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hicginewsagency · 2 months ago
Tanzania's 04th President Jakaya Kikwete on the Senior Citizens Talk.
On the #SeniorCitizensTalk with Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin is #Tanzania’s 4th President & Ex #AfricanUnion Boss H. E Jakaya Kikwete .He shares about women being in power, Africa’s Food Security, Youth Migration and much more. Subscribe and watch at here
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thedailywhistle · 28 days ago
Christina Shusho Leads Finsco Africa's Expansion to Tanzania as New Managing Director
Christina Shusho Leads Finsco Africa's Expansion to Tanzania as New Managing Director
Finsco Africa, a leading real estate and investment firm, has marked a significant milestone by officially launching its operations in Tanzania, further solidifying its presence in the East African region. The prestigious launch event, held in Dar es Salaam, was graced by His Excellency Jakaya Kikwete, the former President of Tanzania, who served as the Guest of Honor. The expansion into…
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dreamstz1 · 2 months ago
Makamu Mwenyekiti wa CCM Zanzibar,  Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi Mhe.Dk.Hussein Ali Mwinyi ameshiriki Mkutano Mkuu Maalum wa CCM , uliofungwa rasmi na Mwenyekiti wa  CCM Taifa , Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mh.Dkt.Samia Suluhu Hassan leo tarehe 19 Januari 2025 katika Ukumbi wa Mkutano wa Jakaya Kikwete Jijini Dodoma. Aidha, Dk.Mwinyi amethibitishwa na Mkutano…
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savoir-entreprendre · 3 months ago
n direct: tentative de coup d'Etat au Burundi, confusion à Bujumbura
8h25 : trois points sont à cette heure clairement tenus par les loyalistes : la présidence, la RTNB et le siège du parti au pouvoir. Un large périmètre est en place autour de ces bâtiments. Tôt ce matin, une attaque des putschistes a eu lieu contre la RTNB mais elle a été repoussée. 8h00 : la situation est plutôt calme depuis une heure et demie environ même si on entend encore des tirs sporadiques dans la rue du Commerce, nous explique notre envoyée spéciale. On ne connaît évidemment pas l’origine de ces tirs, on ne connaît même pas les forces en présence. Parmi les policiers que l’on rencontre, certains on l’air d’être d’être proches des loyalistes, d’autres des putschistes. Ils se trouvent à quelques rues d’écart sans qu’il y ait des affrontements, hormis les accrochages du début de matinée. 7h50 : les putschistes disent contrôler la « majorité » de la capitale Bujumbura. 7h20 : la RPA est en flammes et des parties du bâtiment menacent de s’écrouler. La Radio Renaissance a aussi été en partie incendiée par des forces identifiées comme des policiers, selon des témoins. Une technicienne qui était sur place a été gravement blessée au ventre, d'après le directeur de cette radio. La station Bonesha a aussi été attaquée à la grenade. Tous les médias attaqués avaient diffusé les messages des putchistes. Il n'y a plus que deux radios qui émettent: la RTNB et Radio Isanganiro. 7h15 : au bord des routes, rapporte notre correspondant à Bujumbura, des soldats sortent des casernes. La plupart des gens sont terrés chez eux parce que, pour le moment, nul ne peut dire qui est en train de prendre le dessus. Dans le camp des putchistes, on assure que Nkurunziza ne peut plus compter que sur la brigade spéciale de protection des institutions, qui lui est très fidèle et qui protège la radiotélévision nationale. Aucun loyaliste ne répond au téléphone pour le moment. C'est très clair, les médias burundais sont l'un des principaux enjeux de cette bataille. 7h00 : le président Nkurunziza serait à nouveau en Tanzanie, rapporte notre correspondant à Dar es Salaam. D’après nos sources, il s’est entretenu avec le président tanzanien Jakaya Kikwete. On ne sait pas ce qu’ils se sont dit, mais il est très probable que les Tanzaniens aient posé comme condition au président burundais de se faire discret. Mercredi soir au Sommet des chefs d’Etat, personne n’a parlé de tentative de coup d’Etat et le Sommet de l’Afrique de l’Est considérait que le renversement du président burundais avait déjà eu lieu. Mais vu la situation qui règne à Bujumbura ce matin cela semble beaucoup moins clair. 6h15 : de violents combats de nouveau signalés par les envoyés spéciaux de RFI et des agences à la mitrailleuse et au lance-roquettes. 