#kho kho ground information
davidwhisler · 4 years
Kho Kho Game: the kho kho rules are really easy to understand. Know more about Kho kho ground, Kho kho rules as well as kho kho court.
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mysports360 · 4 years
Kho Kho Ground History
Kho Kho is a conventional game played in India. Its beginnings are antiquated, with methodologies and strategies probably got from the epic 'Mahabharata'. On the thirteenth day of the war, the Kaurava General Guru Dronacharya made the 'Chakravyuha' a unique military cautious circle which was in the long run infiltrated by the famous champion Abhimanyu. He was murdered inevitably by battling alone against 7 different champions yet he caused hefty setbacks consequently. His style of battling mirrors the idea of 'ring play' – a guarded strategy in Kho.
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Numerous different likenesses are seen yet on a more profound level, Kho encourages numerous other attractive qualities – sportsmanship, collaboration, dependability, intensity and confidence just as speed, readiness, system and fast reasoning. This game in itself is a self-improvement instrument for the competitor that responds to the call.
Kho was first shown in the 1936 Berlin Olympics as an extraordinary component by a solitary group. As a global game, it made its first passage in 1996 through the first Asian Kho Championship in Kolkata and was fortified in 2000 at the second titles.
Anyway the degree has stayed Asian and with the development of a British group – the Kho Federation of England has been made and perceived by the Kho Federation of India and Indian Olympic Association. Before long we will be taking this excellent game genuinely onto the International stage – this is our vision.
History of Kho Federation of England
Our originator administrator, Brij Haldania, has been instructing Kho in England for more than 15 years and he has played the game at a public level in India where he spoke to Rajasthan state and was granted Best Player of the State (1974-1977). Having been engaged with the game for quite a while, it was Brij's vision to take Kho to the global stage. On seventh May 2013, Brij imparted this vision to individual Kho players Manoj Gopal and Rohit Haldania, his child, who additionally shared an enthusiasm for the game and this lead to the underlying plans being drafted to set up the Kho Federation of England. Not long after a KKFE the executives council was shaped and the group has worked easily as volunteers to create Kho as a game in England. The group have run after presenting and building up a standard arrangement of decides that is reliable with those set by the Asian Kho Federation.
Since establishing KKFE, Brij went to different Kho titles in India where he met with the Indian authorities and individuals from the Asian Kho Federation to examine plans of a worldwide competition which prompted him being granted Lifetime Achievement in Kho. As there are presently no producers of Kho posts in England, Brij brought back a couple of posts from India, which took into account the primary Kho game with presents on be played in England (August 2015).
Read More -  Kho Kho Game Skills | Kho Kho Touraments | Kho Kho Tips & Tricks
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(Set before either Kate or Clara know. Khoine’s language is called Kho, a language based on Basque. Ume means child. @radioactivepeasant)
When Clara had asked her to attend a party with her, Kate had not planned on this.
Serkis was a planet that was not part of the Empire or the Resistance. Both sides were vying for the shipyard planet to join them. Traditions and laws had been pulled, leading to this.
An Empire-Resistance mixed gala.
Lara had said no the moment Clara had brought it up. That left Kate, who was an apparently better plus one. She was a symbol of the Order of the Ventura’s return. That was much better than ‘some nobody smuggler.’ (Clara’s words, which left Lara fuming.)
The gala was...actually okay. Clara looked lovely in Serkis’s national color of lavender and dark red. The princess was talking to people like the skilled politician she was. Kate was allowed to wear what she wore normally. Then she saw black and paled.
Dark Sendura was here.
He appeared to be talking to some people, but the sight of him still made her sink in her spot. The memory of their disastrous duel on Yzami 1 was humiliating enough. But then there was the other instance at the old Ventura temple, the one where she had been blinded by the sun crystals…
He was staring at her.
Kate paled and whirled on her heel.
It reminded her of how after she surrendered, surrounded by Sendura and his troops. She hadn’t been able to see him, due to her state, but the Quinn had rippled around him and the darkness. Kate took a chance and peeked over her shoulder.
He was still staring.
Kate turned her head, swallowing back the urge to be sick. “I see Sendura’s spotted you,” Clara said, appearing at her side. She let out a sigh and nodded. “Don’t worry. He’s not going to hurt you here. That’ll push Serkis farther from the Empire.”
“He’s been staring at me for the past five minutes. Is he still…”
Clara snuck a look back, making a face. “Yep. Don’t worry,” She started rubbing her shoulder. Kate relaxed into the touch- she hadn’t even noticed how much she had tensed up. “Not even Sendura’s above the rules.”
Someone called Clara’s name. “I gotta go.” The princess whispered. “Lara’s outside waiting with Jax and the Zion.” Kate’s surprise must’ve shown itself, earning a graceful shrug. “Just in case.” With one last squeeze, the brunette slipped away.
Kate glanced around. Sendura was no longer staring. Instead, he was talking to an Imperial officer- an admiral, if she was correct. Her eyes landed on a balcony. She could slip out for a moment of air, wait until he was further distracted, and then slip back in. Good plan.
It was easy to get to the balcony. People moved easily with a quiet “Excuse me” and her small height made it easy to slip past unnoticed. She let out an exhale she didn’t know she had been holding before taking in the night.
Serkis was beautiful. Dark red, orange, and yellow rock made up the landscape, glowing silver in the moonlight. It was too hot during the day for delicate flowers to grow, so the Serkians had made the tough weeds their own garden. It was a far cry from Khoine.
“You are a difficult person to get alone, Lowe.”
Kate bit down on her tongue to resist the startled shriek that wanted to erupt at the voice. She whirled around. The dark form of Death Sendura stood in the doorway. It took a moment, but she realized what was off. “You know my name?” (Of course he does, there’s a bounty higher than anybody else’s for Kate Lowe.)
There was a moment of silence. “I...ran into a particularly loose-lipped informant.” Kate paled. Damien. She took a step forward to demand what Sendura had done- “He is fine. I released him. Calm down.”
“You just-”
“I did not come to harm you.” He held up his hands in the universal sign of peace. “This is no place to fight.”
He was right. Kate swallowed back any demands of what exactly Damien had gone through. “Good. My friends are all inside. Besides, I can take care of myself.” She pushed back her vest to show her saber.
“I believe you about yourself. But, no offense to your “friends”, there would be little they could do to stop me.” He took a step forward. Despite her mind screaming to get away, Kate stood her ground.
“Well, I stopped you and the Starkiller, didn’t I!?”
“Indeed, you did.”
There was a moment of awkward silence. Kate glanced behind her, gauging that if she had to, she could survive jumping off the balcony. It felt she was being studied- she knew how it felt from people obsessed with the Order of the Ventura. And she had come out here to get away from the lord.
“You feel it again, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question.
“Excuse me?”
“What you felt at the Sun Temple, on Olsom 4,” Sendura said. “You feel it again, don’t you?”
Shock rang through her. “I- Are you doing that?!”
“No, child. It’s the Quinn.”
Kate took a breath and closed her eyes, reaching out. She didn’t notice the dark tentacles reaching for her in the Quinn. “It feels...a little different. A lot less vibrant.” There was an emotion there. She reached for it. Grief suddenly made tears spring to her eyes. “I feel...sad.” She whispered, opening her eyes and wiping the tears away.
“It is the same for me.” She resisted a scream of shock because he was much closer now. More than decent. “A tragedy happened here eons ago. The emotion was potent enough to scar this place.” His hand reached for her and the Quinn screamed at her about the tentacles of dark power that wrapped around her ankles. Her back ached when she smacked herself against the railing
“You can’t-! It’s neutral here!” Kate closed her eyes. She was ready to scream…
Instead, a hand rested on her cheek. 
She opened her eyes in confusion. Sendura seemed to be examining her. “Remarkable,” he said, seemingly to himself. Kate reached out again in an attempt to sate her confusion.
There was him, a dark shadow. But he felt...possessive, yes. A dragonlike desire to covet and lock away valuable things. But...
“All this time...how did I not know that you-”
“SENDURA!” The two froze. Clara stood in the doorway, a clear whirlwind of protective fury in the beautiful lavender and red gown. “Unhand her! This is neutral territory!” She was clearly ready to make a scene.
Thankfully, Sendura took a step back. “Trust me, Princess,” he said, the title holding a tone of mockery, “She is safer in my presence than in yours.”
“Oh, really. The last living member of the Ventura, safer in the presence in the man who’s known for killing any of those?” Clara crossed her arms. Kate started wondering about the railing again.
“She is the last of the Order of the Ventura and yet you have been sending her on all these dangerous and foolish rebel attacks!”
She could probably survive.
