#keyhole panda
orbitbrain · 2 years
NSA Outs Chinese Hackers Exploiting Citrix Zero-Day
NSA Outs Chinese Hackers Exploiting Citrix Zero-Day
Home › Cyberwarfare NSA Outs Chinese Hackers Exploiting Citrix Zero-Day By Ryan Naraine on December 13, 2022 Tweet Virtualization technology giant Citrix on Tuesday scrambled out an emergency patch to cover a zero-day flaw in its networking product line and warned that a Chinese hacking group has already been caught exploiting the vulnerability. Citrix sounded the alarm via a critical-severity…
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raincode-archives · 11 months
Chapter 0 Loading Screen Trivia
Note: Currently, I do not know which of these trivia may be general game trivia or Chapter 0 exclusives (if there is any). And there may be trivia I'm currently missing that I will add later on, if I find any more.
World Detective Organization (WDO) An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
WDO Examination Alongside an interview, the WDO assigns a once unsolved mystery they've solved as a test, Those who do not meet the standards for character and ability are not accepted into the organization.
Detective Deed An identification card. These are granted by the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Amaterasu Peacekeepers A department of Amaterasu Corporation. They serve as a sort of police force within Kanai Ward.
Special Autonomous Zone of Kanai Ward Though initially a regional city, all of Kanai Ward fell under the control of Amaterasu Corporation as the company developed it.
Amaterasu Express A fully automated, unmanned train developed by Amaterasu Corporation. It boasts excellent amenties and a smooth ride. Kanai Ward is not a typical destination. (No, I didn't make a typo)
Amaterasu Express Direct Built with Amaterasu Corporation's cutting-edge technology, this five-car train operates fully autonomously, without a driver or any crew on board.
Gem of the Dining Car Among the liquors lining the bar is a bottle of vintage whisky, though its exorbitant price has left it untouched.
Door Security Each passenger room on the Amaterasu Express features a door that notifies a security company when an designated key is inserted into the keyhole. Consequently, crimes on the train are rare.
Restroom Urban Legend There is an urban legend about a locked door in the restroom on the express train. Knock on the door in a specific rhythm and a phantom in a black cape will appear to kill any person one desires.
Zange's Cane Used to assist with walking, but doubles as a weapon in emergencies, felling opponents with cane fighting techniques.
Pucci's Coat A treasured small panda appliqué is adorned to a shoulder of Pucci's coat.
Aphex's Boots The boots Aphex wears are fitted with metal plates in many places, like safety shoes.
Melami's Ambition Truth is, she's not a fan of the WDO uniforms and plans to submit a new design proposal in hopes of creating a "Design by Melami" line of uniforms.
Zilch's Belongings Most of his belongings are made of fur, and he always carries a brush and oil for upkeep.
Swank's Grill Swank wears a silver grill engraved with the word "MONEY" on his upper incisors. A grill made of gold is an order.
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Mazarin Stone pt 2
Should I be starting this at 20 past 11 when I have work tomorrow? No. No I shouldn't. And yet here I am. Because time is an illusion and sleep is for the weak.
(It's not, this is a terrible idea...)
Last time on the adventures of Billy:
Sherlock Holmes was looking for a shiny diamond. The guy who stole it came around and was about to bash in his head with his cane when he discovered it wasn't actually Sherlock at all! It was a waxwork. Then it ended with something that apparently wasn't supposed to be an innuendo.
Maybe I should commission some wax works of myself, just in case someone ever comes 'round to try to kill me.
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“It is no use your fingering your revolver, my friend,” he said in a quiet voice.
Talking of things that aren't intended to be innuendoes.
The prize-fighter, a heavily built young man with a stupid, obstinate, slab-sided face...
Billy has been going to the same school of character description as Watson, clearly.
"Now, look here, Count Sylvius. I'm a busy man and I can't waste time. I'm going into that bedroom."
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I don't know if it's just because I haven't slept well all week, or if this really is just full of inintentional innuendo, but everything is coming across as dirty right now.
“What is it, then?” asked Merton anxiously as his companion turned to him. “Does he know about the stone?”
I'm going to take a second to say that it's really nice how the muscle is being allowed to ask questions and they're being answered. So often, the brawny one just gets told what they need to know and nothing more, but here Mr Merton seems to be an equal partner in this endeavour. Good for these guys, honestly. Just because a man's a prize fighter and has a... 'slab-sided face' doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to be as involved in the criminal proceedings as anyone else.
“That's right. Maybe somebody's behind a curtain. Too many curtains in this room.”
Well, Billy's definitely listening somewhere, or he wouldn't have been able to write this.
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There was a vague sound which seemed to come from the window. Both men sprang round, but all was quiet. Save for the one strange figure seated in the chair, the room was certainly empty.
Was the waxwork just replaced by a real person? I kind of want that to have happened.
“I've fooled better men than he,” the Count answered. “The stone is here in my secret pocket."
Oh my god. I can't believe you just said that out loud. While in enemy territory. You have the survival instincts of a panda, istg.
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One or other of us must slip round with the stone to Lime Street and tell him.” “But the false bottom ain't ready.”
Yep, that's right, just blurt out literally everything right here and now. Clearly this is an excellent place to discuss the details of your secret plans.
"Come back here, out of a line with that keyhole."
Now you're trying to be surreptitious?
“Thank you!” With a single spring Holmes had leaped from the dummy's chair and had grasped the precious jewel.
He had replaced the dummy. Excellent. Love it.
“No violence, gentlemen—no violence, I beg of you! Consider the furniture!"
Possibly the least effective 'please don't murder me' I've seen.
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"It gave me a chance of listening to your racy conversation which would have been painfully constrained had you been aware of my presence.”
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“A fair cop!” said he. “But, I say, what about that bloomin' fiddle! I hear it yet.” “Tut, tut!” Holmes answered. “You are perfectly right. Let it play! These modern gramophones are a remarkable invention.”
I can't believe someone actually said 'A fair cop!'
And the wonders of modern technology. A Recording? How unexpected!
“How do you do, Lord Cantlemere? It is chilly for the time of year, but rather warm indoors. May I take your overcoat?” “No, I thank you; I will not take it off.”
Haha! He is secretly three kobolds in a trenchcoat!
“Every man finds his limitations, Mr. Holmes, but at least it cures us of the weakness of self-satisfaction.”
OH boy, well clearly this guy is due his comeuppance, because he has no idea that he's in a Sherlock Holmes story and therefore if you insult Holmes' intelligence you're for it.
Sorry, Lord Cantlemere. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200.
"I may tell you frankly, sir, that I have never been a believer in your powers, and that I have always been of the opinion that the matter was far safer in the hands of the regular police force. Your conduct confirms all my conclusions. I have the honour, sir, to wish you good-evening.”
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“Put your hand in the right-hand pocket of your overcoat.” “What do you mean, sir?” “Come—come, do what I ask.” An instant later the amazed peer was standing, blinking and stammering, with the great yellow stone on his shaking palm. “What! What! How is this, Mr. Holmes?” “Too bad, Lord Cantlemere, too bad!” cried Holmes. “My old friend here will tell you that I have an impish habit of practical joking. Also that I can never resist a dramatic situation. I took the liberty—the very great liberty, I admit—of putting the stone into your pocket at the beginning of our interview.”
Oh, Holmes. Always so hilarious with the practical jokes. This isn't as bad as pretending to be dead, or that time you invited a guy to eat with you, then hid something in his meal and he almost had a heart attack, but still... really? I know he insulted you and therefore needed his comeuppance, but still.
"Your sense of humour may, as you admit, be somewhat perverted, and its exhibition remarkably untimely..."
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OK then.
That was an odd one. Completely different structure. Third person POV. We got to see Holmes' methods in that we got to see him stage two pranks, essentially. There was little in the way of deduction.
Not sure about that one.
Weird case.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Legend of Hana Part 52
Warnings: Angst? 
Rating: SFW
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Sora and the others rushed into the palace to see the army trying their best to protect the emperor from Shan Yu. 
