yinjiyang · 1 year
@kihel-sorcas asked "What could I ask more than that? What do I want more than that?"
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What a curious statement. Humans were always such intriguing creatures, and the young were the most fascinating of all. Their youth drenched in innocence and honesty, a unique vision of the world filled with aspirations and wonder, still so much to learn, so much to strive for--but now and then, Leviathan thought, one came across a young star that twinkled just a bit brighter, the focal point of a constellation the others could follow. He saw that in this girl, her pleasantness, her compassion, her generosity, her hope. Sitting at the water's edge, he folded his arms over his lap as he leaned a bit forward, brow perked slightly from interest as he watched her. With voice gentle and soothing as morning tides, he formed his own question in response to hers. "Do you wish for anything greater than basic needs?"
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Continued from here:
Kihel's reaction to the gift was nothing short of adorable and endearing. Miles actually had to pull his gaze away to avoid tearing up from how unimaginably sweet she was, and he couldn't help in thinking that she and little Joshua would have become fast friends, had she been born decades prior. But that was then, and this was now.
With a soft laugh, one heavy, gloved hand rested upon the little girl's head, to lightly pat it in a gesture of reassurance.
"You are more than deserving of it," he promised, dark blue gaze finally seeking out her face once more. The smile he gave to her was one of his warmest and brightest, one that he hadn't worn in so long, in truth. "You saved me, after all, and no words of gratitude will suffice in repaying you for your kindness."
That same hand shifted and curled into a fist, to the be brought downward enough that he could very lightly bump it against her chest, much the same way he had oft done with his boys oh so long ago. "That brooch once belonged to someone very special to me, but I think she would want you to have it, were she here today. It represents the Phoenix, guardian Eikon of Rosaria -- and it assures that it will always watch over and protect you as well, no matter where your travels may take you."
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divinejudge · 1 month
"... would you be interested in some medicine? Ointments? You look like you could use them, Sir!"
That little voice caught Alexander's ear. Head turned, his gaze lowered to catch sight of the speaker. Were it any other merchant, he would have simply carried on about his day. The markets were full of callers whose wares were the very best, one-of-a-kind, a steal if you were to ask them.
He was desensitised to most of it. Just more noise, part of the normal when travelling through a city.
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Blinking down at her, a slow, almost uncertain smile worked onto his face. The cheek of her. "What about something to help with sleep?" His eyes lifted to cast a quick glance around. There weren't any adults watching over her. No one assisting with her inventory, no one watching the exchange of coin.
The confusion shifted to concern, evidenced by the furrow of his brow. "Are you here all on your own, little Miss?"
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oifrit · 1 year
First meeting prompts.
Hugo Kupka was dead. That weight had been lifted from Clive's heart — he felt a direct connection to the pain and suffering inflicted, it had been his hand to set that wheel in motion. Just as it had finally been his hand to stop it.
Though the fight against Titan had taken a toll. The dominant supped on aether and became something that shook the earth alright. No longer primed as Ifrit he could feel the toll of the battle.
Shaken steps faltered and stumbled. Clive crashed down onto his knees, his breathing laboured. Just a small hiccup. He could walk it off. He pushed to stand when the hand of another, a small hand, that of a child, caught him off guard. Whatever she said he hadn't heard. "... apologies, miss. What did you..?" his eyes briefly scanned the surrounding area. What was a child doing alone on this road?
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waloed-steed · 1 year
“ don't remove the knife or you'll bleed to death. “
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Heh. Why was he actually listening to a child? Huffing all the same, he stayed his hand from the handle stuck at his side. How did she even find him here trying to nurse his wounds....
"...Oh...? Wh-What of it? Why would you help me..."
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lionheartedscout · 1 year
"That was... very kind of you. Thank you."
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Gav's expression softened as he knelt down before the girl, taking her hand and placing a few gil into it. "You be careful out there, alright? These are dangerous times we live in..."
He paused, pursed his lips thoughtfully, and dug out a portion of his rations from his pack. "Here, for the road. Wouldn't want you gettin' hungry now, would we?"
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cinderella-gurei · 1 year
Askbox-Call from @kihel-sorcas :
It was rare that Kihel was this close to the gardens of the palace. Usually the people here did not want to interact with those clothed in such simple dresses like hers. And they certainly did not want to buy potions or ointments. But Kihel wasn't here to sell anything, anyway. No. She wante dto get back the bag that one of the soldiers had taken away from her. Apparently as some punishment because she had 'annoyed' him with her pitch to buy some of the salves.
Having climbed atop a small wall and now holding onto the steel bars, pressing her face against them, she was... amazed. The gardens looked so... clean. So green and well-kept. The flowers were countless. All colours there could be found - a lot of white ones, too. And the grass was so green... completely different from the dried out deserts she knew.
