theoneworld · 4 years
Post Natal Depression
Pregnancy is such a holy time. That constant feeling of a little one growing inside you, nurturing the growing one, feeling excited and confident, ready to shower all your love. Isn't that what all to-be mothers feel at the onset of pregnancy?
And then comes the grand finale day when you become a mother, celebrate motherhood, hold your baby, and are the happiest person in this world.
But what if these feelings don't occur the way people and books have been narrating?
Many of us are not aware of the fact that this mental state of being happy might not come naturally to mothers. They might not feel happy and elated the way they should after their child's birth. This is where we talk about depression; postnatal depression specifically.
Within the year after delivery, 1 in 7 women find themselves in a deep, dark abyss of depression.
Depression and Postnatal depression
Depression is not something that you would want to happen to you even if you are not pregnant. It is a state of mind that undergoes a lot of highs and lows and other associated mood swings.
Postpartum depression is a complex state of mind that involves a mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes in women after childbirth. It is a form of depression that occurs within 4 weeks after delivery. The condition can be measured on the length of time between delivery and onset and also on the severity of depression.
While postnatal depression is a common affair, there are several causes and changes in the mental state of a new mother.
Mothers at risk of postnatal depression
New moms often experience disturbing maternal mental health after birth. The risk factors for such a condition increases if:
You have experienced depression in the previous pregnancy or at some other time in your life.
You have a family history of depression.
You have suffered from bipolar disorderThere has been stress in your job, complications in pregnancy.
Your baby is born with special needs or health problems.
You have a strained relationship with your spouse.
There are financial problems in the family
You are undergoing an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy.
These are a few of the many factors that can lead to postnatal pregnancy. Expecting mothers should try to eliminate these risks for smooth childbirth and a happy, stress-free period post the delivery too.
What causes postnatal depression?
There are no exact causes that can specifically be called the reasons for postpartum depression, but there are a few factors that can contribute to the condition. The reasons can be physical stress or emotional discomfort or a combination of both.
Physical factors:
One of the major physical changes after childbirth involves the role of hormones. During pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone levels are higher than usual; and they drop back to their previous state within hours of giving birth. This change is sudden and might cause depression. Other physical factors include:
Low thyroid level
Improper diet
Presence of a previous medical condition
Lack of sleep
Emotional factors:
Emotional stability is an important factor during pregnancy. Mothers are more likely to have postpartum depression if there are mood swings or mood disorders in the past or someone else in the family is suffering from the same.
Emotional stress factors include:
Financial burdens
The other child having some health problems
Recent divorce or death of a loved one.
Financial pressures
What does postnatal depression look like?
A mother might feel moody or cranky or tired after giving birth to a baby. But postpartum depression is much more than that. The symptoms vary from person to person and the following might be the indicators:
Feeling sad or crying a lot without reasons
Feeling exhausted but unable to sleep
Drowsy and sleeping too much
Binge eating even if there is no interest in food
Unexplained illness or aches in the body
A feeling of disconnection from the baby and no joy as you had anticipated throughout the pregnancy period.
Not opening up with people in a fear that they would judge you, or think that you are a bad mother; and just withdrawing.
Thoughts about harming yourself and the baby.
These symptoms start showing up within a few weeks of delivery and might not surface until a few months. These symptoms can be handled well and treated if a mother reports any of these feelings.
How to deal with PPD
Seeking help is the first step towards healing yourself and bringing things back to normal. Once you have identified that you are suffering from postnatal depression, you can do the following things to deal with the condition:
1. Talk to people
While one part of you wants to keep everything to yourself, especially for an introverted person; but it is always a good option to talk to people you trust about your feelings and emotions. You will discover that you are not the only one going through this phase and that there are people who will listen and help you come out of this situation.
2. Fight isolation
You might not feel like sharing your feelings with anyone and try to cut off from people as well. But this will only feed the depression. You might not have a social life, but at least talk to your closest relations so that you don't feel isolated.
To avoid isolation, join depression group supports; especially for new moms. The group activities, discussions will keep you active and let you focus on other things that relieve stress.
3. Chores can take a back seat:
Not all mothers are into chores. If you are one of them, let the chores be. Just take care of your and baby's basic needs and take help from relatives or household help to get the chores done.
