#kidnapped izuku midoriya
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fairystar111 · 4 months ago
Puppy Love
Chapter 1 By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Quirk: {Puppy love}: The user emits a pink ray from his hands. Once a target is hit they become the type of dog most suited to them. The quirk can only be undone by true love's kiss ie. platonic, friendship, or romantic. If the target manages to get a kiss from someone who truly loves them then they will transform back to human form. [Warning!]: If the quirk is not undone within a month, permanent canine characteristics will begin to accumulate on the target’s real body. If the quirk is not reversed within three months the target will lose their humanity, permanently becoming a dog. Or Shigaraki brings home a new pet
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Tags: Animal Transformation, Dog Midoriya Izuku, Fluff and Angst, Kidnapping, Unintentional Kidnapping, Yandere, Yandere Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Platonic Yandere, Platonic Kissing, Fluff, Body Horror, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
The day had started off pretty normal for Izuku. He had woken up early Saturday morning to clean his dorm before going home for the weekend. He made it to his mother’s apartment uneventfully and they spent the morning together eating pancakes and watching cheesy soap operas. Then his mom had asked him to run an errand for her. All he had to do was pick up the ingredients for katsudon at their local market down a couple of blocks from their home. That was it. Now here he is stuck as a dog in a dirty alleyway.
He didn’t mean to get into trouble and be hit with the thief’s quirk, okay! But he wasn’t just going to stand there and let him get away! He’s a hero student; he can’t not help those in need. When he heard the kind old shop lady screaming out she was being robbed, he couldn’t help himself. His body moved on its own, and before he knew it, he was bolting out the door after the masked man. He managed to corner the man in an alleyway and was going to call the authorities. He didn’t expect to be hit with a strange sparkling pink ray of light and fall flat on his face.
Izuku screamed in agony as he felt his body shifting. Bones twisting and breaking, transforming into something much smaller. His face, nose, and mouth being crushed down and reformed until he couldn’t scream, only release high-pitched little whimpers. The last thing he felt was something popping out of him near his lower back, or what used to be his back. Then a voice from above spoke.
“Oh well, aren't you a cute one? I don’t doubt you’ll be able to charm anyone that comes across you.” The thief tapped the pup on the nose when he noticed him dozing off, tired from the strain of the transformation. “Hey, listen up! I’ll give you some advice since you seem like a promising young kid. The cure is love. Well, I gotta get out of here. Good luck with that!” with one last pet he left, leaving Izuku all alone. 
The boy managed to drag his new foreign body into a dirty ramen case near a dumpster. When he heard a distant voice call out, “Oh, and make sure you're out of that form within a month!” before passing out. 
It was dark and cold when he awoke. He tried to stand up, but his body felt odd, he was unbalanced and even his vision was off. It was the middle of the night, but he could still see clearly, albeit the colors around him looked muddy and dull. He looked down and yipped when he found paws in place of feet. W-what happened?
Then he remembered the thief from earlier had hit him with his quirk. What had the man said?
Something about love being able to undo it. What was that supposed to mean? Is he supposed to get someone to fall in love with him? But how? He’s a dog. And what then, is the person who loves him just supposed to make contact with him? Maybe pet him or...oh...oh no…this quirk can’t be so cliché that the cure is a kiss, could it? He’s lucky his face is covered in fur, or else he is certain he would be blushing a tomato red. 
Well, love doesn’t have to be romantic; it comes in many forms. He could just find his mom and ask her for a kiss on the forehead. Wait, he can't talk. He’ll just head back to UA and find Koda and then tell him to ask the teachers for help. But what would happen to him after a month? Why was that important enough for the thief to mention? Is the transformation going to be permanent if it's not reversed within a month's time?! 
The boy didn't notice, but his usual muttering was spilling out of him the whole time, but in dog form it sounded like the weak whimpering cries of a puppy. He had unknowingly attracted the attention of a certain white-haired villain who just so happened to be walking down the same alleyway.
Izuku felt the box being shifted upright, and he was knocked off his feet. He peered up to see what had moved his temporary home only to see Tomura Shigaraki peering down at him. He tried to scream, but what came out was more like a terrified yelp. He scrambled into the corner of the box, narrowly avoiding the deadly hands reaching for him.
“It's okay, little one; you don’t have to be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.” He hears a gentle, scratchy voice coo. Is Shigaraki talking to him?! The same Tomura Shigaraki that held him hostage at the mall and spoke like a crazed lunatic. Why is he looking at him so softly? Oh right, he's a dog now. And judging by the height of the box around him, a very small one, likely a puppy.
 Huh, I guess even villains are weak to puppies. 
The box is lifted into the man’s arms, and suddenly Izuku is being carried somewhere. Izuku tries to growl or bark at the man to show his displeasure, but all that comes out are weak little cries. It seems his new body is quite underdeveloped. “Shh, shh, I know it's scary being all alone in such a big world when you are so so small. I'm going to take you somewhere safe.”
He feels the man walking for a bit before pausing. Izuku hears a brief whoosh sound, and then he is inside the League’s base. Or at least he thinks it is; all he can see is the ceiling. The walls of his box are too high for him to look over. He heard what must have been other League members greet Shigaraki. 
“Whaddya got there, boss?” He hears a deep, gravelly voice ask. 
“Uh…soup. I'm going to my room now; don't bother me.” The man said abruptly before hastily retreating with the rustling box in tow. 
“Aww man, I wanted some.” A feminine voice whined.
“That was clearly not ramen,” responded the first voice. 
“Yeah, no,” He heard another strange voice say before the door was shut and locked behind him. 
Shigaraki took him out of the box, grabbing him with all ten fingers. Izuku tensed, bracing for disintegration, yet nothing happened. Shigaraki simply placed him on his bed while he fiddled with his phone for a moment. 
Meanwhile Izuku took the chance to take in his new surroundings. Shigaraki’s bedroom was huge, with massive floor-length windows and a large balcony. The bed he was currently sitting on was unnecessarily large, piled high with plush pillows and blankets. An enormous TV hung on the wall with multiple gaming consoles connected to it, and he had an expensive-looking computer setup in the corner of the room. While the shelves on the walls were a little cluttered with manga and figurines, the room itself was fairly clean aside from a few empty energy drink cans and chip bags littering the desk. Nothing at all like he was expecting. 
Where had the League acquired the funds for this type of luxury? Their last hideout in Kamino had been a desolate ruin compared to this place. How did they gain this much power in such a short amount of time? This is a cause for concern; when he returns back to normal, he’ll report this change in status right away. If they were gaining followers powerful enough to sponsor this type of lifestyle. It could be detrimental to the hero's side if an all-out war were to—eep! His mumbling is cut short as he is picked up.
“Shh, shh, don’t cry little one, it’s alright, your food will be here soon. You must be so hungry.” He tried to struggle out of the villain's lap, but his pudgy little limbs were not strong enough to push him away. His body seems to be quite young; he can't move the same way he’d seen dogs running around in his neighborhood. 
There was a knock at the door, and he was put down as Shigaraki gathered what seemed to be multiple bags of pet supplies. He heard a faint, "You know, you could say thank you, asshole!” from the other side of the door as it was shut abruptly. The villain busied himself on the other side of the bed sorting through the bags and pulling out a can of formula and a tiny bottle. He read the instructions on the can and scooped a tiny bit of powder into the bottle before crossing the room and opening the door to what seemed to be a bathroom. 
He heard the faucet running and wondered for a moment why Shigaraki was making a bottle. It was only when the nipple was put up to his face that he realized it was supposed to be for him. “C’mon, what was all that crying earlier for? Go on, eat.” 
Well, he was hungry; Izuku hadn’t eaten since breakfast, so he hesitantly latched on to the tip of the bottle and sucked. He expected the formula to be gross, but the liquid was lukewarm and thick, tasting like sweet, creamy milk. Once he started drinking, he couldn't stop, his new instincts urging him to eat as fast as he could until he was full. 
“Good puppy.” Izuku felt his face flush as the villain praised him for simply eating, gently petting him as he encouraged him to drink more. 
“You're so small, you look like you've barely opened your eyes. Did your family abandon you? Were you all alone on the streets, crying for help and being ignored by every passerby? The world can be so cruel to those who do not fit the mold in society. If you have nothing to offer the world of heroes, they're happy to leave you alone to die on the streets…” The man trailed off into silence, eyes glazed, staring into nothing, petting him absentmindedly. There was something off in the man's tone, like what he was saying was sort of personal. He contemplated what could have made the man the villain he is today for a moment but found himself nodding off to the rhythmic petting and tummy full of warm milk. 
Izuku woke up to the sound of running water. He found himself lying on a towel on the side of a large sink. He straightened his paws in front of him and used all his strength to push himself up into a sitting position. He stared straight into the large mirror. To the left of him he saw Shigaraki running a bath in the large sink, and to the right he saw himself for the first time. He knew he had been changed into a dog. The thief had said so after all, but to see it with his own eyes was shocking. 
He was so small; from what he could tell, his body was about two months old. He had his same soft, curly hair and big green eyes. Though his fur was dark, almost black, it shone green in direct light. He had a white fluffy belly with a pink freckled nose and soft rosy paw pads. He was, to put it simply, adorable. He could see why even a villain like Shigaraki would want to ‘rescue’ him. 
Izuku watched the dangerous set of hands reaching for him in the mirror but didn't bother to dodge this time. Shigaraki has shown he has no hostility for Izuku in this form and that he has far better control of his quirk than he did in the USJ. He no longer needed five-point activation to access his quirk. Which is another change he’ll make sure to report to the heroes. 
“Sorry puppy, but you need a bath; you smell.” The villain muttered as he dipped him into the warm water. Soaking his fur before squirting a dollop of shampoo onto his back and slowly massaging it in. 
A poke to his stomach then, “What a chubby little belly, so full of milk.” Okay, rude. It's unfortunately true, though, with the water crushing down the curls, his body looks like a potato with four toothpicks poking out of it for legs. 
The villain continues on with his bath, gently rinsing the soap suds out of his fur before draining the sink and placing him back onto his towel, gently rubbing him dry. 
“They're all done. You've been a very good–wait, what even are you?” He hears Shigaraki ask before he’s being flipped onto his back and stared down.
“Oh, definitely a boy.” Izuku growled when he realized what he was looking at. Biting the finger closest to his face and shaking his head, aiming to tear skin. The man, however, just chuckled as if his attack meant nothing. 
“Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Guess you don’t like being flipped on your back like that.” No, I just don’t like an S-Tier villain who can crumble things to dust staring at my weewee, thank you very much! 
The man carried him out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind him and setting him back on the bed, all while Izuku continued to nip and growl at him. Shigaraki went back to the bags, pulling out several more items and moving them to an unoccupied corner of the room. He laid down several puppy pads onto the floor along with a fluffy dog bed that resembled a cozy cave and some stuffed toys. Izuku was placed into the bed which he hated to admit was very comfortable and left to his own devices.
“Alright, I’m tired. Goodnight puppy.” The man slumped forward onto his bed and was out within seconds. That doesn't really seem healthy, but it's none of Izuku’s business, so he puts it out of mind.
Izuku waited until he was absolutely certain the villain was asleep and made his way out of his bed. He looked around the room for any exits or useful information surrounding the League but found nothing. The room was locked tight, and the floor was free of any debris. 
He made his way toward the windows hoping to see a familiar cityscape and start formulating a plan to escape, but the view held nothing but miles and miles of forest; there weren't even any lights indicating homes nearby. The moon glowed, and the stars shined brighter than he’d ever seen before; the lack of light pollution indicated the absence of inhabitants in the area. 
Meaning Izuku was completely and utterly alone at the mercy of these villains. Even if he manages to make it out of the mansion, his young body won't be able to make the journey back to civilization. He would likely die from starvation, exhaustion, or a predator preying on him. There’s no way he can make it back to UA like this.
Alright, this is not the time to panic; he just needs to think rationally and analyze his options. He can’t access his quirk in this form. He can’t speak, nor does he have the stamina to move large distances. So that means the most probable way he’ll be able to escape is through their mode of transportation. 
If the villain's base is in the middle of nowhere, they have to be getting all their supplies transported in somehow. Judging by this room alone, the base was most likely huge. 