5h30 : il semble y avoir une accalmie dans les tirs. 4h30 : après les séances de liesse mercredi après-midi, la situation s'est rapidement dégradée pendant la nuit et ce jeudi matin, des combats ont éclaté dans Bujumbura. Des tirs nourris à l'arme légère et à l'arme lourde sont entendus notamment autour de la radio télévision nationale sous contrôle des partisans du président Nkurunziza. L'air sent la poudre, rapporte notre envoyée spéciale. Il y a eu des combats autour des radios privées et de la radio publique, la RPA, dans la nuit. Deux nouvelles radios ont été attaquées : Renaissance et Bonesha. La RPA n'émet pas, les équipes ne sont pas parties travailler. Seule Isanganiro et la RTNB poursuivent leurs programmes. 4h00 : Des négociations entre officiers loyalistes de l’armée burundaise et proches de Godefroid Niyombaré ont eu lieu mais elles ont échoué vers 2h du matin. Les responsables de chaque camp sont venus annoncer à la radio qu'ils avaient la maîtrise de la situation. Le chef d’état-major parlait d'un échec du coup d’Etat et appellait les mutins à se rendre. Dans l'autre camp, le porte-parole du général Niyombaré invitait « confraternellement » ceux qui continuent de soutenir le président Nkurunziza à se rejoindre derrière le peuple.
On n'a pas encore de précisions sur les forces en présence ni sur l'équilibre entre chacun de ces deux camps. La présidence burundaise annonçait hier avoir déjoué le coup d'Etat des militaires mutins tandis que le général Niyombaré assurait lui avoir le soutien de nombreux officiers supérieurs. Cette nuit, le chef d'état-major, resté loyal au président, revendiquait le contrôle de la présidence.
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umarfarooqzahoor · 9 months ago
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Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has shown his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring &
influential leaders of nations across the globe. Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best
Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERI Group, presently successfully handling business, investors in many companies, and entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct. 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five
children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
1. Sullivan Honor
2. The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
3. US Doctor for Africa Award
4. Social Good Award from UN Foundation
5. South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
6. Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
7. Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
8. Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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rememberthegoat · 1 year ago
The FLANA Report - Are ALL our children learning?
Anybody interested in education, should look through some of the graphs in this very accessible report on the state of Kenyan education. As a follow on to the the vital call to action on education across Africa, by Nana Akufo-Addo and Jakaya Kikwete (see my last post), this report clearly shows what a country like Kenya needs to do to raise the standard for all children.
The solutions are pretty simple. Books, teachers, better teacher training, schools with basic facilities as standard. It is entirely achievable, people just need to want it enough to make it happen.
However, it isn't easy for parents who have never been to school themselves, to recognize what good education looks like, or even how much it is needed. Which is one of the reasons schools such as ours are so important, the are an example of what can be done. They are a beacon lighting the way for others to follow.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
A state funeral for Finland's former president Martti Ahtisaari is being held in Helsinki on Friday 10 November.
President Ahtisaari's funeral begins with a service in Helsinki's Lutheran Cathedral at 1 pm when his coffin will be carried into the church with generals and admirals serving as pallbearers.
Hufvudstadsbladet writes that the public can follow the funeral procession on city streets as it makes its way from the cathedral to Hietaniemi Cemetery. The procession is scheduled to begin at 2:45 pm with the cortege escorted by mounted policemen.
Among the guests expected to be in attendance at the funeral are Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf, Kosovo's President Vjosa Osmani, Namibia's President Hage Geingob, Tanzania's former President Jakaya Kikwete, and the chair of The Elders group, Ireland's former president Mary Robinson.
The burial at Hietaniemi Cemetery will be attended only by Finland's state leadership and family members.
Top health threats
Mika Salminen, the newly appointed director general of Finland's THL, the Institute for Health and Welfare, discussed what currently threatens the health of people in Finland with Helsingin Sanomat, which notes that "it is not the coronavirus."
