#kieran tierney oneshot
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yellowkitkieran · 9 months ago
Birdie and Fox (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: On Kieran's birthday, you and your best friend spill your guts and admit to the elephant in the room.
“Happy birthday, Kieran.” Alongside the elaborately wrapped boxes, the small black one that fits in the palm of your hand feels insignificant, even with the red bow meticulously tied on the top. Your cheeks are on fire when you hold it out to Kieran, who's smile grows as he carefully plucks it from your hand. 
Harboring a crush on one of your best friends isn't an easy secret. Kieran’s naturally flirtatious personality means you toe the line each day, often pushing the limit between friends and something more. More than once you've convinced yourself that maybe Kieran feels something too. A lingering touch, a stare that catches on you a heartbeat too long, a compliment that leaves you stuttering. But he's Kieran and you're his friend, so surely you're imagining things. 
“Thanks darlin’, you didn't have to get me anything! I told ya before, I dinnae need any gifts. What is it?” Before he even opens it, Kieran wraps a strong arm around your shoulders for a tight hug. Every muscled inch of his side is pressed against your own. The black and white tiled kitchen presses in on you, which is the excuse you give yourself in order to justify leaning into him just a touch. 
“Don't get your hopes up, it's nothing special.” You're acutely aware of his heat, soaking into your bones through your fisherman's sweater. You recover after a few seconds and wrap your arms around his waist to quickly return his hug before stepping out of his embrace. 
“You know I had to get you something though,” you murmur. “Just open it- it's not as elaborate as some of the other things your teammates have gotten you, but hopefully you still like it?” 
Kieran's eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles again and carefully unties the ribbon. “I'll love it cause it's from you.”
“Suck up.”
Kieran curls the freed length of ribbon around his finger with care, like he doesn't want it to get swept away on the wind. Strange for him to want to keep something so small, but it's distinctly Kieran to do so. The little things mean the most to him. 
“You know I'll always love anything you get me. It's enough of a present that you could make it today, I'm glad your supervisor let you have an extra day off.” Kieran bumps you with his hip and laughs that musical laugh that you're borderline obsessed with. You could get more drunk on the sound than you could on top shelf bottles, and you'd enjoy it more, too. 
You roll your eyes, shifting from foot to foot. The anticipation is killing you; Kieran is purposely dragging this out. Is it because he's trying to embarrass you or is it because he simply doesn't want you to leave his side yet? No, he just loves to see you squirm. His head is tilted in that annoyingly adorable way as he watches you try and puzzle him out. Why is it that today of all days you've lost your senses around him this terribly? 
You shake the thoughts from your head and say, “just open it will you? The boss man could call me any second and demand I drop everything to head over.”
Kieran frowns, fingers stilling on the black lid of the box. “You wouldn't go, would you? Because I'd be upset if you left me here with this lot of animals, Birdie.”
“Ugh- Kieran come on!” You shove him, though the brick wall of muscle barely sways an inch. Now your frown mirrors the one on his full lips and you sigh. “Unless you're gonna pay my car note, I'd have to go in if he called, yeah. You can handle these animals-” you gesture out of the kitchen to encompass the few dozen lads, wives and girlfriends who mingle in the living room, “all on your own. You've done it before!”
“I would.” The words tumble out of Kieran in that deep timber that only surfaces when he's utterly serious. “You know I would. I barely get to see you anymore since the season started- your new job keeps you way too busy and I dinnae ken how it doesn't drive you as crazy as it drives me.”
You rub your hand over your arm, sighing through your nose. Honestly, you picked this job because the schedule doesn't line up well with Kieran's. And it does bother you to be apart from him for days at a time when you're so used to seeing him often. It's for the best though. At least that's what you tell yourself. It's become increasingly hard to be in his presence the last few months as your little crush has blossomed into something unbearable. Each time he laughs, your heart stops. When you catch a glimpse of his smile from across the room, you can't think straight for ages after. And his eyes, especially now when they're lit up by the setting sun filtering through the window above the sink, you aren't sure how you'll ever manage to deny him what he wants. 
So you listen to your heart for once instead of your brain and quietly murmur, “I'll try to be around more, Key. I promise.” Because you can't continue to allow your head to overrule what you truly want. Kieran makes you happy- and don't you deserve to be happy?
Seemingly satisfied with that answer for the moment, Kieran nods and moves almost imperceptibly closer to you as he finally pulls the lid from the box. You can't bring yourself to watch as he pulls a silver tie clip out, engraved with the date of his first goal for Arsenal on the front and his initials on the rear. Though simple, it cost you a pretty penny. You hadn't batted an eye however, because it was for Kieran, and for him you would gladly empty your pockets of every last coin. 
“Oh, this is lovely, Birdie. This is- it's perfect.” Kieran's hand closes over the bar and he tucks his closed fist to his chest as one might do with something precious they wish to protect at all costs. “Honestly love, I cannae find the words, it's just…” 
At this point, you feel like you're on fire. Your palms are clammy, and your throat is thick. “It's not that amazing. I mean, it's not the new Playstation Martin got you, that's for sure. It's just a dumb tie clip.” You can't bring yourself to tell him there's more. Hopefully he doesn't notice the thin purple band that's still nestled in the box and you can scurry off to your flat instead of making a bigger fool of yourself. 
“Anyone can buy me a Playstation. That's just money, Birdie.” There's that dumb nickname again- a holdover from when you were younger and he insisted on having codenames. Yours stuck around, even if you rarely used his. ‘Fox’ is saved for special occasions. Not only has the connotations behind such a name become something that's a bit harder to justify now, but you relish the pink that creeps up Kieran's neck when you use it.
You're snapped out of your head when Kieran presses his lips to your cheek. Your gasp is audible, you're positive- but Kieran either doesn't notice or doesn't care. “Thank you, Birdie. This is the best gift someone has ever gotten me.” You open your mouth to say something to brush off the remark when Kieran shakes his head. “It's the thought behind it that matters to me, not the money. Honest, I promise you that I'll cherish it.”
“You mean that, yeah?”
Kieran’s answer comes in the form of him clipping the silver bar onto the collar of his shirt, like he's proud to wear it even if it doesn't go with his outfit even the slightest bit. Seeing him wearing it so openly with that wild smile has you feeling a touch reckless.
Well, if he likes it that much… 
You swallow hard and try to ignore your racing heart. “There's uh… there's more in the box, Key. I um… made you something? It's nothing special, just something small.” You rush to get the words out as he notices the bracelet. It really is simple- nothing more than purple and white embroidery floss braided in a tight, durable weave. It's a technique you learned at sleepaway camp as a child, and something you still indulge in now and again. 
“Oh… you- you made this?” Kieran rubs the bracelet between his thumb and forefinger, the edge of his nail catching on a thread slightly. He smooths it over and hums quietly. 
For the first time in years, you aren't sure what to make of Kieran's reaction. Normally you can read him like an open book but now? You have no idea what's going on inside his head and it terrifies you. 
Kieran clears his throat and blinks rapidly. Then he holds out his wrist and says hoarsely, “can you put it on for me? Please.” 
“Yeah, sure.” Your fingers shake when you take the bracelet from him. You can't meet his eyes and fiddle with the button sewed at the end. “You don't have to wear it Kieran, I understand if-”
“Just put it on Birdie. Please.” 
“Alright…” As much as you try, you can't say no to him. So you take Kieran's hand, turning it over and fastening the bracelet around his wrist. The shade of lavender you chose suits his sun-kissed skin perfectly. You have it on him in seconds, as you thought ahead and made it easy to take on and off. Though you should drop his hand now that your task is complete, you run your thumb over the center of his palm and over his wrist, just below the bracelet. Kieran's pulse races when you press down slightly. Neither of you moves save to meet the other's eyes.
Though the party is in full swing mere steps away, it may as well be just the two of you in the room. The chatter of his teammates and friends fades to background noise. It's just a dumb bracelet, but Kieran looks at you like you've just handed him ten million pounds. Kieran squeezes your hand. You both speak at the same time then, talking over each other. 
“I think-”
“Maybe we should-” 
Kieran's laugh has your stomach in knots. You still haven't let go of his hand. More notably, Kieran has yet to pull away. 
“Kieran! Saka wants to cut the cake- if you're not here in thirty seconds he might eat the whole thing!” 
Martin's shout has the two of you separating as if on fire. You fist your hands in the skirt of your dress, finding anywhere to look other than Kieran's face. Tucked away as you are in the corner of Kieran's kitchen, it's understandable how caught up you'd gotten in him. Martin had simply brought you back to reality. 
“I'll be right there,” Kieran calls back. Then, quieter, Kieran adds, “Can we talk later?”
“You should probably go be with your friends, Fox. And I should go too- I think I need to head to work.” You turn and grab your bag off the counter, but the hand Kieran places on your waist freezes you in place before you can slip out the door past him. 
“You didn't think I was gonna let you get away that easy, did ya? Just stay with me. You and I both know your phone hasn't even gone off. You're just trying to escape because you're scared.” 
Kieran tips his head to meet your downcast eyes. He knows you too well for you to try and lie through your teeth; he would see right through it, so there's no use. “I'd really, really love it if you stayed, Birdie. Don't run off on me.” 
It's the tender, loving kiss that Kieran presses to your forehead that seals it for you. You've gone completely, utterly, wholly head over heels for your handsome Scotsman and there's no use denying it anymore. Somewhere along the way you've started to love him. You've come to terms with it now, because you weren't wrong. There's something there, it's not as one sided as you thought.
You nod, because clearly Kieran isn't leaving this room before you answer him. Your nod of agreement makes him smile, and he places a hand under your chin to have you look up at him properly. “We'll talk in a minute, yeah? I promise.”
That minute turns into an hour, though you don't hold Kieran accountable for it. You are far from his only friend, and it wouldn't be fair for you to monopolize his time. So you occupy yourself by chatting with the lads you know well enough to catch up with, and joking with the others you don't. Kieran keeps you close to him as much as possible, subtly tugging on the sheer sleeve of your dress to direct you to follow him, go there, shift closer to him. You don't mind, mostly because you're certain to bolt if Kieran lets you out of his sight. 
Once people begin to filter out, you make yourself busy with tidying up. Plates, cups and various silverware are stacked in the sink. Abandoned drinks are emptied and crumbs are swept up whilst Kieran plays host. Soon enough the music is turned off and Kieran is grabbing the broom from your hands. “You didn't have to do all this, you know. I was gonna clean up in the morning.”
“I wanted to make myself useful. I can't sit still, you know that!”
“Oh, I know. How about you make us some tea and I'll finish up in here? Because you've done enough for tonight, Birdie.”
The kettle boils long before you are ready to face Kieran again. Your head is a mess of jumbled thoughts that crisscross over one another like a bowl of spaghetti, all intertwined and tangled with no hope of unknowing them. The tea is steeped and cups are poured by the time Kieran joins you in the kitchen, and he grabs his favorite mug and takes a satisfying sip. 
“I've always said you know how to make the best cuppa in London.” Kieran grins whilst you stare into the surface of your own tea. Sensing your clouded mind, he sets one hand on the counter between you, less than an inch from your own. You watch out of the corner of your eye as his pinky moves millimeter by millimeter towards yours until his hand half covers yours. It is as much of an invitation as it is a test. 
You aren't going to be afraid anymore, that's what you told yourself. Today is a day for risks, for jumping in headfirst without knowing how deep the water is. No more second guessing, no more harboring secrets. Enough being scared and holding your cards close to your chest. 
“About earlier,” you start in a voice that is thankfully even, “did you… I mean, it seemed like you were ready to say something before Martin interrupted.”
“Oh, right. I was.” Kieran sets his mug aside and turns towards you. Instinct has you doing the same, your head tipped back slightly to meet those warm brown eyes you would love to sink into. “It's just…” Kieran sighs and rakes a hand through his hair. Picking at his nails has been a nervous habit of his for years, so when you see him indulging said habit, you gently take his hands in yours. If Kieran cannot be steady, then you will be. Where one is not strong, the other becomes their steadfast anchor. 
“Hey, you can tell me. Go on, be a good lad and find your words for me, Fox.”
Kieran's cheeks turn red in a hurry. “No helping matters when you call me that, Birdie! Look, all I'm sayin’ is I really care for you. As in… as in more than a friend. And if you don't, that's fine! We can pretend I dinnae say a word.”
“Kieran, for once in your life just be quiet.” Your free hand rests on the nape of his neck. Even as you're rising up on your tiptoes, Kieran can't keep his mouth shut though. 
“I cannae be quiet, not when you're looking at me like that- heywhatareyou-” 
Kieran finally shuts his damn mouth when your lips meet his. Neither of you wastes any time. Kieran holds your jaw like you're made of glass, tender and soft. You sigh wistfully and press your front to his. Kieran opens for you, allowing your tongue to sweep against his in a dance that feels so practiced, it feels like the hundredth time you've kissed him. The whole thing comes naturally, like you've gone into this knowing exactly what he likes and doesn't like. 
“Strawberry,” you murmur when you break to breathe. “You taste like strawberry.” You begin to giggle with your forehead resting on Kieran’s shoulder. “Why on earth do you taste like berries?! Have you been swiping my lip balm?”