But then - there was something else among all these flowers. A boy. In teh finest clothes she had ever seen, with two blond braids framing his face. Kihel's eyes widened as she noticed the other child. He had seen her before she had noticed him. No way she now could just hide away and pretend this never happened.
And she still needed her bag back.
So instead of running, the girl pressed her lips to a thin line, then calling out.
"Hey! You! Little Lord, would you help me, please? One of the soldiers from here has taken something away from me... and I need it back. It's my bag full of my potions and tonics. I sell them - and without them I have nothing to sell, you see?"
He thought it to be a quiet day. It wasn't unusual for both his Mother and Father to be busy working politics and other complex things he didn't really want to think about. He had taken it upon himself to just play the day away with his little toy soldier, but after a few hours, he grew bored of it.
Recalling that his Father was fond of a certain type of flower, he thought to go get some for himself, try and play with them for a while. He was told it could be dangerous to get in contact with them, but if his Father always had one and gave one to his Brother Dearest, why couldn't he try to grab lots of them and do something cool with them? Maybe a flower crown, maybe decorate his clothes, or something else entirely...
With those thoughts in mind did he set off to the garden. There, he took a while to glance at the other flowers around -- they were just as pretty, but the white ones were the most regal... Or so he thought, because his father loved them. Despite that, he really liked to look at them all, to feel the soft petals, to watch them sway gently against the wind. So, he traveled quietly throughout the giant garden before stopping around the white flowers, softly placing the tip of his fingers around them, eyes concentrated upon them, until something in the corner of his eye called to his attention.
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His eyes widen with wonder and shock the moment he turns. There she was, a girl, peeking through the bars dividing the gardens from the outside. She wore ragged clothing, her hair was uneven, and it seemed like she had been out in the sun for quite a long time. What an odd one! And she spoke, which made the boy gasp.
"One of the soldiers?" Now why would any knight want to take the bag of a girl? She mentioned potions and tonics, something his brother also spoke about whenever he returned from the battlefields. Mayhap they were growing scarce on the stuff... But this only posed more questions than answers. The boy is quick to cross his arms, doubting the girl, despite the glimmer in his eyes, the innate excitement to meet one close to his age but so foreign.
"Why would they steal from the poor? We provide them with all the necessary equipment... Surely, they had no need for your items. Are you sure they took your bag?" With a pause, he gasps. "Could it be one of the Branded that took it, then?" @kihel-sorcas
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kunselxsoldier · 1 month
Continued from X.
Shit, they're intel on this had been half-a-day behind, or maybe even the entire day. The settlement was small, but it had been loud and in Shinra's way and now it lay in ruins. The tents and small huts burned out and the dead lay in the mud where they had fallen in the attack.
The people here had been vocal in their disdain for Shinra and refused to move from the land they'd inhabited, which had been immensely rich in lifestream springs.
Giving a quick glance to Glenn, Kunsel fell into the familiar routine of checking the bodies for any signs of life. He heard the girl before he saw her huddled by a rocky outcrop; her small sobs gave her away to his hearing.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We'll get you somewhere safe." He approached slowly, crouching down and checking the child over for any injuries and helping wipe the tears from her face. The terror in her expression was obvious and the way she froze, voice a strangled whisper. Kunsel's eyes dropped to his tattoo and his shoulders sagged at the realisation; she knew SOLDIERs as Shinra's weapons.
"I used to be, back when I was a kid like you." No point in lying to the terrified girl, so he knelt down in front of her and held his hands up, nodding towards Glenn and Matt. "- but the resistance saved me when I was hurt, helped me see that Shinra was evil ... so I joined them."
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"I promise I'm here to help, my name's Kunsel."
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soldier-lodbrok · 4 months
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NAME: Vers
PRONOUNS : She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord! IMs somehow often get lost.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : oh fuck...
Final Fantasy: Glenn Lodbrok @soldier-lodbrok Rufus Shinra @rufusofshinraKihel @kihel-sorcas Somnus Lucis Caelum @somnus-lucis-caelum Loqi Tummelt @loqis // his parents: @housetummelt Bahamut @deusdraconis
Far Cry 5: Jacob Seed @only-we Wheaty @whitetail-wheaty Thomas Rush @in-rush-we-trust
OC: Enok Virkow @enokvirkow my baby
and a few others...
BEST EXPERIENCE : Finding friends through this with whom I have talked almost every day for years now! @holyguardian ; @kunselxsoldier ; @proxnotxaxfool ! <3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Forcing my muses in roles/actions that don't fit their character at all.
