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minijenn · 5 years ago
Universe Falls, Chapter 77, Part 2
Bljahsdjasdhkads over a fucking month since the last chapter was posted and here I come with a fuckin mediocre chapter like this. Nice. Anyway here ya go. Enjoy. (please don’t read this on here formatting sucks read it on ff.net or ao3 instead to get the better experience!)
Chapter 77: Adventures in the Multiverse
Part 2: Adrift in the Cosmos 
So I embarked on a 30-year adventure--a perilous journey through the multiverse to learn what I could about Bill in the hopes of defeating him. In the process, I had many experiences that my younger self might have described as “swashbuckling” if not for the constant nausea that accompanies dimension-hopping!
Within the span of the first year of my travels alone I quickly lost count of the sheer number of different dimensions I found myself falling into. Sometimes my stay in these dimensions would be brief, long enough for me to restock on whatever basic supplies (food, weaponry, wormhole stabilizers) I needed before passing through as quickly as I arrived. Other times I would decide (or more often than not, be forced) to stay in a single dimension for weeks, even months on end, well acquainting myself with the rules and residents (be they friends or foes) of said dimension by the time I left each one. 
Still, I pride myself on how quickly I fell into the routine of steadily-paced interdimensional travel. The oddities of the multiverse, of which there are plenty, perplexed me on just about every level at first. But as I saw more and more of those oddities, many of which defied comprehension when compared to anything I was familiar with back on Earth, the less terrified, and the more fascinated I became. 
It feels as though I lived 100 different lives across all of the countless dimensions I’d been to. I traveled with bandits, learned to speak 13 languages, got in a fistight with a talking chair, and got tattoos with a tribe of octopus-armed warrior piglets. (These tattoos rank among my most serious regrets. Let’s just say I wear my usual turtleneck for a reason!) I studied ancient texts, compared notes with scholars, dined with monsters, and was briefly made king of the Finger Dimension, until a 7-fingered man showed up and I lost my status. And this was all within the first 5 years of my travels alone!
When it comes to those other 25 years, I can truthfully attest that they were just as eventful. There’s certainly never a dull moment in the multiverse! I often found my youthful curious spark returning to me whenever I ventured across a new locale, and on many occasions, yearned to have any of my familiar journals on hand to document everything that I saw (which is why I suppose it’s rather cathartic to be finally writing my journey out after all this time, I suppose). It’s certainly true that not every dimension I came across was a safe harbor; many, in fact were practically unlivable for longer than a few hours at a time. At the same time, others were rife with barbaric, hostile beings and creatures who attacked first and asked questions never. And sandwiched between those worlds were dimensions that were borderline bizarre in every sense of the word. While I did often yearn for the (relative) normalcy of my home back in Gravity Falls and the reliable company of Rose and the Gems in particular in those first few years, that yearning paled in comparison to the incredible discoveries and sights I got to experience, far beyond anything any other human has seen for sure. 
Still, it wasn’t always an exciting, explorative adventure. Survival was one of my highest priorities, lest I fall short of my main goal of stopping Bill before I could even come close. Thanks to my quick wit (and dimensional translator), I was able to talk my way into and out of food and shelter--although a number of dimensions consider me an outlaw to this day. Ironically, in the multiverse, I’m just as wanted as Stanley! But my crimes had a noble purpose: I only stole supplies to work on my Quantum Destabilizer, which proved to be one of the most difficult inventions I ever worked on. 
The Destabilizer was the product of many a sleepless nights during those first few years adrift. I knew from the start that if I was going to face off against Bill, I would need to go up against him far more prepared than I had been during my first unintentional outing in the Nightmare Realm. That preparation would come in the form of a weapon, one that would be armed with all of the knowledge I would go on to obtain about Bill through my travels in the hopes that it would be just strong enough to obliterate him once and for all. Certainly, I reasoned, something out there within the vast, endless cosmos had to possess that power; it was merely a matter of finding it first. 
So my search for parts and for information alike went into full swing as I hopped between the untold sprawl of distant worlds. To fully chronicle my adventures would take 10 volumes (at least!), but here’s a catalog of some of the most outlandish dimensions I saw
The M Dimension
Ugh! Writing about this place after all these years has brought back to life the extreme frustration I felt while I was trapped there! The whole reality offended my ordered and scientific mind. I mean, how does it even make sense for a vacuum to be shaped like an M??
If you think that’s dumb, try looking at their alphabet: it’s just the letter “M” 26 times! Why does a universe like this even exist! Why did I have to spend time there? Why did they keep telling me to “mave a monderful mime!”?
Even though I was feeling “muicidal” after just ten minutes there, at least they were relatively kind to me, considering how strange I must have looked to them. Not like the people in the Symbol Dimension. Those guys are @$$&@!!s!
The Do-Over Dimension
Also known as the Yo-Yo Dimension and the Go Insane Because Nothing Gets Done Dimension (the last name being the most accurate but the least poetic). This is a world where time moves both forward and backward in a seemingly random manner. So you may have a really crummy week but then get a chance to do it all over again. Or just as you complete high school, you may live backward all the way to kindergarten. 
The Do-Over dimension can move forward normally for really long spans of time or “yo-yo” back and forth several times in one day. Professional “timelineologists” are like weathermen who try to accurately predict “what the time will be like” on any given day. As the old saying goes, “one step forward, infinite steps back, then two and a half steps forward, for no discernable reason”. 
Lottocron Nine (The Gambling Dimension)
It’s like the mob took over this entire galaxy. Except there is no mob, because gambling is not only legal here, it's mandatory.
Every aspect of life is left up to chance in this dimension. Cynn City, the central governing authority of the Gambling Dimension, lands on whatever planet wins the yearly lottery to host it. Babies learn to roll dice before they can learn to walk, and no one over the age of five goes anywhere without their lucky deck of cards. Even choosing your soul mate is left up to Lady Luck. Luckily, the government is effective. The Galactic Senate meets at the track every Saturday to debate (bet) on their favorite laws. 
Stan would have loved this place, but it just made me depressed. Although I had a good run in the Gambling Dimension, the dimensional bouncers ended up kicking me out for counting cards! What are the odds? 
The Locked Door Dimension
What’s behind door number one? Who knows? Because you can’t open it. Because you don’t have the right key. 
As yet another one of the more aggravating dimensions I had the misfortune of coming across, the Locked Door Dimension is really nothing more than a winding, endless hallway with doors lining both sides. Each and every one of those doors is locked, but fear not! The moment you arrive there, a key just so happens to land right at your feet. The only problem is that key only unlocks one door out of the thousands, maybe millions this dimension is made up of! 
So with no other options, you go from door to door, trying your key out on each one of them and it works on seemingly none of them. But what happens when you finally reach the door that your key does unlock? I
 honestly have no idea. My time in the Locked Door Dimension was mercifully cut short as I happened upon a wormhole just short of me losing my sanity. Part of me would have liked to have kept my key as a souvenir, but I admittedly tossed that thing out the moment I left. Still, I can’t help but wonder what would have been behind my door if I hadn’t

The Delicious Dimension
This place is something Hansel and Gretal could only dream of. Every non-living material object here is completely edible! Now, this isn’t in the sense that everything is made of food (in fact, “food” in the traditional sense doesn’t even exist here, largely since it doesn’t need to). A clock still looks like an average clock and a candle is still very much a candle. It’s just that you can eat both the clock and the candle without needing to be rushed to the hospital right after. 
Have you ever wondered what a table tastes like? What about a car? Look no further than this dimension for the answers! I have to say I was caught off guard the first time I spotted someone here down a notepad whole. But then I got to try a few of this dimension’s delicacies for myself and I was pleasantly surprised. Who knew a pillow of all things could taste so good? 
...Actually, now that I’m writing this out, I realize just how
 uncomfortably odd this dimension was in retrospect. Moving on!
 As the years drew on, my quest to defeat Bill eventually led me to a strange world that I mistakenly believed to be his birthplace
The Two-Dimension Dimension (Exwhylia)
A dimension that was by far different than any I had encountered this far by the mere composition of it alone. It is, as its name implies, completely two dimensional in every single way. In fact, my three dimensional body intersected perpendicular to the plane this dimension exists on, to the point that I was literally on eye-level with its rather simplistic residents. With that in mind, you might think me to be a god in their world--but not so much. 
From my ill-suited point of view, I couldn’t make out much of the world of Exwhylia. My 3-D eyes were worthless in their 2-D world! There is no sky above them and no sun to bathe them in directional light and create shadows. “Above” and “below” are directions that they know nothing about and do not exist to them whatsoever. Still, I was able to glean exactly how their strangely hierarchical society worked. Circles are at the peak of their class system, considered to be the upper crust of Exwhylian society. Far below them are the lowly triangles, sub-class citizens with hardly any rights or dignity to speak of under their rounded overlords. These shapes moved about on their flat plane littered with squarish buildings and countless other indiscernible objects I couldn’t quite make out as identical as everything in their world looked like to me. 
I believed Bill came from a similar world that was mysteriously destroyed. But how? I didn’t have much time to investigate. The Exwhylians considered me to be an “Irregular” shape, which is vulgar in their society.
I was unable to explain myself, since my mouth was stuck outside of their world, and I soon found myself under attack. Though small, the Exwhylians’ bodies are razor-sharp, and several hundred of them began slicing into my head in an assault I was powerless to put an end to. 
Luckily, I was saved just in time by one of the most extraordinary creatures I’ve ever encountered
Ford wasn’t sure exactly at what point he’d blacked out; likely around the time the Exwhylians had slammed their tiny two-dimensional bodies straight into his eyes for the hundredth time over. Yet as he managed to open his eyes, he found that they didn’t sting anywhere near as much as he thought they would, allowing him a starting glimpse of exactly where he was now. 
Fortunately, he seemed to be back in a fully three dimensional plain, with no aggressive Exwhylians in sight. What was in sight was a far more serene setting than the last dimension he’d found himself in. He was lying quite comfortably on a heavily cushioned bed, positioned in a well-decorated open-air room. It’s outer walls were non-existent, instead bordered by sturdy marble pillars, between which a grand view of what lay beyond them: a beautiful panorama of the sprawling natural landscape that lay down below the high mountain peak the unknown building rested on. The craggy hilltops and lush green valleys admittedly reminded Ford of Earth, and he would have even believed himself to be back in his own dimension if not for the skies that were painted in a kaleidoscope of colors that an Earthly atmosphere would have typically never known. 
Even so, the author slowly, carefully sat up, perplexed by how he’d gotten to such a strange setting in the first place. Still, he could hardly complain considering how starkly calm and peaceful this dimension was compared to Exwhylia. And yet, his guard immediately raised as he noticed the curtain covering the doorway on the far side of the room begin to sweep aside as a mysterious silhouette appeared just behind it. Far too familiar with the feeling of being cornered or trapped by now, Ford’s fight or flight instinct quickly kicked in as he searched himself for any of his weapons, only to find that they, along with the rest of his supplies, had been set aside on the opposite end of the room entirely. He nearly jumped up to retrieve them, despite how his bones and muscles alike ached from lack of recent use. That is, until he got a clear view of exactly who was emerging from behind the curtain. 
“Ah, so you’ve finally awakened
” The smooth, yet deep feminine voice addressed him as its owner properly stepped into the room. She was a tall, yet elegant figure, her otherwise humanoid appearance made a bit more alien by the pale blue pigmentation of her skin, which matched her much darker blue thick, hooded gown quite well. But what was most fascinating about her by far were her eyes, largely since there were seven of them in total, each of them a different vibrant color as they all stared at the author almost piercingly.
“W-who are you?” Ford asked, somewhat unnerved by her practically captivating gaze. 
“Fear not, Stanford Pines,” she said, raising a hand to calm him. “I mean you no harm.”
 how do you know who I am?” Ford asked, eyeing her warily as he stole another brief glance at his weapons. “Where are we?” 
She smiled at this, her manner still completely level compared to the author’s obvious uncertainty. “Forgive me for answering your inquiries somewhat out of order,” she said. “To start, as an oracle, it is my gift and my responsibility to know of the past, the present, and the future. My name is Jheselbraum the Unswerving and we are in the world I call home, Dimension 52.”
“...An oracle?” Ford eased up a bit, though he still raised an eyebrow at this. 
“Oh, that’s right,” Jheselbraum said as she strolled to the other end of the room. “Natives of your dimension don’t tend to take much stock in the foresight of oracles and seers anymore, do they?”
Ford couldn’t help but crack the slightest of smiles at this in spite of himself. “I don’t know if that’s entirely true. After all, an old friend of mine dabbles in glimpsing into the future herself.”
“Ah yes, one of the Crystal Gems,” Jheselbraum nodded knowingly. “The one you speak of is called Garnet, though there’s also Amethyst, Pearl, and of course
 the Gem you know as
 Rose Quartz, if I’m not mistaken.”
” Ford frowned, caught off guard by such an accurate listing. “You almost make it sound as though you’ve met them
“After looking through your past, Stanford, I feel as though I might as well have,” Jheselbraum remarked, turning back to face him. 
 argue that could be considered a breach of privacy
” the author said dubiously. 
Surprisingly, Jheselbraum simply laughed at this, her light chuckle just as mysteriously graceful as everything else about her. “Then I apologize for the intrusion. I’ll make sure to ask you the next time I decide to pilfer through your personal timeline. How does that sound?”
?” Ford replied, still unsure of what to make of the seemingly amicable oracle. “In the meantime, do you mind telling me exactly how I wound up here in
 what was it again? Dimension 51?”
“52,” Jheselbraum corrected. “And I suppose you could say I’ve been expecting your arrival here for quite some time. Of course, I did take the liberty of pulling you out of peril; those Exwhylians didn’t exactly show you the greatest hospitality, did they?”
“I’ll say
” Ford huffed as he placed a gentle hand against one of the many bandaged cuts on his cheek. 
“So I brought you here, and got to work tending to your various wounds both old and new,” the oracle continued her explanation. “In case you’re wondering, you’ve been unconscious for roughly a week.”
“A week?!” Ford balked, baffled. 
“Hm. Considering your unsteady relationship with sleep in the past, I would have thought that such a lengthy rest would be more than welcome,” Jheselbraum mused. “Even so, there’s no need to thank me for my services. After all, I must admit that I do have a rather
 selfish reason for bringing you here, Stanford.”
“Oh? And what might that ‘reason’ be?” Ford asked, eyeing the oracle suspiciously once more. 
Jheselbraum’s rather light manner turned serious, almost grave at this as she took a step closer to the author. “I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but word of you and your story has spread far and wide across the multiverse, Stanford Pines. Many in worlds you’ve never even been to before have heard tell of your great ambition, to bring an end to the demon known as Bill Cipher. And I must tell you, that bold and noble cause, you and I are very much alike.”
Ford was completely caught off guard by this revelation, to the point that all he could do for several minutes was stare at the oracle in awe. He knew that he was a wanted man, he had been for several years now, particularly in dimensions where it was clear that Bill had some sort of influence. Likewise, in his travels, he had encountered many creatures and people who cowered in fear at the mere mention of the dream demon, his trickery and treachery extending far and wide to ruin countless lives across the multiverse. And yet, never before had he met someone who seemed intent on actually taking Bill down other than himself
 until now. 
 want to defeat Bill too?” Ford asked quietly, incredulously. 
“I don’t necessarily want to defeat him myself for that’s not the hand that fate is destined to deal me,” Jheselbraum countered calmly. “But I do wish to see him defeated. For untold eons, Cipher has cast a pall of terror across the innocent denizens of the multiverse. I cannot even begin to tell you just how many minds he has broken, how many worlds he’s left in an upheaval of chaos. I have stood on the fringes, spending centuries watching his wickedness spread further and further across the cosmos and yet no one has ever possessed the courage or the might to face his destructive power head-on. No one
 until you, I suppose.”
“Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t know if I’d necessarily call my mission entirely ‘noble’,” Ford noted earnestly. “Bill tricked me; he took advantage of my foolish eagerness to succeed to get what he wanted and in the process, his deception cost me more than I could have ever imagined. This isn’t just about defeating him; it’s about forcing him to experience every bit of shame and humiliation he put me through. It’s about getting even.”
Jheselbraum’s expression was unreadable upon hearing this, though all seven of her multi-colored eyes were steadily set on Ford all the while. “Many good men have been driven to madness in the stubborn pursuit of revenge,” she cautioned simply, though decided to make no further comment as she went off on a different tangent entirely. “Even so, as you are now, you would unfortunately be
 ill-equipped to face Cipher again and survive. Especially given how narrow your last escape from him proved to be.”
“Well, I can assure you my next attempt will have Bill trying to escape instead of me,” Ford finally stood, albeit somewhat unsteadily as he crossed the room to show the oracle his half-built Quantum Destabilizer. “As long as I have this on hand, then he won’t stand a chance. O-once it’s completed, of course.”
“But a weapon alone can only do so much,” Jheselbraum pointed out as she walked over to him, making Ford note just how much she towered over him. Much like Rose used to, really. “You already know well by now that Cipher strikes the fiercest at the part of a person that’s the most difficult to protect: the mind. Deceptive and cunning as he is, he’s a renowned master of the mindscape, and the damage he can inflict there is far worse than anything he or his minions can do to you physically. Which is why, above all else, if you truly wish to face him again, then you must fortify your mind at all costs.”
“Fortify my mind
” Ford repeated, open to just about any idea that could help him best Bill once and for all. “I don’t suppose you know of any special spells or ancient incantations, or heck, even just a few mental exercises that could do that in a relatively short amount of time
 do you?”
“To tell the truth, magic would be of little use here,” the oracle replied. “And when I said you need to fortify your mind, I meant that in the literal sense. A metallic plate, titanium to be exact, inserted directly over the parietal lobe, would more than suffice to protect the inner workings of your mind from Cipher’s immaterial form. I’d be more than willing to perform the operation, but I must warn you that it is notoriously difficult and incredibly high-risk. If even the slightest complication arose, the chances of your survival would be-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Ford interjected by holding a hand up. “Let me get all of this straight. You want me to trust you, someone I’ve literally just met who claims she can see my entire life history, to insert a piece of metal into my skull in a surgery that could very well end up killing me
 just on the off chance that it might be able to stop Bill from getting inside my head?”
“Not might, will,” Jheselbraum corrected, all seven of her eyes bearing down into Ford’s. “If this procedure is a success, then I can guarantee you, Stanford Pines, that the only place within the mindscape that Bill Cipher will be able to reach you from will be within your dreams. But any other mental attack he tries to land against you within the waking world will miss its mark absolutely. And even more than that
 Cipher will never be able to possess your mind or body as his own ever again
Ford’s eyes widened with stunned surprise upon hearing this promise, a promise so hopeful and reassuring that it almost sounded too good to be true. In the torturous weeks efore he’d been tossed into the portal, he had lived in nearly endless fear, wondering when, not if, Bill would launch a vicious assault upon his mind and body by taking them for agonizing joy rides whenever he least expected it. Even after he’d ventured out into the multiverse, after he’d cleared the horrors of the Nightmare Realm, that nagging fear of the dream demon besetting him in the most twisted of ways always persisted in the back of his mind. But now, here was a chance, albeit a risky one, to put that fear to rest once and for all. To beat Cipher at his own game before the game even had a chance to begin. To finally, finally be strong enough to stand up to the demon who had taken so much from him, even if he could never really hope to take any of it back. 
“Yes,” he said without even thinking twice. Perhaps it was that hopeful promise, or the thin mountain air or something else entirely, but Ford was confident that this choice was the right one. As long as the procedure actually ended up working, of course. “Yes, let’s do it. Right away, as soon as possible.”
“Are you absolutely certain?” Jheselbraum asked, admittedly surprised by his easy acceptance. 
“Positive,” Ford nodded, resolved to do whatever it took to bring a long-awaited end to his sinister foe. “In fact, I’ve never been more certain of anything else in my entire life.”
A soft smile finally returned to the oracle’s face at this, one that reminded the author that her determination to see Bill stopped was every bit as strong as his was. And through all of the struggles he’d been through across the multiverse, he’d finally managed to gain an ally who could actually help him do just that. “Very well. Then let’s get started.”
Though Ford had only just regained consciousness after a week of being completely out of it, he didn’t protest to Jheselbraum putting him under again that very same day for the sake of carrying out the operation. Despite the oracle’s claims that the surgery would be an arduous process, Ford was completely out of it for the duration, and mercifully so considering just how long it actually took to finish. Still, once it was finally completed, Jheselbraum let the author rest and recover for as long as he needed to, carefully bandaging up the incision wounds and monitoring his vitals while he slept for well over a day’s time. 
When Ford did finally awaken, he was still rather bleary and unfocused, a natural side effect of an intensive skeletal surgery according to Jheselbraum, though her plethora of unique natural remedies certainly helped ease the migraines that also came along with it. By the time the author was completely coherent again, the oracle estimated that he’d still need about a week of bed rest to fully recover, which was something Ford didn’t protest too much. After all, he’d waited this long to put an end to Bill already; he could afford to wait just a little longer. 
Said wait was made all the more bearable by Jheselbraum herself. The oracle was steadfast yet mysterious, though she also had a bit of a coy, playful side to her personality that shined through her calm and collected exterior every now and again. Because of their shared goal and ambition, it didn’t take long for Ford’s fledgling trust toward the oracle to become a genuine liking, one that was clearly mutual as an earnest friendship began to blossom between the pair. In many ways, Jheselbraum fondly reminded Ford of each of the Crystal Gems as she shared Garnet’s ability in foresight, Pearl’s respectable intellect, even Amethyst’s penchant for mischief, albeit in a much more lowkey way. But above all else, her hospitality, reliability, and endless desire for justice and peace always made Ford think of Rose, almost achingly so as he realized just how much he missed his once-close friend. And while the chances of him ever seeing that friend again were low, at the very least he had managed to make a brand-new one in Jheselbraum. 
The pair discussed various things during the author’s recovery period, though the topic they typically tended to linger on was none other than Bill himself. Given her lengthy lifespan and years of research and searching through the sands of time, Jheselbraum had a vast array of knowledge concerning the dream demon. Such knowledge fascinated Ford to no end, for he had always believed that if he was ever going to truly defeat his most dangerous foe, then the most important step was to know everything there was to know about that foe. And across his many years of traversing the multiverse, he’d never come across someone who had anywhere near as an encyclopedic wealth of information about him as Jheselbraum herself did. And fortunately for Ford, she was more than willing to share all that she knew with him. 