“We aren’t the Empire! Kate goes on those missions because it’s her choice! Why do you care anyway?” There was a moment of silence. She took the chance to swing her legs over the railing. “That’s right! So back off!”
He made some sort of sound, like an attempt at a tsk. “Temper, temper princess. Lowe,” He said, turning to her and ignoring Clara’s growl. Both of them stared at Kate, halfway over the railing. She sheepishly pulled herself back up. “We will be speaking again soon child.” He turned and walked back into the party. Kate watched him with growing confusion.
What was that about?
A warm body tackled her. 
“Kate! I’m so sorry, did he hurt you?!”
It took a bit of convincing to calm Clara down and assure her that she was fine. The princess decided it was time to return to the Zion after that. (It was hard to believe that Sendura wouldn’t corner Kate somewhere else to stick a saber through her.) As they walked away from the party, a firm hand grabbed Kate’s arm and stopped her.
“Until later, ume.”
Sendura released her arm and disappeared into the crowd.
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Kho Kho Game
Kho Kho Game
Game Kho Kho Game là dòng game Sports
Giới thiệu Kho Kho Game
Kho Kho is a contact sport. As a runner (defender) player has to run and avoid a contact with attacker. As a attacker player must chase and catch the runner. Attacker team seats/kneel in the middle of ground with adjacent player facing opposite direction, active chaser (attacker) begin chasing the defender by following him in the ground. In pursuit of the defender attacker can only take direction once he is given 'kho'. He can move in the ground that he is facing to. Attacker can only change direction by going to the pole. Defender can run anywhere in the ground and if survives till the end of inning defender is declared as winner. [About Game] Kho kho and kabaddi are popular tag sports in India. More Information about the game : https://www.britannica.com/topic/kho-kho [Changes in Rules to optimize the game for mobile] 1. Each inning consist of only 1 minute. 2. Defender team play only 3 player. Player plays against AI, and the team who capture maximum defender wins. Draw matches are not counted in the ranks. Added new runners characters (Female player) New map of stadium included Defect fixes
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recipearcade · 4 years
Thit Kho- Vietnamese Braised Pork Recipe
Thit Kho recipe is a low and slow braise so the meat is going to be really tender. Most often this recipe is prepared with pork belly (include some bones) because the fat on it brings in uniqe flavour and tast for Thit Kho-Vietnamese Braised Pork. Ingredients 2 pounds pork belly, trimmed2 tablespoons white sugar5 shallots, sliced3 cloves garlic, chopped3 tablespoons fish sauceground black pepper to taste13 fluid ounces coconut water6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled
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Directions Slice pork belly into 1-inch pieces layered with skin, fat, and meat.Heat sugar in a large wok or pot over medium heat until it melts and caramelizes into a light brown syrup, about 5 minutes. Add pork and increase heat to high. Cook and stir to render some of the pork fat, 3 to 5 minutes.Stir in shallots and garlic into the pot. After a minute add fish sauce and black pepper and stir it to evenly coat pork. Pour in coconut water and bring to a boil. Add eggs, reduce heat to low, and simmer, covered, until pork is tender about 1 hour.Remove pot from the heat and let stand, about 10 minutes. Skim the fat from the surface of the dish. You can use Instant Pot to cook Thit Kho - Vietnamese Braised Pork Recipe for better control over the Temparature. How do you buy pork for Thit Kho- Vietnamese Braised Pork Recipe? Pork belly is the best part for Thit Kho preparation as it contains more fat than the other parts. If you prefer leaner meat for health reason you can go for it. But the ideal ratio would be 3/4 pork belly with some bones and 1/4 of leaner cut like shoulder. What type of Cuisine is Thit Kho- Vietnamese Braised Pork? This recipe is commonly claimed to be a Vietnamese Braised Pork. But they are present in other ethnic cuisines with some variations in Japanese food, Chinese food, Filipino and Taiwanese food too. What dish goes well with Thit Kho? Baked Macaroni and CheeseEasy Beer Braised CabbageQuinoa Salad With Arugula, Butternut Squash, and Citrus VinaigretteHoney-Mustard Brussels Sprouts.Sesame-Ginger Roasted Broccoli.Fig and Kale SaladPotato Gratin With Cheese and Bacon. ...Roasted Brussels Sprouts.Creamy Spinach and Dill.Homemade Slow Cooker Applesauce. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNAQCwmCsL8
Thit Kho- Vietnamese Braised Pork Recipe
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Thit Kho recipe is a low and slow braise so the meat is going to be really tender. Most often this recipe is prepared with pork belly (include some bones) because the fat on it brings in uniqe flavour and tast for Thit Kho-Vietnamese Braised Pork. "2 pounds pork belly (trimmed",)"2 tablespoons white sugar""5 shallots (sliced",)"3 cloves garlic (chopped",)"3 tablespoons fish sauce""ground black pepper to taste""13 fluid ounces coconut water""6 hard-boiled eggs (peeled") "Slice pork belly into 1-inch pieces layered with skin, fat, and meat. Heat sugar in a large wok or pot over medium heat until it melts and caramelizes into a light brown syrup, about 5 minutes.","Add pork and increase heat to high.","Cook and stir to render some of the pork fat, 3 to 5 minutes.","Stir in shallots and garlic into the pot. After a minute add fish sauce and black pepper and stir it to evenly coat pork. Pour in coconut water and bring to a boil. Add eggs, reduce heat to low, and simmer, covered, until pork is tender about 1 hour.","Remove pot from the heat and let stand, about 10 minutes. Skim the fat from the surface of the dish."
Nutritional Facts
Thit Kho- Vietnamese Braised Pork
Servings Per Recipe: 6 Calories: 410 % Daily Value * total fat: 26.3g 40 % saturated fat: 8.6g cholesterol: 267mg 89 % sodium: 1832mg 73 % potassium: 669mg 19 % carbohydrates: 15.6g 5 % fiber: 1.1g 4 % sugar: 6g protein: 26.7g 53 % exchange other carbs: 1 vitamin a iu: 809IU niacin equivalents: 10mg vitamin b6: 0mg vitamin c: 5mg folate: 42mcg calcium: 68mg iron: 2mg magnesium: 59mg thiamin: 0mg *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. **Nutrient information is not available for all ingredients. Amount is based on available nutrient data. (-)Information is not currently available for this nutrient. If you are following a medically restrictive diet, please consult your doctor or registered dietitian beforepreparing this recipe for personal consumption.   Read the full article
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destinyhixon-blog · 5 years
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Thinking of where to go to for your holiday this year? Thinking to plan a perfect Bangkok itinerary for multiple days? Read this post. The city is the capital and the most populous urban center of the Kingdom of Thailand.
At present, the city is the most visited in the world, topping even London, Dubai, and Paris! To aid you in making the more informed decisions, we have seen it wise to examine what the city has to offer and the most suitable times to pay a visit there.
Things to see in your Bangkok Itinerary
Bangkok has numerous skyscrapers, broad streets, parks, museums, beautiful temples, and two major rivers i.e. Chao Phraya and Khlong Saen Saep. All these resources jointly confer to you opportunities for exploration, sightseeing, and admiration.
While in Bangkok, there are seven major landmarks you inevitably have to spare your time to sightsee. They are:
Visit and Take Pictures at the Grand Palace
This Grand Palace is an opulent former royal residence which has since been converted into a museum in 1925. It is a must for your Bangkok itinerary. It is in the form of a building complex in Bangkok, Thailand. The structure was originally built the year 1782. It features some ornate appearance and is largely open to visitors. Visit and take pictures at this palace in your free time.
From the Grand Palace
Hang out at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha
Not a Buddhist? Worry not! You will still find it worthwhile to hang out at the temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew). This temple is basically a sacred shrine with the image of the reclining Buddha adorning its sacred grounds. The building is generally hailed as the most sacred one in the entire nation of Thailand. Take some time and hang out at the facility.
Take a Breather at the Khaosan Road
Located in downtown Bangkok, this is a short street which is lined with numerous shops and sales stands. On this street, you will be able to buy all kinds of merchandise and personal effects. Moreover, it also has several bars, lodgings, shops, and eateries. As part of your itinerary, you may consider hopping into any of them to enjoy the benefits they bring along. This street was called as “the centre of the backpacking universe” in the popular book “The Beach”.
Take a selfie at the Wat Arun Ratchawararam
If you are a lover of photographs, you yet again have the Wat Arun Ratchawararam for your consideration. The riverside temple has a landmark spire which is breathtaking to behold. This is because the spire is ornately tiled and appeals greatly to the eyes. You may consider standing with this temple in your background and capture that awesome selfie.
