#kf2 survivalist
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captainextremis · 4 years ago
Here’s a list of what your Killing Floor 2 main perk says about you because I’m hopped up on adrenaline and don’t want to sleep.
Berserker: If you’re below level 25, you play Zerk like a deadly ballerina; you’ve learned the melee mechanics of the game so well, you’ve basically got it down to a science and can go entire early waves w/o getting hit even once.
If you’re at level 25, you play Zerk with Spartan activated at all times because you want to go even f a s t e r .
Commando: You’re either new to the game and playing commando to learn the mechanics and controls, or you believe yourself to be a general, directing your fellow psychotic, money-grubbing Horzine mercs in a perfectly composed symphony of gunfire and fountains of Zed blood. Spoilers: you are not the second coming of Alexander the Great. You’re barely even Napoleon at the Capture of Moscow. At least you can do your own perks’ role, but if you think you can get a lobby of 2 Berserkers, 1 AFK Support, and a level 3, prestige 0 Demo to fight as one cohesive unit in your 10-wave Suicidal game, you’re more deluded the Rachel Clamley.
Support: You’re an actual support-type person who wants to contribute to the team; when someone uses your backpack, you get a mini dopamine hit, and you are a tryhard, but in a good way. You always buy the M4, the HZ, AA12, or some combination thereof, and proceed to massacre the Zeds so horribly, it gets ingrained in their clone DNA, causing them to get PTSD from so much as hearing your name. Sometimes, however, you enjoy bringing the Boomstick into a wave just for the memes.
Field Medic: Unlike other medic classes in most games, you are not “a kind soul.” You do not play medic because you’re “taking one for the team,” or you “enjoy playing a supportive role.” Fuck that. Field medics can easily take care of themselves and you know it. No, the reason you’re playing field medic is because you’re a manipulative little shit who enjoys convincing other people to fight your battles for you. After all, the other perks are more specialized Zed killers than you; you’ve got decent guns, but they’re for trash killing. Why expose yourself to two Scrakes when you have six other teammates to fight your battles for you?
Demolitionist: The Demo is a powerhouse, and no one understands this better than you. For God’s sake, the HX25 can reliably kill Fleshpounds if upgraded even once. Yeah, Demos get a bad rep, but that’s because most of them just jump into a lobby without playing and at least obtaining a base understanding of how the perk works. That’s why you worked on leveling Demo up first before jumping into a public game. You don’t really give a fuck about the Gunslingers, Medics, and Supports on your team, though. Their salty tears fuel you and are quite filling as a bonus.
Firebug: You really fucking hate Crawlers and don’t want to waste an entire pistol clip trying to pop their head.
Gunslinger: Slingers do not “play” Killing Floor 2. You live it. You breathe it. You have played this game since its inception in early access, or have an ungodly amount of hours in it, and you have gotten so fucking good at playing Slinger, it has become an extension of yourself. You instinctively keep your crosshair in the middle of the screen without needing the actual option in the main menu. Your mouse clicks are calm and measured, perfectly in tune with the recoil of the gun you use. You can easily run circles around bosses and utterly melt hordes of Zeds without so much as a single drop of sweat congealing on your head. If the Support instills the fear of God into the Zeds, you instill the fear of an Elder God into them: to look at you is to know complete and utter despair.
Sharpshooter: Sharpshooter? No one plays sharpshooter. You just grinded the perk out to level 25 and never touched it again.
Survivalist: You’ve picked Survivalist in every game lobby you got into and immediately got kicked.
Swat: You usually play as Commando, but doing that all the time tends to get boring. You’re also not as skilled as other perk mains, but if there isn’t a Slinger or Demo on your team, you can reliably use the Kriss-flashbang combo to takedown a Scrake. Well, you can at least do it in solo.
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curiouscube · 6 years ago
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I´ve been away for awhile. I was preoccupied with personal stuff.
The new guns are pretty amazing in KF2.
And this Kiran was an idea I had for a while.
Also I drew an old man in semi-ww1 gear.
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lateviews · 7 years ago
LateView: Killing Floor 2
Killing Floor began as a mod for Unreal Tournament and since the beginning the developers knew what they wanted to make. It’s a co-op zombie shooting game and it’s not shamed into trying to be anything else.
Killing Floor 2 is no exception. They’ve taken the winning formula (Zombies + Bullets = Fun) and applied it here with a slick coat of paint and a generous helping of tweaks, balancing and some new ways to shoot bullets to spice things up. If you’re not up for shooting zombies then there’s literally nothing else here for you, so for those of you still reading, you’re in luck because KF2 is very good at doing what it’s designed to do.
