#kid came in sad and she's instantly on the 'okay who am I fighting today' train
vypcr · 2 years
I will never get over the nervous karate parent energy here
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Disney Romance - Cinderella’s Bird - 200 followers special
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@littlesniggy​ said : Hey you! Now it's my turn to request something! Kida sad you don't write for Akainu but I can understand 😂 He's an asshole! If it hasn't been requested yet, would you do Mulan/Cinderella with Kid x female reader? I'm super excited which one you choose/ if you choose it at all! Thank you!
A/N : Omg thankyou so much for sending an ask @littlesniggy​ san!!! I am so excited to answer this for you! I loved writing for the grumpy boy. This was really a beautiful experience writing this for Eustass KIdd. Please don’t have high expectations for this.
Warning : A big fic written by me. But has a happy ending.
Word count : 2.7K
I hope you like it!
“Why the hell should I get married now?”, you complained to your Robin who always was beside you, she was a maid but you always admired her and always treated her like a friend not like a maid.
Robin sighed and patted your head as she took the place beside you on the bed. “I should have the choice when I want to get married. Not some jerk who is randomly selected by my parents”, you scoffed and plopped back on the soft burgundy-coloured bedsheets. Robin gave you a sad smile and said, “That’s true. I too believe that marriage should be for Love”
Being a princess isn’t easy. Every girl dream to be a princess but its not as beautiful like the fairy tales are. You are a live example for that. Not once you could decide for yourself. Even the big puffy yellow gown you were wearing was not of your choice. The corset was killing you inside. You wanted to rip it off and throw it out of your window. With language classes, you always had dance classes, tea sessions, music classes. Everything that was chosen by your parents, was practically forced upon you.
‘What kind of lunatic needs to learn how to drink tea?’, you cursed the tea sessions when ever you were being called to it. All you did was brew tea and drink during the whole time. The music classes were always a hectic. You wanted to learn an instrument but when you were given another. Your wishes were denied because who cares about your dreams? In the beginning even dance classes were troublesome, But you tried to put up with all those demands of your parents. In return they are now trying to get you married as soon as possible.
“I’m done with this Robin”, you spoke and got up. “I’ll do whatever I want”, your voice was stern and Robin was curious on what you were about to do.
“Cancel todays classes, I’ll be going to visit the town to relieve my stress”, you announced briskly walking towards the closet.
“Are you sure your highness? But how can you go alone? You must have someone wit-”
“Robin! Its fine. I can take care of myself”, you didn’t let her finish her sentence. Throwing your corset on the floor and dressing up like a maid didn’t take long enough. You made your way towards the secret passage in the palace and exited the palace. Even though Robin was worried, she had to stay back in the castle to make sure no one notices your leaving.
The town and the market were as lively as ever and you walked around the place. As you kept walking, you saw a couple who looked very much in love. You felt a bit envious of them. At least the commoners had the freedom to do what they like. As you were walking aimlessly in the market, you bumped into a tall buff guy.
“Oh I’m sorry”, after apologising you thought of leaving but it didn’t go well.
“Hey! How can you go away like that?” the man started to fight with you. As you felt the very heavy scent of alcohol hit your nostrils, you knew that this man was heavily drunk.
“What? I apologised so what’s your problem now?” you questioned as your dominant hand slowly reached for the sword hidden in your skirt.
“You bitch how dare you speak back to me?” he raised his hand to land a hit on you but just when you were about to take out the sword, his had was stopped mid-air. You then saw a man who had red hair. As soon as the jerk saw that man, it seemed like his senses came back to him again.
“Asshole! Didn’t I tell you this is my shop and never make a scene in front of it”, the man shouted at the rogue twisting his arm. He winced in pain as he apologised and ran away.
The red haired man went into a shop, what seemed like a shop of vegetables and fruits. ‘Was he a farmer?’, you thought and followed him. Looking inside, there were so many fresh vegetables and also fruits in the shop.
“What do you want?”, a sharp voice questioned making you turn towards the owner of the voice. It was the same red head from before.
“Uh, I… I’m here to buy”, you said and looked around again trying to seem convincing. He huffed and sat on a chair fiddling with something which seemed like a machine. Your interest perked up and you asked him, “What are you making?”, moving closer to take a peek at the machine.
“Why should I tell you?”, he spat but as he looked at your face, he noticed that your eyes were sparkling with curiosity and interest.
“Tsk”, he clicked his tongue and explained about the way he wanted to make a machine bird as you listened to him carefully. He kept telling you how helpful machines would be if used in the correct way.
“But, don’t you think, this material you are using to make this bird is kinda… cheap and looks like its gonna break soon?”, you questioned for which he frowned and replied, “Don’t you think I already know that? I… I just don’t have the money”, mumbling the last part.
“Oh! I got an idea. Listen to me, uhh..”
“Eustass Kidd”
“So, Kidd As this bird is still in the beginning process, I’ll bring you the material tomorrow. Till then don’t touch this. Okay now I need to leave. I’ll be taking this basket here”, you said and took a basket of strawberries and tossed a coin to him.
“HEY WAIT!! YOU DIDN’T EVE- and she’s gone”, still with that grumpy look Kidd took his screw driver to continue working on the bird. But he remembered you telling him to wait till tomorrow. So he sat back in his chair and exhaled.
“Its not because she told me to wait. I… I want to continue this tomorrow”, he huffed and folded his hands. Then he remembered about the coin you threw.
He opened his palm and his eyes widened as he looked at the coin. It was a gold coin. A freaking gold coin for a basket of strawberries.
“No way. What the heck is she thinking?”, he carefully placed it back in the locker and thought to give it back to you tomorrow.
At the castle you came back and continued with your remaining day. You should leave tomorrow. So you need to make plans.
“Robin I need you to do something for me”, you explained how you needed high quality metal and also the timings of classes to be shifted. So, it did happen and you had continuous morning classes without breaks but, you were a free after them and it made you to take material Kidd wanted to make the bird. Changing out from your attire of a princess you went to the same shop as yesterday. There you found the man coming towards you as if he was waiting for you all along.
“I got the material you need”, you said as you placed it beside his table where the bird was supposed to be made.
“Were you waiting for me? Sorry I was late”, you said and he instantly replied, “Wha- Who was waiting for you?”
“Ah ok”, you muttered as you saw him instantly looking and taking the material with a faint pink shade on his cheeks. He looked just like a child exited to play with his toys.
“Where the hell did you even get these? These are clearly expensive?”, his sudden questions made your thoughts to break.
“Ah… I got it from the Kings dumpster”, you made the blankest expression trying to hide your lie.
“Kings Dumpster?! The King threw away this metal when it’s like this?”, he asked as his brows raised when you just nodded.
“Tsk… and here I am, trying to get re-rid of rust from metal. Using them for the 100th time”, he huffed.
You both sat opposite to each other and he worked on the bird as you learned about the work he was doing. Helping him with giving the appropriate tool at times, you had more fun than you ever had in your life. He tried to return the gold coin but you didn’t take it and made a deal to take vegetables or fruits in return, for which he agreed. You both fist bumped as an agreement of the deal.
From that day, you made your way out of the castle to meet Kidd. Surprisingly, he always waited for you to come to work on the bird. Meanwhile he somewhere started to call you little lady and you actually liked it. It became a routine for you to take a basket of veggies or fruits every time you left the shop. Sometimes he’d you’d tag along with him to his small farm. He was totally proud of his farm. His eyes showed it. Where you knew you never felt that feeling that he was feeling. Never once in your life you felt you were proud of something you did. He was living a complete different life than yours. You found your heart skip a beat every time Kidd smiled. You liked him.
Kidd was unique. He was terrible in showing his emotions but he was a good person. Every time you left the castle for him, seemed right. You actually felt happy seeing him and working with him. But of course, this happiness didn’t last long. Your parents wanted you to get married soon and told you to pick a groom for yourself in the ball that is going to be hosted next week. Bloody next week.
Because of the ball, you had to take even more classes for walking like a princess and also more fashionistas coming to find the perfect gown for you. Due to those, you couldn’t meet Kidd for 4 days.
Meanwhile, Kidd waited for you staring at the front door of his shop. Whenever the door opened, he met with disappointment because it wasn’t you. He couldn’t even continue on his bird. He had doubts on his feelings for you but now, it was clear for him that he liked you. Your thoughts haunted him. His heart earned for you. Only for you to return.
After a long hard day of work, you sneaked out of the castle in the evening and went to Kidd’s shop. You opened the door and your eyes met with Kidds. You both stared at eachother for a few seconds before he spoke.
“Come in”, you obliged and walked into the shop towards the desk where you both made bird. It was just like it was 3 days ago. “You didn’t continue to make the bird?”, you inquired as he just turned away and shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.
“Kidd, its late and I have to leave soon so listen to me”, his vision shifted to you as he gulped.
“But you just came, why do you have to leave?” he asked as he approached you and placed his hands on your shoulder.
“Aww did you miss me?” you tried to tease him but this time, he neither denied nor looked away from you blushing. He stayed silent for a while before he said, “I did”
You didn’t even expect that from Kidd. His hands travelled down from your shoulders to your hands. “I did miss you. So much that I couldn’t even touch that bird”, He looked serious. He placed one hand on your chin and looked into your eyes.
“I didn’t… I didn’t think your thoughts would haunt me that much when you didn’t come. I… I didn’t know when, why or how. But I know that, I have feelings for you little lady”, his voice trembled as he spoke the last bit.
“Kidd are you serious?” you asked placing a hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and nodded. His eyes looked desperate for your answer. Pulling him towards you, you connected your lips with his. The kiss was gentle and with so much of emotion.
Both pulled away to look into each other’s eyes. “I have feelings for you too Kidd”, you smiled and Kidd’s face lit up making you smile in return. He leaned and touched your forehead with yours and exhaled with relief. “Can I request you something Kidd?”, you asked and he nodded.
“Can you come to the castle this coming Wednesday?”
“To the castle? Why?”
“There is a ball going to be held and I want you to come”, you said and stepped back, away from his touch. “Now it’s my turn to wait for you, I should tell you something. So please come”, the last part sounded more like a pleading and with that you left the shop.
Kidd didn’t knew why you had to leave so early. His heart was beating so fast. Confused whether whatever happened now was real or not. He sat on his chair unable to remove your pleading face from earlier. Kidd looked at the bird which was unfinished and took the screw driver to continue working on it. Its been a while since he alone worked on something. It wasn’t a new feeling for him but still, he preferred to talk and have you around while he made it.
The day of the ball arrived. You wore your outfit and looked out the window at the crowd of people came to the castle. Men and women from so many places arrived there. With the help of Robin you made sure that when Kidd comes, he wouldn’t be stopped by any of the guards. The time was almost running out. The first dance was supposed to be started soon but you couldn’t find Kidd anywhere.
Your parents were urging you to find a partner and start the first dance. ‘So Kidd isn’t coming’, you thought and tilted your head up to prevent the tears falling out from your eyes. You pinched your skin trying to distract the pain away. Stepping on the ball room in your burgundy coloured dress, you walked with a straight face. Then suddenly your eyes fell on a person, who was trying to not be visible in the crowd but, his hair was definitely saying otherwise. You swiftly made your way towards that person.
People cleared way for you and it didn’t take long for you to meet the person with the red hair. He was wearing golden coloured suit and his hair was combed back neatly. He looked different but it was him. His cheeks turned the same colour of his hair. You chuckled and took his hand, pulling him towards the middle of the ball room. You placed your hands on his shoulder and pulled him closer to you. His hand trembled before he placed it on your waist. With that the music played and you both danced, with other people also dancing.
“Why didn’t you come to me?”
“How could I? You are a princess and why didn’t you tell me you were a princess?”
“Would you even talk to me like you did if you knew I were a princess?”
“That’s… true but… now here I am, with the princess Y/N in my arms”, he said pulling you closer. You giggled and pushed back the strand of hair which was on his forehead. You both smiled at each other and continued dancing. After the first dance, he pulled you away from the ball room and you followed. He walked towards the garden where no one was and took out something from under the bench.
“What did you bring?”, you asked. He turned and showed it to you. Your eyes went wide looking at the bird that he brought.
“You made her at last!” you exclaimed as he looked down shyly. “Yeah kind of made it. I wanted to show it to you today”
“I love it so much”, you said as you took it in your hands. It was your memory. The time you spent making it with Kidd. It was precious to you two.
“Keep it. It’s yours now”, he said as he smiled.
“Really?! I will take care of it so well”, you replied and jumped on him making him catch you quickly. You looked at him and leaned in for kissing him again. Now, it was passionate. No one to intrude as you were alone. Smiling you pulled back and leaned your forehead with his.
You now found a grumpy man, who would understand you and would really be the reason for you to smile.
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I hope you liked it. Thankyou for reading.
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Two decades and two children later, you and your ex-husband learn to navigate the world of co-parenting.
Word Count: 2,604.
Warning: Daddy issues, mommy issues, angst, drama, romance. Love to see it.
You could feel it. The light illuminating your face, touching it with a gentle heat that made your eyes flutter open. Your head felt heavy, as if your neck was attempting to support the weight of a canon ball. You rested your skull on the back of the chair you sat in, eyelids dropping just above your irises. Just in the distance, you could make out a cinema screen. Large, blurry, projecting a bright white screen.
Her image appeared in the center of the square, perfect, in place, still. But you could make out the grin on her face. Watching her dark red lips release the words, “Hello, sleepyhead.”
You could just barely muster up the strength to part your lips, pushing out a small gust of air. It was hot and made your mouth feel like it was on fire.
“Oh,” she interrupted you, gently, quietly. You jumped at the feeling of her touching your arm, her palm tight around your forearm. She was cold, freezing, but you could still feel warmth radiating off of her. “I’m afraid you can’t stay too long this time. It’s time to wake up.”
“Hm?” You whined. “Mm?”
“Wake up,” she repeated. “C’mon, wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake u—“
You jolted, violently, harshly, your eyes springing open to reveal the usual sight of your bedsheets.
“Mom, wake up,” an exasperated voice sounded from beside you, the words catching your attention instantly. Tightly.
“Huh?” You mumbled, flickering your eyes up to the figure at your side, sitting on your bed, looking at you with a concerned stare. “Hm?”
“Are you alright?” Eden asked. Sunlight shone on her face, giving her the appearance of an angel. Sent to wake you, pull you back into reality. “What were you dreaming about?”
You let out a long sigh, as if you could even begin to explain your subconscious mind to your 15-year-old daughter. “Oh, y’know,” you whispered, sitting yourself upright and resting back against the headboard. “Just...lions, and tigers, and bears.”
“Oh my,” Eden responded, her big brown eyes concentrated on your face.
You chuckled underneath your breath, and let out a quick huff. “Oh, shoot, is your brother up?”
“He’s up, he’s dressed, he’s fed, and reading the Illiad.”
“Oh?” You stepped out of bed, pulling the duvet over your legs to reveal your pajama pants. “What happened to War and Peace?”
“He finished that yesterday.”
“He gets quicker every hour,” you shook your head.
“It’s a genius thing,” Eden shrugged. She fiddled with the ends of her hair, watching the strands brush over her fingers as she chewed her lip. “Hey, mom?”
“Yeah, kid?” You replied, standing in the bathroom mirror as you began to get ready for the day.
“You—you know dad, right?”
You stopped in your tracks, any and all movements coming to a halt. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and you spun on your heels, slowly, until you came face to face with Eden. “Uh . . . your dad?”
“Tall? Long, brown hair? Hazel eyes? Has a birthmark on his right thigh?” You listed, toothbrush hanging from your mouth.
“Ew,” Eden cringed. “Yes.”
“Never met him in my life,” you shrugged.
“Kid,” you tilted your head, face softening as you realized how nervous she was. “What’s up?”
She sighed, ducking her head down to avoid eye contact. “I invited him to my sweet 16.”
“Oh.” It came out like reflex. You said the word before you could fully process the information.
“Are you mad?”
“No—huh? E,” you rushed to sit beside her. “You don’t have to hide inviting your father from me—you—you don’t have to invite your father at all. He’s always welcome to visit on your birthday. And of course he should be at your sweet sixteen.”
“Really?” Eden questioned, eyebrows raised. “So, it will be a nice day? A nice party? Everyone will be nice to everyone?”
“Yes, yes, girl scouts honor.”
“Good,” she nodded, a satisfied smile on her face. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.”
“Oh, babe,” you murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear. “It—“
“Mom!” A shrill voice struck both of you with fear, coming out of nowhere.
“Yes, my love?” You directed at Emerson, watching him fidget with his hands in the doorway. His shaggy brown hair covered his face slightly and his button up was tucked into his khaki shorts.
“My chess tournament starts soon, are you coming?” He asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world, kiddo. You and your sister go downstairs while I get dressed.”
They’re obedient, your kids. Kind, driven, smart — with an average IQ of 187.5. The could take over the world if they really, really wanted to. But they don’t. They just want to go out for pizza, and get their twenty dollar allowance every week, hang out with their friends, focus on school, and . . . to see their father. You solemnly set your toothbrush down in the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror — tired, worn out, nauseous from another . . . dream? Nightmare? You’re not sure, and frankly, you don’t want to think about it.
So, you pushed on. You got dressed, fixed your hair, used light makeup to cover your exhaustion. Stepping out into the bedroom, your eyes quickly fell on your cellphone — the device laying on your bedside dresser. Hands on your hips, you shook your head, telling yourself not to do it. It’s not necessary, it’s overbearing to even think about.
Then, you remembered who you were dealing with here. And you rushed over to picked up the phone.
“[y/n] Reid,” he beamed. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I heard you talked to E,” you whispered, pacing back and forth in your bedroom.
“I did,” Spencer confirmed. “She called me the other day.”
“To invite you to her birthday party.”
“And are you planning on coming?” You asked.
“Of course I’m planning on coming. It’s my daughter’s sixteenth birthday.”
“Right, right, it’s not like you missed her fifteenth, or thirteenth, or her twelfth, or her actual birth, or anything.”
“Listen, I didn’t call to argue, or even talk,” you sighed. “I just called to tell you that this party isn’t an option. You will be here Saturday at 10 o’clock sharp, you will help decorate, you will spend time with your children, and you will make this the best damn day Eden Reid has ever had. Understood?”
“I have to help decorate?”
“I will be there. 10 o’clock. I will help decorate, I will spend time with my children, I will make this the best damn day Eden Reid has ever had. I understand.”
You released a quiet huff, like your lungs couldn’t stand to hold the breath any longer. “Thank you.”
Spencer let out a soft, sad laugh, “Haven’t done that in a while.”
Chess gives you anxiety. You understand it. You can conceptualize it, and even play it. Well. But the bubbling in your stomach every time you witnessed a game — particually one where your eight year old son is playing — comes back to haunt you again and again. You don’t worry about Emerson, he can take care of himself. He’s like his father in that way, the game is in his blood. But the tension, the speed, the risk. It made your breath lodge in your chest, and every so often, you had to sigh to regain control.
The only thing that could pull you from that stress is Em. Emerson Derek Reid, the little half smile on his face when he wins a match. It makes the three hour tournaments worth it. Watching your boy play against college level students who have been playing all their lives. Yeah, so has he.
He jumps off stage in an excited state, rushing towards you with open arms. “You’re a tiger, kid!” You exclaim. “You killed it.”
“Thank you, thank you,” he shrugged. “It’s really my opponents’ fault, they wouldn’t know a queen from a rook if it was looking them in the face.”
“Ooh, cat fight.” E remarked, causing Em and you to laugh.
“Hey,” you said. “Since you’re both already out of school today . . . wanna play hookie?”
“Mom? I am shocked!” E gasped, trying hard to contain a laugh.
“Oh, c’mon, we never get to hang out anymore since you guys started these college classes and my business went up. I’m off work, you’re already out of class, let’s just do it. Let’s go shop and eat and hang out and I will write you guys an excuse for tomorrow, okay?” You rambled, putting your hands to their shoulders.
Em and E looked at each other, and after a minute, they looked up at you and nodded.
Your very, very favorite people on the whole planet.
You took them to the mall. Bought Em some new clothes, but he wasn’t really interested. You and E did most of the picking. He sat in the corner of the store reading and only participated to try on outfits you guys had picked out. You both squealed and told him how cute he looked, and he scrunched up his nose. Just like . . .
And then you bought E some shoes, some vans. There was a huge sell, and she fell in love with everything she tried on. And you fell in love with seeing her happy so you ran up a bill.
“Okay, which one of us is dying?” E said as you sat at lunch. Em bursted out laughing.
“Wha—neither of you! I just wanted to spoil you guys. You kill yourselves all week with school, even though it’s summer. And I never see you, that’s all.”
“Mhm,” Em hummed, an unconvinced look in his face as he eyed his sister. “I bet someone died.”
“Em!” You exclaimed, E’s laughter blending in. “God, you guys are morbid.”
“Our parents both worked in the FBI, we’re basically trained,” E giggled.
Just then, you got a call. Work. Fuck. You stood from the table and stepped outside, excusing yourself first.
“Can we close the Pickett case tonight?”
“Raven . . .”
“I don’t want that boy in that house for one more second. [y/n], I will send you more of my notes, but . . . read them, read them. You will understand. Please.”
You sighed, “I’ll be there at ten. If you are not there at ten . . . I’ll wait for you. Let’s do it.”
“Thank you! Thank you, thanks! Bye. Sorry. Bye.”
You took in a deep breath and shook your head.
Nothing was going to spoil your lunch. Not today.
The car ride home, the three of you vibed to music. Your kids knew every word to Fleetwood Mac’s discography and it was your greatest accomplishment. They even developed their own dance routine to Dreams when they were younger.
Your very, very favorite people on the whole planet.
You pulled up to your house, and as you approached the driveway, you saw a familiar car parked out front. Your stomach flipped, caved in, skipped, hopped, and jumped.
Words can’t even described what it did when you saw him.
Sitting on the porch swing.
“Dad?” Em exclaimed loudly in excitement. You parked in the driveway, eyeing Spencer the whole time.
“Dad?” E said quietly, confusion in her voice. “Did you—“ She directed at you, interrupted by her brother hopping out of the car.
Em ran up to Spencer, and his father scooped him up in a quick motion, spinning him around and kissing his head.
You let out a quick huff, turned to E and smiled, “C’mon, go say hi.”
You followed E out of the car, and watched as she tip toed towards Spencer. She suddenly skipped and jumped into Spencer’s arms.
“Hey, dad,” she said.
“Hey, kid!” He replied, before putting her on her feet. “Your hair is getting so long!”
“Yeah,” she twirled her hair and laughed. “What are you doing here!”
“I wanted to see you guys . . .” He turned to you. “And your mom, who’s quiet as a mouse.”
“Hello,” you shrugged, giving him a kind smile.
“Are you staying for today, dad?” Em asked, tucked under Spencer’s arm.
“I was actually hoping to stay until Sunday, if that’s okay with your mom, of course.”
Your very, very least favorite person on the whole planet.
“Please, mom? He can be here for my birthday!” E pipped.
Em. E. Em. E. Those big, pouty eyes of theirs staring you down. “You can stay in the guest room,” you told Spencer.
“Is that close to your bedroom?” Spencer smirked.
“Heh,” you huffed. “Don’t push it. You can stay upstairs.”
“Yes! C’mon, dad! I made a new model that I wanna show you!”
Later that night, you made the kids pasta. It was one of your finer cuisines, taught to you by an old friend, and they asked for it all the night, especially when they needed to study.
Spencer wandered into the kitchen after getting settled upstairs. “Woah! I thought we could go out for dinner, huh? My treat?”
“We would, dad,” Eden said. “But we both have tests tomorrow. Calculus and Physics. Maybe tomorrow.”
You set their plates down and looked up at Spencer. You walked over to him, eyeing him knowingly as you led him out of the kitchen.
“They’re nerds,” Spencer laughed.
“They’ve also both got an eidetic memory. It’s gonna take them all of three minutes to study, then they’ll be all over you again,” you told him, walking out onto the back patio.
Following you, Spencer closed the door behind him, isolating you two on the porch.
You sat down, plopped down, and looked up at him, “Why are you here?”
“I mean it, you should be a federal agent.”
He sighed heavily, “I have some things I want to . . . handle.”
“Here?” You asked.
“Yes,” he hesitated. “I haven’t been enough a part of the kids’ lives—“
You rolled yours eyes. Yeah, you knew that.
“I want to fix that, to have a real relationship with them.” He continued.
“You’ve always been able to,” you shrugged. “You get distracted.”
“Work,” he muttered.
“Always is.”
“And . . .” he whispered, his eyes flickering back and forth between you and the ground.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “And?”
“I — I want to fix my relationship with you.”
“I want us to go to therapy.”
“Wha—“ You stuttered, rising from your seat. “Spencer, what?”
“Not couples therapy. Nothing . . . romantic,” his voice cracked. “But we can’t keep acting so . . . poorly around the kids. They’re smart, they notice things. They always have.”
“Spencer, how are we gonna go to therapy? You’d need to dig up Freud himself and have him work on us full time.”
“I just think we need to talk,” he murmured. He stepped closer to you, breathing deeply as he towered over you. “Will you please just think about it?”
You stared him in the eye, let out a heavy exhale.
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notcaring99 · 3 years
Never The One (Clint x Female!Reader)
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Warnings: Death, Voilence, Angst
Request: "Heyy, if you take requests could you possibly do something with Clint's Barton x reader? I haven't seen a lot of stuff with him🥺💜
Thank you and have a nice day!" - @dreamerinthesun
Summary: Clint and you have been friends for years even longer than him and Nat. You have always been in love with him. Then the snap happened, and Clint went dark. Nat sent you to keep eyes on him, and when the time comes to pull him out.
A/N: Thank you for the request! I am sorry for the late reply, things have been a bit hectic. I have been spending my free time watching FTWS which is amazing! I have been feeling inspired lately. This was a bit harder for me to write as I usually read other imagines or scenarios about the character I am about to write about, but there is truly not much out there for Clint. So I hope this is okay. I am sorry in advance as apparently all I know how to write is sadness and angst. Thank you for taking the time to read it and please let me know what you think!