“Cipher has existed far before the galaxy you call home even burst to life,” the oracle detailed as she filtered through her countless bookshelves and scrolls for whatever documents she had on the demon. “But the dimension he once called home remains a mystery to this very day, largely because it is long gone. All that’s known of it is that Cipher himself, in his greedy thirst for ceaseless power, destroyed his entire world in a fit of violent fury, obliterating everything and everyone he’d ever known, including his own family--whatever a ‘family’ meant for his kind.”
“Bill? Having a family?” Ford asked with a dry scoff. “I find that hard to believe. Then again, if he really did have one once, brutally destroying them is absolutely in-character for him.”
“I won’t argue with you there,” Jheselbraum shook her head as she came to sit on the other side of the table of her lofty library. She laid out a collection of scrolls and manuscripts for the author to see, each of them bearing some sort of visage or information about the dream demon. “Ever since then, Cipher has been scouring the multiverse for a new world to conquer as his own. He settled on the in-between dimension now known as the Nightmare Realm some centuries ago, but as you’ve likely heard, that world is not meant to exist for much longer. He’s set his eye on several other dimensions in the past, but at the moment, he seems by far the most preoccupied with laying claim to your very own Earth. It’s hard to say why he’s so dead-set on making that planet in particular his own, but-”
“But he won’t,” Ford interrupted, his expression stony and severe as he cleared down at one of the images of Bill laying before him. “I’ll make sure he won’t.”
Jheselbraum finally smiled at this. “You know, Stanford, you claimed that your mission to defeat Cipher had selfish motives based wholly on matters of vengeance, but
 I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. Anyone willing to lay their own life down for the sake of the world they call home is nothing less than a hero. At least
” she trailed off, her smile turning just a bit more mysterious as she glanced away from the author. “That’s what I’ve come to believe.”
Ford cleared his throat, admittedly flustered for reasons he couldn’t quite place as he loosely repositioned a few of the bandages still wrapped around his head. “Y-yes, well, whether I’m hailed as a hero or not hardly matters to me. Just as long as I’m finally able to give Bill what he rightfully deserves
Strangely, the oracle said nothing to this, her smile gone as each of her eyes focused in on the author intently. Ford froze under her scrutinizing seven-eyed gaze, a gaze that almost seemed to be searching for something. And when it seemed as though she finally found that something, all of her eyes blinked at once as she let out a small, almost amazed gasp as she looked back to the author who was still watching her curiously all the while. “Stanford
 forgive me
” she said, her voice soft, revenant even. “I promised I would not glimpse through your future without your permission, but
 I must tell you
 you have the face of the man who is destined to stop Bill Cipher from conquering your world
“R-really?!” Ford balked, startled by this information, though the mere thought filled his chest with a warm burst of pride. He had the highest of hopes that he would be the one to bring Bill down, but to hear the accomplishment of that goal be all but confirmed by an all-seeing oracle herself was so exciting he could hardly stand it. 
“Yes,” Jheselbraum nodded intently, placing a hand over his on the table. “And in your bloodline flows the strength and determination to destroy him, and all of his evil intentions, once and for all!”
” the author leaned back in his chair, unable to suppress a relieved, elated smile upon hearing such an idea. “A-are you sure?” 
” the oracle paused, pulling her hand away as her gaze drifted toward one of the many tapestries hanging from the wall. This one, like many others that decorated the mountain shrine, depicted a peculiar, almost lizard-like creature, one that always seemed to be wearing a calm, amicable smile in every depiction Jheselbraum owned of it. “Only The One Who Watches truly knows
“The One Who Watches?” Ford asked, confused. 
“..You’ve never heard of it?” the oracle seemed genuinely surprised at this. “How odd. Just about every being in the multiverse is aware of the Great Axolotl.”
“...Isn’t an axolotl some sort of amphibian?” the author asked, still not following. 
“This Axolotl is no mere amphibian,” Jheselbraum said, rising from her seat to face her tapestry of the creature. “It is a timeless, infallible, benevolent being that possesses immense power, far greater than the false might Cipher pretends to wield. From its home between time and space, it spreads its goodwill and kindness to all who dwell in the multiverse. It is even the source of my own gift to gaze through the sands of time as it grants me an open window to look into the future that it weaves. The One Who Watches is the decider of fate across all dimensions
 and I believe that its very own intervention was what led me to find you and bring you here, Stanford.”
“Hmph, well then, I’ll take your word for it,” Ford remarked almost sardonically. 
“You don’t believe me,” Jheselbraum inferred, glancing back at him. “Very well. But you should know that there is an ancient prophecy, passed down by the Great Axolotl itself, that speaks of a chosen one
“A chosen one?” Ford smirked. “That sounds a bit clichĂ©, don’t you think?”
“Still not interested?” the oracle pressed with a faint smile. “Well, you might be after you learn that the Axolotl’s chosen one is destined to be the one who will put an end to Bill Cipher
” Ford repeated, his former amazement swiftly returning. “S-so this
 so-called ‘chosen one’... You don’t think it could be-”
“You?” Jheselbraum asked knowingly. “I suppose it could be
 But even then the true identity of the chosen one is something that the One Who Watches has not permitted me to see, at least not yet. But I believe that if it were you, Stanford, than the Great Axolotl would be making a very good choice when it comes to its chosen one... “
Ford was so deeply gratified and flattered by such genuine encouragement that he scarcely even knew what to say. Jheselbraum was quick to fill in his stark silence however with an offering to raise their already high spirits even more. 
To commemorate Jheselbraum’s hopeful prophecies, we spent the entire night partying and drinking Cosmic Sand--the very same kind Time Baby himself consumes (it’s very sweet though quite strong, like finely aged wine, which is somewhat concerning given that a baby is known to frequently drink it). We had much to be happy about, for as far as Jheselbraum’s glimpses through time were concerned, Bill’s defeat wasn’t too far off into the future. And the mere thought that his cruel trickery would finally be wiped from the cosmos for good was well worth celebrating. 
When I awoke the next morning, she was gone and I was in another dimension entirely. It was time to continue my quest. 
I sometimes wonder where she is now and if by chance I’ll ever see her again
 And if the prophecy she spoke of, as well as the One supposedly behind it, is real after all

Unlike the dimensions I’ve already described, many dimensions in the multiverse are ‘parallel Earths’, very similar to my dimension, but with a few major differences. There are parallel Earths where dinosaurs still rule (one way or another). And ones where dolphins (rather than Homo sapiens) took over as the dominant species after the dinosaurs went extinct. (These dolphin Earths invariably have the best water parks.) There’s a dimension where all music is just screaming, one where tennis balls chase dogs, and one where everyone is the same--except they’re all babies. I didn’t linger there for too long--I don’t care for being spit up on. 
But after nearly 30 years of dimension-hopping, I came upon a parallel Earth almost identical to our own. There was at least one crucial difference. 
But that difference was far from obvious when I first arrived there. Because when I initially step foot into that much more fortunate dimension, I couldn’t help but mistake it for my very own instead. 
Ford could scarcely believe his eyes as he ventured into this new dimension, one with trees, and grass, and a sky that were just like those of his very own home. Even the crisp springtime air smelled just as pleasantly familiar as he remembered Gravity Falls’ being as he walked through the practically identical forest. Never in the course of the past 30 years had he been to a dimension as similar to the Earth he knew as this one, and yet, he was quick to find that the two dimensions weren’t just alike in aesthetics alone. 
For soon enough the natural peace of the forest was broken by voices approaching from the opposite direction Ford was traveling in. Wary as ever, the author slipped behind a larger tree just in case the denizens of this dimension proved to be hostile. And yet, when the group traversing the wood finally came into view, he was completely floored to see that they were none other than a quartet he thought he’d never see again: the Crystal Gems. All four of them looked practically identical to how he remembered them, save for their different outfits, though that hardly fazed Ford as he made the most of an incredible opportunity he thought he’d never get again. 
Upon so much as spotting his close friends again for the first time in nearly 30 years, Ford didn’t hesitate, instead throwing all logic and caution out the window as he rushed out from his hiding spot to greet them. “Rose!” he called first, absolutely elated as he ran up to the Gems, completely breaking through their former conversation. “Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl! I-I can’t believe it! It’s you! It’s really you!”
?” Rose raised a confused eyebrow as she offered the author a quizzical smile. “Are you feeling alright, Ford? You’re much more
 excited than you usually are.”
“Did ya discover some cool new sciency thing again?” Amethyst asked with a playful smirk. “What was it this week--and don’t bother telling me about it unless it’s a way I can shove eats into my gut faster than I already do.”
“Oh, please, Amethyst,” Pearl rebuffed, rolling her eyes. “Stanford must be excited about his odd new attire! From what I’ve observed, humans often tend to celebrate very simple things such as new clothing and the anniversary of the day they came into existence. Though I don’t know if I’d consider clothing like that to be
 too exhilarating.” She frowned, looking over the author’s dark, tattered travel attire critically. “No offense, Ford.”  
“W-what? No!” Ford shook his head, confused. “I-I don’t understand, you all are acting as though I haven’t been gone for the past 30 years!”
 because you haven’t?” Rose pointed out, just as bewildered. “I’m sorry, are
 we playing some sort of strange game here? Because if we are I’m afraid I don’t really know the rules.”
“No, this isn’t a game, Rose,” Ford retired firmly, earnestly. “It really has been 30 years since the last time I’ve seen any of you! Don’t you remember? The portal? Bill? Anything?”
“Bill?” Amethyst piped up. “Pfft, we haven’t talked ‘bout that square of a triangle in forever!”
“Mostly because we haven’t needed to
” Pearl muttered disdainfully. 
 doesn’t make any sense
” Ford said, more to himself than the Gems. “Maybe I ended up in some sort of bizarre time loop? O-or perhaps I could have time traveled in general? I have been through much stranger over the past thirty years but still
“What’s science man goin’ on about this time?” Amethyst wondered as the author continued to anxiously mutter to himself. 
“I have no idea
” Pearl shook her head. “But he certainly is acting odd
“I’m starting to worry about him
” Rose noted fretfully. “Can you make any sense of what’s going on here, Garnet?”
Garnet simply nodded, adjusting her shades before addressing her companions bluntly. “That’s not Ford. Or at least, he’s not our Ford.”
“What?!” Rose, Pearl, and Amethyst all exclaimed, startled by this news. They reacted to it rather recklessly, each of them summoning their weapons in short order and turning them on Ford, who was more than startled by the sudden hostility as a result. 
“An imposter!” Pearl accused hotly. 
“Who are you and what you have done with the real Ford?!” Rose asked, her shield and sword both at the ready. 
“I-I am the real Ford!” the author protested, stumbling backward.
“But again, not our Ford,” Garnet interrupted calmly. 
“What’s that supposed’ta mean?” Amethyst asked, baffled.
“Maybe we should go see Fiddleford,” Rose suggested. “He might be able to help us figure this out.”
“Oh, excellent idea, Rose,” Pearl readily agreed. “He has been working on cloning technology recently. Maybe this Ford is the product of one of his experiments!”
“Wait, Fiddleford?!” Ford’s eyes widened at the mention of his former partner. “Y-you’ve seen Fiddleford recently? Where is he? More importantly, how is he?”
“Well, you can come see him for yourself,” Rose beckoned the author to follow her and the other Gems. “I’m sure he’ll be just as amazed as we are to see another Ford out and about.”
As curious as he was, not only to check in on his old friend but also get to the bottom of this peculiar mystery, Ford didn’t hesitate to follow, even if Pearl and Amethyst still watched him much more suspiciously than Rose and Garnet were. “But don’t think we won’t be keeping a close eye on you
” Pearl warned him as she held up the tail end of the group. 
“Yeah, ya dirty “Fordposter”!” Amethyst teased, elbowing the author hard in the knee as she impishly ran past him.
Even so, Ford took their misgivings, both serious and insincere, in stride, letting out a small sigh of relief as he simply allowed himself to relish the feeling of being in the company of his dependable friends once more. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure they were exactly the same as the Crystal Gems he once knew. “It’s hard to believe how much I’ve missed this
” he muttered contentedly to himself, hoping against hope that, even despite how strange the Gems seemed to be acting, he really was back in his own dimension after all these years after all. 
But he wasn’t. 
Because the differences between this dimension and his own became instantly more apparent as the Gems led the author to where he knew his house should have been. And yet, the homey little shack had received quite an impressive surrounding expansion in the form of a sprawling complex of buildings and structures, one that still featured the Gems’ iconic temple as a fixture of its forested background. Upon seeing the impressive structure, Ford had a multitude of questions, none of which he knew how to properly pose to the Gems as they continued to approach it. Even so, one of those questions was answered as they passed by its sign, which simply donned the campus as the “International Institute of Oddology”.
The Gems seemed to have exclusive access to the institute as they bypassed its front office entirely, entering into its complex series of busy hallways with ease. Just about everyone employed in the building seemed to know the Gems and regard them with friendly pleasantries, though even that paled in comparison to the immediate respect everyone paid Ford in particular. Whenever one of the plentiful lab-coat clad scientists passed him by, they greeted him with excited waves and chipper tidings in which they referred to him as “Dr. Pines” or “Professor Pines”, two titles that Ford had never really gone by before (even though he technically could, given his multiple PhDs. Still, despite this strangely warm reception, nothing could have prepared the author for when the Gems took him into a large, futuristic lab, filled to the brim with just about every scientific tool and tech imaginable. But as astonished by this incredible sight as he was, Ford quickly found himself even more dumbfounded as the Gems led the way to the only other person presently occupying the lab at the moment. None other than Fiddleford McGucket himself. 
“Fiddleford!” Rose greeted the inventor brightly as she hurried over to him first. 
“Oh! Howdy, ladies!” Fiddleford glanced over his shoulder from whatever he was working on. Unlike the Gems, time had actually had an impact on the inventor, though even despite his shallow wrinkles, short beard, and grayed hair, he’d managed to age rather well just as Ford had. “Ya’ll came just in time! I was just about to-” Fiddleford stopped short, swiveling around in his chair to send a peculiar glance Ford’s way. “Stanford? What in tarnation are you wearing?”
The author largely ignored his question as he instead stepped forward, past the Gems, so he could look his once-treasured colleague in the eye for the first time in three decades. “F-Fiddleford
“Fiddleford!” Before Ford could even utter another word, his own voice echoed through the lab, albeit from a different source entirely. As if this entire situation wasn’t already shocking enough, Ford was absolutely floored to see himself enter in through the far side of the room. By all accounts, this other author looked strikingly identical, the only real differences in appearance lying in his clean-shaven face and equally clean scientific attire. He wasn’t paying much attention as he approached the mutually baffled group, leafing through a stack of papers as he addressed his partner evenly. “So I was running the numbers on that new modulator we were working on and-” He stopped short as he finally glanced up, only to notice his near mirror match standing just a few feet away from him. “Ugh, Fiddleford, what did I tell you about stealing samples of my DNA for your little cloning side project?”
 I-I shelved Project Double Vision ‘bout a week ago, Stanford
” Fiddleford noted, his eyes wide as he looked between the two Fords just as incredulously as the Gems all were. 
“Oh,” the other Ford said simply as he looked back to his double. “Then this must simply be the case of yet another deluded, overly-obsessed fan. Well,” he addressed the other author, pulling out a surprisingly threatening taser pen as he eyed him critically. “I don’t know how you managed to outwit both security and the Gems here, but I can assure you that we here at the IIO absolutely do not tolerate such-”
“W-wait!” the first Ford interjected hastily, running with the only reasonable guess he could make about this situation, given the bewildering evidence he’d seen. “I think I know what’s going on here.”
“Oh, do you?” the other Ford raised a dubious eyebrow. 
“Great!” Amethyst chimed in bluntly. “Then do ya mind filling us in?”
“Yes, please?” Rose added, still clearly quite confused. 
“W-well, you see, as far as I can tell, I’m not actually from this dimension,” Ford said, ignoring the sting that came along with admitting that fact. Admitting that he hadn’t really made it home like he’d once thought after all. “Even though it does look practically identical to my own. B-but I have been wandering the multiverse for years now and in that time I’ve come across many parallel dimensions to my own, so the only logical explanation is that this is one of them!”
“Golly!” Fiddleford immediately shot up from his seat upon hearing this. “A near-completely identical parallel dimension!? What are the odds of that?!”
“Now, now, Fiddleford,” the other Ford cautioned, still sternly eyeing his counterpart. “Don’t get too excited. After all, this
 supposed other me doesn’t really seem to have much in the way of proof in regard to his claims
“Oh, really?” Ford met his double’s skepticism with a simple, succinct response as he held up one of his hands. The other Ford balked at the sight of it, glancing between it at his own similarly unique six-fingered hands before reaching out to touch those of his double to authenticate them. “Unbelievable
” he muttered incredulously. “They’re actually
 I hate to say this but
 you might just be from another dimension after all
“Can we skip to the part where we just assume that he is from another dimension?” Fiddleford asked eagerly. “Cause that’s far more excitin’ than just speculatin’!”
“Well even if this Ford is from another dimension,” Pearl cut in with a scowl. “How can we be so sure that he’s anywhere near as trustworthy as ours? He did mention Cipher, of all beings when we first found him, after all.”
“Ugh, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in ages
” the other Ford muttered disdainfully as Fiddleford shuddered fearfully beside him. “And I’d just as soon never hear it again for the rest of my life. So what business do you have with
“I assure you, the only ‘business’ I have with him is putting a stop to his treachery once and for all,” Ford affirmed coldly.
” Rose spoke up with a frown. “You mean
 you haven’t already done that where you’re from?”
“...What do you mean?”
“Oof, well if you actually are from some parallel dimension, then I don’t even want to know how much of a disaster things are there if you’re still dealing with him,” Alternate Ford shook his head. “Because here all it took to keep him from slipping into our reality was a basic Dimensional Vortex Neutralizer to optimize the portal away from the Nightmare Realm, allowing us to safely use it as we please.”
“W-wha--when in the world did you find time to invent something like that?” Ford asked, admittedly wishing that he had done the very same before it had been too late. 
“We all did it together!” Rose smiled warmly. 
“It was pretty easy between the six of us,” Garnet added as coolly as ever.
“Yes, if I remember correctly, we reconvened to devise the schematics for it right after I sent Stanley away with my first journal
” Alternate Ford mused thoughtfully. 
 your Stanley actually listened to you when you told him to take the journal and leave?!” 
“Yours didn’t?”
 of course, he didn’t
” Ford groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. Suddenly, the basic differences of this dimension were becoming all too clear. The split had resulted from a moment so simple, so singular that it might not have mattered at all when it actually happened, but now it clearly did. Because his Stan refusing to take the journal away had been the very reason why he’d wound up sucked into the portal in the first place. And the Stan of this dimension agreeing to do so was the very reason why his alternate self stood before him today.  “Honestly, I’m surprised that any version of Stanley actually would, given how frustratingly stubborn he is
“Well, here I suppose he was just a little
 less stubborn than usual,” Alternate Ford shrugged. “Either that or he had a moment of genuine clarity for once in his life. Even so, we made good on the advantage splitting the journals up gave us, built the Neutralizer, and we haven’t seen or heard from Bill ever since.”
On this Earth, I was never pushed into the portal by Stan. 
On this Earth, my brother listened to me and took Journal 1 away from Gravity Falls. 
On this Earth, I reunited with Fiddleford and Rose and the Gems, and together, created a Dimensional Vortex Neutralizer that allowed us to use the portal without any risk of a connection to Bill’s Nightmare Realm. 
And as a result of those rippling turns of fate, on this Earth, my parallel self was a celebrated star of the scientific community. With the help of Parallel Fiddleford and the Parallel Gems, over the years, he had amassed a wide array of incredible discoveries and inventions, all of which he had publicly published through his journals. And as other scientists read through those journals, it didn’t take long for more aspiring brilliant minds to flock to Gravity Falls, like a moth to a flame, all of them looking to my parallel self for direction when it came to investigating the town’s previously unheard of anomalies. That building community of scientists came together to turn his small cabin in the woods into the sprawling International Institute of Oddology (of which my parallel self was both the founder and chief researcher). And as my parallel self detailed the differences of both his life and his dimension to me, one thought ran paramount within my mind above all else. That this life of success and recognition could have just as easily been my own
 ff only Stanley had actually listened to me for a change instead of thinking only of himself like he’s always done! 
When it was my turn to spell out the details of my vendetta against Bill to my alternate self and his friends, obvious interest was mutually peaked among them all. Parallel Fiddleford’s knee began to bounce with the agitation and excitement as my very own Fiddleford used to carry, and the Parallel Gems all whispered anxiously, yet eagerly to each other. Parallel Rose was every bit the heroic spirit as the Rose I knew as she seemed by far the most intent on seeing Bill be brought to justice, a sentiment my parallel counterpart also keenly shared. Although their dimension was safe from Bill, they all understood the threat Cipher posed to the wider multiverse. They all agreed to do whatever they could to help. 
I showed them my unfinished Quantum Destabilizer--a weapon I was designing to blast Bill into non-existence. The problem, my parallel self theorized, was the power source. In all my travels since leaving Jheselbraum, I had never come across an element that had both the necessary power and the required stability. Parallel Fiddleford piped up with a suggestion, an element that he had discovered in the Paradox Dimension. It was inert when visible, but highly radioactive when hidden. He called it NowUSeeItNowUDontium (a unique flair for language was something else he had in common with my Fiddleford). 
Even just a small sample of the element would be more than enough to get my Destabilizer up and running. The only issue was that NowUSeeItNowUDontium (what a mouthful!) was a notoriously difficult element to work with given just how potentially toxic it could prove to be to humans at the seemingly random points it blinked in and out of existence. That’s where the Parallel Gems came in. As unaffected by radiation as their non-organic forms are, they were able to handle the element with ease, and fortunately, Parallel Pearl in particular was well-versed in working with it thanks to past experiments. 
While the Parallel Gems did their part, I spent the next several days tinkering and making minor adjustments to my blaster’s design, working alongside Parallel Fiddleford and my alternate self to perfect it into a weapon to bring Bill to his swift, much-deserved end. Those few days were filled with plenty of scintillating discussions about the multiverse, parallel dimensions, and of course, the various distinctions and differences of this dimension in particular. The more my parallel self detailed the countless highlights and accomplishments of his lengthy career, the more I wished that my own path had run the same as his as opposed to the ruin I ran into when I was younger. This version of myself had gotten everything I had only ever dreamed of: fame, respect, and the chance to hold onto close friends that I had fallen away from so long ago. And while I didn’t envy him to the point of wanting to take all that he had away from him, I had to admit that if I had even just a fraction of the good fortune my parallel self had known, then perhaps my life would have turned out far different than it had ended up going. 
