Welcome to Ghoulcrest
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Meet the sims of Ghoulcrest and find out what they're up to and how they're building this town from the ground up!
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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🌻Spring Year 1 Summary:
Births: 2
Total Residents: 20
Households: 6
Population Multiplier: 3x20=60
+1 position in the Medical career
☎️Careers & Businesses
Laurel's Painting Home Business: Rank 0
Wylie, Law Enforcement Career: 3 -> 6
Halo, Politics Career: 3 -> 5
Creed's Sewing Home Business: Rank 2 -> The Clarke Boutique: Rank 0
✨What's New?✨
🏘️| Household Updates |
Marley, Hartley, Skye & Logan moved out to their own home -> Burton Household
Halo & Xavier move in with Dylan leaving Wren and Laurel to form their own household -> Langston Household
Creed moves in with Avery & Amara
🎂| Births & Birthdays |
Logan and Hawk are born
Tyler, Hawk, and Rosco age up into toddlers
💞| New and Ongoing Relationships |
Hartley & Marley -> ❤️
Avery & Creed -> 💞
Wren & Laurel -> 💍
Halo & Dylan -> 💞
Hartley & Alta -> ❌
Francesca & Rosa -> 💞
🍼| Ongoing Pregnancies |
🖊️Household Summaries
James: Hartley starts off the season by going on a date with Alta to the new local community park. They woohooed at the park and Alta had roll a marriage want but Hartley didn't share the same sentiment. Both Amara and Skye learned some new toddler skills back at home. Avery had also gone on a date of her own with Creed to the park as well. Marley found out she was pregnant by none other than Hartley himself, she soon gave birth to a boy named Logan. At the end of the season, Hartley, Marley, Skye, and Logan move out into the Cohen's new home as the James household was getting too crowded(and a little toxic).
Montague: The Montague's start off the season with Alta getting a romantic want for Wylie but that honestly wasn't going to go anywhere. Wylie got two promotions this season and Alta gave birth to a baby boy named Hawk. Wylie throws a party and invites over a few of the neighbors and Alta and Hartley snuck off during the party to have a little woohoo. Unfortunately Alta suffered from a miscarriage and immediately told Hartley the news and he stayed the night to take care of her and Hawk. Soon Hawk ages up into a toddler and Alta starts thinking about the family she'd love to have and it gets her thinking on if it's worth it with Hartley as she raises Hawk.
Langston: Laurel continues prepping for her home business for her paintings at the beginning of the season. The house is a handful with two toddlers and one soon to be toddler but she manages to push through. Tyler soon ages up into a toddler and Laurel opens up the home business for the first time and sells almost all of her paintings. Later in the season, she gets to talking with Wren about adopting a kid and hopefully that can happen when they get some more space. On the final day, Halo reaches level 5 of the Politics career.
Vance: Creed joins Laurel in opening up a home business, but he's selling items he made right at his doorstep. He gets a good business booming and a good review from the townie critic but some drama goes down while he's making sales and Dylan is manning the register. Alta felt betrayed and hurt by Hartley's public romantic efforts towards Marley and ended things right there for most of Ghoulcrest to witness. Creed does lose a star from Alta because of it but he did sell everything. At the end of the season, Dylan and Creed get to talking about their love lives and both of them decided it's better to move in with their respective partners. Creed moves in with Avery and Halo and Xavier move in with Dylan.
Jett: Rosa has an interesting ROS at the start of the season and is tasked with fighting Alta but before all that can happen, Rosco ages up into a toddler. Rosa decides to host a party for all to witness either the greatest fighting achievement or the biggest fighting loss of her life. Alta ends up winning and Rosa owes her 4,600 simoleons. Sometime through the season both girls get sick with the flu and struggle to get better as they share close quarters and spend a lot of time together. This does unlock a position in the Medical career and Francesca works on getting into that position.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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We end the round off with baby Rosco as both mamas are too sick to do fuck all anything. They might be sick forever, one recovers and then they're in close proximity and then they're both sick again. Despite the fight, these guys were pretty uneventful since they kept getting sick. I might do the Museum community lot next round but I'd love for Rosa to start a gym sometime!
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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No Medical career in the newspaper today on their last day of spring but it's okay, maybe next time.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Seeing as these two keep staying sick. I decided I'll bypass the Medical restriction of getting an additional two sims sick from the first sim who got sick which was Rosa. Francesca wants to learn physiology anyway so the career will be open up to her if she manages to nab the Medical career before anyone else does that's learned physiology.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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3am and Rosa can't sleep anymore so she decides to teach Rosco how to walk instead of resting and getting better.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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You want to know what's under that glowing orb and on fire? An invisible fire hydrant..
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Yall ain't ever gonna stop being sick if you do this smh.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Francesca just wanted to go on a hike and she's getting chased by bees.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Both Francesca and Rosa are sick from the cockroaches outside(Hartley kicked over our trash for some reason) and Rosa passed it on to Francesca when she got outside. If one more sim gets sick then the Medical career gets unlocked for a sim who's studied physiology.
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It's a fight out here every day.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Guys guys!! The toddlers are leaving!!
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Get home safe kiddos, remember don't talk to strangers.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Rosa won the last two fights but Alta is deemed the winner since she won three out of five of the fights. I'll give her 4,600 simoleons when I play their household next round. Where's that money coming from you ask? Definitely from Simcity because the Jett household doesn't even have that much money. I forgot I should have them work out but like we don't have the equipment for that.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Rosa finally won a fight but that doesn't matter because Alta has won three by now.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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So much is going on right now. Hella toddlers, Wren is serenading her wife while Rosa and Alta fight.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Alta 1, Rosa 0. 4 more fights to go.
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Oh she's totally losing this. 3 more fights to go.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Hey that's my job!
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Alta won but lets see if Rosa can change this.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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Maybe I shouldn't have summoned both of them, I left Hartley behind for a reason but forgot these two also hated each other.
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ghoulcrest-bacc · 3 months ago
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No better way to fulfill the fight ROS than by hosting a party where everyone can watch. :)
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I decided to summon all the toddlers this time instead of leaving them home behind with a parent.
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Ewww fix your head dude!
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