koalamb · 1 year
Sjdjf what character is anon even talking about, at least be specific if you’re gonna be rude
Bdbfjkfh truly 😔 i assume they meant Kielonkajo of GW2 fame, hes the one ive mostly posted here, but who really knows 🤷‍♂️
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magpiedragon · 7 years
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This shiny boy is for @koalamb for... Reasons. It was fun even tho I think I essentially lost the argument 8D
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koalamb · 4 years
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it’s been super long since I’ve posted anything but we’re making height charts for our gw2 babes over on our disc server and my salads are getting revived again. 
one of these days they’ll also get their clothes 
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koalamb · 5 years
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some fast doodles of the salads  
[from left to right ] 
Honganhurme [the Pine’s Blood] - revenant. Made a deal in the Mists to return back to his body, now he’s renting it for a couple of ghosts.   - very shy. He’s more used to talking with the Voices, and plantlife in general than he is with actual other people.   - vigil  
Kielonkajo [Light of the Lilies]  - mesmer (chrono)  - flirty, loud, and always down to clown  - The Commander.  
Kuolonkoi [either Dawn of Death or  the death-moth, if you wana be funy] - necromancer  - inquisitive, logical. Grows a verdant garden in her spare time, and the things she creates tend to bloom with life.  - durmand priory 
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koalamb · 5 years
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I’m sad I can’t wear this in-game, but if it has a tiddy window and a petal skirt, you bet the mesmer boy’s gonna wear  it. 
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koalamb · 5 years
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just dudes being guys
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koalamb · 5 years
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finally, some good fucking food
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koalamb · 5 years
What server do you play on? Also please tell us more about your babies!
I’m on Aurora Glade (Europe)! ( Pssst, feel free to add  koalamb.2674 ! I don’t have time to play very often, but I’d love to get back to the game when  work is not eating most of my time !!  ) 
I’ve got a couple of sylvari and a charr, (I’d love to just chug more characters out into the world but I never really play anyone except for Kielo sos). 
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Kielonkajo! [lit. Dawn of the Valley]   - My canon Commander, and a chronically thirsty chronomancer.   - he was born during the cycle of Night. Wild and reckless at heart.  - He tends to drown his own issues and instead works on helping others.   - Notorious glass cannon, and overdramatic about it.  - Does not own winter clothes and will perish if you do not let him borrow your coat.   - Used to date his best friend’s twin brother (Puunsirppi, the dashing lad from that one pic), but for some reason it didn’t quite work out. They’re still friends, and Kuutaimi (said bff, and the twin sister of Puunsirppi) absolutely gives them both shit about it.  -  He also travels a lot with @perplexingly ‘s Yarume and @foolsfantasies ‘ Khallam. they’re edgy, eager and extra. 
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Kuolonkoi [lit. either Dawn of the Death or The Death Moth, both which are edgy]  - She’s Big And Tall and Buff, because we’re all gay in this house.  - She’s also a necromancer (I’ve been meaning to make her an utility condimancer  - she needs a revamp, but I’ve been thinking of leaning even more into a Birch aesthetic.   - Looks very verdant and alive for a necromancer, but that’s because she leeches that life outta you. 
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Honganhurme [lit. The Pine Blood, but make it poetic]  - Tall Anxious Shy Twig, who happens to spend most of his time with the ghosts in his head. He’s a revenant, and would absolutely much rather be anything else.  - Don’t let him borrow your clothes.  - Just all-around sweetheart. I actually haven’t played him much yet, so he’s very much a work in progress. 
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Routaranka [lit. Frozen Spine ]   - My token charr. She’s a middle-aged mother of two teen cubs (Kaskenlapsi and Tervankämmen (Fire Fallow Child and Tar Hand), and she loves them more than anything.   - Used to be a sailor, she’s got some wild stories to tell around a campfire. She’s quick with her hands, a very agile thief. - Literally Will Be Your Mum if you even remotely look like you might need assistance with anything. She will absolutely deny that though, and just wants to be Efficient and help you be Efficient.  - big scary tough, but also big scary soft. 
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koalamb · 5 years
Would it be alright to draw your plant boy? Perhaps with my commander? I’m falling in love 😍
Omg the answer is always yes!!! Kielo’s always up for adventures, and I’d love to see what you come up with 😭🙏🏻 💖💖💖
Lil things about him!
- he’s short (The shortest possible male sylvari), but doesn’t have the twiggiest body type
- he has antennae with glowing lilies of the valley (his name is a wordplay on the words lily of the valley + dawn, so dawn of the valley, kinda?)
- lotsa ears.
(I don’t have proper pics of him on my phone but have this old doodle 🌸💦 )
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koalamb · 5 years
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?21. How do they react to praise?22. How do they react to criticism?23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
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legolasgoldy said:Oh, I forgot the say, the hc questions were for Kielo! ;D
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?