4. Resting is the key
Childbirth is a tiring process. Take a good night's sleep; try a hot water bath to relax. Meditation and massage also help ease tension and help fall asleep.
Medications for maintaining maternal health include the use of antidepressants and hormone therapy which might have their side effects on the overall health of the mother. However, physical exercise, proper diet, and nutrition, mindfulness practices, mediation, etc can help improve the symptoms.
How is postnatal depression different from baby blues?
While talking about maternal mental health, it is important to mention a much heard and known term, baby blues which differs from postnatal depression. An example to highlight the difference;
The moment I delivered my daughter, my heart was filled with intense love and emotions that I never knew existed within me. I could die for her, it was love at first sight. But the emotions that came along the post-delivery period were both awesome and awful. It is both beautiful and exhausting to know that I could love everybody so deeply.
Such feelings tend to fade away in a few weeks and are usually called baby blues; whereas postnatal depression stays for months together.  
Mothers are the best gifts from God to this world; and entering motherhood is a blessing too. It takes courage to talk about the feelings that you are going through. Only a strong mind can bring up strong babies. At our Childbirth masterclass, we educate mothers about postnatal mental health and ways to stay calm and healthy during pregnancy.
Postpartum depression is treatable with the right knowledge and a good support system. Reach out to Baby Sutra to enroll in our masterclass 9 months and beyond if you have planned your baby.
To Read more about Mother and Baby care Click The Links Below
Baby Sutra
Baby sutra | Exclusive Spa for babies | Baby Spa Bangalore
+91 7829 975 555
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theoneworld · 4 years
How infant massage can help babies with disability?
Birth of a newborn is like a joyous festival for the parents and the family. However, there are few cases where a mother might give birth to a baby with disabilities. This is an adverse situation to face and overcome. The family needs to be strong mentally and not develop stress as that would affect the baby even more adversely. And, you are not the only one facing this situation. 6% infants are born with serious birth defects all over the world While medicine has evolved enough to take care of such abnormalities and heal the baby in most cases; the age-old practice of infant massage might also prove to be of great benefits in improving the condition of a disabled baby.
Infant massages: how does it help?
Infant massages have been in practice since ages and are a great way to pamper and nourish your baby when he is in the early developmental stages of life. The only difference; that parents are gaining more insights towards its physical and mental health benefits now and are embracing it more for a better upbringing of their babies. Infant massage involves a human touch; a human touch that is like a therapy for a newborn. The touch, the massage is a way of communicating and showing care to the baby. It includes gentle strokes all over the baby's body. An infant massage is a process of gently massaging the baby's muscle in a specific way using essential oil or moisturizer. There are a lot of proven benefits of infant massages. Some of them being: relieving constipation, body cramps in infants, improving flexibility and muscle tone and improving sleep patterns. Similarly, infant massages have proved to be beneficial in improving conditions of physically disabled babies as well. Disabilities in newborns may be physical, the baby might have an inability to think clearly or might involve mental health illnesses. There also might be hearing or seeing inabilities. Children with disabilities have special needs and require much more care, attention and support than normal babies.
Let us have a look at benefits of infant massage for certain common disabilities:
1. Cerebral palsy: symptoms include low and high muscle tone, shortening of the muscles and joints, reduced abdominal motility and spasticity. How can massage help? � Reduce taut, stiff and tense muscles. � Create more fluidity in the body � Increase in mobility with correct strokes 2. Spina Bifidia: occurs when the spinal cord does not develop, can be diagnosed with protruding spinal cord tissue or a birth mark. How can massage help? � Stimulate local circulation � Aid neurological and brain development � Increasing positive body image � Decreasing scar tissue 3. Retinoblastoma: a childhood cancer that affects the eye and the child might develop aversions to touch the facial region due to repetitive procedures. How can massage help? � A massage with gentle protocol can decrease the disliking towards touch in the baby. � Relax the baby prior to stressful procedures. There are many trained professionals who could give your baby the joy of massaging and help them improve their condition. Infant massage therapists at Babysutra are trained to take care of infants with special needs. These therapists have a complete understanding of the healthcare that has to be undertaken and precautions to massage such babies. It is taken care that each baby is given a massage tailored for him and that the session lasts for only as long as the baby can tolerate. Are you also doing your best to bring up a baby with disabilities? Get in touch with us. We are here to help your baby heal soon, heal well.
