next thing the dragonborn knew he had his body back.
The next few months were interesting to say the least, he stuck with the party and quietly delighted in how your companions turned to him when they meant to talk to you and expected him to do things he’d never do. You were different then him, kinder, a total bard, and frankly he’s just glad that all those curses you’d brought onto the two of you had transferred. He could deal with a few extra scars if that was the trade off. 
You did have a couple similarities though, your shared love of gambling, ale, and women. 
The two of you were talking about just that, naming your favorite flirtatious endeavors over the years you’d spent as him- of which there were many, including lady victoria. It wasn’t exactly hard for him to pick up where you had left off but something told him there was something more to the parties’ friend in high places. As good of a rogue as you were you were oblivious to the lady’s growing infatuation, one of the many reasons why the other rogue became the king of thieves rather than you… or him??? Regardless the look on Victoria’s face when he’d introduced you stuck with him, he decided to keep you close for now just in case
You were at the back of the group, his steps slowed drastically to match yours, though you still had to fast walk to keep up with his much longer legs. You were going on about a tiefling academic you’d hit it off with a while back, the one who’d inspired and helped you develop a spell of your own. It was cheesy, a healing spell for those with ‘high charisma’ as you put it that utilized the castor’s kiss. It was effective and Blackjack won’t deny using it on his own to woo the occasional maiden. 
You went on and on and he could envision the tiefling in question, commenting about other features as you raved about her cute freckles, when he felt a prickle in his scales. Before anyone could react you were in a figure’s hold with a blade to your throat.
Suddenly the air crackled with electricity as the trigger happy sorcerer unleashed a Thunder Wave. Blackjack braced himself for the impact, feeling something wet and warm splatter onto his tunic. He rushed towards your prone body, yelling for help from the cleric only to curse when they had run out of spell slots. 
He sighed, his breath appearing a soft glowing yellow in front of him, he never thought he’d have to use your spell in a serious situation- especially not on you. As he pulled away from your cheek the words manifested on your skin, magic runes snaked down to your neck- glowing that same pale yellow. They ran over your wound until there was no more area to cover and slowly faded as your body repaired itself. 
That wouldn’t be enough. The cleric took you from his hold and started pumping on your chest, trying to force air into your lungs in practiced motions. Your blood covered the pathway and the two of them as they tried to keep you from choking on it. 
Looking back to the fight Blackjack saw the rogue known as Rumor- the one you called Sans- in the very heart of the battle. He sucked in a breath as he heard their foe cry out, Veronica. He was right, but he held no satisfaction in that. She tried to plead, to escape, but that rogue wouldn’t let her. Blow after blow he refused to stop.
Blackjack looked back to you as you spat up blood, finally breathing on your own, and he couldn’t help but pity any fool that tried to come between the two of you. Just friends my ass
Suddenly his attention was pulled from you to the cleric, who was outlined in a fading golden glow along with the rest of the party, who slowly came back to themselves
“Gods above that boy made a mess!” Rumor, the real one he assumed, looked on the body with disgust. Lady Veronica was unrecognizable.
“I assume y’all are back in control then?” Y/n sat up with help. Their voice was raspy, they were still glowing, and when they coughed into their hand their fingertips were fading away. They focused on their now bloody hand and chuckled “Must take bodies longer to transport than souls I guess. For what it’s worth it’s nice to meet you all.”
It couldn’t have taken more than 3 minutes of chatting before they were almost gone.
“It was nice knowin ya player”
“Heh yeah, I’ll miss getting my ass kicked at poker…” You surprised him with a look of sincerity and fondness, trapping his gaze onto you “Thanks for everything Blackjack.”
With one more smile and a farewell wish that we look out for ourselves they vanished back to where they came from. They really were kinder than they had any right to be
Blackjack stood with a sigh and without a word turned around to head back to the tavern they’d stayed in previously. He didn’t know about the others but he could use a drink, and it’d take many many more before he’d ever admit that he alread missed his stupid little protege.
Rus wasn’t sure what he was expecting, when Papyrus had gone to get Rant for dinner he figured his friend was just exhausted from participating in your club. The three of you had become fast friends after him and the other ‘undesirable’ skeletons were relocated away from the main house’s relationship issues. 
From what he’d been told you didn’t run into Rant despite having had your face in your phone, doing a little twirl to avoid the other skeleton last second - who had noticed your inattention and been gunning for you from down the hall. Which was just like him, always looking to start something. You’d peaked his interest and after a little chat in the halls he’d let you go to your next class until lunch. 
Rus remembered you had looked so nervous and anxious when Rant had dragged you over to their seats across the lunchroom,literally, but you’d engaged and chatted with the shorter skeleton regardless. And while it took a little time he’d started chatting with you as well, since- as it turned out- the two of you were in the same graphic design course. 
It wasn’t hard to convince the two of them to tag along with you to the DnD club come second semester, Rant had come prepared with a binder full of paper for notes and a separate stack for his character sheet, he’d come up with lots of backstory for his character- meanwhile Rus had a singular almost empty character sheet and took all of the session getting set up while you had multitasked helping him and participating in the pre-game exposition. 
That was only a little over 5 hours ago, so when Rant had come down in a panic with a look that had dread coursing through his bones Rus was a little skeptical something had happened to you. But something told him there was more to it, and the desperation on his friend’s face alone was enough to spur him into action. He wouldn’t take any chances, not with someone he cared about
The moment he opened his sockets his gaze was drawn to your bed and he felt any and all composure he’d mustered up leave him. 
“Y/n!?” A faint glow dissipated as he rushed to your side, crawling onto the bed to get to you in your confined space as he gathered you into his arms. Fuck there’s so much blood, Why-What-How??? Fuck!
