#kikyo chosai
starlightcleric · 6 months
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Me last week: "Oh, I'll get into BG3 act three when I get back from my trip."
Me this week: "Or what if I played ffxiv."
I finished the Ixal tribe quests on Belle, meaning I've completed the quest lines of every tribe quest in the game -_-
So instead of picking up a new grind, I decided to do the ffxvi event on Kikyo, who I hadn't touched since February. Which then lead me on a quest of tanking. Unfortunately the event top has tail clipping with the cape, but the pants are pretty cool.
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starlightcleric · 8 months
Imperfect Beings, please! :3
This is The Kikyo Fic, a multichapter ffxiv fic monstrosity that I keep cutting up into smaller pieces then smushing them all back into one fic, that isn't anywhere near done and has been "in progress" for... two years now? Overall, it's a juxtaposition of Kikyo and Thancred's relationship with Azem and Emet-Selch's relationship, jumping back and forth between Kikyo in the present and her Azem in the past.
I just want the record to state that it was not my fault. Okay, maybe some of the chain of events started from me, but I’m not taking responsibility for all of the outcomes.
WIP Roundup
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starlightcleric · 11 months
here have three!
I'm going to answer for three different of my Warriors of Light!
Belle Charbonneau
"Hearts in Armor" - Trisha Yearwood
One more day my heart's in armor Though I did not see it then I would finish what you started If I had that chance again
This song is representing her relationship with Haurchefant, the "might have beens" that never got resolved.
Tess Chamomile
"Is there Life Out There" - Reba McEntire
There's a place in the sun that she's never been Where life is fair and time is a friend Would she do it the same as she did back then? Oh, she looks out her window, and she wonders again
I don't know how much I've talked about Tess's backstory considering I don't write fic for her, but she's an Old Sharlayan native who married into an unhappy marriage young due to pressure from her aunt. Eventually she hits a breaking point and destroys the relationship and travels by herself off to Eorzea!
Kikyo Chosai
"Shut Up & Kiss Me" - Orianthi
You're too loud, I'm so hyper On paper we're a disaster And I'm driving you crazy It's my little game I push you and you push back Two opposites so alike that Everyday is a roller coaster Well I'm a bump you'll never get over
This lives on Kikyo's playlist as a Kikyo(Azem)/Emet-Selch song, and in fact "On paper we're a disaster" was a consideration for the title to her longfic (that is languishing in writing hell).
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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I do like this outfit a lot. I had another outfit planned for Shadowbringers, but I might keep using this past the Stormblood patches...
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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Accidentally coordinated outfits with Y'shtola, lol XD
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starlightcleric · 2 years
8 and 13 for all your characters for the FFXIV Deity Asks, please! (And I really wish tumblr would move the 'unfollow' button away from the 'click here to choose from other interactions' button x_x)
8. Does your character enjoy reading? If so, what kind of books?
Belle: Belle enjoys fantasy stories with happy endings :)
Kikyo: Kikyo isn’t a super avid reader, but when she does prefers non-fiction books that impart information that is relevant to her.
Tess: Tess is a very avid reader that will devour basically everything. And then tell everyone any interesting facts she just learned.
Summer: Summer doesn’t read a lot.
13. Is there a place they haven’t seen that they wish to see before they die?
Belle: Belle is more an adventurer by necessity than out of a desire for adventure, so she’s enjoying the break between patches to stay home and decorate her house.
Kikyo: Kikyo spent a large chunk of her youth with the Confederacy on the Ruby Sea, so receiving the blessing of the Kojin so that she could explore under the water opened up so many new possibilities!
Tess: The main reason Tess left Sharlayan was to see more of the world, and she will be absolutely over the moon when she gets to go to the moon.
Summer: Summer wants to eventually visit where her mom came from (which is a location that is in flux right now since she was a veena, fanta’d her to rava, and unsure if I’ll go back to veena).
ffxiv asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
3, 11, 28 for Kikyo?
3. Is your character more defensive or offensive when in battle?
Offensive, absolutely. Kikyo’s primary class is Black Mage, which is a squishy caster type who flings elemental damage all over the place while laughing maniacally (or she, at least, laughs maniacally). Black Mage is also known as a selfish job; they have no group utility or buffs, they only buff themselves to make big damage numbers (theoretically. I’m actually not very good at the job. Part of why Kikyo exists as an alt is so that I can practice Black Mage).
11. Do you think  your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think?
I think she’s lucky. Things usually turn out well in the end for her. She might disagree with that assessment, because things are definitely rocky along the way :P
28. How materialistic is your character?
Yes and no. She likes having money as a side effect of growing up a pirate because she likes having a security net she never really had before, but she’s not too interested in having things unless they have some sentimental value (and she isn’t a very sentimental person).
ffxiv asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind? (Any/all)
Thank you for the question! This isn't something I'd thought about strongly so this is great character fleshing out!