#babycare #Babysutra #Bengaluru #infantmassage #infantmassage
Baby Sutra
Baby sutra | Exclusive Spa for babies | Baby Spa Bangalore
+91 7829 975 555
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theoneworld · 4 years
Antenatal Services
This is the childbirth class you don’t want to miss!! Our classes are highly interactive and full of fun. Our childbirth classes help to build confidence in you & your partner. All our class contents are evidenced-based and we follow Lamaze 6 healthy birth practice. Our activities are fun and enhance you to recall when you need it most. You will find our classroom and teaching style comfortable and a welcome relief from the typical childbirth class experience. In our classes, you will meet and create a community of friends who share your desire for a safe and healthy birth. Our classes will leave you confident, excited and fully prepared to birth and parent your baby your way!!
https://www.babysutra.in/infant-massage +91 7829 975 555 [email protected] B/7, 17th Cross,1st Main Rd, KHB Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
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theoneworld · 4 years
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Cute Kid and His First Haircut at BabySutra
+917829 975 555
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theoneworld · 4 years
All About Spa Parties
Read Pamper Parties!
Yes, that is what we all do when we go to a spa; pamper ourselves! Your little ones' love being pampered too. Spa parties for kids are the best way to give the relaxation, the feeling of being beautiful; inside out and the fun of experiencing all the salon experience with their friends. Spa parties are a perfect setup for your kid's birthday bash, a little get-together, a timeout party or just when they want to be pampered. This already feels like your little ones are growing up, and want to act like grownups! Want to give them the same experience as you do? After all, you are not the only one experiencing the "metropolitan culture"; your little boy/girl is up for the same!
Walk in to Babysutra, where we throw spa parties for your little ones.
Yes, your kids can have a fun, relaxing and exciting experience at Babysutra with the well planned spa parties. We have all the sass and glamour, fancy bathrobes manicure-pedicure sessions, cupcake making and so much more. Read along to know what we offer in the spa parties and how can you book one.
What all is included?
1. Welcome board, Guest name badge, Spa robes, E-Invitations, Basic room decoration: Kids love it when they have their name written on their stuff. Once booked, we will send einvitations to all the party members for that personalized effect. When they walk in for the party, we welcome them with their name badges, give them their spa robes and they will be excited to see a spa like room decorated for them. This has already set up the mood for a party for the young gang.
1. Mini Manicure & Pedicure and Nail Art: Everyone (Even boys do pedicure and Manicure in our party ) will love this! They have seen their moms pampering their nails and this one is like a dream come true for them. A professional giving a manicure to the little ones can be really exciting for them. We let them indulge in a mini manicure and pedicure session finishing with some nail art to flaunt. And don't worry, we aren't using toxic products for your kids. All our products are kids friendly, non toxic and organic.
2. Cupcake and lip balm making: cupcakes are a favourite amongst these kids. Little designed pieces of cupcakes can spice up their parties. We teach the boys and girls a simple way to decorate their own cupcakes that they can take away as a gift from us! Kids fancy lip balms too. What can be better than learning how to make lip balms? We let them learn and let them take their creation home.
1. Hairstyling: the little men are crazy for their hair too. We have a hair specialist to get the girls and boys a hairstyle of their choice and make them the divas and the rockstars they wish to be!
Spa parties are a lot more than just fun and frolic. Your kids learn a lot of skills during the whole event. They get to interact with other kids, showcase their creativity, share things that they create, experience the joy of pampering and get relaxed and refreshed for performing well in their studies and other activities.
A spa party can be booked for minimum 5 and maximum 15 children aged 5 to 14 years. The spa party is scheduled for 3 hours where they can enjoy all the above mentioned services and come out happy and beautiful!
We will take care of your kids with utmost sensitivity and awareness. You can be at peace when the kids are enjoying their spa party.
Book a Session Now!
Call us at
+91 7829 975 555
Baby Sutra
Kids Hair and Nail Spa Services | Antenatal Service | Hydrotherapy | New Born Baby Care | Newborn Baby Care Classes
B/7, 17th Cross,1st Main Rd, KHB Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
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theoneworld · 4 years
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Nail Art for your cute little princess
Baby Sutra
Kids Hair and Nail Spa Services | Antenatal Service | Hydrotherapy | New Born Baby Care | Newborn Baby Care Classes
+91 7829 975 555
B/7, 17th Cross,1st Main Rd, KHB Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
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theoneworld · 4 years
Child birth classes @ Babysutra
At Babysutra we offer various Child birth classes. The typical class consists of lectures, discussions, and exercises, all led by a trained childbirth educator.
