#kidnapper ford au
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fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
Now Ford just has to convince Stan the baby isn't Carla's so he'll stop trying to get back together with her for the sake of the baby--
The idea of a t4t relationship with Stan and Carla never crossed my mind BUT NOW THAT IM SEEING IT ITS AMAZING, YOUR MIND IS MAGNIFICENT ANON AHHHH
Ford couldn't fucking believe it, He has done almost everything to make Stan realise he was the one he should be with, has convince him (with lots of manipulation 😗) to lie together while having a girlfriend and stan has really seemed to enjoy it, he always hugs him after a good intercourse and ford can feel how Stanley's heart warms while being with him, he was sure Stanley loved him but Carla must have done something to him, maybe even something paranormal? Would Carla be actually a witch!?
Stanley has cried almost all days after they broke up and no matter how much pampering Ford gave him he would still think about her, Insulting that disgusting hippie who stole his girl while eating a whole bowl of ice cream with ford at his side. Ford's heart broke seeing his sweet brother like that but he hoped when stanley noticed the signs of pregnancy maybe that could cheer him up a little, after all as much stanley seemed to be a bad rude guy, the few times he has interacted with kids he genuinely has seemed to enjoyed it so ford was sure he could make a great dad, but when stan started to connect the points, He had a reaction that Ford really didn't expect.
Ford was expecting happiness, worry or anger but when stan came back from the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test in his hand the first thing he said were:
«I have to tell Carla »
...WHAT!? HE WAS EXPECTING THEIR BABY AND YET THE FIRST THING HE THOUGHT WAS CARLA!? But calm down, calm down, he couldn't scream to his pregnant boyfriend brother for that, he just needed to make stan clear that the baby he was waiting for has nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend.
« Why do you want to tell Carla, Stanley? She has another boyfriend now. »
« But she didn't knew about this! Holy Moses, neither do I, I thought we were being careful... »
« Stan, I'm sure Carla has nothing to do with this... Why don't we go to bed?, you must be tired after this big news »
« Are ya kiddin' sixer? I need to tell her, I couldn't let a kid without their mom! »
« Mom- Mom!? Seriously what are you talking stan!? You can't go to her house, she broke up wit- Hey, Stan what are you do- HEY STANLEY COME BACK HERE!! »
Ford thought all his problems would end with their new coming baby but stan always finds a way to piss him off! He was truly starting to believe Carla had made something to him...
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ieetbeez · 6 months ago
Okay guys hear me out
Gravity Falls 18 Episode (each 1 hour) love triangle k drama Disney original…? Workplace/office au…? Fiddleford plays 2nd lead being the kind and better option. Also is a long time friend of Ford (who is obviously the MC). Bill is the dark, morally gray (at first), with family issues main lead who over shadows the 2nd lead…? Is possibly the CEO of the company as well ? And idk instead of building a portal Bill is the stereotypical kidnapper who takes ford away to do whatever gay people do.
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z3mora · 1 month ago
Hello! In one of your answers to our questions, you said that Bill and some elements of the show would be here, does that mean, maybe Ford will follow the evidence or in the cases he took he will go on a little adventure in Gravity Falls where he will find a lot of mysterious, and later a spell to summon Bill? Would Bill would try to trick Ford and make a deal with him?
I'm really looking forward to the comics to see Ford turning to Fiddleford so he can hack something for him or a short comic about Ford being drunk and hating himself, banging his head against the wall, making a mess in the house and feeling guilty or having a nightmare or a dream where he finds Stan but wakes up suddenly and realizes it wasn't real.
Actually has he ever had dreams or nightmares about Stan, in which he finds him and in a good dream his twin is alive and they have a happy end and in a nightmare Stan is dead and his body in horrible condition and with traces of violence?
in any case, I wish you inspiration❣️
AAA TYSM FOR THE ASK!! Ford and gang will eventually end up in gravity falls one way or another! Ford, while fascinated with the weirdness of the town, still has that guilt at doing anything that doesn’t involve finding Stan.
The topic of bill is a kinda spoiler territory but I’ll say this! Bill and the ciphertologists are indeed a plot point! (Off topic but I’d love to do a pre canon ciphertologist au I think that’d be so fun).
Ford definitely goes thru it lol. He’s only had his family and Carla for a very long time, so having support from other people as the au goes on is off putting and strange to him.
Ford has had many dreams of Stan. He’s had dreams where the kidnapping never happened, if it was him instead, where he was just playing a prank of them, where they did find him, where they thought they’d found him only for him to die right in front of him or start to decay like a rotting body. He’s had dreams of them sailing on the Stan o’ war, of their fight, etc etc. he once had a dream where he was Stan, and was kidnapped from his perspective, hearing his brothers voice sob and beg for mercy at the hands of the kidnapper before they killed him and he woke up.
Some of his dreams are just that, dreams. And some of them, the ones he’s repressed, are less so
Ty again for the questions I LOVE rambling about this au :3
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aryesdanger24 · 4 months ago
@blabberoo hot take: missing children AU!
Dipper and Mable go missing as kids on a road trip with their school but everyone seems to not know what happen and no one seems to be doing anything.
The parents reach out to Ford, who works for the government, and to Stan, who deals with criminals of all kinds, for information.
Both men go through their sources and Ford hits a Security Breach that triggers the feds to raid his apartment, they take everything involving his research and threaten to shut down the program he is working on if he starts nosing into their case.
Instantly, Ford finds this alarming and gets in contact with Stan to see if he can bypass the government straight to the underground criminals, but Stan admits that every person who he talks to seem to either be clueless or afraid of something when he says some of the places where the kids stopped at during their field trip.
After this, Ford confides in his project partner about the government threats and he soon realizes Fiddleford McGucket knows something.
All the man seems to say is that he doesn't remember why, but he just knows the feeling he gets from hearing some of the stop names seem to trigger a deeply unsettling fear in him.
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Ford begins to believe that hazy gap year Fiddleford took in college that led to him dropping out probably have something to do with what happened to the twins based on what he knew about that hazy year. All of which were in one particular state in the USA.
Ford calls Stan with his findings and Stan too has a lead by a high end drug smuggler called Kelso, who told Stan that the circumstances surrounding the twins disappearance sounded familiar to some cases around the same state.
None of the missing were found, as if the police or government had never attempted to do a damn thing.
Ford puts in PTO to 'help his family during this troubling time' but in actuality, he and Stan were going on a trip to find them. Between Stan's underground connection spanning states and Ford's high clearance near government facilities due to the nature of his research, the two of them were willing to move heaven and earth to find out what really happened to their little mystery twins and bring them home safe....
That is, if they could survive the search for them first through the hell of the underground and the terror of surveillance from the FBI searching for them both.
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(Thought this was a really cool plot of certain people being taken and it being a serial kidnapper spanning almost centuries and a cult that protects the kidnappers and turn the victims into sacrifices. I like to think Ford works with extraterrestrial life and never tells Stan he's a badass. Pribably in the same way Stan never tells his nerdy brother that he doesn't deal with JUST humans but knows aliens even more than Ford on a physical level of fighting against them and their vices whereas Ford understands their minds. I just think a spy/adventure is so much better with an actual destination in mind♡)
Hope you'll excuse my rambling, I get excited!
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Idk what au im cooking.. but Im cooking..
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
I was asked to search for a missing Norwegian girl caught up in the Moonies – Petra
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▲ Me as an au pair in 1989.
In the mid 1980’s at the age of 21, I was an au pair in California, United States. I lived in Mill Valley, a fancy neighborhood north of the Golden Gate bridge.
In my free time I used to go to the Swedish Church, located on Hyde Street between Lombard Street and Fisherman’s Wharf, in downtown San Francisco. The church was a safe haven for au pairs and other folks from Europe who had gone out to explore the big world.
One day I stumbled into two Norwegian siblings who had come to the States to look for their younger sister. Some years before she had been caught up in a Korean cult called the Unification Church and they were very concerned about her well-being since they’d lost all contact with her.
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▲ Mr. and Mrs. Moon greet the Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa. A handshake that according to the movement legitimized Sun Myung Moon as being the Messiah.
Sun Myung Moon founded the Unification Church. He passed away in 2012; he was a self-proclaimed Messiah who said he had met the biblical Jesus and now had his mandate to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. [ LINK to Moon and Jesus ]
As a Moonie you serve Mr. Moon, also referred to as ‘True Father’. You do this by recruiting new members, raising money to the movement and eventually you marry a partner chosen by Mr. Moon.
A true win win-situation for the cult.
 If you are truly blessed you can give away your children through adoption. This is a true win-win situation, because by doing so a childless couple somewhere out there finally becomes a real family and you can once again give ‘True Father’ your full attention without the distraction of a child. This is the ultimate proof of love and devotion.
The cult had a recruiting base downtown and a training camp in the mountains a few hours’ drive north of San Francisco. Since the siblings would not be welcome into the cult’s surroundings, they asked me if I wanted to make my way into the organization by allowing myself ‘to be recruited’ by the cult. Hopefully, on the inside, I would be able to locate their sister, so that they could take action and arrange for her to be kidnapped and deprogrammed by a special team that was standing by. And oh, could I barely wait!
The Preparation I prepared myself by watching interviews with ex-members on videotape so that I knew what special treatment I could expect.