The mist villain certainly couldn't be doing everything by himself. No, there have to be vehicles to help bring things in and out. If he can manage to sneak into someone's bag or hide in a load of cargo meant to be sent out, maybe he can find a way back to–yelp!
Izuku screamed as he was suddenly picked up, derailing his train of thought. He hadn’t even heard the villain wake up, let alone walk over to him. His heart was hammering in his chest, wondering what the villain would do to him for waking him. So far he has been nothing but kind to him, but he doesn’t know if a sleep-deprived Shigaraki will extend the same courtesy.
“It’s okay, puppy. You can sleep with me; stop crying.” Shigaraki sleepily muttered, getting back into bed. This time actually slipping underneath the blankets and resting him on his chest, one hand cupping Izuku’s back, securing him in place. 
‘It's just for now,’ Izuku thinks. He’ll lay in wait until he finds an opening to escape. For the meantime he’ll just have to play the role of pet dog. He can do this! 
Izuku’s abruptly awoken by the man gasping awake, lurching forward and sending him tumbling off his chest. Izuku growled up at the man to show his displeasure. 
The villain groggily grumbling out, “Huh? Oh right, sorry puppy,” and petting him in apology. It seems the man had forgotten he brought him home last night. 
Tomura got up, stretching out his limbs, chuckling when he turned to see Izuku doing the same. He dropped him off in the makeshift bathroom in the corner before he went to the real bathroom.
‘I can't do this!’ Izuku’s mind screams. The man had left him in his corner with firm instructions to ‘go potty’ while he went to get ready for the day. Izuku has been sitting, staring out into nothing for the past fifteen minutes. He failed to realize just how helpless he is as a puppy. He can’t even use the normal restroom or chew food on his own. How is he supposed to escape in these conditions?
Izuku startled as the door creaked open. The man walked out in a black suit with a long red cape. The cape had fur lining the collar and gold embellishments keeping it closed. It made him look regal, frighteningly like…a king. 
The facade broke, though, as he stared down at him in concern. “Maybe you need to eat some more first?”
He got a new bottle prepared in a dash and was feeding Izuku in his lap when he told him. “I’ll be away most of today. Someone else will come by to feed you lunch later. I should be back by dinner. Remember to be a good boy and go potty, okay?” He left soon after, leaving Izuku alone.
Izuku had been planning on eavesdropping by the door while Shigaraki was away, but as soon as he was plopped into his bed, he knew he was a goner. He was so full of warm milk, and his bed was so dark and cozy. He fell asleep after spinning around in circles and fluffing his bed way too many times. Only waking a couple of hours later due to the eerie feeling of someone staring at him. He opened his eyes and saw a red reptilian eye peeking at him through the opening of his den. 
He let out a scream-like bark, diving into the furthest end of his cave. Something inside of him was telling him to hide because there was a large predator out there. Logically he knows it's just Spinner, the villain with a heteromorphic quirk, but his instincts are telling him he is going to be eaten. 
The villain loudly exclaiming, “Oh shit!” and flinching backwards in response to him didn’t help either. 
“Sorry, little buddy, I didn't mean to scare you!” The gecko man slowly sank down on his knees, patting them and cooing. “Come on, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you.” 
Izuku hesitantly walked out of his home. The faster he eats his meal, the faster the new villain will leave. 
“Good job, little guy.” The gecko villain held his arm outstretched, leaving his palm open towards him, waiting. Izuku guesses he wants him to sniff it before he lets him pet him. That’s what a normal dog would do, so he does it. He bumps his nose into his palm and allows the man to pet him. 
He does so for a while before switching his hoodie on backwards and slipping Izuku into the hood. He walked towards the desk where Shigaraki kept his supplies and rummaged through the drawers until he found his formula and a clean bottle. 
“Alright, let's get you fed. Shiggy said you needed two ounces of water per one scoop of dry milk powder.” Spinner said as he measured out the formula and water, carefully shaking the bottle and testing if it was the right temperature on the back of his hand. The man made the bottle with a familiar sort of ease; Izuku wondered if he had any siblings before he decided to become a villain. 
He’s fed once again, then put back into his bed. The man excused himself to go to ‘work,’ whatever that means. Izuku refused to use the ‘potty’ despite how much his bladder is starting to ache and goes back to sleep. 
He wakes up to a concerned Shigaraki. The man takes him out of his bed and places him back onto the pads, encouraging him to use them. Izuku refuses; he shuts his eyes and ignores him. He refuses to let go of his dignity. He is not an animal, and he will not act like one.
He lasts three days refusing to use the puppy pads. After he overheard Tomura mention taking him to the vet to Spinner, he caved, bearing the humiliation of having to go to the bathroom like a dog. Seeing Shigaraki visibly sigh in relief when he saw the soiled pads was going to haunt him for the rest of his life. He's trying his best to stay sane, but he is beginning to crack. Each day feels more degrading and dehumanizing than the next. He wants nothing more than to go home. 
He meets the rest of the League a few days later because apparently Tomura thought he needed to be socialized with the rest of the villains after hearing how badly he reacted to Spinner.
He’s brought out to the living area and set down in the middle of the room. For a minute he is just stared at incredulously by the group of lounging villains. Before Toga breaks the silence, squealing,
“Hi soup!” The girl made a dash for him, picking up Izuku before he could even try to run away. 
“That's not his name, idiot!” Shigaraki growled. 
“So it's a boy? No, it's a girl!” Twice asked, petting the puppy in Toga’s lap.
“What is his name?” Spinner asked. 
“He doesn't have a name yet, does he?” Dabi snarks from the kitchen nearby. 
“Of course he does!” He really doesn't. Tomura’s just been calling him puppy this whole time. 
“Oh yeah, what is it then?” Dabi taunts, walking in with a steaming cup of coffee.
“Uhhh…it's Sprout!” Tomura shouts. ‘Well, that's news to me.’ Izuku huffs. He was hoping Shigaraki would get bored of him and not bother to ‘name’ him. His mother always told him, ‘Don’t name things you're not planning to get attached to; it will just be harder to let go when the time comes.’ He hopes that won’t be true for the villain because Izuku is leaving him whether he likes it or not.
“Sprout?” The group collectively tilted their heads.
“Yeah, because he may be nothing but a tiny bud now, but eventually he’ll sprout into a ferocious beast that will tear you apart on my command!” Yeah, no. No, Izuku absolutely will not.
“Sure, boss…” Dabi said in a tone that sounded like he didn't quite believe him. 
“He has a very strange coat coloration. I've never seen a dog in such a fascinating shade of emerald before. Are you sure he’s not a quirked animal?” Mr. Compress asked, gently taking Izuku from Himiko, holding him from his armpits and staring at him. 
“Not sure; I found him in an alleyway dumped in the trash on the way back from a meeting with Giran.” Huh, so that's what he was doing when he found Izuku. 
Dabi raised a brow. “A street dog, huh?”
“He’s just like us! Abandoned and unwanted before joining the League.” Toga grinned up at the white-haired villain.
“Yeah…yeah, he really is. Welcome to the League of Villain Sprout.” Shigaraki cooed so softly he doubted the others could hear it. Izuku didn’t know what to do with the soft smile being directed straight at him. It was so genuine and filled with warmth; Izuku felt bad being the one on the receiving end, knowing he’s not actually a puppy and doesn't intend on becoming Shigaraki’s new pet. He’s distracted from his guilty thoughts when Kurogiri walks in, his yellow eyes widening in shock as he stares at Izuku before narrowing at the white-haired villain.
“Oh shit-” Seeing Shigaraki try to run away only to be instantly portaled back into the room by Kurogiri was hysterical. The other villains sent him amused glances and taunts that Papagiri was going to get him, which only made Tomura try to get away faster. Seeing the villain look like a kicked puppy as his caregiver scolded him for bringing a dog home without permission while pouting back that ‘he was the supreme leader now and could do whatever he wanted,’ only to whine when the mist villain threatened to take away his video games, was so surreal. 
Seeing the soft sides of villains that he would have never been able to see as a hero was odd. They were just so human; they liked to bicker and play, had hobbies and interests, they behaved nothing like they did on the battlefield. Living with the villains so far has been strange, and he had a feeling things were only going to get stranger.
Over the weeks he’s spent with the man, he’s learned quite a few things. Shigaraki is no longer the tantruming man-child he had been at the USJ or the edgy, immature, teen-like villain he had been at the mall. He’s much more mature in a sense; he no longer loses his temper at the drop of a hat or seems quite so irrational. From the bits and pieces of stories he’s overheard from the other villains, the man is a terrifyingly efficient leader now. 
Though he still has some flaws, like despite being the leader of an army and being surrounded by hundreds of followers. Tomura was so very alone. There was a clear boundary between him and the League that neither party wanted to cross. Maybe it had to do with his quirk or the position of power he held over them. Izuku doesn’t know. 
The man had horrible mental health issues and insomnia. Some days the only reason he would get up at all was to feed him. He barely slept, and anytime he was able to get some sleep, he would be awoken by nightmares and often silently cry until it was time to start the day. Izuku can't just ignore someone crying out for help, so he often starts whining next to the bed, begging to be picked up. It’s only when he’s cuddled up next to Shigaraki that the man is able to sleep peacefully. Izuku got so used to doing it that Shigaraki ordered him a little ramp so he can get on the bed all by himself. 
Despite everything, Tomura was kind and gentle in private. He played Animal Crossing and made cute little areas for his villagers to play in and got genuinely upset when one asked to leave. He said things like ‘big stretch’ when Izuku would stretch out his little limbs after his naps. He got so excited whenever Sprout would ‘learn’ a new trick for him, smiling so proudly down at him it made his head feel all fluffy and warm. Listen, Izuku didn't want to play or follow the man's orders, but whenever he did, it helped push away the man's perpetual cloud of sadness. Being ‘Sprout’ helps him relieve his sorrow and stress and allows him to be happy even if just for a moment. 
Shigaraki speaks to him a lot. Izuku often wonders if he knows he can understand him or if he had a pet in the past he treated the same way. Or maybe he just wants someone to talk to who won’t judge him. He can understand being lonely with no one to turn to. He learns that the man was left abandoned on the street as a child and that is why he took him in. Shigaraki hadn’t finished that line of thought, but Izuku can only assume it was All for One who found him.
Izuku felt a deep pity for the man. Who knew what he could have been if All for One had not found him and groomed him into villainy. Would he be happy and carefree? Maybe a hero? He could have been anything if not for that monster. The point is he wants to help him! He can’t change the past, but if being ‘Sprout’ for a little bit helps, then so be it. 
The only problem is the longer he stays in this form, the more instinctual his behavior becomes. The other day he growled and snapped at Toga for playfully pointing her knife at Tomura. Izuku hadn’t even meant to, but something inside him told him to protect his master, and before he knew it, he was sinking his teeth into the girl's hand. 
It was becoming worrying; the thief said he had to be out of this form in one month, and if Izuku’s calculations are correct, it has been a little over four weeks since he arrived. He was becoming more like a real dog as time passed. He needed to get out of here. 
The next weeks turn into a vicious cycle of him failing to escape and falling deeper into his canine instincts. 
Izuku used to hate the feeling of being pet. He thought it was degrading, but now he practically throws himself into any hand willing to do it, especially Shigaraki’s. Same with being called a good boy; at first it was embarrassing, but now it was like an instant shot of dopamine to his brain. It made him all fluffy and happy and made his tail wag vigorously. 
He tried his best to leave while the man was away but always found himself too anxious to actually do anything. His instincts were telling him Shigaraki is the leader of his pack, and being near him made Izuku feel safe and secure. The more days passed, the more anxious he felt without the villain, and the harder it was to run away. 
It didn’t help that he was starting to get attached to the rest of the League too. They are a part of Shigaraki’s pack, so that makes them his pack too. Most of them are just broken young adults who were forced into this life. Their pasts are full of quirk discrimination, mental disorders, and physical and mental abuse. They didn’t ask for this; they didn’t choose this life.
I mean Toga, despite her bloodlust and penchant for stabbing, is just a kid. She still gets excited over puppies and stickers, pouts over having to finish paperwork, and cries out for parents who will never answer her when overwhelmed. She treats the league like they’re her own family. It makes him so sad to think what she could have gone through, that villains were the only ones who didn’t make her feel bad for a quirk she was born with. He wants to help them all, but he can’t do it in this form. 