Clint, you loved him more than a friend ever since you met him. He saw your potential and believed in you more than anyone had before. You were his partner in almost every mission. Nat always said she felt like a third wheel between you two, but she loved working with both of you.
Then Clint met Laura who he fell in love with instantly. They were perfect together, but it broke your heart to see the one you love so dearly and for so long be with another. You tried to be happy for your best friend as he lived his perfect life with his family. You just wished he was with you.
The snap, it was something that changed all of our lives. Clint went off-grid and went on a vigilante spree. Nat put you in charge of looking after Clint while she looked after the world. Clint was hard to follow, but you could track his bread crumbs that fell every once in a while.
You found him in Asia to meet these mobsters that have stirred a lot more trouble recently since the snap. You arrived just as Clint is taking out the last mobster. "I was wondering when you were going to show up," Clint states as he kicks the mobster to the ground. You sigh as you approach him from the shadows.
"Clint," You speak as you look at the man that you love turn into someone that hurt you even more. "What are you doing?" you ask as he removes the knives from the 18 men that are laying lifeless on the ground.
"I am cleaning the streets from the people who didn't deserve to be here." Clint tells you as you watch him pull another knife out. You take a breath walking up the last guy with two knives in his chest.
"This isn't exactly how it should be done." You pull them out with ease and wipe them on the leg of your catsuit you wore. You look up to see Clint in front of you with a look that you didn't recognize.
"Well it is how I do it now," He reached for the knives in your hands, but you move them out of his reach. "You shouldn't be here," You scoff as he reaches again, but you do a backflip avoiding him. The fury in his eyes hurts your soul.
"Actually I am exactly where I need to be. You on the other hand shouldn't be here." You state as he comes at your legs, but you quickly move. "You've lost your touch," you mumble to him. He goes in for another attack, but you kick him to the ground. He sits holding his jaw as he looks at you.
"Whatever," He states standing up and grabbing his sword from the ground. "I don't need them anyway. Hope you get home alright," You scoff as he walks away from you. You throw the knife perfectly to cut his hand to drop his sword. You run up to him, but he already knew what you were doing. He quickly grabs your waist and flips you to the ground. He has your wrists pinned under his knee as he holds the last knife you had in your hand to your throat.
"I wasn't done talking to you," you groan out.
"I don't want to talk." He states before hooking your leg around his thigh and using your body weight to flip the two of you. You quickly grab the knife out of his hand as you have him pinned with your hands and your legs. You use the knife to pin the hood of his jacket to the ground.
"Well, I do," you state as your face is close to his. His eyes are still the stormy grey but a bit lighter than when you first arrived. Your eyes drifted to his lips before going back to his eyes. "Clint, I understand you miss your family. I know that these men," you gesture to the lifeless bodies on the ground. "Didn't deserve to stay, but you need to do good by your family not bad." You whisper before standing up letting him struggle to get the knife out of his hood.
"You know nothing!" Clint yells out as you turn away from him picking up the sword he dropped that is full of blood. Suddenly you are being pressed against his chest, his hot breath against your ear as the cold knife is held to your throat. "My family was everything to me," he states and you scoff taking the sword and jabbing the handle into his side. You quickly point the sword at him as he holds his side.
"And now they are gone. I know how it feels to have something you love with all your heart taken away." You state just as he goes to attack you, but you block the attack with the sword making a cut on his arm.
"How would you know? You have no family! No husband!" he yells at you as he holds his arm with tears falling steadily down his face. "There is no way you know what love truly is," he states going to attack you again, but you simply step to the side before grabbing him so you two would be chest to chest with the sword pointed right at his neck and the knife is at your side.
"I know a lot more than you," you say through your teeth. "I watched the man I love for years fall in love with a beautiful woman, who he married and had 3 kids. I saw him live out a life I only dreamed to have with him many times in my life." You tell him making realization set in his eyes. You smack the knife out of his hand before kicking him in the stomach making him fall to the ground.
"Y/N, how long?" Clint asks looking at you in pity. You roll your eyes before throwing the knife and sword beside him.
"Way too long." You turn around as the sirens of the police are heard. "By the way, the others might've found a way to bring back your family. I just came by to tell you that, but it seems you are perfectly content with destroying your moral compass." You walk away into the rain as the sirens grow closer.
Two days after you arrived at the compound, Clint showed up. You were in the kitchen taking out the groceries that were delivered as the others were all around getting ready for the day. "I don't think the domestic look looks good on you," you turn to see Clint leaning on the doorway. You roll your eyes as you went back to perishables away.
"What do you want Barton?" You ask not looking at him. You hear him sigh before his footsteps getting closer. You went to grab the last milk, but Clint is right behind you. He has his arm on the freezer side of the fridge while is other holds the door open. He is close to you, close enough your breaths intermingle as he looks down at you.
"I want to understand," he states pushing a of piece of your hair behind your ears. You gulp as he looks from your lips to your eyes. "I want to understand why you never told me."
"I-I was going to." you cut yourself off before ducking under his arm. "I was going to tell you the night you proposed to Laura." You state taking the things out of the bag. You hear the fridge door close as you focus on the task at hand. "I came to your house that night. I was going to tell you everything, but then I saw you look at Laura with eyes that I wanted you to look at me with."
"I wish you would've told me maybe things-" you cut Clint off by slamming the jar of pickles on the table making the jar shatter. Clint stops talking as you turn around glaring at him with tears in your eyes.
"Clint you don't get it. If I would've told you, you would have your beautiful children. You wouldn't be the man you are today, the man who I love." You state before wiping the tears from your eyes.
"What the hell happened here?" Tony's voice is near the doorway. You turn around to see Tony, Steve, Nat, and Rocket standing there looking between you and Clint.
"You are bleeding," Steve states walking over. You sigh as he takes your hand in his. "Let's get it cleaned up. Barton," Steve looks past you at Clint.
"I got this. Go get that cleaned up." Clint states. Steve leads you to the doorway with Natasha behind you both.
Today was the day you were all going back in time. Nat, Clint and you were going to Vormir. The red skull has brought you all to the cliff where it looked over pointed rocks. "What you seek lies in front of you, it's just what you fear." the red skull tells you three as you were looking off the edge.
"The stone is down there," Nat more states then asks looking at you.
"For two of you, but the other..." the red skull trails off. You feel your heart break as you know what must be done. "In order to take the stone, you must lose what you love most. An everlasting exchange, a soul for a soul."
Nat, Clint, and I all were discussing if this is real and who will go. Nat and Clint are verbally fighting over who is going to go, not even giving you a second glance. You know who has to do it. You take a breath before taking your staff and slamming it between the two making it stand between the two buried in the ground. "Y/N-" you cut Nat off as you quickly take cuffs out of the utility belt of your suit. You latch both their wrists to the staff.
"Y/N. No!" Clint yells out as Nat and his fight against the cuffs. You smile sadly at the two before putting your hand on Nat's cheek.
"You know I am the only one who can do this. Clint and you love me more," you whisper to her and she shakes her head. You walk over to Clint who is crying and fighting against the handcuffs.
"Don't do this! I should be the on-" you shush him before placing your hands on either side of his face.
"Larua. Cooper. Lila. Nathaniel. They all need you." you whisper as you lean your forehead against his.
"No please-" Clint begs but doesn't move his head.
"I love you Clint more than you'll ever know." You kiss his cheek before moving away from him. He screams as he fights against the restraints. You turn around looking at Natasha and Clint who are screaming at you two stop as they fight against the restraints. You quickly turn around running ahead before throwing yourself off the cliff. You turn around to look at the top of it, you see Nat and Clint looking at you with tears streaming down their face. You smile at your friend knowing they will live happily now that they will have their loved ones back.
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elocinnicole · 3 years
Butterflies – Part Three
Pairing: Collin Hoskins x Black!Reader
Rating: M for Language and Death
Tagging: @ohsoverykeri
Part One Part Two Part Three
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You spent most of the day in your room not wanting to be around Collin. This isn’t the first time you and Collin got into a fight. The last time you could recall, was when he first went to jail and he was complaining about his mom not coming to see him.
A Year Ago
You played with your fingers waiting to see Collin, he’s been locked up for almost a month and the people who came to see him regularly were Miles and yourself. Of course, Val didn’t come but the past couple of times you came to see Collin you would ask his Mom to come along. At first, she would agree but then when it came to the day of she would cancel.
“You got one hour.” You heard the gruff voice of the CO. Collin was escorted to your table, you offered him a small smile which he returned, having been his friend for almost twenty years you knew something was troubling him.
“How you been, Y/N?” Collin pulled you in for a hug, you smiled into the embrace, Even though you saw him last week, it was hard visiting your friend in prison.
“I’ve been good, Collin.”
“That’s enough!” A booming voice barked, Collin rolled eyes and the two of you pulled away. Collin saw the bags of chips on the table and his eyes lit up
“You got some for little old me?” He teased
“Shut up, I only did it because your Mom asked me to.”
“You talked to my Mom?” He asked, you looked at him with sad eyes. The last time you came to visit him, Ms. Nancy had told Collin that she would come to visit with you
“Yeah, uh I know she said she was gonna come with me today, but she wasn’t feeling good this morning…” Collin slowly nodded his head
“Y/N, I don’t know how she can’t come and see me. I’m her son, Y/N! I’ve been in here for a month and she still hasn’t come to see me. Don’t she miss me?” Collin asked his voice growing loud
“Of course she does, she said she misses you all the time.
“Oh yeah?”
“She said it’s too hard for her.”
“It’s too hard for her?!”
“Hey! Keep it down Hoskins!”
“How do you think I feel? I’m the one that’s locked up!” Collin asked in a loud whisper
“Yeah, over some dumb shit.”
“Oh really? So you been talkin’ to Val?”
“Collin, don’t go there!” You were hoping that this would be a good visit but as time went on you were getting increasingly irritated with your friend.
“How do you think I feel when my Mom won’t come to see me?”
“How do you think she feels? Who do you think called her when you got your ass arrested? Did you know she put a second mortgage on the house to try and bail you out? When I told her that you got arrested the first thing she asked me was did they shoot you? Collin every time I see her or call her on the phone, she cries, the entire time, for you. So, before you get mad think about why she may not want to see her son in handcuffs.”
“Alright, visiting time’s over.” Collin’s CO said and before you knew it they were escorting Collin away from you…again.
You were finishing up a wig for a client when your phone ringed and you saw a text message from Trevon,
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You went back to your wig when another text came through, this time from Janelle
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The sound of your door creaking open made you look up, you saw Collin slowly entering your room holding a plate of nachos. You tried hard not to smile, nachos were your favorite food to eat. You and Colin would eat them all the time when you were in high school. “Figured you were hungry,” Collin said sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I am, thanks.” You said grabbing the plate of nachos and placing them on your nightstand and joining Collin on your bed. As much as you wanted to discuss your argument from earlier there was an even bigger elephant in the room.
“We need to talk, Collin,” You started
“I’m sorry for not asking about Val, that shit’s foul and it’s your place—”
“I don’t wanna talk about that.” Collin frowned in confusion
“We got gotta talk about the other night, because you can’t be getting mad at me when I go out on a date but I have to ‘understand’ your booty calls with Val.”
“They not booty calls,”
“Oh so what are they?”
“I’m trying to work things out with Val trying to see if we have something,” you rolled your eyes and sighed heavily
“Why do you act like you owe her something?”
“Because I do!”
“Collin, when was the last time you heard from Val other than her wanting some dick?” Collin turned his face away
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You bringing all types of niggas in here!”
“First of all, no the fuck I don’t, two, it’s my house. If I wanna bring a nigga all up and through my house I can do that. Besides, it’s not niggas, I’m actually talking to someone and he’s been here once, try again.”
“I’m doing the same thing!”
“No, you’re not, you getting your dick wet just because some bitch says ‘jump’.”
“Don’t be like that Y/N, we didn’t really end things. I just want to see if there’s anything still there.”
“How many times, does Val have to tell you she don’t wanna be with you? Did she come visit you, put money on your books, did she even call your ass?”
“You don’t gotta give me a history lesson, I know all that shit,”
“Did you know she was gonna let your ass rot in that jail cell? She didn’t even want to attempt bail you out.”
“Collin, she’s not good for you. I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“What makes you think she not good for me?” You were done talking in circles with Collin, at this point, all you wanted to do was be alone.
“You know what Collin, Imma drop it because you gonna do whatever the fuck—-”
“Nah, air out, tell me why you think Val’s not good for me,”
“I’m not about to do this with you, Collin.”
“Y/N, as my friend, shit, one of my best friends, you gotta air out,”
“Janelle sent me a text—” Your phone ringing interrupted you, you almost ignored it but you saw that it was your Mom calling.
“We’re not done with this conversation,” You said before answering your phone.
“Hey, Mom—wait, wait, slow down. What’s going on?” Collin saw your face drop and instantly grew worried
“Okay, okay I’m on my way.” You ended the call, still trying to process the conversation you just had.
“What’s going on?”
“Um, I gotta get to the hospital, my dad just had a heart attack.”
You stared out the window while Collin drove the two of you to your parents house. By the time you got the hospital your mom told you that your dad was gone. Various memories of you and your Dad flashed through your mind. From learning how to ride a bike to when you graduated from cosmetology school and how your Dad treated it like it was a college graduation. That was your Dad though, he went above and beyond for every event for you and you brother no matter how small it was. Being the oldest, you were always a Daddy’s girl. Life without your Dad never really ran across your mind, of course you knew that he wouldn’t be here forever but you didn’t think that time would be now.
You laid on the twin size bed in your old teenage room, staring at the ceiling your eyes focused on the Nelly poster. If you looked at anything else in your room you would’ve broke. You’ve been doing a great job, so far, at managing your emotions, you didn’t have time to fall apart. You have to be there for your Mom, your brother, and your nephews. The bed sunk letting you know that Collin had got in the bed with you. You insisted that he sleep in your brother’s room. Even though it was still the same size bed in his room as well, you know that he would have more space rather than sharing with you. Collin could sense you were barely hanging on, he turned his body toward you, waiting for you to look at him.
“Y/N,” You ignored him, “Y/N, look at me.”
“Collin, I’m fine. We have to get some rest, we gotta get my brother and his kids from the airport early tomorrow.”
“Y/N, can you look at me? Please,”
“Collin, I’m fine. Goodnight.” You turned off the lamp and rolled to your side, hoping Collin would drop it.
The next day Collin, tried to get you to slow down but if you sensed he was trying to talk to you about your Dad you would change the subject or busy yourself with something else. Your mom made a Instagram post so you were getting calls and text messages all day, it was becoming over whelming. Luckily for you, Collin had to work that evening so you didn’t have to deal with him following your every move making sure you were okay. Your brother, Cameron, and you were now attempting to draft your Dad’s obituary.
“I don’t know why we can’t put that in there.” Cameron mumbled under his breath.
“Because, it’s not important! He only spent one semester there,”
“And? That’s where he met Mom!”
“Cam, we only have one page for this obituary, it’s not an autobiography. We can say when they met and got married, period!”
“So you just gonna cut out an important part of Dad’s life?”
“Cam, I’m not—you know what, I can’t do this. Ever since I picked you up from the airport, you’ve been fighting me with every decision. I’m going back to my place,” You huffed quickly getting your bags together.
“So you just gonna leave?”
“Yes, the hell I am.” You left your childhood home, slamming the door shut, once you were halfway down the block you realized that, you didn’t have your car. You let Collin drive it to work. The walk to your place wasn’t long but it was late, your pride hindered you from walking back to your Mom’s and facing your brother again,
“Damnit,” You pulled out your phone and called the first person you could think of. “Hey, can you give me a ride?”
“Thanks, Miles, for picking me up. I know you and Ash are busy with Shauna—”
“You fam, it’s no problem and I’m sorry about your Dad, he was like the only guy I looked up to.”
“Thanks, Miles. You remember that time he caught you skipping school?” Miles chuckled at the memory
“Yeah, I ain’t know he was following me and shit. He hopped out the car like he the muh fuckin police. Then he had my ass running back home while he drove behind me.” You laughed while Miles reminisced until he got a text from Ashely.
“Miles, go home before Ashley beats your ass.”
“Well, shit I’m waitin’ on your ass to get out my car.” You jokingly shoved your friend before getting out
“Bye, Miles!”
“Ay, when you gonna come braid my hair like Ash’s?”
“Bye, Miles!” You shook your head as Miles sped off. Once you got inside you realized that you hadn’t eaten all day. You honestly didn’t feel like cooking so decided to order something from UberEats. Nothing looked appetizing to you so you decided against it. Sitting on your sofa, glass of wine in hand, you finally had time to yourself, no one asking how you were feeling, no one calling to offer condolences, family members and friends you haven’t heard from in years were reaching out, it was too much. Finally having a moment to yourself, you felt the tears coming
“Y/N?” Collin called out, you quickly wiped your tears, not wanting him to see you cry.
“In the living room.” You called out, Collin walked with takeout boxes in hand.
“Figured you’d be hungry,” you gave him a small smile in return.
“Thanks, Collin, but I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat something—“
“I told you I’m fine, I’ve been telling everyone I’m fine all day! Damn!” You snapped
“Aight, I was just checking on you!”
“I don’t neeed anyone to check on me, I only want one person to check on me and he’s not here!” For the first time today, you finally cried. Collin sat eside you and pulled you close to him
“No amount of food, texts, or phone calls can bring him back.” You cried into Collin’s chest as he held you. You pulled away and Collin cradled your face in his hands, you leaned into the embrace. He gently grabbed your chin and before you knew it, you were kissing Collin. You were the first to pull away and Collin frowned
“What about you and Val—”
“Fuck Val,” Collin said pulling you in for another kiss.
Please let me know, if you would like to be tagged in this series.
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givemeweasley · 4 years
First Things First pt. 2
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count:8.8k
Warnings: hella fluff, and ooey gooey romance, and then some angst (I couldn’t resist)
A/N: here's part two! Hope you enjoy!
First Things First pt. 1, First Things First pt. 3
You remembered the first time you told your friends back in the States about him.
After about a million rounds of hugs the lot of you had settled down around your bedroom. You and Louisa were sitting on your bed, Danny sitting reverse in your desk chair, Thomas claimed the bean bag chair as soon as he walked in the room, and classic Iris who had opted to sit on the floor and lean against the wall. The familiarity of it all felt wonderful. Yet, almost new. You hadn’t seen them in a year, things had changed.
Once everyone was settled, the questions shot out at the pace of rockets. You could barely hear who they were coming from.
“What’s Quidditch?”
“How’s England?”
“What’s Hogwarts like?”
“Are there really prisoners running loose?”
“Did you see a dementor?”
“Did you almost die?”
“What are their houses?”
“Can you understand anything they say?”
“Are the boys cute?”
At that everyone shut up, glaring at Thomas.
He lifted his hands in defense and shrugged. “What?! Don’t act like we weren’t all thinking it!”
Like that instantly reminded them all of something, they shared a look before they all glanced at Iris.
She raised a brow. “I’m not surprised you bunch of cowards. I thought you were Wampus’?” She rolled her eyes before looking directly at you and smirking. “So who’s Fred Weasley?”
Your jaw dropped. You could’ve heard a pin drop in the room as all your friends stared back at you. Clearing your throat you answered, “He’s a friend of mine.”
Danny chuckled. “A friend? Is that what you ‘em in England?”
You crossed your arms, but Louisa nudged your sides. “Come on, Y/N! Tell us everything!!”
Whatever reserve you had had about saying anything, much less admitting it to yourself, dissolved with Louisa’s urging. You pulled your sleeves down until they curled around your palms. “Well, you already know his name.”
Louisa squealed, clutching your arm excitedly. She immediately got hushed by everyone else in the room.
“Um.” You furrowed your brows looking between all our friends. “I don’t really know what to say, honestly.”
“How about you start with how you two met, kid?” Danny smiled softly crossing his arms over the top of the chair. You huffed a laugh.
“Yeah. I suppose that’s a good place to start. Well, we met on the train to Hogwarts. It’s called the Hogwarts Express-”
“They get a train?!” Thomas shouted from the beanbag. A quick glance told you your other friends shared your sentiments. You had forgotten the stresses of using a portkey to get to school. A shiver went down your spine before you continued.
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice too. They come by with a food cart around noon that has all sorts of treats-”
“Fred?” Iris raised a brow.
“Right. Well I found an empty car and sat down. He and his brother, George, and their friend, Lee, found me and wondered if they could join me since the other train cars were full.” Louisa awed from beside you. “Well at first I was so stuck in my head that I didn’t say anything so they almost left, but then I remembered I had working vocal chords and responded. That’s when they realized I was American.” You found yourself fondly rolling your eyes at the memory. “They then proceeded to pelt me with questions for the next several hours. Hm. Almost reminds me of some other people I know.” Giving a very pointed look at the four friends around you. But instead of guilty looks, they were all smiling, besides Iris who looked vaguely amused.
“What then?” Danny urged.
“Well, then I got sorted into the same house he was in. And no, Louisa,  it was not love at first sight.” You said, noticing her hopeless romantic look. “He’s an identical twin, remember? I could barely tell him apart from his twin.”
“What houses do they have?” Iris interrupted. That was just the sort of thing she would interrupt for.
“Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.” Iris raised another brow, hinting that you should continue. “Gryffindor is the brave, Ravenclaw the wise, Hufflepuff the kind, and Slytherin the ambitious. That’s the best I can sum it up.”
“Hm.” She nodded. “Continue.”
“Right. Well. I got sorted into Gryffindor, which was his house. Then he and George called me over to sit with them and I did. Honestly, it was kind of history from there. They call me ‘Merica.” A small smile crept up on your face almost without your knowledge. “But there were lots of things we did. We had detention together.” You glanced up at Danny seeing his head thrown back in laughter. “We ate breakfast together every morning, had classes everyday, went to Hogsmeade-”
“Hogsmeade?” Louisa spoke up again.
“Oh- uh- it’s a little wizarding town outside of Hogwarts. We get to go there a couple times a semester.” Louisa nodded. “Anyway, there were lots of little things I think that we did together. Although a lot of the time we did them with George, Lee, and Angelina.”
“When did you know?” Thomas said grabbing the bean bag and dropping it a few feet closer to the bed before plopping down in it again.
“Know what?”
“You know, like, know.” Thomas winked dramatically.
“Oh-oh. Um.” You leaned back against your headboard. Was there a specific moment? “Well, I think I first started to-” You cleared your throat, “like him when I first got your letters at Hogwarts. It was probably a month or two into school and I was opening them before our Hogsmeade trip. I was- sad. I read Danny’s letter first and it reminded me how much I missed you guys. Fred sat down across from me and instead of saying any bullshit like it’s okay or I’m sure they miss you just as much or you have new friends now, he said well then, it’s a good thing we’re going to Hogsmeade today so we can buy them a couple of souvenirs to send back. I don’t know.” You looked down at your comforter and traced the pattern in the cloth. “It was just exactly what I needed to hear.”
“You can tell Fred I loved those Dungbombs.” Danny smirked.
“Tell him yourself. You have paper and quills.” You smirked back. “But-” Turning back to face Thomas, “I think I knew when I had to leave for the end of the year. Something about not being around him all the time made me realize holy shit I want to be around this buffoon all the time!”
With that you looked over to Louisa who was dabbing at imaginary tears, Thomas had his hand clenched over his heart, Danny was just shaking his head with a smile, and Iris was actually smiling.
Iris looked over to Danny. “Kids in love.”
You grabbed a pillow from behind her and chucked it at her. “Am not!”
“Sure. Sure. Whatever you say, kid.” Iris laughed as she caught the pillow and tucked it under her arm.
“Last question.” Louisa placed her head on your shoulder. “What does he look like?”
Hm. Good question. Your mind took you miles away and weeks ago as you waved goodbye to him on the Hogwarts Express platform. “Bright red hair that brushes his broad shoulders. He’s really tall too. Soft brown eyes. Muscular arms and a really warm smile.”
The room had quieted once again. You hadn’t realized you were staring off into space blushing until Danny spoke up breaking the silence looking at Iris.
“She’s in love.”
You flopped back onto the pillows and threw your arm over your eyes.
But their laughter and teases had already overtaken your voice as the rest of them piled onto the bed on top of you.
You couldn’t help but smile underneath the weight of them and the thought that they were probably right.
You remembered the first time you stayed at the Burrow.
Your mom had driven you to the Burrow early in the morning and parked around a hundred feet away from the front gate. You both walked to the front door, your suitcases in your hands, your football (and one extra for Lee) under your mothers arms. You set your suitcases down and knocked on the door.
If it had been quiet before that, all hell broke loose at the sound of your knock. You heard vague sounds of griping and fighting, before the door was wrenched open by who you assumed was Mrs. Weasley. Your first thought was she looks like the kindest woman I’ve ever met. It made you wonder what Fred and George and even Ron whined so much about.
“Oh! You must be Y/N and you must be Mrs. Y/L/N! Come in, come in!” She waved you both into what was the most out of order, magnificent, mismatched house you’d ever been in. And you couldn’t wait to stay. Mrs. Weasley hurried you both over to the chairs at the table before flicking her wand. You and your mom sat down before two cups of hot tea came flying (not spilling a drip) and landed on the table before you.
It was right at that moment that two boys came crashing down the stairs. Your head twisted to see Fred and George laying on top of each other in a weird pretzel at the base of the staircase. They both scrambled to get up and make their way over to you.
“Boys, be gentlemen and take Y/N’s stuff up to Ginny's room.” The boys looked at each other and then back to their mom.
“But mum-”
“Ginnys!” She raised her voice the slightest bit and gave them a smile you recognized seeing on your own mother several times before. The one that garnered zero arguments. Hearing them sighing, you placed your tea back down on the table and stood.
“I’ll go help them, if that’s alright?” Your hands were clasped tightly together. You didn't want to offend Mrs. Weasley your first night here. You could hear the twins grabbing your suitcases from behind you.
“Of course, dear. It’ll give me a minute to talk with your mum.” She gave you a kind smile which alleviated some of your nerves as you pulled the footballs from your mothers grasp and followed Fred and George upstairs.