“Hahahaha! You can run, but you can’t hide!” Shan Yu said. The Heartless crashed into the palace and Shan Yu was able to grab the emperor. He took the old man to the top balcony and locked the doors. 
“I have the power of darkness on my side. With it, I will make you my puppet. And through you, I will rule this land, Shan Yu said as purple and black smoke rose off from him.
“The power of darkness? You are foolish to willingly choose a path devoid of light,” The emperor replied. Shan Yu grabbed his sword and pointed it at the emperor. 
“I tire of your arrogance, old man. I think I will kill you and become emperor myself,” he said. Before he could stab the emperor, he got hit in the head by Sora’s Keyblade. 
“What?!” Shan Yu asked as he turned around to see Sora and Era behind him. “You! Where did you come from?!” 
“IT’S YOUR FAULT IF I DON’T GET TO SEE RIKU!” Sora said, as the Heartless behind him and Era got defeated. The doors burst open and Shang and Mulan rushed in. Shan Yu, Sora, and Era headed up to the roof where they had their battle, while the others rescued the emperor. 
“Your Majesty!” Shang said. 
“Are you alright? Where is Shan Yu?” Mulan asked. Donald looked over and saw Shan Yu fighting Sora and Era. 
“You little...don’t underestimate me!” Shan Yu said. 
“Right back at ya!” Era said. The two boys took their Keyblades and defeated Shan Yu. He fell off the roof and everyone cheered for the two boys. Sora sighed and turned to Era.
“I gotta find Riku. You go help the others,” he said. Era nodded and just before they walked away, they spotted Anti-Roxy standing next to the unconscious Shan Yu. 
“What a pathetic loser,” she said to Shan Yu. 
“One more time...give me power,” Shan Yu said. “One...more...” 
Anti-Roxy summoned her pistoleer and shot Shan Yu in the head, scaring everyone. 
“And here I thought you’d put up a little more fight,” she said. She turned to the others and smirked. “Bet y’all are wondering who I am. The name’s Roxy.” 
“She looks like bad news,” Mulan said. Sora summoned his Keyblade and charged at Anti-Roxy but she blocked the attack.
“Down, boy,” she said. “It was your mistake, dude. Don’t take it out on me!” 
“Hell fucking no! Need me to remind you what we’re capable of?” She used her explosions and pushed Sora away from her. 
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(Kind of like this)
“Chill. I’m just here to say hello...for now,” she said. “Now you show us some spirit and go beat up those fucking Heartless. Or things are gonna get ugly. Later dude.” 
Before Sora could question her, she disappeared. Not to far away from him, was Shan Yu’s sword. It started to shine and rose up into the air to form a Keyhole. He sealed it and headed off to the next world. Before he did though, he said his goodbyes to Mulan and Shang. 
Back at Twilight Town, the Twilight Trio was at the usual place, eating their ice cream, when Chia had snuck in. Olette spotted her out of the corner of her eye, and walked over to her. 
“Well, hi there. What’s your name?” she said. She looked at Chia’s collar and found her name on it. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Chia.” 
“Wait, why does that name sound familiar?” Hayner asked. Chia suddenly rushed out of the usual place and the trio quickly followed her. 
“Are we really following a red panda?” Pence asked. 
“Shut up and keep running,” Hayner replied. They ran through the forest and found themselves at the mansion, where Chia snuck through the gate and headed for the front doors. 
“The old mansion? Why would the red panda take us here?” Pence asked. Olette tried to open the gates but they wouldn’t budge. Chia saw her struggling and rushed over to help her and the trio. Once the gates were open, they rushed into the mansion and looked around. Everything looked familiar to them. Like they lived here before. But why? The trio heard a whimper coming from the basement and they made their way there, where everything was about to com crashing down all at once. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
Masterlist: Spicyhoney (Undertale) page 2
Note: I decided I wanted a list of links for all my Undertale stories on tumblr, so here it is. Most are spicyhoney, (Underfell Papyrus/Underswap Papyrus) but there’s a few others mixed in.
I tried to tag things appropriately, but they all are tagged appropriately on the story page itself.
I also have links for artists at the bottom who either inspired these works or were inspired into creating gorgeous pieces for it! Please, scroll down and have a look!
(Sorry for the repost, it got too long and I had to split it up for the links to show. Page One is here)
Cut for length
Solo Stories and Short Series
Like No One is Watching
That One Percent
Doggone It
Collared (Lemon)
9/10ths (Lemon)
Playing Around
Two Days
Dirty Laundry (Lemon)
A Winding Path (Lemon)
Holding On
Popping the Question
Monsters (Read Warnings)
Denim Blue
Anatomy (Lemon)
Need (Lemon)
A Place To Start
Clearing Out the Cobwebs
Little Lies (Wild West AU)
Blue Skies and Silver Sails (Steampunk AU)
Hey, Jealousy | Part 2
The Price of LoVe (Read Warnings) | Come and Get Your Love (Ditto)
Hell and Back (Please Read Warnings)
Keyholes (please read warnings)
A Change in You and Me (Flowey POV)
Like the Weather
Bump In the Night (Monster Under the Bed)
Mixed Messages
Six Steps To Finding Your Place In The World
Foreign Languages
The Second Rule (not spicyhoney, Underfell Babybones)
Sticks and Stones (Nursery Rhyme Project)
Dadster (Gaster POV)
Dadster #2 (Rules for Dating My Sons)
Drinking Buddies
Déjà Vu All Over Again (sansby)
A Glitch in the Thought Process (lemon)
Crying Over You (Please Read Warnings)
Walls Between Us
Pet the Kitty Chapter One  | Chapter 2 (Lemon)
A Learning Experience (Lemon)
One More Minute (Lemon)
Two-Sided Coin (Sans and Stretch friendship, possibly honeyketchup if you squint)
12 Days of Papcest Masterlist
De-aged Fics
1.Edge: A Little Edgy | A Lot Edgier
2. Stretch: Keeping Elastic | A Bit of a Stretch
3. Red: Ankle Biter
4. Blue: A Bolt From the Blue
Bargains and Debts (Lemon series)
A Bargain | Acquiring Debt
Depression Shorts
Nice Things | Seeing From Here
I don’t art so these lovelies are all from the brilliant Undertale artists out there! Give them love!
Artwork for Petal by hj_skb!
A gorgeous picture of the boys from Colors by @peach-scented-art
More gorgeous Colors art by LAGT
Lovely gift art by chance-key
Art for Beneath an Aurora Sky by fresh-draws
artwork by constantly tired reader for Terms of Engagement!
Adorable art of Red in his panda suit by hj-skb!
Precious art for Terms of Engagement by hj-skb!
My amazing birthday present from Myheartsbroke
Lovely huggy boys by  ask-ufpapyrus
Adorable art of the spicyhoney boys by painty
My prize for a contest, the boys! by ely
Artwork for ‘Temptations of Divinity by hj_skb
A lovely trio of artwork by yersipestis
Jedi Edge by  yersipestis
Edge and Rus, as a Mafia Man and Florist by maddieblay
Lovely Rus in his nightshirt for the Mafia AU by ask-ufpapyrus:
Amazing animation of Edge and Rus for Mafia AU by  zwagyzonk
Rus’s Kidnapping for Mafia AU by yersipestis
Beautiful art for Colors by Achirding
The precious spicyhoney boys for my birthday! by ask-ufpapyrus
More spicyhoney birthday gifts! by gilded_pleasure
adorable Blue from Mafia AU by gilded_pleasure
Edge teasing Rus from the Mafia AU by steamyspectacles
Edge and Stretch with babybones from ‘Drifters’ by  achirding
Art of Jedi Edge and Sith Rus by artundertalelover
Welcome to Backwater Art by maddieblay
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guttiferious · 3 years
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RAINBOWCORP is an organization of multicolor nerds who start problems on purpose. They have no other goals than doing a lil tomfoolery (or so they say)
The characters in the first image are: Stud, Heather (lady), Ty (blue hat), Antoine (mask), Camille (black), Esteban (red) , Slim (dull blue), Lyniee (blonde), Conrad (dull periwinkle), Archer (largest one), Cassidy (gay hair /lh) , Liam (orange), Casey (dull mint green), and Xaimus.