Before you start the game you have to pick one of the 10 classes in the game. Each of the classes specializes in a particular type of weapon (SMG, Melee, Dual Pistols, etc), except for the survivalist, who’s speciality is not having a speciality (it’s as awkward as it sounds). Each game consists of waves of enemies with a respite period in between for you to hunt down the trading pod and purchase new weapons using the “dosh” you get from shooting the zombies. This gives the combat some nice pacing. Each wave you start confidently with your new shiny weapon, only to realise that each wave gets progressively harder and you find yourself still struggling. Then you can take a breather, buy a new shiny toy and restart the process until the boss comes. And shiny toys, this game has! Each class has a handful of weapons that scale with how much dosh they cost and deciding which one to buy constantly provides an interesting choice. Do you save up for the bigger gun and not have as much firepower during the next wave or do you buy the slightly smaller gun so you can kill zombies better? Killing Floor 2 has also taken the modern game design choice of shoving loot boxes in everything but they’ve had the sensibility to restrict it to cosmetic items. Reskins for weapons and outfit pieces for your character. You can buy keys to open crates if you want but if you don’t then everything (including crates you don’t want) can be broken down into... powder...stuff, and then reconstituted into another cosmetic item. Additionally the game gives you daily acheivements to earn dosh (not the same as the in-game dosh) and with that dosh earn already opened “vault” crates. With a combination of the untradable vault crate items and the random drops you get from playing and crafting, you should probably have a decent enough skin for all the guns you like to use. And if you don’t, a lot of the skins are available for pennies on the Steam Marketplace. To keep players returning, there is a progression system in the game. While you play as any particular class, you’ll earn XP killing zombies and bonus XP for killing them in a class specific fashion. The progression system here has been lovingly tweaked since the first game and I think it’s in a really good place right now. Each level will provide you with a stat boost relevant to your class and every 5 levels you can pick a perk. You’ll start with each of your classes at level 1 and you’ll have to join games on the normal difficulty because you won’t have the firepower to do anything else. I remember attempting a game on Hard before I had hit level 5 and I was very overwhelmed. The brilliant thing is that as you level up, the exact moment you start finding normal mode easy is the moment you’ll find Hard mode achievable and I’m currently finding the same thing for the transition from Hard to Suicidal difficulty (although it’s drawn out considerably). The game is also smart enough to make each difficulty feel unique by changing more than just the zombies stats. Harder difficulties will send more powerful zombie types at you on lower waves and even harder difficulties will give zombies new attack animations to throw you off guard.  As far as aesthetics go, the game is mostly on point. Most environments are colourful and interesting with a few duds thrown in. It’s hard to applaud a map set in a cave when you could be exploring a mansion, shooting up an abandoned Paris, getting nuked or travelling through literal hell (actually the nuked map is a little too brown for my tastes but it’s still better than a cave). There are a whole bunch of characters you can play as but pretty much all of them are insufferable. It’s especially apparent when you play as the character as they are spouting off lines about stuff that nobody cares about constantly and there’s nowhere near enough variety to stop them repeating the same line everytime you walk through a cave. Now, this game is totted as a co-op game and it’s true, you can invite a friend through steam and play on the same map but it’s not co-op like Portal 2 is co-op. You never really work together. Sometimes it just feels the exact same as single player except that you sometimes get your kills stolen but someone standing behind you and you don’t get hit in the back as much. When all’s said and done Killing Floor 2 is a solid, well-rounded game. Although the game doesn’t offer a variety of things to do with your time, it offers you a smorgasbord of ways to do the killing with and rewards you for doing so in whatever method you wish. KF2 retails at $30 USD but often ends up on sales. As long as killing zombies remains entertaining, killing floor will easily entertain you.
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albierio · 7 years ago
Killing Floor 2
Pros: Looks nice, the gore is cool and weapons are all animated at over 200fps, weapon handling feels just as good as kf1. the new perk trees are cool
Cons: No class discounts for weapons, if you did half the risky shit you did in kf2 back in kf1 you’d die all the time; so KF1 was a tougher game. The game is less memorable. The survivalist class and multi perk weapons destroys established team comps just so they don’t need to put effort into learning any other class and just wanna shoot things and try out all the weapons.
KF1 lives on to be the superior KF
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killingfloor-fans · 7 years ago
Cute art!!
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Man, it’s weird going back to my old style. It’s also weird how Krampus is giving out presents.
I know it’s early but I wanted to upload this sooner.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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