As soon as you hit the second floor, Fred grabbed your arm and pulled you into a room. They both dropped your suitcases and threw their arms around you. The footballs fell onto the floor as you wrapped your arms around the both of them.
“Missed you, ‘Merica.” George mumbled.
“Things have been boring around here.” Fred smiled pulling back. You tried your best to conceal the blush that threatened to make itself more known than it already was.
After they both let go, it gave you a chance to see their room. You knew it was their room the minute you saw the mess. Papers of what you assumed were plans for joke shop products were scattered everywhere but mostly concentrated on the desk. Their beds were littered with a few of those test products that you had been on the receiving end of a few times. Your eyes lifted back to the boys.
“I’ve missed you guys too.” You bent down to grab your suitcases, but Freds hands snatched them out of your grip. “But your mom is going to hate me unless you take me to Ginny’s room.”
“No she’s not.” George rolled his eyes but squeezed past you and into the hall. You followed him, leaving the footballs in their room. “We’ve told her too much about you and how you’ve tried to get us to stop doing pranks-”
“That’s not true-”
“She doesn’t need to know that.” Fred whispered in your ear from behind you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. His head appeared next to your shoulder as he followed close behind and winked.
“Stop that!” You swatted at him, but he had already moved laughing as you missed.
“And here we are.” George led you into Ginny’s room and Fred followed before placing your suitcases on the floor.
“Where’s Ginny?” You asked, turning to the twins.
“Down at the lake with Ron. We were gonna go join them but then Fred here remembered you were coming today, so we decided to wait.”
“How sweet.”
“Well get dressed so we can go join them!” Fred called as he and his brother left the room, shutting the door behind them.
As soon as you heard the click you plopped down on the nearest bed. Your heart felt as if it was about to beat itself right out of your chest. You could practically hear it. For a moment you wondered if Fred could.
And then you realized you were being paranoid. You shook your head trying to get your mind off the way Fred’s arms felt around you. Strong. Comforting. Warm.
Those could’ve been George’s arms.
With that, you stood up and quickly got changed into your swimsuit and grabbed a towel. Holding it over your body, a little self conscious, you poked your head out the door. Seeing Fred leaning against the wall in nothing but swim trunks almost made you fall flat on your face, but luckily you caught yourself on the door frame.
You cleared your throat as you walked out and closed Ginny’s door behind you. Fred looked up. You couldn't have been lying to yourself as you saw a faint flush light up his cheeks as his hand lifted to rub the back of his neck. The tension only seemed to build as neither of you spoke.
Finally you managed to choke out, “so where’s George?”
A light seemed to go off behind Fred’s eyes as he straightened and shook his head. “Oh- um- George. Right. He- uh- he already left to go to the- uh the lake. Said he got tired of waiting.”
You nodded. “So are you ready?” You asked taking a step closer to Fred. He choked and stumbled backward grabbing onto the wall.
“Yeah- uh yeah!” Abruptly, he turned around and made his way down the stairs. You stood there for a second thinking about what just happened before shrugging and following him down.
“Oh there you are sweetie!” Your mom smiled standing by the door. “I was waiting for you to come down so I could say bye.”
You strolled to the door and hugged your mom tightly. “Love you, mom.” She kissed you on the head.
“Love you, too. Have fun and treat Mrs. Weasley with just as much respect as you would your father and I.”
“Yes ma’am.” Giving her one last hug, she walked out the door and to her car. You watched her at the door as she drove away.
“I’m really excited to have you here Y/N! Your mum is a kind woman.” Mrs. Weasley said from behind you.
You turned and smiled at her, nodding. “She really is.”
“Anyway!” Fred interrupted, grabbing your hand. “We’ve got a lake to go swim in! Bye mum!” Fred pulled you out the door and past the gate before you even had time to wave.
“Be careful!” Mrs.Weasley called out at the door.
Once you two were far enough from the house, you figured Fred would let go. But, he didn’t. You allowed your heart to expand just a little. He slowed his pace to a casual walk instead of the frantic run he’d started with.
The problem was he wouldn’t look at you. Actually, he seemed quite interested in anything that wasn’t you.
You stopped, half expecting his hand to leave yours as he continued walking. Instead, he jerked to a stop too once he realized your hand was tugging on his. You tried not to think about the fact that he was still holding your hand rather than continuing to walk on without it.
However, he still didn’t look at you. He only tilted his head in your direction, still facing forward.
“Are you mad at me?” You whispered laying it on thick, hoping it would do the charm. It did.
Fred’s eyes snapped to yours worriedly. “Mad? Bloody hell no. Why would you think that?” He asked, taking a step closer to you.
“Well you weren’t looking at me or talking to me, so…”
Fred ran his free hand through his hair and closed his eyes sighing. “I haven’t looked at you, because you’re killing me here.”
You took a step closer.
“How so?” You tilted your head innocently as you gazed up at his still closed eyes. At feeling your body heat, Fred’s eyes snapped open. He took a step back. This felt like a dance you only vaguely knew the steps to.
He visibly took a deep breath before shaking his head. “Forget it, let’s go before they start having all the fun without us.”
You let him pull you this time. A small hope blossoming in your heart and a secret smile forming on your lips.
You remembered the first time you almost admitted how you felt.
Turns out Fred’s surprise was an invite to the Quidditch World Cup. Something he insisted was the very height of all world sports. You didn’t tell him you still thought Quadpot was better. You were appreciative either way.
The day leading up to the match was quite eventful. From the portkey that instantly took you back to America and Ilvermorny, to watching as Fred and George gambled away their entire savings on the game you were sure the game couldn’t possibly be as entertaining as everything around it. Especially not when Fred and George painted their faces in Irish colors.
“So you enjoying yourself?” George asked from beside you in the stands. Fred was on your other side not paying you a bit of attention as he took in every aspect of the general splendor.
Your eyes shifted to look at George who still had his eyes on the pitch.
“Yeah, I guess. Honestly, I’m just happy to be here with everyone.”
“How were The States? I don’t think I’ve gotten the chance to ask, with that one-” he nodded at Fred, “hogging all your attention.”
That sent a blush straight to your cheeks. It almost made you sick how often that was beginning to happen.
“Don’t even try to deny it, Y/N. We all see it.” He nudged your shoulder with his. “Mum supports it wholeheartedly if that’s what you’re worried about.” Your jaw dropped at that. You quickly glanced to see if Fred was paying any attention, but his focus was still on the ads flashing before him.
“George- I-” You sat back and huffed. “How’d you know?”
He scoffed. “As if everyone couldn’t tell. You two are constantly making googly eyes at each other.” George leaned in close. “Fred wouldn’t shut up about you the first night after we met you. Kept raving like a madman about how pretty you were and how he wanted to hear about football and a million other American things.”
You had to keep from looking behind you at the boy who was the focal point of your conversation.
“What you are lot talking about?” Speaking of the devil, his head appeared over your shoulder.
You frantically looked at George hoping he would come up with some sort of-
“We were talking about how her trip back to The States was.” George replied leaning back in his seat. “Now focus, the game’s about to start.” You nodded way too energetically, and you almost thought Fred was going to say something about it. But he seemed to hold his tongue after meeting George’s eyes and turned back to the game.
“The Irish are gonna win. I’m sure of it.” He mumbled.
“You better be. You bet all your savings on it.” You whispered back a slight smirk on your face. Fred shook his head and opened his mouth to respond.
“Well if it isn’t another dirty mudblood in the stands.” A low voice hissed in your ear. Your head whipped around only to see Draco Malfoy sitting behind you, an evil little smirk on his beady face. You felt both the boys tense beside you as they both prepared to presumably respond. You immediately turned around and grabbed both of their arms firmly.
“We’re just gonna pretend he’s not here.” You whispered quietly enough you knew the twins would hear, but hopefully not loud enough Draco-
“I almost forgot-”
You muttered under your breath.
“How beautiful and kind hearted you are.” The shriek of indignation was a clear sign of it’s effectiveness. You smiled broadly as Fred and George both turned to you as Draco continued to mumble niceties.
“The hell did you do?” George laughed.
You shrugged. “Wandless magic. I call it the Sweetheart Charm.”
Both boys' jaws dropped. “You know wandless magic?!” Fred leaned in.
“Not strong magic, but it’s kind of an elective at Ilvermorny. A useful one apparently.” You giggled still half listening to Draco talk about how much he admired Harry Potter.
Fred huffed. “You could’ve told me that before I borrowed George’s wand to scourgify Snape’s classroom last year.”
You turned and nudged his shoulder with your own. “A good magician never reveals her tricks.”
With that, the game kicked off. Quite literally. The players took flight and from your mid-pitch seat you were able to see everything well enough. The excitement in the stadium was tangible. Both sides were rowdy and exuberant and became even more so as the game went on. Especially when the Veela and Leprechauns began to fight on the pitch.
Quadpot would never.
Finally, Victor Krum caught the Snitch meaning the game was over. And the Irish had won the World Cup. Fred and George jumped up throwing their hands in the air before Fred hauled you up with him and pulled you into his arms.
“We won!!” He shouted, smiling broadly. “We won!! That means we won our bet!!” Now that was something you could cheer for.
You screamed, throwing your arms around his neck as he picked you up. With your face pressed into his neck, you breathed in. He smelled like face paint, sweat, and a tiny hint of firework ash. You dug your face deeper never wanting to forget it.
Eventually he set you down, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around you. For a moment, just a moment, you contemplated leaning up barely a fraction of an inch to join your lips to his. You could feel his breath on your skin. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you began to rise to your toes.
“Fred! George! You won!” Ron shouted from below you. You two jumped apart as if you’d been shocked. You heard Fred clear his throat while you stood next to him trying to remember how to breathe.
“Yeah, Ron. We did!” He smiled but it looked more like a grimace. You should’ve known he was being weird when he didn’t immediately find something to tease Ron about.
After that, Mr. Weasley led you out of the stands and back down to your tent. For a while, you all stay out and celebrate. Shouting and screaming and laughing and just having fun. But there came a point where even you got tired and had to retreat into your tent. You practically collapsed on your bed after changing into sleep shorts and a random No-Maj band t-shirt. Sleep was instantaneous.
“Wake up! Girls get up!” You awoke to someone shaking your shoulders. Blinking rapidly, you focused on Mr. Weasley standing above you with a panicked look. “Get up!” He moved on from you seeing you were awake, to wake up Hermione or Ginny. You didn’t know. But the fear in his eyes made you roll out of bed and grab your wand.
Hermione and Ginny were both waking up looking just as frightened, shivering in their nightdresses as Mr. Weasley ushered you all out of the tent. All you managed to piece together in your terrified state was Mr. Weasley saying the woods and stay there. You barely registered as Fred grabbed onto Ginny and George grabbed onto you, as they whisked you into the forest.
Your bare feet tripped over souvenirs and sticks. You tried to ignore how it stung and how the bitter English cold bit through your thin t-shirt and shorts.
I am way out of my depth.
Fear trickled into every inch of your body as George kept tugging you into the forest. But you tripped. George lost his grip and in seconds you lost sight of him.
“Get up!” Someone yelled as they grabbed your arm and yanked you into a standing position. It took a second to see it was George who had come back for you. Relief flooded your system. Finally you both broke through the trees, but you had lost Fred and Ginny in the process.
George didn’t let up, he kept pulling you in whatever direction was away from the campsite. Your feet were definitely going to be cut up. You tried not to think about it even as tears poured down your cheeks.
After what felt equally like hours and no time at all, you both came to a halt. George pulled you into a sitting position behind a tree, you settled between his legs and his arms around you. Your heart was pounding. Your muscles were aching. You had never felt more ill equipped than you did at that moment. Even with being a witch.
“George, I’m scared.” You whispered so quiet you could barely hear it. It felt odd that the forest was so quiet. You could barely hear the screams and shouts coming from the campsite, whether that was a good thing or a bad thing you weren’t sure.
“Y/N,” You knew that voice. “It’s Fred.” His hand came up to tuck your hair behind your ear. His head resting on your shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Trust me.”
You leaned your head against his and closed your eyes. “Okay.” You tucked your knees into your chest and just waited. You could feel Fred’s chest heaving from behind you. It countered your own labored breathing. That one solitary fact provided the smallest bit of comfort. That he was breathing in while you breathed out. That he breathed out while you breathed in. It felt safe. You couldn’t describe it any other way.
Briefly, you thought back to what George said in the box earlier that day. You turned your head ever so slightly towards Fred. You licked your lips as if giving yourself just a second more before gaining the courage.
If the fear of death wasn’t motivation enough, you didn’t know what would be.
“Fred?” You breathily whispered.
“Yeah?” He whispered back.
“I have to tell you something.”
He let out a small laugh but it sounded so devoid of any humor. “Then tell me, love.”
“For awhile now, I’ve been-”
Green light flashed like lightning above you. You scrambled to your feet, Fred following, to see what it was that lit up the entire forest in an eerie green glow.
A snake coming through a skull.
The Dark Mark.
You stumbled back into Fred who caught your arm before you fell.
“Let’s go.” He mumbled before fiercely tugging you in the opposite direction of the mark in the sky. Fear rattled through your bones then.
Even as Fred tugged you through the forest, your eyes were on that Dark Mark in the sky. You didn’t know if you wished your parents had never brought you here or if you were glad they did.
You remembered your first kiss.
The Triwizard tournament held more excitement for you than for most. It wasn’t because you could enter under the name of Ilvermorny (although you did consider it but you were a year too young). Nor was it because the prospect of spectating the tournament held a special excitement. It was because for the first time in your Hogwarts life, you were not the only foreigner.
French and Russian wizards and witches were now at Hogwarts which meant, for the first time, no one cared that you were the only American in a British Wizarding school. Your friends still called you ‘Merica, but that had never bothered you to begin with.
Everyone was instead focusing on the fact that Quidditch World Cup player Viktor Krum was in attendance at their school.
You, however, were using the time everyone was focused on stalking him to find some peace and quiet. The start of classes had been even more stressful than last year. You had gotten your OWLs back and had gotten ten total. Considering your aspirations to be a healer, you had no choice.
You had stopped studying in the library as Viktor had decided, for whatever reason, to make it his personal haunt. Meaning that there were always a gaggle of girls following close behind, trying and also failing at being quiet. Also meaning that you had to find a new study hole.
Instead of picking the obvious choice, the Gryffindor Common Room which always seemed to be bursting at the seams with signs and people chanting Harry’s name, you went with something a little more hidden.
The kitchens.
The house elves were friendly and welcomed you everytime you came in carrying your books and papers. They’d been kind enough to help you set up a little armchair in the corner of the room with a small side table next to it to lay your work on. It had been a life saver. It gave you an escape from everything and an opportunity to make new friends. Although the thought of slaves enjoying slavery sent a chill up your spine, but if you knew anything about Hermiones attempts at SPEW, it was better to leave the subject alone.
You’d been spending more and more time alone since returning to Hogwarts from the Burrow. Especially after Defense of the Dark Arts with Moody. The thought of that specific class made you want to hurl. Your boggart had been nearly unbearable.
The sight of your mother dead on the floor of the classroom had been nightmare material for the past month. You didn’t tell anyone, not even Fred you were having them. You just pulled back figuring that once everything stopped feeling so fresh and raw, you could talk about it.
“More coffee ma’am?” One of the house elves you’d come to know as Jippy held out a cup of pitch black liquid.
You reached forward taking the cup from his hands, breathing in the welcoming aroma.
“Thanks, Jips.” A broad smile overtook his big eyed face before he nodded and went back to work.
You continued to work through your Potions homework with the utmost concentration. The NEWTs class was indeed harder, and took up most of your studying time.
“There you are.” A voice called from across the room. Your eyes lifted, seeing none other than George Weasley strolling towards you with his hands in his pockets. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Who’s we?” You asked sitting up from your slouched position in the chair as George grabbed a nearby stool to sit on next to you.
“Who do you think?”
“Well is he wearing an Invisible Cloak?” You replied just as sarcastically.
George let out a small laugh. “No, we split up to cover more ground. He went to check the upper levels. If only we still had the Marauders Map.” He shook his head wistfully.
“What if I didn’t want to be found?” You lifted the corner of your mouth in an attempt at a smile, but he saw right through it. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and gazed sharply at you.
“Then I’d have to ask you why.”
You looked away unable to hold his stare. “George. I don’t wanna talk about it.” You hesitated. “I’m not ready to yet.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw George nod sadly. But he understood, you could tell. “Alright, Y/N.” He stood and pushed the stool back to its original position. “But you’ll find us whenever you’re ready to talk?”
You met his eyes and smiled softly. “Of course.” With that he nodded and began to make his way to the back of the portrait. “Wait!” You stretched your arm out as if you could reach him.
“Yeah?” He asked, glancing back at you.
“Don’t tell Fred about-” You waved your hands around you. “I wanna still be alone here.”
George nodded. “No problem.” And with that he stepped through the portrait and was gone.
You slumped on the chair, lifting the hot coffee to your mouth. All you could do was think. Think about nothing and somehow everything as the coffee stung its way down your throat.
It was past midnight a few nights later when you snuck out of the Gryffindor tower. The hood of your cloak was pulled over your head after you checked that the coast was clear. Quietly you made your way down to the Trophy Room on the third floor. It was the only place you could think that would have what you needed. The halls were dark and the only sound was your light footsteps on the stone. The light from the candles flickered as if they were minutes from going out. But you reached the room in enough time.
You closed the door quietly behind you once you reached the room and began to look around. The trophy room was almost always empty. Plenty of dark nooks and crannies within the cases and trophies themselves. The trophies themselves seem to stare at you from behind the glass of their cases, following you through the room, knowing what you were seeking. You slowly made your way around the room listening for any creaks or sharp noises.
“Lumos.” You whispered walking steadily through the room. The light from your wand caused shadows to stretch up to the ceiling. They leaned over you and stared down causing a sliver of fear to creep it’s way into your heart.
Finally, closer to the back of the room than you would’ve liked, you heard it. One of the bottom drawers in what looked like a dresser filled with cleaning supplies was rattling. You lifted your wand higher and whispered.
The drawer snapped open as the boggart flew at you, almost causing you to drop your wand. You stumbled back into a trophy case before catching yourself. But that moment was all the boggart needed to shift before your eyes.
Your mother was clutching her bleeding throat, blood pouring down the front of her dress. Her eyes were desperate, until they focused on you. They shifted to burning rage as she stumbled forward choking out a few words as she stumbled towards you.
“You...disappoint...me. You’re no…daughter...of mine.” She choked out as you fell backwards onto your hands.
“Rid-R-Riddikulus!” You pointed your wand at your mother. But the boggart shifted into your father. Clutching his abdomen as blood poured out onto the ground.
“You did this.” He spat at you.
“No. No, Dad- I-” It shifted again into Danny.
“You abandoned me. Abandoned our school. Our friends. Our life. Don’t ever come back.” He lifted his hand which held a wand with a frightening look on his face as he shifted into Iris.
“I never liked you. You were always weak, too weak to be a Wampus. Too weak to even be called a witch, you mudblood.” She spat at you.
And then her face shifted into one much taller with flame red hair. The gentle brown eyes you’d come to love looked at you with utter loathing. You shook your head desperately wanting it to stop.
“You think I would ever love you? As if you’d ever be worthy of my time much less my affection. It’s hilarious to think I would ever want a vile creature like you.” You crawled backwards, scrambling to get away. Bumping into trophies and trophy cases as the boggart gained on you. Every shadow that had once seemed lifeless, seemed to peel off the walls before you, multiplying your fear tenfold.
This wasn’t real, you tried to remind yourself.
It’s not real. He’s not real.
“Not real, am I?” Tears spilled down your cheeks obscuring your view of Fred. But you could see the disdain on his face clear enough. “I’m flesh and blood, Y/N.” He took another step closer, you felt the sound of that footstep in your chest. “You have no future.” Another step closer.
“You will die alone.”
Another step.
“No one to love you.”
“No one to mourn you.”
Another step.
“Bury your body.”
“No.” You whimpered, shaking your head frantically.
“You are nothing.”
“R-Riddikulus!” You shouted again with tears in your eyes. “Please!”
But Fred kept gaining on you, until his hand wrapped around the front of your cloak and hauled you close to his face. His brows were furrowed deeply, the lines around his mouth almost made it look like he was snarling. His eyes looked at you like he couldn’t even stand to touch you or even look at you. “I hate you.”
“Riddikulus!” A voice shouted from behind you. You fell to the floor as the boggart shifted into a firework before disappearing altogether. Sobs wracked your body as you laid crumpled in a heap. You heard footsteps gaining on you but couldn’t even bear to see who it was. Despite knowing the answer.
“Y/N?” A hand gently laid on your back. The flinch that followed couldn’t be helped. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry.” He immediately whispered, lifting his hand. You heard a soft sigh before you felt hands softly grasping your chin.
Fred was kneeling in front of you with the gentlest expression you’d seen on him to date. And yet, you saw the deep pain in his eyes. One hand swept your hair back then moved to wipe the tears still falling from your eyes with his thumb.
“C’mere.” He opened his arms. He made no move to force you into his arms. For a moment, you hesitated. His words- the boggarts words- were still reverberating around your skull. But you needed him. Fred. Not- not- the Fred of your nightmares. So you crawled into his arms, still shaking.
His arms came around you immediately, rocking you both back and forth on the floor. He shushed you softly while running his fingers through your hair. Fred pressed a kiss into your hair before tucking your head under his cheek. But he remained silent. As did you.
Slowly but surely your breathing slowed. You leaned further into Fred’s embrace as if that was possible, relaxing your muscles a fraction.
He seemed to take that as a sign that you were ready. “Y/N, what happened?” His voice was soft in your ear. You lifted your hand and placed it on his chest. You felt the steady thrum of his heart, and it gave you just enough peace to answer.
“I’ve-” Your voice broke off, hoarse from trying to scream a spell that wasn’t working. “I’ve been having nightmares.” Your fingers curled into his shirt. “Ever since Defense Against the Dark Arts. I saw my mom.” At that it seemed like everything came spilling out.
“I’m so scared, Fred. That Dark Mark-” Fred’s grip tightened. “My grandfather died in the First War against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I didn’t know him, but my grandmother talks about it sometimes. It’s why we moved to America.”
“I didn’t know.” He whispered in your hair.
“How could you? I never told you.” You sucked in another breath. “I’ve been having nightmares about death. My parents dying, my friends dying, you dying. I can’t get it out of my head, and it just keeps playing on repeat like some horror film that only shows one scene. Maybe it’s the stress of NEWT classes, maybe it’s because I’m weak, I don’t know.”
Fred gripped your chin in his hand, turning you to meet his eyes. The softness was still there but it was buried underneath determination. “Y/N, listen to me very closely. No one is dying. We’re all here. We’re all safe. Okay?”
You nodded.
You desperately wanted to look away as you asked the next question, but Fred’s grip was firm. “How much did you see?”
His thumb brushed over your cheek. “I walked in the room when he said ‘not flesh and blood, am I?’ but it took me a minute to figure out how to get over to you.” There was real pain in his eyes as he spoke to you this time. “Y/N, I would never never say those things to you. They are simply not true.” Fred released your chin to tuck you under his own as he brushed back your hair. You wondered if it was more for you or him. “When you die, a long time from now, it will be surrounded by those whom you love and who love you in return. You will be missed for as long as the sky is blue and your children's children’s children will get to say they are a part of your family.” He pressed a delicate kiss to the crown of your head. “You are important. You are magnificent. Breathtakingly beautiful. And I-” He cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t know how to live without you anymore.” The warmth that bloomed in your chest dissolved every shadow in your soul that carried those fears. They were pressed and suffocated by the light that Fred was.
You leaned back to look him in the eyes. Your faces inches apart. Your hand reached up to brush his hair from his face and tuck it behind his ear. Instead of pulling it back, you slid it behind his neck. It wasn’t you pulling him or him pulling you, it was a tacit movement from both ends. And your lips met.
It felt like falling. The sky before you in shades orange to pink to yellow to blue. Like a sunrise on a beach. Morning dew in a quiet wood. Cold rain after a drought. All the best things the Earth had to offer were experienced in one moment. One person.
Your fingers tightened in the hair at the nape of his neck while one of his arms lifted to cradle your shoulders trying to pull you closer. As if somehow the two of you could become one and never separate.
His lips were soft and warm. Everything you knew him to be. They moved over yours gently, like he was afraid to break you.
Just as naturally as you two eclipsed, you pulled back. Your hand still wound in his hair, his still tightly clutching your shoulder and waist. The world could’ve been falling apart around you and neither of you would’ve noticed.
You began winding a piece of his hair around your finger. “How’d you know where I was?” It came out breathier than you anticipated.
“I left my sweater in the common room and saw the portrait shut behind you. I had a feeling I’d need my wand so I ran back up to my dorm to grab it before coming back. I knew Harry still had the Marauders map so I snuck up to his dorm to grab it before coming to get you.” He twisted a bit as his arm left your shoulders. He pulled out the map from his pocket and opened it, showing the two of your footsteps in the Trophy Room. You stared at the spot you two were intertwined on the map way too long to be considered normal, before looking back up at Fred.
“Thank you.” You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Always, ‘Merica.” He whispered back, clutching you to his chest. “Always.”
You remembered the first time you fought with him.
It had been several months since that night in the Trophy Room. But whatever you’d been hoping for when you left that room was not quite what happened when you actually did.
Everything went back to relatively normal. Forgetting the unspoken tension between you and Fred whenever you were next to each other or even remotely close. It took only a glance now for your heart to start pounding out of your chest as you were reminded of the feeling of his lips on yours.
You turned your head back to Professor Sprout who was going over the many uses of Moly.
“It’s most common uses are as a counteragent against a range of enchantments…” She went on as you scribbled the notes down. This was probably a plant you used in multiple antidotes if you wanted to work at St. Mungos.
You desperately tried to focus, but it was difficult when you could feel his eyes on you every five seconds. You quietly slammed your quill down before looking at him.
“What?!” You whisper-shouted.
Fred’s already wide smile broadened. “Nothing.” Then he turned to look back at Professor Sprout.