MUSE PREFERENCES: The NPC that shows up for a whole screentime of like 2mins throughout the entire game obviously.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both - Memes start short interactions. Plots for the threads that develop. Vice versa when chatting beforehand.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both, though I try to find a middle ground currently.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever muse strikes, though I mostly write in the evening when I have time.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Nah. Some characteristics maybe a lil in some acros steh board. I tried writing a character with a very similar occupation to mine once. Didn't like it.
Tagged by: @roleplay-abiogenesis2
Tagging: @holyguardian @kunselxsoldier @proxnotxaxfool @vctlan @midgarwhispers
@cybrvce @hiislegacy @annjiru @snowbanshee @phantasiiae
@sephaeroth @gcldfanged @ofgeneticperfection @evcryopeneye and whomever feels like it!
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valiisthea · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Jess! But I've taken an affinity to being called 'Diehards' (a play on my twitch username).
Age group: Erm...old lol. I'm 32.
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite color: green or blue, don't make me choose.
Favorite food: ugh, pasta. Particularly alfredo pasta. Im an alfred-hoe.
Tattoos/piercings?: Mhm, I have six tattoos (both shoulders, forearm, wrist, foot, chest/over my heart) and then 11 piercings (5 in right ear, 4 in left ear, septum, right nostril).
Current song stuck in your head?: Actually, none. BUT. Yesterday it was "all the things she said" by Tatu LOL.
Pets?: OH boyyyy. Five cats, 3 dogs, and a mouse. Yes a pet mouse, not a house mouse lmao.
Favorite book?: Sheesh, In The Heart of The Sea or The Martian.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: yeaaah. My uncle passed away when I was 5, he gave me this silly little robot toy when I was maybe 2? It's in the barn right now, but I'll never get rid of it. My dad appreciates it too. That was his little brother and one of the only physical things we've got left of him.
Dream job: ok don't laugh at me, but I've wanted to be a paleontologist since I was 5 years old. I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where I've been caught physically crying looking at bone casts in museums before and taken online classes to learn more about em.
Tea or coffee?: both my friend. Both.
Hobbies: I stream on twitch!! That's really all I do aside from work and RP. Yall can come hang out with me and my twitchfam any time! www.twitch.tv/forthediehards
How long have you been role-playing?: Since I was 18, so 14 years?
Who is your most active muse: Mm, any of the FFXVI ones right now. Most specifically Dion. I've also got a lot of muse for Roche from 7 remake.
Significance behind your url?: hm, well, it just means there's a surplus of hearts. Because I have an assload of muses, and they've all got hearts. So many, many many hearts lol.
Tag some partners!: @lightxrampart @mediciina @pheoniks @sagefired @madrites @carrotsaversion @havfayth @aetherstorms @legendaryplayer @eifri @levinstrike @kihel-sorcas @oifrit @rosfieldj @lightwxrden @creatrix-mea @ofdiamonddust @ultimaleus @holyguardian @rosxrian @waloedrex @waloed-steed @stellarisen @poeticphoenix @spiras-summoner @txnichtgut @diions @ofdragonslight @firevow @wingedturmoil @tsckcyomi @knightxvowed @swerte @owyrmtail @gillionaires @of-mythos @wyvern-flames @oultima @floscaedis @rosfeild @eikonshiva @poppydedicant @yinjiyang @inproelia @ifritmade @lionheartedscout @equescaeli @adenial @phoenix-flamed @flamesofrebirths
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flamesofrebirths · 1 year
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@kihel-sorcas said: The young man had been hurt... certainly. There usually was a reason for someone to cough up blood. And Kihel had seen that happen often enough on her travels... usually these people did not make it to the next stop on the refugees' path. And the man had said he didn't need it. That he would survive. That she should save her medicine for those that truly needed them. Not even the woman beside him had protested. And for a moment Kihel had given in. "Oh, well... if you're... sure..." Packed the potion back in her bag and stood up... but something in her pulled at her heart. She couldn't just leave him like this. So before she even had made her way back onto the gravel road, Kihel turned around and came back. She put her lantern down again, this time with a little more stubborn force. Her eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed thin. Determination written all over her face. "No. You need something, Milord. I have to insist!", she declared before again taking out the potions and poultices she had in her leather bag. "That cough will kill you. And you are a kind man. Valisthea needs people like you. What did you do before? Were you with other sick? Or worked in a mine?"
Joshua hates this so much. He knows he uses Phoenix powers too much. He knows he should be more careful. But how could he do that ? Ultima needs to be stopped, and there are new fights everywhere now. He just can't stand there and do nothing. If there are people who can fight, it's surely the Dominants, even if it means dying in the process. He prefers to die fighting than to just wait and see what would come next. If he could survive, though, it would be much better...
