#kezia bashalde
theduplicitousdame · 7 years
Bolding Basics - Kezia Bashalde
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♦ EYES : Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other (…) ♦ HAIR : Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other (…) ♦ BODY TYPE : Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular ♦ SKIN : Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored | Other (…) ♦ FACIAL FEATURES : Scars (…) | Markings (…) | Scales (…) | Fur | Beard | Ears (pierced) | Other (…) ♦ BODY FEATURES : Scars (…) | Markings (…) | Scales (…) | Fur | Tail (…) | Paint | Other (cheek tattoos)
♦ GENDER : Male | Female | Trans | Cis | No Gender | Other (…) ♦ SEXUALITY : Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other (…) ♦ SPECIES : Hyur (Highlander) | Elezen (…) | Miqo’te (…) | Lalafell (…) | Roegadyn (…) | Au ra (…) | Other (…)
♦ EDUCATION : Can read | Can write | Tutor | Mentor | School | Other (…) ♦ LIVING SITUATION : Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Lives with a group of people (military barracks) | Drifter | Homeless | Other (…) ♦ PARENTS/GUARDIAN : Mother | Father | Adoptive | Foster | Grandparents | Family friend | Other (…) ♦ RELATIONSHIP : Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated | Other (…)
♦ I’VE BEEN : In Love | Hurt | Sick | Abused | Other (…) ♦ I HAVE A(N) : Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder | Other (…) ♦ THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE : Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Gotten into a fist fight | Was severely injured | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a party | Killed someone
♦ POSITIVE TRAITS : Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless ♦ NEGATIVE TRAITS : Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable
Rules : BOLD what applies to your muse, ITALICIZE what applies under specific circumstances. Remember to REPOST. Feel free to add to the list. Blank sheet can be found > HERE < !!! Tagged by : @jancisstuff Thank you! <3 Tagging : @mirkemenagerie @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @ghostiemaiden @fireattunement @freshorenjuice @fyuha @elibraddock @cuideag @mischiefandmystics
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theduplicitousdame · 7 years
Strengths and Weaknesses
BOLD what applies to your muse! ITALICIZE what your muse low-key shows to some people or hides!
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Tagged By: @jancisstuff and @ghostiemaiden
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @meandering-mind @mischiefandmystics @captainkurosolaire @aether-antics @freshorenjuice @fyuha @cuideag
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theduplicitousdame · 7 years
16 Personality Test: Kezia Bashalde
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ESFJ-A: The Consul
People who share the Consul personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, Consuls continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.
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Strong Practical Skills – Consuls are excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance, enjoying making sure that those who are close to them are well cared for.
Strong Sense of Duty – People with the Consul personality type have a strong sense of responsibility and strive to meet their obligations, though this may sometimes be more from a sense of social expectations than intrinsic drive.
Very Loyal – Valuing stability and security very highly, Consuls are eager to preserve the status quo, which makes them extremely loyal and trustworthy partners and employees. Consuls are true pillars of any groups they belong to – whether it is their family or a community club, people with this personality type can always be relied upon.
Sensitive and Warm – Helping to ensure that stability, Consul personalities seek harmony and care deeply about other people’s feelings, being careful not to offend or hurt anybody. Consuls are strong team players, and win-win situations are the stuff smiles are made of.
Good at Connecting with Others – These qualities come together to make Consuls social, comfortable and well-liked. Consul personalities have a strong need to “belong”, and have no problem with small talk or following social cues in order to help them take an active role in their communities.
Worried about Their Social Status – These Strengths are related to a chief Weakness: Consuls’ preoccupation with social status and influence, which affects many decisions they make, potentially limiting their creativity and open-mindedness.
Inflexible – Consuls place a lot of importance on what is socially acceptable, and can be very cautious, even critical of anything unconventional or outside the mainstream. People with this personality type may also sometimes push their own beliefs too hard in an effort to establish them as mainstream.
Reluctant to Innovate or Improvise – Just as they can be critical of others’ “unusual” behavior, Consuls may also be unwilling to step out of their own comfort zones, usually for fear of being (or just appearing) different.
Vulnerable to Criticism – It can be especially challenging to change these tendencies because Consuls are so conflict-averse. Consul personalities can become very defensive and hurt if someone, especially a person close to them, criticizes their habits, beliefs or traditions.
Often Too Needy – Consuls need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, people with the Consul personality type may start fishing for compliments, in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued.
Too Selfless – The other side of this is that Consuls sometimes try to establish their value with doting attention, something that can quickly overwhelm those who don’t need it, making it ultimately unwelcome. Furthermore, Consuls often neglect their own needs in the process.