He was doing shit like this all the time. It was driving you up the wall. You couldn’t decide if it was because you were upset at the fact that nothing had happened between you, if he really was just being annoying, or maybe because he hadn’t asked you to be his date to the stupid Yule Ball. You supposed you should at least be glad your life had gone back to semi-normal. You’d stop shutting yourself in the kitchens (although you still made time to visit Jips). George, Lee, and Angelina practically cheered the next time you joined them in the library to study. Fred smiled secretly from his chair, that day, as you tried to avoid eye contact.
Shaking your head, you got back to taking notes. This was an important class that you needed to do well in if you wanted to get the job you dreamed of. Rolling your shoulders, you studied the Moly in front of you.
You tapped it with your quill before continuing to write.
“Taking enough notes, ‘Merica?” Fred whispered right into the shell of your ear. The shiver it sent through your body caused your quill to jerk across your page right through your notes. Your jaw dropped. Your notes were...legible at least.
You snapped your head to him. “Fred! What the hell!” You punched his arm.
He had the decency to look guilty. “Sorry, love. Didn’t think you’d react that way.” He scratched the back of his neck. A nervous tick of his, you’d come to realize. You hated how it stretched the muscle on his arm making it much more noticeable. Your eyes flicked back up to his. He was smirking, the prick. He knew what he was doing.
You huffed before turning back to Professor Sprout. “It’s fine.”
“You’re the best.”
“I know.”
You’d been walking back to the common room with Fred and George after dinner with Adrian Pucey grabbed your arm. You jerked to a stop as you turned to face him.
“Oi mate!” Fred shouted and stepped forward with a heated look in his eyes. “Bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Let her go.” George seconded.
Adrian wasn’t looking at either of them though. He rolled his eyes before focusing back on you. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
“Can it not wait? I kinda need to study for-”
“It can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Did you not hear him? He said let her go.” Fred growled, stepping forward between you two. You laid a hand on his arm pushing him away gently.
“It’s fine. I’ll meet you two in the common room okay?” You smiled and he seemed to deflate as he furrowed his eyebrows. Nonetheless, he and George walked away (not without Fred huffing the entire way to the staircase).
You turned back to Adrian. “So?”
“Wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?”
You glanced around for a moment, half expecting Draco or Pansy to jump out with a sign that says ‘Surprise! You thought a Slytherin would ask you??’ But no one jumped out. In fact the hall was pretty quiet.
“Y/N?” Adrian shuffled.
“Oh, um.” You paused. “I can’t. I’m going with-” with who? Fred? The guy who hadn’t asked you yet despite kissing you in the Trophy room months ago? “You.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could take them back. You looked up at Adrian expecting to see his face break out into a cruel laugh, but it didn’t. He just smiled.
“Cool, I guess I’ll uh come get you from Gryffindor Tower at like 7:45?”
You nodded mindlessly, still not believing you’d said yes. “Uh- yeah that works.” You lifted your hand, stumbling backwards towards the staircase Fred and George had disappeared up. “Alright- bye.” You spun on your heel and practically catapulted yourself up the steps.
You said yes. To Adrian Pucey. Because Fred hadn’t asked you yet. Despite the ball being only a few weeks away.
What did I do? You shook your head and almost turned back to tell Adrian you made a mistake, despite being at Gryffindor Tower. But bumping into a solid frame prevented you from walking in either direction.
Two strong hands grabbed you by your forearms steadying you. You didn’t need to look to know who it was.
“What did Pucey want?” Fred spat his name out like it was poison. You tried hard not to look guilty as you looked up into his eyes.
“He wanted to talk about the Yule ball.”
Freds grip tightened on your arms. “What about it?”
You sucked in a deep breath. “He asked me to go with him.”
“You said no.”
Fred jerked back as if you’d stung him with nettle. “No you said yes, or no you said no.”
You pulled yourself out of Fred's grip, taking a step back. “I told him I would go with him, Fred.”
Fred had the nerve to look affronted. Anger swept over his features. For a brief moment, you were reminded of the face of the boggart. Yet even in Fred’s obvious anger, it could never compare to the deep loathing set in the face of his mimic.
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Are you serious?”
“Because no one else has asked me, Fred.” You said his name with the same venom he addressed Adrian with. “The Yule balls only a few weeks away and I don’t want to go alone.”
Fred’s eyes softened as he stepped closer to you. “I would’ve-”
You pushed his shoulders as hard as you could, causing him to stumble back a few feet. “Then why didn’t you?! I was waiting! There was no reason to say no to Adrian, who has only ever been nice to me, when there was no guarantee that the guy I wanted to go with would even ask me if he hadn’t already.” Tears unwillingly built up in your eyes.
“Will you go to the Yule ball with me?” Fred asked, reaching out for you. You couldn’t believe your ears. The question you’d been waiting for for weeks and here he was asking you only minutes after you’d been asked by someone else.
You let out a loud humorless laugh, gripping your stomach as you doubled over. Nothing was actually funny, you were just in such a state of shock that it bubbled out of you in the form of laughter.
“We kiss. Never bring it up. Never do it again. Never say so much as the word kiss around each other.” Every word you took the smallest step towards him until you were standing a foot away. Yet somehow it still felt like miles. “And suddenly when someone else shows interest, you want to too.”
Whatever you said seemed to anger Fred even more than hearing you’d said yes to Adrian. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared down at you. “You could’ve brought up that kiss just as easily as I could’ve, Y/N! Hell, you could’ve asked someone to the Yule ball instead of waiting for him to ask you!”
A part of you hated how right he was, but the other part just wanted to win the fight. “Well one guy decided I was worth the risk of rejection, while the other was apparently waiting for me to build up the courage to ask even though I’d practically handed my heart to him on a silver platter.” You pushed past him to whisper the password to the Fat Lady.
The portrait swung open, the Fat Lady doing her best to not meet either of your eyes. Your hand still gripping the frame you turned back to Fred. Tears slipping down your cheeks in waves now.
“You know, for a Gryffindor you sure are a coward.”
The portrait fell shut quietly behind you.
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punkpanda16 · 4 years
The Way I Loved You
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, Yoongi x Reader 
Word Count: 2.5k+
Summary: Five years later your heart still breaks sometimes. Sometimes we just want to understand why life isn't fair. We want the answers to our pain. And sometimes we meet other who may not have the answers but at least they understand.
Author’s Note: This just something that came to mind after listening to Taylor Swift’s That’s the Way I Loved You. 10/10 recommend listening while reading :). This is dabble not related to Mistakes and Miracles.  
Warning: Fluff, Smut, A LOT of ANGST Death of character ( please be warned if triggering). Please excuse mistakes it is unedited. I just wanted to post something today
It never was that I couldn't bring myself to love him. He’s perfect. He holds open doors for me. He pulls out my chair at restaurants.. He remembers things about me that no one even seems to notice. He understands boundaries and knows just what to say when I need him.
He is everything my single friends gush over. The man my father could sit next to and talk to about almost anything. He’s the prince from all those fairy tales my mother read to me. She even says men like him are rare and worth keeping. 
Namjoon is everything I could never ask for and a million times more. In many ways, I am so deeply in love with him that it hurts. But the way I loved Min Yoongi was different. 
Yoongi was the opposite of everything Namjoon is. The fights, the tears, the screaming. He never called when he said he would. He never knew how to talk about his feelings. Staying up until 2am cursing his name was so common it became normal. However, nothing compared to the way we kissed in rain. The way I loved him. 
“Yoongi! Stop pulling where are going?” You yell as he leads you up a path. 
“Trust me, baby. You’re going to love this.” He says with a smirk on his face. 
“We need to go back soon or my dad is going to be mad. He said it’s going to rain soon.” You warn.
“Look baby, I don't care what your daddy thinks. Just trust me.” He says with a laugh as you pout.
“Well you should care. He has a hard enough time accepting you as it is. Don’t even get me started about what my mom thinks.” You begin ranting until you are cut off with a sweet kiss on your lips. 
There was nothing wrong with Yoongi. You honestly thought he was the exact man your parents wanted for you. He went to school and worked 2 jobs to pay for school. He was charming and funny. He could be forgetful and confrontational but everyone has their flaws. You could never understand why your parents didn’t approve of him. They said he was too crazy. Well it's true, he could be a little impulsive but he had never been a reckless person . He just wanted to experience everything as if the world would end tomorrow. He wanted to feel fulfillment in other aspects of life not just financially. 
“Baby do you love me?” He asked as he stared deeply into your eyes. 
“You know I do, Yoonie.” You say quietly. You knew where this was going. 
“Then fuck everyone and everything else in this world.” He gently grabs your hands. “Baby, if we have each other the world can burn to hell. You are the only thing in this world that could hurt me.” He ends with a kiss on your forehead. 
“You know one day we have to grow up. This...us... one day we will have to face the world.” You remind him. Growing up is really scary. 
“Baby, you are 21. I am 23. We are grown up.” he says with a smile. 
“You know what I mean.” You wine as you playfully slap his arm. “We are going to graduate soon. Then life just happens. Love won’t stop that.” You say sadly. 
He lifts your chin gently. “Well until that day comes I will store all my love for you so it will be enough for us to get through anything.” 
You let out a small laugh at his words. “Yoonie we know love doesn’t pay bills or fix real problems.” 
“It doesn’t have to pay for those things. It just has to make us happy. Happiness in what everyone really wants in life. When the day comes that we have to “grow up” we can figure it out. Okay?” He says sweetly. 
“Okay.” You say as  you return his smile. Who could resist that sweet gummy smile. 
“Okay enough about this sad shit. Let’s go live another happy day. “ He says as he begins to pull you away again. You both laugh as you run up the hill. Before reaching the top he covers your eyes. 
“What are you doing now, Yoonie.” You giggle. 
“Things are better when there is suspense.” He jokes. He walks a few more steps before removing his hands. 
“Okay look.” He whispers in your ear.
As you open your eyes the most beautiful site comes into view. You are standing at the highest point of the city. Lights going on for miles. While the world continued just a few miles away the world seemed to stop where you and Yoongi stood. 
“What do you think?” He asked nervously. It was sweet that even after 2 years in a relationship he wanted to impress you. 
“I love it.” You say as you pull him into a hug. 
You pull back and begin to kiss him sweetly. His hands make their way up your sides until they reach your hips. Just as he pulls you closer and deepens the kiss it begins to rain. At first it’s a small drop but soon the sky opens up and it begins to pour. 
“Let’s go!’ he yells as you run back to his car laughing.
Things like that don’t just disappear from your mind. Especially, not on nights like this when Namjoon grips your hips like his life depends on it. His kiss is soft and sweet but you can sense his urgency. His hips begin to pick up speed as his moans grow louder. 
Lost in pleasure you thoughts run wild. Thoughts of how much you love Namjoon. How much you want his man. Thoughts that make you wish he would have been yours before Yoongi was. Life is just unfair. 
“Oh shit. Honey are you okay?” he asks as he slows down. He could always sense when you begin to slip away from him. He never got upset about it. He sometimes felt the same way you do. Yoongi was important to both of you after all. 
“Yes Joon. Please don’t stop.” You moan. 
“Are you sure baby? You know I understand and we can stop whenever you want. ” He asked quietly.
You reach up to kiss his nose the way you knew he loved. A small smile forms on his lips at your gesture. 
“I am sure Joon. I am okay. Sometimes my mind floats away but I am so lucky that you help hold me down.” You kiss him again this time on his lips. He reciprocates instantly as he deepens the kiss. 
He begins to move again. Slow at first as he kisses ever part of your exposed body that he can reach. 
“Joon baby you feel so good. Faster please.” You whine. He’s always so willing to please.
“Baby I’m close.” he warns
“Inside Joonie please. I need you inside.” You encourage him. He reaches down and rubs your most sensitive spot to get you both to reach your climax. A few strong thrusts later and you both reach it together. 
After a few moments of catching your breaths wrapped in each other's arms he gets up to clean you up. You are too tired emotionally and physically to move. Once he cleans you up, he joins you back in bed. He lays your spent body on his chest and rubs your back soothingly. 
“I hope this is the one. I can’t wait for us to have our first little one, my love.” He whispers in your hair. 
“Me too.” you hum as you inhale in sweet scent.
“Joon?” You lift your head to look him in the eyes. You find his eyes are closed in pure bliss. He hums in response but keeps his eyes closed.
“If we ever have a son...c-can we name him Yoongi?” You ask. It suddenly becomes too hard to look him in the eyes so you lower your head in embarrassment. Sensing your discomfort he reached down to lift your head to look back up at him.
“Of course we can, sweetie. Why do you look so ashamed to ask?” he frowns his brows in concern. 
“W-well you know me and Yoongi. We had a past. I love you more than life itself. You know that right?” you ask as tears begin to form in your eyes. 
“Of course I do baby. Why are you crying?” he asks as he wipes away your tears. 
“How many kids do you think we’ll have?” your question catching Yoongi off guard. He looked up with his cute surprised kitten face making coo. 
“K-kids?” He asks nervously. 
“Yeah kids. You know mini you or a mini me. A tiny little us.” You say with a bright smile, the one you knew he couldn’t resist. 
“I-I don't know. I don’t think I’d be a good dad, honestly.” he says sadly as he sees the smile drop from your face. 
“Why?” you ask as you take his cold hands in yours. 
“W-well ummmm,” he scratched his neck nervously, “for starters I can't get your dad to like me. Imagine how he’d react if I knocked you up.” 
“Wow “knock me up” how romantic.” you tease making a cute hue of red appear on his pale cheeks. 
“You know what I mean.” His bottom lip sticks out cutely. 
“I thought you couldn’t give a single fuck what my dad or, anyone for that matter, said about us?” you said jokingly. 
“W-well yeah. I don't but our kids are gonna need their grandparents so I’ll have to care then.” He explains.
“You're so sweet. See, you'll be a good dad if you already care about them like that. You would put your ‘I don't give a fuck’ attitude away just for them.” you say as you kiss his cheek making him blush more. 
“I mean I guess.” He says as he goes back to pretending to read his book. Thinking the conversation is over you go back to your work as well.
“Three” He breaks silence suddenly. 
“What?” you say surprised. 
“Three. If it’s with you...I-I want three. A boy and two girls.” He says but he never looks you in the eyes. 
“Three. I like that.” You agree as you go back to work with a smile on your face. 
“I’m crying because I don't think life is fair.” You say a sob tears through your chest. Making Namjoon pull you closer to his warm body in order to confront you.
“This life...this house...what we have. He deserved it too. I just don’t know why? Why Joonie?” You ask as more tears roll down your eyes. 
“I wish I could tell you baby.” his voice cracks as he speaks. You've always known it hurts him just as much as it hurts you. They were best friends and loved each other like brothers way before you came into Yoongi’s life.
“D-did he ever tell you?” You hiccup. 
“I-I...he did but made me promise not to tell you. And to be honest it wasn’t my secret to tell. All he said was I had to help you chase happiness when he couldn’t anymore.” 
“I can’t believe he never told me he was sick. Joon, even after five years it hurts.” You whisper out.
“I know baby. I also know that you were the best thing in his life. He never wanted to forget to live just because he was going to die.” He says as tears roll down his cheeks.”He stops as he wipes his tears before continuing. “You remember what he used to say about love?” 
You nod in response, “It wouldn’t pay the bills but that didn’t matter because the one thing everyone wants can’t be paid for.” he smiles down at you as you respond. 
“I want us to raise our children with that same mentality... You know he made me promise two things that last night we spent with him?” You turn to him surprised because you had never heard this before.
“What did he make you promise?” You ask as you wipe away your tears.
“First, to love you and show you the world. I was confused at first. Until he explained why he introduced us in the first place. Honestly, the first few months we dated I felt so guilty even though he was the one who told me it was okay. Don’t get me wrong I liked you a lot but he was my best friend. I could never betray him like that. But he told me to see you genuinely smile and I'd know why he chose me to look after you.” He said with a small smile.
“What does that mean?” You asked. 
“He loved everything about you but your smile...he said it could make the world stop. He said I'd know real and pure love when you smiled for the first time. One day many months after he left us, you did and he was right. My heart and my entire universe stopped. Everyday I still wish you had him by your side so he can see this beautiful smile that makes life worth living.” He says as leans down to kiss your lips. 
“What else did you promise?” You asked and tears gathered in your eyes.
“Live. Live that life he wished he could have but never had enough time to.” He said as he began to cry again. You pull him to your chest as you play with his hair. 
“Letting go was one thing but realizing that life wasn’t just going to stop because he left us was a whole new level of pain. I learned to love again with you but I could never forget how to love him. We had plans. He deserved to be part of the life he had imagined in his head.  Does that make me a bad person Joon?”
“No baby. It made you stronger. I know you love me. I know what we have is real I couldn’t give a fuck about anything else.” He says as you continue to play with his hair. Both of you now feel like a weight was lifted off your tired souls. 
“You are starting to sound like him.” You joked. 
“Well he did raise me.” Joon says with a dimpled smile. 
“He did a great job even though he gave you that potty mouth.” You giggle. 
“That’s how we will raise little Yoongi too.” He says as he rubs your stomach. Already imagining a bump forming. 
“His first word will not be fuck.” you scolded playfully. 
2am was the time he passed. 2am five years ago you cried like you’ve never cried before. The world stopped but not like it used to. It stopped because a part of you died too. Until someone revived you and helped you heal.  You no longer scream and curse his name at the top of your lungs in anger and pain. You can be at peace and can look to the future that you deserve. Never forgetting him is not a terrible thing because you will always carry a part of him with you. In a way he would get to live out the life you planned together.
Hi everyone,
. I am sorry I haven't been active here. I appreciate everyone who continues to read and share my work. Life is just hard sometimes guys and it’s okay to take breaks and take care of yourself. I know my writing in not the best but I do it for myself and for those who enjoy it.
I hope you are all safe and healthy. I love you all. :)
Yes, it has been a long time but Mistakes and Miracles will continue. Keep an eye out for new chapters these next few weeks.
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raeisgrayte · 3 years
Must Be Fa(e)te~ Chapter One
There was a fable my mother used to tell me all the time when I was a little girl. It was about a regal queen, a noble monarch who lead her people with pride, though I always thought the princess was my favorite character. She was a warrior who fought in the great war against the human realm. She was someone who stood up for what she thought was right, like fighting against the humans polluting the beautiful springs that the merfolk of Wellspring lived in. The best part about the princess though, was her rainbow wings. My mother told of how the princess only used them when absolutely necessary. She was more of a walking girl, she liked taking walks through the forest's abundant beauty. She was magical, too magical. That's how I knew my mom was making this up as she went.
I only wish it were true, then maybe I could actually blame a real life person for making me the homosexual I am today. Instead when people ask about my "awakening" I have to tell them I fell in love with a made-up fairy princess when I was 3. Usually they giggle and agree that they knew it at a young age too, but some want to know more about the story. I always tell them, it's a good story after all. It leaves my lips turned up in a smile afterwards, thinking about magic and gay shit.
God how I yearn for some excitement around this town. We all just walk around with somewhere to go. I never saw someone stop by to smell the roses unless they were with a loved one. I let out a large sigh, putting my left hand on the wooden counter in my grandfather's pop up flower shop, Love You Florever. It was a play on the word floral, but I think everyone I tell about the flower shop understands, I just want to make sure. There are the people who give me a strange look and then those who seem genuinely happy that my grandfather was such a punster. I miss him.
I hear the ding of the bell before I can go into one of those really sad moments where I start thinking about all the lovely memories I had with my grandad. I will not be having a sad montage in my head today! Not after what happened last time. I'm still stuck in my thoughts, trying to be funny, when I hear someone clear their throat. I cringe at how awkward I must look right now laughing at my own jokes, inside my head. "Ahaha, heyyyyyy, welcome to Love You Florever! Would you like to-" My brain short circuits when I finally meet the gaze of the goddess who has stepped foot into the shop. Oh lawdy I'm about to faint. She has beautiful almond brown eyes with a mole under her left eye. I'm drawn to the envious length of her lashes and how they brush gently against her cheeks as she blinks. She has short ebony hair that shimmers in the setting sunlight. Her lips curve up in a smile and she tilts her head curiously.
"Would I like to what?" She teases, a small laugh leaving her mouth. That's it, I give up. If there is a God I'm coming to visit you real soon. This girl was beautiful and her voice is so smooth I thought my brain was oozing out of my ears. I feel my face start to flush from embarrassment.
"Oh-um, sorry. I have trouble thinking sometimes." I laugh and scratch the back of my neck nervously.
"Like a medical thing?" She questions, her eyes flashing with concern like she had offended me. My eyes go wide and I shoot out my hand shaking it in a 'no' manor.
"No no no no, oh god no! You're fine, I  mean like my brain just-" I hit my head softly to insinuate that I'm just a dumb gay bitch, "you know, doesn't work? Especially around pretty women- I mean," I drag my hand down my face. "Fuck." I whisper through gritted teeth. This makes her laugh loudly, so much that she wipes her eyes. She lays a hand down on the counter and grins at me.
"Thank you and I totally get the whole brain malfunction thing." She smirks as her eyes search my face. I feel like she's trying to indirectly tell me something. After an awkward amount of silence she bends her other hand at the wrist in the viral tik-tok "hey I'm gay" gesture. If this were a movie I'd look into the camera as everything pauses and I'd say oh my god, a gay.
I shake my head in understanding now. "Ah." I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a small chuckle. "I'm so sorry, um, would you like to buy anything?" I ask with a smile. I was running the store after all. I had to try to make some money. Her lips lift in a big smile and she suddenly looks nervous.
"Well, actually I came in here because you were the only flower I saw in here." First off, rude. She covers her face as a blush starts to form. Second of all, awww. I didn't really know what to say. I mean I could tell she was trying to hit on me, but her game was a little off. We'd just met and I don't know if she's a killer or something- oh who am I kidding?
"Oh really? That sounds about right to me." I smile as her face lights up.
"Oh gosh! I was so nervous but also confident that you weren't straight. I was so scared that I had misjudged you and there would be this whole thing-" Bo Burnham's Welcome to the Internet starts playing and I scramble to find my phone. I look at her apologetically as I finally find my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I see that it's my mom calling me, she knows I'm working the store today. I instantly answer it and turn away from the girl.
"Ello stinky, what are you doing calling me at work?" I ask in a posh British accent. I wait for my mom to reply, but all I hear is silence. Oh my goodness, did she butt dial me? "Mom? Are you there?" A whisper of anxiety drips into my stomach.
"Oralee, did you use my shampoo?" The sound of her voice calms the panic and I roll my eyes simultaneously. Funny how that works. Her shampoo?
"Are you talking about when I took a shower this morning? The strawberry stuff?" I question. I can almost hear my mother's annoyed groan.
"Yes the strawberry stuff, you know I'm going on a date tonight. My hair has to smell like strawberries! You know this." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.
"I didn't know you were going on a date tonight. When did that happen? I thought you were done with men and no I didn't use your shampoo." I reply curtly. I hear some shuffling around in the background and then it clears.
"Listen you know I haven't been getting any-"
"Mom! Oh my god! Shut up shut up!" I yell into the phone. I shudder with disgust at the thought of my mom speaking like she was a teen again. I hear her laughing at my pain and I almost hang up. "I cannot believe you, what is wrong with you!?"
"Hey nothing is wrong with me okay? I'm just a bisexual mother who needs two or three people to comfort me in the ways of the b o d y." She whispers the last part and I feel my whole body want to shrivel up and die.
"I cannot believe you. You're a tyrant." I hiss.
"But you love me." She quips.
"Yeah, I do. Now I have to go mom, I have a customer." I smile as I turn around.
"Ooou! Tell me all about her when you get home! Love you!" She yells and before I can ask her how she knew it was a girl she hangs up. I finally look up but the girl that was there before is now gone. I close my eyes and groan. There's goes any hope at living a happy life with a beautiful wife and a dog. I flop down in my swivel chair and continue to watch all the people walk past my beautiful flowers. Everyone was too busy getting somewhere, but I knew one day they'd rush in through my doors wanting some romantic flowers. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. Yeah, that day will come.
+          +          +          +          +
"Lee do you like this one?" My mother holds up a small red dress with a low v-neck. Her eyebrows wiggle and I can tell she really likes this one.
"Well, let's see it on." I grin as she giddily runs into her ensuite bathroom and shuts the door. I lay back on her bed wishing I had asked that girl to wait for me to finish my phone call. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. Like most situations with girls, it never ended well for me. There was that time I had a major crush on the barista that worked in the Starbucks across the street from the shop. I convinced myself she had to be gay with how many rings and piercings she had. Turns out that was just how she liked to express herself and I learned quickly that assuming makes an ass out of you and me. You should never place feelings or sexualities on someone you don't know. You shouldn't even do that to someone you do know. Such as myself, I don't like to label myself as bisexual or lesbian, I'm more off the grid I guess. I like men okay, but then some days I will literally vomit at the thought of the male touch. It changes with the breeze to be honest. I just enjoy people's company and if something happens then I guess it does. Though, it never has. My mom has told me the day will come when I want to go serious with someone, but I'm pretty sure she was drunk when she told me that. Honestly I wish I was drunk when she told me that because then I wouldn't have to think that I'm such a failure at this romance shit.  
"So? What do we think?" Mom spins out of the bathroom and into the last bit of sunlight shining through her window. Wow, she looks absolutely gorgeous. I can't help but cover my mouth to hide the smile I have. The dress brushes at her knees and curves up her hips to support her larger than average chest.
"You look gross." I purse my lips and put on my best mean girl face on. She laughs and pushes my shoulder.
"Thanks Lee, I'll be heading out soon. Make sure you take care of Mirage, you know how she likes to let us know when we didn't feed her." I nod and watch as she goes to get ready for a night out. I didn't really care if she went out, I was used to being alone. In fact I appreciated some alone time here and there like everyone else. It was comforting to just be able to scream musical songs without the fear my mom would come join me.