When the little girl comes back for him, he forces a brief smirk in her direction. Of course, she seems like someone who would insist. And it's because she's kind. Who is she ? Doesn't she have parents ?
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He shakes his head. "I have done none of this, my lady," he assures. It's quite hard to explain what's his problem without telling her who he truly is, and it's something he's still trying to hide from most people. He coughs again before he adds, "Let's say that I tend to overwork."
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Continued from here:
Damnit all, Elwin cursed mentally. Too careless...
No -- too caring, if anything. As soon as he saw one of the other beasts make a lunge for one of the frightened travelers, instinct took over. He had turned his attention from the opponent he had been holding off, despite knowing that it would be a mistake, and jumped to the man's aid. His sword run through the creature's chest saw that it fell to the worn dirt pathway underneath their feet.
However, its friend must have felt slighted at having been abandoned, and the former Archduke's ordered recompense was paid in the form of razor-sharp claws digging into and dragging across his side.
He had swung on the beast, driving the hilt of his weapon straight down upon its back, then severing its head with one clean slash.
And that was about the point that the Cursebreaker had taken to his knees, before easing himself into a sitting position, one hand pressed over his wound.
And now here he was, being tended to by a seemingly very kindhearted young girl with a promising future as a healer, who was trying so hard to keep him distracted by conversing with him, and all he could think for a passing moment was, Rodney would never let me hear the end of this, if he knew. His dear friend always had lectured -- and teased -- him for his recklessness when it came to protecting others, especially those who could not protect themselves.
But he appreciated the child's help wholeheartedly, something he tried to reassure her of with a warm smile and a soft laugh -- even if the latter did make him wince.
"Thank you."
On the surface, it may have seemed as though the swordsman's words were in reference to her offer of one of her potions, which he took with great care into one gloved hand. In truth, it was for many things: her quick actions and decision-making with regards to aiding him, and the kindness and kind words that she gave to him. The pain was all but forgotten in lieu of these things, just as she had intended.
The small bottle was brought to his lips, and he drank its contents with just as much gratitude. Once the now-empty bottle was lowered, he spoke again: "May I ask your name, my lady? I would know the identity of the one whom I owe my life to." While there was an underlying hint of playfulness in his tone, it was clear in his blue eyes that he was being sincere, further supported by the softening of his age-worn expression.
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yinjiyang · 1 year
Can you fight god?
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Tagged by:  @carrotsaversion​ and @ofengineers​ (thank you both so much for this lol)
Tagging:  @heartsurpluss​ @evcryopeneye​ @dreams-of-fate​ @infulaen​ @kihel-sorcas​ and @pctaldrunk​ (and whoever else wants to do this, including you!)
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kihel-sorcas · 1 year
Kihel Sorcas, helping wounded fair-haired and far too prideful dudes that don't really wanna since the year 876.
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equescaeli · 1 year
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@kihel-sorcas asked: “You’ve got a really bad fever. That must have caused those weird dreams.” MEME: nightmare starters
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Ah, how viciously his head pounds, how sick and tired he feels down to the marrow of his bones. Eyes refuse to open, the vulgar ache in which seems to settle behind them dissuasive; Illness did not oft strike the male, and yet it appeared to have his very person by its claws and refused to let go.
Eventually, he finds the strength to open his honeyed eyes and it is in silence that the prince regards his company and the concern in which ebbs from her blurred expression; eyes too strained to focus well enough to pick out the details of her face.
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"Weird dreams? Dion finally queries, a slender brow quipping upward ere he decides to rest his eyes closed once more. "...Nightmares, mayhap?" To hear that he may have been outwardly reacting to whatever his subconscious was suffering was a surprise and truly, he rather hoped he had not gone into any detail so to not offer the child any further concerns. 'T was not her burden to bare, after all-
"I'm terribly sorry if I worried you." Long fingers raise upward to rub at his forehead, hoping that the weight of the fever would soon plummet. "...the fever truly did sneak up on me out of nowhere."
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hautevaux · 25 days
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@kihel-sorcas asked: "Let's go home." MEME: Send “Let’s go home.” to find my muse out in the rain, alone and freezing || Still Accepting ||
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"-- I don't have a home, sweet." Vaux's usually glittering exterior and joyous nature had vanished, the mask of that contentedness had slipped and now - displaced from Oriflamme due to the aether flood and having lost everything he had worked for his entire life - he could do naught more than sit outside in the rain. What town he was currently in he did not know, recognised naught of its confines, none of its people... All he knew now was the bite of the cold and how heavy his clothes felt saturated through by the downpour, stuck against skin.
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"Given the turn of events, however, I'm sure I'm not the only one." Even his shivers were beginning to die down, body now having grown so cold that it had nigg wasted all of the energy he had stored. "-- Shouldn't you be warm somewhere?"
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