Exactly two months since arriving at the League’s base, he finds his opening for escape. He’s spent his time carefully building up trust and bonding with Shigaraki, never once running from him and doing whatever he wants. Now the man allows him to roam around the upper level of the mansion as he pleases. He usually goes out to the living room to hang out or visits whichever League members have their doors open for him. Dabi and Toga usually have biscuits in their rooms that they're happy to feed him if he does a trick. 
His body has grown older; he has far more mobility than he did before and can eat solid food now. He thinks his body is around four months old now. He can run and jump and has much more energy, perfect to use for his plan.
Earlier in the day he had overheard Toga saying she was planning to set up a picnic in the garden when he was playing with Dabi in the living room. The girl had rushed down with a big wicker basket and announced to the League they were going to eat lunch outside. Most of them groaned a bit but indulged her in the end, promising to meet her outside when it's ready. The girl had squealed and rushed into the kitchen to begin preparing the food with Kurogiri. 
When they finished preparing the food, Toga had set the basket onto the floor while she went to gather a blanket for them to sit on and other supplies. He snuck away from the eyes of the League and made his way to the large basket. It took him three tries, but eventually his jump was successful, and he tumbled down into the basket, landing on a sandwich. 
His heart raced when he heard someone ask, “Where’s Sprout?”
“He probably followed Toga to her room for treats.” Dabi answered.
“Ugh, I keep telling her to stop spoiling him so much; she’s going to make him fat.” Tomura complained.
“I wouldn’t know anything about that, boss.” Dabi whistled, avoiding eye contact, while Shigarakki stared at him unimpressed.
Eventually the girl came back, grabbing the basket and snapping the flaps closed, then asked Kurogiri to warp her outside. “Come out in ten minutes, okay!” she said. Receiving dull okays in response except for Twice, who answered back excitedly. 
Izuku shivers as he feels the girl walking through the portal. He feels the girl set down the basket with a thump and hears her begin to set up. Izuku only needs her to step away for a moment to make a run for it. The basket is moved again; Izuku shudders as one of the flaps creaks open, letting in a ray of sunlight. He thinks he's about to be discovered when–Ring! Ring!  The girl’s phone goes off. He hears the girl turn to answer her phone, and the basket is closed shut.
“Hello? Oh, did I! Whoops, can you open up a portal so I can go get them? No, it's okay, I can do it!” He can only hear Toga's side of the conversation, but from what he gathers, he thinks she may have forgotten something for the picnic. This may be his chance; if she leaves, he can run.
His heart stops racing when he hears the whooshing of the portal opening and Toga’s steps fade away.
He waits a moment before peeking his head out. He sees it’s all clear and jumps out of the basket, tumbling onto the grass. He doesn’t waste any time in running forward into the tree line. The forest floor was rough on his little paws. He could feel sticks and rocks digging into his feet, but he kept running. He couldn’t stop no matter the pain; he had to keep going.
He’s been running for a while, darting in and out of sight as he tries not to be caught. He doesn't know how far he’s gotten since, from his height, everything looks the same, but he knows he’s made no progress in finding a road. He was beginning to get tired, and everything in the forest looked similar. No matter how far he goes, there is no change.
Eventually Izuku finds an empty burrow at the root of a large tree. He enters intending to only rest his legs for a moment but ends up falling asleep. When he awakes, it’s dark outside; he can only hear the hooting of owls and the chittering of critters outside the burrow. 
He debates going out and gaining more distance between him and the League. On one hand, the smart thing would be to stay put and wait till sunrise to move. His body is small and won’t be able to fight off a predator if needed to. On the other hand, the League most likely already knows he is missing, and the more time he wastes, the bigger the chance he’ll get recaptured. 
His time is running out; it's already been over a month. He has to take this chance. Despite his better judgment, he steps out of the burrow. His dog body has far better night vision and hearing than his human body, so he should be okay as long as he stays out of sight.
He creeps on the forest floor, slowly making his way through the darkness, trying his best to keep his footsteps silent. He doesn’t notice the owl swooping down on him until it’s too late. He screams when long talons sink into his soft belly, piercing through him. He tries his best to fight back and wiggle out of the bird's claws to dislodge them, but it only causes them to sink in deeper.
He did his best to scream as loud as he could, but he was bleeding so heavily, and he was beginning to get tired. ‘Is this how I die? Poor All Might, he should have never wasted his legacy on someone so useless…’ he thinks as the world begins to fade. 
The bird brings down its beak and bites a chunk out of his leg. He feels his flesh and muscle being ripped out of him and swallowed. His vision blacks out; the last thing he hears are rapid footsteps and then water? He didn’t know what it was, but his whole body felt wet. Something was shaking him and screaming in his ear. He thinks it's a human?
“Sprout! Sprout, wake up!” Izuku opens his bleary eyes and sees Shigaraki. The man had tears running down his face and looked so hurt. He was crying, screaming out, “Please, God! Please don’t take him too! Haven’t you taken away enough!” Izuku wished he could help comfort him, but he felt so tired, his body felt so cold, and he just wanted to sleep. He’s spent his whole life fighting; maybe now it was time to rest…
“Tomura Shigaraki, he is gone.” 
“No! Don't say that! He's not dead, he can't be!" The villain sobs in agony, kneeling to rest the cold puppy onto the forest floor. He hangs his head over the body and whispers, “Everything I touch I destroy. I'm sorry it had to happen to you too. I loved you so much. Goodbye Sprout." Tomura presses a kiss onto the puppy's head. 
The moment his lips made contact with Izuku–Poof! A cloud of pink smoke exploded from Sprout's body. When the smoke cleared, there lay the naked, bleeding body of Izuku Midoriya. 
“I-i–what?” Shigaraki stared in shock. This boy, Izuku Midoriya, is Sprout. Sprout is Izuku Midoriya. His baby, his Sprout, has been the green-haired brat he’s been trying to murder for months. They are one in the same. They have been the entire time. 
Upon closer inspection he noticed some irregularities. Nestled in his fluffy green hair were a pair of pointed ears and a tail sticking out of him. He never had those before; maybe this wasn't a planned infiltration. Maybe it had truly been an accident that caused their paths to cross and intertwine in a way that will change the both of them forever.
Well, it doesn't matter how it happened; the boy is irrevocably his now, and nothing can ever change that.
“He’s still breathing; take him to the doctor now!” Tomura barks the order at the nomu, who was standing in a sort of hesitant manner. 
“Tomura Shigaraki, I would highly advise against-”
“I don’t care! He’s still my dog. He’s staying with us no matter what.” Shigaraki picks up the boy and walks through the portal. He sinks his face into the boy's curls and whispers, “Don't worry, Sprout; I’ll make sure you get better. Everything will be okay, I promise.”
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wisecura · 3 months ago
'Hate' Is A Strong Word
Izuku Midoriya x f!reader 5k
summary: for some reason, you've never liked Izuku Midoriya. call it bad vibes, a deep seated irritation, or just plain off-putting, you two just never connected. and even now as pro heroes you haven't uttered a single word to each other since high school. yet, you find yourself badly injured at his doorstep.
warnings: might be repetitive, gaslighting, manipulation, non-canon, dark fic, some blood, belittling, confinement, please don't read if you are sensitive to bad things happening to reader,
an: I haven't kept up with this fandom much but I still enjoy it. i've been busy with work and school. sadly, not fully proofread, but thank you for reading
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You never quite took to Izuku Midoriya, even from the start. 
There was something about him. A nagging feeling that buzzed in the back of your mind whenever he was near.
He was the kind of guy everyone liked—or at least, no one dared to openly dislike. Shy, awkward, but undeniably kind, Izuku was the sort who'd go out of his way to help a stranger. Always pushing for justice, always the hero in waiting, the kind of well-rounded individual you'd expect to be universally admired. 
And yet, something about him set off alarms in your gut from the very first day you met. It was your first year in high school, you'd arrived at UA high, thrilled to be accepted into the hero course.
This is when you saw him.
He'd been introducing himself to other classmates, nothing different from the norm. Maybe it was the look in his eyes when they caught yours. The way he shyly moved over to greet you. Maybe it was the way he seemed to interrogate question you on your quirk, and from your understanding he kept tabs on everyone. It could've been the way his eyes seemed to trail you when you evaded his conversation, feeling odd at the line of questioning. You had no idea why every instinct tell you to keep your distance.
You did attempt friendship in those early years, especially when you noticed how easily he drew people in. Once all was settled in, he seemed to be a magnet, attracting the class in with his friendliness. Maybe that initial encounter had been a fluke? You thought that just maybe you were being overly dramatic—after all, Izuku was the epitome of harmlessness, always eager to lend a hand. No one else seemed to have an issue with him, even with his more...odd habits.
But despite your efforts, you just couldn't shake it off. Those creepy vibes you got. So you chalked it up to not meshing well. But you always watched from a distance, and continued your years making friends and overall enjoying the coursework.
Years passed, and both of you rose through the ranks to become pro heroes. 
Izuku, now known universally as Deku, consistently ranked in the top five—a celebrity in the world of pro heroes. Meanwhile, you held a respectable nineteenth place, not one for popularity races, and never quite as concerned with fame as you were with making tangible changes in the world. Not that he wasn't doing his part-
Deku was a household name, his exploits and acts of heroism the stuff of daily newsfeeds. The latest articles highlighted not just his achievements but his physical transformation too—he was now a striking 6’1", his features having matured into what many would consider handsome, listing out other measurements you hadn’t bothered to read about.
Yet, reading about him, seeing his photos splashed across the media, always stirred an inexplicable twist in your stomach. You had no logical reason to feel this way, yet the discomfort was undeniable. You still didn't like the dude.
Your interactions had been minimal since high school, limited to brief exchanges during professional gatherings. You weren’t friends, not really. But he was always friends of a friend with you. It was always weird to hear about him, and you tried to never ask-to never listen in when your friends talked about him.
And, now, as you scrolled through your phone, one hand pressed against your bleeding side, the irony of the situation didn't escape you.
This part of town was supposed to be safe, but here you were. Far from home and in trouble, late at night.
You needed to find somewhere to go—someone to plug this shit up. Your manager had recently updated your contacts with a list of “reliable partners” for emergencies—pretty handy timing, considering the mess you were in now. All listed with safe houses should you need it—your managers words echoing in the back of your mind: 'you'd better not be seen by anyone from the public'.
You had been on a secret mission, something big, something not everyone could handle. But your quirk was a perfect fit—or so you thought until things went south.
The leader of the crime ring turned out to be a lot tougher than the brief said, and instead of nabbing him quietly, you got roughed up pretty bad.
Glancing at your phone, the recommended safe locations popped up. And just your luck—it had to be him.
You frowned at the screen—thumb brushing down the refresh button desperately, but no other options seemed to be loading. There had to be someone else, but why wasn’t the stupid app showing anything?
Of course. Of-fucking-course. Whatever, beggars can’t be choosers, right?
Better not to bleed out on the pavement. You were sure your manager would kill you if this wound up in the newspapers.
Gritting your teeth, you pushed through the pain, straightening up as best you could. You tried to walk confidently into the lobby of a ridiculously upscale apartment building. It was way fancier than necessary, making you feel all the more out of place.
You barely reached the counter when the man behind it did a double-take. “Miss—““—I’m here to see Izuku Midoriya, please,” you cut him off before he could delve into questions you had no energy to answer.
He looked surprised for a moment, then turned his back to you to make the call. You could hear his hushed tones, and an even softer voice through the other end of the intercom. You couldn't make out what they were saying—maybe it was the blood loss affecting your concentration.
“Top floor, Miss—““—Thanks.” You turn away quickly, unable to keep a slight wobble from your steps. You hadn’t meant to be rude. You just really needed to sit down. 
You were a vision of resilience and grace as you press the elevator button, smearing the elevator door button in your own blood. The ride up feels like a century, each ding reminding you of the ticking clock against your injuries. You had time to turn back. To not face whatever was beyond the elevator doors. Did he open his home as a safe location often? What were you thinking—this was Deku—of course he did—
As the doors finally open, you're met with the minimalist, yet luxurious hallway leading to the penthouse suite—his suite.