You welcome the tight squeeze Kieran inflicts upon you, as well as the butterflies that seem intent on residing permanently in your stomach. “So what if I have? You would nae want to kiss a lad with rough lips, would you?” 
“Oh, absolutely not. I wouldn't have kissed you if they didn't look so soft!”
“Mhm, exactly. So don't complain and just be happy that I thought of you and your comfort!”
“I'm sure that's exactly what you were thinking when you stole it from my coat pocket. You knew I was gonna kiss you tonight, didja?”
Kieran's shoulder lifts in a shrug. The nonchalance of it has you smiling like a fool. He's so effortlessly pretty that you can't help but admire him. “One way or another that was my plan, darlin’. I wasnae letting you slip away from me.”
Soft kisses are placed on each of your cheeks before Kieran smiles at you again. “So? What do you say?” 
Your fingers pause their tracing on his chest. “What do I say about what? You haven't asked me anything.”
“Come on Birdie, you know what I mean.” Of course you do, but you want to hear him say it. You remain stoically silent, staring up at him with your best confused face as you wait for him to ask you properly. 
“You're really gonna make me say it?”
“Like you haven't been dreaming of asking me anyway. It's a formality but I expect nothing but pampering, Kieran.”
You are distracted by the curve of Kieran’s throat when he tips his head back and laughs. “You're adorable, you know that? Alright, I'll ask you properly sometime soon. But at least promise me that you won't go around snogging other lads in the meantime, yeah?”
Your thumb rubs off the smudge of your lipstick left behind on his lips. “I think that's a promise I can make, Fox. Easiest promise ever.”
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oh-saints · 2 years ago
bestie do we still get kt x singer reader?!🥲i need it after the anti-kt disappointment
for you, fellow KT bestie (does it rhyme???) who's been deprived of our lovely viking for far too long, i'd give it to youuu
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being a female singer-songwriter in a very saturated industry, you work hard to get where you are now. but kieran works harder until he can call you his.
kieran tierney x singer!reader
word count: 2.0k
note: i gotta be honest... i tried so hard not to entertain this ask because my request's closed and i have so many left i haven't worked on yet, but an idea popped in my mind that i had to write it down. and in the light of us fellow KT girlies not being granted his appearance by mikel, which coincided with my bday week this time around, here it is! but as usual, i happen to write this at dawn so not beta-read yet.
the song included in this work is this.
“A record I must say,” Lauren, your agent, walked into your studio alongside your publicist with a cup of tea—dajeerling and brewing hot, no less, just the way you like it. “A birdie told me you haven’t pulled out all-nighter lately and chose to clock in early instead.”
“Morning to you, too, Lauren,” You pushed back your chair, straying away your eyes from the lined-up monitors on your work station. “Now, what’s wrong in being early?”
“As far as I can recall, you love your bed so much that you always try to spend your time there until it’s really time to go,” Lauren put your cup and your smoked-beef sandwich on the table standing in the middle of the room. “Am I right?”
You could only laugh at your agent’s long-standing experience of the countless times she had to drag you out of your bed so you could make it in time for radio promotions. She even went as far as preventing you from touching the bed when you were due for a red carpet, afraid you’d pass out and she had to extort physical means to get you wake up.
In your defence, you couldn’t help it. Inspirations come to you at unexpected times, and mostly they keep you up during the time when everybody’s asleep because you can’t not make something out of it while it lasts. They are what keep you afloat in this make-it-or-break-it industry, the root of your endless hits after hits, and precisely why your agent—although groaning while doing so—would still shake the sleep from your entire being relentlessly.
However, you couldn’t deny your agent’s astute observation that you had, indeed, been gracing your studio in normal time zone. Something that wasn’t exactly unheard of but definitely something that was missing from a gazillion years ago.
In fact, deep down, you actually surrendered yourself to the fact attack launched by Lauren because you were changing, for good. No longer were the days of grabbing instant meal kits, nights of recording and takeouts. And you have every reason to.
While the smoke of brewing hot tea was usually something you look forward to get your body and soul intact for the rest of the day, lately there had been another angelic sight freely occupying the other side of your bed—a sight you look forward to see the first thing in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes to the bright, blinding sun. Yet, you could swear the sight was even mesmerising than the sun itself.
The calm personified in Kieran Tierney when he was sleeping was something else. Eyes shut perfectly in a dome shape and eyelashes tickling his prominent cheekbones—it was a scenery you would definitely choose over the leather four walls of your studio.
Kieran when awake was already bedazzling as it is, but when you take away all the determination and worries, he simply looks like an innocent child sleeping, with those thin lips left agape and soft snores coming out in tune melodically with the chirping bird outside.
For that particular private viewing alone, if it meant you had to do patchworks to your usual unusual routine, you would gladly do it in a heartbeat. You’d enjoy the bonus of 5 extra minute to run the pads of your fingers along the lines of his facial structure, grazing inch and every bit of the strong features you’ve come to love the past months, tracing every crook and nook until nothing else left untouched.
You like to touch the end of his hairline and the beginning of his skin, creasing out the contracted muscle at your initial touch, down to his thick brows, the long eyelashes, protruding cheek bones and jaw lines, the apple chin… and your favourite of them all; the thin but healthily pink lips that always pouts in default but would turn into a megawatt smile whenever around you. It’d become your favourite ever since you noticed that particular perk only you had the privilege to own.
Your hands would draw back to the tip of his pointy nose, a feature he inherited from his patrilineal genetics, and he would scrunch the muzzle softly as if he was about to sniff before gaining consciousness slowly but surely. You’d come to realise it was marked by his 3-times blink before he groaned a sleepy, groggy good morning as he took in his surroundings.
And you’d laugh when he attempted to pull you into another tight cuddle, prolonging your lazing time on the bed by leaving pecks on the crown of your head, as if he didn’t have somewhere to go every morning without fail.
As much as you’d come to terms with the fact that you know now your way of dying—should you be able to choose—is to be engulfed in Kieran’s arms, basked in his signature mixture of natural odour and his favourite perfume, until you run out of breaths, Kieran’s athletic routine was the reason why you had to get up the same time as your boyfriend.
Because who could fall asleep again when you got to gawk on your shirtless boyfriend walking around your bedroom like he owned the place?
Certainly not you, not when the adrenaline was too high on certain times and all you had to focus was not to tackle your boyfriend in the bathroom so that you could have sex. He has a job to keep, and you have fans waiting for your next creation. So you channelled your overflowing energy into coming into the studio early—it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, really, if you exposed yourself that your next album would be solely inspired by your “burly yet soft like a teddy bear” lover.
If 5 years ago someone said to you that you’d undergo all these drastic changes, you’d laugh at their face. Your old self wouldn’t have approved of your decision on letting Kieran in to your life so fast in the first place.
Old you, who didn’t think of anything else but your budding career.
Old you, who was so afraid to lose whatever you had because of a stupid move, like your fellow musicians went wrong.
Old you, who thought you had too much at stake to think of something outside the music and your fans.
Old you, who learnt from your last ex-boyfriend that you had to fight your way up on your own.
“How’s the album going?” Lauren started off again, now her notes and iPad sprawled all over the table, and you took the hint to get serious. “Is there any samples we can hear of?”
“I do—”
And that was when you realise your phone—your other phone, to be exact; the one you bought for its music features so you could rest assured to keep your creative outlet as positive as possible—was nowhere to be found. Your morning commute only includes the likes of your house or Kieran’s house and work lately, so you’ve got no choice but to call your boyfriend.
“What’s up, babe?”
Kieran had made it a habit of his to rotate any pet name he could probably think of to call you. On any other circumstances, you would usually curl your fingers when someone called you by a sweet moniker of their choice—heck, your last ex fling even complained about your disdain to them. But rather than disgust this time, it was more at the weird sensation vibrating through your entire body that you found yourself rather liking them.
In fact, you had to give Kieran a big kudos for making the transition in their relationship relatively natural. While a lot of things escalated very quickly in your respective lives, it somehow felt like it just fell into their deserving place instead.
Kieran really meant it when he vowed he would prove her fears wrong, exactly the night when you decided to let him into your life.
“I left my other phone at home, can you bring them to my studio?”
“Sure thing, love,” And Lauren had to hold back her squeals when she noticed your blushing cheeks. “See you in a bit.”
Turned out, it wasn’t merely a bit to the Scotsman. How could he not be stunned when you pulled the rug from under his feet?
He was only supposed to call your other phone in order for him to bring the device to you, but as soon as he heard intently and closely to the caller ring you’ve put for him, he was rendered speechless.
The very reason why your relationship with Kieran took off on a very long slow burn into what they were now was because you were initially very averse at the idea of romantically involved with anyone. Not after what your ex had done to you, and Kieran went into diving fully realising and acknowledging the part. He’d come to embrace your flaws and your imperfections, no matter how much you hate them, because it’s what made you… you. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Including your lack of verbal affection.
The irony, Kieran would laugh at the revelation, but it didn’t matter in his opinion because it didn’t particularly equal to not meaning you love for him. You crumbling down the longstanding Berlin Wall between them was enough of a proof that you felt the same way as him.
He had before long accepted the idea that you were not fond of grandiose gestures from your significant other, nor did you like doing so to your partner. You belonged rather to the kind of people who liked spending time closely with their respective partner, be it candle-lit dinner in the iconic Aviary or be on the phone call with him for hours when he was on an away match–didn’t matter for you, really.
You preferred to express her affection into a set of discreet actions; you could be found constantly holding his hand whenever you had the chance, playing with his hair, juggling between touching the side of his face and feeling the growing stubbles on his jaw.
When he was on an away game, you would send an Uber Eats for him and whoever his roommate at that time, a little supportive note from you would be slipped in the packaging with a help of the deliveryman. Now, being Kieran’s roommate was a spot worth fighting for amongst his teammates. And recently, you let Kieran stay over in your flat every now and then.
The action spoke more than volume, per Kieran’s standard of your love for him. It might not be much, but for Kieran, it meant no more walls, no more hesitation.
So when his ears picked up the lyrics of the caller ring, Kieran was left breathless. It was a crude song, not yet mastered, so he knew it was something she only recently produced, but it was what made the effect booming throughout his body became 10 times shuddering.
I remember like it was yesterday
First kiss and I knew you changed the game
You have me, exactly, well you want it,
And I'm on it
And I ain't ever gonna let you get away
Holdin' hands never made me feel this way
So special, boy it's your, it's your smile
We so in love
You had never been fluent in articulating her feeling into words of either written or spoken form, at least to Kieran’s face, but this song–it pretty much contained every description of what you felt towards him, practically a song to profess your love to him in a very discreet way.
You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up (Oh boy, oh boy)
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of
You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up (Oh boy, oh boy)
You're my every, every, every, everything
Been a minute and we still holding it down
Butterflies every time you come around
You make me, so crazy
It's crazy, oh baby
And I don't ever wanna be with no one else
You're the only one that ever made me melt
You're special, boy it's your, your style
We so in love
Kieran’s heart was galloping so fast it could outmatch any stallion in their prime. He could actually feel the depths of your unspoken love and affection towards him from the song, from your voice alone, despite the still-lacking quality of the product. But god damn…
If this was the aftereffect of being serenaded by you, in all of your glorious words about how you feel towards him, Kieran didn’t think he could survive another, should you make another song for him.
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arrrseeenalfc · 4 years ago
dating tierney includes? if u write for him x
Please accept this👐🏼 x
* He’s a little shy at first, with other guys he’s fine but with you? He might’ve stumbled over his words a bit
* But he soon grows confident and manages to win you over
* Once you start dating he’s a softy
* He kisses your knuckles all the time
* Calls you babe, angel and princess
* He doesn’t do much besides playing games, training and sometimes going out and even then he wants you there
* Has you sitting on his lap as he plays games, resting his chin on your shoulder, kissing your neck and cheek
* He’ll hold one of your hands as he plays, liking that you can participate in some way
* Will teach you and is actually very patient with you, laughing softly and kissing your cheek if you don’t get it
* If he’s playing in bed, he’ll let you cuddle against him, arms wrapped around his waist or even resting your head against his thigh, he’ll be careful not to hurt you if he gets too into his game
* He sends good morning and good night texts okay
* I know he doesn’t seem like it but he’s a clingy boy
* Wants hugs, cuddles, little kisses and loves his hair being played with
* He expresses love through physical touch and compliments
* Always tells you how beautiful you are
* Loves introducing you to his friends, he thinks you’ll get along with them instantly
* Oh but he can get jealous and makes sure to remind people you’re his by kissing you quickly
* He lets you steal his hoodies
* The sight of you in his clothes? Yeah he’s basically giving it to you
* And if you return it? Doesn’t wash it until the smell of you fades, you just smell so good
* During training he’s sending you cheeky snaps of him all tired and sweaty and even some of stupid things that happen with the boys
* During game days he texts you on the bus, maybe calls you if he doesn’t fall asleep
* The team loves to by the way
* He’s happy you’ve settled in like he has and always stares at you lovingly when you engage with his teammates
* Takes you out on dates to local restaurant, he’s not much of a big and fancy unless he thinks you would enjoy it instead
* I feel like he would give you a necklace with his initials, again it’s the possessive but proud feeling he gets knowing you’re his
* His mum is basically your mum
* He was first embarrassed by his mum sharing stories about him but now loves your closeness
* Gets all the important females in his life flowers when he can
* Cuddle dates are big with you too (plus him playing)
* He’ll binge watch shows with you
* Has a private Instagram with just pictures of you two doing nothing or dumb things - a lot of blurred pics
* And always kisses your forehead if you fall asleep on him
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marcdurm · 5 years ago
“God, I had to wait this long to figure out you have the softest lips on the planet?” - Kieran Tierney
They met when she was moving into the apartment next to his. She was surrounded by boxes, trying to carry them one by one inside when he saw her and offered his help. She tried to tell him that she could do it herself but the truth was that she was just being polite, and he knew that so he helped her anyway. Since then, Kieran would always find excuses to knock on her door. Was it sugar that he needed? Was it tea bags? Was it to give her a letter that was misplaced into his letterbox (he stole it from hers because he ran out of excuses)? He even waited by his door every morning waiting to hear hers opening, to make sure that they would meet by the lift. And even though he did all that, he never really had the courage to ask her out or in fact say anything more than “have a nice day/night”.