Heart of Thorns spoilers ahead!  Kielo took the loss of Trahearne heavily. Trahearne was supposed to be the one who knows what he’s doing, the one who’s on top of his game. He was also real hot. Kielo blames himself for not trying hard enough, not being fast enough, just.. he should have done something to prevent what went down, and for a good long while, Kielo lost his glow and vibrance altogether, and would not bother with usual smiling demeanor. 
However, a part of him (a bigger part than he lets people know) believes that somewhere out there, Trahearne has returned, he’s the smartest man Kielo has ever known, and if Kielo can find a way to return back to the the world of the living, then surely Trahearne can, too. He’s just. Biding his time. Or somewhere, where Kielo must travel in order to find him. 
20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?
Kielo’s become quite jittery ever since becoming the Commander, and sometimes that means that his reaction to even the slightest surprise might be a roomful of illusions that only disperse after he’s had the time to asses the level of danger he’s in.   Sometimes, being a mesmer and a nervous wreck manifests in different ways, where he tends to dissociate and flicker away from moments where his concentration is required, and you might have to repeat what you’ve just told him. 
21. How do they react to praise?
Answered already, but Kielo practically lives for praise, even if he would never admit that out loud. It’s easy to notice though, with his blooms gaining more colour and a brighter glow.
22. How do they react to criticism?
This largely depends on who is the one criticizing. If it’s a stranger he’s never met, it’s far easier to just raise his eyebrows and (at least seemingly) not give a single fuck, if it’s someone he regards highly, he’ll agonise over it nonstop, even if he might be too stubborn to admit he’s in the wrong. 
Once he got into an argument with Rytlock about not being serious enough for his position as a leader of their little squad, and the way Kielo handled the situation was to blink to another location and leave a clone to deal with the frustrated, grumpy cat with a flaming sword. Turns out Rytlock did not appreciate that. 
23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?
Outdoorsy! Kielo loves human architecture and is endlessly fascinated by things such as marble floors and huge structures, but  he grows bored fast, and in the end, there’s usually not many things he can focus on indoors. Unless it’s the Shiverpeaks and he has to pick between the freezing cold and a warm hearth. He’s a sensitive little orchid with no proper winter clothing, and will complain the entire time that he’ll just drop all his leaves and freeze to death. 
24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
It frustrates Kielo to no end that he has such a bright glow and that it’s really easy to read his emotions because he gives such visible cues.   He’s also not good with Taimi’s communication device, so his inability to interact with anything technical is hugely frustrating, but he's slowly learning the ropes of how to use it. At least he’s no longer constantly broadcasting everything he does. 
Being short for a sylvari and trying to seem Important in front of ... well, anyone really, used to bother him a lot, but ever since he’s bonded with his raptor, it hasn’t been an issue. 
Kielo knows he’s not particularly book-smart, but it still irks him when others treat him like he’s never seen a book. 
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koalamb · 5 years
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 videogames are good again
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koalamb · 5 years
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Some frames from an animation assignment we did today! ft Kielonkajo, the prettiest salad. He’s still missing his antennae. 
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koalamb · 5 years
11 16 18 21 for your purple sylvari boy!
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11. Have they ever been arrested and why? 
- What happens when three shiny mesmers, an elementalist, and a thief walk into a bar? 
The party don’t stop until the sun is up is what. 
Aside from canon times as Commander, he was once arrested after a night of celebration in Divinity’s Reach ended with him and his  best friends (and back-then flame Puunsirppi) partying it up at a town market fountain. The charges for public indecency and general rabble-rousing were dropped after spending a night in the cells, mainly because the aforementioned beau is quite the sleek diplomat. 
16. If they could describe themself in one sentence, what would they say? 
He’s a luxury  few can afford. 
  18. What makes them laugh? 
-Kielo laughs very easily, he’s all-around very bubbly about little things. Overall, it’s probably harder to get him to stop laughing once he’s giddy. 
  21. How do they react to praise?
Kielo lives for praise and attention, although he’d never admit that out loud. His dream as a sapling was to become a famous actor with a troupe of his own, mainly to gain fame and bring joy into people’s lives - well, life threw him a curve ball, but he still relishes the praise he gets for the work he does. Sometimes the spotlight gets too intimidating though, and it’d be easier to just vanish altogether, when he takes solace in little positive responses he gets from friends for little deeds he does. 
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koalamb · 5 years
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fucken furry
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koalamb · 5 years
kielo nudes y/n
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that one fruit, you know the one.gif
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koalamb · 6 years
your art is so gorgeous?! it’s all so colorful and lively and just fun to look at!!
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thank you so much !!! here’s a shiny boy !! 
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