Asked about the biggest challenges to health in the country right now, Salminen pointed the problems of lack of physical activity, increased obesity, and the mental health of young people.
Regarding mental health, Salminen highlighted efforts to promote planetary health and well-being. Climate change and the threats it brings are one thing that puts a strain on young people's mental health, Salminen explained. That's why, he said, the health and social services sector also has to take responsibility for combating climate change.
As HS notes, Finland aims to eradicate the use of nicotine by 2030. Salminen expressed satisfaction with the increased popularity of not smoking, but regarding young people, the new head of THL raised concerns about the use of various other nicotine products.
"With nicotine pouches and snus and vaping products, there is a risk that there will be a setback and an increase in nicotine addiction," he says.
Over the past few weeks, there have been again growing concerns about the spread of coronavirus.
"Now the situation is that, unfortunately, the coronavirus is here to stay. Waves will come and go. The situation is fortunate in the sense that many people have taken vaccines and many have protection from coming down with it. Very few get very seriously ill anymore," Mika Salminen pointed out.
On that topic, Ilta-Sanomat carries an interview with Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen (NCP) who commented on the current backlog of vaccinations.
While stressing that Ministry of Social Affairs and Health takes the situation seriously, she pointed out that the vaccination programme is the responsibility of the nation's regional wellbeing counties.
The social affairs and health ministry is urging regional health authorities to speed up the roll out of booster vaccinations for the elderly as well as people in risk groups. Grahn-Laasonen described the situation of overcrowded vaccination points as "unreasonable", especially for the elderly.
The good old days
Was life in Finland better in past years? About one in five Finns who were asked that question in a new poll answered "yes".
Carried out by the pollster Taloustutkimus and published by the Uutissuomalainen news group, three-quarters of respondents said that life in Finland is now better, or just as good, as in past decades.
Antto Vihma, a research professor at the Institute of Foreign Policy who has studied nostalgia as a social and cultural phenomenon considered the results of the survey as what he would expect.
"It may sound radical that 22 percent think that life in Finland is worse, when so many things affecting everyday life have progressed and developed. For many, however, a nostalgic relationship with the past cancels this out," said Vihma.
Vihma considers it possible that the events of recent years, such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, were reflected in the results of the survey.
"People feel that we are now living in a time of crises. It would be interesting to know how this question would have been answered in the 1990s, for example," he added.
The survey was carried out as telephone interviews July 10–21, 2023, and included responses from 1,001 people.
The share of those who prefer the present day increased with age and was highest in the oldest group of respondents. The youngest age group had relatively the most respondents who think that life used to be better.
Taloustutkimus Research Manager Jussi Westinen pointed out that the "past decades" mentioned in the question mean different decades for different age groups.
According to Antto Vihma, the age group-specific results differ slightly from what is known about feelings of nostalgia based on previous studies.
"Generally, people start longing for the past in middle age, and after that, the longing continues steadily until old age. In this survey, there is a clear jump around the age of 50. Older people are clearly more satisfied with the present than younger people. I would explain this by the fact that the oldest age groups place the "past decades" mentioned in the question further back in history than the younger ones do," he explained.
The poll also asked people what they most miss from the Finland of past decades.
The top answer was that Finns most want their fellow countrymen to behave according to certain norms again.
What was most often longed-for is interpersonal care, respect for good manners and decent behavior, and respect for authority. About 80–85 percent of those interviewed said these values were more common in the past and that they miss them.
Cold weather returning
Ilta-Sanomat tells readers that a noticeable change in the weather is on the way.
It reports that the latest monthly forecast from the Foreca meteorological service shows colder temperatures next week.
Mild weather will continue in southern parts of the country on Father's Day, Sunday. However, over the course of the day, the weather will cool down, turning rain to snow showers in central regions.
On Monday, snow may also be seen in southern Finland.
Next week's temperatures will be mostly below freezing. The end of the week will see temperatures in the range of -3C to -10C and in Finnish Lapland, -10C to -25C, in some places as low at -30C at night.
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unitedrepublicoftanzania · 2 years ago
Jakaya Kikwete Biography – Early Life, Career, Legacy and More
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete is a Tanzanian politician who was born on October 7, 1950 and president number four of Tanzania, starting year 2005 to year 2015. Prior to his selection, he was Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation from the beginning..