Tagged By: @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast Thank you! <3
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @diskwrite-ffxiv @jancisstuff @meandering-mind @ghostiemaiden @mischiefandmystics @fyuha @freshorenjuice @cuideag @captainkurosolaire  @fireattunement @elibraddock
Test Here! 
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theduplicitousdame · 7 years
Battle Quotes (Pt. 2)
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Battle Theme : Into The Darkness Even though the name of the song appears melancholy, it’s about fighting together as one through battle.
Battle intro : “Stand strong! Do not falter!” Victory : “Happiness rides in on the waves of ev’ry storm. Let us return and rest.” Defeat : “No... Not here...” Taunt : “Show me what you’re made of!” Reacting to Taunt : “You will NOT force my hand!” Tie : “Evenly matched. There is a lesson to be learned here.” Perfect Victory : “Do not undermine the fury and determination of a woman hells bent on protecting herself and those surrounding her.” Final Finisher : “Llymlaen guide my lance to strike true!”
Unlike Naharé, Kezia feels most comfortable battling with her brothers and sisters in arms. She thrives off the synergy groups provide and revels in the shared feeling of victory.
Assist : “I cannot protect you if I’m wounded!” Your character down during Assist : ”…nngh.” Using item : “Many thanks!” Healing/Buffing : “Wait! Let me tend to you!” Tag Team Special : “On my mark we’ll show them our fury!”
Thank you again to @jancisstuff! I know my Ala Mhigan lady enjoys stretching her legs and thinking with me on these character prompts.
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @aether-antics @captainkurosolaire @ghostiemaiden @meandering-mind @mischiefandmystics @freshorenjuice @cuideag @fyuha
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theduplicitousdame · 7 years
FFXIV OST Association Meme
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The Churning Mists: Night Theme  Naharé’s music is typically very high energy and aggressive, however there can be calm moments. With her mental instability aside, she does have moments of clarity and peace where she’ll reflect on the day, past events, or relax in general. The piano is soothing, and I like to imagine Naharé sitting on or walking along the beach at night in solitude. When the song picks up towards the end I also like to imagine her grasping newfound confidence to make it through another day.
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Keeper of the Lake: Silver Tears Now for this song I did lean toward a more aggressive tune. I can see Kezia in my head preparing to take to the field of battle, poring over strategies and weak points. Alternatively I can see her chocobo bound and charging downhill with other comrades that all have their weapons drawn. There’s a steadfast gleam to her eyes and the grip on her spear tightens even more as soon as they enemy draws near.
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @jancisstuff @meandering-mind @cuideag @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @aether-antics @mischiefandmystics @ghostiemaiden @freshorenjuice @captainkurosolaire
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theduplicitousdame · 7 years
GET TO KNOW: Kezia Bashalde (List Edition)
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I’m loud.
I’m sarcastic.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
I’m easy to get along with.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked.
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.
My Appearance:
I wear make-up.
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I have braces.
I change my hair color often.
I have piercings.
I have small feet.
I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I have a best friend.
I have at least ten REAL friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.
I’ve been on an airship.
I’ve been on a ship.
I’ve ridden a chocobo.
I’ve ridden another mount.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I play an instrument.
I sing.
I dance.
I am part of a group/band.
I go out to performances.
I donate to/support performers.
Family Life:
I get along with both of my parents.
My biological parents are still together.
I have at least one brother.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve had streaks.
I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde.
I’ve had black
I’ve been red.
I use conditioner.  
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @jancisstuff @meandering-mind @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @ghostiemaiden @mischiefandmystics @captainkurosolaire @cuideag @aether-antics @fyuha @freshorenjuice 
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theduplicitousdame · 8 years
Personality Archetype Quiz
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Naharé Mergrey
58% Rebel
“The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.”
26% Royal
“When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.”
16% Athlete
“The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).”
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Kezia Bashalde
39% Athlete
“The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).”
33% Advocate
“The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.”
28% Spiritual
“The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.”
Take the quiz >>here<<!
Tagging: @mirkemenagerie @meandering-mind @cuideag @diskwrite-ffxiv @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast @aether-antics @fyuha and anyone else that would like to participate!