I learned about how love-bombing – overwhelming and unmotivated love and attention – in combination with little sleep and a tight schedule would serve their purpose to indoctrinate me and make me one of them.
I also met with psychologists and deprogrammers who showed me things I should be aware of, and take precautions against.
The plan was simple.
We would arrange for me to be picked up by a Moonie in Union Square in downtown San Francisco – a place where they recruit many new members. I would then agree to come along to their student camp in the mountains.
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▲ Union Square in San Francisco
Once in the camp I would take a lot of pictures, without attracting unnecessary attention. Lots of parents around the world had children hidden in the cult, and if I could return with picture proof that their sons and daughters were in the camp, captors stood ready to steal back the young people to their families.
Most important of all was that I went home when the weekend camp was over. I was under no circumstances allowed to stay after the four day long camp ended. Though, I was told that both the car and the phone were always ‘broken’ on the last evening of the camp – to prevent people from leaving. The reason was simply that they occasionally needed more time to break some of the visitor’s mental defenses.
The Recruitment

One Saturday we got to work. I dressed myself typically Swedish (neon-colored shorts), took a visible stand at the square, unfolded a big tourist map and waited. All supervised by the kidnappers who stood at a safe distance.
After approximately 15-20 minutes I hear a voice behind me; ”Hello?”
I turned around and meet Ted for the first time, my ticket into the Unification Church.
By coincidence the next camp started next Thursday
Did I need help, I seemed lost? Was I only passing through? Ah, I came from Sweden, that’s sounds nice. Ted told me that he belonged to an international Student organization.
And by the way, would I be interested in sharing a cup of coffee at their office nearby?

A few hours later I had finished my coffee, seen the picture of the Organization’s founder on the wall and met countless of smiling students who all spoke inspiringly of a camp in the mountains.
By coincidence the next camp started next Thursday. Ted asked me if I wanted to come along. Of course I wanted.
After a few hours’ drive in an old minivan filled with young people, we reached our destination – Maacama Hill.
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▲ The girls’ building at Camp K, Maacama Hills
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▲ The kitchen at Camp K
The pace was rapid right from the start with early mornings, late nights, and intense activities all day long. I was not left alone for one second.
New boys were constantly shown attention by the sweetest Moonie girls — and new girls shown the same by the most charming Moonie boys.
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▲ Camp K leaders, Susan on the left.
As time went by, the small talk more and more turned towards existential questions. Had I ever thought about the meaning of life? Was I satisfied with my life?
Then we were introduced to the first lecture in the class room. Participation was voluntary, of course, but not going to the lectures was simply not an option.
Soon we spent more time in the classroom than we did on the volleyball court. The purpose of the teaching was to prove that Sun Myung Moon was the new Messiah.
Now it was getting really hard to do this spy thing. It was emotionally hard. I felt as if I was betraying the new young people in the camp since I saw them becoming prey for the cult without being able to warn them. But how could I?
I had been sent into the camp with a mission and I simply could not reveal my true identity without endangering my assignment.
And besides, what would the leaders do if they found out I was a spy? My quest was to take as many pictures as possible, lay low and get a ride home on Sunday night. Period.
▲ Lecture on the Divine Principle: “Jesus failed, since he died on the cross, right? So a new Messiah would have to complete the Mission, right?” (Picture: HERE)
Everything became more intense as we got closer to Sunday. The generally held “Good to see you” songs at breakfast were replaced by religious songs with lyrics about the ‘True Father’. A short prayer was held before every meal and the discussions became more personal and intrusive, the breaks got shorter and the lessons longer.
On the Saturday evening we had a barbecue on the river bed. When all the sausage and marshmallows were eaten, there was a revival meeting.
▲ I am wedged between two Moonie friends. (Picture: HERE)
Two dark-haired sisters sang religious songs with empathy, and with tears running down their cheeks, they explained how they had found the true meaning of life in the Unification Church.
▲ Happy sisters. (Picture: HERE)
Then one of the leaders gave a short sermon with such passion that the fire next to him faded in comparison.
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▲ Camp K mini-store
How did Petra get out?
Full story and more photos:
Camp K, aka Maacama Hill, Unification Church recruitment camp
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
My Time with the Oakland Family Moonies – by Peter from New Zealand
Testimony of Ingo Michehl – assault by Japanese leader caused lung collapse
The Moonie recruitment camps in Northern California
Resources for Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships
‘Misunderstanding Cults’ book
 – Introduction and chapters by Benjamin Beit-Hallami and by Benjamin Zablocki
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newstfionline · 3 years ago
Monday, October 11, 2021
Local school boards emerge as hot races in November election (AP) In a school district near the Ohio state capital, school board members up for reelection this year have been subjected to a steady stream of lawsuits and attacks, both in-person and online. In another, an incumbent up for reelection who supports student mask requirements received a letter from someone angered by her stance who warned: “We are coming after you.” It’s not just in Ohio. Across the U.S., local school board races have emerged as an intense political battleground in the Nov. 2 elections. Parental protests over COVID-19-related mask mandates, gender-neutral bathrooms, and teachings about racial history, sexuality and social-emotional learning are being leveraged into full-fledged board takeover campaigns that will get their first widespread test in just a few weeks. “What’s happening in 2021 is a prelude to some of the messaging, some of the issues we’ll see going into the midterm elections,” said Scott DiMauro, president of the Ohio Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union.
Haitians are being held hostage by a surge in kidnappings (Washington Post) Four days after the August earthquake that devastated the south of Haiti, Walkens Alexandre, a physician, was traveling to treat victims at a hospital when a motorcycle blocked his white Ford Ranger. Two men hopped off, pulled guns, commandeered his truck and hauled him to the outskirts of the capital. He was held for three days while the kidnappers negotiated by phone with his family. He’d be set free for 30 times his monthly salary. Loved ones pleaded with relatives and friends to contribute to the ransom. “Now I’m traumatized, fearful of people, and reminded of this every time someone slams a door, or I hear a motorcycle,” said Alexandre, 43. “We don’t feel safe in Haiti. There is always panic, always fear.” The most troubled nation in the hemisphere is now being held hostage by a surge in kidnappings. With victims spanning all social classes and ransoms ranging from as little as $100 to six figures, Haiti now holds the tragic title of highest per capita kidnapping rate on Earth. Recorded kidnappings so far this year have spiked sixfold over the same period last year, as criminals nab doctors on their way to work, preachers delivering sermons, entire busloads of people in transit—even police on patrol. So great is the surge that this year, Port-au-Prince is posting more kidnappings in absolute terms than vastly larger Bogotá, Mexico City and São Paulo combined.
New river of lava threatens even more buildings on La Palma (AP) A new river of lava belched Saturday from the La Palma volcano, spreading more destruction on the Atlantic Ocean island where over 1,000 buildings have already been engulfed or badly damaged by streams of molten rock. The partial collapse of the volcanic cone overnight gave birth to a new lava stream that started to follow a similar path down the Cumbre Vieja ridge toward the western shore of the island to the ocean. Authorities said the new lava flow is within the area that was hastily evacuated following the Sept. 19 eruption, when 6,000 residents were forced to flee their homes and farms. Police let residents whose homes could now be in danger make trips to save what they could. Trucks entered the exclusion zone empty Saturday and left with mattresses, furniture and other belongings. A total of 1,186 buildings have been destroyed on La Palma and 497 hectares (1,228 acres) have been covered with lava as of Saturday.
Austrian chancellor Kurz resigns amid corruption allegations (Washington Post) Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned Saturday amid a corruption probe that had opposition parties seeking a no-confidence vote. In a televised address, the 35-year-old conservative leader said he denied the allegations against him, but recommended leadership be handed to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg. “My country is more important to me than my person,” he said. “I want to make space, to prevent chaos and ensure stability.” Opposition parties had been planning a vote of no-confidence against Kurz on Tuesday following an announcement last week that, along with close associates, he was being investigated for embezzlement and bribing media figures. His offices were raided on Wednesday.
Iraqis vote for new parliament (AP) Iraq closed its airspace and scrambled its air force Sunday as voters headed to the polls to elect a parliament that, despite widespread skepticism, some Iraqis hope will deliver reforms after decades of conflict and mismanagement. The vote was originally scheduled for next year but was brought forward in response to a popular uprising in the capital Baghdad and southern provinces in late 2019. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest endemic corruption, poor services and rising unemployment. They were met with deadly force by security forces firing live ammunition and tear gas. More than 600 people were killed and thousands injured within just a few months. Although authorities gave in and called the early elections, the death toll and the heavy-handed crackdown prompted many young activists and demonstrators who took part in the protests to later call for a boycott of the polls. A series of kidnappings and targeted assassinations that killed more than 35 people has further discouraged many from taking part. Apathy is widespread amid deep skepticism that the independent candidates stand a chance against established parties and politicians, many of them backed by armed militias.
Lebanon’s national electricity grid collapses (Washington Post) Lebanon’s electricity network collapsed on Saturday after the two most important power stations ran out of fuel, leaving private generators as the only source of power. The state-owned electricity company has been providing citizens with just a few hours of power a day for months, but the total collapse of the national grid will compound the misery of those who can’t afford to run generators and had relied on those few hours. The outage marks the latest milestone in the unraveling of Lebanon, which is undergoing what the World Bank has described as one of the world’s three biggest financial collapses of the past 150 years. The banking system was the first to implode in 2019, triggering a 90 percent slide in the value of the currency that has left the government unable to afford fuel, food and medicine imports while plunging millions of Lebanese into poverty.