Belle: Belle loved dancing when she was younger, not anything structured but just dancing along to music on her own rhythm. She got self conscious about it when she got her elezen growth spurt and got gangly, but she still hasn't gone back really despite being comfortable now with her taller frame. She still loves watching other people dance.
Kikyo: Kikyo can sew: mending, alterations, making her own clothes, but she doesn't think of it as art. She loves the concept of theater, but hates people who are pretentious about it.
Tess: Tess used to sketch when she was younger, but fell out of the practice when she had to devote her time to caring for her sick mother. Now that her mother passed and she has more time to herself, she mostly uses those skills for sketching blueprints (and doodling in the margins of her notebooks).
Summer: Summer does not have a particularly good voice, but greatly enjoys singing and will do so with great gusto if people let her/don't stop her. Luckily most of the people who love her think her sheer enthusiasm is cute and endearing.
ffxiv asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I’m procrastinating so hard on the most recent thing I’m ‘supposed’ to be working on that I’ve wrapped back around to working on the thing I’m actually supposed to be writing, lol.
Momodi gave me a grin as I leaned on the bar. “Kikyo! How are you getting along? What can I get you?”
I didn’t have a clue in the Seven Hells what people actually drank here, but I wasn’t going to let that make me hesitate. “Something pink and fruity.”
A hyur man slid up to the bar beside me. “The lady’s drinks are on me tonight, Momodi.”
She tutted at him. “Now, Thancred, this is a nice young lady, newly arrived, and I won’t have you scaring her off.”
“I’ve been known to be naughty at times,” I said, turning to check him out.
Momodi threw her hands in the air. “That one’s a heartbreaker there, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She bustled off to fix my drink.
The man was about a head taller than me, with tousled white hair and laughing brown eyes. He leaned against the bar on one elbow, his torso turned to face me with a clearly practiced languid charm. The fact I recognized it didn’t mean it wasn’t working. “So, Thancred, was it?”
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Between Thanksgiving, recovering from Thanksgiving, having to plan for Starfinder session, and having a 12 hour power outage I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done in the last week, but I have done some!
And so I found myself with Thancred escorting me through the streets of Ul’dah. Which was kind of awkward because, on top of handing a report to Cocobygo, my actual plans were to try to break into Arrzaneth Ossuary’s archives. As much as this guy wanted to get up my skirt, he probably had some lines he was unwilling to cross. And, “I’m accessing forbidden guild archives to find out why I see weird things” wasn’t really first date material.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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So with a greater amount of free time this summer I had hoped to buckle down and get some writing accomplished if my brain can cooperate. And my brain, instead of focusing on any of my existing ideas or WIPs, has decided to come up with an entirely new large project for a character I’ve barely talked about. In first person of all things.
So, here’s Kikyo. We’ll see if this goes anywhere.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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Hot girl squad judging you.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Sentence Meme
Rules: post the last line you wrote in a WIP and then tag the same amount of people as there are words.  
Tagged by @sullustangin. Thanks!
“No way,” I said. “You’re not trained for this. I’m not bringing you along.”
That is many words and I don’t know who all is actively working on things, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged! I want to know what people are up to!
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
My goal for September is to actually work on one of my long fics, so to prepare for that I’ve dug it back up (from, like, June, not years ago). So here’s a snippet, and hopefully I continue to update progress over the month!
My sister told me I was born with the rage of being so short. That in some previous life I must have been a giant, maybe a roegadyn, and my soul has never recovered from the indignity of being shoved into a tiny body. I never point out that I have many sources of anger, like the death of my parents, Garlean occupation, and being raised by rowdy pirates.
But I’m not going to lie; being short does irk me.
And standing under Ifrit, it put into perspective how small I really was.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @sullustangin. Thanks!
I haven’t been writing much fiction lately and my latest worked on WIPs are all very outline-y, so I’ll dig up something from a bit further back (though only on the scale of, like, a month and a half rather than years, lol).
Emet-Selch sighed a long suffering sigh. “This better be important, you dragged me away from the theater.”
“Of course it’s important.”
“I was with someone.”
“Oh, was it Hythlodaeus? I could have brought him, too.”
“No, someone.”
The emphasis that he placed on the word punched a hole in my stomach. “Someone.”
“A nice, normal woman who isn’t out traipsing about half of Etheirys covered in mud and her own blood.”
It was fine, normal even, I told myself, for Emet-Selch to be seeing someone. It was the jab in my direction that made me petty. “Yet which one of us are you with right now?”
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starlightcleric · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I have managed to write some things the last few days! \o/
Nothing that I actually expected to write, but something none the less!
“You meant to sacrifice yourself back there.” I stared out the open window to the rising moon. “You meant to die–you almost did–but you’re alive and, by the kami, I am so happy.”
Thancred chuckled softly, stroking my hair. “You’re one to talk about heroic sacrifices.”
“All of mine have worked out!”
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