The characters in the second image are: from left to right in the front again we have Brittany (yellow sweater), Arlo (panda hair), Will (greasy hat wearer), Eclipse (suit), and Francisco (pierced to hell) from left to right in the back we have Cain (eyepatch), Posy (ponytail and is a dude), and Null (crying)
In the third image we have the subdivision including- Yelvis Youngblood [Jungbluth] (sweating) , Mei Hina [*Hina is not her real last name] (keyhole sweater), Miriam Matsumoto (middle), Winchester Westbrooke (hairy), and Blythe Brooks (pigtails)
and theres a bonus lyniee and xaimus there bc why not.
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axel-fics · 5 years
Because of You - Chapter 4
A/N: Writer’s block is a BTCH but I’m back!! Pretty proud of how this chapter came out :D 
Summary: During his Mark of Mastery Exam, Sora falls into the hands of Master Xehanort and is taken to the Realm of Darkness. Now, it’s up to his friends to save him before he succumbs to the darkness. This is the story Axel and the reader as they journey through the Sleeping Worlds, begin their training as Keyblade Masters, and learn just how much they secretly care for each other.
In a flash, you summoned your Keyblade and charged at the swarm of Nightmares. It was only your second time using the weapon in battle and it clearly showed; thankfully your Meow Wow Dreameater was by your side helping you defeat the colorful creatures. At least going through the seven sleeping worlds will help train you to use the Keyblade better. 
Lea held out his hand to summon his Keyblade, only to have a single chakram appear in his hand. He was completely taken aback at his inability to summon his new weapon, only having a split second to defend himself from a panda Nightmare striking him. 
“Shit,” he gritted. 
“What?” You called over your shoulder, still defending yourself from the Nightmares. 
Lea didn’t have time to answer. He summoned his second chakram and started throwing them around like boomerangs slicing through the air and destroying Nightmares in a single strike. Over the next several minutes, the two of you, alongside with your Dreameaters, vanquished every last Nightmare in the town square. When the coast was clear, Lea caught his chakrams midair with barely any effort and glared at them. 
“I couldn’t summon my Keyblade…” he murmured, staring at his weapons in disappointment. The vision of his Flame Liberator danced around in his mind, the Keyblade he obtained when he took his own dive back in the Tower only a short time ago. Why all of a sudden could he not conjure the weapon now?
“Wait a sec, I’ve never seen this door before!” Your gasp shook Lea out of his thoughts as he watched you run past the tiny cafe behind him. Grabbing the large door handle, you pulled it with all your strength and continued on with Lea hot on your trail. It was a dark alleyway with a ton more apartment buildings surrounding it and a long, narrow roadway that lead up to a water canal. Without hesitation you ran through the small waterfall and followed the pathway until you reached another exit with a number ‘4’ inscribed over it. Your whole body was soaked with water, but your excitement over discovering a whole new area of town took precedence. 
“A fourth district?? This is unbelievable! I’ve only been to three in this whole world,” you exclaimed. You turned back to see Lea emerge from the canal, his spiky hair dripping wet at the sides. He shook the water loose like a wet dog, which made you giggle. 
“There’s a fifth one, too, if you continue down that road,” a voice called. 
“Huh? Who’s there?”
A boy in a lavender dress shirt and jeans jumped down from a tall building and landed in front of you, scaring the skin off your bones. 
“Are you always this jumpy?” He asked. 
“Only when strange guys jump out of nowhere,” you retorted. “Who’re you?”
“My name is Joshua. You’re friends of Sora and Riku’s, aren’t you?
“How did you—?”
“They were here not too long ago. Though it is interesting: they were here at the same time but separated by the portal. You see, this world was split into two, and each of them were in one of the two parallel versions of Traverse Town. The two of you though are here in the same version of Twilight Town.”
“We’re following Sora’s path specifically. He’s…in trouble,” you whispered. You didn’t want to be rude to this Joshua, especially since he’s been in contact with Sora and might be able to help. But you couldn’t help but feel pressured to find the Keyhole to this world and continue on as quickly as you could.
Joshua eyed you carefully, as if he were probing your inner thoughts. He pointed down the alleyway to your left. “Follow that path to the fifth district and hook a right. The Keyhole you’re looking for is by the town greenhouse. But be prepared: you’ll have to fight your way to uncover it.”
“Greenhouse…?” You placed your hands on your hips and sighed.
“What is it?” Lea asked. 
“Oh, nothing…” Lea raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Okay, fine! I’ve lived here most of my life and all of a sudden there’s more districts and places to go that I didn’t even know existed. It’s just that my life is already a mystery to me, and now this place just adds to that mystery. I feel like I know less and less about myself every day…” 
Lea couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Guilt ate away at his heart as he watched you struggle with your thoughts. The words he wanted to say came to his lips but disappeared before his voice could make a sound. Just tell her the truth. Tell her you know. 
Tell her how you failed her… 
“Well, anyways, there’s no time to think about that now,” you suddenly perked up. “We have a Keyhole to find!”
“Wow. You really are friends with Sora. You two are cut from the same cloth,” Joshua mused. 
“Hey, what does that mean?” 
“You’re both resilient to distress practically,” he chuckled, “and extremely upbeat, even in the toughest of situations.”
“I guess when you travel to different places for so long together, you kinda become one in the same person,” you laughed. “Thanks for your help, Joshua! Let’s get going, Lea.”
“Just… be careful. The Nightmare guarding the Keyhole is a strong one. Don’t let your light go out,” Joshua warned. 
As you and Lea ran down the road, Joshua’s eyes followed until you were out of sight. 
“Sora’s counting on you.”
“This place is so beautiful,” you observed. 
The town’s greenhouse was bigger than any building you’ve seen around town. It was made of glass and radiated a warm, yellow glow that lit up the entire fifth district. From inside the greenhouse you could smell an aroma of different flowers, all sweet and soothing that you were tempted to lay down inside and take a nice long nap. A cool breeze sent chills down your spine, snapping you from your daydream and back to the situation at hand. A Nightmare was around here somewhere, and you had to stay focused. 
“Let’s try the top of the greenhouse,” Lea said. The two of you climbed your way up and looked at the area from above; the night sky was so beautiful and the stars were burning bright above you. The last time you saw this view was from the roof of your old home, only it was from the first district. You couldn’t help but feel a slight bit nostalgic again, remembering spending hours sitting on your roof enjoying the peaceful silence the night time brought. Things were a lot simpler back then; so much has changed… 
The ground suddenly shook beneath your feet, almost knocking you down. Summoning your Keyblade, you searched the area for the disturbance but saw nothing. Your Meow Wow Dreameater hid behind your back, too scared to move. Lea tried summoning his Keyblade again, only to have his chakrams appear in his hands once again.
“What is going on…” he gritted through his teeth. 
“Worry about that later,” you said. “We’ve got company.” You pointed towards opposite side of the greenhouse to where a pair of large, purple ears stuck up. 
A Nightmare appeared in the form of a giant tiger with teeth bigger than your Keyblade and piercing yellow eyes. Without hesitation, the creature shot a large ball of fire in your direction, sending both you and Lea flying in opposite directions. Both your Dreameaters came to your sides, only to freak out and hide once again from the ginormous Nightmare. Looks like the two of you were on your own for this fight… 
The creature charged for Lea, who only had a split second to defend himself before one of it’s large claws came swiping down. Lea sent both of his chakrams flying ablaze, forcing the Nightmare backwards to avoid getting burned. But then the Nightmare overpowered Lea’s attacks and lunged towards him, his mouth wide open and boasting a mouth full of sharp teeth. Lea defended himself from the attack by raising his chakrams to defend himself, pushing back on the Nightmare’s mouth with all his strength. 