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theduplicitousdame · 8 years
Things My Character(s) Can’t Stand
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Naharé Mergrey
BOLD = your character DOES NOT enjoy this Italic = Your character is begrudgingly okay with this, used to it or will at least look the other way Strikethrough = Your character displays this trait, approves of or engages in this behavior (or item)
Swearing/Profanity | Being petted* | Certain colors (specify which!) | Nail-biting | Quiet Environments or people | Loud Environments or people | Slang usage | Mumbling | Tapping | Knocking | Rocking back and forth | Humming | Twiddling their thumbs | Nails on a chalkboard | Hedonism | Off-key singing | Obnoxiousness | Overconfidence or cockiness | Crying | Shyness | Scratching | Proper grammar/formal speech | Not chewing with their mouth closed | Belching | Unshaven/unkempt people | Poor hygiene | Yelling | Certain smells (bodily fluids, BO, overbearing perfumes, etc.)* | Religious people | Non-religious people | Zealots | Hypocrisy | Arrogance | Ignorance | Defiance | Racism | Prejudice | Assumptions being made about them | Rumors | Arguing | Infidelity or cheating | Backstabbing | Routines | Gluttony | Laziness | Procrastination
Being petted* : Naharé is very, very picky on who she would allow to touch her in this manner, vice versa, as well. She feels this is an intimate act that involves being close to someone, letting your guard down, and giving utmost trust. Considering she tends to keep people at arm's length, this doesn’t happen very often.
Certain smells (bodily fluids, BO, overbearing perfumes, etc.)* : This is mostly in reference to blood, as it doesn’t bother her at all and has left blood on her person until she’s bathed for that day. Everything else she’ll wrinkle her nose at and be disgusted with.
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Kezia Bashalde
Swearing/Profanity | Being petted* | Certain colors (specify which!) | Nail-biting | Quiet Environments or people | Loud Environments or people* | Slang usage | Mumbling | Tapping | Knocking | Rocking back and forth | Humming | Twiddling their thumbs | Nails on a chalkboard | Hedonism | Off-key singing | Obnoxiousness | Overconfidence or cockiness | Crying | Shyness | Scratching | Proper grammar/formal speech | Not chewing with their mouth closed | Belching | Unshaven/unkempt people* | Poor hygiene* | Yelling | Certain smells (bodily fluids, BO, overbearing perfumes, etc.)* | Religious people | Non-religious people | Zealots | Hypocrisy | Arrogance | Ignorance | Defiance | Racism* | Prejudice* | Assumptions being made about them | Rumors | Arguing | Infidelity or cheating | Backstabbing | Routines | Gluttony | Laziness | Procrastination
Being petted* : Kezia doesn’t really enjoy being petted, but she’ll do it to people whom she holds affection for.
Loud Environments or people* : While not a loud person herself, she’s used to loud environments or people such as bustling cities, the field of combat, hunting grounds, et cetera.
Unshaven/unkempt people* | Poor hygiene* | Certain smells (bodily fluids, BO, overbearing perfumes, etc.)* : Often times you’re not afforded the luxury of a hot bath or shaving materials during deployment or extended hunting trips. Kezia does her best to maintain proper image and dress, though she does not frown upon others who are unable to.
Racism* | Prejudice* : Coming from Ala Mhigo, this is nothing new to her and something she’s learned to pick and choose her battles over. Sometimes it’s just not worth it getting into a verbal or physical altercation over an isolated incident when you can simply back away and carry on. Blind rage and hatred achieves nothing. Now if this were coming from someone she saw regularly or almost regularly then words would be had with the intent on keeping it as a verbal resolution.
Tagged By: @meandering-mind, @mirkemenagerie
Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done this yet. I’m late to the game lol.
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theduplicitousdame · 8 years
Adding Kezia Bashalde
In my last character prompt I added a secondary character. Kezia Bashalde is my Ala Mhigan Storm Private whom I’ll be playing regularly alongside Naharé. You’ll see her in the rest of my prompts moving forward and her wiki is a WIP. Once it’s finished I’ll add it as an outgoing link, along with a post on RP hooks. I hope you all will enjoy her shenanigans as much as Naharé’s ^__^. 
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theduplicitousdame · 8 years
RP hooks for Naharé Mergrey and Kezia Bashalde
Naharé Mergrey
*If you are Lynx tribe. Naharé’s parents are X’rahz Tia and X’adeya Mhasa. After their exile they packed their shit and moved Limsa for a new start. Naharé refuses to acknowledge her tribal heritage, but can be approached by fellow Lynx tribesmen if they were privy to her parents’ scandal. (PM for details)
(Addendum: She has a half-brother and a twin sister. X’khajirr Tia and X’tohba Rahz. Both of them live and work out of Gridania as a conjurer and lancer/leatherworker, respectively. They exist in game and are available for RP. PM for details if you’re interested.) 
*If you live, work, or were born in Limsa. She’s a born and raised city girl. You could have known her from childhood days, worked with her, or seen her working.
*She’s a mercenary and a bounty hunter. Security, escort, shipping/receiving, tracking, scouting, sabotage, information gathering, and racketeering are some examples.