Take some ride at the BTS Skytrain
Perhaps no other public transport system in South Asia is as developed and great as the Bangkok Mass Transit System. The facility is clean, spacious, and pretty fast. Its elevated rail accords breathtaking views of the city and its metropolis. You have no choice but to squeeze time to take some rides at the facility at least once.
Sample some Street Cuisine in Yaowarat Road
Yaowarat is a segment of the city which is lined with Chinese markets and food vendors. If you fancy Chinese cuisines, do spare some time and sample these foods while at the place. You will also get to interact with other shoppers and relax too! You have no better way to relieve stress and stay in good shape other than finding your way here.
Sightsee the Golden Buddha
With a 95% Buddhist population, it is no wonder that almost every other landmark in Bangkok has something to do with Buddhism or Buddha. This structure is an ornate temple with a gold Buddha statue. It also comprises a gilded exterior, several exhibitions and a massive golden statue of Buddha at its heart. This is a place to simply visit and gaze at.
What to do in Bangkok
With a massive population numbering in excess of 8 million and an area that straddles 1,569 km², Bangkok has no shortage of facilities to explore or activities to engage in. In the city, you will find and indeed be able to participate in almost anything that you may look up to in a typical urban setting. Below are some of the top activities to do while in the city:
With numerous eateries dotting the city landscape and a great variety of cuisines to choose from, you can count on the city to satisfy your appetite considerably. Perhaps the most outstanding advantage the city has over other larger ones of its stature is the extremely low costs of living. You will subsequently buy foods at lower-than-normal costs.
The city is graced with numerous parks, greens, and open spaces. By far the top parks that the city has on offer are the Benjasiri Park, Benchakiti Park, and the Lumphini Park. These parks are spacious, less congested, and relaxing indeed. It is in your best interest to detach and spend some time at any of these parks.
Take Photos
Throughout the city are numerous landmarks and skyscrapers. Examples of these are the King Power MahaNakhon, Sathorn Unique Tower, Elephant Tower, and the Baiyoke Tower II, to name but a few! These landmarks provide excellent photographing opportunities which you may wish to explore. Do take some time and capture them for future references.
Enjoy Music and Live Shows
A visit to Bangkok is incomplete without a breakaway to any of the numerous opera houses and theaters which call the city home. In your stay at the visit, make it a point to pay a visit to Joe Louis Thai Puppet Theatre & the Art of Thai Cuisine, Bangkok NANTA Theater, Siam Niramit Theatre, Aksra Theatre, or the Calypso Cabaret theaters to catch any music or live performance show.
Explore Thailand’s Rich Past
Thailand has a rich past. This history is captured and showcased in the forms of artifacts, antiquities, relics, and other kinds of paraphernalia. You will find these items in the numerous museums and facilities that dot the entire landscape of the city. Some of these facilities are Jim Thompson House Museum, Bangkok National Museum, and Siriraj Medical Museum.
Take a Boat Ride
As noted above, the majestic city is graced with two wide and navigable rivers. These are the Chao Phraya and Khlong Saen Saep. You can never boast of having visited Bangkok without a boat ride at any of these two rivers. You will also get to detach from the squeezed lifestyles and unwind at the same time.
Best Beaches near Bangkok
Being a port city, Bangkok is adorned with numerous beaches and seaside facilities. These beaches are further equipped with numerous resources which allow you to relax, swim, dive, and perform a host of water-based recreational tasks.
In all, the following beaches are more likely to yield you the higher levels of satisfaction you may desperately yearn for:
Hua Hin
This seaside resort is located only a few hours from downtown. It is a resort city which was initially constructed for the Thai Royal family. The area around the resort has some white beaches luxury hotels and accords breathtaking views of the adjacent blue ocean. If you can, do detach yourself and spend some of your time at the facility.
Hua Hin beach
Koh Samet
No other beach facility is as great as this one. This is because it is detached from the mainland by virtue of being located on an island. In light of this, the beach facility is far removed from the squeezed, polluted, and congested nature of the Greater Bangkok area. It is a facility you must visit to unwind and reinvigorate yourself.
Located around 140 km to the South East of Bangkok, this isolated, quiet and relaxed fishing village is indeed a great getaway. The village is lined with numerous resort hotels, shopping malls, high-rise condominiums, 24-hour nightclubs, and cabaret bars. You will find it a great destination if you are a shopping enthusiast.
If you happen to travel to the city as a couple, you inevitably need some privacy. This is the beach to consider visiting. Other than being detached from the Bangkok mainstream, this beach is also secure, tranquil and possesses white sandy soils. Do visit the beach to bond with your loved one.
Straddling an entire length of the Gulf of Thailand is this Cha-Am beach. It is a sandy beach with shade trees and a variety of food. You will get to enjoy pony rides, banana boat tours and relaxing Thai massage by simply paying a visit here. Its proximity to downtown spares you of the need to spend too much time and money to enjoy the great resources it has to offer.
Bang Saen
If you are short on cash, this is the beach to consider visiting. It is the closest to downtown Bangkok. As such, it costs the least amount of money to visit. This is not to mention that you will also spend the least amount of time to commute to the facility. The beach is lined with numerous palm trees, swimming facilities and is also great for boating and sunbathing.
Kho Larn
Lastly comes the Kho Larn. This is a conglomeration of six beaches. At these beaches are white sands and clear azures water. Lining either ends of these beaches are also several restrooms and shower facilities. These beaches allow you to carry your own food and pay for the chairs separately. You have them for your consideration if you do not have that much cash.
Shopping in Bangkok
Just like every other major city of its stature, the city is endowed with innumerable shopping facilities.
Regardless of your particular liking, taste or preference, you will find at least one shopping outlet which caters to your needs. Even though every corner is lined with at least one shopping facility, these seven are by far the most outstanding:
Chatuchak Weekend Market
As the name suggests, this is a market that is best visited on a weekend. It is a sprawling marketplace which stocks a huge variety of merchandise mostly on weekends. The market comprises around 15,000 stalls which are further divided into 27 sections. It offers to any shopper an eclectic variety of goods, ranging from antiques to pets.
ASIATIQUE at the Riverfront
Unlike most ordinary shops and marketing facilities, this one is an open-air mall that is lined with a river rather than a street. Through the river, it is possible for you to enjoy large and lighted rides with excellent scenic river views. At night, it is illuminated in such a way as to provide great scenic river views.
Sukhumvit Shopping
This is by far Bangkok’s best-known shopping district. It is easily accessible via the Bangkok Transport System and lined on either side by many air-conditioned malls, luxurious curios, and plenty of opportunities to bag valuable items. You need some good financial resource endowment to be able to shop here though.
Silom Shopping
Located along the Silom Road, this shopping district runs from the Chao Phraya River at one end to the tranquil Lumpini Park on the other end. It is served with the BTS Skytrain and MRT transportation options conveniently. You will find all kinds of merchandises you might want here and at the most affordable cost to you.
Siam Shopping Mall
Popularly called the ‘Mother of All Malls,’ the complex brings together all kinds of shopping centers and boutiques. You will find all sorts of jewelry, electronics, garments, and other household commodities here. Regardless of the financial resource base at your disposal, you might be certain to find a commodity that suits your budget space.
Pratunam Shopping District
Located at the intersection of Petchburi and Ratchaprop roads right next to Amari Watergate Hotel, this shopping district is filled with shops and tiny stalls. These stalls and shops stock clothes, fashion accessories, shoes, and other goods mostly at wholesale prices. You definitely want to pop up into the complex grab at least one of this merchandise.
Pratunam street
Bangkok Riverside Shopping
Still along the banks of the two major rivers that flow through the city of Bangkok are several shopping facilities. There is the famous floating market. You will need only 2.5 bhats to cross one bank of the river to another. You will be able to purchase clothes, bags, shoes, handbags, fashion accessories, food, and fresh fruits, among many others.
What to eat in Bangkok
For a really “local style” experience make sure to try these Bangkok food tours. To further make your visit to Bangkok more memorable, you want to have a taste of its cuisine. It is for this reason that you want to sample a couple of the street foods that are endemic to Thailand.
Below are some of the top street foods which trace their roots here:
Khao Kha Moo (Pork Trotters Rice)
This is basically stewed pork that is mixed with rice and boiled eggs. Being a common cuisine, you will find it in almost all the restaurants and eateries that are found in Bangkok. The actual cost varies mainly with the exact place you decide to purchase it from.
Khao Man Gai (Thai Chicken Rice)
As the name suggests, this is rice that is served alongside chicken. It is also a popular cuisine which you will find everywhere you travel to. The dish has variations which may include spices and food color. Be sure to specify these differences as you place your order to be on the safe side.