“Axel!” From behind the creature, you shot a Blizzard spell and froze the tip of the Nightmare’s tail, distracting it from it’s assault on Lea. When the creature turned around, it’s frozen tail sent Lea flying again to the far end of the greenhouse. You held your Keyblade steady and waited for the Nightmare to charge at you, only to use it’s now frozen tail to it’s advantage by breaking the glass of the greenhouse roof from under your feet. You had no time to brace yourself before you fell through, the Nightmare following you down into the greenhouse interior. Before you were about to land harshly onto the floor, you extended your arm and caught on one of the railings and saved yourself from any major damage. 
“[Y/N]!” You heard Lea’s panicked voice from above you, and as you looked up you saw the glass ceiling magically repair itself, officially separating you from Lea and locking you in with the Nightmare. 
“Just great,” you mumbled. Dropping down to the ground safely, you turned toward the Nightmare and continued your attacks as best as you could. The creature did seem a bit run down, but it wasn’t enough for you to take it on one-on-one. Despite the disadvantage, you knew you had to try with all your strength to take it down. You weren’t going to let one silly-looking tiger get in the way of saving your best friend, not in a million years. 
You fought with all your strength against the nightmare, sending your most powerful spells to help slow it down from it’s onslaught of attacks. Now getting more used to using the Keyblade, your attacks were already improving in the heat of battle, and you did your best to counter any attacks against you. Suddenly, you became aware of your new surroundings and found yourself cornered by the beast with no where to run. You raised your Keyblade once again as the Nightmare’s hot breath and sharp teeth got closer and closer. 
“[Y/N]! Over here!” Lea’s voice called out to you again, this time sounding closer to you. From behind the creature, Lea came charging with his flamed chakrams, distracting the Nightmare once again. You took the opportunity for a splice attack: Lea attacking from one end of the monster and you the other. The attack was successful, and the creature fell to the ground with a loud thump before vanishing into thin air. 
Completely exhausted, you fell to your knees and slumped over, trying to catch your breath. “Well, that was fun,” you sighed sarcastically. 
“Are you okay,” Lea asked. He held out a hand towards you offering to lift you up, which made you blush. 
“Yeah, are you?”
“I’ll be better when I figure out why this damn Keyblade won’t summon for me,” Lea grumbled. 
“Maybe something’s on your mind distracting you? When I think about summoning my Keyblade, I clear all my thoughts and believe with all my heart that the Keyblade will come to me. And sure enough, it does. Maybe try that next time,” you smiled. 
“Clear my thoughts…” Lea folded his arms and closed his eyes.
“So, what’s distracting you?”
Memories flashed through his mind in an instant. The mysterious white castle. His home world suddenly swallowed up in darkness. His hand reaching out for her’s. The scream that escaped her lips. 
“Lea? You okay?”
Lea snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you, your eyes watching him closely. Once again he felt the words bubble up deep inside him, ready to burst. “You…”
But he couldn’t say anything. Not just yet.
“You…called me Axel before,” he whispered.
“I did? Oh, I’m sorry, Lea. It must’ve just slipped,” you said. 
“It’s okay. You can call me Axel if you’d like; I don’t mind either way.”
“Okay then, Axel. I’ll get it memorized this time, promise,” you winked, giggling as you mocked his signature catchphrase. 
Just then, a bright light appeared above you, and the outline of a Keyhole emerged.
“Go ahead,” Axel said. “You’re the only one who has a Keyblade right now.”
Aiming your Keyblade at the Keyhole, a beam of light shot through and the sound of a door unlocking in the distance filled your ears. If Sora were here, you thought, he’d be proud. 
“One down, six more to go.” 
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fic-al · 5 years
People Call Me Trixie
Trixie knew from the state of Dr Turner's handkerchief that her make-up was no longer intact. The last thing she wanted was to keep Sister Evangelina waiting any longer. There was no way however Trixie Franklin was going to walk into the Poplar antenatal clinic looking like a panda.
In the Ladies, Trixie corrected her make-up. Touching-up the brave face she had perfected the application of since being a small child. A bit of stiff upper lip here, a blind eye there, a good deal of cheek and a dash of take it on the chin. Vulnerable, bruised Beatrix Franklin stared into the looking glass. Nurse Trixie Franklin SRN, SCM smiled back.
She was needed, Sister Evangelina was now cracking the whip. Everyone upped their game, and the clinic finished only 15 minutes late. She noticed Dr Turner watching her every so often.
To be fair, all things considered, he was still a fairly youngish man. He had been surrounded by nuns and the Weird Sisters, for quite sometime now. Was it really that remarkable that he would notice her?
Trixie didn't like to think she was vain, by any stretch of the imagination, but she was aware that she stood out. Sister Bernadette was the closest to her in age and although Trixie was slightly envious of the sister's sunshine smile. Not forgetting those striking blue eyes, always hidden behind her appalling National Health glasses. There was absolutely no way Dr Turner was going to notice her.
Trixie was used to male attention. She knew how to open a door with just a smile. In training she had won many admirers, leading to a smattering of gossip among some of her less popular fellow student nurses. Trixie didn't care, she knew that between the young doctors she was known as “the girl who said goodnight through the keyhole”. She enjoyed dancing, the pictures and even the odd dinner, but Trixie had already spent too many years as a little wife and mother. She needed to concentrate on qualifying. One day she would like to be a real wife and mother, but not just yet. There would be plenty of time for that.
The plenty of time for that, she had hoped would start in Poplar. It turned out that the only men she met were either expectant fathers, ulcer patients or overworked married GPs. Without a girlfriend, she was never going to find a boyfriend.
Following the clinic of humiliation, Trixie volunteered to do the evening insulin round. She didn't rush, accepting more than one offer of a cup of tea and a variety of biscuits. Trixie dawdled home pushing her bike, rather than riding it. Hopefully she would be too late for high tea, Mrs B would have made a plate up for her. She could eat it in solitude, in peace.
She was beginning to understand the sister's love of the Great Silence. Would it be so terrible to admit she had made a mistake coming to Poplar? Was it time to start looking for a new position closer to home? She loved feeling a small but important part of each of the East End families she tended, but she couldn't feel more alone when it was time to return to the convent.
A weary Trixie hoped to slink into the dining room, locate her meal and avoid anymore tension.
"Nurse Franklin, at last!"
"Sorry Sister Julienne, the round took a little longer than I anticipated."
"As long as all is well, Nurse?" Trixie nodded at her superior. The sister continued, "You have a visitor."
Trixie's first thought was for her mother, followed by a lightning image of Dr Turner, which she swiftly dismissed.
As Sister Julienne led Trixie into the sitting room, a tall dark haired woman stubbed out a purple cigarette. She rose to her feet from one of the Nonnatus settees and moved towards the nun and young midwife.
Trixie assumed she was around mid-thirties, she was smartly dressed in a well tailored mauve skirt suit, set off by a string of pearls and attached to her right lapel, an exquisite silver brooch in the shape of a rose, set off with a couple of small raindrop pearls. Her face was open and her smile warm, her make-up and shoulder length hair, flawless.
"Nurse Franklin, may I have the pleasure of introducing you to Mrs Turner."
Trixie hesitated as the approaching woman outstretched her right hand. She was more than a little bewildered with the identity of her unexpected guest.
"Mrs Turner, this is the nurse you requested to see," Sister Julienne continued as Trixie managed a light handshake.
Mrs Turner smiled and nodded at Sister Julienne. It was in a way that Trixie would have comprehended as a polite dismal, if she had ever been witness to anyone attempting to dismiss Sister Julienne on any previous occasion.
The Sister-in-Charge did make as to vacate the room, mentioning something about tea and biscuits. She was stopped by the visitor, explaining her visit would be short, as she was aware that Nurse Franklin had already had a long and trying day.
Trixie coloured at this comment, which did not go unnoticed by the nun who nodded her head before leaving, remarking, "As you wish."
Once the sister had departed, the woman's shoulders dropped and her eyes seemed to take on a twinkle. She leaned forward and took both of Trixie's hands in her own; they felt soft and warm. Trixie, who prided herself on her hand care routine, suddenly became aware that no amount of Nivea would ever make a midwife’s hands feel anything less than a Brillo pad. Especially in comparison to Mrs Turner's beautifully manicured and conditioned long elegant pair.