Our various classes consist of -
� one-day intensive workshop - which includes primarily lectures which merely inform you about what you can expect during delivery, Diet and Nutrition, basic exercises etc � Weekly sessions lasting a month or more - These are more interactive. These courses are kept small, usually with no more than 10 couples; this allows for one-on-one instruction in practicing comfort measures and creates a more intimate atmosphere in which to share advice and concerns.
Benefits of birth education classes
� The childbirth classes help in improving the self-confidence of both women and her partner by guiding with the body's ability to give birth. As a result, building self-esteem in you is the ultimate goal of our birthing classes. � We also allow you to discuss your fears and concerns on labor and birth and also to come up with any sort of questions or doubts as we have got experienced practitioners to handle your situation and provide the best outcomes. � It also helps your partner to learn about childbirth and how to assist on this auspicious day, by attending the childbirth classes together will also create a special bond between both of you. � We also instruct you with an effective way of managing your labor pain and various breathing and relaxation techniques which also includes massage and medications to make you all the more comfortable and stress-free during your delivery. � We also guide you with various labor positions that help to speed up your labor and relieve the pain rapidly. � We make sure that the class that we have conducted has reached you in the right manner as per the visions of an ideal birth � Also makes sure that the mother is given the appropriate classes regarding the ease of movement, balance, and flexibility, as this practice can lead you to greater benefits also helps to increase the pushing effectiveness during delivery. To learn more about childbirth courses please write to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 7829 975 555.
Baby Sutra
Kids Hair and Nail Spa Services | Antenatal Service | Hydrotherapy | New Born Baby Care | Newborn Baby Care Classes
+91 7829 975 555
B/7, 17th Cross,1st Main Rd, KHB Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
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theoneworld · 4 years
Why A Doctor Decided To Ditch The Hospital And Have A Home-Birth Instead
Why a doctor decided to ditch the hospital and have a home-birth instead: building awareness among pregnant mothers
I never wanted to have a baby. WHY? Because when I was in medical school, I had seen enough mothers suffering in labour wards. The shouting, screaming, beating (yes I have seen that also!), and lack of basic empathy for the birthing woman really shook me from within. From the moment she walks into the labour ward, she is hooked on IV's, given injections and made to lie on a bed in a position that is so uncomfortable that no person on a good day would agree to do so. I always wondered why nature made childbirth so difficult when it is an essential part of our existence.
Cut to 7 years later, my maternal instincts are up and I decide to have a baby. But I refused to accept that childbirth needs to be horrifying and difficult and so I started researching. I spoke to midwives who have been witnessing and aiding childbirth since ages and are more skilled than any gynecologist I've ever met. Their description of natural childbirth left me astounded. No IV, no drugs, No lying on your back, no pushing till your guts are out. It sounded too good to be true. I spoke to couples who had natural births either in hospital setting or at home and they all had such positive stories to share! Every woman who had control of her birth sounded so much more confident and empowered. I wanted to have that experience and I wanted to do this as nature intended.
I began voraciously reading books on this subject and took my pregnancy preparation very seriously. Yes, women bodies are meant for childbirth and it is as natural as eating, sleeping or breathing but we are far away from nature today. So we have to prepare ourselves enough for what is coming. I even trained as a childbirth educator to understand the nuances of birthing that were never taught to us in medical school.
I am fortunate that I had a very supportive family who agreed wholeheartedly to my wishes. Finally I got what I always wished for. I had my daughter at home, with absolutely no medical intervention or drugs. I came out beaming on the other side of the journey and now I want to share my knowledge and experience with all pregnant mothers out there.
Midwifery is a lost art in India and I hope that someday it regains the popularity. Mainstream doctors should be more open to applying these wonderful techniques to make childbirth easy, pain-free and a memorable experience for the mother.
I have documented my journey in the following article and those who are interested can email me for a copy of it.
