biqueuerious · 11 years
We Will Rule Ch. 8
Genre: Crossover, Star Trek AU/ Marvel’s Thor
Rating: Teen; for language
Main Characters: Khan, Loki
Plot: The wormhole created by the destruction of the Bifrost lands Loki on Earth, but not in the same time. He wakes next to Khan, both of them having been in cryogenic freeze. Their escape leads to a inevitable partnership…or does it?
Please please please feedback me. If someone would like to proof before I post please message me.
So so so sorry for the waiting guys, I had a terrible case of creativity block. Hopefully it's not too terrible. :/ 
“We must be careful not to rush, Captain,” Spock warned Kirk calmly as he equipped himself with his phaser. The crew had landed on Genesis, and the captain was eager to find Khan. Even though he has earned high respect in the last ten years, his arrogance and quick-to-act ways still got him in the messiest of trouble. This time, he was ready to prove everyone wrong. Even Spock. Especially Spock.
“How many signs of life did you locate Spock?”
“15 sir. I hypothesize that there are still a few member of Khan’s crew that have not been awoken.”
“Right,” Kirk nodded. “Ready Bones?” he said, patting the poor Doctor.
McCoy sighed. “Dammit Jim I’m a Doctor not a negotiator! How the flippity hell do you expect me to talk to these super-blooded psychos? How do we even know they speak bloody English!”
“Bones, you were head medical chief in charge of the recalibration of these super humans. So you should be fine, with both the language and how to butter them up. Now come on…before Khan gets here.”
“Sir,” said Spock, tapping a few things on his P.A.D.D. “A new energy just appeared on Genesis, not too far from our ship. Perhaps, and most likely, this is Khan.”
Captain Kirk scowled and gritted his teeth. “Well…shit. Shit!” He looked around at the faces of his crew. With a heavy sigh he straightened, and cleared his throat. “I will need to go alone.”
 “Are you out of you arrogant mind, Jim? You can’t-”
“Khan cannot be negotiated with. We aren’t prepared, and there is no way he’ll give himself to us again. It doesn’t matter that his crew has been changed. Surely he didn’t come here without a plan to get them back,” the blonde turned to Spock and sighed, “Spock as soon as I leave this ship you get it up in the air and on its way back to Starfleet. You tell the highest officers exactly what we did, exactly what I did. Do you understand?”
Dr. McCoy looked at Spock and then to his Captain with an angry look on his face. “No, I don’t understand Captain. Do you expect us to just desert you here, after all we’ve done with you? Stealing our ship and breaking hundreds of orders? And not to mention-”
“Dr. McCoy,” interrupted Spock.
“Listen, you green-blooded goblin. I did not sacrifice my job and my life style to let this man die by the hands of someone we can stop. Now if you think-”
“Dr. McCoy!” Spock asserted. With a catch in his voice, he spoke lower, “Our Captain…Jim…he is very well aware of the high possibility of death,” Spock looked to the rest of the crew. “He is telling us…goodbye.”
The bridge fell silent. Kirk drew a shaky breath and looked at his crew. “My crew, my friends…It was a pleasure serving with you. Our five year mission was fruitful, our journeys were grand. And our time together was well spent. But now…it’s time for me to go. It’s time for me to make up for what mistakes I have made. This is goodbye. But this is not the end.”
Uhura’s faint sobs could be heard as Kirk finished his speech. The Captain made his way around the cabin, giving everyone a hug. When he got to Spock, he stood before the Vulcan uneasily.
The two stared for what seemed like an eternity, until finally, Spock extended his hand. Kirk looked down at it with sadness in his eyes and shook it. With his final goodbyes said, he left the bridge and down to the special storage room, which held exactly what he needed: the cold fusion device. If set properly it would render all of Genesis and its inhabitants lifeless.
“Captain we can warp you back onto the ship before you detonate the device,” Spock had followed Kirk down to the storage room. “We have done it before, with me.”
“It’s different this time Spock. You need to get out of here as fast as possible, as soon as I get out. Go into warp,” Kirk talked without making eye contact with Spock. He couldn’t show him now how sad he was to be leaving his crew. Only Spock and Kirk knew about this plan; if Khan was able to reach Genesis before their first plan was complete, that this is what would have to be done. He will die today.