It's been years since you've last even spoke to Izuku Midoriya, and now, under these circumstances, you're about to see him again.
Funny how fate plays its cruel games, huh?
Stepping out, you hesitate for just a moment before your survival instincts push you forward. Your fist meets the door, the knock more feeble than you intended. It's only a matter of seconds before the door swings open, revealing Izuku Midoriya in person.
He's taller, broader, and his eyes—those damn eyes—haven't changed a bit. He's definitely lost that baby face, his features much more defined, almost handsome. The sight of him makes your heart race for reasons you can't even begin to pin down before that deep voice reaches your ears.
"Shit, you look like hell," wide eyed, he blurts out. "What happened?"
You try to muster a smile, but all you manage is a grimace. "Got into a bit of trouble. Mind if I come in? Kinda bleeding out here," you quip, half-joking, but entirely serious.
He doesn't hesitate, grabbing your arm, gently but firmly, as he helps you inside. "Of course, come in. What are friends for?" he says, though you both know the term 'friends' might be a stretch, you sure as hell weren't gonna comment on it now.
Oddly enough, he doesn't press you for more details, instead guiding you to the sofa. "Let me look at that wound," he says, already moving to fetch a first aid kit and a towel. You feel somewhat guilty at your thoughts as you watch him, his movements efficient and practiced. What if you bled out onto his couch? And now that'll be the first thing on his mind when he sees it? what're you even thinking?
How often has he done this? You mind briefly flashes back to a news report you'd seen recently, of him saving a group of people from a hostage situation turned deadly. And despite your reservations about him, you can't help but feel a reluctant admiration stirring within you. That and this. He really wasn't a bad dude. Maybe a bit awkward, but who wasn't?
You raise your shirt slightly, exposing the expanse of your stomach, an audible sigh from him before his hands find their way to clean the area, surprisingly gentle.
It's a strange intimacy, one you make damn sure to ignore. In other situations you may have blushed, leading with a 'buy me drinks first' joke but you really didn't want to add to the moment.
"Do I want to ask how the other guy looks?" Izuku teases lightly, a break from his jaw tensing, a small smile playing on his lips. Despite yourself, a laugh escapes—bitter but genuine.
"Yeah, I may have gotten the short end here," you reply, meeting his gaze. There’s a warmth there that wasn’t present in your school days, a maturity that seems to fit him well. It annoys you, seeing how much he's grown into himself, into the hero everyone expected him to be. Was it jealousy? No, that couldn’t be it.
Sitting there, letting Izuku tend to your wounds, you can’t help but feel a twist in your stomach that’s not from the injury. It’s from the sheer absurdity of the situation—seeking help from someone you’ve always distrusted, yet here he is, proving to be the hero he always aimed to be. Not asking for anything in return, always helpful, always willing.
And, yes, that bugged the shit out of you. You were wrong.
"Aren't you going to ask what happened?" His eyes flick back over to you, stilling your breath. He lets out another sigh, unwrapping the bandage from his kit.
"The Gokudo Group, right?" You look away, refusing to meet his heavy gaze. He didn't seem entirely happy with the direction of the conversation—
"How do you know about that?" The question sounded silly the second it left your mouth. A top pro hero knowing about a mission so close to his residence? It'd be stranger if he hadn't heard about it. He lets out another soft chuckle, and you feel yourself blush at the way it seemed to lick up your spine.
"Let's call it a guess." As he finishes bandaging your wound, his touch lingers a moment on your side, reminding you of his closeness.
"You should rest," he suggests, his voice soft, almost nonchalant. He seems to see no issue with the idea. A man. A woman. Alone in a pent house sweet. "Stay here tonight. It's late, and you're not in any condition to go anywhere."
You want to protest, to assert your independence, but the room tilts slightly as you try to sit up straighter, his grip tightening on your waist as you let out a small painful whimper. He doesn’t seem too put off by the idea of you staying, and realistically, blood loss was indeed a bitch.
"I guess...I don't have much choice," the words tasting sour on your tongue. For a fleeting moment, Izuku's seems like he wants to say something, fighting with his inner voice, before settling on something else.
"...Of course, you're always welcome here," he assures you, his tone dripping with a sincerity that feels too thick, too heavy. He stands, pressing a button on the wall to adjust the blinds, casting the room into a dim glow. He stands illuminated in a warm glow by the lamp in the corner. Your heart continues its gymnastics, flipping in ways you can't fucking believe.
"Let me get you some water, maybe something for the pain." As he disappears into the kitchen, you try to relax against the plush cushions of his sofa, feeling much more guilty at the thoughts you'd had not even thirty minute prior. This wasn't how you imagined your evening would end, and his kindness seemed to eat away at you by the second.
Your gaze drifts around the neatly kept space, landing on small, personal touches that seem innocuously domestic. Photographs of smiling faces, trophies from his hero work, books on strategy and quirk development. It's all so…Midoriya.
When he returns, he hands you a glass of water and a pill, his smile reassuring. "This will help with the pain," he says, and you take the small tablet from him, your fingers brushing against his, the contact somewhat nerve-wracking.
"Thanks," you whisper, downing the medicine without a second thought. He watched you closely for a second, another thought on the tip of his tongue before he decides to just sit down next to you. Not close enough to warrant a side glance, but close enough that you can smell his smooth cologne, a soothing fragrance that lingers in the back of your throat. A smell that was distinct, unforgettable.
"You know," hesitating, "...I always...hoped we'd get a chance to catch up," his voice a soft murmur blending into the backdrop of the city's faint sounds filtering through the window. You would've sworn he hadn't said anything if it wasn't for your good hearing. "...I've followed your career, you know. You're doing amazing things."
His words sound like a compliment, but you can't help but think: just how closely has he been watching me? The tension in the room was so fucking awkward....
And the comment was innocent enough, so you push the feeling aside, chalking it up to paranoia. He's being nice. He's being nice.
You literally have no reason to doubt him.
Whatever. You can't shake that nag, you're fighting with yourself just to lean into the small comfort he provided, but that itch keeps coming back the more he talks. Just keep your distance, like always, and make your exit in the morning before he wakes up. Maybe send a fruit basket when you get back home as a parting 'thank you' gift.
"Yeah, well, we've both been busy, I guess," He watches you a moment, his expression unreadable before offering a gentle smile. You let out a small yawn, scooting further into the couch. Further away from his spreading legs, hoping to convey your sleepiness.
"Very busy," he agrees, as he stands to grab a blanket from a nearby closet. Thankful for the space, you breath a sigh of relief. You jump when he comes back, yet his voice is gentle, and his movements are tender, almost loving, as he drapes the blanket over you.
You notice his hands tremble slightly—a nervous energy you remember all too well from your high school days. He's nervous. And it sets you on edge even more, despite the fact that he couldn't be more welcoming to you in this moment—a pillar of comfort and support. The blanket he brought was so fuzzy and warm. Your favorite color too.
"Looks like we finally get that catch-up session, huh?" he chuckles easily. You half-expected him to retreat to his room once you were settled, but here he was, still the same Midoriya, despite looking so incredibly different. Never fully catching that hint. You manage a weary smile, feeling the weight of your eyelids, barely still able to converse.
"Yeah, it's been a while. Life as a pro hero doesn't exactly leave much free time for reunions," Izuku nods enthusiastically, sliding a bit closer to you on the sofa until you can feel the warmth radiating from his leg just inches away. You subtly scoot away, maintaining a polite distance, his eyes wide, as he enthusiastically regals your most recent mission.
"That rescue mission form last week was just spectacular, the way you dove right in, you were just perfect, and those people you saved--" He stops himself, realizing he was about to go into a whirlwind. He lets out a nervous laugh, "Sorry,"
But you give him the best smile you can muster up with the gaping wound in your side. And subtly, almost unconsciously, his leg inches even closer to yours, again. You try to dismiss it, reminding yourself of how he always a little closer with his friends—maybe this is just another subconscious thing he did?
"Thanks, Midoriya. You’ve not done too badly yourself," you reply, trying to lighten the mood with a bit of humor. "Top five, right? I always knew you’d shoot up."
He absorbs your compliment, his face lighting up from the small bit of praise you've given him. His gaze narrows in, almost studying you, as if he’s trying to memorize your every expression.
When he speaks again, there's a hint of shyness in his voice, a subtle clinginess that feels slightly misplaced. "You know, I always thought maybe we’d end up working together, you know? Side by side." His voice dips a bit at the end, his eyes are earnest, almost pleading, as they search yours for a reaction.
"That’s...a....nice thought," deliberately avoiding his gaze, though the idea of being this close to him in any capacity would be too much, too soon.
Izuku’s expression momentarily falters, resembling a dejected puppy, and he quickly tries to mask his disappointment, shifting his demeanor to regain some of his earlier lightness. “But hey, we’re here now, right? Maybe it’s fate or something,” he jokes weakly, forcing another lighthearted laugh.
The word 'fate' hangs between you, heavy and foreboding. “Maybe,” you echo, not quite sharing in his forced cheer. The conversation pauses, leaving you acutely aware of the rapid beating of your own heart in the silence that follows.
"Yeah–heh–it’s been quite the journey," he admits, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "But....enough about me. Tell me about you. How have things been...really?"
You shift under the blanket, feeling a bit unnerved by his continued presence. Why didn't he just go to bed? You hadn't even talked much about him in the first place. Was he fishing for something?
"Busy, eventful, and endlessly tiring," you answer truthfully, hoping your frankness might send a subtle hint, topping it off with another yawn.
He nods, mouth quirking up in a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. "I can imagine. It must be hard, always being on the move—never able to find time for yourself, never able to catch up. Always the playing the 'hero'."
The way he says 'hero'—with a trace of something like displeasure—makes you pause, almost surprised. "...Well, someone's gotta do it, right?"
"Right, right," Izuku agrees, though his voice trails off, leaving a lingering question in the air. He seems to gather his thoughts, his eyes meeting yours.
"You know, I've always wondered..." his tone shifts slightly, becoming more contemplative, "why we never got along better. I mean, we were always in the same circles, kind of."
You feel a slight tightening in your chest as the topic veers dangerously close to the unease you've always felt around him. "Yeah, I guess we just had different…interests," you hedge, trying to keep the conversation light and steer away from deeper waters that you’d prefer not to navigate.
How exactly could you explain to him that you found him incredibly fucking creepy until now? And even now.....
Izuku's response is slow, thoughtful. "Maybe,"
He concedes, his tone reflecting a tinge of dissatisfaction, voice more probing and less subtle than you've ever heard it before. "But I've always respected you, you know? Always thought highly of your abilities."
"Thanks, Midoriya. That means a lot," you reply, not sure how to respond, not used to the praises from someone like him.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I've always wanted to be...closer. To understand you better. I felt like we never really got the chance."
His words hang in the air, and you're hit by the raw honesty in his voice—an honesty that's bordering on confrontation or confession—you aren't sure. You scramble for a diplomatic response, your mind racing. You didn't want to upset him here, but you sure as hell weren't looking to become best buds.
"Midoriya, it’s not that we didn't get a chance. We just...didn’t.....vibe that way. It happens."
"But why?" His frustration is more evident this time, his voice tense, losing that more playful tone. "I’ve seen how you are with others—laughing, sharing. I just don't get why I never got that side of you."
"It’s nothing personal, Midoriya. I’ve always been more introverted....Maybe our timing was just....off or something."
But he just can't seem to let this go. He's always liked you, but you've always seemed to avoid him. He's never been able to figure it out.
"...I mean, it's not like I haven't tried, right?" he starts again, his tone becoming harsher, a drastic shift from his usual soft charisma. His fingers tap rhythmically against his knee, a clear sign of his restlessness. "I always asked about you, you know. Whenever I ran into someone who knew you, I made sure to find out how you were doing." The revelation sends a chill down your spine.
This could have been sweet—checking in on a friend—but his words sound creepier, like he was stalking you or something, and his intense gaze makes you recoil slightly.
"I just...I've always liked you. A lot, actually," he continues, his tone bordering on accusatory. "And I don't think you ever noticed. Or maybe you did and just didn't care."
"That’s…that's a lot to take in," you respond cautiously, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Yeah, well, it's been a lot for me too, watching from the sidelines. Always the hero everyone loves, except for the one person I actually wanted to impress," his voice rising slightly with frustration.