Kuay Jab Nam Sai (Thai Rice Noodle Soup)
Kuay Jab Nam Sai is a peppery noodle soup which is served on a bowl and eaten using noodles. The soup is great for those persons who are intent on burning fat. The chilly heat dilutes the fat by converting it into liquid and allowing it to be absorbed in the body easily.
Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Thai Seafood Soup)
If you are a lover of anything seafood, you might want to try this one. On the whole, it is a spicy soup which features numerous sea fish varieties. It is a great source of protein also. You might wish to try it out if you are intent on building your body.
Joke Moo (Pork Porridge)
Joke Moo is a special kind of porridge. Rather than being made from grains, it is made from Rice. The rice is complemented with pork and stirred into a thick yet viscous liquid. You may choose to use the noodles or simply drink the porridge the normal way.
Poo Aob Woonsen (Crab Bee Hoon)
Yet again if you are a lover of seafood, you may have to consider this Poo Aob Woonsen. Its roots are in Singapore rather than Thailand. In its simplest form, it is a rice vermicelli dish in which a whole mud crab is served and topped with some milky broth.
Kway Teow Rua (Boat Noodles)
Lastly, you might again wish to taste the boat noodles otherwise called Kway Teow Rua locally. This is basically an assortment of several protein dishes which are served with noodles. You will have to make use of a stick or noodle to help yourself with them.
Where to stay in Bangkok
Of course, you will have to find a nice accommodation facility to reside in during your stay in Bangkok. When we talk of accommodation facilities, Bangkok has no shortage of them. Indeed, the city boats of numerous high-end hotels, hostels, and other hospitality facilities. Below are but a few you might want to consider:
Shangri-La Hotel
Shangri-La is a premium riverfront property. It serves 9 dining options for you to select. Moreover, it also has an outdoor pool, tennis courts, and a luxe spa. The location wherein the facility is based is an upscale area. It is very secure and tranquil enough to guarantee you maximum comfort and serenity.
Amari Watergate Bangkok
This is a polished, contemporary lodging. It does boast of a vibrant international restaurant, a spa, and an outdoor pool as well. Located in Ratchathewi District, this facility is served by a busy public transport hub and surrounded by the lofty Victory Monument which is great for sightseeing.
The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel
The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel is a high-end 5-star hotel. It incorporates 3 restaurants, 3 bars, and an outdoor pool. What’s more? The facility can make arrangement for a complimentary airport shuttle. Its location in the bustling thoroughfare in the Bangkok industrial area means it is easily accessible to you.
Al Meroz Hotel Bangkok
Unlike every other hotel under consideration, Al Meroz Hotel Bangkok is a 4-star rather than a 5-star hotel. For this reason, it is cheaper to afford than most alternatives. With warmly decorated rooms, an Arabian-inspired hotel, you may count on the hotel to offer you a rooftop pool and halal dining.
Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit
If you fancy style and elegance, you have this 5-star hotel for your consideration. Its chic rooms and suites coupled with its location in an upscale property offer multiple eateries and bars. The outdoor pool tops up the list of its most elegant features for you.
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok
Located in an upscale area, this 5-star hotel has stylish rooftop bars, two outdoor pools, nine refined restaurants, and various antique stores. These combine to make your stay at the facility quite fruitful and rewarding indeed. While at the facility, grab some posh Italian cuisine that is abundantly available.
Park Hyatt Bangkok
As a last major option, you might also want to attempt this Park Hyatt Bangkok 5-star hotel. It is basically an Haute quarter which is situated in a posh hotel. The facility features a 2-floor spa, tri-level dining, and entertainment complex. Its proximity to swanky malls will make your shopping a bliss.
When to visit Bangkok
Knowing when to visit Bangkok is just as important as leveraging the awesome resources it has to offer. This is because the temperature and weather patterns fluctuate significantly. This fluctuation determines to a great extent the levels of satisfaction you might accrue at any given visit.
For a start, Bangkok has a tropical monsoon climate. It generally remains hot and humid year round. This notwithstanding, the peak tourism season is the November to March timeframe. Conversely, most tourists shun the city between the months of March, April and May as they are the hottest.
Below is a breakdown of Bangkok’s weather pattern in a typical year:
Cool Season
This starts in December and ends in February. The average temperature is 20°C. It is a perfect time to travel out and about Bangkok on foot.
Hot Season
Starts in March and ends in May. Experiences average temperatures of around 30°C. The Thai New Year is celebrated at this time. Due to the extreme glare of the sun, you are advised to carry your sunglasses.
Rainy Season
That season commences in May and goes through to October. It experiences an average temperature of around 30°C. This is the best time to visit Bangkok for shopping, visiting the aquarium, and other indoor activities.
Now that you know all you might want to make a sound decision, why not go ahead and plan a visit? It is never late. Just consult your travel agent to get started.
We look forward to guiding you in and out the wonderful city of Bangkok soonest possible. Please share this information as far wide as possible!
The post Bangkok Itinerary Things To Do appeared first on AGreekAdventure World Travel Blog.
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phgq · 4 years
Batanes sets standards for cogon-roofed trikes
#PHinfo: Batanes sets standards for cogon-roofed trikes
BASCO, Batanes, Jan. 5 (PIA) - - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Batanes has passed an ordinance which sets the standards, materials and accesories of the cogon-roofed tricycle.
The cogon-roofed tricycle in Batanes province. (photo by Motmot Kho) 
The Ivatan-inspired "cogon-roofed" tricycle has been part of the province' transportation and tourism industry.  
In the ordinance authored by Board Members Vicenta V. Hidalgo and Milagros Juliet F. Abas, the dimensions, materials and accessories of the natively crafted tricycles are being prescribed to ensure safety of the passengers while portraying the uniqueness of its cultural heritage.
As to its dimension, the trike should not be more than 3 feet in width, not more than 4 feet in length and not more than 20 inches in height while its height from the ground level up to its roof shall not be lower than 5 feet but not higher than 6 feet.
The authors also prescribed use of indigenous but sturdy materials such as the cogon-reeds for its roofing, local wood and bamboos.
The ordinance also prescribed that accessories such as garbage basket and beverage holder shall be made and attached with appropriate indigenous materials and any attachment not akin to Ivatan culture shall be strictly prohibited. 
The Local Government Unit has given operators six months to devise their tricycles in conformity with the standard set in the said ordinance.
The said transportation facility has been playing vital role to the livelihood of the Ivatans as well as its the tourism sector as tourists enjoy touring around the beautiful islands using the cogon-roofed tricycle. (MDCT/OTB/PIA 2-Batanes) 
* Philippine Information Agency. "Batanes sets standards for cogon-roofed trikes." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063072 (accessed January 06, 2021 at 06:34PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Batanes sets standards for cogon-roofed trikes." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063072 (archived).
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wikitopx · 5 years
Mulhouse is an intriguing city.
Famous for its museums, it has been certified a Ville d’art et d’Histoire by the French government. But it was also a big player in the IndusMulhouse is an attractive city. Famous for its museums, it has been certified by the French government as a ville d.trial Revolution and maintains impressive production levels today, so much so that it has been dubbed “the French Manchester.” Take a look through our guide to find out why Mulhouse has the best of both worlds.
1. Cité de l’Automobile
A large residential complex with about 400 classic cars, Cité de léAutomobile is the largest car museum in the world.
The “Motorcar Experience” exhibits documents the history of the car from its conception in the late 19th century through to the present day, Motorbike racing featured the racing cars from 1908 and earlier, and Master Motorcycles masterpieces include 80 prestigious cars from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.
A special area is reserved exclusively for the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron and its Autodrom exhibition race track allow you to see the moving exhibits.
2. Cité du Train
Not to be outdone, train enthusiasts have set up the world's largest railway museum not far from the Cité de lieuAutomobile. Cité du Train also has three main exhibitions: in the historic Platform Game, the story of rail travel is told in eight stages;
The Train Trail details the golden age of the railway, believed to be from 1844 to 1960; and the Panorama Panorama Railway, an outdoor exhibition space, containing an authentic rail turntable and a steam locomotive in 1883 to go along with it. The museum's full range is certainly equal to its counterpart.
3. L’entrepot
The ivy almost swallowed the façade of this building, hiding a performing arts theater with a difference. At this intimate and compact venue, audiences close to the stage promote interaction between the artists and themselves.
However, what really makes Kho Kho different are the restaurants and bars found in the same building, where the audience members can share drinks with the performers after the show. As a “théâtre d’ humor”, L’entrepot has a convivial atmosphere that is enhanced by the hearty and unpretentious food.