“You do not have to die!” Spock’s shouting stopped Kirk in his tracks. He turned slowly to look at his right hand man and saluted him silently. With a deep sigh, the half-Vulcan straitened and saluted his Captain. Then, in a split second of human feeling, he reached out and grasped Kirk in an embrace.
Kirk stood there in Spock’s arms shocked. But tears leaked from his eyes and he hugged him back. When they parted, Kirk extended his hand and the shook again.
“Keep that…my friend,” With that, the blonde turned his oxygen tank on and left with the cold fusion device.
Spock watched him ready himself at the ship’s exit. Pocketing the small gift left in his hand, pock quickly returned to the bridge and hesitantly sat in the Captain’s chair.
“Sulu, ready the ship.”
The crew all looked at Spock as he pressed the intercom to speak to Kirk. “Ready?”
“Ready, Spock.”
“…Open it.”
Chekov opened the ship and Kirk ran out as fast as possible, taking cover behind a tree. The ship secured behind him and he watched her power-up and go into warp. Within a second, his entire life, his crew, his friends…were gone.
Taking no time to let the reality set in, he opened the cold fusion device and began to prepare it. Right before he was about to activate it, he heard rustling behind him. His instincts made him turn around. He saw nothing, and turned back to the device, only to come face to face with a phaser. Without time to react, the phaser stunned him and he fell backwards.
Spock released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. They were on their way back to Starfleet, to face justice. Of course there would be consequences, but perhaps there would be a way to save his Captain.
Remembering the small parting gift that Kirk slipped into his hands, he dove into his uniform pocket and pulled it out. When he opened his hand, he saw a small model replica of the USS Enterprise.
“You finally came to.”
Kirk’s head whirled and his blurred vision made him want to vomit as he tried to sit himself up from his face-down position. He felt bindings on his wrists and ankles, and could vaguely see the surroundings of the cave he was in. the specialized suit he wore previously had been taken from him, and he lay on his side. By a crackling fire there sat a blurred figure.
“…Fuck you,” he wheezed.
The corner of Khan’s lip twitched in slight anger. He rose and stepped away from the warmth of the fire to approach the blonde, who was still struggling to sit up in his restraints. The super being grabbed Kirk by his neck and lifted him with ease off of the ground, bringing him to eye level. His cold, serious stare penetrated Kirk’s eyes.
“I have waited, all this time…,” Khan spoke deeply, slowly, “to end you.” He felt Kirk losing consciousness in his grasp, relishing in the struggle. “Your crew may have gotten away but, oh, you’ll do just fine in sending Starfleet a message for me,” he suddenly released his grasp and let Kirk fall to the floor. Watching as the man struggle to gain his breath back, Kahn smirked. “You have so much to do for me young, idiotic James T. Kirk.”
“And why, should I do, anything for you…,” Kirk managed between coughs and wheezes.
“Simple enough. Because if you don’t, I’ll destroy the entirety of the human race. I will destroy, your, home.” 
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biqueuerious · 11 years
We Will Rule Ch. 4
Genre: Crossover, Star Trek AU/ Marvel’s Thor
Rating: Teen; for language
Main Characters: Khan, Loki
Plot?: Loki’s decent into the black hole lands him in the alternate universe of Star Trek. Not only had he traveled between world of reality, but also through time. Awaking from his coma, he finds himself in a cryogenic freeze, being that he is immune to even the harshest of cold. Soon he meets another dark-haired man ready for revenge. Will the two partner or betray?
Please please please feedback me. If someone would like to proof before I post please message me
Also on my fanfiction account!
Hours had passed, possibly two or three. Khan neared the end of his research, having found most of what he needed to know: what had become of his crew, what exactly was being accomplished with all of the testing, and the current state of Kirk and his ship. What he hadn’t found was information on this god. He searched everywhere, through articles foreign and not. He even hacked a few secure databases, but there was still nothing on this character Loki. The super being sighed. Thoughts of asking the god himself about his existence and his plans had crossed his mind once or twice since he entered the lab. But he thought more often about simply taking one of his many portable transwarp transporter prototypes and leaving the god deserted on this barren ice-land.