Baby Sutra
Baby sutra | Exclusive Spa for babies | Baby Spa Bangalore
+91 7829 975 555
#postnataldepression #babysutra #kidshairstyles #kids #haircut #infantmassage#postnatalcare #babycare #mother and baby #bengaluru #khbcolony #koramangala
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theoneworld · 4 years
Tips To Overcome Post Partum Depression (A patient’s Opinion)
Let's talk about post partum depression!
I vaguely remember the first 6 months after my baby was born. I had issues with breastfeeding, was anxious all the time, couldn't sleep even when my daughter gave me the time to sleep and was constantly thinking. Maybe I wasn't clinically depressed but I was on the spectrum as they call it. They were times when I was scared my daughter might just stop breathing (although she was perfectly healthy). I'm sure a lot of mothers out there can relate to what I was going through. It took me almost a year I'd say to feel like myself again.
This experience got me thinking. Clinically there are many mothers who might not be diagnosed as having PPD but they are still on the spectrum and undergoing a lot of emotional upheaval. The body post-childbirth loses progesterone in such a fast pace that some of us can't manage the changes. Clinically depressed cases do require lot of support but so do these ones on the spectrum. And this support has to come from the partner, the family and friends.
I will share a few things that helped me through this which might help other mothers as well:
It is normal : Read this statement again and again. What you are experiencing is a totally normal reaction to such a big physiological change in your body. Acceptance is a big step towards feeling better. Every mother has to face these challenges and you will not be alone in this.
It is okay to ask for help : A lot of mothers feel they have to do this alone because it is their choice to have a baby. Yes, it is your choice to have and raise a baby but you don't have to be the superwoman right away. It is okay to ask for help: from anyone. At the most they might say no; which I don't think anyone with a heart would. And remember: if things are very tough to handle, always seek professional help.
Give time to yourself : Unfortunately, it took me 6 months to realize this. However busy your baby keeps you, make it a point to give an hour of the day (or more if you can manage) to yourself. You can sleep, eat, shower, exercise, watch a movie, walk, go on a date or do whatever you want in this one hour. But make it baby free time. Yes, we all love our babies but this time to yourself will ground you back to reality and will give you space to unwind. Take help from someone so that they can relieve you from baby-duty.
Do not strive to be perfect :  The desire for perfection is often the cause for depression. No one is going to be perfect at motherhood, especially the first time. If it comes to you naturally then great, if it doesn't then also it is great. Remember, you will learn from your mistakes and your baby will learn to adjust. You might feed him too much/ too little, dress him too much/too little, bathe him too much/ too little but whatever you do, if it doesn't work once, you can always change it. So don't beat yourself up over being perfect as a mother. Make room for making mistakes and forgive yourself in the process.
Eat healthy : You are what you eat. Your brain and gut are closely linked so be watchful about what you eat. Avoid refined foods, white sugar, alcohol, and anything that you feel doesn't suit you. It is a myth that you need to have dairy to produce more breast-milk. If having dairy gives you acidity, gas, indigestion, bloating, or nausea then cut out dairy products from your diet. Listen to your body when it says something doesn't suit it. Your digestion post-childbirth is very weak. So have simple foods that are easy to digest. Have loads of fruits and vegetables.
Get some sun : If it permits you to have sunlight, then have at least 15-20 minutes of sunlight every day. Vitamin D supplements are not a replacement for sunlight. Sunlight has lot of other properties which are good for you. The heat of the sun is especially good to improve your circulation and release all the endorphins to make you feel happy.
Do your exercises : Doing even light stretching or warm up exercises can help you release those endorphins. Make it a point to set aside 15 minutes each day to do some light exercises. They will keep you happy and help you lose the baby weight.
Homeopathy for support : Homeopathy is lovely to use especially in these situations. It is safe, effective, and has no side effects. Unlike drugs, homeopathy is safe to use while you breast feed so you don't have to worry about interrupting your feeding schedule. There are many remedies that might come handy at this time like Natrum Mur, Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Sepia, etc. It would also be therapeutic to see a homeopath. You can talk out your feelings and get some remedy to support you through this process.
I hope this article can help a few mothers out there who are still struggling.
Remember it is a phase and it will also pass!
Baby Sutra
Baby sutra | Exclusive Spa for babies | Baby Spa Bangalore
+91 7829 975 555
#mother and baby
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