"I'm going to head into my room!" I call into the bathroom. I hear her hum in acknowledgement so I turn on my heel and head towards her door. Mirage, our ragdoll cat purrs as she wraps her body around my legs, nearly tripping me. I grin and bend down to pet her. "Hey girl, you saying bye to mom too? She's going out to find some relief. She's been stressed lately for some reason, but we're going to behave and be nice to her. Right?" Mirage mews at me and I can tell there is nothing behind those eyes. She was just happy to be here. I chuckle and stroke her head. I decide to pick her up and take her with me into my room. I struggle to open my bedroom door with Mirage in my arms, but manage finally to swing open the door. I sigh as I smell the mango air freshener. I set Mirage down on my pink comforter that has a white swirling pattern. Mirage plops down with her muzzle burrowed under the blanket. I smile to myself, it's been a pretty nice Saturday.
I was about to sit down in my desk chair to chill and play some Minecraft, but I realize that I need to close my curtains or else I'm going to forget it all together and I know I'll curse myself in the morning if I don't do it now. I sigh and walk over to my two windows. The purple curtains flutter in the ac gracefully, almost like they're dancing. I grab hold of one of them ready to shut, but as I happen to look out of my window I start to notice someone in the middle of the road. A chill runs down my spin, it was creepy for someone to just be standing there. They could be waiting for someone I guess, but why in the middle of the road? There's a low feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I can't help the peak of curiosity I also feel. After all, my mother was about to go out, I want to make sure she'll be safe. It was a wonderful yet horrible thing that my curiosity would get the best of me every time. I'd so be the first one in a horror movie to just open a random door and get shanked. Anyway, that's not what we should be thinking about right now.
I pear out the glass to try and get a better look at this mystery person. I study their frame, noticing that their back is to me. I tilt my head to try and get a better look, but my eyes widen when I see what looks like them turning their head to look right at me. I audibly gasp as I stumble backwards and trip over the corner of my desk. I thud to the ground and curse under my breath. I rub my back where I hit it on my desk chair. What the fuck was that? I must be so tired I'm starting to see things. I sigh and then laugh at myself. Oralee Turner you cannot just manifest some person in the middle of the road looking right at you. Those are not good vibes. Plus you're not the main character girly, calm down. I mean sure you could be a main character if you put in a little effort but come on let's be real. You'd need to really work on the woe is me mentality. I brought out of my thoughts when I hear my mother's soothing voice behind me.
"Are you okay sweetie? I heard a noise." My mom appears in the doorway and I giggle at her frantic look. This makes her look even more worried. It's fine mom I didn't hit my head.
"Yeah I'm all good, I just need to go to bed I guess. I'm so tired I guess I forgot objects can trip me." I nod my head towards my desk. She clicks her tongue in empathy.
"Did you hurt yourself?" She leans into the room looking for any sign of injury. I shake my head slowly.
"I just bumped my back into the legs of my chair." I grimace as my back throbs.
"Oh hon, I can stay home and put some ice on that? I'll cancel my plans and we can watch a movie together." Her eyes frantically search my face for an answer.
"Mom I'm 18 years old, I think I can ice my own back, but thank you." I smile to try and calm her nerves. I want her to go out and have some fun. She deserved it. She sighs loudly and just when I think she's going to let it go there's a knock on our door. Mirage perks up and mom and I make eye contact. "Door to door service?" I smirk mischievously. I can tell she wants to say something more about our previous conversation, but another knock at the door calls her attention elsewhere.
"We'll talk more when I get home Lee." She turns to walk away but as if she has one last thing to say, she turns back. "Also, she seems like the kind of gal to walk me to her car and such. That's something you should want in someone. A lot of people don't do that now a days you just need to-"
"Mom, oh my gosh just go." I shake my head and try to shoo her away with a hand motion. She rolls her eyes but does as I suggest. I hear a distant voice and debate on meeting this mystery woman, but decide against it. I don't want to ruin the whole thing my mom probably has going. I also don't want this woman to think my mom is a- oh god- a milf. Before I can fold in on myself I hear a notification sound from my phone, which lays forgotten on my bed. "Hey Mirage would you mind growing a human hand to hand me my phone?" Mirage looks me in my eyes and as if directly telling me to fuck off, she hops off my bed and pads over to my closet. "Bitch." I grumble.
I heave myself off the ground with a grunt, only to flop myself down onto my bed. I somehow manage to grab my phone from under my leg. I wonder who would've texted me. I curiously unlock the phone and see a message from my best friend Tabitha.
Tabby: Hey! Let me know if you can make it to the party nerd!
I close my eyes and groan into my pillow. Social interactions in this day and age? No thank you. I'd rather go outside and touch some grass.
Buttface: I'm not sure if Phelo will let me :(
Tabby: You could just go anyway >:( Come on! I'll even drive you!
Buttface: I don't know Tabs, I just feel like it's going to be like last time all over again. You'll be the only one I know and you'll try to set me up with the one lesbian that'll be there. And before you say anything, no- I don't want to loose my virginty to some rando. That's not something cool I want to do.
Tabby: Oh come on that was one time and I said I was sorry :((( She won't even be here this time so you don't have to worry about spilling a drink on her again lol.
Buttface: I will kill you if you mention that once more :} Also fine, since you're a needy bitch I guess I'll stop in. When and where is it again?
Tabby: Don't worry about it, remember I said I'll pick you up! Just be ready around 6 tomorrow :)
Buttface: A Sunday night party? Really? We'll have school the next day.
Tabby: :)
God I wish she was the one with anxiety instead of me. I purse my lips as I remember how many things Tabitha has gotten me into. Like that one time she and I were walking in the park and someone yelled out that we were lesbians and she started to cry. I mean, who does that? Kind of scared me to be honest, I never want to walk with a girl anywhere ever again. Well, no that'd be a lie since women are goddesses and I am a simp.
It's then that I hear another buzz come from my phone. I almost don't look at it, I don't want Tabitha to have sent me something weird. When I look at my screen it's a message from an unknown number. I knit my brows together as I tap the message.
(xxx)xxx-xxxx: Hi, I hope this is Oralee Turner, if not that'd be awkward. You can just delete my message if you aren't her. If you are though, please respond with verification of your identity.
Verification? Who was this? How'd they get my number? This better not be another Tabitha set up. I swear one day I'm going to lock that girl in a room with some random guy I find on the street. I will actually not be doing that because men are scary, especially those who you don't know. I'm about to set my phone down and ignore this obvious scammer message, but for some very odd reason I text them back.
Oralee: Hi? This is she, I don't have your number saved in my phone. Who is this if you don't mind me asking? I don't feel comfortable sharing any information with a complete stranger :( Have to make sure you're not a scammer.
(xxx)xxx-xxxx: I understand completely! Of course you'd be cautious of an unknown number! Let me share some things that might make you a little more comfortable with who I am :) My name is Zandra Dominika and I'm 19 years old. I have your number because of your mother, Phelo Turner! I promise I'm not trying to scam you lol, just reaching out to see how your doing!
I think once I know someone is a female I instantly feel safer. It's... not the best feeling to acknowledge that, but then again it's good to still be aware of your surroundings. This person could still try to hurt me, plus they know my mom's name! That's absolutely fucked. I can't trust them right now. Why would I give them any personal information when they are most likely lying to me right now? Though the name Zandra did sound weirdly familiar. Like I knew it from a distant memory or something. Maybe I had seen it in my mom's memory book? I'd have to go check that out later.
(xxx)xxx-xxxx: I know you're probably taking so much time because you still think I'm a scammer, which is good! It shows that you're careful and smart! I'm glad you're not willing to send birthdates and shit to some rando. I'm not sure how I could prove to you that I'm not a scammer. I also know that I most likely scared you off with how I knew your mom. I could explain that if you'd be willing to listen?
Listen? I mean... I could do that, but no! This could be a ploy to get more information from my phone...or... they could be telling the truth. Damn it! I frown to myself, moving my thumbs to make the number a contact.
Oralee: It seems you know a lot about how I'm feeling and already have some information about me. I think this is all the recognition you need, but my curiosity does always get the best of me. Go ahead, tell me how you know my mother's name and how you got my number.
Zandra the randa: Okay... well I just knew how I would feel if someone randomly messaged me asking all these questions and knowing all these things lol. Anyways, I know your mom because she simply knows my mother. They go way back, like further than you're probably thinking right now. We've actually met before but I think you forgot lmao. We were really close actually, we didn't want to leave each other's side. Your mom is still in contact with mine so obviously I was curious how you were and asked for your number. I do think this is Oralee now so no recognition is needed anymore. I... uh... missed you a lot. It's lonely here.
I have to set my phone down for a second. What? I have a long lost friend? I really didn't see that one coming. I usually wasn't the one for making friends. I guess that gives me some explanation as to why I thought her name was so familiar. I'm going to ask mom to help me find that memory book when she gets home. That brings me back to what Zandra had last said. It's lonely here. What did she mean by that? Did she not live in our state? I wonder where she lives, maybe Montana? I'm going to ask her.
Oralee: So we used to know each other... I'm sorry I don't remember that at all honestly, but when my mom gets home I'm going to try and find some pictures if we have any. Maybe that'll help strike a cord in my brain. I do have a question though, where do you live? You make it sound like we're really far away :(
I straighten myself out on my bed, waiting patiently for a response, but one never seems to come. I wait for a good 10 minutes before deciding to do something other than just waiting. It wasn't healthy to get attached so quickly. I bite my lip. I wonder what she looks like. No, Lee there's no time to be gay now. Mom will be home soon and then you can look in the memory book.
I hope she's hot. You know, there are some days I wish I could just shut my thoughts off, especially the horny ones. She's got to at least be into DND, you know? If she can't enjoy be chaotic while being a mythical creature, I don't want it. DND was a way I could believe in small amounts that fairies are real. I smirk to myself as I think about all the times I tried to seduce something in our campaign.
"Lee? Are you awake? Honey I'm coming up!" I feel my body jolt from the sudden rush of adrenalin. Jesus, I guess my mom is home now. I didn't even hear the door open or a car pull up.
"Yeah I'm awake mom! I'll meet you in the hall." I hoist myself off the bed and shake my head. Shit, I didn't even know what time it was. It's nearly midnight and I have a shift tomorrow at the shop. I'm so fucked. I walk to my door and open it swiftly. I'm met with my mother leaned up against the wall across from it. She smiles sweetly at me, her eyes sparkling with delight.
"I missed you Lee." She holds her arms open for a hug and I instantly accept it.
"You too stinky. I hope you had a good night." I enjoy the smell of my mother, how it calms down my senses. It makes me want to cuddle with her all night watching movies, almost like what she suggested earlier. Shit! I never iced my back! That's going to hurt in the morning!
"Oh I did, it was long." I feel my body tense and I back away from her. My face scrunches up in disgust.
"Mom! God I don't want to hear about your night in that much detail!" I plug my ears like a child and shake my head vigorously.
"Meh, your loss." She shrugs and I can tell she wants to go to sleep. Her eyes are half lidded and she looks very loopy.
"If you're done, I do have a question. Where is that memory book you made when I was little? I got a text tonight from someone named Zandra Dominika. Do you know her?" I question, motioning towards her. She seems to suddenly wake up. Her eyes widen slightly as she processes what I just told her.
"Did you say Zandra finally reached out to you? Well thank fucking god, took her long enough. She's had your number for like 4 years. I thought ya'll would start where you left off, but I can see by your vacant expression that you don't know what I'm talking about." She smiles with a small chuckle. "Well, how about we talk about it tomorrow night okay? You and I can have some finger foods and maybe even some drinks. Talk for a while. I'll explain things to you clearly." She grins and gestures to my room. "Now, what do you say we get some sleep?" She nods and shuffles towards her room.
Well...how am I going to be two places at once? Do I want to go to a party or sit and veg out with my mom. Definitely the latter, but I have to go to the party, I promised Tabs. I'm just going to have to make both work!
+          +          +          +          +
It was Sunday afternoon before I could think of an excuse to miss Tabitha's party. Ugh, why'd she have to be such a good friend. Yeah she's made plenty of mistakes in our friendship, but so have I. I've known her forever, I can't just let her down by telling her I'd come to her party and then not going. I know it shouldn't matter, but I just don't want to deal with her mad at me on top of trying to figure out who the hell Zandra was. My mom seemed to like her enough I guess, but was that just a mom thing? Was I really close to this girl or is my mom trying to get me a girlfriend? I purse my lips as I give that a little more thought. Nah, my mom isn't the type to do that, she's not that desperate to please her gay daughter. She knows relationships, especially those of the gay variety have to take time. They have to happen naturally, not by some silly match making friend. It makes both parties feel very uncomfortable.
"Miss? I'd like to buy those now." I hear someone say. It was a guy about my age who looked pretty nervous. He had that all time popular floofy hair and had sun kissed skin. His eyes were an emerald green, like how you'd see algae in a pond. His face looks like someone took brown paint and scattered freckles all over it. I smile in my customer satisfaction smile.
"Of course! Sorry I was just lost in thought about something going on." I laugh lightly to try and make this situation less awkward.
"Yeah I totally get it! I'm not sure what flowers she'll like, so I'm sort of freaking out about it." He looks up to meet my gaze, his emerald eyes lighting up. "Hey do you think a mysterious type of girl who doesn't really like flowers would like these?" He holds up black nemophilas. I smirk to myself. Did he really have to pick such a literal meaning for a flower? I think this guy is way over his head. He shouldn't be buying flowers for this girl, he should be taking her to watch the stars. She seems like the kind of girl to like that.
"Well, those flowers have a secret meaning, you wanna know what it is?" I raise my brows like I'm about to whisk this guy into a crazy story about how these flowers got their name. He nods his head frantically. "Those are black Nemophilas, they usually are small beautiful flowers, but can bloom in all white, pink, white with some purple, or like what you have there. They're called black Nemophilas but they actually look purple with white around the edges of the petals right? Although it's cooler to think that they bloomed black. They're mostly grown as a houseplant because of their resistance to freezing temperatures." I grin widely. I get so happy talking about flowers. I meet his eyes again and he looks extremely happy.
"Shit. Thank you so much. I'm sure she'll love these." He smiles kindly and for the first time in a while, I see him lift the buds to his nose. He takes a small whiff in and a grin spreads across his face. "It smells like sweat." He laughs.
"I-uh... yeah, they're not known for smelling too nice." I stumble over my words, still shocked that someone actually stopped to smell a flower in my shop. They were always too busy buying the flowers to care about what they smelled like. It seemed like the first time someone had cared enough to take time out of their day to smell the flowers. Instead of picking up the prettiest rose and whisking it away without a second glance my way.
I gulp in, not knowing why him smelling a flower got to me so much. "Uh, yeah if you'll just set them down here I'll get them prepared for you to take." I nod curtly and whisk around to the preparation counter. It has scissors, shears, a spray bottle, and some other gardening things. Get it together Lee.
"Thanks so much for this by the way. Pretty sure she's going to fall in love with me because of the sweaty flowers. My name is Elijah, I think we go to school together." I feel my back tense. Great, he goes to my school.
"Yeah?" I say over my shoulder. "What grade are you in?" I ask. Lee why are you continuing the conversation? You don't even like to talk to your cat most of the time.
"I'm a junior, struggling in Mrs. Groution's English class." I can almost hear the smile in his voice. "You're a senior right?" He prods. Dear lord he has seen me around school.
"Yup!" I reply politely. "I'm just ready to get out of here and graduate you know? I have the case of senioritis bad." What I said was honest. I didn't like my high school. It was filled with fake kids and even more fake adults. We had a "zero tolerance" for bullying, yet some of my friends can tell me stories they've heard that says otherwise. It was just an overall distaste for the whole putting on looks situation. A school wasn't supposed to use kids like that, I absolutely hated it. His voice takes me out of thought and back to the situation at hand. I was having an interaction, I needed to focus on that, no matter how much I wanted to hide from it. There were days like this, the ones where I didn't want to be around people at all, but other days it's better to be around them so I can thrive off of some energy people give off.
"You seem a bit lost in though, I'm sorry I can just get out of your hair." He laughs, but I can tell he's a little hurt by the fact I'm so lost in thought. I feel bad even though I barely know the guy.
"Nah, I'm just a deep thinker you know? I get lost in thought very easily. I'm not the best in social situations face to face." I turn to give him a genuine smile. I see his eyes light up again. Good, he feels better.
"Oh no I totally get how that feels. I hate how our school does this whole," he instantly puts on a fake posh accent, "We have the smartest and happiest kids." He lets out a chuckle afterwards. "Little do they know that half of us are depressed and the other half are too busy peaking in high school to be bothered by their sadness." I turn to look him in the eyes, mine growing wider by the second. We make eye contact and then suddenly burst into laughter. My word, he does get it. Shame on me for assuming Elijah and I would have nothing in common. After a bit I can finally breathe again from laughing so hard. I wipe my eyes still giggling lightly.
"Here are your flowers Elijah, good luck." I smile as he graciously takes the flowers and waves enthusiastically to me as he leaves. The smile stayed on my lips for the rest of my work day. Then it was time for me to get ready for Tabitha's party. Joy to the world.
+          +          +          +          +
I ended up wearing something comfortable over cute. If anyone had issue with it, I'd just tell them to fuck off. Well, not actually, I'd just think it. I was in some black sweats with a stretchy maroon shirt. I slipped my off brand crocs I got from a farmers market with my mom a couple years ago and a cute anklet. I pull my hair up in a pony to keep it mostly out of my face. I had normal blonde hair that was naturally pretty curly, but I had a Great Aunt who would give me perms every once in a while. Noting this, I pull some curly strands to frame my face so it didn't look so round. I put on a dangly bracelet and my chain necklace. I'm overall happy with my look, but I'm sure Tabitha will have something to say about it. I decide to put on some gold rings to match the chain in hopes that they'll suffice for her.
I stuff my phone and some earbuds in my pocket and then grab a few dollars out of my wallet. I could need some cash for food later, not sure. I do a once over of myself in the mirror and pat my pudgy stomach. "Oh yeah Oralee Turner you are looking sexy tonight." I give myself finger guns in the mirror and head out my door, grinning to myself like an idiot. I hop down the stairs and towards the front door. Mom hadn't come home yet from errands so I write her a quick note to let her know I'll be back a little later than midnight, seeing as it was getting close to 6 already. Speaking of the time, where the hell is Tabitha? She said was going to pick me up right? I cram my hand into my pocket to find my phone. I unlock it only to find Tabitha had texted me a couple minutes earlier.
Tabby: Hey, I can't pick you up tonight! :( I have to meet up with someone pretty soon so you're going to have to drive yourself!! Sorry babes!
I groan and turn my phone off. This was a great start to the night, because not only did I not like driving, but I was definitely not okay with my car going to a party. I angrily grab my keys from the bowl in the halltree and rush out to my car. I want to be one of the firsts ones there so I can find a good place to sit and an escape route. I start my small car and am met with my comfort station of old rock songs. Okay, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I pull out of the driveway and roll my window down. The fresh nigh air whips the tendrils of hair I pulled out around my face, it's slightly annoying, but I like the fresh air. It smells like rain and it was such a cool night. It's about a couple minutes into driving when I realize Tabitha didn't tell me where this party was being held. Damn it why am I still even trying to go to this thing? It's like I felt some kind of pull to go and I hated that Tabitha could just pull on my heart strings like that. I pull over into an abandoned parking lot and pull out my phone.
Buttface: where the fuck is this party again?
The reply is almost instant.
Tabby: Ah, it's at this jock's house. 1987 Elmore North, I think his name is Elijah, come on get here girl!!
My eyes widen and a grin spreads across my lips. You sneaky son of a bitch. Did Elijah buy those flowers for Tabs? Maybe this is why I felt such a pull to go to the party. I can get to know Elijah more and if he's that cool then maybe the people he invited are pretty cool too. I feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off my shoulders as I set my phone down in one of the cup holders. His house was a short drive from where I was now, it would only take me about 2 minutes to get there and his neighborhood is rather large, meaning big houses, meaning there's bound to be a dog to pet. Count me truly ready to party now.
I make it to his house and hop out of my car. I feel lucky that not a lot of cars are there yet and that I can see Tabitha's. Should I have brought something? No, I did help him pick out those flowers. I subconsciously put my hands in my pockets, walking up to the backyard gate which is open. There are outside lights set up and small campfire flickering in a stone firepit. There's a deck with a grill and below ground pool near the fence line of the property. It's a pretty nice backyard, but I only see a couple people out here and none of them are anyone I know. I hurry up and spot the glass sliding door to the inside. Of course it's a glass sliding door. I clumsily wander over to the door and slide it open. I'm hit with warm air and a yelling voice coming from deeper in the house. I glance back to the group outside which consists of 2 boys and 3 girls all chatting about an English assignment. I definitely don't want to try to join in on their conversation so I step inside and shut the door from behind me.
"I thought we had something Tabby!" I hear a familiar voice yell.
"Well you don't know shit! And don't call me that! I should have never come here! Damn it!" Once I hear my friend's name I'm on my way to find her, when I do find her, I find Elijah with her. Tabitha has the flowers clutched in her hands, breaking the stems. Elijah breaks his angry stare from Tabitha when he spots me. He looks almost shocked to see me, but his demeanor changes when he puts it together that I'm not here to be on his side. "What took you so long Lee? I was waiting for you!" Tabitha stares at me with pleading eyes, her grip on the flowers hardening, I can tell by the way they droop even lower to the ground.
"I-I had to drive myself and I didn't know where I w-was going at first." I look between the two of them. "What's going on?" I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Why did I come here? I take a few steps backwards.
"This fucker thought flowers where his way into my pants." Tabitha hisses and tosses the flowers to the ground. I wince. I get that she was upset, but the flowers didn't do anything. They had a nice life after all, I cut and prepared them. Someone actually stopped to smell them. I got to share facts about them! I never get to do that! "Well fuck that." Before I can think she stomps the flowers into the hardwood floor. Her boot cuts into their stems and when she's done it's a mess of petals and leaves.
"I wasn't trying to get into your pants!" Elijah finally shouts. "I actually just wanted to be a gentleman because so many fucking guys out here are disgusting!" I can tell he's upset about her stepping on the flowers and her words by the way his voice wobbles and his eyes flit between the crumpled petals. I'm upset now too. I can't really tell why I'm so upset but I meet Tabitha's eyes with tears in my own. My brows are drawn into an angry expression as I glance down at the mess by her feet.
"I-they-you- those flowers had no part in this... why'd you do that? You know how I feel about flowers Tabs. They have lives too." I meet her gaze again. I want her to apologize but all she does is roll her eyes.
"They're not alive Lee, don't be such a pansy. For fuck's sake can we focus on my problems here?" She hisses. A chill runs through my body. I can feel my blood boil and freeze almost simultaneously. Elijah stares at her in disbelief.
"Fuck you." I hiss and squeeze my eyes shut. The tears finally break over the barrier and fall down my cheeks. I rush out the way I came, a sick feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.
She knows how I feel about them! She knows how much they meant to my grandad. How much shit he had to go through to keep the shop going. He raised me, teaching me about the different effects flowers could have. Flowers were a language not spoken by many.
"Lee! Lee wait I'm sorry! I was angry! Lee-" I run. I run until I'm outside and shutting the door. Why'd I come here? Why'd I do it? God I was so stupid? Stupid. That's me. No no no no, fuck! I ball my fists and wipe at my face. I realize the group outside is looking my way and I curse under my breath. I turn on my heel and fast walk the fuck out of there. I try to make the tears stop falling, but they keep streaming down my face.
"Fuck, fuck, shit." I curse, then suddenly I knock shoulders with someone who grunts because of the impact. I stop in my tracks, I may be upset but my mother taught me manners. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I finally look up to see who I bumped into. A tall girl about my age stands in front of me. She has pink hair tied into space buns and heart shaped glasses on. Her earrings are also in the shape of hearts as well as the choker she's wearing. She has high-waisted jeans on with a flowy blouse to match. She was absolutely stunning. She even had a beauty mark under her eye that stood out in the moonlight.
"It's okay," She pauses as she gets a better look at me. "A-are you okay?" Her brows instantly knit in concern. Shit, has she noticed I'm not mentally stable already?
"I-uh... yeah I'm fine." I decide to answer. "I... I'm actually going." I sigh. She purses her lips and then frowns.
"That's too bad, you seemed cool. I was hoping to talk some more." She grins. I nod in agreement.
"I am pretty cool, but I should really get going." I jab my thumb towards where my car is.
"Lee?" I whisk around to see Tabitha at the gate.
"Shit." I hiss. "See ya, I gotta go!" I yell and practically Olympic sprint to my car. I unlock my car as fast as I can and hop in. I turn the key and start to back out when I see Tabitha waving wildly in front of me. Yeah, I'm never going to another one of her 'fun' parties. I shake my head and wipe at my face. Pansy? I tense as I speed towards home. Never again.
I get home around 8:45pm and to my surprise my mom is home. I pull in behind her car and put mine in park. I don't think this night can get any worse. I get out of my car, lock it, spin my keys around my fingers a couple times, and then head towards my front door. Before I can open it, it's opened for me. "Evening sweetie, what brings you home so early?" My mother stands in the doorway with a frown on her face. I sigh and lightly push past her into the house.
"Oh you know, just too cool for the party life." I give her a fake smile and she clicks her tongue.
"That bad?" She questions. I nod and flop down on the couch. It's then that I notice the memory book on the coffee table. Her eyes light up. "Oh yes! Miss Zandra, you wanted to see a picture of her right? Now, since you're home so early we're going to have lots of time to look at pictures and discuss, but I need you to have an open mind." She gives me a stern look. I roll my eyes.
"Mom, I'm a gay teen, I have to keep an open mind at all times." I fire back. She pauses for a moment then nods her head in agreement. She flops down next to me grabbing one of the books. I snuggle up next to her, loving her comforting scent.
"Ah here's a good one, it's of you guys when you were little." She flips the book for me to see the picture. It's little me with that appears to be strap on fairy wings on my back, same for who I'm assuming is Zandra.
"That's her?" I point to the other little girl. She nods and coos about how cute we look. Zandra has the same sparkly dress up wings on. I chuckle at how cheap they look. Mom flips a couple pages and gasps.