Though, the god did provide valuable information about one thing, the Tesseract. Khan found it in his research, and it was real, being kept secure under a military force named S.H.I.E.L.D. Obtaining it himself would be easy. But he knows nothing about it; how to activate it, use it…or even what I does. And he himself possessed power. Khan never met another species who bested him with tricks, other than Spock of course. A small sigh escaped his lips and he turned to face the god, who was sitting quietly and still on the opposite side of the lab.
“I do not trust lightly,” Khan stated.
“I shouldn’t be trusted easily,” Loki said with a tired breath. His patience left him, but he settled anyway. Now he was more relaxed in the super being’s presence, oddly relaxed. “Though if you wish to know more about me you could have asked,” he smirked, taking a look at Khan over his shoulder.
Khan raised a brow, “You knew?”
“I’m no fool, Khan. A mysterious being claiming to be a god wakes you from a seemingly endless slumber escapes with you, albeit reluctantly, and then gives you information about an endless source power. You would be a fool not to question me Khan,” Loki stood and walked across the lab. “So what is it you wish me to tell you?”
The super being looked at the god for a moment and crossed his arms. “About the Tesseract, wh-”
“No no no, about me,” Loki smirked and placed his hand across his chest.
Rolling his eyes, Khan started again, “Fine. What do you plan to do here, on Earth? Rule it?”
“More or less.”
“And I? I wish to have no part in that. You will leave my people alone.”
“I will? Are you forgetting I am a god? I can kill you, mortal.”
“I am no ordinary human,” Khan sneered. “You can have your ultimate power, I care not. My main objectives are to exact my revenge on Starfleet, for their use of me, and then successfully rescue my crew. Once my family is returned to me and I am in possession of a ship, I will eradicate all and every incapable race in the galaxy. You can aide me in my first two objectives and then have this planet, or you can have Earth to yourself now and stay out of my way. Shall you betray me,” Khan said sternly, “Earth and its beings will join my list of useless species…with you amongst them.”
“Big talk for someone who hardly knows me.”
“I could say the same for you.” The two stared each other down until a notification from the monitor broke their concentration. Khan turned back to his screen and clicked on the alert. A live feed from one of the many security cameras outside showed three Starfleet officers inspecting the trail of mammoth-tiger blood. Khan sneered and grabbed a phase-pistol off of one of his weapon racks.
“Wait,” Loki said quietly, stopping Khan with his hand on the super being’s chest. He looked down and clenched his teeth at the action, but waited anyway, with his hand clenching the pistol. A few minutes passed and the Starfleet officers left, following the blood trail in the direction that the beast left.
-tsk- Khan returned the phase-pistol to the weapon rack and sat back down. He needed to calm down; he was losing his mind. Why? A film of sweat formed over his forehead and above his lip as he yanked his still-bloodied sleeves up, inspecting the experiment scars again. Why did they do this to me? Why did they do this to my crew? My crew…my crew… The super being’s breath quickened. His heart pounded frantically in his chest.
“You…,” Khan squinted his eyes at Loki. With a swing of his arm, the super being shoved Loki to the floor, and the next second he was on top of him, holding him down with one hand. In the other was a KaBar combat knife which he presently held firm to the god’s neck. “You…should have let me sleep…,” Khan whispered hoarsely.
Loki searched Khan’s grayish-blue eyes with his own bright ones. A feeling stirred in him that he could not identify. Nevertheless, he cautiously reached his hand up to Khan’s face and told him, “Hold still.” With the tips of his pointer and middle finger pressed to rage-filled super being’s forehead, Loki drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. After a few short moments there, Khan’s angry features relaxed. When Loki opened his eyes and withdrew his hand, Khan dropped the combat Knife and sat back on his feels, releasing the god.
“What did you do to me?” he spoke softly.
Raising himself and resting on his elbows, Loki sighed, “I saved you.”