He hesitated to take your pulse, the blood around your neck still wet. He couldn’t tell where it all came from and he nearly screamed when your hand shot up and grabbed his, your other clamping around his teeth. Rus jerked back and the motion sent the both of you tumbling off the bed, but you managed to catch him and brace a hand against the wall just past him- effectively stopping the two of you. 
The two of you sat like that for a second before you exhaled, the tension breaking Rus began to fuss over you. 
“Y/n what the fuck happened to you- did Rant have something to do with this? are you okay? do you need to go to the hospital?” 
“No! Nonono I’m fine-”
“You’re Covered In-!” You shushed him, almost covering his face again before he caught your hands. He turned one of your palms towards you, it was the one you’d previously been coughing into and shook the offending arm for emphasis “See!!!” You looked past the skeleton at the wall, there was a bloody handprint you’d have to clean off and you could spot some on one of Rus’ hands 
You shook your head and got back on track, fixing your tall friend with a serious look
“Look Rus, I don’t need a hospital. I just need to get cleaned up and maybe get a bandaid or two. I’m okay, promise.” He only frowned, searching your face before sighing
“you owe me an explanation later.”
“You probably won’t believe me.” You said with a tired chuckle
You scooched off of your bed and slipped off your pack, letting it hit the floor with a thunk and various muted clinks and clangs from your supplies, kits, and other odds and ends.
“can i ask about the wardrobe change now or should i wait?” You snickered as you fiddled with the various buckles attaching your scabbards and pouches to your person before thinking better of it and reaching for the pin clasping the ends of your cloak together and removing the garment. “Is That A Fucking Sword Y/N What The Hell!?!?” 
Your laughter only grew louder as you nodded wordlessly with a grin, looking back at your awestruck friend- who had moved to his knees at the end of the bed, leaning closer to get a better look. 
“Yeah, It ties in with the explanation but yeah it’s real! All of it is- wanna hold?” You’d explained excitedly as you quickly got the straps undone and off your body, removing your shortsword and it’s scabbard from the ensemble and holding it out towards Rus. He took it tentatively before sitting back to admire it. 
You watched on with a proud look on your face, your smile growing when he unsheathed the blade and you caught his eyelights expand before zoning in on the engraving along the blade. It was a simple enough sword but one of your friends had enchanted it for you way back at the beginning when you all were still discovering and learning your class’ skills and you’d kept it close ever since. 
Switching gears you started taking off your armor, which thankfully had taken most of the blood as well as your cloak- leaving your tunic nearly spotless this time around. There was a little soaked in around the collar but it was manageable. In a stroke of genius you grabbed a pair of sweatpants, telling Rus to stay where he was you moved to the alcove in your room that didn’t have your bed and quickly changed pants, throwing your boots and pants into the pile of adventuring gear before smearing blood across your face from your nose. 
A mischievous grin spread across your face when you turned towards your companion
“How do I look?” when you got a concerned look in response your grin only grew “Great! I’ll be right back!” Rushing down the stairs you covered your nose, raising your voice so the whole room could hear you
 “Hey mom?! I don’t know what happened but I got a really bad nosebleed- can I wash some things?” 
Your mother turned from the TV to look at you, eyes widening in surprise and concern “Of course, What happened?”
“I don’t know! I woke up and there was blood everywhere. I think It stopped but it got all over my bed.” 
“Here, let me strip your sheets- you get cleaned up.” 
“Oh no, you don’t gotta do that.! I can get it, just give me a sec.” You tried to wave her off but she insisted, already heading up your stairs. Aaaah fuck Rus isn’t supposed to be here he didn’t use the door!!! 
You felt rather than heard the pop of magic in the air and sighed, You’d have to get with him later, but for now you had blood to clean. You absently wondered if rubbing alcohol worked on leather.
Getting back to your room you looked around and found that all your gear- which you had completely forgotten also shouldn’t have been there- was piled up in the same place you had previously changed, hidden from view of your mother. You also found your phone plugged up on your bed with messages on it’s screen
-text me after dinner 
-i’ll come over w/ rant and you can explain 
Rant? Who’s-OOOOOHHH!!!! Right multiverse shenanigans, Sans is Rant here. As you were going to unlock your phone you got another text from the aforementioned skeleton himself
The message cut off, which concerned you until you remembered that you’d have to enter the app to get the full message since it was so long. Inputting your passcode you re-read the full text
-We’ll see if I can make it after dinner, I owe Rus an explanation too. He actually just texted and said he’d come over with you so /I/ can tell /y'all/ what happened
-You slipped up by the way, you live with your ~cousins~ remember?
His bubble appeared and disappeared before he finally responded
-But also sleep sounds great though
You pocketed your phone with a smirk as you hopped off your bed. Some reheated leftovers sounded amazing right about now, you feel like you could eat a whole feast. You glanced over at your things and considered your unending flask of honey mead before thinking better of it. Sans- fuck RANT- was right. That healing spell would give you a major hangover after you woke up, especially with how much it had to heal. You shivered as you felt your own mortality weigh down on you. 
You’d almost died again, and there were no more resurrection scrolls- especially now that you were home. Your eyes drifted back to the flask…
It couldn’t hurt to celebrate a little could it? Not only are you alive but you’re home! Besides you’re already going to hate life in the morning, why not enjoy a few swigs before that cliff?
You took a long drink and closed the flask, burying it under your things before making your way down the stairs to get something to eat. It wasn’t long after that you were in your usual spot on the couch watching TV with your family and laughing together. You’d even gotten a hug from your mom during a sad scene, and if she noticed you crying a bit more than you meant to then she didn’t say anything. It wasn’t totally unheard of for you to shed a few tears for fiction after all.
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