"My dear, I hope you won't take umbrage with my impertinent and unannounced visit and who knows maybe even unwelcome?" Mrs Turner paused for Trixie to answer, but she said nothing. There wasn't a coherent thought in her head, that she could possibly attempt to repeat at that moment.
The visitor smiled and continued, "Let me explain, my husband, the dear man, seems to be under the distinct impression that you need a friend, is that right? My dear."
Trixie managed to mumble, "There was some sort of conversation, where he..Dr Turner that is, could...quite possibly may have...formed that impression from...my words."
Trixie felt those dratted tears well up again behind her lids. "He was most kind, I have his handkerchief. I will have it laundered."
"Dear god no! Throw it away, sweetie! The man has more hankies than ties." The doctor's wife rolled her eyes and threw her head back and laughed.
Trixie couldn't contemplate undertaking such a wasteful response to such a kindness shown to her, "But Mrs Turner..."
"If we are to be friends, you better call me Marianne."
"My name is Beatrix, but people call me Trixie."
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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Jake's mother's pov:
I hummed a little fixing Jake's bed where I had changed it for him while he was in the shower. As I fixed his duvet I noticed I knocked something off his desk by accident and it rolled under his bed so I got down grabbing the little magic eight ball that had rolled under there and when I did I noticed something, a box? I never bought him anything with those logos on and I've never seen that box before. I tugged it out from under his bed it was heavy so I sat it on the bed and sat down having at the box, it had clearly been hidden intentionally. What is he hiding? So I opened the box, It had mostly Polaroid photos and metal bottle caps I looked at a few, him with his Freinds many of them he was very close to a pretty y/h/c girl, I kept looking seeing them much closer cuddling and she even playfully kissed him in a couple. Does Jake have... A girlfriend? No he would have said something. As I dug deeper into the box I found some wrappers for condoms many of which where long since out of date but all the packets had been ripped open and used. When I reached the bottom of the box there was a key so I took the key looking around for anything that would fit this little key. I noticed his bedside draw had a little keyhole so I tried and it clicked open... I really shouldn't snoop. But he lives in my house I should be allowed to know what my son is hiding from me I opened the draw and there where alot of Polaroids face down hiding the pictures, a few condoms these in date and clearly quiet new. There was a little box of tissues in the draw and a little bottle of something slowly leaking in the draw I stood the bottle to make sure It didn't leak everywhere it was slimy and worried me. I took the little stack of pictures these mostly had words written in the back...
Dan's pool party 😆
a bunch of people stood in little costumes with drinks
Hot boxing mark's car 😝
Pictures of him and his Freinds In a very smoky car
Our first kiss 😘
Him and that y/h/c girl again kissing in a sunny park
Y/n y/l/n 😍😘💜🐨
It was that girl again In a little red dress with red prominent lipstick blowing a little kiss towards whoever had took to the picture
Happy birthday my snuggle bear 🐼
This one of that same y/n girl, taken clearly by her in a little set of blue lace lingerie.
bear hugs 🐼🐨
A picture she of Jake and this girl cuddled up in his bed this was clearly recent going by how his room looks so I put all the other stuff away and just sat on his bed waiting
"Mum!" Jake yells as he came into the room wrapped just in his towel "w-wh-what are you doing in my room?" He asks
"Changing your bed" I tell him "Ohh right" he nods relaxing a little "Who's y/n?" I ask "Y/n? I uhhhhhhhhhh I don't know anyone named y/n" he blushed "Then explain these I found in your room" I smirk throwing the pictures on his bed "now Jake...I'll ask you again, who is y/n?" I ask "A friend..." He blushed "well a Friend of a friend really... Not even that a friend of a friend of a Freind honestly" he lies "A friend?" I ask holiday up the one of them kissing and her in lingerie and he looked very sheepish "I admit I'm not good at keeping up with you kids but... Freinds don't do this" I smirk He went to speak but his phone went off on the desk so he quickly grabbed it "Let me see Jake" I tell him "No" he answered "Give me the phone Jake" I order "No!" He complains running and locking himself in the bathroom after a while of ordering and threatening he came out giving me his phone "You can have it back at the end of the day" I tell him so he sighed going to fix his room I went down doing the dishes a while until I heard his phone go off I expected it to be an app or one his his friends mark or Dan, but what came up was...
One new message from:
🐨 Koala bear 💜
Awww what's taking so long my snuggly panda bear? I thought you where coming up to see me after your shower? 😚
I smiled a little at it replying for him
No sorry, change of plan, can you come here instead?
And with seconds
One new message from:
🐨 Koala bear 💜
Awww course I can 💜 see you soon 😘😘😘😘😘😘
So I laughed finishing up the dishes and sitting watching TV for a while till the doorbell rang
"Jake! Can you get that love?" I ask and he came down annoyedly and opened the front door "Y/n... What are you doing here?" He asked in a hushed whisper. "I thought I was coming over to yours tonight?"
"You text me to come here" a sweet voice answered "What? I haven't got my phone y/n" he says so I got up going to the door seeing that girl from the pictures in the doorway in a little blue dress "I thought she was out?" She whispered in panic "I texted you... Though I should meet my son's... Friend" I answer and they both looked sheepish but a little existed hugging in each others arms all night.
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pikapikaprecure · 6 years
Pikapika☆Precure Under The Big Top episode 1- I can transform? The Pretty Cure are real!
It had been a long week for Adachi Suzume. Not only did she have to work with her rival Tamiko on a group project all week, she had to stay at school for an extra hour on Friday for detention. Suzume wasn’t quite sure what she did, but according to her teachers, she called Tamiko something that she’d rather not repeat. Suzume didn’t remember saying anything, but she was probably in the moment. Her parents made her write an apology letter and put it in Tamiko’s mailbox, but the letter was quite obviously insincere. Long story short, Suzume was done and needed rest. She fell asleep easily that night, only to wake up to the loudest sound she’s ever heard.
“SUZU! SUZU! SUZUUUUUUUUU!” It was Suzume’s little sister, Emica. 
“E-Emica? Why are you up so early?” Suzume answered.
“Rumor has it a fairy’s been spotted! Will you go find it with me?”
“Is this your bullcrap Pretty Cure thing again?”
“Yeah, why?”
Emica was a huge fan of this thing called Pretty Cure. As far as Suzume could figure out, they were magical girls who were summoned by suspiciously marketable creature knows as fairies (they looked nothing like the ones in the movies, though.) who were supposedly from some kingdom in an alternate dimension that needed saving or whatnot. These girls were given outfits that looked like something you could make halloween costumes of and weapons you could make toys of. Basically, it was obviously scripted and a marketing ploy. Once these Cures were finished, they faded into obscurity, but not for Emica. Nobody was quite sure how she got into it, but nobody questioned it either. 
Suzume sighed and sat up. “You know those things aren’t real, right?”
“Yes they so totally are!” Emica insisted. “And I’m gonna prove it!’
“Fine, fine, fine! I’ll come, but only to prove all of these Precures and fairies you think are so real don’t exist.”
“Yay, thank you, Suzu!”
Once the two sisters were dressed, they walked around the neighborhood, to the park, and in the shopping center, the only places their parents would let them go alone. No fairies. Suzume was not surprised. “Told you so,” she told Emica on the walk back. Emica simply made her angry face, which really looked more like a very happy panda, and didn’t talk to her sister until she got home.
A few hours later, Emica was off at a friend’s house, so Suzume finally had some very rare time to herself. After Friday’s events, Suzume was still feeling stressed, so she decided to look out the quiet, peaceful window. Instead of the nice views she normally has, she saw a floating thing. Almost humanoid, almost an elephant. Apparently it talked too. 
“Thank you for opening the window miss! I am Ellie, daughter of the prized fairy of the king of Sourire!”
“What the hell?” Suzume was holding this Ellie in a net, ready to swing it as much as possible.
This Ellie continued talking. “My kingdom is in danger! I need you to help me!”
“Why should I?” A very confused Suzume asked. 