“Hey, I’m sorry for annoying you but.. is by any chance your washing machine working? I’m trying to do my laundry but mine just doesn’t want to do its job and I really need to do it today.” This time she was the one who found herself on his door asking for help.
“Of course, bring it here.” He immediately said, without even knowing if it is in fact working. The last time that he used his was 3 months ago for an emergency when the laundry agency didn’t come to collect his clothes. “Do you need help to carry it?”
“No, I can do it, it’s not that much anyway. Thank you!” she said and disappeared back to her apartment to get her basket, while Kieran run around his apartment to tidy up the mess that was currently going on, or at least try to make it less messy. In a few minutes she was back at his apartment, and throwing her clothes into his washing machine. “God, how can I thank you?” she stood up and looked at him relieved as soon as the machine started working, “I was this close to miss my meeting tomorrow because I would have no clothes to wear.” 
“Considering the amount of times you gave me things because I forgot I ran out of them, you really don’t need to thank me.” he smiled at her but then realised that this is his only chance to shoot his shot, “But, if you insist, maybe you can make me some dinner. You know it’s almost rude whenever I have to walk past your door and have to smell the food you are cooking but never invite me over to try.” he smirks sarcastically.
“Well I couldn’t have known you wanted to try, but now that you mentioned it I'll keep it in mind.” she laughed and invited him over to her apartment for the ‘thank you’ dinner.
Kieran was sitting on a stool beside her while he was trying to listen to her teaching him on how to cook, even if he had no idea what she was talking about and even if he knew he was never going to do all the things she mentioned. He just listened and enjoyed how excited she was about food. The excitement was soon over though, as she had just cut herself while trying to cut some vegetables. Kieran was fast to grab some kitchen paper towel and wrap it around her finger, right before he went to look for her first aid kit.
“Thank you.” she almost whispered as he was taking care of her wound, making him turn to look at her and realise he was just standing a breathe away from her. His eyes immediately fell on her lips and then back to her eyes, looking for a confirmation that they both had the same thing on their minds. She moved her head slightly closer to his, and with that he was also leaning closer until he was finally kissing her, gently. They pulled apart for a moment to look into each others eyes, their shaky and shallow breaths exposing their feelings.
“God, I had to wait this long to figure out you have the softest lips on the planet?” Kieran said against her lips right before he put both hands on either side of her face and kissed her again, this time more passionately.
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tommyspeakycap · 4 years ago
Footie Fics :)
prompts lists
meeting prompts
prompt list
cute intimate prompts
(requests are not exclusive to these lists, send in anything you like and I’ll give it a shot!)
also want to just put it out there that I’ll never accept a request involving players real life families / stuff like that. they’ll never be included in the fics and everything here is completely imaginative and fictional with no relation or link to the players personally. that said, request away! :)
how i headcanon member of the england nt when they’re travelling - a stupid thing i made once
insta files masterlist
Jack Grealish
linked fics / stories
Friends for now
Not mates
this is happiness
illicit affairs
fell for you
Mama’s Boys
Villa boy
changed man
snow days and haribo rings
right here with me
Kieran Tierney
Dating would include
nsfw alphabet
christmas market
this is what dreams are made of
Jordan Henderson
linked fics / series
Rose Garden
Painted Roses
fluff alphabet
John Stones
linked fics / series
always yours
part two
john x single mum reader
black tie turbulence
my hero
say it back
nsfw alphabet
because i’m in love with you
holiday hatred (smut)
no matter what // (part 2)
traffic lights
work welcome
everybody knows
changing it up
longer than forever lasts
car problems
christmas jumper
dad duty
Ben Chilwell
please don’t say you love me (1)
cause i might not say it back (2)
doesn’t mean my heart’s not skipping (3)
when you look at me like that (4)
single dad!ben x reader
helping hand
a team
reunions and surprises
welcome to the family
good luck charm
want it again (part two)
i believe
Ben White
dating would include
holiday heartbreak
Andy Robertson
fics/multi part pieces
ruined it // part two
resentment // part two
baby girl
a fathers woe
not just the physio
feeling some kind of way
nsfw alphabet
uprooted plans
with a bang
best kept secret
Marcus Rashford
meet the family
the one
count on me (series)
part one
part two
seil il mio amore piu grande
Mason Mount
3am confessions
biggest mistake
quite miss home
John McGinn
double win
you got me
Rúben Dias
next to you
not ready
daddy's home
blue masterlist
insta files
songwriter girlfriend blurb
ring blurb
looking out for you blurb
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colorsofmyseason · 5 years ago
Fanfic Masterlist
So, some of you probably have known that I write fics (mostly Arsenal and Germany NT), and therefore I’m just going to use this space to shamelessly promote my own fanfic. New ones will be added accordingly.
So, enjoy! (or not)
Series of Oneshots
passing the limits of your senses. germany nt. supernatural au. 
tastes like sunshine. steno. marc-andré thirsts for bernd’s blood.
promises you whisper between your teeth. philipp lahm/per mertesacker. what happened behind closed doors.
just plain vanilla. neuller. manuel’s blood is tasteless but thomas loves it anyway.
when being normal is underrated. schweinski. bastian wishes to have a superpower and lukas wishes to be normal.
the grand sorcerer and the apprentice. miroslav klose & manuel neuer. manuel can’t deceive miro to save his life.
firsts. germany nt (gen), minor steno, hömmels and götzeus. the players tell the stories about the first time they manifested their powers.
red lights. arsenal fc. supernatural au.
the distance between you and me. onesided!bernd leno/lucas torreira, minor steno. lucas falls in love with a tall, blonde, glove-wearing german in his new club.
running to neverland. onesided!mikel arteta/robin van persie. mikel and robin talks about the latter’s transfer to man united.
a peculiar introduction. lucas torreira & shkodran mustafi. lucas learns how musti utilizes his power.
the dark side of defeat. bernd leno, héctor bellerín, pierre-emerick aubameyang, and mikel arteta. the aftermath of man city vs arsenal game.
into your bloody trap. gabriel martinelli/bukayo saka. bukayo figured out about gabi's ability.
not as easy as magic. lucas torreira & héctor bellerín. the tale behind lucas’ insta-story.
war and peace. mesut ozil/arsenal, minor samisut. mesut might not be allowed to play, but that doesn't mean he couldn't help his team in his own way.
not just a phase. héctor bellerín & kieran tierney. kieran calls héctor in the middle of the night.
the wolf of colney street. héctor bellerín/dani ceballos, onesided!héctor bellerín/kieran tierney. kieran finds a wolf in arsenal’s dressing room.
divine intervention. arsenal fc/gen. lucas' obsession with magic gets a little too much and bernd stages an intervention.
rebel just for you. robcal. an unfair decision from the ref and rob's rage kinda throw calum off-balance.
(im)probable coincidence. arsenal fc/gen, bernd leno-centered. there are disadvantages of being a super.
chasing starlights. fc bayern münchen. supernatural au. 
end of a day. manuel neuer-centered. a background story behind bayern's win against psg in the ucl final.
we found love right where we are. arsenal fc. valentine's day fluff. what the couples in arsenal do during valentine's day.
Multi-chapter/Multi-part fics
the sweetest temptation. hömmels. supernatural au. mats is a seducer and benni is somewhere between misunderstanding and denial.
even if my body goes up in flames (i’ll save you anyway). bravertz. supernatural au. kai havertz can see the details of someone’s death.
in weakness and in strength. steno. supernatural au. three things bernd learns after he starts dating a vampire.
in this white frozen world. steno. future au. bernd leno goes on loan to real madrid.
spellbound. neuller. supernatural au. throughout all the frenzies that are football, transfers, blood and magic spells, they fall in love.
countless reasons. steno. supernatural au, future au. marc transfers to chelsea and moves in with bernd.
two points. héctor bellerín & bernd leno, minor steno. supernatural au. héctor reflects about being a wizard, supernatural life, and bernd leno.
cold as ice. jerome boateng/robert lewandowski. supernatural au. jerome takes too long in the bathroom so robert pranks/punishes him.
you're my fortress, shield, savior, armor. alexander nübel/niklas süle. supernatural au. niklas defends on and off the pitch, and alex enjoys it.
love at second sight. hector bellerin/multiple. supernatural au. five times hector got into some "complications" and one time he found his true choice.
love scenario. kieran tierney/martin odegaard. supernatural au. kieran wishes to stay away from love. his plans fall apart when he meets martin.
And oh, if you guys are interested in reading my old fics in livejournal and asianfanfics, feel free to do so I guess, though I have to warn you they’re shitty af.
Happy reading! :)
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spotofimagines · 5 years ago
Upcoming Posts
Disclaimer: I am female so things I post automatically have a female reader insert as they are written from my perspective. If you would like a gender neutral or male reader just make it clear in the request. I am going to put the reader’s gender on each fic from now on but older posts may not include it. If something is non-gender specific, their gender isn’t clarified and can be read from any perspective.
These are the oneshots/would includes that I'm currently working on. They're in order of which will be posted first. Blurbs may come in between posts if requested or if small ideas come to me. When a request is sent in it will go ahead of any unrequested post on the list, unless a oneshot is part of a series. I will put requests on here instead of answering asks, so if you’ve sent one and it isn’t here within a while, I probably didn’t get it. If there is an unrequested idea on the list that you want to see sooner let me know in my inbox and I’ll boost it up. The “who I write for” list is linked in my bio.
I'll keep this as updated as possible. I'm not including plots so they can stay a surprise.
Writing challenge - Dom Calvert-Lewin ft. Dele (football)
Shifty Powers oneshot (band of brothers) - requested
Shifty Powers nsfw alphabet (band of brothers) - requested
Lewis Nixon nsfw alphabet (band of brothers) - requested
John Allerdyce fluff alphabet (x men) - requested
Chuckler Juergens fluff alphabet (the pacific) - requested
Kieran Tierney fluff alphabet (football) - requested
Kieran Tierney nsfw alphabet (football) - requested
Martin Odegaard would include (football) - requested
Emile Smith Rowe would include (football) - requested
Calum Chambers would include (football) - requested
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yellowkitkieran · 9 months ago
No Scotland, No Party (Kieran Tierney)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Kieran helps you pack for Germany and helps fight your insecurities at the same time.
“Key! Come help me, my case won't close!”
Your tongue pokes out as you climb on top of the unzipped suitcase, trying every trick in the book to get the damn thing to close. Are you trying to shove a month's worth of skincare and clothes into a single bag? Yes, but that is beside the point. Being prepared is the most important thing here; you cannot touch down in Germany and realize you forgot the very color of nail varnish you haven't touched in years but decide that is the best option. 
“My darling,” Kieran's sweet tone already has you bristling because you know what he'll say, “Why don't you just pack less-”
As Kieran rounds the corner to your bedroom, you shoot him with a glare that would make most men turn tail and run. Your boyfriend knows better though; he's well aware that your bark is far worse than your bite. For as vicious as you appear on the surface, it takes a lot for you to truly snap. So your handsome Scotsman only grins, crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe. 
“Don't finish that sentence, Kieran. I have to pack all this, I can't take anything out! I have the bare minimum already!” You probably look unhinged with your wildly waving hands and wide eyes. At least Kieran gleans some amusement from your dilemma.
“Alright love. Let's take a breather, yeah? Okay.” Kieran removes you from your perch and sets you on the bed as if you weigh no more than a bird. He smiles and pecks your forehead, ever the level headed problem solver. Though you feel heat creeping to your cheeks, you're too stubborn to say anything as Kieran pulls out the packing cubes you spent ages tetris-ing into place. 
“Hm. I’m not sure about all this. Three pairs of sneakers, two pairs of flats, and a pair heels? Darling, surely you don't need so many shoes.” Kieran shakes his head with a smile as he pulls out another larger cube bulging with jerseys and miscellaneous Scotland gear. “And I thought you were planning on stealing all my jerseys anyway, why do you need these?” 
“Because,” you snatch the cube from him and shove it back in the case, “they're vintage. They prove I'm a day one supporter! I don't want everyone thinking I'm some bandwagon fan that's only in it cause Scotland is doing well this year.”