He continues rambling, each sentence more unsettling than the last. "I've kept tabs on you. I know it might sound weird, but I had to know. I thought if I knew more about what you liked, what you did, maybe I could find a way to be part of that." His confession sends a cold shiver down your spine.
"Isn't that just ridiculous?" he laughs, the sound hollow—bitter, filling the increasingly claustrophobic room. His eyes become distant and slightly frantic. He couldn’t stop himself.
"Midoriya, I think you’re reading too much into this—” you start, trying to defuse the tension, but he cuts you off. "No, I don't think so. I think you've always known how I felt. And you used it against me. Kept me at arm's length on purpose," he accuses, his voice turning harsh.
Witnessing Izuku transform from the awkward, 'lovable' hero you once knew into this intense, confirmed everything that nagged in the back of your head before. An anger issue? Ego problems?
"Everyone else always sees the best in me. Why couldn’t you? What made you so different?" he demands, his voice laden with a toxic mix of longing and bitterness. Finding yourself speechless, the situation spirals beyond your control. "Midoriya, please, this isn’t healthy. We should—”
"Healthy?" scoffing. "What do you know about healthy? You've barely even looked at me all these years. And now, you show up only when you need something? That's a bit contradictory, don't you think?"
The realization that you are alone with him, caught in this escalating situation, keeps you mind spiraling into a semi state of panic. Your sense heighted—fight or flight.
"You know, it's always been more than just platonic for me," his gaze cutting through the dimly lit room, locking onto you with an unsettling earnestness. He too close, too close, "I've cared about you in ways I probably shouldn't have. And I've waited...waited for you to see that."
"Midoriya, maybe we can talk about this tomorrow? It's been a long day, and I really think I should head home and rest," you suggest, reaching for your phone to call an Uber.
"You said you'd stay the night," he reminds you, snatching the phone quickly from your hands. "Are you really going to go back on your word now? After I've opened my home to you, treated your wounds?"
Caught off guard by his overt pushiness and blatant aggression, you stammer, "Hey—Midoriya, I didn't mean—"
"No, you never mean to, do you?" he cuts in, his tone increasingly harsh. "You come here, into my home, ask for my help, reject my friendship—once again, and now you want to leave just like that? It’s always the same with you. You take what you need and then you're gone."
"That's not fair, Midoriya. I appreciate everything you've done tonight, but I'm really not feeling well, and this conversation is a lot to process," you explain, trying to maintain your composure under his scrutinizing gaze.
Izuku's tone shifts, blending accusation with a hint of hurt, his face morphing into that lovable sad expression he wore on occasion. Much like a kicked puppy. "That isn't right. I thought you were a good person. I'm just trying to understand your problem with me. What's wrong with that?"
You take a deep breath, trying to center yourself amidst the emotional whirlwind he's creating. "Midoriya, trying to understand each other isn't the problem," you begin cautiously, "but the way you're going about it—it's overwhelming. It feels like you're not just asking for understanding—you're demanding a specific response from me, one that I'm not prepared to give."
His brow furrows, and his stance becomes defensive. "So, you're saying I'm overwhelming you? I'm some evil guy? Me? A top pro hero? After all these years of keeping my distance, the moment I try to be honest about my feelings, I'm suddenly too much?"
"No, that's not what I mean, Midoriya—please—"
Izuku’s question slices through the tense air, unexpected and jarring. “Do you have a boyfriend?” His tone holds an edge of possessiveness that makes you uneasy. The query, seemingly out of nowhere, is clearly aimed at gauging your 'availability'—challenging it.
“No, but that’s not the point,” but Izuku scoots in closer, his larger frame hovering over your laid back one. Yes, he was much bigger than he was in high school. And yes his broad shoulders stood out 3 inches past your own. You couldn't stop your panicked breathing, the situation too unbelievable.
As Izuku inches closer, his large frame overshadows you, physically cornering you against the back of the sofa. The space feels oppressively small, his presence suffocating. His voice carries a chilling mix of sweetness and venom that you've never heard before, unsettlingly different from the hero you thought you knew.
“So, let’s get this straight....again.,” you avoid his gaze, near impossible from how close he is, “You’ve never had time for me, always brushed off my attempts to be close, and now here you are, in my home, accepting my help after all these years. And you think you can just leave after that, like nothing happened?”
You feel a bit embarrassed when he puts it like that.
“Izuku, I just came here because I needed help, I never meant to—”
“But that’s just it, isn’t it? You needed help, and I was convenient for you,” he cuts you off, his voice soft but laced with a sharp edge. “Isn’t it funny how after all these years of avoiding me, suddenly I’m the one you run to when you’re vulnerable? Does that seem fair to you?”
“I’ve always cared about you, more than you know,” his voice lowering to a whisper. “I’ve watched you from afar, always hoping you’d look back. But you didn’t. And now here you are, finally seeing me, but only because you need something. Don’t you owe it to me to stay? After everything?”
His question hangs heavily in the air, charged with expectations you never consented to. Flustered and trying to maintain some sense of normalcy, you start to respond. “I-I’m sorry, Midoriya—”“—Izuku. Please, after all this time, don't you think you could call me by my first name? It’s like you’re still trying to keep me at arm’s length, even now,” The hurt very clear in his voice.
As you struggle to find the right words, trying to navigate the complex emotional minefield he specifically laid out, his next action catches you completely off guard. Without waiting for your consent, he suddenly shoots up, his arms scooping you up in a princess-style carry, far too easily, but expected from a bulky pro hero. The suddenness leaves you flabbergasted and flushing bright red.
"I-Izuku," you stammer, your voice tinged with shock and a hint of protest. "Ah, much better," he responds with a pleased smile. The smile he gives you is something else—wide and triumphant, as he carries you to another room.
The large room he brings you into is softly lit, the bed neatly made. You noticed a vanity on the side wall, feminine products lining the small shelf—eerily similar to the products you have in your cabinet at home. The room was set to your exact style, items you had at home—in your online wish list—were all here.
He sets you down gently on the bed, and the reality of the situation sinks in deeper. He observes you for a moment, a mocking smile playing at the corners of his mouth, as if amused by your discomfort. As if he's observing a cute puppy, learning to walk on its own.
"Time for bed. I'll be back tomorrow." He turns to leave, and you reach out for him. "Izuku, wait—" voice laden with a plea for some semblance of normalcy—some answer to the questions you refused to voice, the room you were actively refusing to acknowledge.
"What's wrong?" he interjects with a grin, his tone cooing, demeaning, belittling. "You’re not going to ask me to tuck you in or stay the night, are you?" You could hear the underlying challenge. The jest sent to provoke something from you. "No, that’s not—I just think we need to talk about tonight," You're voice stead, yet you're on the brink of tears, the fear creeping up the back of your neck. A pro hero, a pro hero, he's a pro hero—
Izuku's face hardens at your words, his posture stiffening as he sits on the edge of the bed. "Talk? We’ve been talking all night. You said you wanted rest right?" he retorts defensively. "You’re safe here, aren’t you? I’m taking care of you, after all. What’s there to complain about?"
You know something isn’t right, but his aggressive pushback and the veiled mockery in his tone make you second-guess your instincts to speak up.
"Yeah, I...Thank you...Izuku," you find yourself saying, the words heavy on your tongue. The unease churns in your stomach, but the mean look in his eyes silences the protests forming in your mind. You lie back on the bed, covering yourself quickly, still in your street attire.
Izuku nods, seemingly satisfied with your subdued response. "See? That’s better. Just relax, I’ve got everything under control," he says, his tone soothing yet laced with a possessiveness that doesn’t escape you.
As he turns off the light and exits the room, leaving you in the dim glow of the nightlight, you're left to grapple with the unsettling blend of guilt and apprehension, too nervous now to challenge the dynamic he’s forcefully set.
Would you be allowed to leave tomorrow?
come home
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 1 month ago
Yandere Izuku Midoriya Aesthetic
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Images from Pinterest
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siflshonen · 8 months ago
Izuku so help me god if you really think you’re any different from those first years following around those boys they think are cool and screaming at them, then you need to start this manga over from the beginning and think about what it means to see yourself in others. What is not clicking.
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sugawara--san · 10 months ago
horikoshi always thinking hmm how can i give deku new, even worse kacchan trauma
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pocket-snoodle · 3 months ago
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More bkdk! 🥦💥
Bakugo giving Deku a heart attack after work ahhh life
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b2geeta · 17 days ago
Perfidious Hero
Izuku Midoriya x Quirkless Fem Reader Warning⚠: Abusive behavior, noncon, gas lighting, slight violence, dark Izuku Midoriya, female anatomy reader, yandere Izuku Midoriya, kidnapped reader, Pro Hero Deku
Description: Izuku Midoriya has trouble controlling his quirk and strength when he is angry. You running away was the last thing he needed to deal with today...you will learn that the hard way.
You didn't bother wearing shoes. The dirt and concrete didn't matter in this situation, matter of fact, you were happy to actually feel the earth beneath you once again. Even if it was slightly painful to feel sharp pebbles stab the soles of your feet, the adrenaline made you appreciate the pain. The adrenaline also kept you running while you your lungs pleaded for a break. A couple people looked at you bewildered, but you don't have the chance to care because he could be returning back to the apartment any moment, or he could be patrolling the area, either way, you were not gonna take the chance of being caught.
When was the last time that you were outside? Maybe about 3 weeks ago. You don't even know what street you are on, but you have the layout memorized in your mind from the countless times you watched people walk to and from it. The corner you were approaching was the end of your mental map, what lies beyond that? Hopefully a damn pro hero or police officer. All you know is that as soon as you get the chance to, you're going to do everything in your power to put Pro Hero Izuku Midoriya under the fucking jail. The thought of that monster locked up, his public image ruined makes you feel a sense of relief, even safety. Everyone should know how deranged their favorite "Underdog Hero" is. He acts like hardworking, youthful hero that could do no evil, but really he is a chronically online man who spends his free time lurking on news articles and writing blogs about heroes and villains. The worst part is that you aren't even a hero OR villain. You're just a random civilian who happened to witness him tweak out in an alley way on your way to work. You never made it to work that day.
The corner turn you hit was sharp. Your shoulder even hit the brick exterior of the building as you moved. But before you could even muster a yelp of pain or even a curse, you stilled in your tracks. That green suit was an obstacle you prayed you wouldn't encounter. His back was facing you, engaged with some lower ranking hero who possibly was on patrol. You did not care to think about whatever Midoriya was doing, you just swiftly turned back around the way you came, and crossed the street. Maybe if you go into a store or an alley way and wait for him to pass by you can make a break for it...right? Everything would be okay, right? Then why is your legs shaking, and why does your throat sting?
"I'm scared," is all you can mumble as you try for the nearest exit. "Oh god, I'm scared."
There's no stores, but there is a small alley way you can hide in. There's a dumpster with a couple bags of trash piled around it. Perfect. You feel ashamed that you are willing to hide between bags of trash, but pride means nothing to you right now. You just squeeze your eyes close and try to still your breathing. The people passing by fills you with a sense of hope.
If he does somehow find me, I can just scream for help. That calms you slightly, but only for a second.
"This is how I end my fucking day at work," your body freezes. Your gaze sees the green hero suit, this time it is in the alley way facing you. "I'm walking home tired from saving people all day, only for someone to tell me that they think there's someone hurt in the alleyway...and it's you." Midoriya's voice quietly fills with rage the more he stands there looking at you hiding in trash.
"I-." you just open your mouth to scream. The idea of you alerting people nearby died when a gloved hand crosses your cheek. The pain from it makes you yelp. But he doesn't even give you time to make another sound because he cracks another slap across your face, and another, and another. All you can do is cry in pain. Can anyone see him hitting you? Does anyone care to ask what's going on? Pushing through the pain, you fix to scream again, and pained sound muffled behind the Hero Deku's hand. No amount of hitting and biting makes him pull his hand away. If you had a quirk, you would've used it on him.
The moments after happened fast. He pulls you out of the trash, hand still on your mouth, and picks you up. You struggle, which makes him squeeze your face with the hand that's covering your mouth. You know that once you leave this alleyway, the chances of you ever being free again is gone, so you fight with everything you can muster, but there isn't much you can do against a prime hero. All it does is make him lean into you ear and whisper threats.