Sudan says running low on fuel oil and wheat due to port blockade (Reuters) A three-week blockade of Sudan’s main port by tribal protesters is causing shortages of wheat and fuel oil for power generation, endangering the country’s already faulty electricity supply, a cabinet minister said on Saturday. Tensions between Sudan’s military and civilian leaders have been running high in recent weeks, and some civilian figures have accused the military of playing a role in the Beja tribe’s blockade of Port Sudan, surrounding roads and fuel pipelines. In the capital, Khartoum, queues for bread have reappeared in recent days and there have been shortages of imported flour.
Storytelling Makes Hearts Beat As One (WSJ) Most of us believe that two hearts can beat as one, and that the heart reveals our unedited emotions. Now there’s some evidence that such folk wisdom is true. When people listen to the same story—each alone in their own home—their heart rates rise and fall in unison, according to a new study published last month in Cell Reports. “The fluctuations of our heart rates are not random,” said Lucas Parra, a professor of biomedical engineering at City College of New York and a senior author of the study. “It’s the story that drives the heart. There’s an explicit link between people’s heart rates and a narrative.” This finding aligns with a mountain of research showing that our brains sync up when we interact in the same location, participate in the same activity, or simply agree with each other.
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yoificfinder · 5 years ago
Hi, lovely thing. Can you recommend me some ffs with Hunger games setting or something disturbing like that? Thank you so much
Hi nonnie, here are some Hunger Games AU and other similarly dark-themed fics (excluding mafia AUs). Blanket depictions of violence warning applies (except for those with this mark ☆) + other CW as applicable/tagged. Not all pairing is Victuuri.
Hunger Games AU
Glitter & Gold by @farashasilver [E, 71K] *Major Character Death
Victor Nikiforov is the Capitol's darling, the Living Legend who's survived the Games twice. He plays the role well, but mentoring District Ten's tributes year after year is beginning to wear on him in ways he could never have imagined as the terrified sixteen-year-old winner of the 66th Hunger Games.
When Yuri Plisetsky volunteers as tribute, full of fire and fury and determined to win, Victor finds himself wanting to make sure Yuri doesn't die trying. Playing the Capitol's games win him no friends or favor, though, and Victor has to step carefully through a maze of political maneuvering to keep Yuri alive, which isn't easy when Yuri seems to loathe everything about him.
A story of survival and finding companionship in even the darkest hours, Victor will have to overcome the terrible specter of his past if he wants to help Yuri survive his future
☆ they might promise you (that the river ain't deep) by @sophia-helix [G, 2K]
His own bow was lying on the rock ten feet away, and Yuuri felt like an idiot for setting it down when he’d spotted the blaze orange bag on the ground, scrambling forward in his hasty excitement. There might have been anything in it — food, medical supplies, socks — and he hadn't waited for caution. They hadn’t been able to shoot as much game as he’d hoped, and fording that river had soaked everything they were wearing, and although they’d gotten the bullet out, the hole in Phichit’s leg was starting to go septic…
But Yuuri should have known better. Of course a supply bag lying in the open was a trap, and now he was paying for it, staring up the wooden arrow and through the black carbon-fiber frame of the bow into the cold blue eyes of his idol, five-time winning tribute Victor Nikiforov.
Dark-Themed Fics
A Cave Beside the Sea by (orphan account) [E, 15K]
Victor - in particular, Victor's body - is chosen as an offering to the village God.
A Thousand Shattered Mirrors series by @omgkatsudonplease, @exile-wrath [M and E, 88K] *WIP
Summary of first fic:
FBI Supervisory Special Agent and profiler Yuuri Katsuki is called out to New York City with his team to investigate the gruesome murders of several young Asian men. However, as more bodies turn up with increasingly uncanny resemblances to him, Yuuri must confront the possibility that he may be at the heart of the killings — or the killer.
All the Lonely People by @orchids-and-fictional-cities, @iruutciv [E, 11K] *Rape/Non-Con
Viktor Nikiforov, a young priest from the Moscow Patriarchate, is exiled to a sleepy seaside town in Japan. There, he soon learns that one of her citizens is hiding a terrible secret - and that he is not the only one who has strayed from the Divine.
Cognitive Dissonance by @katyaton [M, 104K]
When Yuuri gets kidnapped one night in St. Petersburg, all hell breaks loose. The police claim they are doing all they can to find him, but with so little clues to track him down, it seems like he’ll never be found. Viktor begins growing desperate, and just as it seems like his Yuuri will never be rescued, he and the police come across a startling video - A video of Yuuri.
This video may be just what they need to identify Yuuri’s location, but with Yuuri’s safety at stake, will it be enough to track him down in time? And just what does the kidnapper want with Yuuri?
Yuuri, meanwhile, has been asking himself the same thing.
How to be a Heartbreaker by @justrae2010 [E, 81K] *Major Character Death
Yuuri Katsuki has looked up to Captain Victor Nikiforov for years. So when his idol saves him while out on his first mission with the scouts, it’s both the best and the worst thing to happen to him. He never thought he’d see Victor again after that. He certainly never thought he’d see him in the showers for his barracks...
Life Like Legend by @nomanono [E, 5K]
The ISU gives its top senior skaters everything they need: access to the best coaches, the most meticulous meal plans, and a dedicated junior for their personal use, to sate their libido as needed.
Starlight by whatsup_buttercup [E, 21K]
“This is my room,” Viktor says breezily. “I’d love to give you your own space, but, well, the ship isn’t very big, and I imagine we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.”
Viktor’s not even looking at him, instead going over messages on his phone. Yuuri clenches his hands into fists. Since childhood, Viktor had been a dream to reach for, someone Yuuri aspired to meet one day, to dance on the same level with. Now he’s here to be his obedient, bedazzled whore; a decoration in this empty room.
that boy is a monster by @thishasbeencary, @pencilwalla [M, 8K] *Major Character Death
Viktor is almost thirty. It’s only a matter of time.
The "Viktor Nikiforov is a body-stealing monster" AU.
the crow upon the sea by lilithiumwords / @amberstarfight [E, 114K] *WIP
Supposedly, Katsuki Yuuri can hear strange messages on the radio, the government is raiding random homes in his town, and Viktor Nikiforov has disappeared.
The truth is a completely different story.
As always, other recs are welcome!
ETA: Other people's rec:
The Winter King's Bride by pandabomb
Cold Heart, Colder Games by lesbians_on_ice
Thanks for the rec, @rainierorion and @vityascielo! ❤
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thelastspeecher · 6 years ago
In your Stansort AU, do you think the people out to hurt Angie ever mistake Ford for Stan? Maybe he's out somewhere and they think, "he doesn't have his bodyguards" and they try to kidnap him?
Yeah, I could see that happening.  Someone with a grudge against the royal family mistakes Ford for Stan, decides to kidnap the king consort since he doesn’t have his guards for once, and then Ford very narrowly escapes.  It’s mostly through dumb luck that he manages to get away.  One of the kidnappers makes a mistake, and Ford’s able to use it to escape.
Once Ford tells Fidds what happened, Fiddleford assigns a couple guards to keep an eye on Ford for a while, until the perpetrators are caught.
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The Other Way Chapter 1: A Very, Very bad Situation
A while ago I saw a thing on the main TAU blog that talked about a Transdim AU where instead of Dipper going to another dimension, little Mabel and Dipper from another one came to the TAUverse and i felt like writing about that. Hope you like it :)
“This is bad, this is very, very bad,” Dipper said, pacing back and forth at the end of the alleyway the two twins had showed up in.
“Just relax Dipdip, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Mabel responded, half-heartedly trying to calm him down, but knowing it really wouldn’t work.
“Mabel we’re in another dimension! How on earth am I supposed to relax!?” Mabel didn’t say anything, just sat down and watched her brother with a worried expression as he mumbled to himself.
He was right though, Mabel thought. How were they going to get through this? That portal had just appeared out of no where sucking them right in while exploring the forest, and it had left them who knew where in the multiverse.
When they came out here they had done a quick check of the area and saw two dryads, a centaur and her three children and multiple other magical beings walking around the busy streets with the other people, confirming Dippers theory of being in another world.
This would have been exciting for Mabel, had there been an obvious way home. A whole world just as magical as Gravity Falls? And even more so?? It would have been incredible for both of them but it was hard to be excited when you thought you where stuck.
“So what are we going to do?” she asked, Dipper stopped his pacing and looked at her, thinking for a second.
“I don’t know.”
Dipper went and sat down next to Mabel, looking down at the ground shaking his head.
“I-I don’t know,” he repeated. They were stuck. They both knew it. There wasn’t an awful lot they could do, especially considering they didn’t even really know what had opened the portal in the first place.
They sat together like that thinking in silence, having no idea what to do or say, for several minutes, when Mabel’s head perked up.
“Dipper, did you hear that?” Mabel whispered, looking around the lifeless alleyway. for the sound of shuffling she had heard.
“Probably just a stray or something,” said Dipper, not really paying attention, too deep in thought of never going home and is this how Great uncle Ford felt when he was sucked into that portal in the basement?
Mabel got up and walked over to behind the large bin to find the source of the sound, disappearing behind it with a muffled scream.
