#kid icarus uprising magnus
local-hyena · 2 months
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Kid Icarus Uprising is definitly one of oy favorite 3DS games ! I just finished it and loved every second of it. In this game, you play as Pit, an angel. Helped by Lady Palutena, goddess of light, you will fight the armies of the underworld in order to save the world from Hades. I especially enjoyed the characters in this game. But I'll come back to that later.
Each level is composed of two phases : air battle and land battle. Air battle is a rail shotyer while land battle allows you free movement. Similarly to Star Fox 64's levels. Your objectives is to shoot as many ennemies as possible to obtain hearts (some sort of currency) and a high score. At the beginning of each level you will bet hearts : the more hearts you bet, the harder the level will be, but you'll get better rewards.
You also have a variety of weapons to choose from. I personally like the long-range weapon better, as well as fast ones. I especially enjoy playing with the bow, but staffs and blades are good too. I do not like claws, clubs and arms. I haven't played with palms, orbitars and cannons too much.
You can fuse your weapons to get better ones : weapons in this game don't have stats, but they all have effects, and by fusion weapons, you can get a mix of effects that corresponds better to your playstyle.
The story is 25 chapters long. The dialogues and fighting happen at the same time. Thourought the chapters, you will meet a varued cast of chatacters. Mostly gods.
Speaking of characters ! As much as I love Pit, my favorite character is Magnus. He appears in chapter two as an ally, and you fight with hil for most of the level. He's badass as hell and very strong ! He's also mysterious. We don't know much about him or his past. At some point you even play as Magnus ! Which is insanely cool !! Of course, I like Pit too, as well as Dark Pit (I'm sorry but Pittoo is fuckin ridiculous). Pit's cute. Dark Pit is... kinda there ? But cool. And, well, Hades. The big bad guy. He radiates fun. I always like it when villains are joking around while destroying the world like it's nothing.
However, as enjoyable as this game is, it also has a lot of cons :
This game is essentially a twin stick shooter. On a 3DS. See what's wrong ? The console only has one circle pad. In order to control your camera/aiming, you have to use the touch screen. The controls, overall, are a pain in the ass.
The difficulty is something you can easily manipulate in this game. However, the difference between how difficult the level is and how difficult the bosses are is... astounding. The bosses are way too easy compared to the levels. It takes like, about a minut to finish one, whereas the the regular air and land battles are quite difficult. It's a good challenge, but it's unbalanced.
As I said, the dialogues and fighting happen at the same time, and it's really difficult to follow both. While tou can change where the subtitles (if you want them) are displayed, I took way too much damage when trying to follow the story.
I feel like the characters are under-developped. I'm taking back Magnus as an example. We have very little informations about his motivations, and why he is almost as powerful as an angel is never explained. Dark Pit suffers the wame fate : his whole existence is... pointless. He was kinda accidentally created, and by how he was portrayed at first, we would expect him to become an antagonist, or at least a secondary one. But no. Oh, but then, does he become a good guy ? Not exactly either. He is... kinda neutral. The thing I'm the most annoyed by is that his role is... well, he doesn't really have one. His action don't affe t the story too much. I wish he had been more important.
I also wish there was more bonuses when you finish the game. You do get a boss rush challenge, but I wish we'd at least get the option to change the menu's theme : either Palutena's or Viridi's. I would've LOVED a Hades theme. Oh, one small detail I like about the menu is that you can move the buttons around. It's very fun to play with.
One last thing that disappointed me : the vehicles. Don't get me wrong, I love the vehicles. Cherubot is my favorite one. But the game does not use them to their full potential. They are sometimes found in levels. You can do à section with them. But that's all. I wish there were levels dedicated entirely to these vehicles. For example : I don't remember when this happens, but there's a part in which you have to use the motorcycle on a trail, and this was a good use of the motorcycle.
In conclusion, Kid Icarus : Uprising is an excellent game for all people looking for fun ! It does have cons, but hey all games do, and they don't ruin the gameplay or anything, so it's fine. I enjoyed playing this game, and I think you would too !
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paitopastry · 3 months
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hey bros here’s some of my kid icarus uprising
GREAT and awesome awesome to the max game bro
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hoshizoralone · 11 months
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happy halloween from the kid icarus halloween party (pit picked everyone’s costumes)
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captainludraws · 2 years
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kid icarus uprising 11th anniversary ✨
thank you @bopdawoo for sketching out chaos kin for me!
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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skywardmajora · 2 years
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i need more viridi coded posts. she deserves it
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cosmic-nest · 4 months
Me writing a fic where Magnus teaches Pit how to read >:)
We are making him literate in this household
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coderiderr · 4 months
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Bisexual & Trans Magnus Icons
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whoslink · 1 year
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Magnus deserves more appreciation, really.
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axolototron · 6 months
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I'm new here but I do like drawing
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kaitopitoo · 6 months
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...fight ensues...
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ring of chaos. reimagined, with my own twist. chaotic ring.
had fun. added a couple panels...
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azuhreidii-arts · 2 years
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03.22.12 / 12.19.86
Happy 10th anniversary and 36th anniversary to Kid Icarus: Uprising and to the Kid Icarus franchise as a whole~ ✨🎂
So...remember that “placeholder” art I posted for KI:U’s 10th earlier this year because I said I had something else planned? Welp, it’s this. xD
Stuff got in the way so I kinda just merged it together with KI’s anniversary lol
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 1 year
Magnus’s Theme // Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
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kidicarustakes · 7 months
I wish it was possible to offer hearts to other characters than the godesses 💖
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Pit: You've got it, Bro! Magnus: Did you just call me 'bro'!? I'll kill you!
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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