"Oh and here's a more recent picture of her!" She taps the page excitedly. My eyes widen as I scan the photo in front of me. Pink hair tied back in regal braids, a white dress with gold accents trailing up the bodice, her slender arms folded in front of her, and those same sparkling wings on her back, only about four times the size. I gasp as my eyes follow what seems to be a swirling pattern in them.
"I-is she into fantasy shoots or something?" I choke over my words. She was beautiful. It takes me a moment to finally notice the glimmering gold crown around her head. It has a hanging purple jewel dangling in the middle of her forehead. My eyes trail down her face and land on a beauty mark under her eye. If my eyes could widen any more I think they did at that moment.
"Um, well not exactly sweetie, there's been something I've needed to tell you for a while now."
Of course.
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tom riddle x reader
"bubs wake up!" I shouted at tom asking him to wake up"Go away! Your so fucking annoying and stop calling me by that name!" He groanedTom had alwayse been harsh but i know he has a kind heart in there...well maybe 1%. Sometimes he just can't control his words and barely even says sorry.I still wonder why he asks me to be his girlfriend at some point."Come on tom! You promised to go to hogsmade with me today." I said slightly poutingIt was a free day today."Ttttooooommmmm-" he cuts me off"Shut the fuck up y/n! Your so fucking annoying i swear! Go away." I was so taken back by his wordsYes he was mean but he was never this mean to hurt my feelings like that. A tear left my eye rolling down my pink cheek."Am i that annoying?" I asked him my arms crossed."Yes. You are fucking annoying. Now leave me alone"Why is he like this...has he move on?"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!" I slamed the boys dormitary door and made my way to hogsmade since i'm all ready not caring of what tom is saying next[Toms pov]"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!""Y/n,wait!I didn't mean i-"Did she just...curse at me.She never does that,like never!Oh no...oh no! She really must be mad!Shit shit shit.I got up and put on a hoodie and a sweater in a rush to catch up with y/n.It was just a little chilly outside.I grabbed a few galleons and put it in my pocket then slamming the door,i walked out,making my way to hogsmade. ... (3rd person pov)Tom was constantly sweating in fear thinking wether y/n really meant that breakup or she just said that because she was mad. Eitherways it was still bad. Making y/n mad is the worse thing you would want to do now,if she gets mad she will stay mad at you. She rarely got mad or like any sort of negative emotions and thought,she had never cursed on tom before. It was his first time feeling a sharp pain in his heard as every second goes by it rips and cutts it more.He was now at the point of running to hogsmade when he saw y/n was with another guy. His blood was boiling,but soon enough,he saw that y/n was kind of uncomfy and trying to get away from that guy but he just kept pulling her wrapping his arm around her waist.[Y/ns pov]I went in hogsmade and this guy instantly pulled me by the waist in to a group of boys. I just smiled,they looked stronger and way bigger then me so i tried to escaoe but i was just being pulled closer for every attempts. Soon then,i heard stomping foot came my directions."OI! let her go you fat arse Tim!" Tom was standing there. His chest out and looking as if he was going to punch them.Well i think he will.He was slowly moving closer and closer."and...what would you do if i don't huh riddle?"The guy who i now know the name is Tim now is smirking as he said the sentece."does this guy want to die or something?"I thought to myself.Tom pulled me behind him and is now faced to faced with tim."Tom,i-it's fine-" he cutts me off"It might be fine to you...but it's not to me!"Tom gave tim a punch in the nose making tim bleed.It soon turned out into a fight scene.I was pulling Tom back while the others are trying to pull the bloody nose guy back from breaking into a fight again."Enough Tom!" I shouted as i pulled him outside and walked back to the castle.The walk from hogsmade to the castle was very quiet.I did not even speak to him nor did he.It was like...we were strangers..[At hogwarts,slytherin common room][y/n's pov]I asked him to sit down on the couch while i went to go take some healing medicine from the girls dormitary."What's up with the healings y/n?" Bellatrix asked poofing infront of my face."Dang it bella! I could have fucking drop this!" I barked making my way out of the door."Woah...that's the first one.What wrong,did Tom do anything cause i wouldn't mind killing him" she cheerfully said while smilling."He just got into a fight,no biggy i guess.I'm going to heal him up,see you later i guess." I walked down the stairs to the commom room and to find tom having his face down to his knees and his hand hitting his head.I put the medicine on the table and rushed over to stop him."Hey hey! Don't hit yourself you dimwit!" He put his hands to his side and i could hear whimperes from his."I-is he,crying?!?"i thought to myselfI had never in my life seen him cry before.Not even at someones funeral.The whimperes turned into hiccups and sobbings.I tried lifting his face up but he kept putting it down.It hurts seeing him this way,it hurts seeing him sad,this sad."Tom...look up please..."i begged.He looked up at me with puffy red eyes me bruises along his cheeks and jaw. I put my arms around his shoulder,rubbing his back up and down trying to calm him down. He proceeds to put him arms on my waist and took deep breaths and letting them out."Please don't cry.." I cried out to him "I don't want you to leave me y/n..I'm sorry for this morning and I love you very much. Please just don't leave me..." my heart broke to hear the those words coming out of his mouth.I pulled out from the hug and slowly brought our lips together. It turned to be a passionate loving kiss that we haven't had for a while."I'm sorry for this morning to,I didn't mean to say those words.I...I just got a little mad and-" the soft lips attached to mine again"It's okay,it wasn't your fault. Y-you didn't mean the b-break up didn't you..." I looked at him giggling abit"Sooo your saying the kids was nothing? Ok then I'll be going now." I stood up and tried walking back but was pulled by strong arms and was connected with the soft lips again."Don't leave me y/n,promise?" He prayed to me."I promise bubs,now let's clean those cuts and heal the bruises." I reached over for the medicine and aplyed it on him gently. HEYY YALLSS! Im so sorry for not posting for so long😭😭 School sucks please! Anywayse I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will still be updating my other books and this book to but it will be updated slowly so y'all's have to wait. Anyway I have school tomorrow😢good night!!
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specialagentlokitty · 4 years
Hotch x reader - Won’t give up
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Would you be okay writing Aaron Hotchner x Kryptonian Reader or Spencer Reid x Kryptonian Reader? Also could the Reader not be a part of the bau and could it be about them finding out that the Reader is Kryptonian, I don't mind which pairing you choose. I hope the request is okay. Thank you :) - Anon❤️
Hiding who you were was hard, as well as being a superhero, you also played the part of a ‘normal’ human who worked in a cafe.
That was the part of you life you like, acting like you were normal. Just working part time and then going home into the loving arms of your boyfriend and his son.
Oh how you wished to tell them, but you believed Jack would take it better than Aaron. After all, Jack was a kid, and he already looked up to your hero persona ‘Owl’.
He didn’t know it was you of course, but he absolutely loved Owl. He loved the things she could do and hay she saved people.
While sitting on the couch on your own, you had the news on like you always did. Watching and listening for anything you could help out with when it came on.
Gunmen in a federal building, the FBI building. Your heart pounded, that’s where Aaron worked, that’s where Jack was today.
Without thinking you rushed upstairs to change, pulling on your black clothing and placing the owl mask over your face before running out the door.
Great part about your bloodline, you could run amazingly fast, so you were in there in no time. Sure, oh could fly too, but you didn’t like that... heights were scary.
So, as you stood in front of the FBI building, cameras turnt to you and people started shouting.
You didn’t bat an eye as you walked through the door, two gunmen stood there waiting, and instantly open fired, but their bullets just harmlessly bounced off you making you smirk.
“Big mistake boys.” You chirped.
Casually walking walking over, you punched one in the face knocking him clean out, grabbing the other by the collar of his top, you picked him up and with ease tossed him to the side, impact knocking him out as well.
This is how it went as you cleared each floor, escorted all the hostages out until you got to Aaron’s floor, there was more here, and it was a harder fight.
While you dealt with on, another came up behind you, arms going around your neck knocking your mask clean off.
Your eyes widened a little as you connected eyes with your boyfriend but you shrugged it off, grabbing the axman’s arms, you sound yourself around, kicking him in the gut sending him flying back.
While you were busy you didn’t notice on of the criminal coming out of an office until you heard a cry.
“DADDY!” Jack cried out.
Your heart stopped, you spun around, dropping the criminal in your hand with a thud, letting him scramble away with a few scrapes and bruises.
Your eyes trained on Jack who was being held at the throat with a gun to his head while the one holding him stared you in the eyes.
“Hello Owl, it’s so nice to meet you. I’ve seen a lot of you, one wrong move and the kid is gone.”
“Don’t you dare hurt him.” You snarled our, eyes glowing red.
Anger was welling up inside of you and you wanted nothing more than to beat the bastard to a pulp, but you would never risk anything happening to Jack.
“Just do as I ask and he’ll be safe.” The man smiled.
“Face me yourself you coward, don’t hide behind a child.”
“Ah, see, he’s leverage. I know you won’t let anything happen to him. I want a free pass out of here, and you’ll give it to me.”
You growled, but nodded your head. If that’s what he wanted than that’s what you’d give him.
He pushed jack to the side making him fall over and start to cry, but Aaron and the team were instantly next to him while the man walked over to you.
“Now, I’m not stupid, there’s police outside. So, you’ll find another way out.”
“Already got one.” You smirked.
The man wasn’t very smart, the moment he let go of Jack you could do what ever you wanted, so you did.
Grabbing him by the throat, you pushed him forward, booting the glass window so it broke, you dangled him outside while he screamed in fear, thrashing about.
“Let me go!”
“Sure.” You smirked.
The mans eyes widened as you dropped him, his screamed radiating the open air.
You dived out after him, just before he hit the floor you grabbed him and held him upside down by his feet.
“Don’t you dare touch him again!” You yelled out.
Placing your feet on the floor, you carelessly tossed him across the road towards the police and news crew.
Then easily jumped back up through the broken window.
Ignoring the team there, you headed to your mask and picked it up, running your finger over the crack in its face.
How fitting, a crack in the hero’s mask to fit the crack in the hero’s heart and soul.
With a sad smile, you let you hand drop limply to your side.
“(Y/N)...” Aaron whispered, “you’re...”
Without turning around you nodded.
“Yes, I’m Owl. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want to scare you...”
You sighed heavily and spun around, giving Aaron a sad and broken smile.
“You weren’t meant to find out... I just wanted to be normal...”
Sniffling a little, you started to head back towards the window.
“(Y/N)!” Jack cried out.
He broke away from his dad and ran over, wrapping his little arms around your legs making you stop. Pulling him away, you turnt around and knelt to his height with a little smile on your face.
“Heya pal, are you okay?”
“Yup! All because of you!” He beamed.
You laughed a little and shook your head, patting his chest, just above his heart.
“Not because of me, because you’re so, so brave. And so, so strong Jack. I’m proud of you.”
Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around your neck, giving you a hug which you more than happily returned.
“Promise me something Jack.” You whispered.
“What is it?” He whispered back.
“You’ll carry on being strong, and you’ll help your dad look after himself. Like a hero?”
“Of course!” He beamed pulling away.
You smiled, kissing the top of his head before pulling away from him, standing up again.
“Thank you Jack, I love you okay?”
Jacks smile faltered and you backed up against the window.
“A.. are you going..?”
You nodded your head.
“It’s for the best pal, I don’t think your dad will accept me for who I am. Not many adults do.”
“Daddy will! Right?!” He spun around to face Aaron.
Aaron glanced between his son and you, seemingly conflicted as he thought.
“I love you Aaron.”
Aaron opened his mouth but before he could speak you were gone. There was no trace of you anywhere jack turnt around, screaming out your name.
Aaron sat there hopeless, he still loved you, but you were gone before he could tell you, now he was lost at what to do, but he was determined to find you again because like hell was he going to let you go that easily
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
hey hey hey !!
this was a Spencer Reid request for Reader to have some kind of past trauma so she pushes Spencer away despite having feelings for him. On a bombing case, she opens up to him.
9/11 disussion, if you are ever in New York city I highly recommend visiting the 9/11 museum. Has lots of artifacts and letters sent from the terrorists, very moving. I visited last summer and was almost in tears.
Fluff and angst, the usual
“Can you catch it?” I laughed as I threw kernels of popcorn at Reid, him failing at catching them in his mouth. 
“That was definitely your fault, it wasn’t even close,” Reid complained jokingly. I just shrugged, popping a kernel into my mouth and ignoring the way my heart beat when he smiled. 
Nope, my heart is not open for business, I told myself. 
As we were lost in our chuckles, the team and I almost didn’t notice Hotch run from his office to Rossi’s and then down the stairs. 
“Wheels up in 10. We’ll brief on the jet.”
I looked to Reid with furrowed eyebrows. “That’s not good.”
His eyes followed Hotch, who was already headed to the elevators. “No, it is not.”
“A bomb just went off in the Forest Brush Elementary school in South Carolina an hour ago. Right now, body count is 24, the number of injuries rising.” Hotch gave us the news with heavy eyes, and the plane was silent. 
“Location is definitely intentional, the unsub probably had a rocky childhood,” I said, not totally sure of what I was saying. Reid noticed my unfocused eyes, but he didn’t say anything. 
Glass windows and foundation shattering. 
“Where was the bomb planted in the school?” Morgan asked Hotch. 
“The unsub didn’t plant it. He kept the bomb in his car and drove it into the school cafeteria before detonating it with a remote. They still haven’t identified the bomber yet.” Hotch said without looking up from his flies. I fought to listen to what they were saying, instead of getting lost in the memories.  
Screams of terror and overwhelming smell of smoke.
“YLN?” A hand nudged my arm gently, and I flinched at the movement. My eyes met Reid’s, and he gave me a questioning look. 
“I’m fine… I just wanna find out who did this.” Reid didn’t buy it, but he didn’t press. 
“Alright, everyone needs to dive into their assignments as soon as we touch ground. Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, Rossi go to the elementary school and help with search and rescue. If there’s any witnesses at all, get them medical help and then do an interview. Reid, YLN and I will go to the police station to meet with families, examine blueprints of the school, and contact the press.” Hotch looked to me, and I shot him a grateful look. The press I can handle. __
After an hour at the police station, I was already exhausted. “The press want a statement from the principal, apparently he ran into the school continuously to save as many kids as he could.”
Reid raised his eyebrows. “Wow, that is really brave. Has the team interviewed him yet?”
I shook my head. “No, he’s still being checked out by medics. I just don’t understand how the press can’t just let the witnesses alone, let them deal with their trauma without a camera shoved in their face.” My words came out bitterly, and Reid noticed. 
“Hey, what’s going on with you? Is everything okay?” For some reason his words only made me angry.
“No, everything is not okay. 24 kids and teachers are dead.” I glared up at him before storming away. 
He caught my arm before I could get far. “YFN... did something happen to you?”
My anger melted away as quickly as it had come, and I pulled on his tie. “Come on,” I said simply, leading us into an empty room. My breath started to come more quickly, and I shut the door fast behind us.
Reid looked at me with kind eyes, and my heart did jumping jacks. “What happened to you? You’ve been different on this case, I’ve never seen you like this.”
I closed my eyes, leaning back against the closed door. “United Airlines, Flight 175.”
His expression changed immediately. “You... were in New York?”
“On September 11th, 2001, I was a 20 year old intern, working in the North Tower of the Global Trade center. I lost a part of myself that day, and that was the day that made me want to join the FBI. To fight people that prey on the innocent.” I gulped, tears biting the edges of my eyes and memories flooding my vision. “When the tower collapsed, I could feel the rubble pressing down on my chest. I should’ve died, but I was coming back from getting coffee so I wasn’t high up when the plane hit.”
Reid tried to pull me into a hug, but I pushed him away. His eyes turned from sympathetic to sad. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“No, it’s not you, I promise. I just don’t...” If I hugged him, my heart wouldn’t be able to keep from falling. Like the towers on that fateful day. “I was engaged to my high school sweetheart... he was going to surprise me with breakfast since I was in a rush that morning, and he was waiting for me when...”
Tears streamed down my face, and when Reid pulled me into a hug, I didn’t resist him this time. “Is that why you push me away?” He whispered into my hair. 
Both of our phones buzzed, snapping us out of our daze. 
Hotch had sent a text to the team group chat. Need press conference, as many cameras as possible. 
I looked at Reid, having a newfound gratitude for him. “Thanks... for being worried about me.”
He gave a small smile. “I’ll always worry about you. That’s just the way it is.” __
“Earlier today, 29 year old Charlie Calloway drove a black Jeep Cherokee into Forest Brush Elementary, killing 24 people and injuring many more.” I kept my chin high, looking into each and every camera surrounding me. “The FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit is currently working the case around the clock, not resting until we have completed our investigation. With the help of the Charleston Field Office, we have set up a tip line for anyone with information regarding the explosion.” Keep talking, give enough time for the tip line to buzz. “We are here to ensure that nothing like this happens again.”
I rambled for another 10 minutes before Reid from across the room gave me a thumbs up. “Thank you for your time. No questions will be answered for now.”
The team was circling a phone held by Rossi when I reentered the police station. “The unsub called. He had a partner.” Reid murmured in my ear. “The press conference drew him out.”
Rossi glanced briefly at me before turning his attention back to the phone. “What is your goal?” Rossi asked, and there was a brief pause before he spoke again. “Revenge is the oldest motive in the book-” Rossi was cut off, and his gaze landed on me again. “He wants to talk to YFN.”
My heart seemed to beat slowly, too slow. “Um, uh, yeah. Yeah, I’ll talk to him.”
Rossi handed me the phone, quickly talking me through what to do. “Don’t call him a coward, it would set him off on a rampage. Play into his fantasy, act afraid.”
“I am afraid.”
“So show him that. He sees women as lesser, that’s why he got so enraged when he saw you on TV. If we can get him to underestimate you, he’ll slip up and give something away.” Rossi gave me the phone, and Spencer’s warm fingers slipped into my free hand. 
“Who am I speaking to?” I asked, trying not to hyperventilate. 
Police sirens and my eyes stinging with dust. 
“What gave you the right to lie to those reporters?” 
“What do you mean?” My voice shook slightly, and I didn’t try to hide it. 
“‘We are here to ensure that nothing like this happens again,’“ he said in a mocking tone. His voice was slightly out of breath, like he was moving, and the sound of cars said he was on a city street.
“Just doing my job, sir,” I said, squeezing Reid’s hand. 
“Oh yeah? Well so am I.” His voice was on the phone, but it was also close. I looked across the field office at a young man giving me a sick smile. He had on a thick trench coat, and in an instant, he unclenched a fist I didn’t even see. 
The blast seemed to happen in slow motion. The entire team got blown across the office, along with every single law enforcement officer on the first floor. 
My vision went black, and I woke up on a stretcher outside what was left of the building. My head pounded worse than anything I had ever experienced, but I lifted it enough to see the scene with blurry vision. Endless ambulances and police cars, a massive sea of onlookers barely being held back by officers, and my whole team scattered around by different paramedics. 
Except Reid. 
“Reid?” I called out, getting to my feet and stumbling around the pavement. A mass of curly brown hair collapsed on the ground caught my eye from inside the building, flames and rubble surrounding him. “Reid!”
Paramedics tried holding me back from the scene, but somehow I was able to slip out of their grip while running towards the caved in building. 
Dust fell in my eyes and the ceiling creaked, letting me know in my hazy state of mind that the building was about to collapse on top of us. I got to Spencer, who was groaning and crawling as best he could. 
“Hey, hey, Reid, c’mon, time to go,” I hooked my arms around his stomach, lifting him to his knees and unsteadily to his feet. 
“YFN...” he mumbled, his brown eyes becoming focused on my face. Spencer snapped out of his daze. “Time to go.”
We ran out as soon as the ceiling caved in, and the burst of adrenaline wore off instantly. Spencer and I collapsed on the pavement, our chests heaving. 
“YFN... you saved my life.” Spencer looked over at me as paramedics raced toward us. 
“Of course,” I said breathlessly. “I love you.”
“What?” His face was lost in a swarm of paramedics, and I smiled to myself. 
Late that night, we were all silent on the jet ride back. It was concluded that the bombings were over, and everyone wanted to go home anyway. 
I was half asleep in my seat when Spencer sat lazily next to me, neither of us saying anything. 
Spencer was the one who spoke first.
“You are the bravest person I’ve ever met. For you go through what you’ve gone through and still run into collapsing building to save a friend...” 
He trailed off for a moment, probably considering the word ‘friend’. Are we really just friends at this point, after everything we’ve gone through? “I know that you push me away because of what happened to your fiance’, but you can’t keep yourself away from happiness out of fear something might happen to me.” He laced his fingers through mine gently. “I love you, and I’ll wait for when you’re ready. I just want you to be happy.”
A soft smile came to my lips, and I looked over at him next to me. “I love you too, Spencer. But you already know that.”
Spencer chuckled, and I drifted off to sleep on his shoulder. The sound of glass shattering and the smell of smoke left my brain for the first time since that fateful day in New York. 
Spencer lightly pressed a kiss to my forehead, and I fell asleep with a small smile still on my lips. 
TAG LIST:  @squirrellover1967 @yomama-umbridge @tiktokslut @ sknnymnne @pinkdiamond1016 @vixengustin88
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gummygowon · 4 years
dreamers | jung wooyoung
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word count: 4.8k
genre: angst, fluff
best friends to lovers!
warnings: sad lmao
third person pov
it was a quiet friday night which was weird for a group of highschoolers. nothing was really going on, in terms of parties and high school games which was rare but it finally felt nice to not feel hungover for a whole weekend.
y/n and wooyoung were chilling on her bed after their friends had left her house. wooyoung lived a couple doors down from y/n's house and didn't feel like leaving just yet.
ever since y/n moved into the neighborhood in third grade, the two had become inseparable. the duo would tell each other everything from stupid crushes to ranting about how their favorite arcade game was rigged. and tonight was another one of those nights were the two could talk until the sun rose.
tonight's topic was about their futures and what they wanted to do since they were now seniors and adulthood was coming closer everyday.
"woo?" y/n asked, fiddling with one of her plushies.
"yes, y/n." wooyoung perked up his head from his phone.
"what are your plans after college?"
wooyoung paused for a moment, forming his answer carefully. "i don't think i'm going to college after high school."
"huh? what are you going to do then?" y/n asked, surprised her best friend wasn't going to some sort of culinary school since he would not stop cooking.
"i know it's kind of dumb but i wanna be an idol." wooyung confessed sheepishly.
"it's not dumb, woo." you argued back. "i mean you are one of hell of a dancer and you can sing. just send it."
his cheeks flushed a little bit at her comments. "are you sure? what if-"
"jung wooyoung. look at me." y/n said as she grabbed his wrists.
the boy looked up at her with doubt and worry washed over his face.
"you got amazing vocals that i'm pretty sure angels are jealous of you and you can literally beat anyone in a dance battle. including me, which is saying a lot." y/n joked as she flipped her hair.
it was true though. y/n was a killer dance and when her and wooyoung danced together, circles would form around them at parties.
"if you want to become an idol. become an idol. i want to brag to everyone that i'm bestfriends with the jung wooyoung."
wooyoung rolled his eyes at her and pulled his hands to hips. "wow, you really just want me for the clout huh?"
"no!" y/n answered and lightly punched him in the shoulder. "but seriously, i'll support you no matter what. hell i'll watch one of your practices if they even allow that."
"i don't think they would allow that y/n."
"whatever, just send me videos of you dancing at least." y/n huffed and crossed her arms.
"of course. i promise to send you weekly videos."
"good, i'll be waiting for those." she smiled at him.
"y/n, what are you going to do afterwards?" wooyoung asked, leaning back on his hands.
"i want to join the navy." her eyes glowed as she talked. "i want to help protect our country and working overseas seems so much fun."
wooyoung watched in amusement as his best friend begin to drabble on about her plans after high school. "how are am i supposed to send you my weekly dance videos then?"
"through a flash drive duh. unless they allow sailors access to computers but i doubt it. just write to me and send a flash drive over."
"you really want me to spend money on flash drives?" wooyoung sarcastically asked.
"yes if you're gonna become an idol, i am going to have to pay for a ticket to your concert aren't I?"
"i mean, i guess. but i can probably get you free ones."
"nah, there's no fun in that." y/n said as she waved her hand, shooing away that idea. "i want to fight over people for barricade tickets."
wooyung laughed at her dumb dream. "okay, do whatever you want y/n."
two months later, y/n was helping out wooyung practice for his audition for bighit. the poor kid could not stop stressing out about his audition that was in a few days.
wooyoung had been non stop preparing ever since he found out the audition date. after school, he did his homework right away and then went straight to practicing his vocals and dancing.  
on the weekends and when y/n had light homework loads during the week she would help out as much as she can.
today, wooyoung had probably been dancing for almost two hours in his backyard. he was constantly tweaking and perfecting dances that y/n was sure that his hair was going to turn gray before the audition even came.
"woo." y/n walked over to the speaker and paused the song. "you need to take a break dude. you've been at it for two hours now."
wooyoung inhaled deeply, he was trying his best not to snap at her for just trying to help him out. "give me five more minutes please. i know i can get it down. i just need a little more time."
"wooyung, give your body a break. it wouldn't hurt to take a five minute break." y/n said, her voice a little more sterner.
"y/n just please!" wooyung shouted, instantly regretting raising his voice at her. "just please give me a little longer and i promise, i'll stop."
"fine. i'll be inside." y/n sighed.
she couldn't get mad at him even though it was so tempting to just snap back at him and whack him in the face. but she understood the pressure and stress he was feeling at the moment.
instead, she took out her anger on the watermelon in front of her. cutting the watery fruit, a little more harshly than normal.
after she was done, wooyung had walked back into the house, dripping in sweat.
"finally, you're done. you know, you have to take more care of yourself once you start training." she scolded at him.
"that's if, i get in." wooyoung corrected her, wiping away his sweat with a towel.
"keep thinking negatively and i'll stab you." y/n threatened, half jokingly and half not. it certainly didn't help that her tone came out more serious since she was annoyed at him.
"alright, alright. i'll stop." wooyung put his hands in the air as soon as he saw y/n point the sharp knife at him.
"good. now eat and then we can work on your vocals." y/n pushed a plate full of watermelon and strawberries towards him.