“My kingdom, Sourire protects all the joy in the world. Someone very, very evil put the kingdom at war. The six fragments of happiness have all disappeared due to the lack of joy in Sourire. I grabbed the last one and came her to look for the Pretty-”
Suzume was done. She hit Ellie against the wall.
“Please, let me finish talking!” Ellie floated out of the net. “I saw you at the park, and something about you-uh-well-I think you should be a Pretty Cure.”
“They’re not real.”
“Yes they are...”
“Prove it!”
“Fine! Take this key.” Ellie created a shiny pink key out of thin air. Suzume took it.
“Now,” Ellie took out a matching compact, opened it up, and revealed a keyhole. “Put it in here!”
Suzume put it in, expecting nothing to happen, but she felt something. 
“Now repeat after me,” Ellie said. “Magic circus jubilee change!”
“Uhh, magic circus jubilee change..”
Suzume was floating, she couldn’t see her room. All she saw was pink. and a light, and what was she wearing? After about a minute, she landed on the floor and shouted, “For the hapiness of the world! The Pretty Cure of beauty and grace! Cure Jubilee!”
“Jubilee-chan!” Ellie cheered. “Are you onboard now? For the sake of joy?”
Jubilee thought for a moment. When she thought of joy, she thought of ice skating. She thought of mastering new tricks and becoming the best she could be. She thought of her dream to go to the Olympics and win a gold medal. She didn’t want that taken away.
“Fine. I’m in.”
“That’s the spirit!”
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futurefertilityivf · 2 years
Best Gynaecologist in Bhubaneswar
Gynaecology is a branch of medicine that deals with the reproductive system of women. Almost all obstetricians and gynaecologists in today's world are also gynaecologists. In many ways, the fields of gynecology and obstetrics overlap. The study of women is referred to as "women's science."
 What exactly does a gynaecologist do?
A gynaecologist is a specialist who specializes in women's reproductive health. They diagnose and treat female reproductive system issues. They deal with obstetrics, or pregnancy and childbirth, as well as menstruation and reproductive difficulties, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), hormone imbalances, and other issues.
 Fast facts about gynaecologists:
Here are some key points about gynaecologists.
●        A gynaecologist is a doctor who focuses on the health of the female reproductive organs.
●        Many women begin seeing a gynaecologist as early as their adolescence and continue to see a well-woman clinic for general health concerns.
●        Women should see a gynaecologist at least once a year for a check-up and whenever they have symptoms that concern them.
Common procedures:
Gynaecologists are trained to carry out certain diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Diagnostic tasks include:
●        Pap Smear Tests
●        Ultrasound scanning
●        Colposcopy, a microscopic examination of the cervix
●        Endometrial Biopsy, or taking a sample from the lining of the uterus
●        Hysteroscopy, the use of an endoscope to see into the uterus
Surgical tasks include:
●        Preparing patients for surgery
●        Laparoscopy, a keyhole abdominal procedure. for both diagnostic and surgical purposes
●        Minor surgery, for example, sterilization
●        Major surgery, for example, removing fibroids in the uterus
●        postoperative care, including treating complications
 To keep your reproductive health in control, you should see your gynaecologist on a regular basis. Depending on your health history and age, your gynaecologist may utilize this visit to screen for concerns such as cervical or breast cancer. During your well-woman visit, you can also ask the gynaecologist about reproductive health issues such as birth control.
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Dr. Babita Panda, one of the Best Gynaecologist in Bhubaneswar, has the distinct advantage of being a doctor, which she employs to help unhappy couples conceive and live happier lives. Her approach to patient care is immaculate, and she instils trust and reliability in her patients. Dr. Babita Panda, Best Gynaecologist in Bhubaneswar, is a well-known fertility specialist. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate medical education at SCB Medical College in Cuttack. In 1998, she obtained the title of MD (Gynaecology). The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India honoured her Young Scientist of the Year (FOGSI). For more information on the Best Gynaecologist in Bhubaneswar, go to https://www.futurefertilityivf.com
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tsuri-chan · 6 years
Detective Conan Volume 32
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Included cases:
File 318-321: Tiger Scroll Case (end)
File 322-324: Wounded Idol Case
File 325-327: Kidnapped Tourist Case
File 328: Sato’s Omiai Case (beginning)
Bonus material:
Detective Picture Book: Mike Hammer
Goro Otaki
Favorite case: Wounded Idol Case
Least favorite case: Either the Kidnapped Tourist Case or Sato’s Omiai Case
8/10 pandas
Rather weak cases. James Black’s debut case is awesome. I like the first two cases, but I prefer the others.
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turtlechix · 7 years
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(from a book I bought in Barns & Noble, of which I am going to use)
Angel’s Wings Dr.Seuss Hat Your Reflection Asteroids The Milky Way Comic Book Cover Lotus Flower Looking Through a Keyhole Tree of Life Something with Two Heads Light saber Grim Reaper Fountain of Youth Man in the Moon Lightning Strike Goddess Psychedelic Portal A View from the Top Masquerade Mask Poseidon Jackal Deer Antlers Medusa Carousel Voodoo Doll Tiki Idol Sugar Skull Something Abstract Aladdin’s Lamp Tooth Fairy Blue Prints Cyborg Totem Pole Magic Kingdom Beach Scene Packman Video Game Your Zodiac Sign (Normal or Chinese or both) Something 3-D Anaconda Something Upside Down Computer from the Future A bright Idea Grand Canyon Lion Mad Hatter Football Dollar Bill Koala Bear Hummingbird Woolly Mammoth Giraffe Wishing Well Bull’s-eye Bouquet of Roses Aurora Borealis Sky Boombox Ticket Stub Captian’s Hat Something Nautical Banjo Bowling Alley and Pins Labyrinth The Kraken Armadillo Eiffel Tower Jack-in-the-box Goblet Mutant Weeping Willows Grappling Hook Shepard Your Country’s Flag Water Slide Didgeridoo Power Lines Olympic Medals Warrior Stop Sigh Piñata Coliseum Artichoke Bushel of carrots Bubbling cauldron Crystal ball Alphabet soup Rubber ducky in a bubble bath Red riding hood Flamingo Fler-de-lis Noah’s ark Lit candle Hourglass Three Blind Mice Honeycomb Compass Comet Snow globe Stonehenge Your school mascot Racetrack Jungle Lily pad with frog Your favorite emoji Hologram Robot Hawaiian lei North Pole Rainforest Gecko Sheriff’s badge Grandfather clock Tribal spear Sundial Eggs frying in a skillet Gingerbread man Nutcracker When pigs fly Tacos Bowl of macaroni and cheese Your favorite superhero Castle Talking parrot Atoms & molecules Scary cemetery Stained glass window Personalized license plate Charm bracelet Skyscraper Sorcerer’s wand Field of sunflowers Abandoned ghost town Cool mailbox Four leaf clover Angel Monkeys Bumper sticker Hammock Garden gnome Good vs. Evil Peeled oranges Pomegranate center Giant moth Snowflakes Parachute Frankenstein Science experiment All seeing eye Roller coaster Roller coaster Your favorite cartoon Kangaroo Donut with sprinkles Barbed wire Treasure map Pirate ship Nautical scene Princess tiara Sombrero Fedora Fireman’s helmet Mandela Oil rig Spinal cord Wheel of fortune Layers of the Earth Drawbridge and moat Chariot Phoenix rising Wrecking ball Phone booth Egyptian pharaoh Exit sign Old pocket watch Cocoon metamorphosis Brick wall Tire swing Perfect garden Ball and chain Dove Henna tattooed hand Cowboy boots Moccasins Bird’s nest Bonfire Aquarium Battleship Army tank Dungeon Dragonfly Tarantula Carnival Crocodile Catfish Twilight zone Mansion Jester’s hat King’s crown Spartan Trojan horse Haunted house Box of crayons Megaphone Mohawk Candelabra Dream car Rainy day Tugboat Ship’s Anchor Dreamcatcher Cobra head Rusty truck Potato head man Cheshire cat Polka dot bow tie Party hat Barracuda Piranha Coffin Scary shadow Maze Conch shell Great white shark teeth Utopia Brass Scuba helmet Lobster Cherry blossoms Park bench Hula dancer Slice of pie Something bohemian Something bursting into flames Chandelier Ice skates Tree roots underground Locket Class ring Kimono Nerdy glasses Factory Inside your refrigerator First place ribbon Quilted blanket Maracas Jackpot Star constellations A nightmare Tiger claws Titanic Your favorite logo Famous sign Rastafarian Laboratory the Abyss Poker chips Loaf of bread Wild animals Phases of the moon Roulette wheel Orchid Biplane Banana split Laughing donkey Solar system Fireflies Witch’s Wooden clogs Cassette tape Celtic design boomerang Centipede Dark alleyway Locomotive Something Imaginary Baseball diamond Leprechaun Internal clock mechanisms Santa’s sled Satellite Something melting Palace Padlock Dart board Something funny Your closet Dream house Kaleidoscope New cartoon character Time capsule Panda bear Something futuristic UFO Postage stamp Crow’s nest on a pirate ship Purple people eater Sunset Coat of arms Excited face Lucky dice Animated Martian Circus tent Skyline
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keelywolfe · 4 years
Spicyhoney Master Fic List
*All the links vanished from my original list, so I am reposting it. 