"When we get back home, you're gonna wish you weren't fucking quirkless." This doesn't hurt your feelings, but it does scare you enough for you to stop your struggles for a second. And a second is all he needs to use One For All to jump up the walls and onto buildings back to his apartment balcony. He sees the open glass door and the tied together sheets.
"So you ruined my All Might sheets too," his lips presses together, "Now you're really going to get it." He walks into his front room, and exhales. You weren't exactly clean when you tore his sheets apart to make a rope. The anger evident on his face made you shrink into yourself. Midoriya brings you to his All Might decorated bathroom and drops you into the shower. "You smell like garbage." He turns the water on for the shower, watching your clothes get drenched. You grit your teeth at the cold water, humiliated.
"Stop it." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
"Take your clothes off." His voice is flat.
"Please just stop this-," The heroes gloved hand yanks at your clothes, taking what little freedom and safety that you had left. His hero suit starts to soak with water and he shreds your clothes off your crying form. He only stops when he sees that you have nothing left covering you. He grabs a bottle of soap and pours it onto your body, the suds quickly disappearing under the water.
"Hiding in trash like that, ripping my All Might sheets and dirtying my living room; you must've really wanted to make me mad." The shower shuts off, and he grabs your arm, yanking you to his bedroom, you know what that means. Izuku Midoriya had a weird hobby. He liked to fanboy over heroes and villains even though he is a Pro Hero himself. His hobby did not only stop there, you discovered soon after he first kidnapped you that he got off to making you dress up, or even cosplay as his fellow colleagues that had hero costumes he found attractive. Sometimes he made you dress as his favorite anime or video game character. Either way, watching him jerk off to you dressed in outfits you would never dare to wear yourself disturbed you.
You're confused. He isn't digging through his closet looking for clothes to make you wear, and he isn't sitting on the edge of his bed janking his dick while dropping random knowledge of the person you're cosplaying as. He is on top of you, hands gripping your bare chest with an intense look in his eyes.
"You should've stayed home while I was working. I would've just made you dress as Mysteria and called it a day. But you had to make me mad, you had to ruin my belongings. Look, there aren't even sheets on my fucking bed." Midoriya starts to ramble more to himself than you. "I really wasn't going to do this to you until you came around more, but you're just so stubborn. I felt bad for what I did, but now I see that you deserve to be treated this way. Maybe I did justice by taking you off the streets." You don't what to think, you just push at his body, his muscles twitch underneath your fingers. Whimpers and cries and pleas do nothing to stop his hand from pinching your nipples. It wasn't unusual for him to grope you when he masturbated, but his hard dick pressing against your stomach was a line he never crossed before.
"I've been wanting to see what it felt like to be inside a girl," he mutters as he stops his groping to undress out of his uniform. "You really did happen to show up at the right time." His hands now bare, were making their way to your naked cunt. His middle finger slides between your slit. There was barely any wetness at all, and if you were honest, you did feel slightly aroused whenever he dressed you up and jerked off to you, but this is something completely different.
"Please, I'll buy you new sheets, I'll do whatever you want just please don't do this." You were ignored.
"Not even wet, you're lucky I'm being so considerate, because I really just want to put it in now and make you regret what you did." Lube pours all over your lower half. The cold from it makes your body flinch, but the impact of his finger shoving its way inside you cause you to cry out in discomfort. "It's warm." The face Midoriya makes causes your stomach to churn, he looks utterly focused on fingering you as if this is a new hero he discovered. You can tell he is starting to fixate on your vagina, and this scares you. Another finger is added, you grunt. His inexperienced hand pushes in and out of you, the lube dripping down your ass and onto the bed. He pulls his fingers out and starts lubing up his dick. You take this as a chance to try and and run, but unfortunately, he is always faster. One hand on your throat, and another holding his cock, the tip pushes into you. It stings. Doing anything you can to make him stop, you scream and kick. That doesn't matter to Midoriya, he just pushes his fat cock into your pussy and starts thrusting without a care in a world. He gives low grunts and huffs.
"Fuck, ngh, I should've done this way sooner." He tightens his grip around your throat as he fuck your pussy. The stretch of his dick makes you cry, but it's bearable because of the lube. You don't want to admit it, but it feels slightly good. Each thrust jolts your body, your hips now being grabbed by both hands. He doesn't care that you can't keep up with his pace. He just speeds up, slamming into your body with hella force. The sound of skin slapping makes you feel humiliated. "Yeah, mh, just lay there and take my cock," he doesn't allow you to have any pride, he fucks that too. Your entire body flushes, you feel warm. If anyone were to find out what he has been doing to you, you would never be able to live normally. He knows this.
"If I get you pregnant, I can just tell everyone we are planning for a family, nh, fuck- I'll even marry you."
"W-what?! Oh god, no, please, no, why are you doing this to me?!" You're kicking, screaming and crying. You pull his hair, his head yanking downwards towards your chest. This does nothing to stop him from filling you up. Cum oozes out your pussy as he pulls out. Your grip on his hair drops as you lay there, stunned. The back of your throat dry, and your face is stained with tears and sweat.
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happypeachsludgeflower · 9 months ago
Okay so legitimate question here, but is bkdk canon canon or heavily implied but with plausible deniability fanon canon now? I know it’s some flavor of canon because I’ve seen some panels and it looks super extra rainbow gay in the epilogue, but I can’t tell if Hori actually made them gay, or if it’s heavy handed queerbaiting that we’re all just running away with as the new canon. Like did we kidnapped the characters and declared it canon no matter what the official story says, or did the man actually say it??
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fairystar111 · 1 year ago
Dead Man's Wish
By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Life isn't fair to most of us, that's something almost every villain with tell you.   So somebody decided to make it fair, and now it is.   Except not for everybody.
Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Izuku Midoriya.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Platonic Yandere, Yandere Shigaraki Tomura, Big brother Tomura Shigaraki, Kidnapped Izuku Midoriya, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Infantilism, Stockholm Syndrome.
My dearest Tomura, if you are reading this then I have already passed on and for that I am sorry. I won’t be able to help you on your path any longer my dear boy but I trust in your abilities to succeed me and do what I could not. You will change the world like I always knew you could. My dear child I have not been completely honest with you and I am sorry you had to find out this way. But I have another child, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He is your brother in all but blood. I had originally planned for you two to meet in his first year of high school but circumstances changed.
I had a younger brother myself once that I loved very much. I gave him everything the world could offer but that was not enough for my dear Yoichi. My younger brother opposed my work as All for One, he hated what I did and what I stood for and tried to stop me until he perished in an untimely accident. Shortly before he passed I had given him a weak stockpiling quirk to help his sickly body gain back some strength, the quirk had melded with an invisible quirk I did not know he possessed at the time. Yoichi had the ability to pass on quirks which was quite useless on its own but once I gave him a quirk it became a new quirk known as One for All. A stockpiling quirk that is able to be passed onto others through DNA transfer and would become the key to my own demise. The wielders of One for All are all successors to my brother that want to end me and my “reign of terror” whatever that means. I know you're probably wondering but what does this have to do with Izuku Midoriya being my brother? 
Well the year before you were set to meet, through unfortunate circumstances Izuku met All Might ,the eighth successor, and became the ninth wielder of One for All. Your paths would intertwine but you would be on opposite sides of the battlefield. The tale of two brothers will repeat itself once again and I won't be able to help you. Tomura all I ask of you is that you try to help him, my child has horrible self-sacrificing tendencies and will die on his own. I need you to take care of him as I have failed to do and love him as I have loved you because one day all you will have will be each other. I want you to love each other as much as I loved both of you.
With love,
Hisashi Shigaraki 
“Don't worry dad I'll find him and I'll save him even if he doesn't want me to.”
Izuku awoke in an unfamiliar but rather comfortable bed. He rubbed his eyes trying to rid the morning grogginess when he remembered with a jolt that the league had infiltrated their base and captured him along with several of his friends. He jumped out of bed only to crash onto the floor. He groaned in pain and looked up to see a chain connecting to a thick padded cuff around his ankle. 
He studied the room around him and found it odd, he had been expecting to wake up in a concrete prison cell or maybe a laboratory. The room he found himself in was draped in soft pastels reminiscent of a baby's nursery, games and toys lined the shelves, the floor was covered in soft fluffy carpet, there was a mass of plushies on the bed. Wait, were those toddler rails on the bed? Why was he wearing bunny pajamas? He had been captured in his tattered hero outfit. Did someone shower and change him in his sleep?! 
What is going on? Izuku thought, trying not to panic. He yelped when the door opened to reveal a frantic Tomura Shigaraki.
“Izuku are you okay I heard a loud crash? Oh bunny, did you roll off the bed?” Tomura asked, feeling rather frazzled as he picked Izuku up off the floor and placed him back onto the bed. God he hasn’t even been here for a full day and he was already hurting himself even when unconscious. Dad was right, his little brother does need to be protected at all times. Hmm maybe he should install padded flooring or maybe full railing around the bed?
Izuku was too shocked to say anything in response. This monster was checking looking him over for injuries like a concerned mother looking over her young child. This murderer, his enemy, was treating him like he was something fragile and precious.
“Don’t touch me!” Izuku yelled, wrenching his arm out of Tomura’s grip. How dare this villain try to treat him this way! Soft gentle touches by hands who have murdered thousands. What did he do to deserve this?
“Calm down little brother, I know you're scared but you're safe now. Everything is okay because I am here.” Shigaraki said with a small smile petting the boy's soft curly hair. Though he hates having to use All Might's catchphrase, it is a necessary evil. Right now what his little brother associates safety and protection with most is All Might. He needs to switch that over to himself. Izuku needs to feel most safe and protected with Tomura. 
Izuku could feel his blood start to boil. How dare this monster use his mentor’s words against him in such a mocking way. And what did he mean by brother? Izuku didn't waste any time thinking about that before he launched himself at the villain trying his best to attack while still chained to the bed. He tried to reach for his quirk but felt nothing but empty space in its place. Well he didn't need quirk to gouge someone's eyes out. Before he could try Izuku was slammed back into the bed and his arms were pinned above his head.
“Izu bunny, calm down everythings alright.” Tomura cooed, trying his best to be soothing. He’s never had much experience comforting other people but he’ll try his best for his little brother.
“Let me go! Let me go!” The boy shouted as he thrashed in the villains grip.
“Izuku you need to stop–Ow!” Tomura’s scolding was interrupted by a strong kick to his side. 
“Stop!” Midoriya screamed as the villain got onto the bed raising his knee to pin his legs down, effectively immobilizing him.
“Are you ready to calm down little brother?” Tomura was a little irritated but tried to not let it show on his face, judging by the look on his Izuku’s face it wasn’t working. He had to keep his cool. Sensei did say it would be difficult in the beginning; he just had to be patient and everything will turn out okay.
“Shut up! You are not my brother, I hardly even know you. You're nothing but a monster who's been fighting me and my friends since the beginning of the year.” Damn his little brother really knew how to hit him where it hurts. None of what he said was technically wrong, but back then he didn't know they were brothers, Dad hadn't told him yet. They really were enemies before but things are different now, they are family, Izu will learn to accept that eventually.
“I see you are still not ready to be reasonable. I tried to be cordial. I wanted us to get off on the right foot but you made me do this. I will return when you are ready to listen to reason. And little brother the next time I come back you better be on your best behavior or you won’t like what will happen to your little friends.” Tomura replied with an ominous expression, closing the door to his little brother's room.
Despite how much it hurt him to leave his little brother so soon. He just wasn't ready to listen yet. Some time apart will help him adjust. After all, his only family left is Tomura. Izuku will eventually learn to be dependent on him and only him for all his needs and safety. Just like Sensei said he had done for his brother in the past.
Izuku was ready to tear his hair out. It had been weeks since he has had any human interaction and the isolation was starting to get to him. He can’t even take out his frustrations on the room because as soon as he tries to destroy something he is sedated, if he tries to hurt himself he is sedated, if he tries to take off the collar he is sedated, if he goes too long without sleep he is sedated. His meals are delivered while he is asleep and if he tries to ignore them he will receive a note threatening him with a feeding tube.