“Mabel?!” Dipper jumped up and rushed over to where she went, in time to see two hooded figures  standing up from their hidden crouches, one of them holding a struggling Mabel above the ground, a large, dark hand over her mouth. He was about to scream for help when the second figure stepped towards him and smacked something onto his cheek, knocking him out.
Dipper woke up all at once. One second he was asleep, the next he was wide awake, tied up, and lying on the cold hard floor in a near dark room. He started panicking as he remembered what happened, trying to get out of the zip ties holding his hands behind his back, and on his feet. After giving up he looked around for any sign of life in the dim light peeking through under what had to be a door a bit in front of him. Other then the vague outline of the door there wasn’t much Dipper could see, causing even more panic realising he couldn’t see his sister.
“Mabel?’ he choked out, looking for something, anything that would show she was there with him, but he couldn’t see anything. He was alone, and he started crying. ‘What is going on?’ he thought in-between sobs. Today was just getting worse and worse, and Dipper curled up on himself as best he could, tears falling down his face, with only the knowledge that he was far from home, captured for whatever reason, and away from Mabel.
When Mabel woke up, it was knelling in-front of a strange intricately drawn circle, in a room lit only by candles, with the two hooded figure on either side of her, each holding a shoulder. She had been tied up, and had duct tape over her mouth, stopping her from loudly demanding to know what the heck was going on here!
The two figures started chanting in a strange language, and one of them grabbed Mabel’s arm, slicing a knife across it making tears spill from her eyes. They pushed her into the circle, blood from the wound spilling onto the ground making it light up. Dark smoke started to appear above the candles, whose flames and changed from the usual orange to a bright dark blue, and swirl above her as the chant reached its crescendo. The two figures raising their arms together and said in a loud unified voice “ALCOR!”
The smoke came together, forming the shape of a floating pitch black man, with large dark wings coming out from his lower back. He had bright, throbbing, golden lines of brick work all over him, in some places braking off, and two deep pools of angry gold where his eyes should be. He said nothing, but looked at the two hooded figures in rage, both of them taking involuntary steps back in surprise, clearly not expecting this response.
“W̧҉̴̡͎̖̘̦̗̜̪̦̗̀Ḩ̪̘̜̲̘͖̻͉͈̼̻́̕͟A҉҉͙̗͍̰͔͈̫̫̼͎̩̣͠T̷̴̶̺̳̰͓̺͓͙͖̟̻ ̢͙̯̤̯̩͖͘I̧͏̷͙̰͇͓̰͇͙̣͖͍̯S̵̢̖̣̝͓͎̼̫͙̦̖̀͟͟ ̀҉̴͈͖̠͓̳̜̣̮̝̫̖͈̣͞͝T̢҉̴̴͉̮̯̱̘͙̞͇͖̭ͅH̵̴͢͏̜̞̝̯̼̲̞̤̕Į̴̶̨҉̺̹͙̺̣͎͍̯̳̬͙̤̪͎̗̲S̸̩͓̣̬̥̝̮̫̫̱̳̰̯̬͖̬̝͟͟͢͡?̶̷̬̬̙̞̣͈͉̙̗̺̀͝!̶͏̵͎̺͚̪̗̪̙̤̖̗͚̗͓ͅ” the man roared at the figures. He looked down at Mabel and back to her kidnappers before doing a double take and staring at her in shock, with those pure golden eyes.
“O-oh Great and Powerful Alcor, the Dreambender, w-we offer you this chil-“
“Ǹ̡̝̬͖O̸̴̢̪͇̬ͅ!” Alcor interrupted, staring down at the figures. Mabel looked up at him and could see the slight shake of his clenched fists.
“Bu-“ the other figure started, but suddenly stopped, as if having all the air from their lungs removed. They started to shake, collapsing to the ground, hands clawing at their throat drawing blood, trying to get even a single breath of air. Their accomplice started heaving as well, coughing, covering their mouth, blood seeping through their fingers, collapsing as well.
Mabel squeaked, and tried to move away from the two people who she just watched die. She looked back up at Alcor who was just staring at her, a sadness in his gaze, though not for the humans he had just killed.
Floating down so he was standing on the ground, Alcor took a step towards Mabel, but stopped as he saw her flinch.
“It’s okay Mabel, I won’t hurt you, I want to help.” he flicked his hand removing her bonds, and didn’t he now sound faintly familiar?
“H-how do you know my name?” she demanded, shakily. Alcor took a half step back, clearly torn between what he wanted to do, looking at her distantly.
“That’s, not important right now. Is your… your brother here?” he said instead of answering the question. Mabel was about to ask how this Alcor guy knew she had a brother when she remembered he had also been taken.
“OH MY GOD DIPPER!! I HAVE TO FIND HIM!!” Mabel jumped up, ignoring the so obviously a demon and raced to the door, only to find it locked.
Mabel turned to Alcor a desperation in her eyes. “You said you wanted to help right? Where’s Dipper?”
He smiled sadly, looking away slightly, “he’s, close.”
“Wha-“ Alcor snapped his fingers, stopping Mabel’s question and opening the door.
“There’s someone in the room down the hall to the left, that should be him.” Mabel didn’t bother thanking him, and just raced down to the door at the end of the passage way, slamming her shoulder into the wood, forcing it open.
“Could have just used the door nob but that works too I guess.”
Dipper’s head snapped up at the sudden sound of the door being slammed open, squinting at the light coming though.
“DIPPER!” Mabel screamed, running over and attacking him with a hug.
“MABEL!” Dipper screamed back, the zip ties disappearing, letting him hug her as well. They stayed like that for several minutes, until dipper noticed the dark shadow that had followed Mabel into the room, and he let go of her to get up and stand between them protectively in-front of his sister.
“Sup,” said the stranger, waving his hand awkwardly.
“It’s okay Dipper, that’s Alcor,” Mabel interjected, “he, helped me? I mean, probably could have done it in another way but I guess I’m alright.”
Alcor winced. “Yeeah, sorry you had to see that.”
“See what?” Dipper asked suspiciously, squinting his eyes at Alcor.
“LET’S not think about that, please.” Mabel said, attracting attention.
“Good idea! How about instead we think about where you two are gonna stay! Cause I have a feeling you don’t really have a place to go.”
“How’d you know that?” Now both twins were looking at Alcor with suspicion. Dipper taking a step back to be closer to Mabel still.
“Uhh, never mind that! Um, I reckon I have a place the two of you could stay, if your comfortable with that.” Alcor offered, Dipper and Mabel looking at each other before turning their backs on him to huddle and whisper.
“I don’t trust him, you didn’t sound at all convinced when you said it was all right, and we don’t even know what he is!” Dipper said quietly.
“I know but what choice do we have, I say we do trust him.”
“Well he did still help me and it’s not like he’s wrong about not having anywhere to go right now.” Dipper thought about it. Damn it what were they going to do. He didn’t feel safe just trusting that, what ever he is, but Mabel was right. They really didn’t have anywhere to stay.
“Fine, but if we die I’m blaming you.” They turned around.
“I heard all of what you just said,” Alcor stated before Mabel could say anything, “So you two ready?” he asked.
They looked at each other one more time, before nodding, Mabel more enthusiastically then her brother.
“Great, well just stay as calm as you can and I’ll tesser us over there.”
“Wait what’s that supposed to mean?” Dipper asked, but Alcor just ignored him, putting a hand on one of their shoulders each, before the three disappeared.
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sporadicpersonatiger-blog · 8 years ago
Put Quel Video Voteriez
Prévu pour la fin de, le film appartient à un genre specific réaliser  video tragedy. Se déroulant au milieu de la guerre des gangs que se livraient les Irlandais et les Américains à Boston, il s'agit d'une histoire de traîtrise, ou du moins cela semble l'être, dans laquelle le gangster Colin Sullivan, joué ici par Matt Damon, signe pour s'engager dans les forces de police, tandis que l'élève officier Billy Costigan, Leonardo di Caprio, s'infiltre sous couverture pour gagner la confiance du chaotic chef de team Frank Costello, Jack Nicholson. Avec ce picture d'une pauvre famille de mineurs du Pays de Galles, Ford cochait toutes les bonnes cases : sujet consensuel, humanité grandiloquente des personnages, puissance iconique des images… Beau et tragique comme du Dickens, Qu'elle était verte ma vallée est une illustration insurpassable du classicisme au theatre. Respectant l'univers de puisant à gauche droite et s'éloignant blockbusters fade pondus ALA chaîne par le grand Hollywood, on a espoir que Spider in the Layer soit plus easy movie SF. Au leading ce classement:) Bizzarement, même si je sais que je vais pleurer, cela me donne envie de voir ceux que je n'ai pas vu! A l'ère Jason Bourne il était essentiel de muscler 007 put en un action hero de son temperatures. Encore plus Years a Servant delaware McQueen, et moins de times lacrymaux, ce video nous replonge dans l'horreur de l'esclavagisme en le de Southampton, à travers, en Virginie le value et le fight homme. Partant du constat que les listes compilant les plus grands videos de tous les temperatures font généralement la part belle aux movies du siècle passé, la BBC a demandé à 177 critiques de cinéma du monde entier d'établir leur classement des cooks d'oeuvre du 7e art pour le siècle en cours. Il deux events: la sur nos écrans le 20 2017 il faudra pour la seconde. Durant tout le film de la recherche de l'homme qui a sa femme pour le tuer. Maintenant, Hoosiers pas le video p hockey p tous les conditions. Il a de rires ALA second les différentes établissant par là leur top, comédies. Synopsis psychopathe sous le nom de Buffalo la terreur dans le Midst Northwest en kidnappant en de jeunes femmes. Tout est bien dans ce classique: la réalisation, les dialogues, la musique, Marlon Brando (surtout Marlon Brando putain), alors arrête de glander devant cet article et va faire tes devoirs, allez hop! Tournage du picture dans peu de temps, le temps que la Warner boy casting idéal. Cette liste sera périodiquement mise et n'hésitez pas des strategies d'ajout de film! Pour les comiques du monde entier, ensuite, qui ont soudain vu s'élargir leurs capabilities - aujourd'hui encore, tous les grands rigolos US, p Judd Apatow à Louis C.K, rêvent secrètement de tourner un jour une comédie romantique aussi miraculeuse et drôle et great et pretty et tendre et impressive qu'Annie Hallway.