“Come on, you know no one thinks that. All of the lads know how long you've been around, you're my day one lass!”
You quirk a brow at him, “actually, some fans have other opinions. Clearly you don't read what people say online-” 
“You know I don't, because it doesn't matter-” 
“But I do, and I don't want to give anyone an excuse to critique me while I'm in Germany. I'm there to support you, not get caught up in some tabloid headlines.” It’s silly, you know that. Opinions of faceless online trolls shouldn't have any say in your plans. It is hard to ignore though, when it pops up unprompted so frequently on social media. 
Kieran joins you on the bed and pulls you into his lap. You relish the slight scratch of his five o'clock shadow against your shoulder as he lightly kisses your neck. “Like I said, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I know that you're there because you love me and you cannae stand the thought of watching on a screen instead of supporting me in person. That's what counts, why does anyone else's opinion matter?” 
Of course Kieran is right. As usual. Because your insecurities always resurface when the spotlight gets brighter on Kieran, and during the Euros you know there will be plenty of chatter surrounding him and his teammates. You're doing your best to mentally prepare for it, trying to get ahead of the curve to anticipate and dispel anything negative before it can surface.
Your trust for Kieran outweighs any doubts hanging over your head. So you smile at him, nodding as you put on a no-nonsense face. 
“Alright, I'll take some out.” You hold out your hands for the bag of vintage kits and remove all but two of them, your favorites that you were planning to bring regardless. Then you take out the heels (you'd rather be comfortable than be fashion forward anyway), and a dress that you packed solely because it was “wag material”. Kieran doesn't say a word, he just repacks the remaining cubes when you’ve finished your audit and then zips the case shut with ease. 
“There, all set. That wasn't so hard.” You want to be mad, but Kieran's smile ebbs any lingering frustration. It's always been that way with him. His ability to soothe your hot-headed streak never fails. So you sigh and rest your head on his shoulder instead of spitting a reply like you instinctively want to.
“I guess all that is left is to pack my carryon.” You grin at Kieran, recognizing the moment the thought crosses his mind. 
“Ah, no, before you ask, you cannae fit me in your carry on, love. I'm going on the jet!”
In the future, perhaps you'll listen to Kieran more often. The only headlines you've seen online are about how brilliant of a supporter you've been. Fans are singing your praises for your decision to forgo sequestering yourself in a private box in favor of joining them in the stands. Your ability to start chants with your loud, captivating voice keeps them riled match after match. And even now at one of the many after parties, you keep the lads riled up and excited by singing along to the music pounding over the speakers. 
“We know we ain't no Argentinaaaaa…” 
Robbo throws his arm over your shoulder as the music pauses for a beat, his ridiculously oversized sunglasses knocking your temple. The whole room remains hushed for a few tantalizing moments, and when the beat drops, everyone erupts. 
“BUT WE'VE GOT JOHN MCGINN!” You can barely pick out your own voice among the players, friends and families gathered as you all belt out the lyrics to the unofficial, official Scotland Euros song. “And Robbo out on the wing!” At that, the entire room points to you and Andy, who is wearing his classic goofy smile and jumping up and down with one arm still over your shoulders. His glasses are askew now, but he couldn't care less- the entire atmosphere is electric, and you find yourself caught up in the fun and join Andy in his erratic dancing. 
You tip your head back to the ceiling, eyes shut against the strobing lights and yell the next line, “No Scotland, no partyyyy!” Like your life depends on it. “Steve Clark’s tartan armyyy!” You're in your element now, as at home among your friends as Kieran is with a ball at his feet; a fact that isn't lost on your boyfriend, who happily observes from his spot near the makeshift bar and sings along too, albeit a touch quieter than you. 
It's only when the song ends and Andy releases you that Kieran comes to find you. The volume of the music lowers a touch and gives everyone a chance to catch their breath. You grin at Kieran as he approaches, one arm sliding around your waist as he joins you near the bar. 
“Hello darling. Is that drink for me?” Your hopeful question has Kieran tipping his glass bottle of beer toward you. You greedily gulp down half of it before he manages to steal it from your claws. 
“Oi, I'm only allowed one all night! And now it's nae gonna last much longer thanks to you!” 
You giggle, then hiccup, then lightly smack Kieran’s toned chest. “Maybe if you had a line written about you in that song they'd let you have another. Cause Andy's had more than one, that's for sure!”
“Dinnae know how he got a second,” Kieran grumbles, pouting in the general direction his captain disappeared in. “Nae fair if ya ask me. If he gets two, the lot of us should get two!” 
“Ohh, you tell ‘em babe. Look at you- all angry aren't you?” You run your hands over Kieran's chest, tipsy enough thanks to the unlimited number of drinks you've been allowed to have. “Such a strong, angry little man aren't you… and so handsome! I'm a lucky lass.” you cup Kieran's jaw, thumbs rubbing over his stubble. Upon seeing the slight glaze to your eyes, a laugh rumbles out from Kieran’s chest beneath your other hand. 
“You're right pished, aren't you darling? Just how many did you have?” 
“Dinnae count,” you mumble. You're far too tired to tally them up now, especially when Kieran's warm lips meet your forehead. “When's your next match again? I hope it's not tomorrow because I'm gonna need to sleep this off.”
“Wednesday. But I have recovery tomorrow, and training every day too.” Kieran is quick to shush you when you groan, registering your protest even if it does fall on slightly deaf ears. “I know, I know, you'll miss me the entire time. You dinnae ken what you'll do with your free time. But you could go out with the other girlfriends and wives, that's an option!” 
“That's already my plan! But I want to see youuuuu- I want to see my boyfriendddd!” You jut your lower lip, two fingers finding the front belt loops of his jeans and pulling him closer. “Why do you have to be so good at what you do? You should slip a few times in training so you don't have to go back. Then you could spend time with me!”
“Well, I'm no John McGinn. But I am out on a wing, so I guess I'm sort of like Robbo- clearly not as good as him but hey, but I'll take it.” Kieran’s smile turns your knees to goo. It's lucky he's got a firm hold on you or else you'd be a puddle on the floor at this point. “Why don't we head to our room for now then? We can party more when we win, yeah? For now let's get you into bed.”
A pitiful whine bubbles past your lips. “I want to stay outttttt! You haven't even danced with me yet- and that's a crime! Shame on you for not dancing with your girlfriend!”
“I- hey!” Kieran rubs his arm where you just pinched him, frowning down at you. “Well, I was going to offer to dance with you now, but I dinnae ken if I should after that abuse!”
“You have to! I'm not leaving until I get a dance with my handsome, lovely, song-worthy winger of a boy-” 
Kieran's kiss cut you off, which while mildly surprising, is somewhat expected. It's his favorite way to distract you from any argument and it works fairly well. And when he gets a bit cheeky and grazes his tongue over your lips, you're putty in his hands. You would pluck the moon from the sky and place it in his cupped hands if he wished it. 
Stars buzz in your vision when he pulls away. You laugh, fingers interlocking behind his neck. “Alright. Back to the room it is.”
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yellowkitkieran · 9 months ago
Home (Kieran Tierney)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Kieran surprises you by coming home early from his loan spell in Spain.
“When do you come home?”
Kieran smiles because you're both aware you've had the answer to that question memorized for months. But he indulges you anyway, “Friday. So only a few more days my love, and then I'll be home with you again.”
You sigh and begin typing your next email. You've become adept at multitasking while on the phone with Kieran; he'd be in the gym, airpods in while you chatted, and you would be settled in at the desk in Kieran's guest room working away on your laptop. Stolen moments like these have become the norm since Kieran went on loan in Spain. To make the most of a bad situation, you both came to the silent agreement that you would spend as much time on the phone together as possible. As a result, you now often find it hard to concentrate without Kieran on the other line. 
“Right, Friday. In the afternoon right? I'm gonna try and get the house cleaned up before then, I don't need you seeing how messy I keep it when you're away!” 
Kieran’s quiet laugh sends a slight shiver down your spine. “We both know it's not that bad. I'm sure you keep it plenty tidy. Don't worry about keeping it spotless, cause I'm just gonna mess it up as soon as I'm home.”
“Still. When you get here, I just want to focus on you. You kept Saturday open for sure yeah?” 
“Mmhhm. Everyone else thinks I'm coming home on Sunday, so I'm all yours.” 
You smile to yourself, sitting back in your chair. You have a full day planned for the two of you that mostly involves making up for lost time. Assuming your Friday night will be spent wrapped up in each other completely, you've mentally blocked off a few hours on Saturday morning to recover and wind down. After that, you'll help Kieran unpack his suitcases, do whatever washing needs done, and finally end off the day with dinner at his favorite place in Central London. 
“Good! It'll be… fun… oh fucks sake…” you trail off as you read the email that's just arrived in your inbox. “Seriously- why! Can people not read?!”
“What's wrong babe? Someone mess up the catering order again?” You can almost hear Kieran's smile through the phone. “You'll fix it in time, you always do.”
“Yeah of course I will,” you grumble, now zeroed in on pulling up receipts and time stamps to triple check the order you placed versus the order that you were quoted for. “Just means more work for me is all. And just when I thought I was done for the day!”
“Shame that, I was hoping to get some time with you today.” You swear Kieran's voice is echoing. “You sure you can't put that off until the morning?”
“No, I can't, I have to do it now. Ugh, this wouldn't happen if people paid more attention!” 
“I think you should close your laptop.” 
Frustrated, you rub your temples and close your eyes. “Babe I can't. This is for tomorrow's lunch so-” 
“So that means that you'll have time if you wake up early to get it fixed up. I think you should come downstairs.” 
Okay, either you're hearing things or there really is an echo. You frown, setting your phone aside and listening closely for any sounds in the house, but you only hear Shadow, Kieran's dog, pacing downstairs on the wood floors. 
“Did you send another delivery or something babe? Because Shadow always gets anxious when people come up to the door, I wish you'd give me a heads up.” Unfurling to your feet with a heavy sigh, you pad downstairs with your phone tucked between your ear and your shoulder. “One of these days you're gonna give that poor dog a heart attack-”
“Hi baby,” Kieran says, tucking his phone in his pocket. Shadow sits at your boyfriend's side, his tail thumping merrily whilst you stand perfectly still. Your brain goes into overdrive, mentally counting days and confirming that today was not Friday, and therefore Kieran should not be home yet… but here he stands before you, flesh and blood and just as handsome as the last time you saw him.
A delighted, high pitch squeal bubbles out of your chest. Kieran laughs and opens his arms, which you promptly take as an invitation to leap into them and latch onto him like a koala. “Oh my god, oh my god! You're home already?!” 
“I am,” Kieran murmurs into your hair after kissing the top of your head. “I packed up early and decided I couldn't wait another second before I saw you.” The urge to squeeze Kieran until he wheezes is nearly overwhelming. Instead of acting on impulse and earning yourself a lecture, you pry your face out of Kieran's neck- his aftershave tickles your nose- and pepper kisses across his face. 
“I- missed- you- so- much- you- pretty- boy-” Kieran's cheeks become hotter with each peck you press to his skin. Shadow barks to indicate he's keen to join in on the action. Soon Kieran is supporting your weight with a hand under your bum and scratching behind Shadow's ears when the big pup jumps on his hip to demand his attention, too. Kieran is happy to balance you both, eventually crouching down to sit on the floor with you still wrapped around him.
Once Shadow calms down and rests his big head on Kieran’s knee, the room quiets. Kieran draws shapes on the small of your back, letting you gaze upon him for as long as you desire. He is content with your fingertips brushing over his cheekbones, along his stubbled jaw and down the side of his neck. You smile at his contented sigh, the breathy sound distracting you from your reverence. 
“You're actually tan. Took you long enough to stop burning like a tomato.” Your eyes flick to Kieran's smile and you do not stop yourself from stealing a kiss. You'll never take those lips for granted, not after being forced to cope without them for so long. 
Kieran rolls up the sleeve of his white tshirt to show you his tan line. Halfway up his bicep, his golden, tanned skin gives way to his natural pale shade. You trace the line with a finger as Kieran defends himself, “Spanish sun cannae fully fix Scottish skin, my love. But I know you like when I'm not so pale, so I figured I'd soak up as much as I could before I came home.” 
Muscles flex under your finger when Kieran wraps his arms around your middle once more. You lay your palm flat to soak up his warmth and smile to yourself.
“I love you just as much when you're ghostly white. Doesn't matter to me. But the sun makes your little bitty freckles come out, so I do enjoy those.” 
Kieran's nose scrunches up when you lean forward to kiss it. You could sit like this until the end of days and be perfectly happy. With Kieran sat beneath you, soft, idle touches and whispered words would be more than enough to pass the time.
At some point Kieran coaxes both you and Shadow to your feet and leads you to the sofa. A happy sigh falls from his lips when you tumble into him and hook one leg over his hips. Shadow curls up in his normal spot at Kieran's feet like not a day has passed without his dad there. 
“What should we do tonight?” Kieran's words are a rumble beneath the hand you have laid on his chest. When you don't immediately answer, Kieran’s hand lands on the back of your thigh and coaxes you to find your words with a soft squeeze. 