He can’t take it anymore, he lost everyone, his mom, his dad All Might , his school, his quirk. He can’t even find comfort in the vestiges of One for All because he can’t get the collar off. Izuku could feel his eyes starting to well up with tears as it started to set in that he lost his entire world within the span of six months. All might is gone, heroes are over, he will never be able to become a hero and make All Might proud. He lost . With that last thought Izuku broke into heart wrenching sobs, thick globs of tears clouding his vision and running down his ruddy cheeks. The poor boy was so lost in grief that he didn’t notice the door opening.
Izuku whimpered as he felt himself being pulled into someone's lap, warm arms wrapping tightly around him. Something felt off but couldn't help leaning into them. He was so tired, he just wanted his mom. He wanted to go back to his school with all his friends and teachers. He wanted his family but they don't exist anymore. Izuku’s wails started up again with a fresh set of tears rolling down his face. Shigaraki gently shushed Izuku, rocking him back and forth, gently running his hands up and down his back soothingly, until the boy fell asleep.
Tomura really wasn’t supposed to be down here, he had promised himself that he would be a strict guardian for Izuku. Izu’s punishment for his bad behavior was spending one month in isolation. Two weeks for trying to fight Tomura and the other two to help him reflect on the past few months and come to terms with his new reality. But he couldn’t help himself. He saw his little brother breaking down on the baby monitor and he had to go comfort him. It had been three weeks anyway so close enough right? 
Plus Izu didn't even reject him this time in fact he even leaned into his hug and was comforted by his presence, now that's progress. Tomura just had to wait for Izu to wake up and they can have their heart to heart and he can learn why they are brothers and the story behind their father. Then they can finally be happy together! 
When Izuku began to stir, he realized he was sleeping on something warm and squishy. He sleepily rubbed his face into it and felt it gently move up and down as he heard a scratchy chuckle. He sat up startled to see Shigaraki only to be pulled back down into a hug. Had he been cuddling with Tomura Shigaraki this entire time?! He tried to wiggle out the tight embrace only to be shushed by the man.
“Settle down little brother, you remembered what I said last time don’t you?” Tomara asked. Izuku just nodded into his stomach not trusting his mouth to not say something that would count as ‘bad behavior’. He didn't want any of his friends getting hurt because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
“Good boy. Now I have a very important story to tell and you will not interrupt me until I am finished or else either you or your friends will be punished. Yes it has to do with how we are brothers and who our father is.” Tomura added knowing that was probably the biggest question running through his baby brother's head.
“Ah ah ah no interrupting or else your friends won't get to eat for a week.” Tomura threatened seeing the augmentative look that appeared on his little brother's face when he mentioned their father. Izuku promptly shut his mouth.
“The story begins at the dawn of quirks with two brothers, Hisashi and Yoichi Shigaraki. The older brother was born with immense power and charm while the younger was born sickly and seemingly quirkless. Their mother had died during childbirth leaving the boys to a childhood of danger and homelessness. Since both boys had white hair and unique eye colors the brothers were often persecuted by anti-metahuman extremists. Because of this the older brother began to delve into a life of villainy to keep the younger brother safe and off the streets. He began to amass loyal followers and influence while his younger brother remained safe and oblivious in their home. Yes I know you have questions but save them until the end.” Shigaraki grinned at his brother's pouty expression.
“Until one day while Hisashi was off on a business trip, Yoichi decided to snoop around his older brother's office. Up until that point Hisashi had been very vague when describing his work to his little brother and that had only fueled Yoichi’s curiosity. He was horrified when he discovered what his brother was actually doing to pay for their new home. So when Hisashi came back home he was immediately confronted with an arm full of angry baby brother. Hiashi tried to reason with Yoichi, telling him he could ignore everything he saw and they could live normally again. He could even join him if he really wanted to but Yoichi rejected every offer Hisashi gave him. He had gotten the idea in his head that it was his job to take down Hisashi and his empire of ‘evil’. You see, Yoichi had always loved comic book heroes and heroic morals ever since he was a child. And when the idea for metahumans becoming government sanctioned ‘heroes’ became a reality he wanted to be a part of it though he had no quirk. Dad did always call uncle Yoichi an optimistic naive little idiot, kinda like you.” Tomura chuckled at his brother's offended face.
“Anyways Yoichi gave Hisashi an ultimatum. Either he stopped his villainy all together and turned himself in or Yoichi would have to stop him himself but either way Yoichi was leaving. So Hisashi did the only reasonable thing he could think of to protect his little brother, he locked him away in a vault. Which sounds bad when you say it out loud but Dad was only trying to protect Yoichi from his own stupidity. And you know what they say: If you want your family to stay, lock them away!” Tomura cleared his throat awkwardly at the deadpan look Izuku was giving him.
“No?…Hm maybe that was only a thing Dad would say… Anyways after a while in the vault Yoichi started to refuse his meals as an act of rebellion. His already sickly body was getting weaker and weaker everyday. So dad decided to give him a quirk. It was just supposed to be a weak stockpiling quirk to help give Uncle Yoichi’s body some strength but it unfortunately became One for All. Soon after while Hisashi had been away on a business trip, two vigilantes: who would later become the second and third user of One for All, broke into Dad’s mansion and broke into Yoichi’s room vault , kidnapping him from his only family. Yoichi’s naive little self then decided he wanted to become a vigilante too with the new power his brother had given him. So he was a dumb little vigilante on the run from his caring older brother for a while. During this time he also discovered that he had a quirk: the ability to pass on quirks, which was useless by itself but once melded with the stockpiling quirk became quite powerful. I don’t even want to know how he figured out he could pass it down through dna.” Tomura said with a grimace. But Sensei did always say to watch out for boys with spiky hair because they'll steal your family and your quirk. Hm, maybe the second user had spiky hair? 
“Soon after he passed on the quirk Hisashi had found them, he was going to kill the vigilantes for daring to steal his most prized possession. Hisashi aimed a powerful blast at the Second but Yoichi using his last embers One for All leaped in front of him before the Second could be hit. The Second and Third escaped while Yoichi died in Dad’s arms. After Yoichi’s death Dad soon realized that the Second was wielding Yoichi’s quirk alongside his own and figured out that Yoichi wasn't quirkless after all. He went on a rampage trying to find all the users and killing them one after the other. But by the time he would catch one they would have already passed on the quirk to their chosen successor…You have to understand Izuku. Everything Dad has ever done has been to make a better world for his family, for us.”
“By the time the Seventh successor came around the world was everything Dad never wanted it to be. Her name was Nana Shimura and she was my grandmother. She left my father in an orphanage so she could continue playing the hero. She abandoned her child so she could go off and raise some new successor. Her child grew up to be a child-beating bastard. This is why heroes are bad Izuku. All they care about is themselves. They don't give a damn about the people they hurt because of their actions, no one else matters to them.” Tomura growled out with tears starting to form in his eyes.
“When I was four my quirk: Decay, came in and I killed my entire family. It really was an accident. I never meant to harm anyone. I was just a baby back then. I wandered the streets looking for help but not a single person would answer my plea. Do you know why? Because why would a civilian help a child in need when a hero can come along and do it for them. There is no reason for them to be good people when there are heroes around to do that. Day after day people wouldn't even spare a glance at me even the heroes patrolling wanted nothing to do with a dirty villainous looking child. Not until Sensei, he found me and took care of me as if I were his own child. That day I became his son. He didn't care that I was the Seventh’s grandson; he still loved me and raised me until the day he died.” Tomura said in a thick voice choked with tears. 
Izuku looked away, uncomfortable seeing so much emotion on the villain's face.
“Izuku look at me.” Tomura cried, gently cupping Izuku's face and turning it to face him.
“I know you don't believe me right now and this is all very confusing. But I need you to understand that our Dad loved you. He loved us, more than anything in the world. And if it was possible to stay with us forever he would have. He died to help make the world a better place for us.” Tomura’s voice trembled as tears fell down his face.
“How about we take a little break. Stay here and big brother will be right back in a minute.” Tomura said quietly as he rushed out of the room. He didn’t mean to burst into tears in front of his little brother but Izuku needed to know these things even if they hurt him to tell. 
He took the elevator down to the communal kitchen to grab a snack for Izuku ,since their panty is pretty empty right now, only to run into Dabi and Toga. 
“Hey Tomu, wait… have you been crying?” Dabi asked gruffly, concerned for their other man's well being. 
“Shut up, I'm fine.” Tomara replied, covering his face with his hands.
“Aww it's okay Shiggy, you don’t have to be embarrassed to cry in front of us.” Toga cooed, reaching out to hug the blue haired man.
“It’s just getting Izuku to understand why he is here and why the collapse of hero society is for the best has been really hard. I just want him to understand that all of this is for his own good.” Tomara replied, rubbing the residual tears from his eyes.
“Shiggy, it's going to be okay. We all knew the first months were going to be the hardest. I can't even tell you how many times Ochako has made me and Dad cry.”
“Can’t relate Shouto has been a total sweetheart since day one.” Dabi said smugly.
“No but seriously it's going to be alright. The little one will eventually come around when he realizes that know one is coming for him and he doesn't have the power to stop us. And If he doesn't, well we’ll be here to help you knock some sense into the little guy's head.” Dabi added.
“Yeah! And when they are finally settled in we can bring them out to the garden for a playdate.” Toga said happily.
“Thank you,” Tomura said quietly, rummaging through the drawers for snacks.
“Shut up, we're family, we help each other.” Dabi murmured averting his eyes, the healthy skin on his cheeks flushing pink.
Tomura left the room with his snacks and a small smile on his face, filled with a rush of  determination from the impromptu pep talk. Tomura walked into Izuku’s room to see him sitting right where he left him. Huh he didn't expect him to actually listen to him when he told him to stay put. “Hm, maybe I'm making more progress than I believed,” Tomura thought. He shut the door and sat down on the bed beside Izuku and handed him his snacks.
“Here you must be hungry, eat this for now and we can eat breakfast once we're done with our conversation. Now where did I leave off? Oh right a few years after Sensei found me you were born. We were never told of each other because we were both being raised to lead completely different lives. I was being raised to be our fathers successor, the man to bring hero society onto its knees and you…You were never supposed to be a hero or villain, you were just meant to be Izuku, not Deku, not the next symbol of peace, just Izuku, my little brother. You were never meant to be risking your life for people who would never appreciate you. But we’ll talk about that some other time I'm getting off topic.”
“Dad helped raise you until you were nine when he had to leave on a business trip. It was never supposed to be permanent. He was going to kill All Might, take back One for All and fix Japan himself. But the damn eighth almost killed him in their initial fight, All Might ripped his head off and spattered his brain on the concrete. He almost didn't make it but Garaki managed to save him. With injuries so severe there was no way he could ever come back home to you but I promise he never wanted to leave you. After that he only ever communicated to you through phone calls and sending funds for you and your mother.”
“Originally we were supposed to meet in your first year of high school though you were supposed to go to a normal run of the mill high school not UA. Sensei was so happy that you were finally coming back home to your family, but something changed. You met All Might and became the ninth user of OFA and enrolled in UA. You never came home. After that Dad had to scrap those plans and make new ones. The next time he planned for us to meet as brothers was once the heroes had fallen and he was dead, I am fulfilling dads plan. We can finally become brothers like he wanted us to be. Alright, you can ask your questions now.” Tomura said with a small smile. 
“You’re lying there is no way All for One is my father! My dad’s last name was Midoriya and he was the kindest, most loving father in the world. There is no way that villain could ever be him.” Izuku argued, offended at the very notion that the symbol of evil could ever be his father. 
“I was thinking you were going to say. Look at this picture of me and Sensei. Do you recognize the man in the photo?” 
Izuku felt the blood drain from his face, there in the photo was his shy awkward father smiling with a child shigaraki. 
“No you’re lying, that's fake!” Izuku argues, tears starting to well up in his eyes.
“Izuku, I can show you thousands of pictures and videos of me and dad together. You know this is real.” Tomura barked. He hated to make his little brother cry but he needed to rip off the bandaid. Izuku cannot go any longer denying their bond. Izuku is his little brother, he belongs to Tomura and only Tomura and he needs to get it through his thick skull.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Izuku shouted, bursting into tears. His Dad couldn't have been a monster. 