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olivierdemangeon · 8 years ago
  Synopsis : Susan Morrow, s’ennuie dans l’opulence de son existence. Alors que son mari s’absente, Susan reçoit un colis inattendu : un manuscrit signé de son ex-mari Edward Sheffield dont elle est sans nouvelles depuis des années. Edwards se met en scène en père de famille aux prises avec un gang de voleurs de voiture ultraviolents, mené par l’imprévisible Ray Marcus. Après lui avoir fait quitter la route, le gang l’abandonne impuissant sur le bas-côté, prenant sa famille en otage. Susan, émue par la plume de son ex-mari, ne peut s’empêcher de se remémorer les moments les plus intimes qu’ils ont partagés. Elle trouve une analogie entre le récit de fiction de son ex-mari et ses propres choix cachés derrière le vernis glacé de son existence.
Origine du film : États-Unis Réalisateur : Tom Ford Scénariste : Tom Ford Acteurs : Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Isla Fisher, Armie Hammer, Laura Linney, Andrea Riseborough, Michael Sheen Musique : Abel Korzeniowski Genre : Drame, Thriller Durée : 1 heure 56 minutes Date de sortie : 4 janvier 2017 (France) Année de production : 2016 Sociétés de production : Fade to Black Distribué par : Focus Features Titre original : Nocturnal Animals Notre note : ★★★★☆
Notre commentaire : “Nocturnal Animals” est un thriller psychologique américain datant de 2016, écrit et réalisé par Tom Ford, à qui l’on doit également “A Single Man” (2009). Ce métrage est basé sur le roman “Tony and Susan” écrit par Austin Wright en 1993. Les acteurs principaux sont Amy Adams, qu’on a pu voir dans “Premier Contact” (2016), Jake Gyllenhaal, qu’on a pu voir dans “Zodiac” (2007), Michael Shannon, qu’on a pu voir dans “Free Love” (2015), Aaron Taylor-Johnson, qu’on a pu voir dans “Avengers L’Ere d’Ultron” (2015), Armie Hammer, qu’on a pu voir dans “Agents très Spéciaux: Code U.N.C.L.E” (2015), Laura Linney, qu’on a pu voir dans “Sully” (2016), Andrea Riseborough, qu’on a pu voir dans “Hidden” (2015), et Michael Sheen, qu’on a pu voir dans “Passengers” (2016).
Le 24 mars 2015, il a été annoncé que la société Smoke House Pictures George allait produire un thriller, intitulé “Nocturnal Animals“, basé sur un roman, “Tony and Susan” d’Austin Wright datant de 1993. Tom Ford fut engagé pour diriger le film, basé sur son propre script.
Jake Gyllenhaal fut l’une des premières recrues pour tenir l’un des rôles principaux, tandis qu’ Amy Adams était en conversation pour le rôle principal féminin, alors que des rumeurs laissaient entendre que Joaquin Phoenix et Aaron Taylor-Johnson pourraient intégrer la distribution. La société Focus Features a acquis les droits de distribution pour les États-Unis, tandis que la société Universal Pictures gérera la distribution internationale. Le 6 août 2015, Aaron Taylor-Johnson a été confirmé pour jouer dans le film, alors que Michael Shannon a également rejoint le casting, jouant un officier de police. Le 28 août 2015, Armie Hammer a également rejoint le casting du film, pour jouer Hutton Morrow, le mari du personnage d’Amy Adams. 
Le tournage principal de “Nocturnal Animals” a débuté le 5 octobre 2015 à Los Angeles, en Californie et s’est achevé le 5 décembre 2015. La première du film a eu lieu le 2 septembre 2016 lors du Festival du Film de Venise puis fut également présenté au Toronto International Film Festival le 9 septembre 2016. Le film est sorti en salle aux États-Unis le 18 novembre 2016. “Nocturnal Animals” a engrangé 10,7 millions de dollars aux États-Unis et au Canada et 18,6 millions dans les autres pays pour un total mondial de 29,3 millions de dollars pour un budget de production de 22,5 millions de dollars. 
“Nocturnal Animals” s’ouvre avec une scène musicale qui révèle des femmes nues, obèses pour la plupart, dansant sur des petits podiums, semblant être débutantes, avec quelques accessoires rappelant l’idée de fanfare. Une scène qui interpelle, limite incommodante. Cette première scène nous permet de découvrir Susan Morrow (Amy Adams) une galeriste d’art, riche, vivant à Los Angeles. 
Rapidement, on découvre que Susan Morrow s’ennuie dans sa vie de riche, et que son couple est en bout de course. Elle reçoit un manuscrit de son ex-mari écrivain. La lecture va profondément la troubler. Le récit proposé par son ancien époux, Edward Sheffield (Jake Gyllenhaal) n’est qu’une métaphore de sa vie de couple passée avec Susan, plongeant ses personnages dans la violence.  
Le montage de “Nocturnal Animals” est original, proposant trois univers distincts. Le temps présent, où Susan Morrow (Amy Adams) évolue et se plonge régulièrement dans le manuscrit que son ex-mari lui a fait parvenir. Un temps fictif qui présente les événements présentés dans le manuscrit, dans lequel Tony Hastings (Jake Gyllenhaal) et sa famille se font agresser par trois délinquants qui vont kidnapper sa femme et sa fille, laissant errer ce père de famille dans le désert. Le détective de police Bobby Andes (Michael Shannon) va rapidement découvrir que la femme et la fille de Tony ont été violées et tuées et se lancer dans une enquête visant à identifier et arrêter les auteurs des faits. Et enfin un temps passé où l’on peut voir la relation, la déchirure et finalement la séparation de Susan Morrow (Amy Adams) et d’Edward Sheffield (Jake Gyllenhaal).  
Les basculements entre le temps présent, le temps fictif et les flashbacks ne sont pas clairement marqués, le montage peut donc surprendre, voire même déstabiliser, mais pour notre part, cela est rester fluide mais on peut comprendre que cela ait pu être confus pour certains spectateurs. D’une certaine manière, on peut y voir une forme stylistique renforcée par la bande originale qui accompagne ce métrage. Tom Ford livre un film assez particulier pour un second métrage, avec une belle maîtrise de son sujet, avec une très bonne maîtrise technique. 
La distribution est superbe, avec des prestations de premier ordre pour Amy Adams et Aaron Taylor-Johnson dans un personnage de leader d’un petit gang de malfrats. Cependant, c’est surtout les performances de Jake Gyllenhaal qui livre une double prestation dans ce film ainsi que Michael Shannon qui offre un personnage de policier intimidant, limite inquiétant, qui finalement révélera qu’il est en phase terminale d’un cancer des poumons.
“Nocturnal Animals” a fait l’objet d’une édition en DVD ainsi qu’en Blu-ray, paru le 9 mai 2017 chez Universal Pictures Vidéo (France). Pour de plus amples renseignements, n’hésitez pas à consulter la fiche du film sur le site DVD.Fr.
En conclusion, “Nocturnal Animals” offre un travail très intéressant de Tom Ford, qui livre des histoires entrelacées de manière originale, mélangeant le crime, le drame, l’ennui et la trahison. L’ensemble est admirablement soutenu par un groupe d’acteurs doués livrant des performances exigeant une certaine polyvalence. La bande originale est à l’image de ce métrage, intéressante et originale. Un film qui combine le romantisme et l’ennui, pour apostropher le spectateur. 
  Bande-annonce :
NOCTURNALS ANIMALS (2016) ★★★★☆ Synopsis : Susan Morrow, s’ennuie dans l’opulence de son existence. Alors que son mari s’absente, Susan reçoit un colis inattendu : un manuscrit signé de son ex-mari Edward Sheffield dont elle est sans nouvelles depuis des années.
0 notes
fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
Just Stan realizing that Everything. EVERYTHING. Was because of Ford, only because of Ford. Ford did all that, ruined him, took away his family, took away the only friend he ever had that wasn't his brother, starved him, made him birth two babies pretty much by himself in the back of his car because Ford was panicking too much, and just. It wasn't a heat-of-the-moment thing because Ford was terrified of losing him, Stan could almost get that because he was also terrified of losing Ford to his dream school but. Ford had planned this, Ford had done this on purpose, Ford veered his life completely out of his control and why? Because he had a girlfriend? Because even though Ford was in like 10 different school clubs Stan dared to have one person? Because Ford gets to have a life and Stan doesn't? How the hell is that fair?