4. Musée de l’Impression sur Etoffes de Mulhouse
This high education museum is dedicated to printed fabrics covering all aspects of the subject. It is possible to witness the printing of traditional techniques using wooden board machines and copper rollers. Information on all stages of production, from design to chemical treatment and actual printing is given.
The impact of the industry on Mulhouse and the results of increasing mechanization are detailed. Antique machines, printing blocks, and a wide selection of textiles are on display, while printing workshops are run for those wanting the more hands-on experience.
5. Musée EDF Electropolis
The Mulhouse Electric Museum, conveying the social, technical, economic and cultural impacts of the energy source, has revolutionized the way we live our lives. Their collection of more than 12,000 objects involved in the discovery of electricity, including industrial and domestic equipment.
Its history is charted, from ancient peoples’ conception of lightning through to the Age of Enlightenment and right up to our usage in the 21st century. Multimedia shows, technical presentations, and demonstrations of phenomena like static electricity add an element of fun to education.
6. La Société Industrielle de Mulhouse
This non-profit organization was founded in 1826 by a committee of Mulhouse industrialists, its aim to aid in the development of the local industry. Since then, the SIM has diversified, adding philanthropy to their list of goals and working to bring economic and social progress to the region.
Many of the science museums in Mulhouse and Alsace as a whole are supported by the SIM, with the organization’s artistic, scientific, and technological collections being housed within these institutions or at the SIM’s headquarters. One of their most recent thinking tanks is related to sustainable development.
7. Musée Historique de Mulhouse
The history of Mulhouse from prehistory to the present day is unfolded here, in a 16th-century building that was formerly the town hall.
The exterior of the building is lavishly decorated with Rhenish Renaissance murals and has been designated a national historic site. Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts displayed;
It is noteworthy that the 25-pound Klapperstein stone, or rubble, stone, hung around the neck of Mulhouse residents, was the loosest during festivals a few centuries ago.
8. Temple Saint-Étienne
Measuring 97 meters from the ground to the top of its bell tower, this 1859 Calvinist church in the Gothic Revival style is one of the tallest Protestant religious buildings in Europe. The structure is located in Mulhouse's main square, and occasionally hosts concerts and exhibitions.
9. Parc Salvator
Parc Salvator, the oldest public garden in the city, is located in the eastern portion of downtown Mulhouse. Its layout is in the Romantic style and it is known for its unusual seashell auditorium.
The park is home to many rare trees, such as the Virginia tulip tree, California cedar tree, and Japanese temple tree. This is believed to be due to the active role Mulhouse played in the Industrial Revolution, which brought local entrepreneurs around the world and as a result they brought in exotic species.
Cultural events ranging from theater performances and circus acts to music concerts and film screenings are held here on Thursdays in the summer.
Address: Place Salvator, Mulhouse, France
10. Tour du Belvédère
Because the city is close to the border with Germany and Switzerland, you can also see the Black Forest and on a clear day, the Swiss Alps. An orientation board is marked with directions and points of interest that allow you to get your bearings.
Address: Rue du Belvédère, Mulhouse, France
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Montreuil
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-mulhouse-709242.html
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davidwhisler · 4 years
Kho Kho Game: the kho kho rules are really easy to understand. Know more about Kho kho ground, Kho kho rules as well as kho kho court.
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tienganhfree · 5 years
Giao tiếp tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng trọn bộ từ A-Z
Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng là một trong những ngành đặc thù riêng, mang tính chất học thuật và có tính ứng dụng cao với ngành xây dựng nói chung. Cùng nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bản thân thêm phong phú, đa dạng với trọn bộ từ vựng, mẫu câu thực hành trong tình huống giao tiếp cụ thể. Cùng Step Up tìm hiểu về chủ đề này nhé!
Các tình huống giao tiếp tiếng Anh trong xây dựng
Học giao tiếp tiếng Anh theo chủ đề là một trong những cách giúp bạn học tiếng Anh giao tiếp nhanh chóng và dễ dàng đạt hiệu quả cao. Nhằm đảm bảo cho việc sử dụng tiếng Anh giao tiếp trong những tình huống điển hình thường gặp trong ngành xây dựng thuần thục và linh hoạt, Tiếng Anh Free xin giới thiệu một số mẫu câu phổ biến được dùng trong tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng tham khảo dưới đây:
Tình huống gọi điện trong tiếng Anh xây dựng:
A: Good morning! Is there Mr. B? (XIn chào, có phải số của ông B)
B: Yes. What can I help you? (Đúng vậy, tôi giúp được gì cho bạn?) 
A: I’m clerk of Mrs. A. I would like to inform about a meeting tomorrow at construction site. (Tôi thư ký của bà A. Tôi muốn thông báo về một cuộc họp vào ngày mai tại công trường xây dựng.)
B: When will the meeting begin? (Cuộc họp bắt đầu lúc mấy giờ)
A: 8 p.m (8h tối)
B: Could you tell me the concept of the meeting tomorrow? (Bạn có thể cho tôi biết thông tin của cuộc họp ngày mai?)
A: We will talk about some problems of B construction project. (Chúng tôi sẽ nói về một số vấn đề của dự án xây dựng B.)
Tình huống hội thoại trong tiếng Anh xây dựng:
Ahmed: Hello. I’m Ahmed. I’m the electrician. From Chestertons. (Xin chào. Tôi là Ahmed Ahmed. Tôi là thợ điện. Từ Chestertons.)
Tariq: Chestertons, the subcontractors? (Chestertons, các nhà thầu phụ?)
Ahmed: Yes, that’s right. (đúng vậy)
Tariq: Ah, good to see you, Ahmed. I’m Tariq. Roofer. This is Jacek. He’s a roofer too. (Ah, rất vui được gặp bạn, Ahmed. Tôi là Tariq. Đây là Jacek. Anh ấy cũng là một thợ lợp nhà.)
Ahmed: Hi, Jacek. (Xin chào)
Ahmed: What does he do? (Anh làm nghề gì vậy?)
Tariq: He’s a crane operator. (Anh ấy là một người điều khiển cần cẩu.)
Ahmed: OK. Nice too meet you (Oh, rất vui được làm quen với anh)
Một số mẫu câu sử dụng giao tiếp Tiếng Anh trong xây dựng:
Để có thể ứng dụng những mẫu câu giao tiếp tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng một cách thuận tiện và chính xác nhất thì các bạn cũng nên trau dồi khả năng phát âm tiếng Anh của bản thân. Nếu là một người bận rộn, không có nhiều thời gian thì những trang web phát âm tiếng Anh là một sự lựa chọn đúng đắn dành cho bạn. 
Dưới đây là một số mẫu câu sử dụng giao tiếp tiếng Anh trong ngành xây dựng phổ biến nhất: 
– John is a contractor: John là một nhà thầu
– We are now on site: Chúng tôi đang ở công trường
– Both platforms, ready?: Hai giàn đã sẵn sàng chưa?
– Name your safety equipment!: Kể tên trang thiết bị bảo hộ lao động của các anh ra!
– Mr.Ha will brife you on boundaries, monument and reference level: Ông Hà sẽ trình bày với các bạn về ranh giới, mốc khống chế mặt bằng và mốc cao trình chuẩn.
– After the site handing over, I will submit to you our site organization layout : Site office, materials and equipment store, open materials park, workshops, latrines…: Sau buổi bàn giao mặt bằng này, tôi sẽ đưa cho ông bản mặt bằng tổ chức công trường của chúng tôi : Văn phòng công trường, kho vật liệu và thiết bị, bãi vật liệu, các xưởng, nhà vệ sinh chung cho công nhân…
– In his sketch, He has shown the locations of the monument and the benchmark: Trong bản sơ phác của anh ấy, Anh có trình bày các vị trí của mốc khống chế mặt bằng và môc cao trình chuẩn của công trường.
– We will have a weekly meeting every Thursday morning at the contractor’s site office, starting at 8 a.m. Do you have any objection ?: Chúng ta sẽ họp hàng tuần mỗi sáng thứ năm tại văn phòng công trường của nhà thầu, bắt đầu từ 8 giờ. Ông có ý kiến gì khác không ?
– I will check work progress to adjust the work program for the coming week: Tôi sẽ kiểm tra tiến độ để điều chỉnh tiến độ thi công.
– All shop drawing will be A1 size, 594mm x 851mm: Tất cả bản vẽ chi tiết thi công phải là cỡ A1, 594mm x 851mm.
– This is the plan of the house that she prepares to build: Đây là bản thiết kế của ngôi nhà cô ấy chuẩn bị xây.
