dark-oddworld · 9 months
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A leftover from the G1 episode More than meets the eye part 2
I guess Rumble just gets distracted easily. 
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Frederic, the Vykker.
Non-colorized/ fully dressed yet (it is coming)
He's the boss of Marq-Printonerisev, the Gabbit dancer.
Physiology: taller and stronger than the average Vykker.
Personality: one of the most despicable type of Vykker that exist in Oddworld.
Good geneticist, surgeon. He's referring his test subjects he "redesigned" as his "masterpieces"
What he loves : when his victims resist him. When they are mentally strong enough to try and fight back. So he can take even more satisfaction to break them.
That's why Marq is clearly his favorite. He didn't succeed quite yet to destroy him. But he'll take the time to...
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
Nooooooo 😢😭😭
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Gabbit hunting.
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
Nice one !
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I’ll update the comic soon just working through some life stuff atm. 
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Here's a conceptual front cover of another little Oddworld fanfiction of mine.
Those two are named Titin (the smaller one) and Semaï (the tallest). They escaped Vykker's Lab and now they are trying to reach a Mudokon native village that can welcome the twosome. But for that, they must go through some industrialists villages full of Outlaws, Sligs while trying to not be captured...
In this picture they are in fact in a bus.
Semaï and Titin succeeded to go in there before a Vykker that recognized them could catch the duo.
Quick remark: Titin has the same age as Semaï. He is just smaller in size.
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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                   Just a mama Gabbit & Daughter chilling 
Emielle Printonerisev-Laviramayann (yes, those are her first name + name. It is not even the whole thing, which is in fact Emielle Marq-Printonerisev Laviramayann ) is definitly mama’s little favorite. 
Maybe because Emielle is as grouchy as her mother, and really cute to boot ? In every way, her mum Laviramayann can’t leave alone her favorite daughter who tried yet so hard to look tough at the eyes of her family. ‎Which wasn’t easy task from the start, since she was the smallest-sized out of 88 siblings. 
Nonetheless she kind of succeeded of proving herself by being one of the best sniper and hunter of her family - she don’t wear her colored exentric clothes on while on the hunt.
You can see an entry of her diary on the picture. She comments about her tragic current situation.  
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
But... but Malgaine DIDN'T see the arabesque... his eyes were closed !!!
(Sorry just quibbling about mindless details because it's fun and stupid 😅😅)
(Nonetheless well done CIP this is one of my favorites drawings of you it's very cute 👍)
So Pat what is Malgaine like? Is he good to you?
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- Well.. Master is very strict and demanding. He always needs to know and control everything I do, and can be quite harsh sometimes... but that's just what's necessary. You can't be soft if you want to achieve perfection.
He doesn't often show it, but... he does care a lot about me...
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Being possessed by a demon is universal it seems... 
(Press BFF for Best Freaky Face) 
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Some random Glukkon. He's supposed to be part of my everlasting upcoming drawing (where he's present among a whole crowd of people), but he's very cool in portrait version !
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Aaaand here's a funny scribble/ concept of Emielle ! Emielle is one of Marq-Printonerisev' s eighty-eight children. She's the smallest (in size) of her siblings - of her litter. She's considered to be one the cutest too (even by her sisters and brothers! ) As a result, she's quite spoiled and childish in her demeanor.
But don't be fooled! Emielle can be very dangerous as well. She has one of the best eyesight of the family. Thanks to this she's a redoubtable sniper and hunter, and can protect and feed a good portion of her clan.
As you can see Emielle always wears a bonnet because she's quite chilly. She decorates it depending of her mood. Here she decorated it with a fake bomb and a knife - who's not fake. And her rifle and pissed-off mood aren't fake either, so you better run !!
Otherwise when she's happy or okay she attaches flowers, shells and starfishs to her hat. Most of the time she still keeps knife for protection.
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
Maybe it's rare for Rex to get this angry usually, but it's not rare for Marq to get anyone angry... 😈😈
Hey Rex ! What da ya want to bring back Zeke? He's not yours anymore, so his escape shouldn't be your concern ! And as a side note he's taller than you...
Rex has never felt more insulted. His face slowly turns red as anger boils under his skin, eyes widening and teeth chewing deeply into the tip of his cigar. The extra jab at his most sensitive feature only stirs up the enraged mood more, finally erupting in a loud and shrill rant.
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
This is my oc Farq. He is Marq's rival.
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He don't stand a chance 😂😂 but still nice tho
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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there really are Mudombies
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Marq the “Aquamarine demon”; the “Marine demon”; the “Broken Shell”
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
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Ending: Welcome Home K̴̷̵̸̷̛̛͉͙̹̖̖̑̊͆͘͜͝ȳ̶̵̸̸̷̨̨̛̛̤̲̟̣͔̭̈͊̎͝ų̴̸̷̵̴̞̮̜͕̳̐͊̿̐̆̓͒n̵̸̸̴̴̛̼̝̩̖̹̦̟͎̈́̄̋̊̕͝͝g̷̷̸̷̷̡̠̩͍̻͈̿̏̀͐̽̽̚͜ ̶͉̅̾  Venus
“Maybe, it’s better this way… I got what I wanted after all these years.  I’m home now.”
[𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙺.𝙾.: 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙸𝙻𝙴𝙳] [𝙰𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙵.𝙰.𝙵.: 𝙼.𝙸.𝙰.]
[Article excerpt from M.O.M. NEWS]
“Bigger and better than ever, Magog Muscles for Hire back in action!  New intercontinental business established by Wayne Kestaine brings in a new line of exotic Jimseomi bodyguards available for hire.   Queen Venus’ Warrior-Grade Eggs now for sale!”
((Have mercy on my soul. I spent the whole fucking day on this non-canon drawing.  Also, y’all get to see what Kyung would look like once she’s fully evolved!))
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
Kronos the random Chronicler
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Aaaaand another part of my upcoming drawing. Non-colorized yet.
This anonymous guy is among the crowd who assists at Marq's show.
His under right hand will hold a glass of the equivalent of blue wine in Oddworld (because, you know.... Gabbit... ocean creature... water.... blue... I love to stay in theme) (and yes wine can be blue. Didn't know that before doing some researches 😂)
For the hand who hold a cigarette, it took me MILLENIALS to find the classiest position and draw it, but I'm so f*cking PROUD of it.
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dark-oddworld · 2 years
A Gabbit on stage
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Here's Marq-Printonerisev when he was younger.
This is not a complete drawing yet, but a part of an upcoming one.
The strange pole he's holding onto is a mix of Gabbits (well at least marine) stuff and Vykker stuff. It represents this character personality: the Poseidon-like and devil-like trident shows his pride of a veritable king of the ocean, as well as a devilish side of himself.
The Vykker syringes displays that he's ready to endorse his enemies's style of attack : their malicious and sadistic behavior to face the world's hostillness.
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