And Ford says it isn't but he was so scared Stan would leave him, would love someone else more than him, would forget about him, and he was a stupid teenager, and Stan said he was scared of Ford leaving to but he wouldn't have ruined Ford's life about it - not on purpose
And Ford hates it, hates it hates it hates it, but after sleeping off the alcohol and noticing how hurt Stan looks he just says 'I wouldn't blame you if you left.' and Stan was shocked because he knows exactly how clingy Ford is, how much he wants to be so close they fuse together. But he's looking down at his coffee and saying 'You can keep the boat. Sail around the world, be your own man, for as long as you want, forever if you think that would be best. The kids are in school now, I can manage on my own if that's what you need. I'll do it, I don't want you to be miserable with me, I wanted us to be happy but if that isn't what this is then better you be happy than I because I caused this.'
And Stan. Stan's never been considered like that before.
(meanwhile the version of him that Ford stole is figuring out how to cheat in casinos so he can start stashing money for when he leaves, goes into labor when he's alone so makes the executive decision to call his brother because he's 16 and terrified and his brother drives the Stanleymobile straight to Vegas only breaking for gas and climbs through a window to get to Stan's room at the hospital because it's dramatic and I'm eating this up)
I DIDN'T THINK IT BUT YEAH YOU'RE SO RIGHT this au its a basically what if Ford was the one who screwed up their lifes lol
AND I LOVE HOW YOU MANAGED FORD TO ACT AFTER HE REALISED WHAT HE DID, he has become an expert in fixing up things just to straightly fucked up after that, The years have passed and he and stanley were finally having a good relationship as a couple, Stanley trusted him and felt comfortable raising the twins as their children even if they weren't Ford's, but Ford was a big-mouthed alcoholic, And probably as much thanks to alcohol as to his ego, which simply confessed everything he had done probably expecting Stan to he happy that their kids were really of the both and ignore all the rest of implications but oh for god sake he didn't, remember how alex said Stan would win a fight with ford if drunk? Well, there he found out and Ford went back to slept on the couch after years with a bruised eye and his husband's trust lost again.
When he woke up more aware of everything that happened he cursed himself, shit, what did he think!? He didn't want to go back to those moments where Stanley just treated him like a dog, it wasn't his intention to hurt his beloved brother but fuck, he knewed he didn't have a way to excuse himself now.
So, what to do? Although he didn't want to, this was his second strike and he couldn't continue deceiving Stanley, so he had to face the consequences of his actions (and well, perhaps expect some mercy from Stanley to keep with him..)
Stan was angry that he lost his family and Carla just because of a jealous tantrum from Ford, he endured months of discomfort and an agonizing birth without a real support thanks to him, He had to commit crimes, flee between cities and end up basically on the other side of the country to save Ford's ass for something he had planned all along.
He was ready to hear some stupid excuse ford would give him as always but then he got something he thought impossible, Stanford recognised his mistake and apologize, but most than that, he showed him that he wouldn't continue dragging stanley into his things, he could be free out of him.
Stan... Didn't knew what to think, Finally someone was thinking about his opinion, but that someone was the same person who ended up taking his life in a completely different direction by not doing so, and that's what pissed off stan, he wasn't angry because ford knocked him up but because he lied to him and do it without asking him nothing, just supposing he will be ok with that same as the others person did..
Only thing he could be grateful is for their beautiful shermie and mariana who he loves with all his heart but he wished he could have them with someone who asked for and in an age he shouldn't have to go through all the problems he went while growing up.
I don't think stan would leave because duh my man's and his emotional dependence to be along his brother but also for the kids because he didn't want to lose moments of them while they were still growing. But what did happened is that Stan started to be harsh and cold with ford again, no more kissies, sweet hugs, cute nicknames and intimate moments in their room. No, ford was sleeping again in the couch with a mind full of regret yet hoping someday Stan would finally forgive him...
Only issue im seeing pookie is that the car trip from new jersey to Las vegas is around 37 hours lol 😅 so I'm going to change it a bit and is that Stan called him when he was having the early symptoms before going into labour, he hasn't tell old ford much about how his pregnancy was going and he spended almost all day out so he could have his brother by his side when the time came ...And he came just in time! Stanley in the hospital bed being examined of how dilated he was until he could start push needing so bad for someone because the pain of the contractions was becoming worst with any minute and he was pretty scared and in pain.
The old ford wasn't coming until a few hours so he will lose at least some hours of the process for the glad of ford his brother to come to support them. He was really tired by the long trip and didn't knew really wtf was happening and why Stanley was there but he couldn't ask that questions later, now his only job was taking his brother hand and make him sure that he wasn't alone in that...
But of course, when Old Ford arrives and sees teen ford in that place being so close to Stan and supporting him while he was working, will lead to a whole catfight. 🤭🤭
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fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
I love Ford losing the hater wars, canonically and in fanfic, that man's spite cannot last the way Stan's can and he's always gonna end up like 'Stanley don't you wanna play board games with me? 🥺' I need to beat him up and steal his lunch money
And as much as I think Stan could run that shit for 40 years and the rest of his life I do want my twin brothers kissing frequently and ultimately so do both of them. But Ford's gonna need to work for it (and he doesn't need to work as hard as he should because at the end of the day Stan still doesn't know the kids are Ford's and someone got him pregnant on purpose because it's a tough thing to believe and Ford still isn't fully honest with him). I think of Ford got a research grant and the first thing he said about it was "Now we can get a boat!" it would melt Stanley a little. Ford loves him and wants to go on adventures with him and Stan loves him too. Ford just showing more and more reliability and that same passion and dependance he had in childhood warms Stan up for a big gesture on Ford's end that doesn't fix things but certainly makes Stan more relaxed in his own home when Ford's around. I don't know what the big gesture would be but still!!!! (maybe getting them a Stan O' War II and making arrangements to leave the kids with the Corduroys for a few weeks so they can go sailing together)
And old man bad ending Ford. My meow meow that I hate hate hate hate hate. He's (not entirely on purpose) turning Stanley into his Mob wife (Mob Husband?) and I think that's beautiful. This Ford is also hiding from the law but he's also not letting this affect Stanley much, he's working as a mercenary for money to keep up their penthouse in Vegas and now the cops know his face because the teenage Ford squealed but Stanley is comfortable in their giant bed with their silk sheets and fluffy pillows so Ford refuses to move him. Stanley is pissed that his Ford went home. It's just solidifies that Ford was only doing all that to keep Stan away from home and Stan isn't even sure his own Ford is looking for him now that he's back in school and back on track to graduate and then go to a fancy school and leave Stanley behind. So Stan wants to get treated well and Old Ford does, even if Stan doesn't really like old Ford and is only around so long as he stays being spoiled. He does want his own Ford to be there when he gives birth though because that guy was his whole support system his whole life and Stan doesn't want to be scared and alone and in pain without his twin there, even if Old Ford will be it's not the same. He tells old Ford and I think old Ford would either say no because possessive or say yes because he's gloating and wants this teenager to see that old Ford is better for Stan than he could ever be. Either way I love this au conglomerate thing so much I'm chewing on lightbulbs it's so dramatic
AHHH YES IM SO ALSO WITH YOU the way this au ended up going is so fun like the og idea was just manipulative jealous ford but now we have a kidnapper and pathetic ford who is really trying his best to have his brother love because he's this little flea who needs him 24/7 or else he die 🥺🥺
I do think eventually this stupid man would got what he wanted but he really needed l a way to redeem himself and show that he was very sorry for the acts he did that made them end up in that little weird town. Show Stan that he could give him a second chance to trust him and be together as they were always intended to be!
AND I REALLY LOVE THE IDEA OF THE STAN O' WAR 😭😭💓💖💓💖 One of the biggest complexes of this whole situation for Stan was that because of his pregnancy all his dreams were left behind in order to prepare himself for his new coming family, First when he was going to be married to Carla and Then when he was fleeing across the country with Ford until they ended up settling in that town where he assumed and had to accept that this was were he would stay the rest of his life working in the shack for the sake of his babies and brother. He wanted to slowly forget his dreams of being a great boxer and of one day sailing the sea with stanford because they had become just childhood dreams and no more. So when one day while casually lounging on the living room couch ford came to him with that strangely big smile and a check on his hands he really never ever expected to hear the boat of his dreams being mentioned again.
Ford has been awarded with a big grant for the incredible investigative work he had done And now he had the opportunity to conduct his own scientific research, he has been for years research about all the anomalies he had found in Gravity Falls but then he remembered a dream of his childhood and thought of investigating further into areas still little documented such as the high seas but no alone, but in company of someone he once dreamed with him about sailing around with a both just for the two...