A/N Augh sorry for the weird Lokhan moment there but you know feels
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biqueuerious · 11 years
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Oh yes. Oh yes he can...
credit to original photo-makers
for my fanfiction
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biqueuerious · 11 years
i'm trying so hard not to make my fanfiction smut uhg but i mean it's Loki and Khan my fav handsome baddies and they're sharing the same space and uhg i'm trying
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biqueuerious · 11 years
We Will Rule Ch. 2
Genre: Crossover, Star Trek AU/ Marvel’s Thor
Rating: Teen; for language
Main Characters: Khan, Loki
Plot?: Loki’s decent into the black hole lands him in the alternate universe of Star Trek. Not only had he traveled between world of reality, but also through time. Awaking from his coma, he finds himself in a cryogenic freeze, being that he is immune to even the harshest of cold. Soon he meets another dark-haired man ready for revenge. Will the two partner or betray?
Please please please feedback me. If someone would like to proof before I post please message me
Also on my fanfiction account!
The vessel fell silent. Khan’s emotions were stirring; rage, disappointment…fear. His crew and his own body, subject to experiments and tests for who knows what. Hasn’t he been used enough? Now he is lost, without a real ship and as a man out of his own time, yet he is still feared, he could tell. ‘I must devise a plan’ he thought, but he still had this witness with him.
Loki rocked back and forth slightly on his heels, watching Khan struggle with his past. It made himself feel better really, that he wasn’t the emotionally unstable one for once. Yet it wasn’t until he introduced himself that he came to the full reality of things.
“Very nice to meet you…Khan,” Loki gave a slight mocking bow. “My name is Loki, I am from…Asgard,” he paused. Was he really? Asgard…was that realm still his to claim as home? He shook off these feelings and continued. “I must apologize. It was not in my control that I came upon the ship we escaped from. I woke in a vessel, the same as you did.”
“Then you are not a friend of Starfleet,” Khan said, regaining his calm composure just slightly.
“I am not a being of this era,” Loki stated. “Something about the dark matter that I slipped through must have brought me to your world and time.”
“It is not my time,” Khan clenched his teeth. “My time is with my crew, and therefore I have no use here, or with you. If you do not know any more than I do of this era then you serve no purpose to me.” The vessel landed harshly on a surface. Outside the windows, Loki and Khan could see pure white snowfall and for miles nothing else. “It would be wise that you do not follow me. Otherwise, I will kill you, that I can promise.” Khan removed the heavy fire blanket from its storage above the passenger seats and wrapped it around his shoulders.
“You cannot kill a god.”
Khan paused and turned to Loki. He approached the raven-haired “god” and spoke to him once more. “There are no gods here. Only men, aliens, and fools,” he spat. “Do. Not. Follow me.” With that, Khan opened the pod’s door and trudged out into the bitter cold, leaving Loki to his own devices.
The super being continued his journey through the freezing mixture of ice and snow. A storm had begun not long after his departure from the pod, and it has been well over an hour since. Wet ice clung to his hair and the fire blanket, which was hardly keeping him warm. Even with all his strength, the cold was too harsh for him. But he did not care. He had only one goal; the rescue of his crew and the revenge that came with it. And on this cold deserted land he knew just where he was headed to begin, a small lab he had constructed in his times under the alias John Harrison.
There was no time to stop and rest, but Khan was growing weary. He wasn’t in the best condition when he was put into cryogenic sleep, and it wasn’t as if any Starfleet doctors were going to make him better during their testing. What use was his body to them anyway? He was a superhuman, created by humans. Surely they knew what he was made of. And it had been about  decade since he was initially frozen, unless they had been testing him this whole time. ‘Probably for their Genesis Project, the fools. I am not this weak!’ Stopping, he pulled back his sleeves once more, revealing his bare arms to the sting of the cold. He noticed now, some punctures seemed fresh, others much older, and surely there were more that had faded over time. ‘How did they test me in my sleep?’ Khan shook off his thoughts and pulled his sleeves back down. Clutching the blanket closer, he began walking again.