– Construction works completed: Công trình xây dựng đã hoàn thành.
Tìm hiểu thêm các chủ đề:
Tiếng Anh ngân hàng
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp khách sạn
Giao tiếp tiếng Anh chuyên ngành may
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp xuất nhập khẩu
Từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng
Một trong những phương pháp để học từ vựng hiệu quả và dễ nhớ là bạn cảm thấy thực sự thích thú với chúng. Việc nào sẽ tạo cảm giác vừa học vừa chơi. Những từ vựng về chủ đề xây dựng trong tiếng Anh rất đa dạng và phong phú. Dưới đây, Step Up cung cấp cho bạn đọc những từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng thông dụng nhất:
STT Từ vựng Nghĩa 1 allowable load tải trọng cho phép 2 alloy steel thép hợp kim 3 alternate load tải trọng đổi dấu 4 architecture kiến trúc 5 architectural thuộc về kiến trúc 6 angle bar thép góc 7 apprentice người học việc 8 architectural concrete bê tông trang trí 9 area of reinforcement diện tích cốt thép 10 armoured concrete bê tông cốt thép 11 arrangement of reinforcement bố trí cốt thép 12 articulated girder dầm ghép 13 asphaltic concrete bê tông atphan 14 assumed load tải trọng giả đ���nh, tải trọng tính toán 15 atmospheric corrosion resistant steel thép chống rỉ do khí quyển 16 average load tải trọng trung bình 17 axial load tải trọng hướng trục 18 axle load tải trọng lên trục 19 bag bao tải (để dưỡng hộ bê tông) 20 bag of cement bao xi măng 21 balance beam đòn cân; đòn thăng bằng 22 balanced load tải trọng đối xứng 23 balancing load tải trọng cân bằng 24 ballast concrete bê tông đá dăm 25 bar (reinforcing bar) thanh cốt thép 26 basement of tamped concrete móng (tầng ngầm) làm bằng cách đổ bê tông 27 basic load tải trọng cơ bản 28 braced member thanh giằng ngang 29 bracing giằng gió 30 bracing beam dầm tăng cứng 31 brake beam đòn hãm, cần hãm 32 brake load tải trọng hãm 33 breaking load tải trọng phá hủy 34 brick gạch 35 Bricklayers labourer thợ phụ nề 36 builder’s hoist máy nâng dùng trong xây dựng 37 building site công trường xây dựng 38 building site latrine nhà vệ sinh tại công trường xây dựng 39 build-up girder dầm ghép 40 built up section thép hình tổ hợp 41 cover (boards) for the staircase tấm che lồng cầu thang 42 concrete floor sàn bê tông 43 culvert cống nước, ống dây điện 44 contractor nhà thầu 45 carpenter thợ mộc 46 craftsman nghệ nhân 47 construction engineer kĩ sư xây dựng 48 construction group đội xây dựng 49 chemical engineer kỹ sư hóa 50 civil engineer kỹ sư xây dựng dân dụng 51 drainage system hệ thống thoát nước 52 drainage thoát nước 53 dry guniting phun bê tông khô 54 duct ống chứa cốt thép dự ứng lực 55 dummy load tải trọng giả 56 during stressing operation trong quá trình kéo căng cốt thép 57 dynamic load tải trọng động lực học 58 early strength concrete bê tông hóa cứng nhanh 59 electrical engineer kỹ sư điện 60 electricity điện 61 electrician thợ điện 62 guard board tấm chắn, tấm bảo vệ 63 gunned concrete bê tông phun 64 gusset plate bản nút, bản tiết điểm 65 ground floor tầng trệt 66 gypsum concrete bê tông thạch cao
Ngoài ra, các bạn cũng có thể tìm hiểu các từ vựng thông dụng hàng ngày hay chủ đề chuyên ngành khác với tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng qua việc tham khảo phương pháp học từ vựng tiếng Anh hiệu quả tiết kiệm thời gian với sách Hack Não 1500: Với 50 unit thuộc các chủ đề khác nhau, hay sử dụng trong giao tiếp hằng ngày như: sở thích, trường học, du lịch, nấu ăn,.. Bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm với phương pháp học thông minh cùng truyện chêm, âm thanh tương tự và phát âm shadowing và thực hành cùng App Hack Não để ghi nhớ dài hạn các từ vựng tiếng Anh đã học.
Xem ngay sách Hack Não 1500 từ tiếng Anh – Nạp siêu tốc 1500 từ vựng và cụm từ trong 50 ngày.
  Tìm hiểu ngay
Sách Tiếng Anh dùng cho xây dựng
A.Flash On English For Construction
Nếu nói đến sách tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng thì không thể bỏ qua cuốn: Flash on English for Construction. Đây là một tài liệu bổ ích hỗ trợ tới việc luyện tập các kĩ năng nói, dịch, viết những vấn đề chuyên môn trong lĩnh vực kiến trúc và xây dựng công trình, nhà cửa, cầu đường, …
B.English For Construction
‘English for construction’ do nhà xuất bản Pearson Longman phát hành là giáo trình được sử dụng nhiều và phổ biến ở các trường Cao đẳng, Đại học cũng như những trường dạy nghề cho tiếng Anh chuyên ngành xây dựng. Đây là giáo trình bổ trợ phần phần ngữ pháp, nhưng đồng thời cũng có các từ vựng về ngành công nghiệp, xây dựng mà người học cần để áp dụng thành công trong lĩnh vực này như nghề, thợ, cách đọc bản vẽ xây dựng, hình học cũng như kích thước diện tích,… 
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sportsjankari · 5 years
Kho Kho Game: Rules, Skills, History & How to Play Kho Kho?
Introduction of Kho Kho
Kho Kho is a tag game of India. Its origins are as old as Mahabharata, with strategies and tactics likely derived from Mahabharata itself. On the 13th day of the war, the Kaurava Guru Dronacharya planned the unique tactics Chakraviyu a special military defensive strategy breached by the expert warrior Abhimanyu. He died as he had to fight alone against 7 other warriors and he received heavy casualties. His style of fighting reflects the concept of ring play – a defensive tactic in Kho Kho.
Kho Kho fosters many desirable traits such as sportsmanship, teamwork, loyalty, competitiveness, and self-esteem as well as speed, agility, strategy and quick thinking. This game in itself is a personal development tool for the athlete that takes up the challenge.
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First ever Kho Kho competition was held in the year 1914. In 1959 first National Kho Kho Championship was held under Kho Kho Federation of India was set up in the year 1955.
The Asian Kho Kho Federation was set up in the year 1987 where 3rd SAF Game was held in Calcutta, India. Countries which joined Asian Kho Kho Federation was India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. In 1996 first AKKF championship happened in Kolkata, India. Second Asian Championship was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Countries which participated this championship were India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Japan, Nepal, and Thailand.
Rules of Kho Kho
Two teams face each other in this game (Team A and Team B) and there are some kho kho rules given below:
The game starts with toss between two team captain. The winning captain decides who will chase Team A or Team B. Both the team consists of 12 players. If Team A won the toss and decides to chase. 9 players from team A enters the playground. All 9 players sit/kneel in the middle of the court facing opposite direction in a straight row. A match consists of two innings of running and chasing turns of 9 minutes.
From Team B, three players can enter the kho kho ground as the runner. All 9 players of the team sit in a row with both the end having a pole. The 3 runners can go between two players of Team A who are sitting in a zigzag alignment. The chaser team member is not to go through their sitting team members failing to it is a penalty. He can only turn back and chase after he touches the pole at either end of the line. These are basic kho kho rules to follow on the ground.
Kho Kho Playground Dimensions and Equipments
The required equipment in kho kho game is two watches, whistle (every time a team scores), measuring tape, lime powder and stationary to write results.
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Kho Kho playground is 29 meters long and 16 meters wide in dimension. At each end of the longer side of the rectangle is two rectangles measuring 16 meters in length and 2.75 meters wide. Wooden pillar of 120 cm high at the inner center of the line of this rectangle as shown in the figure below. The circumference of the wooden pillar is between 30 to 40 cm. There is one straight line on either side of the pillar. There are 8 pairs of parallel lines between these two wooden pillar posts. Each pair of the line is 30 cm away from each other and 2.30 meters away from next pair of line. This creates 8 boxes of 30 cm in length and 30 cm width.
Terms in Kho Kho
Pole: A specially made wooden cylindrical construction, erected firmly at both sides of playfield.
Chaser: The sitting team who tries to catch the opponent team member who is running. Chaser sit-in square over cross lines with an alternative back.
Runner: The player of opposition who saves himself from being catch by the chaser.
Central lane: Two parallel lines from one pole to other.