“Dunno. Nothing? I don't plan on moving.” You assume Shadow's moody huff is a sound of agreement and grin. “See? Even the dog doesn't want to move. We want to stay right here and spend some quality time with you.”
The hand that drifts to the hem of your shorts is at odds with Kieran's words. “I guess I can't object to that. Just cuddle? I can at least have a couple kisses, right?” 
Lifting your head just enough to meet his tawny brown eyes, you ponder his request. You drag out the suspense and drum your fingers on his chest despite both of you knowing you would never refuse a kiss. “I'm sure something can be arranged. Put something on the telly to entertain Shadow then, he doesn't need to be scarred for life, mister ‘I can't keep my hands to myself’.”
Kieran lifts a shoulder in a what are ya gonna do kind of gesture before putting on a random nature show that immediately captures Shadow's attention. One of Kieran's hands remains on your thigh whilst the other comes up to cup your cheek and pull your lips to his. 
Stubble scratches your chin, but you don't mind. Right then, all that matters is giving Kieran the kiss he deserves. He expertly pulls soft, breathless sounds from you as his tongue glides against yours. The kiss feels familiar and brand new at the same time, like dejavu in the best possible way.
Breaking away for a chance to breathe allows Kieran to drop kisses like dewdrops across your jaw. You smile when he nibbles softly at the skin of your neck, already unable to contain himself. 
“I said cuddles only tonight my darling,” you remind him. “You're pushing your luck. Behave or I'll make you stay in the spare room tonight.” 
Kieran's laugh is full and throaty. You've missed the true sound of his laughter, without it being distorted by a speaker. “That's an empty threat if I ever heard one. If I was a betting man, my money would be on us falling asleep right here on this sofa.” 
In the end, Kieran turns out to be correct. Neither of you moves an inch as the sun sets, your urgent emails suspended in time while you're safely wrapped up in your boyfriend's loving, tanned arms. 
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year ago
Boyfriend (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: You and Kieran are on different pages regarding your situationship, which leaves both of you broken hearted.
Hunting for your trousers in a man's bedroom should heart your cheeks with shame. This is relatively normal for you now though, having hooked up with Kieran more times than you can count- and only twice having been invited to stay ren'night in the guest bedroom. 
“They're here,” Kieran says and tosses a pair of jeans your way. “Can you pass me my kit bag? Thanks.”
Kieran rushing out after sex has become commonplace. It stings a little less each time, though it has yet to fully fade. Your phone chimes, and you pick it up to see a message from a dating app, confirming the time for your impromptu dinner later tonight.
“Who's that?” Kieran says, tossing shirts from his closet to his bed. He doesn't bother to fold them because he isn't concerned with wrinkles. 
“Just some guy I've got a date with.” You keep your eyes on your phone and your voice even. This is new- up until now, you've remained fixated on Kieran. You only downloaded the app with the hope that it would kick Kieran's arse into high gear and prompt him to finally ask you out. 
“Sorry, did you say date?” Kieran blinks and turns towards you when you nod. “With who? Why?”
“Some bloke I met on an app- why do you care?”
“Because I don't want anyone else touching you, that's why. You aren't supposed to be dating anyone.” 
That sets you off. You purse your lips, vision tinting red. Who does he think he is? you've provided him with countless chances and he has squandered each and every one of them. “You aren't my boyfriend. Why does it matter if I go on a date with someone else?”
With all the patience of a parent speaking to an unruly child, Kieran pinches the bridge of his nose. “Because…” Each word comes loose like pulling teeth. “Because-”
“Because what Kieran?! Spit it out!” You're tired of waiting. For a date, for affection, for a finished sentence. You deserve to be put first for once, not cast aside like an out of date toy. 
“Because I don't want you to be with anyone else! Alright? There- are you happy?”
“Well for fucks sake Kieran! Do something about it then!” You're on your feet now, pacing the length of the room. There is far too much energy bundled up inside of you. Kieran's confession has spurred you into a frenzy and awoken the storm that has been brewing for weeks.  
Kieran shakes his head and continues stuffing things in his bag. “I'm not doing this right now. I have a plane to catch.”
How can he be so indifferent? The Kieran you know has a soft, tender heart. Now it is as if his is made of stone, the organ sitting solid and impenetrable in his chest. Doesn't he care? Doesn't this eat at him the same way it has eaten at you?
“I just don't want to think about this when I'm going to be in Scotland for a while-” 
“Where you'll probably spend the next two weeks snogging other women and letting them grind their arses on you in clubs.” The words are poison tipped, turning his own jealousy back onto the man himself. “Lord knows you won't be loyal, you'll neck the first bird who smiles at you.”
“I haven't so much as looked at another woman in months,” Kieran snaps. He stands at his full height now, his muscular frame filling your vision. You hold your ground, glaring up into his chocolate brown eyes that currently lack the sparkle you've grown to enjoy. Now they are filled with ire instead of affection and you are disturbed to discover how much that hurts you. 
“Liar. You're a liar Kieran Tierney, last week there were rumors, I saw-” 
“There's always gonna be rumors! We could be married and there would still be rumors about some model or influencer or someone that has paid tabloids to say they saw us together!” Kieran runs a hand through his hair. His laugh carries no humor, “and I know you can't handle it, which is why I agreed to things being casual!”
“Oh, you know I can't handle it, do you?” Tears prick your eyes as tears threaten to spill down your cheeks. You refuse to give Kieran the satisfaction of seeing how deeply he's wounded you. “You always assume. You assume I want to see you, assume I can't handle pressure, assume I'd rather be nothing more than fuck buddies, someone you can call in the middle of the night after a loss. But you know what? I'm done, Kieran. I'm done.”
“Just like that then? You're walking away from me?” Kieran tips his head back and the laugh that spills from him is not one you recognize. You aren't sure if it's pain, or maybe disbelief. You can scarcely believe it yourself; five minutes ago you were ready to cancel a date on his behalf. Now, you wouldn't dream of something like that ever again. 
You grab your coat off his bed and sling it over your shoulders. “Yep, just like that. Last chance Kieran.” 
“Just get out,” Kieran half growls. His back is already to you, which is just one more reason for you to go. Against your will, your feet remain rooted to the spot- you don't want to leave. What you want is for Kieran to fight for you, or maybe beg for forgiveness. You know in your heart that you haven't imagined the spark between you. That one night he took you out for a drink, there had been a genuine connection. You know that if he would get his head straight, he would recognize it.
But you value yourself too highly to remain in a situation where there is no progress. For months you've entertained this situationship in hopes that one day soon Kieran might wisen up and ask you on a proper date. But he hasn't, and someone else has come along to beat him to the punch, and now is when he chooses to be salty about it. 
As your feet carry you along the path you've walked dozens of times, you catalog the details of Kieran's home. The gallery wall containing photos of his favorite memories and people. A framed kit from his Arsenal debut. The bowl of apples on the kitchen island that will no doubt spoil before they're consumed. All of it, every detail down to the neatly placed shoes near the front door, is distinctly Kieran. 
An ache settles in your limbs. The weight of it threatens to crack bone. Somewhere deep in the house, you swear you can hear Kieran sigh. Probably with relief, thankful that you're finally out of his hair for good. 
At the last second, you take the slip of paper out of your pocket. It's no more than a discarded piece of scrap, but you hunt for a pen and write three words before you can think better of it. It's the truth- no sooner than the words are written do you feel the ache start to ease slightly. You fold the paper in fourths and slide it into the pocket of his coat, knowing full well that he never wears it anyway. But at least you've put it into the universe, and your secret no longer lives solely inside your soul. 
You do not look back as you leave. Once the door locks behind you, you only pray that Kieran washes that coat before he discovers the paper.
I love you. Three words, so simple to write, yet impossible to speak. Three words Kieran will never hear you say. Because now that you've gone, you'll never come back. 
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yellowkitkieran · 7 months ago
Winner Takes it All (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Inspired by the song of the same name. Kieran makes a poor decision that winds up ruining things between you two. (Part of the mamma mia song series)
You aren’t sure how the breakup happened. It wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t Kieran’s fault. The distance simply became too much of an obstacle for the two of you to overcome. Going your separate ways had seemed like the only option; with Kieran’s future for the next season still up in the air, you were tired of the constant fear that he would once again be ages away. And you Masterlist
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: On Kieran's birthday, you and your best friend spill your guts and admit to the elephant in the room. 
were okay with breaking up for the first few days, until you saw the photos. 
If Kieran had loved you as deeply as he claimed to for the past two years, why was he already moving on to someone new after only a few weeks? The girl he was caught kissing is nothing short of a Spanish beauty, so you guess you can see the appeal. But the thought of even looking at another man so soon after the break up makes your stomach turn over. Kieran still holds a large piece of your heart. Which, you suppose, is why his actions hit you like a freight train. 
Though you know you have no claim over him now, you send him one quick message out of spite: that was quick huh?
He reads it, but doesn't respond. Probably for the best. 
Over the next few days you box up Kieran’s possessions at your flat and set them in a corner by the sofa. The second he steps off the plane at Heathrow, he better get himself an Uber and come retrieve it all before you toss the boxes on the street. Photos are shoved at the bottom of your closet with tears in your eyes. Magnets sent to you from destination’s he’s traveled to with the Scotland team find their way into your donation pile. You can’t stand to look at anything that reminds you of him.
Having successfully scrubbed any obvious connection to the Scotsman from your life, you have just cracked open a pint of ice cream when someone knocks on your door. Your shout of, “go away!” does little to deter whoever is intent on making a bad day worse. They knock again and you sigh heavily. If you had stayed silent you could pretend you weren’t home. Now you’re obligated to get up and look through the peephole. Doing so nearly knocks you off your feet. 
“What do you want?” Against your better judgment, you yank the door open and glare at Kieran. Something twangs in your heart as you look him over. The bags under his eyes speak for themselves; he’s slept about as well as you have. The stubble on his jaw further supports your inference about his lackluster emotional state. He never misses a day of shaving because he hates the itchiness, but it looks as if he hasn't done so in days. 
“I uh, came to grab my stuff and hopefully talk. Can I come in?” Kieran peers around you and you shift, using your body to hide the empty takeout containers scattered around your flat. “Please.”
“I thought I told Martin to grab your stuff. And no, you can't come in.” Everything in you screams to wrap your arms around him. Kieran was your home for so long that you are no longer sure what to do with yourself. You need reassurance and comfort, but the one person who used to provide those things has effectively ripped your heart to pieces and laughed in your face. 
Kieran sighs and tips his head toward the ceiling. Once upon a time, such a thing would have had desire burning in your stomach. Now you just want to cry, because someone else probably feels that way, too. “Please let me in, darling. I dinnae want to leave things like this.” 
The pain in his voice saps any and all willpower from your bones. Denying him is pointless. You'll spend the night sobbing either way, so what's a bit more heartache?
“Fine. Five minutes.”
Once you have stepped aside, Kieran silently gathers the few things of his that you've missed. You don't move from the sofa, eyes unfocused and your face blank. The version of yourself that Kieran sees is a carefully constructed mask. The cracks running beneath the surface are more than skin deep. Bits of your raw soul poke through, bleeding and torn. But you reveal nothing, having become something of a master of silence recently.
“Martin told me not to come,” Kieran says a few minutes later. 
“You should've listened. He's always been smarter than you.” Kieran does not so much as wince at the unfair dig. You both know it isn't true. You're hurt, and your words aim to inflict pain. 
Kieran keeps his head though, infuriatingly calm. “We’ve been through so much. Me staying in Scotland while you went to uni in London, years of distance, rumors-”
You rake a hand through your hair. “I don’t wanna talk about the things we’ve gone through, Kieran. Yeah, we survived a lot but I don’t need to think about it. It’s history, alright? You fucked it up. You wrecked any chance at rekindling, not me.”
Kieran takes a step towards you. He stops when you curl your lip in disgust. “If you just let me explain, you’ll understand.”
“What is there to explain? There’s literally photos, Kieran. You have no ace to play! Not when photos of you kissing her are on every bloody form of social media! What are you gonna say that makes that better?”
Your voice breaks at the end, weighted down by Kieran’s betrayal. Your chest cracks open further when a tear streaks down Kieran’s cheek. Yes, you hate him for what he’s done to you, but some stupid, stubborn part of you still loves him. Perhaps that part of you is why you take pity on him, lowering your voice in resignation.
“You’ve played your cards. The winner takes it all.” You quote his favorite film, spreading your hands in front of you with a bitter smile. “The loser stands small beside the victor. I guess that’s destiny.”
“Please don’t,” Kieran whispers. “I didn’t cheat. We broke up, remember?”
“I thought I belonged in your arms. You built a future in my mind- you were supposed to be my white picket fence, Kieran. I thought that's what I was to you, too.” Your vision blurs when you look up at Kieran again. “I was a fool.”
Three months later
“So what's she like?”
Martin, who until now has proven himself to be quite the actor, finally drops his facade. He has been a massive help to you and you've remained close without any awkwardness, which you are grateful for. Your standing weekly coffee date provides you a reason to socialize outside of your flat and start to get back on your feet. 
The Norwegian sighs and leans back in his chair. “Are you sure you want to know?”
