#kika magalhães
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addictivecontradiction · 1 year ago
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The eyes of my mother, 2016
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classichorrorblog · 4 months ago
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Movies Watched: 68
"New To Me" Movies Watched: 20
Favorite Performances From New To Me Movies:
5. Nicholas Crovetti - Salem's Lot
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4. David Dastmalchian - Late Night With The Devil
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3. Kathryn Newton - Lisa Frankenstein
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2. Dan Stevens - Abigail
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1. Kika Magalhães - The Eyes Of My Mother
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Fun Facts:
Gifsets Posted: 5
Trick Or Treaters: 0
Corn Mazes Visited: 1
Pumpkins Carved: 2
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ubasjuice · 7 months ago
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"Francisca (Kika Magalhaes) has been unfazed by death from an early age because her mother, formerly a surgeon in Portugal, imbued her with a thorough understanding of the human anatomy. When tragedy shatters her family's idyllic life in the countryside, her deep trauma gradually awakens some unique curiosities. As she grows up, her desire to connect with the world around her takes a distinctly dark form."
Nicolas Pesce on his directorial debut, and garnered six film awards (and 17 nominations) on this 2016 sundance feature.
The film delves into themes of trauma, isolation, and distorted human connection, every scene is carefully curated; the film was shot in excuisite black and white; the sound/music incorporated here are errie and very off-putting, a film that's definitely not for everyone.
A powerful performance by the lead actress, Kika Magalhães. The supporting actors/actresses really played their roles perfectly and it helped shape around Kika's character development in the film.
The thing that made it feel unsettling throughout the whole film was Kika's innocence, from childhood to her adolescent stage, she built her own world, with her own values, how little it may be; she, on her own self, knew that what she was doing was acceptable.
Not for everyone, as it deals with triggerring subject matter.
I'd give this a solid 10/10
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Death on the Border
Death on the Border (2023) #WendyWilkins #ShannonElizabeth #EricRoberts #DannyTrejo #FrankWhaley #IselulekoMaatEl Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Krimi Regie: Wendy Wilkins Hauptrollen: Shannon Elizabeth, Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo, Frank Whaley, Iseluleko Ma’at El 0, Wendy Wilkins, Kika Magalhães, Dutch Johnson, Jay Hieron, Rigo Obezo, Victoria Grant, Robin McDonald … Filmbeschreibung: Zwei entschlossene Frauen kämpfen darum, sich aus gewalttätigen Beziehungen mit einem korrupten Detektiv zu befreien und…
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gazeta24br · 1 year ago
Apadrinhado por Zezé, Hugo fez sua primeira apresentação na capital paulista, sendo aplaudido pelo público - O cantor e compositor Hugo Alvarez subiu ao palco do Zezé di Camargo, no Vibra São Paulo, no último fim de semana na capital paulista. Durante a apresentação do projeto solo “Rústico”, Zezé convidou o artista para cantar “Mentes Tão Bem”. Wanessa Camargo também participou do espetáculo especial dirigido por Emanoel Camargo. Durante o evento, Zezé apresentou Hugo Alvarez ao público: “Hugo está surgindo agora na música sertaneja e é a nova aposta da família Camargo”, afirmou. O músico de Recife, mas que mora atualmente em Goiânia (GO), está em estúdio com o produtor Felipe Duran preparando para a gravação do primeiro DVD, em Goiás. A performance de Hugo Alvarez foi aplaudida por milhares de pessoas, entre elas: Mariana Rios, Jade Magalhães, Ceará, Kika Sato, Tierry e Glenda Kozlowski. Apadrinhado por Zezé, Hugo de apenas 18 anos, se emocionou ao falar da representatividade do astro em sua vida: “Foi uma honra cantar com Zezé que é um ícone da música brasileira. Ele é uma inspiração para mim. Foi um sonho realizado, emocionante demais, sem explicação”, disse Hugo. Para saber mais, acompanhe nas redes sociais: @hugoalvarezcantor
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scenesandscreens · 6 years ago
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The Eyes of my Mother (2016)
Director - Nicolas Pesce, Cinematography - Zach Kuperstein
"Loneliness can do strange things to the mind."
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movieinimages · 6 years ago
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The Eyes of My Mother - Nicolas Pesce - 2016
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urmotheratemydog · 7 years ago
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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. And whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should. (The Eyes of My Mother, 2016)
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flickpicks · 8 years ago
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
Film: The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
Directed by: Nicolas Pesce
Run Time: 76min
Available on: Netlfix
Requested by: @beachofashesskyofwonder
Warning: This film is not for the faint of heart. There is gore, psychological trauma, and many other disturbing plot points and images.
Let me start of with a little tidbit about myself: I love horror films. I try not to play favorites in terms of genre, but horror probably takes the gold for me. They tell you so much about the culture surrounding it. They critique social stereotypes and express the fears of a culture at a particular point in history. The best part is, I’m convinced these critiques are unintentional; simply, when you’re playing on fear, social commentary is unavoidable.
I could go on all day about my opinions on horror films.
The first thing I noticed about this film was the cinematography. Each and every shot is intentional. The framing, the placement of each piece of scenery, even the placement of people is entirely intentional. Each shot is beautiful. Which makes the content of this film that much more disturbing.
This film is not just disturbing on a visceral level; it is disturbing on a psychological level. The narrative follows the main character from when she was a little girl and to a young woman. We witness the trauma she’s gone through; we empathize with her, which makes what she does later so deeply disturbing. The psychological aspects make this film difficult to watch, but in exactly the way a horror film should be.
Silence is used to great effect throughout the film. Francesca mentions that there is peace in silence, but there is no peace in the silence in this film. It amplifies the intensity and heightens emotion. And suspense. There is very little dialogue throughout the film, and very little music is played, particularly in the beginning. The majority of the music in this film is diagetic. It’s only about halfway through the film that the ambient music begins.
The use of language plays another big role in this film. I mean that literally. What language Francesca is speaking correlates to her frame of mind. When she is matter of fact and hiding her true self, she speaks English; when she is emotional, she speaks Portuguese, the language of her mother, whom she loved dearly. The only time the film breaks away from this pattern, is during the ending scenes when everything is moving so fast, having subtitles would only be distracting (as this film is intended for an English speaking audience).
Every detail in The Eyes of My Mother reflects Francesca’s point of view. From the silence, to the language, even to what the other characters do. The characters who are not a part of Francesca’s family are portrayed like animals. The grunts they make while eating or when someone else is around sound very similar to the sounds a pig makes at the feeding trough. This shows us that Francesca views people who are not her family as nothing more than a barnyard animal. This amount of insight into her psyche is unsettling to say the least.
Everything about this film gives us a glimpse into the mind of a deeply disturbed woman. The film is a wonderful blend of traditional horror and psychological horror.
And the best part is: there are no jump scares.
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addictivecontradiction · 2 years ago
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The eyes of my mother, 2016
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cinemphatic · 8 years ago
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Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. And whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should. 
The Eyes of My Mother (2016) dir Nicolas Pesce
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quotes-gr-ellhnika · 8 years ago
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— The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
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mauricioreyna · 8 years ago
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The Eyes of My Mother (2016) - Directed by  Nicolas Pesce
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fourorfivemovements · 8 years ago
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Films Watched in 2017:
3. The Eyes of My Mother (2016) - Dir. Nicolas Pesce
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exterminating-angel · 8 years ago
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The Eyes of My Mother, 2016.
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thatmyerschick21 · 8 years ago
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The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
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