Cross lane: The parallel lanes cutting central line at the middle of playing area.
Kho: The word Kho is actually a pass given by one chaser to another.
Early getup: When the sitting chaser gets up before getting a Kho.
Kho Kho Skills
Basic Skills required is running and chasing. Some of the basic kho kho skills are :
The judgment of direction: How fast and attentive you are to know which direction you have to run. Next is Getting up from Square: Should be very responsive to your teammates.
Running Skills: You should be fast ring play, a single chain running, zig-zag running, straight running. Team coordination: very fast grasper of Kho given by team members and realizing if the signal was early Kho, late Kho, fake Kho, hurry Kho or it’s a simple Kho.
Kho Kho Tournament
There are many tournaments played in India namely, National Championships, National Women Championship, Junior National, Sub Junior National Championship, All India Inter University Championship, School Championship, Mini School Championship, Primary Mini School Championship and Federation Cup. As per some media results, after the success of Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) in India, Kho Kho, another traditional sport from our country is set to get a league of its own this year.
Kho Kho Awards
There are special awards given for the players who show prolific performance in the game. Janaki Award is given to a girl (Under 18) for her stellar show in the game. Veer Abhimanyu Award is similar to Janaki Award but it’s awarded to a boy who comes under age of 18. The Karnataka government once recognised Ekalavya Award for the game. In 2008, Adarsha CP won this award.
Indian Game Kho Kho Information
Kho Kho ranks as one of the most popular traditional sports in India. The origin of Kho Kho is difficult to trace, but many historians believe, that it is a modified form of 'Run Chase', which in its simplest form involves chasing and touching a person. With its origins in Maharashtra, Kho Kho in ancient times, was played on 'raths' or chariots, and was known as Rathera.
Like all Indian games, it is simple, inexpensive and enjoyable. It does, however, demand physical fitness, strength, speed and stamina, and a certain amount of ability. Dodging, feinting and bursts of controlled speed make this game quite thrilling. To catch by pursuit - to chase, rather than just run - is the capstone of Kho Kho. The game develops qualities such as obedience, discipline, sportsmanship, and loyalty between team members.
The rules of the game were framed in the beginning of the 20th century. At Gymkhana Poona, a Committee was formed in 1914, to frame its rules. The first ever rules on Kho Kho were published from Gymkhana Baroda, in 1924. In 1959-60, the first national Kho Kho championship was organised in Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh). The Government has initiated the following awards for the game: Arjuna Award, Eklavya Award for men, Rani Laxmi Bai award for women, Veer Abhimanyu award for boys under 18, and Janaki award for girls under 16.
How is Kho Kho game played?
Each team consists of twelve players, but only nine players take the field for a contest.
A match consists of two innings. An innings consists of chasing and running turns of 7 minutes each.
Eight members of the chasing team sit in their eight squares on the central lane, alternately facing the opposite direction, while the ninth member is an active chaser, and stands at either of the posts, ready to begin the pursuit.
Members of the chasing team have to put their opponent out, touching them with their palms, but without committing a foul.
All the action in Kho Kho is provided by the defenders, who try to play out the 7 minutes time, and the chasers who try to dismiss them.
A defender can be dismissed in three ways:
If he is touched by an active chaser with his palm without committing a foul,
If he goes out of the limits on his own.
If he enters the limit late.
Defenders enter the limit, in batches of three.
After the third and last defender of batch is out, the next batch must enter the limits, before a 'kho' is given by the successful active chaser.
Defenders have full freedom of movement on both sides of the central lane, but the active chaser cannot change the direction to which he is committed. He cannot cross the central lane. An active chaser can change position with a seated chaser, by touching him from behind by palm, and uttering the word 'kho' loudly, and simultaneously, chase or attack is build up through a series of 'khos' as the chase continues with a relay of chasers.
At the end of the innings there is an interval of 5 minutes and an interval of 2 minutes, in between the turns. Each side alternates between chasing and defense.
Kho Kho can be played by men, women, and children of all ages.
The game requires a very small piece of evenly surfaced ground, rectangular in shape, and 27m by 15m. The only equipment required is the two poles.
The game lasts no more than 37 minutes.
Also Read: Fantasy Kabaddi Prediction
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Vietnam Price Of Residing (How A Lot To Reside In Vietnam In 2018)
On arrival in Mai Chau, house to a Thai ethnic group, we will verify into a homestay. I was informed there are no positions open right here and we will have to location you at 1 of our stations up-nation. This is also a great location for buying as there are some fantastic conventional markets and retailers right here as nicely as eating places and locations to unwind this kind of as Lenin Park and Thien Quang Lake.
The grave of martyr Vo Thi Sau in Hang Duong cemetery is should-see location. With rolling mountains to rice terraces to stunning canyons this location is various about each corner. You will be met at your hotel and transferred to the farm. There are various insurance coverage ideas, and you ought to select 1 that will accommodate the actions you strategy to participate in on Vietnam excursions.
Even though you can get there by taxi, the bus is accessible as well.
What kind of accommodation will I be staying in? The ideal combine of city meets the sand, Nha Trang Seaside can satisfy each kind of traveler. Even though you can get there by taxi, the bus is accessible as well. You can also go to the zoo. Each Sunday college students volunteer and provide a totally free Hoi An tour.
Hoi An nonetheless maintains a brisk trade with all its previous company partners. Nevertheless, this is nonetheless a great time to uncover Vietnam in common. It was just about this time, nevertheless, that the Branch Davidians armed their compound in Waco and started a defiant altercation with Janet Reno's Justice Division. Nevertheless, the underwater street in Hon Kho is not usually available simply because of higher tide.
Appreciate its distinctive architecture, way of life, markets, ancient homes which have been preserved for many years. More than the proceeding one thousand many years numerous much more buildings have been additional and beautified o that now this big region is filled with ornate pavilions, shrines, and a wealthy backyard. Now is a great time for buying, particularly garments and flowers but they are extremely costly. The individuals are pleasant, the architecture is charming, it is amazingly secure, and the seashores are fantastic.
The Tay are by far the most many of the northern individuals. Truly appear at your surroundings, and the individuals that inhabit it. ‘Be cautious, appear each methods and by no means quit moving! In what methods is North Korea much better than Vietnam? Snezhana is a Russian tourist, has skilled numerous cultural shocks, fascinating issues to come to Vietnam.
North had a war towards the South concerning of Vietnam to be turned into a Communist nation. The primary hall consists of colorful paintings concerning the story of Buddha from his birth till he obtained Nirvana and his death. Anticipate to queue, right here, but this relatively macabre exhibition truly transmits the magnitude of relief and gratitude the Vietnamese should have felt when Uncle Ho lastly negotiated independence following centuries of occupation and war.
These who did not have accessibility to bigger boats, and these who had been not component of military evacuation, had to travel on the little fishing boats accessible to them. Immerse your self in background in the warren-like lanes of the Previous Town, and tour the temples and pagodas. You can't be relaxed even when strolling on the sidewalk simply because there are motorbikes riding also on sidewalks. 1 of the disadvantages for older retirees is the lack of healthcare infrastructure.
The very best way to encounter Delta lifestyle is to go on 1 of the numerous boat or bike excursions. https://www.ultimatevietnam.com is produced of feathers which arecomparatively bigger in dimension. It was all extremely unlawful and harmful, which produced it all the much more enjoyable. These days, some Vietnamese select Ao Dai as a informal or trendy put on.
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— Nam Le (@VietLive) March 11, 2013
The turtle is an essential animal in Vietnamese legend and is a symbol of Vietnamese nationalism. So, head out inside the bustling cash and correct into a planet untouched by fairly a couple of via their Vietnamese excursions. Consider time to refresh and unwind prior to checking out. On arrival, board a luxury boat to cruise about Ha Lengthy Bay with scrumptious seafood lunch served on board.
It is not possible to photograph Halong Bay from the shore. I visited this WHS in February 2011. The highlight of my go to had been the turtle stelae of the imperial citadel in the reduce Red River Valley. Back in these days, the Soviet Union was going about the globe. Dragon Parade. The kids had been going to parade on the street as in Vietnam, but the climate was a small rainy and the ground was fairly muddy.
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khohealth · 6 years
How To Manage Lower Back Pain
Continual back pain is a major problem. Most individuals have had at the very least one episode of back pain of their lifetime. 50% of those who had back ache will go on to have persistent back pain. This chronic ache syndrome is second solely to the widespread chilly as a trigger a misplaced work days.Running Besides lost revenue, persistent back ache results in a number of detrimental behavioral diversifications. People suffering with power pain are likely to keep away from actions due to worry of re-injuring their again. This is termed concern avoidance behavior, and it leads to a extra sedentary lifestyle, weight acquire, muscle and cardiovascular de-conditioning, and melancholy. In this article I'll overview four simple steps you'll be able to take to manage your ache and shed extra pounds.