In no less than another half-hour, Khan was close to his destination. He pulled himself to the top of the final hill and peered over it. The lab was there, tucked under the ground, marked by three small mounds. He forced himself up to his feet, feeling frozen in every joint, but before he could descend upon the lab, he heard the roar of a creature. ‘At least I know the time of year now!’ Khan sighed. Polar mammoth-tiger; it must be their mating season, for Khan knew they only emerge from their dens at this time. They were not usually aggressive, something must have startled it. ‘That costumed nuisance’, he thought. The white beast came racing from behind him. It was too late for him to hide, and if he led it to his lab there would be no way to stop it from ramming into the entrance. There was only one thing to do; fight it.
Khan straightened fully, allowing the fire blanket to slide off of his broad shoulders. He felt weak, but cared not., because it was his duty to remain strong. As Captain. Captain. Captain. The title sickened him. How could he be Captain…after all he had not done?
“Gah!” The mammoth-tiger dipped its head and swung at Khan with its tusk. The blow sent him flying off the hill, and tumbling the rest of the way down to his lab. A little blood trickled out of his mouth, but he didn’t wipe it away. He stood, letting the warm fluid run down his chin. It felt wonderful, he was alive again. No longer was he a dead, useless, frozen subject.
The beast was close once more. Khan readied himself, summoned his returned strength, and jumped on the mammoth-tiger’s tusk. It tried to shake the super being, but he kept his grip firm. Finally, he lunged himself forward and landed in its open jaw. He kept it open just long enough to kick a loose tooth free from the gums. But instead of roaring in pain, the beast let out a low growl and tried to close its mouth.
The super being struggled with the force of the animal’s jaw. His strength was failing. ‘I cannot…let it…’
“Having a bit of trouble there?” Khan looked down at the voice. It was that costumed brat.
“I asked you not to follow me,” he hissed. The beast forced its jaw down again and caused his legs to buckle. “Tsk!”
“Indeed you have…Well, carry on then!” Loki turned on his heel and began to walk off. The mammoth-tiger continued to increase its force Khan’s body, which couldn’t withstand the pressure much longer. Giving in, he doubled over, and allowed the beast to swallow him.
Loki turned. ‘The fool…!’ Swiftly, he returned to the beast’s presence. “I have seen worse,” he sighed, and hurled a few blades at it. The beast roared as the blades pierced its eyes. “Perfect!” Loki took the chance and shot a blast of magic into the open mouth. Soon, the large animal was heaving, and eventually spit-up its lunch, along with Khan.
“How vile…,” Khan said after catching his breath. He was covered in blood and stomach fluids from head to toe.
“It is my nature,” Loki mocked with a bow. Regaining his senses, Khan took hold of the previously detached tooth and stood. When the animal swung at him, he jabbed the tooth between the pads of its paws. The wild beast cried out in pain and ran, limping along the way.
After making sure the mammoth-tiger was long gone, Khan turned and walked towards his lab, disregarding Loki once more.
“Oh you are so ever welcome, fearless warrior.”
“Listen!” Khan ordered.  “If you think I have to repay you, you are wrong. I had a plan. I always have a plan. Do NOT foll-.”
“What is it like? To be worshiped by so many people? To have let them all down? To have come. So. Close! That you could taste the bloodshed that would occur from your rule. What does it feel like?!”
“You know nothing about me!”
“Oh but I do!” Loki paused. “I could tell from the moment your rage took hold of your senses that you are a man who seeks vengeance on those who took from you what you craved the most. What you were entitled to. Your crew. Just as my kingdom was taken from me.”
“We are nothing alike you costumed fool.”
“Are we not?” The god snickered and approached Khan. “Perhaps we need to reevaluate our strategies.”
“We? I work with no one,” At that, Khan continued to walk away to the spot where he could gain entrance to his lab.
“I know…of a source of power. Power so polished, so infinite, it could rule cities. Realms, even. Far greater plains of existence than you had ever dreamed of. In the right hands, of course,” a smile crept over his face. “In your hands.”
Khan stopped, but did not look back. Loki could tell he was thinking. And he was, thinking of the revenge he could have on Starfleet for using him and his people. “You are of a different time and place…,” Khan faced Loki, “How are you sure what you speak of exists here?”
“I can taste it,” Loki murmured. “The power of the Tesseract…it is still here…”
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