Note: I decided I wanted a list of links for all my Undertale stories on tumblr, so here it is. Most are spicyhoney, (Underfell Papyrus/Underswap Papyrus) but there’s a few others mixed in.
I tried to tag things appropriately, but they all are tagged appropriately on the story page itself.
I also have links for artists at the bottom who either inspired these works or were inspired into creating gorgeous pieces for it! Please, scroll down and have a look!
Beneath Cut Due To Length:
By Any Other Name Masterlist
Slowing Your Roll (Lemon) *complete*
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11
Take Yourself a Deep Breath
CH1 | CH2 | CH3
Colors: A Village AU (Lemon)
Crimson | Yellow | Blue | Blush | Sallow | Russet | Spice | Whiteout | Sable | Blue on Black | Midnight | Ebony Falling | Golden | Magenta | Marigold | Coquelicot | Daffodil | Verdigris | Honey | Scarlet | Alstroemeria | Onyx | Gray | Vellum | Iris
    |Links to cheapbourbon’s art that inspired this series|
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew (Heatfic, Lemon)
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11 | CH12 | CH13
Arctic AU
Beneath an Aurora Sky
CH1| CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11 | CH12 | CH13 | CH14 | CH15 | CH16 | CH17 | CH18 | CH19 | CH20
Southern Lights (Drabble)
|Links to cheapbourbon’s art that inspired this series|
One | Two
Star Wars AU
Severed Bonds
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4: Interlude | CH5 | CH6: Interlude 2 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11 | CH12 | CH13 | CH14 | CH15 | CH16
|Links to cheapbourbon’s art that inspired this series|
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Comic
Outside Influences (Please read warnings, this story contains attempted sexual assault) *complete*
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7
Terms of Engagement - (skellie daycare)
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7 | CH8
artwork by constantly tired reader for this story!
Precious art by hj-skb!
Petal (Hanahaki Disease)
CH1 | CH2
No One Is To Blame (pregnancy fic)
1. What Will Be, Will Be  
2. Something To Say, But Nothing Comes
3. Can’t Go On, Thinking Nothing’s Wrong
4. Seldom All They Seem
5. Voices Are Heard But Nothing Is Seen
6. Winter Makes You Laugh a Little Slower
7. That Place Where You Can’t Remember and You Can’t Forget
8. Casting Its Shroud Over All We Have Known
9. There’s a Place I Like To Hide
10. All A Bad Dream Spinning In Your Head
The Temptation of Divinity (spicyhoneymustard, bodyguard AU) (Lemon!)
1. Showtime
2. Secret Garden
3. A Judicious Amount of Effort
4. Musically Inclined
5. Lest You Be Judged
6. Solo Act
7. Appealing To Better Judgment
8. Safety In Numbers
9. Endurance Trial
Mafia AU: The Rose and the Thorn
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7  | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |  Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Separate Lives
A Pressing Engagement: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter 3
Kinktober Shorts - (Lemon Goodness!)
Bound and Determined - Prompt Rope Bondage
Not Exactly Standard - Prompt: Tentacles
Out of Sight, Out of My Mind - Prompt: Voyeurism
Plastic Fantastic - Prompt: Dildo
Sore Loser - Prompt: Spanking
Solo Stories and Short Series
Like No One is Watching
That One Percent
Doggone It
Collared (Lemon)
9/10ths (Lemon)
Playing Around
Two Days
Dirty Laundry (Lemon)
A Winding Path (Lemon)
Holding On
Popping the Question
Monsters (Read Warnings)
Denim Blue
Anatomy (Lemon)
Need (Lemon)
A Place To Start
Clearing Out the Cobwebs
Little Lies (Wild West AU)
Blue Skies and Silver Sails (Steampunk AU)
Hey, Jealousy | Part 2
The Price of LoVe (Read Warnings) | Come and Get Your Love (Ditto)
Hell and Back (Please Read Warnings)
Keyholes (please read warnings)
A Change in You and Me (Flowey POV)
Like the Weather
Bump In the Night (Monster Under the Bed)
Mixed Messages
Six Steps To Finding Your Place In The World
Foreign Languages
The Second Rule (not spicyhoney, Underfell Babybones)
Sticks and Stones (Nursery Rhyme Project)
Dadster (Gaster POV)
Dadster #2 (Rules for Dating My Sons)
Drinking Buddies
Déjà Vu All Over Again (sansby)
A Glitch in the Thought Process (lemon)
Crying Over You (Please Read Warnings)
Walls Between Us
Pet the Kitty (Lemon)
12 Days of Papcest Masterlist
De-aged Fics
1.Edge: A Little Edgy | A Lot Edgier
2. Stretch: Keeping Elastic | A Bit of a Stretch
3. Red: Ankle Biter
4. Blue: A Bolt From the Blue
Bargains and Debts (Lemon series)
A Bargain | Acquiring Debt
Depression Shorts
Nice Things | Seeing From Here
I don’t art so these lovelies are all from the brilliant Undertale artists out there! Give them love!
Artwork for Petal by hj_skb!
A gorgeous picture of the boys from Colors by @peach-scented-art
More gorgeous Colors art by LAGT
Lovely gift art by chance-key
Art for Beneath an Aurora Sky by fresh-draws
artwork by constantly tired reader for Terms of Engagement!
Adorable art of Red in his panda suit by hj-skb!
Precious art for Terms of Engagement by hj-skb!