That is a question you have asked yourself many times. Rumors of Kieran being romantically attached to a spanish model have floated across your social channels for a few days now. You hadn't seen any photos, but from what you've gleaned it sounds like the same woman he'd been seen in Spain with before he returned to London. 
But… you have to know. 
“Yes. I do.”
“I'm not positive he really even likes her that much.” Some sick part of you delights in hearing that. At least he wasn't thriving whilst you were floundering. “She's fine, she's just… fine. Nothing special. She doesn't come around much- I guess she thinks us lads are ‘too much’.” Martin makes air quotations with his fingers on the last two words and shakes his head. “I honestly think he’s just filling the void.”
“Good,” you mumble under your breath. Good, let him hurt like you did. Like you still do, any time you hear his name. You've not attended a single match since it happened. Martin's invited you to each one but you cannot stomach it. 
“Come to the match this weekend,” Martin insists. “Not for him, but come support me. You used to love match days! I'll get you a ticket in the rowdy section and all. It'll be fun- and you need some fun.”
“Fine, but I'm leaving as soon as the whistle blows.”
The Arsenal tunnel is a place you never thought you'd step foot in again. The memories in this hallway range from ecstasy to heartbreak and a thousand other emotions in between. 
You reread the text from Martin that asks you to stay and meet him here afterwards. He greeted you quickly and said he'd be back in a few minutes before jogging into the changing room. It's been ten so far and you haven't seen any sign of him. 
“Bee? Bee! I thought that was you in the stands!”
The old nickname has your heart missing a beat. You knew you should've left early. Sitting this close to the pitch was a risk that Martin convinced you was worth it. And you had enjoyed the 3-0 victory, but now you were beginning to regret giving into your nostalgia. 
The right call would be to keep walking like you hadn't heard him. Three months is a long time though, isn't it? Enough to be brave and have a civil, level conversation with your ex. So you turn and smile, forcing yourself to remain neutral when Kieran's girlfriend rolls her eyes. 
“Why's she here? Kieran, you told me we could leave right away.” She bats her too-long eyelashes and pouts her full lips. It's the sort of look that you assume normally has men bending over backwards to fulfill her request.  
“Give me a couple minutes, wait here yeah?” Kieran's smile doesn't reach his eyes when she sighs and stomps away to stand on the side. 
“You picked a winner, huh?” Though you hadn't intended for the words to come out so harshly, you aren't upset that they have Kieran wincing. 
“Sorry, Gi just doesn't like it down here.” Giselle- that's her name, you remember reading it now. “But she's fine- how have you been? You look lovely, the new kit is nice on you.” 
Once upon a time, a compliment like that would have made you blush. Now the only response it elicits is a sad sigh. “I'm fine, Kieran. Doing just fine. I'm only here because Martin asked me to come, just so you know.”
“Right, yeah, ‘course! Yeah, I'm just happy you're here. It's good tae see you.”
“Mhm, good to see you both as well.” You smile again and raise your eyebrows as you do so. Martin is conveniently nowhere to be found, nor are any of the lads you'd be comfortable pulling into a conversation to escape your current one. Which leaves you and Kieran awkwardly facing each other. 
“You must know that I miss you,” Kieran murmurs, catching you off guard. “But rules have to be obeyed, and you've laid yours out pretty clearly.”
“Don't do that, Kieran. Don't put this on me.” 
“I still care about you,” he continues softly, like you're the only two in the room. “I do. I think about you all the time.”
“If that's true then how come you're still dating her?”
Kieran shakes his head. “I don't know.” His eyes tell you he's being truthful. 
“Well unfortunately, that's not a good enough answer for me.” 
“I know.” Defeated, Kieran sighs. It hurts to know that he's still pining after you after all this time, but then again it's his own actions that got him into this boat. 
“I just… Don’t understand? Why her, Kieran?” It's the question that's plagued your mind since day one. What does she have that you don't? Why would he pick her so quickly, when you were more than willing to wait for a time when things might work out? 
Kieran looks over his shoulder at her. She twirls her blonde hair around a slender finger, not bothering to hide the bored look on her pixie-like face. She looks as at home here among the lads as a mermaid would be in a fishtank. You loved match days because it meant seeing Kieran in his element and the chance to see him happy after a win. She looks like she couldn't care less about the result, or about Kieran for that matter. Her navy blue dress sticks out like a sore thumb in a sea of red, white and black. Apparently, dressing for the afterparty is more important to her than supporting her boyfriend. 
“Fills the void, I guess.” Kieran sighs and places himself in your line of sight, effectively blocking her from view. You tip your chin up to meet his eyes. 
“Does it feel the same when she calls your name? Does she kiss you how I used to?”
It seems to sink in for him then, just how terribly he's hurt you. His murmured “no” leaves you slightly satisfied. 
“Then that's enough for me. I wish you both all the happiness you can find, but it won't be with me, Kieran. That chapter is closed for me. I suggest you do the same.”
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year ago
Stream (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: NSFW! Kieran is recruited for a PGA 2k23 stream, but you make the most of his distraction.
"Darlin I really do need to record this stream."
"That's fine love, I'll just sit with you." You offer Kieran a smile, settling in his lap. Kieran can not resist when your arms loop around his neck. He leans forward to kiss you, hands settled on your hips. 
"Gonna sit right there are ye? Distract me the whole time?"
"Well that's sort of my plan… you don't mind do you? It's just that you leave this week for international duty and I won't see you for days." You shift purposefully, hiding your smirk when Kieran's throat bobs. Your boyfriend is far too easy to get worked up. 
"I dinnae mind darlin, you can sit with me. Just behave alright?" When you nod, Kieran rewards you with a peck on your lips. It does nothing to satisfy the beast that brews beneath your skin, aching for Kieran in the most instinctual way. 
Kieran pops his headphones on and pulls up his stream, chatting with the streamer whilst the course loads. 
"Alright let's get into it," Kieran says. You're enamored with the way his lips move. Caught as you are by the reflection of the screen in his eyes, you barely notice his hands leave your hips in favor of grabbing his controller. 
"Nah I've actually never played this course before! I'm excited, I'm hoping I can make it through all eighteen holes!" 
Your smile mirrors Kieran's when he laughs at something only he hears in his headset. Turning your head, you plant a kiss on Kieran's jaw. A muscle ticks under your lips, evidence of the fact that he enjoys it. 
When you sat on Kieran's lap and promised to behave, you had no intention of keeping that promise. He deserves some sort of punishment for his upcoming absence; leaving you to take care of yourself for a week, without so much as a cuddle at night? Nae, that's not on- you'll make up for it now rather than later. 
Your lips continue a path down the side of Kieran's neck. "Damn," Kieran mumbles, covering it up by clearing his throat. You smile against him, "nae sorry mate just the dog busting through the door- all good keep on!"
Properly straddling Kieran's hips now, you lick a stripe up his throat. He speaks as you do so, his words vibrating under your tongue. Kieran's hand lands flat on your thigh then, his warning squeeze hard enough to leave circular bruises behind. 
"Ah great shot, perfect- ahhh-" 
Kieran bites his lip when you roll your hips over him, his length hard beneath you. Even with the layers of fabric separating you, his arousal is enough to set you off. You rake your nails down Kieran's covered chest, the navy fabric of his shirt bunching. 
Kieran's next laugh is strained, "I could hear ya blowin' to try an get it off the green!" Your eyes flash up to meet Kieran's. His deep brown gaze holds a firm warning, trying to scare you off from where he knows your thoughts have wandered. 
But oh, at this point? There isn't a force in the world that can stop you. 
Kieran covers his mic when you slowly begin to slide off of his lap. "Don't- dinnae even think about it darlin-" his eyes snap back to the game, his hand lifting off the mic as he laughs. You're only privy to his half of the conversation but you have no interest in the other end. 
Gently pulling Kieran's shirt up a few inches, you blow a cool breath over his abdomen. The thin, short hairs leading beneath his waistband ripple. Your mouth waters when his length twitches in his shorts, practically begging to be in your mouth. 
Fingers curled in his waistband, you lean forward to place feather light kisses along the exposed skin. Torturing your boyfriend is one of your many specialties. Kieran adjusts how he's sitting, taking him out of your reach. When you glare up at him, you find him already looking at you in much the same manner. 
Kieran shakes his head at the same time he says, "ahh not much hope- it's not looking good. You have to play a bad hole soon though, you've not played one in a while."
Stop, Kieran mouths silently. You whine, trying to persuade him with your slightly pouted lip and soft, pleading eyes. You arch your back a touch for good measure, Kieran's eyes drifting to your cleavage. Did you pick a tight, cropped red top on purpose? Possibly. Maybe Kieran just likes to keep his house sweltering hot. 
Kieran tips his head back and sighs. "Nah mate that shot was excellent- I cannae imagine that not working out for you. Go for it then." Kieran meets your eyes when he says the last bit. Something inside you snaps and suddenly you cannot wait another second. 
Kieran's cock is in your mouth seconds later, taking him wholly by surprise. He shouts wordlessly, laughing straight after to offset the outburst. You grin around him, using your tongue to stroke a few inches of his considerable length whilst keeping your nose pressed to his pelvis. You focus on your breathing, keeping a rhythm whilst you fight off your gag reflex. Once you're positive you've got it under control, you begin to bob your head. 
"Ah- ah! Mate look at that!" When Kieran laughs, his abdomen contracts. The taste of him fills your mouth as he leaks precum onto your tongue. You miss it already and he's still heavy in your mouth. How are you meant to survive a week without tasting him? 
A low groan spills past Kieran's tight lips. You grin around him, glad to have broken his facade even momentarily. "Nah mate that was all luck- you couldn't do that twice!"
Your light hum sends vibrations straight through Kieran. His plush, pink lips part in a silent moan. Glassy, fucked out eyes meet yours, the hand holding the controller dipping as his other lands square on the back of your head. His attention is there and gone, the Scotsman already refocused on his game before you can break for air. 
Kieran exhales a heavy breath from his nose. By now he's normally moaning your name, feverishly tugging at your hair. You yearn to feel him pushing you further onto him, forcing you to take more of his length. You want to choke on him, be forced to take more of him than you can handle. For now this is enough to tide you over, despite the ache between your legs. 
"Nah keep going, keep going- ahhh mate just short!" Kierans hips buck in search of your warm, wet mouth. You're happy to let him flounder, enjoying his growing desperation until your name tumbles from his lips. 
He realizes it a moment too late, a blush tinting his cheeks when he's called out on it. "Yeah sorry she's just come home- nae we can continue! No worries mate!"
Please, Kieran mouths, taking advantage of a pause in the game to guide his shaft to your closed mouth. Open. 
So you do. You hollow your cheeks around him, desperate to lose yourself in his taste. You meet no protests from the man above you when you plant your hands on his thighs for leverage, bobbing your head with reckless abandon. You're careful to keep yourself quiet, though you crave the wet sounds that normally accompany sucking Kieran off. 
"Right there, right there little more-" 
You take the last inches of Kieran, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you close your eyes. When you hollow your cheeks, Kieran's thighs go rigid, his breath catches in his throat, and his jaw hangs open as he releases. Thick, hot ropes of come fill your mouth. You swallow all of it, not allowing a single drop to slip past your lips as you suck him dry. 
Soft, tender kisses on Kieran's thighs are the aftercare you offer him. You're not sure if he's winning or losing his virtual golf game, but you're positive that he doesn't care. Kieran covers his mic when you come up to kiss him, tasting himself on your tongue. 
"Love you," you whisper against his mouth. 
"Love you," Kieran echoes, the promise of sweet retribution hanging in the air when he nips at your lip. 
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yellowkitkieran · 2 years ago
hiiii i have a kt request 🫶🏼 can you please write something where andy’s invited kieran and his gf to his house and it’s the first time that kieran’s taking someone with him and he’s nervous? (+can we also get andy teasing kt? that’s always fun) ignore this rq if you don’t like it but PLEASE WRITE SOMETHING FOR KIERAN ANYTHING PLEASE
thank youuu
Settle the Nerves (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 2.7k
Kieran Tierney doesn't get nervous. Not before cup finals, not before scotland matches in front of a packed house, and definitely not when one of his best mates invites him over. 
Definitely not, especially when he's been given a plus one.
Andy Robertson's dinner parties are always heaps of fun. When it's just the lads, it's normally the entire scotland squad that shows up to either celebrate a win or console each other after a loss. They're a tight knit group- win or lose, it's nice to have the support in place. Those ones are always full of story telling and drinking, and usually end up with half the squad sleeping off various intensities of hangovers in some of the guest rooms. 
This time it's different. It's nearing Christmas, and it's set to be a feast this weekend, kicking off the holiday season for any of the lads that can make it. Amdy's wife and daughter will be there, which means it'll be tame- a fact Kieran doesn't mind at all. And this time, your name was included on the whatsapp message next to his own. 
It's not that he doesn't want to bring you along- he does! Of course he wants to show you off, but he's also terrified the lads will scare you off with old stories of him. Despite only dating for a few months, you mean far too much to Kieran for him to entertain the possibility of something going wrong. 