*Got a grudge against Garleans or Magitek? Naharé’s left arm was replaced with a Magitek prosthetic and sometimes she openly carries a Pre-Imperial Garlean Revolver. 
*In addition to her Garlean ties, her estranged husband is a defected Garlean engineer and airship pilot by the name of Askier kir Mergrey (aka Jin’a kir Epinoch).
*Alternatively you can use the above if your character is interested in or has knowledge of Magitek and Garlemald.
*She crafts guns, ammunition, upgrades Mammets, and works on airships. Mayhaps she helped you out?
*For you law enforcement types: She holds a criminal record out of Limsa. Currently she’s not wanted for any crimes, but feel free to have seen her file. (PM for details)
*If you’re a fellow mercenary or bounty hunter you could have worked with her or heard of her.
*She’ll often times frequent taverns or fighting tournaments.
*Here is a link to her wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Nahare_Mergrey
Kezia Bashalde
*If you were born in Ala Mhigo and/or present during the war
*If you live, work, or were born in Limsa. After Kezia escaped through what is now Baelsar’s Wall, she and her family settled roots in Limsa Lominsa.
*You may have seen her hunting or fishing across La Noscea.
*She’s also a leatherworker. Maybe she filled an order for you or you’ve heard of her wares?
*She’s enlisted with the Maelstrom as a Storm Private. 1st Squadron, 9th Levy.
*Here is a link to her wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Kezia_Bashalde
Welp, I think that’s a pretty good list to start with. Now let’s move on to some OOC info.
*I’m on EST. I work in a veterinary hospital so my hours vary, but I’m usually free in the evening after 7PM.
*I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
*Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
*I won't play permanent character death or rape.
*I can keep my posts simple or do paragraphs.
*I play on the Balmung server.
That should cover it. If I’ve forgotten anything then I’ll just edit it in. You can contact me here, in game, or via Discord at NerdyLuu#4092. ^__^
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theduplicitousdame · 8 years
Aesthetic Meme (Pt. 2)
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Kezia Bashalde
BOLD what applies to your muse.
[ COLOR ]  red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. royal purple. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. currant purple. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. magenta. pastels. bubblegum pink. blood red. ivory. sky blue.
[ ELEMENTAL ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. day. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. smoke. umbra. penumbra. char. darkness. ash.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. stripes. markings. fur. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. sweat. tears. feline. permanent wounds. chubby. curvy. short. tall. height. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoo. rune. strong. weak. birdlike. shapeshifting. junoesque. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. voluptuous. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish. effeminate. frightening. ethereal. angelic. demonic. metallic. angular. scales. vertebrae. barbs. tendrils. tentacles. sharp. soft. unusual. shapely. unnatural. disproportionate. spindly. monstrous.  
[ WEAPONRY ] fists. swords. daggers. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rods. shotguns. needles. prowess. ability. instinct. bloodthirst. supernatural. inhuman. talons. speed. agility. cunning. reflexes. talons. biomech tendrils.
[ MATERIALS ]  gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. amber. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory. aether. crystal. dark matter. lapis lazuli. emerald. adamantite. wootz. brass. lamé. guipé. bone. moonstone. metalloids. alloys. ceramic. alabaster. marble. aluminum. bismuth. bronze. polonium. chrome. osmium. sand. feather.
[ NATURE/ENVIRONMENT ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight. moonlight. darkness. wasteland. ruins. void.
[ ANIMALS/CREATURES ] lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. tarantulas. scarabs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. centaurs. antelope. chimeras. demons. angels. parakeets. harpy eagles. seagulls. warblers. birds of paradise. parrots. toucans. orioles. cobras. black mambas. peacocks.
[ FOOD/DRINK ] sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. milk. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. steak. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies. tiramisu. cheesecake. sushi. tempura. pasta. garlic. bread. noodles.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. piercing. watercolors. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. murder. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. story telling. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. tinkering. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. organ. violin. cello. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection. reading. learning. lecturing. teaching. torment. tracking. hunting.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earring. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thighhighs. sleeveless. eyepatch. collar. bangle. torque. gorget. bracers. cuffs. body jewelry. crop tops.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. diligence. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. misanthropy. loneliness. anger. family. synthetic. friends. assistants. co-workers. plushies. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. drugs. kindness. love. embracing. magitek. futuristic. ancient. science. voidsent. cruelty. trust. mistrust. strength. doubt. reverence. ferocity. danger. automatons. metallic. allure. value. intelligent. revolutionary. defiant. advanced. engines. naive. temporary. changing. split personality. paradigm shift. freedom. belief.
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