#kian lawley snapchat
lilshorty94 · 5 years
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Clear out pt1
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kianlawl · 7 years
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tateanaau-blog · 7 years
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//Please Some with Kian :)// 
Wow, I haven’t posted these in like 6 months. 
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fandomdreamer329 · 7 years
Kian Lawley Singing 😍
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swifferhim · 6 years
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Kian Lawley via Snapchat
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k-ia-n · 7 years
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Snapchat story from this pretty boy 😍
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naileadevoras · 7 years
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kkikiandjcbby · 7 years
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kianlawl · 7 years
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 Kian Lawley  Twitter: KianLawley and Kian  Facebook: KianLawley  Instagram: KianLawley  Myspace: KianLawley123  Tumblr: KiwiWawey-Blog  Snapchat: SwifferMe  YouTube: KianLawley and SuperKian13
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jccaylenspinky · 7 years
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fandomdreamer329 · 7 years
Kian Lawley Singing 😍
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swifferhim · 6 years
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Kian Lawley via Snapchat ~swifferme
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preferredrealty · 4 years
Escape - A Kian Lawley Imagine
Cabin fever has set in with this lockdown going on so i've written this to distract myself from being cooped up in the house. 
This is my first Kian imagine hope you guys enjoy!
This deleted twice when I tried to edit it so I gave up! I apologise for any spelling mistakes
 As Always, Feedback is appreciated 💛🌻
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- (Y/N) groaned as her phone buzzed constantly on her bedside table, buzzing to the point where it was balancing on the edge when one final vibration sent it over the edge, landing on the plush carpet below. Leaning over the side of the bed she looked at the face time call coming through from Kian. A small smile growing over her face at the goofy face of her best friend. Reaching for the phone she swiped to answer letting her face fall back into her pillow, her hair which she had tied in a bun before bed had come lose and was now sticking up all over. 
The call connected showing Kian sitting behind the driving wheel of a car that (Y/N) quickly realised was JC's jeep, also recognising that the car doors were gone. "Morning beautiful!" He sang making (Y/N) cringe at his energetic behaviour this early in the morning. "Morning Kian." She groaned, standing from her bed, moving at a snail like speed to her kitchen, nodding to her roommate, Abby, who was eatting a bowl of cereal while scroll on her phone. "I'm on my way to your place, be ready. We are going on an adventure." Kian smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. (Y/N) glanced down at her body the vintage denim KNJ WORLDWIDE hoodie hanging like a dress over her thighs, covering the underwear she was wearing beneath. "Boy I haven't even showered yet!" She sighed grabbing a cereal bar. "You showered last night." Kian replied simpily lifting the phone from where it was resting, bringing it closer to his face as he got stuck in traffic. "You'll need to shower again by the time i'm done with you." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. "You'll need a doctor by the time i'm done with you." (Y/N) snapped back, really not a morning person. "Ohh Kinky!" Kian sang, putting his phone back where it was to keep driving. "I'll be at your place in twenty minutes, dress for a walk but it's warm so I recommend shorts." He grinned before hanging up. 
(Y/N) sighed setting her phone on the counter turning to find Abby smirking. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow taking a bite from her bar. "What?" She asked, chewing as Abby shook her head. "Just fuck him already girl." Abby laughed as (Y/N)'s eyes widened chocking on her bar. It was no secret that Kian and (Y/N) flirted but the fact that she had been friends with him for as long as him and Jc have been friends always put her off taking it further. They had shared a few drunken kisses and even almost hooked up on Kians 21st birthday only to be interupted by Jc bustin into the room screaming that the birthday boy shouldn't leave his own party.
"He's my friend, that's it." (Y/N) groaned as a text came through. iMessage from Kiwi: Bring a swimming suit too! See you soon x With a sigh (Y/N) walked back into her room, staring at the bush on top of her head before reaching for her brush preparing to tackle the mess.
Fifteen minutes later (Y/N) had her hair in a messy bun, a pair of light wash mom shorts on with Kian's tie-dye shirt that said Whatever on it tucked into her shorts. She pulled on her white high top converse on as she sat in the middle of her bed, sighing as she stared at the laces. "I hate you..but I love you." She whispered glaring at them to be interuppted by Kians laugh filling the room. "Damn, poor shoes." He smiled, sat on the bed with his back to (Y/N) pulling her leg onto his lap, tying her lace before patting her calf, genturing for the other foot. 
Smiling she swapped her feet over reaching forward to rest her chin on kians shoulder. "Thanks." She grinned as he finished typing a perfect bow, standing up to hold his hands out helping (Y/N) stand. "Got your stuff ready?" Kian asked genturing to the familiar black XPLR backpack on the floor next to her door. "Yup, ready to go." She popped the 'p' in 'yup' As Kian grabbed the back pack making (Y/N) smirk sending a sneaky snapchat to Colby, saying that Kian was a die hard fan.
"See you later Abby!" (Y/N) yelled as she walked out the door, following Kian to Jc's jeep. "So my bestie, where you taking me today?" (Y/N) smiled, climbing into the jeep, loving it when the doors were off. Climbing in Kian set (Y/N)'s backpack on the floor in the back next to his own before turning to start the car. "I found a awesome swimming hole in a forest out of the city, I wanted to show you it." He backed out of his parking space, hand resting on the back of (Y/N)'s seat as he reversed. Reaching for the Aux cord (Y/N) plugged her phone in, a grin spreading as she searched through her playlist for the perfect song.