You're more excited than he is, that's for sure. You haven't stopped talking about it since he mentioned it in passing a few weeks ago. Picking out your dress was a task in a half you told him- enlisting multiple of your closest friends to help make sure it was perfect, not too over the top and not too scandalous. Whatever you picked, Kieran is sure he'll love it… and also sure you'll steal the show. 
And now as Kieran stands before the closet in his childhood house, he finds himself wishing he'd brought his Arsenal cufflinks from his home in London. Instead he'll have to use the little rose ones of his father's, which he doesn't really mind, it's just that they've got sharp edges and they'll be harder to fiddle with at dinner. He's gotten good at hiding his tics in public settings. The occasional post match interview at Arsenal wiped that out of him quite quickly. 
A knock on his door startles him and he curses under his breath when he drops the little velvet box, sending the cufflinks flying. "Yeah? Who's it?"
"It's me, babe. Are you almost ready?" Kieran sighs, scooping up the jewelry from under his dresser and sliding the links through the holes at the cuffs in his freshly pressed black dress shirt. 
"Yeah love, I'm about done. Just have to get my shoes on and I'll be ready. Mum and dad gone already?" They'd informed Kieran when you arrived that morning that they'd be spending the weekend with a family friend across the countryside, so you had the house to yourselves. 
"They left ages ago, Kieran. I'll wait in the foyer, yeah? Hurry up though! I can't be late to meet your mates!"
Kieran quickly finishes buttoning his top, throws on his slacks, and ties up the laces of his Oxford shoes- the ones he hates because they pinch his toes- and checks his hair one final time in the mirror. He looks decent enough, he needs a haircut but his barber back in London can't squeeze him in for another week. He'll get to it eventually- right now he has a party to attend.
Maybe he can come up with an excuse not to go. His throat is bothering him- yeah, scratchy like he's coming down with something. Kieran scratches the stubble under his chin; that idea won't work. You'll see right through him, since it's the same excuse he always uses. 
"Right, let's get on with it then." Kieran tousels his hair one final time before opening his door. He expects to find you waiting. Instead he's greeted with one of his favorite sights: your curves.
Before he's taken a single step, the rich emerald green at the hem of your floor length gown distracts Kieran. He allows his eyes to trail up, up, up over the curve of your backside to where the gown fades to a deep black, dotted through with small dust like crystals that catch the light. The second Kieran steps out of his room you turn, flashing him a brilliant smile. It's then that Kieran finally is allowed a view of you in your full glory. He grins, immediately drawn to the deep v neckline that he swears ends only a few inches above your navel. 
You spin, the flared skirt swishing with the motion. "Well, how do I look? Think your friends will be impressed?" 
"Mouthwatering," Kieran murmurs and means it literally. He'd be drooling if he had an ounce less of self control. You step towards him and he lays a gentle hand on your waist, conscious of leaving the satin fabric wrinkle free. "I'm not sure I should let you out of the house, let alone meet all my mates." Kieran leans forward to pepper the underside of your jaw with kisses. You tip your head back after the first, trying to get away, though he'll chase you tirelessly. He holds firm on your waist now, refusing to allow you to leave him high and dry. 
"Kieran," you whine, dragging out the last letter for a few seconds. "We're gonna be late. You took too long getting ready-" 
"Because I knew you were gonna look absolutely bloody gorgeous, and I had to compete somehow-"
You push at his chest, hard enough that he breaks away with a sigh. "And because of that we have no time to be distracted by kisses. We have to get going! Andy's waiting for us!"
As you drag Kieran to his car, all he can think about is marching you right back inside. For the entire ten minute drive, his hand never leaves your thigh. Sometimes he lays it flat and lets his warmth soak through the thin fabric, and once in a while he traces shapes with feather light fingertips. If nothing else, at least you've distracted him from the ball of nerves that's settled in his gut. Until he parks his Audi outside Andy's house, that is. 
Kieran stumbles up the stone path after you, using your grip on his wrist to propel him along at your speed. You raise a fist to knock on the white painted door but Kieran reaches for the knob and opens it before you have the chance. 
"-be here soon darling, if you could just finish picking up your toys? Thank you my love- Kieran!" Andy, previously crouched down to speak with his three year old daughter, claps Kieran on the shoulder. "Well don't you clean up nicely! And this must be your girlfriend- hello love, great to finally meet you. This one never shuts up about you and I must say, I can see why!" 
Kieran's cheeks blush a furious shade of pink. "Come on mate, don't start already!"
"You're pretty." The soft compliment comes from the toddler hidden behind her fathers legs, clutching his dress pants in her tiny fists. 
You crouch to be eye level with her, not a second thought about it. Kieran's heart swells to double it's size when you murmur, "Thank you sweetheart, you're ten times prettier than I am though. Your dress is gorgeous! I love the fluffy pink skirt!"
Noticing Kieran's wistful look, Andy leans in to whisper, "you'll have one of those soon enough mate. Especially if you keep looking at her like that."
"I- what? Cut it out! It's only been three months mate- I'm not thinking like that!" Actually, he is thinking like that. Has thought of that plenty of times. You, holding a baby, cooing at his daughter, who would look just like you. A few years later, maybe a boy as well- and that would be enough for him. Kieran loves you, and he told you as much on your fourth date. He's reiterated it every day since then, and you've always returned it with the same enthusiasm. 
"Oh you're so in love mate," Andy coos, poking Kieran's side. "Just say it! You love her- the lads are gonna love it!"
Kieran scowls at his friend, "Oi leave me alone Robbo! Like you weren't smitten with your missus the second you saw her!"
Andy glances over his shoulder and smiles at his wife, a beautiful brunette woman who matches his chaotic energy perfectly. Andy was transparent from the beginning, telling the team again and again that he'd marry her- and he did, three years ago, at one of the most love filled ceremonies Kieran has ever attended. 
"I mean just look at her mate, how could I not be? That's my gorgeous wife in there!" Andy whistles and she grins at him, wagging her towel at him before taking the last dish out of the oven. "Your lassie will be your missus soon enough, Kieran. I've not seen you so starry eyed anywhere but a football pitch."
Kieran rakes a hand through his hair while he watches you follow Andy's daughter down the hall. The little tyke insisted on showing you her stuffed animal collection and really, how could you say no? 
"Look, just… don't say anything yeah? I love her, I do, and I'm terrified of messing this up. And can you help me keep the lads in check too when they get here? I don't want them scaring her off."
"I've already told them to behave, and with Mila here I'm sure they will… speaking of my daughter- Mi!"
Mila pokes her little head out of her room with a brilliant grin. "Yes, daddy?" Kieran would fold instantly if he were in Andy's shoes. Instead, his friend holds firm with his arms crossed over his chest. 
"Did you steal Kieran's friend from him?" When Mila only giggles, Andy clicks his tongue. "What did daddy say about that?"
"Umm… to not to?" 
"Andy it's fine," Kieran murmurs, knowing that you love children of all ages and are probably perfectly content to hang out and have a tea party. "Honest, she won't mind."
Andy sighs, scowling at Kieran in a way that makes him feel as if he's the one being scolded. "Alright, but after dinner you're getting tucked in and watching Frozen in the theater room, okay?"
"Okay daddy! Now I have to pour the tea- bye!" Your laughter permeates through the slammed door. A smile creeps onto Kieran's face; he'll never not love that sound. 
For the next twenty minutes, Kieran helps Andy set the table, pick out a few bottles of wine, and pours himself a glass for good measure. Since he'll be driving he'll cap himself at just the one, but you'll be free to have as much as you want. 
McGinn and McTominay are the first ones to arrive, with half a dozen other lads coming by soon after. Kieran is mid conversation with Scott when an arm snakes around his waist and your head rests on his shoulder. 
"Sorry mate, one sec-" Kieran turns and kisses the crown of your head, murmuring "Alright yeah?" And waiting for your nod before turning back to his friend. "Scott, this is my girlfriend." Independent as ever, you take over the introductions and shake Scott's hand after giving him your name. Kieran can't keep the proud smile off his face. Despite his nerves, he's proud to call you his. 
"I was just telling Kieran how I'll never forget the time he had to streak through the changing room-"
"Scott," Kieran half growls, having warned him already not to bring anything like that up. Why couldn't he pick a story like the time Kieran slipped on the pitch and nearly broke his ankle instead? That one was far less embarrassing. You don't need to know all the silly little details. 
But when you tip your head back and laugh and the arm you have around his waist goes tighter to ensure he doesn't materialize into a ghost and slip away, Kieran forgets why he was worried in the first place. "Were you? Kieran never shares his fun stories with me… please, do tell!" 
Scott launches into his story, starting again from the beginning. You watch with curious eyes, laughing at the right parts and nodding at others. Kieran's attention is locked on you. On the way your eyes crinkle, on how your laugh draws in anyone in a five meter radius. Kieran's arm winds possessively around you, hand settling on the curve of your bum as a fes of the other lads join the conversation. Will any of them try to steal you? No, of course not- they all know you're Kieran's and none of them would try changing that. It doesn't stop the primal side of Kieran's brain from wanting to make it perfectly clear who you belonged to. 
By the time everyone's arrived and sat down to dinner, you've made friends with the whole squad. Kieran had no doubts about that- though his nervousness has quieted down and he's much less scared about being embarrassed. How can he be, when you reassure him with a kiss after each story? One to his jaw, another to his cheek- you leave him looking forward to the next story solely so he can have a bit more affection from you. 
During a lull in conversation, Kieran refills your wine and leans over to kiss your temple. "Having fun my love? You seem like you're enjoying yourself, if those rosy cheeks say anything."
Your hand rests on Kieran's thigh under the table, the muscle going tense under your touch, "mmhhmm, I'm having loads of fun! I love you baby… you're so pretty- I love hearing stories about you!"
"Oh, you're tipsy already… you're adorable." Kieran kisses the crown of your head twice. "I love you darling, are you gonna make it through this dinner without falling asleep?" 
You push against Kieran's hand when he brushes his knuckle under your eyes. "Mmhhmm I'll be okay- I'm supposed to have another tea party with Mila after dessert. I can't miss it!"
"Alright baby, if you say so," Kieran murmurs before leaning in to give you another kiss. Andy slaps the table from a few seats down, his bellowing voice breaking above individual conversations.
"Oi, Kieran! Quit snogging your missus at the table will ye? My daughter is present!"
Kieran smiles sheepishly at your Mila, who's mum has slapped a hand over her eyes. "Sorry Mila- uncle Kieran promises he'll behave now." As Kieran speaks, he snakes a hand under your arm and rests it high on your thigh. "Anyway, have you lassies heard about the time Andy had to stand on boxes for a set of kit release photos?"
Andy groans, "I'm always at the front- I was bloody sick of it! It was only for a few photos, I just needed a little boost!"
The rest of the night is filled with banter and stories of all sorts. You're too far gone for that tea party you promised Mila, so Kieran scrawls a rain check on a note for the toddler to cash in at a later date. Kieran herds you home, carries you to his bedroom and sets about getting you dressed and ready for bed. Once you're comfortable in one of his shirts and cuddled into his side, he kissed the crown of your head a million times. 
"Keyyyyyyyyy don't do that- you're making my head spin!" 
"Ah, sorry my love… you're drunk hmm? That's alright, I'll look after you. You just sleep yeah? I love you, sleep tight my darling." Kieran presses a soft kiss to the center of your forehead before you tuck your head under his chin. As your soft snores and gentle breathing lull him towards sleep, he's not sure what he was so nervous about in the first place.
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yellowkitkieran · 2 years ago
kt rq… i absolutely love ‘support system’ and you writing reader on arsenals women team.. maybe after the final game he is obviously quite down bc he knows it’s best for him to move clubs but he worries about their relationship. And reader tells him she would move to a club closer to his (possible) new one (even if not immediately) which he didn’t expect.. lot of angst/bit of fluff.
ofc only if something like that is for you and all. still feel a bit down momentarily after Sunday and now your recent fic just has me in a mood x
The Hardest Goodbye (Kieran Tierney)
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Word count: 2.0k
Kieran's lap of honour at the Emirates is more of an anticipatory goodbye than anything.
You wait in the wings in the tunnel, dressed to the nines in the same Arsenal gear you wear on your own match days, and let Kieran have his moment with the fans. He drinks it all in, the fans clapping for him as they sing his chant, enjoying the Emirates for what is likely his last time as a gunner.
Heart aching, you stand still as Kieran's team trickles past you. He is one of the few remaining now, reluctant to accept his fate. Each time he turns to leave, Kieran is drawn to the crowd in the same manner that a fisherman is perpetually drawn to the sea. This rectangle of grass is more of a home to him than the four walls he shares with you. Kieran would sleep here, eat here, hang up family portraits in the halls if he could.
No matter what, Kieran's soul will always lie with the team he was meant to captain. The red banners will hang in his heart until it stops beating. Kieran is a gunner, through and through, and no contract can change that.
The past few weeks have been hell. Rumors of a move have plagued Kieran's every step. All he's focused on is performing at his best for his club, trying to go out on a positive note if he has to. There isn't anything formal just yet, but neither of you have acknowledged the elephant in the room: Newcastle has come knocking, and their interest has not been quiet.