Read More at -
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tanzaniajobs · 3 years ago
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POST BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II – 2 POST EMPLOYER Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI) APPLICATION TIMELINE: 2022-07-09 2022-07-22 JOB SUMMARY NA DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i.To assist higher level technicians in repairing, installing, calibrating, or maintaining a range of general biomedical/ clinical equipment, e.g., replacing components, taking test readings, and wiring circuits in accordance with specific instructions; ii.To perform preventative maintenance and electrical safety testing of equipment; iii.To make minor repairs on medical electronic equipment; iv.To maintain appropriate records of repairs and preventative maintenance; and v.To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the superior. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE Holder of a Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Biomedical Engineering or three years Diploma in Biomedical Engineering field from a reputable institution. REMUNERATION PMGSS 4 The deadline for submitting the application is 22 July 2022. CLICK HERE TO APPLY Read the full article
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hicginewsagency · 1 year ago
Edward Lowassa dies aged 70 ,was a former PM in Tanzania
His career as prime minister started from 2005 to 2008 under former president Jakaya Kikwete Tanzania’s former prime minister Edward Ngoyai Lowasa died on Saturday, ending an era of a political career that fell short of the presidency. Lowassa died at the Jakaya Heart Institute in Dar es Salaam. He was aged 70. Vice President Dr Philip Mpango announced his death on Tanzania Broadcasting…
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elgrekotz · 5 years ago
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If #Kikwete bado anavaa BARAKOA ujue mambo ni bado..kuweni na tahadhari sana! #staysafe #witcheslair #chokablok (at Mlimani Campus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvb3b2nHXa/?igshid=1hbzrr4y2pyku
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ifreakingloveroyals · 6 years ago
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7 November 2011 | Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall greets schoolchildren as President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania and First Lady Salma Kikwete look on as they arrive at State House in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are on a four day tour of Tanzania after a successful trip to South Africa. The Royal couple will be highlighting environmental and social issues during their visit to Africa. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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yohane23 · 3 years ago
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magaratimes · 8 years ago
#VOA: Kikwete avionya vyama tawala Afrika kuachana na kasumba ya uadui
#VOA: Kikwete avionya vyama tawala Afrika kuachana na kasumba ya uadui
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Rais mstaafu Jakaya Kikwete wa Tanzania ambaye tangu astaafu baadhi ya wapinzani wamekuwa wakimkumbuka na hata kufuta kumbukumbu za mashtaka ya kufinya demokrasia, kutokana na kile wanachodai kubanwa zaidi na uongozi wa sasa.
Kikwete aliyasema hayo wakati akichangia mada ya Utawala Bora na Utawala wa Sheria iliyowasilishwa na Profesa Barney Pityana, ambaye ni Makamu Mkuu Mstaafu wa Chuo…
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globalnewsafrica · 3 years ago
Striking similarities, differences between Uhuru-Ruto succession story and that of Tanzania's Kikwete-Lowassa, Will it repeat itself?
Striking similarities, differences between Uhuru-Ruto succession story and that of Tanzania’s Kikwete-Lowassa, Will it repeat itself?
OPINION: A political watcher of Kenya enjoys drawing parallels between William Ruto’s unbridled bid for the presidency and Edward Lowassa’s in Tanzania in 2015. Much as Lowassa is assumedly retired, there are no bounds to learning lessons. It is indisputable that Lowassa had a dogged determination to ascend to the top much like with Ruto. Their commonalities are also seen in how both have stood…
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touchaheartnews · 4 years ago
Samia Suluhu Hassan: Tanzania Officially Has Its First Female President
Samia Suluhu Hassan: Tanzania Officially Has Its First Female President
Samia Suluhu Hassan has been sworn in as Tanzania’s first female president following the death of John Magufuli on Wednesday. She was sworn in by Chief Justice Ibrahim Juma at the Government House in the capital Dar es Salaam. She is the sixth Tanzanian president after more than five years as Magufuli’s deputy, who died of a heart attack. Tanzania’s constitution stipulates that the 61-year-old…
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