As much as I might have wanted to revel in my parallel self’s success, it was clear that there was literally no place for me in this dimension. Even if I could have stayed there for the rest of my days, my own conscious would not have allowed it. I still held onto the vow I had made close to 30 years earlier to destroy Bill Cipher. And after about a week of finalizing and finishing my Quantum Destabilizer, it was finally time for me to do exactly that. 
“Are you sure you have to go?” Parallel Rose asked as everyone prepared to see the author off on his way. 
“Yeah, havin’ another science man around could be fun!” Parallel Amethyst quipped as impishly as ever. “‘Specially if he can finally invent that food shovel I’ve been asking for forever now!”
“I have to admit that even though I was somewhat
 distrustful of another Stanford just randomly showing up out of the blue, it was still a pleasure working with you all the same,” Parallel Pearl grinned, cordially extending her hand out for Ford to shake. 
“Safe travels,” Parallel Garnet bid him succinctly. “And don’t worry about your cellmate when you meet her. You’ll see her again eventually.”
 thank you?” Ford frowned, confused by this strange, cryptic advice. 
“Go take that Quantum Destabilizer ‘n show that rabble rousin’, no-good son of gun Cipher what for!” Parallel Fiddleford cheered with all of the southern zeal Ford was familiar with when it came to his own Fiddleford. 
“For the sake of your dimension, our own, and countless others exactly like both,” the parallel author began intently. “I wish you luck. Or, uh
 I wish me luck? Huh. Even after a week this is still confusing.”
“Thank you,” Ford nodded warmly. “All of you. I have no doubts that our hard work will go a long way toward putting a stop to Cipher and his tyranny once and for all.”
“We can only hope,” Parallel Ford agreed as the others fondly began to wave the author off. 
“Happy trails, Other Stanford!” Parallel Fiddleford called cheerily. 
“I hope you make it back home someday!” Parallel Rose added just as brightly. 
“And if you don’t make it back to your own dimension, then you’re always welcome to visit ours any time you’d like!” Parallel Pearl chimed in somewhat obliviously. 
“That’s not very likely to happen,” Parallel Garnet pointed out, though she didn’t explain much more beyond that. 
Even so Ford continued on his way back into the woods, savoring his last few moments in this world that was so very much like his own before he ultimately left it entirely. 
After 30 long years of planning in the shadows and biding my time, my chance finally seemed to have arrived. With the finished Quantum Destabilizer in tow, there was nothing keeping me from returning to the place where this nightmare had begun to put an end to the one who had woven it in the first place. 
I was finally ready to go back to the Nightmare Realm and face Bill Cipher. 
And yet
 the dimension I ended up in next was about as far from the Nightmare Realm as I could have gotten
 and pitted me against a threat that was every bit as dangerous as Bill: 
The Gem Homeworld and the Great Diamond Authority. 
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cerealsensei · 6 years ago
We're back with some more fight talk mayne!
On today's episode @theanticool and I cover TJ Dillashaw's failed drug test, ESPN+ ball hogging the UFC PPV's and DAZN raising their subscription prices. We also give thoughts on Luke Rockhold moving up to light heavyweight and of course we cover the Pettis Vs Wonderboy card which ended with Wonderboy's soul being sent to the next dimension. Be sure to share this episode with a fellow fight fan!
Time Stamps
March Madness (3:27) Fight news and announcements (9:19) TJ Dillashaw's failed drug test (22:37) ESPN+ exclusively hosting UFC PPV's (30:30) DAZN price changes (43:10) Bellator 218, LFA 62, KSW 47 (1:03:01) Errol Spence Vs Mikey Garcia (1:07:28) Pettis Vs Wonderboy main card (1:11:30) ESPN+ prelims (1:52:42) Barboza Vs Gaethje predictions (2:12:13) Parting shots and shout outs (2:21:37)
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3dprintingdxb · 2 years ago
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lupine-publishers-rrhoaj · 3 years ago
Lupine Publishers|Qualıty of Lıfe Among Menopausal Women and Nursıng
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    Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Increased life expectancy at birth decreases the quality of life that women experience during menopause. Decreased quality of life reduces the chance of living healthy. Therefore, nurses who communicate with women mostly have important duties. This review highlights the problems experienced during the menopausal period, the impact of the problems on the quality of life and the responsibilities of nurses.
Keywords: Menopause; Quality of life; Nursing
The word menopause is derived from the Greek word Mens (month) and pause and is a period of transition from the reproductive age of women to the period in which the reproductive ability of the ovary functions is lost. According to the World Health Organization [WHO] definition of menopause, it is the permanent termination of menstruation as a result of loss of ovarian activity [1,2]. The average age of menopause in the world varies between 50- 52. Menopause is not a process that suddenly develops. It occurs at the end of an ongoing process over the years [3]. In the menopausal period, a number of complaints related to estrogen deficiency due to loss of function of the ovarial follicles can be seen [1,4,5]. The most common problems experienced by women in menopausal period due to estrogen deficiency are night sweats, hot flashes, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, restlessness, decreased sexual interest, vaginal atrophy, stress incontinas and painful sexual intercourse [6-8]. Menopausal period-specific changes can be overcome without any problems when adapted to these changes. However, sometimes physiological and psychological changes caused by hormonal changes can cause problems and affect the quality of life of women, increase depression and decrease the general health level of the society [1,9-13]. The concept of quality of life is defined as the integrity of subjective perception, emotion and cognition processes that are based on self-evaluation of individual’s life, and includes the expressions of pleasure and satisfaction taken from the individual’s own life related to individual well-being and various aspects of life. To summarize briefly, quality of life is the satisfaction that individuals take from home and community life, from physical and mental well-being and from health [14]. The scope of quality of life is very wide and includes physical, physiological and social health concepts from one’s social life [14,15]. Today, parameters such as reducing complaints caused by physical and physiological reasons or prolonging life expectancy are inadequate in the evaluation of health perception. How the individual perceives his/her own situation in the changing health perception is also included in these parameters. This emphasizes the importance of the concept of quality of life in health. When evaluating the quality of life related to health, all dimensions affecting the quality of life should be considered and a holistic approach should be adopted. For example, parameters such as income level, social opportunities, political environment, environmental conditions and personal beliefs, which are among the main factors that determine health problems, should not be considered separately from the quality of life [15].
With the prolongation of the life expectancy, there was also a prolongation of the women’s menopausal period. In this prolonged period, menopausal complaints experienced by women and health problems increased by menopause adversely affect quality of life [16]. Symptoms in menopause are not the only criterion for quality of life and health perception. However, these menopausal symptoms in women may adversely affect the quality of life and physical and mental health of women [17]. In addition, the knowledge of menopause by women in the pre-menopausal period and the knowledge about the symptoms and changes to be experienced sometimes result in no change in the quality of life between premenopausal and menopausal periods [5]. Factors affecting the quality of life and menopausal complaints during menopausal period include many factors such as age, marital status, education level, presence of chronic disease, menopausal period, regular gynecological control and number of births [7-18]. Determining the factors affecting the quality of life of women in menopausal period and using the results to improve women’s health, preserving and improving the quality of life in menopause are among the important roles and responsibilities of health professionals [14].
Nursing Approach in Menopausal Complaints
Nurses are health professionals who play an active role in prevention of diseases in the community, undertaking good care at the time of illness and improving health. As it can be understood from the definition, the duty of the nurse was extended from providing health service to individuals and family in the society to preventive health services with holistic health understanding [19]. Nurses should evaluate the factors holistically in order to improve the quality of life by enabling women to adapt to life. Therefore, nurses play a major role in this process when approaching women in menopause and nurses need to have sufficient knowledge of menopause [14]. In the menopausal period, which is an important and difficult period for women, women may experience some mental changes such as mood changes along with physical changes. This may adversely affect the physical and psychosocial health of women. In addition, these problems may affect not only the woman but also the family and society. In the menopausal period, medical treatment alone is not sufficient and women may need the knowledge and experience of nurses and counseling. An important task for the nurse at this point is that the nurse should be a good educator [19]. For this reason, nurses should have knowledge in every area and be equipped with special information about menopause [20]. In the menopausal period, women and their families should be informed about this special period and at the same time, they should be educated and supported about the menopausal period. In the trainings given, physical and psychological problems specific to the menopause period should be explained, obscurity of the process should be eliminated and thus, anxiety of the woman should be decreased. As a result, the coping mechanisms of the woman are activated. In this process, nurses should facilitate women’s adaptation to menopausal period, support women, and guide women in their problems and help them cope [14]. The objectives of the health care that the nurse will offer to the women in menopause are:
a) Collecting data about the experiences and expectations, social and cultural support systems of women during this period,
b) Determining the quality of life of women and planning health care according to these data,
c) Providing training and consultancy to women and their families in meeting basic requirements,
d) Ensuring that women play an active role both in decisionmaking and in the implementation of behaviors in the protection and promotion of health [4].
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biointernet · 5 years ago
The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions
Erik Cambria, Andrew Livingstone, Amir Hussain Abstract Human emotions and their modelling are increasingly understood to be a crucial aspect in the development of intelligent systems. Over the past years, in fact, the adoption of psychological models of emotions has become a common trend among researchers and engineers working in the sphere of affective computing. Because of the elusive nature of emotions and the ambiguity of natural language, however, psychologists have developed many different affect models, which often are not suitable for the design of applications in fields such as affective HCI, social data mining, and sentiment analysis. To this end, we propose a novel biologically-inspired and psychologically-motivated emotion categorisation model that goes beyond mere categorical and dimensional approaches. Such model represents affective states both through labels and through four independent but concomitant affective dimensions, which can potentially describe the full range of emotional experiences that are rooted in any of us. Keywords Cognitive and Affective Modelling, NLP, Affective HCI  LNCS 7403 - The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions Introduction Emotions are an essential part of who we are and how we survive. They are complex states of feeling that result in physical and psychological reactions in- fluencing both thought and behaviour. The study of emotions is one of the most confused (and still open) chapters in the history of psychology. This is mainly due to the ambiguity of natural language, which does not allow to describe mixed emotions in an unequivocal way. Love and other emotional words like anger and fear, in fact, are suitcase words (many different meanings packed in), not clearly defined and meaning different things to different people . Hence, more than 90 definitions of emotions have been offered over the past century and there are almost as many theories of emotion, not to mention a complex array of overlapping words in our languages to describe them. Some cat- egorisations include cognitive versus non-cognitive emotions, instinctual (from the amygdala) versus cognitive (from the prefrontal cortex) emotions, and also categorisations based on duration, as some emotions occur over a period of seconds (e.g., surprise), whereas others can last years (e.g., love). Full text PDF The Hourglass of Emotions: Download The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions NLP References 1.Minsky, M.: The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind. Simon & Schuster (2006)2.James, W.: What is an emotion? Mind 34, 188–205 (1884)3.Dalgleish, T.: The emotional brain. Nature: Perspectives 5, 582–589 (2004)4.Broca, P.: Anatomie comparĂ©e des circonvolutions cĂ©rĂ©brales: Le grand lobe limbique. Rev. Anthropol. 1, 385–498 (1878)5.Papez, J.: A proposed mechanism of emotion. Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 7, 103–112 (1937)6.Maclean, P.: Psychiatric implications of physiological studies on frontotemporal portion of limbic system (visceral brain). Electroencephalogr Clin. Neurophysiol. suppl.4, 407–418 (1952)7.Ledoux, J.: Synaptic Self. Penguin Books (2003)8.Vesterinen, E.: Affective computing. In: Digital Media Research Seminar, Helsinki (2001)9.Pantic, M.: Affective computing. In: Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, vol. 1, pp. 8–14. 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The Guilford Press (2007)38.Ma, C., Osherenko, A., Prendinger, H., Ishizuka, M.: A chat system based on emotion estimation from text and embodied conversational messengers. In: Int’l Conf. Active Media Technology, pp. 546–548 (2005)39.Alm, C., Roth, D., Sproat, R.: Emotions from text: Machine learning for text-based emotion prediction. In: HLT/EMNLP, pp. 347–354 (2005)40.Lin, W., Wilson, T., Wiebe, J., Hauptmann, A.: Which side are you on? identifying perspectives at the document and sentence levels. In: Conference on Natural Language Learning, pp. 109–116 (2006)41.D’Mello, S., Craig, S., Sullins, J., Graesser, A.: Predicting affective states expressed through an emote-aloud procedure from autotutor’s mixed-initiative dialogue. Int’l J. Artificial Intelligence in Education 16, 3–28 (2006)42.Danisman, T., Alpkocak, A.: Feeler: Emotion classification of text using vector space model. In: AISB (2008)43.Strapparava, C., Mihalcea, R.: Learning to identify emotions in text. In: ACM Symp. 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Personality and Social Psychology Review 10(1), 20–46 (2006)50.Krumhuber, E., Kappas, A.: Moving smiles: The role of dynamic components for the perception of the genuineness of smiles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 29(1), 3–24 (2005)51.Lewis, M., Granic, I.: Emotion, Development, and Self-Organization: Dynamic Systems Approaches to Emotional Development. Cambridge University Press (2002)52.Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial (1991)53.Minsky, M.: The Society of Mind. Simon and Schuster, New York (1986) About this paper Cite this paper as: Cambria E., Livingstone A., Hussain A. (2012) The Hourglass of Emotions. In: Esposito A., Esposito A.M., Vinciarelli A., Hoffmann R., MĂŒller V.C. (eds) Cognitive Behavioural Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7403. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Publisher Name Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Print ISBN 978-3-642-34583-8 Online ISBN 978-3-642-34584-5 eBook Packages Computer Science The Hourglass of Emotions See also:
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Seem straightforward, does not it? Absolutely, nothing at all to think about. Besides, considering that you can visit your internet site with no issue, thus should Google.com, right? Sadly, there is a catch. An internet webpage appears various for you and the online search engine. You see it as an assortment of graphics, colors, content along with its own formatting, as well as hyperlinks.
The smart Trick of Web Seo That Nobody is Talking About
Therefore, any type of elements it can certainly not render through this continue to be unnoticeable to the internet search engine. And also thus, despite your web site appearing great to you, Google.com might discover its information elusive. Let me show you an example. Here is actually how a regular online search engine sees one of our articles.
4 Easy Facts About Seo Sem Explained
Notice some factors concerning it: The webpage is only text message. Although our company properly made it, the only components an internet search engine finds are actually message and also web links. Because of this, it may not https://www.webs.org.il/%D7%94%D7%91%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%92-%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%A0%D7%95/%D7%97%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%91%D7%95%D7%AA-%D7%9E%D7%97%D7%A7%D7%A8-%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%AA-%D7%9E%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%97-%D7%91%D7%A2%D7%95%D7%9C%D7%9D-%D7%94%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%93%D7%95%D7%9D/ observe a photo on the page (keep in mind the aspect significant along with an arrowhead.) It merely identifies its own label. If that photo contained a necessary keyword we had actually yearn for the page to rate for, it would certainly be actually undetectable to the search motor.
A Biased View of Google Seo
It ensures that your site and also pages allow Google to browse as well as index all of them with no problems. As well as the most important variables influencing it feature: Search engines crawl sites only like you would. They comply with links. Internet search engine spiders come down on a page and also utilize web links to discover various http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=search egine optimization other information to analyze.
Not known Facts About Seo Optimization
Therefore, set the navigating as well as web links as text-only. Explore engines do not like reading through long strands of words with intricate framework. Thus, preferably, keep your Links small. Establish all of them up to consist of as little bit of past the primary key phrase for which you would like to optimize the webpage, as possible. Explore engines, make use of the bunch time-- the opportunity it considers a consumer to become capable to read the webpage-- as an indicator of premium.
Facts About Search Engine Marketing Uncovered
Picture dimension, for example. Make use of Google.com's Webpage Rate Insights Resource for pointers exactly how to enhance your pages. A lifeless link sends a guest to a nonexistent page. A faulty redirect points to a resource that may no more exist. Each give unsatisfactory user expertise but likewise, protect against internet search engine from indexing your information.
Seo Services Fundamentals Explained
Search engines use it to recognize what pages to creep and index. A robots.txt file, on the contrary, informs internet search engine what information not to mark (for example, specific policy web pages you do not really want to appear in search.) Develop both to quicken crawling as well as indexing of your information.
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Some Known Questions About Website Optimization.
They often locate it near inconceivable to calculate what material they should display in search results. For that reason, internet search engine take into consideration duplicate information as a bad factor. And upon finding it, may punish a site by not presenting some of those webpages at all. Included Source Every single time you make use of a hunt engine, you're searching for content-- relevant information on a specific concern or even issue, for instance.
The smart Trick of Google Seo That Nobody is Discussing
Perhaps content, like a blog or even a website page. However it could additionally be a video clip, product referral, as well as even a business listing. It's all information. And for Search Engine Optimisation, it's what helps acquire greater search presence. Here are pair of main reasons why: For one, information is what consumers desire when looking.
Some Known Details About Seo Sem
As well as the more of it you post, the higher your possibility for greater hunt visibility. However also, hunt engines make use of content to find out how to place a page. It's the tip of relevance between a page and a person's search query that we discussed earlier. While crawling a webpage, they determine its own topic.
The Definitive Guide for Seo Agency
Located on this relevant information, search formulas may match an individual's question with pages they think about one of the most applicable to it. The method of enhancing web content starts with keyword research. S.E.O is actually not concerning getting any kind of site visitors to the web site. You yearn for to bring in folks who need what you offer and also may come to be tops, as well as eventually, consumers.
Fascination About Website Ranking
Or else, there's no chance they 'd ever discover you. As well as that's even if your web site seemed on top of the search engine results page. That is actually why Search Engine Optimization work begins along with discovering what phrases possible purchasers participate in internet search engine. The process typically involves identifying phrases and also topics applicable to your company. At that point, turning them in to first keywords.
Unknown Facts About Seo Sem
We have actually posted an extensive resource to keyword analysis for beginners. It lays out the keyword study method in particular. Use it to recognize hunt phrases you should be targeting. Along with a list of keywords handy, the upcoming action is actually to enhance your material. SEOs pertain to this process as on-page optimization.
Getting My Seo Company To Work
Take note, I mentioned "page" not web content. That is actually because, although the majority of on-page SEO job centers on the words you make use of, it encompasses optimizing some aspects in the code. You may have found out about several of all of them-- meta-tags like label or description are actually pair of very most well-known ones. However there are more.
About Website Ranking
Keep in mind: Because blog post information prevails on the majority of internet sites, when talking those elements, I'll focus on weblog Search Engine Optimization-- maximizing blog for appropriate search phrases. Nevertheless, all this insight is actually equally legitimate for other webpage styles also. Included Information i. Search phrase Marketing First, make certain that Google comprehends what key words you wish this webpage to rate.
Bar Yehuda Road 52, Nesher
Facts About Seo Revealed
Google is known to put additional market value on terms at the start of the heading. LINK: Your page's internet address must likewise consist of the key phrase. Ideally, consisting of nothing else. Also, get rid of any sort of cease words. H 1 Tag: In the majority of material administration units, this tag displays the name of the webpage by nonpayment.
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siva3155 · 5 years ago
300+ TOP GOOGLE ANALYTICS Interview Questions and Answers
GOOGLE ANALYTICS Interview Questionsfor freshers and experienced :-
1. What is Google Analytics and main purpose of Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a web analytics software used to track the traffic on the website. The major purpose of analytics is to analyse the information about the site and make decisions to improve the site traffic and revenue. 2. What is key benefits of Google Analytics ? Helps you understand customers by Geo. Which Geo brings you the most customers. Helps you segment the business in the more optimized way. Helps in understand the behaviors of which term bringing more traffic to the website. Helps in understanding the visitor’s arrival to your website is through some other website or through the search engine. 3. What is a session? If a user visits a website the session is started, the session can last for 30 minutes if no activity is done. A new session is started in analytics if your source is changed. For example if a user visits from organic results, one session is started and same user open a same site from PPC, then next session is started. 4. What is meant by KPI in Analytics? KPI means Key Performance Indicators. These metrics helps the business to analyse their websites based on the business objective. Example of KPI: Users, Sessions, Avg Time, Bounce Rate, Conversion rate etc. 5. What are segments in Analytics? Segments are used to define the subset of data in overall data. For example we can create a segment for organic, paid traffic etc. 6. Can the data change once Google analytics has processed the data? No, it cannot change. 7. What are events in Google Analytics? Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. We can create custom events to track downloads, play buttons and ajax load etc. 8. What are goals and how many goals can we create in analytics? A goal defines a completed user activity, called a conversion that contributes to the success of your business. We can have only 20 goals per one web property 9. What is benchmarking? This metric helps us to compare our data with the market aggregated data from relevant industry who share the data anonymously. 10. What is Bounce Rate? The percentage of users who leave the website without visiting any other page is bounce rate. Higher bounce rate is very negative for website, as users are not showing interest in the site.