It would be a smart move for Kieran. His career would flourish with a stable place in the starting XI, and he'd finally get the recognition he deserves. The footballer in you wants him to accept it should a deal come his way. That side of you is at war with the part of you that loves Kieran unconditionally though. Because if Kieran moves, that means you'll be apart. And if you're apart, you aren't sure you'll be able to provide Kieran the support he needs.
Your contract with the Arsenal women's team doesn't run out until the end of next season. Even if it did expire tomorrow, you haven't had any promising interest from other teams. Your agent could pester someone into taking you, sure, but it would probably come with a salary cut. You wouldn't mind though, as long as it brought you closer to Kieran.
When Kieran finally turns to head off the pitch, you wait for him with open arms. His boots click on the pavement and you resist the urge to warm him against wrecking the studs. Kieran is already crestfallen enough, tears already brimming in those brown eyes usually overflowing with adoration, and you can't bring yourself to push him over the edge.
"Come here my love," you murmur when Kieran is in earshot. Without hesitation, Kieran fits himself against you and clings to you like a lifeline. You let him tuck his face into your neck as he sniffles quietly, trying to fit a leash onto his emotions.
You murmur reassurances while you card your fingers through his sweat-damp hair. "You played beautifully, my love. Everyone knows you left it all out on the pitch. I couldn't be prouder of you."
Whether or not your words help, Kieran's heartbeat slows from a frantic slam you can feel in your own chest to a steady rhythm that echoes your own. "Sorry," he mumbles a minute later. "Just cannae believe I might never walk out there wearing red again."
Stroking your fingers over Kieran's hair, you murmur, "I know baby, I know it's hard. But hey, even if you don't make it back, you'll still be loved here in London. You heard the fans, yeah? They'll always remember you for your flair and how well you brought us together when you captained. It's not your fault that the owners shelled out big bucks for someone halfway decent and benched you because they couldn't let their pocketbook take a hit."
"Now you're just trying to make me feel better."
"Working though, innit?"
"Maybe a little."
You smile, coaxing Kieran away from you far enough that you can kiss him. "I love you, Key. You've done great things in your time at Arsenal and you've made all of us who play here proud. If it's time for a new chapter, we can figure that out together."
"Contract is here," Kieran croaks, as if contract talks are a normal part of your conversations over your morning coffee. "Newcastle want me on the same wages I'm on now at Arsenal, and they don't want to keep me. Arteta said there's no spot for me in the squad because I don't fit in the left side as well as he'd like."
Isn't it supposed to be storming when one receives bad news? Shouldn't the window panes be battered with rain, wind howling as it tries to seep into the cracks? The sun shouldn't be warming your face as you crack eggs in a pan. Birds shouldn't be singing their merry songs. The potted flowers lining your windowsill should be wilted, not stretching towards the light.
Wrong. This morning is all wrong for that sort of earth-shattering, heartbreaking news.
"Yeah, oh."
Kieran tips his chair onto its rear legs, reaching into the glass cabinet behind him for the bottle of Scottish whisky off the top shelf and the two crystal glasses beside it. The heavy tumblers thud against the wood dining table when Kieran sets them down, pouring himself a double and then a single in the other glass, which he leaves for you if you want it. He doesn't so much as wince when he throws his own back, swallowing it swiftly.
"It's nine in the morning," you say softly, out of concern for Kieran's liver and his psyche.
"I'm not taking it," Kieran mutters, eyes trained on the crystal in his hand. The finality in his voice is what terrifies you. He's given this decision plenty of thought, that much is obvious, and yet this is the first you've truly heard him talk about it.
At first, you aren't sure you've heard him correctly. If Kieran doesn't take this contract, then certainly Arsenal will sell him off to the next highest bidder, which will most likely be non-premier league. His career will stagnate and his dreams of a European championship will be all but squashed.
"Kieran," you say firmly, trying to elicit some sense. "Babe, you have to take it." Abandoning your breakfast, you quickly skim through the summarized terms on the top sheet. It's a good deal, one that means he'll be secure for at least four years at Newcastle. "Four years is a long time, you could get a lot done. Help build a winning team. You could captain them and stay there long term."
"I don't want to be there long term," Kieran snaps uncharacteristically. In arguments it's usually you that has the hot head, not your boyfriend. It catches you off guard and you take a physical step away to distance yourself.
"Why not?" You ask after a pause.
Asking a simple question sets Kieran off and he lashes out like a cornered animal, "Because you're here! My entire life is in London, in this house that we bought together- you can't just up and move with me! Newcastle's women's team isn't anywhere near the same level as Arsenal's- you'd be sacrificing your career for me and I can't let that happen. Which means we'll have to do long distance and I already have a hard time during international breaks! I wouldn't survive that, I couldn't come home to an empty house each night!
"And yet you sit here and act like I should be okay leaving you behind. Like I wouldn't be abandoning the most important person in my life, the woman I want to marry one day. I should just accept that because it's good for my career? You're more important than that! You're my priority, not football!"
While you know his frustration isn't directed at you, that doesn't stop his outburst from stinging. You know better than to reply straight away, letting Kieran process his emotions on his own until his eyes glass over with tears and his lip wobbles.
"I dinnae ken what I'd do without you," he whispers finally. "I can't just leave you behind."
"Kieran, I hear you baby. I hear you." You cautiously come around the table, aware of Kieran's ridgid shoulders and his wide, terrified eyes. "Take a breath, Key. Breathe for me." When you're finally in front of him, you cup Kieran's jaw and turn his face upwards. "In and out, Key. Just breathe."
As Kieran fights to find a steady breath, you wedge yourself between his body and the table to sit in his lap. You take his hands and guide them around your middle with the same gentle persuasion one might use with a frightened child. "Breathe," you remind him, with his face once more in your hands.
When his eyes squeeze shut, you finally notice the red blotches on his cheeks. He's been crying in your room, for who knows how long. He's been fighting this battle on his own, waging war with himself over what he wants for himself and what he wants for your relationship. It's tearing him apart inside; the fact that he's consumed alcohol at this early hour is evidence enough of that.
You have two very distinct, separate jobs. On the pitch, you're the star of Arsenal's women's team, guiding your best friends towards wins and scoring the occasional goal while you're at it. You've trained hard nearly every day of your life to be where you're at, and signing for Arsenal has brought you a lifelong found family along with the love of your life, Kieran.
Off the pitch, you've tasked yourself with loving Kieran. It isn't something anyone ever offers advice or guidance on; it's something you've have to explore and learn how to do on your own, in your own time. But you think you've done a damn good job of it so far. You're the one he turns to after a shit match and you're the one he wants to celebrate with after a win. You don't hold him back but instead you help him realize his full potential, even if that potential means separating the two of you for the time being.
"I don't want to go," Kieran repeats. You've never heard him so distraught. Deep down, he knows Newcastle is the best choice for him, but neither of you are willing to give up the love you share.
"You know, I've been looking at Manchester lately."
Kieran sniffles and rubs at his wet eyes. "What for? I don't want to move to United and City doesn't need a left back."
"Mmm, no, their men's team doesn't… but their women's team? Well, City's ladies could really use some help defensively."
Hope finally returns to Kieran's eyes. He blinks up at you, his hands landing on your hips to pull you impossibly closer to him. "I couldn't ask you to leave Arsenal. I know it's your home, too."
"See that's where you're wrong," you murmur, tipping your forehead to rest on Kieran's. "My home is wherever you are, Key. This is my home." You lay your palm on the center of Kieran’s chest, directly over his heart. "I was looking and Manchester is only an hour from Newcastle. I could see about a loan to City or even about a move there next year. We could get a house in the middle and commute- a half hour each isn't terrible. I know it's longer than the ten minute drive we have now, but…"
"We would be together," Kieran finishes on your behalf. You smile and reward him with a soft kiss before sweeping the pad of your thumb over his lips.
"Yes, we would be together. So do you think you can make it until January without me there? This summer we can pick out a house together, and I can start figuring out a move for myself. Meanwhile, you can just focus on you, and planning as many date nights as you can."
"I like the sound of that, darling. I really, really do."
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emwritesfootball · 3 years ago
Date Nights | Kieran Tierney
Having weekly date nights with Kieran tierney please where you both make an effort and dress up nice and go out x
Warnings: a little innuendo
- - -
“Hey, a few of us from the department are going out for drinks tonight. Wanna come?”
You looked up at your coworker’s smiling face, actually sad that you were about to turn her down. “Normally, I’d love to, but it’s date night with my boyfriend tonight. It’s kind of our weekly thing. Rain check?”
Her demeanor never changes as she says brightly, “It’s okay! Another time, then, yeah?”
The moment you got home, you started getting ready for your date with Kieran that night. It was something the two of you had started doing after a full year of dating. With both of your schedules being crazy, you mutually agreed to a once-a-week only-cancel-when-one-of-you-is-dying date. It was always someplace fancy that required the two of you to get dressed up and go out, putting in the quality time necessary to keep a relationship together.
“God, you look gorgeous,” Kieran murmured, wrapping his towel around his waist as rivulets of water dripped down his chest. He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek, smirking when you squealed something about not ruining your makeup. “Half hour? Our reservations are in an hour.”
You shot him a look. “I’ll be ready in half an hour. You’ve got no clothes on, so I don’t know about you.”
Twenty-nine minutes later, Kieran emerged wearing a nice button-down shirt and trousers, looking better than ever. “Ready?” He asked, finishing up the last of his buttons.
“Can you help me with my necklace?”
“It’s always something,” he joked, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror as he took the delicate chain in his hands and put it around your neck. “Perfect,” he said adoringly.
“Let’s go,” you said, grabbing the clutch and taking Kieran’s hand as the two of you walked out the door.
The two of you went to a new place that had just opened up a month before, Kieran working some sort of footballer magic to get a reservation so soon. You felt stunning in your dress as Kieran placed a hand on the small of your back and guided you to the table.
Dinner was amazing as always, the two of you talking and laughing over wine and bread before getting to the main course. Not one to turn down dessert, you and Kieran split the dessert your waiter had recommended, both agreeing that it had been the best one on the menu.
“We’re coming back, right?” You asked on the drive home, already hungry for the doggy bag sitting in your lap.
“Definitely,” Kieran replied with a wink. “I made reservations for next month while you went to the toilets.”
“Yes!” You squealed, making Kieran chuckle. “This is why I love you!”
“I love you, too,” he said, taking your hand in his and pressing the back of it to his lips. “Now, what do you say we go home and get out of these nice clothes so we can veg out in front of the tv before bed?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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emwritesfootball · 4 years ago
Staring | Kieran Tierney
Could you do one with Kieran tierney please where he catches you staring at him (and his thighs) and it leads to smut please xx
Word Count: 562
Warnings: semi-public sex, teasing
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You couldn’t help it. He just looked so good sitting outside in the garden reading a book while sunning himself that you couldn’t not do nothing.
“You’re staring again.” Kieran says it nonchalantly, not even looking at you as he turns the page. In truth, he’s felt your eyes on him for the last few minutes but he hasn’t said anything until now because he likes knowing that you’re staring at him.
“I’m not.” It’s a protest but a weak one at that. You know you’ve been caught and you can feel your cheeks warm - and it’s not from the sun. He huffs out a laugh, smirking, and you continue, “Okay, fine, I was staring, but it’s not my fault!”
Kieran takes down his sunglasses, peering at you over the rims of them as he gives you a look that says ‘I don’t believe you’. “Well? Are you going to come over and do anything about it?”
“What?!” You scoff, giving him a wide-eyed stare. “Kieran, we’re outside!”
He shrugs. “So? We’re in our own garden and the fencing is tall enough that nobody can peer in. Get over here.”
Feigning a heavy sigh, you get up and saunter over to him. You sit down on the side of the lounge chair, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a soft kiss. “Happy now?”
Kieran’s smile grows and he kisses you again, harder. “Very.”
Just as he’s about to pull away, you get greedy, shifting so you’re straddling him as the kisses get needier. “I need you,” you whimper, rocking your hips over his growing erection. “Please.”
“What about the fact we’re semi in public?” He teases, his hands running up your torso.
“Doesn’t matter.”
Kieran unties your bikini top with one hand as he slides his other between your legs. “Do you wanna ride my thighs or my dick?” He asks, his thumb rubbing your clit.
“D-Dick,” you stutter, biting down on your bottom lip. “Thighs can come later - I need to cum now.”
It doesn’t take him long to free his cock and you get up so you can wiggle out of your bikini bottoms before straddling him and sinking down on his dick. Both of you let out a sigh the moment he’s into the hilt, balls-deep inside you. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you start to ride him, letting him use his grip on your hips to set the pace. You reach down so you can rub your clit, rewarded when you hear him moan your name after your pussy spasms around his dick.
“Fuck! Kieran, I’m gonna-” You hiss, unable to finish the sentence because your orgasm is hitting you and you’re burying your face in the crook of his neck as you ride it out.
He groans, his cum coating your inner walls. He stays inside you as you both catch your breath. “That was so hot,” he murmurs, trailing kisses from your collarbone up your neck. “We’ve gotta do that more often.”
“Guess you’ll just have to catch me staring again.” You give him a kiss, moaning as you get off him and his cum drips out of you and down your inner thigh. You walk away towards the house, stopping when you get to the door and turning, asking, “Well? Are you gonna come over and do anything about it?”
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