See a Back Pain Specialist. In case your pain is current for more than two weeks or you have got different signs related to you back ache like fever, weak point, numbness, lack of bowel or bladder control see a again ache specialist. Back pain specialists are physicians who're specially educated within the analysis and management of spinal and different musculoskeletal disorders. These Kho Health Social Profile specialists may be medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy or docs of chiropractic. The reason it's a must to get a medical evaluation is as a result of lower again pain is a symptom, that has many causes. More often than not, back ache is musculoskeletal in nature. Disorders like a herniated intervertebral disc, or infected spinal joints, fall into the musculoskeletal illness class.
Nonetheless, extra ominous circumstances can cause the same symptoms as a sprained again. These ailments could possibly be spinal tumors ( which could be cancerous), spinal infection, or fracture. There can be diseases of stomach or pelvic organs that cause again Pain Relief pain. Illnesses like appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney illness, bladder infections, and ovarian problems can cause pain that is felt in the back. Due to this fact it is sensible to first rule out serious pathology earlier than embarking on an exercise program.
Start Shifting. After you will have seen your doctor and eliminated the potential for severe medical disease, the next step must be to renew your common exercise. In keeping with the results of a review reported on line within the Cochrane Database of Systemic Critiques (a highly revered medical assessment consortium), advice to stay lively vs. mattress rest supplied extra benefits in pain management and faster return of perform in patients with acute lower back pain. Increasing your activity degree relaxes muscular spasms, and quickens the therapeutic of injured spinal tissue. Resuming activity strengthens your mindset and offers you control over your ache. An lively way of life can go a great distance in serving to to push back nervousness and melancholy, which is frequent in patients who've power low back pain.
Strengthen Your Core Muscle groups With Five Simple Workouts.
Train 1, Strolling: Walking as little as 10 minutes a day (brisk and steady ) begins the body's metabolic activity and enhances healing. Strolling heats up the physique, thereby activating the therapeutic enzymes in our spine. Walking strengthens the legs, the hips, the stomach and back muscles. Strolling burns calories and fats. Strolling elevates our temper and relieves nervousness.
Start standing roughly two ft away with back to wall. Feet shoulder width apart. Elevate and extend arms at shoulder stage. Movement: Activate core muscle tissue. Sit hips back and down in direction of wall, performing squat till hips contact wall. Pause momentarily. Return to start position.
Train three, Prone Cross Crawl: Beginning position: Begin mendacity on ground face down. A pillow may be positioned under you brow for support. Arms ought to be prolonged above head. Movement: Activate core muscle groups. Lift one arm upward as reverse leg concurrently lifts off ground. Slowly return to begin place. Repeat alternating sides.
Impartial Spine Sit Up: Start mendacity on you back with knees bent. Place both hands underneath low back with palms down. Motion: Carry shoulders off the floor, trying to keep up a neutral backbone position without rounding the decrease again. Elbows can stay in contact with floor during the sit up.
Train 5, Passive Low Back Stretch: Start lying on floor with arms prolonged at sides. Knees and hips are bent to 90 levels with decrease calves and heels on chair. In this place chill out the lower again, permitting back to slowly flatten in opposition to ground. Chill out in this position for ten minutes.
Studies show that decreasing your caloric consumption by 500 energy is sufficient to start shedding pounds. This may easily be achieved by starting to read the labels on the foods you're consuming. Take note of how a lot food is in a serving measurement, and examine it to what you usually eat for that meals. It is so straightforward to unknowingly overeat. It's not necessary to eradicate your favorite foods. I like to recommend that you restrict the quantity of meals you eat. If you happen to find it troublesome to regulate your cravings speak together with your doctor. They'll get you further help on this space.
As you can see, the simple steps that assist to reduce your again pain, are also the steps that may concurrently trim your waistline, and enhance your general well being and well-being. I challenge you to use the information on this article to change your life and enhance your well being.
Workout routines to help ease lower again pain and strengthen the stomach and again muscle tissues to reduce the danger of future lower again ache.
Common exercise is necessary to assist restore the power of your back and assist you to make a gradual return to regular exercise. With the approval of you physician, there are a variety of exercises on your decrease again it is best to attempt to assist relieve or ease the pain in your decrease again. You're going to get the best outcomes with ten to twenty minutes of decrease back workouts, one to three times a day.
Your doctor or bodily therapist will normally suggest among the following workouts for lower back pain. Watch out that you're doing the exercises correctly and have them supervised by the therapist. After you're doing them accurately and also you having some optimistic results you are able to do them on your own.
Begin with ankle pumps the place you lie on your back and move your ankles up and down slowly; begin with ten repetitions and slowing improve over a period of a number of weeks, to twenty repetitions.
Nonetheless on your back, slowly bend and straighten your knee ten times. Do ten with the suitable knee how to tape shin splints after which ten with your left knee. Over time you may enhance the repetitions to twenty on each leg.
The stomach contraction has you lying in your back with your knees bent and your palms resting under your ribs. Tighten your abdomen muscle tissue to squeeze your ribs down toward your again - keep in mind to breath. Maintain for 5 seconds and repeat ten instances. Straight leg raises have you in your back - still - with one leg bent and the opposite straight. Tighten your abdomen muscle tissue to stabilize your lower again, after which lift your leg six to 12 inches and hold for one to 5 seconds. Repeat this train ten instances.
Heel raises have you ever standing. Raise your heels up and down slowly ten occasions. Lastly, to your preliminary set of exercises for lower back ache, is the wall squats. Stand along with your again towards the wall. Walk your toes out about twelve inches in entrance of your body, slide your body down, and hold your stomach muscle tissue tight, in order that your knees are at a forty five diploma angle. Maintain for 5 seconds, return to your upright position, and repeat ten occasions.
After you've gotten accomplished these initial workout routines for lower again ache, your therapist or surgeon will give you an intermediate train program to work on, while still working with the preliminary set of workout routines.
These two workouts for lower again pain add further strength to the decrease again muscle groups. The one knee to chest stretch has you lying in your again again with both knees bent. Holding your thigh behind your knee, convey that knee as much as your chest and hold for twenty seconds. Loosen up and repeat 5 occasions on either side. The hamstring stretch additionally has you in your again with knees bent. Hold one thigh behind your knee and slowly straighten the knee until you're feeling a stretch at the back of the thigh. Maintain for twenty seconds, loosen up, and repeat five times on all sides.
Your physician may also prescribe a set of exercises with a Swiss Ball for lumbar stabilization and eventually an advanced set of exercises for decrease again ache. The entire workout routines prescribed by the physician or therapist must be carried out daily, in addition to all the other preliminary and intermediate workouts that had been prescribed.
All these workout routines for decrease back ache strengthen the core muscular tissues of the stomach as well as the lower again muscular tissues, which in turn strengthen the back for added natural back help. Backside line, the stronger the muscle groups that strengthen the again the less seemingly you will suffer future lower again ache. And you'll find that a dalily exercise program is a small value to pay for a wholesome ache free back.
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thehelpfulninja · 7 years
Atty. Raymund Palad, petitioner herein, was the lawyer of Katrina Halili in the highly-publicized controversy involving the actress and Hayden Kho. On December 14, 2012, the IBP Board of Governors issued a resolution recommending the penalty of suspension of herein petitioner.
Sometime in April 2013, respondent Lolit Solis et al. publicized the aforementioned issue stating that the petitioner was already suspended from the practice of law for one year. Petitioner thereafter filed a proceeding for indirect contempt and alleged that the respondents violated Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court which declares that proceedings against attorneys shall be private and confidential.
Whether respondents violated the confidentiality rule in proceedings against lawyers, warranting a finding of guilt for indirect contempt of court
Since petitioner has become a public figure for being involved in a public issue, and because the event itself that led to the filing of the disciplinary case against petitioner is a a matter of public interest, the media has the right to report the disciplinary case as legitimate news. The legitimate media has a right to publish such fact under the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press. Respondents merely reported on the alleged penalty of suspension from the practice of law for a year against petitioner, and the supposed grounds relied upon. It appeared that the respondents, as entertainment writers, merely acted on information they received from their source about the petitioner who used to appear before the media in representing his actress client. Also, there was no evidence that the respondents published the articles to influence this Court on its action on the disciplinary case or deliberately destroy petitioner’s reputation. Thus, they did not violate the confidentiality rule in disciplinary proceedings against lawyers.
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