Stan had another chance to fulfill one of his biggest dreams and Ford to regain Stan's trust and love. He already had planned everything, the family of the lumberjack who helped build their shack agreed to take care of his little twins while they were out sailing around, he got enough comfy clothes and resources for them to sail for frozen waters near the Arctic in this beautiful boat he got for the two of them, the Stan O' War II ✨
I agree that this sweet detail didn't make Stan forget everything they went through and become the dependant and manipulable guy he once was for Ford, But he was really happy enjoying this moment with him. The cold and fresh air hitting his face,sunsets while fishing in the middle of the sea and of course not forgetting how fun it was to hit krakens that appeared from time to time along with Ford. Stan was smiling at Ford again, being so calm when he was close to him and even let him hold his hand while watching the stars on a quiet and beautiful night. He was feeling Ford a safe person again and that boat became their little nest of a love they had just recovered after long years of difficulties and mistrust. They were supposed to go for Ford's research but it actually ended up as their honeymoon so while they weren't fishing or searching for creepily sea creatures they were in their room cuddled in bed giving each other sweet kisses and showing how much they love each other...🤭🤭
I'm sure Ford eventually confessed to Stanley that he got him pregnant on purpose one summer night while casually talking and drinking at the gate of the shack remembering their past saying it in the most casual way as if it were nothing lol
My poor baby stan 🥺🥺🥺 I can't imagine how bewildered and disappointed he was feeling after seeing that Ford had come home without him. Confirming his theory that he really just wanted to take him away from his family and he doubted that he would even come looking for him, he would probably just goon with his life, leaving Stanley here with that old man.
That old Ford may give him amenities such as a nice home to stay in with a stomach full of hot, delicious food and comfortable clothes, but he was not his Ford, he did not offer him the same peace, the same security, he didn't trust him as he trusted Ford and he was nervous, he had only weeks left to give birth and he needed his Ford at his side to calm him from all the agonizing pain and fear he was going to felt, to make him feel that everything was going to be alright.
I'm sure that pissed off old Ford because he wanted Stan to know that the only one he needed was him and not his aggressor. He was sure he was asking for him because that ford must have probably abused him and made him dependent on him just like he had done with his stanley many years ago. And although he wasn't so wrong, that Ford wasn't like him when Young but he just supposed he must act the same as he and the only one good for this beautiful stan was him. He wouldn't show his anger at Stanley but he would possibly end up ignoring his request, «It will pass» he said to himself, stanley would be fine giving birth here without that stupid other ford...
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fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
I do love the trend of Things Happening To Stan. Poor guy.
Also I love kidnapper Ford being a pussy so much. His whispering about how he needs to take care of Stanley because he doesn't want him to hear and get mad :'( He would die immediately if he got released into the wild. But Stan is good to him, he's Stan's special little guy and their kids love him because he's mostly a stay-at-home dad and is very present in their lives. I think Shermie and Mariana are raised in the most put-together home and they spent their first few years in booster seats in the back of Stanley's getaway car.
Also even though young bad ending Ford made fun of young kidnapper Ford, bad ending ford cant say shit when they're older because Kidnapper Ford has a husband that loves him, kids that love him, a town that accepts him, and several academic achievements (under a different name but still) while bad ending Ford is a drifter that his kids hate and are actively keeping his husband away from and that his husband doesn't know about or love back. That Ford can't compare, he can't.
Until that Ford goes back in time and takes kidnapped Stanley away from him. It's not for revenge, more like a self-serving kind of closure. Ford wants to provide that Stanley with the best life possible - one where he doesn't have to starve and nearly die in childbirth and be forced into crime and have to deal with a spineless husband (honestly bad ending Ford and kidnapper Ford should just make out but I don't have my camera ready so I guess they can keep at this weird homoerotic competition for who can fuck their twin brother better but that's me) and also that bit abt Stan being so pissed off until he realizes 'Oh it's just Ford. Somehow.' I love that so much, Stanley is the weirdest rat I've ever met. Meanwhile Ford has imparted his Tragic Backstory so Stanley trusts him (cutting all the abuse parts and just leaving 'my Stanley lost his memory and my kids hate me because I was just too much of a good and sexy father') and Stan doesn't believe shit he says because he's already starting to realize his own Ford is an untrustworthy mess and this Ford isn't his so he's like halfway back to being a stranger. But also Stan was starving and this guy's feeding him and if all Stan has to do is act meek and helpless and this old guy gives him all the cheeseburgers he wants, rents him a ritzy condo and gets him some good clothes that make him look charmingly overweight instead of pregnant then Stan isn't above some big doe eyes and a few 'Wow you're so nice to me' s, old man Ford eats it up and Stan gets to try rich people food and work off his anger at his own Ford (who gave himself some injuries and came back home with a story about double-kidnapping and a description of the old Ford's face as the man that did it so the police could help Ford find Stan quicker)
Old Ford is so in love too, he spent 30 years alone thinking about how he could have done things better with Stanley and Now He Gets To and he nearly forgot how sweet and trusting Stanley was and doesn't even notice he's eating out of Stanley's palm and paying to do it. He's intoxicated on Stanley's full attention unhindered by his own mistakes, this was supposed to be closure but its feeding into his 30 years spent yearning so well he thinks he might spend the rest of his life in this dimension, with this Stanley he hasn't ruined, this life he hasn't ruined. Of course he still loves his own Stanley more but here he was never the fool that fell for Bill, he was only ever the man that saved Stanley (from his point of view while Stanley is actually bleeding him dry and getting ready to leave the second his cash cow stops carrying him up the stairs when his feet hurt)
Anyways I'm rotating them in my mind at terminal velocity I wanna hear the reverb of Bad Ending Ford's skull hitting a metal pole and I'm sorry I'm late
JAJSJSAJ you Made me feel like a housewife waiting in the couch for their spouse to come home after a day of hard work with a surprise in their hands, MY DEAR 🫎 IM GLAD YOU CAME HOME I WAS MISSING YOU 😭😭💖💓💖💓💖
Even if Ford wasn't able to say loudly his intentions of having Stan as his dependant husband and a big family who fully needed him because that would make him end up crying like a puppy at the other side of Stan's room begging him to forgive him, he could lie to himself that he was near to that perfect life!
Well, maybe Stan was doing better economically than him thanks to his job at the shack and treated ford almost as he did with his kids (Except he was much sweeter with them than with him lol) he was still sure Stan needed him, he was still being affected by what ford said and he noticed it! How a little smile kept on his face when he told him that the dinner was delicious or a frown after a comment about his weight. And the kids love him! They were still too little to have a rational thought so Stan couldn't get mad at them if they ever call Ford «dada» although he did try to correct them gently and instead call him by other ways like uncle or just Ford. Maybe stan was still being reluctant about Ford acting as a second paternal figure to the twins but he was sure it was just jealousy or something, he took care of the children while Stan was busy and proved him that he was really good at it (he was probably a lot better at it than Carla could have been..)
Gotta be honest a bit and is that at least the part of «A Husband who loves him» is very ambiguous yet lol because Stan didn't stop to treat ford more like a roommate than a couple after he took control of the situation. Ford really tried his best to get Stan's heart again but he just acted politely with him and no more. Didn't let him give him kisses, hug him, call him sweet nicknames such as his dear or sweetheart and only managed to have sex with stan if he really was feeling it (maybe once every three months if he was lucky! Sure stan would check carefully the condom before start and no post-sex cuddles tho, after he's done Stan would kick him out of his room and acted like if nothing happened.) Stan took care of him because he didn't want Ford to die but wasn't as excited about the idea of sharing his family of his own with Ford as he was. ALTHOUGH yes absolutely kidnapper au Ford still was doing way better that Bad ending Ford was lol 🤭🤭 (they indeed need to kiss and let their poor twin brother alone, weirdos...)
Bad Ending Ford ended up in the place he was thanks to himself and what a bad traditional upbringing caused in him. Now that he was old and alone in the shack after all he did he was really feeling the consequences of his actions in his youth and even if he didn't want it, he couldn't say anything because he fully understood the reason why their kids preferred to take stan away from him. But he was honest to himself, he wasn't able to hold it. He really needed him, just one more chance to do things right this time and have at least one version of stan alongside him..
So now he had this beautiful young and pregnant Stanley by his care. He didn't really give a fuck about what The version of himself in this dimension would felt about that, he probably just the same stupid abuser he used to be and by how young they looked he probably wouldn't even will be able to give stan the life he deserved. And stan? Well, he couldn't say that he was absolutely comfortable with this but he couldn't complain. That suspiciously-looked-alike-to-ford geezer treated Stanley well by giving him a comfortable bed to rest on, the food he wanted, comfortable clothes that didn't squeeze his growing belly, and massages to his aching body when he needed them by the prize of just acting sweet to the old guy and letting him into his bed a few times. He was still thinking about his own life tho, how his ford and the rest of his family was doing, he was sure of something, he wouldn't stay there, he needed to comeback but he can't do it right now while he was soon to give birth so well, he will just enjoy his stay with that old Ford until it was moment to leave.
...But, will Ford let him? 😉😉
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fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
Sorry for the double ask but also the talk abt kidnapper Ford and bad ending Ford just makes me want an au where teen pregnant Stan got whisked away and taken care of by an older ford that has his shit together (bad ending Ford after he wiped Stan's memory and lost all rights to see him but was so lonely and wanted at least an attempt at a do-over?)
DONT WORRYY i love answering these things so bad, im sorry instead for the late reply 🤭😅
AND NOW THIS? THIS IS SO DAMN AMAZING. Thats something bad Ending ford would definitely do, Im not going to defend because he was still a little shitty person but he was charging so much remorse for what he did to his Stan back in his younghood and now he was fully banned to see him again to prevent stan to remember again those bad moments, Feeling so lonely and in need to repair things somehow he started to go around dimensions again in search of a Stanley he could «help» and do things right that time. That's when he meet with a young version of stan but way more different that his one was.