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GOOGLE ANALYTICS Interview Questions 11. What is the optimal bounce rate for website? A good bounce rate is around 30% for websites. 12. What is Funnel in Goals ? Series of pages which are expected to be accessed to reach the destination page to complete the goal is defined as funnel. For example a e-commerce website funnel will be like. Add to Cart => Signin/Singup => Add Address => Make Payment => Thankyou Page. 13. Can we delete the goals after created them in Google Analytics? No, we cannot delete the goal. But we can stop recording the goal by disabling the goal. 14. What are custom Events in Google Analytics? To track the changes in a specific metric, we can set parameters which can trigger and custom event is created. 15. What is mean by Users in Analytics? It defines the users who have visited the site at least one time in given time frame. 16. What is meant by Cohort Reports? A cohort is a group of users who share a common characteristic that is identified in this report by an Analytics dimension. 17. What is use of Acquisition Reports? We can analyse the source of our traffic to the website. Ex: Organic, PPC, social etc. 18. What is “Not Provided” data in Keyword Reports? The keywords data which is blocked by Google and will not show in Analytics reports. Most of the website is unable to find the exact keywords for which a conversion was happened. 20. What is meant by Experiments? Experiments tool is used to measure the results of campaigns with different design/view. It is also called as A/B testing. 21. What is attribution in Google Analytics? An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touch points in conversion paths. In other words the attribution can help us to know the proper touch points in the funnel. 22. What is Real-time data in Analytics? With this tool we can analyse the present traffic on the site. 23. Can we separate the users based on devices? Yes we can segment the data based on devices. Under audience reports we can analyse this data. 24. Can we track Google AdSense data in Google Analytics? Yes using Publisher tab we can connect our Google AdSense with Google Analytics 25. What is Exit rate in Analytics? For all page views to the page, Exit Rate is the percentages that were the last in the session. Which means we can analyse the % of users who left the site from particular page? 26. What is meant by Average Load Time? The avg. amount of the time taken by the website to load it in the browser. The website must be loaded as fast possible for quick loading. 27. In analytics reports we can sometimes get a lot of spam data from spam sources/domains, how to deal with this issue? We can set the filters to avoid all this data from spam sources/domains. 28. Auto tagging is used in which type of traffic? Auto tagging is a feature used in Adwords Campaign Traffic. 29. What is the formula of ROI? ROI stands for Return ON Invest The formula of ROI is: (Revenue – Cost) / Cost 30. What is E-Commerce tracking in Google Analytics? Ecommerce tracking is a snippet of code you can include on your site or app to collect transaction data like product sales, purchase amounts, and billing locations, and connect it to your Google Analytics account. 31. What is category in Google Analytics? The Category is at the top of the hierarchy. It’s a way to bundle user activity together. “Slideshow”, “Videos”, and “Downloads” are good examples of categories, though you can be as specific or broad as your content requires. 32. What is Action in Google Analytics? The action is literally what the user does. For example let us consider a video player the actions performed on this are play, pause, share, get embed link, etc. 33. What is Label in Google Analytics? Label Provides a bit more information about the user’s action. 34. What is Search Console and how to link with Google Analytics? Search Console can help you understand how users find your site through Google search. Identify ways to attract more attention to your site and prioritize development efforts. To know more about link your Google analytics with search console: Click Here 35. What are Network referrals in Google Analytics? Identify the networks and communities where people engage with your content. Learn about each community, and identify your best performing content on each network. 36. Do Google Analytics will track Actual click path of individual visitor or not? Yes, Google Analytics will track each and every click and click path of each and individual visitor. 37. What are cookies in analytics? Cookies are the text files which are stored on the client computer. 38. Difference between Clicks and Visits? Click is an action performed on a site or a particular product. Users are spending time on site is called visit. 39. What is the use of Track Page View in Google Analytics? Track Page View is used to register a page view in Google Analytics 40. What is Demographics in Google Analytics? Demographics in Google Analytics show the age group of people who is visiting our website. 41. What are UTM parameters? UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. Parameters that are added to url’s in order to tgrack organic traffic referral traffic and cpc(Cost Per Click) traffic. 42. What is Assisted Conversion? When one traffic source results in later goal completion through another traffic source. 43. Why it is useful to assign a value to your Goal in Google Analytics? It is very useful to assign a goal value in Google Analytics that will track actual cost from your conversion 44. How can you see where the visitors are clicking most on your website? This can be identified or seen with the help of In-Page Analytics. 45. How can you find the UA tracking code? U.A stands for Universal Analytics. The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the admin section of web property. 46. What are the different elements of Event Tracking in Google Analytics? There are three elements in event tracking. they are Categories Actions Labels 47. What is RPC in Google Analytics? RPC stands for Revenue Per Click is a metric available in Google Analytics for using of E-Commerce tracking. 48. How to identify the top or popular pages on my website in Google Analytics? To identify the top landing pages on our website by using google analytics got to behavior section. You can find the top 10 trending content on your website. 49 .How can you identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to my website? The keyword column displays traffic that are coming from organic and paid. 50. What is event tracking in Google Analytics? Event tracking includes the Google Analytics code customization and it is used to track a specific occasion or an action on a website like a tick, download of documents, files, software’s etc. 51. What is a Search Depth in Google Analytics? Search Depth in Google Analytics is the average number of page visitors viewed after performing a search on site. 52. What are cookies in analytics? Cookies are the text files which are stored on the client computer. 53. What is Cohort Size? Cohort determines time frame that is used to determine the size of each cohort. 54. How many types of custom Reports in Google Analytics? There are 3 types of custom Reports in Google Analytics.they are Explorer Flat Table Map overlay 55. What is Explorer? A Standard Google analytics report that consist line graph and data table that include dynamic the elements like search, sort and secondary dimensions. 56. What is Flat Table? A static sortable table that displays that data in rows. 57. What is Mapoverlay? A Map of the world of different regions and countries displaying in darker colours to indicate the traffic and engagement Volume. 58. What is site search button? If you have a site search button on your website. You want to know what the people are searching for when they come to your site. This is mainly useful for E-Commerce site. 59. What is Cohort in Google Analytics? Cohort means a group of user who share the same content with same time. They are four sections Cohort type Cohort size Metric Date range 60. What is Cohort type? The cohort type corresponds to table column that includes total number of users in cohort, currently only one position is available that is acquisition date. 61. What is meant by conversions and how will you track conversions through GA? Conversions happens when any predefined goals are accomplished thereby generating ROI to the business. In other words if the user take any desired action on the site, its considered as conversion. For example filling the form, purchasing a product etc. We use Goals in Analytics to set the conversion tracking. 62. Role of KPI in Google Analytics? This is the common Google analytics Interview Questions asked in an interview. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. It helps in tracking the important things to a business. For eg: No. of visits, no. of clicks, sessions, returning users, first-time visitors, bounce rate etc. KPI helps you track your business SLA’s as well. 63. What is a Cohort in Google Analytics? Cohort refers to a set of customers who shares the same characteristics as they have same bought the same kind of products, they have the same purchase date etc. It helps an organization to analyze group wise behavior by their metrics and revenue. 64. Does Google Analytics support real-time data? Yes. With Google Analytics we can observe the present traffic to a webpage. It can give an update about data traffic, insights, reactions happening on your webpage for every moment. This can help the organization drive the promotional campaign on Twitter or any other public websites. 65. Explain A/B testing in terms of Google Analytics. A/B testing is a great way to identify and fix the improvements that can result in the major impact on your online success. E.g. You have two variations of your webpage. And you divided the traffic equally 50%-50% towards both the pages. Suppose outcome of Analysis of both the pages came out to be: People are more fascinated or more reactive towards the first page rather than the 2nd page. Hence you finalize on your 1st page, as that is more effective. So, the decision made here is not based on intuition. Instead, it’s a fact-based decision. Google Analytics uses this A/B testing to improvise on the website content management. 66. What do you know about the bounce rate? What’s the optimal value of bounce rate for a website? Bounce rate is the measure of the number of customers who leave the website without visiting any other page. The higher the bounce rate, the negative is the response of customers. Google Analytics focuses on two things: Bounce rate of a webpage & Bounce rate of a website. 30% bounce rate is considered normal. 30% to 70% is slightly worrisome. Above 70% means people are not sticking to your website and you need to optimize your website immediately. High bounce rate can bring the conclusion which is as follows: Page quality is not that good to engage people on the website. Purpose of a page not matching with the demand of the audience. Visitors have not found the extent of the information that they were looking for. 67. Can you explain events in Google Analytics? This is the most popular Google analytics Interview Questions asked in an interview. An event is a word referred for collecting the interaction with the web page or screen load. Few examples are: Click Gadgets Downloads Flash elements Video plays etc. The event has 4 components: Category Action Label Value 68. Explain the terms: Dimensions & Metrics in Google Analytics. The basic unit of any analytical report is comprising of dimensions and metrics. To represent a table, dimensions are arranged in rows, and metrics are arranged in columns. Dimensions are the data which is attributed such as city, browser, product type, geo, country etc. Metrics are the quantitative measurement such as bounce rate, session duration, number of events etc. GOOGLE ANALYTICS Questions with Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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lupine-publishers-scsoaj · 5 years ago
Lupine Publishers | 56 Years of Experience of Primary Tumors of The Heart
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Lupine Publishers | Journal of Surgery & Case Studies
From 1963 to 2019 7,600 open Heart operations were done in ouers diferents centers in Argentina. 23 Patients (0.3%) were operated on of primary Tumor of the heart. In this report, we review the surgical experience and results of cardiac tumors during this 56 years Material and methods 15 patients were female (65%) The average age was 52 years (1967) The clinical presentation was Dyspnea 8 (34,8%) Arrtymia 6 (26,08%) ChestPain 3 (13%), Emboli 2 (8,7%), Syncope 2 (8,7%), Accidentaly 2(8,7%). 17 were Myxomas 17 cases (74%) 15 (88%) left and 2 (12%) rigth. Papillary Fibroelastoma 4 (17,4%) sarcoma 1 (4,4%) Cyst 1 (4,4%) Surgical Thecnique: all of the patients in this serie were operated on with Cardiopulmonary Byapass Results The operative mortality was 1 case (4,3%). The patient with a Sarcoma died inmediatly after the operation; the entire Rigth Ventricle was invaded by the Tumor the exsicion was very dificult. The rest of the patients survived the operation At the average of 29, 8 years of follow up of the 17 patients with Myxmomas 6 (35%) died ,no recurrence of the Tumor were found in this patients. In the patients with Papillary Fibroelastoma 2 patients were lost of follow up one died at 12 years after de operation and the other is alive The patient withCyst died at 8 years after the operation conclusiĂłn Most of the primary Tumors of the Heart have good Surgical Prognosis is vey important the early detention.
Keywords:Primary Tumors of the Heart; Surgical of Tumors of the Hearts; Surgery Tumors of the Heart
Primary cardiac tumors can be classified as either benign/ malignant or primary/secondary of malignant pathology. Data from 22 large autopsy series reported by Mc Allister et al [1]. showed the frequency of primary cardiac tumors is ∌0.02%, corresponding to 200 tumors in 1 million autopsies. Around 75% are benign; nearly half are myxomas; and a majority of the rest are lipomas, papillary fibroelastomas, and rhabdomyomas [1]. Sixty years ago in 1954, Crafoord [2] was the first to excise an atrial myxoma on cardiopulmonary bypass [2]. Today, cardiac tumors represent around 0.3% of all open-heart surgeries [3]. From 1963 to 2019 7,600 open Heart operations were done in ouers diferents centers in Argentina. 23 Patients (0.3%) were operated on of primary Tumor of the heart. In this report, we review the surgical experience and results of cardiac tumors during this 56 years.
Material and Methods
15 patients were female (65%) The average age was 52 years (1967) The clinical presentation was Dyspnea 8 (34,8%) Arrtymia 6 (26,08%) ChestPain 3 (13%), Emboli 2 (8,7%), Syncope 2 (8,7%), Accidentaly 2(8,7%). 17 were Myxomas 17 cases (74%) 15 (88%) left and 2 (12%) rigth. Papillary Fibroelastoma 4 (17,4%) sarcoma 1 (4,4%) Cyst 1(4,4%) Surgical Thecnique: all of the patients in this serie were operated on with Cardiopulmonary Byapass 21 througth Sternotomy and 2 Minimally invasive Rigth Thoracotomy. In 20 patients the tumor was excised under direct visiĂłn with and without magnification. In 3 patients Video 3 D was used to improved the visualization during the operation.
The operative mortality was 1 case (4,3%). The patient with a Sarcoma died inmediatly after the operation; the entire Rigth Ventricle was invaded by the Tumor the exsicion was very dificult. The rest of the patients survived the operation At the average of 29,8 years of follow up of the 17 patients with Myxmomas 6 (35%) died ,no recurrence of the Tumor were found in this patients. In the patients with Papillary Fibroelastoma 2 patients were lost of follow up one died at 12 years after de operation and the other is alive The patient withCyst died at 8 years after the operation.
The most common site of attachment of the myxoma is in the fossa ovalis. Accounts for approximately 70% of all cardiac tumors. Locations of this tumor in the general population are: 75% in the left atrium (LA), 23% in the right atrium (RA), and only 2% in the ventricles [4-6] Other rare arising of CM are the hearts valves Multiple locations present in 50% in familial forms [7-9]. The clinical signs, manifestations, and symptoms produced are non-specific and determined by the location, size, and mobility of tumor. The main patterns of clinical presentation for patients with myxoma are in general in all the experiences; dyspnea, syncoptic episodes, arrhythmia, palpitations, congestive heart failure, and sudden death, systemic embolism) In ouer experience w the most comĂșn clinical presentation was Dyspnea follow by Arrtymia. After clinicopathologic analysis of 61 patients with this tumor were concluded that pathological profiles of cardiac myxoma are not related with the clinical presentation [10].
When diagnosis has been established the treatment of choice for this tumor is surgical resection and in most cases it is curative. The median sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass, aorta, and bicaval cannulation with or without cardioplegic heart arrest is the standard approach to resection of these tumor. Novel minimally invasive surgical techniques such as video-assisted or totally robotic resection were described in the literature [11,12]. Surgical approach (atrial or ventricular or aortic) depends from location and size of the mass. While the access of the tumor may be different in most cases, however the general rule to resection of these tumor should be remain. Manipulations of the tumor during resection must be minimizing to prevention peripheral embolization. Complete excision of the mass with the attachment area in the cardiac structures (atrial septum, ventricular septum, atrium or ventricles free wall, and cardiac valves) should be performed. Recurrence may occur within a few months to several years after the initial surgical excision.
The recurrent frequency of myxoma is about 1% to 3% in sporadic forms, 12% in familial forms, and 22% in complex forms. Regular follow-up with clinical examinations and TTE study is recommended in patients with familial CM because of these patients have a significantly higher risk of recurrence. Causes of multiple recurrences include familial forms of the tumor, incomplete excision, intra-cardiac implantation from the original tumor, and malignant transformation. Genetic screening of patients with recurrent cardiac myxomas might help to identify patients at risk for additional recurrence [13,14] Papillary fibroelastoma is a rare benign cardiac tumor (7%–9% of benign primary tumors second after cardiac myxoma as more frequent cardiac valvular tumor [15,16] In 85% of cases, it is a valvular disease affecting aortic valve (35%–63%), mitral valve (9%–35%), tricuspid valve (6%–15%), and pulmonary valve (0.5%–8%) and in a very few cases nonvalvular sites, with left ventricular masses documented on the septum [15,16] and the outflow tract [17,18] Fibroelastomas have also been reported on the right ventricular papillary muscles.
The atrial side of the mitral valve is more often affected by the disease and dimensions may vary from 2 to 70 mm [19] I ouer experience 2 of the tumors were in the Aortic Valve and required to change the valve , one in the mitral valve was exiced without change the valve and another in the ventricular septum Papillary fibroelastoma is a rare, more often incidentally found, form of benign cardiac tumor, Its early diagnosis is paramount to avoid complications such as pulmonary or paradox embolism into systemic circulation. Diagnostic workup to exclude myxomas and valvular endocarditis must be careful. Clinical history, characteristic, size, and position are generally useful for differential diagnosis; echocardiography usually shows a small, mobile, pedunculated, or sessile valvular or endocardial mass, which on many occasions flutters or prolapses into the cardiac chambers during systole or diĂĄstole The operation is in general simple and has a good prognosis Cardiac sarcomas usually present with insidious symptoms in young and middle age patients.
They generally possess a poor prognosis with overall survival ranging from 6 to 12 months [20,21] Symptoms related to cardiac sarcomas are variable and may vary from specific cardiac symptoms (pericardial effusions with tamponade, arrhythmias, valvular dysfunction, intracardiac blood flow abnormalities, congestive heart failure, peripheral embolization with systemic deficits, dyspnea, chest pain, syncope, hemoptysis, sudden cardiac death) to general symptoms of neoplastic diseases like fever, malaise and weight loss in general is very dificult to exicesed entire and sometimes require to replace the heart [22-24] A review of the published papers appears to indicate that there are two distinct types. The one type is cystic and is discovered incidentally as a superficially situated lesion lined by ciliated epithelium. The other type is situated in the low interatrial septum or membranous portion of the interventricular septum and has a tubular or trabecular pattern [25] Ouer case was localized in the trcuspid valve and was very easy to excised. In general the Surgical treatment of the most frecuents primary tumors of the heart have good prognosis, is very important the early detection.
Surgical resection of cardiac myxomas contributes in an excellent prognosis and associated with low complications and recurrences rate. Regular long-term follow-up is recommended in all patients with cardiac myxoma particularly in patients with familial form of CM. Familial CM affects the patient’s treatment, follow-up, and his family screening (minimum) with TTE The papilary Fibroelastoma en general is very easy to excised and the Cyst in general also .The surgery of Sarcoma is in general very dificult and many times require an other intervention Most of the primary Tumors of the Heart have good Surgical Prognosis is vey important the early detention.
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juniperpublishers-gjaa · 5 years ago
The Hebrew Civilization- Juniper Publishers
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Here is a paper that outlines possible connections between the Egyptian, the Ten Commandments, Stone Henge, and St Columba’s Psalter. The key is the Mathematics knows at the time by the Egyptians. The Hebrews picked it up from the time they were in Egypt. Then, as the Lost Tribes migrated toward the British Isles, they brought the knowledge with them encasing it in the Psalter and Stone Henge.
Keywords: Hebrews; Civilization; Stone Henge; Psalter; Mathematics; Egyptians; Babylonians; Dalcassians; Archeological sites; Energy; Pyramid; Minoan tables; Covenant; Mean; Right triangle; Geometry; Kepler function; Astrotheology
    The Hebrews
Does civilization follow the Hebrews or does civilization follow the Hebrews? Perhaps this question can’t be answered conclusively, but what can be demonstrated with modern methods of analysis is that whoever they went, they took what they learned with them. We know from Biblical sources, now backed up by genetic evidence that Abraham came from Ur in modern day Kuwait in ancient Persia. He had a son Issac, a promised son, whom God asked to be sacrificed like a Lamb on an altar. As the story goes, Abraham was stopped by the angle of God just before Abraham was to kill his only son. This foreshadows of how Jesus, 1800 years later was the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world was sacrificed upon the cross as we all know. Some believe Jesus was God; others believe he was another important prophet. That discussion will not take place here, but will be taken up is to show how the Israelites influenced civilization wherever they went.
From the Biblical account in the book of Genesis, the Hebrew people ended up in slavery in Egypt because they were starving in a famine. Abraham’s grandson Jacob, whose name was later changed to Israel, had 12 boys. Two of these were royal according to the biblical account: Judah and Joseph. As the story goes, Joseph told his brothers, including Judah, from whom David and thus Jesus descends, would bow down and worship him. His brothers were so angry at the prospect; they decided to sell him into slavery into Egypt. Joseph ended up in jail under the accusation that he tried to rape the pharaoh’s wife. When it was discovered that Joseph was an interpreter of dreams, the pharaoh put him second in charge of the Kingdom. Meanwhile there was a famine in the land of Cana. The 11 remaining sons of Israel (Jacob), travelled to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph recognized his brothers, but his brothers did recognize him. After a successful ploy by Joseph, his brothers and father were reunited in Egypt.
The Israelites stayed in Egypt for 4000 years until Moses, a Hebrew raised in the Pharaoh’s household, decided to lead his people out of slavery to a land of their own, modern day Israel. Moses would have had the full education of the Egyptian Sciences and Mathematics. Their math and physics was far more advanced than previously thought by modern scholars. For example, they knew the quadratic equation, the golden mean, the energy parabola – facts which hither to were not known to modern times. The Egyptians build these mathematical acts into their famous pyramids. The Hebrews conquered the land of the Phillistines (Palestine). Their land was conquered in 586 BCE by the Babylonians. The Hebrew were taken captive in Babylon until they were released 70m years later by Cyrus.
    Arc of the Covenant on Crete
The most important thing for the Hebrews was the Ark of the Covenant. The covenant was a one sided promise by God who gave the Hebrews the 10 Commandments, hitherto lost. The author has found then, decoded them from what were called the un-decoded Minoan tablets. They are actually the Hebrew 10 Commandments and explanations of those commandments on half a dozen other “Minoan tables” from Crete. I suspect the most prized possession of the Jews were these 10 commandment tablets. They must have secretly sent them to Crete for safety where Israel was taken captive in the Babylonian captivity in the 6th century BCE. When the 10 Northern tribes left Israel, it was unknown hitherto where they went. We now know, from genetic testing, that the Israelites went to mainly Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Milieus carried the YDNA of David from Jewish Khazaria in modern Kazakhstan to Egypt then on to Ireland through his 8 sons, 3 of whom survived, Ir, Hebert, and Hermon. The went on to found the royal O`Briens in Munster commonly called the L226 Irish Type III`s or the Dalcassians (part of cass). In addition, the French throne was founded by an Israelite as the people of Gaul wanted a King. They sent to Israel for a royal king of the royal house of Israel. He therefore too is an L226.
Modern genetics is showing that the Hebrews travelled to Wales, Scotland and Munster Ireland. Interesting that this is where we find a conglomeration of the stone circles, simpler but similar to Stone Henge. The geometry of the Egyptian are built into these archaeological sites.
    St Columba
He was a descendant of a Minster King. The Kings of Munster are the O`Briens mainly but have other surnames or clans as well. St Columba, a script writer, must have known the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew mathematics, science, language and religions of these related peoples. St Columba encoded this knowledge in his famous Psalter or prayer book. The rest of this paper is the illustrations provided to show the reader how the Pyramids, Stone Henge, the Minoan tablets and the Psalter all fit together in a continuous story from Abraham of 1800 BCE until today with the lineage of the ancient regime residing in the person of this author.
I was looking at a book entitled “Decoding the Pyramids.” It is evident that these ancient people possibly knew about the physics contained in this blog. For example, the Chephen” pyramid is 143.5m high. That of course is 0.866. The site takes up 13 acres, whereas we have 13 cycles of time. The blocks a either 2 or 1/2 tones. g=2 and t=1/2 at minimum energy. The angle of the four sided pyramid (4 dimensions x 3 pyramids =12 dimensions) is 52 degrees. I would have liked to have seen this as 57.29 degrees. The pyramids are all on the western side or the right hand side of the Nile. Judgement Matthew 25. Now the layout of the pyramids is in the form of a parabola. The major pyramid is at the apex of the parabola when Jesus came. For someone interested, there is a gold mine of things to be discovered.
Now there are also pyramids in Russia, and there are in Myian territory as well. The North American Indians were the tribe of Manasseh. The 10 Northern tribes migrated to Kazakhstan. And of course the Israelites were in Egypt as well. Perhaps the Israelite s learned the secrets from Egypt, and brought them to Russia and Mexico. Even the location in Egypt is 30 degrees longitude by 30 latitude. This is the cross of sin and cos. St Columba went to Scotland. We know from genetics that the Israelites populated Scotland. His Psalter holds the same keys. The Myian calendar said the world would change ion Dec 21, 2015. But the Christian calendar is off by 3 years. So Christmas 2015 looks like the date for the coming of Jesus. I’ve calculated the same date two other distinct ways.