"thank you." wooyung said as he reached for a strawberry.
"for what?" she asked as she washed her hands before snagging a slice of watermelon.
"for helping me with everything." wooyung looked at his best friend wondering how he would survive without her.
y/n looked up and met his gaze and she couldn't help but blush. "it's alright. i wanna see you perform when i get back from the navy."
"speaking of the navy, did you apply yet?" he asked in between chews.
"uhh, not yet. i've been busy." the h/c girl answered sheepishly as she picked up another piece of fruit to distract herself.
wooyung groaned, "it's because you're helping me isn't it?"
he felt even more worse since he snapped at her.
"no, no. it's not that. my parents are trying to talk to me out of it."
the boy looked skeptically at her. "are you sure? i don't want to get in the way of your dreams."
y/n scoffed at him. "are you dumb? you're going to be with me throughout this whole process, whether you like it or not."
wooyung smiled at her brightly. "yes, i will and i will be buying flash drives just for you. so you can watch my dance videos."
"that's right baby. catch me in the front row of all your concerts." y/n dramatically declared.
"with the tickets you'll refuse from me."
"just let me fight your future fans over them please."
"fine, it'll make up for the cost of the flash drives."
"fair enough." she laughed.
two weeks later, y/n's letter from the navy arrived in her mailbox after dinner.
once she had saw the mail truck come by she immediately ran to the mailbox with her slippers barely on her feet.
her hands were shaking as she fumbled with the keys and struggled to open it. y/n skimmed over the pile of letters in her arms until she found the one thing she was looking for. she shoved the rest of the letters back inside the mailbox so she could retrieve them later.
with trembling fingers and her heart beating so fast, y/n ripped the envelope opened. she could feel herself start to shake once she read the big fat congratulations on the paper.
y/n screamed out of pure happiness and rushed to wooyoung's house, completely forgetting about the rest of the letters in her family's mailbox.
she knocked on the door so harshly, anyone would of thought that she was the FBI about to barge into their home.
"wooyoung!" y/n exclaimed.
"y/n, what is it?" he asked, confused at her super excited state and then it hit him, "is it the navy?"
she hummed in response, "i got in, i'm leaving on saturday!"
"oh my god, y/n." wooyoung congratulated her before enveloping her in a warm hug. "i'm so happy for you."
"thank you, woo." y/n pulled back, her smile never leaving her face. "how about you did you get in?"
"about that..." he trailed off looking to the side.
y/n's face fell and before she could even say anything, wooyoung interrupted.
"just kidding. i got in." wooyoung's face returned back to his happy self, a cheeky grin spread across his face.
"you fucker." y/n cursed as she slapped him on the arm. "i was going to cry for you. "
"owwww." he whimpered, rubbing his arm.
the girl pulled him into a hug which wooyoung slowly returned.
"look woo, we're achieving our dreams together." y/n smiled into his chest.
wooyoung hugged her even tighter. "i love you."
the two never had outwardly said that phrase, even in a friendly way. which is why it caught y/n off guard by a mile.
it was a definite no brainer that she loved him. at first it was in a best friend way but over time and the many idol practices, y/n always left his house wondering about her feelings for him. it was so cliche of her to fall for her childhood best friend but she couldn't help it.
wooyoung was there for her for everything, ever since she moved here. and of course, y/n was always there for him. feelings were bound to be caught, one way or the other. it was just matter of who would fall first.
"i mean uh," wooyoung pulled away quickly, his cheeks flushed a bright red.
y/n's adrenaline was skyrocketing, "fuck it."
she grabbed her best friend by his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
wooyoung froze against her lips before kissing back. he didn't really know what was happening but he loved every second of it.
when the two of them pulled back for air, y/n was grinning. "i love you too, woo."
the trainee couldn't help but smile even brighter. but y'n's face fell at the thought of the future. she was leaving for the navy in a couple of days and wouldn't return for months. and wooyoung was starting his training soon. it was an absolutely, terrible idea to start a relationship considering the timing, but she would do it all for him.
he noticed her expression and reached for her cheek, caressing it. "i'll wait for you, y/n."
"really? i won't back for almost two years. i don't want you to-"
"y/n, i would wait an eternity if it i meant i could be with you." he reassured, staring deep into her eyes.
whatever worries y/n had were disappearing. it felt comforting to hear the one person who she loved and cared about, would be waiting for her when she came back.
wooyoung pulled her in for another comforting hug, "i will always love you, no matter how far away you are."
a tear slipped down y/n's cheek as she hugged him even tighter. falling in love with your best friend had never felt so bittersweet.
since then, wooyoung and y/n spent as much time as they could together before she left for the navy.
but now, the day they both dreaded had arrived.
y/n's suitcase was packed into her family's car as she said her goodbyes to her siblings and grandparents.
"you look so beautiful." y/n's grandpa cried, as he lifted his hand to touch her cheek.
the sailor was wearing her uniform with her long hair was slicked back into a bun.
"thank you, grandpa." y/n smiled as she pulled away to say goodbye to her other friends.
and of course, wooyoung's family was there. she saved her goodbyes for them last.
y/n went down the line of his family, hugging them and saying thank you for coming to see her go off.
when she reached wooyoung, the breath in her throat hitched as tears threatened to spill out. y/n promised to herself that she wouldn't cry before she left but for wooyoung and her parents, they were the exception.
wooyoung hugged her so tightly which y/n didn't mind at all. if she could, she would spend the rest of her life in his arms.
"i love you, woo." she mumbled into his chest.
"i love you too, y/n. good luck out there."
y/n pulled away reluctantly, "you too. i will be waiting for your first concert."
wooyoung smiled at her sadly and tugged at her wrist. y/n looked back at him with a confused expression before he pulled her into a passionate kiss. he didn't really care that his parents were there at the moment, he just needed to remember what her lips felt like before he forgot.
"i'll always be there with you." wooyoung whispered, as he pressed something into her hand.
y/n looked down at her hand to see a red rose hanging on a gold chain, "thank you, woo."
he nodded his head as he let you go.
he watched with teary eyes as you drove away but something in him sparked. another drive for him to work hard and achieve his dream.
dear wooyoung,
i miss you so much, it's beginning to drive me insane. but, i want to let you know that everything here is going smoothly despite these rocky ass waves. i've adjusted to almost everything around here except for waking up incredibly early. i've made new friends and have become really close with my roomate which is a relief because i don't know if i could deal with a shitty ass roomate. anyways, how's life back at home and how's training at bighit? have you seen taehyung yet? haha. i'm kidding. or not. but besides the point, tell me how life as a trainee. oh and before i forget, i figured out a way to watch your dance practice videos so please send them. i'll pay you back through buying barricade tickets alright? also, tell your parents i say hi please!
with much love,
y/n :)
p.s. i love you
dear y/n,
i miss you a lot too. even my parents do haha and they say hello back and hope you're doing well. i'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the navy life but i'm surprised that you're able to wake up so early haha. but don't worry, everything back home is great, just a little chaotic sometimes. trainee life is definitely tiring and hard but it's probably not much compared to what you have to do. i don't wanna know about the million, spirit-breaking things you do but if it makes you happy, i did see taehyung. even though it was for like two seconds because we were just passing in the halls. i hope one day i can see them practice live. maybe i'll see jimin. but anyways, i've made some friends too. we're gonna audition for a survival show called mixnine together. i'm really excited. i think you would like them. they're really funny but not as funny as me though. ok, i got to go now before my mom yells at me for staying up so late. so, i'll see you in my dreams. goodbye!
wooyoung ;0
p.s. enjoy the dance cover i did with yeosang (someone who i met at bighit)
p.s.s. i hope the flash drive gets to you safely, i don't trust the postal services
two years later...
dear woo,
i have managed to secure tickets to your first concert in seoul thorough my parents. and yes, my parents had to do some fighting with some of your fans to help me secure a barricade ticket. i am utterly disappointed that i didn't get to do the fighting myself but i guess i'll just have to wait for your next tour. :( but on a more positive note i'm coming home soon! i'm so excited. the first thing we are doing though is getting some good dessert. i'm tired of eating the wack ass "desserts" here. oh! maybe we can go to a garden or something i don't know but i'm tired of looking at the water. some nice, pretty flowers will be much better to look at. speaking of flowers, i still have your rose necklace that you gave me. i wear it all the time except for when we do swimming exercises. i don't trust myself enough to bring it in the water. anyways before i have to go, i want to say how proud i am of you for coming so far in the idol industry. it seems like forever ago that i was helping you out for audition for bighit. i get to brag to people now that i'm dating a kpop idol hehe. say hi to the boys for me! and please send another video of you guys dancing so, me and my roomie can copy it. when i come home we can perform your songs together. oh my god that would be so much fun. ok, ok i really gotta go now but i love you and please take care of yourself! (or ask san too, either one works)
with much love,
p.s. i'll be sitting a little bit to the right of the stage.
dear y/n,
i'm sad to hear that you couldn't fight my fans for barricade tickets but i am thankful that you are coming to our first show. i'll be on the lookout for you in the audience. and afterwards, find my parents and they'll take you backstage so i can see you again. did i tell you that our lightsticks came in and they're actually so cool. i'll see if i can snag you one and don't even think about having to pay back okay?  you can pay me back by spending as much time as you can with me when you're back home. anyways, i wanna thank you for supporting me ever since i brought up the idea of becoming an idol. you were probably the only person who didn't laugh straight in my face for thinking such childish things but look at where we are now. i get to perform my first show with you in the barricade. and look at you, i got a badass girlfriend in the navy who can probably kick anyone's ass. and she can dance like??? i think win when it comes to having the coolest girlfriend ever. and you bet the first thing we're gonna do together is dance. i'm debating about teaching you the pirate king choreo or the say my name one. i don't know you can pick. also, yeosang, san, hongjoong, seonghwa, mingi, and jongho all say hello back and are very excited to finally meet you. i gotta go now, i have to wake up early for some costume fittings but i'll send some pics over too. i love you!
wooyoung :)
it was the day of ateez's first concert and wooyoung didn't even know if y/n was back from the navy yet because they could never really say when they're coming home for obvious reasons. but wooyoung couldn't help but pace around the dressing room.
it was definitely not the perfect timing since he was currently freaking out about twenty million things all at once. it was their first ever concert and everything could terribly wrong in wooyoung's mind. like what if y/n thinks that he performed terribly tonight or even worse what if she leaves in the middle of the concert because they were so bad. but he didn't even know if she was back in south korea since she hadn't called him or anything. not even her parents had called him. maybe they wanted to surprise him? no. that's dumb she already bought tickets so-
"wooyoung." his leader called out to him. ever since they had arrived at the venue, wooyoung had been non stop spacing out and mumbling things to himself. everyone in the group was of course nervous, but none of them were this anxious.
"huh?" the young idol snapped his head to hongjoong. "i mean yes."
"are you seriously okay? you haven't been able to stop mumbling to yourself since we got out of the car." he asked full of concern.
"yes, it's just that y/n is supposed to come and-" wooyoung rambled, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
hongjoong put his hands on both of his shoulders, "woo, i am going to need you to calm down first. y/n is probably back home safe and is probably getting ready right now with her friends to come see us."
wooyoung slowly nodded to himself to convince himself that everything was okay.
"take a deep breath, ok?" hongjoong instructed, breathing along with him. "relax, she's going to come and she's gonna see how much you've improved since the last time she saw you."
his leader was right. wooyoung had improved in so many ways, from his singing to his confidence in performing. he should be excited to show off how much he improved to her.
"you're right." the young idol nodded his head. his worries about y/n were slowly being lifted away.
hongjoong smiled at him before patting his back.
during the concert everything was going smoothly. there was no costume slip ups or them forgetting their lines it was going great. but wooyoung couldn't find y/n amongst the many faces in the crowd. it was worrying him but he decided to not let any negative thoughts cloud his mind mid performance.
until, they were about to perform their last song and his parents ran to their dressing room. tears were streaming down his mother's face.
"what's going on? are you okay mom?" wooyoung asked immediately, he wrapped his mom in a hug.
"it's y/n." his dad started in soft voice.
"what? what happened? is she okay?" he asked, his head snapping to his dad. it was a miracle how he didn't break his neck.
"honey, she couldn't make it. there was an accident and something happened to the ship." his mom cried.
"what do you mean she didn't make it?" wooyoung couldn't believe a word they were saying. there was no way in hell she died. she was too young. wooyoung didn't even get a chance to say i love you again in person.
"her ship went down and there was only a few survivors and-"
"no. you're lying." the shocked idol shouted as he backed away from his parents only to be caught in san's chest.
"sweetheart, they couldn't find her." his mom revealed as she wiped a tear away from her face. "she was supposed to arrive yesterday."
wooyoung didn't say anything but fall to the floor. every ounce of happiness he had was gone. he couldn't believe it. there was no way.
"you guys are going back up now." their manager shouted to them.
"we wanted to tell you later but-"
"that's enough, honey." his dad shushed. he didn't want to make things worse than they already were.
"woo, come on." san said as he helped him up.
he didn't say anything but followed his members out of the dressing room.
wooyoung didn't know how he was supposed to continue singing when he just found out that love of his life died.
"sing for her, alright?" san comforted right before they walked back on stage.
they were performing star 1117. the last song of the night. which was good for wooyoung cause he just wanted this night to be over already.
once mingi started singing, wooyoung lost it. as well as his fellow members but they weren't crying for the same reasons he was.
they were crying because after all the neverending practices and the amount of frustrating times sitting in the sound booth trying to get the perfect sound was all worth it. they were finally doing what they love in front of people who genuinely enjoyed their music and were excited for what's to come from them.
he should be crying for the same reasons they were or maybe he was a little bit. he couldn't tell what he was feeling anymore. he just felt empty.
san watched his friend break down and went over to him for support. he was never much of crier but this performance was close to breaking his wall.
in the eyes of a fan, it looked like san was merely comforting a crying wooyoung. but what they didn't know was why he was crying.
finally the song had ended and almost everyone was crying or at least on the verge of tears. the boys stood in line at the very front of the stage with bittersweet looks as they bowed down to the crowd.
they all waved goodbye with smiling faces and wet eyes.
someone had tossed roses onto the stage which wooyoung of course picked up before heading backstage.
he couldn't even make it to their dressing room before crying again. san had wrapped an arm around his shoulder to keep him balanced as he guided them back to the safety of their dressing room.
wooyoung had sunk into of the couches there and just let everything out. this wasn't how he was supposed to be feeling. he was supposed to be happy and thankful that their first concert was a huge success. he should be happily celebrating with his friends and with y/n but not anymore.
all the members had took turns in comforting him. they never got the chance to meet y/n but they did see lots of photos of her and heard many stories from wooyoung. she sounded like an amazing person to be around and they were heartbroken that they would never get to meet her.
all the fans had left the venue by now and wooyoung was sitting on the edge of the stage. his feet was dangling off the edge while he twirled the rose in his hands. he was done crying for now and spoke softly to himself.
"i wish you were here y/n. the concert was a huge success. i'm really thankful that you helped me practiced for my bighit audition. i think i owe you a lot for that. i don't know if i would've stuck with my dream if it wasn't for you." he mumbled. "i miss you like crazy, it's not even funny. but i know you're watching me from up there and you're probably telling me to stop crying" wooyoung chuckled to himself. "but i don't think i'll stop for awhile. i love you, y/n and i'll never stop loving you."
"wooyoung." yeosang called for him. "we're leaving now."
the heartbroken idol smiled softly at his friend before getting up. he kissed the rose and he could've sworn he felt y/n's soft lips on it. maybe he was just dreaming or maybe it was the exhaustion catching up to him. wooyoung crouched down and left the rose a little to the right of the stage.
"for you, my little dreamer."
ever since that night, wooyoung had left a little rose sticker on the right side of the stage at every single venue he performed at.
it was his way of remembering y/n. it was so that she could be with him at every concert or award show.
wooyoung was even gifted a similar rose necklace from his group. he couldn't stop crying that night and thanked them repeatedly.
every night before he went to bed he would touch the rose and whisper "i love you, y/n."
sometimes he would dream about her and wake up crying. thankful, he got to see her again in his dreams. because that's what they were.
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Once Upon A Miracle
To: Dani // @lovealexhunt​ as I was your gifter for the choices potluck hosted by @homeformyheart​ 💖
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Olivia Hadley)
Warning: None, just... fluff!
A/N: Hii, I am back with a new fic and this is a fluff! I know, I haven’t been writing a while and I am soo sorry; things been rough and I hope this is good enough. I have a few to post hopefully before the year ends! But, this one is for my good friend Dani, she is a fighter and she will fight too! Ily and happy holidays Dani!! I hope I did Olivia justice! 💙💙💙💙 Happy holidays everyone , I hope all of you have an amazing one ! - Alya! 
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Holidays. Every year was a surprise for her, as the holidays were filled with miracles and it’s a mark for a new beginning. A new beginning to start over, yet… the hospital was filled with patients instead.  She was a believer on miracles, and there is going to be a miracle happening at the hospital today. 
She stood by the nurse station along with some nurses, as a 9-year-old boy displayed a sad expression on his face upon the presence of all the machines surrounding him. Olivia walked his way with his chart in her hand.
‘Hi Chris, how are you today?’ Her voice soft as the boy’s fears slowly rolled down.
‘I’m… scared. Do you know where my mommy is?’ His voice is still shaky despite the nerves has been controlled.
She smiled at him, an encouraging smile; the one where it could make your worries fly away in a certain amount of time.
As she was about to reply, a couple was spotted speeding into the room with a worried expression on their faces, which transitioned into a relief seeing their son in good condition.
Olivia took a few steps back giving the family their space, as the hugs were exchanged giving her a mental note to call her parents as it was one of the times where she didn’t celebrate the holidays with her family.
After a while, the father breaks away from the hug making his way to Olivia.
“Hi, Mr. Wheeler. My name is Dr. Olivia Hadley and I have your son’s result…” Her voice is soft, as the mother pulls the boy into a hug earning a smile from herself.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Hadley, do you know what is wrong with Chris? We got a call from the hospital from his daycare and we hope it won’t be serious…”. Olivia knows that tone of voice all too well, as he was trying to disguise the fear with a calming demeanor.
“His results states that Chris has a fever along with the flu which is not serious at all. We will get his prescriptions ready but…we have to monitor Chris for the night to make sure nothing is serious for now.” She states earning a relief looked once again followed by a wide smile from Mr. Wheeler who looks much calmer than before.
“Is our boy going to be okay Dr. Hadley? It’s almost the holidays and it’s one of his favorite time of the year and we hope we could bring him home soon to his brothers and sisters at home…’ Her voice is soft, a glimmer of hope can be seen in her eyes hoping this nightmare would be over soon.
“I can’t promise anything Mr.s Wheeler, but I know we will do everything we can to get Chris better.”
She nods to the family while leaving the room to let the family reunite. The charts were placed at the nurses station , as she bumps into Bryce who somehow has a huge smile on his face upon her presence.
“Bryce, what a wonderful surprise.” She smiled at the sudden appearance who happens to be her boyfriend which is rare to see on the pediatrics floor.
“Well, I wanna see my girlfriend after a long 24-hour shift.” He placed a kiss on her cheek, as they walked together on the halls as their pages are silent for now.
They stopped in front of a familiar place which somehow their favorite place besides the on-call room. The NICU is  on the peds ward. Both of them stood behind the glass, as they observed the nurses handling the babies inside with care. There were small coos can be heard, as there were a few babies are asleep, and there are some who are wide awake.
“I see a new-comer!…” Liv exclaimed excitedly as Bryce’s eyes fall onto the view in front of them.
“Isaac Rivers.” He states after reading the chart from behind the glass.
Olivia’s eyes widen at an idea, as she pulled Bryce with her leading them both into the NICU which was met by one of Olivia’s closest colleagues, Miranda.
“Olivia hi! How can I help ya today?”
She gestures to the babies, with a wide smile along with her puppy-eyes to Miranda which she instantly understands the look on her face.
“Alright Liv, since the staff was short today; we need some extra hands today.” A smile appeared on her face, as both Bryce and Olivia went inside to help.
They get themselves sanitized before they handled the babies. The NICU was one of her favorite places in the hospital, it’s the start of growth where a human was brought into the world. And, she doesn’t want a kid to be alone especially during the holidays.
They shuffled places, as Olivia observes the little girl inside one of the cribs. She took a look on her chart, as a small smile appeared at the name that was written on the chart.
Olivia Renelle Johnson. 24th December 2020.
She took a seat, as she observed little Olivia who is cooing in her crib. Small coos can be heard somehow made her mesmerized by her little existence. So many moments have passed, as she found herself hooked to Olivia once again, after checking the other babies around her.
She was entranced at the moment that she didn’t realize a figure was standing behind her.
“Now I understand why you are hooked with her...” Bryce lets out a small laugh as he places his arms on her shoulders.
“She is an Olivia as well.” Her words came out as soft as silk, as the baby coos softly once more with a small smile appeared on her face.
“Well, all of the Olivia’s I known has left a mark in my life and I think this one did the same to you Liv.” His eyes fall onto baby Olivia as he scoots forward to take a closer look, as his thumb was captured by baby Olivia herself in the crib.
Liv excuses herself to meet with Miranda who is smiling at them both.
“What’s with the look Miranda?” She eyes her earning a nudge from her friend.
“The three of you looked like a family, and it’s such a calming sight. You are a natural Liv.” She states as both of their gazes fall onto Bryce who was still playing with baby Olivia.
“He is such a natural too, I honestly never expected that.” A smile was formed on her lips, everyday she learned something new about Bryce and, it has been an enjoyable process.
“So, when is your shift will end Liv?”
“Our shifts are done actually, we wanted to check in these cuties before going back… plus, with the holidays; I knew you might need some extra hands.”
Miranda shook her head while a smile lingers on her face,
“You know you deserve a break from this hospital once in a while right?”
“I know, I guess this is some part of me that can’t be erased know and I am happy with it.”
“Whatever you say Liv.”
Both of them stood in silence before she decided to bring up the question.
“Have the parents taken baby Olivia back yet since it’s almost been 24 hours since her birth?” Olivia asked earning a sad look from Miranda who shook her head sadly.
“Baby Olivia unfortunately were found pre-mature, as the mother has to go through an early c-section because of it.”
She felt her heart breaking slowly,
“Do you think she’ll make it?” Her voice filled with uncertainty which is replied with Miranda’s encouraging smile.
“She is a fighter, just like you Liv. We will monitor her for the night and who knows; maybe a miracle will happen. It’s the holidays after all.” She winks at her, making her calm down a little but can’t help by the pang of sadness inside her.
A sad expression falls onto Olivia’s features, somehow a part of her was already been flooded by sadness. It hurts her to see this sight, a child with no parents.
She makes her way back to Bryce, as she took a seat beside him. He notices the sadness on her face and asked.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is Olivia okay?” He gestures to the baby Olivia who is sleeping soundly in her crib.
Liv nodded but a part of her feels down, somehow sadness has washed into her system.  
“There was complications during her birth. Miranda told me, they have to keep an eye on baby Olivia for the night.” The words felt heavy, as it escapes her lips earning as his smile falters a bit, his eyes fall onto baby Olivia who is sound asleep with a pang of sadness can be seen in his eyes.
Bryce nods, understanding as he pulled Liv into a hug and placed a kiss on top of her head. As they continue their task of accompanying baby Olivia for the night, with the addition of instrumental Christmas music playing in the background.
It was midnight and its officially Christmas as they sat in the NICU with one another with permission from Miranda; they are allowed to accompany baby Olivia and the other babies who haven’t been returned to their parents yet.
The room was dimmed as the occupying babies were sleeping softly with Olivia and Bryce to make their first Christmas less lonely.
After a while, Bryce brought back two cups of hot cocoa from the nearby office in an attempt to keep them both awake.
“So, what do you think about the holidays in the hospital?” Bryce asked as he has his arm around her after setting down the cup of hot cocoa down.
Olivia starts to think, as somehow it was a new tradition for her to celebrate the holidays anywhere other than her home.
“It’s been exciting and very very new.”
“But, the company is very much enjoyable.” She smiles at him, earning a wide smile from the man himself.
“Good answer.” He placed a kiss on her forehead, followed by small movement from baby Olivia herself.
As it hit the 24 hour mark, both Olivia and Bryce had wide smiles upon their faces as baby Olivia survives the night.
“She did it Bryce, she survives!” Olivia exclaimed quietly as they hugged once more, it was a long night but… it is worth it.
“It’s the season of miracles, and baby Olivia here is one of them.” His voice is slow, as his gaze falls upon the crib.
Olivia nods, a smile is not leaving her face as they stood there. Miracles indeed could happen during this time of the year, and it was indeed the best Christmas ever.
Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball , @storyofmychoices , @mvalentine , @princess-geek , @lahellacute ,  @this-person-is-busy , @annekebbphotography , @mrsbhandari , @dcbbw , @choicessa , ,@fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom  @starrystarrytrouble,  @kelseaaa  ,@bratzlahela , @choicesficwriterscreations  , @lalizah , @drethanramslay , @aveeiro , @eleanorbloom , @openheartfanfics , @brycesgirl  ,  @freckles-spangledvampire , @agentnolastname , @robintora​ (comment if you want to be tagged or removed 💜💜)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hi! Can I request scenario with dabi and reader have first fight and he gets mad and slap her then realise what happened and try to apologise I just want some angst if it's ok with you Author-chan 👉👈 also sorry for my bad english and hope you are doing great ❤
Im all for the angsty and sees the man goes "shit I fucked up"
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Stressful days weren't exactly rarity on his life. He had manage to deal with those over the years. But today seemed just the type of when life doesn't gove you lemons, but instead they fucking squezze the lemons on your eyes.
He was out of patience and he just locked himself on his office as a clear sign for NO ONE to enter and to not disturb him.
Well, unfortunately you hadn't gotten the message. Your intentions were pure and come crom your heart, but he really wasn't willing to listen to anyone, instead succumb on his anger until himself calms down.
But as the stubborn you were, you stayed. Willing to facebthe danger of his wrath... but never would you two expect something like that to happen.