This stanley looked different, his hair as short as his Stanley tried to cut it, a less feminine cloth showing his strong arms and . However, there was something who made it easy to know that that was stanley and it was the little round belly he was carrying, oh moses, he couldn't help but remember how his stan looked when he was pregnant, that little belly really made stanley even more precious than he was.
But apart from that there was something more, He was sitting legs out at the back of his car in the middle of a lonely road with just a gas station behind him, what was he doing there? His gaze looked tired, looking at the floor while apparently waiting for someone that he supposed was at the little convenience store. Who will he be waiting for? Ford was convinced something was off, the place they were, how stanley was acting, his almost dead look, considering he didn't seem to have more than 16 he was probably one Stanley who was suffering from the same abuses he did to his stan once.. No, he couldn't allow that, not again.
While Stan was waiting for Ford to return from the store, an older man in a trench coat and a red sweater that must have been very uncomfortable for the weather approached him, he didn't appear to be some homeless person asking for money or a thief but it concerned stanley anyway, more when he was able to see well his face, he seemed...familiar, somehow. The man gently asked him if he was alright, Stan had big eyebags under his eyes and seemed to be missing a good hot meal since a while. His car didn't look better, for what he was able to see there were many empty food wrappers all around the car and some blankets with a worn pillow in the back seat. Dear god, what kind of condition was he living in?
Suddenly the sound of the store door rang out and Ford could see a younger version of himself along with some souvenirs apparently for him and Stan. He felt his blood boil by just looking at him, a stupid teenager who brought his sweet brother to this situation living in their car in the middle of the road surviving with shitty snacks from a mini market, how could he properly take care of his pregnant brother? Just look at how he was! No, he wouldn't let it.
Without asking more, Ford took Stan, carrying him between his arms (the years in the portal giving him the strength to do that luckily) and running away from that place before his version from this dimension came back to see Stan.
Stan obviously got freaked out because now he was being kidnapped from his other kidnapper! He just met that old man a few minutes ago but now he was running away from that place along with him, gotta admit, for the age he apparently was he was really athletic, but that didn't meant anything, he didn't want to come with him! Unfortunately for stan his opinion was still being something useless for the rest of the people and no matter the amount of punches he gave to the man's chest or insults he shouted at him he didn't seemed to going free him. In his anger stan noticed how much stranger the situation was becoming, With each glance he became more aware of how similar his face was to his brother's: his similar rounded glasses, his cleft chin and a curly messy hair. Then he felt the fingers of the hands who were touching his abdomen. One, two, three, four, five...six?
Suddenly Stanley stopped fighting but now looked really concerned, what the fuck was happening, who was this guy? Were he was going? His breathing was beginning to accelerate, the panic of not understanding anything was starting to sinking him and he was thinking he has become crazy.. perhaps it was maybe just a dream? He maybe felt asleep while waiting for ford to came back and was having a nightmare but suddenly when he was almost sure all of this was just his imagination, a big and rasp hand gently caressed his cheeks, making Stan's look up and seeing that extremely weird man with a little smile on his face before saying
« Don't worry, Stanley, You will be safe.»
Did he just called-- how, how the fuck did he...
Fuck, he has absolutely become crazy.
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fakeusernamelol · 1 month ago
*cracks knuckles*
THE FUCKING DEPTH TO THAT PATHETIC FORD IS INSANE I need to throw hammers at his headdddd
I love the comparison between those two Fords and I also think it's cool that when you look at the two the first pivotal difference that they had was that kidnapper Ford respected Stan more. I think they're neat and I'm smashing their faces together like barbies
And Stanley. Stanleyyyyyy. Stockholm syndrome is a good way to put it (even if it technically isn't real and was invented because of a mixture of sexism and police misconduct ☝️🤓 --) because Stanley. He is brute forcing things to work out because he would burn down the world for Ford as long as Ford doesn't leave him (and he did try to do that! Canonically! And we're not supposed to ship them somehow!) because Stan is Certain Ford could do better than him if Ford weren't stuck to him at this point (and. Stan doesn't know the twins aren't Carla's and Ford did all this on purpose. He thinks this whole thing is shared blame.) and there's also them being so secluded and codependant meaning Stan is so sure no one could love him as much as Ford does and on the other side Ford doesn't believe he can be understood and accepted as much as Stan does and that would be a great foundation for Ford domestic abusing Stan like in bad ending except. Ford can't leave. He can't even imply he can leave, and he doesn't want to think about that because now Ford has discovered a new option bad ending Ford never did: Stan can leave. Stan isnt really dependant on Ford for his own and his kids' safety, Stan could put him in wet cement leaving only his mouth, nose, and cock out and he would be equally useful to Stan as he is now and I think that's beautiful. Neither of them wants to put the idea of leaving on the table even for manipulation reasons which means they're kind of at a standstill which almost approximates a healthy relationship and I fucking love them
And BILL????
The Bill-Stanley parallels are undeniable, and I can definitely see how Stanley would immediately cut that shit out if he heard abt Bill but also. Bill is a manipulator, and Ford is very easy to be manipulated because Ford is used to a superiority complex and when he sees someone as better than him he kinda just. Relents. So Bill comes in like 'I have infinite knowledge and with that infinite knowledge I know your husband is suffering because of you' and Ford is immediately at attention like 'What? But Stanley loves me he gives me college money and would do anything for me and he loves this life' and Bill immediately goes in with the 'actually remember when you were stressed as shit for that first year, ever since you knocked up Stan? Getting increasingly more and more stressed until Stan took over? You know he did that because you were crumbling under the pressure, because he'd do anything for you and that includes stressing himself sick for the last decade to provide for you when you're more capable than him. If you become the scientist you were meant to be instead of staying a pathetic little school boy on your husband's dime then you can both live well and maybe Stan will be able to sit back and trust you again. You know he doesn't trust you, right? That's why he won't have any more kids with you, because you're not using your talents to help him, because you gave up as a person, now you have the intelligence of a higher being but the self-worth of a dog. I can help you build something, something that will change the world, something worth pardoning your crimes for and give you enough money the man you claim to love will be able to trust you again.' and Ford. Ford at his core just desperately loves Stanley.
Also ur extra made me laugh so hard, cuck Ford real, I need to see bad ending Ford and kidnapper Ford fight to the death
It just did a """ Psychological analysis""" to both Bad Ending and Kidnapper au Stan and get to the conclusion that even if one got his cards more in his favor and didn't let things to increase to even worse they were still pretty fucked up thanks to the manipulation Ford used with them making them still felt like an inferior person than Ford even with the different situation they both were living.
Now, About Bad ending and Kidnapper au Ford indeed their main difference was how each saw Stan.(Again im going to talk about psychological themes without a professional knowledge and just in a superficial way so im sorry if i make any mistake with them 🙇) That is because in Bad Ending au i do imagine Ford as a kind of sociopath, Due to being the only son in the family Ford was raised with the idea of grown up to be a providing and valiant man, the compliments and achievements he has gain thanks to his intelligence were affecting him more than they should, were making him felt that he was someone superior to the rest and all those who bullied him for his intelligence or his unique six fingers were sure jealous for him. He was thinking that he was always right, he knew how things should go, how his future AND the future of his lovingly sister should be. And you say that Kidnapper Ford had a similar reasoning, and thats true! But the thing was Bad Ending ford was really sure of his thoughts and never dared to question himself. He always finded a reasonable reason of why he did the things he did. Because he knowed what wad best for both of them, [] was just to stupid to realise it but there was no problem because she had him to take care of her. He grew up with a mind full of Sexist, Homophobic and general toxic thoughts that didn't help him realise that he was actually just hurting the one he said was the love of his live, his beautiful wife and sister, she was only to him...
Kidnapper au Ford shared similar thoughts but unlike Bad Ending Ford those hateful thoughts weren't so strong in Ford. What was tougher then? His obsession for Stanley. So you know I'm Pretty sure Ford accepted that his sister wanted to be a man and let him have some liberty because he just loved so much stan no matter what he did (As long as everything he did cannot affect their relationship in any way, Yes Stan you can fight with whoever you want and use the clothes you want but don't you dare talking to that girl for more than fifteen seconds or your brother would be very mad at you..) that meaned this Ford was better? eh 🤷 he respected a bit more Stan's desitions but you cant really tell he felt them. (I'm pretty sure Ford would think that he wasn't gay because Stan used to be a woman so it doesn't count and that kind of things you know) Ford saw them more as a whim than something really serious and he allowed it only to keep his beautiful husband happy. But if some decision Stan made was threatening any of his ideals, he would not hesitate to act against it, just as he did by deliberately impregnating Stanley and lie to him in order to keep him away from Carla just to later kidnapping him for the same reason without never asking his opinion of nothing at all!
Also, Ngl you couldn't describe it any better how the whole Bill thing would ended up being XD There was another thing they both shared and is that they were both actually really just some-easy-to-manipulate cowards, So if Stan ever tried to defend himself of Ford that attitude of a brave and authoritarian man will go overboard and Ford would easily become Stan's bitch to please him as he would like. Stan didn't give a fuck if there was one weird geometrical demon telling his brother to take command and show as the real man he was to stan, if he tried to do something or told him something in an authoritarian tone like to have sex with him because he said so he would ended up sleeping outside the shack among the wolves with bruised cheek thanks to the punch stan gave him at the first attempt to get closer to him 🙇🙇
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