If someone were interested, you could write a book. I’d do it but I’m too busy starving to death. I would check the Arc of the covenant too. It probably encodes the C.U.E. as well. Boy are we modern s arrogant! The Great Pyramid’s base is 2. The Chephen is also 2 (Figure 1). And the Pyramid of Menakure is Âœ This encodes the formula 1/G=M rho/E rho (dM/dt)
1/2=1/4 *(2)
at t=0
at t=1.5
The Ark of the Covenant is 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5
The slope m=2, -2 at t=1.5,-1.5
m=2.5 at t=3.125 or ~ Pi
The Pyramids encode the Energy Parabola known to the ancients (Figure 2,3).
It was the Egyptians who had all this mathematical physics. They had log, fractions (golden section), algebra and the quadratic equation which solves the following equation:
x =1/[x −1] X=1.618
x2 − x −1 = 0
3763 BC - 500=3263
For the parabola (Figure 4).
    What Mathematical Physics the Ancient Knew and we Didn’t, and How They Expressed it
The author undertook an investigation in area of Mathematical Physics on the origin of the universe. My goal was to derive the universal equation - the Holy Grail of Physics for the last 300 years. The reason the pyramids and Stonehenge could not be interpreted is that modern science did not know as much physics as the Ancient Egyptians / Hebrews knew. From my blog on Physics, one can see all the physics that was lost to the ages. Stonehenge and the pyramids go together. The same people were behind both. They stand together. I discovered in my work that the Egyptians already knew the universal energy equation. In fact it is embedded into the very geometry of the Pyramids, the highest achievement of their civilization. It is interesting that these ideas were known to other cultures that most likely learned it from Egyptians. They include: The Hebrews, the Scottish Jews, the Irish royalty, St Columbia, and the Mayans. Nostradamus even picked up on it in his quatrains. In this brief paper, I intend to show what the ancient Egyptians knew and how it spread throughout the world.
    Egyptians Mathematics
In my investigation of Physics, I derived the Cusack Universal Energy Equation C.U.E.E. It is a polynomial as follows:
x2 − x −1 = 0
This is quadratic equations which were known to the Egyptian Mathematicians. It is solved by the well know equation:
If one plugs a=-1, b=c=-1
We get the solution of what is called the Golden Mean, or x=1.618
The above polynomial is also expressed identically as
x =1 /[x −1]
x (x −1) =1
x2 − x −1 = 0
1.618 is the only number that solves this equation.
This, then is the U.C.E.E
The Golden Mean is encompassed in geometry of a right triangle shown in Figure 5
Note that the Golden Mean= 1.618=
This is simply the Quadratic Equation with a=1, b=c=-1
The Egyptian Mathematicians also knew Trigonometry which relates the length of the sides of a right triangle by sine, cosine, and tangent. We know this because the geometry of the Pyramids require knowledge of these facts. Also, they knew Pythagoras’ theorem a^2+b^2=c^2 for a right triangle. Did the Egyptians know Calculus? Calculus is supposedly discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. But the knowledge of the C.U.E.E. is called a parabola. The derivative involves the derivation of the rate of change of the function in another function.
The derivative of the polynomial x2 − x −1 = 0 is: 2x −1 = 0
I suggest the ancient Egyptian may have known calculus since they knew the quadratic equation and parabolas. Interesting that comets in Astronomy follow a parabola. A quirk of calculus is that the derivative of the function e^x = e^x. Another quirk is that the derivative of the sin x= cos x. These functions are paramount in the C.U.E.E as y=y’ or the derivative equals the function. The universe is described by the cosine in series form. It is the famous Kepler function:
This is a parabola too.
    Egyptian Architecture
In the great Pyramid, the trigonometry involves the golden mean (Figures 6-9). Someone has produced this interesting graphic: (Note the golden mean)
Now, in “Decoding the Pyramids”, the author provides a plan view to scale of the Pyramids at Giza. They are laid out in plan view to follow the C.U.E>E. Here it is “Decoding the Pyramids “. If you lay one over the other, for the Great Pyramid, t=0.9 or (900-500=400 BC) years before Christ. Y=1=Energy Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in this period. Ptolomy was made Pharaoh. Doing the same for the Chephren Pyramid is at 1.85 (1850-500)=1350 King Tut became Pharaoh. The third pyramid lies at 2.5375 or 2037 BC. , end of the old Kingdom. Continuing, the area of the great Pyramid is 13 acres. Without going into all the Mathematical Physics (which is available on my blog Astrotheology the Missing Link), there are 13 cycles of time in the universe. Finally, according to the scale drawing, the Pyramids have the length of the legs of 1,2,2. This embodies the golden mean: 1+2+2=5, & 1, & 2 from above. The Pyramids are shown in “Decoding the Pyramids”, to lie at 30 longitude and 30 degrees latitude. From Pythagoras’ Theorem, the hypotenuse is 4.242. This is very close to Pi-e=3.1415-2.71828= 0.4233=cuz. This is a physical constant in our universe, not revealed until now. It was sometimes called Einstein’s constant (Figure 10).
It is a Historical fact that the Hebrews spent 450 years in Egypt before being lead out of slavery by Moses. I think they took this universal geometric knowledge with them that they must have learned in Egypt. The arc of the covenant so well described in the Hebrew Scriptures has the dimensions, 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5. Note the following:
The Ark of the Covenant is 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5
The slope m=2, -2 at t=1.5,-1.5
m=2.5 at t=3.125 or ~ Pi
The Pyramids encode the Energy Parabola known to the ancients. This indicates the Egyptian Mathematicians knew elementary calculus. The slopes of those tangents are derivatives of the C.U.E.E
    Egyptian Pyramids
The Pyramid of Khafre: The angle that each face of this pyramid makes with its base is 53° 10’. The inverse slope of each edge turns out to be 1.059250 (Figure 11). This number is approximately 1+1/17 (accurate to about .04%). The inverse-slope of each face of this pyramid is approximately 3/4. The seked is 5 palms, one finger/cubit. But, based on Lehner’s data, the accuracy is not nearly as good as for the Great Pyramid (Figure 12 & 13). (It’s accurate to about 13%). Cusack’s Model Of The Universe
Point (0.5,0),
Line Y=OX +1,
x2 − x −1 = 0
Polynomial X=4/3 PiR^3
    Ten Commandments
Because it is hebrew it is read left to right. Symbols are used to represent nouns or concepts. There are other symbols i can’t make out because of poor eyesight. But i think this is the Decalogue of mosses 1200 BCE. Adolf Hitler became interested in acquiring the Ark in order to achieve world domination. In 1936, when US agents Colonel Musgrove and Major Eaton discovered this, they sent Indiana Jones on a mission to find the Ark before the Nazis. Though he did find the Ark first, it was later stolen by Nazis nonetheless. The Ark changed hands between Indy and the Nazis several times before the Nazis took the Ark to a secret island base near Crete. The reason there are 5 holes and 2 holes is that there are 3 commandments that have to do with God, 5 have to do with neighbour and 2 have to do with self. The holes appear in the correct location, just prior to the commandments (Figures 14 & 15). There are 5 holes, 1 hole and 2 holes. The Egyptians (and Hebrews) knew
(See my blog on Astrotheology The Missing Link for more information) It encoded into the pyramids. Aug 7 The last line of the tablet looks to me like a backward Sigma = Sum or Add. The horizontal line through it represents DON’T ADD. The next symbol is already defined as property.
O might be God
And L is neighbour
So it reads, “Don’t add properties of God to Neighbour”
    Honourable Women Tablet
Minonan” tablets” actually Hebrew tablet as read from the outside counter clockwise. It goes something like this (Figure 16). It is hebrew. The bottom of the symbol or letter lies inward Toward the centre of the circle (except for the symbol of women like a “w” or breasts.) Marriage to a woman who is not property. Women have honor in having a fe-tus’ who are not sinful kids. (yid is a period) Inside clockwise from the yid: Women who are property have kids that sin. Murder, no adultery, falsehood (p/f) and stealing (sh) In the middle, right to left: Do not covet women / calf
The radius = 6.67=G=d2E/dt2
8 pedals on the flower
d2E/dt2-E=Ln t
Integral dE2/dt2+Integral E=0 +C
E+1/2*1/3 E^3=C
1/e^0.1667=0.8465~sin 1 = cos 1
dTheta /dt = 3=c= omega
The makers of this exponential spiral knew the physics of the universe. Our civilization can collapse too! Sinful marriages have the property of male and female fertility gods and goddesses. Hebrew is the basis off european languages. It lead to the greek alphabet which lead to our modern alphabet. Words like shin=sin and m=marriage. Fe=fetus and s=sin pi = p= pharaoh = god you can decode the remainder. Should be an interesting story. I look forward to it (Figures 17-20).
    Royal Hebrew L226 Y Dna
The RL226 is the royal Jewish Line. It went from Israel to the British Isles (Scotland, Wales, england and Ireland.) Machir brought it to France and the royal hose of europe. There are some transplants in Montreal, Saint John NB, and Mexico according to FTDNA. The Hebrews brought with them the technology of the Egyptians in stone Henge. This is why we see the stone circles in Wales, Scotland, and south Ireland. The tribe of Manasseh brought the Pyramids to Mexico. There are also Hebrews in Germany and France. We expect this because Hugh capet was from Tongerun, Belgium. The royal Bourbons descend from the royal house of Israel. The line of David was known to have transferred to Spain. This is why we see L226 in Ireland (Mileisus) and in Mexico (Spaniards) (Figures 21-25) (Table 1).
    Stone Henge
The people who built the Pyramids also built Stonehenge. Genetic genealogy is showing that the Scots were Israelites. Stonehenge also embodies the golden mean in the ration of the stone circles 2,2,1 – the same as the Egyptian Pyramid bases. The Longitude of Stonehenge is 1.8 degrees and the Latitude is 51.17 degrees. The slope on the Great Pyramid is 51.5 degrees. That is a 31.8 (Human Perception =31.8 Hz) by 21.17 (21.17 ^2=4.482~ Mass of Universe=4.486) 18 is the sum of the Potential Energy plus the Kinetic Energy. Cosine x is the universal equation. Stonehenge is the “throne of God.” The Pyramids of Egypt are sqrt 1424 =0.858 =0.86 away from the Throne of God.
Reference: Ancient Measurement of the Circumference of the Earth.
Ancient metrological tables state that the Philetairic or Ptolemaic royal cubit (which is the Babylonian-Egyptian royal cubit according to Boeckh’s terminology) is 9/5 of the Roman foot, so that the figure of Eratosthenes comes to be the usual figure of 75 Roman miles to the degree. But several authors of the Roman period mention a degree of 700 stadia. This degree value should not be confused with that of Eratosthenes and is based on a stadion of 300 royal cubits of the Pharaonic period; these two points have been made by Letronne. I have reported that the correct Egyptian royal cubit was 525 mm., but it was at times computed as 524mm and at times as mm. Assuming a cubit of 525mm.
The degree would be 110,250, and assuming a cubit of 526.3 mm. It would be 110, It is easy to see why the figure of 700 stadia to the degree was chosen: it well fits the pattern of septenary reckoning in the Egyptian royal cubit. But the length of the degree at latitude 30°, the latitude of the pyramids and of the beginning of the Delta, is 110,849 mm. At the southern limit of the country, which is at latitude 24°, the degree 110,750m? Hence, it seems that in Egypt, for the sake of a convenient reckoning there was adopted a value that it slightly in defect. Perhaps the figure was chosen because it was convenient and the methods of observation used did not allow determining any error in it. This figure may have had great importance in convincing the ancients that the degree was shorter in Egypt than at latitude 36°. Cosine x is the universal equation. Stonehenge is the “throne of God.” The Pyramids of Egypt are sqrt 1424 =0.858 =0.86 away from the Throne of God.  
    From the Christian Community Bible
There, in heaven, was a throne and one sitting on it. 3 He who sat there looked like jasper and carnelian and round the throne was a rainbow resembling an emerald. In a circle around the throne are twenty-four thrones and seated on these are twenty-elders, dressed in white clothes, with golden crowns on their heads. 5 Flashes of lightning come forth from the throne, with voices and thunderclaps. Seven flaming torches burn before the throne; these are the seven spirits of God. Before the throne there is a platform, transparent like crystal. Around and beside the throne stand four living creatures, full of eyes, both in front and behind.
The stone lintels for the greek letter pi=3.14 which figures into the universal energy equation.
5 X 3.14=15.70 1-0.1570=0.8430=SIN 1=COS1
18 Interior Stones = Total Energy =P.E + K.E=18
The individual stones at Stonehenge are 10.5 x 3.5 x 2.75 that is 42/4 x 14/4 x11/4
dM/dt *M rho/Erho=1/G 2 x Ÿ = 1 / . 6 6 6 (Revelation 13)
42 = Pi – e= cuz ; 14-100=86=sin 1 = cos 1 ; 9=c^2 all physical constants of the universe.
stones are 13.5 feet high. 13.5-100=86.6=sin 1 = cos 1
There are 30 stones on the perimeter. 30/4=7.5 1/7.5=0.1334 this is distance s in Physics The Heel Stone is almost 85 feet outside the causeway (sin 1=cos 1= 0.8415). The heel stone is almost 16 feet high (0.1585-1=0.8415) From Stonehedge Complete Chippendale C, Cornell U Press 1983 (Figures 26- 28) Note that several universal constants are embodied in the geometry including: The relative radius measures are 45-65=20; 65-85=20; 85-95=10 or 2, 2, 1 this is the same as the bases of the Great Pyramids in Egypt
The Mass of the universe; the gravitational constant; the meeting of sin 1 radian = cos 1 radian=0.8415. Of course, the Winter Solstice- final date of December 21 is embodied as well. JESUS came at the bottom of the parabola or where the derivative of the C.U.E.E. =0 (2t-1=0) each division of the x axis is 1000 years per decimal Jesus was born in 3BC at the base of the parabola. The stone circles of the British Isles were mostly constructed between 2500-1600 Bc. The Pyramids in Egypt, as above, from 2037 -400BC. Moses left Egypt in 1800 BC. So the stone circles predate the pyramids of Egypt. But Stonehenge in the form of its inner circle, which relate it to the Egyptian Pyramids, was constructed in around 200-1550 BC. So, that is only 37 years after the Pyramids were built we see the golden mean in Stonehenge.
    St Columbas Psalter
I double checked the number of verses in the Columba Psalter. It is actuality 1276. 1276 /2=638 1/638=0.1567 = 0.8433 sin 1 = cos 1 = 0,8415 Pretty close for 600 AD! The 638th verse lies in Psalm 71(70)
For you oh Lord, have been my hope, my trust, O God from my youth.
This then is the key.
a. For my enemies speak ill of me; awaiting my death they set plans.
b. They say, “God has forsaken him; let us pursue and seize him, for no one will rescue him.”
c. O God, be not far from me; my God, make haste to help me!
d. Let my accusers be destroyed in shame; let those who seek my ruin be covered with disgrace and scorn.
e. Then I may trust in you and praise you.
f. My lips will proclaim your intervention and tell of your salvation all day, little though it is what I can understand.
g. I will come to your strength, O Lord, and announce your justice, yours alone.
h. You have taught me from my youth and until now I proclaim your marvels.
i. When I grow old and gray, do not leave me, O God; give me time to declare your might, your power to all generations to come.
j. Your justice, O God, reaches to heaven; you have done great things. Who is like you, O God?
k. Many have been my hardships and misery, but once more you come to revive me; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again.
l. You will restore me and comfort me again.
m. I will praise you with the harp, for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing your praise with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel.
n. My lips will rejoice, and my soul, too, which you have rescued.
o. I will recall your intervention the whole day long, “Yes, those who sought to do me harm have been confused and put to shame.”
The key to the gold box
March 10, 2014 osuma bin ladden’s birthday
Great monarch.
PSALM 30:10-105:13 )/2=67.5
PSALM 67 (66)
All the nations will know you.
a. May God be gracious and bless us; may he let his face shine upon us,
b. That your way be known on earth and your salvation among the nations.
c. May the peoples praise you, O God, may all the peoples praise you!
d. May the countries be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with justice and guide the nations of the world.
e. May the peoples praise you, O God, may all the peoples praise you!
f. The land has given its harvest; God, our God, has blessed us.
g. May God bless us and be revered, to the very ends of the earth.
St columba’s psalter and the physical constants of the universe. The shape of this decoration is the ln function meeting pi further indicating that the ancients knew about how the universe was made. If the ancients thougght pi was 22/7, then that pretty damd close to 0.14286 or 1423. Maybe someone could recount the number of verses from psalm 30:10 to 105:13? We are looking for 1428 or 9 (Figure 29).
The decoration of the Cathach is limited to the initial letter of each Psalm. Each initial is in black ink and is larger than the main text. They are decorated with trumpet, spiral and guilloche patterns and are often outlined with orange dots. These patterns are not merely appended to the letters or used to fill spaces. They instead distort the shape of the letters themselves. The letters following the enlarged initials gradually reduce in size until they reach the same size as the main text. Although the motifs of the Cathach decoration are not similar to decorations in later manuscripts, such as the Book of Durrow (which followed the Cathach by as many as seventy years), the ideas of decoration which distorts the shape of the letters and the diminution of initial letters are ideas which are worked out in great detail in later Insular art (Figures 30 & 31).
    Ancients Knew that No other Physists Besides me Knows
1/6.66=3/4 *2
666=Evil Evil Evil
Nbow, 1/81=0.12345679
8 =E
(8+1/7)-Pi=8.1429- 22/7=5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6=Evil, 7=Good (5 Loaves Two Fishes/ 4 Loaves Two Fishes)
Now The Gold Box That Holds The Psalter Of St Columba Is 2 X 8 X 9 E=Mc^2 (Einstein???)
They knew a lot more than we thought because the concept of decimals was in their mind. They may have even had a hexadecimal system?
6*0.125=0.75=3/4=75 = # OF PSALMS 105-30=75 75=150 PSALMS/2
The ancients also must have know the equation of a circle:
X^2 +Y^2=R^2
Let the Area of a Circle =1
0.1446-23=1423 #of Lines In Psalms 30:10-105:13
Verse 10 +Verse 13=26
The pearl is the birth stone of gemni june 6 =66 = evil evil.
The diamond is the birth stone of aries april 5 =45 = god
The opal is october = 8 =energy
The emeral is may = taurus
If there are 3 opals, 2 emeralds, and 1 peral
1/6.66=3/4 *2
The Box is 2X8X9
2X 3^2 X (4X2)
So we have 1,2,3 and 2, 3, 4
1=(3*3)* 2/ (4*2)
2.25-1=1.25 = Minimum of Energy Equation X^2-X-1 2X-1=0 X=1/2 1/2^2-1/2-1=-1.25
The specially made cumdach or book shrine is in the National Museum of Ireland. The initial work on the case was done between 1072 and 1098 at Kells, but a new main face was added in the 14th century with a large seated Christ in Majesty flanked by scenes of the Crucifixion and saints in gilt repoussĂ© (NMI R2835, 25.1 cm wide). This was done by Cathbharr Ó Domhnaill, chief of the O’Donnells and Domhnall Mag Robhartaigh, the Abbot of Kells. The shrine cover consists of a brass box measuring 9 inches long, 8 inches wide and 2 inches thick. The top is heavily decorated with silver, crystals, pearls and other precious stones. It shows an image of the Crucifixion and an image of St Colm Cille. An Cathach is attributed to Saint Columba (known in Ireland as Columcille) who died in 597. It’s said that a divine light allowed him to make a copy of a Psalter owned by his teacher, St. Finnian. A dispute over the ownership of Columba’s copy followed, which led to the Battle of CĂșl Dreimhne in The book ended up in the possession of the O’Donnell clan of Co. Donegal, who carried the book as a battle talisman. Columba was blamed for the war and threatened with excommunication. Instead, he was exiled to the island of Iona, off the coast of Scotland. There he founded the monastery of Iona, which became an important center for learning and missionary work and which (much later) produced the Book of Kells. The High King of Ireland was disputed after 1186. Clusach was King of Desmond in 1224.
The King of Desmond claimed the throne of Desmond and the Two Munsters up until 1596 until it dissolved prematurely. James I and VI was King of Scotland, England and Ireland starting in 1603-7 years after the demise of the Donal; IX King of Desmond. If Donal IX was High King of Ireland until 1596, I wonder if he would also assume the thrones of Scotland in 1566 and England in 1603? James I and VI is alos the King of France. If Thomas Cusack is actually Patrick MCarthy m. Margraet Brien in Newport, and the Newport McCarthys are connected to Cashel the seat of the Thorne of Desmond and the two munsters, then perhaps Thoams Cusack aka Patrick McCarthy is the true King of Ireland , Scotland ,, England and France. L226 Y DNA for Cusack and MacDonnell near the bottom of the page.
We see that the Egyptian mathematic spread around the world through the Hebrews.
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juniperpublishers-dentistry · 6 years ago
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Authored by Charles J Arcoria
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Dentists practicing in a mission setting have limited options for comprehensive treatment of patients because of the distance from the full resources available in conventional dental office setting. Because of the limited time aspect of team mission work, emergency extractions and limited operative treatment are typically performed. Inherently, the lack of follow-up care with extensive restorations and the need for proper maintenance, preclude many treatment modalities. As a result, this efficient but not simplistic model of mission dentistry is designed to deliver treatment that can be quickly accomplished with recurrent follow-up over a series of eight week time frames. These three clinical case presentations document the type of functional and esthetic treatment that can be accomplished with intermittent and minimal appointments scheduled over an interval of less than one year. This treatment concept depicts complete dentures retained with a minimal number of implants, bypassing the traditional Operative Dentistry procedures which in these types of cases cannot be easily maintained. The contrast of restoring severely decayed tooth structure vs. extracting those teeth which have a low probability of long-term survival, sets the basis for the combined maxillary-mandibular dental implants and prosthetics treatment plan. Designed to be used as a template for many adult patients, the mission dentist has an avenue for helping patients achieve optimum health, with reduced resources and costs. These clinical case presentations will demonstrate the: 1) effective use of multiple extractions, 2) precision alveoloplasty, 3) immediate implant placement in strategic locations in the mandibular and maxillary arches, and 4) placement of maxillary and mandibular dentures over the existing implants. Combining optimum prosthetics and esthetics, the emergency patient in a mission setting can obtain results that are both comprehensive and sustainable.