He REALLY didn't mean it. He swear to God and for his whole life that when he extended his hand he didn't saq himself beating you... his anger immediately went down and was replaced with horror as he stared with wide eyes at yourself... wide eyes at the ground and holding your cheek.
God, what have he done?
He didn't carw how he stittered your name or how weak he sounded and looked when he tried to extend his hand, still on the air, at you... yet you took a step back, one hand in front of you to prevent him to come any closer.
"N-no. Is okay.. just-just stay back..." you whimpered, hand shaking on the air as you still holded your hand on your cheek, his heart clenching when he saw the drops of tears start to run down from your eyes to the wooden floor.
"Please (Y/n) at least let-"
"N-Not today Chisaki." You gagged, hand lowering down showing the red mark on your face and making him feel sick to the stomach as his hives appeared. "I need to-to... to take some air." You stormed your way out of his office and he only manage to step out of his office to see the looks of some subbordinates looking still at the way you ran out.
It didn't helped one bit when Kurono send him a look that was the perfect mix of dissapointment and worry before running after you, some precepts decided not to spare a glance while the others who had the courage, send him dirty looks before returning to their activities.
He scoffed before slamming his office's door before sitting on the ground without a care and gripping on his hair tightly as the images replayed on his mind to torment him even further.
"What the fuck did I just do?" He gritted between teeth as he started to feel his mask getting wet....
"Give her time. She just went out for a walk." Chrono said from his seat as Kai continued to stare blankly at the hand he used to hurt you.
"... she went out alone." It was suppose to be a question, but he knew better.
"She needed some space." Kurono mumblex before crossing his arms and frowning at his friend "What happened inside here anyway?"
"And why the fuck do you need to know?" He growled as he conteolled himself to not just burst i to a fit of self hate.
"Just trying to help." The white haired man sighed as he uncrossed his arms and got up from his seat "So?"
"I fucking slapped her Hari!" He shouted, slamming his fists on his desk and accidentally overhauled his gloves "I fucked up! I hurt her! SATISFiED?!" He send one of his most threatening glares at Kurono who even flinched a bit. He scoffed burring his face on his hands.
"Get out... please." Hari furrowed his eyebrows at that but sighed and let his friend be as he closed the door.
Not even two minutes later a knock echoed on his office. He growled to himself before preparing to curse the person out before he froze at seing Pops entering.
"You keep acting like that and you will may never get that woman's heart back my boy. Is your choice."
The elder's words echoed on his head as he controlled his body to not just sob at the thought. Pops noticed yet the state of mind Chisaki was. Sighing, the old man took a seat besides his successor.
"What leaded you to that?"
"I don't know!" He wanted to shout but instead it came out as a whisper "It wasn't ever my intention to hit her-! I just was in a bad mood and then she wanted to help me but I... I.." he burried his face on his hands again with a sigh, looking at the ground with a sorrow expression.
"Chisaki, what you did was bad for sure... But knowing how much you love that girl and how she loves you back, hopefully she will understand. But the wound won't cure itself instantly, it takes time to heal something like that, but if you really cherish and love (Y/n), you will prove to her and won't see a problem on giving her space.."
"... I want to die." The browhaired man admitted as the elder furrowed hsi eyebrows even more "I want to punch myself into bleeding to show her that I-"
"That won't do." He interrupted with a hand on his hair messing up his cut "Kid, stop being so radical and just be patient." The eldrr smiled before getting up and stopping by the door "Give her time and apologize, prove to her that won't happen again, and treat her like yourself call her Kai, an angel." He smirked at the surprised look Chisaki gave him before getting out.
Walking in circles in his room, he kept scratching at the skin of his forearm... the event happened early in the morning and it was already 10 pm.... he hadn't heard of you of all day except for Kurono and Pops assuring him you were safe... but het the feeling of drag and bitter on him never eased up...
He eventually gave up on walking and just opted to sit down, still scracthing at his arm until he hissed, noticing that from all that scrarch on his hives it started to bleed. He looked at it bluntly before using his quiro to put the skin back together... then started to scratch again...
He knew that wasn't to pay back what he had done to you... but het his mind wouldn't just leave him at peace. Why would if on the first place afterwhat he had done?
The creak of the door made him stop breathing for a second... soft footsteps echoing on the room as you without a word walked towards the batgroom and closed the door.
He couldn't take this anymore... he knows he should give you time but hell, this was just torture.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom after you showered you yelped a bit at seing Kai waiting right in front of you.
Quietly he lifted his hand and furrowed his eyebrows in dusgusta at himself when you flinched a bit and hesitantly took a step back.
"I won't... please let me just.." je wordless grabbed your hand as it was about to break at any moment before his knees gave up and kneeled on the ground.
"What the-? K-Kai-?"
"Forgive me." He grabbed your hand on his both ones as he lowered his head for you to not see how pathetic he looked "For everything I did, for crying out loud for me being me just forgive my stupid ass self (y/n)! Im so sorry!"
Your eyes widened in shock at the man beneath you, clenching on your hand as his life depended on it.
"I will do anything for you to forgive me angel I swear to god if I ever dare ro lift a hand to you again I will let everyprecept of thsi room to beat me up!"
"Hey." You cooed hesitantly yet worried no less... Chisaki was no way a man of begging, but letting someone else touch him? That was too out of character fo him
"Please... I will do anything to earn your trust back..." you kneeled on the ground to look at his eyes to just be shocked as well to see his golden eyes puffy with tears "Forgive me.." he whimpered as he lowered his mask to show you his whole face.
You frowned at that before pecking his lips, feeljng his hand come to the back of your neck and the other surround around your waist to pull you closer to him.
After the kiss broke, you shaked your head with a smile as you two regained your breath. This time you lifted one hand of your and cupped his cheek.
"Like I said earlier, is okay... I shouldn't had poked you when you wanted to be alone Kai."
"That gives me no right to ever hurt you... I didn't know what the hell was I doing on the first place (Y/n)." He lowered his head to rest forehead with yours.
"Is okay Kai." You nuzzled his nose with yours, giggling at how je scrunched his face a bit "I forgive you."
He let out a sad chuckle before picking you up in bridal style, enjoying how you yelped in glee and circled your arms on his neck as he sitted with you on the mastress.
You let go of his neck but hsi arms curcled your waist and pushed you against him even more, preventing you to go as he burried his face on the crook of your neck.
You sighed, running one hand of yours through his hair.
".. but really, do that again and I will do worst than just leave you." You said on a serious tone as he could only sigh and nod on your skin.
"It will never happen again..." he mumbled in your skin as he nuzzled even further "But I do understand if you need space from now on..." he said in sadness, enjoying your embrace and touches like they were the last he would receive.
"... maybe some days off?" You offered and he shvirred at the thought of not having you for more than a day.
"... where?"
"I dunno." You mumbled while tracing your fingers on his hair before smirking "Where do you want to go?"
The way he looked at you, eyes wide with both eyebrows up made you giggled.
"Didn't you want some alone time?" He asked as if you were crazy.
"Yeah I meant that. But a breaj from your work would be great, am I wrong?" You tilted your head as he let out a chuckle before hugging you close.
"You're ridiculous.... that means we are alright?" He asked with hopes up.
"We're gonna be."
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angelsswirl · 4 years
⚠️ Sexual Content
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"I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight. Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight."
You knocked on the door insistently. Your heat is in full swing now, and you can practically smell your alpha through the door.
The door swung open with a flourish, "Where's the fire?!"
You squared your shoulders. You stood up as tall as you could while fighting that empty feeling in your core.
"Where's Lia?"
"With Irene and Seulgi. Why-" You cut Jisoo off with a bruising kiss that ends up pushing you back into Jisoo's apartment.
"You're-you in heat?" Jisoo already knew the answer. She could practically smell you from down the hall.
"Great deduction." You seemed a bit miffed about breaking apart, but Jisoo needed to have some things put into perspective.
" Did you want me to bite you? Do you want to be my mate?"
You huffed. Wasn't it obvious?
"Yes, Jisoo."
"...." Jisoo sniffled.
"Are you crying?"
"No. There's like a lot of dust around here and-"
You latched back on to Jisoo's lips with a deep groan. Jisoo relaxed into it.
"Unless you want to be interrupted you're going to have to stop and let me tell Irene and Seulgi they need to keep Lia a bit longer."
You whined.
Jisoo's not looking at you, she's instead looking for her phone (it's in her hand) frantically. You decided this was the perfect time to start fighting your clothes off of your body. If only because you're starting to overheat.
"Oh, I was holding it!"
The One With The Kid: Take Lia to Disneyworld or something for the next like three days
Scary Fairy Godmother: uh...why?
The One With The Kid: Y/N
Scary Fairy Godmother: Say no more👀👌🏼
Scary Fairy Godmother: P.S. I told you so
Irene hadn't told her shit, but that was neither here nor there at this point.
Jisoo placed her phone into her back pocket. She turned back around to you.
"You're naked. Well, that certainly makes things easier."
You don't really say much of anything in answer. You're splayed across Jisoo's couch, your hand hidden between your thighs.
"Well, we're definitely not doing this on the couch."
"You're going to make me carry you, aren't you?" Jisoo is already performing the task before she even finishes her own sentence.
The apartment isn't that big, so it doesn't take long for jisoo to navigate the hallway connecting the livingroom to the bedrooms.
She set you down on the bed before frantically wrestling off her own clothing, then joining you on the mattress.
Jisoo ran her hand up your side. You pressed yourself into Jisoo's s cool palm as much as your body would allow.
"Remember that time I got you to beg. Yeah, I'm totally going to do that again."
You're scowl is extremely lackluster by normal standards. And it all but disappeared as Jisoo pressed her lips to the side of her throat.
"Chu." You mewled.
Jisoo slid up to the lobe of your ear, a direct contrast to her left hand which was slithering down your stomach to replace your hand between your legs.
You jerked in response to Jisoo's fingers coming into delicate contact with your center.
"Please, need your knot." Your words leave your mouth in small pants. Jisoo hummed lightly, and you swore you could feel it.
"Hm. That was easier than I thought it would be." Jisoo mumbled, her lips grazed over your ear as she spoke. She easily batted away your hand and circled her fingers.
"Fuck, you're stunning."
Jisoo occupied her opposite hand with trailing her fingers over a pert nipple, drawing a small gasp.
You keened, you brung your hand up to claw at jisoo's shoulder, urging her to provide you with more.
Jisoo's lips smashed down onto yours. You readily gave up control to Jisoo. It would be a bit redundant to keep up the ruse now.
Eventually, Jisoo does start doing what you wanted her to.
Her fingers left the sensitivity of your clit to do the same to her entrance. Only this time, she doesn't tease for long. Her index finger slipped into you.
You moaned loudly, back arching enough to push into her slightly.
She continued to pump her finger in and out of you slowly. Partially distracted by the pleasure playing across your face.
"Jisoo. More. Please."
Another finger of the alpha's slipped into you, the resulting whimper is probably the loudest one yet and just as desperate as all its predecessors.
She pulled out then pushed back in slowly, her palm catching on your swollen clit.
Jisoo sped up without having to be urged to. She could see exactly what you wanted in your face.
Your mewls and whimpers grew in pitch and frequency. Your hips bucked up into Jisoo's hand on just about every thrust.
You released into Jisoo's palm. Eased over the edge by Jisoo's light nips at your collarbone. You're hips stuttered upward with aftershocks.
You pulled jisoo into you by the shoulder for a heated kiss.
You gasped as you felt the tip of Jisoo's length nudge lightly against your entrance.
Jisoo pushed into you haltingly. Making sure you're sharp breathes were of pleasure and not of pain.
You watched Jisoo bite down on her lip as she bottomed out.
She can tell you're close again and she's not that far behind. She's sure under different circumstances that she would be mildy embarrassed at that, but neither of you can bring yourselves to care that much.
Jisoo stared at your neck constantly. Even in regular conversation she often eyed your neck subtly. If she wasn't an alpha then you'd assume she was a vampire. So, you're not surprised that she immediately latched onto the spot that she often eyed as soon as she got the chance.
"F-fuck, Alpha, faster." You mewled. You figured Jisoo wasn't exactly taking direction from you, but she does increase her pace into you.
Her knot had formed quickly, and it only took a couple more thrusts of her hips for it to slip into you.
You stretched your neck as you released, presenting the expanse of skin to Jisoo. The alpha growled lowly, latching onto your neck. The skin laminating your neck stayed intact and Jisoo took pride in that. Any pain that you would have felt is quickly overtaken by the visceral relief you feel of your bond coming together.
You're thrown into another shutter at the feeling of Jisoo spilling inside of you.
Jisoo pulled her hips back experimentally. Mentally clapping herself on the back when you groaned at the tug.
She carefully flipped so you were on top of her and she didn't crush you when her arms finally gave out.
"I feel like we should high five or something after that." Jisoo suggested.
You blinked at her tiredly, "Say something goofy again and I'll leave. You're weird."
"Yeah, but you love me." It came out a bit questioning despite Jisoo's probable attempts to keep it a statement.
"Yeah, I do love you." You let your head rest in the crook of Jisoo's neck.
Jisoo took this opportunity to test out a theory. She stuck her nose in the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply. Her theory is just about instantly confirmed.
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
"I'm sorry, did you just sniff me?"
"Needed to confirm something."
"And what might that be?"
"You're pregnant."
"I don't think it works that quickly, jisoo." You very distantly acknowledged that this did explain a few things.
"Not talking about from today, though if you weren't already, you definitely would be now. I'm talking about a couple months back. I was a bit too occupied to think about protection. I had my suspicions back at the hospital, but I couldn't like just stick my nose in your neck. And you would have kicked me if I just handed you a pregnancy test." Jisoo shrugged as much as she could with a person laying on top of her.
"You didn't think that would have been pertinent information!?"
"I wasn't sure!"
"We will resume this conversation when I'm not in heat."
Almost as soon as those words left her mouth, you were out of it again.
Jisoo thinks you tried to kill her during your heat. You just kept going, like you had absolutely no need for sleep or food, which Jisoo knew not to be true.
You barely had any recollection of any conversations you had (well except for one) while you were in heat, so you think Jisoo is full of it.
Speaking of the one you do remember...
"So..." You inquired.
"So?" Jisoo is currently in the middle of a staring contest with her three year old. The three year old is winning.
"I'm pregnant..." You continued.
The three year old won.
"I mean we should probably see a doctor to confirm, but I'm pretty sure. It's hard to explain how I know. It's like there's you and then something else. Something extra? Like I can smell you and you plus something different. You but sweeter? I don't know." Jisoo grimaced. That was a horrible explanation, but it was the best she could do.
You chuckled lightly, "I believe you, Jisoo. That's not really what I meant. I mean what does it mean for us?"
Jisoo removed Lia from the counter and placed her on the floor. The toddler ran away hurriedly only to smack into your legs.
"Well, I imprinted on you-"
That explained why you could never tell who it was based off of emotions alone. Chaeyoung isn't very intense in general and everytime Jisoo had an intense emotion you were already having that same intense emotion as well. Hard to tell the difference between very sad and also very sad.
"-and I mated you, and I got you pregnant, I think I successfully managed to trick you into sticking with me for the rest of our lives." Jisoo smiled triumphantly.
"You seem way too proud of that." You bent down to pick up Lia. You settled her on your hip.
"Oh, that's because I am. I'd even do a little victory dance if I thought I wouldn't trip and bust my head open." Jisoo settled for patting herself on her back enthusiastically.
You didn't reward any of that with a response, but you did gaze at Jisoo lovingly. You don't think you could hide that even if you tried anymore.
"If you're about to apologize again, save it. I've told you, it's okay. Besides, I won." Jisoo scooted from behind the kitchen island and approached you. You don't try to convince Jisoo that you weren't going to apologize, because Jisoo could read you now. Jisoo just knew.
"I don't know how I feel about you applying I was something to be won."
Jisoo smiled softly, "I got you, didn't I? Which is exactly what I wanted. So yeah, I won."
You sighed wistfully as Jisoo placed a soft kiss to your cheek, ignoring Lia's glare, "So you were first place after all, huh?"
You smirked, "Always."
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Poked and Prodded
Happy Wednesday!!! One week closer!!! This week's one shot is based off the prompt sent in by Halstead-cpd-cm-stories on FF.net. Thanks to everyone who has sent in a prompt or idea for these one shots and I hope everyone is enjoying them!! 
“Jay and his fear of needles/ Hailey supportive”
Hailey approached the ambulance and took in the sight before her. Jay sat on the back of the rig, looking rather disgruntled as Sylvie wrapped his hand up in gauze. As she got closer, she could hear the words being exchanged. 
“I’m just saying Jay, you need to go get this properly cleaned at Med and get your tetanus booster. Rusty metal is the devil.” The paramedic instructed, shaking her head at his stubbornness. 
“I’ll be fine, promise.” Jay replied firmly, looking like he had no intention whatsoever of doing anything she had suggested. He turned his head then and met Hailey’s stare, his face changing from stubborn to sheepish, as if he had just gotten busted by a parent and was about to be scolded. 
“How’s the hand?” Hailey asked, closing the distance between them.
“Fine.” Jay started before Sylvie cut him off. 
“No, not fine. I cleaned it up the best I could here but he needs to go get checked out.” She sent him a smug look as if she knew he wouldn’t win this argument against Hailey. Hailey merely raised her eyebrows, silently backing up the medics words. 
“Fine.” Jay huffed, looking annoyed. “I’ll go.” 
“I’ll drive.” Hailey stated, sending Sylvie a quick smile before turning back towards her car with Jay in tow. Once they were both buckled into her vehicle, Jay decided to give one last ditch effort at not going. 
“It’s really not that bad. I’ve had way worse.” He pleaded, reminding her of the time he was shot. 
“Mhmm.” Hailey nodded, avoiding his stare and shifting her car into drive. 
“I’m not getting out of this, am I.” Jay sighed. It was more of a statement than a question. He knew he wouldn't win. 
They got to the hospital quickly, much to Jay’s unhappiness, and Hailey stood behind him as the nurse checked him in. 
“What brings you in today?” She asked, glancing at his bandaged hand over her glasses. 
“Uh...just a small cut. It’s nothing. Really...” Jay tried to brush it off. The nurse shifted her attention to Hailey and the two women shared a look that left Hailey with a small grin on her mouth. 
“Come on.” The nurse huffed, turning and leading them towards a room. She instructed him to sit on the bed and that a doctor would be right in. Instead, Jay paced around the room after she left. His body radiating a nervous energy. 
“Will you sit down, you’re making me nervous.” Hailey finally exclaimed from her seat in the corner. Jay glanced at her, letting out a sigh before moving to lean against the edge of the bed. He wasn’t sitting but at least this was a little better. She watched as he picked at the bandage around his hand, his eyes avoiding hers. “I don’t get you...” She announced after a moment. 
“Huh?” He looked up, confusion evident on his face. 
“You’re always the first through the door, but you’d rather take a bullet then have anything to do with needles.” She studied him, watching a slew of emotions cross his face. “Why are you so afraid of hospitals?” She asked quietly, knowing it was a touchy subject.
“I’m not afraid of them...” He started, causing her to raise her eyebrows in a challenge. “I know it seems like that..it’s complicated.” Before he could continue, the curtain to his room was yanked open and Will walked in. 
“Dude. Now what?” Will shook his head, glancing quickly at Hailey and sharing a smile. 
“It’s just a little cut.” Jay held his hand up to let Will exam it. Hailey watched as Will carefully unraveled the gauze, revealing a small but nasty looking cut on Jay’s palm. 
“I’ll need to clean it up some more. And you’ll probably need some stitches.” Will told him, turning Jay’s hand back and forth as he continued looking at it. Hailey saw Jay’s face pale slightly at the mention of stitches and wondered what he had meant by ‘it’s complicated’. “How did you do this?” Will asked, satisfied with his assessment and taking a step back.
“Got into a fight with our suspect and accidentally put my hand through a window.” Jay shrugged nonchalantly as if this was no big deal. 
“So it was glass that cut you?” Will clarified.
“Well, no...the window was already broken. But there was some old metal on the other side. I think that’s what got me.” Jay looked up at him sheepishly, knowing what he had just earned himself. 
“Then you’re going to need a tetanus shot too. I’ll get the stuff and be right back.” Will left the room again and Jay instantly started pacing. Hailey could see the sweat forming on his face and she stood to go stall his movements. 
“Hey,” She gently grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to face her. His eyes darted around the room, trying to avoid her gaze. “I don’t get why this freaks you out. But it’ll be okay..” She gave him a comforting smile and was happy when he returned it. 
“Yeah...I just...I hate this..” He looked around the room again, using his good hand to wipe the sweat from his brow. Will returned then and Hailey sat on the edge of the bed next to Jay as he was cleaned up. She debated reaching out to hold his good hand but they weren’t that kind of friends and she felt slightly awkward with Will’s presence. Will finished stitching him up and re-wrapped the hand with clean gauze. He smiled at the two of them and told Jay the nurse would be right in with the shot. Jay had done surprisingly well with the stitches, but she knew he wasn’t a newcomer to the land of injuries requiring them. But when the nurse came in holding the tray with his tetanus shot, it was a whole other story. Hailey watched as Jay swallowed hard, looking paler than before as more sweat gathered on his brow. The nurse looked at him and let out a small laugh.
“You’re not a fainter are you?” She asked, hand resting on her cocked hip. Her other hand holding up the shot.
“No..” Jay croaked, voice sounding harsh and shaky. 
“Mhmm,” She replied through pursed lips. Looking both annoyed and amused. “Lay back.” 
“I’ll be fine, really.” Jay tried to protest but she wasn’t having it. 
“Back.” She instructed again, pointing a finger towards the pillow on his bed. Jay shifted his legs onto the bed and made to lay back. Hailey went to stand up so she wasn’t in his personal space but Jay gripped her forearm firmly holding her in place. She looked down at him and saw his eyes were shut tight, Hailey smiled softly and then settled back onto the bed, taking his good hand in hers while her other hand draped across his chest. The nurse came over and quickly tugged his waistband down enough to jab the needle into his lower hip. Hailey averted her eyes from his exposed skin, feeling a sudden flash of heat in her face at the sight of his exposed groin. She swallowed hard and returned her focus to trying to comfort Jay who still had his eyes closed and looked as if he was about to be sick. The nurse finished and left them alone, telling Hailey they were done as soon as he was ready to go. 
“Hey, you’re all done.” Hailey gently poked his shoulder.
“Mhmm.” Jay nodded, eyes still closed and lips pursed. 
“Are you going to be sick?” She asked, shifting slightly to get a better view of his face. 
“Debatable.” He mumbled, but opened his eyes to look up at her. “I should be good.” He gave her a sheepish look and she knew he was embarrassed. This was a stark contrast to the Jay everyone else knew. 
“Are you okay?” Hailey asked gently, meaning both physically and mentally. 
“Also debatable.” Jay replied but gave her a smile. He sat up on the edge of the bed and bumped his shoulder into hers. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” She smiled at him again, returning his shoulder bump.
“And if you could not tell anyone about this..that would be great.” Jay looked at her pleadingly.
“Oh...so I shouldn’t have sent that group text?” Hailey teased, earning herself a playful shove from Jay. “Totally kidding. Your secrets are safe with me.” Hailey wanted to ask him what he meant by his statement earlier, but knew this wasn’t the right time or place. She decided she would let it go until he brought it up again, if he brought it up. They checked out at the nurses station and headed back out to her car, Jay feeling thankful for the fresh air to clear his mind. They headed back to the precinct to finish out their shift and at the end of the day, Jay asked her if they could grab some beers.
They passed on Molly’s, per Jay’s request, and instead headed to a dive bar on the other side of town. It was one that had become their own spot when they didn’t feel like Molly’s or just wanted to be alone. Hailey sat at a table in the back of the bar while Jay ordered them beers, before coming to sit with her. Hailey took the beer, nodding her thanks and took a sip, waiting for Jay to start. 
“I know it probably seems ridiculous…” He started, knowing he didn’t have to specify because Hailey would know what he was talking about. 
“It doesn’t. I’m sure you have good reason.” Hailey gave him a reassuring smile.
“Yeah…” Jay trailed off, taking a sip of his beer before continuing. “They didn’t use to bother me...hospitals, that is.” Hailey sat quietly, waiting for him to continue. She could tell by his eyes that he was somewhere else right now. When he didn’t talk she decided to give him a gentle push. 
“Was it war stuff?” Hailey spoke softly, knowing this was a touchy subject on multiple levels. To her surprise, Jay chuckled at her question. 
“You know, I almost wish it was. At least it would make for a better story…” He trailed off again, picking at the label on his bottle. 
“You don’t have to tell me Jay.” Hailey said. She was tempted to reach out a hand to his on the table but they weren’t the touchy feely type of friends. 
“I want to.” He gave her a sad smile then took a deep breath before he spoke. “It actually has to do with my mom. I was there with her the entire time she was in the hospital and I watched as she just got worse and worse. It killed me to see her so sick and I would get so mad at the doctors because it seemed like they weren’t doing anything for her. After she died, I guess I just started hating hospitals because every time I’m in one I see her face.” He stopped then, swallowing hard, and Hailey could tell he was holding back a wave of emotions. That was the last thing she had expected him to tell her but she was thankful he opened up. When Jay dipped his head down, avoiding her eyes, Hailey slid her hand across the table, laying it on top of his and giving it a squeeze. He looked up at her then and she could see his eyes were moist with the threat of tears. 
“Jay...I’m so sorry.” Hailey didn’t know what else to say or what she could possibly do to help him. So she just gave his hand another squeeze in the hope that he would know she was here for him. 
“It’s okay. Or at least, it’s something I’ve come to terms with now. I just hate having to go as a patient.” He used his free hand to raise his beer to his mouth. 
“Well maybe you should try not getting hurt anymore.” Hailey teased, trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work and Jay gave her a grin behind his bottle. 
“Yeah yeah…” He chuckled, rolling his eyes at her and eliciting a laugh. 
They finished their beers and ordered two more, the conversation shifting to much lighter topics and Jay was happy that he had someone to talk too.
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