Thirty minutes into their drive they were out of the city driving around a practically empty road, the sky a pink and purple mix as the day began. Kian was smiling at (Y/N) as she sang along to each song that came on, out of habit somewhere along the way Kians hand had rested on her thigh, only leaving to shift gears and going straight back to its spot. The leg with kians hand on it rested on the seat while her other one sat on the dashboard, she had kindly put a hoodie under it not wanting to damage Jc's baby.
"Awgh!" Hearing (Y/N) make that noise Kians head shot to face her seeing her pouting at her phone. "(Y/N)? You okay?" He asked making her look up with a grin. "I just forgot about this song!" She smiled pressing on it. As 'Classic' by MKTO came from the speakers Kian smiled leaning his head back on his head rest as he kept his eyes on the road listening to (Y/N) sing along.  Her head lazily bobbing along to the beat. As she got more into the song she turned to Kian singing in his direction.
"Oh come on Kian! You remember the words!" She teased. With a hearty laugh Kian grinned singing along with her, his thumb now stroaking her thigh. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as they pulled off onto a dirt road leading into a forest. "Oh my god..this is it, you're finally going to murder me!" She cried causing Kian the laugh and nod. "Yup, nobody can hear you scream out here." He wink, his eyes going back to the road missing the red blush on (Y/N)'s cheeks, taking his statement a different way.
The song changed to a more soft acustic song (Y/N) didn't know as they drove along the dirt road, (Y/N) looked up watching the sun break through the trees as she relaxed into her seat, one hand out of the jeep weaving through the wind, the other tracing Kians fingers on her thigh. 
Kian came to a stop in a small parking area that was over grown with shrubs and flowers making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow. "I think the forest park decided that this trail was too far out to maintain so they just let it go." Kian expained as he unbuckled his belt, handing (Y/N) her back pack before grabbing his own. (Y/N) got out of the jeep, walking next to Kian as he started down a trail that had clearly been left un-touched for a while. Kian lead the way, helping (Y/N) over fallen logs, holding branches out of her way and warning her about dips in the path as they went. 
(Y/N) looked around, her eyes taking in the wild surrounding as she turned to look up at Kian. "How'd you find this place Kian?" She asked in a low voice, not wanting to distub the quietness. Kian poursed his lips kicking a twig as he thought out his words. "I got lost in my head one day, fighting with myself, telling myself I was failing at YouTube, I wasn't..attractive enough, I wasn't smart enough, just a bad day. So I decided to drive to focus on something else when I came across the dirt road and just started walking when I found the path, now this place is my escape...and I wanted my favourite person to share it with me." He smiled as he stopped at what looked like a dead end. Turning to a over grown tree he lifting a few lower branches revealing a swimming hole with a waterfall flowing into it. 
(Y/N) gasped walking through the gap her eyes taking in the sight before her. The swimming hole was a perfect circle, one side more shallow than the other, the waterfall seemed to fall perfectly in the centre from a small cliff-like ledge, the trees around the area stood tall but a gap aloud a large ray of sunlight the beam through giving a warm glow to the area. "Kian this is beautiful!" She grinned as Kian stepped up next to her, "It is." He nodded looking around  before point at a large rock that was off to the side of the water. "You can change behind there he smiled, pulling his shirt off, already in his swimming trunks. Running off quickly (Y/N) started to get changed into her Retro styple navey and white striped bikini. Kian had already walked waist deep into the water, his fingers waving through the water as he heard a soft splashing behind him he turned to see (Y/N) taking small steps into the water, her messy bun now gone, her hair cascading down her back. Holding out his hand Kian grinned at her as the walked deeper, the water hit (Y/N)'s chin as it barely touched Kians shoulders making him laugh at her. (Y/N) smirked up at him, grabbing his shoulders, dunking him under the water, squealing as Kian tired to grab her waist to pull her under with him. (Y/N) broke free from his grip swimming towards the waterfall.
She turned around, hand and feet treading the water to keep her afloat looking for Kian not seeing him anywhere. The waterfall causing bubbles under the water so she couldn't see a few feet around her. "Kian?" She called out, feeling a bit worried he hadn't come up yet. "Kia-"A scream ripped from her as her ankle was grabbed pulling her under the water. 
Her eyes stung for a second as she opened them under the water, the beam of sunlight making the water as clear as the air above it, she came face to face with Kians grinning face making her shake her head before swimming back to the surface Kian following. 
"Jackass." She muttered as he broke the water making him laugh, hands gripping her waist, pulling her legs to wrap around his hips. Kian kicked his legs keeping them both floating as he just enjoyed (Y/N)'s presence, her mind clearly occupied by looking around the forest. Kian took the time to take in all her features, the smile that stopped his heart, the nose that scruched when he told a bad joke, the cheeks he cant stop himself from kissing when he's in a drunken haze. He bit his lip as her eyes met his, her eye lashes dripping water, making them look longer and fuller, making her eyes look bigger. 
(Y/N)'s head tilted to the side as she looked at Kian, a blush on her cheeks from his intense stare. "What's the matter?" She asked, taking one of her hands off his shoulders to push his hair back out of his face. "Nothing...I'm just in love with you." Kian smiled as (Y/N)'s face turned to shock, the hand in his hair gripping a few strands. "I'm in love with you (Y/N)." He whispered nudging his nose against hers. "I think I always have been." He finished pushing his lips against her, unable to contain the noise of satisfaction from escaping as she moved her lips back against his. Her hand gripping tighter as Kians hands moved to grip her thighs. 
Pulling back (Y/N) giggled pressing a quick kiss to his lips before leaning her forehead against his. "I love you too." She grinned as Kian pulled her back into another kiss, getting lost in their own little world.
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loveddolan · 7 years
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Harrison & Kian and maybe others were in the twins’ warehouse… I REALLY hope they made a video omg
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davidsvlogs · 7 years
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o2l who?
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