“I know this has been a lot for you to take in, I'll have Kurogiri bring you breakfast and you can spend the rest of the day reflecting on what you learned. Maybe think about how you can be a good little brother as well.” 
And with that said Tomura left leaving Izuku in a catatonic state. His Dad was a two-hundred year old villain? And Tomura Shigaraki is his adopted older brother! What is he supposed to do with that information? Also what was wrong with that story? It felt very biased towards AFO and made Yoichi’s ideals seem like child play. Did Tomura seriously believe that junk? Izuku spent the day wondering what exactly being Shigaraki’s brother would entail until he fell into a restless sleep. 
The next morning Izuku awoke to the door being slammed open to reveal a smiling Shigaraki.
“Good morning little brother! I don’t have any work to attend to today so we’ll be spending the day together. But first we need to go over the rules you’ll need to learn if you're going to live here.” Shigaraki explained happily, excited to finally spend time with his little brother. He sat on the bed and pulled Izuku onto his lap.
“What? Hey stop! What are you doing?” Izuku yelled trying to squirm out Tomura’s hold.
“Settle down little brother.” Shigraki warned as he popped Izuku on the thigh.
“...” Izuku stilled, face flushing; he was so shocked to be reprimanded like a toddler he couldn't even come up with a response.
“Good boy. Don’t worry there won’t be too many complicated rules to remember just pretty basic stuff all little brothers do.” Tomura said, patting Izuku on the head. Izuku just sat there, shocked still.
“Firstly you will always address me as Tomura-nii, Tenko-nii, nii-chan, Tomu-nii, or big brother. You can choose whichever you like most but you always need to say one of them when you address me, understand.” Tomara said sternly this was a sign of respect Izuku needed to do and was not something he was willing to compromise on. 
“Yes.” Izuku grumbled, an annoyed pout forming on his face.
“Yes, what?” Tomura growled.
“Yes, big brother.” Izuku spit out, cheeks flushing light pink.
“Good job bunny.
Rule number two: always obey big brother he knows what is best for you. That one is pretty self explanatory I think. 
Rule number three: no fighting, cursing, or lashing out at your big brother. Little brothers are supposed to be calm, docile, and sweet. You can't be a proper little brother if you're acting out like a heathen.
Rule number four: If something is wrong you come to me immediately and I will help you. If I Am not available you can go to any of the other adults in the house but you cannot ignore your problems. If I find out something is wrong with you and you ignored instead of asking for help, you will be punished.
Rule number five: No escaping or leaving the premises without my permission, breaking this rule will result in a severe punishment.
Rule number six: You cannot shy away from my touch. If I want a hug you cannot refuse. 
Rule number seven: You will never try to use that quirk. It is too powerful for you and you were never supposed to have it anyway.” Tomura said sternly. These rules were here to keep his baby brother safe and protected.
“Okay I think that is all the rules for now, let's move on to punishments. Punishments can range from timeout, toys being taken away, writing lines, spanking, a night in the vault, solitary confinement, withholding food from your friends, erasing your quirk permanently, torturing your friends, killing your friends.” Tomura said, looking up to see his baby brother's face flooding with tears.
“Don't worry those last three are only for big things like if you escaped and did not return within 24 hours or if you tried to use your quirk against us. But you would never do that right Izuku? You’re a good boy aren't you? You would never put your friends' lives in danger like that would you? Tomura asked gently, wiping away Izuku's tears. Izuku whined, shaking his head no.
“Good, now onto the rewards. These will depend on how long you can keep up with the rules, a week would equal an All Might toy or something you like or a few weeks would be a walk around the manor. If you make it through a month without breaking a single rule you can have a playdate with one of your little friends. But only the ones in our care and it depends on their progress as well. From what I hear the baby Todoroki is doing the best out of all of you. You can have a playdate with him if you can behave for a month. You're still settling in so these are pretty basic but once you are done. You can earn a phone, a new quirk, a pet, trips outside wherever you'd like, even supervised trips with your friends.” Tomara explained grimacing when he saw Izuku's eyes glitter when he mentioned going outside. He’s likely thinking of escape but he would snuff out those ideas soon enough.
“That's all for now. That shouldn't be too hard to remember, right Izu?” 
“Yes Tomu-nii,” Izuku chirped. Oh he was so going to bust out of this place. He just needed to be on his best behavior and earn that visit playdate with Shouto. Then they can make a plan to get the others out of here. Though he is kind of worried about what's been happening to Shouto. What kind of progress is Shigaraki talking about? 
“That was so cute,” Tomura grinned, squishing Izuku's cheeks.
“Now do you know how to play video games?”
This is how they spent most of their days. Tomura would wake him up and hang out with him. Punish him if he did anything wrong or give him a reward. He was treated like a weird mix of a pet and a toddler. His plan to earn the visit with Shoto was not doing great, everytime he would get close to the two week mark he would accidentally break a rule like calling Tomu-nii, Shigaraki. And the count would restart, honestly his brother was expecting too much out of him. 
Speaking of Tomura, he was surprisingly affectionate, showering Izuku with hugs, cuddles, kisses, and pets constantly throughout the day. Izuku would hate it if he wasn't so touch starved though he supposed Tomura did isolate him on purpose. He actually wasn't too bad if Izuku ignored the creepy possessiveness, at least he seemed to genuinely love Izuku and wouldn't hurt him. Well unless Izuku was breaking a rule then all bets were off. 
One time while leaving in a sleepy state Tomura had forgotten to lock his door, Izuku did what any reasonable person would do, he ran like hell trying to escape and was immediately sedated. When he woke up Tomura had taken him over his lap and spanked him. He couldn't sit properly for days afterward! Izuku hasn't done anything bad enough to receive the worst punishments but he's trying to break out of here before those can happen.
After nearly three months he finally did it. He made it through a whole month of good behavior. He can finally start his plan to get out of here. Though a small part of him will miss Tomura just a little bit. Somewhere along the way he actually started to like Tomura and his awkward presence, he really was like a big brother to him. But that didn't matter, he was still his enemy, Izuku still needed to get out of here and take him down. There's still a whole society that needs fixing out there and he'll be the one to do it. He’ll make All Might proud.
“Nii-chan I did it. I was a good boy for a whole month. Can I see Shouto now?” Izuku giggled, jumping up and down looking up at Tomura with his best puppy eyes. Damn he was really playing up the little brother thing wasn't he. Whatever he can be embarrassed later when he successfully escapes but for now this is a necessary evil. 
“Yeah yeah I'll ask Dabi how Shouto’s been behaving and if he's been good we can set something up for you guys tomorrow” Tomura said, picking Izuku and spinning him around.
“Yay! Thank you Tomu-nii!” Izuku giggled.
Don't worry guys I’m coming to get you out. I'll save you no matter what.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 year ago
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Pro-Hero!Izuku Midoriya (Part 2)
He comes to check on you several times through the course of the night, hand on your forehead for your temperature, or fingers on your neck for your pulse. Once he’s satisfied with your condition he readjusts your blankets and pillows, and leaves.
He knows that waking up with an IV in your arm will only scare you, and the potential for you to hurt yourself trying to get it out is great enough for him to pump you with another sedative. You lay still, limp and compliant as the intravenous tube pumps you full of hydrating nutrients. Over just a few hours, you already look healthier and livelier, some color and brightness returning to your skin.
He’s glad he finally caught you. How many times has he seen you digging through dumpsters, or setting up empty bottles to catch rainwater? How many times have you boiled water over fire just to ensure that it was somewhat clean? How many times have you bitten into thrown out food that was tampered with to keep the homeless away?
He remembers seeing you bite into bread that had been thrown out by a bakery, not knowing that it had been doused with bleach.
He remembers seeing you struggle to keep down dirty water afterwards, your burned tongue forcing you to spit out the murky and stale liquid.
Izuku had wanted to approach you then, to pat you on the back and offer you his own water, and buy you something proper and filling to eat. But you were in a bad state, most likely unwilling to trust what seemed like too generous an offer after getting a big mouthful of bleach from an unsuspicious pastry.
So he “dropped” his own water bottle near you, made of sturdy and durable metal, filling to the brim with clean, clear water.
When you had gone to investigate the clang of metal against pavement, pipe tightly clutched in your hands. It had clattered to the ground seconds later as you scooped up the metal flask, sniffing at the water to ensure that it was at least somewhat safe before downing it.
You’ve already been through so much, if you’re desperate enough to drink from a stranger’s water bottle seconds after it hit the ground, he had thought. And that thought had broken his heart.
What sort of hero would he be if he chose not to interfere?
You need someone to guide you, obviously. Temper the fire inside and file the rougher edges away, softening your scabbed and scarred heart. Someone to help you grow into the best version of yourself. Someone to ensure that don’t spend another day hurt or hungry or cold.
And he’s more than up to the task.
You wake up feeling dizzy but warm, the bedding around you incredibly inviting.
But that’s not right. The bed should be thin and the blankets worn, and there certainly shouldn’t be any pillows. Still, your head gently rests on a plush pillow while your body drinks in the heat of the multiple blankets wrapped around you. And the bed conforms and shifts under your weight, comfortably holding you.
You don’t want to get up. If you do, you’ll wake up from this comfortable dream, or realize that you’re in a hospital or in heaven, and neither sounds too good right now.
Only one thing snaps you out of that comfortable haze- loud knocking on the door. You kick into full panic, trying to scramble up and out of the bed, thinking for a moment that maybe someone had found your little hideout, that you’ll be taken into custody and either stuffed into some awful foster family or sent to jail.
The man who steps in none other than the hero you had met last night, Deku. He strides to the bed, pressing his hands on your shoulders to hold you down.
“You’re safe now, Y/N. Everything will be okay. I’m here for you. Just take a deep breath and let me explain.”
You stop thrashing around, if only because he hasn’t hurt you and you really would like an explanation as to why he has you in his house. (And because he’s too strong to fight against, his broad palms pressing you firmly into the mattress.)
“There was a change made to the Pro-Hero system a few years back, actually. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.”
You pause to stare up at him with wide eyes, hoping that he’ll change his mind or at least say he’s only joking. But he does neither. He just looks down and says:
“Do you know what rehab is, Y/N?”
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so if I host a bnha halloween digital fan zine would anyone join it??? honest question, I've been rotating the idea in my brain for d a y s
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everypanelofizuku · 7 months ago
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Chapter 96 - Home Visits
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yuujigumi · 2 years ago
I know its a funny haha to paint Kirishima as himbo rock man but he's actually kinda good at manipulation? He appealed to Bakugou's strict perseverance of being number one when convincing him to be on his team for the cavalry battle by openly asserting his understanding of Bakugou's goal for the 10000 points and aligning himself with that goal. He tricked Bakugou into helping him study by appealing to his competitive nature by insinuating that Yaoyorozu was beating him with her virtuous offer to help others study. And again he convinced those he needed to help him rescue Bakugou from the LoV by appealing to Midoriya's literal hero complex and sense of responsibility, knowing that Midoriya already has an almost blind bond of loyal attachments he can sway in his favour ( there's no malice to this decisions but rather an acute social understanding). On a less intense level he's quick to make assessment, is able to parse through Bakugou's fiery outer shell and understand the true meaning of his word, and he's emotionally intelligent and empathetic leading to ease in social situations. He's smart and brawny, that's why he's best boy
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evilkat23 · 5 months ago
@bnhawhump I'm excited to show off my work for the whump bang! Along with my artist! @freedom-of-speech333
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firyfox · 2 years ago
hi sorry if you've been asked this b4 but what's your fav MHA headcanon? Or just a silly one u have?
(mine is that deku doesn't remember the river and katsuki is devastated when he finds out)
Dang that's actually one of my peetpeeve headcanons that people have adjsktv💀🤚🏼 Anyway one of my funny headcanons is that deku would absolutely have beef with Mitsuki for being mean to Kacchan 😤 also I'm not sure if he'd make that known or if he'd just silently seethe about it in a one sided beef while keeping up his nice goodboy personality around Mitsuki bc Kacchan said to not make a big deal of it - or when bk isn't looking dk glares at her from across the table whenever she makes some rude comment about Bakugo lmao
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mrkeatingsblazer · 2 years ago
I wholeheartedly enjoy damsel in distress Bakugou katsuki
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