My amazing birthday present from Myheartsbroke
Lovely huggy boys by  ask-ufpapyrus
Adorable art of the spicyhoney boys by painty
My prize for a contest, the boys! by ely
Artwork for ‘Temptations of Divinity by hj_skb
A lovely trio of artwork by yersipestis
Jedi Edge by  yersipestis
Edge and Rus, as a Mafia Man and Florist by maddieblay
Lovely Rus in his nightshirt for the Mafia AU by ask-ufpapyrus:
Amazing animation of Edge and Rus for Mafia AU by  zwagyzonk
Rus’s Kidnapping for Mafia AU by yersipestis
Beautiful art for Colors by Achirding
The precious spicyhoney boys for my birthday! by ask-ufpapyrus
More spicyhoney birthday gifts! by gilded_pleasure
adorable Blue from Mafia AU by gilded_pleasure
Edge teasing Rus from the Mafia AU by steamyspectacles
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thetropicalfishshop · 4 years
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New arrivals 🔥 Keyhole Cichlid 5-6cm Rotkeil Severum 5cm ApistoCacatuoides Orange 4cm Bolivian Ram 4cm Assorted Aulonacara Super Colour 5-6cm Glowlight Tetra 2.5cm Cardinal Tetra 2.5cm Black Emperor Tetra 3cm Checker Barb 3cm Black Red Tail Shark 5cm Albino Red Tail Shark 5cm Yo-Yo Loach 4cm Kuhli Loach 4-5cm Blue Eyed Forktail Rainbowfish 2cm Assorted Female Guppy 4cm Assorted Male Guppy 4cm Blue Moscow Male Guppy 3-4cm Green Moscow Male Guppy 4cm Moscow Platy 4cm Assorted Gourami 6cm Assorted Gourami 8cm Blue Marble Gourami 5-6cm Albino Cory 3cm Napoensis Cory 3cm Black Venuzuelan Cory 3cm Panda Longfin Cory 3cm Bronze Cory 3cm Peppered Cory 3cm Albino Peppered Cory 3cm Brown Bristlenose 3cm Calico Bristlenose 2.5-3cm Pygmy Cory 2.5cm Chilli Rasbora 2cm Galaxy Rasbora 2cm Kubotai Rasbora 2.5cm Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Molive 4-5cm Longfin German Blue Ram XL Tiger Oscar 5cm Assorted Malawi 5-7cm FOODS Frozen: Quartet 100g - 4 different types in 1 Sextet 100g - 6 different types in 1 Octet 100g - 8 different types in 1 Discus Mix 100g Price-list will be updated soon. Www.thetropicalfishshop.co.uk/price-list (at The Tropical Fish Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAFCDazpcvI/?igshid=amdj55b1ge9a
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vipipiblog-blog · 6 years
Caoutchouc Rigide En Plastique Dur Retour Housse Pour Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Jaune -----> $0.86 Rouge - Pour Iphone 6s / 6 Anti-goutte Plaqué TPU Cadre + Verre Retour Hybride Cas De Téléphone -----> $3.04 Noir - Pour Iphone 6s / 6 Anti-goutte Plaqué TPU Cadre + Verre Retour Hybride Cas De Téléphone -----> $3.04 Argent - Pour Iphone 6s / 6 Anti-goutte Plaqué TPU Cadre + Verre Retour Hybride Cas De Téléphone -----> $3.04 Dissipation De Chaleur De Maille Creuse Caoutchouté PC Retour Cas Pour Samsung Galaxy A6 Plus (2018) / A9 Star Lite - Or Rose -----> $0.90 IMAK Peau Sensation Anti-goutte Version Airbag TPU Retour Housse Pour Samsung Galaxie Note9 N960 - Transparent -----> $3.65 Pour Samsung Galaxy A6 (2018) Dur Caoutchouté PC De Protection De Retour - Rose -----> $1.07 Pour Samsung Galaxy A6 (2018) Caoutchouté Dur Protection De Téléphone PC Shell De Retour - Vert -----> $1.07 Caoutchouté En Plastique Dur Cas De Retour Accessoire Pour Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018 - Vert -----> $1.07 Cas En Plastique Caoutchouté De Retour De Téléphone Pour Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018 - Noir -----> $1.07 Anti-goutte Tissu Brossé Enduit PC Retour Cas Pour Samsung Galaxy S8 G950 - Noir -----> $3.65 Bords Enveloppés Anti-gouttes TPU Retour Mobile Boîtier Pour Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro (2017) / J7 (2017) Version de l'UE - Noir -----> $3.88 Pour Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro (2017) / J7 (2017) UE Version Enveloppé Bords Goutte-preuve TPU Cas De Téléphone De Retour - gris -----> $3.88 Bords Enveloppés Anti-gouttes TPU Retour Cas De Téléphone Pour Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro (2017) / J7 (2017) Version de l'UE - Modèle Dragon / Noir -----> $3.88 Bords Enveloppés Anti-goutte TPU Retour Mobile Boîtier Pour Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) Version UE / J5 Pro (2017) - Bleu foncé -----> $3.88 Béquille Anneau Goutte De Pluie PC TPU Hybride Retour Cas Pour Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus SM-G955 - argent -----> $2.27 Boîtier En Caoutchouc Caoutchouté PC + TPU Retour Accessoires Pour Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) Version EU / J7 Pro (2017) - Mandala -----> $1.36 Boîtier En Caoutchouc Caoutchouté PC + TPU Retour Léger Pour Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) Version UE / J7 Pro (2017) - Panda -----> $1.36 Pour Samsung Galaxy A8 + (2018) Motif En Relief Caoutchouté PC + TPU Cas De Retour - Licornes -----> $1.36 IMAK Soyeux Anti-goutte TPU Soft Retour + Film De Protection D'écran Pour Samsung Galaxy A8 + (2018) - Métal Noir -----> $3.94 IMAK Soyeux Anti-goutte TPU Soft Retour + Film De Protection D'écran Pour Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018) - Métal Noir -----> $3.94 Maille creuse caoutchoutée Hard Case Retour pour Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) Version UE / J5 Pro (2017) - Noir -----> $1.12 Bleu V-cou Mesh Bouton Keyhole Retour Conception V-cou Mini Dress -----> $24.81 V-Neck Vert Mesh Bouton Keyhole Retour Conception V-cou Mini Dress -----> $24.81 Red Cut Out Design Tie-up Retour Grenadine See-through Body Maillots de bain -----> $18.59 Beige Cut Out Retour See-through Deep V-cou Sequins Dress -----> $47.59 Black Vintage V-neck Cut Out Retour Au hasard Rose Broderie Flange Manches Top -----> $22.73 White Vintage V-neck Cut Out Retour Au hasard Rose Embroidery Flare Sleeves Top -----> $22.73 Sexy Couteau de cuisse Retour arrière Bralet avec des détails en dentelle -----> $12.37 Gravé À Motifs Caoutchouté PC + TPU Combo Retour Étui Pour Iphone 8 Plus / 7 Plus 5,5 Pouces - Motif De Marbre -----> $1.80 Pour Iphone X / 10 Goutte En Verre Trempé PC Retour + TPU Hybride Couverture De Téléphone Portable - Bébé Bleu -----> $3.21 Impression De Modèle De Frisson Détachable Tout-enveloppé PC Retour Cas Pour Iphone 6s / 6 4,7 Pouces - Marguerite Et Feuilles Fond Noir -----> $6.01 G-CASE Élégante Série Caoutchoutée TPU Cas De Retour Pour Iphone X / Dix 5,8 Pouces - Noir -----> $3.65 USAMS pour iPhone X / 10 5,8 pouces Anti-goutte PC + TPU Hybrid Retour Cas - blanc -----> $3.65 Motif De Gravure Caoutchouté TPU PC Hybride Retour Cas Pour Iphone 8/7 4.7 Pouces - Panda -----> $1.36 Pour Iphone X / 10 5.8 Pouces Solide Couleur Matte TPU Anti-goutte Ultra-mince Cas De Téléphone De Retour - Violet -----> $1.36 Anti-dérapant Anti-goutte TPU Pare-chocs + PC Retour Coque Pour Iphone 6s 6 - Transparent -----> $1.86 Pour iPhone X / Dix 5.8 inch Slip dur en plastique caoutchouté-en retour l' affaire - Or -----> $0.86 Caoutchouté PC Retour Cas De Téléphone Pour Samsung Galaxy S8 - Noir -----> $0.86 Robe de mariée tulle illusion cou A ligne sans manches applique bouton retour perles avec traîne cha -----> $445.78 TPU transparent souple anti-goutte Retour de cas complète Couvercle de protection Retour cas f / iPhoneX -----> $5.43 IMAK Soyeux Anti-goutte Cas De Retour Souple En TPU + Film Protecteur D'écran Pour Iphone XR 6,1 Pouces - Métal Noir -----> $3.66 IMAK Soyeux Anti-goutte TPU Souple Cas De Retour + Film Protecteur D'écran Pour Iphone XS Max 6,5 Pouces - Métal Noir -----> $3.66 Matte Anti-goutte PC Et TPU Hybride Retour Cas Pour Iphone 9 - Blanc / Noir -----> $1.18 Étui De Voyage Anti-goutte PC + TPU Hybride Cas De Retour Mobile Pour Iphone 8 / 7 4,7 Pouces - Or -----> $1.36 2-en-1 Anti-goutte Brossé PC + TPU Hybride Retour Cas Pour Iphone X (dix) - Rose -----> $1.29
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