Keywords: Implants; Prosthetics; Dentsply
How does the mission dentist develop and administer effective and long-lasting treatment plans for patients that are seen approximately three of four times in the span of one year [1]. This is the perplexing question that mission dentists have struggled with for decades. The effort to help indigent patients in distant locations who have minimal access to follow-up care, once the dental mission team has departed, is a crucial problem [2,3]. Because of the greatly improved success rates of placing and restoring dental implants within the past ten years, unsophisticated and uncomplicated treatment regimens which potentially bypass traditional dental care can now be frequently employed for even indigent patients. As a result, mission dentistry treatment planning must now encompass a more efficient method to insure longevity of restorative work to be undertaken. But, what can actually be accomplished involving intermittent intervals over the duration of one calendar year? It is acknowledged that the placement of multiple restorations in severely decayed teeth, without the availability for possible Endodontic and/or Periodontal follow-up treatment is a prescription for eventual failure. Practitioners have experienced a form of this problem during their undergraduate curricula, but not by design [4]. Phenomenal efforts were undertaken to “save” teeth at all costs, which is not a dishonorable pursuit. However, what commenced as a sizeable class II restoration on a permanent mandibular first molar, progressed to a full crown, then Endodontic therapy with a second crown, then Periodontal treatment to address the osseous support problems, and finally extraction as the unrestorable tooth has served its usefulness over the span of approximately five years in the dental education of several students [5]. But, is this really the best approach for the indigent patient that deserves better? Mission practitioners may need to discard many types of Operative and Endodontic treatment regimens that could only be successfully conducted within a traditional dental office setting. If the clinician were to be relieved of the burden that all teeth in all conditions in all patients must be saved at all costs, then comprehensive dental treatment could be accomplished with multiple tooth extractions, placement of dental implants in strategic locations, and secured with maxillary and mandibular dentures. Would this not be an acceptable form of long-term treatment for many indigent patients in a mission setting? Understandably, this new mission treatment regimen is more complicated instead of placing multiple restorations in severely compromised teeth or undertaking extensive Endodontic and Periodontal therapy. But, the long-term functioning capabilities and prosthesis management by the patient easily can surpass this problem. Many of the same principles and procedures we use in traditional implant dentistry in the private setting, with respect to implantsupported over-dentures and implant-retained hybrid bridges, can also be applied to domestic and international dental mission endeavors. The mini implants so often relied on to retain transitional prostheses while waiting for extraction sites and alveoloplasty to heal, and conventional implants to integrate, can also be considered as “permanent” supports for chair-side relined and retained transitional dentures when further care is limited by inaccessibility to conventional dental labs, or inability for further appointments. Thus, in a missional setting, whether domestic or international, if a minimum of three appointments can be assured within the course of six months to a year, then a transitional denture can be fabricated at the dentist’s lab of choice after only a single set of impressions during a first visit. Subsequently, at a second visit (whether by the original dentist or another from the same or different ministry) extractions, alveoloplasty and mini implant placement can be accomplished, with initial reline and stabilization of the transitional denture. Finally, at a third visit after complete tissue healing, a final chair side reline can be performed to re-adapt the mini implant retainers if needed, and contour tissue surfaces to their most ideal form. If no further treatment is possible then the dentist can take comfort knowing that the patient will be in a much healthier state, have a much more functional dentition, and have a significantly improved sense of self-esteem than when first encountered. Should circumstances change in the future, whether with respect to patient financial ability when dealing with domestic mission endeavors, or patient availability and proximity when care has been undertaken internationally, then such cases can be “completed” in the conventional sense with additional conventional implants and over-dentures or hybrid bridges as seen in the following cases.
Patient Selection and Evaluation
With this initial concept, it is important that the proper selection of patients be undertaken. Careful triage of patients during the initial mission dentistry experience will determine the best use of time and also the most optimum form of treatment. Substituting extractions for Operative preparations that are destined to fail in a short period of time, determine the type of implant placement and prosthetics that will be placed at a later date. Treatment can be accomplished by utilizing the following approach:
   Triage teeth regarding the potential to salvage, or to extract.
   Alveoplasty select areas.
   Mandibular implant placement.
   Prosthetic construction and placement.
For these patients, when the teeth are extracted, a precise and profound alveoloplasty will be performed, in all dimensions [6]. Clinicians should consider an alveoloplasty procedure as possessing a combination of artistic and mechanical methodologies. Mechanically, it is incumbent upon the dentist to smooth and level the osseous tissue to remove sharp and irregular projections [7,8]. In addition, it is just as important to reduce the height of the bone in each arch, superiorly on the maxilla and inferiorly on the mandible so that there is sufficient room subsequently for the prosthetics. This necessary dimension (inter-arch space), and properly planning for it, and actually purposefully creating it, is absolutely vital to the success of any combination dental implant and prosthetic case. This allows for adequate inter-arch space and sufficient room for the necessary thickness of an attractive and properly proportioned set of dentures [9].
Clinical Case Presentations
Case 1
Dale is a 52 year old male who stated: “I want to fix my teeth and have a great smile when I’m done!” He was missing a number of teeth, and many that were remaining in his mouth had failing restorations, and/or long-term poor periodontal prognoses (Figure 1A-1E). After reviewing radiographs and digital photographs, implants were not an option to replace the patient’s existing missing teeth due to severe atrophy in all edentulous areas, and extensive sinus pneumatization in the left maxilla (Figure 2). Due to loss of the posterior teeth intercuspal position centric stops and excessive attrition of the remaining anterior teeth, the patient exhibited posterior occlusal collapse, with approximately 5 mm of lost vertical dimension. The patient did not wish to consider “patch and fix” treatment, nor did he wish to replace current or future missing teeth with removable partial dentures. After thoroughly discussing other options, which potentially included complete dentures, implantsupported over-dentures, and implant-retained hybrid fixed prostheses, the patient requested removal of the remaining teeth and replacement with four implants in each arch to anchor screwretained hybrid bridges [10]. Once implant-supported prostheses were chosen, the option of conventional sinus grafts to allow placement of implants in the molar regions was discussed. The patient did not wish to pursue this regimen, due to the potential morbidity of the procedure itself (and the associated cost) or the additional healing time for graft maturation (traditionally six months prior to implant placement). Consequently, it was opted to place four implants in each arch, and incline the two maxillary posterior implants at approximately 25 degrees distally to disengage from the maxillary sinuses. Similarly, the mandibular posterior implants were inclined approximately 25 degrees distally to separate from the mental foramina and the small, but present, anterior loops of the mental nerves. The patient elected not to immediately place provisional restorations for the implants (as is commonly performed with the All-on- Four, and similar techniques) because it was desired to maintain optimal hygiene throughout the healing phase. The patient believed he could perform that much better if the provisional prostheses were removed, as needed. He also desired to lessen any potential risk factors such as post-operative infection around his implants, or mechanical overload (since he exhibited an aggressive bruxism habit), by completely submerging them beneath soft tissue during their integration period. As a result, conventional maxillary and mandibular transitional dentures were fabricated, and mini implants (MDI by 3M) placed to help stabilize and retain his mandibular transitional prosthesis throughout the treatment process. Treatment was initiated by extracting the patient’s maxillary teeth without complication, and performing judicious alveoloplasty to smooth and level his remaining osseous ridge prior to implant placement (Figure 3A&3B). Care was given to removing sufficient osseous height to allow room for the necessary layers of materials and components required by a hybrid bridge (teeth, acrylic gum tissue, supportive framework and implant abutments), though it’s worth noting that some of the inter-arch space required was actually gained by opening the occlusal contacting space dimension approximately 5 mm (2.5 mm per arch) to regain ideal vertical dimension. Once the osseous ridge was prepared, the posterior implant positions were sited using previous tooth positions as landmarks (Figure 4A&4B) (Figure 5). Initial osteotomies were prepared following the expected medial wall positions and angulation of the sinuses and paralleling pins were placed with digital radiographs taken to verify the position and angulation. It is worth noting that paralleling pins are significantly narrower than the final implants so care was taken to ensure that there was sufficient room distal to the paralleling pins to allow enlargement of the osteotomies without perforating the medial sinus walls. Once the posterior implants were sited, the anterior implants were located in the lateral incisor positions, and their osteotomies were directed towards the palatal aspects of the sockets to engage the thicker, denser portion of the alveolus. All four implants (ASTRA TECH EV by Dentsply, 4.2 x 11 mm) were placed at 45 newton centimeter (N‱cm), following the manufacturer’s protocol of sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and using copious sterile saline irrigation (Figure 6A-6D).
Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentsply) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The maxillary transitional denture was then delivered after relining with Coe-Soft. Four weeks later, the patient’s mandibular teeth were extracted without complication and alveoloplasty was similarly performed to smooth and level the boney ridge in preparation for implant placement. Care was given to remove sufficient osseous height for his future prosthetic needs, noting that approximately 2.5 mm of the inter-arch space required was actually gained by opening the patient’s occlusion to regain ideal vertical dimension. Following mandibular alveoloplasty, the soft tissue was carefully reflected to visualize the mental foramina, and both posterior implants were sited accordingly. Paralleling pins and digital radiographs were used, as with the maxillary posterior implants, to ensure the enlarging osteotomies would not encroach upon the mental foramina or anterior loops of the mental nerves. The two anterior implants were then sited appropriately between each other. All four implants (ASTRA TECH EV by Dentsply, 4.2 x 13 mm) were placed at 45 Ncm, following the manufacturer’s protocol; sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and with copious sterile saline irrigation. After utilizing the prime mandibular positions for the permanent implants, sites were then selected for the mini implants and they were placed to a torque value of 40 N‱cm. A 13mm implant was placement in the anterior area, while 10mm implants were used posteriorly to stay well superior to the mandibular canals. Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentsply) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The O-ring housings were placed on the mini implants with white rubber spacers used to prevent subsequent acrylic from locking into undercuts should the implants not be perfectly parallel. The underside of the transitional denture was hollowed out to allow complete seating on the tissue without binding or impinging on the O-ring housings. Following application of the associated primer, EZ Pickup (Sterngold) was used to capture the housings into the denture and provide tissue adaptation to the newly sutured gingiva. After curing, excess material was then trimmed and polished away, and the transitional denture was inserted with instructions to leave in place for the first 24 hours to help contain any intra-oral swelling. Thereafter, Dale was instructed to remove his lower temporary denture each evening to allow fresh air to better reach the tissue, and also to rinse with Peridex, approximately 2-3 times daily. A total of four months was allowed for maxillary implant integration, with a concurrent three months given to the implants in the mandible. All eight implants were uncovered at a single appointment and healing abutments were placed, with the tissue closed again with 4-0 PGA sutures (Figure 7A&7B). The maxillary transitional denture was relined with Coe-Soft to accommodate the new abutments, while the lower transitional denture required more preparation. The hard EZ-Pickup that was used to capture the O-ring housings previously was largely removed with an acrylic burr, while taking care not to loosen the housings themselves (Figure 8A&8B). Coe- Soft was then used to fit the underside of the transitional denture to the new abutments. Peridex use was resumed to help keep the tissue, sutures and abutments clean (Figure 9). One week later all sutures were removed and the patient was instructed to start brushing his tissue and abutments, not just to help keep them clean, but to also stimulate the soft tissue blood flow, and aid in its maturation. At this time initial impressions were made to send to the lab (Root Dental). Another two weeks were allowed for the soft tissue to gain its near-final dimensions prior to final impressions. The healing abutments were removed and open tray impression pins were placed. Custom trays were used with Aquasil Ultra (Dentsply) for final impressions. Tray design for implant impressions is critical, and must have sufficient space in the implant region to allow impression material to completely encase the impression pins (Figure 10A&10B). Otherwise, the pins can “flex” in the elastomeric impression material and affect the accuracy of not just the final model, but the framework and subsequent final prosthesis as well. Once final models were fabricated with the appropriate implant abutments, conventional baseplates with wax rims were made and fitted. A subsequent teeth-in-wax try-in was performed to establish ideal vertical dimension and facial form, ideal teeth and smile esthetics, and ideal phonetics. After approval by the patient, the case was returned to Root Lab where final Astra abutments were selected the frameworks were made. The maxillary and mandibular frameworks and their associated abutments were tried in and the fit verified visually, tactilely and radiographically prior to returning to the lab for final processing (Figure 11A&11B). At the final delivery, the mini implants were easily removed (unthreaded, without the need for local anesthetic) and the final abutments placed, and hybrids delivered, with all components torqued to Astra’s specifications (Figure 12). The screw access openings were sealed with silicone tape and tooth-colored or gingival colored composite resin (Herculite Ultra Flow by Kerr) as the site called for. Final occlusal balancing was negligible and easily performed to provide Dale the potential for bilateral group function occlusion (Figure 13A&13B). Optimal hygiene was discussed and demonstrated using a Sonicare, Water Pik, floss threaders or Oral-B Superfloss.
Case 2
Joe is a 53 year old male who presented to our office saying he had already been told he needed to have his remaining teeth removed and additional implants placed in his maxillary arch, along with implants added in his mandibular arch, to support full arch Zirconia bridges. His natural teeth and surrounding bone suffered from severe periodontal disease, but the patient needed to be informed that his three maxillary left implants suffered from extensive bone loss. This was initially seen on his digital panoramic radiograph, with the severe extent of the periimplantitis confirmed with digital periapical radiographs (Figure 14). The patient was surprised to learn that bone can be lost around implants and desired to understand the conditions and situations causing this loss [11]. Because of the uncertain and numerous potential factors that could cause bone loss, the primary supposition was that a continuation of a local or systemic process may have led to the bone loss around his natural teeth. Additionally, an associative factor for this patient was the fixed prosthesis design attached to the implants, and how it affected the peculiar type of occlusion [12]. The patient has a skeletal Class III maxilla-mandibular relationship, with an additional skeletal posterior bilateral crossbite tendency (Figure 15A-15D). His maxillary alveolar osseous structure is significantly smaller in every dimension than that of his mandible. But, the patient is dentally compensated to such a degree that all maxillary teeth flare significantly toward the facial to “fit over” his mandibular teeth. Consequently, when his maxillary left implants were inserted, they were placed in alveolar bone that was substantially palatal to the opposing mandibular teeth. In addition, the patient’s subsequent screw-retained 10 x 12 x 14 porcelainfused- to-metal (PFM) fixed prosthesis was designed to flare facially as his natural teeth had presented. This had the unfortunate side effect of creating severe non-vertical, off-axes forces on his implants and surrounding bone. This condition accounted for the significant bone loss. Additionally, in an effort to visually mask the flaring of the prosthetic teeth, the original lab technician created a large facial “ridge-lap” of pink porcelain. This had the unfortunate side effect of creating a significant food and bacterial trap that contributed to the bone loss around the supporting implants. As a result of these contributing factors, it was not recommended that his three current implants be considered healthy enough to help support a final restoration. The option of removing these implants was discussed and grafting the sites with the hope that they specifically, or the region in general, would support new implants in the future. This would result in significant loss of surrounding alveolar bone, and would likely entail 4 - 6 months of graft maturation, with no guarantee of success. It was conceivable that the bone grafting might prove less than successful, with the potential loss of more alveolar structure. If this was to occur, a conventional sinus lift would prove necessary. The patient desired not to wear a transitional denture for an extensive period of time, especially without the assurance that implant placement would be located in preferred areas. Therefore, the implants were opted to be put “to sleep.” This was expected to serve dual purposes: 1) allow the placement of new implants immediately in the previously nonimplanted adjacent sites, and 2) allow the submerged implants that were put “to sleep” to serve as a buttress for the bone. A lengthy discussion ensued with the patient regarding the design and type of final prostheses that would be appropriate. The possibility of screw-retained Hybrid bridges, specifically made in Zirconia, was rejected because his alveolar arch form discrepancy (underbite and crossbite) fixed prostheses would prove very problematic. The resulting smile esthetics and facial form of this type of prosthesis would be untenable. Although Zirconia might be considered a “strong” material, it has no functional resilience. In the incorrect occlusal scheme (compensated underbite/crossbite), this could transmit significantly more force to the underlying implants, thus essentially ensuring their failure from simple mechanical overload. An acrylic hybrid bridge might prove more resilient, and thus be potentially “kinder” to the underlying implants, but in a similarly inappropriate occlusal scheme it would be expected to fracture readily (most likely in the anterior region). Finally, a PFM hybrid might be considered stronger than acrylic, but porcelain has little shear strength, and in a flared design attempting to compensate for an underbite/crossbite fractures would be considered the expectation, rather than the exception Ideal esthetics were paramount to the patient. Optimal and easy hygiene were similarly paramount. Protecting the new implants and their overlying prostheses from inappropriate and damaging forces was critical. Ease of repair or replacement when away from home was not considered a luxury. Consequently, the recommendation was given for removable over-dentures, rather than screw-retained hybrid bridges. The patient had to overcome the predisposed bias that “removable” teeth were somehow inferior to “permanent” teeth. A wide-variety of patients and needs can benefit from different types of prostheses, and for different reasons. As such, removable prostheses could solve the patient’s problems by optimally enhancing oral hygiene. The prostheses can be removed from the mouth for unimpeded access to the implants, abutments and surrounding tissue. Also from an esthetic standpoint, the patient desired a natural facial appearance, and over-dentures allows a facial flange on the upper prosthesis with sufficient fullness to provide the right balance to the profile. Treatment was initiated by removing the patient’s remaining maxillary teeth and performing sufficient alveoloplasty to smooth and level the remaining alveolar ridge (Figure 16A&16B). Visual confirmation of the anticipated radiographic profile regarding the three maxillary left implants occurred, exposed portions of the fixtures were removed, the new coronal surfaces were smoothed, and the internal portions were filled with composite resin. Six new implants (ASTRA TECH TX by Dentsply, 4.5 x 11 mm in all positions, except the maxillary left posterior, which was 4.5 x 9.0) were placed evenly throughout the arch. All implants were placed at 40 N‱cm, following the manufacturer’s protocol of sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and using copious sterile saline irrigation. Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentslpy) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The maxillary transitional denture was then delivered after relining with Coe-Soft. It’s worth noting that the maxillary transitional denture was designed with approximately 2 mm of vertical dimension opening to help compensate for the patient’s shifting and over-closure. This increased vertical dimension also had the effect of rotating the mandible posteriorly and inferiorly, thus lessening his Class III facial appearance. Four weeks later, the patient’s mandibular teeth were extracted without complication and judicious alveoloplasty was similarly performed to smooth and level the osseous ridge in preparation for implant placement (Figure 17A&17B). Care was given to removing sufficient osseous height for his future prosthetic needs. Six new implants (ASTRA TECH TX by Dentsply, 4.5 x 11.0 in the four anterior positions, and 5.0 x 9.0 in the two posterior positions) were placed evenly spaced throughout the arch (Figure 18A-18C). All implants were placed at 40 N‱cm, following the manufacturer’s protocol of sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and using copious sterile saline irrigation. The anterior implants were placed with a slight lingual angulation to allow the new prosthetic teeth to be placed as far lingually as possible, and to help minimize the patient’s previous Class III facial appearance. Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentslpy) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The maxillary transitional denture was then delivered after relining with Coe-Soft. After utilizing the prime mandibular positions for the permanent implants, sites were then selected for the mini implants (MDI by 3M, 1.8 x10.0 mm), which were placed to a torque value of 40 N‱cm. Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentsply) was inserted into the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The O-ring housings were placed on the mini implants with white rubber spacers used to prevent subsequent acrylic from locking into undercuts, should the implants not be perfectly parallel. The underside of the transitional denture was hollowed out to allow complete seating on the tissue without binding or impinging on the O-ring housings. Following application of the associated primer, EZ Pickup (Sterngold) was used to capture the housings into the denture and provide tissue adaptation to the newly sutured gingiva. After curing, excess material was then trimmed and polished away, and the transitional denture was inserted with instructions to leave in place for the first 24 hours to help contain any intra-oral swelling. Thereafter, the patient was instructed to remove his mandibular temporary denture every evening to allow fresh air to better reach the tissue, and also to rinse with Peridex approximately 2-3 times daily. Three months was allotted for maxillary implant integration, with a concurrent two months given to the mandibular implants. All twelve implants were uncovered at a single appointment and healing abutments were placed, with the tissue closed again with 4-0 PGA sutures (Figure 19A-19D). The maxillary transitional denture was readily relined with Coe-Soft to accommodate the new abutments, while the mandibular transitional denture required more preparation (Figure 20A-20C). The hard EZ-Pickup that was used to capture the O-ring housings was removed with an acrylic burr, while care was taken not to loosen the housings. Coe-Soft was used to fit the underside of the transitional denture to the new abutments. Peridex use was resumed to help keep the tissue, sutures and abutments clean (Figure 21A-21D). One week later all sutures were removed. The patient was instructed to start brushing the tissue and abutments, for cleanliness purposes and to stimulate the soft tissue blood flow aiding in maturation. Initial impressions were taken, sent to the laboratory (Root Dental). Two weeks were allowed for the soft tissue to gain its near-final dimensions prior to final impressions. The healing abutments were removed and open tray impression pins were placed. Custom trays were used with Aquasil Ultra (Dentsply) for final impressions. Tray design for implant impressions is critical for success, and must have sufficient space in the implant region to allow impression material to completely encase the impression pins. If not, the pins can “flex” in the elastomeric impression material and affect the accuracy of not just the final model, but the framework and subsequent final prosthesis as well. Once final models were fabricated with the appropriate implant abutments, conventional baseplates with wax rims were made and fitted. A subsequent teeth-in-wax try-in was performed to establish ideal vertical dimension and facial form, ideal teeth and smile esthetics, and ideal phonetics. The case was returned to Root Lab where final LOCATOR abutments were selected, the frameworks were made and the final prostheses were processed. An exact duplicate maxillary prosthesis made for the patient to keep, especially for travel purposes. At the final delivery, the mini implants were removed (unthreaded, without local anesthetic) and the final LOCATOR abutments placed, and over-dentures delivered, with all components torqued to Astra’s specifications (Figure 22A&22B). Final occlusal balancing was negligible with all three prostheses (the two maxillary and one mandibular) and easily performed to provide Joe with acceptable bilateral group function occlusion (Figure 23A-23E). Optimal hygiene was discussed and demonstrated using a Sonicare (Figure 24A-24D).
Case 3
Joan is a 73 year old female desiring implant supported over-dentures. She was missing many teeth, and had worn a mandibular removable partial denture for over thirty years. Many of her remaining teeth had failing restorations, long-term poor periodontal prognoses, or had shifted far from their original and ideal positions. Most notably, her maxillary teeth and their previous restorations were unsound and unattractive, and her mandibular teeth had extruded to the point that they were in an un-esthetic “high” position when Joan spoke or smiled, all contributing to her being self-conscious (Figure 25A&25B). A number of restorative options were presented, including conventional dentures, implant over-dentures, and implantsupported hybrid bridges. Keeping and restoring the remaining mandibular teeth was discussed, but the patient did not wish to consider an orthodontic referral to discuss the possibility of tooth intrusion. Full-coverage crowns, while they could make the teeth themselves look better, could not be “intruded” sufficiently for optimal esthetics without prior osseous crown lengthening. In addition, there is a high probability of endodontic issues due to pulpal encroachment when preparing the teeth sufficiently to make the incisal edges of resulting crowns 2-3 mm lower than they currently are [13]. Even if the patient’s mandibular teeth were kept and restored, the insufficient alveolar structure in the molar areas to support implants would require a removable partial denture to gain molar function. As a result, the patient opted to have all remaining teeth removed and requested four implants in each arch to support over-dentures. Treatment was initiated by extracting the patient’s maxillary teeth and performing an alveoloplasty to smooth and level the remaining osseous ridge prior to implant placement (Figure 26A-26D). Care was given to removing sufficient osseous height to allow room for the necessary layers of materials and components required by an over-denture. These include: 1) teeth, 2) acrylic “gum tissue”, 3) strengthening framework and 4) implant LOCATOR abutments. Once the osseous ridge was prepared, the posterior implant positions were sited using previous tooth positions as landmarks. Initial osteotomies were prepared relative to the expected medial wall positions of the sinuses, and paralleling pins were placed with digital radiographs taken to verify the position and angulation. It’s worth noting that paralleling pins are significantly narrower than the final implants so care was taken to ensure that there was sufficient room distal to the paralleling pins to allow enlargement of the osteotomies to the appropriate size without perforating the medial sinus walls (Figure 27A-27D). Once the posterior implants were sited, the anterior implants were located in the lateral incisor positions, and their osteotomies were directed toward the palatal aspects of the sockets to engage the thicker, denser portion of the alveolus. All four implants (ASTRA TECH EV by Dentsply, 4.2 x 11 mm) were placed at 45 N‱cm, following the manufacturer’s protocol of sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and using copious sterile saline irrigation.
Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentslpy) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The maxillary transitional denture was then delivered after relining with Coe-Soft. Four weeks later, the patient’s mandibular teeth were extracted and an alveoloplasty was similarly performed to smooth and level the boney ridge in preparation for implant placement. Care was given here as well to removing sufficient osseous height for her future prosthetic needs. For this case, the clinician opted to “lower” her mandibular anterior teeth to return them to their pre-extruded position. The height of the remaining osseous crest was reduced to allow for this (Figure 28A-28F). Following mandibular alveoloplasty, the soft tissue was carefully reflected to visualize the mental foramina, and both posterior implants were sited accordingly. Paralleling pins and digital radiographs were used, as with the maxillary posterior implants, to ensure the enlarging osteotomies would not encroach upon the mental foramina or the anterior loops of the mental nerves. The two anterior implants were then sited appropriately between. All four implants (ASTRA TECH EV by Dentsply, 4.2 x 11 mm) were placed at 45 N‱cm, following the manufacturer’s protocol; sequentially enlarging the osteotomies, and with copious sterile saline irrigation. After utilizing the prime mandibular positions for the permanent implants, sites were then selected for the provisional mini implants that would be used to help stabilize the mandibular transitional denture throughout the process. Two 1.8 x 13 mm implants (MDI by 3M) were placed in the two canine positions and were tightened to a torque value of 40 N‱cm. Bone grafting material (Symbios DBX Putty by Dentsply) was placed in the remaining extraction sites and the flaps were approximated without tension and closed with 4-0 PGA sutures (Hu-Friedy). The O-ring housings were placed on the mini implants and the underside of the transitional denture was hollowed out to allow complete seating on the tissue without binding or impinging on the O-ring housings. Often, white rubber spacers are used to prevent subsequent acrylic from locking into undercuts should the implants not be perfectly parallel, but were not needed in this case, as the housings were intimate with the soft tissue (Figure 29A-29F). Following application of the associated primer, EZ Pickup (Sterngold) was used to capture the housings into the denture and provide tissue adaptation to the newly sutured gingiva. After curing, excess material was then trimmed and polished away, and the transitional denture was inserted with instructions to leave in place for the first 24 hours to help contain any intra-oral swelling. The patient was instructed to remove the mandibular temporary denture every evening to allow for air to reach the tissue, and also to rinse with Peridex, approximately 2-3 times daily. Three and one-half months were allowed for maxillary implant integration, while two and one-half months were allowed for those in the mandible. All eight implants were uncovered at a single appointment, healing abutments were placed, and the tissue closed with 4-0 PGA sutures. The maxillary transitional denture was readily cleaned out and relined again with Coe-Soft, while the mandibular transitional denture required minor preparation prior to its relining. The hard EZ-Pickup that was used to capture the O-ring housings previously was largely removed with an acrylic burr, while taking care not to loosen the housings themselves. Coe-Soft was then used to adapt the underside of the transitional denture to the new abutments. Peridex use was resumed to help keep the tissue, sutures and abutments clean (Figure 30A-30C). One week later, all sutures were removed and the patient was instructed to start brushing her tissue and abutments to keep them clean, while also stimulating soft tissue blood flow to aid in maturation. Initial impressions were taken and sent to the lab (Root Dental). Another two weeks were allowed for the soft tissue to gain its near-final dimensions prior to final impressions. The healing abutments were removed from all implants and open tray Astra impression pins were placed. Custom trays were used with Aquasil Ultra (Dentsply) for final impressions (Figure 31A-31D). Once final models were fabricated with the appropriate implant abutments, conventional baseplates with wax rims were made and fitted. A subsequent teeth-in-wax try-in was performed to establish ideal vertical dimension and facial form, ideal teeth and smile esthetics, and ideal phonetics. The patient’s case was returned to Root Lab where final LOCATOR abutments were selected, strengthening frameworks were cast, and the upper and lower implant over-dentures were processed for final delivery (Figure 32A-32F). At the final delivery appointment, the mini implants were easily removed (unthreaded, without local anesthesia) and the final abutments placed and torqued to Astra’s specifications (Figure 33A-33F). Final occlusal balancing was negligible and easily performed to provide the patient proper bilateral group function occlusion. Optimal hygiene was discussed and demonstrated using a Sonicare (Figure 34A-34D).
The lack of appropriate and sufficient resources to undertake comprehensive dental treatment plans for the mission patient has been a difficult problem for practitioners over the past thirty years. In addition, the lack of appropriate and consistent treatment time, and the inability to phase treatment over many months, greatly reduces the potential for an optimum outcome. This clinical case report displays a clear-cut, and cost-effective approach that is more serviceable for a wider range of adult patients, than attempting to complete a high-end comprehensive treatment plan. Although clinicians are trained to perform dental treatment that encompasses a wide variety of potential treatments and procedures, the dentist in the mission field has a limited number of treatment options. Proper triage of the patient determines the probable path of treatment, which invariably involves multiple extractions, implant placement and attached complete dentures. Mission clinicians can achieve professionally accepted standards of care for many indigent adult patients without the need for complex restorative treatment.
   Dentsply, Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 West Philadelphia Street, York, PA 17401, 1-844-848-0137.
   Sonicare, 3000 Minuteman Road, M/S 109, Andover, MA 01810.
   Sterngold Dental, LLC, 23 Frank Mossberg Drive, Attleboro, MA 02703-0967.
   Symbios, Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 West Philadelphia Street, York, PA 17401, Phone: 1-844-848-0137.
   Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 3232 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, IL 60618-5935, 1-800-483-7433.
   Aquasil, 38 West Clarke Avenue, Milford, DE 19963, 1-800-532-2855.
   Peridex, 3M Oral Care, 2510 Conway Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000.
   Water Pik, Inc, 1730 East Prospect RD, Fort Collins, CO 80553, 1-800-525-2774.
   Oral-B, 301 E 6th St, Cincinnati, OH 45202, 513-634-1111.
   Kerr Corporation, 1717 West Collins, Orange, CA 92867, 877-685-1484.
   3M Oral Care, 2510 Conway Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000.
   Dan Root Dental Laboratories, 5201 College Boulevard, Leawood, KS 66211, 1-800-874-5609.
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thedarkwillhide · 8 years ago
Sex F Fort Worth, TX 48 United States 09/18/1993 19:00 - Julian day 2449249.50 Timezone -5.00 ST 17.22 Lat 32.43 Long 97.19 Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses
The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. On the right, you will find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.
Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0 Sun Virgo 26°04’ Ascendant Pisces 15°52’ Moon Scorpio 6°36’ II Aries 26°59’ Mercury Libra 12°18’ III Taurus 27°13’ Venus Leo 26°51’ IV Gemini 21°21’ Mars Libra 24°35’ V Cancer 14°14’ Jupiter Libra 18°45’ VI Leo 10°22’ Saturn Aquarius 24°51’ R VII Virgo 15°52’ Uranus Capricorn 18°15’ R VIII Libra 26°59’ Neptune Capricorn 18°25’ R IX Scorpio 27°13’ Pluto Scorpio 23°22’ Midheaven Sagittarius 21°21’ Lilith Aries 7°38’ XI Capricorn 14°14’ Asc node Sagittarius 5°34’ XII Aquarius 10°22’
The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.
Planet Aspect Planet Orb Orb/Value Sun Trine Uranus 7°49’ 3 Sun Trine Neptune 7°39’ 5 Sun Sextile Pluto 2°42’ 151 Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 6°27’ 184 Mercury Square Uranus 5°57’ -1 Venus Sextile Mars 2°16’ 100 Venus Opposition Saturn 1°59’ -257 Venus Square Pluto 3°29’ -50 Mars Conjunction Jupiter 5°50’ 128 Mars Trine Saturn 0°16’ 101 Jupiter Trine Saturn 6°06’ 32 Jupiter Square Uranus 0°30’ -73 Jupiter Square Neptune 0°20’ -66 Saturn Square Pluto 1°29’ -85 Uranus Conjunction Neptune 0°10’ 197 Uranus Sextile Ascendant 2°23’ 31 Neptune Sextile Pluto 4°57’ 1 Neptune Sextile Ascendant 2°33’ 20 Pluto Trine Ascendant 7°30’ 1 954 -532 422
Asteroids & Chiron
The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart. Chiron Virgo 3°16’ Ceres Taurus 5°43’ R Pallas Aquarius 26°19’ R Juno Virgo 22°14’ Vesta Pisces 5°01’ R Fortune Aries 26°24’ South node Gemini 5°34’
Natal Chart Report
Birth Chart
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for .
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.
Sun in Virgo
It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, “clean freak” in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how.
Virgo’s symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is “natural” and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they’ve convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it.
Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete. There’s an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They’ll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don’t let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.
Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious.
Sun in VII
You take pride in your ability to negotiate, and to establish harmony in your relationships. It is important to you to have a partner, as you feel incomplete without one. You are motivated to become well-liked, and you are especially sensitive to rejection. One of the lessons in your life may be to avoid putting harmony and others’ opinions of you above your own needs. Use your social skills and seek out peaceful relations with others, but try not to over-identify with your partnerships and the way you are received by others. You may marry someone with a strong personality.
3 Trine Sun - Uranus
It is natural for you to question tradition. You are, above all things, an individualist. You naturally rebel against that which is established. It doesn’t mean that you consistently break all the rules, but you definitely do question some of the rules, especially those that simply don’t make much sense. You possess a huge distaste for routine. You work best when you have some say as to when and how you get things done. You possess much self-integrity. You avoid labeling people and are most offended when others attempt to label or stereotype you.
You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog, and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. You don’t have to try to stand out as unique–you are original, creative, and progressive without trying. You are far from pretentious. You value honesty and truth, and you avoid putting on airs. You believe in the equality of people, and easily relate to people from all walks of life. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or adventurous experiences into your life. You are generally appreciated by others because you are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior.
5 Trine Sun - Neptune
There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to you. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to your personality. You are naturally compassionate. It is so completely natural for you to accept that there is more to the world than what is before your eyes, that you tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, you come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in your life. Your attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. You are sensitive to those who are suffering, although you are not usually taken advantage of. You are humanitarian and may have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, you are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. You have a fertile imagination, are full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that you may use on the professional level.
151 Sextile Sun - Pluto
You have much sexual vitality and passion. It is easy and natural for you to find a passion and pursue it, and to focus on a goal. You are not much scared of anything. You enjoy and embrace growth, especially of the psychological kind. You love a good mystery, and you are adept at solving it.You readily assign meaning to what others might consider “ordinary” events. You look for symbols, and read between the lines in most any situation. The physical vitality is generally strong, and the body is usually able to heal quickly. You are not afraid to get your hands dirty, and you are usually quick to help others–not only with mundane tasks, but also on a spiritual or psychological level. Your insight is sharp and sometimes awe-inspiring. You are perceptive and not easily rattled or surprised in life. You are not a do-gooder nor are you a law-breaker. However, you are not afraid of the “dark side” of human nature, and you will bend the rules from time to time if you feel the need to do so. You take particular pleasure in growth and life’s lessons. You are not fond of superficiality, and are generally the first to spot pretense of any kind. You are passionate and can be intense. You have a hunger to experience more than just an “ordinary” life, and you can be quite ambitious. Some people with this aspect are perfectionists, demanding much from themselves and reasonable amounts of effort and honesty from others.
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.
Moon in Scorpio
While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion–they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to “see” what isn’t obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.
Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control – these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn’t need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.
Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply doesn’t fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around. Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving.
Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Even in the absence of experience, they seem to “just know” things. It would be difficult to shock or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the face of emotional honesty and power. Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. Lunar Scorpios have exceptional “radar” that allows them to size up a situation–and a person–quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for others. Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent and astute. Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, and they make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.
Short description:
Courageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. A very sensual and progressive woman.
Weaknesses: excesses of pleasures of the flesh, sensual delights and sensuality. Difficulty letting go.
Moon in VIII
She has a tendency to having deep and profound dreams. Romantic fantasies. Is interested in the occult.
While you have a strong need for emotional security, you are also a person who is drawn to pushing your own limits, and many lifestyle changes can be the result of this need to challenge, or reinvent, yourself emotionally. You are always fascinated with how people work, taboos, secrets, and all that is forbidden or hidden. Sexual unrest, or an apparent need to constantly change sexual partners or to challenge yourself sexually, may be a symptom of emotional insecurity. Connecting with another person intimately is an emotional need, but your changeable emotions might often get in the way of your goal. Jealousy and possessiveness might also be qualities you struggle with. At your best, however, you are a person who is intimate, deep, and intensely loyal to a partner.
Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
Mercury in Libra
Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, she evaluates and weighs things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. Of good judgment, she expresses herself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, she listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up her own mind. Mental affinity in her relationships is paramount. She is good at compromising and always tries to put herself in others’ shoes. Some mental laziness.
Mercury in VII
Hates being alone. She has lots of friends, likes to discuss and similarly has a lot of work friends. Likes to write.
You have a great love of debate, if only to get closer to your own thoughts and opinions. Bouncing ideas off others helps you to make a decision, although coming to definite conclusions can be painfully difficult for you. You see the other side of the coin. You might often play devil’s advocate. Communication with a partner is craved, and you also love an audience for your own thoughts and opinions, but preferably a one-person audience, as you come alive verbally when it’s one-on-one. You can be quite skilled at keeping a partnership animated and alive with interesting tidbits, new ideas, and stimulating conversation. You can easily become bored in partnership if the lines of communication go down, even temporarily. You might also love to talk about and analyze relationships and marriage.
184 Conjunction Mercury - Jupiter
She is intelligent, has big ideas: she is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. She has good judgement, good sense and has her feet on the ground. She has the “gift of the gab”, and likes to speak, she also likes literature. She is erudite and will normally be successful socially.
-1 Square Mercury - Uranus
She likes polemic, to criticize and, above all, to contradict. She lacks diplomacy and tends to dissipate her energy. She cannot stay in the same place, likes change even if it means a backward step in her professional career.
Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.
Venus in Leo
When Venus in Leo people are in love, they are proud, even boastful. This position of Venus can turn humble Virgo Suns or retiring Cancer Suns into somewhat demanding lovers. Venus in Leo loves to court and be courted, and they need to feel very special. They are warm, generous, and even grand. Though really quite loyal to their partners (remember that love is THE most important thing in Leo’s life), they thrive on attention from the opposite sex. Be prepared for their displays: they will tell you about any advances made on them. Remember, they’re just showing off to you, and it’s likely harmless. It’s a different story if you do the same, however. That’s when you’ll hear the lion roar
and, no doubt, you’ll want to keep these cats purring. Venus in Leo wants to appear experienced in love, even if they have little or no experience whatsoever!
Venus in Leo people have high expectations, but once you know that these expectations revolve only around how much attention you are giving them, you’ll see that they are really quite big-hearted about most everything else. They are threatened by a relationship that appears to have settled too much, or one that’s lost its spark. They are also threatened by indifferent or impersonal behavior on your part. Although their needs for physical expression through sex are generally quite strong, their need for love is perhaps even stronger. It is hard for Venus in Leo people to separate love and sex, and even their most erotic fantasies are infused with love and affection. For this reason, few Venus in Leo folk would last long in a relationship that is mostly sexual. On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied.
Pleasing Venus in Leo involves paying loads of attention to them. If you’re willing to make only one adjustment in your ways, it should be to remind Leo how wonderful they are. Respect and appreciate them, always. Put up with their childlike moments and their tall tales. They want to be seen as attractive by you, so avoid (at all costs!) putting them down in this area. They actually lose interest when they perceive the slightest loss of interest in their partner, and you can expect that any letdown will be acted out in a dramatic fashion. Remind them, in a gentle way, that your emotions count too. If you are feeling a little jealous, let them know. Remember, to Venus in Leo, your small jealousies are affirmations that you find them attractive and expect the rest of the world to as well. Let them decide where to go on a date, and let them pay too. When Venus in Leo feels loved and appreciated, they reward you with loyalty, a big sense of fun, and plenty of physical expressions of their love.
Short description:
Sincere, frank and warm affections. She is full of tenderness. High hopes in love. She likes to live and satisfy her passions to the fullest. Can be possessive and might even seduce for the sake of seducing to prove to herself that she is attractive. Very proud in love, and warm-hearted and generous with loved ones.
Venus in VI
She may be devoted to sick or poor people. Might work in a medical or social setting, where she meets their partner, who is a great help professionally.
Your expressions of love and affection are practical and helpful. Being of service to a partner is especially important to you. In fact, you might go to great lengths to be available at all costs to a loved one. While you may not be flowery or showy when it comes to expressing love, you show your love by your availability, rendering services, doing practical things for a loved one, and other thoughtful “little” things. Many of you are talented at design work, as you appreciate and pay much attention to all of the little parts that make up a whole, with the goal of finding order and harmony in these systems. If you are not careful, you might pass up on true love opportunities in favor of relationships that serve a practical purpose in your life, or out of fear that you might not find better. Selling yourself short may be something that keeps you from going after what and who you want.
100 Sextile Venus - Mars
She is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a strong temperament. She is demonstrative in love, and likes healthy pleasures. She enjoys life to the full.
-257 Opposition Venus - Saturn
This aspect sometimes means unhealthy sensuality. She is hard, and does not know how to express her emotions. She is frightened of showing her love, and this leads to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. It is likely that she had problems with her mother, who did not know how to love her or give her self-confidence. She doubts, is suspicious and jealous. She will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with herself and to control her jealousy in the second half of her life, thanks to an older person, who gives her self-confidence back to her, so she can then trust others.
-50 Square Venus - Pluto
In an attempt to control the outcome of a love relationship, or the loved one’s feelings, you can turn to manipulative games. Even if you do “succeed” at it, there is never a feeling that you’ve won someone over for who you are, and this feeds a vicious cycle that you should try to avoid getting yourself into. Your feelings are intense, and even extreme, when it comes to love. You might attract intense relationships that have love-hate themes as a result. You are passionate when you love, definitely, but also passionate when you hate. You easily put pressure on your partner, as you expect much loyalty and honesty in your intimate relationships. Be careful not to let your relationships get to a point where your partner is superfluous and you are working through your own inner demons through him or her. Certainly, you will learn much about yourself through your relationships, and you may not always like what you see. You will meet yourself (the “darker” side or inner demons) through your relationships, and it will be critical that you recognize it as your own “material” and not project it onto your partner. Letting go of a relationship can be hard for you to do, especially if Venus is in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius).
Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
Mars in Libra
Mars in Libra natives often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not their strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Many people with this position procrastinate, generally because they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action.
Life isn’t always fair, as Mars in Scorpio would say, but Mars in Libra will seldom accept this notion. These natives can easily get caught up in defending themselves and others. Although their overall goal is to live peacefully, they stir others up with their desire to balance everything. Still, they always play innocent when they are challenged, and can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favor. Passive-aggressiveness is practically the hallmark of this position. They don’t want to look like they are ever being mean or unfair, but aggression has to go somewhere! Too often, this results in sneaky behavior and subterfuge. On the other hand, some Mars in Libra people turn the Mars energy into action, and they fight for Libran justice and fairness in the world. On the up side, Mars in Libra people are adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur well in advance. They know how to compromise and are excellent at conflict management.
Mars in VII
She dominates her associates, colleagues. She is the same in love life, dominating the spouse and this makes for a stormy relationship in prospect.
128 Conjunction Mars - Jupiter
She has a good sense of organization, she is jovial, frank and sincere. She is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. She loves life and takes all it has to offer. She likes sports and the outdoor life. She is successful professionally and emotionally. She usually has lots of children.
She is honest and forthright in her dealings with others, and she tends to trust others readily. She can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because she is so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter her mind, although success itself is not that important to her.
101 Trine Mars - Saturn
She is energetic and determined. She has strength and resistance, ability and patience: she is tough, and sometimes insensitive, and puts all her energy and talents into overcoming all the obstacles to her success. She is obstinate, calculating, does not take on anything without having thought of all the possible consequences, she can take all the time in the world and never loses patience to achieve her objectives. She is not particularly popular in her circle, but is feared and respected.
Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
Jupiter in Libra
She attracts the most good fortune when she is fair-minded, treats others with equality, is bending without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses her talents at promoting and mediating. Values people and relationships, and might succeed best in partnership. Relating as equals is important to you. The arts, architecture, law, math, mediating, and politics are possible avenues for success. Use of charm and grace to reach goals.
Jupiter in VII
She makes a good marriage, with a useful partner who helps to bring success if only by his advice. She never goes outside the bounds of legality.
32 Trine Jupiter - Saturn
She is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. Her judgment is good and she thinks things over. She pursues her objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. She is upright and respects the law.
-73 Square Jupiter - Uranus
She is too independent and her liberty is all-important. She lacks diplomacy, and her extravagance is shocking. She likes verbal battles and espouses extremist ideas in order to shock her companions. She has a number of internal tensions.
-66 Square Jupiter - Neptune
She is easily influenced. She is a dreamer, who lets herself be seduced by fine words, which are not always sincere. She does not see wickedness and is often fooled by people.
Saturn represents contraction and effort.
Saturn in Aquarius
Long-term studies and, if family circumstances do not allow this, she will teach herself. She is serious and methodical in work. Likes to visit the elderly and intellectuals, who both enrich her mind.
Weaknesses: bad luck, adversity, problems and disappointed hopes.
Saturn in XII
She likes quiet and solitude above everything. She looks for work (or can work) alone, without being bothered. She hates chatting, outside noises.
-85 Square Saturn - Pluto
She is not open to others’ ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. She is an egoist and has a narrow mind.
Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
Uranus in Capricorn
A great battler. She has so much power, that one thinks nothing can defeat her. Her mission in society, in the world means everything to her.
Uranus in XI
Her freedom is important to her, even with regard to friends. These are extravagant, original, intellectual. They are not from the same background and have a different up-bringing.
197 Conjunction Uranus - Neptune
31 Sextile Uranus - Ascendant
She is always changing, is unstable. She is ready to innovate, to change everything. She is inventive.
Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
Neptune in Capricorn
She is discerning, wise and sensible.
Neptune in XI
Friendships are unselfish, and often wants to belong to a group of like-minded people.
1 Sextile Neptune - Pluto
20 Sextile Neptune - Ascendant
She has strange relationships. She is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.
Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.
Pluto in Scorpio
Great sexual activity.
1 Trine Pluto - Ascendant
She has will-power and ambition, and likes to have her own way.
House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
Ascendant in Pisces
“Go with the flow” seems to be a Pisces rising motto. They move about the world in a vaguely directionless, gentle manner. They come across as artists and lovers of peace; but their open minds and hearts can give them a chameleon-like persona. Others are not always sure who they’ll meet from one day to the next with a Pisces rising person. Although often quiet and shy, another day may find them talkative and passionate. They are hugely impressionable, have a dreamy disposition, and project a soft-hearted personality. Pisces rising sees the world the way they want to see it at any given time, so objectivity is not necessarily a strong point. Neither is decision-making! People with Pisces rising resist any kind of labeling–their characters are changeable, and they don’t want to be pinned down or pegged in any way. Theirs is a restless, searching nature that cannot be happy with any one way of living or being. Pisces rising avoids cold, hard facts and harsh realities like the plague. They don’t have a decisive plan for tomorrow or even today, preferring to keep things open. Since they change their minds frequently enough, and like to “feel” their way through life, too much organization or structure can be seen as very limiting.
Pisces rising people walk around with their heads in the clouds, and even when you do have their attention, their dreaminess is almost always apparent. These people look for a stable partnership–one that is reliable. Pisces rising people gravitate to partners who keep them on their toes, and they often will pass off the little details and reality checks to their significant other. They seem to need a practical, realistic partner. Pisces Ascendants often have a sensitivity to drugs, and sometimes are prone to allergies that come and go. Their physical constitutions seem to be less resistant than most. Pisces rising people often possess an irresistible charm that comes on in a quiet way, with a soft aura about them. Both their appearance and mannerisms are usually quite intriguing to others.
House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
House II in Aries
Financial success is more likely when she uses her entrepreneurial spirit. However, impulsive spending is likely. Won’t ask for money, wants to be self-made. Doesn’t receive much financial help.
House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.
House III in Taurus
One is never better than when at home. Not much travelling or taking of a sudden or unexamined initiative. When travel occurs, it is to comfortable and familiar areas. Everything is calculated and deliberate: the motto is “slowly but surely”.
House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
House IV in Gemini
Impossible to stay in one place, frequently changes home. If the job is monotonous, she will often change firm. The ideal profession would be one offering a lot of change, moving around, meeting lots of new people. An equally erratic love life is to be expected.
House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.
House V in Cancer
She will often be in love, up until the day she meets the chosen one. She is not a gambler, by any means. Is safe in a casino. Takes great pleasure in home life. Hobbies may be cooking, sewing, and other Cancer-related pastimes. Very affectionate lover, but private and sensitive.
House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.
House VI in Leo
Ability to command, authority at work. Weak point: the heart and arteries.
House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
House VII in Virgo
Marriage more of the head than the heart, which will last in spite of a few hiccups. The spouse is honest, hard-working, intelligent and cunning.
House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
House VIII in Libra
Happy old age, natural death.
House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
House IX in Scorpio
Likes long voyages, especially by sea. Might participate in regattas, likes risk, sport.
House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older
House X in Sagittarius
Job involving travel, especially abroad, and if possible with some risk attached. One of the professions.
House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
House XI in Capricorn
Stable friendships with composed, wise people, from whose experience of life she can profit in her own life.
House XII is the area of education and of emotion.
House XII in Aquarius
Friends can be complicated, perhaps bringing predicaments to your life.
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journalmaterialscience-blog · 5 years ago
Wear Loss Evaluation of Silicon Nitride-Hexagonal Boron Nitride Composite using Taguchi Method Abstract Objective: Research in the field of bio-tribology is trying to evaluate biomaterials with minimum wear. Recently Silicon nitride (Si3N4) is suggested as an alternative for hip/knee joint replacement. With the addition of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) in Si3N4, its wear properties can be improved. Methods/Analysis: In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the sliding wear behavior of Si3N4-hBN composite against alumina and steel (ASTM 316L) so as to minimize its wear loss. An attempt has been made to find the effect of hBN addition on wear performance of Si3N4. The experiments were conducted according to Design of Experiments (DoE)-Taguchi method to evaluate the effect hBN addition. Findings: Taguchi analysis presents 15N load and 8% volume of hBN against alumina, while 15N load and 12% volume of hBN against steel is optimum to minimize wear loss of Si3N4. Keywords: Design of experiments (DoE); Taguchi method; Silicon nitride (Si3N4); Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN); Alumina; Steel Go to Introduction Biomaterials in body environment are expected to work satisfactorily, where the pH value of body fluid varies from 1 to 9. Friction, wear, and lubrication of artificial joints are an important consideration to optimise the performance of these man-made joints to improve its function and life. The first metal-on-metal (CoCr-CoCr) total hip replacement (THR) was unsatisfactory because of high friction forces and high rate of wear. Titanium alloys and stainless steel are frequently used in THR. The main risk with metal alloy implants is the release of metal ions due to wear and which creates an adverse effect like aseptic loosening. Therefore metal-on-UHMWPE bearing became advantages or preferable to the metal-on-metal system. Ceramic bearings were first introduced as alternatives to polyethylene (PE) bearings in THR about a decade after Sir John Charnley introduced the first durable THR with a metal-PE articulation. In 1965, the first Al2O3 material dedicated for hip joint was patented, and pioneering application of bio-ceramic was replacing traditional metallic femoral heads of hip prostheses using high density and pure alumina. The Al2O3 and ZrO2 like oxide have a lengthy history in the field of hip and knee joint replacement providing a tougher bearing surface with low wear rate. Initially, in the engineering field, Si3N4 was proposed as a substitute for conventional materials in extreme operating conditions, due to its hardness, excellent chemical and stability under a broad range of temperature, low density, low thermal expansion, high specific stiffness, corrosion resistance, high elastic modulus and low friction properties [1]. Biocompatibility and material properties of Si3N4 have made it attractive alternative in the biomedical field also [2]. Bearings made of ceramics have low wear properties that make them a suitable alternative for total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). When compared to cobalt chrome (CoCr)-on-polyethylene (PE) articulations, ceramics offer drastic reductions in bearing wear rates. Alumina and zirconia ceramics are familiar with the orthopaedic field in total joints for several decades [3]. Currently, Si3N4 is applicable in the biomedical field for various applications like bearing forspine disc surgery and prosthetic hip and knee joints also been developed with Si3N4 [4,5]. Bal & Rahaman [6] covered scientific rationale for the use of Si3N4 in the orthopaedic application. Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is solid situ lubricating material with biocompatibility [7-9]. Incorporating solid lubricant in Si3N4 can be considered for improving the tribological performance of Si3N4 by the formation of an oxide of hydrated layers (H3BO3 and BN(H2O)x) has a significant effect on the tribological performance of Si3N4-BN composites, reducing the wear coefficient. Carrapichano et al. [10] conducted sliding wear test on pin-on-disc tribometer for Si3N4-BN composite in a self-mated pair, with 10, 18 and 25% vol. of BN in Si3N4. They concluded that addition of Boron up to 10% improved tribological properties of Si3N4 and further addition affect to mechanical properties of Si3N4. Chen et al. [11] investigated sliding wear behaviour of the Si3N4-hBN composite with 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 volume % of hBN in Si3N4 against Si3N4 using pinon- disc (PoD) tribometer. They reported that friction coefficient reduces up to 0.19 for 20% volume of hBN in Si3N4. Go to Materials And Methods DOE-Taguchi methodology Taguchi method is a form of DOE developed by Genichi Taguchi used for planning experiments and to investigate how different parameters affect the mean and variance of a process performance characteristic [12]. Ferit et al. [13] analysed the wear behaviour of boronised AISI 1040 steel effectively using DOE-Taguchi design method. Amar et al. [14] implemented DOETaguchi design technique to evaluate the tribo-performance of polyesterhybrid composites. The result presented that glasspolyester composite without any filler suffers greater erosion loss than the hybrid composite with alumina filling. Lastly, the results were optimized using a genetic algorithm. Iihan & Suleyman [15] optimised turning parameters in CNC turning using Taguchi method and response surface analysis, presented efficiency and effectiveness of Taguchi method in the field of optimization. The experimental design proposed by Taguchi involves the use of orthogonal arrays to organize the control factors affecting the process and the levels at which they should be varied. It allows for the collection of the necessary data to determine which factors affect product quality significantly with a minimum number of experiments, saving time and resources. With knowledge of a number of parameters and the number of levels, the proper orthogonal array can be selected. The parameters /factors and their corresponding levels selected for the experiment as shown in Table 1. Click here to view Large Table 1 Load and % volume of hBN are two factors chosen at five levels as shown in Table 1. Therefore L25(levelfactor= 52) orthogonal array selected using Minitab 17 software for conduction of experiment. The orthogonal array provides a set of well-planned experiment with the minimum number. Preparation of samples Si3N4-hBN composites prepared with 4, 8, 12 and 16% volume of hBN mixed in Si3N4. The mixing of Si3N4 and hBN is performed with a ball mill. The pin samples were prepared at uni-axial hot-pressing at 30MPa, 1600 °C and 60min dwell time with dimensions of 10mm diameter and 15mm long. Table 2-4 shows the properties of sintered specimens, properties of alumina disc and steel disc respectively. Click here to view Large Table 2 *Testing at Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata (India) Click here to view Large Table 3 Click here to view Large Table 4 Experimental setup The wear tests were conducted on Ducom TRLE-PMH400 pin on disc tribo meter having a maximum normal load capacity of 200N. Tests were performed according to ASTM F732 standards [16]. During wear test composite used as pin specimen against alumina disc and steel disc as counter face rotating at a speed of 200rpm (each test conducted for two times). Tests were performed at room temperature in a dry environment without lubricant condition. Go to Results Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio analysis Experiments were carried out on Pin-on-Disc tribo meter with two input parameters and wear volume loss of a sample asoutput. Wear volume loss calculated for sliding distance covered by pin during 20min duration and speed of disc 200rpm at corresponding wear track diameter. Table 5 shows the average value of volumetric wear loss (VWL) for all 25 experiments (each experiment conducted two times). The experimental results are further transformed into Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio. Taguchi’s S/N ratios, which are logarithmic, the function of desired output and serves as an objective function for optimization. The standard S/N ratios used are: Smaller is Better (SB), Nominal is Better (NB), and Higher is Better (HB). The significance of controllable factor is investigated using S/N ratio approach. A smaller of wear volume loss is expected to extend joint life. Therefore in this study S/N ratio with Smaller the Better methodology was used for wear volume loss and calculated as follow: Click here to view Large Table 5 Click here to view Large Equation 1 Where, y1, y2 and so on = Experimental results/observation. n= Number of experiments (i

 n). Irrespective of the category of the performance characteristic, the higher value of S/N ratio corresponds to a better performance [17]. The maximization of S/N ratio signifies maximization of the desired effect against noise factor. In this study minimization of wear volume loss is a desirable characteristic. Observation of response table of S/N ratio gives an optimal combination of input parameters for required output characteristic. Response plot Interaction plot represents interaction effect of control factors: load and % volume of hBN on performance characteristic i.e. Volumetric wear loss. Wear performance of composite against alumina: Figure 1 shows the minimum value of VWL at the interaction of 15N load and 8% volume of hBN and the maximum value of S/N ratio at same combination in Figure 2. Click here to view Large Figure 1 Click here to view Large Figure 2 Wear performance of composite against steel: Figure 3 shows the minimum value of VWL at the interaction of 15N load and 12% volume of hBN and the maximum value of S/N ratio at same combination in Figure 4. Click here to view Large Figure 3 Click here to view Large Figure 4 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) ANOVA is statistically based, objective decision- making a tool for detecting any difference in average performance of groups of items tested. It was developed by Sir Ronald Fisher in the 1930’s as a way to interpret the results from agricultural experiments [18]. ANOVA is a statistical technique which breaks total variation down into accountable sources; total variation is decomposed into its appropriate components. This technique determines the variability (variance) in data rather than analysis of data. Table 6 & 7 presents ANOVA table for wear testing against alumina counter face and steel counter face respectively. Click here to view Large Table 6 Click here to view Large Table 7 In ANOVA table [19]: The degree of freedom (DF) is a measure of amount independent information available from given set of data. DF for concerning factor is one less than the number of levels. The sequential or adjusted sum of squares (Seq SS/Adj SS) of factor measures the variability in data contributed by that factor. Total SS is SS of an individual factor and SS of error. Click here to view Large Equation 2 Where mean of all observations at ith factor level, mean of all observations, yij value of jth observation at the ith factor level, ni number of observations for the ith factor level. Wear performance of composite against alumina: from ANOVA table 51.01% contribution is due to combined effect of load and % volume of hBN while alone % volume of hBN has 25.48% contribution to wear performance. Wear performance of composite against steel: from ANOVA table 51.89% contribution is due to combined effect of load and % volume of hBN while alone% volume of hBN has 35.04% contribution to wear performance. Go to Conclusion From the study undertaken on the influence of load and % volume of hBN addition on the room temperature wearperformance of silicon nitride against alumina and steel, the following conclusions can be drawn:. The hBN addition has a significant effect on the wear rate of silicon nitride sliding against alumina as well as steel also. 15N load and 8% volume ofhBN volume of hBN in Si3N4 is the optimum combination to minimize wear rate of Si3N4 against alumina counter face. 15N and 12% volume ofhBN in Si3N4 is the optimum combination to minimize wear rate of Si3N4 against steel counter face. ANOVA result shows that interaction of load and % volume of hBN in Si3N4 has a significant effect on wear rate followed by % volume of hBN. Si3N4-hBN has proposed an alternative for hip/knee joint replacement, from experimental analysis it is clear that suitable combination of load and hBN addition should be considered for replacement of joint. For more Open Access Journals in Juniper Publishers please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/ for more details click on the juniper publishers material scienc
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watchilove · 6 years ago
Manufacture Royale is an independent watchmaking brand with a strong personal language. One of the key features of their watches is the possibility to be personalised with a high degree of liberty. The Manufacture Royale Bespoke program permitted the creation of spectacular pieces, keeping the brand’s signature intact. Today, I want to present you one of these bespoke pieces, the Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke. The timepiece was seen and photographed during the Baselworld 2019. More pictures in the article’s gallery.
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke
Manufacture Royale‘s bespoke program was unveiled at the beginning of 2018. This step was a natural evolution for the brand. The bespoke workshop evolved continuously as the result of the creative mind of David Gouten, CEO of Manufacture Royale and JĂ©rĂŽme Marcu, “horloger crĂ©ateur”, the collectors request and market trends. The personalisation palette permits the creation of unique colour schemes that could fit any imagination and desire.
A complex gold case with 52 elements
One of the most complex cases in the industry
The Androgyne itself requires no presentation. It has one of my favourite cases ever. With a complex construction, the case fits great on the wrist and offers, besides a spectacular look, comfortable wear.
The side of the watch reveals the name of this timepiece
The case complexity is one of the highest on the actual horological theatre. Even the nameplate is carved on the case body with negative engraving.
The case side with a view to the crown
The case is adorned with sandblasted and high-polished surfaces. The two steps bezel is fixed with twelve screws.
A view of the case side. You can observe how the articulated lugs system is implemented
The articulated lugs, besides the cool appearance, give a more comfortable position on the wrist. What seems to be a relatively big watch sits well on the wrist.
A blue skeleton
Another important characteristic of the Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold is the skeletonised movement and dial. The presented piece has a movement coated with a layer of metal oxide. The colour shade is obtained by coating with a controlled oxide thickness.
The dial of the Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold
The dial and the movement construction is an architectural play of depths. The dial layout is relatively symmetrical and pleasantly balanced.
The bezel screws serve also as hour indexes
At the dial of the Androgyne, ingenuity meets functionality. Due to construction, the dial does not permit indexes. For ease in the readout, the twelve screws of the bezel serve as hour indexes.
The Manufacture Royale name and logo and the brand’s “Coat of Arms”
The empty space at 9 o’clock is used for a shield bearing the name and the logo of the brand. The gold component makes a nice contrast with the azure shade of the dial.
The tourbillon is placed at 6 o’clock, in opposition with the 108 hours power reserve barrel.
An interesting note is given by an omnipresent shape: the sword shape visible at the hands and bridges.
The sword shape is also visible on the back of the watch, at the tourbillon’s bridge.
The calibre MR02 is charming. The form and function are nicely mated. The movement is part of the dial, the dial is part of the movement. This duality makes the watch’s complexity a strong point.
The Manufacture Royale logo engraved on a sunray Geneva waves pattern.
The watch is admirably finished. The mainplate and the bridges are chamfered and suffer an engaging polishing. The details worth a dedicated time for study. The blue coating highlight the sunray pattern. It is an eye-catching show.
The Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold on the wrist
Wrist presence and final words
The Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold is good for a large variety of wrist sizes. The articulated lugs permit a firm but comfortable wear. The feel of the watch depends on the case material. The titanium version is almost surprisingly light. The rose gold version presented today looks nice on the wrist and catches attention immediately. Partly to its crazy construction, partly to its unusual colours. The keyword for this watch, and for the entire Royale Bespoke creations, stays in the name – bespoke. The case can be manufactured in various metals and can be personalised further in colour. The movement can be also personalised by different coatings. Even if this version has a unicolour, by the wish, the movement can receive multiple treatments. Only technology and imagination are a limiting factor.
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold technical Specifications
Material: pink gold
Dimensions: 43 mm x 10.20 mm
Glass: sapphire crystal
Water-resistance: 3 ATM / 30m
Calibre MR02
Type: hand-wound mechanical
Ruby: 17
Functions: hours, minutes, tourbillon
Power reserve: 108 hours
Frequency: 21,600 vibrations per hour
Finishes: azure blue CVD finish, Geneva stripes, edges chamfering and polishing,
In hand-sewn alligator with blue stitching
Gold pin buckle
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke
The backside of the Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke with a view to the Calibre MR02
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold
The tourbillon is placed at 6 o’clock, in opposition with the 108 hours power reserve barrel.
The Manufacture Royale name and logo and the brand’s “Coat of Arms”
The skeletonised dial/movement reveals the skeletonised barrel
The tourbillon bridge and carriage
A complex gold case with 52 elements
A view to the case side. You can observe how the articulated lugs system is implemented
Detail of the crown and articulated lugs system
The side view with a view to the crown
The side of the watch reveals the name of the watch
This timepiece is fitted with a gold pin buckle
The dial of the Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold
Another view of the dial
The bezel screws serve also as hour indexes
The backside of the watch with a complete view of the Calibre MR02
The sword shape is also visible on the back of the watch, at the tourbillon’s bridge.
The tourbillon bridge visible on the back of the watch
The Manufacture Royale logo engraved on a Sunrayed Geneva wave pattern.
The Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold on the wrist
Manufacture Royale Androgyne Light Blue Rose Gold – Royale Bespoke. Dare to make it yours! Manufacture Royale is an independent watchmaking brand with a strong personal language. One of the key features of their watches is the possibility to be personalised with a high degree of liberty.
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biointernet · 5 years ago
The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions
Erik Cambria, Andrew Livingstone, Amir Hussain Abstract Human emotions and their modelling are increasingly understood to be a crucial aspect in the development of intelligent systems. Over the past years, in fact, the adoption of psychological models of emotions has become a common trend among researchers and engineers working in the sphere of affective computing. Because of the elusive nature of emotions and the ambiguity of natural language, however, psychologists have developed many different affect models, which often are not suitable for the design of applications in fields such as affective HCI, social data mining, and sentiment analysis. To this end, we propose a novel biologically-inspired and psychologically-motivated emotion categorisation model that goes beyond mere categorical and dimensional approaches. Such model represents affective states both through labels and through four independent but concomitant affective dimensions, which can potentially describe the full range of emotional experiences that are rooted in any of us. Keywords Cognitive and Affective Modelling, NLP, Affective HCI  LNCS 7403 - The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions Introduction Emotions are an essential part of who we are and how we survive. They are complex states of feeling that result in physical and psychological reactions in- fluencing both thought and behaviour. The study of emotions is one of the most confused (and still open) chapters in the history of psychology. This is mainly due to the ambiguity of natural language, which does not allow to describe mixed emotions in an unequivocal way. Love and other emotional words like anger and fear, in fact, are suitcase words (many different meanings packed in), not clearly defined and meaning different things to different people . Hence, more than 90 definitions of emotions have been offered over the past century and there are almost as many theories of emotion, not to mention a complex array of overlapping words in our languages to describe them. Some cat- egorisations include cognitive versus non-cognitive emotions, instinctual (from the amygdala) versus cognitive (from the prefrontal cortex) emotions, and also categorisations based on duration, as some emotions occur over a period of seconds (e.g., surprise), whereas others can last years (e.g., love). Full text PDF The Hourglass of Emotions: Download The Hourglass of Emotions
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Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Publisher Name Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Print ISBN 978-3-642-34583-8 Online ISBN 978-3-642-34584-5 eBook Packages Computer Science The Hourglass of Emotions See also:
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